253 BONUS VAULT WELCOME TO MOMENTUM ACCELERATE This binder is your personal roadmap for the next year (and beyond) -- and wow do you have an exciting, challenging and definitely rewarding year ahead of you!

After mentoring thousands of business owners from around the world in virtually every industry, we’ve come to realize that every entrepreneurial journey is unique and no one- size-fits-all program can support you in building what we call a Market of One Business™.



ACTIVATE ACCELERATE AMPLIFY $0-$29k per year $30k-$99k per year $100k+ per year


Here’s Why Momentum Is Your Fastest Path to Creating a Market of One Business...

MOMENTUM ACCELERATE Cookie Cutter Programs

No one-size-fits-all program can support A program that provides one-size-fits-all you in building what we call a Market of One cookie-cutter solutions. That kind of program Business™. Momentum will help you build... only leads to...

✓ A business that stands out powerfully from your ␡ A business that’s draining and feels like work peers and eliminates all competition ␡ A business that can’t stand out, that looks like all ✓ A business that instantly attracts your ideal the others clients ␡ A business where your ideal client can’t find you ✓ A business that allows you to give and get what you want ␡ A business that provides what other people want for you, rather than what you want for ✓ A business that’s fully aligned with who you are yourself and how you’re uniquely built to serve ␡ A business that’s out of alignment with you, ✓ A business where money comes easily leading to obstacles and self-sabotage

✓ A business that’s, above all, inspiring for you to ␡ A business where you feel like you have to work build too hard for the rewards


A Million Paths. Which One Is Yours? We’ll Help You Find It…

A Million Paths Your Path One-Size-Fits-All Path Confusion! The Path of Least Resistance & Greatest Reward. Dissatisfaction!

Momentum is the first program of its type that actually helps you get what you most want in business… and do it all in a way that’s aligned with who you are and how you’re uniquely built to serve.

We live in a world of a million paths -- a million possible rabbit holes that snag entrepreneurs on a daily basis and lead... nowhere. The antidote to a million paths is not a one-size-fits-all paint-by-numbers path. The antidote to a million paths is your path.

Our role is not to prescribe your path but to help you find (and walk) your path. The path that leads to your very own Market of One Business. The path of least resistance and highest reward.

So where do we begin? You ready? Let’s get started!


Because your Market of One Business is built on both your strengths and challenges, we need to get crystal clear on what those strengths and challenges are so we can support you in building a business that’s fully aligned with who you are and how you’re uniquely built to serve.

When you build a business in sync with your natural design, the resistance melts away, you’re excited to get to work and money comes more easily. That doesn’t mean there won’t be any challenges or roadblocks along the way, it simply means that you’ll feel more equipped to deal with them.

We’ve chosen (and paid for) two assessments that will help you get in sync..

Once you’ve signed the program agreement, your unique Wealth Dynamic code will be emailed to you with the subject line: [Momentum] Flow Mapping! (plus Kolbe & Wealth Dynamics codes).


Helps you choose one of 8 paths to creating wealth that best suits your natural strengths, gifts and talents.


There’s a part of the mind that you don’t hear a lot about. It’s what some people call “instincts” or that “gut feeling” when you’re making a decision. When you discover the natural strengths and instincts you were born with, you can use them to be the most productive, stress-free version of yourself... and, yes, build a business aligned with those strengths and instincts.


To support you in finding and walking your path, you’ll be assigned a Momentum Coach who will be your main guide in your journey with us this year.

We’ll choose your Momentum Coach based on your time zone and availability, as well as your answers to our Market of One Survey. While you have one main point of contact for the year, you’ll also receive support from the Live Your Message Dream Team, which includes our other mentors, Marisa and the Support team.

Complete the Coach Survey ASAP here: Next up, our more in-depth Market of One Assessment is designed to to identify:

✓ Your Strengths and Challenges ✓ And Your Unique Pace...

✓ Your Goals and Aspirations ✓ So you and your coach can co-create your Unique Business Blueprint ✓ Your Individual Starting Point

Please take the Wealth Dynamics & Kolbe-A Assessments before you do the Market of One Assessment since you’ll be inputting your results. Please allow 30-60 minutes to complete this Questionnaire with care. Complete the Market of One Assessment within one week of joining BSM here:


Once we receive your Coach Survey, we’ll place you with your Momentum Coach on your program start date (December 1, March 1 or after LYM Live, June 1 or September 1).

In the meantime, proceed to Step 3: Mark Your Calendar & Review This Roadmap.

And watch your inbox for important program information including access to your Momentum Membership Site (where you’ll find your first Mission open and ready for you to get started)! We know you’re revved up and ready to go and don’t want anything to slow you down...


Rather than try to get a group of grown adults to walk lock-step over a year through a set curriculum, we’ve defined 24 potential Missions you can complete during your time with us in Momentum to take your business and income to the next level.

Some students choose to go deep on a couple Missions, while others aim to complete 4-6 over the course of a year. Both options are fine.

Your path will be completely unique to you based on your individual starting point, your pace, your goals, your strengths (and blindspots), and your Unique Business Blueprint.

We’ve had students stay in Momentum for up to 4 years so they could have the time and consistency of support to really build their foundation, leverage their time, gain traction and ultimately optimize and scale their business.

This isn’t about being a perfect student, completing every Mission, or doing every training in this booklet for the sake of checking boxes. This is about crafting your unique path to a Market of One Business.

Turn to the “Your Mission” section of the binder and read through the 24 potential Missions that we’ve defined. Check off the Missions that you think you want to focus on this year.

We’ve unlocked Mission 3: Design Your Message to Money Pathway in your membership site and highly recommend you start there. Or if you prefer to go deeper with the training, you can do our complete program on creating your Message to Money Pathway, Tao of Product Creation, which is also waiting for you in the membership site.


We gave you a signed copy of Level Up Your Life by Steve Kamb when you enrolled in Momentum.

The Mission & Milestone System we’re using in Momentum was inspired by Steven’s work (he calls them Quests & Levels).

ACCELERATE 6 MOMENTUM ACCELERATE 2020-2021 SCHEDULE We publish the full Momentum Schedule once a quarter to allow us to pivot the program and introduce new weekly workshop topics based on what’s happening in the world and what we see that you need.

And, to save you a whole lot of time, we’ll email you a link to automatically add all core program dates to your schedule.

Once you have your Momentum Coach, we’ll send you a separate link to add all Momentum Pod Calls to your schedule, since those workshop times vary by coach.

While you don’t need to come to everything in order to get huge, life-changing benefits from Momentum, we do recommend taking advantage of as many of the live weekly workshops and retreats as possible, since these will allow you to lean into the community, get personal support and take action. While it’s always best to attend as many live events as you can, don’t worry if you can’t make it to everything! We record all calls, workshops and events for you to review later.

We also allow you to livestream in to our three annual retreats, in case travel isn’t possible for you, though we highly recommend you come out in person if you can, so you can meet the tribe, participate fully in our hand-ons experiential sessions and attend our epic evening get-togethers.

NOTE: During COVID-19, all retreats will be 100% virtual.

ACCELERATE 7 2020-21 SCHEDULE TIME All times stated are Pacific Time. November 2020

Thurs Nov 19 1-2:30pm New Student Kick-Off Call

December 2020

Tues Dec 1 11-12:30pm MDM: The OG: Top 5 Lessons from Selling $20 Million Online (with Bill)

Dec 4-6 ALL DAY Accelerate Retreat: Build Your Platform Through Speaking & Thought Leadership

Wed Dec 9 Various Momentum Pod Calls

Thurs Dec 10 12:30-3:30pm Retreat Bingo Bonus Workshop: Story Celebration (with Marisa)

Wed Dec 16 1-2:30pm HT: Getting Testimonials that Actually SELL (with Mark)

Thurs Dec 17 1-4pm Retreat Star Chart Bonus Workshop: Goodbye 2020 (with Marisa)

January 2021

Tues Jan 5 11-12:30pm MDM: Psychology of Pricing: How to Price Your Courses for Optimal Profit & Sell Them with Confidence (with Bill)

Wed Jan 6 1-2:30pm HT: Building Your Business Dashboard (with Mike)

Wed Jan 13 Various Momentum Pod Calls

Wed Jan 20 1-2:30pm Laser Coaching with Marisa

Wed Jan 27 Various Momentum Pod Calls

ACCELERATE 8 2020-21 SCHEDULE TIME All times stated are Pacific Time. February 2021

Tues Feb 2 11-12:30pm MDM: What’s Next: How to Uplevel & Make Your Desires Become Inevitable (with Bill)

Wed Feb 3 1-2:30pm HT: Launch Your Website (with Donna)

Wed Feb 10 Various Momentum Pod Calls

Wed Feb 17 1-2:30pm Laser Coaching with Marisa

Wed Feb 24 Various Momentum Pod Calls

March 2021

Wed Mar 3 1-2:30pm HT: Keep Your Student Facebook Groups Sizzling Hot (with Raimee)

Mar 5-7 ALL DAY Live Your Message Live

Mon Mar 8 TBD Momentum Celebration

Tues Mar 9 11-12:30pm MDM: The Fuel: How to Transform Fear & Doubt into Energy that Will Propel Your Business to New Heights (with Bill)

Sat Mar 13 TBD Momentum Kick-Off & Quarterly Game Planning

Wed Mar 17 Various Momentum Pod Calls

Wed Mar 24 1-2:30pm Laser Coaching with Marisa

Wed Mar 31 Various Momentum Pod Calls

ACCELERATE 9 MOMENTUM ACTIVATE PROGRAM BENEFITS Momentum consists of 5 key elements to help you reach your big business goals over the next 12 months and beyond: 1. Our proprietary Flow Mapping™ process It’s impossible to see yourself clearly and most people struggle to identify what they really want. We integrate proven assessments into our proprietary Flow Mapping process to eliminate the guesswork and help us quickly find the path of least resistance and greatest reward in your business. 2. Your Unique Business Blueprint One that’s customized to fit your experience, ideal learning style, strengths, goals and the time that you have available to work on your business. You’ll choose from 24 specific projects to work on that we call “Missions”. Plus, you’ll receive access to the full vault of Live Your Message trainings and step-by-step business-building resources. 3. One-on-one mentoring with your very own Momentum Coach Your coach will co-create your Unique Business Blueprint with you and meet with you every month to strategize, celebrate your wins, overcome your challenges and help you recalibrate your next steps as needed.

4. LIVE weekly workshops on laser-focused topics Marisa and the Live Your Message Dream Team will help you nail your messaging, get more clients, stay accountable and develop an unstoppable entrepreneurial mindset so you’re always moving forward in your business. 5. Three epic, life-changing retreats Join Marisa and the Live Your Message Dream Team live, where we’ll dive deeper into how to build and grow your irresistibly unique Market of One Business. You’ll reconnect with the Momentum tribe, have a ton of fun and form incredible personal and business relationships. Can’t make the live retreats? Don’t worry! You’ll be able to join us virtually or watch the replays. 40% of our Mentorship students live outside the U.S. and many students can’t join us in person for all 3 retreats.

NOTE: During COVID-19, all retreats will be 100% virtual.

ACCELERATE 10 WHAT YOU GET Momentum consists of 5 key elements: Flow Mapping, a Unique Business Blueprint, monthly one-on-one mentoring, plus LIVE weekly workshops and epic, life-changing retreats with Marisa and the Live Your Message Dream Team — to help you reach Mission Accomplished in the fastest time possible!

1. Our Proprietary Flow Mapping & Business Blueprinting $2,000 value Process

• Flow Mapping Assessment Bundle to Identify Your Individual Starting Point, Your Unique Pace, Your Strengths & Challenges, and Your Goals & Aspirations

• A Unique Business Blueprint That’s 100% Customized to You Based on Your Flow Map

2. One-on-One Concierge Mentoring with Your Own $15,000 value Dedicated Momentum Coach

• (4) 60-Min Quarterly Blueprinting Calls to Map Out Your Next Steps for the Quarter

• (8) 30-Min Calibration Calls to Track Your Progress, Celebrate Your Wins, Overcome Your Challenges and Recalibrate Your Next Steps as Needed

• Unlimited Email Access, So You Always Get the Answers You Need to Move Forward (we don’t believe in fast food coaching, thoughtful answers and good advice takes time, so please allow up to 1-3 days for a response)

• (24) Potential Missions, Mapped Out By Your Momentum Coach, That You’ll Move Through at Your Own Pace to Hit Your Business Goals


3. 4 Exclusive Momentum Accelerate Training Incubators $8,000 value ● Tao of Product Creation: Build Your Customer Journey

● Website ATM: Everything You Need to Sell Your Expertise Online

● Clients on Demand: Take Your Sales & Marketing to the Next Level

● Tribe: Build a List of Raving Fans

Laser-Focused Weekly Workshops with Marisa, Your 4. $16,000 value Momentum Coach & the Live Your Message Dream Team (60-90 mins)

● (24) Momentum Pod Calls

● (11) Laser Coaching Calls with Marisa

● (11) Hot Topic Calls with the LYM Dream Team

3 Epic Life-Changing Retreats with Marisa & the LYM 5. $15,000 value Dream Team

ACCELERATE 12 A SUITE OF BONUSES TO ACCELERATE YOUR GROWTH As a Momentum member you get access to the full Live Your Message Vault, which means you get lifetime access to almost every program we’ve ever created. Plus a whole lot more:

Bonus 1 All Access Pass to the Live Your Message Vault $9,964 value

● Experience Product Masterclass: Home Study ● Internet Famous Interview Series: 15 extended interviews Version ($1,997) with leading internet marketers ($997)

● Message to Money: Live Event Recordings ($997) ● I’m Powerful Interview Series: 7 interviews & growing with leading personal development leaders ($997) ● Sales for Superheroes ($997) ● Personal Brand Power ($697) ● Speak! How to Use Talks & Webinars to Grow Your Business ($997) ● The Presentation Technologies Workshop: Using the Latest Tools, Breakthrough Graphics & Video to Rock Your ● Niche Down, Profits Up ($497) Audience’s World ($497) ● Home Study Version ($497) Start With You: ● Hidden Story Power ($297) ● Creating Customers for Life: The Perfect Membership Site ($497)

Bonus 2 Momentum Activate All-Access Pass $20,000 value

You’ll gain access to our 4 exclusive in-depth Momentum Activate Incubators — Zero to Hero, Programs & Services that Change Lives, You Online and The Client Pipeline — plus the live monthly Messaging Workshops with Marisa and Get the Client Sales Workshops with Jennifer Rada.

Bonus 3 Quarterly Story Celebrations with Marisa $2,000 value

Lifetime access to our quarterly story celebrations where you can share your personal story, business story or product origin story live and get critiques from Marisa and the tribe.

Bonus 4 3 Tuition Waivers to Live Your Message Live + Your $2,700 value Lifetime LYM Live Pass Join us at Live Your Message Live and bring up to 3 guests on us. This event will provide you with an unshakeable foundation for your Market of One Business. We’ve had students return up to 7 times, because every year is unique and brings new insights and revelations. That’s why we’ve decided to give you a lifetime pass to come back to LYM Live anytime you like. Simply pay for a $100 Box for each of your 3 tickets to have the materials you and your guests need to make the most out of the event.

Bonus 5 Momentum Celebration $500 value

Join us the day after Live Your Message Live for a gala event to celebrate your successes and progress.


Bonus 5 Million Dollar Mindset Experience with Bill Baren $5,000 value

I pulled off the impossible. Bill Baren said YES to coming in to coach you. He is the person who mentored me through the creation of the Experience Product Masterclass and my first million dollar launch. With the help of his coaching, my business truly soared. And now you get the benefit of his brilliance. Real Talk: No business program is complete without helping you to create major breakthroughs on your mindset and the inner game of business.

The difference between a star athlete and everyone else is not the talent, but the mindset and their approach to the game. How you approach and how you handle what comes your way in business is the difference between you doing OK and you becoming the business superstar you are destined to be.

Bill is the best in the business at seeing what stands in your way (that no one else can see) and helping you create the kind of breakthroughs that will radically alter the success trajectory of your business and your life. This is something that needs to be experienced to be believed.

There are two major components to his work:

BECOME A MONEY MASTER Bill will help uplevel your abundance mindset to create a profound transformation around money so you can attract, keep and enjoy more of it in your life. You can be money’s servant or you can be the master. Prepare for your money ceiling to be shattered.

THE FUEL Bill will help you transform your hidden fears & doubts into the fuel you need to accelerate your income and impact. When your intentions are aligned with your highest good and you are able to vaporize the blocks getting in your way of creating what you want, you’ll have a clear pathway to achieving all your goals and aspirations. No more fear of judgement.

No more fear of failure. No more fear of being seen and heard. The fuel is the turbo charge you need to create the kind of business that will literally make you gulp. You will meet with Bill for ten 90-minute group immersion experiences over the course of your year. This may be one of the most valuable bonuses of Momentum.

ACCELERATE 14 MOMENTUM ACCELERATE KEY PRINCIPLES & FRAMEWORKS I’ve assembled many of the key principles and frameworks that will guide your Momentum journey in this section.

This is meant as a crash course and quick reference. Don’t expect to fully grok everything in one read. These principles and frameworks run deep and may take several years to really absorb and integrate. I know they took me almost a decade to discover and they still guide my business on a daily basis.

Trial and error is the most expensive investment you can make in your business and it’s my hope that this section can save you years -- if not decades -- of struggle.

A hallmark of a great mentor is someone who has travelled the path before you and can show you the way to the results you desire. These principles and frameworks are a core part of that path. They’re timeliness business lessons that you’ll come back to over and over again.


The “Get Started Choice” is designed to get you into action, even before you’ve got everything figured out.

I find that most people are in one of three camps. You don’t have a specific idea for a business, but you know you want to start one… Or, you have an idea for the business you want to start, but you don’t know if it’s the right one... Or maybe you have TOO MANY ideas and don’t know how to choose the right one.

Whatever camp you’re in, many people will put off actually taking action to build their business because they don’t feel like they have enough clarity, the right plan, or the perfect idea. There can also be a lot of fear attached to taking action. “What if I try and fail?” is a common one.

I’ve been there, so I don’t blame you if you feel this way too. But ironically, it’s the inaction itself that actually creates even more fear of taking action, because you never have the chance to get real clarity on whether it would actually work, which creates EVEN MORE fear.

It’s a vicious cycle, and it can last a lifetime, because “an object at rest tends to remain at rest.”

The principle behind the “Get Started Choice” is that any action you take, even if it’s a very small one, gets you into motion, and it’s based on actual science. Now, I’m no science major (remember, artist here), but thinking back, you might remember learning a phrase in school: “an object at rest tends to remain at rest.”

And its flipside - “an object in motion tends to remain in motion.”

Well, that’s you… and the “Get Started Choice” is your way to get into motion around your business, quickly and easily, without over-analyzing, and with very low stakes. :)

ACCELERATE 16 THE ITERATE YOUR WAY TO AWESOME CYCLE When you combine the “Get Started Choice” with the “Iterate Your Way ACTION to Awesome Cycle,” you’ll be well on your way to your Market of One Business.

The easiest way to explain what the “Iterate Your Way to Awesome Cycle” is and how to IDEA CLARITY use it will be to take you back in time to 1879. World famous inventor Thomas Edison had just Iterate Your Way to Awesome invented the modern electric light bulb, but it took him more than 10,000 tries to get the electric filament and its vacuum environment just right so that it would burn bright and long. MOMENTUM

The most interesting part of this story is this: when he was asked by a reporter how he felt about racking up more than 10,000 failures during his time, he famously replied: “I have not failed 10,000 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work” Edison learned early on that you’ll never hit on “it” right out of the gate. It’s virtually impossible.

But when you take action on an idea, even if it’s not quote-unquote “the perfect idea” here’s what happens: You get clarity on what’s working, what’s not working and what you can change to make it start working. That gives you momentum, which makes it easier for you take another action, which starts the process all over again, with each action giving you more information, more confidence, more momentum, and better results, creating a cycle where one good thing builds on the last… until you “iterate your way to awesome”!

That’s the critical importance of the “Iterating Your Way to Awesome” cycle. Without the iteration part, your business can’t evolve into what it needs to be in order to succeed. By pairing these two simple tools together -- the “Get Started Choice”, and the “Iterate Your Way to Awesome Cycle”, you’ll have a powerful 1-2 punch to get you into more and more action, and I’ve helped thousands of students take more action, more quickly than they ever thought possible.

In fact, I’ve seen people accomplish more in a few weeks than they have in years with the pairing of these 2 simple ideas.

ACCELERATE 17 THE STUCK CYCLE (AVOID!) Now the opposite of the “Iterate Your Way to Awesome Cycle” is what I call the “Stuck Cycle” and this is an all-too-common trap for emerging entrepreneurs around the world.



The Stuck Cycle


Many early stage entrepreneurs get stuck in endless business development, so they never move on to selling and delivering their offers.

They learn and prepare and learn and prepare and learn and prepare… and nothing ever happens. In order to get out of the Stuck Cycle and into the Iterate Your Way to Awesome Cycle, you have to stop preparing and start taking action -- sooner rather than later.

Taking imperfect action is the fastest path to clarity and momentum and ultimately your Market of One Business.

That’s why Momentum is focused on Choose Your Own Adventure Missions rather than Curriculum. We want you to focus on taking, getting results and moving the needle in your business, rather than focus on trying to do everything in this Roadmap.

ACCELERATE 18 THE BUSINESS GROWTH PARADOX If in doubt on where to spend your time and what to focus on, consider this: Your role as a business owner is to keep things going, know what’s important and see the future.

The way to fulfill on these roles is to understand how to prioritize your time, energy and attention as you grow your business. In any business, there are 6 main activities and the percentage of your time spent on each activity shifts as you progress through the stages of business growth. Those activities are:

● Business Development ● Fulfillment

● Sales ● Admin

● Marketing ● Team Management

The key is knowing how much time to spend in each area at each Stage of Business Growth, so your business can continue to grow while still delivering huge results for your existing clients.

I call this the Business Growth Paradox because your business can’t grow without sales and marketing. It also can’t grow if you fail to deliver a quality experience to your clients. Here’s where the paradox comes in: as your business grows and new clients come in the door, you’ll spend more and more of your time on fulfillment -- or delivering the products, programs and services you sold -- and it may feel like you have less and less time to spend on sales and marketing.

That’s when people hit revenue ceilings they can’t seem to break. So the trick is balancing these two things by knowing what’s important when. I always recommend allocating between 30-50% of your time on revenue-generating activities such as sales and marketing -- no matter what -- and making sure you’re delegating and bringing in team members (or personal support) at the right time so you can focus on what matters most.

So what exactly are these 6 activities and how much time should you be spending on them? Great question, let’s find out!

ACCELERATE 19 THE 6 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ...and how much time should you be spending on them.

Let’s start with Business Development.

This is something of a catch-all category that includes all the thinking, training, planning, strategizing and preparing you do to build your business. This category includes everything that goes into planning your products, sales, marketing and client experience before you actually market, sell or fulfill it. This category is all about future growth.

It’s about imagining, planning and preparing for what could be in your business, before you actuallypull the trigger and do it.

In the Late Call Me and List Build Stage of Business Growth, I recommend spending 10% of your time on business development or about 4 hours each week -- which includes participating in Momentum and creating new products and materials such as websites and business cards.

Many people spend so much time on business development that they don’t get to the real work ofselling and delivering what they do. This is a huge yet common mistake many people make in the early stages of business. The faster you get out of perfectionism and into imperfect action, the faster you’ll start making money and iterating your way to awesome.

So how do you get out? Great question! You get out of the Stuck Cycle by balancing your time appropriately between our 6 business activities. Now when I say balancing your time, it’s not about spending more time working. It’s about prioritizing the time you are spending and knowing how much time to spend on each business activity and when.


Whether that’s 10 hours, 20 hours, 30 hours, 40 hours, 50 hours, 60 hours or even 70 hours -- this is totally your call.

In the Rocket Fuel module of Start With You, you’ll learn about the 13 human motivations. Someone who has lifestyle as their top motivator will usually spend less time on their business than someone like me who is driven by challenge. So my job is not to tell you how much time to spend on your business -- that’s a personal call -- but how to prioritize the time you are spending…

Make sense? So take a moment now to identify how much time you have to spend or want to spend on your business each week.

Got it? OK, good. I’m just going to use 40 hours a week as my example here…

If you’re in Late Call Me or List Build, I recommend spending 10% of that time on Business Development. So 10% of 40 hours is 4 hours.

That means you should spend no more than 4 hours a week on things like participating in Momentum and imagining, planning and preparing in your business.

Now there may be some weeks that you spend a bit more -- for example, when you fly out to join us at a Retreat or an event. That’s completely OK -- perhaps that week you spend extra time on your business, say 30 hours instead of 4 hours and you can balance this out in the weeks before and after the retreat, so -- on average -- you’re only spending 10% of your time on Business Development. Make sense?

ACCELERATE 21 THE NEXT BUSINESS ACTIVITY IS SALES. Sales is about immediate revenue. The only activities that count as sales are direct prospecting, having enrollment conversations, prospect tracking and follow-up.

It’s common to confuse sales and marketing. While sales is about immediate revenue, marketing is about future revenue.

You could be doing Facebook lives, blogs and social media all day long and never really sell anything. Until you’re actually prospecting -- which is meeting or reaching out to people virtually or in person --getting into conversations on Messenger, text, email, phone and in person; or making a specific ask -- sayin a live presentation or webinar -- you’re not selling. You’re marketing.

You can spend all day and all night marketing and unless you shift enough time and effort into sales, your business still won’t grow. Yet it will look like you’re busy. It will look like you’re doing all the right things…but you’re not.

This is part of the Business Growth Paradox, which is based on one fundamental principle: activity does not equal results. People burn out, get frustrated and give up when they’re doing a lot of activity without a lot of results. Make sense?

Now I don’t want that to happen to you, which is why I’m sharing these principles and frameworks with you in your Roadmap. So at the Late Call Me Stage of Growth -- I recommend spending 20% of your time on sales and 20% of your time on marketing. And in the List Build Stage that shifts to 40% of your time on marketing and just 5% on sales.

Why? Because of something I call the 4 Stages of Marketing.


MARKETING PRODUCTION (1: Many Marketing) & The Business Growth Paradox Cont... Authority

In the Call Me and List Build List Build Stages of Business Growth you’re on either side of the Call Me middle of what I call the Marketing Pyramid. CONNECTION (1:1 Marketing) Blue Sky

As you can see, there’s a diagonal line going from the base of the marketing pyramid all the way up to the top. That represents a spectrum between two different approaches to marketing.

At the bottom of this spectrum, you’ll see the word “connection”.Connection is the relationship you have with your tribe. And at the top of the spectrum, you’ll see the word “production”. Production is all about getting your message out to more and more people in more and more ways. Adding new channels to scale your message and activating your marketing machine…

Now most business trainers teach you to start at the top of the pyramid with lots of authority and list- building tactics… and you can see at the top of the triangle this ginormous list of tactics -- podcasts, SEO, press releases, you name it… it’s all there at the top of your marketing pyramid.

So let me ask you, can you build a pyramid from the top down, yes or no? No, you can’t right!

And, as you’ve probably already guessed, there’s a huge challenge with trying to build the top of your marketing pyramid before you build the base. The more removed you are from your tribe the harder it is to a) build a real relationship with your audience that’s based on connection and b) get the honest feedback you need to fine-tune your offers and scale your marketing. And by their nature, the more technological forms of marketing such as podcasting and SEO often put some distance between you and your audience.

ACCELERATE 23 So at the top of the pyramid, you’ll see Authority Marketing. The goal of authority marketing is to scale your marketing and create new marketing channels so you can reach more and more people.

This top tier of authority marketing strategies are designed to increase your production so you can reach more people. Just crank out more and more content and put it in more and more places… And that’s great. I do a lot of these strategies myself and they’re highly productive and highly valuable, when you add them on top of a solid marketing base.

Here’s the thing: when you’re first getting started, connection is much more important than production. You don’t really need a lot of leads to build your $30K+ business through direct connection-based marketing such as networking, personal introductions or referrals and having 1:1 conversations -- basically sales.

Is this making sense?

1:1 sales or 1:Few marketing (such as local speaking and MeetUps) is easier and more effective at the Call Me Stage than List Build and Authority Marketing… which takes a lot more expertise, more effort and more leads to get the same results.

So, remember: sales is about immediate revenue and marketing is about future revenue.

ACCELERATE 24 NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT FULFILLMENT. This is the time it takes to deliver your products, programs and services once someone says yes to working with you.

This is also known as the cost of goods and services. It’s the cost to fulfill on your promises to your clients.

Now all the time you’ll spend in Momentum planning your offer isn’t fulfillment. It’s business development. Fulfillment doesn’t happen until you’ve been paid. And all the time you spent working on the messaging for your offer isn’t marketing, it’s business development. It doesn’t become marketing until you put the message out there. Make sense?

In both Early and Late Call Me, I recommend spending up to 40% of your time on fulfillment since you want to create success stories and raving fans. In List Build, fulfillment time decreases to 30% since you’re now offering more leveraged 1:Few and 1:Many products.

But beware! Once you start getting clients predictably and reliably with your offer, it’s easy for all of your time to get absorbed with fulfillment, so you don’t have enough time left over for marketing and sales and your business stops growing.

Now -- just as you may spend more than 10% of your time some weeks on business development if you go to an event or retreat -- you may spend more than 40% of your time some weeks on fulfillment if you just land a big new client or finish a launch.

It’s common to have cycles in your business -- cycles of sales and marketing, then cycles of fulfillment -- especially when you’re launching something new.

But overall you don’t want the average of the time you spend on fulfillment to ever go beyond 40% or your business will stop growing and you’ll start to feel trapped in the client hamster wheel.

This happens all the time.


If it’s not just during the month or two after you do a big sales push or launch something new -- but all the time, then you need to look at delegating, hiring, or limiting your 1:1 or 1:Few client load so you can spend more time on business development so you can leverage your time and make the leap to List Build.

This is a huge part of the Business Growth Paradox. Since you need to serve your clients well if you want your business to grow, but if you let that take over and don’t do enough sales and marketing, your business will stop growing. Make sense?

In many businesses the focus is either on sales and marketing or fulfillment.

One of the highest compliments I’ve ever gotten was from Alex Mandossian who told me:

“You’re both a seminar trainer and a marketer.”

At first I didn’t understand what he meant, but then another leader recognized me for this a week or two later. What Alex meant is that I’m one of the rare entrepreneurs who focuses equally on marketing and fulfillment. I do both really well.

I won’t name any names, but some companies focus on marketing and growth at the expense of customer experience… and end up developing a bad reputation in the market that can hurt their long- term growth. And other well-intentioned companies focus on customer experience at the expense of growth, so they never make the impact they’re capable of. The most sustainable and successful businesses focus on both. That’s how you break the paradox and build a business that will keep growing without compromising quality or customer experience.

And that’s the model I’m teaching you here.

ACCELERATE 26 NEXT UP WE HAVE ADMIN. These are the maintenance activities that you need just to have a business. Things like email, customer support, bookkeeping and maintaining accounts.

In the Call Me and List Build Stages, this should be 5-10%. If this starts to take any more than 10% of your time, I recommend making your first (or next hire).

Team management is our last category. This can also include delegating to your personal support network such as a babysitter, housekeeper or even family to free up more of your time to focus on business. While team management is most often a maintenance activity -- if your team focuses on admin and fulfillment -- when done right, it can also be a revenue-generating and growth-creating activity. So overall in the Early Call Me Stage of Business Growth, I recommend spending:

● 5% of your time on business development

● 30% of your time on sales or immediate growth

● 10% on marketing or future growth

● 40% on fulfillment

● 10% on admin In Late Call Me, I recommend spending:

● 10% of your time on business development

● 20% of your time on sales or immediate growth

● 20% on marketing or future growth

● 40% on fulfillment

● 5% on admin

So, if you’re still in Call Me, take a moment to calculate how much time you should focus on the different business activities each week.

ACCELERATE 27 Once you’ve leveraged your time and replaced much of your 1:1 income with 1:Few or 1:Many income (usually AROUND $250,000/year), you enter the List Build Stage of Business Growth.

At the List Build Stage, I recommend shifting your focus to spending:

● 10% of your time on business development

● 5% on sales

● 40% on marketing

● No more than 30% on fulfillment

● No more than 10% on admin

● Up to 5% on managing your team

So your mission -- should you choose to accept it -- is to calculate how many hours a week, on average, you want to spend on each business activity. Then to start tracking your time using a time tracking app or tool.

ACCELERATE 28 THE DISCIPLINE OF FREEDOM PARADOX. Now I know it can be scary to be this accountable. And as a freedom-loving entrepreneur you may feel resistance around tracking your time and being this methodical.

Perhaps you have a selfish why such as mine: My business allows me to do what I want, when I want, where I want, with whom I want for as long as I want. So how does this stack up with being so precise with your time?

Well, I’m just talking about how to prioritize the time you’re already spending on your business here. I’m not telling you to spend more time on your business. When you focus and prioritize the time you’re spending on your business, it gives you huge freedom and resources around how you want to spend the rest of your time. Capiche?

I believe that true freedom is about living your highest purpose, making an impact, and being intentional with how you spend the limited amount of time and life force you were born with.

Freedom is something you create for yourself. It’s a state of mind and a state of being.

It’s not the knee-jerk childish notion of freedom to play all day long, skip meals, tell people off and go to bed whenever you please.

It’s the freedom to be an extraordinary person. To make a difference. To live a life that matters.

And that kind of freedom requires discipline. The discipline to be the best version of you. The discipline to have everything you want -- not just the house, the car, the partner, the lifestyle, but the impact, the self-expression, purpose and fulfillment of doing work that aligns with who you are and who you are becoming.

That’s another paradox. I call this one the Discipline of Freedom Paradox… and sustainable success in business is all about learning how to straddle these paradoxes. You got this!


Luckily when you build your Market of One Business, you’ll feel a lot of the resistance melt away and work becomes a lot easier when you’re fully aligned with who you are and how you’re uniquely built to serve.

One secret to finding this alignment can be found in the ancient Japanese principle of Ikigai, which translates to a reason for being. According to the Japanese, everyone has a reason for being… and finding this reason for being is the key to happiness.

I’ve developed a new framework that applies this thousand-year-old model for creating a meaningful and fulfilling life to a business context.

You can use this “Ikinomics” model to go beyond thinking about what you can do and what you can sell, and start to tune in to what you’re here to do. What only you can do based on what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for… so you can build a business with purpose, passion, profit and play.

Now the thing about this model, is that you want to aim for the center.

Your Market of One Business is at the center of this model. Where you’re working in your zone of genius, your superpower, you’re doing what you love, you’re helping people, and you’re making money.

ACCELERATE 30 Internal Motivation IT’S ALL ABOUT Focus on what you want SUPERHEROES! That’s why we represent the center with the figure of the superhero… and why Marisa is so obsessed with superheroes.

They know how to have fun, they know how to dress in style, they know how to protect and serve, and they know how to make money to buy their fast cars, fancy suits, and whiz-bang accessories. Superheroes are the consummate entrepreneurs - External Motivation Focus on what the world wants and needs they see a problem that they’re uniquely capable of solving and they step forward to solve that problem. You can discover your When you align your business with this model, archetype by taking then your business will support you and support our Entrepreneurial your reason for being -- your ikigai -- and not just Superpower Quiz at: feel like something you’re doing just because.

So often our students spin, because their business and offers are out of balance. They’re too far in the “do what you love whether Very few people naturally fall into the or not people want it” camp. Or too far in the “do what comes middle of this framework, which is easily and stay in your comfort zone” camp. Or too far into the why it’s so important to have outside “do what the world needs whether or not it makes money” camp. perspectives and mentorship when Or too far into the “I need to do this to make money but I don’t you’re making key decisions about your really enjoy it” camp… business...

That said, it’s important to know your natural tendency… to know Regardless of what your entrepreneurial archetype naturally is, we’re going to which archetype you lean toward so you understand your natural help you bring your business towards bias or the perspective you tend to fall back on when making the center of your ikigai while leveraging decisions about your business and career. your artist, altruist, innocent or engineer superpower to your advantage.

ACCELERATE 31 YOUR PROFITABLE NICHE CHECKLIST. The 7 essential criteria that your Market of One Business must have if you want it to be both profitable and fulfilling.

Criterion #1 Is that your business idea must solve a very specific and acknowledged market need. This could be solving a specific problem or delivering a specific outcome. The key is choosing a need, problem or outcome that people KNOW they already have, not some hidden need, problem or outcome. In other words, don’t try to solve a problem that you think is important, but not a lot of people seem to care about in the way that you do. Make sense?

Criterion #2 Is that your business idea is targeted at a specific kind of person. Let’s call this person your ideal client. Ideally this is a person who self-identifies with the way you describe them. I’m going to give you an example of what I mean in just a moment.

Criterion #3

Is that you must be able to identify a specific person who needs that problem solved. So, when you describe the specific need you address and the kind of problem you solve for the person you described in #2, the person you’re talking to should get a clear mental picture of someone specific in their mind who needs the solution you plan to provide. An even better way of thinking of this is whether other people, when they hear about the problem you solve, instantly say -- “Oh, you should talk to my friend Susan. She really needs what you’re talking about.”

Criterion #4 Is that your target customer needs to be actively seeking a solution to their problem and is willing and able to pay to have it solved. So Susan, needs to be open to getting help with her problem, need or desire, and actually be willing and able to invest in what you have to offer. With most profitable niches, your ideal client should be actively seeking a solution.


Criterion #5 Is that you can EASILY reach your target customers. So you can easily reach this kind of person through your personal value network, live events, Facebook advertising, joint venture partnerships, or another form of marketing or networking that is within your reach to do.

Criterion #6 Is that there are enough members of your target audience to build a business. A good rule of thumb is that there are more than 10,000 people on the planet who can easily be reached through your marketing who want what you do. If there isn’t, you can make money, but it becomes really hard to scale your business. You’ll just hit a ceiling you just can’t seem to break.

Criterion #7

Is that you actually can help this person solve this problem, and you’d enjoy it too. Fair enough, right? This is the easiest one to meet and for many people the only criteria they meet when they first get started, before they have this checklist and all the tools I teach to help you tune into your profitable and fulfilling true north business idea.

As you’ll see in the Market of One Blueprint on the next page, your niche is a combination of what you do and who you serve.

Many people focus JUST on what they enjoy helping people with -- which is Criterion #7 -- but they forget about Criteria #2-6. They forget to think about or talk about what they do in a way that’s relevant to a specific kind of person, so nobody’s interested in listening, and nobody buys.

This may be a new way of thinking about your business and it can take some time and perspective to generate really strong business ideas and refine them through the Profitable Niche Checklist. But in spite of the fact that most people never think about their potential--or even existing, business this way, the 7 criteria I just gave you are absolutely essential to business profitability and success. And every one of them is vital.

If you choose to pursue a business that only meets 3 of these, you’re almost guaranteed to fail. Even if you hit 6 of the 7, well, let’s just say: I wouldn’t start that business! Don’t worry about finding your Market of One Business Niche. That’s one of the core focal points of the Blue Sky stage, as long as you stick with the process, you’ll find it!


Once you find your Market of One Business Niche, it’s time to craft your messaging using our Market of One Blueprint and Product Sales Sequence (in the next section).

Most everybody starts their business with what they actually do for people. They just can’t help themselves. After all it’s your expertise, your products, the meat and potatoes of your business...

But there’s a really big problem if you focus too much on what you do... and that is that it’s hard to stand out with what you do alone. Chances are, if you’re in a profitable niche, there are other people who do something similar.

Let me show you what I mean. If I were to craft the marketing message for our branding agency focusing only on “what we offer,” I would say: “I build websites and online brands.”

Boring, right? No one would work with me based only on what I do. Defining what you do is not enough in a world of almost 2 billion websites and almost 3.96 billion people online… you also have to define “who you serve” and “how you’re different.”

The magic of this Blueprint happens in the intersections between the circles and it’s all the pieces coming together in a unique way that creates your authentic brand and Market of One Business.


The key elements in your Market of One Blueprint.

NICHE Your niche is your specialization. It’s what you do and who you do it for. You can’t have a profitable business without a niche. Niches range from broad to specific. It’s easier to start specific and broaden out once you achieve success.

VALUE This is your competitive advantage or why your clients choose you over everyone else who does what you do. This is your promise, your unique way of doing what you do, serving your tribe or achieving an outcome that no one else can.

