Order in Council No. 36 , Approved and Ordered JAN 2 6 2004

Lieutenant Gover Executive Council Chambers, Victoria On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, orders that (a) all previous designations of officials pursuant to section 9 (2) of the Constitution Act are rescinded, and (b) the designations in the Schedule to this order are made.

er o he Executive Council

(This part is for administrative purposes only is not part of the Order.) Authority under which Order is made: Act and section:- Constitution Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 66, s. 9 Other (specify):- January 26, 2004 91 /2004/13 SCHEDULE

1 From among those persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor to compose the Executive Council, the following persons are designated as officials with portfolio and the portfolio designated for each official is that shown opposite the name of the official:

The Honourable Premier The Honourable Advanced Education The Honourable Agriculture, Food and Fisheries The Honourable Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Treaty Negotiations The Honourable Christy Clark Children and Family Development and Deputy Premier The Honourable Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services The Honourable Tom Christenson Education The Honourable Energy and Mines The Honourable Gary Collins Finance The Honourable Forests The Honourable Health Services The Honourable Human Resources The Honourable Management Services The Honourable Provincial Revenue The Honourable Public Safety and Solicitor General The Honourable Skills Development and Labour The Honourable Small Business and Economic Development The Honourable George Abbott Sustainable Resource Management The Honourable Transportation The Honourable Water, Land and Air Protection

2 From among those persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor to compose the Executive Council, the following persons are designated as officials without portfolio with the title for each that is shown opposite the name of the official: The Honourable Minister of State for Early Childhood Development The Honourable Roger Harris Minister of State for Forestry Operations The Honourable Gulzar Cheema Minister of State for Immigration and Multicultural Services The Honourable Minister of State for Intergovernmental Relations The Honourable Minister of State for Mental Health and Addiction Services The Honourable Minister of State for Mining The Honourable Minister of State for Resort Development The Honourable Minister of State for Women's and Seniors' Services

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