ROSSETT ACRE PRIMARY SCHOOL Pannal Ash Road, HG2 9PH Telephone: 01423 561579 Fax: 01423 502860 e-mail: [email protected] website: Headteacher: Corrine Penhale Deputy Headteacher: Cath Wilson Our school: Charity No.1048680 ‘Excellence and happiness for all’


Forthcoming dates for your diary

Thurs 27 Sept Rev Ben Askew visiting Year 6 – Fundraising Charity Project L Fri 28 Sept EYFS Parents’ Coffee Morning - 9-10.30am Sports Hall

Mon 1 Oct Individual school photos all day.

Tue 2 Oct Sibling school photos am only – pre-school children from 8.15am.

Tues 9 Oct NHS – Influenza Programme: EYFS – Y5. Details can be found at Letter-2018.pdf

Tues 9 Oct Y5 East Barnby Residential Information Evening.

Thurs 11 Oct EYFS Curriculum Evening – For parents of children in EYFS currently. 6pm

Mon 15 Oct Harvest Festival – St Mark’s Church in the morning. Children only event.

Tues 16 Oct Rossett Acre Open Day for parents who have children starting school in September 2019 or any parents who are thinking of moving their children to Rossett Acre. Tours are being held throughout the day. Please ring the school office to book on a tour.

Tues 16 Oct Parents’ Evening 4 – 7pm (10min appointments) (EYFS – Y6) – Details will be sent out tomorrow.

Wed 17 Oct and Parents’ Evening 4-7pm - Mrs Ingle and Mrs Johnson/Mrs Sims Only Thurs 18 Oct

Thurs 18 Oct Parents’ Evening 4 – 7pm (10min appointments) (EYFS – Y6) – Details will be sent out tomorrow.

Fri 19 Oct SIF the Viking visit – Y6

Thur 25 Oct Roman Visit – Y5

Fri 26 Oct Half term – break up for the holidays at 3.20pm (EYFS) and 3.30pm (Y1 – Y6)

Mon 5 Nov School starts at the usual time: 8.50am

W:\OfficeShared\Admin\NEWSLETTERS\Newsletter 2018-2019\27 September 2018 draft.docx Thurs 8 Nov Our second Rossett Acre Open Day for parents who have children starting school in September 2019 or any parents who are thinking of moving their children to Rossett Acre. Tours are being held throughout the day. Please ring the school office to book on a tour.

Sat 10 Nov PTA Jumble Sale – details to be confirmed.

Tues 20 Nov Nell Bank Parent Information Evening – details to be confirmed

Weds 28 Nov School disco Years 1-6 – details to be confirmed

Sat 1 Dec PTA Christmas Fair

Mon 17 Dec KS2 Christmas Concert – St Mark’s Church

Fri 21 Dec Close for Christmas at 2.30pm

Mon 7 Jan Training Day – Children not in school today

Tue 8 Jan School starts at the usual time: 8.50am

Mon 14 Jan Singing Squad - Young Voices, Sheffield Arena

22-23 March PTA Panto at Harrogate

Wed 10-Fri 12 Y4 Nell Bank Residential July

It was lovely to have all the children back in school this week – our Y6 adventurers have returned and had a great time at East Barnby, despite the weather being a little windy at times! See below for a write up from Y6. On Monday, Mr Bangay and Mr Hurst, NYCC Music Service, visited our school to lead an assembly with the hope of encouraging some of our children to take up a brass instrument. The children enjoyed the music played by Mr Bangay and Mr Hurst, which included the Mission Impossible theme tune and Postman Pat which were all played on brass instruments. The children were introduced to a trombone, trumpet and Tuba and even a washing machine flexible pipe with a funnel and a mouthpiece attached, which was played expertly by Mr Hurst! The children were a super audience and clapped spontaneously on several occasions to show their appreciation. If your child is interested in taking up a brass instrument, there are letters available at the office, which also highlight the costs. Last week, Ms Gail Roberts came in and led an assembly to encourage our children to take up the violin, which the children obviously enjoyed too, as we seem to have a lot of children wanting to take up the violin now – fantastic! I invited NYCC Music Service to visit school in direct response to some feedback I received from a parent when I carried out the Music consultation in the Summer term; the parent suggested that NYCC Music Service should come in and lead some assemblies to try and get more children interested in Music. Mrs Wise (Music Subject Leader in school) and I hope that the assemblies lead to more children taking up and instrument. They were certainly keen to ask Mr Bangay and Mr Hurst lots of questions, so hopefully it will have the desired effect. I know Mrs Elcock will be pleased too as she may have some more children joining orchestra next year if the children keep up their tuition. Great!