TRIBE Your tribe is the kind of people you attract. It’s impacted by the look, feel, tone and spirit of what you do. As Simon Sinek says, “your job is not to attract everyone who needs what you do, it’s to attract those who believe what you believe.”

BRAND The “invisible layer of meaning” around your business created through the clear and consistent use of language, symbols and experiences that create trust and convey distinction. Brand separates your business from other similar businesses in the hearts and minds of your audience. Different matters in a world where almost 2 billion websites are competing for less and less attention.


Your business is no longer an idea, a concept, a product or a service. It’s a feeling. A resonance. That instantly conveys all that you are and all that’s possible when someone joins your tribe.

Whether someone first experiences you in person or online, your message, the words you speak, how you show up, what you offer and everything you do lines up to create a unique experience that can’t be found anywhere else.

This is how you become a superhero to your tribe… and this is how you stand out from the noise of 2 billion websites… it’s the moment when your business takes on a life of its own. And you have the confidence and certainty that comes from knowing that you’re doing exactly what you were put on this earth to do in the way that only you can do it.

You become the messenger behind your message.

ACCELERATE 36 5-STEP PRODUCT SALES SEQUENCE. Once you define the key elements of your Market of One Blueprint for your business as a whole, you’re going to want to craft offers that align with your Blueprint.

STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 Get What Is Why Should Tell Me Should I Noticed It? I Care? More Buy?

Once you define the key elements of your Market of One Blueprint for your business as a whole, you’re going to want to craft offers that align with your Blueprint.

When you start messaging offers, I recommend following the 5-Step Product Sales Sequence. This is the exact sequence in which our brain takes in new information -- what it notices first... then second… then third, and so on. When you give people the right information about your product, program or service in the right order, then chances are they’re going to pay attention to what you have to share.

Learning this sequence is the secret formula for getting noticed fast. When you understand how to express what you do in a way that people pay attention, then you can walk up to anyone anytime -- online or off -- and grab their attention within seconds. Usually within about 3 seconds.

Research shows that attention is either won or lost in just 3-7 seconds. Meaning that your audience has already judged you within a few seconds of meeting you, landing on your site, or finding out about your product. In that short window of time, they’ve decided whether they’re going to stick around, or tune out and never come back…


Getting noticed is so important that traditional brand managers for consumer packaged goods spend a huge percentage of their marketing budget on packaging design.

The ROI is higher for packaging than it is for all the other advertising combined. That’s because you can advertise a product all you want, but if someone goes to the store and gets distracted by the product next to it on the shelf, you’ve just sent those advertising dollars to someone else’s company.

Online you also get noticed through the visual cues your marketing sends out. Things like colors, fonts, logos, and photos.

If you don’t get noticed, people don’t even make it to step 2 in the product sales sequence. They’re already lost… IF they saw you at all…

Keep in mind that graphics and visual branding are optional and only necessary if you’re selling your product primarily through online marketing.

If you’re offering a 1:1 service or 1:Few program, you don’t necessarily need to invest in graphics. You can rely on getting noticed through your messaging, the conversations you have with your prospects and how you show up.

ACCELERATE 38 WHAT HAPPENS AFTER STEP ONE? Assuming you do pass step 1 of the product sales sequence and get yourself noticed thanks to the visual cues you’re sending through your product, what happens next?

STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 Get What Is Why Should Tell Me Should I Noticed It? I Care? More Buy?

Step 2 of the product sales sequence is when your visitor is satisfied with the first impression you sent and invests the time to ask themselves: “What is this? What do you actually do?”

This step is about being as crystal clear about what you do as possible.

This may sound obvious, but it’s not. How many times have you visited a website and had NO IDEA what it was about? Then let’s say that even after digging through a few pages you still weren’t clear about what they did. Happens all the time, right?

And the thing is -- the same thing is probably happening to you too. And let me tell you, if people can’t quickly tell what you do, they’re not going to stick around and try to figure it out. But if people do get what it is you do, they’ll move on to Step 3. The next thing they ask themselves is “Why should I care?”

Yup, humans really are that simple. Get my attention. Tell me what it is. Tell me why I should care. We’re also that busy and that distracted. Our brains process roughly 2 million pieces of information each second. Of all those, your brain only allows 5 to 9 pieces of information to surface to your conscious awareness.

That means you have to rise to the surface of awareness and beat out the other 2 million things we’re thinking about, dreaming about, feeling, remembering, seeing, perceiving... Just kidding, but you do have to beat out the 5-9 things that we’re consciously aware of and all the other stimuli that are fighting for your prospect’s attention…

You not only have to be noticed, you have to strike an emotional chord with your messaging and actually make people care enough to pay attention.

ACCELERATE 39 Now if they’re still interested because you’ve gotten them to care they’ll move on to Step 4, and ask, “OK, tell me more about it.”

STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 Get What Is Why Should Tell Me Should I Noticed It? I Care? More Buy?

Only at this point, do they want more information to support your mission and future self vision. So many people start to talk about their products with a flood of “tell me more” details before they’ve even gotten noticed or let people know why they should care…

Now if they’re still interested after they’ve heard the “tell me more” details of your product, they’ll be ready for Step 5. Which is all the supporting “should I buy?” info that logic needs to justify the purchase and know it’s safe. These are things like your price, guarantee, testimonials and bonuses.

You’ve probably seen one of those long form sales letters that don’t get to what’s in the box and how much it costs until the very end. Well, that’s because people don’t care until they’ve gone through Steps 1-4.

The thing about this sequence is you can’t do it in reverse. If you lead with price and features and someone just wants to know why they should care, you’re going to come across as indifferent or uncaring, and you’ll lose people before you even had a chance to make a lasting impression.

Brand expert Marty Neumeier, who I learned this sequence from, has proven that getting this sequence right can increase product sales by 3 times or more because it actually allows you to link your products’ benefits directly to your clients’ emotions.

Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art, published a book called “Nobody Wants to Read Your Shit” and the truth is that nobody wants to buy your shit either…

ACCELERATE 40 People never buy what you’re offering, they buy the transformation they want in their lives. That’s the crucial thing you need to internalize: They buy what your offer allows them to:

• Do • Have

• Be • Overcome

• Feel • OR Achieve

That’s what allows them to care about what you offer… and say yes. Now you may not have an answer to any of these questions today, but I promise you’ll have an answer by the end of this module that passes Step 3 of the Product Sales Sequence with flying colors: why should I care?

For now, just keep in mind that you don’t want to lead with your product features. You don’t want to lead with Step 5 of the product reading sequence. You don’t want to say something like, “You’re going to receive a video a day for 30 days about how to bring more joy to your business.”

Instead you want to lead with Steps 1-3… so let me recap our 5-step product sales sequence one more time:

STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 Get What Is Why Should Tell Me Should I Noticed It? I Care? More Buy?


Many of my students worry about marketing and selling their offers because they’re not confident they can deliver the results they’re promising. Not to worry!

I’ll show you how to consistently change lives with your products, programs and services using the Experience Formula.

This is a framework I developed to address a huge problem in the marketplace -- up to 97% of people who buy information-based products and trainings fail to complete those programs and get the results they were promised.

This framework can also be applied to 1:1 offers, marketing and even customer support, so you can provide a consistently positive and productive experience for your students, clients and customers.

Here are the 10 Core Experiences we’ll be using together (and the 10 Core Experiences you’ll witness as you make your way through the Momentum program).


This will send your clients into what I call the “Downward Death Spiral” where they get frustrated, stuck and ultimately give up, refund or walk away.

Remember, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

Having a Market of One Business isn’t just about marketing and selling your offers, it’s about creating an amazing experience that turns one-time buyers into customers for life.

ACCELERATE 43 STAGES OF BUSINESS GROWTH. The 4 Stages of Business Growth allow you to identify exactly where you are and choose specific actions to get you where you want to go that are appropriate to your business model and the stage of business growth that you’re in.

Other business trainers & gurus teach what’s working for them RIGHT NOW (instead of what GOT them there)...

They think, “It’s working for me, so it’ll work for you too!” Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.

After all, it makes total sense that a $50K/yr business should be doing different things to grow than a $5M/year business, right? Having this context will allow you to let go of all the unnecessary stuff that may have you spinning your wheels and working too hard for too little result.

Just like a baby doesn’t go from infancy to adulthood overnight, most business owners can’t go from zero to superhero overnight. There are a few universal steps that every entrepreneur needs to take without fail… a few steps to build the foundation you need to grow.

These universal steps can be broken down into The 4 Stages of Business Growth:

cloud mobile check star

Stage One Stage Two Stage Three Stage Four Blue Sky Call Me List Build Authority

ACCELERATE 44 EACH OF THESE 4 STAGES COMES WITH ITS OWN UNIQUE BUSINESS MODEL. These models allow you to make money as quickly as possible at each stage, to earn while you learn, by doing ONLY the things needed for that stage -- without having to build a lot of unnecessary stuff or do a lot of unnecessary marketing before you’re ready to take advantage of those later-stage strategies.

The process of starting where you are and moving onwards and upwards to where you want to go -- strategically -- step by step by step is called ascension.

That’s what we’re going to do together in Momentum. We’re going to help you ascend from where you are to where you want to go.

It all starts with completing the actions and developing the mindsets in the two pages that follow:


BLUE SKY CALL ME LIST BUILD AUTHORITY $0 - $30,000 $30,000 - $250,000 $100,000 - $1M $500,000 - $5M+


BLUE SKY CALL ME LIST BUILD AUTHORITY $0 - $30,000 $30,000 - $250,000 $100,000 - $1M $500,000 - $5M+

© Live Your Message YOUR MESSAGE TO MONEY PATHWAY Let me a share a secret with you: you’re working too hard.

Most people teach that the path to increasing your revenue is getting more leads and getting more traffic.

But there’s something super important that we sometimes “forget” in the chase for more more more: Your existing customers are 12x more likely to buy from you than someone who hasn’t bought from you before.

So if you’re only focused on getting new leads and getting new traffic, then you’re working 1200% too hard to grow your business.

I see a lot of people make this mistake. They find themselves on this endless marketing treadmill of constantly building their list, generating traffic or trying to get new customers. And it’s just exhausting. If your entire business is based on one-time sales, you have to be constantly marketing, constantly launching, and constantly promoting... and it feels like you’re going nowhere. Some people call this the launch roller coaster.

It’s also less fulfilling to build your business based on what’s essentially the marketing equivalent of one- night stands than it is to develop a longer-term relationship with your customers, where they continue to invest in you year after year.

The truth is, that for you to give your deepest level of service and transformation, you need to work with your customers for a longer period of time.

The real problem is, you’ve forgotten to ask “what’s next” for your customers on their journey…

Instead, you’re focusing on what YOU want to give, sell or offer, which is great, except for one thing: sometimes the offer that YOU want to create, is NOT what your customer wants and is willing to pay for.


Message to Money Pathway: Profit Plan is Message to Money Pathway: 1. a snapshot of your products and offers from 2. Customer Experience is your YOUR point of view customer’s perspective

Both of these are equally important, and the experience starts the moment you meet a prospective customer for the first time. Whether you’re meeting them in person or they’re landing on your website, the customer experience extends through each action they take with you and each product, program, or service they buy.

Your Customer Experience is the way you turn a visitor, someone who is meeting you for the first time, into a follower, fan, customer, repeat customer, success story, and ultimately someone who raves about you and refers all their friends to you. When you look at your products from the POV of your audience, your Customer Experience is the path people take through your business and towards the results they want in their lives. This is where the real magic happens.

Once you have a Customer Experience, you’ll know exactly what products to create and offer to your customers and when, and you’ll NEVER wonder “what’s next?” when it comes to keeping your customers in your world. And your customers will get better results too, because they’re following the path that you’ve laid out for them that gets them to their ultimate result. We’re going to talk more about this a bit later.

Here is the Customer Experience & Profit Plan that we’ll be filling in together. Keep in mind that you don’t have to have your entire 18-step Customer Experience fully created before you begin -- lord knows I didn’t -- you just have to figure it out one step at a time. When I first got started I only had this first row in place… I only had a free gift and a premium offer… building that first row brought me to 6-figures and gave me the perspective I needed to build the next two rows and scale our business to the multi-million-dollar level.

Also, you don’t have to have everything in place for your offers before you offer them… many of the programs I’ve offered were created as I taught them, and many of the services I’ve offered have been developed as I delivered them… I just stayed a week or two ahead of my customers… and was willing to stay in the conversation with them on what was working, what wasn’t and how I could provide a better experience for them. Creating your offers as you deliver them actually allows you to better customize the experience to meet the needs of your students, clients and customers.

This allows you to really keep your finger on the pulse of what’s going on for them and adapt the program to them as you go. Many people make the huge mistake of preparing and preparing and preparing everything before they launch… when the truth is that when you take action the next step appears.

ACCELERATE 49 MESSAGE TO MONEY PATHWAY: CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE The experience your customer has each step of the way that creates trust, increases commitment, and delivers results.

*FTC DISCLAIMER: These results may not be typical, and can’t be taken in any way as a guarantee of the results you would receive since your success depends on the quality of your offers and marketing.  We don’t offer get rich quick solutions, and we can’t guarantee your success – only you can do that, through your commitment, hard work, consciousness, and dedication. MESSAGE TO MONEY PATHWAY: PROFIT PLAN The experience you create for your customer each step of the way that turns prospects into followers, customers, repeat customers, success stories, raving fans and referral partners.

*FTC DISCLAIMER: These results may not be typical, and can’t be taken in any way as a guarantee of the results you would receive since your success depends on the quality of your offers and marketing.  We don’t offer get rich quick solutions, and we can’t guarantee your success – only you can do that, through your commitment, hard work, consciousness, and dedication. THE ART & SCIENCE OF GOAL-SETTING

When it comes to growing your business and setting goals for yourself there are a couple important things to keep in mind:

1. “There are no unrealistic goals -- only 2. “Most people overestimate what unrealistic deadlines.” - Brian Tracey they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” - Bill Gates

So it’s not a question of if you’ll achieve your goals, but when.

That’s why I advocate for setting minimum, target and stretch goals, or what my friend Brian Whetten calls “good, better, best”.

I create 3 distinct goals for everything I want to accomplish in my business. For example, with our 2018 revenue, my minimum goals was $3.1M, which is what we earned in 2017. My target goal was $4M, which meant a million dollars in growth. And my stretch goal was $5M, which involved a significant leap.

So even though I was really aiming for our target goal -- which we hit -- I also set a minimum goal that I would be satisfied with. Afterall, it’s no small accomplishment to maintain company revenue during a time of huge industry changes.

This allows me to be fully accepting of each goal level so I’m not disappointed if we “fall short” of our targets. Because I know I’ve done everything I can to hit them and I’ve embodied these goals, so if we still don’t make it then there’s something in there for me to learn.

So -- as you set minimum, target and stretch goals for yourself -- practice acceptance and compassion for yourself on this journey of taking bigger action and learning each step of the way.

ACCELERATE 52 By setting minimum, target and stretch goals for each of the main outcomes I want to achieve, I’m basically guaranteeing my success and the sense of fulfillment that goes along with it.

This is really important because we’re hard-wired as humans to want to win. This is part of the biology of motivation.

When you’re moving toward the outcomes that you set for yourself, your brain releases a powerful cocktail of happy chemicals, which encourages you to take more action and succeed even more…

But when you’re not reaching your goals and meeting the expectations you set for yourself, your brain can block this flow of happy chemicals causing you to feel flat, depressed or anxious… so just like we’re hard-wired to win, we’re also hard-wired not to want to lose.

So if you want to feel good in your business, then it’s mission critical to create a game you can win while still challenging yourself to reach for the next level.

That’s why I recommend setting minimum, target and stretch goals -- not just for revenue and clients, but for other outcomes as well.

ACCELERATE 53 ACCELERATE 54 MOMENTUM ACCELERATE YOUR MISSIONS. Missions are a key part of your Momentum experience. These are the specific outcomes that you’ll focus on over the course of the year to take accelerate your business and income.

Each Mission is divided into 6 specific Milestones that allow you to eliminate overwhelm by taking small actions that lead to big rewards. At any moment in time, you’ll know exactly what to focus on next, so all you need to do is put one foot in front of the other and keep movin’.

We have 24 Missions for you to choose from in Momentum and you can spend as little as 30 days on a single Mission or as long as 12 months.

Some students choose to go deep on 1 or 2 Missions, while others aim to complete 4-6 over the course of a year. Both options are fine. Your path will be completely unique to you based on your individual starting point, your pace, your goals, your strengths (and blindspots), and your unique business blueprint.

Read through the Missions below and put a check next to any Missions that you think you want to focus on this year. Your Momentum Coach will review your selections with you and help to prioritize and sequence which Missions are right for you now.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION While it may seem like having a clear and compelling business niche is a prerequisite for building a solid Call Me business, you’d be surprised. 30-90 Days Many of our students are able to bring in consistent sales through their enthusiasm, charisma and ability to co-create a solution with their YEAR prospects, before they’ve really landed their niche. Year 1

As you grow your business from 1:1 to 1:Few, it becomes more and more PRE-REQUISITES important to nail your niche. If you can’t clearly articulate exactly what you do and who you serve in a specific and compelling way, then it’s going to be None very challenging to leverage your time to accelerate your business to the next level. RECOMMENDED TRAININGS • TPC-M2-Walking in Your Clients I highly recommend you start with this Mission if you can’t answer the “so Shoes what do you do?” question with total confidence, clarity and consistent • results. This will create the foundation for everything else you do in Start With You - Module 3 Momentum. • Start With You - Module 4

MILESTONES • Start With You - Module 5

• Milestone 1 (5 XP): Do the 1:1 and 1:Many market research you • SWY-M6V01-You Know When need to fully understand your ideal clients and write 3-5 customer • vignettes. SWY-M6V02-It’s As Easy As XYZ • SWY-M6V03-Your Juicy Title • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Go through Modules 2-5 of Start With You and come up with 1-3 niche ideas that pass all 7 criteria of our profitable • TPC-M1V03-The Business of niche checklist (and gets the approval of your Momentum Coach). Problem Solving • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Nail 2 of our 3 ways to talk about each niche • TPC-M1V06-Value Hacking you’re considering -- XYZ Statement, You Know When Statement and Juicy Title. • M2M Live D1S2

• Milestone (20 XP): Get into conversation with 10-20 prospects around each niche you’re considering, and get one or more paying students, clients or customers in your newly clarified niche.

• Milestone (25 XP): Practice talking about the niches you’re considering every day online through a 21-Day Facebook live challenge -- balance authentic content-only shares with giving call to actions to work with you.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Commit to focusing on your one ideal niche -- and only your one ideal niche -- for the next 3-6 months. Resist the urge to continue with multiple niches or backpedal to a previous state of doing everything for everyone.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION One of the fastest, easiest ways to build trust and confidence with your prospects is by sharing your business origin story. After all, credibility is a 30 Days combination of expertise and humanity. YEAR Many people make the mistake of focusing so much on what they do that Year 1 they forget to show who they are and miss the opportunity to connect more deeply with their prospects. Your life experience is the greatest form PRE-REQUISITES of credibility you have and it’s mission critical to share yourself vulnerably and authentically in your marketing if you want to build a real tribe. None

MILESTONES RECOMMENDED TRAININGS • Start With You - Module 3 • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Create a complete timeline of your life from your first experiences all the way up until today. Choose at least 1 if not • Hidden Story Power - Module 1 2-3 experiences for each decade of your life and look for the peak emotional experiences that led to your decision to start your current • Hidden Story Power - Module 2 business. • Hidden Story Power - Module 3 • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Draft a 3-5 minute before and after story that conveys your “dominant need” and the personal transformation that lead to your current business.

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Share your before and after story via a Facebook live on the Momentum Mentorship FB group or during the monthly Action & Accountability Workshop with your Master Mentor and ask for feedback.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Revise your story based on the feedback you got and share it publicly via a Facebook live on your personal profile, presentation, webinar or some other form of verbal public expression.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Create a 1-3 sentence version of your origin story, practice sharing it in conversations with 10-20 people and watch as people change the way they react to you.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Integrate your origin story into your website, social media profiles and any other public-facing marketing you have.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION Your Message to Money Pathway is your plan for doubling or even 10xing your impact and income over the next year and beyond, while doing LESS 30 Days work to get new customers into your business and getting better results for your existing clients and customers. YEAR

Year 1, 2 & 3 It’s your roadmap for what to offer when, to inspire more people to invest more money with you more often to make a bigger difference in their lives. PRE-REQUISITES Your Message to Money Pathway allows you to eliminate distractions and • Nail Your Niche focus your efforts, offers, marketing around a clear and strategic long-term vision for how you want to grow your business and serve your clients in the RECOMMENDED TRAININGS deepest way possible. • Tao of Product Creation - Your Message to Money Pathway is not something you do once, set it and Module 1 forget it -- it’s something you revisit over and over again as you change, your • TR-M1V01-Master Your Onramps business changes, the market changes and your customers change. • ATM-M2V02-Choose Your Top MILESTONES 2 CTAs

• Milestone 1 (5 XP): Nail the ultimate promise or result your clients will get after they’ve walked your entire journey with you.

• Milestone 2 (10 XP): Define 2-5 paid offers on your Message to Money Pathway, focusing on what I call the “Big 3” for each of your offers -- the problem, the solution and the benefit, result or outcome.

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Price and sequence each of your offers so each one leads to the next, while still allowing your students, clients and customers to start anywhere.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Choose one offer that you want to focus on over the next 3 months or so through our offer creation and marketing missions.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Define the main ”on-ramp” into the offer you want to focus on or how you’ll attract new prospects.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Hang your completed Message to Money Pathway on the wall and commit to building this journey for your clients during your time in Momentum. Avoid creating anything or saying yes to any opportunities in your business that don’t support you in getting customers into the customer journey you defined.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION The first step to leveraging your time, shattering the income ceiling in your business and impacting more people is to create a 1:Few offer that allows 60-90 Days you to serve between 6-30 people at the same time. YEAR There are several different types of 1:Few products (and we have trainings Year 1 on all of them in Module 3 of Tao of Product Creation): PRE-REQUISITES • group coaching and training programs • done-with-you services or group implementation programs • Nail Your Niche • retreats or workshops • Design Your 1:Few Offer or • and masterminds or extended 6-12 month group programs Design Your 1:Many Offer

In this Mission, you’ll design the type of 1:Few offer that best suits you and RECOMMENDED TRAININGS get it ready to launch! • TPC-M1V03-The Business of Problem Solving MILESTONES • TPC-M1V04-Sequencing Your • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Complete your 1:Few Offer Sheet based on the Offers recommended trainings in Module 1 of Tao of Product Creation. • TPC-M1V05-The Art and • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Write 3-5 Customer Vignettes for your product Science of Price Progression based on the market research you do in Module 2 of Tao of Product Creation. • TPC-M1V06-Value Hacking

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Craft the Bird’s Eye View or Big Differentiating • TPC-M1V07-Anatomy of a High- Idea for your 1:Few offer. Converting 1:Few Offer

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Choose your 1:Few offer type and nail the • TPC-M1V08-Promises and details of your offer -- name, deliverables, duration, price, bonuses Results and guarantee. • Tao of Product Creation - • Milestone 5 (25 XP): Draft your 1-3 sentence and 1-3 paragraph Module 2 product messaging, post it on the Facebook group for feedback • Tao of Product Creation - from your peers, and get it approved by your Momentum Coach. Module 3 • Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Complete your Idea to Market Blueprint and commit to minimum, target and stretch goals for your product, as well as specific dates for marketing and delivering your 1:Few offer.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION Once you have experience working with people 1:Few, there’s a good chance you’re going to want to remove all limitations on time, money and 60-90 Days impact by creating a scalable 1:Many offer that allows you to take on an unlimited number of students, clients or customers at the same time. YEAR

Year 2 or 3 Keep in mind that 1:Many offers take more systems, team and marketing savvy to market and fulfill so I highly recommend designing a 1:Few offer PRE-REQUISITES first. • Design Your 1:Many Offer MILESTONES RECOMMENDED TRAININGS

• Milestone 1 (5 XP): Complete an Offer Sheet for your 1:Many • TPC-M1V03-The Business of product based on the recommended trainings in Module 1 of Tao of Problem Solving Product Creation. • TPC-M1V04-Sequencing Your • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Write 3-5 Customer Vignettes for your product Offers based on the market research you do in Module 2 of Tao of Product Creation. • TPC-M1V05-The Art and Science of Price Progression • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Craft the Bird’s Eye View or Big Differentiating Idea for your 1:Many offer. • TPC-M1V06-Value Hacking

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Choose your 1:Many offer type and nail the • TPC-M1V07-Anatomy of a High- details of your offer -- name, deliverables, duration, price, bonuses Converting 1:Few Offer and guarantee. • TPC-M1V08-Promises and • Milestone 5 (25 XP): Draft your 1-3 sentence and 1-3 paragraph Results product messaging, post it on the Facebook group for feedback • Tao of Product Creation - from your peers, and get it approved by your Master Mentor. Module 2 • Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Complete your Idea to Market • Tao of Product Creation - Blueprint and commit to minimum, target and stretch goals for your Module 3 product, as well as specific dates for marketing and delivering your 1:Many offer. • Internet Famous Track of Mastery - Quarter 1 (special bonus for Y2 & Y3 Momentum Students



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION While the online world offers many opportunities to be seen and get the word out about your product, many sales are still made through 60 Days conversations both online and off. Rarely can you expect a sales page to do all of the work for you. YEAR

Year 1 & 2 One of the most valuable skills you can build right now is the ability start a conversation about your product and go through the sales process so that PRE-REQUISITES you can convert more leads into clients and cash. • BSM - Get Comfortable With 1:1 Sales On this track you’ll become a sales ninja and learn our relationship-based sales approach that feels good to both you and your prospects. RECOMMENDED TRAININGS

MILESTONES • EPM-M1V06 - The Chatterbox Campaign • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Commit to doing the Chatterbox or Start with • an Experience Campaign. Make a list of 100 prospects and schedule EPM-M4V08 - The Start with an time in your calendar each week to reach out to at least 10 of them Experience Campaign: with your qualifying question or conversation starter message. • Tao of Product Creation - • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Invite at least 10 qualified prospects into Module 4 enrollment conversations and take them each through the full sales • Clients on Demand - Module 2 script (including making your offer!). • Sales for Superheroes • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Design and implement a prospect tracking and follow up system.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Rewrite the sales script based on your brand voice and your unique sales style and practice it on at least 10 new prospects.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Follow up on any leads you’ve spoken with since the beginning of this Mission and invite them back to another enrollment conversation or to make a firm decision on whether or not to work with you.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Sign up at least 3 new clients using the enrollment script and your new lead generation and follow up systems.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION One of the best ways to begin your path to becoming a global authority is by becoming a local legend. Many people on the mission to go big on the 30 Days internet overlook the massive potential in their own backyard. If you live in (or near) a major city or even a big town, then you may want to consider YEAR starting a local meetup group that you use to build community and drive Year 1 & 2 a steady stream of prospects into your business. The thing about a good community is that it tends to be self-perpetuating -- as your best clients PRE-REQUISITES tend to know people just like them. • Nail Your Niche

Having your own community also gives you leverage when it comes to • Design Your 1:Few Offer or attracting referral or joint venture partners to help you amplify your reach. Design Your 1:Many Offer There are lots of different ways to monetize a strong community, including featuring guests and receiving affiliate commissions from their offers. RECOMMENDED TRAININGS • COD-M2V07-Chatterbox on MILESTONES Steroids

• Milestone 1 (5 XP): Research local groups and Meetups that relate • COD-M3V02-Find Your Hub to your topic, so you can position your group differently from what’s Communities already out there. • COD-M3V03-The Power of 1.1 • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Choose a topic and name for your group and Campaign Meetup and get set-up on or Eventbrite. • COD-M3V04-Finding JV or • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Set a topic, date and venue for your first event Referral Partners and set your minimum, target and stretch goals for attendance (I recommend 10, 15 and 20 as a good place to start). • COD-M3V07-The Captive Audience Campaign • Milestone 4 (20 XP): Begin promoting your first event 1-2 weeks out and don’t stop until you hit at least your minimum goal. Keep in mind • COD-M3V09-The JV or Referral that between 30-50% of people who RSVP for a free or low-ticket Partner Campaign event may not show-up, so keep promoting your event until you hit • TR-M2V07-Start Your Own FB at least 50% beyond your minimum goal in RSVPs. Group with FB Ads • Milestone 5 (25 XP): Run your first event and make some kind of • TR-M2V08-Start Your Own Local offer at the end -- whether that’s in invite into a discovery session, Meetup Group an application campaign or even a direct product offer (if you’re on Meetup, just be careful not to violate Meetup’s terms of use). • TR-M3V08-The Power of Consistency • Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Rinse and repeat Milestones 3-5 at least 3 more times -- ideally at least once per month. Consistency is key to successful community building and lead generation.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION Many people are infatuated with the idea of being an entrepreneur but always commit to doing what it takes to be a business owner. It’s one thing to want to build a 90-120 days business, and another thing entirely to do it. The most important thing you need to do YEAR to be a successful business owner is to build a consistent sales pipeline. Technically, a sales pipeline is a visual snapshot of exactly where sales prospects are in the buying Year 1 & 2 process, so you can track the progress of potential deals and income. The idea of a pipeline is that you want to have prospects at each stage of the pipeline at all times, PRE-REQUISITES so you have a constant flow of income coming into your business -- just like you • Nail Your Niche would turn on the faucet in your house and have a steady stream of water, you turn • Design Your 1:Few Offer or on your pipeline and have a steady stream of prospects and ultimately buyers. Design Your 1:Many Offer This will take you out of feast and famine mode once and for all and into consistent and predictable revenue. RECOMMENDED TRAININGS • Clients on Demand - Module 1 MILESTONES • Clients on Demand - Module 2 • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Sketch out the 5-6 stages of your 1:1 sales pipeline including choosing 2-3 consistent forms of prospecting or lead generation, • Clients on Demand - Module 3 defining your qualification process, understanding the consideration and • Z2H-M3V04-21 Days of Coming Out decision phases, writing a proposal if you need one, and defining how long it will take the average prospect to go from Stage 1 to Stage 5 (the close). of the Closet

• Milestone 2 (10 XP): Create your 5-Day (Monday-Friday) Plan and commit to how much time you plan to spend on sales and marketing each week, as well as the other 4 main types of activities in your business: fulfillment, business development, admin and team.

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Implement your 5-Day Plan consistently for 30 days straight with a focus on marketing (i.e. implementing the 2-3 forms of prospecting or lead generation you chose in Milestone 1) and sales (bringing prospects through Stages 2-5 of your sales pipeline) with a minimum goal of getting 20 prospects in 30 days, a target goal of 25 and a stretch goal of 30 -- and converting at least 3 into paying clients.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Adjust the 5-6 stages of your sales pipeline based on your experience in Milestone 3 with the twin goals of attracting more prospects into your pipeline and closing a higher percentage of prospects who enter your pipeline.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Implement your 5-Day Plan consistently for another 30 days straight based on your updated sales pipeline and beat the number of prospects and sales you got in Milestone 3.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Continue fine-tuning and adjusting your sales pipeline and implement your 5-Day Plan consistently for a third consecutive month and beat the number of prospects and sales you got in Milestone 5.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION One of the fastest and easiest ways to leverage your marketing efforts is through in-person speaking. Speaking has the highest conversion rate of 60-90 Days any 1:Few or 1:Many forms of marketing in that it allows you to make a deep, personal and lasting connection with your prospects. It also allows you to YEAR iterate your way to awesome FAST and be able to quickly see whether your Year 1 & 2 offer and your marketing is working. PRE-REQUISITES As I always like to say, ”Before you can make money while you sleep, you have to be able to make money while you’re awake.” And in-person speaking • Nail Your Niche is a great first step in bridging the gap from 1:1 sales to 1:Many marketing • Design Your 1:Few Offer or and get some immediate results. Design Your 1:Many Offer

If you ultimately want to move into doing webinars and 1:Many online RECOMMENDED TRAININGS marketing, I highly recommend you do some in-person speaking first. It will • COD-M3V02-Find Your Hub really allow you to calibrate your message to your audience. Communities Speaking also allows you to leverage other people’s audiences to build your • COD-M3V04-Finding JV or own. Referral Partners

MILESTONES • COD-M3V07-The Captive Audience Campaign • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Create a rough outline of the 3 main parts of your presentation and reverse engineer your talk title and bullets to • COD-M3V09-The JV or Referral sell your offer or next step. Partner Campaign

• Milestone 2 (10 XP): Make a list of 20-50 places you could give your • TR-M2V08-Start Your Own Local talk within 100 miles of where you live. Email at least 10 places a week Meetup Group and keep following up with each place until you get a response. The goal is to get at least one talk booked (if not a whole lot more). • TR-M3V08-The Power of Consistency • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Script or outline the rest of your talk with a focus on your offer -- whether you plan to invite your audience to sign up for a free consultation or buy your offer.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Create slides for your talk and either a sign-up sheet (for free consultations) or an order form (if you’re making a direct pitch).

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Practice your talk (and especially your offer) with friends or family at least once before you present live.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Give your presentation to an audience of at least 20 and make at least 1 sale (either through direct purchases or enrollment conversations after the talk). Repeat your talk as many times as you need to until you hit this goal.




On-ramps are the ways you turn strangers and total visitors into prospects DURATION and ultimately buyers of our paid products. This is one of the most 30 Days foundational missions to get you started with online marketing since it will allow you to convert your prospects into visitors to your website and social YEAR media profiles, and give you a way to follow up with potential clients. Year 1, 2 & 3 An on-ramp includes one or more freebies, opt-in gifts or lead magnets, as well as the ”lead flow” or follow-up sequence you use to turn new PRE-REQUISITES subscribers into buyers. • Nail Your Niche

The best lead magnets provide an experience of value around the topic of • Design Your 1:Few Offer or your product while ”opening the gap” for your prospect and creating desire Design Your 1:Many Offer to invest in your product. RECOMMENDED TRAININGS

MILESTONES • ATM-M2-Turning Visitors Into Buyers • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Define 2-3 different on-ramps into the paid offer you want to focus on promoting. Try to use a different type of freebie for each • TR-M1V01-Master Your Onramps on-ramp you create. • TR-M1V02-Get Your Freebies • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Create your first on-ramp and email follow-up Everywhere sequence and begin promoting it to your own audience, as well as using the strategies in ”Get Your Freebies Everywhere.” Aim to get at least 50 opt-ins • COD-M3V04-Finding JV or at a 40%+ conversion rate into your first on-ramp. Fine-tune and adjust your Referral Partners freebie as needed until you hit a 40%+ opt-in rate. Please note that you need • COD-M3V09-The JV or Referral at least 100 opt-ins (and up to 200) before you’ll see a sale. Partner Campaign • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Create your second on-ramp and email follow-up sequence and begin promoting it to your own audience, as well as using the strategies in ”Get Your Freebies Everywhere.” Aim to get at least 50 opt-ins at a 40%+ conversion rate into your second on-ramp. Fine-tune and adjust your freebie as needed until you hit a 40%+ opt-in rate. Please note that you need at least 100 opt-ins (and up to 200) before you’ll see a sale.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Create your third on-ramp and email follow-up sequence and begin promoting it to your own audience, as well as using the strategies in “Get Your Freebies Everywhere.” Aim to get at least 50 opt-ins at a 40%+ conversion rate into your first on-ramp. Fine-tune and adjust your freebie as needed until you hit a 40%+ opt-in rate.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Recruit one or more JV partners to promote your on- ramps. Aim to get 100 new opt-ins into each on-ramp and between 1-3 sales.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Test your highest-performing on-ramp with cold Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or YouTube ad traffic. Shoot for at least a 20% opt-in rate with cold traffic and 1% conversion from opt-in to sale, then fine-tune and adjust from there!



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION Quizzes are one of the best types of lead magnets for the simple reason that they allow your prospects to discover something about themselves 30-60 Days -- and everybody loves to learn more about Numero Uno. Then, once you know more about your prospect, you can target your emails and follow-up YEAR campaign to their specific needs. Year 1, 2 & 3

Quizzes work great in Call Me funnels since a well-designed marketing quiz PRE-REQUISITES helps your prospect identify the gap between where they are and where • Nail Your Niche they want to be. Then, once they get their results, you can offer a free consultation to evaluate the results together. Plus you’ll have valuable intel • Design Your 1:Few Offer or into your prospect before you even get on the phone! Design Your 1:Many Offer

Quizzes also work great in List Build funnels for the exact same reason. You RECOMMENDED TRAININGS just replace the conversation with a different conversion event such as an • ATM-M2V01-Match Your Site with application or webinar. Your Business Model

• ATM-M2V02-Choose Your Top 2 MILESTONES CTAs

• Milestone 1 (5 XP): Reverse engineer a quiz topic, name and • ATM-M2V0-Buttons that Beg to Be headline that leads into your paid offer (and free session if you’re Clicked

using a quiz to a discovery call). • ATM-M2V09-Designing Your Lead Flow • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Write out your quiz questions, answers and scoring. • ATM-M2V10-Start with an Experience (Optional) • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Write or record your quiz results (based on the • questions and scoring in Milestone 2). ATM-M2V12-Discover What They Want • Write your post opt-in confirmation page and Milestone 4 (20 XP): • ATM-M2V13-The Perfect Email the email follow-up campaign that leads into your free discovery Campaign, Part 1: How to Write session and/or paid offer. Compelling Emails

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Choose your quiz platform and email service • ATM-M2V14-The Perfect Email provider (if you don’t already have one) and build your quiz and Campaign Part 2: How to Sequence Emails autoresponder sequences. • ATM-M2V16-CTA Tech: Email Service • Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Begin promoting your quiz to your Providers & Autoresponders own audience, as well as using the strategies in ”Get Your Freebies Everywhere.” Aim to get at least 100 opt-ins at a 40%+ conversion • ATM-M2V19-CTA Tech: Quizzes

rate into your quiz, and one sale (through direct purchases, • ATM-M2V17-CTA Tech: Online enrollment conversations or any other kind of follow-up). Fine-tune Schedulers (Optional) and adjust your freebie as needed until you hit a 40%+ opt-in rate • TR-M1V01-Master Your Onramps and 1% opt-in to sale conversion rate. • TR-M1V02-Get Your Freebies Everywhere



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION Many of my students hesitate to go all-in with their marketing because they’re not 100% confident they can really serve their clients and customers 30 Days and get the result they’re promising... and that’s a legitimate concern. After all, if someone invests in your offer and doesn’t get a result, they’re less YEAR likely to invest in you again. And they’re less likely to refer you to others. And, Year 1, 2 & 3 eventually, this can tarnish your reputation. PRE-REQUISITES I developed the Experience Formula to support business owners like you in creating super sticky products that get people hooked on taking action, • Nail Your Niche getting results and ultimately buying from you over and over again. By • Design Your 1:Few Offer or combining gamification, entertainment, adult learning theory and the Design Your 1:Many Offer psychology of motivation, experience products skyrocket engagement and results for your students, clients and customers. RECOMMENDED TRAININGS • COD-M4V01-The Missing 90% While the Experience Product Masterclass focused on applying the • COD-M4V02-Experiencifying 1:Few Experience Formula to any kind of product, Module 4 of Clients on Demand Offers: Revisiting the Big 3 focuses specifically on experiencifying 1:Few offers. • COD-M4V03-Experiencifying 1:Few Offers: Constant Wins

You may want to follow this Mission with our complementary Mission on • COD-M4V04-Experiencifying 1:Few Building Your Fulfillment Systems. Offers: Normalizing Challenges • COD-M4V05-Experiencifying 1:Few MILESTONES Offers: Peak Experiences • • Experiencification begins with your Product COD-M4V06-Experiencifying 1:Few Milestone 1 (5 XP): Offers: Feedback Loops Mission and Future Self. Fine-tune these first 2 experiences until you get consistently positive feedback in the Momentum Facebook • COD-M4V07-Experiencifying 1:Few Offers: Community group and your coach gives you the thumbs up. • COD-M4V08-Experiencifying 1:Few • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Nail your Bird’s Eye View or Big Differentiating Offers: Unstoppable Momentum Idea and translate that into your program features or deliverables. • COD-M4V09-Experiencifying 1:Few Offers: Mission Accomplished • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Define wins for each training and module (if • COD-M4V13-Design Your 1:Few you have them) or each main deliverable in your program and come Welcome Sequence up with a system for tracking and celebrating wins. • EPM-M3V13-Bringing It All Together: Your 10x Delivery Checklist • Milestone 4 (20 XP): Brainstorm core experiences 4-9 on your • EPM-M3V14-Ready, Aim, Fire: Create Experience Escalation Plan and find creative ways to push the Your Experience Product Design & envelope with your product in each of these areas. Delivery Schedule • EPM-M5V04-Just in Time Delivery: • Milestone 5 (25 XP): Determine the ”next step” and craft a Mission How to Become a Mindreader Accomplished Celebration that invites students, clients and Without Being Psychic customers to take the next step with you. • EPM-M5V05-The Psychology of Imperfection: Make Your Product Better by Letting Go • Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Finalize your product design • The Presentation Technologies and delivery schedule and begin delivering your product to your Workshop: Using the Latest Tools, customers while implementing everything you put together in Breakthrough Graphics & Video to Milestones 1-5. Rock Your Audience’s World




Once you start creating leveraged products or shift from Call Me to List DURATION Build Marketing, then chances are you’ll need a sales page to support your 30 Days product marketing campaign.

