OFFICE OF THE PANCHAYAT SAMITI ARGORI, -MOURI, TENDER NOTICE HWZP/SNK/PS/e-NIT – 12 2015-16 Memo No.: __770 ___/EO Dated: ____04.08.2015 __. Sealed tenders in printed tender form of Sankrail Panchayat Samity are invited by the undersigned from the bonafied and resourceful tenderers having credential for the following works. The tenders will be received by the executive Officer, Sankrail Panchayat Samity upto ___2.00 ______PM of ____14.09.2015 ______Column (1) Column (2) Column (3) Column (4) Column (5) Column (6) Sl. Description of the Schemes Estimated Amount Earnest Time of Cost of No. put to Tender (Rs.) Money in completion Tender Rs. Paper in Rs.

07/2015- One Concrete cement Road from 9,99,984=00 Rs. 20,000/- 16 Mashila Azad Bhavan to 30(thirty) Rs.1,000/- Khetrapal under Mashila GP days. under MPLADS 08/2015- One Concrete cement Road from 6,00,606=00 Rs. 12,100/- 16 Hirapur Brindaban Koyal's souse 30(thirty) Rs.700/- to Sibtala pole via Ginjira Bundh days. under Sarenga GP under MPLADS 09/2015- Improvement Of P.C. Roy Road 18,44,079=00 Rs. 20,000/- 16 From Andul Road To Kamrangu 30(thirty) Rs.1,000/- More Under Mplads (25 P.C) days. Eligibility of Tenderer & Terms and Conditions shall be abided by the tenderers:- 1. For purchasing of Tender Papers,the Tenderer’s have to apply with the attested copies of valid VAT/I.T./P.T. clearance certificates alongwith credential certificates, (which will be at least 40% of the Estimated Amount put to tender within last consecutive 3 years, in the same type of single work). While issuing the Tender Papers, their activities in execution of near past, present and committed works will be taken in consideration, even they should satisfy the undersigned in social and financial aspects also. 2. After approval of the undersigned/his representative, Tender form can be purchased manually/online after depositing the cost of Tender Paper/s to the Cashier attached to this Office, against DCRs and the DCR number must have to be mentioned on the tender paper (alongwith the scheme Title, within bracket) while dropping manually or submitting online. 3. Cost of each Tender Paper for each scheme is mentioned in the above table (column 6). 4. Last date of Application to get Tender Paper is __09.09.2015 ______upto 2-00 P.M., and the same will be issued till ___11.09.2015 ______up to 4.00 P.M. 5. The Earnest money is to be deposited personally in the shape of NSC/KVP/DD of any Nationalized Bank only drawn in favour of the Executive Officer, Sankrail Panchayat Samity. If and when an intending contractor is allowed to participate, the said NSC/KVP is to be pledged in favour of EO, Sankrail Panchayat Samity, thereafter to be treated as part of security deposit, and returnable after completion of work and before maturity of security deposit money. The Earnest money must have to be deposited at least 24 hours of dropping/submitting online of the tender paper. 6. Filled up Applications in prescribed format of Tender Paper will be received on or before ___14.09.2015 ______, 2.00 P.M. in sealed envelop/online and the same will be opened tentatively on the same day at 3.00 P.M. 7. The undersigned reserves all rights to accept or to reject any or all Tenders without assigning any reason at any stage of the process. 8. Supplied materials, if found to be non-conforming to the estimated scheme specification, must be removed from the worksite within 24 hours by the instruction of the SAE in charge. No cost of the same is to be borne by this Office. 9. Shrinkage of materials will be calculated as per PWD Schedule and will be deducted as and when necessary.

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10. The work will have to be started by the successful Tenderer within 72 (sevety two) hours of issuance of the Work Order and work should be completed within the stipulated period failing Which penal charges will be imposed to the agency @0.1% per day, of the amount payable to the agency, from the amount payable at the discretion of the undersigned? 11. The power and prerogative of issuing Work Order to` any Tenderer as per Govt. norms is completely reserved by the undersigned. The tenderers should note that merely quoting of lowest rate does not essentially qualify any tenderer to have a claim to the work order. Work order is to be issued only at the discretion of the Tender committee attached to this Office, and is subject to its satisfaction regarding the bidder’s capability for undertaking the work. 12. No Tender paper will be accepted by post. 13. IT, ST & Cess will be deducted from the amount payable as per Govt. norms. 14. The tenderers should note that any claim for compensation towards any loss suffered by them during the course of work, if selected, due to the reasons like natural calamity, etc. will not be entertained by this Office. 15. Collection/Supply and carriage of raw materials should be done by the selected tenderer himself at his own cost for timely execution. 16. All intending tenderers will have to satisfy themselves at the time of purchasing the tender paper regarding their eligibility, the powers and prerogative to disallow or disqualify them, and to cancel the work orders issued to such ineligible tenderers, if so detected, at any later time, is reserved by the undersigned. 17. All intending tenderers should note that the estimated quantity of any or all items and the scope and dimension of work may be increased or decreased even after issuance of work order, considering the site condition, scope of work, availability of fund, local necessity and any other reason at the complete discretion of the undersigned. The selected tenderer will have to abide by such changed conditions and will be liable to execute the said work under such conditions, when and if so directed by this Office. 18. Work Order will be issued after getting the Administrative Approval. 19. Sanctioned amount will be mentioned in the work order, which may vary from the proposed amount of each scheme.

Executive Officer Sankrail Panchayat Samiti

Memo No.: __770/1(10)_/EO Dated: ____04.08.2015 __.

Copy forwarded for favour of information and wide publicity to:- 1. The District Magistrate, Howrah 2. The Additional Executive Officer, Howrah Zilla Parishad, Howrah 3. The Sub-Divisional Officer, Howrah Sadar, Howrah 4. The Savapati, Sankrail Panchayat Samiti, Sankrail, Howrah 5. The Karkmadhyaksha, Purto/______Sthayee Samity, Sankrail P Samity 5. The Executive Officer, Panchayat Samiti 6. The Executive Officer, Panchayat Samiti 7. The S.A.E (BP). Attached to this Office. 8. The Head Clerk –cum-Accountant, Sankrail Dev. Block, Howrah 9. The Notice Board of this Office.. 10. Uploaded to the internet for “E-Tendering” Executive Officer Sankrail Panchayat Samiti