The Geology of the Malvern Hills, with Map and Sections, Panoramic
NEW ZEALAND. Jle:paxtmenf of ~cienfific anb 6lnbuztriar ~ezearcf?. GEOLOGIOAT.--J MEMOIRS. ME M 0 I R No. 1. THE GEOlOGY. OF THE MAlVERN HillS. By R. SPEIGHT, M.Sc., F.G.S., F.Am.G.S., Curator of the Canterbury Museum. With a Section on the Physical and Chemical Properties of the Clays and Sands, by S. PAGE, B.Sc. WITH MAP AND SECTIONS, PANORAMIC SKETCHES, AND PHOTOGRAPHS. WELLINGTON BY AUTHORITY: W. A. G. SKINNER, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1928 NoTE.--We have been enabled to do the work contained in this report by means of a grant made by the New Zealand Institute for that purpose. CONTENTS. PAGE A. Introductory 1 B. General Physiography of the Area 1 C. Stratigraphy 3 I. Pre-Senonian 4 (a) Triassic Sedimentaries and Volcanics, and Lower Jurassic Sedimentarias 4 (b) Upper Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous Volcanics .. 12 (i) Rhyolites 14 (ii) Andesites 16 II. Senonian 17 (a) Coal-measures 17 (i) Hororata-Glentunnel-Sheffield Area 17 (ii) Outliers 34 Cordy's Flat, Hart's, St. Helens, Phillips Saddle, Rockwood, Hawkins Valley, Kowai Valley, High Peak, Acheron, Rakaia Gorge. (b) Age of the Beds 44 III. Post-Senonian 44 (a) Igneous Rocks-Effusives and Intrusives 46 (b) Post-Tertiary-Gravels, &e ... 52 D. Economic Geology 53 (a) Coals 53 (b) Clays and Sands 56 (c) Building-stone 67 ( rl) Metalliferous Minerals 68 E. Bibliography 69 Index 7l THE GEOLOGY OF THE MALVERN HILLS. A. INTRODUCTORY. IN the early days of geological work in New Zealand the Malvern Hills district attracted considerable attention, chiefly, perhaps, since it promised to provide a considerable amount of coal for a region deficient in fuel, but also because it furnished points of purely scientific interest.
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