Congressional Record—House H8023
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September 9, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8023 May the Members of the House of 19th Founder’s Week and Church Anni- I will continue to work hard and do every- Representatives be united in enacting versary Services for the New Covenant thing I can to strengthen this program, and I laws and formulating policies that as- Assembly Christian Ministry of Colum- ask my House colleagues to do everything as sure everyone equal justice under the bia, South Carolina. well. law. This we ask and for this we are Led by Pastor C.L. Hardy and his f eternally grateful and praise You Lord first lady, Cynthia Hardy, this min- DEMOCRACY MEANS YOU now and forever. Amen. istry has risen from humble beginnings in 1984 at St. Andrews Community Cen- f (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- ter to an inspiring edifice changing mission to address the House for 1 THE JOURNAL lives across the midlands of South minute and to revise and extend his re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Carolina. marks.) Chair has examined the Journal of the Additionally, Dr. Hardy founded the Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, my office, last day’s proceedings and announces NCA Community Development Center. just like any other office here on the to the House his approval thereof. Its mission is to aid, service, and de- Hill, responds to thousands of con- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- velop people to reach their highest and stituent concerns each month. We nal stands approved. fullest potential by providing special spend a great deal of time responding outreach programs, promoting edu- f in a timely planner to these letters, e- cational success, and by enhancing per- mails, and phone call requests; and this PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE manent leadership. give and take is the hallmark of our Dr. Hardy’s success has been recog- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the democracy. nized by his appointment as Suffrogan gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. Lately, I have been receiving more Bishop in region three of the Pente- BROWN) come forward and lead the costal Assemblies of the World and his and more letters and e-mails sent by House in the Pledge of Allegiance. election as chairman of the Carolina organizations supposedly on behalf of Mr. BROWN of South Carolina led State Council. However, as Dr. Hardy my constituents. One of these organi- the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: often says, ‘‘It’s all about the Lord, not zations recently sent a letter to my of- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the me.’’ fice from one of my constituents. The United States of America, and to the Repub- I ask my colleagues to join me in problem is that this constituent is a lic for which it stands, one nation under God, honoring Dr. and Mrs. Hardy for their personal friend of mine who did not ask indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. many achievements and wish them them to send a letter to me with his f well for many more years of dedicated name on it. In fact, he did not even HOMETOWN HERO service to the people of both Carolinas. agree with the content of the letter. He f simply signed up to receive e-mail up- (Mr. BROWN of South Carolina asked dates. He told me in an e-mail last and was given permission to address SUPPORTING THE AMERICORPS month that ‘‘every week this group the House for 1 minute and to revise PROGRAM would send junk to the people on their and extend his remarks.) (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of list, and then ask you to forward it to Mr. BROWN of South Carolina. Mr. Texas asked and was given permission your politicians. What a scam. I never Speaker, over the years the first dis- to address the House for 1 minute and forwarded any of that garbage.’’ Yet trict of South Carolina has been home to revise and extend her remarks.) one of those messages got to me with to many heroes. I would like to thank Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of his name on it. one of them today. Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in sup- It is outrageous that any group Brigadier General Jerry Black re- port of AmeriCorps, a program that of- would send mass mailings to Members tired this Sunday after 36 years of dis- fers an opportunity for young people of Congress under false pretenses, de- tinguished service in the U.S. Air and Americans of all ages to contribute ceptively putting someone’s name on it Force and Air Force Reserve. to their communities. It makes the without their knowledge or consent. A low country native, General Black dream of college education a reality for We rely on the integrity of the mail so graduated from St. Andrews High families who work hard and play by the that we can reply in good faith; and School and the Citadel. From there the rules while meeting compelling human when that good faith is undermined, it Air Force sent him all over the world. needs in our communities in a cost-ef- is shameful and a disgrace to the From pilot training in Texas to serv- fective manner. American democratic system. ice in Vietnam, from Panama to the I have been supportive of all national f Middle East, in peacetime and in war, and community service initiatives General Black was always eager to an- President Bush appealed for in his 2002 TRANSPORTATION, TREASURY, swer his country’s call to duty. State of the Union address. But the AND INDEPENDENT AGENCIES Most recently, General Black served majority side of the appropriators re- APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2004 fused to include AmeriCorps funding in as the wing commander for the 315th The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Air Wing in Charleston Air Force Base. the supplemental appropriations bill. Mr. Speaker, the lack of supple- BURGESS). Pursuant to House Resolu- It was here that I had the pleasure to mentary funding for AmeriCorps has tion 351 and rule XVIII, the Chair de- meet with him on several occasions. I had a vital impact on Dallas, my home- clares the House in the Committee of can personally attest to the many long town, and the other AmeriCorps pro- the Whole House on the State of the hours he dedicated to ensure success in grams across the State. Union for the further consideration of both Afghanistan and Iraq. Throughout the past year, nearly 72 the bill, H.R. 2989. General Black leaves behind a legacy AmeriCorps volunteers have tutored b 1412 of dedication, selflessness, and integ- 691 youths in the State of Texas includ- rity. Our country is better for his serv- ing the Dallas Habitat for Humanities IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ice, and the first district is proud of and the YMCA of Dallas Oak Cliff Accordingly, the House resolved this hometown hero. Branch. itself into the Committee of the Whole f In Texas, as in other States, House on the State of the Union for the AmeriCorps volunteers provide a host further consideration of the bill (H.R. CELEBRATING THE 19TH ANNIVER- of services including building afford- 2989) making appropriations for the De- SARY OF NEW COVENANT AS- able housing, teaching computer skills partments of Transportation and SEMBLY CHRISTIAN MINISTRY to youth and seniors, and managing Treasury, and independent agencies for (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina after-school programs aimed at young- the fiscal year ending September 30, asked and was given permission to ad- sters who might otherwise drop out of 2004, and for other purposes, with Mr. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- school. DREIER in the Chair. vise and extend his remarks.) Mr. Speaker, we will not find common The Clerk read the title of the bill. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. ground or reach higher ground if we turn na- The CHAIRMAN. When the Com- Speaker, this past weekend marked the tional service into a partisan playground. mittee of the Whole rose on Thursday, VerDate jul 14 2003 00:55 Sep 10, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09SE7.007 H09PT1 H8024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 9, 2003 September 4, 2003, the amendment by I certainly appreciate his desire, but building or public work unless section 3 of the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. let me state that what we have done in the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. 10b) is ap- COOPER) had been disposed of, and the the bill is to go through and tighten plied to such contract by substituting ‘‘at bill was open for amendment from page and clamp down on everything that it least 65 percent’’ for ‘‘substantially all’’. 53, line 3 through page 157, line 2. was in my power to do, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to the order of the House of September 4, 2003, Pursuant to the order of the House of b 1415 that day, no further amendment to the the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. MAN- bill shall be in order except the amend- In doing so, we have tried to put as ZULLO) and the gentleman from Massa- ments designated in the order of the much money as possible where I be- chusetts (Mr. OLVER) each will control House, which may be offered only by lieve we have some of the greatest need 5 minutes. the Member designated in the request, in this country and where the tax- Mr. OLVER. Mr. Chairman, I reserve or a designee, shall be considered read, payers have been paying through their a point of order.