Issue 11/2012

Meeting of 3 September 2012

Monday, 3 September 2012: 15.00-18.30 (votes at 16.00) Room: 1G3 in the Altiero Spinelli building

The Committee meeting will be web-streamed and can be watched live on the EP website at: or on Europarl TV:

Past meetings can be watched or extracts downloaded via the EP Live Multimedia Library:

Speeches and presentations held during ITRE meetings will be available on the ITRE website

If you wish to receive the ITRE Newsletter, please send an e-mail with your contact details and "Newsletter" in the subject field to: [email protected]

CHANGES TO THE DRAFT AGENDA OF 3 SEPTEMBER: Please be informed that the vote on the Rübig report (SMEs: competitiveness and business opportunities, 2012/2042(INI)) has been postponed to the 17-18 September meeting

For information please contact: [email protected] or visit the ITRE Committee online: This Newsletter is produced in advance of each ITRE Committee meeting by the Committee Secretariat. Information contained herein is accurate at the time of publication but may be subject to change at any time. Photos: Credit © , 2012 IIITTTRRREEE NNNeeewwwsssllleeetttttteeerrr 111111///222000111222


Conclusion of the Agreement between the Renewal of the Agreement for scientific and and the People's technological cooperation between the Democratic Republic of Algeria on European Community and the Federative cooperation in science and technology Republic of Brazil (: A. Sartori) (Rapporteur: A. Sartori)

Adoption of draft report Adoption of draft report (simplified procedure) (simplified procedure)

For international agreements the Treaty (TFEU) foresees a special procedure, which usually starts in the who submits a recommendation to the Council. Following Article 218, paragraph 6(a) of the TFEU, a consent of the European Parliament is necessary before the Council is concluding the agreement.

The renewal of the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Federal Republic of Brazil as well as the conclusion of such an Agreement with the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria serve the mutual interests of the European Union and these countries. They foster the relationship with the partner countries, science being the bridge for many other areas of cooperation such as tackling ecological challenges (climate change, protection of biodiversity, water management), combating diseases or improving food security. Link to Draft report Algeria & Brazil

PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE Vote Plenary: September 2012

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EU cohesion policy and the Interim report on the implementation of the new Multiannual Financial European energy policy Framework 2014-2020 (Draftsperson: I. Enciu) approval procedure (Draftsperson: E. Herczog) Consideration of draft opinion Consideration of draft opinion The general question to be addressed regarding the subject is linked to the Budget The Commission published on 29 June 2011 and overall regional policy and energy policy its proposals on a Council Regulation laying questions. down the MFF for the years 2014-2020 (MFF The ITRE Rapporteur for opinion Mr Enciu Regulation) and a draft Interinstitutional welcomes the general approach of linking Agreement on cooperation in budgetary cohesion policy to the Europe 2020 objectives matters and sound financial management. and its flagship initiatives in order to move According to the Article 312(2) TFEU, the towards smart, sustainable and inclusive Council shall adopt the MFF Regulation growth and to support the shift towards a unanimously after obtaining the consent of low-carbon economy in all sectors. He has the European Parliament, which shall be also much attention for the social dimension given by a majority of its component of the energy policy, in accordance with the members. spirit of solidarity between Member States as Rule 81(3) of Parliament's Rules of Procedure enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty, and for foresees the possibility for the Committee combating energy poverty in the most responsible to present an interim report prior vulnerable households. to Parliament taking a decision to approve or He stresses that the full development of reject the act: "Where Parliament's consent is energy transmission infrastructure and required for a proposed legislative act or an networks between the Member States and all envisaged international agreement, the committee regions of the EU, including the outermost responsible may decide, in the interests of regions is very important for the completion achieving a positive outcome of the procedure, to and functioning of the internal energy present an interim report on the proposal to market, for security of supply and for Parliament including a motion for a resolution achieving the goal of convergence among EU containing recommendations for modification or regions. implementation of the proposed act." His target is that no region of the Member The BUDG Committee decided to draw-up States should remain isolated from European such an interim report on the MFF gas and electricity networks after 2015 or Regulation which should also cover the draft suffer from inadequate connection to energy Interinstitutional Agreement. networks. The ITRE Draftsperson, Ms Herczog, Link to Draft opinion published her draft opinion on the interim report on 18 July 2012. PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE Link to Draft opinion Deadline amendments: 10 October, 12h PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE Vote in ITRE: 5 November 2012 Deadline amendments: 4 September, 12h Vote in ITRE: 24 September 2012

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Budget 2013 (Draftsperson: R. Bütikofer)

