2013 ESS CUP Officials

Officiating Profiles

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Teresa Anderson

Langley, BC

Experience: Level IV, 14 seasons officiating Leagues: CIS, Senior Female, FMAAA & Minor Hockey Playing History: Delphi Stars and New West Lightning Senior AAA

Teresa Anderson began her officiating career after encouragement from her friends who also officiated. For her, the most exciting thing about officiating is being involved in intense games where her “mettle is tested.” She finds the most challenging part of being an official the ability to maintain focus after something distracting or negative occurs. Teresa uses visualization techniques to mentally prepare for games. She bikes both in a gym and on trails in conjunction with free weights and interval training to keep her body ready for the demands of a Referee. Teresa believes that the most important tools an official has are their Judgment, rule knowledge and understanding the “spirit and context” of how they are applied. Working Olympic exhibition games in 2010, the 2004 ESSO Cup (Sherwood Park) and many NWHL and WWHL games are listed as some of her career highlights. Her favorite arena to work in is Minoru (Richmond) because of the generous amount of room on the ice and the intimate feel with the seating. In the off season Teresa officiates in‐line hockey, enjoys cycling and golf. Professionally, Teresa works in financial management for Surrey Schools. Teresa has volunteered as an instructor, supervisor, branch coordinator and minor hockey RIC (South Coast Female) for BC Hockey. Teresa’s advice is “to learn from every game that you do…and at any level there is a teachable moment for you to find.” Teresa would like to thank Paul Willing for being “instrumental in (her) development.”

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Kayla Keeping Kamloops, BC

Experience: Level IV, 7 years officiating Leagues: CIS, FMML, Midget tier 1 (male) Playing History: Kamloops Vibe Senior Women’s (Defense)

Kayla began officiating in Ashcroft BC due to a lack of officials in the area. Now she finds being a part of the officiating team on the ice, making split second calls and learning from her experiences on the ice as the most exciting parts of the job as a Referee. Her biggest challenges are dealing with parents, fans and even coaches sometimes. She says the atmosphere in Memorial Arena in Kamloops makes it her favorite place to officiate a game. Speaking with her fellow officials before a game helps Kayla mentally prepare for the job at hand. She cross trains 5 days a week to compliment a good diet and lots of rest to make sure her body is ready to go. She believes that learning from your mistakes and listening to the feedback from fellow officials and supervisors are the best tools for an official to keep improving. Working pre‐ Olympic games in 2010, lining the gold medal game at the ESSO Cup in 2011 and Reffing the Bronze game at the U18 nationals are her current career highlights. When she is not officiating Kayla enjoys exercising, playing and coaching hockey, hiking, horseback riding, cooking and reading. Professionally, Kayla is a Cabinet maker, landscaper and she has volunteered as an instructor for many BC Hockey high performance camps and tournaments. Kayla’s advice for young officials is “Ask questions, give it your all every game and be confident.” She would like to thank Willy Saari and Rob Fryer for their contributions to her career thus far.

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Stacey de Wynter of Powell River, BC Experience: Level II, 17 years officiating Leagues: CIS, Midget AAA, Minor hockey Playing History: Powell River Minor Hockey

Stacey de Wynter’s uncle was an official and through her parents encouragement, she and her brother started officiating as youths. The ever changing and spontaneous nature of hockey is the most exciting part of officiating for Stacey. She says that split second decisions are the most challenging aspect of being an official. To mentally prepare Stacey thinks about the last game she worked at the particular level she is about to officiate and identifies the areas where she needs to improve, then she focuses on having fun. Power skating, running, biking and weights are elements of her training routine to keep in shape for games. Confidence, rule knowledge and respect are what Stacey identifies as important tools for a successful official. The CIS Playoffs, 2006 pre‐Olympic games and Macs Midget AAA Female Gold medal game are some of her career highlights to date. Stacey has a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and currently works as a laboratory technologist in microbiology. Stacey has volunteered as a mentor and shadow for young officials. Outside of hockey she enjoys hiking/outdoor activities, yoga, painting and shopping. Stacey’s advice is “never give up! …learn from your mistakes and use that knowledge to make your next game better.” She appreciates her parents, brother and fiancé who have supported her officiating.

