
K^UUtslal Cmm 'S m » Eld. W E. PiiT->s, L*. XI*. J. CaOTSKI. iA. its J H SUad 7ft k the Wajs, aad See as^ Afilt ^ ^ 61d Fatki wiiiak are the Good Wsyi 4 a&d Ye shaB isd Bset ft? 7o&r Sools •—JitremkiL. ISB na t-t IBM*arJS >s«du>r*«T< ti^r^jwiS-wA-T. of siw' _ t.-i r-^iiwa* , - n • —— ' Vol m SIEMPHJS. TEHTN., SATUEDAY, 5IAY 2S. 1879. No. 39. 3; \4 »rs spebiiil psrpoie they ai^-spoken-^lii ^ v 1. One Lord, i&nibdief «f aiiinm as to the brosdnde of hot s&ot pet^reaTieiib iriS. T&at sa .Q^end, eztnKS^ ^ in Us£ Goi^biit not able to' destroy i eonttadWtiaetion to the ** great ninlti^ ksoacMalso^idid i»tdeftiaate,tQ b»eonr hull:, of TTnivernlisBi. A^^^. W jkai mm hith xa Ike jQandium iBcgpiiit: ^^^ " For'^^nrtet if abme did iioir -beUevd ? tndei" as thfe ««rBt fhiits^» of Sn^eL^^ A^^ Ibrmedctoutheiou^ of, hia Sob, that he eviag what he preached mii^ concibBt^ tbat «w Lad. Bm Bob. vl: 4-6; GaLfi: IS-, The phrase m-tbe pag^. of both ShaU: their inabeKef mder ineflf^ttsl the ;hey afb "hot >aled tintil thejndj^fent ii^t ho th% that tho masa of.ideaslio' 9eattt»4 m 1 Ck XT ; 29; 1 F«««r SL Testaments, whkdi ofir tiwsIstorB have faitk«f Sodf Far be it; yea, let God ay arrivei^ tbey cobld not have gfene t& s, Apiong maay fitls^ anti^ThristiaB^ and destraotive'toatt a. Zka Qtkc fl< CKrf, fiMnidftdtA dT be tne, b«t every tnan a liar; as it is heaveo 1800 years ago. ^ ' - > - i»>ethim< - JCoil^et; whom did pr^ who m^tvn themj ind ict aeebrdiii|^. i^pa M4 Futb as Quist, tka CBlr nndex«d, Godforbii^ im^mA ^ all ao- Jndftesdiai. caratelJ trandatod, l&i^&h written. That thoa mights be justified 6: Besides atl this, the BiWe nowherb destinate, thept •lMCa)led:;;«gdwhom Ha was extremely severe on th^^wh^ a. The ITard Off 6«d th» lastnmmf, umi ikmprover b whidi oiirtriBikat^'1^ in thy wordi, and migEteai orerooms states that 144,000 ascended to heaven'*^ he eaU^i them h« tbo jiiatlfied; and readi the theory • bot ha waa '^y m- Bpint«r6odtiMi Agokim Om wgwitrirt— aT e4q)reflBed the sense and of the when tlioa art judged." Rooi. iiL He and woold snch a conspicubwi event as whom 1m jpstlfied, t^mmlM aUu glorified." dorsed, especially, by the Congr^pMuoal •daittL origioaL It maj be giriiiftoa,'Itet ft is a]ladiB.ala9 to'thaabawdilyof aopposing thk have escaped the pen of ins^lraiidb ? Rom. viii, il^God " foroknow'^ pastor. Now it is generally hardly poaHble in Kg^di to ezpiiB«|he it Bwis^teow ia God ta tBk»T9ngeaB0^ "he fkfiMvtices deduct in snpf^rt of this only M4i00a? , ^Vfhm. ^^l^ fare- «f ueBftanaj invoMiM^mnaAlj, (Mi«r s^nifieant fbroe of 'pfinsv W it is andak» Imposiiibili^, if it of hi* theoiy are alt illegitimate, u we sbalf know," let the number be more or though la^^ w^ snch acat^g'sevfi;'; briMTOM and thair mnmtwUi he did jfod^fttaia^'^ H isaUad,*'aiid oa prdbetum,) aiMiTBtad lij vafamlaxy not necewarj-^hat we Ao^d Bcmw the beiikgifft to jadga^ the world. '*IsCk>d Sooti s€^'besides being ii war with pjUiin ity. iMkpP^ rnVMivrw or «the5, t* obKT ud cxMota aBtlw iiiwmtwMii af language and exdamations g( d^oons, unrigMeoaa «bo takoOi TOBgeaDear (I tea^oojr. «*jttst^^ Wid,«gloriSedj'^ jind 99 our L(»d Jesna Christ»tzath aad i Others ^ye say^^. Are o^ 144,000 Ghzirt, kaviag ti« u «xpeeting tooQpie .aeara i|^. Hie phrase speak aa a BUB.) Far ftom it, for then 7.. No witness ever,saw 144,000 resuV' eerity." He bdievea tI^UmBelf;t to " be po^ofmed: toi the image hia ladoEdiauoaar tiM of Greek is Mk ff€fteitdily into the skies, they would have their members 'who participated in thp ** many brethren " comprehend the entire 6. Tbe '^Lord'a So^v" ia a paaitiva ud * Far be it,' or »Far fr<«i it," according Antinomianism. "Do we then render told ofit; and certainly the same eyeis "communion servk)e8''mhb,c^,chbri^» redeemed throng, and|)Christ is "the enm»amnratiTa oidiaaace to be obearredmriy to the connection. Oar translators often, useless the law because of faith? Far that could see Jesus ascend, could also with himself and hb m^b^ lliw aa bjaOuiTchof Cbriat « jaei, (that ia, ia ebor^ first-bom among " the^ all, or " the first- without the least reason, vary their from it; but we establbhthe law." Rom. lave seen this vast army too. It is but logical result, they awNEail^itijUy in- eapaeitj}, not u a teat of Ckristim /rfftiaiiiy or born from the dead " to an immortal life, translation of the same word, as we shall iil 34. •blly to say that Jesus might have ^ken dorsed (in ^e most adente aodaittpbatifr personal feeling of one comainnicaat toward in the sense of bdng jlMni befo?e any ^f find by attending to the passages where The word is expressive of strong aver- them to heaven immediately at the time way the thing conld be doni^ ^Jniversal- another, sH Pe^^^t^late," ^nd **cs^ed," ani^ and not by riffht, for each dnreh ia inoependent, to be met with seventem* times in the from nie,'that I should swallow, up or days and nighte" expir^; (gj'V^ne it ntto hb ]>nipit t<»preabh for iit^ wotdft; irju^ufi^y and "glori^e^,^ prc^p^tiye^ being atade the gnanfiu of the puity of the Old Testato^ F is destroy." 2 Sam. xx. 20. Ia this verse was ^et earl jr, ah^els told his ^ends that he iK^ h:iYii V tViily^ mdor^^ ly, n the pl?in jof h^y^n; but ^t, pUp sacred feaat, ia iavaated with Am vOhan^ ta <5nly found twice in'the €M'^®estament: the original vord occurs ttriee, and the le was on his'^ ^^f* o^J 1 most solemn agd'e^^ diaei;^iaa thofie wboae raTanmtahiy airiiaaiify above ia ihe translatiba as in oor versioni exis^ before an^ part ^f it was ^j^t^, Gen^ixviii Sfi, and Job. Mx«i id. The ^ing on i joui^ey tp keav^^ giTea the xi^it. ajkwtle Paul spraks of vei^ in- luid many are sU^l unja§tifie4 ^n.-r^ Gre^ phns^ to^be mei with iftedv sain^; (SjT if Christ r^ly ^eni' VPjj^P Who.can consdentsonsly. deayit 6. Chriatian Bagdara. ia the af a "O^naiatMt aqd pemicioas bondnct with who be here^^^r vved; tmd none beliarer ia water by a qnaliikd adieiniatrator, timea |n the Hes^Teftaaunt heaven"widi'l44,bb^0 SMuts on tTie mdrn- disapprolMtioa and abhorrenoe. ^ Know u-iv.-"'-' " it?:?--' a^ ,y6t glonfij^ ^in T^Uly. Prospeo-, in the name of the Tnnity, in ri^reuMMitm of jBoxd ia expro—itrcF ofigMsA av^ in^ of Ais ^urr^Uon, au^ got ye aotthft your bodfn aris the merabergi taVelr God ^lii^^ justific^^ the banal and reanrreetiam at Vlaiat, aad pro- sipn ai^aUtomooa at the tiunight on ^fori^ daylight} it, .would g'ot'ic^nl^; of Christ f t Shall I then take the niem- feaaioB of a death to a^ nioa wfitb Oizia^ iad pro^aaf^ of aoytUn^ vfairii ia >e rpllung g^ t^^ but.' coa—nraHaa. to hia aeniee. ftM'Wwfa ody, ingly unbecoming. When Joseph?S' >ers of Christ and make them the mem- tharafim, eaa. answer tlJa daaipii, aoA tba ^Or bretbsn^vire impeadhed wi& tin-po^ bers of an harlot? Far be it." 1 Oor. yet luK^ed m Thaou Oi^ , _ ^ feaaion sf baptiara ^nnnt be ipade Igr d^iU^ A 15. ; in Wd Tha im» ^iag eb.tiipjf^aj except dUI*tM ^ChJJflii^" Matt, iis, loining o£4h«.^gov«itt<»'s Sorever old and forever new, 16 aad xxriii: 17; M*ik xri i«| John ^ 2, 8; servant who fidloata^ aftw than, ioeifh The word' is^eiplfe^vi'of Sbfiorrence maliie bis^tnrp TOj^h^ a^thud coming'; iliiil li Via bjmI fcitlibiM Jitfjr Acta Tiii: to the doae; Bom. tt 4. 5: CaL ii: 12: J^yiag - iued-loB atxatagem to detais ^his of what is extremely d^gerons and de- f but long after Christ's ascenHonj^ascennon'PW® ^i j^Atai, thi^ vatli gieaMvOTsionF'tdi tiie Btructivf. It ia exeeeding dangerous to ioould not alt the supts be glorified with- [ affirmedraea, , -unt*^Untoo wethem ^hf^ looic'^^o^urr otem^ ou|^aa| bfj^dgthentT' A« #hbm Gbd- ia water of one dead t» iia ia the> I Ti • 1^1., Ill mm afjij foand forgetta^ .Qod*a hua'^ out Hfcf^fj^teott'' Atl^hbmiod anl/aesifti..; einee tha bn^af Biiit — the oaJy '^likeness"- or i r^ii nf iilitTiiii of death tim criine, aod-'i&m ^l&vnd turmng firoa& Gibd^ ^d from ix. in the warld, for it is called tJte Ukaaeaa of death.suc h unbecoming and onjustifiidrfe- cba^' following him, must be ruinous. After B future when Paul wrotb,"C|inst tror -. - - SIX ixToaTAST raixcmxs. duct. ^ And they said nnto him, Whei^ the (^quest of Canaan, the two tribes not descend from heaven in persbU bh the I. The BiBle, and the .BtUc alone, nnalloyed foresaith my these words? Far find a half, on their return.home, erected morning of hb r^urre^o|nj -an(|, if not, "FdorliBeft membeiawere received into The ^rara^. a vc with bmnan deriees or tradition, ia, and erer be it that tiiy servants aho^d da accord- a monumental altar on the bank of Jor- blem j^presnve • bf the Aln^ht^' ,, haa beaa, the religion of Baptiata. he did not theiwtalce 144,000 up to the ^ohordi! by the mto of ive the ice fipm pnt many." Matt. xxviL 52, 53. i^t* it be services. Among "tha large, number ma» Ummg » lie praUbititm qf ettrg aOer. TheaBone at what is very dishonorable. ustified by Christ, we ourselves also be the Christian's heftrt. are aQ haman inventioaa aad traditiona, ta in- observed (1) that not a word is said here When Judah said to J^oseph's servant, bund sinners, is therefore Christ the present participating" were members 01 fant b^tiam, sprinkling, poming. etc., now prae- about 144,000—that b all guess-work; that they alt must be hia slaves, because minister of sin ? Far from it. For if I the CongregaUonal and Methodbt church- A Motko^s Love. ticed fiir religioas rites, for which no scriptnzal (2) not a word is said about their going warrant eaa b«t foond, and arc, tlmrrfon, the cup was found wkh them, the man^ build again the things which I destroyed es in the community. In some spring freshet .a riyer widdy up to heaven—^that is assuming a point \ 6. Chriat gave ao i^en, aociety or ehnreh the as if strongly abhorring t^e idea of snch I make myself a transgressor."—Gral. iL There then were two or three lo^cal washed its shores and rent away ' *^ the anthority to Ir^fie with the a?dinaaee or cruel and di^onprable conduct, replies. that lacks proof; and (3) it is said that ^ult^ . The fut that the eocharistio bough wheremi a bird bad built a 'cipt- 17, 18. t|tge for her somnier hope. Do^ '^' organisation ci his Chnreh or Kingdom, as to Fas be it from 'me that I should do so: ^ they went into the holy city " (J^sa- symbols were given to the ^dedicated'<^ maka or ehange 'his lawa, and anbatitnte one lem); and though aome have claimed that white and whii&ig strfeam drifted tlte the man in whose hand the cup is found, children was a le^timate ^nseqnoice of gi^n brabchj its wicker cup—of un- thing br another. To aarrender what be haa The position is sometimes taken that Jerusalem could not be called "holy," it belief i^ and pracUce of, pedobapUsm establiahed, ia treuehay—to change theBjtreasoa.h e shall be my servant; and as for yon^ fledged song, and flattering bc«de it aa get yon up in peace unto your father." heaven already conUuns 144,000 resnr- is nevertheless true that Christ called it by the tjniversalbt administrators. We it went, the mother Iwd. U^eediagtlM S. Prindplea can neither be eomeeded aor rected saints, who rose at the time of the "city of the Great ffing.^ As to loaring river, on.she went, her cnaK* pramued. Gen. xliy. 17, The people, touched with are to take it for granted that they logi- Christ's resurrection, and ascended to what became of th6se resurrected saints agony and fear pierdng the pauses in ^e SIX mroaTAST wAcn. a sense of gratitude for the services I"' ** - cally inferred that the children, w^re as storm. 1. AJtteioim^ eititt mtd Uxieagnfitn, of any heaven with him. If this is true, they well entitled to. one ordinance as to the Jonathan •had dome, and aware of the we are no£ told, nor are we told.w^t How like the love of the old-fashioned Bate, iiaa/wwai^if declare that ihtprimary (that tnnst have gone there independent of the other, nor do we berate to award them dishonor it would have been to have became of Lazarus or the widow's sqn; mother, who followed the child skel^ i ia, ixat] and ItmSng ^gniieation of "BapUso,' left him to fall a victim to his fathers judgment. But I repudiate this senti- the jewel of ponsbtency. Here then we but the record no more intimates an plucked from her heart, all over tho ia to dip or bmmnej while some of the very best ment for several strong reasons: have one logical result. •cholara of any afina that it ia> •Our rashness, delivered him out of his han'd, ascension in the one case than in the world. Swept away by pasuon that We hear much about open communion mtaaiaf.—[Liddell aad Beott. Carsoa, Aathon, fte saying. Shall Jonathan die who hath 1. Christ, our High Priest, in harmony other. child might be, it matted not^ though and know how bitteriy Baptbts are rated 4 2. Btandard hiatoriaBS mmmimmnljf tigrtt tlutwrough t this great salvation in Israel? with the type, was to enter ** alone " into Second text. " Wherefore he sfuth. he was bearing away-with bim the firih because they cannot conscientiously prao* pnaOtM and n th^ ^en would' I n^ it th^ ?** (i^iUm that 144,000 renirrected sainU are personsllly t^; h«i7eii, ,<" ylM^ W .wijh th? i^mver^bts and the^ dedi- that l^h feundatiomi. i" |j3am. x£ i 9. Job |xprcM^ % / dwelling thera " . c$n approach TOto" , wh^ pnr I|igh ^ed on Ihe o«:asion;aUaded'to proWtion of'thtf idii^ of jbsdfy^g 5. The 144^oq0'are not« sealed ** nnti Prie^ is thei^ ' ^ » word, Cl^ilst inc4p- abpv^ is therefore a logical r^sul^pf h True gratitnde is «• keeu «nseo^^ poptond creed and instruciion. _ ; , waawrbng in % fi5ei|&, though dej|r to ** after " thp u^h s^ is opened, and |h| iaring Mpflyity, bad all its jcaptivM tnrff favors," bot becauie it is Hie i^'-- bim^ and says, ""Par b^ it fit>^ me, tlni day of the Loi^ dawns; and notnnt tamed over to him, and thus he led In thb same community aTedobaptb spring of eeffishncas, but the parent Of confialencee . I should justify you; till I die I will not this epoch are they " redeemed from the "captivity captive," or obtained "a mul evangelist of much power labored a few THE BAPTIST. MEMPHIS, MAT 28, lb70.