Your sales page is essentially a one-page website that takes your YEAR prospective buyer on a mental and emotional journey from What is this? to Year 1, 2 & 3 I’m in!. It includes very specific information in a very specific order. PRE-REQUISITES Luckily, you’ll discover a short-cut to quickly writing a high-converting sales • Nail Your Niche page in Module 5 of Tao of Product Creation, even if you don’t consider yourself a copywriter. As always, we give you all the step-by-step trainings • Design Your 1:Few Offer or and resources you need to complete this Mission. Design Your 1:Many Offer

RECOMMENDED TRAININGS MILESTONES • Tao of Product Creation - • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Choose which sections you want to include on Module 5 your sales page and the order you want to include them in.

• Milestone 2 (10 XP): Write all the headlines or leads for your entire sales page making sure they tell the full story of your product if someone were to skim your sales page, only reading the headlines and nothing more. Pass your sections by the community in the Momentum Facebook group and/or get the thumbs up from your coach.

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Write and revise the rest of your sales page or the main copy for each section.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Design and test your sales page from top to bottom.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Design and test your order form.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): If you have a multi-step order form, design a cart abandonment campaign for people who leave their name and contact info but don’t complete the transaction.




A big mistake entrepreneurs make is spending too long in product development. The DURATION truth is that launching your product is the best form of market research you could 60-90 Days ever have. If you wait too long before you launch, you may run the risk of creating something that not a lot of people want to buy. If your goal is to make money and serve people with your product (and I recommend you take that on as a goal), then YEAR the only way to know for sure that you have a good product idea is to launch it and Year 1 & 2 see if real people pay real money for what you have to offer. Luckily, when you’re working on a 1:Few offer for 6-30 students, clients or customers, you can keep PRE-REQUISITES your launch relatively simple and rely on Call Me Marketing (rather than List Build Marketing). If you want to do some 1:Few Marketing in addition to Chatterboxing, I • Nail Your Niche highly recommend local speaking. The trick is to stack 3-5 1:1 and 1:Few marketing • Design Your 1:Few Offer or campaigns together to hit your revenue goals. You’ll learn 7 different marketing Design Your 1:Many Offer campaigns in module 3 of Clients on Demand. Once you’ve proven your product through your initial launch, then it makes sense to take the time to do more List Build RECOMMENDED TRAININGS Marketing. • TPC-M3V14-Your Idea to Market Blueprint MILESTONES • ATM-M2V10-Start with an • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Complete your Idea to Market Blueprint and commit to Experience minimum, target and stretch goals for your launch, as well as specific dates for marketing and delivering your 1:Few offer. • ATM-M2V13-The Perfect Email Campaign, Part 1: How to Write • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Choose your ”campaign stack” -- the 2-5 marketing Compelling Emails campaigns you plan to use to hit your product sales goals. For a 1:Few product, I recommend combining 1:1 marketing methods such as Chatterbox • ATM-M2V14-The Perfect Email and the Start With an Experience Campaign with some forms of 1:Few Campaign Part 2: How to marketing such as the Captive Audience or Reverse Webinar Campaign. Sequence Emails

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Make a list of every element you need for each • Clients on Demand - Module 1 campaign in your stack -- include things like emails, squeeze pages, sales pages, confirmation pages, applications, order forms, webinars -- and when • Clients on Demand - Module 2 you plan to complete each element leading in to your overall launch dates. Give yourself some buffer in case something unexpected comes up or things • Clients on Demand - Module 3 take longer than you expect. Plan to finish everything at least a week before you launch.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Complete production on each element of your marketing campaign while getting feedback from your Momentum Coach and the Momentum Facebook community along the way.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Run your marketing campaign as planned and beware the ”marketing mindfuck.” Up to 50% of all sales happen on the last day and it’s not over until it’s over. If your launch isn’t meeting your expectations look for how you can pivot or what you can still do. Private message people. Get on the phone. Do what it takes to hit at least your minimum goals and don’t give up until it’s over.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): My friend Justin Livingston always says that the gold is in the debrief, so don’t forget to do your “worked well, do differentlies” while your launch is still fresh in your mind. After all, it’s all about iterating your way to awesome... so no matter what happened with this launch, awesome is around the corner. Once your launch is over, compile all the metrics you have on performance for each element of each campaign and write a comprehensive debrief on how you want change and improve your launch the next time. Remember, there is no failure, only feedback.




A big mistake entrepreneurs make is spending too long in product development. The DURATION truth is that launching your product is the best form of market research you could 90 Days ever have. If you wait too long before you launch, you may run the risk of creating something that not a lot of people want to buy. YEAR If your goal is to make money and serve people with your product (and I recommend Year 2 & 3 you take that on as a goal), then the only way to know for sure that you have a good product idea is to launch it and see if real people pay real money for what you have to PRE-REQUISITES offer. • Nail Your Niche The trick to filling your program is to stack 3-5 marketing campaigns together to hit your revenue goals. You’ll learn 7 different marketing campaigns in module 3 of • Design Your 1:Many Offer Clients on Demand. RECOMMENDED TRAININGS MILESTONES • TPC-M3V14-Your Idea to Market • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Complete your Idea to Market Blueprint and commit to Blueprint minimum, target and stretch goals for your launch, as well as specific dates for marketing and delivering your 1:Many offer. • ATM-M2V11-Fast Result Freebie • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Choose your “campaign stack” -- the 2-5 marketing campaigns you plan to use to hit your product sales goals. I highly • ATM-M2V12-Discover What recommend using a Reverse Webinar Campaign as your main conversion They Want mechanism for a 1:Many product. • ATM-M2V10-Start with an • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Make a list of every element you need for each campaign in your stack -- include things like emails, squeeze pages, sales Experience pages, confirmation pages, applications, order forms, webinars -- and when you plan to complete each element leading in to your overall launch dates. • ATM-M2V13-The Perfect Email Give yourself some buffer in case things something unexpected comes up or Campaign, Part 1: How to Write things take longer than you expect. Plan to finish everything at least a week Compelling Emails before you launch. • • Milestone 4 (20 XP): Complete production on each element of your ATM-M2V14-The Perfect Email marketing campaign getting feedback from your Momentum Coach and Campaign Part 2: How to the Momentum Facebook community along the way. For bonus points, run Sequence Emails headlines and other key messaging points by your ideal audience to make sure you’re on the right track. • Clients on Demand - Module 3 • Milestone 5 (25 XP): Run your marketing campaign as planned and beware the “marketing mindfuck.” Up to 50% of all sales happen on the last day and • TR-M2V05-Leveraging Partners it’s not over until it’s over. If your launch isn’t meeting your expectations look in a Reverse Webinar Campaign for how you can pivot or what you can still do. Private message people. Get on the phone. Do what it takes to hit at least your minimum goals and don’t • TR-M2V06-Leveraging give up until it’s over. Facebook Ads in a Reverse • Superhero Milestone (50 XP): My friend Justin Livingston always says Webinar Campaign that the gold is in the debrief, so don’t forget to do your “worked well, do differentlies” while your launch is still fresh in your mind. After all, it’s all about iterating your way to awesome... so no matter what happened with this launch, awesome is around the corner. Once your launch is over, compile all the metrics you have on performance for each element of each campaign and write a comprehensive debrief on how you want change and improve your launch the next time. Remember, there is no failure, only feedback.




Webinars have been our top marketing campaign since we started Live Your Message DURATION and I highly recommend webinars as one of the easiest ways to fill a 1:Many product 30-60 Days (and as an option to fill your 1:Few product when you have a big enough reach to be able to get at least 100 opt-ins and 30 people live on the line). YEAR The challenge with the way most people teach webinars is that it requires you to really get your webinar right. You may have heard that “if you don’t make the sale on Year 1 or 2 the webinar, then you’re not going to make the sale.” And that creates a huge amount of pressure to get your webinar exactly right. You’ve got to get your content right, PRE-REQUISITES you’ve got to get your delivery right, you’ve got to get your offer right, and you’ve got to get the technology right… and sometimes you just don’t get it all right. In fact, when • Nail Your Niche you’re first getting started with webinars, most of the time you don’t get it all right. I still don’t get it all right and I’ve done well over a hundred webinars. • Design Your 1:Many Offer

In this Mission, you’ll write and deliver your sales webinar and learn my “reverse RECOMMENDED TRAININGS webinar campaign” follow-up sequence, so you have more opportunity to build relationships, deliver value and sell your product than the webinar itself. The first time • COD-M3V04-Finding JV or Referral I added the reverse webinar campaign to a sales webinar, I more than tripled my Partners sales of a $997 product in the follow-up email sequence, even to people who never watched the webinar. • COD-M3V07-The Captive Audience Campaign MILESTONES • COD-M3V08-The Reverse Webinar • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Set a date for your webinar and how you plan to get at Campaign

least 100 opt-ins and 30 people on the line (if not 2-3x more). If you don’t • COD-M3V09-The JV or Referral have a list, I recommend approaching 5-10 joint venture partners and setting Partner Campaign up dedicated webinars to their audience. • TR-M2V05-Leveraging Partners in a • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Create a rough outline of the 3 main parts of your Reverse Webinar Campaign webinar and reverse engineer your webinar title and bullets to sell your offer • TR-M2V06-Leveraging Facebook or next step (i.e. application or free consult). Ads in a Reverse Webinar Campaign • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Script or outline the rest of your webinar to lead into • TR-M3V08-The Power of your offer or next step and create any slides you need to support your talk. Consistency

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Create the pages you need for participants to take the • Speak! How to Use Talks & Webinars next step with you. For direct webinar sales, this is usually a summary sales to Grow Your Business page, order form and welcome page. For free consultations, this is some kind of application and scheduling process. For an Application Campaign, this • ATM-M4V02-Squeeze ‘Em Tight: would be an application page and a confirmation page. Design Your Opt-In Pages

• ATM-M4V03-Thank ‘Em Right: Craft • Milestone 5 (25 XP): Write all emails required for your Reverse Webinar Your Confirmation Pages Campaign: emails promoting the webinar, post-opt-in emails, and the emails following the webinar -- including direct invitations to your offer or next step. • ATM-M4V06-Bring ‘Em Back for More: Architect a Webinar Sales • Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Do a dry run of your webinar with friends or Page (Optional) family to practice the technology, content and offer, then give your webinar live to an audience of at least 30 and make at least 1 sale (either through direct • ATM-M4V07-Add an Order Form purchases or enrollment conversations after your webinar). Repeat your (Optional) webinar live as many times as you need to until you hit this goal. and write a comprehensive debrief on how you want change and improve your launch the next time. Remember, there is no failure, only feedback.



ABOUT THIS MISSION Congratulations, you’ve sold your product! Now what? :) DURATION

The truth is that it takes just as much planning to deliver your 1:Few and 30-60 Days 1:Many offers as it does to market them and the most successful companies focus on both marketing and fulfillment. YEAR

In this Mission you’ll develop your fulfillment system so you have 100% Year 1 or 2 confidence that as soon as someone says yes, they’re going to have an incredible experience working with you. This includes how to organize your PRE-REQUISITES delivery process and how to follow up with people who’ve defaulted on their • Nail Your Niche payment plan. You may want to follow this Mission with our complementary Mission on Building Your Fulfillment Systems. • Design Your 1:Few Offer or Design Your 1:Many Offer MILESTONES

• Milestone 1 (5 XP): Plan the experience you want your new students, clients RECOMMENDED TRAININGS or customers to have from what I call “Moment One of Day One” -- as soon as they push the Buy Now button or tell you they’re in. Start by looking through • EPM-M3V14-Ready, Aim, Fire: your experience escalation plan and product delivery schedule for any Create Your Experience Product moments you need to “build for” -- starting with your welcome sequence and Design & Delivery Schedule going all the way through your Mission Accomplished Celebration and the “next step” you plan to invite customers into. Also consider core support and • The Presentation Technologies payment functions -- it’s often the least sexy systems that you need to plan for first. Make a complete list of all the support, payment and fulfillment systems Workshop: Using the Latest you need to build. Tools, Breakthrough Graphics & Video to Rock Your Audience’s • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Sort your list by high, medium and low priority. High priorities are systems that are absolutely essential to the success of your World with Don Crowther program -- responding to customer support tickets within 24-48 hours, uploading content or recordings to a membership site, creating a failed • M5V02-Disciplined Creativity: payment process or anything that takes a lot of your time -- and decide which Organize Your Product Creation systems and experiences you want to build now. Remember this is an iterate your way to awesome process and you can’t optimize for everything in one • M5V03-Product Delivery, go. I usually try to improve 2-3 fulfillment systems each time I deliver a product. Simplified: Serve Without the • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Create a schedule for your high-priority fulfillment Fuss improvements and decide whether you have the skills, resources and bandwidth to do it yourself or whether you need to bring in technical support • COD-M4V10-The Science of or simply an extra pair of hands. Plan to build your core systems within 30 days Collecting Payments so this project doesn’t drag on and on. I also recommend making systems and operational improvements alongside more revenue generating activities in your business, rather than making this an exclusive focus. • COD-M4V11-Fulfill Like a Boss

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Once you have the high-priority systems in place, • COD-M4V12-Fulfillment move on to 2-5 medium-priority nice-to-have systems that will create an Systems & Tech extraordinary experience for your students, clients or customers (even if it doesn’t make or break your program like the high-priority items). • COD-M4V13-Design Your 1:Few • Milestone 5 (25 XP): Implement your new fulfillment systems with real Welcome Sequence students, clients and customers and see how they perform. Take note of what’s working well and what you would do differently. • COD-M5V03-Understanding Cash Flow • Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Update the high and medium priority fulfillment systems you put in place based on customer feedback and your own personal observations. You want to be able to deliver your products, program and services as seamlessly as possible while loving your customers up every step of the way.



ABOUT THIS MISSION While it’s easy to deliver a 1:Few offer through a combination of live virtual sessions DURATION and a Facebook group, once you crossover into 1:Many products that include calls or trainings, I recommend creating a membership site. 30 Days

There is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to membership sites. Many people hear that they need a membership site to earn passive income when the truth is that all YEAR a membership site does is provide access to content. Some people confuse the term ”membership site” with ”continuity program.” A continuity program is when someone Year 2 or 3 pays you monthly for an indefinite period of time for ongoing access to some kind of subscription (this could be software, training, coaching or a service offering). Some PRE-REQUISITES continuity programs are delivered on membership sites, but many membership sites deliver time-based programs with a clear beginning and end. • Nail Your Niche

I don’t recommend focusing on continuity programs until you’ve really mastered • Design Your 1:Few Offer or the time-based 1:Many format since it’s MUCH harder to keep students, clients and customers engaged over an indefinite period of time than it is to keep them engaged Design Your 1:Many Offer over a finite period of time (ranging from 30 days to 1 year), unless you have a topic that allows people to stay self-motivated (such as receiving the latest investment RECOMMENDED TRAININGS advice based on current market fluctuations or something that requires ongoing daily behavior change such as overcoming an illness, maintaining a diet or exercise routine, or • Creating Customers for Life: implementing a weekly content marketing schedule). The Perfect Membership Site In this Mission, you’ll focus on building a membership to deliver your 1:Many program -- with Don Crowther whether it’s a time-based program or a true continuity program. • EPM-M5V06-Bonus Thinkific Demo MILESTONES

• Milestone 1 (5 XP): Watch our tech trainings, do some Google research and decide which membership site platform you want to use. Keep in mind that there is no perfect technology. Every system has pros and cons and makes choices about what to optimize for. Simply pick the system that best meets your needs and fits your budget.

• Milestone 2 (10 XP): Take 1-2 hours to learn the new systems before beginning implementation. Watch the training videos provided by the platform you choose plus any additional YouTube videos about it. Get a feel for the new home for your program.

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Sketch out your membership site plan before you begin -- starting with what pages you want to have, what will go on each page and how or when students will receive access to each part of your program. If you use any of our LYM membership sites as an example, please keep in mind that we’ve created highly-customized (and expensive) solutions. So put some of our functionality on your wish list and move on to what you can do right now. :)

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Review your plan and take out anything that’s not in your means to do right now. Create a schedule for when you plan to complete each piece of your membership site. Decide whether or not you need to hire out any pieces. Then implement your plan!

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): It’s one thing to have a membership site and it’s another thing to integrate it into your program delivery. Your students need to receive membership site access, then they need to understand how the membership site works and where to find what they need, then they need regular reminders to come back to the membership site when new trainings or recordings are available to them. Brainstorm and then write the program fulfillment emails that accompany your membership site.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Take your membership site live with actual students and watch as key aspects of your program deliver themselves!



ABOUT THIS MISSION It’s easy to treat your site as a mere source of information, or an electronic pamphlet DURATION imparting information about your qualifications, training, or your many certifications and services. And it’s easy to make the mistake of assuming that this information will 60-90 Days be a big enough reason for people to hire you, buy your products or programs.

This is the biggest mistake you can make. There are now almost 2 billion websites YEAR online. Hundreds of thousands in your niche, and tens of thousands who look and sound just like you. Year 1 or 2

In today’s online world, your site needs to work so much harder than everybody else’s. PRE-REQUISITES It’s your most important ambassador, your PR pro, your salesperson, your ”body double” online, and it’s how you share your message with the world. It’s how you get • Nail Your Niche clients and sales and make money. • Design Your 1:Few Offer or If you don’t have a plan to stand out, get noticed and convert your visitors into repeat Design Your 1:Many Offer paying customers, then you’ll be out of business -- fast.

In this Mission you’ll build a business-building client-attracting website designed to RECOMMENDED TRAININGS support your Call Me Business model, plus all the behind-the-scenes systems you need to turn a visitor into a subscriber and a subscriber into a buyer. • Website ATM - Module 1 • Website ATM - Module 2 MILESTONES • Website ATM - Module 3 • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Let’s start with the fun stuff -- defining your graphic style and key web design elements you’ll need to create a beautiful experience for your visitors and prospects. Module 1 of Website ATM will lead you step- by-step through this process. Be careful this doesn’t become a rabbit hole! I recommend moving on to Milestone 2 within 2 weeks, even if you’re still working on some aspects of your visual branding.

• Milestone 2 (10 XP): Now it’s time to plan how you’re going to turn your website into a business-building, client-attracting machine. Define the top 2 CTAs for your Call Me Site, then sketch out the lead flow that takes someone from new subscriber all the way to buyer.

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Choose whether you want to build a 1-page or multi- page Call Me site, then define each section or page you want on your site, plus the top and bottom navigation you need to get visitors from one place to the next.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Create a schedule for writing and designing each section or page of your site, as well as the CTAs, free gifts and follow-up campaigns you need to turn visitors into buyers. Decide whether you’re going to do this yourself using a tool like Heroic, whether you’re going to hire a web design company or whether you simply need to get some technical support.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Build your site and follow-up campaigns on schedule. Remember done is better than perfect. Building your website is a business development activity, not a marketing activity. Your site is simply a tool in a bigger marketing and sales strategy, so it’s better to get it done and out fast so you can focus on building your business and making money.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Congratulations, your site is almost done! Time to complete the Go Live Checklist, get your last forms hooked up, optimize your site for search engines, then take your site live and share it with the world. Use your site launch as a way to drive opt-ins and awareness about your business, products and services. Treat this like a mini-marketing campaign and remember: It’s not about inviting people to your site, it’s about inviting people to take your top CTA because, ultimately, you want subscribers more than visitors.



ABOUT THIS MISSION Once you transition into 1:Few and 1:Many marketing, it becomes more DURATION important to systematize your marketing, sales and lead generation efforts 60-90 Days -- both for your marketing campaigns and for ongoing lead generation to fill your client pipeline on a consistent and predictable basis. YEAR In this Mission you’re going to ”go pro” with your marketing and sales efforts, Year 2 or 3 get clear on your metrics, put in place the systems you need to scale and become a scientist in the experiment lab of your business. PRE-REQUISITES

MILESTONES • Nail Your Niche

• Milestone 1 (5 XP): Consistency is the key to sales and marketing success, • Design Your 1:Few Offer or Design yet so many entrepreneurs live in the world of feast or famine. The first step to Your 1:Many Offer predictable revenue and abundance is understanding what consistency looks like for your particular business. Review the 5-6 Stages of your sales pipeline • Build a Consistent Client Pipeline and determine what systems you need to put in place where -- starting with lead generation and going through the follow-up and optional proposal stages RECOMMENDED TRAININGS leading to the close. Where are you leaving money on the table? • ATM-M2V01-Match Your Site with Your Business Model • Milestone 2 (10 XP): I recommend starting with building systems for Stages 2-6 of your Sales Pipeline -- or what happens once you get a new lead. Many • ATM-M2V02-Choose Your Top 2 CTAs people believe that all they need is more traffic and more leads and they’ll get more customers. But if you have any holes in your follow-up systems, you’re • ATM-M2V09-Designing Your Lead going to lose a lot of those leads along the way. I like to solve for conversion Flow before I solve for traffic. So build out any follow-up systems you need to turn • ATM-M2V15-CTA Tech: Web Forms prospects into customers first. • ATM-M2V16-CTA Tech: Email Service • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Once you have systems in place for Stages 2-6, it’s time Providers & Autoresponders to look at Stage 1. What systems do you need to put in place for consistent lead • ATM-M2V17-CTA Tech: Online generation? Are the 2-3 lead generation channels you chose working for you or Schedulers (Optional) do you want to revisit those channels? Create any systems you need to make • ATM-M2V18-CTA Tech: Surveys sure your prospecting and generating leads without fail on a weekly basis so (Optional) you have a consistent flow of prospects into your sales pipeline. • ATM-M2V19-CTA Tech: Quizzes • Milestone 4 (20 XP): Now that you have your sales pipeline dialed in, is there (Optional) any way to remove you as the bottleneck in this pipeline? It may be time to hire • ATM-M2V20-CTA Tech: PDF on sales support or someone to follow-up and follow-through with prospects Creation (Optional) on your behalf. If you can’t afford sales support, is there a way to plug in a VA to • ATM-M2V21-CTA Tech: Shopping key parts of the process to free you up for other things in your business? Carts, Payment Processors & Taking Money • Milestone 5 (25 XP): The next opportunity for leverage is looking at ways to • Clients on Demand - Module 1 integrate a new on-ramp and email follow-up sequence into your sales pipeline so you have a new way to turn a prospect into a buyer. Whether you use these • Clients on Demand - Module 2 campaigns to turn a prospect into a phone call or you use these campaigns to • Clients on Demand - Module 3 convert a new prospect directly into a buyer, look for one opportunity to turn a high-touch 1:1 process into a 1:Many process. • ATM-M2-Turning Visitors Into Buyers

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): As always, the proof is in the pudding. • TR-M1V01-Master Your Onramps Implement your new improved sales pipeline -- from lead generation through • TR-M1V02-Get Your Freebies follow-up -- and see if you can improve on both the number of leads coming in Everywhere and the percentage of leads you convert into sales.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION As email deliverability continues to decline, it’s becoming more important to build and nurture communities on social media. However most people make 30 Days for Milestones 1-5 the mistake of using social media primarily for visibility marketing rather than 6 Months for Milestone 6 to get leads into your on-ramps and funnels. Once you have your online sales and marketing systems in place, then it makes sense to double down on your YEAR social media presence. Year 1, 2 or 3

That said, I recommend choosing 1 platform you want to focus on rather than PRE-REQUISITES trying to be everywhere. Once you start to see some ROI in one platform, • Design Your 1:Few Offer or then you can expand to the next and ultimately the next. Design Your 1:Many Offer

In this Mission you’ll choose which social media platform you want to focus • Design the On-Ramp Into Your on, then craft a strategy to leverage that platform to build your list and fill Paid Offer your client pipeline. RECOMMENDED TRAININGS MILESTONES • Tribe - Module 1 • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Watch our trainings in Module 3 of Tribe and decide which of the Big 4 social channels you want to focus on. I • Tribe - Module 3 recommend choosing one primary channel to double down on. It’s • Internet Famous Track of OK to have a basic presence on all 4 channels, but really focus on one channel you can rock out and use for consistent lead generation. Mastery - Quarter 2 (special bonus for Y2 & Y3 Momentum • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Complete our trainings in Module 1 of Tribe Students) so you have a better sense of how you want to show up and communicate on the social media channel you chose. Redesign your profile images and descriptions to align with your personal brand.

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Create a big picture content marketing strategy by tuning in to the “golden thread” running through your business and the 5-7 sub-topics that best support your work and the on-ramps into your offer(s).

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Set monthly goals for the next six months for the platform you choose -- how much would you like your following to grow each month? Your engagement? The number of clicks into your on-ramps? The number of opt-ins? The number of sales?

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Decide how often you want to post and your ”content mix” -- or your balance between types of value and promotion (I recommend promoting at least 20% of the time)! Translate that into an editorial calendar for the next 6 months.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Implement your editorial calendar over the next 6 months, checking in to your metrics each week, seeing when you’re hitting your monthly goals and when you’re not and pivoting your strategy along the way so you can iterate your way to awesome!



ABOUT THIS MISSION At this stage in your business growth -- people aren’t doing business with a DURATION company, they’re doing business with you. You are the face and voice of your business and brand, and -- if you want to build a tribe – you need to start 50-90 Days cultivating your personal brand. And that’s our focus for this training. YEAR So, what exactly is a personal brand?

Personal branding can be described as the process of “packaging” and Year 2 or 3 “marketing” yourself as if you were a brand, an icon, a household name, until you become an icon or a household name in your industry. PRE-REQUISITES

So what do I mean by that? Simply put -- famous CEOs, celebrities, and • Nail Your Niche politicians are just normal people who have tapped into the unique qualities and attributes of who they are and express those attributes consistently… RECOMMENDED TRAININGS until people took notice. (In other words, they got famous). • Personal Brand Power - Understanding your personal brand allows you to make that first, strong Module 1 impression and then reinforce it over and over again until others can literally • Personal Brand Power - picture you in their mind’s eye, describe you, feel what it’s like to be in your Module 2 presence, even if they’ve never met you before. • Personal Brand Power - It takes to time to not just define how you want to show up in your business, Module 3 but to practice making a consistent impression throughout your online (and • Personal Brand Power - offline) universe. Module 3 • Personal Brand Power - MILESTONES Module 5 • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Create your Personal Brand Blueprint based on • TR-M1V03-Stepping Into Your Module 1 of Personal Brand Power. These are the attributes you want Personal Brand to focus on amplifying. • TR-M1V04-Tuning Into Your Values & Beliefs • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Flesh out the core “who you are” aspects of your Personal Brand Blueprint based on Module 2 of Personal Brand Power. • TR-M1V05-You’ve Got Style! • TR-M1V06-What Your Words • Milestone 3 (15 XP): Clearly convey the ”what you do” aspects of Say About You: Speaking your Personal Brand Blueprint based on Module 3 of Personal Brand • TR-M1V07-What Your Words Power. Say About You: Writing • Milestone 4 (20 XP): Decide which 1-2 ”what you create” elements of • TR-M1V08-From Tone Deaf to your Personal Brand Blueprint you want to focus on and start bringing Pitch Perfect your brand voice and attributes into those elements, using select • TR-M1V09-Bringing It All trainings in Module 4 and 5 of Personal Brand Power. The goal is to Together in Video really bring your personal brand into the way you communicate with your following and your customers.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Practice becoming your Personal Brand Ambassador for 30 days. How does your business change when you treat every moment and every interaction as an opportunity for growth and transformation? What new opportunities emerge simply by being on-brand and on-message all the time?

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Create a plan for nurturing your value network -- whether you do it intensively over a week or engage with one person a week for the next 6 months. See what new opportunities emerge by being your brand -- not just in casual encounters and actual marketing, but by proactively creating a community of peers who support each other.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION In this Mission, you’re going to create and launch a tribebuilding event that will put your name on the map and add at least 1,000 subscribers to your 30-90 Days email list or social media following… YEAR You’ll choose between 4 different kinds of tribebuilding events that you’ll Year 2 or 3 learn about in Module 2 of Tribe: PRE-REQUISITES • The Challenge Campaign • Design Your 1:Few Offer or • The Summit Campaign Design Your 1:Many Offer • The Giveaway Campaign • Leveraging Partners and/or Facebook Ads with a Reverse Webinar • Design the On-Ramp Into Your Campaign Paid Offer

It’s well known that the money is in your list… and now that you have your RECOMMENDED TRAININGS offers and web presence dialed in, it’s time to start building your list for realz. • Tribe - Module 2


• Milestone 1 (5 XP): Watch the trainings in Module 2 of Tribe and decide which type of tribebuilding event you want to focus on: the challenge, summit, giveaway or simply getting more people to your webinars so you can grow your list while selling your products. In addition to choosing your event, set clear minimum, target and stretch goals for building your list and sales you want to make from your event.

• Milestone 2 (10 XP): Develop the core messaging and positioning of your tribebuilding event to directly lead into the offer you want to sell your new subscribers to make sure you chose the right tribebuilding event for you. Ask for input in the Momentum Facebook group and get your messaging and positioning approved by your Momentum Coach.

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Make a list of every asset you need to create to implement your tribebuilding event, as well as any follow-up needed to turn new subscribers into customers. This may include emails, videos, web pages, confirmation pages, curriculum, joint venture partners, guests and other assets specific to the campaign you chose.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Set a date for your event and reverse engineer a schedule of everything you need to create when that includes all assets from Milestone 3. Decide whether or not you want to hire support and recruit any necessary teammates.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Create and test all the assets you need for your tribebuilding event.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Implement your tribebuilding event and hit at least your minimum goal! Pivot along the way as necessary and beware the ”marketing mindfuck”! Remember it’s not over until it’s over so if things aren’t going as planned, how can you adjust along the way? What cards can you still pull out of your sleeves to hit your minimum goals (even if it wasn’t part of the original plan)? Ask for support as necessary from your Momentum Coach.



ABOUT THIS MISSION DURATION In this Mission, you’ll focus on the Holy Grail of having an online business: creating consistent, passive, evergreen or automated revenue through online 6-12 Months marketing. YEAR An evergreen product or service can be bought and consumed at any time. A Year 3 scalable evergreen product can be bought and consumed at any time by an indefinite number of people. PRE-REQUISITES

• Design Your 1:Few Offer or Whether you choose to evergreen your 1:Many product or create FB ads Design Your 1:Many Offer leading into a high-ticket 1:1 service or 1:Few Mastermind, this is your opportunity to get off the launch roller coaster, shatter your revenue ceiling • Design the On-Ramp Into Your and create clients and money on demand. Paid Offer

I don’t recommend doing this Mission until you have a webinar that converts • Launch a 1:Few Offer or reliably and an evergreen product that can be consumed at any time. Launch a 1:Many Offer

RECOMMENDED TRAININGS MILESTONES • Website ATM - Module 4 • Milestone 1 (5 XP): Do not pass go until you’ve tested your reverse webinar • Internet Famous Track of campaign to your own audience, a joint venture partner’s audience -- or Mastery - Quarter 3 (special bonus for Y2 & Y3 Momentum ideally both. I recommend doing your webinar LIVE at least 10 times and up Students) to 20 times before you attempt to automate your webinar. You need to be • Internet Famous Track of consistently getting at least a 5% conversion rate from opt-in to sale on your Mastery - Quarter 4 (special live webinar (and up to 10%) before you attempt to evergreen the campaign. bonus for Y2 & Y3 Momentum Students) • Milestone 2 (10 XP): Sketch out your entire evergreen webinar campaign strategy -- including lead magnets and on-ramps, squeeze pages, confirmation pages, email follow-up sequences, return paths and any upsells, downsells or micro offers you want to include -- and run it by your Momentum Coach.

• Milestone 3 (15 XP): Brainstorm a complete list of every asset and email you need to create before you can take your webinar funnel live, then schedule when you plan to create each asset and when you want to take your funnel live.

• Milestone 4 (20 XP): Create all necessary elements for your automated webinar funnel and take it live.

• Milestone 5 (25 XP): Run your automated webinar funnel to warm traffic from your own list and from joint venture partners. Try to get at least 1000 people through your funnel so you have a good set of baseline metrics. Pivot and adjust anything along the way based on the response. You want to be able to maintain at least a 4% conversion rate from opt-in to sale with warm audiences before you attempt cold traffic.

• Superhero Milestone (50 XP): Start cold traffic into your on-ramps and webinars. To reduce costs, I recommend advertising to warm, pixeled audiences who have engaged with your other content rather than trying to send cold leads directly into your automated funnel.

ACCELERATE 79 ACCELERATE 80 LYM PROGRAMS. When you enroll in Momentum you get access to the full Vault of Live Your Message programs, which you can reference as you work on your Missions.

Each Mission has recommended trainings attached to it and some of these will be in the LYM Programs section. You’ll find additional trainings in the Activate & Accelerate Incubators and Bonus Vault sections of this binder.

While LYM Programs are available a la carte outside of Momentum, Incubators are only available for Momentum students and many of the Bonus Vault trainings are exclusive to Momentum as well.


Discover the Business You’re Meant to Build & How to Share It With the World

While other people (and courses) may try to tell you what your path should be… that’s NOT the way to a profitable and fulfilling business that starts with you. So many people start businesses that “make sense” or that someone tells them they should do.

Then find that, after a while, even if they’re making money, they’re not on the right track. They’re not feeling how they want to, and wish they had done something different. That’s why it’s so important to slow down and tune in to what you really want, why you want it, and how to design a business you’ll love, a business you’re good at, that will make money, and make an impact.

In Start With You, you’ll craft the business and marketing message that expresses your unique gifts, talents, and personality; leverages your experience and background; and makes a real difference.

When you complete the program, you’ll:

✓ Finally know what you really do and who you really serve.

✓ Have 3 compelling ways to express that with clarity and confidence.

Know the exact next steps to move the needle in your business every day, week and month moving forward. Imagine being able to say what you do at a party and have someone light up, lean in and ask The Money Questions: “How do you do that?” “Tell me more.” and “Do you have a card?”

Now imagine being able to tell your parents what you do and have them actually get it. I know, right?

ACCELERATE 82 Start With You Module 1 Rocket Fuel

Introducing Your 3 Big Whys SWY-M1V01 27:43

This module is all about connecting to your Rocket Fuel or what I call your 3 Big Whys, because when you connect to WHY you want to start a business, why you chose to become an entrepreneur, it can help give you clarity on what kind of business you ultimately want to have.

There’s nothing worse than starting a business that isn’t in alignment with why you’re doing it all to begin with… so it’s important that the True North business you ultimately choose in this program is aligned with your 3 Big Whys.

So before we begin the journey of finding your True North business idea -- before we make a choice about WHAT YOU DO -- it’s important to step back and ask WHY YOU DO IT. Even if you don’t know what “IT” is yet... especially if you don’t know what “IT” is yet.

And the reason why the question “why” comes up first is because when you know your why it gives you a huge amount of rocket fuel, inspiration and motivation… and we’re going to need that fuel to power us to your True North business idea.

If you really connect with your why, with your purpose for being on this planet, then the how won’t seem as daunting. You’ll know that all those actions and challenges are just something you need to do to be on purpose and to make an impact. In other words, your why becomes bigger than your fears, doubts and overwhelm that you may feel as you stretch out of your comfort zone and into your genius zone.

In this first training, you’ll get insight on how to do Start With You and begin the process of connecting with your why.”

The 13 Human Motivations & Your Big Selfish Why SWY-M1V02 18:22

In this training you’ll create the first of our 3 Big Why Statements: Your Big Selfish Why. And you’ll be able to easily tune into this when you learn about the 13 Human Motivations.

The goal of these Big Why Statements is to have something you can turn back to when you’re feeling tired or unmotivated. Statements you can count on to connect you back to your emotions and get your engines firing again.

According to Noam Wasserman of Harvard Business School, “When you’re taking the world on your shoulders, you have to ask yourself, Why am I doing this? If you only listen to your head, the decisions you make at every fork in the road can drive you farther from your personal promised land.”

So before we go into developing your Big Selfish Why statement I thought it would be helpful for you to survey yourself around your top motivations for going into business, so you can make decisions with both your heart and your head, and create a business that satisfies you both emotionally and materially too.

ACCELERATE 83 Start With You Module 1 Rocket Fuel

Your Big Altruistic Why & The Iterate Your Way to SWY-M1V03 15:44 Awesome Cycle

Your Big Altruistic Why Statement is often referred to as your mission statement. It helps to ground your Big Altruistic Why into a clear, specific and compelling statement. Ideally this statement defines the purpose of your business, sharing why you exist, what you do, who you do it for.

Don’t worry if you’re not sure what your business is about yet. We’ll be diving deep into that in Module 1. You can always come back and revise your Big Altruistic Why later when you get more clarity around your business.

For now I want you to make what I call a “Get Started Choice.” Where you simply do this exercise to the best of your ability at this current moment in time… then move on. A “Get Started Choice” allows you to get into action so you can enter the “iterate your way to awesome cycle”, rather than getting stuck, stalled out, and giving up.

The key is to keep moving forward no matter what. Do the best you can right now, then you’ll get more clarity and momentum later on, so when you come back to this at the end of the program -- and we will be coming back to your 3 Big Whys at the end of the program -- you’ll have more clarity, more momentum and even better ideas.

But it all starts with making a “Get Started Choice” right now even if you don’t feel clear or confident. Because the only way to get more clear and more confident is to make get started choices and take action so you get the feedback you need to have better ideas.

So many people get stuck because they have to feel like they have to make a “forever choice”, which just isn’t the case. So the “Get Started Choice” gives you permission to just choose something -- anything and move on… and when you do that, you’ll iterate your way to awesome.

Your Big Intrinsic Why SWY-M1V04 08:51

Intrinsic means inherent, essential, or innate. Something that feels completely natural to you.

Your Big Intrinsic Why relates to how you want to feel in your business every day. It’s the sense of joy, purpose and fulfillment that comes when the work feels like its own reward… and that’s a big part of having a True North Business. Doing work you love… and work that allows you to experience a flow state.

Your Big Intrinsic Why goes beyond Your Big Selfish Why and Your Big Altruistic Why and addresses how you want to feel in your business every day.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the mechanics of building your business and delivering your products and services that you forget to connect with that feeling that inspired you to go into business in the first place. Then, all of a sudden, you find yourself going through the motions and working from a sense of obligation rather than the feeling of inspiration… and I want you to leave this program feeling inspired about your business.

Your Big Intrinsic Why will help you stay connected to how you want to feel as you go about your business each day. Your Big Intrinsic Why will help you stay connected to how you want to feel as you go about your business each day.

ACCELERATE 84 Start With You Module 2 Massive Action

Start with the End in Mind SWY-M2V01 29:41

Tony Robbins says that the fastest path to success is taking massive action, and I agree. As you step into your new entrepreneur identity, you’ll very soon realize that taking action is the master skill set you need to learn. Even when you feel doubt or fear, you need to be able to get into action anyway. Every single entrepreneur you admire has this skill, I guarantee it.

But if you want that massive action to result in massive success, then it’s important to start with the end in mind, then reverse engineer a path to your destination. In this training you’ll begin our 5-Step Masive Action Process by choosing the domain of action you want to focus on and learning how to create the context and conditions for success.

Your Big Intrinsic Why will help you stay connected to how you want to feel as you go about your business each day.

What Do You Really Want? SWY-M2V02 22:46

When’s the last time you thought about what you really wanted? And I’m not talking about a chicken sandwich or a vacation in Fiji. I’m talking about what you really want to do and who you want to be in the world – now and 5 years from now. Because the path to 5 years from now begins today.

