SCORE 6 to 4 Athletics 000 320 010-6 8 1 Connie Mack Pilots His Braves to Victory
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EXTRA Baseball The Americus Times-Recorder fHIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. AMERICUS. GEORGIA. TUESDAY OCTOBER 7. 1913. NUMBER 239 ATHLETICS BEAT GIANTS BAKER GETS A CLEAN HOME RUN LOSES FIRST GAME FOR THE GIANTS SCORE BY INNINGS R H E SCORE 6 TO 4 Athletics 000 320 010-6 8 1 Connie Mack Pilots His Braves to Victory. Mcfiraw Giants 001 030 000-4 8 1 Uses Three Pitchers in an Effort to Stem the Victory. All of Them Are Touched Up Freely. Bender Pitches OSBORNE OUT UNCLE SAM SAYS VETERAN FAELIS Good Ball for the Winners. 40,000 People See the POP CORN WILL PAY Home Grounds. OFN. V. PEN HAS ANSWERED Giants Lose the Game on Their HERE ARE A FEW RECEIPTS FOR REFORMER SCORES SYSTEM AT POP-CORN “GOODIES.” LASTBUOLE CALL Connie Mack and his Philadelphia works hit-and-run. The Rube is out ACHURN AFTER SPENDING A to center; A CONVICT Athletics were too much for McGraw's at first. Schaffer skies WEEK THERE AS to Merkle Washington, D. C., Oct. 7. —(Special 1 Giants this afternoon and copped the Doyle singles right and IN STRIPES. AGED VtTERAN DIED TUESDAY out, right to first. worth of popped corn in the opening game of the world’s series ti scores; Fletcher is —s3o 1; form of 5-cent packages for the market to 4. Forty thousand people saw the Runs Hits 1. • •> / \ 'jf represents an outlay of only about $t I game, which was played at the Polo Fourth Inning. DUBS IT CRUEL Was Bugler For Artillery or $1.50, according to a farmers’ bulle- grounds in New York. Collins opens with sharp triple to v AND INEFFECTIVE tin (No. 553) just issued by the depart- Rube Marquard started in to pitch right; Baker hits to Doyle, who fum- Command f ment of agriculture entitled “Pop-Corn for the New York Giants, but was bles and Collins scores; Baker safe at lays pretty Says Men Deprived of for The Home.’ Sufficient pop-corn to yanked from the mound in the fifth and first; Stuffy Mclnnis down of Normal Use worth of 5-cent packages Mr. LaFayette Fallis, one of Sum- put in his place. bunt, and Baker goes to keystone; Senses —Some of the Cruelties of make S3O cau old “Doc” Crandall ter’s aged and well known tesidents, and forces Pen In be grown on a piece of land 40 feet The veteran fared little better and Strunk takes Walsh’s place, The Described by Osborne ••RUBE” MARQUARD long and 20 feet wide. passed away on Tuesday morning r.. sent in to relieve him Baker at second; Barry doubles to left His Statement. Tesreau was hospital, investigations the Americus where he had later. Bender traveled the distance for and Strunk goes to third. Shang tri- The specialists in com been quite ill for some time. Mr. Fal- tie winners and had the hard-hitting ples and two tally. Bender is easy in- who write this bulletin say that pop- lis years age, Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 7. —Thomas W. value a food was 71 of a native PARTED IN out. Hits 3. has BROTHERS PENNSYLVANIA New York men at his mercy in the field Runs 3; corn considerable as Osborne, chairman of the New Yor )< properly prepared of Sumter county, where all of his use- pinches. New York—Burns doubles to left; and when for the state commission on prison reform, af- superior ful years were spent; an honest, up- Home-Run-Baker upheld his reputa- Herzog forces him at third, and takes table it is to many of the COME TOGETHER IN AMERICUS right, Myers ter spending a week in Auburn prison respected citizen. tion and made a clean home run. He second on play; Murray fans; breakfast foods now on the market. It as inmate for the purpose of study- he stricken by illness pops short. Runs 0; Hits 1. an is customary on many farms where Recently was scored Eddie Collins from second in to That the world is not the reunion after ing the prison system, ended his self- and brought from his home to the Amer old “big ; years of separation. L the fifth with a circuit clout. The old Fifth Innig. pop-corn is not desired as a market imposed term yesterday afternoon. icus hospital, where the best attention top” show it is cracked up to be was i R. J'ones is a resident of Ameiicus. His boy had his batting lamps pealed and Athletics —Murphy out, pitcher to crop to plant a few rows for home use. Mr. Osborne was pale and tired, farming usually inter- was given the brave old veteran unt‘l evidenced yesterday when two broth- brother, Ralph Jones, knew that he hit the ball on the nose all the