OBMTJ.nrTTW. "Kennonitea" aa Baptbts, and thus From ther States. watch, and left all hia debts nnpdd. He left with the avowed Baptkf are waniiig among themselveft of attend- Tsagmswsm was he^ about dx months, aad leftaboailps •——w -^AOBT UBIlU'U , UUH t^iko -iMtrt ^hean. --im^ ^ ^th wH afloer tember of firaTof 0«i^berr hdlhaa left for parta an- AV IVOIDEIT trin^ hfelaat. ia if tM aiyi be ^ tted Bra. J. a StribUi^an^ Meiving bdiind any ex- Bao. OxA ^OBptaitf mliiifwfc W. t. VASKn. tipi"» moil^iieed ^e^deaiie f ^meeting at Waaha^loo, h^ ^ than ia given iV his tnm ^ . ,'ud^liope aooa flM^^^MM Having read mnch in the ool^ixM prooe^ii^ thir* evident drift,* meeting at It ia belMved thrt he to be Ther aiMThoMaa;, add tint he mClHk^ they the oonot^ prended oikt^hfiik'-^i^ Wete enliated :; nfmely, Paul, Apolr, fMior^f the bhdfchkt Wftsbittgton^that are,^e±oepi«Sa^"|Ig^ Meln- the «etkm w psil % the brethrM.m ^'indlnd^ ttttqmioumg laadoftrk pditflir^ Io^iPq>haa,; ftnd.Oiriat. . In the^thi^ ,be' knewihiM- brother aad hia lamily, ihat toah*a lettei^^t or worn' out in one m of tbdr dui^ sad dwpter he paaiea the eaoaea and; ei&eta itlwirfollowenhi KtVOti aeeuatoa^ to iceitfp 'tliai itlM they Ud lad- a revival leoaatlj, that pla^^ 'of ^ torn partia, 4> Vbffibtf'OnJbe ikion inooonteBt^^ gospel pikiadiseMlyVbeta iiiB ^fae*^ of^tlt^idivialons^ and m^r, in the elev-: hadbvdM ea8t,tod woald rHaia aooo F. I^CKSXB. "We ^ ^ ovemm by the tbm to rifit tlMse praaelten into her brother ahe might Irish. 8t> she ^aisterayetatand^ ia the Baptiat ii^tt^ ** would ezci^ the aoie aiWier-on ' . ^ ^v? diowing that because of these divisiooa wrote her r brdther. After leaving this K* serrtw sMBMtk foyee* fiuth.*! I do dawrdy hope that the aiid dinrehes s^mii^ B* Mttwtartkliii^' The p^y, after atteodtng the ftpd ^^^TOuld noteatthe Lord's, pla^ I next h«ard^ of hink mt 7 Mia'dep^ in Marion Board wiB be enabled to do«iore daiiB, If one of t&e oMlaiidmsxks of the chn^ a fe^ t4niei,'««otfer the-'piM^to 8015^. tru^ inany other evUa exi^t^ North Lonidana^l anppose ft\{oat/sixly for the Indians, and that district asso- ia ch^I^ u drunkennesa, ie^ ciations Win make baste to adopt and aid visit And tfooverre' Wifti hd^ WfaeryifNsfB milea from £Idonido;1ft Sdoth* Arimnaaa. - •:'> ^mf hr^ .. . • & Tluttj»M7 a£-|imiiesfed belieT«t8 she addreM tnm lbo¥t in the'fcmdMog ngr the, poor,, etc. but the only At the native probers. Yours truly, • tfaft tigl^ opelasMtM^ ABthorit^r in faagoage: ioaunoa iiU^. chapter, or ip the Bi^ & Paxtoa, igivirigr aoite aoooant oF. iay Ceant,act thj trialrbard; IL F. BucKsas. tk« wofi^imd l£e ontT tnlraoal ibr tbe ne joyous fimU greet Ut«e; trial of «aief of £idplniie; that ^e Mts "Before visking fliia ndghbo^d th^ ^Wd^l^d^imposMbiUty fiiOiUy to^^^ofthe f prgtntiti^ meeting atf •P XCMUls OXK. never thoagh't of cafiing' In jueatioBlf^ oliaerving the o^inance at all, i8 in It eomettt ihsraaM— Waahlogfon, etovr^ad'buai^ east/a^ "TherBf- ••• " Bao. .BiTCiurBJi:r—For the first time •Bodat^B, «oa ettberSdtobaptwibi or^prfnkHfiVttffiel*"^®^^ proximity to sectai^piam. would rHnra sooB.- Ha'tkea oaHed him- or fgeabirtery jind go aagocta- Deep LhroIhi^pga h tfcw raiw the plbws^n f dnoe we put from each other your letter mode; bufdnee coming hml haVfe'ln- J V of all^when ye come together self Thomis. Xext, he ^as at JUdorado, or ooBTextta^d-ta!]re>-> my old brother with whom I had a joy e,. TbaC idnee eicfa chiirah of CSaist is is the only scriptural baptism, and that a P""* ^ heresies (secto) among was here, becatiKo the personal descrip- THerei) together in the gospel, and sorrow an iaiepeadwnt bod^, no one eharch can Methodist minister has no right to ad- fy®°» are approved may be ezpeet any - other to indorse ita acts, ouIf tipn given' "by-' Bro. Pritiie answers pre- Hot are the tears that blister together in the war. Your kiud letter ao fir aa U1C7 are in atrict accordan miniirterit. My only objection to the y®"- When.t^re- cipt'ly ! ''It4rttttingi theatrical speaker, Thy ohesksjw.pale and wan; find me and my family enjoying 'jood wiA the lavs of Christ If she excludes Baptists' is their close communion.'* y® ^^^^ together into one place, ye tall, slim, eyes In nnsd^itly proximity to While empty hands are groping health, and also yonr brothers and sisters ft s&mlier The pastor simply replied^ cannot ej^t the Lord's Supper," or, to use each other, making love to young widows For some^heloTed one gone 1 in my neighborhood. Vour adHmss to faAmhiaifiNHaB^lmthisCiy; anTt other cbarch can "You have already settled that ques-T^® Union version, "There is no and girll" No other man left here that Here! your brothers and sisters is not vol read WlMQVtfai^Nl^fterptetflNHei ~ h .aets in riola- tion; for if a Slethodist minister is not of a Supper of the Lord." Now, snew the things of which he spoke. Bright shall As sunbeams gUtter to them, in consequence of our church tiaa of the din^n^ -qf hur.only Law- Aboje the jasper gat^ nrer, m ibvnA in t^ ITew Testament, authorieed to baptise, what right hai he interpretation of the subsequeiit McKee did not, while here, so far as I meeting being not come on, but the to administer the Lord's Supper ?" P®*^ ^^^ chapter can set aside these in- icard, profess to be agent for any Board Where many a joyous welcome bmoua relM^as—jier acts nuU anc To greet thy coming waits, brothers and sisters heard that I received votf/ and aH other ^ueh^ and assocfa- Four weeks after the above interview facts? "L" may or Convention. J. E. Paxtox. There! yonr letter, and they all aay atnen, and tianaof dundieftftnd eoaveiitions, sh^ak the young lady presented herself for mem- " extravagances as he Brenham, Texas, April, 1870. . urge me to write to you and beg of yon withdmw tfadr 4Uotnhi{l from, her oatil Oh! soul be ever patient, bership in the Baptist church, and after sects, Paul A* repenta and rectiiLas. her order, or to oome. WILL MIHISTEES BEAD ? Though sorrow seemeth hard; they becOite theDa^takeri pT herons. relating a very satisfactory Christian p®'"® J^'^S®* c^uW not commune to- For bliss shall come fowtghing, Now, I give you names of the meeting & Hat Bd iaaoCTatioi:^ or convention experience she repeats! sub^niiidly her Bbo. Gbavks :rr-.i have worn the Lung Not yet, bat afterward, houses in the Nation—I shall nbl say «r OMDMfl, ia ft ''ooiirt appeal," or has fonner declarations in regard her . The ap<»tle proceeds to note their Brace you sent me a sufficient length of TKert! anything about the colored people, they —^. t}^ ohazchea, InU is ehange of ^ewe on baptism, and addfed. M'*"^!^ subsequent verses, reprov- time (one year) (o be able from experi- don^ go with us: North Fork church, my " I thei^ore ofi^r m^lf ii>r memW ^ff he utters ence ^ bear wiUes9 of its merits, and I reorganized in 1866, Wm. F. Mcintosh I project or ahip in thSa church, tod if f^ived I aak p ipcpnaiatehi jdth the interpretation do not heaitata to aay that «v«ry preacher OBDIIAXIOI. ia the paator—we need assistance to put s,imtniay the pnyeh ik the' #bote, churtjh th»t l J^aKj^.^i®?^ offaebhfrcuiae Aaw iltf „ led ears olfJ, andiam stouter than I was at Ainali;.:-^ I. :v- :f/ paatw; one meeting house near John aid kftvtfliitt^'lAkiifl^ifiiig jinty. wenty^ve. H. F, Bcckmbr. Hi! Baediam Ji/^H. Bev<^ aad If. Smith, in Otrtos-see town, John Smith ^fter J. Wdlb(tfn, beth of tha^t dxttieh m tl^es diaige of that; one meetmg house word ^d ta^g lt ft^;^ tiling Uie doctrine oi^icl^ com- Colaatltaa^ ,Ga^inietu!(Hth tke bhureh i^ Bufih-ia; Cbdof-fo^haijo is the pastMj rConnfiiy /Moddqted. ^ pMH .ia j^ui^ by Ih^ t^hipg^f Baa Obavss :—Ye-ter I to aay alxuit- nurohase of the ^good will" of the themadraaoilttf alpfaah^t^.i^Ae^, fi^i ill has the aame churdi, Echo-ille without I ahould be Zouimna :BaptUt is rec^v^. I ank mvotie war oiicien ididrinan and W.-M: J^albO^ still the pastor. Now those that preach the gospel: dearer c^iice^M ^^jEiS"^ fully penui^ed that your oontemi^ated Qowiatt. aeUatas^.u Aftet ^ptaachiag by i project will redonad to the looal intereata Bro. WAlIboflt the aaiididate was caUed Tl^aahuigton Kennai^ Hopith-le, John thoroughly ooiapi^4 ^jpji^oted aub- ^ and advantage of . the denomination in on to aUte iua eaperietioe and call to the Mcintosh, my son Billy (W. F. Mo), it V on ject, tiMW i^y niidaj^ |9f,4he goppel "rTT^tmIi^^";^^" ^ ^piedea and this State, as your; paper ia dmoat uni- Buniatvyv iTUtf ipcnving astiafactory to Levi MitcheL llieee preachers have gone J rfCyiat toofihi^ who have writtanJengthy easayaupoafe?! ^^ '- and preached Uie gospd until their mitoM^igCiaidaii imp^r, versally c^idered here &s ,the true Bap- the diuroh Jind'preabyter^, the<»ndidate By paths we did oot kaow, tist organ. As you doubtless aware, traveling animals gave out. They are and the v^atxhen, ^hd not Christ, the was then «xaintndd: very i carefully and doing all the good they can by preaching aftrfara auj^ preaoryra of the cho^ch. , , He leads M, thoQf^ oar itepste Blow, our little paper here, weighed down by PAUL OF 0L08B 00*11111105' i^BOplJ- Though oft we fiat .ad faUer by the way, thoroughly in the doctrines of the Bible, around to those above mentioned church- L The ommmeraed bodies of <^iristians SIDBBED. I Though storms and darkness pftobscaretii'e day, many disadvantages, resulting mainly and was pronounced worthy of ordma- es. They are not able to go put on the chnrche^ nor are any privileged - - . , Yet when tW clouds ^re gone from the isolated locality of its publica- tion. frontiers as they wbh. I have omitted ijM <4 them ^ chtanA; hence 9II 1 submitted an argument recently to We know He leads us on. tion, lived but a languishing existence. This was attended to on the Sabbath to mention Cotcho-Ficksko's meeting PwdobaplaKt denominations are only re- the readers of Tuk Baptist, derived from However much, therefore, we regret its in the following order: Bro. M. J. Wdl- house on Deep Fork; he is still pastor of fipooa aocaeties. Cor. XL 18-20, indicating the doctrine t„V" if "n • . demise, we can but think that under the S. Hut and an official relation , • ,, » Through all the nnqmel years: born preached the sermon. Bra J. H. that church. Okfoske man Johaker, he to ft dmrah are prerequisite to a reeolar of close communion." »1 presented the Past all our dreamland hopes and doubts and circumstances more good will t>e accom- Devotie led in prayer, Bro. Howell de- is a preacher, active, doing great good go^dl ministry^ heace^ all erdinanc^ ad- view rather suggestively than otherwise, ' fears plished under the present-arrangement. livered the charge, and Dr. Devotie pre- among Okfuskees. Our Nation haa been mirnatgined by an nnbaptiaced and ooor- not knowing whether others thought as IM^® guides our f teps. Through all the tangled I most cordially give you my heart and sented the Bible with suitable remarks. torn to pieces by the war, as you well dained, although immeraed ministry, are did about the passage named. ITaturally hand in this your enterprise, trusting and Services then closed with the benediction and sadly know; but, notwithstanding, nil and Vdd. believing that God will abundantly bless the people, as soon as they got to th^ 3. Hd dmidi has aii enough, lAid some pleased, and others ^^^ o'erolouded days, by tho newly ordained brother. your labor in this field of operations as old homes, went to worl^ and are still Vroi^t before it in viobtion of the law disapproving of my mterpretation. Some Ta^ru ' W. M. Howbix, Sec'y. of Cfinat. The spedficstion of the order eiBon unknown to me, d^ing hisarticle """ he has done elsewhere. hard .at it, and it will not be long until o be obeenred is the prohibition of any with the letter «L," excormtes me a little I inclose yoirthe subscription pYice for our countrj' will prosper again; audmay tlierocder. in your issue of April 16, to whom I feel - one copy, and will try to raise you a club the strong arm of Jehovali preserve and 4. Ho member should aobmit to an ar- Bro. Gravks :—^The Baptist church inclmed to make « brief response. He soon. Yours truly, W. H. Jack. guide you back to u.". ftignaipat or trial brought and conducted 1- , ,. I AfW' 'he dreariness, the aching pain, (Hopewell) at this place, in conference ia T3olati9a of the kwa of Christ. Each Natchitochess La., April 22, 1870. this day, unanimously adopted the fol- CHILLY Mt lNrosn. ixidiridnaUy xespondblB to Christ opens^^xBmbygravelyremarking, He wayward st™^^^^ P-ted in ^octh Forir, C. N., 12th of M«rcb, 1870. "•It ®d not occur to me as posdble that rain— Bno. Gravks :—At the regular month- lowing preamble and resolutions: SUMBBB T%VO. • any one could BO fiirmistak e the evident I After oar toils are past— ly meeting of the Mount Lebanon Bap- Whsrbas, On conddering the great right, Dear Bro. BrcKXEn:—Your kind mmonty eases diifc of tte apo«,le in this entire chapter i ^^^ St're us rest at last, tist church, on the 6th of November, error which Is being committed by some letter to the BaptKts of (he Creek Nation, the Seriptoral chorch. aa to try to make it subserve any such 1869, Bra J. li. Pitman offered the Baptists (?) of the present day, i. e., S. ^ nnconstitntioBal or dia^deriy purpose." Thb is strong language to dated February 4t}i, came to hand as m^ority cannot exclude a member of an use toward an "erring brother." I do THOMAS alias McKEE. following query: Are the immersions ol reco^iring the immersion of Campbel- Campbcllite preachers scriptural and lites and Pedobaptists as scriptural and news of glad tiding.s. I road it to the adoowledi^ constitutional church. notpretend to know what might 6r might Bao. Gravks :-Yonr corresponden church members at our church mcetintr, 1. Ko chuch should receive the letters not occur to the mind of «L,f but it from Eldorado, Ark., Bro. G. Mi Prime valid Tho church answered unani valid, we, the Hopewell Baptist church or the monbers baptized by, a disor- where a large body of members were occurs to me that it i» possible that some in Thk Baptist of April 2, gives you the mously. No. I was instructed by the of Christ at Arkabutia, Miss., feel it our darfy dnpdi. Nor should it admt to its church to send the query to yoU collccted from our different churches, and crnnmunion the members of such a church, one might have so far misUken the evi- name of Walter C. Thomas, a professed duty tp make known our sentiments as Yours in Christ, P. J. Kby, Clerk. I told them if they welcouic you among or IB anj war cmmteuknce or uphold ita dent meamngofsomepartofthechapter Baptist missionary for the Board at Ma- touching this subject; Therefore Jlount Lebanon^ La., April 25, 1870. them to signify it bj holding up iheS disorder ; it ahould keep no company with Meic^vedy That we regard the immer- it that it may be aah^ed. as t» have attempted to make it sub- rion, 'Ala. After giving the persona r'^ht hands; they ail held np their hands s^ient to a purpose as much Tobjeotion- appearance of the man, his mann^ con- sion of C^pl^llites and Pedobaptists as with amen. We all cheerfully bid you PASS HIH OH. unscriptural and invalid, not having been 1. To ^ in aU things conastent with able M the purpow for which I used iu duct, etc., he asks, «Is not thU charactechan r W. E. PAXT05. come. Many earnest and faithful prayers our ndnci^ea, whether we gain or lose - slTJ^ 7 occu« W. C. Capelle?" I cannot answer, but The fellow calling himself Walter C. administered by such as we recognize to are made in ^hdf of your return to us. omnbera or jmpularitv. be qualified administrators. 2. Tofiilffll ou r peculiarmission, which ^llZtr I ^^conHdent that this Walter C. Tho- Thomas, exposed by Dr. Prime, of Eldo- come, come without delay. ia to be the witnc» of Omst's truth . bttle better: "But true it is thatL.a is the same man that preached in rado, Ark.) is no doubt the same person Btsolved^ That the above preamble The field is laige, but laborers are few. when we have made a theory' of our this county (Washmgton) iLTtrnmlr described in the annexed notice, which'I fend resduUon be spread upon our chureh Pa has written you, and given you a own ^ seA U> wrest passages of Scrip- and fell k called Smself whS^ h^re clip from the Texas Baptitt Hchld of records, and that a copy of the same be s^tement of onr churches. Since our tnre^mtheiri^te^tain supportofit." T. C. McKee. He claimed ^rrfnia l^ forwarded to Ttta Baptist for publica- return to-our native country we have or abet those ^b teach enor, November 17, 1869. The same party reorganized and re-established the church- or W^ilfinn ^^ •ho are in error. * confess that I have a theory on the his home,but was from Florida to^ex^ passed my house in October of last year; tion. AL H. Rbxfrob, Moderator. es, and have been hard at work for the W. W. Halkv, Clerk. - ^il® Ihopeas Lettera fram that Sute show th^t a^ he called himself Thomas, and said he hkd cause, and our labors have been blessed noB^matkm ^ the conve^^^of auui^ much of - Y yet I fear^ from a aubse- of that name had been there as a Ba^rt been engaged in several protracted meet- Arkabutia, Miss., April 30,1870. with success. We have orddned some a^ the u^uflding of Chrirtfkiii^om, "^LT that he has none, for minWer, and had spoken tr "ve^l^^^ ings with my brother at Washington, # ' . - native pre^here, and they have been at tonra^ the most effedual me^ fi^a axo^ition of thinga in the sons of the proprfety-of pSbT a Texas. 'I next heard of him at Little A VALtTABLE GIFT. work for tht^ e advancement o*f the gospel not incompai^iewith the Word Bro. Grave? :—jfennit'me in behalf of Christ. gnnthian dmrdi -wMdi, «> fer fiom denomination^ ^per^ A Cer aken Rock, where he taet with Bro^ J. B. fV f ourloifes bemg-an^ent in ft ^^^ atUiham, a^r he^S of the church to adcnowledge through my briber John professed reBgion, was L To m Blitch, late of Daltori, Ga., and sent him !b3 woria i^ a ^aBAiT^tW reception of a veiy fine addreaaed to itev. T. ^McKi; on a wild goose chase to Shreveport, mbistry; and f bl, eoeraetie and aevoted. ™^iriatff by.Wy^^ows that a man of which he represented to be without a '""a^ prerontjEsd to tl» Friars'- Point 5. ®xftnii8h afaator to ^biycharch, ^ ^ ® wani/aetive "fy that Jiame had been in Washington City p^tor. I have no* idea he has any con- by S. Sijiok, •ndiftlwuiiBiieB oitheMa'lbr ev^ des- of Fpnto^ - Safer SlMk'inay be ortiS^Sr*"''- Ssytoourbroth- tifcaU Mgia^at haaie and ftfatwdpirier ^UTO here «» to tW menta Or deawrita most probaWy yed with ^un^ Ae*^ or tiiditiOM » ^thCT the glory of Chrisfa chnrok of this iMd of work, and Dh Varden is here he.ran away,'it)de ^ a borrowed tinted meeting la Gay^ he borrow^ become-the reli^qn ;of thj^ anlo^ tl^ Iildiansw attempting to uptet our ddm to thelhorae, carried Wh hiii a borrowed Erl^ a watch from .T,. J. xourI>r6ther In Major-Daily, of Washin^n coantv, and FriaraVPoiut, Mis^ AprU igVo: W. F ' Hoilk Folk, an., MsRh 17^ 8 lauma uinadif as thi» county from northwest to southeast, had regular preaching all the time and ai on^h, and there is a wrong course to[ Bnsij^M HTIpnapfin^nf pEai^ tto Q^er CHntrdies. that brtutifiil strwrn, Whit^ river,, form; no preaching by the Baptists ;for sevferat tate if one wdnld re^^ayen. Xlw flboxc^ of Cltfiitt is J3u ing the ^tern boundary. The county yearsj^and then only occasionally; un& . diTJoan-sacred ia its andiHE^y^—aH- Li rapidly filling up ,with a good class of last November I commenced preaching: '' jt^e Cact tha^»,ma§r^^cere does notj— wiae and perfiet in its pla^ is ta Arkansas Department prove that he hi gmng. iit rthe iireotigoi BlderJ).iR RA^-r^aeral citizen?^ -Lands can be bought at almost to thenl I am surpri^d to find so many he tWnks he ik = Our: fnend, the ^ GOMPB&B—Bastent Aikwaw. JDjtnre it r"fet Wia & to^ sSght' , a«i»UM abraHiwlas nominal prices, except improved. are Baptists in fwth. At my next wirnldm- tw interhffSf feign. TEas #tm, aa^iUiov reDgiont p U>nd to n«th{ng.-rJ. 1.. Jk: In the cotinty fseat^ theffe are fr\-e dry pointmeot I expect to baptize an <>M Popery b^gam. ClBHrt-tffieew by degieea ss- "Tlier* U it« midl41« gnitiiia^w^B mai he was ini fact jua^ as wrongs as if Ae ha4 fi- MANABD, gat Timnesse^."- to^ KUBted n€ « p««t««t;: nW- xUe* mmn ixiftrodaae^Bftia* . ABt^«ecta prwtictsc-^fiuit anritikUnsar* goods rtorp® ffvje pTiy^ciaiis, seven law- ter who is about seventy years old, ^aiwi nejr xulus laixL xi^. imco^Turted. vere b^scbei or oe^ooU of the Catholic oliTe trt^ and thryyers , priiitiBg jpore^jgood Ijotel, e.xcellent one of her sons who comes from the say ia res^^t l^fJiJ witfr It ^rtakm of it» rocrt an'f T«tBM»"*- (t. e., Jn- religion, It«;bo nmtter wbat a man hc-L . ''..rxoc^AG^i^. . tflcejTti. tUe iwSjajUj man,'* fjJaiM*)-—J. 1. Trnmnr^Sp. of Stnstwrr- ' courthonse and jail, three dmrches, Bap Methodist church, sio^Iled. .They both win waa ejuiiietl, odV will left nuikaie. tist., ^lethodik and Pi-esbyterian, two stand approveti^ for baptism. This dtd lieVe<», if he' oSly'thfnks he-is right • wjdi ^^ ikkPtftk- so the thonghi!^, ' ^'IV.' '' ^ ^ ^ ' Chaajtr fatlowed chan^ wrr^'tfon Iriunipt^ , . _ DOT. FOS THE.TIMES. ,, ' good schools—mixed. sister stated that she had beon a believer suff «t iFTj-t^ th- IVfah of Sia wias ftrmlygeofif d very iqs^ure m^ittitike'ttiroi^g^ ; .•^^le Tan J? on Arkapsaa river are very in Christ for forty years. I liave been en faiatarone . 1 GhV ir: 10-?»{ I Cor. V-. 1-18; In Arkansas conntr anil .Stat^ of Ark- 2 neas. ii: 3, 4; 2 Tim. u; II, 1«; Eeif. liii; fertile, producing coUon, corn^ etc., in working for our paper, bnt have done but of error aa4 tie ^Wfty^ Qf,dt-aUi, atid rash ^ - »- ansas wenrrctl -sin incident does on in the TPronic;! dirrotKHi.