In Step 2 of our 5-Step Massive Action Process, you’ll do a brainstorm and heartstorm of all the outcomes you want for yourself in the domain of business and your biggest life growth area, so by the end of today’s session you’re going to be one step closer to knowing exactly how to focus your time and energy.

Do Dump Delegate Defer SWY-M2V03 10:20

If you try to focus on everything simultaneously you’ll feel completely overwhelmed and that could prevent you from making progress on anything at all. In Step 2, Part 3 of our 5-Step Massive Action Process, you’ll prioritize your outcomes (from Step 1) by do, dump, delegate and defer.

Do means it’s on, it’s happening, you really want this outcome and you’re willing to put your time, money and resources on the line right now to make it happen.

Dump means this is just a nice to have, you wrote it down, but it’s not that important to you. You don’t want to spend your energy focused on this now or in the near future. Of course, if it happens along the way, great, but you’re not committed to actively moving toward realizing it.

Delegate means that you need this, you want this, it’s important to you now, and you know that you’re definitely not the best person to do the work. Don’t worry about how you’re going to delegate yet, just choose delegate if you want to do it and you know that you’re definitely not the right person for the job.

Defer means that this outcome is something you genuinely need, want or desire, but it’s not a top priority right now. You’ll come back to this once you’ve gotten through some of the more important things on your to do list…

ACCELERATE 85 Start With You Module 2 Massive Action

Setting Minimum, Target & Stretch Goals SWY-M2V04 15:02

When you’re up to big things in the world, it’s so easy to put the carrot 1000 feet in front of you and always feel like it’s just out of your reach… but sometimes it’s more fulfilling to put it a few feet out and catch the occasional nibble. To really feel like you’re making progress, getting results, and being grateful for the results you are getting, rather than kicking yourself for not being perfect across the board.

In Step 3 of our 5-Step Massive Action Process, you’ll create 3 distinct goals for every one of your top outcomes: • Your Minimum Goal: What you commit to achieving and what you know that you can do right now. • Your Target Goal: What you’d really like to achieve and would stoke you out. • Your Stretch Goal: What I call your Olympic moment or Brendon’s $2M book deal. This is an outcome it may take you some time to realize.

By taking the time to craft minimum, target and stretch goals around each of your DO outcomes, you’re basically setting yourself up for success by creating a game you can win.

You get to celebrate the moment you reach your minimum goal, while still dreaming big and working towards your target goals, your stretch goals and the big Olympic vision you have for your life.

In this training, you’ll set minimum, target and stretch goals for each of your DO outcomes, prioritize your goal sets, then choose the top 3 outcomes you want to focus on first.

Finding Motivation SWY-M2V05 26:06

My guess is that right now, you might be feeling like there’s something missing… you may be looking at all these goals and feeling more overwhelmed than excited.

That’s because we haven’t attached meaning to your top 3 outcomes yet, so it just feels like work. Something to do. Another line on the good ‘ole to do list… rather than something you truly want and are willing to commit to… even though you choose these 3 outcomes out of a LOT of possibilities!

You attach meaning and juice to your outcomes through language. The words we use signal our values and beliefs about ourselves and others, they get us fired up or they shoot us down. They’re inspirational and empowering or they’re dull, flat and uninspiring. They can even be degrading and undermining…

In Step 4 of our 5-Step Massive Action Process, you’ll name your outcomes in a way that will get you more excited about them and attach 3 big whys to each outcome.

ACCELERATE 86 Start With You Module 2 Massive Action

Taking Your First (or Next) Step SWY-M2V06 10:28

Step 5 of the 5-Step Massive Action Process is where you bring it all together by choosing 3-5 small action steps that you can take starting right now to move towards your top 3 outcomes.

I recommend starting in your life domain before moving on to business, because the thing about taking action is that there’s this thing called momentum… and often what happens is that when you gain momentum in one area of your life, it helps you get moving in other areas too. So whenever you feel stuck or overwhelmed in a particular area, sometimes it helps to create movement in another area. An area that feels fun and easy for you… not to procrastinate, but to be the kind of person that takes action. To self-identify as as action-taker and to build trust in yourself and your ability to follow through with the things you want in your life -- that’s how you end up taking Massive Action.

Your Aligned Action Schedule SWY-M2V07 28:51

Now that you know what you want to do, it’s a question of how are you going to get it done? And when are you going to get it done?

Most people give their time away to the squeaky wheel or the urgent fires that need to be put out, rathering than focusing your time on moving towards your desires and intentions for creating the life and business you want.

In this training, you’re going to create an Aligned Action schedule that will allow you to get in your flow and stay there, so you can take care of yourself while focusing on the most important things in your business -- whether that’s marketing, content creation, whatever that happens to be for you right now.

The main idea behind an aligned action schedule is to find time for all the things that really matter to you in your life and business. While creating more productivity by focusing on the things that require the most brain power at the times when you’re naturally more focused and productive.

You’ll also discover the 6 main activities in your business and how much time you should be focusing on each area based on your stage of business development.

Angels vs Devils SWY-M2V08 14:36

In this training, I answer some fundamental questions that may come up as you step into Massive Action:

Why do we procrastinate on taking action when we know what we want? Why does it sometimes feel easier to give up than it does to follow through? Why haven’t you already done everything you want to do?

You’re going to get to know the role your ego plays in keeping you safe, and protecting and preserving your identity. You’l also discover why getting out of your comfort zone raises the voice of your ego to high-alert and what to do about it so you can get back into the driver’s seat of your life.

ACCELERATE 87 Start With You Module 2 Massive Action

Chutes & Ladders SWY-M2V09 22:01

In this training you’re going to identify your “Chutes & Ladders” or all the assets and liabilities that can either make or break your success over our 6 weeks together and beyond.

Tony Robbins says that true mastery is not about eliminating problems and obstacles, it’s about anticipating them and putting the systems in place -- both physically and mentally -- so you’re prepared for the set-backs and not blindsided by them.

Because challenges will come up… if you’re on the right track, if you’re out of your comfort zone, there will be things that come up that you don’t know how to handle on your own, without support. The good news is that you can always ask for help and you don’t have to do everything by yourself.

While your business draws from your strengths, your gifts, your talents and your genius, it’s also limited by your blind spots, weaknesses, and challenge areas.

And that’s a good thing! Stop beating yourself up for what you’re not good at and celebrate yourself for what you’re brilliant at. Every bright light casts a big shadow.

At the same time, it’s helpful to get clear on what those strengths and challenges are so you can structure your business around what you love, and bring in support where you need it so you can stop doing the work you dread and focus on what you do best.

4 Ways to Move Forward With Confidence SWY-M2V10 07:29

Now, the really interesting thing about setting goals and outcomes is that most people set them and forget them right away… and one of the biggest reasons people set them and forget them is because they never really had a commitment to them in the first place.

In this video, you’re going to learn why people renege on their commitments, how to make strong commitments with yourself, and 4 ways to move forward with confidence.

ACCELERATE 88 Start With You Module 3 Your Hidden Treasure

Mining Your Past for Clues SWY-M3V01 35:54

In this training we’re going to mine your past for the peak emotional moments that have shaped and defined you… and continue to define you today.

Many people are tempted to throw away their past and start all over again. Things aren’t going right, so they think they have to turn their backs on everything they’ve done up until this moment in time, rather than leverage their experiences and mine the past for the true gifts it has to offer. In this training, you’re going to shine the light on those moments in your life where you experienced something deep and profound that planted the seed inside of you that’s now starting to break through the earth and reach for the sun.

You’re going to create a TIMELINE of moments that shifted you in each decade of your life.

Choose Your Dominant Need SWY-M3V02 24:41

In this training, we’re going to analyze the pattern of experiences you unearthed in the timeline of your life… and discover your dominant need or the core, underlying motivation behind who you are and what you do. Abraham Maslow was a psychologist who studied human motivation or what makes humans do the things they do. Maslow discovered that all humans have 5 main categories of needs: self-actualization, esteem, belongingness and love, safety or physiological.

Now humans are complex. You can experience all of these levels of needs at the same time, but most likely you have a dominant need that you experience… and most likely your business will ultimately focus on helping people solve a problem or achieve a goal in one of these categories of needs. In this training, you’re going to discover your dominant need and how that may impact your business choices.

The 8 Mega-Niches & The Power of Making a Get SWY-M3V03 12:01 Started Choice Now that you’ve identified your dominant need, it’s time to use that need to inform your choice of mega-niche. Your mega- niche is your overall area of focus on the the ballpark you want to be playing as an entrepreneur. There are 8 Mega-Niches or big buckets your business can fit into and they are:

1. Health & Wellness 2. Love & Relationships 3. Business, Career & Money 4. Personal Development 5. Physical Products 6. Brick & Mortar Businesses 7. Professional Services 8. Nonprofit Organizations

In this training, you’ll make a “Get Started Choice” about your mega-niche. A “Get Started Choice” is designed to get you into action, even before you’ve got everything figured out. Why? It’s simple science. An object at rest tends to remain at rest. And an object in motion tends to remain in motion.

ACCELERATE 89 Start With You Module 3 Your Hidden Treasure

Getting Closer to a Micro-Niche SWY-M3V04 23:39

If your mega-niche is the big bucket that your business fits into, your micro-niche is your specific business category within that bucket.

We’ll be exploring your True North micro-niche throughout this program… and I wanted to introduce you to the concept now… and get the process started.

Since your mission over our 6-weeks together is to turn your unique gifts, talents, and personality into a True North business idea that’s ready to make money.

Your micro-niche will point you in the direction of this idea…

Choose Your Defining Moment SWY-M3V05 9:55

Let’s return to how we started this module -- with your story… the true hidden treasure of your business.

In this training you’re going to select one defining moment from your timeline that really made a huge impact in your life, your choice to become an entrepreneur, and the dominant need you have today.

When you focus on your struggle, you’re able to add humility and relatability to your current accomplishments.

If you just go right in and talk about all the success you have, all the money you’re making and all the spiritual enlightenment you’re experiencing -- or whatever it is that you do -- it can come across as unrelatable at best, arrogant, self-aggrandizing and bragging at worst.

But if you show how you were able to overcome the obstacles in your life, how you beat the odds, to create your current success, you become human. And relatable. Someone they look up to because you solved a problem or overcame a challenge they’re currently struggling with. And that gives you credibility. Because you’re showing, not just telling, how you got to where you are today.

Craft Your Before/After Story SWY-M3V06 23:36

In the last training in Your Hidden Treasure, you’ll turn your defining moment into a powerful before/after story that relates to your dominant need and is relevant to your business. Don’t worry if you’re still not sure what you do yet, we still have 3 more modules to go!

You’ll learn why your before/after story is so powerful and how to tell your story using either the flashback or flashforward structure. You’ll also learn about the key principles of a good story: including both your expertise and your humanity, creating tension and contrast, showing instead of telling, incorporating sensory details, featuring a scene that happens at a real time and place, focusing on being in the story before providing meaning and commentary, start in the heat of the action with a powerful first sentence that feels true to you, transition at the end from your story to your audience, and close with a final call to action.

ACCELERATE 90 Start With You Module 4 Identity Upgrade

About That Superpower SWY-M4V01 31:39

Welcome to Module 4: Identity Upgrade! This is where you tune in to your Superpower or the unique gift that you have which will form the basis of a profitable and fulfilling True North business.

A business that combines what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what will get you paid.

A business that combines all 4 of the circles on our Ikigai and brings together all 4 of our entrepreneurial types -- the artist, the engineer, the innocent and the altruist into a powerful superhero entrepreneur capable of building the life and business you desire.

In this training you’ll discover more about what your Superpower is and what it can do for you and your business. You’ll also learn about ”The Dip” and “Identity Death” that can happen after you expand and what to do about it.

Leading from Your Strengths & Passions SWY-M4V02 14:34

Now that you’ve made the commitment to fully be who you want to be and do what you want to do, the question becomes, HOW do you find and embrace your superpower? The thing you do better than anyone else.

In this training, you’ll receive the first of a series of 6 exercises to find your Superpower. I don’t know which exercise is going to work for you -- that’s why we have 6, so just play along until we find the one that gives you the most amount of clarity. We’re all different… so have patience and be willing to sit in the unknown for a bit as we go through each of these and know that if the first exercise doesn’t give you clarity, there are 5 more.

The first exercise is about looking for your strengths and passions since they often carry insight into your unique Superpower.

Looking at Your Challenges & Kryptonite SWY-M4V03 13:00

If you aren’t having luck discovering your Superpower by looking at your strengths and passions, then I recommend looking at your challenges, your Kryptonite or the things that frustrate you and even piss you off.

Your challenges and kryptonite can give you huge insight on your Superpower. Since, chances are, you get angry or frustrated with things that go against your gift.

Take the X-Men: So many of the young mutants discovered their strengths through threats or adversity. The more difficult things became, the stronger they got… something to think about when life throws you a curveball.

Nothing happens to you in life. Everything happens for you. That’s a beautiful reframe that can give you a lot of perspective when shit hits the fan… :)

ACCELERATE 91 Start With You Module 4 Identity Upgrade

Revisiting Your Early Years SWY-M4V04 8:00

The truth of the matter is that sometimes it’s just impossible to see yourself clearly. As the expression goes, “A fish doesn’t know it’s in water.” It’s really easy to overlook your own gifts and strengths because they seem normal to you. Your superpower often comes to you so naturally that you don’t realize how special it is.

When people compliment you on your gifts, you often brush it aside and say things like “that’s nothing” or “anyone can do that” because you truly don’t realize how extraordinary you are. But other people do. And oftentimes the people in our lives can see us more clearly than we can see ourselves.

If you’re a parent, can see your child’s gifts and attributes as clear as day? It’s like you know them better than they know themselves? And, chances are, you can probably see their challenges as well, and understand the frustration they cause.

Yet, how often do we ask our parents for their advice? How often do we ask them what we were like as children and what they see as our biggest gifts? For most of us, not often enough.

That’s why, in this training, we’ll ask our parents, our family or someone who knew us early in life this set of questions.

Your Later Years SWY-M4V05 2:24

Our next set of questions are things you can ask your family as well as people who met you later in life.

In addition to your strengths, these questions may reveal aspects of your personality, your character and how you naturally make people feel.

I recommend setting up the conversation by letting whoever you’re talking to know that it’s safe. That you’re interested in learning about your strengths and weaknesses, and that you’re not going to get defensive or react to their answers.

If it would be helpful, you can also tell them that you’re taking a course on finding your purpose and you were given this exercise to learn more about yourself. That will open them up to giving you deeper answers, rather than saying what they think you want to hear.

The People You’ve Worked With SWY-M4V06 3:18

Now it’s time for our last set of questions… questions you can ask someone you’ve worked with -- whether that’s a peer, a colleague, a supervisor, a supervisee or a customer, student or client.

The people you’ve worked with have the best perspective of how you show up in a career, work or business context.

Keep in mind that you may be showing up differently in work than you do in life, especially if you believe that you have to act a certain way in order to be considered professional…

Once you find your superpower and True North business, you’ll soon realize that you can show up exactly as you are in business and people will love you for it!

ACCELERATE 92 Start With You Module 4 Identity Upgrade

Personality Assessments SWY-M4V07 2:00

OK, there’s one last thing you can do to find your superpower, and that is take one or more personality assessments!

There are a number of personality assessments such as Myers-Briggs, the DISC Assessment, the Enneagram, Human Design, Wealth Dynamics, StrengthsFinder 2.0, the Fascination Advantage Assessment, the Kolbe A Index, and the Kolbe B Index that can help you find your superpower.

These assessments can give you a clear, objective sense of your preferences, strengths, gifts and challenges. They often reveal or express something about yourself that you couldn’t fully articulate.

Chances are you’ve already done one or more of these… and if you have, it could be as simple as digging up your results and reviewing them again.

There are free online versions of many of these assessments, that can give you almost instant insight into yourself… of course, you’ll get more accurate, detailed results if you do a paid version of the test, but for now the free versions are just fine (if available).

Your One Word Theme SWY-M4V08 7:18

Now that you’ve gotten some insight into your superpower, it’s time to start relating that superpower to your business. And the first step is to wrap language around your gift so you’re even more clear about what it is.

In this training, we’re going to start by choosing one word. Then in the next training we’ll create an entire Superpower Statement.

So let’s start with your One Word Theme. This is a single action verb or noun that describes the core thing that you do. It embodies your superpower gift. The thing you were born to do. The thing you can’t help but do. Pretty much every day of your life. Because it’s your One Word Theme.

It represents the theme and purpose of your life… and it shows up everything. It’s how you do everything. How you do business, how you do love, and how you do life…

Chances are you have a love/hate relationship with your One Word Theme. Sometimes you have it in spades, and other times you struggle with it because your superpower doesn’t work on you.

ACCELERATE 93 Start With You Module 4 Identity Upgrade

Your Superpower Statement SWY-M4V09 14:13

In this training, you’re going to craft Your Superpower Statement.

This is a way to describe your unique gift independent of a specific context and application for your gift.

Your Superpower Statement should be vague enough that you’re not pigeonholing yourself in a specific context or application of that gift which may change and evolve, as you change and evolve. Who knows? In the future, you may find new applications for this gift that you can’t yet imagine yet.

But, the gift? That always stays the same. And it’s a huge part of your True North.

Keep in mind that this statement doesn’t have to be for anyone other than you. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It’s not necessarily something you share in your marketing materials, though it can be. It’s simply designed to help you recognize and remember your superpower, at it’s essence.

Once you understand your Superpower, you can evaluate tasks and opportunities through the lens of, is this aligned with my unique gifts and abilities? And, if it isn’t, you may want to consider delegating that task to someone else or turning down that client or opportunity to make space for things that are truly in your genius zone.

Expressing Your Superpower SWY-M4V10 4:29

It’s one thing to declare your gifts, to claim your superpower, and its another thing entirely to take action.

True confidence comes from taking action and getting results that validate that action.

We’ve done a LOT of great work in this Module to mine your past for evidence of your superpower, to help you draw confidence from the experiences you’ve already had and the action you’ve already taken… your next level of confidence will come from the action you take starting today. Because the more you take action the easier it will become and the clearer you’ll get.

The action for this training is to express your superpower in some way TODAY, if possible. You can ask permission from someone in your life or in this community to share your superpower with them.

As they say, “your greatness is not what you have, it’s what you give.”

ACCELERATE 94 Start With You Module 5 Finding True North

5 Types of Credibility SWY-M5V01 30:19

These are the 5 possible areas you can use to illustrate your superpowers to your audience, to really connect your gifts to what your audience wants in their own lives… and the awesome thing about this is that you don’t need to find answers in all 5 of these areas. If you only identify strengths in 2 or 3 areas, you’ll be able to powerfully demonstrate your unique abilities and superpower in a way that creates massive trust and credibility with your tribe.

So the 5 types of credibility that you can use to illustrate your expertise, even if you don’t feel like an expert, are: results, relationships, personal qualities, physical attributes, and lifestyle choices.

In this training, you’ll learn about each of these 5 types of credibility, so you can choose the 2-3 that make the most sense for you.

There are two goals for this exercise. The first goal is to find more evidence from your past to help you shape your future. To really focus in on what’s special about you. No matter who you are, you have unique skills and abilities that can form the basis of a successful and fulfilling True North business.

The second goal is to uncover credibility points that you can share with potential customers that relate to what it is that you offer. Or, if you’re not sure about that yet, credibility points that relate to your mega-niche.

Applications for Your Superpower SWY-M5V02 33:40

In this training, you’re going to begin the process of brainstorming potential business applications for your Superpower in your mega-niche… and continue the process of homing in on a specific micro-niche that we started in Module 1.

Then by the end of Module 3, you’ll have chosen your True North business idea and micro-niche. You’ll also wrap language and a plan around it so you’re ready to start getting your first (or next) True North customers!

I’ve crafted 7 questions in your Worksheets to help you kick-start this process. While you may not have clear answers to these questions now, you will have clear answers by the end of our 6 weeks together.

For now, I simply want to start the process and get you into the ballpark.

Keep in mind that complete clarity can only come through taking action and getting the feedback you need to fine-tune your ideas, gain momentum, and iterate your way to awesome.

ACCELERATE 95 Start With You Module 5 Finding True North

Your Profitable Niche Checklist SWY-M5V03 36:59

The legendary business trainer Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

Let me repeat that: “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

So the fastest easiest way to build a successful business is to help enough other people get what they want.

If you want a profitable business then you have to help other people get what they want. Whether that’s helping them solve a specific problem or reach a goal or outcome that they really want and can’t get on their own.

The biggest mistake that emerging entrepreneurs make is not focusing on a business idea that helps their ideal client get what they want. Or not understanding how to relate what they do to the real wants, needs and desires of their audience.

It’s easy to make assumptions about what people need, want and desire without taking the time to really ask them what they want. It’s also easy to be so close to and in love with what you do that you imagine everyone else will see it the way you do.

Your Profitable Niche Checklist helps you look at your business ideas objectively using 7 essential criteria. Every one of them is vital. If you choose to pursue a business that only meets 3 of these, you’re almost guaranteed to fail. Even if you hit 6 of the 7, well, let’s just say: I wouldn’t start that business! Your successful and fulfilling True North business idea will meet all 7 criteria.

You’ve Got Problems, I’ve Got Solutions SWY-M5V04 46:55

When it comes to your True North micro-niche and the marketing message you wrap around it, there are two critical components:

#1 - the specific problem you solve through your business or, more specifically, your product.

#2 - the result or promise you deliver which we’ll be talking about in-depth later on in this module.

Right now the focus is on finding a problem to solve or a hole to fill.

That’s because identifying the problems that you can solve gives you big, HUGE clues about the result you’ll deliver. Identifying the right problem puts you in the ballpark of your promise or result.

Why problems? Most people are 2x more motivated by pain than they are by pleasure. That’s just human nature.

So most businesses begin with some kind of problem or complaint. Even in the transformational space. Business is about problem solving or helping people get what they want.

ACCELERATE 96 Start With You Module 5 Finding True North

Choosing Your True North Criteria SWY-M5V05 25:47

In this training you’re going to define your True North Criteria or the key considerations you have as you choose your True North business. While the 7 criteria of Your Profitable Niche Checklist helped you identify business ideas with a high chance of being profitable, your True North Criteria will help you focus in on a “get started” business idea with:

• the highest probability of fulfilling all 4 circles of the ikigai • serving your top motivations • satisfying your dominant need • and allowing you to express your superpower • while being supported by your before/after story and natural credibility.

Your True North Criteria is all about defining what’s most important to you as you start a new business or restart your existing business with a greater level of clarity. They help you to understand what’s important to you and factor all those considerations into your decision making process, so you know you’re making an informed decision. Not just an impulsive decision, or an intuitive decision, but an informed decision that considers everything that matters to you and will help you go beyond the perspective of your entrepreneurial type and really make choices like the superhero that you are.

The Failproof Decision Making Model SWY-M5V06 21:31

The Failproof Business Making Model is a tool that Mynders used with me to choose what True North business idea to focus on first. I used this tool originally to focus in on which projects I wanted to do in my existing business, and it allowed me to see exactly where and HOW to focus my time to triple my business in just 4 months.

This process gave me huge clarity around what I should be doing when and I know it will give you clarity too by bringing a little bit of old fashioned objectivity to a process that can sometimes feel so personal and so emotional.

This tool is also super effective for choosing between different True North business or micro-niche ideas. This is the training when you finally make a ”Get Started Choice” on Your True North business idea! Yay!

ACCELERATE 97 Start With You Module 6 Your “Go Switch”

You Know When SWY-M6V01 15:55

Now that you’ve chosen the True North business idea you want to start with, the next step in the process is to quickly describe the problem you solve, the solution you offer, and a specific situation that demonstrates that problem and highlights the importance of your solution.

It all begins with our Emotional Moment template. This template begins with a simple phrase or sentence starter: “You know when…”

Rather than talk about what you do, this particular phrase will force you to describe an actual situation that illustrates the problem you solve and provides context for the solution you offer.

The goal of this exercise is to paint a clear and evocative picture around what you do to give your audience the emotional context they need to resonate with what you do.

You can actually use the Emotional Moment Template to answer the question, “So, what do you do?” in a way that’s less about what you do and more about what the person you’re talking to may be experiencing.

Because, remember, when someone asks you, “So, what do you do?” They’re really asking you, “So, what can you do for me?”

This template answers the question “So, what can you do for me?” in a way that’s emotionally resonant.

It’s As Easy As XYZ SWY-M6V02 19:08

In the You Know When training, we talk about how to answer the question, “So, what do you do?” with an emotional moment. In this training, you’re going to learn another way to answer the same question. I call this your XYZ Statement.

Just like your Emotional Moment, your XYZ Statement uses a simple template:

I help X do Y so that Z.

I help (my ideal client)

do (the problem solved, the solution offered or the outcome delivered)

so that (benefit or transformation).

This one simple exercise will give you confidence as you start to talk about, market and profit from what you do.

One thing to keep in mind as you do this: Your XYZ Statement only needs to work on your ideal client, you don’t have to interest everyone -- in fact, you don’t want to interest everyone. But you do want to be specific enough that someone instantly gets a picture in their mind of a single person who needs what you have to offer.

ACCELERATE 98 Start With You Module 6 Your “Go Switch”

Your Juicy Title SWY-M6V03 19:12

Now that you’ve become more aware of the words you speak and the words you write to express your True North business, let’s craft your Juicy Title or what you actually call yourself.

This is how you refer to yourself to others in a way that conveys what you do and ideally some aspect of how you’re different.

Like it or not, when people meet you for the first time, they’re picking up on dozens if not hundreds of tiny signals that often leads them to make a split-second judgment about you. And once you’ve been judged, it’s hard to reverse that initial impression.

So the secret to defying quick categorization and labelling is to label yourself before other people have a chance to do it for you. And that’s where our Juicy Title comes in. This is also the third way you can answer the question, “So, what do you do?”

Vision SWY-M6V04 42:56

Now that you’ve made a “Get Started Choice” about your True North business and crafted 3 different ways to answer the question,“So, what do you do?”, it’s time to create your action plan for moving forward… starting with the Vision of what you want your True North business to look like 12 months from now.

Many people speak about their goals and intentions, without backing it up with the kind of actions that will get them where they want to go. The challenge is that most people don’t have a clear picture of what actions to take, and more importantly they’re not sure how to set up their life on a day-to-day basis to support their commitments.

There’s a direct correlation between setting a clear vision with specific goals and the growth of your business.

So in this training, I’m going to walk you through the process of filling out page one of your 3-page Strategic Plan Template that we’ll be completing together over the next few trainings. This is your opportunity to define where you were and where you want to go. The current state of your business and the vision you want to attain 12months from now.

Closing the Gap SWY-M6V05 39:43

The only way to go from your current situation to your desired situation is to take action. And not just any kind of action but specific actions designed to fill the gap.

This sounds like a no-brainer, but if you really look at it, most people have huge aspirations for themselves with no grounded plan or strategy to help them realize their aspirations.

Unfortunately, hope is not a strategy. That’s why this training is focused on helping you define the specific action that will fill the gap between where you are and where you want to go. By the end of this training, you’ll have a clear understanding of your next steps.

ACCELERATE 99 Start With You Module 6 Your “Go Switch”

Quarterly Rocks SWY-M6V06 13:40

In Video 8 of this Module, you created your vision of what your business looks like 12 months from now and specific future goals.

Here’s the thing, 12 months is a LONG time and most people can’t keep track of 12 months at a time… in fact, most people take their lives day by day, which is beautiful in the sense of being present to the unfolding of life. And that’s something that I hope you never lose…

At the same time, the key to success is your ability to have a big vision for the future and start taking steps today to realize that vision, so you can create the business and life you desire.

In this training, you’re going to break down your big vision for the next 12 months into quarterly rocks.

These are the 5-7 goals that you have for the next 3 months that will bring you closer to realizing your bigger goals and vision for the year.

That way you can break down your huge aspirations into smaller, more manageable steps. Things that you can start doing today. Rather than feeling paralyzed by the big picture vision of where you want to go and not knowing what to do right now...

Your quarterly rocks should be big enough that they’ll move you towards your vision for the year, yet small enough that you can accomplish this in a 3-month time period.

Scheduling for Success SWY-M6V07 17:34

It’s one thing to have a vision, goals and rocks… and it’s another thing to take action on a daily basis towards realizing them.

Your schedule is where the rubber meets the road.

In Massive Action, you learned how to create a daily and weekly aligned action schedule that gives you the time blocks you need to complete the big work in your business, while honoring your family time, your self-care time and anything else that matters to you.

Now it’s time to create your monthly and quarterly schedules. It’s time to map out exactly when you’d like to commit to completing your specific actions planned to fill the gap. And when you want to work on each of your quarterly rocks.

The best way to get from your current situation to your desired future situation is to look at that list of “specific actions planned to fill the gap” and “quarterly rocks” on your 3-page strategic plan and to situate them on your calendar for the next 3-12 months.

ACCELERATE 100 Start With You Module 6 Your “Go Switch”

Returning to Your 3 Big Whys SWY-M6V08 10:21

The real secret to freedom (in business and in life) is knowing what you want and why you want it.

Then using this clarity and focus to drive every choice. Every day. And every interaction.

Now, imagine starting each day asking yourself, “What do I really want? What’s my outcome? Why do I want it?” Rather than, “What should I do? What do I need to do? What do I have to do?”

When you organize everything you do around your outcomes and your 3 Big Whys, your life will take on a new level of performance and meaning.

You’ll have the emotional charge to rocket through your day with joy and focus, to overcome any criticism or obstacle, and to move you, your team and your customers in leaps and bounds towards your greatest outcomes. Nothing will stop you.

We end the Start With You training in the same way we started -- by returning to your 3 Big Whys.

I’ll also give you a few simple next steps for staying in the community and getting the support you need to build your True North business and keep going… no matter what.


How to Stand Out Powerfully from Your Competition, Attract Ideal Customers and Charge More -- through Telling Authentic and Compelling Stories

There are compelling stories hiding inside of everyone -- including YOU -- and in Hidden Story Power, you’re doing to discover:

✓ How you can leverage the ancient power of storytelling to effortlessly stand out from your competition and naturally be perceived as the leader of your industry or niche.

✓ How to find and tell the right story so that people listen, connect and take the specific action you want them to take, whether that’s to sign up for your list or to buy what you offer.

✓ How to pick the right story for the right place, and how to tell and structure it to inspire your audience to take the massive action you want.

✓ How to use your story literally everywhere in your business (in your website, social media, emails, products) so that you grow a group of true believers fast who fall in love with your message and “sell themselves” on doing business with you (for life).

No matter your background or experience, just follow along with this training to find the hundreds of powerful stories inside of you that will help your audience connect deeply and take the massive life- changing action you want them to take.

ACCELERATE 102 Hidden Story Power Module 1

The Secret Life of Your Story HSP-M1V1 54:11

In this session, we’ll be covering why story is vital, why it works, and how to use your story to position you to maximum effect as the natural leader of your field or industry, even if you’re in a crowded space.

Q&A Session for Session 1: The Secret Life of Your Story HSP-M1V2 22:18

Hidden Story Power Module 2

Uncovering Your Hidden Story HSP-M2V1 22:58

You’ll learn how to recognize and draw out compelling, inspirational story threads from your life experience that will have universal appeal.

Q&A Session for Session 2: Uncovering Your HSP-M2V2 32:39 Hidden Story

Hidden Story Power Module 3

Expressing Your Hidden Story HSP-M3V1 14:31

Discover the essential tools to structure and language your story so that it can’t be ignored.

Q&A Session for Session 3: Expressing Your HSP-M3V2 43:55 HiddenYour Minimum Story Viable Offer Z2H-M1V01

ACCELERATE 103 Hidden Story Power Module 4

Capturing Your Hidden Story on Video HSP-M4V1 19:20

Experienced documentary filmmaker Marisa Murgatroyd shares everything she knows about how to tell your story on video in way that will automatically and effortlessly build a tribe.

Q&A Session for Session 4: Expressing Your HSP-M4V2 41:52 Hidden Story

Hidden Story Power Module 5

Sharing Your Hidden Story in Email & Social Media HSP-M5V1 55:49

Copywriter Murray Gray reveals how to “chunk down” your story into bite-size, episodic pieces you can deliver through email and social media that will intrigue, entice & engage, boosting your clicks, “likes” and shares.

Q&A Session for Session 5: Sharing Your Hidden Story HSP-M5V2 26:27 in Email & Social Media

Hidden Story Power Module 6

Creating Talks, Training & Info Products That Stick HSP-M6V1 41:31

Your audience will remember 58% more of what you said if you wrap your expertise in story. This session will give you the tools to make your talks, training and products more inspirational, memorable & fun! Be the trainer they love, value and refer.

Q&A Session for Session 6: Creating Talks, Training & HSP-M6V2 21:20 InfoYour Products Minimum That Viable Stick Offer Z2H-M1V01


Personal Brand Power teaches you exactly how to build the foundation for your own personal brand. I’ll teach you exactly what it means to ‘brand yourself’ and where to focus your attention to get the best results.

The course is built around the idea that personal branding is all about figuring out who you are and what makes you different in a way that truly matters and resonates with your customers, allowing you to connect with them on a much deeper level.

You’ll learn how to craft your personal brand in a way that you can fully step into and own, not just today but year after year.

✓ In Session One, you’ll begin to discover your personal brand - that unique light inside of you that will allow you to impact the lives of thousands if not millions of people just by being who you are.

✓ In Session Two, you’ll dig down deep into the secret life of your personal brand blueprint: The unique attributes that make you who you are and attract all the right people to connect and fall in love with you.

✓ Session Three is all about tapping into the unique “voice” that underlies everything you communicate to the world - and affects how your prospects react to you.

✓ Session Four is all about using that newly discovered voice of yours to express who you are the right way and skyrocket your perceived value in your marketplace.

✓ Session Five focuses on building a brand of “we” by bringing more of the right people into your network - and pulling your existing customers even closer to your brand.

ACCELERATE 105 Personal Brand Power Module 1 Your Personal Brand Blueprint

Who You Are Beats What You Know PBP-M1V01 19:49

Every Module begins with an overview to share a few stories and give you the big picture of where we’re going and why it matters. Start here to get inspired and motivated.

In this video, you’ll discover the secret behind why some people with little to no talent become rich and famous while other people with brilliant ideas and life-challenging solutions never seem to make it. And how you can step forward as the face and voice of your brand, so you get noticed for all the right reasons.

What Exactly Is Personal Branding? PBP-M1V02 14:00

Before we begin this journey into your personal brand, it’s important to understand what exactly is personal branding and why it matters.

In this video, you’ll get a glimpse into 3 of the most powerful personal brands on the planet and start to understand how you can brand yourself for success. You’ll also find out how your personal brand is different from your business brand, as well as how they can support each other.

Finding Your Superpower PBP-M1V03 24:58

Chances are you’re in business because you’re good at something. Really good. Whether you know it or not, you have a gift, a genius, a superpower that’s waiting to come out and make a massive difference.

In this video, I’ll walk you step-by-step through 4 powerful exercises to determine exactly what that super power is and how valuable it really is.

Drafting Your Personal Brand Blueprint PBP-M1V04 22:42

The reality is that you’re a complex, dynamic human being with lots of ideas, talents and aspirations. You’ve got gifts and quirks, assets and liabilities, light and shadow, … that’s the nature of being human and being real.

The real art and science of personal branding is in choosing the attributes that differentiate you the most, revealing your strengths, as well as the challenges that make you relatable. In this video, you’ll learn the 4 key areas of your personal brand blueprint and how to choose the qualities that make you irresistible and memorable.

ACCELERATE 106 Personal Brand Power Module 2 The Secret Life of Your Personal Brand

The Holy Grail Of Personal Branding PBP-M2V01 15:40

This Module begins with an reminder of the “3 Second Rule” and how it plays out in across every aspect of your personal brand.

From your website, to your materials, to how you dress and what you say... what conscious (or unconscious) signals are YOU sending in that vital first 3 seconds that attract, repel or leave neutral?

So You Think You Got Personality PBP-M2V02 26:30

In this video we dive straight into a 8 powerful exercises designed to reveal the key aspects of your personality that, when amplified, will help you and your products or services stand out no matter where people encounter you or them.

I give lots of examples and between all the exercises, there’s guaranteed to be one that you really resonate with and that will help you discover more about your personal brand personality than you ever thought possible.

Tuning Into Your Values & Beliefs PBP-M2V03 13:15

What you believe and what you value most has a huge impact on the kind of people you’ll attract and serve. That is, if you have the courage to put your beliefs and values out there.

Thanks to doing just that some of the best personal brands in the world have built passionate, loyal & lucrative tribes that they’ll keep for life.

You can too, as long as you do it properly, and I’ll teach you how in this video.

Your 2 Big Whys PBP-M2V04 17:20

Nobody went into business to be ordinary. What are the big WHYs in your life and business that keep the engine fired up and the founder (YOU) bouncing out of bed in the morning ready to crush it.

In this video we cover how to discover the big WHYs that will keep your fire burning and even catch on, spreading far beyond you.

ACCELERATE 107 Personal Brand Power Module 2 The Secret Life of Your Personal Brand

How To Find Your Personal Style PBP-M2V05 13:35

In this video I reveal the mistake I made for 22 years that was holding me back from having the impact I craved and the authority I deserved. Once I solved it, using a simple tool I teach you in this video, I tripled my business each year for the past 2 years.

It’s About You, But It’s Not PBP-M2V06 11:40

What if I told you that your Personal Brand isn’t about you at all?

In this video, we discuss the two big concerns that people usually have about personal branding that can hold them back from being the person they need to be for their tribe.. and that hold them back from achieving everything they want.

ACCELERATE 108 Personal Brand Power Module 3 Finding Your Brand Voice

What Do Your Words Say About You? PBP-M3V01 32:46

If you want a personal brand that’s going to pull people in to you and your business like a magnet dipped in honey, you need to be using the right words.

The right words are like a beacon in the night for your ideal customers and clients. And, not surprisingly, the wrong words stop the flow of clients and money instantly, or worse, attract the wrong people into your life and business.

Trouble is - most people have no idea what the words they use say about them and how detrimental the wrong words can be. In this video, you’ll learn how to analyze the words you use, and how to pick the perfect words to express a personal brand that will magically attract the right people.

From “Tone Deaf” To “Pitch Perfect” PBP-M3V02 20:16

The vast majority of entrepreneurs are what I call ”tone deaf.” They’re saying the same things in the same way as everybody else and, as a result, no one’s paying attention. Their voice is lost in the noise like tears in rain.

In this video we’re going to talk about how to not only be heard, but set yourself apart powerfully by tuning into the unique ”feeling tone” that you naturally express through the words you say and write.

From P-Touch To Midas Touch PBP-M3V03 10:15

“So you’re a coach?”

“So you’re a consultant?”

When people label you, you’ve just lost your chance to stand out from the crowd in their minds and help them with what you do and what you know.

In this video I give you a selection of easy-to-follow “Juicy Title” templates & guides that allow you to label YOURSELF powerfully - *before* they have a chance to - so that you become unique and therefore, the ONLY choice.

What’s Your Superhero Story? PBP-M3V04 20:33

“Fact: your ”superhero” story is your ONLY point of differentiation in the marketplace. Your audience will seek you out, follow you and become lifetime fans not because of what you do, but thanks to your story.

In this module, you’ll learn how to uncover and express the most powerful and inspirational stories that you have hiding inside you in a way that will motivate people to take action in their own lives.”

ACCELERATE 109 Personal Brand Power Module 3 Finding Your Brand Voice

Pimp Your Bio PBP-M3V05 17:37

For most people, the bio is last on their giant ”to-do” list.

But the truth is that your bio (and your website “About” page) can be your secret weapons that pre-qualify and pre-sell prospects on doing business with you, no matter how much you charge.

Watch this video to discover how to tap into your Bio - a powerful source of credibility for you and what you do in the world...

Mottos, Slogans & Phrases PBP-M3V06 7:59

In this video we take a look at how the great leaders inspire movements through becoming quotable - specifically through creating powerful & unique mottos, slogans and phrases that mean something in the minds of their listener.

If you’re serious about creating something bigger than you and getting your message out to the world, then watch this video to learn how to distill the essence of what you say into something that can take flight and grow beyond you.

ACCELERATE 110 Personal Brand Power Module 4 Create Your Personal Brand Capital

A Crash Course On Being Everywhere PBP-M4V01 12:40

When you get started online, it’s tempting to think you gotta be EVERYWHERE. On every social network. On every platform. Sharing with everyone, all the time. But the reality is that when you do that, you end up spread too thin and each of those doorways into your world ends up being poorly done. My message to you in this video is that, in fact, you DON’T need to be everywhere. When the world judges you within 3 seconds of meeting you, you simply have to make the places where you meet people online COUNT.