Adoption of budgetary amendments

The adoption of the opinion on the budgetary lines in 2013 Draft Budget is foreseen on 3 September 2012. There are 92 amendments introduced by the Members of the ITRE Committee on the Council position on Draft Budget 2013, mainly aiming at restoring the Commission Draft Budget, where the proposed budget cuts by the Council would seriously hamper the EU's efforts in supporting the sustainable growth and addressing major societal challenges. In their amendments the Members also call in their amendments for a stronger enhancement of European competitiveness, support for ongoing legislative initiatives and pivotal flagship programmes, measures for supporting the SMEs, as well as propose various pilot projects and preparatory actions in the ITRE Committee's policy areas. Link to Bdg amendments

Completing the Digital Single Market (Draftsperson: A. Patriciello)

Adoption of draft opinion

The adoption of the opinion on Completing the Digital Single Market (INI) is foreseen on 3 September 2012. There are 59 amendments introduced by the Members of the ITRE Committee on the draft opinion. The Rapporteur for opinion worked on compromises, which have been distributed to the Members and the political groups. The ITRE Committee calls for actions in line with the Digital Agenda for Europe and highlights in particular aspects related to e-signature and e-identification including issues like trust and security, data protection, net neutrality and specific measures for SMEs. Link to Draft opinion + amendments IIITTTRRREEE NNNeeewwwsssllleeetttttteeerrr 111111///222000111222

DELEGATIONS POLICY DEPARTMENT A UPCOMING EVENTS ITRE delegation to Cyprus Presentation of the study on the EU The European Parliament delegation visited for top scientists the incoming Cyprus EU Presidency together A presentation of the study on "The with their attractiveness of the EU for top scientists" counterparts will take place during the ITRE committee in Cyprus to meeting on 3 September 2012 at 15:00 in room discuss their Altiero Spinelli 1G3. agenda and the main The study provides an international challenges to comparison of research be addressed environments and presents in the remit of policy recommendations to the ITRE-competences during the Cyprus EU feed into the discussion on Presidency. Horizon 2020. It shows that During the visit, the delegation met with the while Europe has a strong Minister of Commerce, Industry and science and research base the Tourism, Mr Neoklis Sylikiotis, Minister of European research sector Communications and Works, Mr Efthymios does not currently represent an attractive Flourentzos as well as with Deputy Minister enough proposition for top researchers. To for European Affairs Mr Andreas effectively address this problem, policies Mavroyiannis to discuss their respective must be developed that specifically focus on program. Members held also meetings with a the quality of the research environment while variety of public authorities active in these also creating the conditions that can best areas as well as with the relevant promote and reward scientific excellence. Parliamentary Committees of the Cyprus Opportunities exist at the EU level to House of Representatives. positively address these issues, primarily in the context of targeted actions in relation to The short, but intense visit covered a variety smart specialisation initiatives and specific of issues like on-going discussions on the actions in the framework of cohesion policy. European energy infrastructure regulation, There is a clear need also to strengthen the the agenda for information society, the ERC and to streamline international progress on the Horizon 2020 programme cooperation with third countries in relation, negotiations, ICT and telecoms EU policies for instance, to the Horizon 2020 initiative. and initiatives in the sector of innovation and entrepreneurship envisaged by the Cyprus The report is available under the Expertise- EU Presidency. The situation of research Studies link. activities, the deployment of renewable Read the Study energies in Cyprus as well as the impact of the recent offshore gas discoveries in the Cyprus territorial waters were also high on the agenda during the visit. The ITRE Members that took part to the delegation will report back to the Committee during the meeting of 3 September. MEP Robert Goebbels was head of the ITRE delegation.

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ACER ITRE delegation to ACER, 30-31.08.2012 A delegation of the ITRE Committee has visited the headquarters of the ACER Agency in Ljubljana (Slovenia). The delegation was composed of the MEP Romana Jordan - chair of the delegation (EPP), MEP Claude Turmes (Greens) and MEP Alyn Smith (Greens). Some of the key issues addressed concern the implementation of REMIT, the impact of the future Energy Infrastructure Package on the work of ACER and the challenges related to the integration of renewable energy sources into the internal energy.

