THE PROCESSIONS TO • The Chief Minister HILL • The Speaker of the • One Messenger of the Legislative The Superintendent of Police calls out Council members of each procession to the Hill • The Clerk of the Legislative Council which depart from the West Door. The • The Members of the Legislative Council first procession to Tynwald Hill is formed • HM Acting Attorney General in the following order: • The • Two Sergeants of the • The Second Deemster Constabulary (from the West Door) • The First Deemster and Clerk of the • The Coroners Rolls • The Senior Salvation Army Officer • The Lord Bishop • The Ministers of the Free Churches • Two Gardyn Coadee • The Chairman of the Isle of Man District • The Tynwald Seneschal of the Methodist Church • The • The Roman Catholic Dean • Two Sergeants of the Isle of Man • The Beneficed Clergy Constabulary (from the West Door) • The Dean of Cathedral Isle of Man • Trumpeters (from the West Door) • The Vicar-General • The Sword of State • The Archdeacon • His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor • The Chairmen of the Town and Village • The Private Secretary to the Lieutenant Commissioners Governor • The Mayor of Douglas • The Surgeon to the Household • The Chief Registrar • The Manx Flag (joins at the West Door, • A Representative of the Commission of after the Surgeon to the Household, and the Peace precedes the President of Tynwald to • The Captains of the Parishes the foot of the Hill) • Yn Lhaihder Before the processions reach the War Memorial, they halt and take up an • The High Bailiff alignment on either side of the path facing • The Chief Secretary inwards so as to enable His Excellency to • The Chief Constable pass through and be the first to step on to The second procession follows immediately Tynwald Hill. on the first procession without any space intervening and is formed in the following The trumpeters sound a fanfare as His order with the Superintendent of Police Excellency leaves the Royal Chapel and being the last to leave the Royal Chapel then precede the Sword Bearer on the accompanied by the Military Liaison Processional Way. On the approach of His Officer from the West Door Excellency the Guard of Honour present arms. The processions reform behind His • Two Messengers of the House of Keys Excellency in reverse order to that in • The Chaplain of the House of Keys which they left the Royal Chapel so that • The Clerk of Tynwald, Secretary of the Superintendent of Police, followed the House of Keys and Counsel to the by the two Sergeants of the Isle of Man Speaker Constabulary who led the first procession, • The Members of the House of Keys bring up the rear.

21 TINVAAL • 7.00 JERREY SOUREE 2014 Persons sitting in the enclosures at the The Deemster, Yn Lhaihder, the Captains foot of the Hill stand when His Excellency of the Parishes, the Coroners and the arrives at the Hill. Superintendent of Police sit on the lowest tier. ON TYNWALD HILL When His Excellency is ready and the His Excellency, the President of Tynwald, officials have taken up their positions on the Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man, the the Hill: HM Acting Attorney General and other Members of the Legislative Council, Please stand the Clerk of the Legislative Council, the ROYAL SALUTE Persons in attendance, the Sword Bearer, the Private Secretary to His Excellency Please sit and the Surgeon to the Household His Excellency says: occupy the top tier; the Speaker, the Learned First Deemster, direct the Court Chief Minister, Members and Secretary to be fenced. of the House of Keys together with their Chaplain are accommodated on the next The First Deemster then says: tier; the High Bailiff, the Representative Coroner of Glenfaba Sheading and Yn of the Commission of the Peace, the Lhaihder, fence the Court. Chief Registrar, the Mayor of Douglas, the Chairmen of the Town and Village The Coroner of Glenfaba Sheading fences Commissioners, the Archdeacon, the the Court saying: Vicar-General, the Clergy, the Roman I fence this Court in the name of our Most Catholic Dean, the representatives of Gracious Sovereign Lady The Queen. I the Free Churches, the Salvation Army charge that no person do quarrel, brawl or and the Chief Constable occupy the tier make any disturbance and that all persons below. The First Deemster sits at the do answer their names when called. I place appointed on the south side of the charge this audience to witness this Court Hill for the promulgation of the laws in is fenced. I charge this audience to witness English and the Second Deemster sits in this Court is fenced. I charge this whole the corresponding position on the north audience to bear witness this Court is now side of the Hill for the reading in Manx. fenced.