Your Website & Visual Branding PBP-M4V02 36:10

It’s pretty amazing when your logo, colors, fonts and photos all come together to make a powerful first impression that you can reinforce through everything you do. In this video I deconstruct it all for you. Logos. Colors. Fonts and your signature photo. You’ll learn how to make the best decisions for your brand and website.

Lights! Camera! Action! PBP-M4V03 41:36

Just 20% of how people perceive you is based on what you actually say and 80% is based on the non-verbal aspects of how you show up, like your energy and your presence. This makes video the perfect way to attract, inspire and connect. In this video, you’ll learn everything you need to know to make a great impression with this most misunderstood of media.

Let’s Get Social PBP-M4V04 21:08

Whether or not you choose to incorporate videos in your posts, regular social sharing from the front lines of your life and business is one of the very best ways to reinforce, perpetuate and amplify who you are to your community of followers. In this video, you’ll learn how to authentically create a magnetic personal brand on the social stage.

Sharing Yourself Through Email PBP-M4V05 17:29

These days, your tribe’s inbox is a pretty crowded place. It can be difficult to stand out enough to get people to take action unless you do something pretty special. In this video we share case studies of how we used storytelling to build my personal brand through email and how it helped me cut through the noise, get my readers’ attention and inspire them to take the action I wanted them to take.

ACCELERATE 111 Personal Brand Power Module 4 Create Your Personal Brand Capital

Your Secret Sauce PBP-M4V06 17:29

We all have a “secret sauce” -- a way of doing something, or a process that’s uniquely ours. When you can translate that system, process, framework, concept, practice or technique into a form that’s understandable, memorable, shareable, actionable and even teachable by someone other than yourself, then you can really begin to monetize it. This video will walk you through how to think through that process.

Your Books, Products & Trainings PBP-M4V07 27:19

Authors, speakers, coaches, experts, and entrepreneurs become widely known thanks to the books, products and trainings they release. Producing your own will give you more leverage than almost anything else you can do in your personal brand universe. This video will show you how to get started.

ACCELERATE 112 Personal Brand Power Module 4 Welcome to the Brand of “We”

Becoming Your Personal Brand Ambassador PBP-M5V01 11:25

Every single moment and every single interaction is a unique and irreplaceable opportunity for growth and transformation and becoming your personal brand ambassador is about stepping up as the face and voice of your personal brand every moment of every day.

After all, you never know when and where you’re going to meet someone who could change your life and your business forever.

Connecting With Your Following PBP-M5V02 23:16

In this video, I’m going to share a couple more off-the-radar strategies that I’ve used to keep my tribe super engaged and build a deeper level of community -- not just between me and my audience, but among my audience.

Building Deep Customer Relationships PBP-M5V03 11:57

Most people put all their effort on the getting new people part and neglect the most valuable asset in their business: their existing customers.

It’s well-known that it’s easier to sell more to existing customers than it is to get a new customer in the door.

In this video you’ll learn how use your personal brand to build deep customer relationships.

Nurturing Your Value Network PBP-M5V04 12:57

Perhaps you’ve gotten to the point in your business where you know that to reach the next level, you’re going to need more and better relationships.

In this video I show you a powerful technique to use that will bring you all the lucrative relationships you’ll ever need in your business.


The Experience Product Masterclass is my signature program to help you design, market and make $2,000 or more from an Experience Product® in 12-weeks or less.. You may reference many of these trainings in the context of Momentum without being bound to the 12-week timeframe or $2,000 revenue goal.

Experience Products are a totally new way of creating and marketing products that I’ve developed using the secrets of the best-selling apps and games to get your customers hooked on taking massive action, getting results, and ultimately buying from you over and over again.

Across the board -- we’ve seen Experience Products consistently beat the 3% industry average success rate by over 10-fold. You heard right. With experience products -- products that leverage the secrets of best-selling apps and games -- we’ve seen completion and success rates of over 50% and sometimes as high as 92% for our students.

So if you want to design products, programs and services that get people hooked on taking action, getting results and ultimately buying from you over and over again, this is a good reference for you.

ACCELERATE 114 Experience Product Masterclass Module 1 Your Lightbulb Moment

Show Me the Money: Create Your Product EPM-M1V01 25:50 Revenue Goals

I call this the “show me the money” video because you can’t be in business without money… and in this training we’re going to set some clear minimum, target and stretch revenue goals for your first lucrative experience product so you know how much money to expect when. My goal for this program is to put the money you invested back in your back as soon as possible.

Right Product Right Market Right Time: Choose What EPM-M1V02 38:50 Type of Experience Product You Want to Create First Success in business is all about creating the right product for the right market at the right time. It’s important to consider where you are in your business development and how much time and resources you have to invest right now, before choosing what you want to create. This program is all about taking the fastest path to prove your concept and start making money, so you can iterate your way to awesome.

Experience Pricing: Set Your Product Pricepoint EPM-M1V03 11:58

When you create experience products, the sky is the limit for pricing. Instead of trying to compete on price, speed or features which turns your product into a commodity, you get to stand out and be different. People are willing to invest more for unique experiences... that said, the first time you offer your product to the world, it’s more important to get customers in the door than it is to get the highest possible price.

Running the Numbers: Design Your 10-Week Profit Plan EPM-M1V04 12:37

It’s easy to spend a long time dancing circles in your head trying to figure out your niche, or where you meet the market. But ultimately that’s just enlightened guesswork. And Zero to Hero, is all about taking the guesswork out of the process by -- asking your ideal clients what they want as quickly as possible -- and being willing to let go of any attachment you have to what you want to give or what you think they want to buy and simply listening with an open mind to what they’re actually saying.

Schedule Your Way to Success: “Create Your Idea-to- EPM-M1V05 19:12 Market Timeline In the last training in this Module, you’ll learn the 2 crucial types of scheduling you need to reach your goals in this program and beyond. The first is how you spend your day, and the second is what needs to happen between now and the time this program ends, to hit our goal of designing, marketing and making at least $2000 for your first experience product.

ACCELERATE 115 Experience Product Masterclass Module 1 Your Lightbulb Moment

The Chatterbox Campaign: Simply Show Up & Sell EPM-M1V06 28:19

The Chatterbox Campaign is about staying open to all the encounters that happen in your everyday life, as well as putting yourself in situations and communities -- or even creating situations and communities -- where you’re likely to find your ideal customers.

I invite you to stay open and curious as to what can happen when you start sharing what you’re working on with real people, whether that’s in person, on the phone, on social media or by email. Whether that’s on a plane or in the grocery store. A lot can happen.

That core belief behind the Chatterbox Campaign is that you never know when you’re going to meet someone who could change your life and business forever. And vice versa.

When you become the most present and engaged person in the room, amazing things can happen. Always show up fully in every interaction and always taking the question, “So, what do you do?” seriously.

I’ve seen people build entire $50-200K+ businesses exclusively on the informal Chatterbox Campaign, simply by showing up.

(OPTIONAL) Test Your Product Idea: Run Your First EPM-M1V07 34:03 “Give Them What They Want” Campaign

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could literally GUARANTEE that your product was going to sell like gangbusters?

The fact is that the ”old” way of creating information-based products was all about being the ”Guru” on the mountain. This is where you have ”the Big Idea”, create everything, and then take it down the mountain to sell it to the market -- and hope like hell you can sell it. That approach has resulted in countless failed products and millions of hours in wasted effort!

I’m not going to let this happen to you. That’s why today you’re going to learn how to run your ideas by your tribe before you go any further into product development -- guaranteeing a great ROI on all your time & effort.

ACCELERATE 116 Experience Product Masterclass Module 2 Nailing Your Offer

Pass the 3 Second Test: Design Your 5-Step Product EPM-M2V01 17:14 Sales Sequence

The 5-step product sales sequence is the exact sequence our brain takes in new information… what it notices first, then second, then third, and so on… and when you give people the right information about your product in the right order, then chances are they’re going to listen and hear what you have to say…

Learning this sequence is the secret formula for getting noticed fast. When you understand how to express what you do in a way that people pay attention, then you can walk up to anyone anytime — online or off — and grab their attention within seconds. Usually within about 3 seconds.

Research shows that attention is either won or lost in just 3-7 seconds. Meaning that your audience has already judged you within 3 seconds of meeting you or landing on your site or finding out about your product. In that short window of time, they’ve decided whether they’re going to stick around, or tune out and never come back… in this training, you learn what you need to do to “pass the 3 second test.”

What Is It? Define Your Product Category & Micro- EPM-M2V02 16:34 Niche

Your product category uses simple known words that represent clear, acknowledged front-door needs… or things that the market has already demonstrated that it needs,, wants, and is willing to pay for because there are other people out there doing similar things.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that they need to choose a topic or micro-niche idea that’s totally different… but the truth of the matter is that if it’s a good niche, there’s a good chance that there are already other people out there solving a similar problem, meeting a similar need, and doing something in a similar category as you.

Your product category includes your 1-to-1, 1-to-Few or 1-to-Many product type from the Right Product, Right Market, Right Time training, as well as your micro-niche from Niche Down, Profits Up.

In order words, your product category is your product type + your micro-niche.

Why Should I Care? Enroll Hearts & Minds with Your EPM-M2V03 28:02 Product Mission & Future Self Vision

Your product mission and future self vision form the rock-solid foundation of your experience product. Your product mission is a clearly defined goal or outcome that you can deliver for your clients through your product. Your future self vision is the flip side of your product mission… while the product mission explains exactly what your product will do. The future self vision explains why this matters, not to you, but to your tribe. In a way that creates a picture in their mind’s eye.

ACCELERATE 117 Experience Product Masterclass Module 2 Nailing Your Offer

(OPTIONAL) Captivate & Connect: Tell Your Product EPM-M2V04 49:51 Origin Story

Your product origin story is the reason why you created this particular offer, based on your own struggles, triumphs and personal experiences (what’s commonly called your breakdown to breakthrough or your mess to message).

As Theodore Roosevelt said, ”People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Your product origin story conveys why you care so deeply about what you do and what drives you to want to help them. When someone can see your heart, they’re more likely to trust you, connect with you and see what makes your product different from others.

I’m Your Guy or Gal: Build Credibility with Who You EPM-M2V05 25:06 Are

In this training, you’ll learn how to build credibility with who you naturally are and what you naturally do well, without having to get any more degrees, certifications or experience.

This falls into Step 5 of the product sales sequence -- should I buy? -- because your credibility can help justify the sale and lead someone to feel confident putting their trust in you.

There are 5 distinct types of credibility you can leverage to help build credibility with your audience by connecting what you have to give with what your tribe wants to receive, even if you’re new to business.

You’ll also discover how to create social proof using testimonials.

The Art of Naming: Craft Your Blockbuster Product EPM-M2V06 49:44 Name

The name you give your Experience Product forms a large part of the critical first impression you make in the hearts and minds of your audience.

You’ll want to choose a word (or combination of words) that encapsulates your business or brand idea as simply (and as awesomely!) as possible.

Watch this training and use the 21 Naming Templates I’ve created to create a great name for your Experience Product.

ACCELERATE 118 Experience Product Masterclass Module 2 Nailing Your Offer

(OPTIONAL) Get Noticed Anywhere: Create Your EPM-M2V07EPM- 40:21 Visual Product Branding

People instantly tune in to the visuals, quickly noticing eye-catching colors and design. They admire meaningful, high- quality images and read bold headlines that convey value. The visual signals you send give important clues as to who you are and what you do. They instantly let your audience know whether you’re an A-player or a bit-player.

In this training, you’ll learn how to get the 4 main visual branding elements of your product designed quickly and inexpensively:

• your product logo • your color palette • your font palette • the style of your imagery

(OPTIONAL) Turning “I Don’t Know” Into “I’m In”: EPM-M2V08 14:30 Overcome Concerns with a Scary “You Can’t Fail Guarantee”

In this training, you’re going to learn how to turn “I Don’t Know Into I’m In” through the right guarantee. Discover 3 ways to come up with your scary “you can’t fail guarantee.”

There’s No Time Like Now: Create Real Urgency EPM-M2V09 13:13

Creating urgency is all about giving people a bigger reason to say yes right now than all the fears, doubts and mental dialogue going through their head. You have to make the fear of missing out larger than the fear of making the wrong choice and give your prospects a reason to buy your product now rather than later.

In this training, you’ll learn 5 ways to create urgency in your product offer.

(OPTIONAL) But, Wait, There’s More! Supplement EPM-M2V10 25:50 Your Offer with the Right Bonuses

In this training, you’re going to learn how to supplement your offer with the right bonuses.

The best bonuses overcome a buying concern or fill a gap in your core offering. When you stack value on top of value in a way that adds up to substantially more than the cost of your program -- often 1-10x more -- you create the impression that you’re giving a really good deal.

ACCELERATE 119 Experience Product Masterclass Module 3 Crafting the Perfect Experience

Earn While You Learn: The Anti-Perfectionist Path to EPM-M3V01EPM- 37:59 Rapid Product Creation

The “earn while you learn,” anti-perfectionist path to rapid product creation is about selling your product before you create and deliver it.

The reason why this principle is so crucial when you’re developing a new Experience Product is that you are not your buyer. You’re creating a product for other people… and the only way to know if it’s going to resonate with them is to try to market it and see if people buy.

You can save yourself a lot of time, energy and heartache if you develop, test and market your idea before you spend the time to create your Experience Product. That way when you do create and deliver it, you know you’re creating something people actually want, because you’ve created it in response to their needs. As a result, you end up with a better product than if you had agonized over making something perfect before you tested it in the market.

In this training, you’ll learn the 13 specific rapid product creation methods you can use to get out of perfectionism, so you can create and deliver your Experience Product fast (once you sell it), without compromising quality.

Take a Bird’s Eye View: Define Your Signature System, EPM-M3V02 34:13 Process or Framework

In this short training, you’ll learn how to develop a signature process, system or framework to take your customers, clients and students from point A to point B... from where they are to where they want to be... from Mission to Mission Accomplished... in other words, how to get results for your customers, time after time after time.

Homing In on the How: The 7-Step Product EPM-M3V03 33:57 Brainstorming Process

It takes time and a few laps around the “iterate your way to awesome” cycle to develop your Bird’s Eye View framework. Defining an experience product that people are going to want to buy and consume takes real thought and reflection. It takes time to refine your ideas into something truly irresistible. I call this process “getting to simple”... and it’s the most challenging part of creating a great product. But once you get it right, everything else snaps into place and the marketing and delivery of your product become a total joy.

In this training, I’m going to share with you all the iterations of this product that I created before I got to this version, so you can see the big mess of ideas I started with and how I refined and refined and refined until I iterated my way to awesome. My goal is to show you my thought process as I create an Experience Product… the questions I ask myself along the way and how you can think about this process, too.

You’ll also discover my 7-Step Product Brainstorming Process to refine your bird’s eye view framework, find clarity on how you do what you do, and how to structure your product to set your customers up to win.

ACCELERATE 120 Experience Product Masterclass Module 3 Crafting the Perfect Experience

What’s In the Box: Translate Your Bird’s Eye View EPM-M3V04 21:46 System Into Features & Benefits

What if you could unveil the features and benefits of your experience product in a way that that captured the genuine excitement of what you have to offer… so you can make a powerful “why should I care,” “tell me more” and ultimately “should I buy” case to your audience?

In this training, you’ll discover how to write short-yet-powerful feature and benefit statements to describe each step of your Bird’s Eye View framework.

Experience Escalation: Getting from Mission to EPM-M3V05 20:37 Mission Accomplished

It’s time to bring together all the work you’ve done on your product thus far into an Experience Escalation Plan designed to get your customers from Mission to Mission Accomplished.

In these next 8 videos, you’re going to learn how to stack the 10 Core Experiences of the Experience Formula to create a winning streak that builds unstoppable momentum, allowing your customers to do things that they never thought possible.

You’ll learn how to stack as many of these 10 Core Experiences as possible into every aspect of your product marketing and delivery, so you’re doing more than just sprinkling in a few experiences here and there -- you’re creating a real experience escalation that will inspire your customers to be more, feel more, do more, have more and achieve more.

You’ll also learn how to avoid the 10 Negative Experiences product creators make that send their customers into the downward death spiral. This is where you learn how to be a superhero to your tribe. When you help people get what they want in life, they’ll love you for it.

Core Experience #4: Constant Wins EPM-M3V06 16:00

The most important way to create constant wins happens when you’re planning your Experience Product You want to structure the experience from the moment your mission is accepted to the moment that mission is accomplished, in a way that ramps someone up from small, simple, easy wins to larger and larger wins.

I demonstrated how this worked in our 7-Step Product Brainstorming Process so you could avoid dropping people too quickly into the deep end of the pool. They’re going to get there anyway. It’s inevitable if you’re having them do something significant. It’s going to get real and it’s going to get challenging. There’s no way of avoiding that, but if you can ease people into the challenging bits and have them feel like they’ve made at least some progress first, that goes a long way towards building enough momentum to keep them going when things get challenging.

ACCELERATE 121 Experience Product Masterclass Module 3 Crafting the Perfect Experience

Core Experience #5: Normalizing Challenges EPM-M3V07 20:40

Normalizing Challenges is something that most product creators completely overlook in their desire to get people from Mission to Mission Accomplished.

You could have the best product in the world, but if you don’t address the natural challenges people face as they try new things in order to change their lives for the better... chances are high that the vast majority of your customers will feel stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed and maybe even give up.

Why? Most people give up on their hopes, dreams and goals before they reach them. The gravitational pull of the way things are is just too strong. And when you combine that with the natural survival instinct that keeps us safe, it’s hard for most people to reach escape velocity.

It’s important to remember that that’s why the whole self-help industry exists and why you and I are in business.

Core Experience #6: Peak Emotional Experiences EPM-M3V08 18:24

If you want to keep your customers engaged emotionally as well as mentally, you need to integrate Peak Experiences into your products.

The concept of Peak Experiences was originally developed by our favorite psychologist, Abraham Maslow, back in 1964. According to Maslow, “Peak experiences are a euphoric mental state achieved by self-actualizing individuals or people who are committed to maximizing their potential and becoming all they can and want to be.”

Peak Experiences happen based on external events usually related to sports, art, religion, nature, connecting with another human being or the process of seeing or discovering something for the first time.

Core Experience #7: Feedback Loops EPM-M3V09 17:43

This experience has the most potential for viral sharing all of 10 of the core experiences. So you’re going to want to take extra notes on this one.

A feedback loop is a term that originated in science to describe a system where outputs are routed back in as inputs to create a cause-and-effect loop.

In layman’s terms, that means that you ask for input on your outputs. In other words, you teach or share something, and then ask your clients what they learned, experienced or did as a result of what you taught or shared.

ACCELERATE 122 Experience Product Masterclass Module 3 Crafting the Perfect Experience

Core Experience #8: Community EPM-M3V10 10:37

Humans are naturally a tribe-based animal. We’re hard-wired for community, because we have a greater chance of success and survival together then we do apart. So it’s hugely motivating to create regular opportunities for your students, customers and clients to interact not just with you, but with each other.

It can be incredibly challenging and lonely to make a big change in your life, especially if you’re surrounded by people who aren’t supportive of that change or people who just don’t get what you’re trying to do and why. Community is key to getting people engaged and keeping them excited about taking action, getting results and ultimately spreading the word about you and your products.

Core Experience #9: Unstoppable Momentum EPM-M3V11 13:23

When it comes to constant wins, it’s not enough to win for the sake of winning. This isn’t about pulling the lever and winning at the slot machines.

It’s important that you connect each win as one step on the Bird’s Eye View journey from Mission to Mission accomplished. Your customers want to feel like each win is meaningful and that, with each action, they’re actually making forward progress and building momentum toward mission accomplished, rather than experiencing the start and stop, hurry up and slow down rhythm that most information-based products unintentionally create.

Core Experience #10: Mission Accomplished EPM-M3V12 12:39

Universally, we all have a deep need to feel a sense of completion, so the best Experience Products have a clear beginning and a clear end. You want to give your customers the feeling of satisfaction of completing your product and getting across the finish line to Mission Accomplished by creating the space to celebrate the end of your product.

You want to end your product with a bang not a whimper. Unfortunately most information-based products just kind of peter out, either because people lose interest and stop taking action or because there wasn’t a clear mission to celebrate. Many product creators forget to celebrate their students when they successfully complete the product and get the result.

This robs your customers of a critical moment of pride, confidence, satisfaction & closure. It also robs you of the chance to strengthen your relationship with your customers at the most critical moment -- the moment of completion, when all their hard work pays off and they achieve the ultimate win: Mission Accomplished.

This is the moment when they realize the full value of the work you’ve done together and appreciate the progress they’ve made. Plus, a great Mission Accomplished celebration is a great place to suggest what they should buy next to continue the journey of transformation with you.

ACCELERATE 123 Experience Product Masterclass Module 3 Crafting the Perfect Experience

Bringing It All Together: Your 10x Delivery Checklist EPM-M3V13 42:26

In this training, you’ll receive your 10x Delivery Checklist, which you can use to guide you in experiencifying every aspect of your product, including Pre-Recorded Training Videos, Group Coaching, Emails, Membership Site, FB Group, Physical Products & Gifts.

You won’t be creating every aspect of your product until after this program is over, but I still wanted to give this to you now since you may need to create a few pieces so that your students, customers and clients receive something when they buy. Whether that’s a bonus, a pre-training, or a welcome package.

It’s time to have fun and experiencify your product delivery. Remember, we’re making Experience Products here and not boring old info products that leave your students, customers and clients behind.

Ready, Aim, Fire: Create Your Experience Product EPM-M3V14 11:46 Design & Delivery Schedule

Way back in Module 1, you defined the delivery dates and launch dates for your Experience Product in the Idea to Market Timeline spreadsheet.

Now let’s talk about setting your product creation dates and getting more specific about what you’re going to deliver and when you’re going to deliver it.

It’s time to plan when you’re going to create and deliver each piece of your Experience Product.

ACCELERATE 124 Experience Product Masterclass Module 4 Experience Marketing Essentials

Marketing Mindset: Redefine Marketing & Connect EPM-M4V01 18:43 with Your Big Whys On the surface, marketing is the way you attract new customers into your business. This is probably the definition you’ve heard and how you have approached marketing in the past, which is why it can feel transactional or like a necessary evil.

But when you understand that there’s a deeper definition of marketing and begin to practice marketing from this deeper place, it really changes the game.

Marketing, at this deeper level, is the process of helping someone create the mindset, beliefs and conditions to make a change in their life that they want, but can’t attain on their own.

Marketing is a necessary first step to influence and impact.

Because marketing inspires people to say yes to you and ultimately yes to themselves. Without that first yes, change can’t happen.

In this training you’ll upgrade your marketing mindset, redefine marketing and connect with your big whys.

Bring in the Bucks: Create Your Experience Product EPM-M4V02 27:24 Launch Plan

The most important thing in business and marketing is to use the right strategy at the right time for your business.

The reason why people fail to sell good products is that they use the wrong strategy at the wrong time.

In this training, I’m going to refresh you on our first 2 Marketing Campaigns and introduce you to our next 4 Experience Marketing Campaigns, so you can decide which campaigns you want to focus on to launch your product and reach Mission Accomplished.

Marketing works best when you stack campaigns 3 deep, so you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket. This allows you to reach different people in different ways. In this training you’ll choose your 3 campaigns, and receive a suggested schedule for your marketing campaigns so you can plan for the next 4 weeks and beyond.

Luv the Flub! How to Rock Your Experience Product EPM-M4V03 32:29 Marketing Campaign In this training, I’m going to reveal the thought process behind an effective Experience Marketing Campaign using our Give Them What They Want campaign as an example.

So, if you didn’t get the response you were hoping for with your first survey campaign, don’t worry, There’s a valuable lesson to be learned in what didn’t work, and this gives you the feedback you need to iterate your way to awesome and try again.

And if you did get a good response, you’ll learn how to follow-up effectively with survey participants and invite them into the next step with you.

We’ll also cover some key mindset shifts for succeeding with Experience Marketing!

ACCELERATE 125 Experience Product Masterclass Module 4 Experience Marketing Essentials

(OPTIONAL) Website ATM: The Only 4 Pages You EPM-M4V04 36:05 Need to Sell Anything Until you’re consistently making at least a couple thousand dollars a month from your online business, it doesn’t make sense to invest a lot of time and money into a website. Why? Because your business is going to change big-time, once you get real world input into what your tribe really wants and responds to.

In the meantime, there are only 4 pages you need to sell anything online:

• a squeeze page – designed to get someone’s email address (and often their name, too) in exchange for some kind of freebie • a confirmation page – the page new subscribers see after they opt-in on your squeeze page • a value page – the page new subscribers go to consume the free gift they opted-in for • and a sales page – the page people go to find out more about your product and sign-up to buy

In this training, I’m going to cover each of these pages one at a time, show you what they’re for, and how to use them in your Experience Marketing Campaign.

(OPTIONAL) Copywriting Basics: Writing Headlines, EPM-M4V05 53:59 Bullets & Copy that Sells Copy is different from content. Marketing is different from training. While you can create content or education-based marketing that teaches as it sells, writing and speaking to sell is different than writing and speaking to simply inform, inspire or educate.

In this training, you’re going to learn how to improve your copy in the 3 places with the biggest bottom line result potential:

• your general online writing style • your headlines • your squeeze pages

(OPTIONAL) Experience Selling Technologies: A EPM-M4V06 32:40 Crash Course in the Basics You Need to Start Selling Online Not sure what an ESP is or whether or not you actually need a shopping cart?

This training will walk you through the major kinds of technology you may need to run your Experience Marketing Campaigns and sell your Experience Product.

Remember to keep things simple for now as you test and fine-tune your ideas. You may need little to no additional technology to reach Mission Accomplished.

ACCELERATE 126 Experience Product Masterclass Module 4 Experience Marketing Essentials

Make It Beta: Start Small, Release the Pressure & EPM-M4V07 21:36 Iterate Your Way to Awesome Fast

When you’re first launching a new product or service and you don’t necessarily have the testimonials, the case studies, and the results to show. It can be helpful to run a Beta Campaign allowing people to have access to part or all of your offer at a discounted price in exchange for testimonials, feedback and referrals.

This allows you to be transparent about your new product and manage expectations.

This is an easy, low-stress way to get paid to develop a new offer by either offering one standalone module or piece of a larger offer, or by offering a discounted price on your full offer. This will allow you to earn while you learn and iterate your way to awesome fast!

The Start with an Experience Campaign: Hook Them EPM-M4V08 32:22 With a Taste of What You Do

The Start With an Experience Campaign is designed to provide an exclusive 1:1 experience through either a free initial consultation or a gift certificate for a discovery call or in-person session.

This campaign is one of the simplest, easiest, low-tech ways to get potential customers in the door.

If you’re a brick-and-mortar business or a service-based business that works with customers 1:1 -- such as coaches, healers, consultants and other professionals -- this can also work to enroll people into 1:Few programs that require a larger investment or time-commitment, where people aren’t likely to say yes without a 1:1 interaction or experience of working with you.

This campaign is also an easy way to get started if you don’t have an email list or a lot of marketing experience because you can fill your programs with just a few conversations. You don’t need to talk to a lot of people to get to Mission Accomplished.

With a great offer and a few enrollment skills, you can convert 20-50% of your conversations into sales whereas even the best 1:Many marketing campaigns usually max out at a 1-5% conversion rate from opt-in to sale.

That said, when you’re first getting started and learning how to sell effectively 1:1, you can expect a lower conversion rate. Anywhere from 0-20%. 5% is a safe estimate.

ACCELERATE 127 Experience Product Masterclass Module 4 Experience Marketing Essentials

(OPTIONAL) The Application Campaign: Pre-Qualify EPM-M4V09 19:10 Your Customers, Students and Clients

This is one of our easiest campaigns that works well for all kinds of Experience Products -- whether you have a 1:1, 1:Few or 1:Many product. I’Il be giving you examples of 1:1 and 1:Few Application Campaigns in this training. Then I’ll also share a 1:Many example in the Make It Beta training which we’ll be releasing soon.

For some niches, products and services, it’s important to pre-qualify your customers, students and clients to make sure they’re ready, coachable, willing, and able to do the work..

This is especially true for 1:1 coaching, consulting or mentoring, as well as 1:Few small group programs over a longer period of time, where the wrong customer could have a big impact on your peace of mind or the quality of the group.

This campaign works well as what’s called a “takeaway” sale, where your customers are convincing you why they want to work with you, rather than the other way around.

The questions in an application process are designed specifically to help your prospects clarify what they want, commit more deeply to their goals and vision, and increase their desire to work with you.

A well-designed application process, which often includes a refundable deposit, protects your time by ensuring that your prospects are serious and well-qualified before getting on the phone with you.

The Perfect Email Campaign: Win Them Over One EPM-M4V10 1:04:17 Message at a Time

Every single one of the 6 Experience Marketing Campaigns you learn in the Masterclass and the 20 marketing campaigns I teach throughout my programs involve email in some way, shape or form.

Even though email deliverability has been going down, email is still the most effective way to keep in touch with your prospects and customers.

In this training you’ll learn two essential email skills:

•How to write individual emails that get opened, read and acted on •How to craft The Perfect Email Campaign to win your prospects over one message at a time.

An email campaign is a series of emails that are sent over a specific time period to lead to a specific result. Most email campaigns are 3-7 days long, though some email campaigns can be as short as 24-48 hours or go as long as 2 weeks or more. But the longer it goes, the harder it is to sustain interest. As you’re learning, I recommend keeping your email campaigns to 2 weeks or less.

ACCELERATE 128 Experience Product Masterclass Module 4 Experience Marketing Essentials

(OPTIONAL) The Fast Result Campaign: How to EPM-M4V11 33:34 Design Free Gifts that Build Your List & Sell Your Products

The Fast Result Campaign is based on creating a simple, free, opt-in gift that gives your subscribers a fast result that increases interest and desire for your paid product.

The Fast Result Campaign is almost always used in conjunction with a Perfect Email Campaign, and can also be used in conjunction with any of the other campaigns you’re learning in the Masterclass.

The beauty of this campaign is that you don’t need an email list. You can get started growing your list (and selling your products) from your existing network.

The Marketing Mindfuck: How to Reach Mission EPM-M4V12 23:08 Accomplished No Matter What

In this training, you’ll learn about the dreaded Marketing Mindfuck so you’re prepared for what’s going to happen when you begin your experience marketing campaign, and can stay on course towards Mission Accomplished no matter what.

It’s well known that over half of all sales happen on the final day of a marketing campaign. It’s common to see anywhere from 50 to a whopping 90% of sales on the last day, because it’s human nature to procrastinate, to wait until the last possible minute.

Unfortunately, so many people give up when they don’t see immediate sales. They forget that it takes 5-7 touches to make an impression and often 15-30 touches to turn an initial contact into a sale. So they pull the plug on their follow-up campaign too soon because they’re worried about bothering people.

As Thomas Edison said: “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

ACCELERATE 129 Experience Product Masterclass Module 5 Deliver the Wow

I’m Glad You’re Here: The Art of Creating EPM-M5V01 37:59 Engagement from Moment 1 of Day 1

Now that you’re getting students, customers and clients, what the heck do you do with them?

When new students, customers or clients buy your product, they’re looking for one of two things:

#1 - validation that they made the right choice

#2 - a reason to opt out so they can return to the way things were before you signed up

In this training, you’re going to learn The Art of Creating Engagement from Day 1. You’re going to learn how to create an onboarding experience that welcomes your new customers into your world and lets them know that you see them, that you’re glad they’re here, that they’re in the right place and, in general, to reassure them they made the right choice and that together you’re going to do some incredible things.

Now if you’ve ever flubbed a first impression before, whether that was with a client, colleague or potential love interest, you’ll know that it can be challenging to reverse a bad first impression. You’ve got to work extra hard to establish trust and credibility once that trust and credibility has been shaken or lost… and sometimes you just can’t win someone back over.

Disciplined Creativity: Organize Your Product EPM-M5V02 08:23 Creation In this training you’ll get a quick behind the scenes tour of how I keep everything organized so I could quickly get this entire product done and delivered at a high-quality level in just 2 months, and how you can keep your product creation process streamlined and organized, too.

Product Delivery, Simplified: Serve Without the Fuss EPM-M5V03 19:06

Now that you know how to keep yourself organized throughout the product creation process, let’s talk about the essential tools you’ll need to deliver your product -- without the fuss.

In this training you’ll learn the simplest, easiest ways to deliver your product without a lot of expense or tech savvy.

The exact tools you’ll need depends on what kind of product you’re creating, which of the 13 Rapid Product Creation Methods you chose to use, and what deliverables you decided to include in your product in the Ready Aim Fire training in Module 3.

While I can’t anticipate every scenario and every combination you may use, I can give you a basic primer on the simplest tools to use in most situations. A word of caution: most people build up product delivery in their heads as this big scary thing. So it becomes more difficult or complicated than it needs to be.

Start simple and iterate your way to awesome. Focus on creating your Minimum Viable Product.

ACCELERATE 130 Experience Product Masterclass Module 5 Deliver the Wow

Just in Time Delivery: How to Become a Mindreader EPM-M5V04 27:12 Without Being Psychic Regardless of what kind of Experience Product you’re creating, your job as a facilitator is to deeply observe what happens as people interact with your product… and through that observation change both your product and people’s experience of it.

In other words, stay flexible.

Letting go of perfectionism or needing to be right.

Just get real and observe what’s happening.

Let go of your preconceptions about how you want things to go once you start to deliver a product and simply pay attention to how people are actually responding to your product. Be open to feedback. Be honest with yourself and others about what’s working and what’s not. Address those things openly and vulnerably with a desire to serve.

People won’t fault you for making mistakes. They will fault you for trying to hide or deny those mistakes.

The Psychology of Imperfection: Make Your Product EPM-M5V05 9:26 Better by Letting Go

The world needs real heroes right now.

When it comes to Delivering the Wow, let me tell you a secret:

You are the wow.

No one wants to hire Barbie & Ken as life coaches.

No one wants to learn from an emoji who only shares one face with the world.

They want to learn from you. All of you.

Your imperfection is lovable.

How you respond to your imperfection, your mistakes and your flaws is what turns you into a superhero to your tribe.

Bonus Thinkific Demo EPM-M5V06 2:02:17

In this training, you’ll learn about all the student engagement and gamification features available, PLUS how to get up and running with your membership site quickly and easily.

ACCELERATE 131 ACCELERATE 132 MOMENTUM ACTIVATE ACTIVATE INCUBATORS. Activate Incubators are exclusively available to Momentum students. As an Accelerate Member, you have access to all Activate Incubators in addition to Accelerate Incubators.

Each of your Missions has recommended trainings attached to it and you’ll find most of these in this section of your binder.

ACCELERATE 133 MOMENTUM ACTIVATE INCUBATORS ZERO TO HERO GETTING YOUR FIRST (OR NEXT) CLIENTS Getting your first ideal client is the biggest and most challenging step in any business. You have to move through both the fears and doubts that come up and the practical details of successfully selling and serving clients.

Many people spin for months or even years on this step and you’ll take care of it -- with our support -- in just 90 days. The good news is that once you do this, you can do it again. And again. This first win will set you up for all future wins in this program and beyond.

The goal of this Incubator is to help you get your first or next ideal client, so you can fine-tune and test your niche, as well as gain the core skills you need to sell and serve all the clients you could possibly want.

You’ll gain the confidence and real-world feedback you need to know you’re on the right track, so you can move forward and build your business without fear, doubt or procrastination.

ACCELERATE 134 Zero to Hero Module 1 Create Your Minimum Viable Offer

Your Minimum Viable Offer Z2H-M1V01 15:35

It’s easy to spend a long time dancing circles in your head trying to figure out your niche, or where you meet the market. But ultimately that’s just enlightened guesswork. And Zero to Hero is all about taking the guesswork out of the process by asking your ideal clients what they want as quickly as possible, and being willing to let go of any attachment you have to what you want to give or what you think they want to buy. It’s a matter of simply listening with an open mind to what they’re actually saying.

Most new entrepreneurs make the mistake of thinking it’s about them, of thinking they have to have all their ducks in a row, and everything figured out before they have a single conversation. And that’s just crazy. That’s like trying to play god with other people’s hopes and dreams. Assuming you know what they want and you know what’s best for them, doesn’t allow for their desires and their free will. It’s a self-centered approach to building a business…

A Minimum Viable Offer is a simple, bare-bones offer with just enough detail to give you a context for having conversations with your ideal clients to see if you’re on the right track before you double down on your niche and focus on creating more formal offers.

A Minimum Viable Offer is flexible enough to allow you to adapt on the fly as you get new information from the people you’re talking to, so you can stay fluid and better match your offer to what they say they want.

Finding Your Front Door Need(s) Z2H-M1V02 37:36

In this training you’re going to learn how to leverage one, two or even three of the 17 Universal Human Needs to make sure your Minimum Viable Product addresses a known need that people are willing to pay for. That’s a key part of tuning in to your niche or what you do that people want.

The Problem Solution Formula Z2H-M1V03 15:16

All business is about solving problems for your customers.

You are not in the product business. You are not in the solution business.

You are in the problem solving business and it’s important to remember that.

The bigger the problem you solve for your clients, the more you’ll get paid, and the more quickly you can change their lives for the better.

In this training, you’ll use the front door need(s) you identified in the last video to discover the problem you solve through your Minimum Viable Offer.

ACCELERATE 135 Zero to Hero Module 1 Create Your Minimum Viable Offer

The Fast Way to Get a Result Z2H-M1V04 11:51

Now that you’ve found the front door to your business, and you’ve defined your problem solution formula and how to express that through your XYZ statement, it’s time to tune in to the result you deliver.

Your result relates to your unique value, your competitive advantage or why your clients choose you over everyone else who does what you do. This is your promise, your unique way of doing what you do, serving your tribe or achieving an outcome that no one else can.

Now it will take some time and experience delivering your work with real people to tune in to your unique value.

So for now -- in this training -- I’m going to give you the shortcut to identifying your value.

The Devil is in the Details Z2H-M1V05 16:26

You are officially 75% of the way to your Minimum Viable Offer and then all you have to is go out there and sell it. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you step-by-step through that process as well.

All that remain are a few simple details such as price, duration and your basic deliverables. This is actually the easy part.

Since this is Zero to Hero, we highly recommend starting with a 1:1 coaching, consulting or service offer. Because, as I shared, “Before you can make money while you sleep, you have to be able to make money while you’re awake.”

Even if you plan to jump quickly into 1:Few or 1:Many products, the fastest way to get your first (or next) ideal client in the Blue Sky Stage of business growth is with a 1:1 offer. The most common 1:1 offers are coaching, consulting or service offers.

In this training, I share the difference between each type of offer, so you can decide which one is best for you.

Welcome to My World Z2H-M1V06 31:15

By the end of Zero to Hero, you’ll have your first or next client. If not three. Or even more.

Now the question becomes, how do you welcome new clients to your world in a way that creates trust and paves the way for a productive working relationship?

We have a whole module on “What to Do When They Say Yes” in the next Incubator.

For now, with your Minimum Viable Offer, you need just two things to get started:

• A personalized welcome email • A simple one page agreement

In this training you’ll learn how to create these two things.

ACCELERATE 136 Zero to Hero Module 2 100 Ways to a Profitable Business

Get Your First (or Next) Client Fast Z2H-M2V01 20:43

Over the next 2 months -- between this module and the next -- your goal is to sell your Minimum Viable Offer and make money.

Unfortunately, most people have built up so much baggage when it comes to money that they use it as a smokescreen to avoid committing, and avoid the lifestyle and identity changes that come along with making new commitments.

That’s why getting your first (or next) ideal client can feel like the biggest and most challenging step in any business. You have to move through both the fears and doubts that come up, as well as the practical details of successfully selling and serving clients.

Many people spin for months or even years on this step and you’ll take care of it -- with our support -- over the next 2 months.

Your mission for the rest of this Incubator -- should you choose to accept it -- is to have at least 100 in-depth interactions with unique, qualified prospects -- in person, by phone, by email, on Facebook, over some kind of messaging app, or a combination -- so you can get your first (or next) ideal client or 3, while getting comfortable with the sales process, iterating your Minimum Viable Offer to awesome, pivoting as many times as you need… and ultimately claiming your niche.

