

Bible Study Tools and Techniques Cross References: Look up other related verses using a Study . Let Scripture interpret Scripture. Look for first use.

Resources: Use a Bible Dictionary, an ESV Study Bible, and Concordance to help you learn and study.

Genres: Pay attention to the genre of the passage you are studying (history, poetry, letters, etc).

This week, we begin the ministry of the Christ. As we prepare to study, take time to first pray for clarity, wisdom, understanding, and truth to be revealed. Also, pray for those in your small group, that through these times together, you/we are strengthened, encouraged, and loved. Then read Matthew 3:1-17.

Comprehension (What does it say?)

1. Who was ? Which tribe of Israel was he from? What was his relation to Jesus? (see Luke 1:36-66)

2. There are several references in scripture to “the wilderness.” Use a concordance and/or study bible to similar word usage. Where was “the wilderness” relative to ?

3. Who were the and ?

4. What is the historical and cultural relevance of water immersion and cleansing in the ancient world? (Leviticus 15 and 16:4, 24; :2; :6 and 11:55; Acts 21:24-27)

5. Who is the “Spirit of God”? ( 11:2 and 42:1) Interpretation (What does it mean?)

6. Approximately 30 years has passed since Jesus returned with his family from Egypt and settled in . Approximately 400 years have passed since the prophet Malachi and the Old Testament. Read :5-6, who is John in this passage?

7. What was John calling the people to do? What does it mean to repent? (:17; 6:10)

8. Read Daniel 2:44 and Daniel 7:13-14. What is “the kingdom of heaven”? How does this Old Testament passage correlate with “the kingdom of heaven?”

9. Read :3; Malachi 2:17-3:4; :7-15; Luke 1:15-17. How does John the Baptist fill the role of the prophesied return of ?

10. Why does John call the Pharisees and Sadducees a “brood of vipers”? What is their sin or hypocrisy?

11. John preaches to the Pharisees and Sadducees that just because they are from the line of they are not to be judged. He then references “raising up children” from stones. Who are the stones and why should this give you hope?

12. To bear another man’s shoes, was the lowest of tasks for any person in the time of Jesus. What does verse 11 say about John’s heart toward Jesus?

13. In verse 11, Matthew records that John states Jesus “will baptize you with the and fire.” What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and baptism of fire?

Application (How should it change me?)

14. In ’s commentary on the , he states “He received the same baptism with us, in order to assure believers, that they are ingrafted into his body, and they are ‘buried with him in baptism,’ that they may rise to ‘newness of life’(Romans 6:4). Have you been called to salvation, repented, put your faith in Christ and followed in baptism? If so, what do you remember of that day? How does God use the testimony of your salvation for His glory? If not, why, and what is preventing you from taking this public step with Christ? 15. To “fulfill all righteousness,” indicates the need to be obedient to the law as our new High Priest; He was cleansed to begin His ministry (refer back to the historical relevance of washing and cleaning we discussed in question 4). In fulfilling this sacrament, Jesus rises and we experience the Trinity of God; the person of Jesus, the , and the Holy Spirit as a dove. Read :1-9. How does this passage give you hope and reliance that Jesus is your Lord, God, and Savior?

As you consider what you have learned through this study, take time to praise God for His faithfulness. Ask God to reveal to you areas of your life that need and pray that you will trust his promises and live in obedience to Him.

Further Study Correlating passages on the baptism of Christ :1-11 :1-23