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to all the children who received a certificate in last week’s celebration assembly: George E (AWi), Catrin (EJ/EB), Maddie (AI), William (CR/JJ), Noah (AWo), Orla (MR), Freddie (JM), Euan (LS/RJ), Charlie (SC), Aurelia (CH).

YEAR 1 & 2 CROSS COUNTRY EVENT THIS WEEK On Tuesday, 25 of our Year 1 and 2 children took part in the Harrogate School Sports Partnership Cross Country event at . The children all ran with great determination and effort. We were also delighted to have several individual certificate winners. Well done to Genevieve T who came 1st in the Year 2 girls’ event and Jonny H who came 1st in the Year 2 boys’ event. Congratulations also go to Charlie T who came 2nd in the Year 2 boys’ event and Esmé H who came 3rd in the Year 1 girls’ event. We were so proud of all the children for their great enthusiasm and excellent sporting behaviour. Thank you to Mrs Jones, Mrs Ramsay, Mrs Lang and Mrs Riley who accompanied the children. Also, a huge thank you to all the parents who transported the children and cheered them on the way.

EAST BARNBY IN THE CHILDREN’S WORDS At East Barnby there were many activities including bodyboarding, beck scambling, rockpooling, walking in a wood, learning how to make dens and lighting a kelly kettle.The food was so yummy. For breakfast you had a choice of cooked breakfast, yoghurt, cereal or fruit, filling you up for the day ahead. Lunch on the other hand was very different. You chose your sandwich between tuna or cheese or ham or jam. Included for lunch was a packet of crisps, a piece of fruit, a pack of raisins and a chocolate bar. Dinners was the best. We went up in tables and chose between 2 dishes and then we went to eat our delightful dinner. After about half an hour, we went to the tuck shop. All of year 6 thoroughly enjoyed this week. By Lily S.

EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES On Wednesday it was the European Day of Languages. Posters were put up around school and Mrs Jones led a KS1 assembly which included all the children taking part in a French and Spanish 'Five a day Disco'. Year 2 also spent a session playing games and singing songs in different languages. In KS2, other activities have been going on to celebrate language learning.

HARVEST FESTIVAL This year our harvest festival will take place on 15th October at St Mark’s church at 10am. The theme of this year’s celebrations is Africa. As a school we have been looking at the charity ‘Farm Africa’ and are hoping to create links with schools in Africa this year. As part of our harvest celebrations this year we will be raising money for the Farm Africa charity by doing a ‘Welly Walk’ on 3rdOctober. We will be walking 2 miles (5000 steps) by walking across to and around their field in our wellies. Along the way we will discover some of the sights you might see in Africa. We will be sending home sponsorship forms for the children to collect sponsorship for their walk.

FLU VACCINATION R-Y5 The closing date to register your child to take part in the flu vaccination programme is tomorrow, Friday 28 September. The vaccination programme will take place in school on Tuesday 9 October. To give your consent for your child to have the vaccination, please follow the link You will be asked for our school code CCB8J. If you have any queries please contact [email protected]

If you do not give consent, your child will be unable to have their flu vaccination in school and you will need to organise a separate visit with your GP surgery.

Y6 SECONDARY SCHOOL ADMISSIONS The application round for parents to apply for secondary school is now open. Parents are encouraged to make their applications online. A letter (which has been sent out by paper and email previously), provides a link to the admissions area of the County Council website, where all of the information you need to apply electronically is available. Their website is

A copy of the letter can also be found on our website at https://www.rossettacre.n-

The final date for parents to express a preference for a secondary school place is 31st October 2018.