- 3—11. ijreat abnodanee^i Tiie prairie lands are little. Only sowed the seed and Httesiioo. ihcTttlb^ 13 Rf, tie |p*atesf fnotmatenallv flrfiVr frtJth the rnany iu- hope ifistaketf in fhndaniental inatters ar^^LUNG AND" BODY Tie fine for small jrrain -and stock, and within they will ripen soon. impirt .. : 117-ou i cmtumum latjxsa CF^unmt gvKgmmm consistencies among-Protestant churches. just as fatal as winfii^wroiig-aojug," G^^ V . / - ^ to Bit cAarfifi? It ig in conseqiiTOCTr-cf' tUeir the pa]4' ay those ber of the Wesley «odety for so many are without regular preat^ing. There is dbtorb thdr repose; it may excite their It—b used by ^gers; who have seceded finn them, persons are was educated in a theological eohool of Itr-k used by Jfiniaters; ceeeiTed ta /uil rr—ssi'Mi withent srrideBM at yean. Her ministere having &iled from a great field open here for u^fulness. anger, and perhaps their enmity; but it high character in Louisville, Ky. I left It—b used by Labors; their conversion; and thoagh the Congregi^ tune to time to satisfy her mind that Will not Baptist ministers look to this must be done. What would have been tional Pedob^tists reqmre inoof of ooBrersios him in D^ Arc, from whence he said he It—relieves when all othermeana Ml. beCore receiring persons to the-Lord's tsble, and crinkling or pooring water could be in section, and come where good may be thought of the conductor if he had know- It—will last a lifetime. intended to go to Peach Orchard Gap to to fan membership, they mostly regard infants, any way construed to be baptism, she accomplished and homes secufed for ingly permitted the passenger to keep on It—benefits in every case; snd aneoarerted persons, when baptised, as see his uncle. Love Booth, whom I know, membexa of inferior d^^rae. The Westminster now desired her minister to immerse her. themselves? Address Elder J. T. Mar- the wrong way without awaking him? It—b the only remedy for Prolapsoji shall. bnt Bacon I do not know. When he Uteri, or B^emale WesknessL Confeaaion of Faith, which speahs the Tiewa ef My dear sister," said the minister, Such was not the conduct of Paul, who Presbyter.«as, and of many Congrq^onaliste DeWitt, Arkansas. failed to produce hb credentials he said A fit b warranted. on this subject, says that tit eUMrtm tf mmben "wecan't do that; for that would be "ceased not to warn every man night If it faib to give satis&ction, and it (trt theuuiea mambtra; han wUim tk» ehtareh. he left them with a young Bro. Allen, saying yoor ponring was no baptism." IT HEYEB OOMES AGAIH. and day with tears."—J^ccAon^'e. returned within one month, the money Some Indepeiuients ^ffer from thu Tiew, bat Haywood county, Tenn. will be refunded. very many of them regard both infants and the "Well," said the good lady, «I will There are gains for all our losses, osconrerted, when baptized, as connected, in He b not the man Cliaton College LET IT PASS. None sent out on sale or credit go to the Baptists; they will baptize There are balms for all our pain, Send toeasore around the abdomen and 4ame degree, with the chnreh of Christ —(See But when youth, the dream departs, ought to send ont to get young men and l>r. Wardlaw and Dr. CampbelL) me" (jast as the Baptist preacher was money for that school, even if he could Be not swift to Uke offense: 120 to J. R G^v^Memnhia, Teaa., the It takes something from our hearts, Let it pass! agent for its sale iu ^e Southwest Baptist chordus, en the contzary, receire as going down into the water with the can- have tprod need hb papers. The said Ba- members, those only who give credible eTidencb And it never comes again. Anger is a foe to sease I ., Banning^ Body and I^ung Braea of their coavexaisA; thay-da jiot acknowledge didates). con is quite a young man, without an ed- Let it p&ssi either infanta, or tlte oncaB-terted, aa baring "Bra Mj; will you Jbaptlie mer* We are stronger and are better B/ood not darkly o'er, a wrong —Its Sirpxmtoarrr ovn aik oisn BaAcas * Under manhood s sterner reign, ucation. Hb hair would have been red any risible connection with the chnrch of Christ. "Yes, madam," the minister; Which will dtssppear'.ere long; am Tkcssxs.—1st It is cool 2d. Il iS^i^ —Acta ii: 47; I Cor, ui: 16, 17. Still we feel that some^ing sweet if he had not dyed it It looks blue and Sd. Hs paagain. J •' ijf Let it pass! churches of God,'^ as first foanded f>y Chxiatth e fauid and went down with the Bap- Any Tul^ soQls tiiat Ure stimulate and harden the "[•"•"^m, whil^ aoft sod His apostles.—1 ^esB. R: 14. ti^ minister and immersed her, declaring THB WBOIIQ TBAHf. May c«!Bdeiius ifilboat jcepiieve; and ci^h^^ ones relax and wes|^ea,ilhrDagh Bat ia doiag so thej, ^Mlsi' inm all other Bro- Gkavks :—I wish to call the at- thereby that the pouring process was no 48 I wa8tra,velipg reo^tly, bfl^eiBra.rd 'Tts the Bpbla fjbq forgive. beat'i^ perspiistioB, bm^es pn^ tltem a chnzehes; from the Quaken, who reject bap- tention of Arkansas Baptists to a young tism, £ram the Pedobapt&t< who sabstitate an- baptism, or he is a rebaptizer. bound, in the Hew Tork expsesf train to ii. Letitpsssl ras^ i^nelL Stb. It la so ooaatifaitsd ms to sd«ait«f atta^in^toitaay prepn^Bala^sr other rite for the imaecsion of-beHerjen^ and, As the preScher read from the Disci- brother by the name of John D. Fletcher. Boston, an incident qccnr^ ii^i6h ex- ^ - Let it p^ I from all open eommamonists, ifhether ^ptiata, He isa^ceptiaie, and a young^ man o: Echo notsny word; ^ . " xtttas^ sad is the sust pezftsi pile aiid kvaisl or Pedobaptists, who admit jierwna withoot pline when water waff poured ou her for cited the at^ntion of iQai^.'pa^piren. trass. . • " being baptised at ail; inst«Mt«f xeqoiii^ -aa bapdsm, would it riot haf6 been more much promise, but is destitute of the In the same s^t ^th mys^a^ a joung Letitpsis! the apostles and 'first chnrches 4id, that all means of an education, and I hope the Think bow -jp^tfil |rou ^ve eri^; bidieTers should be baptised before beiM l^proprmte for hhn to haye read from man of gentlema^y appearaooe, who, -ceiTed to membeiSli^ and -tasmanion.- (Siist the -New Testaini^ When she t^as to be friends of .miimterwl eduction in that for many a mile, seemed to be in agitate r ^ ^titpws! has given ta S^ chinches no dapeaaitf pownto State will hunt him out and send him to ^npe pit|; jojV^ut p^ aw^^ ^ set aside His laws; no bguta&e power to make immersed ? It may ^ as there are many of uneasy and dreamy slum^r. The iike ^e]d4wdnps ^ the spny^ We tti^^i^ fol- scsw ones; bat has enjoined on them to <^obTCrTe now like the aborej that the General school. He is very anxious to be useful conductor for a long time lowing pasB%^ of Sc^t^ w'^S^i^ aii tUag* whtsUatver^ Be has commanded, (Matt, in the Master's vineyard. His postoffice and re- Wbeiid'Qre should rar sanoin stay 7 Conference will advise theb preachers on - Let tbem psss! sabjeete sppende^ ^t^ to fU eQiUBU ^ Tu cxriii: 20) j and, if, ever tempted to neglect passed him without dbturbing hb sleep, BAPTO^the matter not'leex6Mtw4a^ His laws, " to obey Qod tather than men."— this sulgect, so that there may be har- I have forgoUen, but his parents live in Let them pass! AfiUT:2». this (dhickasaw) Association and are but at length it became necessary to oC foolscap—ten pages or less jreftrredL' mony. I guess the advice will be this: If for good you* ve Uken ill; COMMipia Oj-AABITE^.; THB OSDAIB- HL B^tist chnrches regard it as .Christ's very worthy members of a Baptist chnrch awake him. > win that all chnrdi members should be wobaUarg "My b^her (or sister, as the case may " Your ticket, sir," said he, as he reluc- Let it pass! ,Ei) Mranrn^ ot THB CITT.^ MaAera; that none ahoald be jsade men^xia, in thb cqunty, and were once rich, bnt be), if you have not been ^apUzed (re- tantly aroused hint The ticket was pro- " ; Let it pass! The exis^is obtab'ng ^ p^s ifPU tke either against their will, or inthout their the fortunes "of war have reduced them Oh I ^ kind and gentle still; knowledge. God is a Spirit,' and those who ferring to sprinkling or' pouring) I bap- property of the editor ot t^ P^Fr.; tf W inb> duced. Let it pass I nshed in the firstvolum e of Priii Exej||Siei sad wtnslup Him mnsi do so u ifirit and in tnUk,tiz e ycra in the name,** etc. L. to quite moderate circumstances, l^ey (John IT; 24); their serrise moat be that of are U^ral, almost to a fault. One in " Where are you going, nr," continued Tinte at Isst makes aU things straight; Esssys, where they wiU be dolj credit^ to tha IoTe,*faith and ebedience.^—1 Cor. ziii: 1; Bom. stance will illustrate this: Dtiring the the man ef tickets. ^t OS npt resfsnt, but wait, author. It is designed to isna a teries of vsl- ziT: 23; Rom. xrt: 26. They Bust "yieU tiem- ' A GOOD BEPOBT. And oiu triampk shall be great; umes that will be regarded standard aad vslii- mtbtea unto God, as those who are alive from the session of the Chickasaw Association in " Going I" said the passenger, " I am dead."—Bom- vi: 13. In every part of their w.ifATrin.D. going to —-," naming a city more than Let it pass! able contributions to Baptist litecsiorSL Eld. W. M. Lea, agent of the Board of 1868, as usual, a call was made for mis- serrice, they must have "first a willing mind," a hundred and fil^y miles distant in the Let it pass! (2 Cor. viii: 12): musi firstpv e themselres to Ministerial Education, reports that he has sions ; Sister Fletcher bad no money to the Lord, and then to the chnrc^ by the will of opposite direction. Lay these homely words to heart, PBIZE MreJECXIL commenced his work in earnest. He has jive, but she had a very fine diamond God.—2 Cor. viH: 6. " Nd, sir," replied the conductor, "you "Let it pass r Far Hay — "The Chon^ vf . Owist" But this »okmUarj/ wtembmkip is opposed to the collected over fiRy dollars in cash, be- ring which cost $16 in good times; she Follow not the-giddy throng; is it t(t he oadeEstoodof s visiUs orgsaizatioB, compul^a used by many national establishments, are in the wrong train; you are on the or of the spiritaal worshipers^ wMwat resveet sides the amounts ^edged. The work is sent that the next day to the Association, Better to be wronged than wrong; (0 visiVility? . and to the fines, imprisonment, or worse penal- which was presented to the body with way to Boston." ThereforS sing the cheery song— ties, by which membership has been enforced; a noble one and can but commend itself Far JflUie—"Saturday MoBtU* Conferenoe it is equally opposed to the initiation of tauom- to all the brethren. We want more able appropriate remarks by the writer. It " Boston 1" exclaimed the astonuhed Let it pass! Meetings.'* First. Has a <^roIi theseriptnrsl .$eiotu infanta by baptism; and to membership traveler; "why, I procured my ticket Let it pass I ri|^t to sppoint them snd stake attsadaaes a by birth. and thoroughly educated men. was at once proposed to redeem the ring and h^ my baggage checked at for test of fleUowship? Second. Are they IT. Baptist churches msintain that CSirist Bro. Lea infbrms me ^that. brethren and return it to the donor. The money Oemmon Hfzims Applied to Bdigion. expediut lo the Kighest welfst* of the tikt requires kobf aetiriig m mry tumber. Clinroil ^ and when I ^k my seat in the members are spoken of in S^ptnre as "^lively generally Uiiak we had better have up was promptly laid on the table, but the "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."- For July—Can Baptist miaistirS serij^ cars in the depot I supposed I was in the tarslfysskw&te with nnbspUied {^sttcn of ao- stones," forming part of "a spiritaal honse," institute thb year. Well, be it so. The sbter refused to receive it, and it still re- Not always. I had mher sit beside which is devoted to God.—1 PeL ii: 5. The mains the property of the Association. right train." knowledgi^' and daagsnob nreti, ki fbi^ <• The yoang are to be instructed, (Eph. vi: 4); drarches are sovereign. I am the ser- the bash, and listen to the sweet notes of with evangelical or ser^tordmiidststif flw as- sociations referred to are soeh as Brsa- the unruly warned, the feeUeHminidM comforted, vant. In saying what I did, I only car- It was sold again last fall for $16 and " But you are certaiply in the wrong the th^h or the nightinga^ than to the weak supportied, (1 Thess. t: 14); those again returned. So the ring" will con- train and going the w^'ong way, notwith- gellcal Allisnce Hinisterisl Aspodstka " (L «., who rejoice, rejoiced with; those who weep, ried out the ipstruotions of the Conven- have the little warbler icag^ed and in my sssocistibns' of miiiisteni sekaewlfd^ied lo be sympathized nith; those who are bereaved, vis- tion. But we shall not abandon the idea tinue to roll and gather as it goes. Since standing," said the conductor. hand. Bat the idea is the main point. eVsngellral)—pulpit sssoeistioitt. . ited.—Jas. i: 27. To the ungodly the gos^ is until we h w from the brethren at large. that ring was given, thb son of which I "Then," inquired the traveler, with a It is—-that what'b valuable is better to For Angm^To whom belongs the palMt to be made known, (1 Thess.!: 8); and good S{^ak has been converted and licensed to of say givftn chnreh—to the pastor dfii^ aia done to all men.—Gal vi: IQl In some part of What do you eay, brethren? Again, I ook of earnestness and solicitode, "what us in possession t^an in prospect Gold incombcaoy, or t* the chnreh T these labors aB the members of Baptist churches ask you to speak out. It is made my [)reach the gospel. "The liberal soul dead memben q{ mnst I do ? I have an engagement in in theTp^ket is^ better than in the mine. can engage. 'But the worldly shall be made fat." For September—'^e K^ of the Kiag- estaUi^ments cannot, nor can the v^mt meikiendut y as Secretary of the Board to pro- at — o'clock and I would rather A pearl of great price is worth more in dom." •First. Whst sre theyT BMoai. Are of any Pedabmptist churches. Tkey can have vide for tiie^ BMttitutej^ and unless the W. W. Fixlkv. they stUlased7 Third. By wbostf no part nor lot in the matter. laye given one thousand dollars than to hand than when sleeping is its shell at brethren throaghout the State direct me Lafayette Springs, Miss., April 24,1870. have made thb mistake. For October—Csn PediA^Uft aiaib- V. Baptist churches believe it to be Christ's the bottom' of the ^ How apt and ters, ss a elsss, be ssid to wiUftdtgcr will, that what is spent in His service shoaki be otherwise, I shall go on with the work. He had already traveled fifty miltis in how forcible this maxim when applied to nyeot tbe baptism of Qiristt fhen with rtaiji viU, and that every ehtrek meat'I hav e no option. I desire^ however, to MHTISTEBIAL POHD. Ur, whb is able, shoald thus give. When W. K. tZA. he wrong train. It was not strange, 'refigioftT "The j^ari of great price," if For IfoTember^Rxv. zvn. t^Ami making a collection for the poor s^ts at Jero- know and to do your wiU. And shoald therefore, that, as a^ man of business, it be not ouri, b to « as tbotigh it were npoa her forehead ^ss a asae wxittaa, Mys- saJem, the ap • says "As I have given mrder any conadetable pajnbet: fd^ brethren The Arkansas Baptist State Conven- tery, Bsbylon the G^st, the motker M haxlatM ta the chnrchM jt Gt^ia, even so & ye; upon ion at its late session determined to raise with an engagement at a given hour and not Thousands my seek and find it, sad sbominstions of theosrth." > ' the first day at tha week let eaery am ^f yomthin k it best to postpone the matter, your much at stakeil he should look troubled but that irill not benefit uL What ihoiugh What organixatiba is syabollsed tf tkai lay by bin in store, as God hath prospered hiai." Board will act accordingly. ^ fund for the education of yonng minis- meretricious woman'called BalrloB ibe Great, ters. As its appointed agent, I have al- and anxious. And wh^n the conductor we ^f others ring of salvation; if oar the mother of harlots snd sbom^Uoas ef the —1 C^r. xvi: 1, 2. This injunction shows that earth? it is the datj ef every ehnreii iiember to contri- ready entered upon the work, but as it old him hb only cotirse now would be sonls-hitve it not cannot singl Itb bute as God anaUes him. And tin apostle says, aekajbas ooinr^. to stop at the next station. Just at hand, practidilly W^li hothmg to us—unless For Dec.—'«Toang Men's ChrWisa Aa- "If there be first a vOlia; so^ iHs accepted W. K. IKX. will be impossible for me to reach all socislions"—«sa BsptisU eonsistimt!^ aaite amrding te that s am hath;" sh^ag that a >art8 of the State during the conven- and "jright about** ia^ tiM. nexC train for we iha^ ft ohm And we cannot makfi ^d wMli with ^eass tbysreaowWiufwiT willing mind is need&l to uke sneh aid accept- I prop<»e to give, feony^ time to tim^ a there was an eoger ^ promptness in it ours, unless we give up all in order to able to God. Chnrch members are to "abound tional year, I make this proposition, viz.: FW Jan.—"The Charch of ChiM'— in this sTsce" of rich sad liberal giving to the coneiK sk^h of yariooii coantie« in the that thirty brethren agree to collect each his decbion to fdllow the direction. gain it ' —- UlUikUldoabf God" siid«af best«if'—att esnse of Christ.—2 Cor- viii: 1-lfi. Bat la- thf^ to be understood as ^nenyaoas Ik* State of Arkansaa, for the benefit of those one hundred dollars. Thb can be easily I began to. muse. . / . 1).V:—Deo roienfe—If God wills. Sew T^tsment Scriptttres? Cwts cannot thus give; and payments by com- who ue coiutantly m^jng inquiries in pulsion, as in aute Churches, are ttot s "gift" done.. I have already seveiiil names There is, then, such a thing as a wron^ G^'s^ sup^rmtending St sIL—aCor.Tiu: 4. regard to t^ coui)^. Bang the oldest )Ve4ged to raise the amount. The p^ect rain, and such a thing as traveling tti pr^vi^t^ S^o^ ft TgE PETECTlTg. settled, I b^ii), wHb- the aWe county. of ^s fund is to assbt our yoang breth- he wrong direction, ihotigh I ^^e ofl^n a i^oujd lUce to Jt M Gtaist'i The fixst fettlraifflt ;in tbis cpunty was the bcaat AewMaiiiatloa, th» msm* of tntj ta- sBhM ch^es should be t^mtasnrf ren, and b to be a loan. Now, brethren, heard men say that on the rdiid to eter^ ^ gxpje: ^Mntjy tlifs^ D. "^Ps in our IMtor a^udaM Baptist prracWr kaon tea^aa. duimetj^ OsiwrMaarfanrirti. 'Veuenotot made at the old Fost of Arkansas in less, et us hear from you. Don't wait; throw nity there ts hot Two men nuyljave refciancs tafrbv* ttlrsidlt. lhsw«id.''-Joh«xv:19. The reception of tkoie and was occupied; by the Sp^Qush and printed oali-vho have been bsatixed at their own deaire, our^lyes into the work. It is pr^e- dire^ly oppoi^' priniapl^a, epda» aih^^ VL ou a prafi of fid^ Bwkea s real sad>is>- Fr«neh goverpm^ffts as a miliMi:; post, m^ exteprive corres- iBi Mo>LKT.r-All men should b^aro «l bl« &titinetioL a between the ibanh snd t&e wjtul^y meritorious; it b duty, wid and gioanda bf hope fot another J«i^6rld! orediaat him. : He ii from Georgia, ffiiftsiwsr benM itiiuimev WMo porohaaed by the pondence says often, " I will meet you at B, BpUer, FuUon, Toaai Wa. TiM«» wadd; bat inlitat asab^takip, densrtiiit GodV: blessing will follow. There are The oiie is pra^ei^, de^t aoS'^odly; frsa this rule, blends the ehurtft sad the world ITiiUie^ SUtea the Boat waa the aeat of iltoh a ttme,;^ pr "J ;p[)|[ go on spch an Gsaiden,Te^ together. The bsptism ^ infSmts, and the «n- several young men needing assistance he ^tes atid'atet^Pp/^m un ^e'^vw. the TlenitoriaJ ffOYpxemtoA until tians- fpceuciioa^rrarHUtging.ae to time and W. aV . Gac^.—iasMjr»iiH. .ifiit hescsmcda tnmiroB iins Arkaaasa floavciiedf eaasMts On SMstevof Christ with now. The churohes will have the privi- and reli^ ogph as his Befe^cfr^EIder ITai. KqIi>& Stsni thiM who SZ9 still Bembfzs of the world. But fezred to Little Bod^ the present aeat of ciQQap^uicea.:,jMaaI how Uttle does he ege of making their own selections and and malces hia whole Ufe an ofi^riog pf Teaa:; BldeF -Rir. T lalog, Enidoe^. tfte Apostle iiys; "What eOBimitnlai light gQyemmenl of the^Sti^ The State wa^ think of wh»t: may occpr } Meanwhile, wiikisikiiess?_sai what matid taihmSk reconunending to the Board. service upon his altan The cfthe^ never T. J. T. JoaoAV, Ta-r-Befereaees—J idniitted iiilio the >1^0 ioa836. The he ride* with a friend on an airing. Bcral^ Virp^J Coftr^ B^tut, with Bdlsir—Wheraftn^ nm* ami tnm smonc AtuHn^ 4irL;. April 25,1870. >rayi; he fields fai^elf f6 gfa^- Ihsm and be yt gMi^ ssSt^thl l^e I.brd;'sad Post was also ..tlie rcoanf y - seat of the h<)r^ctalse,fright~rpn away and S;. J. BostaarK, &nsss^BefereBee-:J. B iitfl ioft "Ow mieleimM I win receive cations, he; rej^ts tlie ^li^pehi^al of prjBsent cou^y pf Arkufj^^nj^to 1885, d^ hiil^ to , tbe g^Ppd,and he never rarfia. a Dsggett, E. F. Bogvrs, Ksasss jj^'t tH 1 COT, ti Gravm:—Aa I was on^ bhmt, i^i In/i in Isfonn. . Ii elssc titot. ^tbm, ^MA extends w^^ it w lam^ Pe^iU .(tbe ^pe^l^ egatp. .U he be Christian, it agr^ with Bro. Mayfidd and others to ItifaAaD E. Hovxr.—A man of |his aasi^ ^d tf iaitis^ra late pve^pnt i^te), nef^4l|e center preference to tl^^ teaidnngs Gpd'a house bin order. But plsy&ii the role of Baptat ptjseher, :waa •I* let sfw IsBv doei^ irgijk foj;^ Ae cons^utiqn of fife chivrchM word; he is worldly in all hb tpint ai^ WhafcifheM not? However, it only BUelydriven fiwm Trnxton, Mo, for attypt- I%ere unfb alwt^ twelve hniidredsqaa^ m and W* J^?an4 see'that Brp; Bitfield r^ iti:aU his Ho^ caq i^owa hpw dependenii we are Uaa tte ttstemsatef Hjrja^ii? fipiV.^ FfM also report my first,, pf pnjiidepce. A^e always say, W laes, srt'bqjit np a the State of Rhode fpie^kan- --'S. L. SinoiAa am . H. CooF«a.-r-If ^tMt to offer dSTipiriS- r|iip^ IrQqnpti^irt^ neaf It^nt Ypcaoq^ 18: on tBe {wajt to . the^ c^lojcti^ city, the as to the future: If God of tb^ men attempts to pass himself *ppoa sas river, that tortuous, muddy. stream, iradley dbunty, on tbe 27th Marctj. It other is not- If one is right the other is tke denominstion ss a Baptist minister, orevia seM^aMs to God by Jeans wills," we will do thi.% or that—(^Ari^tan a BspUst, he is sn impostor. Beference—Wa. UTS and terror to steamboatmen,runs through b in the midst of Methodbts^ who have wrong. There is a wrong way to travel at Work. Crim, Castslisa Springs, Tenn.

•'Si. yt ^ THE baptist/MjpdTHJg. MAY 28, 1870.

