Argonauta Vol 10 Special Supplement
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ARGONAUTA The Newsletter of The Canadian Nautical Research Society Volume X, Special Supplement October 1993 ARGONAUTA Founded 1984 by Kenneth S. Mackenzie ISSN No. 0843-8544 HONOURARY EDITOR Gerald E. PANTING EDITORS Lewis R. FISCHER OlafU. JANZEN MANAGING EDITOR Margaret M. GULLIVER ARGONAUTA EDITORIAL OFFICE Maritime Studies Research Unit Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, Nfld. AIC 5S7 Telephones: (709) 737-8424/(709) 737-2602 FAX: (709) 737-4569 ARGONAUTA is published four times per year in January, April, July and October and is edited for the Canadian Nautical Research Society within the Maritime Studies Research Unit at Memorial University of Newfoundland. THE CANADIAN NAUTICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY Honourary President: Niels JANNASCH, Halifax Executive Officers Liaison Committee President: Faye KERT, Ottawa Chair: Fraser M. MCKEE, Markdale Past President: W.A.B.DOUGLAS, Waterloo Atlantic: David FLEMMING, Halifax Vice-President: M. Stephen SALMON, Ottawa Quebec: Eileen R. MARCIL, Charlesbourg Vice-President: Olaf U. JANZEN, Comer Brook Ontario: Maurice D. SMITH, Kingston Councillor: Garth S. WILSON, Ottawa Western: Christon I. ARCHER, Calgary Councillor: John SUMMERS, Toronto Pacific: John MACFARLANE, Victoria Councillor: Marven MOORE, Halifax Arctic: D. Richard VALPY, Yellowknife Councillor: Fraser M. MCKEE, Markdale Secretary: Lewis R. FISCHER, St. John's CNRS MAILING ADDRESS Treasurer: G. Edward REED, Ottawa P.O. Box 7008, Station J Ottawa, Ontario K2A 3Z6 Annual Membership, which includes four issues of ARGO Individual $25 NAUTA and four issues of The Northern Mariner: Institution $50 OCTOBER 1993 ARGONAUTA RESEARCH DIRECTORY ARGONAUTA RESEARCH DIRECTORY We hope that this directory meets your needs. But since the Executive has directed us to compile and publish a revised INTRODUCTION directory every three years, we are already giving some thought to the October 1996 edition. We would be grateful if This special supplement to the October 1993 issue of ARGO members with suggestions for improvements would share NAUTA contains the third issue of the new edition of the their ideas with us. In the interim, it is our intention to pub CNRS Research directory. This time the directory contains lish updates of listings, corrections (where necessary), and listings for 202 individuals, roughly two-thirds of the Soci details on new members as space permits in regular issues of ety's members. We would like to thank all the members who ARGONAUTA. took the time to complete the forms and to provide informa tion. We hope that readers will fmd the guide useful in pursu Lewis R. Fischer ing their individual interests in maritime history and in mak Olaf U. Janzen ing helpful contacts with other members of CNRS. These are the purposes for which the directory was intended. 1993 RESEARCH DIRECTORY The format of the 1993 directory has been changed only Name: ANDRIEUX, J.P. [October 1990J slightly from the October 1990 issue. Indeed, there are only two significant alterations. The first has been to include for Address: 38 Gear St., St. John's, NF AIC 2J5 (0) the first time E-Mail addresses for those members who use this system. The second difference concerns the way in which Phone: (709) 722-2892 (0) we have treated those members who have not revised their information. Contrary to our practice in previous directories, FAX: (709) 722-9243 (0) we gave Society members the choice of either providing new information or having us reprint their most recent listing. In Research: Marine Disasters off Newfoundland; German Sub those cases where members have not replied, we have thus marine Casualties off Newfoundland reprinted their 1990 entries. In such cases we also print in parentheses after their name the date of the last update. But Publications: East Coast Panorama; Newfoundland's Cod since members were asked to provide information only ifthey War: Canada or France? (St. John's, 1987); Marine Disas wished their last entry amended, we warn readers against ters and Shipwrecks ofNewfoundland and Labrador (2 vols., drawing broad conclusions for those members who did not St. John's, 1990). provide new listings. Name: ARCHER, CHRISTON I. The directory is, we hope, easy enough to understand. For each member who responded to our requests for information Institution: Dept. of History, U. of Calgary we list what has been provided. The address, whether business or office, is the one which the member has suggested. Home Address: 2500 University Dr. N.W., Calgary, AB TIN IN4 addresses are denoted by the letter "H;" places of employment (0); 5867 Dalridge Hill N.W., Calgary, AB T3A lMI (H) are signified by the letter "0." Similarly, phone, FAX and E mail numbers, where provided, are differentiated by the same Phone: (403) 220-6401 (0); (403) 288-6174 (H) symbols. The descriptions of research interests and the publi cations included are those selected by individual respondents. FAX: (403) 289-8566 (0) A brief word is perhaps also in order about the indices. We Research: Pacific