Pista Pacifica Class: Polychaeta, Sedentaria, Canalipalpata
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Phylum: Annelida Pista pacifica Class: Polychaeta, Sedentaria, Canalipalpata Order: Terebellida, Terebellomorpha Family: Terebellidae, Terebellinae Description third branchial segments (Hartman 1969; Hil- Size: Individuals are large reaching up to 37 big 2000). Abdomen with about 300 seg- cm in length and 5–6 mm in width (Hartman ments, bearing reduced neuropodia only and 1969) and inhabit tubes that can reach no notopodia (family Terebellidae, Fauchald lengths of 1 m (Winnick 1981). 1977). Prominent ventral groove present Color: Anterior segments light red to brown- abdominally (Fig. 2). ish pink with 12 tongue-shaped maroon Posterior: Posterior gradually tapers lobes (Fig. 2). “Scutes” (or ventral pads) on to a broad and flattened pygidium (Fig. 2). the first segments and ventral surface gray Parapodia: Biramous. Notopodia bear capil- with ochre and light yellow spots. Posterior lary notosetae that are long, slender and lim- pink and blackish, dark red branchiae and bate (= winglike) (Fig. 2). Zipper-like thoracic white tentacles with light gray and brown neuropodia contain uncini (Fig. 3), which are stripes. avicular (= beak-like) on first few segments General Morphology: These relatively and become short-stemmed posteriorly. large polychaetes are generally recognized Setae (chaetae): Setae begin on segment by the morphology of their tube. The char- four and consist of small fascicles arising from acteristic hood-like tube anterior extends branchial bases. Capillary notosetae begin at above the sediment surface (Hartman 1969; segment four (Hartman 1969). Six single-row see Kozloff 1993 plate 325). uncinigerous neurosetae begin at segment Body: Worm is soft and fragile, particularly five where the first few are long-handled and the feeding tentacles. Thoracic and ab- avicular (Hartman 1969; Hilbig 2000) and the dominal regions are distinct with largest seg- rest are short (Blake and Ruff 2007) (Fig. 3). ments medial (Fig. 1). Body can be divided The remaining 10 uncinigerous neurosetae into two regions based on associated para- are double-row (Hartman 1969). Abdominal podia: anterior region with biramous parapo- uncini are avicular (Hartman 1969). dia and a posterior region with only neuropo- Eyes/Eyespots: None. dia (family Terebellidae, Fauchald 1977). Anterior Appendages: Feeding tentacles are Anterior: Prostomium is rounded and long (Fig. 2), filamentous, mucus covered and peristomium with hood-like membrane bear- white with light stripes. ing tentacles (Hartman 1969) (Fig. 2). Seg- Branchiae: Three pairs of dark, red, ments 1–4 with ventrolateral lappets, which branched gills, which are plumose and arise are most conspicuous on segments three dorsally from segments two, three and four and four (Hartman 1969). (Hartman 1969; Hilbig 2000) (Fig. 2). Bran- Trunk: Thorax with 17 setigers (16 chiae contain vascular hemoglobin, which uncinigers) and biramous parapodia. transfers oxygen to coelomic hemoglobin Tongue-shaped pads or lobes, called (Terwilliger 1974). scutes, are present through setiger 10 (Fig. Burrow/Tube: Sand covered tube is cylindri- 2). Lateral lappets present on second and cal and consists of a rough, large anterior with A publication of the University of Oregon Libraries and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Individual species: https://oimb.uoregon.edu/oregon-estuarine-invertebrates and full 3rd edition: http://hdl.handle.net/1794/18839 Email corrections to: [email protected] Hiebert, T.C. 2015. Pista pacifica. In: Oregon Estuarine Invertebrates: Rudys' Illustrated Guide to Common Species, 3rd ed. T.C. Hiebert, B.A. Butler and A.L. Shanks (eds.). University of Oregon Libraries and Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston, OR. overlapping membrane (often broken when Proclea, Ramex, Spinosphaera, animal is collected). Posterior end of tube Streblosoma, Thelepus and Pista. with characteristic "star of Pista” pattern Within the genus Pista, there are three (Fig. 1) (Terwilliger 1974). The worm local species. The species with most similar inhabits the vertical tube, which extends morphology to P. pacifica is P. elongata. several centimeters above the surface The latter species, however, has lappets on sediment (Abbott and Reish 1980; Winnick the second segment, but not on the third (as 1981). The orientation of the tube has been in P. pacifica). Pista elongata can further be Pharynx: differentiated from P. pacifica as the former Genitalia: species has no tongue-shaped lobes on the Nephridia: The nephromixia (organs for re- fourth segment and its tube has a sponge- production and secretion) of the Amphitriti- like, reticulated top (Blake and Ruff 2007). nae and, specifically, the genus Pista have Furthermore, the tubes of P. elongata are in been