Transparency in European Gas Markets: public consultation and workshop Transparency is a vital for the functioning of a competitive internal gas market. Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 includes a number of transparency requirements, and ACER is currently examining the compliance of the TSOs with those. To that end an inquiry was opened since November 2011, with the cooperation of National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs). The responses received have been submitted by ACER to public consultation, within the framework of the Gas Regional Initiative. The final phase of this consultation took place this summer. A public workshop on Transparency in Gas Markets will be held in ACER premises in Ljubljana on 13 September 2012, in order to allow TSOs, NRAs and other stakeholders to express their views and provide their feedback to ACER before the final results are presented in the 22nd Madrid Forum in October 2012. TSOs, NRAs and stakeholders from all Member States are welcome to participate

BEREC ITRE delegation to BEREC offices in Riga, 28-30.08.2012 A delegation of the ITRE Committee visited BEREC Office in its premises in Riga (Latvia). The delegation was composed of the MEP Pilar del Castillo - chair of the delegation (EPP), MEP Catherine Trautmann (S&D) and MEP Amelia Andersdotter (Greens). The EU Parliament delegation discussed with the BEREC Office Administrative Manager, Mr Ando Rehemaa, the support provided by the Office to BEREC for the implementation of the BEREC Work programme 2012 and will touch upon the most important topics in it. During the meeting, the MEPs were informed also about the status of the settlement of the BEREC Office in Riga one year after its inauguration and the related further steps included in BEREC Office Work programme 2012.

ENISA ITRE delegation to ENISA offices, 17-19.07.2012 ENISA's Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht and the management team hosted a delegation from the European Parliament’s Committee for Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE). The group included ITRE Committee Rapporteur, MEP Giles Chichester (ECR), MEP Ivailo Kalfin (S&D) and MEP Amelia Andersdotter (Greens).

ENISA General Report 2011 ENISA has published its annual General Report containing details of the Agency's work and achievements during 2011. The Report covers ENISA's operational activities, including resilience, critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP), secure services and assisting Member States with operational security issues. Relations with ENISA's stakeholders are also included. IIITTTRRREEE NNNeeewwwsssllleeetttttteeerrr 111111///222000111222



Next ITRE meetings: 17-18 September 2012, 15.00-18.30 (I); 9.00-18.30 (II) in (room JAN 4Q2) 18 September 2012, 17.00-18.30 (room JAN 4Q1) in Brussels JOINT DEBATE ON CEF 24 September 2012, 15.00-18.30 in Brussels (room JAN 4Q2) 8-9 October 2012, 15.00-18.30 (I); 9.00-18.30 (II) in Brussels (room JAN 4Q2)

Upcoming Report votes: A. Correia de Campos: Trans-European energy Infrastructure (negotiating mandate) - FORESEEN 18/09 P. Rübig: SMEs: competiveness and business opportunities - POSTPONED TO 18/09 M.-J. Marinescu: European satellite navigations systems - FORESEEN 18/09 N. Tzavela: The industrial, energy and other aspects of shale gas and oil - FORESEEN 18/09 B. Kovács: Energy-efficiency labelling & STAR Regulation - FORESEEN 18/09 J. Creutzmann: COSME - FORESEEN 9/10 I. Belet: Safety of offshore oil and gas activities - FORESEEN 9/10 NEW! H. Krahmer: Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation - FORESEEN 9/10 NEW!

Upcoming Opinion votes: A. Gyürk: Public Procurement - FORESEEN 18/09 Z. Balcytis: Procurement by entities - FORESEEN 18/09 E. Herczog: Interim Report on MFF - FORESEEN 24/09 J. Merkies: Radioactive water for human consumption - FORESEEN 9/10 NEW! M. Ulvskog: COP 18 (opinion to Resolution) - FORESEEN 9/10 NEW! I. Enciu: Role of cohesion EU policy .. energy policy - FORESEEN 5/11 NEW!

Amendments deadlines: I. Belet: Safety of offshore oil and gas activities - REPORT (4/09) NEW! E. Herczog: Interim Report on MFF - OPINION (4/09) NEW! H. Krahmer: Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation - REPORT (5/09) J. Merkies: Radioactive water for human consumption - OPINION (11/09) NEW! W. Langen: Award of concession contracts - OPINION (11/09) N. Tzavela: The Energy Roadmap 2050 - REPORT (19/09) G. Chichester: Nuclear decommissioning BG, LT, SK - OPINION (25/09) I. Kalfin: Re-use of public sector information - REPORT (27/09) A.Vălean: Connecting Europe Facility (Rule 51 with TRAN) - REPORT (4/10) NEW! I. Enciu: Role of cohesion EU policy .. energy policy - OPINION (10/10) NEW! J. Creutzmann: Statutory audits of annual accounts&public-interest entities - 2 OPINIONS (11/10) NEW!

Other events: Hearing on "Energy Roadmap 2050", 18 September 2012 15:00-17:00 Draft programme