stmetioo or bdp; and to this all Batista Smfori. lliis commends in the confliet. Here and there a Baptiat nitdypodipoiiedaetMHi. ItfawiKaethan TSam^ MAT 1870. [gr^ peril cf ftlfing into diaocnrd and over the Sonth^his smnnier and fall ap- itself at once to their conceptiona of may be fonnd who will strike hfa flag, So I think of aueh nataonal so- folly for one diordt to force its acts upon point inen to the Southern Baptist Con fitness, and makea Christianity to appear and surrender himsdf and hfa prindples. all othet- ^urcheif and more so when the 93.00 aa yoa apeak wltere the ine- consistent inth ItsdC a(V\|nK»^IeauaM» poor in vpon iia,and •ention that meets in St. Louis next Bnt will tiie rank and file of the Bai^t other churohea exanune them and pro- f I May, who are noft- Co-opmOionttU to the Nor fa belief diffioolL Aa I said once ^^'wfaete flfttiaM ia often wa^ and the before, thfa fa more a question of fiuth people thuaammnderr Not they. They nounce them nnaeriptnral. " ! patieAoe of the good exhanated by the oore,aiid are in favor of limiting the know too well what trxib nsaiosr is, ( than of history or logic. Here are my BicaatOHDi.—AB^»tist minfater, thor- iSM ^thaftw IwarUeaa and often abnnve apeeehea of representation in our Convention to the gronnda of fiuth: the churoh that Chrfat and that it can never be fulfilled thongh M ftisajl Ik* •riistlwi |thoae vho oererdo anythii«for nuaiioiia ooghly aoquittted with exfating infiu- members of Baptist churches. founded waa a Baptist ohardi—that is, of such nondescript oi|nmiaationa aa what •rCkciai; la Ghziii csMpt Ij a jeze^ to blow fbrthem at tbdr annirer- dicea, wrote oa before the meeting of the ^Mk ia immersed believers. He never founded are cdled open-commonion Baptist •• Jasiifyiac tal|fiarie& Bat what do>oa say of a any other. Thfa chnrch he promised to late Convention: .The Spirit of the Ptess. chnrchesw They know that such churehea XL^ ffS^ I "oeiety, in which ivery State has perpetuate in ita principles, ordinances "Riohmoiidandthe whole East will Sli^'hUwwplir^ Mf rwm^ * • ^ The following spirited reply to Bro. and officers. Such a church could only are dmply *nuUters of feeling,* and that ^pose your Board pubUthing books. aai tastily its^tfto Um wv^Mbj impl^ ^ ciatbn of deeted and respmiable repre- have been perpetuated by a succession of Poindexter's position is fnm the pen of the impotMce of such churches to hold T^ wuU to forettatt you by the Pub- ^••iftTiliiilIisni ti sH UsMaiaMadsi mo gin- sentatiTes of the BaptisU of the aeveral the same , kind of churches. If there has up and stand by the grand baptismd liahing Society. WiU you eurrender f •iM Ian ift Us>MpI« tkal d«M ast iafaeaaa a States all the iBore needed because of the Elder Jos. Walker, late editor ofthe been no such succession, then the {(ates of symbol fa as transparent as the light. I hope not. That Baptui Teacher fa a ••ate tM4 to tks^, saba kM^ij aad dillerenoes of which we sp^? WhUe Chrittian Indent, 6a. Brb. W. is a thor- hell have prevailed, and Christianity fa a huipDug." J. B. QaATas. diflerenoes woald m^e me afraid of How could churehea save that symbol ough Baptist, and opposed, as every fdlnre—Uie word of Christ haa fiuled of Facta justified thfa prediction. We • national sodety, sach aa yoa apeak of, fulfillmeA! Without faith in a succes- from being *blotted out,* while they Baptist should be, to doubtfully written now wdt for other revelations. The Con- THE &SAID PIAIOF OO-OPBBAnOI without such a society as I propose I am sion, we are handed ov«r to the miserable themselves jDraclieaffy dedare it to be of niLLT DETELOPED. afraid of the differences. What coald be views upon viul and practical questions: vention has emphatically pronounced its exp^ient of building churchM with un- no account, every time they come to the ACuaiMi te tTit riiriT-^ a«v(«»Tijr«to conservative and safe than an annua Only Once More. baptized believers! Better have no approbation of the promidng efforts of Supper of the Lord? Indeed, if open r nu representation of all the Baptists on the churches in form, but let every one act the Sunday-school Board, and has recom- Informed, by the Herald, that Bro. commumonfam be the true gosp^ theory, YWMi ftMM au cotenifc CMtMi | continent in a meeting^ of able and excel- Pmndexter had not teen my article before for himself, until some messenger from mended to the Board to go steadily for- ••wt-Th* umywiMt (Ktato- hgnt brethren, selected one from each glory shall point out a more excellent we do not see why the Baptfat denomina- his No. 6 on " The Administrator of Bap- ward in the preparation and publication T Ctarefc- Sj^tg »nd,Territory ? Give ns such an tbm" reached the oflice, no one wUl sus- way. I cannot believe that the many tion shotild ooiitinue to exfat. It costs of Sabbath-scbool books and the litera- . , . , ^ anniversary. Mid I am not afraid of the pect that it was brought out by anything lines of puritans that diverged /rom the milliona of. dollars ev^y year to snsUun We dip the foUowing W the list | differences that now alienate and en- parent stock, at the close of the second ture our schoofa need, fmd reoommended that I said oir wrote.- I hail it as a modn it, and an untold amount of time and sngei'our pea^ and pfMpeii^. Bat fication tf his views, as well as an im- century, have all been lost. Such « faiUi Kind Worde, the ChiUPa DeUght to the Ifkl^r. In every thing but the matters at the Gonvcition. It appeara wUh the]"» remote Board,** you aay, ^eannot I>rovement oo^his article on Valid Bap- would compel me to admit that thei Bap- undivided patronage of the churches. fmoMi iadofsement of the editors of the CfdtxvMU M^t^s^tM^i^mi one tists of this age, in all countries,-mi^y of ^jstisin and communion we ^are Con- tism, but not as satisfactory. Plain men Will Richmond and the East give over mallf fvu^^ --wiij. Ti.-^ cont^ooos." That Board U) Boston, look for something more than "proba- haVe had thdr origin with mnba^ized gregatio^alfats, an4 there would be an mraU Thejr publish ^ ^hey p^ howler wise and effiden^ cannot awak- believers. ** Credat JitdcBiu Jpella ** its opposition and let us have an undi- bility" from'sucti a mai* as 6ro. P. They iiQiQwse aaving in denominational ap- aoonce it an " important document" So Ln the same measure of sympathy and Jesus not only lives, but has dways vided and harmoffious Convention, or will are startled by the doubts with which he pliances by Baptists and Congregation- important as to be placed on the edito-i interest in Texas as one m Galveston cmt and others have invested this subject.. lived. Jos. Walker. ^ still direct its longing eyes to the North rial page. So imp«tant that they wish Memphis," If, as I suppose, yon mean alists being .^e.peoplerr-having the same They Mak: "W hereunto will this lead, Pebrusrj 21, leiO.". and give its patronage to Northern soci- it seen and coMdeied by the Southern ^ ^ u^erst^ that a Board in Gal ves- P, 8.-^idCe writing the above, Nos. ministry^ i churches, colleges, seminaries -and what hope have we that the integrity eties? We hope for peace and "union ta ^--i; ^ ^ mtT ^ or Memphis can do moie efficient of our denomination can be preserved f" VI., VIL and VIH. have appeared. The ai)d mi^ni^ organizations. In&nt %rtist Conrention. They oppose not ^rvice in Texas than they could if lo- among ourselv^ "If others than Baptists," they continue, first fud ^he last may be indor^d, as I .baptism <^uld then,^as in many chords one word of objection to its astounding cated in Boston, with only the wme tjii^k, with safety; but seven is enouierii "may baptize for us, why hot administer now, be an optional ceremony^ and every —Eld. J. Caimes, of Illinois, renews ptt^josals. We r^ard this as the ability, then your position is undoubtedly the ijord's Supper, and why may we not tq give chills to a sound Baptist in m^- thoroughly m^red and well agreed to correct. But can a Board in Galveston commune with them, and they w'ith us ?" summer. Surely, Bro. PoindeXtcr'slo^ic adult convert could then, aa fa often the hfa subscription to The Baptist because plan of the " CoKroerationists» who to Boston and^obuin as much "Yea, more, if the satisfactbn of the was nodding ! We rau#»t not recognize case now, Iiaye his choice between sprink- he cannot do without it, and says: w^o TT. rr^j^ "aooey to do with in Texas as a Board in candidate is to settle the question in con Pedobaptistd as ministers, and yet we ling and immersion. Thus every church " I dosed a meeting a few weeks ago ^em the who fought the Boston can raise aud appropriate in troversy, why may we not fellowship al may exchange pulpits with them !' Ci»me, would be the happy family, realizing the at one of my mission stations, baptizin_ou think as I do. You have sprioklmg?" I do assure my honored must either retract No. VI. or No. VII. full blessedness of free communion, and lies, twelve husbands and their wives. nomination at large should know what ^^ ^o^g not to know that acquaint- brethren that such inquiries as these arc The two cannot live together in har- with no uncompromfaing outside sect to Among the converts were two French the CooperatioDHts aim to accomplish: ""?®. confidence are as'essential to just now perplexinsthe minds and hearts mony. J. W. disturb the peace, by its unwelcome Roman Catholics uid one German Cath- jootam money as are acquaintance and of many^ valued brethren. The com- protests agdnst irregularly constituted olic. Five or dx others will follow soon. What one of our Forsign Missionaires Heaimg ^ Bnach. Mrsonal contact to wisely appropmte it. monest intellects leap to sequences by churches, and the perverdon of gospel Tours for the triumph of truth and in the pulses of instinct. There is an innate Believes. Jesus.** We pot Uie following letter, on account " we will suppose there is in Texas a ordinaacea By becoming open commun- jof its importance, on our inner page, that oigani^ mpti^ State Convention, sense of propriety that waSts Jiot for the " I believe that where a number of U may be seen by the memben of the which its Executive Board, and we tardy conclusions of logic, and I have men have had- their hearts renewed by ionfato, and finding thdr homes in Con- BIBLE BE7IBI0S. CcaventioB in Louisville.—Hirald. will snppoae there is located in this dty hope that this faculty is just now exert- God's Spirit and are resolved to walk by gregational ohurehes. Baptists would He. t. Meuh. EdUqfn:—\k have read with or in Uichmond an Executive Board, tiiat ih^its power in the right direction. the Word of God as their only law, they simply indorse directly and in man w. a. rAxros, -UL. interest your editorii^ of April 14.1 was dected and located by one vote froin But why should any doAbt, after hav- should unite together to form a church, fashion, just wh«t they would indorse a It fa one of the excellendes of our and should exeroise the gifts God hfl» my affi^ wifJi you that ** there are State in the Union. The brethren ing exaaioed the "summary" submitted little more dreuitously and sheepidily in Baptist, that its columns are open to the w«^ty objections aeainst merging M'^'^exas need hdp to evangelize theiiF by Bro. P. ? It " contoins all that he given them, choose one or more of thdr fair and candid inveat%ation of dl mat- StHithem into Northern in8dtution^" ^ State and sustain Uieir ministers. They number, whom God has endowed with open Ciitmmumon Baptist churohea. We can fipd bearing on the subject," which, tm of difi^nce amohg us. As the ootaiidy if, when H is don^ tiie Northern write to the Executive Board, that has as he would have us believe in advance, ability, to and teach as their are for the. short and etrdght route to onea are to remain ** Northern;** and there created for the whole country and is but very little. Well, let us see. It elders, thus giving them authority to the haven of free communion. Half editor-in-<^ef fa fearless and independent axe to be no otfiert. located at Itic^mr you, rection; t^the a^el of the Lord sent in themselves that should devdop the ion Baptist ^urf^ fa ndther the o;ie thing paper, while agreemg -with him in the than Smithem er EaAem than Western. l^ve him whatever support you t&nk Philip-to "guide and baptise the form of a gG«pd church." nor t^ othi^; It fa % sort of hybrid main^ are not required to conform their ThevAottldbiVhattheBaptistaof the be will need. Bei^ with him on the ennnoh ; that the Lord sent Ananias to R. H. Giuvi^ concern, md^g a w^-of-mouth ahow views to hkk Perhapa not one of them whole cooitfiy. ne^ and what they are I ^mid, you can judge of 'Ms neoessitira 3anl for a Uke purpose; and that Philip, Thfa fa the view of all who stagger M agreM with him in every particular. aliha intarisBiui: m ipataoAig. But you setter than we can. What we shall ask ^r the theory of a thing wUch it takes Peter, Paul and Silas were so connected » Buccession of the, order of priniitive In the aeriea^f artides I propose to aay," Our ooax^ ia very l^e, ectend- him, wiH be-that he lepotia to ns the with the ^impfatration of certain bap- the utmost pdns to disavow aud repudiate .to from Ihe Attaittic to the Fkdfi& and result (^imlabon>, ;aiat we may report tisms, that it is impossible to doubt tbat Christianity. It fa the old " dozen-oa-an initsdeed^ We propqse to clrave to imte on the subject of Kbie Revfaion, I from the balmy South to the North. I ^ Battle to our coBtrilnrtors here, and so they either did »t themselves or com- faland " theory, whidi has b^n explode^ the old cause, ^th its qj|d prindples and alone am responsible for the sentiipents & u almost an impossibility that the) dieer them and inspire them to give sup- manded it to be done by qualified ad- perhaps as often as there are daya in the us^ea. -..I^y are good enough for us. expressed. I do not presume to express Btoasts of these extended and diveid- port to several other men in your State, minfatrators. But these recorded &cto year. It fa based on a supposed contiur Am Ifti^ns dtduld. be represented in a m you shall name and on such fidds We kno^ how to be a very close commun- any views but my own. onl^ make it "probable" that "the ad- gency, which, has never, that we have di^ fuuHiar (kuifmUfftL At what an » you shall think are most important. minfatration of baptism fa an official ion Baptist, and at the same time to have It is not my purpose to reply spedally iMnig9ie.<^ moat convene! Where this were repeated with every function 1" What, t^en, would make it^ ever heard or read of, happened but once, warm mpept .i^nd love for all the good to any one of the various artides that could h find a^mmodations?** etc., etc. ptate in the Union, and the Baptists of cer^nt Give me a^ much evidence as since the world began; and then the ot- have appeared in the Baptfat papers of To th^ is io the aiwve, I add mr hearty e^ch State, "as MnCeming nving and'.,- ^ . ,, • ^ ^ ; - Chrfati^ people who* do not see -as we n gwization lived just long enough to we. But ifa t Miy time, in the dim future, the South op thfa sulyect ; but toprseni vaek . ' ^ ^ receiving,** were to coo^r^ with a thw for spnnklinnevegr anagaid ninfan lift t mbaptismy voice, Idonot beUeve itpnwticableforBap. Centrd or National Executive Bo^rd—a I never again lift my voice demonstrate the absurdity of the whole we should g8t.ticed of the old ways, and the subject to the Southern public in a against them. I .will do. more: I will proceeding. But it has left a " mus in practical way, giving to the objections tists from all parts of t1(}e country to as Board annually create 'and loc^d by trample down aU ^mers between their want to ti7 som^thiog nev^er, we trust aemble in large numbers, once a year, at the representative of the several feutes, communipn and ours, and invite evan- pice^ which has well nigh demented God will not leave us to seek it in any urged against the present status of the a giren place, «id there be Sntertained would it amount to such a fearful unbap- gelical Christians of eviery name to com- some of our most ardent harmonizers. re^-ision movement all the w;eight to at the e^nse of a few. If practicable, tw^ic ^ntralization, or to such a terrible such no ian^ yes establishment as an open memorate with me the death of Christ. There have, however, been individuals communion Baptist church.— Watehmcui which they ^ reasonably entitied. I do Biatl^avak wonld in any true sense consolidation of Baptists ^ to deprive But my brother and others are embar- be pr^table. If there ia a Baptist of of their independence ? If so, will and groups of persons, who have come andRf^lor. It is a matter of history that the cause rassed by the saying of Paul: "Christ to a knowledge of the truth' by' means lazge experience and extended observa- fou point out the dangjer and arrest the sent me not to baptize, but to preach the of pure versions of the Word of God tion, who desim to see the Baptists of evil, for, "sure as you Jiv^" things are of God's word alone—in fact, converted fonnd its warmest friends and most lib- gospel." But for this, probability " Editor!^ BreTities. tligthem whol e csuntry so United as to bring r ni-imintnra la «« the eunuch, and the baptism took place. Mississtppi CowvKHxios.—^In answer in the early part of 1860 the greater part tQbehddin yourdlyoyin Nsw Yoit . ^ " " ceiv^ from heaven, in which it was only to many,, we are mddng- dl our calcula- implied. Preaching and baptizing were Hence all the churches, planted by this ofthe Kew Testament had passe'd through One audi mai4 sent by ^ St^ orgao- J"*"^^ production. It haa been long tions to..be present. Bra Burns will ization in the Union, to constittte the | soak-r-it h^ beim wdl cpnudered^ or inseparable. The one implied the au- prince of missionaries, wen Baptist the hapds ofthe reviiers, and expressions also attend V.) and: preach in Colum- ^^ meetiiqf Ah: the yeat |J. S. ^KNA w^uld not have issued it thority to do the other, though one per- churches, whieh^thejr irould not have l^n, of approval from the friends ofthe reove- ron mght sometimes preach and another if the Pedobaptist had immersed him.— bus Sabbath morning ai^ night, June 5. ment in all quarters encouragcd the baptize. Philip preached " Jesus " to the THE MIPDOF^'TIIEPR^ENT eunuch^ but the latter demanded bap- Bib. Recorder. Mtssissim CouKGX.