The (In)Famous Chatterbox Campaign Z2H-M2V02 27:33

The Chatterbox Campaign is a simple campaign that is designed to help you get the critical feedback you need to validate your Minimum Viable Offer and iterate your way to awesome.

I call this the (In)Famous Chatterbox Campaign because it’s both the Campaign my students try to avoid the most and the one that offers the biggest breakthrough the fastest.

This campaign will help you turn your ballpark idea of a Minimum Viable Offer and True North Niche into a clear and specific one.

Because the truth is that you can never know with 100% clarity what people want if you don’t ask them. You’re operating on your best guess and, when it comes to offer creation, your best guess is simply not enough.

It’s not enough to post things on the Mentorship FB group or get my feedback or the feedback of your coaches, because we’re not necessarily your target market.

You need to be in conversation with the people you want to help, as soon as possible and as often as possible.

The Chatterbox Campaign is about staying open to all the encounters that happen in your everyday life, as well as putting yourself in situations and communities -- or even creating situations and communities -- where you’re likely to find your ideal customers.

ACCELERATE 137 Zero to Hero Module 2 100 Ways to a Profitable Business

The 15 Degree Pivot Z2H-M2V03 09:26

As you go forth into the world and Chatterbox your way to clients, you’re going to feel a lot and learn a lot. I mean -- a LOT!!!

Your current thinking about your business, your niche and your Minimum Viable Offer will shift as you get the real world feedback you need to iterate your way to awesome…

This is how real people respond to what you say and how you position yourself, which quickly tells you whether you’re hot, warm or cold.

More importantly, when you get outside your own perspective and really listen to what your prospects are telling you they need, want and desire, you’ll realize that no matter how good your Minimum Viable Offer is, you can always adjust your ideas to better meet their needs.

I want to encourage you to be on the lookout for what I call “The 15 Degree Pivot” -- this is a small but powerful shift in your business, offers and messaging that drops you deeper into what you’re really about, who you really serve, what you really do, and why it really matters.

Keep in mind that you’ll be making 15 Degree Pivots throughout your entire business career -- not just in Zero to Hero.

Sales as Service Z2H-M2V04 26:39

While most people define sales as desperately trying to convince, persuade or even manipulate people into working with you; sales as service is helping someone make an empowered decision about how to reach their goals and transform their life.

In this training we’re going to expose some sales myths, unpack limiting beliefs around sales that may be holding you back, and dive into a whole new way to connect with and enroll new clients. And, best of all, you’re going to discover how to make sales fun, fulfilling and profitable!

Anatomy of a Successful Enrollment Conversation Z2H-M2V05 26:10

In this training you’ll learn how to have a successful enrollment conversation using the sales as service model. This is a step- by-step process that uses specific questions to help your potential client identify their biggest challenges, what they’re looking to achieve, and why it’s important to them to take action right now.

Taking a prospective client through this framework can create a life-changing experience for them as you help them create new possibilities, deeply connect to their big whys, and shed light on what challenges keep holding them back.

Once they’ve been able to connect to what they really want and what’s standing in their way, you’ll be able to support them as they make an empowered decision to move forward - whether that’s working with you or taking another path. Regardless you’ll both leave the session feeling good about the outcome and the next steps.

ACCELERATE 138 Zero to Hero Module 2 100 Ways to a Profitable Business

Transitioning from Chatterbox to Enrollment Z2H-M2V06 22:06 Conversation

In the (In)Famous Chatterbox Campaign you discovered the core belief behind Chatterboxing, which is that you never know when you’re going to meet someone who could change your life and business forever -- and vice versa.

And one of the keys to the Chatterbox Campaign is to become the most present and engaged person in the room - that’s when amazing things can happen.

Chatterboxing is also about doing something different and finding new ways to connect with people. Remember that Qualifying Question you created in that training? It’s a simple and effective a way to start a conversation around your offer.

In this training Christine will show you how to start putting everything that you’ve been learning together - the “pro” tools at the end of Sales as Service, your XYZ statement, the Chatterbox Campaign, and the Enrollment Script - so you can go out and start making offers and getting clients.

Selling a 1:1 Offer You’ve Never Sold Before Z2H-M2V07 13:22

There’s a first time for everything. Your first kiss, the first time you ever drove a car, your first day at a “real” job, the birth of your first child. If you’re growing and expanding your life will be full of firsts.

Your first time making an offer you’ve never sold before is just another first in a long line of firsts.

In this training Christine will share with you how to feel confident selling a 1:1 offer you’ve never sold before, even if you’re not sure what your offer is, you don’t feel credible, or you don’t have testimonials, case studies, or results to share.

Prospect Tracking Z2H-M2V08 13:30

In this training, we’re going to cover why it’s super important to keep track all of your prospects, which includes the people you’ve connected with and the enrollment conversations you’ve completed, as well as your overall sales metrics.

Christine is going to show you exactly what you need to track and how to track it all. This will help you gather important data about your tribe and what’s working during the sales process, and help you create a solid follow up system so you can convert more leads into sales.

Simple Scheduling Z2H-M2V09 14:35

Using an online scheduling system is simple, easy and takes less than 15 minutes to set up. In this session our Tech Coach, Matthew Turton, shares how to set up an online scheduling system so that your new clients can simply and easily schedule a sales call with you or book their first session.

ACCELERATE 139 Zero to Hero Module 2 100 Ways to a Profitable Business

How to Get Paid Virtually Z2H-M2V10 16:48

You can’t start making money in your biz until you’ve set up an easy way to get paid!

In this training our Tech Coach, Matthew Turton, will take you step-by-step through how to set up your PayPal account and the different ways you can use PayPal to get PAID :)

There Is No Failure, Only Feedback Z2H-M2V11 26:06

It’s time to take the sting out of failure and instead use it to up your game and perform at a higher level. When you use it as a tool for growth it will help you develop and improve your critical thinking, your communication skills, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, pattern recognition, compassion, empathy, resilience, confidence, and more.

But that only happens if you receive it as feedback to help you grow and expand into the best version of yourself.

In this training you’ll learn specific success routines to stay at the top of your game, how to integrate the valuable feedback you receive, and how to use that feedback to more deeply connect with your tribe.

ACCELERATE 140 Zero to Hero Module 3 Fill Your Calendar & Sell Your Heart Out

The Chatterbox Lifestyle Z2H-M3V01 22:25

In Module 2 you learned about Chatterbox Campaign and started the process of having 100 in-depth interactions with unique qualified prospects over the next 8 weeks -- in person, by phone, by email, on Facebook, over some kind of messaging app, or a combination.

Now let me introduce you to the Chatterbox Lifestyle. In other words, you’re not just Chatterboxing when you’re hungry and you need to eat. You’re Chatterboxing all the time. You make the shift from living in scarcity to living in abundance: from feeling desperate and wondering where you’re going to get your next clients to realizing that your clients are everywhere and every interaction is an opportunity for transformation.

In this training, you’re going to pimp out your Chatterbox Campaign so you’re more likely to meet the people who can enrich your life and vice versa.

Go Local Z2H-M3V02 08:15

One of the cliches of modern life is not knowing who your neighbors are. Yet your local community -- whether you live in a major urban area, a small town or even a rural area -- can be one of the most powerful sources of clients and business opportunities you will ever find.

Many people who now have huge online followings started their business locally -- from Brendon Burchard to Kimra Luna. Do not underestimate the power of hosting 5 people in your living room. One-on-one, in-person interactions are the deepest form of connection you can have. When it comes to the Chatterbox Lifestyle, there are two general approaches:

• Finding the Hubs or Needle in the Haystack Communities, or, • Becoming the Hub

I guarantee that there are Hubs somewhere in your community no matter where you live. You just have to get creative and think outside the box. If you really can’t find any Hubs locally -- or if you’re a natural community builder -- you can become the Hub.

Get Social Z2H-M3V03 06:34

For better or worse, we’re hooked on social media. So you might as well take advantage of this global fascination to connect with the 42% of the global population who are active on social media.

Remember, there are two approaches to Creating a Chatterbox Lifestyle:

• Finding the Hubs or Needle in the Haystack Communities, or, • Becoming the Hub

Outside of the local, in-person Hubs you learned about in the last training, social media is the best place to find Hubs or create Hubs, especially on Facebook, which is more community oriented than the other social networks.

ACCELERATE 141 Zero to Hero Module 3 Fill Your Calendar & Sell Your Heart Out

21 Days of Coming Out of the Closet Z2H-M3V04 18:32

So many people keep their gifts to themselves for far too long. Emily Dickinson, the famous American poet, published less than a dozen of her nearly 1,800 poems during her lifetime. Her sister found her body of work in a dresser drawer and published them 4 years after her death.

It’s one thing to quietly harbor a gift or a message, and another thing to broadcast and publish that message and share it with the world. Broadcasting and publishing are some of the fastest ways to not only activate the Iterate Your Way to Awesome cycle, but also to build your business and build your tribe.

In this training you’ll learn how to use Facebook Live as a way to gain greater clarity, confidence and commitment to your business. You’ll also learn a simple formula for applying sales principles in chat conversations to get your first (or next) ideal clients.

6 Degrees of Separation (Optional) Z2H-M3V05 10:57

In this training I’m going to talk about nurturing and tapping into your value network, or the people you contribute to on a regular basis such as your friends, family, peers, coworkers, acquaintances and customers -- all the people that you already know, as well as the people that they know.

Once you start asking the right questions you’ll be amazed by how connected you already are! The truth is, almost all new opportunities come from people, and they usually come from the people you least expect.

Your value network can make the difference between having a thriving business where you’re literally turning people away and struggling to get a single client.

The more you choose to expand and contribute to your value network, the more your life and business will expand and enrich along with it.

Psychology of Objections Z2H-M3V06 13:17

Objections are opportunities in the sales process!

There are a lot of opportunities when someone raises an objection. There is an opportunity to come to an agreement about working together, to gain trust, to build a relationship where they refer people to you even if they don’t buy, and to uplevel your sales and communication skills -- to name just a few. In this training we’re going to tackle Objections:

• Why your prospect has them • How best to handle them when they come up • And what you can do to minimize ‘em

So you need never fear an objection again :)

ACCELERATE 142 Zero to Hero Module 3 Fill Your Calendar & Sell Your Heart Out

“I Don’t Have the Money” Z2H-M3V07 10:23

The “money” objection is one of the biggest showstoppers during an enrollment conversation.

It can throw you completely off course.

In this training we tackle how to handle this common objection and how you can help your prospect make an empowered financial decision in moving forward to work with you.

“I Don’t Have the Time” Z2H-M3V08 11:36

Along with the money objection, the time objection is one of the most common objections you’ll run into.

A time objection can seem like a brick wall when you hear it.

I mean, we all only have 24 hours in a day right?

A time limitation is just one type of time objection and a fairly easy one to handle as you’ll see during this video.

In reality, there are a variety of time objections and reasons behind them. So let’s look at the most common ones and how to handle ‘em!

“I Don’t Believe I Can Do It” Z2H-M3V09 8:05

Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t - you’re right!

So far we’ve tackled two of the biggest objections - money and time. But an even bigger objection and one that’s often coupled with money and time is belief.

For the most, part your beliefs create your reality and when they limit what is possible for you, we call them “limiting beliefs.”

A limiting belief seems very real to the person that has it. For them, it’s reality.

Let’s tackle how to address the limiting beliefs you’ll likely encounter and how to navigate them so you can support your prospect as they make their decision.

ACCELERATE 143 Zero to Hero Module 4 Claiming Your Niche

The Lost Art of Perserverence Z2H-M4V01 25:29

In this Module you’re going to do some market research and reflection on all the experiences, conversations and interactions you’ve had over the last 12 weeks to see if you’re in the right ballpark with your niche, essentially, whether you’ve found home base. If not, no worries! This is where you get to make a 15 degree pivot or, if necessary, find a new ballpark to play in.

Just keep in mind that most people give up right before they break through, so if you’re feeling stuck, frustrated or unmotivated right now, you’re right on track. That’s why I wanted to devote this first training to the Lost Art of Perseverance.

Learning from the Market Z2H-M4V02 26:37

Whether you’ve already gotten your first client -- or three -- or you’ve struggled with filling your calendar and selling your heart out, sometimes it helps to take a step back and get a new perspective on your niche and your Minimum Viable Offer.

That’s why this training is devoted to market research. While you’ve been doing 1:1 market research all along through your Chatterbox Campaign, and tracking your observations in your Chatterbox Journal, there’s another level of market research available to you: looking at what else is out there around your topic.

You get to learn from all that’s been done around your topic and decide how you want to make your unique contribution. Whether you choose to innovate, deepen, or more fully express a subject, it’s important to recognize that while your work is unique, we’re all standing on the shoulders of giants.

In this training, you’ll learn how to do some basic audience research, competitive analysis or industry research online.

Worked Well, Do Differently Z2H-M4V03 23:52

In this training, we’re going to slow down and reflect back over everything you’ve done and learned about yourself, your ideal clients and your niche over the past 12 weeks.

We’re going to look at what worked well and what you would do differently now that you have a little hindsight.

“Worked Well Do Differently” is an exercise I learned from Jeff Walker. He lives at a cohousing community in Colorado. They do this simple exercise in their community meetings to recognize the things that are going well and the things that could be improved. I love this exercise since it celebrates what’s working while looking for opportunities to improve. There is no judgment just growth. So turn off your inner critic and focus on iterating your way to awesome.

When you take the time to do this exercise, it will really help you integrate your learnings and understand your niche and offer in a deeper way. This exercise may take you several hours but it’s well worth it since it will tie together everything you’ve learned over the last 12 weeks.

ACCELERATE 144 Zero to Hero Module 4 Claiming Your Niche

Claim Your Niche & Celebrate Z2H-M4V04 24:12

So many people second-guess themselves for years and that constant questioning is standing in the way of real forward movement.

When you have clarity of purpose around what you do and who you serve -- yes, your niche -- everything becomes easier.

Claiming your niche is all about making a choice. Making a choice about what you really want to do and who you really want to serve -- and letting go of all the other possibilities, for now.

Yes, the road to success means letting go of niches you may have entertained or fantasized about -- maybe even for years -- and choosing one front door niche that you want claim, double down and focus on for at least the next 9 months.


Creating Transformational Results for Your Clients

In this Incubator you’ll learn how to package your expertise into a premium program or service that’s certain to deliver the results you promise through a branded signature system, so you can feel 100% confident selling and serving your clients.

While EPM focuses on all different kinds of Experience Products, this Incubator is focused exclusively on 1:1 programs and services.

Imagine how great you’ll feel knowing that you now have a proven offer that will be a staple for your business for years to come. Not only will you always be able to rely on this product to bring in money whenever you need it, you’ll have a tried-and-true process in place for delivering results for your clients on demand.

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Your Next $2,500 Month P&S-M1V01 14:13

When you design your products and services in the way you’ll learn in this Incubator, you’ll change your life while changing the lives of your students, clients and customers.

It all starts with making just $2,500 a month or $30K a year. That officially takes you from the Blue Sky Stage of Business Growth into Call Me where your focus shifts from “figuring it out” to “building it out.”

$2,500 a month may not sound like a lot to you if you’ve had a job or business that’s brought you $5-10K a month in the past or more, but it is a starting point. When you can make $2,500 a month in your business -- not just once, but 2-3 times in a row -- it will prove to you (and your family) once and for all that you can do this. That you can build a profitable business around your niche.

And, once you hit this first income goal and get the confidence and clarity that comes with making money consistently in your business -- even if it’s not a lot -- it becomes a lot easier to hit the next income goal. And the next. And the next. And so on.

The Ultimate Result at the End of the Rainbow P&S-M1V02 18:35

In this training we’re going to look at the Ultimate Result you promise your clients through your work together. I call this the Ultimate Result at the end of the rainbow since it’s the big, motivating vision you invite your prospects to live, which may seem almost unattainable when they first start their journey with you, but still feels exciting and compelling…

This result goes beyond the $30K+ product you’re working on in this Incubator and really looks at the promise of your business as a whole.

This is about imagining forward to what will become possible for your clients after they’ve worked with you -- not just through this first offer, but through any additional offers you may develop in the future, even if you’re not sure what they are… yet!

Tuning in to your Ultimate Result helps you dream bigger from the start… and look at what becomes possible when you create an extraordinary client experience that turns one-time buyers into lifelong customers.

Remember, we’re going to define your next step offer in Module 4 of this Incubator… so you’ll have at least 2 offers by the end of this Incubator.

Your Ultimate Result also provides a deeper meaning and context for your work.

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Real Problems Lead to Real Solutions P&S-M1V03 54:04

Most people think they’re in the business of providing products, services or solutions, but the truth is that you’re in the business of problem solving.

You’re in the business of solving real problems for real people… and -- the bigger and more urgent the problems you solve -- the more readily people will line up to pay you... And the more they’ll pay you.

In this training you’re going to discover how to find a real problem that people will gladly pay you to solve. This is one of our longer and most valuable trainings, so stick with me here! I promise you it’s well worth your time and you’re going to have some huge insights along the way. When you watch this video all the way through, you’ll become a master of problem solving!

The first thing you have to understand is that problems come from unmet needs... Behind every complaint is a hidden desire.

While most people are great at complaining, very few people understand the hidden desires behind their complaints.

When you become an expert at identifying the hidden desire or unmet need, you’ll have the keys to the kingdom. Because you’ll understand where people’s problems come from and how to solve them.

What Does Mission Accomplished Look Like? P&S-M1V04 29:50

Mission Accomplished!

No two words feel better rolling off the tongue… than Mission Accomplished.

However most people don’t know what Mission Accomplished actually looks like… and the only way to declare “Mission Accomplished” with authority is to define exactly what Mission Accomplished looks like so it’s almost binary.

The definition of binary is “relating to, composed of, or involving two things.”

On or off. Zero or one. Yes or no. There is no gray area with binary. And there shouldn’t be any gray area with your Mission Possible statement either. There’s no “I kinda hit Mission Accomplished.” You either did it or you didn’t. You either summited Mount Everest or you didn’t.

That’s what makes your Product Mission statement so powerful and so motivating. If you give your students, clients and customers an out, they’ll take it.

In this training, you’ll define your Product Mission and Future Self Vision.

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The Journey In P&S-M1V05 11:30

Now that you have a sense of the product that will bring you to your next $2,500 month and ultimately $30K+ year, it’s time to define your Customer’s Journey in to your product.

Now let’s situate your product into our Customer Journey model so you can map out exactly how someone is going to go from meeting you for the first time -- whether that’s in person or online -- to buying your product.

You get people into your offers by solving a problem and delivering a result during the sales and marketing process -- before they’ve even bought anything from you.

The interesting psychology is that when you solve a problem and provide a result for someone, you open the way for a new bigger problem -- what I call a high class problem. In other words, this new bigger problem is a good problem to have since it’s really an opportunity.

The Start With an Experience Campaign P&S-M1V06 29:26

Now that you’ve designed the first row of your Customer Journey, let’s talk about how you can create a powerful first experience to start your journey with your customers.

I call this a Start With an Experience Campaign since it’s designed to provide an amazing experience for your prospects that turns them into buyers.

In Zero to Hero you learned how to have a basic enrollment conversation about your product and the Start with an Experience Campaign takes what you’ve already been doing to the next level.

In this training, I’m going to show you several real world student examples of effective Start with an Experience Campaigns and walk you through the process of putting together a campaign for your 1:1 coaching or consulting package, service offer or VIP Day.

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How You Get People to Mission Accomplished P&S-M2V01 23:20

Other than your Product Mission and Future Self Vision, the one thing that instantly adds the most amount of value to your offer is having a branded signature system or what I call a Bird’s Eye View.

This is the unique way that you get students, clients and customers from accepting your Product Mission to achieving Mission Accomplished.

It’s important to have a Bird’s Eye View even in 1:1 work. Many people don’t develop their signature system until they create leveraged 1:Few or 1:Many products, but it’s just as important in 1:1 coaching, consulting and services since people are paying premium prices to get a result as quickly and easily as possible.

I call this your Bird’s Eye View because it’s all about having that almost aerial perspective that allows you to map a clear route to the destination.

Wow Them With Your Bird’s Eye View P&S-M2V02 15:30

By the end of this training, you’ll have the language you need to wow potential clients with your Bird’s Eye View… or the unique way you get them from Mission to Mission Accomplished.

When someone truly believes that you can get them what they want, a lot of the fear and doubt that has them clinging on to the fence just disappears.

Many people think they only need to market the outcome of their work. But the truth is that it’s just as important to market your process or technique OR the way your customers get to the outcome.

People are sophisticated and they don’t buy into blanket claims of results unless they can see the proof of how you’re going to get them to that result.

ACCELERATE 150 Programs & Services That Change Lives Module 2 Crafting Your Premium Offer

The Power of a Great Name P&S-M2V03 50:09

The names you give your products and services are part of the critical first impression you make in the hearts and minds of your audience. Names form a key part of both how you perceive yourself and how the market perceives you and refers to you in conversation. If you have a funny name you get to be the kid who was teased on the playground… and if you have a cool name, you get to be the resident hottie.

As your tribe gets to know you better, your name begins to go beyond the first impression and carry with it a whole set of associations, feelings, and memories. Your name starts to carry the charge of all the experiences your tribe has had with you, positive or negative, so you want to choose your words carefully.

I’ve scoured the market over the last 6 years and identified 21 blockbuster templates for naming just about anything:

• your business or company • your books, products and services • your Bird’s Eye View, signature system, big idea, framework or technique • your podcast, blog or web TV show • and even your tagline, headlines and subtitles

Inside the How to Name Anything guide in your worksheets, you’ll find templates for anyone and everything -- though many of these applications fall outside the scope of this Incubator. In this video we’re focused exclusively on helping you craft a name for your $30K+ 1:1 offer. Not all of the 21 naming templates relate to products and services, so I’m only covering the relevant templates here. You can reference all the other templates in the How to Name Anything guide.

Nail the Details: Coaching & Consulting (Optional) P&S-M2V04 20:36

You’re here because you selected Coaching & Consulting out of the 3 types of premium programs we talked about in Module 1, Video 1 -- Your Next $2,500 Month.

Coaching and consulting is an easy place to start building your business without having to deliver a service. It also relieves the pressure of having to get big results for your clients in a single day, while giving you the opportunity to go deep with your clients over a longer period of time.

1:1 coaching and consulting programs allow you to give a lot of value and charge higher prices by providing a lot of support, access to you and customization.

In this training, you’re going to nail the details of your $30K 1:1 Coaching or Consulting Program -- this includes:

• deliverables • duration • price • bonuses • guarantee

These are considered features -- the features or selling points of your program.

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Nail the Details: Services (Optional) P&S-M2V05 28:34

This training is for you if you chose Service out of the 3 types of premium programs we talked about in Module 1, Video 1 -- Your Next $2,500 Month.

Services are one of the highest-value 1:1 offers you can make since they help your clients get the expert support they need to complete a project or achieve a goal. Many people would prefer to pay more to have something done with them or for them than to spend time learning how to do it themselves.

Now let’s nail the details of your 1:1 Service including:

• deliverables • duration • price • bonuses • guarantee

These are considered features -- the features or selling points of your service.

Nail the Details: VIP Day (Optional) P&S-M2V06 14:49

This training is for you if you chose VIP Day out of the 3 types of premium programs we talked about in Module 1, Video 1 -- Your Next $2,500 Month.

A VIP Day allows you to offer a rapid result or transformation in a very short time period -- just half a day or one full day. If you’re the type of person who likes to dive in and work intensively with your clients, this could be for you! It also gives your clients the added benefit of just making it happen as fast as possible.

So let’s nail the details of your 1:1 VIP Day including:

• deliverables • duration • price • bonuses • guarantee

These are considered features -- the features or selling points of your VIP Day.

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Your Premium 1:1 Offer, Described P&S-M2V07 30:45

Now that you’ve nailed the details of your offer, it’s almost time to start selling… and delivering it.

So my guess is that you may be wondering, “How the heck do I talk about this in a way that gets people interested?”

We got you covered. In this training, you’ll learn how to describe your product in a sales and marketing context.

You’ve already learned how to describe your product in a short 1-3 sentence way with your:

• pre-qualifying question (if you have one) • your product mission • your future self vision

In this training, we’ll expand that out into a slightly longer 3-5 paragraph description.

Your Idea to Market Blueprint P&S-M2V08 23:55

Welcome welcome welcome to your Idea to Market Blueprint… and the last training of Module 2: Crafting Your Premium Offer.

In this training, you’re going to define:

• your minimum, target and stretch goals for your product • financial projections so you know how many people you need to reach and how much you need to sell to reach those goals • when you plan on marketing and selling your product • when you plan to deliver your product

This will give you a clear plan going into Module 3: What to Do When They Say Yes, where you’ll create a world-class client experience so you can turn one time buyers into repeat customers.

Then in Module 4: What’s Next?, you’ll define exactly what you want to offer next, so your happy clients can continue their journey with you.

In this training, I’ll walk you through your Idea to Market Blueprint spreadsheet piece-by-piece, so you can fill this out as you go along and by the end of this training you’ll have your plan in place! Yeah baby.

ACCELERATE 153 Programs & Services That Change Lives Module 3 What to Do When They Say Yes

The Business Growth Paradox P&S-M3V01 18:44

During Your Offer in a Weekend, you learned that your role as a solopreneur -- or the CEO of your business is to: keep things going, know what’s important and see the future. That’s something I learned from my friend Lisa Sasevich.

And the way to fulfill on these roles is to understand how to prioritize your time, energy and attention as you grow your business.

I taught you a simple-yet-powerful business growth model that I developed based on the 6 main activities in your business:

• Business Development • Sales • Marketing • Fulfillment • Team Management • Admin

The key is knowing how much time to spend in each area at each Stage of Business Growth, so your business can continue to grow while still delivering huge results for your existing clients.

I call this the Business Growth Paradox because your business can’t grow without sales and marketing. It also can’t grow if you fail to deliver a quality experience to your clients.

Here’s where the paradox comes in: as your business grows and new clients come in the door, you’ll spend more and more of your time on fulfillment -- or delivering the products, programs and services you sold -- and it may feel like you have less and less time to spend on sales and marketing.

You Factor P&S-M3V02 32:00

For the rest of this module we’re going to focus on how you can design your programs and services to deliver results for your clients on demand, so you can feel 100% confident selling and serving your clients -- starting with how you’re showing up!

In the Blue Sky Stage of Business Growth, when you’re working with clients 1:1, who you are and how you’re being plays a huge role in the experience your client has -- and the results they get.

As Teddy Roosevelt famously said, “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care”.

Just like there’s a spectrum between connection and production in the Marketing Pyramid, I’ve noticed that people tend to fall somewhere on that same spectrum in terms of how they work with people. And how they show up for their clients.

ACCELERATE 154 Programs & Services That Change Lives Module 3 What to Do When They Say Yes

Experiencifying 1:1 Offers: Revisiting the First 3 Core P&S-M3V03 24:51 Experiences In the next 8 videos, you’re going to learn how to stack the 10 Core Experiences of the Experience Formula to create a winning streak that builds unstoppable momentum, allowing your clients to do things that they never thought possible.

You’ll learn how to stack as many of these 10 Core Experiences as possible into every aspect of the delivery of your 1:1 programs and services, so you’re doing more than just sprinkling in a few experiences here and there... you’re creating a real experience escalation that will inspire your clients to be more, feel more, do more, have more and achieve more.

And you’ll learn the specifics for experiencing 1:1 offers.

Experiencifying 1:1 Offers: Constant Wins P&S-M3V04 15:16

You’ve already learned that up to 60% of the value a client receives comes from their own level of commitment.

Now people are way more likely to stay committed through your program or service if they feel like they’re winning.

Constant wins allows them to gradually expand their capacity for action, change and to some extent risk and discomfort -- one small win at a time.

It is about creating a game your customer can win. You do this by giving them the experience of building up their confidence and motivation one small easy win at a time so they can feel good about the work you’re doing together and make their way step-by-step to bigger actions and bigger results. Almost like a child builds their skills and confidence by practice and by doing -- whether that’s at home, at school, or on the playground.

Experiencifying 1:1 Offers: Normalizing Challenges P&S-M3V05 20:14

Normalizing Challenges is something that most product creators completely overlook in their desire to get people from Mission to Mission Accomplished…

You could have the best product in the world, but if you don’t address the natural challenges people face as they do new things and try to change their lives for the better, chances are high that the vast majority of your customers will feel stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed and maybe even give up.

Why? Most people give up on their hopes, dreams and goals before they reach them. The gravitational pull of the way things are is just too strong. And when you combine that with the natural survival instinct that keeps us safe, it’s hard for most people to reach escape velocity.

It’s important to remember that’s why the whole self-help industry exists and why you and I are in business.

ACCELERATE 155 Programs & Services That Change Lives Module 3 What to Do When They Say Yes

Experiencifying 1:1 Offers: Peak Experiences P&S-M3V06 13:20

If you want to keep your customers engaged emotionally as well as mentally, you need to integrate Peak Experiences into your programs or services.

The concept of peak experiences was originally developed by our favorite psychologist, Abraham Maslow back in 1964. According to Maslow, “Peak experiences are a euphoric mental state achieved by self-actualizing individuals or people who are committed to maximizing their potential and becoming all they can and want to be.”

Peak experiences happen based on external events usually related to sports, art, religion, nature, connecting with another human being or the process of seeing or discovering something for the first time.

Experiencifying 1:1 Offers: Feedback Loops P&S-M3V07 20:43

This experience has the most potential for viral sharing of all 10 of the core experiences. So you’re going to want to take extra notes on this one.

A feedback loop is a term that originated in science to describe a system where outputs are routed back in as inputs to create a cause-and-effect loop.

In layman’s terms, that means that you ask for input on your outputs. In other words you teach or share something, then ask your clients what they learned, experienced or did as a result of what you taught or shared.

Experiencifying 1:1 Offers: Community P&S-M3V08 08:37

Humans are naturally a tribe-based animal. We’re hard-wired for community, because we have a greater chance of success and survival together than we do apart. So it can be motivating to create opportunities for your clients to interact not just with you, but with each other.

Experiencifying 1:1 Offers: Unstoppable Momentum P&S-M3V09 13:46

When it comes to constant wins, it’s not enough to win for the sake of winning. This isn’t about pulling the lever and winning at the slot machines.

It’s important that you connect each win as one step on the Bird’s Eye View journey from Mission to Mission Accomplished. Your clients want to feel like each win is meaningful and that, with each action, they’re actually making forward progress and building momentum toward Mission Accomplished. Rather than experiencing the start and stop, hurry up and slow down rhythm that most programs and services unintentionally create.

ACCELERATE 156 Programs & Services That Change Lives Module 3 What to Do When They Say Yes

Experiencifying 1:1 Offers: Mission Accomplished P&S-M3V10 07:22

Universally, we all have a deep need to feel a sense of completion, so the best programs and services have a clear beginning and a clear end. You want to give your clients the feeling of satisfaction of actually completing your programs and getting across the finish line to Mission Accomplished by really creating the space to celebrate the end of your program or service. Plus, a great Mission Accomplished celebration is a great place to suggest what they should buy next to continue the journey of transformation with you. We all want to know what the next challenge is, right?

10x Your Client Delivery P&S-M3V11 31:25

In this training, you’ll learn how to 10x your client delivery. In other words, how you can deliver your programs and services in a way that your clients are 10x more engaged, get 10x higher results, and are 10x more likely to refer you and invest in you over and over again.

Client Delivery Systems & Tech: Handling Payment P&S-M3V12A 09:49 Plans - like a boss! Payment plans make it easier for people to say yes to your offer. In this video I’ll walk you through two different options to set up payment plans for your clients.

Client Delivery Systems & Tech: All about Zoomin’ P&S-M3V12B 06:38

Zoom is a great way to connect with clients and leads over the internet with video. In this Tech Turton clip I’ll show you all the basics you need to get started.

Client Delivery Systems & Tech: Dropbox and P&S-M3V12C 06:55 File Sharing

Dropbox is the best known file sharing system on the market and for good reason. It allows you to access your files anywhere in the world and to share them with your clients with ease.

Client Delivery Systems & Tech: Creating P&S-M3V12D 08:06 Collaborative Docs & More with Google Docs Tech Google Docs are a great way to collaborate and share information – today we’ll go over the basics to get you up and running.

ACCELERATE 157 Programs & Services That Change Lives Module 3 What to Do When They Say Yes

Client Delivery Systems & Tech: Leveraging 17Hats P&S-M3V12E 05:39

Inc Magazine calls 17Hats “A Perfect Business Tool For Solopreneurs.” Let’s check it out.

Moment 1 of Day 1 P&S-M3V13 27:33

In this training, you’re going to learn The Art of Creating Engagement from Day 1. You’re going to learn how to create an onboarding experience that welcomes your new clients into your world and lets them know that you see them, you’re glad they’re here, and reassure them that they’re in the right place. They made the right choice… and together you’re going to do some incredible things.

I’ll walk you through the process of creating a custom onboarding experience that welcomes new people to your world and puts a little wind beneath their wings so they can get in the air and take flight toward Mission Accomplished.

Setting Clear Expectations: Coaching & Consulting P&S-M3V14 39:43 (Optional)

If there’s one thing that’s more important than anything else when it comes to 1:1 client work, it’s setting clear expectations, agreements and boundaries right at the start of a project.

Otherwise, it’s so easy for your clients to misunderstand or misremember the scope of your work together and spin into the Downward Death Spiral.

Your 1:1 clients need to know:

• where they are • where they’re going • what’s happening • what’s expected of them each step of the way • and what they can expect of you each step of the way

Otherwise they make assumptions that may or may not be true… and assumptions are the root of misunderstanding, resentment and dissatisfaction.

ACCELERATE 158 Programs & Services That Change Lives Module 3 What to Do When They Say Yes

Setting Clear Expectations: Services (Optional) P&S-M3V15 19:37 Googledocs Tech

If there’s one thing that’s more important than anything else when it comes to 1:1 client work, it’s setting clear expectations, agreements and boundaries right at the start of a project.

Otherwise, it’s so easy for your clients to misunderstand or misremember the scope of your work together and spin into the Downward Death Spiral, especially when it comes to service offers with real timelines and deliverables.

Your 1:1 clients need to know:

• where they are • where they’re going • what’s happening • what’s expected of them each step of the way • and what they can expect of you each step of the way

Otherwise they make assumptions that may or may not be true… and assumptions are the root of misunderstanding, resentment and dissatisfaction.

ACCELERATE 159 Programs & Services That Change Lives Module 4 What’s Next?

Define Your Next Step P&S-M4V01 18:57

Most people teach that the path to increasing your revenue is getting more leads and getting more traffic.

But there’s something super important that we sometimes “forget” in the chase for more more more: Your existing customers are 12x more likely to buy from you than someone who hasn’t bought from you before. So if you’re only focused on getting new leads and getting new traffic, then you’re working 1200% too hard to grow your business.

Get a Business-Building Testimonial P&S-M4V02 07:24

Testimonials create powerful social proof. So what exactly is that?

Well, social proof is the human tendency to consider the behavior of others when making your own choices.

Robert Cialdini defines social proof as “the tendency to see an action as more appropriate when others are doing it” and says that social proof has the most influence when you’re uncertain what to do. In other words, social proof is most influential when you’re considering making an investment but haven’t decided yet.

You can provide social proof through testimonials.

The Art of Reenrollment P&S-M4V03 06:35

If you were to look at the backend of most successful businesses, you would find that the majority of their profit comes from repeat customers, not new ones.

This is because it’s always more expensive to get a new client than to keep an old one.

And it’s easier than you may think to keep current clients or sign past clients back up to work with you again.

So let’s talk about The Art of Re-enrollment and how you can set yourself up for success.

Have Your Re-enrollment Conversation P&S-M4V04 11:34

You learned in the last training, The Art of Re-enrollment, that most successful businesses, receive a majority of their profit from repeat customers, not new ones.

And that it’s always more expensive to get a new client than to keep an old one.

So now that you understand the basics about the re-enrollment process. Learn what to say in your re-enrollment conversations and how to set up them up so that clients can say, “yes” to continuing to work with you.

ACCELERATE 160 Programs & Services That Change Lives Module 4 What’s Next?

How to Ask for Referrals with Grace P&S-M4V05 15:11

Ask most business owners what one of the best sources of new clients is and they’ll likely say word-of-mouth. Word-of- mouth referrals leverage the credibility and trust of another person to bring in business.

For a small business or a business just starting out, seeking out referrals is an excellent low or no cost strategy to bring in high quality leads.

But how do you take something like word-of-mouth referrals, which depends on the spread of information socially and organically, and create a marketing strategy around it?

That is what we’ll cover in Asking for Referrals with Grace…

Transitioning to a New Agreement P&S-M4V06 05:49

Since you’re becoming a superhero at creating experiences for your clients and customers, you’re bound to have many of them want to continue on with you beyond your initial agreement.

In this video we’re going to tackle how to support that transition so that they feel closure on the previous agreement and integrate the growth and transformation they’ve already experienced so they can get the most out of the next step.

And you’ll learn how to kick off the new agreement right!

Goodbye for Now P&S-M4V07 08:53

All good things come to an end, at least for awhile…

Not every client will want or need to continue on with you beyond their current agreement. And that’s a-okay.

What’s important is how you help them transition out of the program so there’s closure, a sense of accomplishment, and goodwill. You want them to leave your current agreement on a high note.

And, if you do it right, your goodbye will lead to more business down the road. :)

Celebration & Next Steps P&S-M4V08 19:46

Your mission in this Incubator was to package your expertise into a premium program or service that’s certain to deliver the results you promise through a branded signature system, so you can feel 100% confident selling and serving your clients.

You can now rest assured that you have a proven program that you’re proud of and the language you need to sell it.


Most entrepreneurs live in “feast or famine” mode where sometimes there’s plenty of clients and money coming in and then sometimes it dries up. They have no consistency or stability and it always feels like a struggle.

What separates a real business from an expensive hobby is the ability to consistently get clients and make sales -- month after month.

In this Incubator you’ll focus on building your client pipeline so you have a steady flow of new clients ready and excited to work with you and predictably bring in at least $2,500/month so you can make the leap to doing your business full-time. You’re now a real full-fledged entrepreneur.

You’ll create the rock-solid systems and skills you need to start earning a good living doing what you love. Imagine the peace of mind you’ll feel knowing that you have a real business and growing income you can rely on.

ACCELERATE 162 The Client Pipeline Module 1 The Power of Numbers

Breaking the Feast or Famine Habit TCP-M1V01 12:22

So what exactly is a 1:1 sales pipeline?

Technically, a sales pipeline is a visual snapshot of exactly where sales prospects are in the buying process, so you can track the progress of potential deals and income. The idea of a pipeline is that you want to have prospects at each stage of the pipeline at all times, so you have a constant flow of income coming into your business -- just like you would turn on the faucet in your house and have a steady stream of water, you turn on your pipeline and have a steady stream of prospects and ultimately buyers.

90 Days to Mission Accomplished TCP-M1V02 15:02

Remember Peter Drucker’s words: “The purpose of a business is to create a customer.”

Now that may sound crass since business is about so much more than that -- business is about realizing your highest potential and becoming the person you’re meant to be, business is about self-expression and sharing your gifts with another, and -- most of all -- business is about making an impact in the lives of your clients.

But here’s the thing: none of that can happen if you don’t have paying clients. People can’t fully receive your work if they’re not paying for it. If they don’t have real skin in the game, they’re less likely to value the transformation you’re offering, much less integrate it into their lives. And you may even start to feel resentful because the people you’re helping are taking and taking without giving back.

So it’s important to remember that while you have a big altruistic why, selfish why and intrinsic why for your business, the real purpose of a business is to create a customer.

Reverse Engineer Your Success (Optional) TCP-M1V03 21:14

In this optional training, we’re going to help you reverse engineer your path to making back your investment, doubling your investment or whatever financial goal you want to achieve before Mentorship is over. We’re going to revisit and revise your Idea to Market Blueprint, which includes:

• your minimum, target and stretch goals for your product • financial projections so you know how many people you need to reach and how much you need to sell to reach those goals • as well as when you plan on marketing your product • and when you plan to deliver your product

The 5-Day Plan TCP-M1V04 7:42

In this training, you’re going to learn how to create a 5-Day Plan for reaching Mission Accomplished and beyond, one week at a time.

ACCELERATE 163 The Client Pipeline Module 2 Build a Rock Solid Pipeline

Chatterbox on Steroids TCP-M2V01 9:37

In this training you’re going to learn how to become a rainmaker for yourself and your business.