22 7 th JULY 2014 • TYNWALD Yn Lhaihder immediately thereafter fences His Excellency then says: the Court in the Manx language: Learned , I exhort you to Ta mee cur yn Whaiyl shoh fo harey proclaim to the people in ancient form ayns ennym Chiarn Vannin, nagh jean such laws as have been enacted during peiagh erbee troiddey, baghyrt ny jannoo the past year and which have received the boiranys erbee, as dy jean dy chooilley Royal Assent. pheiagh freggyrt tra vees eh er ny eam. Ta mee cur recortys er yn eanish shoh dy An abstract of the laws is set out at the vel yn Whaiyl shoh fo harey. Ta mee cur end of this booklet. recortys er yn eanish shoh dy vel yn Whaiyl The First Deemster says: shoh fo harey. Ta mee cur recortys er y clane eanish shoh dy vel yn Whaiyl shoh Has Your Excellency any further nishtagh fo harey. commands? The First Deemster then says: His Excellency says: Incoming Coroners, take the oath in If any persons wish to present a Petition ancient form to execute your offices for let them now come forward. the ensuing year, and receive your staves of office from the hands of His Excellency. If there be any Petitions for Redress they are presented in due form to the Clerk The Coroners elect then proceed up the of Tynwald at the foot of the Hill. The Hill in the following order: Clerk of Tynwald conveys any Petitions for • Coroner of Glenfaba and Michael Redress to His Excellency. • Coroner of Ayre and Garff His Excellency, having been handed the • Coroner of Middle Petitions, says: • Coroner of Rushen I shall refer these Petitions to the They occupy the step below the top step Standing Orders Committee of Tynwald and, when all four are in position on who will report thereon at their earliest bended knee, take the following oath, convenience. administered by the First Deemster: After the Petitioners have withdrawn to By that Book and by the holy contents thereof and by the wonderful works that the north of the Hill, a fanfare is sounded God hath miraculously wrought in heaven and the troops are called to attention above and in the earth beneath in six in turn from Tynwald Hill to the Royal days and seven nights, you shall, without Chapel. respect of favour or friendship, love or Please stand and sing gain, consanguinity or affinity, envy or malice, well and truly execute the office THE NATIONAL ANTHEM of Coroner for each Sheading to which you O land of our birth, have been appointed for the ensuing year. O gem of God’s earth, So help you God. O Island so strong and so fair; The Coroners receive their staves of office Built firm as Barrool, from His Excellency and then return to Thy throne of Home Rule, their places at the foot of the Hill. The Makes us free as thy sweet Seneschal removes the kneeling mats. mountain air.

23 TINVAAL • 7.00 JERREY SOUREE 2014 His Excellency then says: This concludes • A Representative of the Commission of the proceedings on Tynwald Hill. There the Peace will now be a sitting of Tynwald Court • The Captains of the Parishes in the Royal Chapel. With the Learned • Yn Lhaihder Deemsters, the Captains of the Parishes • The High Bailiff and others here assembled, I am pleased • The Chief Secretary to accept the invitation of the President • The Chief Constable of Tynwald to be present at the sitting of Tynwald Court and to witness the The second procession: Captioning of the Acts just promulgated. • The Members of the Legislative Council • HM Acting Attorney General PROCESSIONS FROM • The Lord Bishop TYNWALD HILL • Two Messengers of the House of Keys The Superintendent of Police calls the • The Chaplain of the House of Keys processions from the Hill which, on • The Clerk of Tynwald, Secretary of clearing the detachments, halt and the House of Keys and Counsel to the align themselves on either side of the Speaker path to enable His Excellency, preceded • The Members of the House of Keys by the Sword of State, to pass. The • The Chief Minister Superintendent of Police is the last person • The Speaker of the House of Keys to leave the Hill and brings up the rear • One Messenger of the Legislative of the processions, accompanied by the Council Military Liaison Officer. He is immediately • The Deemster followed by the two Sergeants of the Isle • The Second Deemster of Man Constabulary who lead the first • The First Deemster and Clerk of the procession. Rolls The first procession: • The Clerk of the Legislative Council • Two Sergeants of the Isle of Man • Two Gardyn Coadee Constabulary • The Tynwald Seneschal • The Coroners • The President of Tynwald • The Senior Salvation Army Officer The third procession, which proceeds to • The Ministers of the Free Churches the Robing Room: • The Chairman of the Isle of Man District of the Methodist Church • Two Sergeants of the Isle of Man • The Roman Catholic Dean Constabulary (from the foot of the Hill) • The Beneficed Clergy • Trumpeters (from the foot of the Hill) • The Dean of Cathedral Isle of Man • The Sword of State • The Vicar-General • His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor • The Archdeacon • The Private Secretary to the Lieutenant • The Chairmen of the Town and Village Governor Commissioners • The Surgeon to the Household • The Mayor of Douglas • The Manx Flag immediately follows the • The Chief Registrar Surgeon from the foot of the Hill