^^—^^We learn from work. The Revidon Association, at its ; Will the States be so multii^ed of North. "Sure as yqu tiray'and reouved it. tbePreddent^t th«e are now one last meeting held in I^uisville in April, M to make the number burdensome or|live"he speaks advisedly—and knows But hoW I Paul baptized only a few— We clip the following irom a corres- hundi^ pnplfa in attendance at thfaiq: 1860, noticed favorably the primary revi- mpopuhu-- As to .tiie expense, each that he fa heavily ,if not generaliy,fiadUd. a proof that baptizing was only:ao occa- pondent's article in that old Baptist p^ stitution, thirteen of whom are studying dons, which then embraced nearly the ^ ^ to We must believe the Noiih fa W sional work with him. Of tfce tk)rinth- per, the Watehmati and E^keior^ of for the ministry. ~ lie female college has whole of the Kew Testament. Dr. dMQ^ ua own repiCKntative. In auchi* a. ' - , • fans he' baptized only a few, md assigned Boston, Mass. All can see that hfa argu- 116 pupils: We cfNigratulate the officers Crawford, the Preddent, in an address Mtiof e«efa brotiier should be p^t-r*® ™^4»fecUon of ^e most d^Uc aa a reason the danger of bemg regarded ments apply with equd foree.to 4n open aa the head of a fiustion; but who will upon their success. before the Assodi^on said: " The results ted and to speiic &i^hn State, devised by Baptists or pulpit: thaffeoooadiaB^htliearfiiora the Baptists for Baptists. Rethought fa quite enough deny that he baptized many in other —A good ' itreacher and teacher is so fer show ti»t our plan fa a good one. «r ev^ SttSe^in the Union. In thfa to fiU us with terror, as well a? mortifica- cities? Doubtiess, he baptized whenever Being.oae Thisg orOtinpr, wanted at Westville, Miss. A brother For it h^ been suoceosful, and ita success im there wooTd soon be jU least one Bap-1 tion! it was made necessary for him to do it, " If the priqdple of open communion knowing Inmself to be both, aiad -wishing haa been of the noblest kind." Favor- by the absence of other qudified admin- s true, then m we free to. follow our a dtnation CM-address G. W. Williams. able notices from tio^e to time appeared tastes and pur couvenience; In other in nearly aH the Baptfat periodicafa of m «By.otherSt«e. With audi the coli^ of Ae Berald ^u^ why fa " the record so silei^t" with^ words, it fa to be a matter of feeling- —D. D. Sirindall^ of Texas, has sold ^^wiedge there would be u increaM I had assuniie^ hfa views regiurd to the admi^tratorfi of baptfam ? profound feeling,'if you will—^but only and paid for dg^iy-seven mammoths. the South. Kumerom letters were writ- 'of TOufidencean d a growing d^KM&ion jniet with &vor In-Kchinond, imd would, The only reason that drikes my mind is of feeling; What would be the result f Who has ddne'better? We Want 200 ten by prom^ent men of the denoi*una- ^ ^ every annnal meetin|r donbtle88,'by a oortion of tiie " re^na^ them^esty of the primitii^ preachers, Jimply this: men and women -wquld brethren to Sell ten more each, as we tion. Ontha29th&ptember,18fiO, J.Sw aa compared iHth the pride of ni modems. ollbw is the path f|f convenience, and have 2000 stiR on hand. lAmw^ of Augusta, Ga., Tirritcs to Dr. We.herald fisth our. bi^tiama with no one of the sj^boU: in which God haa ^'•FWMUtivea, an Execiitive Board , v> — Uttle^p^j^ TOmpljM»ncy,takin g care to expreraed Hw creed—^the one cre^ for : HoxoBa.~We are compdled to de- Wckofi; exc^g himself for not attend- of%vea b^^or^S of Greenville, the Mi^if^tor m prominent !n all nations—would soon be bkcted out of clme aev^l coUe^ honors^ all of a cer- tag the ap{>«»efting anniversary of the i W <^eeted and located for the poadi Carolina, who made a telling ^-icTOunt as i^cy wifiallow; but the hfatory of the Chrfatian church."-— tain classL Wo are tiffing to preach as TTnion as one of f^ spp^ers, on account ^g^jEw^vB Board shouldWedk ^dmit'Operation, l^ fiv tiie with the prux)^inE& b^tizan^ such iMveefrpmmyJExperience^ many annaal semons as our time will of some vnespei^ pastord diity,-and mm: •th m»Ae mfado 1*n—nT. wor• k' m% th~ e be«,T It gpeebiww^ weu heaiwb in^ud atu th sbe hhConv^oht vwnvanion, an, every day bnsinesa that they were We are not( at liberty to say who.a^ds permit, ba| mtfatmpectfully dec^e tl^ contoUt^ with, aaywg that ao many had I SiL^^SSS^^g^g Poi-^. rta noUiiog us these Leav^ firomhi s Experience, but honor- oTdeliT^g literary^ address^ "Praying the good • r leafTOg it to be taken for Lord to bleaa yoa and' to proq)er the ^^il^catiOT with the several reptfr f"**^?®*®^ to Wlidi he fa of^poaed, in a the knowledge of it would .give yet ad^ We have neither the time to pre^in m ral?? l^h the same number noble cniTO to wl^ you are devoted, I w^tMtM tf 'the State oreadzation, who I tone of trin^ph^" asked, « Where Irere ha^Cwt^y beenbap^Bei There were ditiond interest to every lea£ The above to deliver them, and after all, etd bonof remain frate^lyi etc.** Crawford 8pe%Tote,ndai* there any indications'of • growing teiH no Fed<^pti«t8 thetf to alarm the Lo^s »axagraph fa from the last one pubKshed, A Bj^AKK—A^trespondent -imtef attended the c^versary mee&:^ ^ the ^^"y dency to centraliatkm, afcmed by tt^ peofOe, tm- to vupply: sabttitotea for hfa md fa worAy of specul einpha^. tTiiion wiii^ ^^ held in Kew York Oct. Ml Jm^^. ^^^^ hr^rr We c» an.wef> here fa ti,e Eye^ thing that ingenuity and p^raiaten- Then Of; We fiuth. I^t «a discard the flirt ehur^ of thfa dty restdred Eld 3 ud 4, l8iB0, and wa» ona of the qwek- m<)tt{amidaatMtAalarnU»ffj>roo/ciit^ cy could do to drive iu~&ptiat8 firom h^Mdtoordoubt: N. P. Moore. It is a tnfatake. ife aim- ^ \on tlurtr ojseadon. Bfa sfsmarb wa into Au^w tmneUdng like Uy that fiuly wtitten View® on the gntje^ of offi- out podtion on the great question ofj ply asked Uie church to ap^nt a com- Co^iptmion^ an rwa miking U> bdnxy dal baptismi, since ihew tend only to not reported, b«t be fa aiU to Wa biptism and comimunion, hu been d6ne,imittee of brethren to meet a committee ntter^ "none knl of a^j^rb^ me

THE BAPTIST. MAY 28, 1670. m ^ w not the> 4aoo of Bra Gravea, who has partially feeding orphans and widowa, and saya^ world. There is an exoessffb courtesy shows gnwsra of oar region of the oooatry. If «orn presence what promised to attend, I will state that Min- ** And what are yon Cliristians doing?** to the propagators of errorj and a half-way is not planted to an extent eqtia! to bciae o n- and, secondly^ to chaHtngelhe cla^rap fellowship extended to Ume of whom Paul snmptioa at lesi^ plaatert will feel very ptmr TVeiit7-FlTe Tfcwiswd D^IIafr den n directly on the line of the Vicka- of nominal* Cbristiamty which k bein^ wonld demand, • Bow long wilt thoa aat eoase next fan aad wiator. They will be sellinft k alao jinathy of note that at that hoTg^ ShreTeport and Texas nulroad. won to the embraces ot Boman Catholl- topOTvoxi dm ways of the LordV ThoM were th«ir oottom at twolvo tofiltooa oeats per pound, fcred... ft eamouUee spfK^ted to exam> PoWNia deriring to come can get from dsm because of the labors of their prieata stalwart iasa who, ia 181S aad oawwrd, threw if aot less, Mid hnyiac oora aad pork at nearly We are wlliiag to give away thi» sf "^labarg to Monroe, partly by rail and and nnns to save the orphans while we themselves iato tho breaoh, and by God's bless- warprieeo. - , twenry-five thonsand dolUra' worth af Am leave them to perkh. moat valuable pramiams cvar oaenfll^r aaar to TiBioCliy mj ^^^ttfTtbe Fnkm partly by sti^ and then by stage to ing, arrested the of error that wasstealtkr 'WesaytoourrtadefSiplaBtawro eom. Ton 3. That we most earnestly recommend ily flowiag in npoa the eharehes of New Eng- eaa pUat la Jaao • lato erep. Make sure of subscribers, and wo offer these to Baftists Ts Ji pskfiriiei in tiM^nne, JoSy and Minden. Or, by coming np Red rirer to to all Christians, and aak it of the entire tho SUtos of thia Uatear Shreveport, or Washito to Monroe, there land. I sometimes fear that whea they went core. mmlien of the Biile XMon brotherhood of Baptists throughoat the to heaven^ they carried their mantles with Stat^ that we hftTe ft'grand awakening A'Bbaoti^ WOXK O» A«r.—We 1000 EBfUnhaas^ dseek Reporter lerickn OTtheae portiona win be atage paasage the balance of the them." . •« 59 ««ch of the Kev TteataBieBt, aa fiu* as the way. upon thk snbject all over the land; to. wero showa by tho poUla oaavanlng agnt, Mr. SABBAT^ SOT^OI. COHTX»TIOK. effect which let the Friday before the Stoaor, a peaeil sketeh of a bird's eye view of 1000 UfB ani Epistles af Faal, agbtk Terse of the Uurd chapter sectnid second Sanday in June next be set apart Catholic Items. . ta ao BMb—Z • Thk body & to asaemUe immediately Memphis, rivor aad saborto, wUoh Is reaMrka- ofllmoUij. The work aeen» thorongU J aa ft day of special prayer to Ood for thk IXSFKCnOK OF ROMAX Cathouc COW- Uy trao to life. This sketch wiU bo liiho at the close of the Sute CoaTenUon, at 1000 8adtk>s Bf^le Dfetloiiuy* done." wotk, and let each chnroh or community Tasw.—A few days since a motion was made, graphed providod eaongh of ordars oaa bo se- •a ao ^ I hare thna ahown that up to the fbarth Uie same place. It hM hitherto done request some one to address them upon and carried by a small majority in the British onred to warrant the expense. Every citisen this subject, and let eaah congregation Parliament, to appoint a committee to inqnir* . 1000 Csples of THE BAPTIST, of Ckstober, 1860, ererything moVed on worse than nothing, for the reason that of MempUs, aad property owners at least Oae year money deposited for books has not even take np a subscription and report to the into CenTentnal and- Monastic institutions." should oneonrago the artist la the oxeeation of satisfactorily, and the vork of the Union agent what they have done or will do, Any one (Attaining five b«w snbueribers As been heai^ from, whereas, 'if there had The adoption of the resolution has created a a work that will do honor to oar city. met the approval of the prominent men for the enterprise. By this means we can great sUr among the Catholio officials, and be entitled to either oao of tho above boofci, < W Bear Mou3n>s?—The Taa Barast fiao for oao year. of the Soath. been no such Convention, the books soon know whether the building can at every possible effort is being pat fnrth to pro- ho th« Roeiy Momntam New* announces the recent dis- would have been obtiuned from other once be commenced. Tent the appointment of the Committee. An 1000 jSoatkeni Fanaers* covery of mounds In the monntains similar to THE BAPTISTS OF LOUISIAIA. quarters. I hope there will be a thorough 4. That thk preamble and resolutions editorial in the London Watchman of April 6th, fS 00 cack-.. those wUeh have already beea found in the be spread upon onr church book and that referring to the agiUtion growing out of the What Th«y Eavv, and Wliat Th«y Veed. reorganization at the next meeting of tjie valley of the MississippL These mountain . 1000 SeetasaraLx, BT r. cocanxT, h. s^ li. a copy be sent to Rev. J. Albert HilL action of Pariiament, rery properly argaes: •a as ea|>7) L Louisiana Baptkt Sabbath-school Con- J. R Carter, Mod. mounds are Ugh np on the Booky Mountains, Since I have assamed the reofionaible vention. F. c. E. P. Dubasdo, Clerk. « The conrents are prisons. They are built, three thoiuABdJrat above the timber line, are 1000 Wall's Haaaal of Agriealtuw,. poffltion of Editoriai CiHitribator to Thk as every one m^ see, almost strongly enough of stone and evidently very aneient. They are •t so «aeik(a»>Mr;}..: : Bro. Graves :—Inclosed yon will find to rtand a siege. High w|lls, massire doors, partly of stone laid np, and partly of stones BAPxiar fiir Loeieaaa, I most labor spe- Tha Baptist So&day-school Convention of Any one obtaiaiag three subscribers five dollars. Send me onedolUu^s worth fitTmidable fastenings, gr loosely thrown, covering areas of one or two receive either oao of the above three. Mksksippi cially to ^omoie tlMt iuternita of the of tracts, anch as will lead nnners -to tentous solidity—are these things the Tki«o*« all parlies eati- and th« relative position and condition of inquirifs are made by friends or lovers, are re- We have used the above compound for several of the gospel. I leave it with you to send pledges, araoant to $12,000. Forty-five mis- tleAMS, CHANDLER & CO., • Bro. RoifToe, iflL j^ April number of five yeacs, the first payment to be made to record onr soleihn protest against the preroga- Deliberate with caution, but act with deci- of these several falls Is: aota sc., Xc-ur Tack. the Jiaptut fiwrff^fi^ aays tmly th^ at least by the close of the present year. tive claimed by the ohureh of Some to detain Returns fisi Sllbtr pUtt) CiBirt. sion, and yield with graeioasness or oppose men and women at her pleasure, to enjoy powers Bridal Veil Fall ...... ". 940 J Ui-lS-ir.t7 " many B«ptk|p ^ |alk ao if they A generous pledge of thk kind will with firmness. and immunities which are not concoded to any only happen to ' ^ Our Tosemito Falls'(three in number)... . 2G84 At a called m.OfsUng of the Directors of the give us boldness in our approaches before Men of genins are often dnll and inert in other corporation, or to any individual, in the Vernan FalL...... ^...^.O)...... •••SoO Sonthwestom Ps^liahtng Company, held to-day churches contain many such persons who the Throne that the Lord send prosper- society; as the biasing meteor, when it descends realm." Nevada Fall • e»*«a*«*a vaea** •••••• 700 in the rooms of the Directory, it was nsuWcd have connected themsalvea. with us, not tp tbe earth, Is only a stone. that it was deemed pulvisable to enlnr^'' the ity upon us and npon our afflicted land. South Fork Fftll..*.••••«• •o«***»«e*ea««*«*«*•••••••••600 stock of the com^ny to meet the increasing from an earnest conviction of the truth A large book of registry will be kept A generous soul never loses the remembrance Royal Arch demand for the pablloatioa of books, ai<.') to pro- and importanceof oar priticij^ea, bat from of the benefits it has receircd, but cisily for- Sentinel Fall ...3o00 vide for the erection of a stereotype unfl elec- in the archives of the institution, in ets those its hand dispenses. Secular. trotype foundry; and for these purports tho accidental aiiiociatioD. They liked some which the name of every church, local These are but a few items in the scenery ac Secretary was authoriud to reopen th<> b^^ks Effects of Odex Commuxiox.—A count of this wonderful place. Sentinel Dome miniiiter or member of the church, or agent and individual contributing will be A CoRRECTiox.—We copied the re- of the company, and accept such e44hional were socially connected with people ot' correspondent of the Examiner says: "It is mark of the editor of the Avalanche touching IS a mile high, and the most wonderful in the amounts of stock as may be offered or su'-^f^Hed; carefully entered,~^gether with the sev- further noteworthy that members of the Gen- world. The United Slates granted it in trust provided, however, that^e captuil siock for ihc Dr. Schon's prayer Sabbath before lait, and present may not be increased above the an: juot our faith, and thus accidentally became eral anionnts. This record may be of eral Baptist churches of England who emigrate to the Stato of California, to be forever pro- i3apti:«ts iu niuae. l^ch people may be credited it to the Appeal, at which it takes of- of thirty thousand dollars. special interest to coming posterity,, and to this country usually unite with onr churches, fense. It was an oversight, and we regret it. served as a ploMure ground for the people of H. A. Paktee. President. readily known. Tliey are const^tly de- will also serve as a protection to those while in not a few cases the members of open We did not "sneer" at Or. S. or Methodism, or the United States. Three men have squatted S. C. Rookrs, Secretary. Memphi?, Tenn. Marah a 1870. ff precating controversy. The slightest managTng in its affairs. oommunion churches cast in their lot with the any one else, but only smiled at thedelicateness in it without a shadow of title, and ask that ^edobaptists. The writer not long since met mention of our " peculiar *-iew8" ehocks of the criticism—" a nice essay in the vocative.' the land be gfknted them. Ont of this they "The Heated Ttaii" is Coaisn.—The Sus>- Truly, yours, J. Albert Hill, with j| lazily, qo^t pf.jr^ftin bad belonged to their nefves. They want you to let Gen'lA^t. It is the pre^Kent fault of the modern pulpit, would make a show ground, and are now before mer months will very soia be fairly ushered ia Spargeon's chnrel^ ii| .London. Yet when they the Appeal thinks we onght to have taken moro Congress pressing their claims. It is to be with their sultry weather ami long train «C others alone, and all denominations to Carrollton, AU^ M»y 18,1870. diseases. It is the season natau can da came hither they r^ily united iritbthe Meth- notice of the Methodist Conference sitting in hoped that Congress will not make tho grant, dveil togethu: iu n«ty.^ ^evex having BESOLUTIONA OP BUNTbyiLLR BAPTIST odists, and one of the members of this family, little in recuperating our t-xhtmsted strength, this cityi We left the city before the Confer- or in any way turn Yoscmite over to specula- and when we are required to foitlfy our phy- examined the difierenees that exist CHURCB. as the writer was informed, is now studying tors. Wii£B£AS, Jesos from bis own Hps enca met, and were absent until oar paper of sique against the dangers arising from the among Christians and the claims which for the ministry in the Methodist Episcopal last week was going to press. Will not the universal prevalency of sickness. The only taught of the heavenly nussions of hk church. The old banks in South Carolina are true safeiraard is that sure and reliable team the truth baa apoa iis,.t|iey de^ieeiate people when he sud **I was hungered Appeal excuse us ? We sre confident the Meth- slowly resuming business and invigorator, MISHLBR'S HERB BITTERS, the value of sound doctrme and graerally and ye gave me meat, . . naked and A prominent^ Baptist layman of Ten- odist Conference will We now assure our which is indorsed and reeommended by the adopt the absord rad permcious opinion ye clothed me ^ alse by hk apostle pro- nessee writes: " If yoa could lire a thousand neighbor that we had not the slightest thought MABRIACES. medical faculty and by unnnmberod thonssnAr of ill will toward" it—our remark was a com of persons, in every city, town and village ia that " it matters but little what a man claimed that" Purereli|non ana nndenled years, no snch opportunity for doing a great UarrUge DOtiCM not ioMrtcd odIcm sccompMird li> the country, who have tested its remedial vir- before God and the Father k thk, to visit pUment—^^have never sought to injan it—sin- believes so he. k sincere." serrice to the denomination wonid present it- ropoiislMe aaniM, and witUn stx vetka of ercnmiici>. tues, and by its aid, preserved or reoBverod the fatherless ud widows in their afflio- self as that whish yoa now hav* for bringing cerely congratnlato it on Its snooess, and the Any notice ont of ttiae or leasth, otaaj oae n«t • patrDu their health. It will parify the blood and secre- of thli paper Isaerted pai4 natter—twenty crnu for It were just. as well for us if all such tioas and to keep himself unspotted from Sonthera Baptists to eo-operate irith the Ameri^ ability^th^Yhieh it is condnoted, and trust m tions, cnre every form of indigestion, and affosd the wfiridand, that ki^fy rfIatioi|8 will ev«r ^ maintained each eight words. - i - imuediate relief In eases of dysentery, xoik, persons had happened to be something can Baptist Publication 800101/. It is the voice cholera, cholera morbus, and kindred diseasns else. They do nothing personally to- Whereas, The cry of the desUtnte or- of God which has summoned yoa to this work, between us. # SPROLE^PICKLE.—Married, at the resi- Provide yourself new against a timo «f nooA. phan comes to us from onr cities to our and his hand will gaido yoa."—Jfef. Seratd. Delays are often dangeroiu. ward propagating Baptist sentiments, A coUon factory is being erected at dence of the'hride's father at Williamston, S. ** highways and hedges,** many of whoAi C., May 12, bj Eev. J. C. Farman, Rev. H. F. andjf they contribute anything to aid Bro. Jeter quotes this without remark. "Co- Mt. Lebanon, La. are the children of uose who fell in the Sproles, of Mississippi, to MIm Rebecca Pickle. SuAKiso AVo Bcaxiaa.