According to good ‘ole Wikipedia: “A rainmaker is a person who brings in new business and wins new accounts almost by magic, since it is often not readily apparent how this new business activity is caused. It means generating substantial new business or additional cash flow from sources sometimes outside established business channels, sometimes by connecting with people in non-traditional or hidden markets, and sometimes by prompting current clients to spend more money.”

In other words, a rainmaker sees opportunity everywhere… when you put your Chatterbox Campaign on Steroids, you’ll ultimately make the shift from waiting for opportunities to land in your lap to creating them.

Design Your Pipeline Strategy TCP-M2V02 10:00

In our very first training of this Module, you learned about the 5-6 Stages of a Client Pipeline.

You sketched out the 5-6 stages of your pipeline, which included:

• choosing 2-3 consistent forms of prospecting or lead generation • your qualification process • understanding the consideration and decision phases • writing a proposal if you need one • and defining how long it will take the average prospect to go from Stage 1 to Stage 5 the close

In this training, we are going to drill down deeper and revisit each stage of your pipeline so we can refine your overall strategy.

Nurture & Follow-Up TCP-M2V03 16:41

Now that you’ve defined the 5-6 stages in your Client Pipeline… it’s important to remember that the goal of a Pipeline is to move prospects through it -- from the beginning to the end.

Remember, it takes 5-7 interactions to turn a prospect into a buyer in the average 1:1 sales process, which is why it’s so important to have a client pipeline.

At every single stage in the Pipeline, it’s important to nurture and follow-up with your prospects so they make it all the way through to the Decision Stage and hopefully the Sale Stage.

ACCELERATE 164 The Client Pipeline Module 2 Build a Rock Solid Pipeline

Creating a Referral Program TCP-M2V04 14:15

Many talented coaches, consultants and service providers are able to build thriving 1:1 practices through referrals alone. Yet so many people hesitate to ask for referrals since they don’t want to impose on their clients.

You’re not asking for referrals from strangers. You’re asking for referrals from people who you have personally helped, and when you’ve helped someone change their lives, they want to help you in return. And not just help you, they want to help other people experience the same kind of transformation that they’ve experienced.

For them, it’s not an imposition -- it’s a win, win, win:

• They get to win by helping you, helping a friend or associate and often receiving some kind of gift or perk from you in exchange • You get to win by getting a new client • And their friend gets to win by receiving the transformation you have to offer

Double Down in Your Hub Communities TCP-M2V05 8:37

So often we spend all our time trying to do everything by and for ourselves when the fastest easiest path to get what we want is through community.

It’s virtually impossible to build a business alone, so I highly recommend you take the time to double down in your Hub communities -- whether that’s becoming a bigger part of someone else’s community or forming your own.

Mining Your Value Network for Referrals TCP-M2V06 7:54

In this training we’re going to talk about asking for referrals from people you already know, whether that’s people you meet in your Hub communities, friends or even clients.

In our 6 Degrees of Separation training in Zero to Hero you learned about the importance of nurturing and tapping into your value network.

Your value network are the people you contribute to on a regular basis such as your friends, family, peers, coworkers, acquaintances and customers -- all the people that you already know, as well as the people that they know.

A value network is based on the principle of “give and you shall receive” or my favorite Zig Ziglar quote, “You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough other people what they want.”

Remember, most opportunities come from other people, but the question is:

How do you ask people for referrals without coming across as desperate or sleazy?

ACCELERATE 165 The Client Pipeline Module 2 Build a Rock Solid Pipeline

Finding Referral Partners TCP-M2V07 6:21

A referral partner is someone with a complementary business who refers clients to you on a regular basis and often vice versa.

What’s in it for them?

#1 - they get to help their clients in ways they can’t personally provide.

#2 - they’re hoping to get referrals back from you.

#3 - it’s customary to pay a referral fee. So they get paid for their referrals.

Facebook Prospecting TCP-M2V08 4:44

I hope you can see by now that all business is about relationships. It’s about your prospects getting to know you and you getting to know your prospects…

And there’s no better place to get to know people online than Facebook, where people self-identify and organize by interest, location and even relationship status.

Share Yourself Consistently & Vulnerably on FB TCP-M2V09 16:11

Now that you see that there are lots of places you can engage people about your business on Facebook -- from your personal profile, in groups related to your topic, in your own groups, and in groups around shared interests, in this training, we’re going to talk about how to actually share yourself consistently and vulnerably to get more people engaging with you….

After all, Facebook is designed for engagement. It’s based off likes, shares and comments -- so the goal is to post in a way that gets likes, shares and comments, then pivot that public engagement into private conversation.

Revisiting Your Pipeline Strategy & Schedule TCP-M2V10 4:39

In this training, we’re going to revisit your pipeline strategy and schedule. I know we’ve come back to this several times already but this is “The Client Pipeline” Incubator and our goal is to build your client pipeline so you have a steady flow of new clients ready and excited to work with you and predictably bring in at least $2,500/month so you can make the leap to doing your business full-time.

ACCELERATE 166 The Client Pipeline Module 3 Sharpen Your Sales Skills

Breaking the Rules TCP-M3V01 9:01

Welcome to Module 3 of The Client Pipeline.

Over the next few trainings you’ll be working on sharpening your sales skills so you can transform more of the prospects that are starting to fill your pipeline into clients.

In this first training we’re going to have fun breaking the rules by developing your sales skills so you can create more fluidity in the sales process.

Learn by Proxy TCP-M3V02 7:55

In this training Christine, LYM’s Director of Sales is going to share with you how you can sharpen your sales skills by selling someone else’s program, product, or service. This gives you the opportunity to be mentored by someone further along on the entrepreneurial journey, to try out new methods or approaches to the sales process and to reach a higher volume of people so you can quickly uplevel.

Setting Clear Expectations TCP-M3V03 5:30

In this training we’ll tackle how to set sales conversations up for success by setting clear expectations with prospects.

So if you have run into the following problems:

• People that pick your brain but never buy • Coffee dates that never turn into enrollment conversations • Or missed appointments and no-shows

...we’re going to tackle how to set a better container for your discovery sessions so you never or almost never need to deal with these problems again.

Handle Objections Like a Boss TCP-M3V04 16:52

This is where you get ninja with sales objections and learn how to handle them with ease so you can help your prospect make an empowered decision about moving forward.

We’re going to tackle... Objections:

• Why your prospect has them • How best to handle them when they come up • What you can do to minimize ‘em • And how to handle “hidden objections” effectively

ACCELERATE 167 The Client Pipeline Module 3 Sharpen Your Sales Skills

Own the Conversation TCP-M3V05 5:44

Over the course of the past few trainings we’ve been working on honing your sales skills.

The last skill we’re going to tackle is how to own or control a conversation. This could be an initial meeting at a networking event, when inviting someone to an enrollment conversation or during the sales process.

Start with an Experience TCP-M3V06 32:23

The Start With an Experience Campaign is designed to provide an exclusive 1:1 experience through either:

• a free initial consultation or • a gift certificate for a discovery call or in-person session

This campaign is one of the simplest, easiest, low-tech ways to get potential customers in the door, if you’re a brick-and- mortar business or a service-based business that works with customers 1:1 such as coaches, healers, consultants and other professionals.

This can also work to enroll people into 1:Few programs that require a larger investment or time-commitment, where people aren’t likely to say yes without a 1:1 interaction or experience working with you.

This campaign is also an easy way to get started if you don’t have an email list or a lot of marketing experience, because you can fill your programs with just a few conversations. You don’t need to talk to a lot of people to get to mission accomplished.

ACCELERATE 168 The Client Pipeline Module 4 Extend Your Pipeline (Optional)

Create Your Golden Pipeline TCP-M4V01 10:11

I call this training Create Your Golden Pipeline because I’m going to introduce you to the idea of marketing diversification or building some redundancy into your prospecting and lead generation strategies so you always have a steady flow of new clients ready and excited to work with you.

This becomes more and more important the longer you’re in business as it’s possible to exhaust some marketing channels…

Start Your Own FB Group TCP-M4V02 13:37

In the Get Social training of Zero to Hero you learned that

There are two approaches to Creating a Chatterbox Lifestyle using Social Media:

• Finding the Hubs or Needle in the Haystack Communities • or Becoming the Hub

I recommended that everyone start by finding and leveraging the Hubs that already exist…

And I gave you a next, optional mission to become the Hub by creating your own FB group… You may not have been ready for that in the first few months of the program but you may be ready for it now…

So in this training, I’ll cover not just how to start the right FB group but how to manage and leverage that group once you’ve started it.

LinkedIn Prospecting TCP-M4V03 6:04

In this training I’m going to walk you through how to approach prospecting on LinkedIn…

And LinkedIn has a few distinct advantages:

• It’s more liberal than FB about what they allow in ad content, so there are fewer restrictions on advertising about money making opportunities • Since Microsoft bought LinkedIn in 2016, it’s really pouring a lot of resources into making the platform competitive with Facebook and Google • LinkedIn is focused on the business-to-business market so conversations are more professional than what you’ll find on Facebook -- instead of business opportunities being an interruption, it’s what people on LinkedIn are actually looking for • Finally, LinkedIn allows you to target companies with a certain number of employees or target people by job title, making any prospecting efforts a lot easier

ACCELERATE 169 The Client Pipeline Module 4 Extend Your Pipeline (Optional)

Start a LinkedIn Group TCP-M4V04 9:31

Another great way to do prospecting on LinkedIn is to create your own LinkedIn group…

I only recommend watching this training and considering a LinkedIn group if you’re a business-to-business company, since those are the kinds of people who are on LinkedIn.

That’s both a pro and a con of the platform.

On LinkedIn, people are specifically there looking to grow their professional network and find new business opportunities. So the right group, run well, can really help you build a community around meaningful business conversations.

That makes creating a LinkedIn group in addition to or instead of a Facebook group a real advantage if you’re B2B.

Start an Instagram Feed TCP-M4V05 23:16

In this training, I’m going to talk about starting an Instagram feed… who it’s for and who it’s not for.

Instagram is quickly becoming “the new Facebook.”

In the last 6 years, I’ve seen a lot of new social media platforms launch and then disappear. And then there are others such as Pinterest and Twitter that are still around but on the decline for most business use…

Instagram, on the other hand, has been growing like wildfire… and it’s where all the energy is. It kind of feels like the early days of Facebook before “pay to play” took over. There’s real community and real engagement and a lot of really well- known people -- such as Brendon Burchard -- still manage their own Instagram accounts.

As of September 2018, there were over 1 billion monthly active instagram users generating 4.2 billion likes a day.

Guest Blogging TCP-M4V06 10:17

In this training I’ll give you a quick intro to using guest blogging to leverage other people’s audiences to build your own.

If you express yourself well in writing, then blogging may be a great format for you to share your message and start building your audience.

The challenge with blogging on your own site is that if you don’t already have an audience and traffic coming to your site, it may feel like a bit of a ghost town, where you’re writing lots of content but not seeing any comments, likes, shares and engagement.

That’s why it’s super helpful to identify 1 or more sites that attract your ideal clients in droves and accept guest blog submissions.

ACCELERATE 170 The Client Pipeline Module 4 Extend Your Pipeline (Optional)

Start a Meetup Group TCP-M4V07 13:07

If you’re the kind of person who loves facetime, you may want to consider creating a local Meetup group around your topic.

This is similar to creating a Facebook group or a LinkedIn group, except -- instead of hanging out online -- you’re hanging out in person. And there’s nothing more powerful than gathering your ideal clients together in person on a regular basis.

The key -- as with all marketing -- is selecting a topic that will appeal to your ideal clients and pave the way for sales of your $30K 1:1 offer.

So in this training, I’m going to focus on how to think about and promote the events you want to put on through your Meetup using my own Meetup as an example.

Local Speaking TCP-M4V08 41:07

If you’re ready to take your message to the world in a bigger way, I know of no better way to get more clients and reach more people than local speaking… or what I call the Captive Audience Campaign.

And in this training, you’ll learn how to craft a live Captive Audience Talk, so you can speak your way to customers and sales, plus some ideas for how to to approach getting booked in your local community.

Finalize Your Pipeline Strategy TCP-M4V09 5:33

Most entrepreneurs live in “feast or famine” mode where sometimes there’s plenty of clients and money coming in and then sometimes it dries up. They have no consistency or stability and it always feels like a struggle.

What separates a real business from an expensive hobby is the ability to consistently get clients and make sales -- month after month.

So your mission in this Incubator was to build your client pipeline so you have a steady flow of new clients ready and excited to work with you and predictably bring in at least $2,500/month so you can make the leap to doing your business full-time. You’re now a real full-fledged entrepreneur.


Are you overwhelmed by everything you think you need to do to get your business going? Does it feel like there’s an unscalable mountain between you and simply doing what you love?

In this Incubator you’ll take the fast path to a beautiful website and create the basic business systems you need to market, sell and deliver your products, programs and services using online tools -- even if you’re a total newbie or scared of tech.

Once you’re done, you’ll breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you finally have an online presence that authentically represents you and speaks right to the heart of your ideal client, so you can be seen and get paid.

ACCELERATE 172 You Online Module 1 Meet Your Blue Sky Site

The Power of a Single Page YO-M1V01 10:01

Not a lot of people think about one page sites, yet they’re becoming a major trend in a world where websites are going increasingly mobile and big clunky sites are rapidly being replaced by simple elegant sites.

Now one page websites have another huge advantage -- they’re fast, easy and inexpensive to create -- something you can even take live in one day or less without spending any money at all beyond the cost of this program.

A one page website provides enough information to make you look and feel like a real business… even when you’re just getting started.

The Perfect Blue Sky Calls to Action YO-M1V02 12:55

The top 2 CTAs on your website are the top 2 ways you turn a visitor into a buyer.

Your #1 or primary CTA is featured either in the hero banner at the top of your site or somewhere on the top half of your home page.

Your #2 or secondary CTA is featured either in the bottom footer of your website or somewhere on the bottom half of your home page. In this training you’ll choose the primary and secondary CTAs for your one-page site.

There are 5 main categories of CTAs:

• Call Me CTAs • List Build CTAs • Buying CTAs • Engagement CTAs and • Browsing CTAs

Design Your Page Flow YO-M1V03 12:50

I often call a One Page Website a Blue Sky Website since it’s commonly used for emerging entrepreneurs who want to get their site done as quickly as possible so they can actually focus on growing their business.

You can think of your Blue Sky Website like “Version 1.0” of your site, which gives you a place to call “home” on the web and tells the world about your business… Without having to create multiple pages, a blog, and a dozen other things that can come later, once you’ve gotten some momentum going.

We believe a Blue Sky Site is the best way to start, because your site is bound to evolve rapidly as you get out there, talk to people, figure out what your business actually is and what your ideal customers actually want to buy.

The goal is to give you a beautiful home on the web that will bring you clients and income, without bogging you down in a huge site creation project that sucks weeks or months of your time.

ACCELERATE 173 You Online Module 1 Meet Your Blue Sky Site

Craft Your Lead to Client Process YO-M1V04 17:06

Welcome to Crafting Your Lead to Client Process. This is where we map out the journey a new visitor takes to becoming a prospect and ultimately a client… on your one page site.

We’re going to map out each call to action on your site and what happens once visitors hit each button and submit their information, because the real secret to turning a visitor into a client isn’t getting their information. It’s what you do once you have it! The magic is in the follow-up.

Otherwise you’re building a list of subscribers… and not a list of buyers. And there’s a big difference! One takes time and energy with little reward… and the other results in clients in hand, money in the bank and the impact you imagined.

Fast Result Freebie Campaign (Optional) YO-M1V05 36:52

If you want to use a Fast Result Freebie as one of your Top 2 CTAs you’re in the right place!

A Fast Result Freebie is a PDF, audio or video that provides a Fast Result related to the product you ultimately want to sell. Once you are clear about your offer, then it makes sense to start building a list of subscribers. That way, you’re building a list of subscribers who are actively interested in the topic of your offer. Rather than building a list who may or may not be interested in your offer.

The first step to profitable list building is creating a free gift that relates to your offer, so you can inspire people to sign up for your email list, while bringing them one step closer to becoming a client. This freebie is often called an opt-in gift. I’ve also heard it referred to as clickbait or a lead magnet.

In this training, you’re going to learn how to design free gifts that build your list and sell your products through a Fast Result Campaign.

Perfect Email Campaign Part 1: Win Them Over One YO-M1V06 51:49 Message at a Time (Optional)

It’s time to wrap a follow-up campaign around your initial List Build CTA that reliably turns subscribers into prospects and ultimately clients -- and that is your emails.

Emails -- or some kind of follow-up messages -- are a key part of pretty much every marketing campaign you will ever do. Even though email deliverability has been going down in recent years, email is still one of the most effective ways to keep in touch with your prospects and customers. In the next 2 trainings you’ll learn two essential email skills:

• The first is how to write individual emails that get opened, read and acted on -- which we’re focused on in this Part 1 Training • And the second is how to craft a Perfect Email Campaign to win your prospects over one message at a time -- which we’re focused on in the Part 2 Training

ACCELERATE 174 You Online Module 1 Meet Your Blue Sky Site

Perfect Email Campaign Part 2: How to Sequence YO-M1V07 26:28 Emails (Optional)

A Perfect Email Campaign is a series of emails designed to sell your offer. It’s usually clear from email #1 that your offer is only available at this price or in this form for a specific amount of time to create urgency. However, if you’re creating an email follow-up sequence for new website subscribers, this may not be possible since you need to write what’s called an “evergreen sequence” or an email sequence that can be delivered at any time -- whether someone subscribes to your list today or one year from now.

Most Perfect Email Campaigns last between 3-5 days.

On occasion people do quicker 24, 48 or 72 hour sales, but that’s harder to do if you don’t have a large, engaged tribe, so we’re focused on a 4-Day Perfect Email Campaign here in this training.

In an ideal world, I recommend providing 3 pieces of pre-launch value over a 3-7 day period leading into your Perfect Email sales campaign.

ACCELERATE 175 You Online Module 2 Design Your Blue Sky Site

Why Looks Matter YO-M2V01 28:45

In a world where thousands of people decide whether to do business with you simply by looking at your website -- making the right first impression is everything.

The visual aspect of your site is the very first thing that people see. It conveys a look and a feel and it sends instantaneous signals to your audience that you’re either the real deal or a wannabe trying to make your way.

When you get this right you create instant credibility for yourself and come across like an A player. The kind of business worth investing in… but when you get it wrong, it can instantly undermine everything you’ve worked so hard to create, because your first impression matters.

How the Pros Use Color Palettes to Send the Right YO-M2V02 15:36 Signals Let’s move on to color -- the second core element in your web design. In this training you’re going to learn how the pros use color palettes to send the right signals and build credibility.

Color can grab attention almost more quickly than any other visual element.

Color can instantly increase the attention value of your logo and website even before your visitor has had a chance to work out what you’re all about.

The reason color is so powerful is because it creates contrast, which is one of the 2 phenomena the human eye is designed to detect. The second thing is movement. Being able to detect contrast and movement are the 2 critical elements that literally ensure our survival as a species, allowing us to find food and avoid danger.

The 5 Essential Font Styles Your Site Needs to Be YO-M2V03 12:44 Taken Seriously

It’s time to move on to the 3rd essential element in your web design: your font palette.

I LOVE talking about fonts because very few people realize the full power of typography to transform the look, feel and experience of your site…

By consistently using the right font palette, you not only add to your business or personal brand, you can actually increase your conversions by calling attention to exactly what you want your visitors to focus on. And I’ll show you a really ninja way to do this in just a moment.

ACCELERATE 176 You Online Module 2 Design Your Blue Sky Site

Is it Business or Is It Personal? (Optional) YO-M2V04 13:29

In this training you’ll tune into whether you want to build a personal brand site or a business brand site, because this choice will impact your site URL and logo, and – of course – how people perceive your business.

The name you give your business is a huge part of the critical first impression you make in the hearts and minds of your audience. It forms a key part of both how you perceive yourself and how the market perceives you, as well as how your tribe refers to you.

How to Choose a Branded URL Your Audience Will YO-M2V05 13:17 Remember (Optional)

Your business name and URL are the most important elements in your brand, influencing your perception in the market more than any other factor. It’s how people refer to you in conversation whenever they talk about you.

I’ve seen hundreds of people stop dead in their tracks because they didn’t have a name and URL for their business… it’s like they couldn’t pass go. Now it’s not always so easy since there are over 1.5 billion websites online today and getting a good URL can be tough, especially if you want a .COM.

So how the heck do you choose a URL for your business, especially if the .COM isn’t available?

The Art of Instant Differentiation: Your Logo & Visual YO-M2V06 16:49 Branding (Optional)

You ready for the 4th essential element in your web design: your logo and visual branding. If you’re not saying yes, yes, yes, it’s important to understand that we live in an age where people Google everything… and I mean everything.

The challenge is that people make their judgments FAST. Most people are looking for an excuse to disqualify you so they can tune out and leave, rather than looking for an excuse to pay attention and stay. And the things that people naturally notice first are almost always visual.

Remember our Product Sales Sequence? You’ve got to get noticed before someone spends the time to find out what you do and why it matters. People instantly tune in to the visuals, quickly noticing eye-catching colors and design. They admire meaningful, high-quality images and read bold headlines that convey value. And they appreciate a clear, simple layout that’s easy to understand and navigate.

Unfortunately, this is exactly where most people fall down. Like all the best experts, you’re great at what you do, but you’ve noticed that these days, that’s not nearly enough.

You also know that you need to be sending the right signals – which means a core set of visual branding elements that looks like you, feels like you and gets you noticed… for the right reasons.

ACCELERATE 177 You Online Module 2 Design Your Blue Sky Site

Tell an Irresistible Story with Your Signature Photo YO-M2V07 11:46

Let’s move on to the 5th essential web design element: your signature photo and all the other photos you use to represent you and your work on your website and beyond.

Let’s start with that one irresistible photo of you then in the next training we’ll talk about other stock photo assets you may want to assemble for your website.

If you are the face and voice of your brand or the key reason why people choose to work with your company, then people need to see you and know what you look like. You can’t hide behind your work, or bury your photo on the About page of your website.

You have to truly step forward and allow yourself to be seen.

So let’s talk about what it takes to capture WHO YOU ARE in your signature photos.

The best signature photos tell a visual story of who you are. They allow your visitors to almost feel like they know, like and trust you in a single glance, paving the way for a deeper level of connection and relationship. And they align with your message, your brand and how you want to show up.

There are of course a couple approaches you can take.

Banner Design & Finding the Right Stock Imagery for YO-M2V08 21:17 Your Site

Now that you have a plan for taking your signature photo, let’s talk about the first place you’re going to want to use that photo: the top banner of your home page. And other stock photo options for your home page banner, in case you don’t want to lead with you... or you don’t have a photo you like.

Your home banner is perhaps the most important visual element on your entire website in that it makes an instant, lasting impact on your viewer. Either showing you’re a pro worth listening to and investing in or telling the opposite story.

This one element positions you at a glance and contributes to 80% of the visual impact your home page makes as soon as your visitor arrives. This one element can make or break your first impression. And tip the conversion scales towards your first call to action.

There are two kinds of home page banners:

• photo banners, which are also called Hero Banners for obvious reasons • and video banners

ACCELERATE 178 You Online Module 2 Design Your Blue Sky Site

3 Key Website Videos that Instantly Captivate YO-M2V09 11:50 Visitors (Optional)

It’s finally here -- the 6th essential-yet-optional web design element: your website videos.

When people get started online, they dream of having a website that will attract hundreds of their ideal prospects, and they dream of creating a business that can deliver them a different, better lifestyle.

In today’s world, it’s no secret that video is unquestionably the best, the quickest and the most effective way to get your message out in a huge way. While a great photo can convey the essence of who you are in a glance, a video can capture and hold your visitors attention for minutes at a time or longer.

That’s invaluable in a world where 55% of all website visits last less than 15 seconds. Because when you can defy the laws of internet physics and hold someone’s attention, you have the opportunity to not just form a relationship but to transform someone’s life with who you are and what you do.

Not only does video allow you to reach thousands or even millions of people that you’ll most likely never meet, it allows your audience to look into your eyes and see into your soul.

Design Your Top & Bottom Nav YO-M2V10 20:38

In this training we’re actually working on both the top and the bottom nav -- so the very top of your site and the very bottom, then once we have these bookends in place, we’ll fill in the rest of your site over the next 5 trainings.

Craft Your Hero Banner YO-M2V11 18:14

Your hero banner is arguably the most important section on your entire site because it’s the very first thing your visitors see. Consequently, it has a huge -- almost disproportionate -- effect on whether your visitors will stay, click on your call to action button or scroll down the page.

Let’s start designing your home page starting with your hero banner.

The most important thing you need to understand is that your hero banner must pass the first 3 steps of our 5-Step Product Sales Sequence:

• it must get noticed through your imagery • and convey what it is and why someone should care through your copy

And it also prompts new visitors to take your top call to action.

Just remember that most websites convert at less than 1%. So if you’re converting 1-3% of new visitors into subscribers you’re doing well… So your hero banner has to do some heavy lifting...

ACCELERATE 179 You Online Module 2 Design Your Blue Sky Site

About You & About Them YO-M2V12 14:57

In the last training you designed your hero banner at the tippity tippity top of your page, now in this training we’re going to scroll down a smidge and design your About You & About Them section…

That’s usually the very next section on your home page, unless you choose to add a Featured Media or Featured Clients bar right under your hero banner for social proof.

But first let’s talk about the all important About You & About Them section…This is usually 1-3 sub-sections of images and text that elaborates on the questions: what is it and why should I care?

You can also choose to add a video to this section. I call this the About You & About Them section because even though you’re sharing more about who you are, what you do and why it matters, you want to do it in the context of who your visitors are.

If you have more than one subsection within About You & About Them, you may even want to include a section that’s specifically about them.

Define Your Pathways YO-M2V13 6:55

I like to compare your Get Started Pathways to an air traffic controller that points her signal lamps down the runway to guide incoming planes to the right gates.

Your Get Started Pathways are designed to guide each type of visitor who may be coming to your site to the right place for them -- whether that’s a modal or a new page that covers a next step, paid offer or free gift that’s appropriate to them.

Social Proof (Optional) YO-M2V14 09:41

In this training, you’re going to craft your social proof section.

I like to put social proof in the form of testimonials right under the “pathways” section, because you’re asking a lot of your new visitors to click deeper into your site, so you want to reinforce the pathway options above this section with social proof. The best social proof is not what you say about yourself, but what others say about you.

What Happens When They Click: CTAs & Pop-Ups YO-M2V15 13:32

Now it’s time to craft the additional call to actions on your page, as well as the modals associated with the main CTAs on your home page -- whether they’re in your hero banner, your extended footer, your Get Started Pathways or somewhere else. In other words, we’re going to define what happens when they click.

ACCELERATE 180 You Online Module 2 Design Your Blue Sky Site

Squeeze ‘Em Tight: Design Your Opt-In Pages YO-M2V16 18:42

A squeeze page is called a squeeze page because it’s designed exclusively to squeeze visitors through one specific action and only one specific action: usually opting-in for some kind of Fast Result Freebie, free consultation, or webinar.

When you opt-in for something, you leave your email address and often your first name in order to receive something of value.

Thank ‘Em Right - Craft Your Confirmation Pages YO-M2V17 13:52

The Confirmation Page. This is where you give thanks and praise to your new subscribers for signing up… and make them feel good about entering your world.

You can also reference this training as you craft the confirmation modals for the Top 2 CTAs on your single page site.

ACCELERATE 181 You Online Module 3 Launch Your Blue Sky Site

Ready, Set, Launch YO-M3V01 07:38

The biggest challenge in taking your site live is simply knowing when to step away from the canvas… and say “My website is done -- enough.”

Keep in mind that websites today aren’t static brochures, they’re dynamic representations of your business that evolve as your business evolves. In other words, the best websites stay current and how your business will look 3 months from now is different from how your business looks today… that’s why it’s so important to just take your site live. You don’t need a perfect site to start turning visitors into subscribers and subscribers into clients… you simply need a good site… and after going step-by-step through You Online, I’m pretty certain that your site will be better than good.

So that means it’s time to take your site live!

Basic Website SEO YO-M3V02 21:18

In this training, you’ll discover the specific keywords and phrases to add to your pages to improve your search engine rankings so more people will find you at the precise moment they most need you.

Officially, this topic area is called ”SEO” or “Search Engine Optimization” and broadly speaking, it’s a mixture of all the things that you do on your website to make your content findable by Google (and therefore, your prospects!) and the things you do off your website to drive more traffic to you.

In this training, we’ll focus on what’s called “on-site” SEO or what Google needs to know about your website.

Create Your Web Forms YO-M3V03 07:10

In this training, you’ll discover the two main types of web forms websites use to allow customers to easily connect with them.

Set Up an Email & Buy Buttons YO-M3V04 07:10

In this training, you’ll discover how to create a branded email address using G Suite which will also allow you to use Google Docs and other Google services. We’ll also talk about how to set up buy buttons through PayPal so people can buy from you!

Redirect Your URL YO-M3V05 03:27

In this training, you’ll discover how to transform your funny looking meanless url into a beautiful branded url like www.

ACCELERATE 182 You Online Module 3 Launch Your Blue Sky Site

Link to an Online Schedule YO-M3V06 15:09

In this training, you’ll discover how to link to your online calendar so your clients can quickly and easily find a time that works for them to connect with you.

Test Everything & Go Live YO-M3V07 05:05

In this training, you’ll discover the 4 things you need to check before you take your website live.

Share Your Site with the World YO-M3V08 07:09

If you’ve been building your site as we go through this Incubator, in the last training you took your site live! Now it’s time to share your brand spanking new website with the world…

Cause here’s the thing: even though you hit “publish,” no one’s going to see your site -- at least at first -- until you let them know it exists…

Many people have the “if you build it they will come” mentality when it comes to websites…

Unfortunately, that’s usually not the case…

While having a website is powerful -- and we are absolutely going to celebrate that -- the next step is driving traffic to your website and putting it to work for you.

ACCELERATE 183 ACCELERATE 184 MOMENTUM ACCELERATE MOMENTUM ACCELERATE INCUBATORS. Accelerate Incubators are exclusively available to Accelerate & Amplify members and will feature the bulk of the trainings you’ll need on your unique journey.

Each of your Missions has recommended trainings attached to it and you’ll find most of these in this section of your binder.


Many entrepreneurs struggle to make a good income from their business. They find themselves working harder and harder for longer and longer hours without making a quantum leap in their income or achieving the lifestyle they desire.

In this Incubator you’ll build a customer journey that turns your ideal prospects into buyers, and buyers into repeat customers and raving fans, so you can leverage your time through group offers and remove the income ceiling in your business. This essential step eliminates 1:1 burnout from your business, for good.

By the end of this Incubator, you’ll have everything you need -- from opt-in gift to premium group program -- to make a 6-figure+ income, while building your tribe and serving your clients at the deepest possible level.

Imagine working fewer hours, while making more money, and a bigger difference. That’s all possible when you take our unique customer journey approach to creating your products and serving your clients.

ACCELERATE 186 Tao of Product Creation Module 1 Your 6-Figure Customer Journey


In this first training, you’re going to learn the exact pathway to doubling or even 10xing your impact and income over the next year…

While doing LESS work getting traffic and new customers into your business… and getting better results for your clients and customers.

You’ll also see how I’ve implemented this pathway in my own business to go from my very first offer to making over $3M in 2017 and serving a tribe of over 80,000 people.

And you’ll see why traditional “sales funnels” are NOT the best way to build your business, and what you should be doing instead to double your business.


Your entire Customer Journey and Message to Money Pathway is reverse engineered from what it is that you really want your customer to achieve.

On the Message to Money Pathway side of this model, I call this your Ultimate Promise, since it’s the Big Promise you’re making to your customers. It’s the big dream you invite them to live, which may seem almost unattainable when they first start their journey with you, but still feels exciting and compelling… Your Ultimate Promise is how they will “save themselves” or even “save the world” with what they’ve accomplished. It’s the “reach for the stars and grab them” promise that you can deliver -- not to everyone who works with you -- but to the special few that make it all the way through everything you have to offer.

On the Customer Journey side of this model, I call this the Ultimate Result. Because this isn’t just a promise you make, it’s a result that your students, customers and clients can actually attain. It’s what becomes possible after they’ve walked from the beginning of your Customer Journey... to the end.

Finding your Ultimate Result and Promise is critical to your success and it helps you find the meaning and connection between every single offer on your Customer Journey and Message to Money Pathway…


Most people think they’re in the business of providing products, services or solutions, but the truth is that you’re in the business of problem solving. You’re in the business of solving real problems for real people… and -- the bigger and more urgent the problems you solve -- the more readily people will line up to pay you... And the more they’ll pay you.

In this training you’re going to discover how to find a problem that people will gladly pay you to solve.

This is one of our longer and most valuable trainings, so stick with me here! I promise you it’s well worth your time and you’re going to have some huge insights along the way.

ACCELERATE 187 Tao of Product Creation Module 1 Your 6-Figure Customer Journey


Now that you’ve found the front door to your business, you understand how each of your offers serves one or more universal human needs, and you’ve brainstormed a whole list of problems you can solve, solutions you can offer and benefits you can deliver -- the question is: how do you put all this together so it makes sense -- for your customers and your business? This is where the Customer Journey and Message to Money Pathway model really kicks in. The power of this model is in the sequencing which turns a one-time buyer into a repeat customer. This is how you inspire more people to invest more money with you more often to make a bigger difference in their lives.

In this training, we’re focused on defining your 3-offer progression -- that comprises two rows of your Journey and Pathway -- and choosing which offer you want to focus on developing in this Incubator.


When it comes to pricing there are no rules, in the sense that pricing is not based on what you think you’re worth, it’s based on the value you can provide your customers, clients or students, as well as their perception of that value..

It’s really easy to psych yourself out and think you need more experience, more training, and more credentials before you can charge more money, when the truth is that people are paying for the results that you help them get… and -- while that passes through you -- it’s not about you…

It’s not about what you think you’re worth. Or your sense of self-worth. It’s not about your fears, doubts or insecurities. It’s about how much you can serve, the results you can provide, and the experience you can create for your customers….

The faster you take your sense of self-worth out of the equation, the faster you’ll be able to charge premium prices. Because -- remember -- pricing isn’t about you, it’s about your customers and their perception of the value you create in their lives. When you lead with value, the sky is the limit for pricing. So -- while there are no rules for pricing -- there are some general guidelines. Just keep in mind that anything I share with you is flexible.


Now that you’ve put a price tag on your products… maybe even a higher price tag than you’re comfortable with, the question becomes: What kind of result can you promise and ultimately deliver?

The answer depends on the value you provide, your competitive advantage, why your clients choose you over everyone else who does what you do. This is your promise, your unique way of doing what you do, serving your tribe or achieving an outcome that no one else can. Value lies at the intersection of what you offer and how you’re different.

When most people think about value or what makes their offers different, they think about what’s important or meaningful for them… but that’s not always what matters to your clients.

So how can you know with certainty what will be meaningful for your clients?

ACCELERATE 188 Tao of Product Creation Module 1 Your 6-Figure Customer Journey

Just like there are 17 universal human needs, value is also predictable. There are 12 kinds of value that people pretty much universally appreciated. I call these Value Levers because a lever is a simple tool that can move a disproportionate amount of weight. And value levers will do the heavy lifting for you and your clients.

When you create value in one of these 12 ways, you can’t go wrong, because you’ll be delivering value in a way that your clients universally recognize and value. These are 12 surefire ways to increase your value, sales and profits while being of service.


You’ve now defined some key aspects of your Customer Journey and Message to Money pathway:

• the ultimate result at the end of your product rainbow • the front door need, problem, solution and benefit behind your offers • how to sequence those problems and solutions to inspire more people to invest more money with you more often to make a bigger difference in their lives • how to match this progression of commitment and desire with a price progression • and how to add value levers to sweeten the promise behind your offers

Now let’s bring it all together by defining the premium 1:Few Offer you want to work on in this Incubator.


The promise or mission of your offer is a clearly defined goal or outcome that you can deliver for your students, clients and customers through your product, service or offer.

It’s something you want for them… but more importantly it’s something that they want for themselves, as well as something that they believe is possible for them to achieve. Your product mission isn’t just about what you have to offer, it’s about what they’ll be able to do, be, feel, have, overcome or achieve through your product.

In addition to telling your prospective customer what to do, you want to share why it matters and that’s where your future self vision comes in. Your future self vision is the flip side of your product mission. While the product mission explains the promise of exactly what they’ll do through your product, the future self vision or result explains why this matters, not to you, but to your tribe. In a way that creates a picture in their mind’s eye.

It answers the question: So what? What’s the benefit or result of accomplishing this mission? What will your life look like now that you’ve accomplished this?

Your mission and future self are most powerful when you use them together. They create a 1-2 punch.

ACCELERATE 189 Tao of Product Creation Module 2 Walking In Your Clients Shoes


Welcome to Module 2, which is all about Market Research -- a step way too many entrepreneurs miss in their haste to get new products, services and programs done and out.

But, when you take the time to really align your message with your ideal client, it translates into even more business and income, allowing you to serve more people than you ever thought possible. Once you do the market research to listen deeply -- you’ll start to really know your clients, you’ll understand who they are, how they speak, what they’re thinking, what they want, what’s stopping them from pursuing what they want, and even why they want what they want.

This deep clarity and understanding will form the basis of everything you say, write and do in your business – from your programs and services to your emails and social media posts. You’ll never be stuck for what to write or say. And you’ll never be left wondering if you’re missing the mark, whether anyone cares or if they’re really listening.

In this training, you’ll learn the How to Listen Framework to support you in the market research you’ll be doing in this module.


The best way to get insight into your ideal client’s problems and desires -- hands-down -- is to go straight to the source and ask them directly.

Of our 4 kinds of market research, one-to-one is by far the most powerful and a key part of defining any product, program or offer -- now and in the future.

It’s also the fastest way to break the perfectionist cycle and move into the Iterate Your Way to Awesome Cycle, where truly great ideas are formed.

In this training, you’ll learn how to do one-to-one market research plus some specific questions to ask.


1:Many market research allows you to leverage your time and connect to a lot of people at once.

Please note that this training and action step is optional since you may get all the input you need in your 1:1 Market Research Campaign. 1:1 market research is always more powerful than 1:Many. While you can choose to skip 1:Many market research if you’re at the Call Me Stage of Business Growth, I don’t recommend skipping 1:1 research.

You can do one-to-many market research through The Captive Audience Campaign (local speaking) or The Give Them What They Want Campaign (surveys). In this training, you’ll learn how to use surveys for sales, market research or validating your product ideas.

ACCELERATE 190 Tao of Product Creation Module 2 Walking In Your Clients Shoes


If you’re addressing a front door need -- chances are you’re not the first person to create an offer around your topic and you won’t be the last.

In fact, one quick way to validate your $50K offer idea is to see if other people are successful offering something similar.

Of course, you’ll bring a unique approach to your offers, but if you’re in a profitable niche, there will be other people in it. They’ll be other books, other Facebook groups, other products -- you name it -- devoted to your topic. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Each generation gets to build on the generations prior.

You get to learn from all that’s been done around your topic and decide how you want to make your unique contribution. Whether you choose to innovate, deepen, or more fully express. It’s important to recognize that while your work is unique, you’re standing on the shoulders of giants.

In this training, you’ll learn about our last two kinds of market research -- audience research online and competitive analysis or industry research online.

Audience research is simply about listening in to what your audience is saying about your topic online -- whether that’s on social media, blogs, Amazon, forums or discussion boards.

Competitive analysis is a fancy term for industry research or what other people in your field are doing.


You’ve done all this market research... and now it’s time to bring it all together into your customer vignettes.

A customer vignette is a brief evocative description, account, story, episode, or emotional moment that describes a particular reason why (or acknowledged need) one specific kind of person would want to use your product or service.

I named this after a small illustration or portrait photograph that fades into its background without a definite border. Since you’re basically framing the story of an individual student, customer or client… rather than trying to do one composite of all of them.

ACCELERATE 191 Tao of Product Creation Module 3 Craft Your $50K Offer


Welcome to Module 3: Craft Your $50K Offer… this is where you get to roll up your sleeves and hammer out all the remaining details of an offer that has the potential to add $50K to your bottom line this year, so you’re ready to Open the Client Floodgates in Module 4. Now that you’ve spent two weeks walking in your client’s shoes let’s come full circle and revisit the offer sheet you created at the end of Module 1.