Exploration, 18th and 19th Centuries; Con asked each member to select up to three broad areas that tacts between Mariners and Indigenes describe their areas of research interest or special expertise. We also invited them to choose a particular chronological Publications: "The Voyage of Captain George Vancouver: A period and to pick up to three geographic areas to identify Review Article," B. C. Studies, No. 73 (Spring 1987), 43-61; their special interests. While it will be obvious that these "Spain and the Defense of the Pacific Ocean Empire, 1750 restrictions forced some members to make difficult choices, 1810," Canadian Journal ofLatin American and Caribbean we still hope that you will fmd these useful. In particular, we Studies, XI (1986), 14-41; "In Defense ofthe King's Domain: hope that the indices will suggest to readers with particular Disease Prevention and Health Care in the Spanish Maritime interests the names of others with similar inclinations. You Expeditions to the North Pacific, 1774-1795," Canadian Bull will fmd the indices at the end of the research directory. etin ofMedical History, III, No.2 (Winter 1986), 185-205. 2 ARGONAUTA RESEARCH DIRECTORY OCTOBER 1993 Name: AUDETTE, L.c. Name: BEASLEY, THOMAS F. Address: 451 Besserer St., Ottawa, ON KIN 6C2 (H) Institution: Past President, Vancouver Maritime Museum Society Phone: (613) 235-6241 (H) Address: 515 N. Penticton St., Vancouver, BC V5K 3L7 (H) Research: Canadian Naval History Phone: (604) 253-4970 (H); (604) 660-3802 (0) Name: AVERY, WILLIAM P. [October 1990J FAX: (604) 660-2636 (0) Address: P.O. Box 194, Bethel Island, CA 94511, USA (H) Research: Nautical Archaeology; Maritime Fur Trade of the Phone: (415) 684-0933 (H) Pacific Northwest; John Jacob Astor's Vessel, Tonquin; Ship wreck Law Research: French Revolutionary War (Navies and Battles); Strategic Use of Ships-of-the Line; Buildings and Rebuildings Publications: "An Eighteenth Century Spanish Olive Jar from of British, French, Spanish, Dutch and Other Ships-of-the the Queen Charlotte Islands," BC Studies, No. 96 (Winter Line, 1750-1815 1992-93) (with H. Williams, et al.; "A Spanish Olive Jar from the Queen Charlotte Islands," International Journal of Publications: "Imposing Array: Fact or Fiction," Mariner's Nautical Archaeology, XX (1991) (with H. Williams, et al.; Mirror, LXXV (1989), 333-348; "The Big One: Santisima "The City ofAinsworth: An Analysis of a 19th Century Stem Trinidad," ARGONAUTA, VII, No.3 (July 1990), 18-21. wheeler," Underwater Archaeology Proceedings (Richmond, VA), 1991. Name: AYOUB, GEORGE [October 1990J Name: BEATTY, DAVID P. Address: 194 Arthur St., Ottawa, ON K1R 7C4 (H) Institution: Dept. of History, Mount Allison U. Phone: (613) 233-0651 (H) Address: Sackville, NB EOA 3CO (0) Research: St. Lawrence and Great Lakes Shipping; Ottawa River and Rideau Canal Shipping; Canadian Registry Records Phone: (506) 536-2316 (0) Name: BARENDREGT, HANK J. FAX: (506) 364-2264 (0) Institution: World Ship Society, Vancouver Branch E-Mail: [email protected] (0) Address: 4498--217 St., Langley, BC V3A 8E5 (H) Research: Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve in World War I Phone: (604) 530-9684 Publications: "The 'Canadian Corollary' to the Monroe Doc Research: Nautical History; Nautical Biography; Nautical trine and the Ogdensburg Agreement of 1940," The Northern Book Reviews Mariner/Le Marin du nord, I, No.1 (January 1991), 3-22; "The Royal Canadian Volunteer Reserve in World War I," Name: BARRETT, G.T. JOHN (LT-COL.) [Apri11991J Maritime Museum Notes, No.7 (November 1991),2-4; "Petty Officer First Class E. Leslie Goodwin: A Royal Naval Cana Institution: Provincial Marine 1812 dian Volunteer in World War I," The Northern Mariner/Le Marin du nord, III, No.2 (April 1993), 1-11. Address: 15 Jean St., Toronto, ON M4K 3A6 (H) Name:BERNKOPF, MICHAEL Phone: (416) 925-1722 (H) Address: 876 Park Ave., New York, NY 10021, USA (H) Research: War of 1812 on the Great Lakes; Maritime History, Models and Literature Phone: (212) 744-5451 OCTOBER 1993 ARGONAUTA RESEARCH DIRECTORY 3 Research: Sailing Ship Technology; World War II 1843-1873," Australian Historical Studies, XCV (1990), 221 238; "Unternehmertum und Liebhaberei: der hamburger Name: BLANCHETTE, LOUIS Reeder A.H. Wappiius, 1816-1904," Zeitschrift des Vereinsfiir Hamburgische Geschichte, LXXVI (1990),41-81. Address: 481, PI. Mgr. Langis, Rimouski, PQ G5L 5G3 (H) Name: BURGESS, JOHN (October 19901 Phone: (418) 722-8267 Address: 643 Willoughby Cres. SE, Calgary, AB TIJ lZ9 (H) Research: Regional History; Maritime History Phone: (403) 271-6332 (H) Publications: La Tradition Maritime de Matane (2nd rev. ed., Matane, 1992); Histoire de la Compagnie de Gestion de Research: World War II Atlantic Convoys (Ocean and Matane Projet du Traversier-Rai/ entre la Cote Nord du Coastal); Operational Histories of RN and RCN Ships during Saint-Laurent et Matane (Forthcoming, November 1993). the Second World War; Mercantile and Naval Ship Losses in World War II Name: BONNEL,ULANE Publications: The Ships ofCanaeJa's Naval Forces, 1910-1981 Institution: Presidente, Association CSS Alabama (Toronto, 1981, with K.R.