—It is aot necessary in building np the Baptist cause, they war; and. operation" means the gradual absorption of onr ^Ivj Qordon, who lives fourteen miles to jonmey from the tropics to Alaska in order Sabbath-fchool work by the American Bapti|t give aa mnc^ ta o.th^,tQ pull us down. Whereas, The Baptkt Sute Conven- southeast of Holly Springs, Miss., is one of to experience the extremes of heat aad oslA Publication Society. We don't beliere tlwk DEATHS. Thousand! undergo all tho ineonveniences oT Oh, for earnest lovers of the truth who tion at the late anmveraary determined, t#enty-seven brothers, all of whom were bom God ever called Bro. Jeter to do this thing. [Obltascy aottowsot li^rte4.aiata aocvapMied bj this thermometrieal change every day, or eveiy realize that God speaks with authority by the grace of God, to snatch'from ruin of the same father and mother. -Mr. O. is the other day, aa the ease may be, withont tho tno- as many of these helpless and unprotected rwpoaaSbM bum^ and w^tn iu wcflu ot theic O«C«t and will hold us rerponnble for every CoBRXcnov.'^--^E^ Recorder only ono of the twenty-seven living, but most reae«. Ho •Mtaarjraotlw'of am tKiB om bnadrad aaa ble of moviag over the threshold. A wocdwiih little ones as in their power lay—trusting states ^t^e ^per delays •Uty words WiU Wadmtttad, aalcM aU over tkat astoaat these iavolaatory shakers. What are they form of error we hold and aid in propa- to make them a blessing mst&id of an a^ oc all or them were raised to the age of.mato' li pi^ lor at tk* rate of'trn cent* for ererj d^t wotdt iag to expedito their retara to a mriiam ts^ gating, either dirc^ly orindbectly. ilietibn or a curse to our commonwealth, as^i^y^!^ th^ editors o! rTty. Pleaae coaat tha words. Aoy notice oat of time or leagtt, perrfturef-^ break the chills and haalsk Urn and endeavoring to lead them to Jesus an indorse- Diauonds nf GKOEGiA.-RA writer in a oC any oa* aot a patnm «f this papw taaartad upaid SMt- fover? Are they dosing themselves wiA^ w. E. p. ter—tmaty eeats l>r ea^ si^t words.] - aiae, thereby imperillag the soaa^eseoftoir Christ; and kem Baptist Georgia paper says that on a linO of rock tra- llo. Bro. boaes, aad Impslriag the vigor of thdr hraiaa UHIBIAIA BAPTST OOIYEHTIOH. Wheieas, In order that the needed versiqg Upper Georgia, near Gainesville, to V AMA€K.--Mra Mary C. Wamaek, irife of Thk body k to meet with the church means be secured for the pexfecting of accept ao- Virginia, n|imbers of diamonds have been found iSsmrSr^Wsttrni indiffer- L. A. WamadE, aad daaghtor of XordsB Taylor, in Minden, cm Friday before the ^rst thk noUe entexpriseth^appfratedMv. by accident by persons who were wholly Igno- was bora ia Baehiaghsim oottaty, Ym joined J. Albert Hill genersi agen^ to devote ent portions of the South and West. Having rant of their aatnre or value. Some of these Sabbath in July next. It k very desira- hk entire energies in bringing thk done this, and seeing that our acceptance of the choreh at thixty-two, Uvod a .e^=sisteat ferer and agne is nadenlood aad appreetatod diamoads are worth fhim «100, $900^ %aOOO, B^ber foarteen yei^ aad di«d at Morris town, ia all pwU of the eooatry where imtecadMaats ble fiv auiqr teuom that there rfionld heaven-given work before onr SState ; the posittoa would enable us to render import- prevail The residcBts of sneh leealitics I ^,000, to 18,000,000. Several have been lost, East Tenn, May 11, 1870^ ia thf forty-sixth be a foil attendance, and we call atten- therefore be it ; ant service to the many thousands of the des- and two broken to pieees to see whenoo eame to take it oarly ia tha spriag as aj. year of hbr was aa expected Ti^ gainst the mlsma by whtth they are mr- tion thill early to th«» tim^ ar-^ p1ai««> of Be»6U9dy 1. Hiat we^after mature de- Utote children, white and colored, ia the Soath, thjBir brilliaacy. When examiaed by diamond we have consented to the arraagement.—BmL tor. She had piovionsly prtparod her horial rooaded; iiot all of thai, perhaps, fto a blbi meeti^, in oi^er thai a^i^ww- may lib^vtion, ezpTM in tlua s<^ £>na our minen, Georgia, the writer says, wiU yield adhereneo to error b the speeiaUy of eoma Herald, •alt, and befor* hor lUatss had Aeaea Bristol, be givCT to make the necessary arrange- nioit hearty ^oroyal of erecting, at aa cdnntless millions of dollars' worth of diamonds. people—bat the grsatat ammber. early a ptacticaple day as pospbl^ an The ^atioMl .fispfw^^ your accept- Tenn, as tho. plaea of hor Jwrial- She took If there ia any iXiyl M la therapontics, U KOta^ There are many churdies and Or|^an*s Home, .npoo conceptions anil aiiae Mfbro there had b^ W time to eoasalt. The PrinoetOD/ III, JUpublican tells sick on tho lOt^ died w Jk* 11th, ^ is this: that drt^BUti^ area &rhattsrss^ •evoal aagociationa^ m the nor^eastern plana nosr beii^ effected, and that we the storjr of a yoanf ooaplo wlio passed through bariod oa the 18th of Ms>; She Reaves a hns- mM agaiui all !Se varieties of pgnedw How some flees ean jamp I Bat we beg** pardon maladies prodased hy aawholesooie oUIUm paiMtea wK^Imw ygpieacnti^ jttedge ourselves to bear a good part in ^for ever haviag allnded to the subject—Kh. that town one day last week in an ox-teanl^ on b^hd, alao diildren, W ^ v h thaa aay drag eridom»oaad~1a the aaoppor- tin cost of p^maiientl|r esUblidiing the Beeorder. their wedding toar, to settle oa aew landln moam their loss. n. : . mediea of the Mdhtoion. This assec^ la noble institution . ,earnestly befievrag, in Iowa. Tho youag maa aidd that ho was 16 with all'i^nueetto thefiaeaMic, TKKDKsrcm nr 'ftis;0L0GT.--Says an tuMty (tf ea^ carrying the addition tothe gr^ good to Tetcutto yaara of age a^ Us wife 14, aad that ^ fath- Saaas i»a rta BaacWAai.-^. a4*eras^ b^ng « ia^iSffiST*^ W thM a^ eldfxlj jderfyman ifi Maine : hav* been for oo^ms th^eelth of |.q;e satiM^ta ^a- ^^TTnTTintinn fihmrlf^j thw si^ childien^oer aoula will be gpe^y «r-ia-Uw had fitted him oat with a aad moat thns aatitled may bo :foa^ ^ wthor B^ tluqi kalf a erat^ ia ilM Chzittiaa min- next year. I trdrt they will ava3 them- benefited by thos tbex<<^** fAfMin^h, udthat ho iatmd^ matog Us istry, and I suppoas ay youger brethrea ..oommsadod for^^ w or.Bi^ forUiae by bajias * inprp.viag tMOAi mp w to eoaidder me aa old oharehoa hy soch ss« M IhK Fi^ kind k need^ iipw" ~ It. the|^ hsJO^d from DeKalb eoanty, IlL Laihzbo. aad maay oT oar lan^ juA beat fugji but I^ist apoa it, a man mast b« btf|d te^reho^ohM hare simdf ^"tiMiNd it To bc«ik i» chills aad ferers, as aa a bat aot to diseeta the dilntfog and deplet- the ^ftt ^ W^l ^ poUtioto plsnt wiih tho most aaUsfiMt«ir«^lls. ItsSj^taiBS more thaa thirteen hoad^ kyauw set to mnale. this wholeeome vegeuMe restorative. tee iag teadendes there' are In the theologiei^ eoioi tjiiii season is spreading among tho cotton 'I ,A •

28. two. ^m^m n BE bsab. important resj^ctg has not been surpassed tain, a regul^ army of soldiees: The AXIOMS. Scientific. ••• • ' —^ ^as a civiiizaUpp aitaiak to a^ Ea*t rlotdik aBtS'ai* hortietiltiwttte • they "me Mvm" Tract Society. SCHOOLS. 1. AB r^gtooB juito are acts of - •ht^Henm^nflT, T or SPBOHB OP THE HTTMAB^ aUiM»t exclusively, enjqj-e!^ ^y negmes. Tbf tenui of au-atwfihlp in tia« 80^ sn» u foUoir*: ' 2 lliere eaa be no obe»lJec«itj wbere 'Pmm nil • ^ m^0 nittafcrobms, upon wbiiSh they ft^ |>erfl' g no ia». From all these inveaU^tibns we can- aeU or awsj-C Robertson's Commercial College, scientific qncstions are'bein^ inore not oonctnde tbeAWcad to be different their ydrag. Wasps are paper-mabu- w»ra or rdJgio.. tntUo, mmJt to^ a«r. IL "^ere can be no obedience r.-here'tbe facturerff. Caterpillars are silk-spinners toff 1SS5, will be^aiTlfed M •nnn.l Bi.mUt; ts wortfi ' knr ia -not knrnm^ xlioronorongbly^tiifeWusat' M >armlj,drs- m either infeireetnal or moral t^ature « Ufc member; |l(» worth a u'f. dirrctor. hiuidred. XfK 2«7 mAJX STBECT,: 4. Tlu're east be no obedimcetba thatt i si not jcasscd, by both infidels and ChnstiMs, fi-OTh tbe Knrofpean, except as be bafe The bird: oloc^ iexior is a weaver; he pfcSMTfor e»cry $1 icnt. riw mrmbn* wMttilOppotit» Court SqmMB. Xntniiea 19 Conrt ettn't, ^ fers-rnnl. eaBes a web to make Us nest The ^wftw^Adilfw, ' J. R, GBATZS • holds thtit ^^ b^ made by orcurostanci; yjISMPHJAi TB!fKMSE«. 5. T; no obedience that which he bad no control, • or^j^iinif.(i'v t fe a" tailorlailur; liliee thtn^e leaves wni^'r-;. ^ 0/ oo^.fji^^ J»it.VtW they bad Car TTcct- rolnniie«r» for Tiaird Quarter. CoHege Kodrs from 9 A. M. to Of 1». M. T'-i r - CO obeiSenct' that is rot iiiwr origin ip^gfai^^eut.pi^ea. In Xow if the rri'^ro and TMs initirntian fUr Hie MaeiitTiin •>f Tocn* iB»n and I tW European a Vrxmai^^witV a chip-or pi^^e of LIFE DIRECTOKS "'t*' and iai«rili«w». Who dmim to prp. pronii't: ! t»v/.."I®, and a^jcomrjanit^tl bt ihU Icotore ti» attempt wiU be to iiuU—bt'Iona.to Lai-k owi-i.:., V,^' ^ , pai* tli»fr »o%M In th« »hof»At tlm- »D.i At tin l.-«.«t fmtn. > 11 M. < j-t:^^.!, yauivr. Texa,.i.aia....„ 'ff'^S^f^^eft V fiiSnro, •Jcjui^i^ lier« D, t T. Ev^ry act ofobedience is like bantLrn,sprov e men of on^" specie*, «nd in the JifTt, thattbis one species bad one and do, for a)I others eonfexsediv •. \ . j' MESIBEES. UfB McnJwnliip. sLc - - r a good cotucicnce toM^jrd ot!.r one ongin, toVit Mb Jtsia. themsclveH bet^rec'^ thesev,n . , r:ii)ge many-Others, itre Hnntersj. The J R pild...... ™. __ 5 CO Good BoftrJ sp<.-Br'>-I at 2Ji <.•0. black BvaV and Jierou are fishermen, OBc«fathe? of B-;:j liie aLove all can see tluit infannit l - ^ wit^^ , Uc ''^•'cifically than ve have . W-'"- .Z™7 d0| 8. ROBEtti^S, Wnclp*!. bspf i'^.i i? not a rmffiotts act^ beeaiis*? it Tfm auU are rcgular iluy-bborer^. The h F. >r and can in no (lOMe be foa-Meri'drarvfiill j disting.aishe.J frofn f/qjit''* ^u^n iJie this what makvs Monkey U a .wpe-danfer. The associa- m - • -r ' fobedfmrf. There is no law f »r the diiTi-rcnocs wUioii we w-e l>etweeii the • rv - •} «» SEWINRTn G MACHINES. uiitf baiul, (•several ^pcH'ies ctHubiniwg- lo different races of men ? Fir«t of all /hot/tio a of leavers presents with a rao.kl U- S-kW Kurc.-f , JliUoo.-Fla, jpaM. 5 w« 00 k: ui'i k'so, the iaw eotdd not be l£no\rn of republieanism. The bcC3 live under mdiu up a gwiuf,) and front fyjt-ietj on has far moj-e to do with it than we are at AX.\,r AL MEilBKi:^ , D. UAUSON. G. MORTON ¥7 rhi-m; nor can infants exereise vOliii<>u, a monarchy. The IiuliAu antelopes Tpnm-sm*. -. r faith; nor bare jbere a good e«)n- the ©liier, (severiil variutics Wing in- first dis|>o5od to hcltcvo. We see a proof '^••'•Ksn-S.i, >jr.i, put.?... Virgin;*. •oeu'.'e to be ansvend br Wptisi cluded under a mingle sj>ecte?.) furui;^h an example! (if patriarchal gov- baptism. In- of this in Ireland. In. some parts of the HARMON & MORTON, napdisin, then, not omyis destnictive Peculiarities of hair, color, etc., do not island the inhabitants have had for ernieut. Elephants eshibit an aristocracy ^radamental[prin^L« prin^Ie ^ff CChri^ianI - prove different species* Color does not, centuries to wage constant war for very of eld«*r!4. wad horses are said to select ftf—ode^enec—ha-odteSatcc—butt HHCTectuallv eftectuallv pat s it their leader. SBecp, in a wild state, are ^W L>J»ck. Pontotoc. Mi« paid...._ ~ «at of the power of' the one sprnsprinklei d in as Ilomboldt thinks, because it changes existence. They have been compelled J L Uendrreon,Kobin»on. CoNs food, and have oaen found even this ram. aK«rur< asd mRt-believers into the chuccl more certain th^ «lisc'ti8 m the personal alwaysfrom lighte r to darker, and finally|»rt s of the island, where the soil is bet- Prussia. One day, having thrown aside I Florence Lod^Stftdi Sewing Machine ity of a pemteat benever ? ter, and the means of subsistence have black. So also with eyes. The eyes of all state ceremonial, they determined to _ _ jTlkw, iwwnt conntT. Ira parental duty, like circumcision,it been more bountiful, the people are !X.pd_ 1 00 , BUY THE BEST, D never be the duty of the child, though he people of North Europe are genera!- see the sights of the beautiful city on t^g . p^ ii^Wt only ^ belt of about five aniong men may be accounted for in this ^^ ndviete and wittyremarks, aske d Look ^trtoh" Sewing Machines. dcgisei,^iuider the equator, and tha very lOB hjm who he'w^ "Well,'^ rejoined 1001iwSlr'tgyi^f Prtetm f ^ it f »• the only Brat md achismatl^ hot*e«r>^ of th«|^obe. There ate all But external circumstances have not "I »ot ask you who you poeiiMe^rielies of cbFof in Africa. The of haptiam as ^dr ^oiie all There is such a thing as an K®"*^'^ jo^t perhaps SP 90^, ^ arrt—r-®^'®®e aD C^bellite s unbapunban-. new varieties of sheep or other domestic ^rognish twiqkl e in the comer 6 r ^^ bemuse Mr. Campbell and the first•mimn g th« aborigbm the Mtne result is CD (taipbeSfte preadbers had no other. animals, or of plants. Likewise God put incredulous nod of the TXcCiaioagb, Erin, Mbs. Mid re^hed. Some tribes of Indians are as potency in the one protoplast pair of(as much as to say,-"This boy b EU J U B^li. ^aa. paid ints and Oimpbellites cannot fiur as the Xrermans, while some are Eden to produce different and necessary ^ cording gae a bit"). « And might J M^ixlor, Wal^Fla, pald....„l..[._.... aeef t^ dilemmaa, they rest impaled newly or quite as |}Iack aa negroes. baac A BUalon, WlllUtMi, 8. C..' p^t-t . .. types of men for the world—the Esq ui- ^ ^ w^o you be, my the third—«hre cannot teU»'—and But if color does not pfove difference Trmeta Scatfitr Seem ^ <^arter. maux; for the far North, the Arab for the " Th®y <»" Francis Joseph,C H UatMn> Sakm, UresoB, MM. |0 OO [See htUe book entitled «Tri- specie^ neither does the structure or JrtncU Jewm., MorRanfleld,rfy. pai d ^....IT.W 00 foT the desert, the Bushman for the burningEmperor of Austria." "Most J^^ If PtauaWoa.'Tex ^ ~10 W JiatCOT juui aitpuneenti — brmationof.the#kin. lie skin of all Mambnrj, Ark. p^id 6 M picefijfty cents . a W.JPut House. men is the same, only solne parts are tropic, the Caucasian for the temperate p^PI^y'®™®''® acquaintance, Frank, J B Cywd^ M^n, Te.n.'^ld! I " SIMILiB the punishment finitely varied circumstai.ces and condi- ^^ ®"y ^^tn"ied to the third IS I"n M X Carotin. UtlUboro••, Union ~ < •• I 00 SATUFACTIOJI GVA&ASTSKA. Bj^tism opens to every one of us the gaterac e and tribe shows all varieties of hair j There is one other argument against | Frederick William, and I am Slian J Gnvn, •• « 1 00 from the straight to the most woolly. It " McBrids Val»d.«ia, Ga, p.id 1 00 400.000 SIK6EK MACHIlfES 15 USE, variety of species among men which is Prussia." They then reminded iarsfiJobnaon. * * •< rJLM i nn has been claimed by some that the hirsute HoIU. Blackman. . " - ^ S d {S -AHD- of great weight and deserves a notice ^ad promised to tell them Georn) Garrett. •• •• .« STiS" » nrt >n confirm^ covering of a negro is not hair^ but wool. more extended than can here be given ^^ a^®"" some hesitalion, JIniSlU Mitcb.-ll. " P*M~ I 00 A'oae worn out or nltamtd at Imptr/ftL t required to ans^rtjk^'questionsi : Anatomical and scientific investigation Mrs tmn Blaekman " paid, I 00 ^ "What IS your name it. It is the impossibility of hybrids air of confidence, Pat, James T Furtsor, paid.. 1 00 denies this. 1 00 A. «ir. or M." propagating among themselves. It is •'and to his month, whispered •ebbiman, BTBD « CO., Q. "Who gave you this name?'* Nor can any more be proved from well known that the oflSipring of hybrid T ^ am the Imperor of China, but don 5 E B Baylor, Independence. Tex gbkkral aqxkts. A. "My sponsors in baptism; wherein human skulb. The negro brain is not animals become barren^ But on the I anybody." B ^ Crawford. Saobbory, Tenn. 60 I was made a member of^rf nsti , the chad smaller than that of the European, as is H. n.BoyJ, Tro' — 1 001 other hand the different races of men ^iir A-n-trr^ Kid 4 W Strfd, Wk'c®Germantosn. Ala,, paid.....Tenn. pai. d 1 00 S7a2MCAizi. St.. rf God, and an inheritor of the kingdom generally supposed (see Sir Wm. Hamd- S HUearn. Center. T«t. LT-. 1 00 rfheaven.''-fVov«r Cateohi^ T J Perry, Borne. Ga. paid... 1 00 ton and others), nor is its structure dif- mix, and no such results appear. Indeed I ADVEBTISEMEirrS. O T Sboemaker^ UobUm. AU 1 1 00}| JfarHomsT.—What are the benefits we the most rapid increase in population. J Nichou; C«rnmbu, Teiin. paid 00i 1 terent. J " Tbomas luka.Mlaa, paid {oo j xweiTe by b^tism? and the highest degree of physical. Spring Agrionltural, Horticultiiral and f'nn. P*" f0»0 «Aad thefirst o f these is the washing We alsofind i n both the same natural J J med^. OAlairf. ttolomao co.nty, T« 1 00 PpiIOATIOirS. I my the emh of original sia by the mental and moral perfection, are found Roral ExWbition. SS ^hall, Texaa, pald...I strength of intellect. In any fair com- StatT?). t 00 jEaium of Christ's death." among nation<» descendedfrom ancestor s Theflr.t springF.ir,.rtbeSheibTO>nn:,Agrieuitdrai Bfcr KABkWyjAIbahy.Ga (.{k^W)... •By baptism we are admitied into the parison hetw^n tiie two, two things tb!. w WD^iJn Sprtij^AuT^ 1 w must be taken into account, first, differ- mostremote i n their origin. Now the | ra'Sa^t.l.S'^f J WBlranytflTany. . WbttWbtt ee ^B^ftmd.'HH C. fi!^ { JJ THE SeilTIIRN FARMER •Bci^and consequently are made mem- necessary deduction from this is. that J A Enoch. AMtia. texaa paid > SOO iwi of Chri-st, its Wd." ence of cireumstances, and second, differ hprttanUnna fiits A.«b Grove, Mo. paid men are not of different but of a com- rtw^onVt^t**^"' 'MPl-ment.. and pw-M^aCadlnK.ChwrylWk.lilii " ence of ancestry—extending back for mon species.—JBey. £ JiTesdit. PrejBh^ IbU wUl^ fkirnUhed on application to thJWC^wie , aoVekntown ITVa, paiiT."™ 1 00 . wrath are made ihe chil-centuries. These being the same, negroes Die. M. W. PMIL IPS, Qt God." Jld-r BHauU. Oolomb,i«. Tenn. 1 m are equal to white men and Europeans. K LnmpVto. Klngrtoh.'Ua. paid...... tZI.. 1 m I aJl ages the outward bapUsm is a W Ca^, Eiton. GiVwn coan(y, t^nn. vaid-_ l m . KkltMHOaMZlUcf, BUS of the inward." Weforget, whe n speaking ornegro es as The Home Circle. tSOK. TKOUSPALK. SecreUry. Mr. J n Crv^BTlII., i m bv « eorpt of abU vrita^ practical i •Ty water, then, as a means, we are inferior to whites, what an almost incal- W T ^ith, |V*U4»nrjf, paid—^ 1 00 farmer,, and kortioiUnriiU. s^goiaated or bora again." culable difference degradation aqd ex- THE TBADE8 OP AHIlfALS. THB BEST TONIC IK THE WORia X^Kn? i =H AtmintCaB^iMSte, . Cpplrt coonty.TiiSriS: i % The following observations, which we 'li^«>Mty.MUa.pd 1 001 Thia papar bM reached U. rOCBTH VOICME, and i. of ori^ an, posure to the^ worst of dimates makes. «i«», paid.. lOO ™ toey are pro|« subjects of W copy verbatim from an « Old Curiosity , *-» S*!*'"" county, I1 00 A SPLENDID SUCCESS!! tann; i^g m the ordinary way they During theM ceatories in which cir- lOD^^QMon, Tenn, paia.._ I on cumstances hare been tending to elevate Shop," have reference to animals, -nnd KUer Q nopaafU. ealliaan eocniy, itlM. Xflifliue, 7.800. wcfc be saved mdesi this be ^aahed exhibit,at least, their apparent knowledge , (prwOoBi Mu), JteUda,Bal ]l by baptism;'?—Decftino/IVacii, the Europeans, the Afiiwm has found XMtr J^wa». MMTMmm, paid. 1 00 of the sciences; also their professions, J W MprrU. -liUe*. Mlaa. 100 It has beooaa the 247,^48, 24®. 860. 251. himself by hb unfevorable cireumstances a iion-f«itt«iur, -rtui firhnd. to be given 60 beHef of one fact. ureMtibly depre^ed. To be fair, we occupations and enjoyments: Bees are ••••arx, p«W— 1. s 00STAXDA&p AG£ICPLT[r£AL PAP£R Md that uj^ the ^^ fe^nc-^-j--—e ia'tfi• • e geometricians; their cells are so" con- . alfthati, . a . J^astarasiaith most compare blacks with equally de- wast iHB sonrmnEBT. graded whites. The blacks do not suffer structed qs, with the least quantity of .tosalwtioii. fehelief ofthisone material, to have the largest-sized spac^ Waahlu«mntV, • Bobau^on w me instituiien ex- from thf .compariaon. Fi^ proof of this ^ Tw. Annum!! and the least possible of interstice. «»«ry TanKcr. ud oiF^u^ is reqiur^ of fcokaitheSoBtbeai.Stattt of our own JKBeII.OK] 1 Kr^ tpac - i^:the chafcbi, ^try. The^iiegroaw>feihanmaintaips So, also is the ant-lion j his tunnel-shaped trap is exacUy correct in its confbrmaUon, nor m ereed-mater, i«t by bfe own in g comparison with the poor KHai Um Fonrth Volwn^ w^ qf-thbae Stales. Even the Bush* ss if it bad been made by the most skUl-, WW^d. /rem heav^ u "one thas be- BDC^,^ ^ ad, and tail ahbihitt^ tp ca ije brought up to a ful artists of our species, with the aid of I xsaM^. the best instruments. The «nd irtoee dep^rtmtent high <5Qiiditipi» pf cjviJiaatioB. We have mole IS a •MAQJsri^K^SiMroMS I inltfce^hirtftry of the Christian mi«ioiis meteorologist He bird called th^nine- killer IS an arithmetician: so, also, i, the fcr Lim apdi t I'/'"**! Dfpot, ItlM. mW* t^somo remarioible proofs of this. Bit um-u^ly fa expressed ma^ crow, the wild turkey, and some other — aent, imt S«twci:tiitteaa Dve^ .JSiuitHel^ii^ne ^^ races afe birds; The torpedo, the ray and the Ba»K, tnSh^Mafordi TTOtaWa. 10 CO. (KohUily. agw.Prfca fiM.) ^.electric eelare electricians The nautUus LT^?!'' 10 00 m^TMl niture^ by looking at'the con^on ^^ Ten O^ts for ^atdmm, Nwnber. IS a navigator; h^ raises and' lo^rs hb I mhh. au^^. qjiBka, —-x, 5 and foi; * longp time to the same 10-00 » 00 8»1 MmMm afemrtOs. Tenn. Whole tnbes of birds are musicians. '' •1,000.000 600 aoV t^' are.Vety Iqw^ lutestory The beaver b an archit«t, buUder and ^ - - • - - LOUISSBAifCUSOU&S ^^ M o^ij^'lieii^r'of '^te as > d^ woodcjtt^r; hV cute down tr^ and au. J. m'toa. p.ol . r-0?-r ^pyMM* a* atio^'-^ine: be^m^ erects houses imd dams. The mannptbaf . ^ Amezioah Baptiit^HdatioikBdoie^ ^^ on tte o^er know that dT^fen^feerjhenotonlyboiiashous^; - tn^M^^^ » JP the above mentioned for many a^ thi^liglgeM; civll^bh bt on."-CTrMft*an Si^ter,^ p. 122 f J^WMtab he worid, a civilization that but constructs aqueducts and A^ns tij IftXSfr^ PSf-Jti^ in man«v« keep them dry. The white ants main-l'uli^?^^' ' w. n. Chwiy. tUaATent, B. wter. TickleWUlliiu't, MaMhSlte-^^o ^r* ? ^^ST^'-sr;—Si» jent 3 00 U117-irr HWSOK. WrtrietSeemMT. 1870. mid