24 7 th JULY 2014 • TYNWALD The following persons from the second • Two Sergeants of the Isle of Man procession then join the third procession Constabulary (to the South Door) to the Robing Room: • Two Gardyn Coadee (who will stand • The President of Tynwald either side of the communion rail) • The Tynwald Seneschal • The Tynwald Seneschal • Two Gardyn Coadee • The Manx Flag (to the South Door) • The Clerk of the Legislative Council • The President of Tynwald • The First Deemster and • The Clerk of the Legislative Council • The Second Deemster Please stand as the President of Tynwald • The Deemster enters the Royal Chapel The Speaker of the House of Keys, preceded The President of Tynwald then says: by a Messenger of the House of Keys, leads all the remainder of the processions into Honourable Members, I have invited the Chapel by the West Door. His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, His Honour the Deputy Governor, First Persons holding tickets for the Royal Chapel Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls, His Honour proceed from their places in the enclosure the Second Deemster and His Honour the at Tynwald Hill to their seats in the Royal Deemster to be present to witness this Chapel, at the direction of the Ushers. sitting of the Court, and I call upon the The Guard of Honour, Band and Standard Clerk of Tynwald to escort them to their Bearers move from the Processional Way, places. across the Green to their new positions on the road opposite the Lychgate to await the Please remain standing as His Excellency departure of His Excellency the Lieutenant enters the Royal Chapel Governor. The Manx units withdraw from accompanied by the Deemsters the Processional Way across the Green • Two Sergeants of the Isle of Man to their assembly area. Those seated on Constabulary (to the South Door) the stands may not leave their places until the processions have re-entered the Royal • Trumpeters (to the South Door) Chapel, the military withdrawn, and then • The Deemster only on the instructions of the officials. • The Second Deemster • The First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls SITTING OF THE COURT • The Sword of State OF TYNWALD • His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor • The Private Secretary to the Lieutenant The Captioning of the Acts Governor The passage from the Robing Room to • The Surgeon to the Household the South Door of the Royal Chapel is His Excellency and the Deemsters take meanwhile cleared by police officers, and their seats behind the Bar of the Court: when Tynwald Court has assembled in the once they are seated, the Gardyn Coadee Royal Chapel and the invited guests are close the Bar of the Court and the Sword of in their places, the following procession State is placed before the President. moves from the Robing Room into the Royal Chapel: Please sit

25 TINVAAL • 7.00 JERREY SOUREE 2014 The President of Tynwald says: • The Second Deemster • The Deemster Members of the Council, Mr Speaker and Members of the House of Keys, we shall The President of Tynwald says: now caption the Acts just promulgated on The Council will now retire and Members of Tynwald Hill. the House of Keys will remain to transact The Seneschal hands the promulgated Acts such business as Mr Speaker may put to the President of Tynwald to be certified. before them. Once the President of Tynwald has signed The President of Tynwald and the Members them, each Act is taken by a Messenger of the Legislative Council leave the Royal to the Speaker of the House of Keys for Chapel and proceed within the procession his signature and then returned to the red to the Robing Room by the South Door in case. the following order: Once the signing process is complete the • Two Sergeants of the Isle of Man President of Tynwald awards the Tynwald Constabulary (from the South Door) Honour. The Tynwald Honour is the • The Manx Flag (from the South Door) highest award that Tynwald can bestow. • The President of Tynwald It is given only to someone who has made • The Tynwald Seneschal an outstanding, lifelong and altruistic • Two Gardyn Coadee contribution to Manx life. • The Clerk of the Legislative Council The President of Tynwald then says: • The Lord Bishop • HM Acting Attorney General Members of the Council, Mr Speaker • The other Members of the Legislative and Members of the House of Keys, that Council concludes the business of the Court. The • One Messenger of the Legislative Court will now stand adjourned to 15th Council July 2014 at 10.30 am in Douglas. I now call upon Hon Members to stand for the Please sit departure of His Excellency and his party. SITTING OF THE Please stand HOUSE OF KEYS The Gardyn Coadee open the Bar of the The Deputy Speaker moves: That all Bills Court. His Excellency, accompanied by and other business before the House the Deemsters, leaves the Royal Chapel remaining unfinished at this date be proceeding to the Robing Room by the suspended and continued at the same South Door: stage to the first meeting of the House in • Two Sergeants of the Isle of Man the next legislative year. Constabulary (from the South Door) The Speaker asks for a Seconder • Trumpeters (from the South Door) (traditionally a long serving Member). • The Sword of State • His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor A vote is taken and the business is • The Private Secretary to the Lieutenant concluded. Governor The Speaker will say: Hon Members, since • The Surgeon to the Household the business of the House for this session • The First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls was concluded at our last sitting, there is

26 7 th JULY 2014 • TYNWALD now no further business to transact. The His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor House will now stand adjourned to 10.30 bids farewell to the President of Tynwald am in Tynwald Court in Douglas on 15th and the Speaker of the House of Keys. His July 2014. Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and his party then depart. Please stand The Trumpeters, the Sword Bearer, the At the conclusion of the sitting of the Manx Flag, the President of Tynwald, the House of Keys the following persons leave Speaker of the House of Keys and the the Royal Chapel by the South Door: Military Liaison Officer then retire through the Lychgate to the Robing Room. • Two Messengers of the House of Keys • The Chaplain of the House of Keys Roger Phillips • The Clerk of Tynwald, Secretary of Clerk of Tynwald the House of Keys and Counsel to the June 2014 Speaker • The Members of the House of Keys • The Chief Minister • The Speaker of the House of Keys They line each side of the route to the Robing Room to enable the Speaker to proceed through their ranks to the Robing Room. Please sit until directed by an Usher to leave The official guests leave the Royal Chapel via the South Door. Those persons remaining in the Royal Chapel leave by the West Door. The following procession moves from the Robing Room to the road side of the Lychgate and halts: • The Sword Bearer • His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor • The Manx Flag • The President of Tynwald • The Speaker of the House of Keys The route will be lined by the Ushers and police. Upon signal from the Military Liaison Officer, the Guard of Honour Present Arms for the Royal Salute and National Anthem.