Dear Residents,

It is with great pleasure that I write to you after almost a whole year as your District Councillor.

The past year, since my election, has been without a doubt one of the busiest, but most rewarding times of my life. With your help, I have identified and started to tackle a number of issues that have been troubling you for quite some time.

One of my first challenges was to do something about the sharp rise in reports of anti-social behavior in the vil- lage. Residents near The Green and on Pyebush Lane had serious concerns that the youngsters congregating in the village were becoming too noisy too late in the evening and that their general behavior was setting a poor example to other young people in the village. Fortunately for Acle, the Police and District Council were able to organise a Restitution Circle in the autumn, which has resolved a number of issues and several ac- tions have been taken forward by groups of volunteers and indeed by the Parish Council.

Thanks to this Circle, the Youth Club has re-opened its doors to youngsters on a Tuesday evening, communica- tion across the age groups has much improved and we are, as a community, addressing the lack of facilities for younger people in the village.

I have taken on co-ordination of efforts to refurbish the play park at the Recreation Centre and am pleased to let you know that the Recreation Centre has also agreed to have a skate park built on its grounds, which is being de- signed by youngsters at Acle High School. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this project so far; Acle Parish Council, the new management committee of the Recreation Centre and especially Daniella Peacock, Andrea Calvert, Brian Grint, Georgina Dent, PCSO Gary Philo, Nigel Law and Pauline James for giving up their spare time to support this project.

Finally, to the Joint Core Strategy and the recent High Court Judgement. As far as Acle is concerned at present, the recent developments will not affect the number of houses that are planned for Acle and I do not anticipate, under present circumstances, that this will change. The JCS will be ‘repaired’ for the Greater Develop- ment area, but as Acle lies outside of this area, I do not anticipate any changes.

This just leaves me to thank you all for your kindness and support over the last year. If you have any issues relating to District Council matters, I can be reached either by phone, email, post or in person. I hold regular surgeries before every Acle Parish Council meeting and I’m happy to arrange appointments in the day if that suits you better.

I look forward to seeing you at the Annual Parish Meeting on 16th April.

Lana Hempsall

01493 751562

Caring and campaigning for our community

Promoted by BCA on behalf of Lana Hempsall, both of The Old Smithy, Church Farm, NR9 5ST and printed by During the Spring last year we We said we would continue said we would increase the amount of food waste we would to support businesses– We be collecting. We have kept our kept our promise by: promise and increased the  Continuing to run number of homes we collect courses to help people from by 750. We are now set up their own trying to increase these business numbers further by investigating the costs of  Training young people delivering the service elsewhere in the skills needed by in Broadland. employers.

We said we would drive down The Conservative councillors of Broadland crime– We kept our promise by: Council undertook a through review of the  Overseeing a lowering of Council’s management structure and have reorganised its systems to cut the number the crime rate by a further of senior managers to just two. They are 7% also investing in new methods of working  This makes an overall in many departments. Saving money and reduction of 28.3% over 3 making dealing with your Council quicker and easier. All helping to keep your years Council Tax down.

We will always tell you how we are doing in keeping our promises to you during an election. We have nothing to hide. When we quote figures they will be real ones that are publically available. We will not denigrate our opponents, only point out their errors. Photo caption goes here

Promoted by BCA on behalf of Lana Hempsall, both of KEEPING IN TOUCH BCA, Church Farm, Attlebridge, NR9 5ST. Printed by P James, Beech Farm, Upton Please give us your contact details so we can keep in touch with you about HOW CAN YOU HELP US? the issues you have raised:  Display a poster at election time  Deliver leaflets Name  Attend social events  Join the local Party Address  Vote by post  Stand for Council How we use your information The data you provide will be retained by the Conservative Party and Broadland Conservative Association (“the data holders”) in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 Home/Mobile No and related legislation. By providing your data to us, you are consenting to the data holders making contact with you in the future by telephone, text or other means, even though you may be Email registered with the Telephone Preference Service. Your data will not be sold or given to anyone not connected to the Conservative Party. If you do not want the information you give to us to be used in this way, or for us to contact you, please indicate by ticking the Please return to: BCA, Church Farm, Attlebridge, NR9 5ST relevant boxes: Post  Email  SMS  Phone 