mr ' w t » #1 f r-o-'/^ ^ ? V ^ ^ ' 'I iJ Ml V < f \ I ' 1 y ^ kgfitwii Im A»l laelaJn ilBlilir "JtUtWUL'*- / iI. Ij\ t^" ' j> ', ^' *• T' •1 • J , • \4 X1 V1TI091L FED HO 81!AIS__ fiit V J , . I i I M } Bt II iqiyiHUi^a JPP'Nij. Sl^lE HM. S tUMaO A* ' Wkjliltttat^...w v'IAItsi - MMMFEIS, fteaiA1M, Ul» I cMBot.bfottotmntrtml^^e tm.pknrfia

SAFSLT AND CERTAISLT rmorattaMlywaed ftomr Qt* mKUCAT> _ntTAXT b. y tk« R*. T iB«k «at (itsel pt & lud ndfi). 8 60 B. A. fAwsfmm^naa Ho. f, 8 iaeh eat (etael pomt) 10 00 It U pMfcetly WwIcM, eiatttwi i r.bciu • Ho. S, 8 iaek ent (itati ptlr lud nde)— 10 50 PURELY TEQETABLE COMPOSITION, Caea flir CkMipg i ft! JftHM jtotyin Wafc of Oa V 9 jsfik ott C^rt^AjpoUt).^.—.... 10 60 a fewjt fa aKHaeaU fliy trinmp, wothh oTeer aad^canV«|ii, by r •aiferlan. with the ataoat aalMy to i, 9 iaa cut {itael pi k Und aide-. 11 00 tretemt extant. ' "' COMBINED FANm^-ff MUH^ tananaat^ared.alg tbepaUtaHbal onrl|>a oCfvelvoKiartke cfmatrjr. vbat'-tlMl «Mmr, akarbKfSSt IwmBT UBB C&BAXU Airo niVl MACUXB. H«.S, Hgkt ntasa If- omifttgf lifee MntlBoetfa ekhaai^f tq g^ . la-flrniiridaMyaa« -B. A; ftkiMrtoekVT^. , | Ma. S, regolmr subfloiL ' ngBannla, Conatang of tth Blowine Ifoeeg, oOonitanf the Noeet Hawk. - cACTras. ^aa to . Bmy hrmer .... 16 00 thperfece t aow intelHgrnt ka«ai H«. 7, Md ^w (MUd stadpnat) •fkc ' flrfM that mMtf aanoyiattdfaMWV*^ adTantage of aowing pnrv *eT5oa iuU tttUbalato It Uifc •tock'SbottaU TenaiAise occafiou, retnlb« ^rttcaUrlK yoO to f ptrchaee*r»nil eto B te.a AtkHtl. rahat-^CMiae , dTf one hundreed basihtUacrra o,f anwhmt.Md m ytaaerita ; .and tioD. FA VORA BL T SIXeS 1829. prioMtbatwoBldgainfiarlfeik farmer over tw»: 289 MftiA S^xeett^Keai^Iiii, Teiui. -ti li. wiiji-ercr they etiat, tiudi derangc- TbeoM . phyiiciani fait to care it. iWlara. Will it pay? It cle»iu whrat for iiieiit'i a< :ir« fje flrstori;d!i of di-se:im iMITi;- vClo folljxias cujiploiats, wUioli theio 1 ^ of ourtruciion, stopped-np head, dis- do it cleaner at on«N.nnDlDg thi Assets oyer #000,000 . ' euro: — cbkrgM 9f 1 tblch, thln,»or glairy mncna from thIet nwrkrtcleana .com , oata,rye. barley, liBKHhy.cloTW, __ Fir •>r«!>>i> I •nitclj- to sttuiulcUe tlie btoai-oftbai IMV^' ttlceration of the «chttCid«riaB nem< ciTe - wUl aeparat to fiftye 'be U u.i I n;>t.»ru iis he lUhy toue ami motion. btaa*, etci^i t the conr&e of a few da>-1. (V^r foa fiomtwentyl wheatriMoed flTe oa thfa machin cecta moie lime a T. A. ScIiKB. Far 1/rrtr C«>i«!»!ji|' »««« t.vtts 2r««4i»cli*«SI«lt H«^l«kcti<>, .4I.TOX common fan. MiUera caa ftwm one-thitd »• » Thf Pruprirton of thi* new MtabliahmcDt r. M. WWte. .Vice PrMidenU. Jjnnillrn or Crrra IMclcattiw, Bilioa« SCROFULA. hupRtoarcan Hor it« fair r^vtstiaii by Ben. Msjr.. JBecretanr. rulic llitiaa:* ferer*, Uiey shnul.l Imj jr.- DYSPEPSIA REMEDY.Ig^Si^^"^^liaet, bocaasa It Ukaa ^ Mniiiag aat amij T. PktnvoD,.. AwistsDt Sec'y. .ii -it>u -I1 iken for each to «a>rre<-t thd iH^e I'ca in,a' whol e wUkoat bmVls* »b«m. Bnty—I r. s. SsTii. ^Tre«»Br»r. aclioii or reia ivc the uikMctioiu which caiwe it. Strang Swelllnga, Rnnning or Craity Brap- In remedy befon Publi«, we only smnt graina«4 Ifermm t o biiaz tbe waMB For njmaatrr/ or DiarrltaBik, but one mUd ti nfer placing thfa the wUl aampi8hoaldhay* ibT We laxit* fanaen to WiBg tke i d(»«e iii ir^i'Mirully rwiuiretl. Salt Bbeam. King'* E I. to tbe fallowiag certificate, which exprcaaaa all thatthorcagin thT/T te» S«r< »Jt t.nft ifcan-y «»*«•»«» "klBa ,a f• grain or For BhstaatatUiB, e«at. OraTPl. PmImI- lalnt, inherited or otherwise, flilinc life w«Beed aay. And from being firom use, on aftee whr o havinhas gexpenence ad We n&ndbr rt ot othelbUowfa thefoUowlamc w«U*uowaf*Mei wsU^kuowageMkmea* : diAkctou: t»tioHack« «H8 UMrt, sIiorI « b•o ei"""If. fa, by all aioal medical treatmentbeneficia, l trialresult, s its carry mora give than ait any- Grood Thirifty Stocli, T. A.KcIm». J.W. McCowa. aail I^alm*, tbey I >Btiunda»ij thorougthing k IMThfa : words weigkt A. . taken, as t«|uireil, to cluinBn thethe*- i«jar. rnned by me. with , aad although my AT MXASOJfABLg MATES, B.C.BEiiddqr, C.er.. Bfememt, For Or*iW ao-l »L , ta care, withont foil, every caae of craveamictedfood d .I t woarDyapepaU' atowanh Gea. Jo&a B. Gordon, X. ^te, idionM I ,th%iaoat terrible forma of Leproayi.anythlag , ao lettemati r kow «aa_U _the .. 1 r. 8. IhiTia, )>e taken in Large and _.tJ»acet», Tnmori, Ulcer*, Abaceaaea, i^dM the qnaatltj Mwnii^B^ C. W. Fraser, da -e Uie eff»t ofa drastic i _ J be taken to leaTleaic*a the tabfau wUkeskbaUwiS^ wttlu^ *1.; J. A. A^^jkJ^i-^ W. H- Cherry, CbM. KMtMCkt, For lla|»|ire. m'Hcdtge^'^a . .. . . VJUT/VE AFFECTIONS. BO wit coaditioh la«itodB« att^pRBskM «aaXwafleeaXaaa vbttfiim ^^ An oocaiHoiud do4e »ttaqiit^]^stoiaaeli and onpraBNall tha iwtpad t J^ i»nKri»ti«aa -ttat.l _- anboired Is*i9MataU into healtha tfaay jga«S51«d*lilU^ B^m jtfwa impetitcwl-, Striatase, Gleet, Sarea, Sperma* or, aadaoaa«>f laedlclttMseaCiidiaiBMiJmPWaixz^hstM IWy eer S*^ M €< IW aai ai*^ ttlSb ae Wkfwa: ATLAXTA. 6A.. BBAHCB: vantMe^ Wtym ^SSni^ ^^otiice. Premature I>ecay, SfbiUty, territacKorXJaUan. r otthaiot'i^'t ton'Wkils DyspepSalkwt* i^adiwlae^ aw IWMMr..X.h*«ETirMBfadiil ta«. BItSSZ. it aad the lecture-room an sileat ontaka a itbata^shact Mm klMlipr LW.C. tiTeappufJi^/X^ J -- r.f.UiJ , .1 i l^wla'gof tba seanat^onawfame for which tkoasBad. A fafasa aoatiwbig m takfi I OM. J. C. ATXM Jt CO., rrmMemt ChmmUU, wtthoa't 60,00a Appi* XnM, 61* T fm/U...—|W _ J the*s diseases} SperiaatonkMat marltebley t*walia W**j fiOFTHSBH WALUKG C ^f gjiuuaiii^^**"' aaythlRg ! •i^wk/reSaid ky .air' G.dMlU WTToKBSa kiid-^daal, Memphfam li^, ^MuUmwkol^m ;catras nhysiclans may easay to jB,(no FudI Ctaei^ S to S fHt. S6e.- fSO lilljIhmlr pratect avpeat poUey-boltk fbr Mtroaae aM^ It kaa kaaKpl^a auaaa to a^ta. . J - JI iMntel nwisA|(kyrieiM^^baaadentaady hop* and resor«t thslfaUr RELIABLE A^ihtTa itA^fBD. ^aakaeas«ba« a,n M worsd semf thaia^^smaastoai. Sr.- 4,000 BUadud P«k twrnm, S thfQrti* Iba** >is of< f Bo*f fortouncye otiBt«r*of soaiaaf l waaleal IgHi**** dV M A. FAsmimToeE, soN\t coj «,000 Dvwf pw Tnw, S jmn ialad th chaH^Ic*a aiiasr—*** ia*kri>ir'«^B'' '-.i?---'-g i^ili^ , -e, boQfe*ff«f»1ilad,, Bot oaly extor loo^.Aftat t*rge saaia sharlaa ef awa^g tb*>, feebkaeaTof bat^ tajwariyS. (h eA. Fahmtoek't Vtrmifiige, a F. ChMotCt Dj/^tj^ Stwuiff, hanlt. Koaifa^l MOO Oftntj Tnu •• Mak^ SOe^ $40 OF MEMPHIS. TENir., geoaa now coafcai that the kalfe li apeaddeatktotkapa; . dareenr:rlasUBce,bavd it mon diOcalB tcompUcated'thf to can. I havt edisease aerer, aadase naa *a eoaU gaaraat**. Se^ TkaplgriieiaawtoanpUeatfce' ' toi^Gaaoer facaaa ' af laaaal Wsakaias or laapotancy cured by aay and a F. G^totCt Cou$h. Baimm,a tkam1 Frodaaaabatt*e'**7i«ai<. ^ aotTk*l maiate la d -wit - Kfikem^ojr^ eatlrelcnbeWy, I gallenchnmFrice,3or6jnUeBCkBfa,48, ftS. ABjoi^^shouUt> 6 j^loaa a^reaachnraM, bl* i k 1,000 Apricot Trees.. .50c. ment of the ferer or meartea T Tet medical achoola denj Ta arery Cass T gaiinjitee a r a. JOKES A 0®., Pnprict-™., Insures ai^nst Loss of Life Onlv. wininthat ong eto aoUtar be coBTiaoady caae oTf CaacaI oOtro wa th*s erefeUowiagr cnred I Ar e the; FUBNITUBE. m-at-iy-iv-aa XaabvfiK Teaa CHALLENGE TO ANT MEDICAL SCHOOL ALL OUB STOCK WABBAHTED. Let any medical school ta tha llaltad BUtea aend me a OFFICE HUr^, 9 A. X. to S P. X. MISOELLA^OnS. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL #500,000. patient amBlcte d with what th* fltcUty orsald school ahaU AMES,BEATTIE & G0.,| pronoanccnre tbate rer toy b eCancer a gennin, proTidee, Cancer dfiacnity th,e an Gkcaltd I wilyof o laf _ promisaal,d achooe Drtol . J. B. BUSSEII^ Consnltin; Phjsiciao, Aromatic Teg^able Soap. wm acr«e to glTa ai* tk« cnre, U G. WARREN, Seeretary, fineIn additio itockn o tfo the aboTe, they offer, at low ratra, a Officera. " Inly signed by th »ma ceHiflcatand sealead atettiiawith thegr^f _ t s^ L: coilegr, and they ahall not bereonired to ITSgi r the 396 MAIN STB££T, * GRAFB VIXES, £. WOODWARD, Beralar Phjsiciaa. certlScate for twelre or eighteen months after thlecnre r Assisted ly a foil corp- of eminent physiciaanTh. e usual GOOSEBERRIES, to been treated: or. courtesy extentle me ite nnin c»aee onst ufof coufesat ten—4)nlt^ Cancvre as targ, aned a RASPBERRIES, W. F. BOYLE, SecreUry. proportion as phyniciana cnre of the aimpleat forma of dli- SHRUBS, W. C. McCLUBE, Treasurer. eaae. Offer tUcir Large Steele or ORNAMENTAL TREES, J. H. EDMONDSON, General Agent. skilI lcal in l tlinpoe ntrvatmen tho mnlicat of ith achoole Cancea respeciall to the ymoa to t perigit d mba; t For theD^icstsSiaa bir I.adirs and CbOdrea. CLIMBING PLANTS, fUr trial. Ther1. Cancee arer iuc-w thse whicmouthh I o rexcep throatt i.n the abore challengr : , Seld hrsOl Dynngtsta. ai-MVly ROSES, ETC, ETC CcnHultii!^ Fhjsiciass, edies2. Whe. n locatcd where it cannot be reached by my rem FURNITURE, CARPETS, / WA TER S' B. W. AVENT. F. A. RAMSEY. a 3complicatio. Where thne patienof diaeaaest ia afflicte. I barde wit bahd anothepatient*r diaeaaKut em eor OHj OXiOTHS, NEW SCALE PIANOS ibnn tth thee las consnmptiot atagea ofconanmptiona killed. . The Cancer waa cnred Wttls Ireanmd Fkstaae AsrstXi, eOweratrstS Brldse. B B aa 4. The {Nttieiit aban not be ao old or weakly that Oien Bfelodeons and Cabinet Or^ Comapuadence and ordrn aoUdted. Catalognca st-nt ia not snfficient Titality left to |>^«ce grannlrtion after nree oa . Addreaa Attomeya. th5e. CanceThe Cancer ia taker ahaln ontl no. t haTe been of ao long standing at The best suinnfactared. appiieation LOGWOOD & PEYTON. to bate involTcd aome vital part, aa in aoma two or thre< Window Shades, Mataes, Etc. Warrmmtt>« e>r Stx Tears. caaeage,a o rbrough to raiat ehere the. dead I do, bnnot t tprolto cnrMe Cancerto njnTenateola under dord i .. DR. SHALLENBER^I^ Horac» e WatersAGBEATOFFEBI, 481 Broadwajl , 5. T, LOES dc GILBERT, nary circnnutancea, and malignant Sore* and Aher dia- AT LOWEST PRICES. Wai dfapose ff 0ns Haodred Pianos. Xelodfoa* Bixecton, SOjreanoldaases. Tet I. have successfully treated Mtients from 70 to Organs af six fint claaa makers, at extremely low. Tk* aboTe fa the propoaition made to the medical school*Feve r and monthlfor caahy , untidurinl gpaid this. monthChlckerin, org wi pianoU taks ear {h)e mUdte Mte 308 St. Tcaia. W. R. Hunt, A. Seessel, ef Tenneaaee and the South by my bther, B. W. January, WHOLESALE ORDERS FILLED the above offer. Illustrated Oatalognes mailed for Fr«at Maaapliia, P. W. Smith, P. Titus, durinhfa auccessg the ,perio thatd n oof achoothirteeln ere year*r accepte; and d sito . manifesI now trene waw* Alwaya StoM OM CUlla. cents. Warer.«numBroadway,|^T^rk^^^ • t ThiAlfedkine l^J^ tiefcta ihe PaUio a K. Pullen, N. & Bruce, tto cballeage. At prices that market.will compete with any E Wm. Jovner, E. M. Appei^n aaId wa associates educated witd imAhh hime sciencfor eighe otf yearmedicins in e thbe y treatmenmy fether,t fifteen tt^'is fli dxmU riwM of aU.oiker IStf Teatlnonlals. B. B. .OEH, J. M. GILBERT. of Cheers and other malignant affections, and at hie kaovn r^ifjj^fej, li not ptu^ does The Water* * are a* rmj I u-tf N. D. Menken, J. T. Petfit, death, which occaned in I860, he comsaitted the aecrat not ridexr ^ iitoiaw S. Y. Evancelist PUno. known amon,„ g the ^ J. 6. Lonsdale, M. J. Wickg, alone to me. Bi^ dom A^^v^^er'ali dzotuiufaapes, imd WEW STOCK I KEW GDS We can *peak of the mwite of the Waten Piaaas twn HaTing serred my country as a soldier tiuoogk tke UU 'nal of the very best TEE PLANET DRILL. W. B. Greenlaw, W. L. Vance, war, and, with others, lost all, I now devote mralf to the1 B the only Medicine that will * JXJST RECEIVED BT perst knowledge a* U-ing qapHtf .— Far Garden >««il mr G« CURE IMMEDIATELY Chrfatian Intelligencer. . ^ . ^ • tXe 8«st. W. H- Moore. treatment of Cancer especially, and to tbe other above- Tlie Water* Pianoe are buUt oi the be*t aad mortttac- The moat aimple, coopaeti laqart, eaaieat regnUteo. mentioned diseafaa. JOHN SOHXTMBX, osKh\r seasoned material.—Advocate and Joaral. ^ and lig^teat raaaiag, t raring , I have removed tc Trenton, Tenn., on the line of tbe and permancnUj every form of Fever and ' find at Xr. ' the very h^ aU^liflitrad t&>*• always cliaapaa aad is tape aKo aU no - Xoblle and Ohio Bailroad, and easy of access fW)m all Ou friends wUl , Waten ston to iMi nary erraly, light ordi Uof theSonthandWsst. It fa a pieasaBt towa. Ten Ague, because it is a perfect Antidote t« assortment of Pianos Xalodeona and Organs be aaada; alaa. tteUiily. B(aaa.coni. Oaaga Oraacs in the ITnited SUtrs.—Oraham's . . . fwiOiaeia row,Th e Compaay ia now irepared to issne in an tba Ithy, board cheap, and society good. Xy (caidenea faXtalmrta * Picture and Mirror Frames, Having ased one of Waten' nano Xagasims for t^ ynsn^ withoaBrnraaryflnKbt kaa fromets wiada Afao. Bo,. tpraad1, &a poaatea^ ftl3a : KaTaxioa. s for«»^ Ulb ^ adle in tbe country, and offlce in town, r ' Sold br all BrosKists. have - a very aeed patflc patirtMW. ' • be accommodated with board in private he' in the f Msnd it snpeifor lastrnment.—Afanee**. S, 12 oaarU , m- B poandi. Gaano, 190. XanliM country or Ib town, aa they may prefer. TJ ili-l.T-ly-U-i:i-R Of every descriptioB, Uthogtartis. Bagnsinga, ChroaiosiPrlnciMi. l Brooklyn Helghte Seminary. tnrcd\yB.L. AI.LKa ACQ.. r«rzait BaiHiac. R>Oa- ment to fiar preferaMe to a large inllrmary cr Oil Paintings, the most taaadsoms styles af OviU aad We Save two Wkten Plaaos la oar SeaaBan.wW* i ' thoas affected with aloatbesome disease. Square Frames, Carved Coraen. OraasseBta, aU styte ohavf e been severely tastad for tbm ye^ aad weM d^iphl^Pa. • i«-tf new Moldings, Pictares. Cor^ imd OHt' ^tu their good qnaUty and ^. Waag* MEJ^EJILYS' B^LLS,/ AH diseases peculiar to their Sex, testify , Xt. dnrabiU Bfrf iB^wilo%'ftse eow^^Bdence, for many might be 1>K. C. B. NORRIS, Ornamente, Steteoscopas and TIew*, Gold Uat Oval anGregoryd Bobacb OaiToll. S»ii.- ta. „ - ^ am. * To of Squan Xatte, Brfatol Boards, etc. WATiaa, Dear Sir The Piano yoa aeU the only Cospfata Unabridged ^ple'a SdUSoa takeb in the Incipiency of the diaeam and prevented ifa aUowed to be the best Raho in thfa towa, aad S* Dr. . •atlA'a EBtabliahed by ^^w Meneelj ia 1826. becoaUngeanceroas, or, it already ao, the auoner they areOCULIS T AND AURIST, anow :«4sis for / several of Cbickerii«'a and. Stoddart's Waa Ben* ChnrAea , Ac^nieii,. of treated the less tlms required to con them. 5 Perth Ci W ferhaTa been Tactotiea, etc., a whict hTor , wbUe t aatartain for all the other physicians the No. SIV Mfito Street, irace Watera,"48l Bi^way, Is^u^ SL"" mon mad lbe at thfa eatablfahment tha Onn e aUhighes t respect, I am confident fh>m long obaervatlon Offiee, 383 Main St., Memphb, Tenu., Tibh. > of hfa PfaBos aad Ojgaas.—Ennlag drethad other Ibanderiee tha caoatry maddaed. boathat. la my Kadfainea w foand th* surest remedie* for all Jnst below tk* Paahody notel, X»aii, ._e Waten raaks with the best and 01^ nnsolidted cosBMndatoiy letter* tcceiTed Bronte duMW* of the If omh. . . ^ ./ -LAY BUILDISO, I have OB haad a baadsoms qaaaUt]L«>f Start BugnT ierlca.-Th eWaa K. oT. li»le»eBdent. msnafbrtawdfc Bible b^ Xonnted irith CoftlcBIBlotary TokafB^tedsan.batiaanca8WicMa^ Oha^ ^ vafTaccoedlnglothedwraetoro. PaymeaU muslt bthedije mad-eTreat s with succeaa all kinds of Sore Eye*. Grannlar ill-g-ly-lv-« • . IcsirAt. DotKOS.—Since «r. Water* gave up pal ll liiau a laeSk the ta^ ree«nt and tetan Uds of year* (tending cnred In a ft«w weeks. Ownt^ m«lcX suited yU bU capital anif.tl sllw tImaaa ttte.!n.d Aa iniutntia oOakica* •dsdrablaatfrtee e be apoU a ^gwUeaBsiTedwhe-n ,tu It*r patlf pay wfl^] b* maaded.fk*i f B«iJjB>eH» It fc^Cataract and Pterygtom. Rtrablsmfis (Cron Eyes), to the taMiifcctun aad sal* las otnMfma i&formltie(Drooping ao fo fUppe Uds)r, Lid)Artia«i. Blntropln^ Eyesm Inserte aad Echd witoh R6BIK|M>H IflCKM^SIMf, He^ aJni ?l;ricalt Usaede oaf eatalogaprtoss. wWcha of hfa ^ne w Dictionary. Udt . .« decelre. Onr Toaadery U}- ^^ ^^^ - been liar MtU' oat pain, preaeatlng an the movements and ap^ranm dacdon from fonnwntM-andhfa-Pfano a have It eostafaia atealy pcistad daaUa two aIaain .2V at ociaTapara,^fama8ti, sad a MiM^ atth., avtr kaadic.d •OTshaBi c^i thae naturatha shortesl eyet. possiblDealhese *tlaie aad. alTreatf Diseases all sDisease of thes Ea Westerr n Fonndi^ and Maehine Sbop ^ Ina awheatle laapa recant oTtSa Ko*. Hevna or Xother's Xark removed by a rmbadUatkertaattaafthemaa o»«r t mlaeat of medicine. Spectacles ma-letoault OPPOSITE THXeATQSO aOIS^ •Btelara. rf rf tba moat menataproBonncedcaredorffiBchargedby me. at! i|de appUeatlon 1i; '• it tdttgyeea an tm for Ibtthtr iBfomattOB. ^ad for dnalar aad t**t^ the aost'&atldioni Old k« Um Uad aafitaM^ Korrfa fa certainly tke mast suocewftal Banwd andBa rBa r Front Street, MemplO*, Tenneaaee, aaearned d him a good JH S^ai^tab ai tka a ww thak kaad of i orewirSSfell^^S ertr ^ TROY B L S. octorh»thfr«oeth. ^ iii-jo-lylv-W "hoBon " ooaaected .ftwwrtttww ewei^pB UfaaipnHtttnv lay iaitacK. Thafahor aa «karainc l L «p4 TBXHTOK, Dealenia ^Indeed, we bava OBs ofJXr. Watarf ysstsaaam eae throw toW^Sd^on (when IttefjS^ T-n).***** aof dMr^frtMsBieeaatnkaaxaiaaMtadiatatUW apgayry ayaB«> AfolnavT tho. Imfiro §• d w»rdi IRON CA82INGJ, m aiaaafectunr la tha wodd «Mt wall 4* piBS% an with BEFEBENCE8. r> I^^^ysbeeaddU^wuHt a* imiw| Ainta —trtag - t j -ae.,.,. omr Dr. Boyd, X. D., XclMsoresviUe. Teaa. —ASD— ' ^^wettal^tntBfaB^'thtnXa a oin ^gaktW aaatkMrlfta BaMiti.r::i-m b^a another A large as*oit«MBt of OhnT^^e^MIlr• >tn Alarm, Dr. J. X.For^ X. D.. Xlssourlj«red._ ^ Irers •f MachiMrj. jBeaenOlj. SSaSutyplayenlB. Xoa*tha» ^««* oftUhJTap^y aOiatigBailMtaiS ofnarki^ IteUyBGdMU Wame^ ^ l^ae— iii-SS-ly-lv-SX «*r alMrian , aad a iWI isBpetiar aaa tiM-dBss Btrai artft* wotw8f*a. tmaa . AM. taatiaMalaJiiiaw, V«tteMi r HCSH B. XABTUr.>M t we «aakIaol«l**.r^ rfOMkwMfcOMii. atf Larg, Dr. BayfaKorfleet^ , X. D„ X^ E. C. X'DOWELC. Dr. MUaH. H. Ik. CMfaac*. m. Hci»OWEl