described in detail (Smith 1992). Pista crevices among rocks, not in estuarine mud. pacifica is unique within this genus in having Pista agassizi (= P. brevibranchia) is only two pairs of excretionary and three pairs of known from California, where habitat is reproductive nephromixia. The reproductive unknown (Blake and Ruff 2007). Pista nephromixia are joined on each side of the agassizi has two pairs of branchiae (rather body by a common duct (Smith 1992). than three in P. pacifica), lateral lappets on segments 1–3 transitioning to smaller lobes Possible Misidentifications on segments 4–6 and there is no indication The Terebellidae are one of a num- of the ventral pads or scutes, which are ber of tube-building polychaete families with present in P. pacifica (Blake and Ruff 2007). soft tentacles for deposit feeding and with Pista cristata and P. fasciata are not gills on their anterior segments (Blake and currently reported between central California Ruff 2007). Many terebellids occur in our and Oregon (Blake and Ruff 2007). Pista Northwest bays. All of them have bodies cristata, from Puget Sound, has gills, which with numerous segments and two distinct form a globular mass, and reaches lengths regions, a tapering abdomen with neuro- up to 9 cm. P. fasciata, also from Puget setae only and both capillary setae and un- Sound, has prominent prostomial lobes. cinigerous tori on the thorax. They all have a modified and reduced head with the pro- Ecological Information stomium and peristomium at least partly Range: Type locality is Vancouver Island, fused and many non-retractible filiform ten- Canada (Hartman 1969). Range includes tacles emerging from the folded prostomi- California to western Canada. um. Terebellids are relatively large, usually Local Distribution: Coos Bay sites include over 5 cm in length, and have feeding ten- South Slough and Cape Arago Coves. tacles (“spaghetti worms”), which are not Habitat: Deep mud, sandy estuaries and completely retractile into the worm's mouth. protected bays (Abbott and Reish 1980), Their branchiae are not simple, but consist where it makes large tubes and is commonly of masses of aborescent or filamentous found in areas of dense eel grass (Porch structures. There are 14 local terebellid 1970). genera (Blake and Ruff 2007): Amaeana, Salinity: Eupolymnia, Lanice, Loimia, Nicolea, Temperature: Neoamphitrite, Neoleprea, Polycirrus, Tidal Level: +0.15 m to subtidal. A publication of the University of Oregon Libraries and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Individual species: https://oimb.uoregon.edu/oregon-estuarine-invertebrates and full 3rd edition: http://hdl.handle.net/1794/18839 Email corrections to: [email protected] Associates: The polynoid worm, Halosydna Behavior: brevisetosa, inhabits the tube of Pista Bibliography pacifica (Abbott and Reish 1980), in a commensal association. Other associates 1. ABBOTT, D. P., and D. J. REISH. 1980. include white "nodding heads”, or Polychaeta: the marine annelid worms, p. entroprocts, which are found on worm 448-489. In: Intertidal invertebrates of Cali- midsection. fornia. R. H. Morris, D. P. Abbott, and E. Abundance: 3.5/m2 in eelgrass areas of C. Haderlie (eds.). Stanford University South Slough (Winnick 1981). Press, Stanford, CA. 2. BLAKE, J. A. 1991. Larval development of Life-History Information Polychaeta from the northern California Reproduction: Terebellid reproductive and coast V. Ramex californiensis Hartman developmental modes are highly variable. (Polychaeta: Terebellidae). Bulletin of Ma- Eupolymnia hetero- Among local species, rine Science. 48:448-460. branchia crescentis , Neoamphitrite ro- (= ) 3. BLAKE, J. A., and E. R. RUFF. 2007. Pol- busta, Lanice conchilega Amaeana oc- and ychaeta, p. 309-410. In: Light and Smith cidentalis are free spawners, with manual: intertidal invertebrates from cen- lecithotrophic larvae of short pelagic dura- tral California to Oregon. J.T. Carlton (ed.). Ramex californiensis tion (seven days). and University of California Press, Berkeley, Thelepus crispus brood their larvae within CA. their tubes (Blake 1991; McHugh 1993). Lit- 4. CRUMRINE, L. 2001. Polychaeta, p. 39- Pista tle is known about the development of 77. In: Identification guide to larval marine pacifica , and although self-fertilization has invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest. A. not been confirmed for any terebellid, her- Shanks (ed.). Oregon State University P. pacifica maphroditic individuals have Press, Corvallis, OR. been observed (McHugh 1993). 5. FAUCHALD, K. 1977. The Polychaete Larva: The only unifying feature among ter- worms: definitions and keys to the orders, ebellid larvae is that they are all non-feeding families and genera. Natural History Muse- (McHugh 1993). Immediately following met- um of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles. amorphosis