time. first; Oldring out to first; Collins This phase of and showed the marks of his ordeal, the children, and it is well to let “taps”, the soldier’s good night, were ers, ,1. R., and Ralph Jones, who a doz- The Giants scored first in the thirl draws free ticket and steals; Baker ests resided somewhere in Georgia, but wa# but he was enthusiastic over the suc- sounded yesterday. inning on bunched hits. In the fourth scores him with home run; Mclnnis is them do the planting. en years ago separated at tbeir home not expecting to meet him in the man- cess of his experiment, which includ- If is to grow pop-corn as During the civil war, Mr. Fallis serv- the Athletics jumped on the sll,OOl infield out. Runs 2; Hits 1. it desired ir. Pennsylvania, met by accident upoa -1 ner in which they came together yes- ed a test of every experience possibL crop, surplus not ed gallantly through the four years of beauty and hit him to the corners of New York—Merkle singles to left; a field the stock the streets of Americus. The recogni- j torday. The reunion was, indeed, a, for an inmate to undergo aside from for home usually be strife as bugler for Cutts’ artillery, the lot. Collins opened with a triple, McCormick bats for Marquard and wanted use can tion, was mutual, as was the joy of happy one for both. electrocution. He even committel local at fair price, valiant soldier wore the and Baker Barry and Shang contribut- singles; Schaffer is infield out; Merkle sold to merchants a and no more misdeeds of sufficient means to cause directly grey. by sister, ed hits that In fifth and move up a bag; Doyle or it can be profitably sold to He is survived one scored three. the McCormick ’ his incarceration in the “dungeon customers. Mrs. Yeomans, who resides at Plains, with Collins on Baker hit a home run. lives on error; Merkle scores; Fletcher PROFESSIONAL BURGLARS TECH WINS GAME cells and he lay on his back in the pris- up pop-corn 10- by daughters. Many New York scored three in the fifth, but singles; McCormick scores; Feltcher Dealers who put An and three friends on jail from 3 o’clock yesterday until cent packages for the retail trade us- throughout the county wil regret his the Athletics ended the scoring when out at second; Doyle scores; Herzog GET BUSY IN ATLANTA PLAYER WINS 6 o’clock this morning his ration con- ually have number of good recipes BRIDE they tallied in the eighth. pops to second. Runs 3; Hits 3. a death. sisting of three gills of water and three printed package. McGraw will probably pitch Matty Sixth Inning. on the outside of the The funeral services this morning at slices of bread. He declared that this Some recipes for pop corn confections at Atlanta, Oct. 7.—The work of pro- Atlanta, Oct. 7. —Miss Beulah Hirsch, in tomorrow's game. Connie Mack may Athletics —Crandal relieves Rube 10 o’clock will be conducted Oak- part of his experience took him into that have given good results are the fesisonal burglars is seen by the police who wagered herself send Plank in. Marquard; Strunk out to right; Barry grove cemetery by Rev. R. L. Bivins, on the outcome of the “innermost circle of inferno.” following; in the robbery of the W. F. Lampki.i the Tech-Citadel football has The game, play by play, follows: out to center; Shank out, flies to left. of Furlow Lawn Baptist church, con- game, He is positive that the fruits of hi > Pop-Corn—Two teacup- residence, Lampkin nobly paid First Inning. Runs 0; Hits 0. Chocolate cluding with the ritual of Camp Sun- in which Mrs. was her bet. She married Mike prison will be valuab'e week’s stay in fuls of white sugar; 1-2 cup of corn chloroformed, gagged a ;d Greenblatt Philadelphia Athletics. —Murphy op- Giants —Murray is out to first; My- ter, U. C. V. The camp will attend the and tied to b of the Tech eleven Sundar to the commisison. syrup; 2 ounces of chocolate; 1 cup post ens game for Athletics by flying to ers is out. pitcher to first; Merkle is funeral in a body, six of its members while the intruders ransacked the afternoon. “I am more than ever confirmed in of water. Put these ingredients into left; Oldring singles right, but is Connie Mack disputes decis- acting as pallbearers. house. Greenblatt had been courting the to walked; said, my previous opinion,” he “that a kettle and cook them until syrup <aught napping off' first; Collins sin- ion and orders men off field; he wins The detectives say that the whole job young lady for some time past but the prison system is singularly unin- hardens, when put in cold water.