Jli iil'IlM ' jm New ui BmwM ^^ns. NEW^l] -i 1 rr A.IABB1CBTBB. W.IOIHXBTBB. THl ished in , w : I. • I 1.0 BTEBABBO., LIFE ASD FOOD, SOUBGCE. Omik I ~ ..l;'.,' ill' -or- LATE i^ivixusuakviatJ^J. BaiUng Popla and! rSrfk St.* Mmktn, e«r. TKM and, JVaetiealJC«: MaeMmuU SE.V MOSS FARINE,—This neV ^d 73 BT HIS DA0BBTKB, XISS LCCIB DATTOK, eleglibt' prie|iaratioti» madefirom Insl i IhMnpt attrati- iteBKi tn K>» It O XUtw Tkn 3TFLWalkarAla.. ^ 37 Jfood in the world. As a delightfal table iMnd by hi^^aagbtar, Xisa I ncia. I>ajrt»«« BfMM wfaan JIB Vc^^ B B SvWDcir (DBahtw , •—32 dessert it haa no equal, and is a light •liuifBlhfa tto mantle oftoi^ father , aad ia nowraady t o lim^jib. f »e., •liawM to go to prtiM. It WiU luke a IS bk>. book, of aOO pages, or •»rT A«»Bt- Mid delicate food for InvRltds and cniU more, and caa be told fur (t SD. It ahui^ be know o that £ Tarorer" iihvalrfA Oartla Mi« aasU-i. dren. It is saperior to all kindred pre- KXMPHIS. TBKN. Dr. Dayton left a wife aad Bis-«r-sa«eB childrrB w».oUy . _di««a ta^.lNi. Pfcmpi*^ tstmt.- a W •I . Ctaaning all kinda of Ladica* aad Gentletaen's WearBBproTide, d for, and the daagfater writas Uaia book hoping •Bt .n bwrfiw- Whtiy * _r or " Tlw J aBavaamm'UKLL^lL^ oui*^ J W. Qnim Uiu^ ^^parations . that it WiU raoeiTe tto saBervaa patronage thadcaoa^- kact Saci'ty.** abMrii «*l tto J . a GRAVES, » fHAINS, DIAMONDS, fy withoutripping o r i^ariac tto iMterial or fb^a. aatwa, aad thas a>t if^Mja > jMhit 3k63a*ca uf U tba aa Hjtia >ttwt. tr/mneu Ate...: ST This new article of food has every- At.I • ill . TT . - - • : orphans aftordlstiagniaiMd bMtosd . Ob tto reo^tioB n^Mf tmafew. . A I. HiUar 1 H K HartSeid pf one thonsaod sabacritora tto work willto pa » to presa. I. It wtU * where won " golden opinions** of all o!- Thafiunily i s not able to haia'Td anytbiag in issaiag k. MMdiie whHi bMlMM Ma«| J Safcwtasb Ala. Tboa ioaea A]a_..„...„.j37sort s of people, and the hoosekeepers of Aa P. MORGAN, Tea thunsiutd copies sboald b» taken this year, as a nwrk aBBi»< beta! feMOu »n K Tallaee. Xiaa. -41 Xn A GUchritt T^an—.44 DBALSB IN of appreciation of Or. Day tak*a sicrtfat, ly tto Baptists Mrs C H Saoir Bd J W Taylor Ats_: 37th e land generally regard it. in the doublSe- of America. do te IMpM^lkM light of a staple necesMiry and a delioioas Oarriagesi-Rdokalrajs, Bnggies # SBfascriptioBS caato forwarded t o S. C. Sugars, Sacr^ ir* il* IMW »e«t M »r J e VcCatchcoa Tana^ Vol 6 OXTT^ tary of tto SonthwMUni PabUaUagCbapBay, aad if tto J L Gn«ham JU««.,»W W Lovrjr XIm. luxury, for while it lessens the expense SPRING WAGONS, ETC, •taWaee w fir Xia C P Bf««e.' —ST X. n. WICKKK. Oerk. Sh The Bert ChHH^ S^ pBblication is not B»da wUIto ratnra"d . ai-tf •lk>«MitU«Mh»i of living, the exqniMte dishesvprepared 323 and334Seeond St^ MempIij^Teim. tm^t^jommm. " from .it cannot be obtained «ven at an All kiada BapairlBg doaa in tto bast styla, aad I«tB ttPreso s and ready for dellTerj in a few days •-I ttrtiidaa. ASSQ)CIAn<^AI# STATISTICS. extntvagant cost from any other.|(||irce.Mo«b« MMI." » to A rtiawit Aiwoiwfong. package which will make nxteen quarts POLEMIC- J. of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of T^Af^iipSR, K. jr. B. wmr a co., i^^Toa an *dr cnittod SSfarTac Puddings, Custards, Creams^ Chanotte 91 (hr tract*, wbkk Mbi K. W« do Bcti BAMC ar .taaociATtOB. 1 S 1 Rusae, Am. AM4aalarte £ome Made Saddlery and Haniess, ••jKitituii vbat ja« euaiffaJa ot Th* irecU aUi b* THEOLOeY AND METAPHYSICS, I 1 ' iXoci*, J^teiaelti, Muii- •MtaaaiM a« priatML 1 a i RAND SEA MOSS PARINE CO., WBOLBULE AKD SKTAIL, Mwm H. Ark.-Anric'dt. ««-» m not forprt—Bartbidijuii'.w . tl I«i i.SSS Amerii^, Ex^h, Mexleax A Texas Saidles By Bidor H. W. XIOPLBTQH^ af lUsatodppL Ml clKirek iAmU MV>r- B^-tbrl «e 7 314 98 Park. Place, If. T. BTBixaSk xra. xm. BeatOBTiUe —. I»M 100 1T7» B.^. CfeMMtftor, Ariu—kaaw bow aaayCMtob . m as .S> 37S CABBIAQB, BVOOT, «H Usdwuk BapUUa ttotaan ia tto CoUad StotMOwaMai— * si»t tSa •4 1419 •tost Inlf • aittka »»aanMia. aMi abab aalOtoo BKtColaabUn . m 101 1312 nUCB, 91 50. Dardaaell'*- tn tatIW I4S0 TJT£! GREAT 1CXXPHI8. WAGOy AND PLOW SARXESS, to If thiff eoaW only ba« to to thr»rayettariOr-. . BBIDLES, WaiPS, b an open cumaiBiiiaaM—a lues way fnoi IS Watchaa aad Kaaieal la- t a &tp(M WF*. ladepaudeBor. 74 81 80!! atraaaato Bspairad. lA-tf TUs work isdasigaad ta Tindiaails itowaya af Gad to JadaoB.LIbrrty... 149 07 IIS US3 SPRING m SUMMER TOKIG. CoUart, Hamw, and Trace Chain$. M, and,by tba ad af • pMlSapbiastataareat af tba JMbcaoBt La,—How can we beat Woo4-UttlaM ttirar- lia SI S» lawa of Btiad thaa baa mam heretofore boea given, to show VewiUeoBdifaiefcaMiaorwirM- f»Biil]r docaWoBB t Teraon.. 04 4» IW7 NEW AND RICH GOODS, All of wbicb wa propoaa to^aen cheap. AU aartha owta tt o atasost baraway axiata batweea naaoa aad Iftan-Bt. XoBBtZiu 34 IX a »I3 work, whkb wa gBaraatee. reseiatioa, aad that au^ aataesdeatly to ragaaaratioB, OBachita- « has powar todo all that Oo^ re^itires of hiia as a ootidi- J. a. Tmrltnmgiu-ir^ And yoar l»ttiT oa coPinr . Bluff- "iS "iia •"ii aiti Medical treatment has been revdln- No. 947 Btala Street, tiaa of pardoa and aalvatiaa •H*. ba no dacBownt." aUadwi t*. I>oa'tto aftai Bnd l Un-r. m 137 148 18M tiouized, and at last the discovery has FIWi: GOIsD WATCHES, PaUished for tto aatbar by tbs Sonthwestera PaUisb- ifBlittto moii thrown a- jtw—taettrr that Ibao.tbeHocfc (talMy Ba)ro«„ 115 OS «7: iiiii Opposite Coart Sqsara, • lag OoMpaay, Xeaiphia, Teua. iii-SS-iv-T H" tat aomra by an I by. e» •iis 114 ilHA been made that RENOVATION, NOT Spring ttiver— 7S 37 at 4*i PROSTRATION, 18 THE TRUE MED- HEUPHIS, TENNESSEE. H*rawerl —•• —— —— ICAL PHILOSOPHY. The iiitroduc- mm yoB not nrrBitfive a t year otBc»? $itati>t<««for law.. . tJou of PLANTATION BITTERS, pre- A 36^olamu Joiirnnl, Apiaataw. Ala.—Wp bars cr-wnt tha taMinr pari'tl with pure St. Croi.x Rum and C7lia.in and Silvei* Ware BEN. K. PULLEN, •MnaaOa. «r«faaw b o >*idrBC« tbac Wm. Lackay'* Tennessee Auooiations. IteT.tml to Agrtcnltare, Ccimmerce, Lit< Ta.-W» appRciate your KAXIvr AMt^rtATlOk. CHINA, GLASS AND QUEEN^WARE $2 per auDum, ia advance; Clubs offire, or dhrti In behalf offcor papvr . and the 8o»tlicrn ^jtbbalh- Vegt'lalilo UeHturativu ia manifested in more, $1 6a I Board and iha Tract Soeiaty. IVrfnade all Bap- the weiik and detijionding by un imine- m nnd thrir ordrn ta tba PablUbinr Hobm rathar i diato and most encouraging change. If Fs Ds BARKUM Sl CO SfL VER-PLA TED WARE, SOW IK THE TIME '10 SUB.SCR1BE. t to tbaSturtb. Tone tracU w)H bt Artt to ((Mft-ttlahB a* . IM 90 41 )KM the appetite haA failed, it isquiokened; if All the typn toto use d in oar Waekty is «*ntirp|y new, B»r»CBW«rf. Hatebt*'"•••Ai. * «4a IM M «aeu and the paptr VQ whisli i( will bo pritit^l is tti« Bnest •Mar W. B«U8, XiM.-i{a <>k papsr, aukiSg It tto most readable Jaaroal W. (^atoM. laa n ISfi MUt it bciioines easy ond thorough; if the liver soft Main Htreeli Corner of Court, pablisiied iirthe SuBtb. Ma»rnrio.iiauo. K.r U«ear4 n)i 6a m»SIM J. m. MUtoiv Arfc.-J. I. OmhWD'i nam* t» DKck Blvaf...... ^... Itmo M •u l«i4A is torpid, it is roused and regulated | if 378 Mnin fitreet, Vnlon Block, I will also coiitlita. the |inl-iba uoaay eama. 0« aht«d. Kw>t' a»»*aa a aa n . aa « the nerves are relaxed, they are MXMPmS, TSiTN, •.V. KMBMunl. Ai-k.-ira dojMltoU»»« on » w«rKIIMI4 I ^...... MiWA VTii vr u I5.t« strenuthened and reiitrung; if the brain sss A iyaopsisofall tbs Inporlant news publlsbi d la tbn tf *a r«»or. If w. •h««M dmbtkM 41*m4il II. 'fiSSSr^l™'?' ill-3 0»wr< Square, Mfrnftlfiti T*iM,ri'BLl O LKMKtt from d«y today willto give n in tbs dtari Cmtl^f, iBit.—ToW M9B«f WB* mrivfd. BBf d Mill I4T AU"i i ia» has been haunted by morbid fancies, LUMBER. WBSKLY PCBLIO LBOOBB. I bitau at * BBV (iT*a. tm Tmt aocUtf. Toar M«t«« they are put to tiigjit, and liopo and ) «*• itoraby adatakta. W» hafa Um braibrwll»«B ta t XluB,. m oheerfuinesi return. In the (aoe of the STKAM WORK*. »WtU aid t« cinalaliat UK Bp^ aad tract*. "w M trt JOUNOUaaiM. #ORNOVM«. M.H.eOOVBi. SEND IN rOVg NAMES, M.B. tHuiaiMai Xd—tearaWHijr mal?«d and artd' m •I extruordinurv cuivs of general debility, Apcampaaled by tto prioe of sabsaription (H), aad ooai. Katmlariy iaat. Our papar U m laUrf«llB« that «nt i»ia, bllioufness, constipation and CUBBIN, GUNN & COOVER, MAYDWELL & ANDERSON, wt^^regBlarsBbscritorta tto WKKKLY PVBLIU !i|aataM«tt>ra will l«k» tl ual ta md, aa ^ to T>t Mt«.—Tb« ai«aib«r* a«/ (bttrck ba** th« MT Ut 19 m. WHITMOitS. tr»t«a >«•»«• wUh deaUi ana the undert/iker could LUMBER: DEALERS, Pablistor and I'ruprietur, i^M la bar* M awajr aMaHifl aa vwk dayt a» li>«}r US "'tt Italliui, Amerlean and Seotob Oraalte M-tf » Madisaa Strtal. lUwpfcu. T>«a. WtfCtVl. H IIWlflWittiMH** * • t**«im«««ff»«HlyU H iS persist in it. Tho turriblo evAou«nt« MaattaialaaU^ii. batibay Iwra M right la t»t)u4a whiob were once uresoribed as Spring AVP MAMUPAOTVaSaS op ••MBtot lifWaMMiatag va*<«iv •wfiafi. MON:umsnts, AQXKTS WANTRD-IIQO to law per moittb-Clsrgy- m, fartitw, K*,-.tb« aibitaba «m hot*. aM bM Ifaii m rnfr and Hummer medlcmes, have utterly lost •sMi, ^ool Taacbsn, Siaart Tgaag %lrii aad aanatfv l, Wa piayft>t pa'*!*'* ' Ha •'Cumxlaaa*" ICiniuip^ AiwUttoBi, Mrpe^ttiffe, Tho sick will not take DOORS, SASIf, "UMWDt. Nos. 57 * 50 Union Street, MewpliU* waatad to Oaavasafor tb « tavl^, wMbaa^l, ^UHHI. them, and Plantation BUteri, in wbloh MOUH FATHER'S HOUSE i" or If. HMdy, Ti^a.-B^irfttailf/i acala aa* aara ar«i vantbliivd tliu elementii of a st'oniaoklq, •MvkwwkiiabtMimluiir «ia«« a* ffal WMbtai ia i ^Sgfufftrt, ffkw*! Potlf, Fk^rin/^•iwf • iwd.TaW.Tppfc. s^.aK.riH MTilf: V.^WBITTB-lf ^OUP,** kj^jni tr «t«aou«(0M. an invlgornnt. a mllcriaxativei a nervine, *»•«««, aainor ar tae popular ''VlichtfcMHv " M Mnwa Qf uar paiwr, W» «a« Mi miUm. If jfoa and an anti'blliuui) ipocilio, reigna in their tli« ataster In thoagbt a«4 *l>o«rB i>. «atald aasluawbarailioaiMMtlaafrMMml tllii tin cbar^bMi. ricbsa aad beaatiss iii tto O'^at Uuiua. with its blooaiiAg •r*wvia«4 ii apaa hww, yraatia* It, a tta aa« to US ia eacb the tlliaiUhM Wur4. Hula- fiU6 1 Mil Oak tiated psitrr, ornate eiimrfags and superb binding. ttiii not au»i«niUn<4 it to N a vtiarvii ri(*- yfiat Saddlery and Harness, Send fur circnlar, ia which i. a lull litscriptiun and Anbiniiiin, »«it, W» ; lipp.M % 1741 nnifer.al cammeudatiuas by tb« pres.. ntiuittfrs and BCiiqtt sfaiw. anui wc <)« MtUflad aal old paU«MTulioming »»H u m ill IK Uatker, Collan, Bridles, Whips, Ete.. cullege profussurs, in tb" Itruagat pussfliie isngnsg*. phf ni, »a4 mm coia^ltMl ta appeal 10 friecflj. ua •i|l» «BiQrtiit, W^vauY * Wa «aey wiw iiyf 137 Planing, SfvwiQiTi SoroU Bawio^, Tnniiiig, eto,, •« W fn typ«-^it U IH.qisfiil e 4M Cf utr»» Tf- m ma M' KtONL \ . .11 Wi.l 1 A i •ITK Vfsln at.i NfmyHU. 'rami. au.l w»ra vUUag t9 bclp JOB ont nMi-n 94IM •Bw?.' 'OI)«e-dawss, Poar- Uarw.Si^ Tli Nos. 101,109 Mid Wasbinfftou Ht., QWEN, McNUTT CO., Band riect-s, tinadnlles, etc., Ju»t isined in oat book p. Swvan^, La—to As U*t li«bu Monut IVgah.. ») AH Mini grauceof p«rfiiMne,elsaiM)ncBnd wlleQiageStcUvpon complete na I try tofcaep yan r accoaat aa ny buokUnioa n loua the tUn. tbasc Toilet Soaps bsTs no winsl In this conn- MBXPaiS, TBNHKSSEE. *ly, and an alwaja wiQiXS (a correct accortad fnpeHor any imported- for ui-as-iT-si. Cotton and Tobacco Factors, riutiaant when yau tbiak I a* wroag. Wbat morr«:l.aI hrm vn TU- laie at allflrrt-cJaa Dru g Stores intbo United States- THE WREATH OF GEMS. «fe tsa uk I When yon Mad aaa mora aabacriber, Ziuaakinn s 247 'II 3151 3« 47 A n«w cullrciion of tue mrit pupniar tnings. Ballads, 107 and Dart., of tto day, with an aocuBip (ur ilic fianufurte. will batnUUed taana wfcabyaar'aaBbacriptioB, i:::::III: I::::;: QAY080 PLANING MILLS. RECEl VINO, FOR WARDING Price of each, Boards. 9S BO. Cloth, t3 Uuth, fall gilt, atoltkeaiare8wUltbenb«4M. WS) got thlato ri^ t f 21 i> FURNITURE. •. AHD II. Sent postpaid oa rrceipt of price. laaMot cbaasB aUfisorw o a baakaai priatad Utl tvary Lotiisiaiu Aiaociatjoni. \ OLtYBB DITSOM A CO., Pablii-hrni, Maw yon m ni oc- «nb«criiKr. " Let aa hare ^eace." General Commission Merctianl^ 3ia Adama Street, 277 Washlnttoa street, Boston CLSBS. I BENNETT & BOURNE, C. X. DITSOa A CO.. 711 Broadway, H, T. »-3» JU Hovtb, V4.—TIB ar» credited f6. Ifcnt yo n VABC or UllOC(4TtOK. LKB BLOCK, idaty-«Te a»B>mullu—Ua»» reeeiTad lh»m ys/o §3 50. I< I 66 Main Street. Mannfaetare all kioiis of THE MEMPHIS AVALANCHE •la right? Ctiaa I s« Uuiou Street, • • Memphis, Tenn. t s AU CpttoB, Tobacco or other Prodnce coBsigaed to as 1870- ^ £«tUiaorc, Ala.-Hara aa tracta on Caaip-Bayoo Macon. s: LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, insnredf nnless otherwise instrncted. Bagging, BopeTh, e events which will transpire dnrini; the year U70 to«i«a»—wl#h w« had. Ch^aUta Taa &ipxirrCentra. thal t ia Off' r th» most comptete and elvicaot .tiick of and other Snppliea, famished at the Loweat Xarkewilltto o f more than ordinary iatarr«t. The proceedinn Mroogni." tract ** on CampbeQisai. Ho|>e thaC»Bcord..t . Price. 6 tf of the~ Oonstitationa l CoBTeatia'an ann di the Legidatare wUl •daiatcr wUl nBd ia tha dab. Eastern Loaii'iar.s. FURlVirrURE CARPENTERS WORK, to of Tilal Importanee to tbs pFopb. Cocgress win also 1raiiartm<-nt. In poUties tto AVaLAK^E. NEW AND ENtARQEP EDITION OF her«toforF, winto aatf-B Badteaa l • Wtteriy oppoacd to Kltjra, La. (Afitnt at CowDarUIe.}—We seb^ I{EDiATBTwM.a. Hwr eBxinmi, indostry, and whi^ will Butks the coaatryrictor aa d > ut by auii 3lay rth. Tracta entstvd ana^Iad agg ItIt oaoa of tto .tergast and Wb* 8abbaifa.srboolTETEA-TETES, more prorperoas ttoa it baa ever been. We have accepted XasiceBo ^ BOW toSawtbapablie. PREMIUM SILK AND WOOLEN the issues of the war i!va Imtb a«capta< r«da.traction, "Tfcod—" ^af. lilTe OS yoor written testteony foPriesr , 3i>esaU.SpeelBM B seat by aall. LOUXGES, AXO WAIIRAKTED AS REPJ»SSIEtiiTllii$. simply becansa ws caa't belp oaradrea. and btsaasa ara Aa jo: !f CnCBCB * CO.. EASY CHAIRS, tolieTBittotbsiatareatoftUooaatry to tarn tbair at- 39.43 dnelaiiati. Ohio. 340 Second Street, tention to living Inaes. Wa will adrooato apy measare V.C.aMtaAeldrLa—TbehMk sbaUto sen t so VA NE SEA T CHAIRS, that hasfor it s ol^Ject peace, aatoaest, traeMU! ^ whisk •aw as. a^w l,»t antrsafrom pahllshm . Sickneaa alooe GBKAT CHJjrCB VOR AOBXTS! Xine U a Bobm XasafWctory, and ctollenim eompetBetweel n Jefferson and Oonrt, XXXPHIS, TX9K.wi n allow the woands of tho war to beai. nflflilftiait t» aakk.ev as fh>w cottTeaUoa. trs to two par math. Wa^attaaiaeleyagood COMMON CHAIRS, tlon.botbln qMll^ and price,from anywbert . Send bseome effaced; a peace whkb shall ig jont agi-at la avary eovaty ta Ito C. S. on coaalaaion for nto List aad try me. Special alteatioB gimi to Ladies' Prsaaes, 8havU,C>oak»its ,tragi c expericace of strife and fat JLH.Tae]i«r, La. soaofaBroUfriend.—Tob di d OTMlan ta latradaea owr World BaM»%i acdimm Patent m NEEDED IH m fursitubi im. S3.tf • ' WXI.];.IA1I FARRIS. which shall srcura aU ttoirrights t o th a*^—BMBaytfrrt. WebavabadtbeBMagbaekBaB - White Wire Clotbea Llaea; wiU last a hnndre4 aaatls them to worktormoBlonaly .aa d impg •aasaFntyoB. We w^nt OBO thoaaaad saeb acentoia yaata. Uyaa waatjmftubla aad pleasaat era- X£\V DKSIGXS IX Aatw and briniaaey oftta ganaaat , at prieai cheapetor devekjp a tbexraat rtaaaiea " Hope to se« yon at tba coBTeatloa. ElSSfi'^kSSi^ lICDaoir Bitik Wiaa 0o.,.7S , tbaa aay atber bMa' atto_clty ia . OoodMuto aaa t aadthem . TtoSaoUUMla^ WISKbi or W XMHxm St., Cbtcago. Send for circular of Pianos tataraadb; aad win ^va oar beat atteatioa.M B of tto S^aiVb, aspedal^ , • Swladall, Ttx.—Id TO rrcaived aad eradilad 37-40 3fAH0GANY, III-tS-lT-'S^'**"' aower before tSna. Let ttom stap to the ntiat rr.ak and alsa flu ibr E'. VaAs. How doca be want OILED WALNUT, €)rgan8; and Meiodeons. D. toTaa baadia tto sbaplac of aw^fatare paU«r.« Tto Ma^reiM! T.A.nSSBB. . L.AXI8,J8. Olymplaa of ^s WV.IaT« dimrtad, aad a saw era VARNISHED WALNUT H. Baldwin, 133 West Fourth to^a where that wlrieb Acy sju^ termtaalcd. aad j^MmaaeU -CUJ yoa bara ^aa ao weH. Paper Tto nanesUaiByaa aad Haa Book, ROSEWOOD, WORKS, IB thU new »» we ^aaw Jlm». Jww iasaes aad aew ' Owi juu nut get ap a elab at joar aaca—Ara Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. -BOJLTELIBUEI leaders. d Vir^aia tlM yaaas mm tad in tto Walkar aAhaatr OAK, and CHERRY. 3S3S HSPR, AM® tiPQti I ofDoWlitywas wonia the THE S0N6S FOR THESpCTUARY. Svb4 yocr orders, with the price yon want to pay. aad pffrvlca of tto CoBlWkiaey} wto had Mlpwed tto triple- Ci^nmmtu-lt tfce viaiaUta ia Arkanaaa Biqttlst atBUoa. CtaBaUad by Bar. CHABLXB L. we will gi.r yoa satistattloB. " WARD'S baaaer antU U va« loartrsdia deftat, botwdaakaaee: iii-a2 iT-Si-ly BKKKKTT * BOITttSK. Ivportei»«f«catakflfscita, <1ilm1 i those wtoM mdattocircait of tto Caafrderacy aad Mid da lika yoa wbat a drcalaUaa wa ««bU ba*Ta. t8a. OBirriTBS, Ceatral Ba^t Cbanb, Trenton. Latest b Itallaa. A—rfaiaii and Hwiaeeeee-HarNa, Maasawatt, ^ Onifrderacj — BawJanoy. IBead sad root StaMa,' TaUa aad O^tar Topa, TaM«tboaavboluidnatod'jriVbVii^, « apoa the dismayed Alm^r kaawB tbraagh tha aoaatry. aad intro- riowar Po^ ate.; also, Tarra ObtU Drala Pipa eoaataatliMtya af Ba^ aad Booketwttow ware tto mea wto 9.* - Art-Tbaftftaaa w w andfovr las t Jasda-tf ATALAIIOBl|t|X«BHrt.is,'rrBB. aaanra again t TSaiwaa sot a>fetcd '«B^. haok^ if OBer. WayUnd Hoyt. JW innaiea. - t probably adopt it."—] enter P Bat. Wo a>« coaSa!^ CTarUreated , tBition ^«»ailBatJoB at tntrodamtTprieaAddra. Addn parebaarta. fortsaes. Staadard article. Addxvss BAinsjiAit ItAXt- By «rcJ*pt«l »l^bliabers39-41 , a. g. BABKBS «).A O)., , Hats made to order on tto siiortest notice. racnmnta Co., Box CO, Station " A," Xew Tark. MEMPBIS, : f : TENNESSEE. Kew York and Chlea^. I'i-aO-ly-lT-W UI-U-ir-13 i. W. BACE, n>ot%raber.