OPEN DAYS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS Harrogate Grammar School Harrogate Grammar School are having their Open Evening on Wednesday 3 October from 6.30pm. Please enter via entrance A located to the right of the main reception. Although Wednesday is the evening that has been allocated to our school, if you are unable to attend then, there is another session taking place on Tuesday 2 October 6.30pm. If your child is in Year 5 you are also welcome to attend.

St Aidan’s Church of England School St Aidan’s High School are having their Open Evenings on Tuesday 9 or Thursday 11 October commencing at 7.30pm. These sessions are primarily for parents.

They will have their Open Day on Saturday 13 October from 1.30pm to 4pm which is for both parents and children. If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, please telephone 01423 885814 to arrange an appointment during a normal school day.

Rossett High School Their Open Days have been set for Thursday 4 October 6.30pm-8.30pm and Saturday 6 October 9.30am-12.00pm.

YORKSHIRE MARATHON Mrs Reddish has been training hard for her first marathon in October, by taking part in the Yorkshire Marathon. If you happen to be in York on Sunday 14th October, look out for her. She’s raising money for Cancer Research. If you would like to donate she would be extremely grateful.

HARROGATE MUMBLER AWARD Miss Christie has been nominated and shortlisted in the category of Teacher/Child Practitioner of the Year. Voting closes on Sunday. If you would like to vote for her, please follow the link;

TABLE TENNIS CLUB We are currently running a table tennis club and are asking for any unwanted table tennis bats that are in good condition. If you do have any, please drop them into the school office. Thank you.


Harlow Carr Autumn Festival - Friday 28 – Sunday 30 September 2018

Visitors to RHS Garden Harlow Carr’s Autumn Festival can enjoy reduced £5 after 5pm entry this Friday (28 September) for the opening day of the three-day food, drink and gardening event.

Starting on Friday 28 September and running until Sunday 30 September, this year’s event offers something for all the family: There will be live music throughout the three days, a chance to try a range of 14 real ales from all corners of Yorkshire, a variety of ciders from Orchards of Husthwaite, gin and rum from Harrogate Tipple and cocktails from the Harrogate bartender, as well as a selection of wines and Prosecco. Street food vendors will be selling local delights including quesadillas, Turkish food and artisan sausages and there’s a chance to buy gifts such as cheese, preserves and sweet treats from a food market.

There’s also an opportunity for visitors to seek out the garden’s hidden glades, rare trees and Arboretum collections and learn traditional wood crafts such as whittling, willow weaving and hurdle making. Power tool manufacturers STIHL will also be on hand. Stalls open from 10am–6pm (8pm on Friday only) and the bar opens at 12noon each day. The event is free for RHS members and normal garden admission applies for non-members except for 5pm onwards on Friday when entry is £5 per person.

Drugs Awareness Evening Workshop For Parents There are a series of Drug Awareness Evenings taking place which will be held in local secondary schools for parents of Year 5 and 6 pupils. They will be held from 7.00pm to 8.45 pm at the following locations:

Tues 9th October: Grammar School Mon 15th October: St. John Fisher, Harrogate Wed 17th October: Harrogate Grammar School Thurs 18th October: , Pateley Bridge Thurs 25th October: Harrogate High School – call to book a place Tues 6th November: Boroughbridge High School Thurs 8th November: King James School, Knaresborough Mon 12th November: St. Aidan’s School, Harrogate Wed 14th November: , Harrogate

The workshop will be delivered by representatives from North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire County Council’s Prevention Service and Youth Justice Service and the Harrogate District NHS Foundation Trust Healthy Child Team.

The workshop will provide:

 Practical, up-to-date information about alcohol and drugs including cannabis, cocaine, MDMA and New Psychoactive Substances (previously known as ‘legal highs’)  Information on the legal, health and social risks of substance misuse  Information on the local situation regarding drug and alcohol use  Useful tips on how to talk about this sensitive subject at home  Details of where to go for additional information and support  A question and answer session for parents to learn more

The events are free of charge and there is no need to book a place.

It’s always good to hear from you as parents/carers and members of the local community, about your opinions and suggestions regarding any aspect of school life. Please use the red suggestion box in the main office or e-mail your suggestions to [email protected]

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Corrine Penhale Headteacher