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Rikki‐Lee Gavin

Calgary, Alberta Experience: Level IV, 14 years officiating Leagues: CWHL, CIS, ACAC, Female Mid AAA, Ban/Mid AAA (male) Playing History: Midget Minor hockey and Senior Women’s AA

Following in her older brother’s footsteps Rikki‐Lee began officiating in her hometown of Vauxhall Alberta. She says that playoff hockey is the most exciting and challenging part of the job. She lists the women’s CIS Semi‐finals as one of the most memorable games of her career, going into 3 overtime periods. Rikki‐Lee lists Father David Bauer arena in as her favorite place to work a hockey game. She arrives to the arena early and with enough time for a good warm‐up in preparation for a game. Crossfit and 3‐4 gym visits a week keep her ready physically prepared for a season full of hockey games. The 2007 Winter Games (Whitehorse, YT), 2008 Senior Women’s Championships (Charlottetown, PEI), 2009 ESSO Cup (Calgary, AB) and 2009 U18 Nationals (Surrey, BC) are her career highlights so far. Away from the rink her family, friends, dog and slo‐pitch keep her busy. Her advice is “don’t give up. Even if you have a bad game.” Rikki‐Lee thanks her family and husband for their support and the Alberta South and Central Zones for the opportunities she has been given.

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Cydnie Rice

Invermere, BC Experience: Level 3, 5 years officiating Leagues: KIJHL (Junior B) Playing History: Midget (male & Female), Mount Royal College

Through encouragement from her local RIC Cydnie Rice began officiating. Getting to attend events such as the ESSO Cup are the most exciting parts of the job. She recalls her first warm‐up lap at the 2012 Female U18 Nations in Dawson Creek as her most memorable moment thus far in officiating. Cydnie uses meditation and visualization to prepare mentally for games. She also bikes, runs, hikes, rollerblades and officiates soccer to keep her body ready for the demands on the ice. Other sports she currently plays are volleyball and slo‐pitch. Cydnie believes that being open to constructive criticism is the best tool an officials can use to find success. She lists making the KIJHL officiating staff and Reffing the gold medal game at the BC Winter Games as her career highlights thus far. Cydnie works as an insurance advisor and has two puppies that occupy a lot of her time. Her advice to young female officials is to “push yourselves! Get as much experience as you can and do not be afraid to ask questions or get involved.” Cydnie would like to recognize Cam Dow who originally got her started in officiating. She also appreciates the support of Rob Archambault, the local officials from Invermere and the KIJHL staff for their support.

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Casey Rodusek

Surrey, BC Experience: Level 3, 12 years officiating Leagues: FMML, Senior Women’s A and AA, Minor Hockey Playing History: Goalie for Richmond Girls

Casey Rodusek’s love for the game of hockey intrigued her to peruse officiating to see the game from a totally different perspective. “Knowing that you are making the right calls in a game” is the most exciting part of the job for Casey. However, she finds having coach’s understand where officials are coming from as one of the biggest challenges she faces. Casey has instructed at BC Hockey Clinics for a long time as well as being involved with BC Cups and provincial championships. She finds having a relaxed personality and approach to the game helps her prepare for the job at hand. She goes to the gym 3 times a week and continues to play in order to keep her body ready for games. Casey believes that the rule book is the greatest tool that an official has and she has found that instructing/teaching young officials has allowed her to continue to build her knowledge. Casey has worked her way up through several events including multiple U18 BC Cups, Provincial championships, Senior Women’s Western Shield Championships and now the ESSO Nationals. Casey, currently works for the Surrey School district and says outside of that, hockey is pretty much her life. Her advice is “stick to your game plan and maintain your integrity…success is based on your values.” She would like to thank Paul Willing, Cindy Secord, Patti Martin and John and Pat Korenic who have all played roles in her success.

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Sandra Lowe

Burnaby, BC Experience: Level III, 10 years officiating Leagues: Women’s Varsity, FMML, Midget (male) Minor hockey Playing History: Began in Ringette

Sandra Lowe was looking for a different way to stay involved after breaking her leg in a hockey game. So she gave officiating a try. That decision eventually led her to one of her most memorable moments; in January 2013 she worked the Chinese National Women’s hockey tournament in Harbin, China. She finds the fact that “every game is a fresh opportunity to do your best” as the most exciting thing about the job. However, no taking negativity from game related comments personally can prove be one of the most challenging things she faces as an official. Sandra lists Queens Park Arena in New West Minister as her favorite place to work a game. She also listens to the same music before every game and one specific song right before she goes on the ice to get pumped up. Her fitness routine was summed up in one word “gym.” She loves to travel as she has been in 10 countries over the past 14 months. In addition to working hockey in China, she also officiated games at the 2012 women’s Mountain Cup in Switzerland. Professionally, Sandra is the Senior Administrator for News and Station Business Operations for Global Television. She also sits on the board of Directors for Variety Children’s charity and is employed by the NHL as an off‐ice official. Her advice to young officials is; “the things that you learn on the ice as an official will serve you well in life.” Sandra would like to thank all of the mentors who supported her along the way and all the family and friends who have forgiven her for missing birthdays, anniversaries and other special events because she was busy with and important game.

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Jamie Scriver

Ladysmith, BC Experience: Level IV, 7 years officiating Leagues: Female Mid. AAA, CIS, VIJHL and Minor Hockey Playing History: Nanaimo Minor Hockey (Defense)

Jamie Scriver began officiating in search of new hobby after finding out she missed her playing days. Jamie says that everything about being involved in the game is what makes officiating exciting. Jamie has been a clinic instructor for 5 years. She has also supervised at many camps and high performance events including; BC Winter Games, U18 and U16 BC Cups. She tries to envision the game prior to going on the ice as a form of mental preparation. Jamie also runs, stretches and eats well to make sure that she is physically prepared. Jamie identifies communication as the best tool for an official. She states, “if you can’t talk it out…you are just a girl with a whistle.” In 2010 Jamie lined an Olympic exhibition game between Sweden and China and officiated at the 2011 ESSO Cup. Professionally, Jamie is a Correctional Officer in an all‐male Correctional centre. Away from the rink she enjoys camping and motorcycle trips. Her advice is to “skate with all you have in every game…ask questions and have fun.” Jamie would like to thank Hank Aarsen, Rick Hodgson, Tim Bilyk and all of Nanaimo minor hockey for their support and leadership in her officiating career.

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Jacqui Harrison

Campbell River, BC Experience: Level III, 12 years officiating Leagues: All Levels of Minor Hockey Playing History: Never played , started officiating at 18 years old

Jacqui Harrison was a figure skater growing up and stared officiating in search of more ice time. The bonus to officiating was that she got to throw her brothers in the penalty box. Jacqui says that maintaining the standard of play through all 3 periods is the most challenging aspect of officiating. She says Gold River has the best ice and that is why it is her favorite place to officiate. Jacqui’s resume includes officiating at many championships; provincials, BC Winter Games, Junior B, CIS, U16, U18 BC Cups and senior Women’s. However, her most memorable moment was a game between the Japanese and Swedish women’s teams. Jacqui has two kids that keep her busy off the ice in addition to her job with TD Canada Trust. She also finds time to play hockey, read, bike, hike and play badminton. Her advice to young officials is “keep your head on a swivel and read the rule book.” Jacqui would like to thank Tim Grey of Gold River who was a great mentor as well as Mike Lytwynec, John Gubbels, Mike Fraser and Stephane Rainville.

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Dana Argue

Kyle, Saskatchewan Experience: Level III, 12 years officiating Leagues: CIS, ACAC, Mid. AAA (male/Female), Bantam AAA Playing History: Did not grow up Playing

Dana Argue attended her first officiating clinic with her mom 12 years ago because she could not commit to playing on a team. She says that the most exciting thing about officiating is “knowing that no two games are ever alike.” She has found balancing life after school and officiating to be a challenging experience. However, when she gets to the rink she finds that a good warm‐up helps her mentally focus, eliminating any pre‐game nerves. Her other sporting passions, Volleyball and basketball keep her in shape to help her body prepared for hockey, as well as her 2‐3 weekly visits to the gym. Dana believes that learning from your mistakes and taking supervisors criticisms in a positive light are the tools of a successful official. Her previous career highlights include the 2009 ESSO Cup (Calgary), 2011 ESSO Cup (St Albert) and 2011 Canada Winter Games (Halifax.) Professionally, Dana works as a Nurse in the Red Deer Hospital (ICU). Her Advice to young officials is that “there will always be times where you doubt your abilities but it is important to keep pushing through”. Dana would like to thank in general for all of the opportunities she has received since moving there in 2008.

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Nichole Pedersen Nelson, BC (not pictured) Experience: Level II, 8 years officiating Leagues: FMML, Midget Rep and Minor Hockey Playing History: Nelson Minor Hockey (Right wing)

Nichole Pedersen started officiating at 13 years old with a friend. She finds being on the ice to witness the skill sets of the players is the most exciting thing about her job. However, dealing with coaches can be one of the biggest challenges she faces on the ice. Nichole officiated at the 2010 BC Winter Games prior to her selection to the 2013 ESSO Cup and it is the most memorable moment of officiating career to date. Her hometown Nelson Community Complex is her favorite arena to work in, particularly when the sun is shining and comes in through the big windows as she skates around the rink. Nichole exercise 6 times a week, eats well and always has a game plan in order to physical and mentally prepare for games. She just graduated from the college of the Rockies and is training to become a career structural fire fighter. Her advice for young girls is “stick in there, keep upping your game. There are many opportunities when it comes to female officiating.” Nichole would like to thank all of the Nelson Minor Hockey officials and in particular Rick Lane for all of his knowledge and ability to make games fun.

2013 ESS CUP Officials

Adrienne Beacom

Kamloops, BC (Left) Experience: Level III, 9 years officiating