Based on the market research you did, are you on the right track with everything on your offer sheet or do you want to pivot a few of your answers?

As my friend and client Justin Livingston says, “The value is in the debrief.”

For any marketing campaign or business initiative, it’s crucial to reflect back and see what’s working and what you would do differently. That’s how you iterate your way to awesome.


The names you give your products and services are part of the critical first impression you make in the hearts and minds of your audience. Names form a key part of both how you perceive yourself and how the market perceives you and refers to you in conversation.

If you have a funny name you get to be the kid who was teased on the playground… and if you have a cool name, you get to be the resident hottie.

As your tribe gets to know you better, your name begins to go beyond the first impression and carry with it a whole set of associations, feelings, and memories. Your name starts to carry the charge of all the experiences your tribe has had with you, positive or negative, so you want to choose your words carefully.

I’ve scoured the market over the last 6 years and identified 21 blockbuster templates for naming just about anything:

• your business or company • your books, products and services • your Bird’s Eye View, signature system, big idea, framework or technique • your podcast, blog or web TV show • and even your tagline, headlines and sub-titles

Inside the How to Name Anything guide in your worksheets, you’ll find templates for anything and everything -- though many of these applications fall outside the scope of this Incubator. In this video we’re focused exclusively on helping you craft a name for your $50K 1:Few offer. Not all of the 21 naming templates relate to products and services, so I’m only covering the relevant templates here. You can reference all the other templates in the How to Name Anything guide.

ACCELERATE 192 Tao of Product Creation Module 3 Craft Your $50K Offer


I’ve been through the product creation process many times now and I know what it feels like to stare at a blank screen -- where do you even begin? Welcome to The Hot Mess to Success Product Brainstorming Process. We’re going to use this process to:

#1 - fill in the details of exactly what someone gets once they say yes #2 - tune in to how your product is different from other similar products

I’m going to teach through demonstration here and show you exactly how I homed in on the idea for Experience Products -- as well as the 5 Modules of the Experience Product Masterclass and the 5 Modules of Tao of Product Creation, so you have a specific brainstorming process for how to tune in to all the component parts of your product as well as your Big Differentiating Idea and your Bird’s Eye View.

Your Big Differentiating Idea or BDI is like your secret sauce or what differentiates your product from other similar products that may serve the same front door needs and even some of the same value levers. You can create a $50K offer without a Big Idea, but identifying your BDI can take your product to the next, next level.

Your Bird’s Eye View Framework is the specific path from mission to Mission Accomplished, which includes your BDI but isn’t limited to it. I call this a Bird’s Eye View since it’s like an aerial map of the journey you’ll take your students, clients and customers on.


Now that you’ve gone through the Hot Mess to Success Product Brainstorming Process one or more times, you have a good sense of what’s inside your $50K product.

Now let’s define your Bird’s Eye View framework or the unique way you get someone from Mission to Mission Accomplished. Once you identify the big buckets or steps in your Bird’s Eye View, it’s time to define the features and benefits of each step in the Offer Mindmap template I’m giving you in this training.

Features are factual statements about your product. They’re what people actually get, but they’re not the biggest reason why people buy.

Benefits are why that matters to your students, clients and customers. Benefits answer the all-important question “so what” or “what’s in it for me?”

ACCELERATE 193 Tao of Product Creation Module 3 Craft Your $50K Offer


Now that you’ve mindmapped everything and you have a better sense of what’s inside your product and how to structure it -- the features and benefits of your Bird’s Eye View -- let’s explore your Big Differentiating Idea.

This is an optional training since you can make $50K with your product without having a BDI and it can be challenging to find a BDI within a brand new product that you’ve never sold or delivered before. It’s a lot easier to discover your BDI after you’ve gone a few laps around the Iterate Your Way to Awesome Cycle and you have some real world experience marketing and delivering your product.

Simply having a Bird’s Eye View framework -- like you do -- is enough to get you to Mission Accomplished for this Incubator.

That said, if you want to take your $50K product to the next level, then this training is for you.

The right BDI instantly differentiates you from everyone who sells a similar product or service and creates what I call a “Market of One” where you become the obvious choice for customers who want the result you promise because you’ve invented a big idea, tool or system that they can’t find anywhere else.

In this market, it can be hard to tell the difference between one entrepreneur and the next. With so many options, there often isn’t a clear choice of who to work with.

This goes beyond a Bird’s Eye View or the specific steps to get from Mission to Mission Accomplished and often redefines the way someone thinks about the process or the result.


Now that you’ve deep dived into your product and fleshed out your Bird’s Eye View Framework, it’s time to situate the elements of your product in the larger context of the Experience Formula.

These are the 10 Core Experiences you need to embed in your products to get your students, customers and clients hooked on taking action, hooked on getting results, and ultimately hooked on buying from you over and over again. By integrating all 10 of the Core Experiences in the Experience Formula into your products, you create what I call “Experience Escalation” -- that’s the unstoppable momentum your clients feel that virtually propels them across the finish line to Mission Accomplished. When you experiencify your products you can rest assured that you’re doing everything you can to set your students, clients and customers up for success and create a game they can actually win. That will give you confidence when it’s time to sell your offer in our next module.

And the good news is that you already have the first 3 core experiences: your mission, future self vision and your Bird’s Eye View framework. I’m going to quickly re-cap those first 3 Experiences here in Part 1 of your Experience Escalation Plan, so you can have everything in one place. Then in our next training -- Part 2 -- you’ll create the remaining 7 Experiences in your plan.

Your Experience Escalation Plan is your specific strategy for ramping your customers up through your product using small, simple, easy and engaging actions and experiences that escalate into big results by building their confidence, commitment, and momentum one step at a time, while eliminating distractions and addressing challenges that could stop them on their journey from mission to Mission Accomplished.

ACCELERATE 194 Tao of Product Creation Module 3 Craft Your $50K Offer


In the last training, we recapped our first 3 core experiences: your mission, future self vision and Bird’s Eye View framework.

In this training, you’re going to discover the remaining 7 core experiences in the experience formula: constant wins, normalizing challenges, peak emotional experiences, feedback loops, community, unstoppable momentum and Mission Accomplished…

When you bring these 10 core experiences together into your experience escalation plan, you create a game your customers can win, turning mission impossible into mission possible, and building a tribe who loves you and wants to buy from you over and over again.

CHOOSE YOUR PRODUCT TYPE: NOT ALL 1:FEW TPC-M3V08 10:41 PRODUCTS ARE CREATED EQUALLY Now that you’ve defined the super critical first 3 core experiences in your Experience Escalation Plan -- mission, future self, and Bird’s Eye View -- and you have a sense of the other experiences you want to deliver, it’s time to finalize the details of your product. All the little nuts and bolts things that people want to know before they say yes to you. These are the features of your product -- your actual deliverables – and the deliverables will vary based on what kind of product you’re creating.

There are several different types of 1:Few products:

• group coaching and training programs • done-with-you services or group implementation programs • retreats or workshops • and masterminds or extended 6-12 month group programs

In this video, you’re going to learn about each type of 1:Few offer, so you can choose your offer type and know which video to focus on next.

I’m dedicating one video to each type of 1:Few product, which is why Videos 9 through 12 are all labeled optional. You only need to watch the video that relates to the type of product you’re creating.

ACCELERATE 195 Tao of Product Creation Module 3 Craft Your $50K Offer

NAIL THE DETAILS: GROUP COACHING & TPC-M3V09 34:25 TRAINING PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) This is the first of our 4 optional videos based to help you nail the details of your 1:Few program. You only need to watch the video associated with the type of 1:Few program you choose in Video 8. So if you chose a different product type, go to that specific video.

Group coaching and training programs are usually the easiest place to start since they allow you to leverage your time without needing to deliver a service, have the overhead of a live event, or create an extended program that will you tie you up for the next 6-12 months when you’re just discovering the best 1:Few product for you.

1:Few group coaching and training programs allow you to give a lot of value and charge higher prices by providing more support, community and customization than 1:Many training programs.

In this training, you’re going to nail the details of your 1:Few Group Coaching and Training Program -- this includes:

• deliverables • duration • price • bonuses • guarantee

NAIL THE DETAILS: DONE-WITH-YOU SERVICE OR TPC-M3V10 35:19 IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) This training is for you if you chose Done-With-You Service or Implementation Program out of the 4 types of 1:Few products you learned about in Video 8. Otherwise, you can skip this training.

A Done-With-You Service or Implementation Program allows you to leverage your time while helping your clients get the expert support they need to complete a project or achieve a goal more affordably than paying someone to do it for them.

Some services are inherently done-with-you. There are a lot of things you can’t hire people to do for you, such as eating well or building a new life skill. And, while you can pay someone for services such as marketing, interior decorating and product creation -- some people prefer to be part of the process, rather than hiring out the entire project to be done for them.

In this training, you’re going to nail the details of your 1:Few Done-With-You Service or Implemetation Program including:

• deliverables • duration • price • bonuses • guarantee

ACCELERATE 196 Tao of Product Creation Module 3 Craft Your $50K Offer


This training is for you if you chose a Retreat or Workshop from the 4 types of 1:Few products you learned about in Video 8. Otherwise, you can skip this training.

A retreat or workshop offers the greatest level of transformation of any type of 1:Few offer since there’s nothing more powerful than either getting a group of people together in a room or doing a virtual immersion.

Keep in mind that retreats and workshops are one of the hardest types of programs to market and fill, unless you’re focused on a local audience. Any time people have to travel or be available on specific dates; you’re going to bump into some challenges. That said, they’re often worth the effort, since they create huge intimacy and allow people to fully immerse in a particular topic, outcome or transformation and make fast progress.

In this training, you’re going to nail the details of your Retreat or Workshop including:

• deliverables • duration • price • bonuses • guarantee

NAIL THE DETAILS: MASTERMIND OR EXTENDED TPC-M3V12 36:12 GROUP PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) You’re watching this because you selected Mastermind or Extended 6-12 Month Group Program out of the 4 types of 1:Few products you learned about in Video 8. This kind of program is about creating a community of people who meet regularly to hold you accountable to your biggest goals over a longer period of time.

After all, whom you spend your time with influences the person that you will eventually become. And most people aren’t surrounded by people who are elevating them on a regular basis. If you’re new to creating 1:Few programs, I recommend starting with a shorter program that’s 3 months or less, so you can practice facilitating groups before committing to a longer program. I only recommend doing a longer program like this if you already have experience facilitating a shorter 1:Few group coaching or training program.

Extended 6-12 month group programs also require more advanced sales skills since you have to enroll people into a bigger longer commitment with a higher price tag, so I would also shy away from this type of program if you’re not confident in your sales skills. In this training, you’re going to nail the details of your Mastermind or Extended Group Program including:

• deliverables • duration • price • bonuses • guarantee

ACCELERATE 197 Tao of Product Creation Module 3 Craft Your $50K Offer


Before you start selling your product, you have to know how to describe it in a sales and marketing context -- in a short 1-3 sentence way, in a slightly longer 1-3 paragraph way and ultimately in a longer sales page kind of way -- and we’ll be getting to that in Module 5 - Write Your Product Sales Page.

The brain actually takes in new information and opportunities in a very specific sequence and when you give people the right information about your product in the right order, then chances are they’re going to listen and hear what you have to say.

But try to do this sequence in reverse and you’ll turn potential clients into pumpkins. Guaranteed.

So this magic sequence is called the 5-Step Product Sales Sequence. And it’s the exact sequence in which our brain takes in new information… what it notices first... then second… then third, and so on…

The 3-Part Product Messaging Formula follows our 5-Step Product Sales Sequence and allows you to quickly and easily craft a short or long product description that will get noticed fast:

• Part 1: the set-up, context or problem

• Part 2: the promise, mission or solution (which conveys the functional benefit)

• Part 3: the result or future self vision (which conveys the self-expressive and emotional benefits)


Welcome to your Idea to Market Blueprint. In this training, you’re going to define:

• Your minimum, target and stretch goals for your product

• Financial projections so you know how many people you need to reach and how much you need to sell to reach those goals

• When you plan on marketing your product

• When you plan to deliver your product

This will give you a clear plan going into Module 4: opening the client floodgates -- where you’ll start selling your program!

ACCELERATE 198 Tao of Product Creation Module 4 Opening the Client Floodgates

HOW TO START A CONVERSATION ABOUT YOUR TPC-M4V01 18:10 PRODUCT While the online world offers many opportunities to be seen and get the word out about your product, many sales are still made through conversations both online and off. Rarely can you expect a sales page to do all of the work for you.

One of the most valuable skills you can build right now is the ability start a conversation about your product and go through the sales process so that you can convert more leads into clients and cash.

This is the first training in the module, Opening the Client Floodgates. Throughout this module we’re going to focus on building your business using the Advanced Chatterbox Campaign and the Start with an Experience Campaign. Since you’re Accelerators, we’re going to give you some new and improved ninja strategies to fill your 1:Few programs.


This is the “Experience” in the Start with an Experience campaign that will help you convert more of your Chatterboxing prospects and prospects from other types of marketing campaigns into paying customers and raving fans!

In this training you’ll learn step-by-step how to lead a successful enrollment conversation for your 1:Few product using our sales as service model. This process uses specific questions to help your potential client identify their biggest challenges, what they’re looking to achieve, and why it’s important to them to take action right now.

You’ll get a proven script that you can start using right away to enroll more clients, more often!


Now that you know the rules, let’s talk about how and WHEN to break ‘em.

You learned in the previous training how to lead an enrollment conversation. Using our sales script you’ll take your prospects through a very specific process to identify their goals and biggest challenges, and anchors their commitment to transformation.

But what if you don’t have time to go through this entire process or it makes sense to just make an offer during your initial conversation?

In this training you’ll learn how to make an offer on the fly and enroll people in that very first conversation.

ACCELERATE 199 Tao of Product Creation Module 4 Opening the Client Floodgates


I want to tell you a secret…

Are you ready to hear it?

Okay, lean in real close…

Leads are literally everywhere!

They’re in your Facebook friend list, at your church, sitting behind you at a concert, sipping a Frappuccino next to you at Starbucks, and commenting on your Instagram. The problem isn’t finding leads…

... it’s identifying leads and starting conversations about your product. Over the past few trainings you’ve created a qualifying question, learned how to get into conversations about your product and how to make an offer.

Now it’s time to get out there and start chatting it up with people - online and off.

So let’s talk about where to start. It’s less important what strategy or strategies you pick and more important that you follow through on making connections. You’ll be surprised how effective each of them are when you use them consistently.


“Holy Shitake Mushrooms, Batman, they just threw an objection curve ball at me!”

Don’t let objections throw you off your game. They’re just a natural part of the offer process and a great way to build trust and rapport with your prospect.

So in the next training, you’ll learn how to handle objections like a boss so you can enroll more clients, more often!

We’re going to tackle...

- Why your prospect has them - How best to handle them when they come up - What you can do to minimize ‘em - And how to handle “hidden objections” effectively

Most objections aren’t based in reality. They’re an emotional response to fear or discomfort that is packaged up in a seemingly logical reason.

If you dig deeper into the seemingly logical reason, it often falls apart as the hidden objection emerges - the one that’s emotionally based. When you get to the emotional reason, you can help them move past their fears and doubts so they can move forward.

ACCELERATE 200 Tao of Product Creation Module 4 Opening the Client Floodgates


The “money” objection is one of the biggest showstoppers during an enrollment conversation. It can throw you completely off course.

But it doesn’t have to!

In this training we tackle how to handle this common objection and how you can help your prospect make an empowered financial decision moving forward.


A time objection may be can seem like a brick wall when you hear it.

I mean, we all only have 24 hours in a day right?

A time limitation is just one type of time objection and a fairly easy one to handle as you’ll see during this video. In reality, there are a variety of time objections and reasons behind them. So let’s look at the most common categories and how best to address each.


Here’s a quote that sums up why limiting beliefs are so powerful... Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t - you’re right!

For the most part your beliefs create your reality and when they limit what is possible for you, we call them Limiting Beliefs.

So when your prospect is up against a limiting belief that’s stopping them from investing in your product, they’re missing out on the possibility of transformation and they’re likely going to stay stuck in the exact same place unless they can release that belief. It’s your job to help them see past their limiting beliefs to the new possibilities available to them and to make that leap forward.


In this training we’re going to cover prospect tracking and why it’s super important to keep track of all your prospects, the people you’ve connected with and the enrollment conversations you’ve completed as well as your overall sales metrics.

Christine will show you exactly what you need to track and how to track it all. This will help you gather important data about your tribe and what’s working during the sales process, and help you create a solid follow up system so you can convert more leads into sales.

ACCELERATE 201 Tao of Product Creation Module 4 Opening the Client Floodgates


In business we know that it costs less to convert a previous buyer into a new sale than to find a new buyer. It’s also true that it takes less effort to convert an existing lead into a sale than to create a new one.

So you’re leaving money on the table if you allow leads to slip through the cracks.

In this video I’ll help you develop a rock solid follow up process so you can convert more of your hard earned leads into sales.

You’ll use your prospect tracking docs from the previous training to keep track of your leads, post notes, and set next follow up dates. Part of becoming a master at follow up and lead conversion is staying organized and creating systems to help you stay on track.


OK, over the last couple weeks you’ve swung the client floodgates wide open… and you may have even gotten your first yes for your brand spanking new $50K product… yaass!

If not, rest assured that you will soon… as long as you hustle.

Now that first yes feels good… really good…

It also sets in motion a whole series of emails, interactions and experiences that lead your new students, clients or customers from Mission to Mission Accomplished, ideally with gathering unstoppable momentum…

Often that momentum is won or lost on Moment 1 of Day 1 based on their first experience as a new customer in your program.

As they say, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

In this training, you’ll learn how to make a sizzling hot impression from Moment 1 of Day 1.

ACCELERATE 202 Tao of Product Creation Module 5 Write Your Product Sales Page (Optional)


Copy is different from content. Marketing is different from training. While you can create content or education-based marketing that teaches as it sells, writing and speaking to sell is different than writing and speaking to simply inform, inspire or educate.

In this training, you’re going to learn the top 2 places you can improve your copy right away... the places with the biggest bottom line result potential.

And those areas are:

• Your general online writing style. Most people write well enough, but I’m going to show you a handful of simple ways to adjust the way you write when you’re online that will add huge amounts of energy and interest to your words, and bring your web pages and marketing to life.

• Your Headlines. 80% of people don’t read your web pages, they skim for the most part. But they WILL read the headlines and each section of most web pages begins with a headline. I’m going to show you some great ways to supercharge your headlines and speak directly to your target audience. This is bar none the most important copy on any web page.


In the next series of 8 “The Fast Way to Write a Sales Page” trainings, I’m going to lead you through each section of your sales page -- from the top of the page all the way down to the bottom.

We’re going to cover:

• the header in this training • then the problem • the (back)story • the solution • the deliverables • the call to action • case studies • and the inspirational close

These are the 8 cores sections we normally put on our sales pages and we’ve created a LOT of sales pages... The sales pages we’ve designed for ourselves and our clients have done over $15M in sales and growing, so trust me when I say this formula works…

Just keep in mind that your sales page is not the only thing in your marketing toolkit. That’s why this training is optional.

ACCELERATE 203 Tao of Product Creation Module 5 Write Your Product Sales Page (Optional)

THE FAST WAY TO WRITE A SALES PAGE: TPC-M5V03 16:53 THE PROBLEM In this training, you’ll learn how to write the second part of your sales page -- the problem. Once you share the promise of your product in your page header, it’s common to follow that with one or more sections that define the problem that your product addresses. Because the problem is what’s standing in the way of your prospect realizing the promise…

Ideally, you want to highlight a problem that’s going to be really hard for someone to solve on their own, which is why they need... your solution. The next 3 sections of your sales page -- the problem, the (back)story and the solution -- are interchangeable in the sense that you can follow your header with the problem, the story or the solution. 80% of the time I follow the header with one or more sections on the problem…


Let’s keep going down your sales page… so far we’ve hit your header and the problem, now it’s time for the (back)story.

Remember, the problem, the story and the solution sections are interchangeable in that you can follow your header with the problem, story or solution. The important thing to remember as you work your way from the top of your sales page to the bottom is that is that you want each lead to tee up the next, so all your leads come together to tell the whole story of your sale page in just a few phrases…So the story of your sales page is also what I call your product origin story or the backstory behind why you’re creating this product. Why this matters so much to you… and -- by extension -- why this matters to your prospects.

Teddy Roosevelt famously said, “People don’t care what you know until they know that you care…”. And your story is one of the greatest demonstrations of your caring that there is… because if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t have picked yourself back up again after life dealt you a blow… if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t share the challenging experiences you’ve had. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be so committed to creating your product in the way that you’re creating it.


We’ve been building suspense with your promise, the problem and the (back)story… now it’s time for the punchline: Your solution. This is where you get to deliver the goods… and transition to selling your product in the next section on your deliverables.Up until now you’ve been building curiosity, desire and intrigue about your product. Now, this is where you introduce the solution in a way that really hits steps 2 and 3 of the 5-Step Sales Sequence: What is it? and Why should I care?

You’re not quite going into Step 4 yet: Tell me more....That happens when we get into the deliverables part of the sales page. Most people make the mistake of starting here… It’s much more powerful to take your time positioning the solution before you share your product deliverables. The best jokes build and build before they get to the punchline…. You want people asking -- even begging -- for the solution by the time you get here. Since this is the meat and potatoes of what your offer, your solution often takes more than one section of your sales page to deliver.

ACCELERATE 204 Tao of Product Creation Module 5 Write Your Product Sales Page (Optional)


The deliverables section is where you hit Step 4 of the 5-Step Product Sales Sequence: Tell me more.... The moment you’ve been waiting for...

As you know, most people make the mistake of starting with Step 4. They say something like: “I have a 4-week six module course on goal setting…” VS leading with the first 3 steps: “I help entrepreneurs embrace a method to eliminate procrastination once and for all so they know that -- as soon as they set a goal -- it’s as good as done.”

The good news is that once you build curiosity, interest and desire for your product -- through the first few steps -- people actually care about hearing the details.

The deliverables section usually includes:

• a brief overview of the program • the core features of your product -- or what they actually get such as modules, coaching calls, you name it • any bonuses you’re adding • a summary of your offer with pricing • your guarantee, if you have one


We’re getting down to the bottom of your sales page… where it’s finally time to make the ask. To specifically invite people into your program in the form of a call to action…. And -- cross your fingers -- get your first (or next) yes!

Your call to action is where you invite someone to take action in the form of registering for your program. That’s it.

Most sales pages have simple call to action boxes in several places throughout the page.

ACCELERATE 205 Tao of Product Creation Module 5 Write Your Product Sales Page (Optional)


Social proof is the human tendency to consider the behavior of others when making your own choices. If you walk past an empty restaurant, you’re not likely to go in, because that restaurant has no social proof. But if you walk by a restaurant that’s totally hopping with a line out the front, you think to yourself, “It must be good”.

Robert Cialdini defines social proof as “the tendency to see an action as more appropriate when others are doing it” and says that social proof has the most influence when you’re uncertain what to do. In other words, social proof is most influential when you’re in the “I don’t know” stage of considering a product investment… which is usually where your prospect is at if they’re reading your sales page.

You can provide social proof through:

• either case studies • or testimonials

Testimonials are direct quotes from your students, clients or customers. These can vary in length from one sentence to several paragraphs. And case studies are detailed student, customer or client stories that you write as part of your overall sales copy flow. These are often based on direct testimonials, but give you more latitude to tell a story and relate that story to the problem and solution points you’re making in your sales page.


You’ve done it… you’ve made it all the way down to the bottom of the sales page… your inspirational close!

The inspirational close is your final call to action -- your final plea to your potential buyers, which paints a powerful future self vision and encourages them to buy now... rather than later.

That’s it. That’s all you need to do in your inspirational close!

This is simply your last call to action, so everything you learned in the call to action training applies here.

And with this training we end the Write Your Product Sales Page Module and the Tao of Product Creation Incubator!


In a world where thousands of people decide whether to do business with you simply by looking at your website, making the right impression is everything.

In this Incubator, you’ll create a beautiful, high-converting web presence that instantly resonates with your ideal clients, positions your expertise, and opens the floodgates to new customers.

We’ll walk you step-by-step through the process of designing your pages, writing your copy, and setting up the online business systems you need to turn a visitor into a subscriber, a subscriber into a buyer, and a buyer into a repeat customer.

You’ll also put in place the time-and-energy-saving systems you need to increase your earning capacity and run your business like a pro -- this includes squeeze pages, email service provider, autoresponders, online schedulers, shopping carts, video and more.

You’ll have the website and business systems you need to run your business like a well-oiled machine and feel the pride, clarity and confidence that comes from knowing you’re putting your best foot forward when new prospects check you out online. You’ll finally have your business under control and it’s all systems go!

ACCELERATE 207 Website ATM Module 1 Your Shortcut to Massive Credibility


Welcome to Website ATM!!!! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a beautiful, high-converting web presence that instantly resonates with your ideal clients, positions your expertise, and opens the floodgates to new customers.

We’ll walk you step-by-step through the process of designing your pages, writing your copy, and setting up the online business systems you need to turn a visitor into a subscriber, a subscriber into a buyer, and a buyer into a repeat customer.

You’ll also put in place the time-and-energy-saving systems you need to increase your earning capacity and run your business like a pro -- this includes squeeze pages, email service provider, autoresponders, online scheduler, shopping carts, video and more.

In just 90 days, you’ll have the website and business systems you need to run your business like a well-oiled machine. You’ll feel the pride, clarity and confidence that comes from knowing you’re putting your best foot forward when new prospects check you out online. You’ll finally have your business under control and it’s all systems go.

In a world where thousands of people decide whether to do business with you simply by looking at your website, making the right first impression is everything.

The visual aspect of your site is the very first thing that people see. It conveys a look and a feel and it sends instantaneous signals to your audience that you’re either the real deal or a wannabe trying to make your way.

When you get this right you create instant credibility for yourself and come across like an A player. The kind of business worth investing in… but when you get it wrong, it can instantly undermine everything you’ve worked so hard to create, because your first impression matters. In this training, you’re going to define your graphic style.


Now that you know your overall graphic style, it’s time to scour the web looking for examples of those things… so you start to form a clear mental picture of the look and feel you want on your site.

In this training, you’ll learn how to start your visual swipe file.

According to Wikipedia, a swipe file is a collection of tested and proven advertising and sales letters, and keeping a swipe file is a common practice used by advertising copywriters and creative directors as a ready reference of ideas for projects. But copywriters and creative directors aren’t the only ones who can benefit from having a swipe file -- anyone who wants to market their business can be inspired and informed by studying the most effective marketing, sites and design.

As you go about your daily activities – whether that’s travel or surfing the web -- I highly recommend keeping a swipe file of both copy and visuals that inspire you.

ACCELERATE 208 Website ATM Module 1 Your Shortcut to Massive Credibility

LEARNING HOW TO SEE: DESIGN FOR ATM-M1V03 18:33 CONVERSION Looks can be deceiving especially when it comes to design for conversion -- since what’s pretty may not be the same as what converts. In this training, you’re going to learn how to see the difference between design that’s just pretty and design that actually works for your business. The dictionary definition of design is “to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan.”

Design is about fulfilling a specific brief or purpose. And web design is the art and science of guiding attention where you want it to go, so you can turn visitors into subscribers, fans, clients and cash flow on every single page of your site….

And for you to do that well -- for you to convert a lot of visitors into subscribers and clients -- for you to really lead your audience -- you need to be able to grab, hold and guide their attention…

HOW THE PROS USE COLOR PALETTES TO SEND ATM-M1V04 15:26 THE RIGHT SIGNALS Let’s move on to color -- the second core element in your web design. In this training you’re going to learn how the pros use color palettes to send the right signals and build credibility.

Color can grab attention almost more quickly than any other visual element.

Color can instantly increase the attention value of your logo and website even before your visitor has had a chance to work out what you’re all about.

The reason color is so powerful is because it creates contrast, which is one of the 2 phenomena the human eye is designed to detect. The second thing is movement. Being able to detect contrast and movement are the 2 critical elements that literally ensure our survival as a species, allowing us to find food and avoid danger.

THE 5 ESSENTIAL FONT STYLES YOUR SITE ATM-M1V05 12:44 NEEDS TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY It’s time to move on to the 3rd essential element in your web design: your font palette.

I LOVE talking about fonts because very few people realize the full power of typography to transform the look, feel and experience of your site…

By consistently using the right font palette, you not only add to your business or personal brand, you can actually increase your conversions by calling attention to exactly what you want your visitors to focus on. And I’ll show you a really ninja way to do this in just a moment.

ACCELERATE 209 Website ATM Module 1 Your Shortcut to Massive Credibility


In this training you’ll tune into whether you want to build a personal brand site or a business brand site, because this choice will impact your site URL and logo, and – of course – how people perceive your business.

The name you give your business is a huge part of the critical first impression you make in the hearts and minds of your audience. It forms a key part of both how you perceive yourself and how the market perceives you, as well as how your tribe refers to you.


Your business name and URL are the most important elements in your brand, influencing your perception in the market more than any other factor. It’s how people refer to you in conversation whenever they talk about you.

I’ve seen hundreds of people stop dead in their tracks because they didn’t have a name and URL for their business… it’s like they couldn’t pass go. Now it’s not always so easy since there are over 1.5 billion websites online today and getting a good URL can be tough, especially if you want a .COM.

So how the heck do you choose a URL for your business, especially if the .COM isn’t available?


You’re ready for the 4th essential element in your web design: your logo and visual branding. If you’re not saying yes, yes, yes, it’s important to understand that we live in an age where people Google everything… and I mean everything.

The challenge, is that people make their judgments FAST. Most people are looking for an excuse to disqualify you so they can tune out and leave, rather than looking for an excuse to pay attention and stay. And the things that people naturally notice first are almost always visual.

Remember our Product Sales Sequence? You’ve got to get noticed before someone spends the time to find out what you do and why it matters.

People instantly tune in to the visuals, quickly noticing eye-catching colors and design. They admire meaningful, high- quality images and read bold headlines that convey value. And they appreciate a clear, simple layout that’s easy to understand and navigate.

Unfortunately, this is exactly where most people fall down. Like all the best experts, you’re great at what you do, but you’ve noticed that these days, that’s not nearly enough.

You also know that you need to be sending the right signals – which means a core set of visual branding elements that looks like you, feels like you and gets you noticed… for the right reasons.

ACCELERATE 210 Website ATM Module 1 Your Shortcut to Massive Credibility


Let’s move on to the 5th essential web design element: your signature photo and all the other photos you use to represent you and your work on your website and beyond. Let’s start with that one irresistible photo of you then in the next training we’ll talk about other stock photo assets you may want to assemble for your website.

If you are the face and voice of your brand or the key reason why people choose to work with your company, then people need to see you and know what you look like. You can’t hide behind your work, or bury your photo on the About page of your website. You have to truly step forward and allow yourself to be seen.

So let’s talk about what it takes to capture WHO YOU ARE in your signature photos. The best signature photos tell a visual story of who you are.

They allow your visitors to almost feel like they know, like and trust you in a single glance, paving the way for a deeper level of connection and relationship. And they align with your message, your brand and how you want to show up.

There are of course a couple approaches you can take.

BANNER DESIGN & FINDING THE RIGHT STOCK ATM-M1V10 21:42 IMAGERY FOR YOUR SITE Now that you have a plan for taking your signature photo let’s talk about the first place you’re going to want to use that photo: the top banner of your home page. And other stock photo options for your home page banner, in case you don’t want to lead with you… or you don’t have a photo you like.

Your home banner is perhaps the most important visual element on your entire website in that it makes an instant, lasting impact on your viewer. Either showing you’re a pro worth listening to and investing in or telling the opposite story.

This one element positions you at a glance and contributes to 80% of the visual impact your home page makes as soon as your visitor arrives.

This one element can make or break your first impression. And tip the conversion scales towards your first call to action.

There are two kinds of home page banners:

• photo banners, which are also called Hero Banners for obvious reasons • and video banners

ACCELERATE 211 Website ATM Module 1 Your Shortcut to Massive Credibility


It’s finally here -- the 6th essential-yet-optional web design element: your website videos.

When people get started online, they dream of having a website that will attract hundreds of their ideal prospects, and they dream of creating a business that can deliver them a different, better lifestyle.

In today’s world, it’s no secret that video is unquestionably the best, the quickest and the most effective way to get your message out in a huge way.

While a great photo can convey the essence of who you are in a glance, a video can capture and hold your visitors attention for minutes at a time or longer. That’s invaluable in a world where 55% of all website visits last less than 15 seconds. Because when you can defy the laws of internet physics and hold someone’s attention, you have the opportunity to not just form a relationship but to transform someone’s life with who you are and what you do.

Not only does video allow you to reach thousands or even millions of people that you’ll most likely never meet, it allows your audience to look into your eyes and see into your soul.

DIY VS DFY ATM-M1V12 09:47

In this training, I’m going to give you some do-it-yourself and done-for-you options for designing the 6 web design elements you’ve been learning about in this module.

My goal is for you to create a plan for moving forward and getting this done as quickly as possible, so we can get on to the lucrative work of turning visitors into buyers in Module 2!

A design brief outlines the scope, parameters and deliverables of a project. This is something that you’ll provide to a designer before asking them to design anything for you -- whether that’s a logo or your entire website.

You’ll also use this brief to inform your web design process -- whether you choose to design your site yourself using a simple tool like Heroic or hire a professional web designer. At a minimum, I recommend setting aside between $5-500 to hire a designer for your logo even if you plan to design the rest of your site yourself.

Getting your visual branding right is your shortcut to creating massive credibility with the look and feel of your site.

ACCELERATE 212 Website ATM Module 2 Turning Visitors Into Buyers


Let me ask you -- what’s your site for?

It’s easy to treat your site as a mere source of information, or an electronic pamphlet imparting information about your qualifications, training, or your many certifications and services. And it’s easy to make the mistake of assuming that this information will be a big enough reason for people to hire you, buy your products or programs.

This is the biggest mistake you can make. There are now over 1.5 billion websites online. Hundreds of thousands in your niche, and tens of thousands who look and sound just like you.

In today’s online world, your site needs to work so much harder than everybody else’s. It’s your most important ambassador, your P.R. pro, your salesperson, your ”body double” online, and it’s how you share your message with the world. It’s how you get clients and sales and make money.

If you don’t have a plan to stand out, get noticed and convert your visitors into repeat paying customers, then you’ll be out of business -- fast.

That’s why in just the first training of this Module, you’re going to define your site business model, which will determine the customer journey on your site.


The top 2 CTAs on your website are the top 2 ways you turn a visitor into a buyer.

Your #1 or primary CTA is featured either in the hero banner at the top of your site or somewhere on the top half of your home page, as well as other places throughout your site.

Your #2 or secondary CTA is featured either in the bottom footer of your website or somewhere on the bottom half of your home page, as well as other places throughout your site.

In this training you’ll choose your primary and secondary CTAs from the 5 main categories of CTAs:

• Call Me CTAs • List Build CTAs • Buying CTAs • Engagement CTAs • Browsing CTAs

ACCELERATE 213 Website ATM Module 2 Turning Visitors Into Buyers


Every time you make a call to action from a web page -- no matter what that call to action is -- you need a button or at least some kind of text link. You need a clear and obvious button for your visitor to click and take the action… and you want to make sure your button is as compelling as possible so it just begs to be clicked. You’ve probably noticed that all buttons have text on them… usually 2-3 compelling words, but sometimes as many 10 words.

So what exactly do you put on those buttons to inspire your visitor to click? Are there some magic 2-10 word combinations that get your visitors clicking? The answer is yes there are! Studies show that your button text does make a difference in conversion, and -- as you saw -- small increases in conversion can add up to a lot of money.

There are 4 main approaches to button text. What I call:

• The What You See Is What You Get Button • The Cheerleader Button • The Football Player Button • Branded Buttons


Now that you understand your site business model and your top 2 CTAs, it’s time to see how that plays out on your actual website to turn visitors into -- you got it -- buyers.

The first choice is whether to build a one page site or a multi-page site.

My guess is that when you think of a website you think of a traditional multi-page site with separate pages for about, products, blog, you name it. Not a lot of people think about one page sites, yet they’re becoming a major trend in a world where websites are going increasingly mobile and big clunky sites are rapidly being replaced by simple elegant sites.


I often call a One Page Website an Blue Sky Website since it’s commonly used for emerging entrepreneurs who want to get their site done as quickly as possible so they can actually focus on growing their business. You can think of your Blue Sky Website like “Version 1.0” of your site, which gives you a place to call “home” on the web and tells the world about your business… Without having to create multiple pages, a blog, and a dozen other things that can come later, once you’ve gotten some momentum going.

We believe a Blue Sky Site is the best way to start, because your site is bound to evolve rapidly as you get out there, talk to people, figure out what your business actually is and what your ideal customers actually want to buy.

The goal is to give you a beautiful home on the web that will bring you clients and income, without bogging you down in a huge site creation project that sucks weeks or months of your time.

ACCELERATE 214 Website ATM Module 2 Turning Visitors Into Buyers


Not all websites are created equal.

Some websites turn visitors into buyers and others sites turn visitors into pumpkins.

My guess is that you want a website that turns visitors into buyers…

You’re in luck because that’s what you’ll learn how to do in this training.

We’re going to focus on the structure of your Call Me home page here and I’ll also suggest other pages that are common on a Call Me Site, so you’ll leave this training with a clear sense of what your Call Me Site needs to include to start the process of turning visitors into buyers.


Not all websites are created equal.

Some websites turn visitors into buyers and others sites turn visitors into pumpkins.

My guess is that you want a website that turns visitors into buyers…

Luckily, that’s exactly what you’ll learn how to do in this training.

We’re going to focus on the structure of your List Build home page here and I’ll also suggest other pages that are common on a List Build Site, so you’ll leave this training with a clear sense of what your List Build Site needs to include to start the process of turning visitors into buyers.


Not all websites are created equal.

Some websites turn visitors into buyers and others sites turn visitors into pumpkins.

My guess is that you want a website that turns visitors into buyers…

Luckily, that’s exactly what you’ll learn how to do in this training.

We’re going to focus on the structure of your Authority home page here and I’ll also suggest other pages that are common on an Authority Site, so you’ll leave this training with a clear sense of what your Authority Site needs to include to start the process of turning visitors into buyers.

ACCELERATE 215 Website ATM Module 2 Turning Visitors Into Buyers


Welcome to Designing Your Lead Flow. This is where we map out the journey a new visitor takes to becoming a subscriber and ultimately a buyer… on Every. Single. Page. Of your site. We’re going to map out every single call to action on your site and what happens once visitors hit each button and submit their information, because the real secret to turning a visitor into a buyer isn’t getting their information. It’s what you do once you have it! The magic is in the follow-up. Otherwise you’re building a list of subscribers… and not a list of buyers. And there’s a big difference! One takes time and energy with little reward… and the other results in clients in hand, money in the bank and the impact you imagined.


It’s time to learn about the first kind of follow-up campaign to turn a subscriber into a buyer. The Start with an Experience Campaign or how to hook your tribe with a taste of what you do.

This campaign is designed to provide an exclusive 1:1 experience through either a free initial consultation or a gift certificate for a discovery call or in-person session. This campaign is one of the simplest, easiest, low-tech ways to get potential customers in the door and perfect for the Blue Sky or Call Me Stages of Business Growth.

This campaign is great if you’re a brick-and-mortar business or a service-based business that works with clients 1:1 such as coaches, healers, consultants and other professionals. This can also work to enroll people into 1:Few programs that require a larger investment or time-commitment, where people aren’t likely to say yes without a 1:1 interaction or experience working with you.

This campaign is also an easy way to get started if you don’t have an email list or a lot of marketing experience, because you can fill your programs with just a few conversations. You don’t need to talk to a lot of people to get to Mission Accomplished. With a great offer and a few enrollment skills, you can convert 20-50% of your conversations into sales whereas even the best 1:Many marketing campaigns usually max out at a 1-5% conversion rate from opt-in to sale. That said, when you’re first getting started and learning how to sell effectively 1:1, you can expect a lower conversion rate. Anywhere from 10-20%.


If you want to use a Fast Result Freebie as one of your Top 2 CTAs you’re in the right place! A Fast Result Freebie is a PDF, audio or video that provides a Fast Result related to the product you ultimately want to sell.

Once you’re clear about your product, then it makes sense to start building a list of subscribers. That way, you’re building a list of subscribers who are actively interested in the topic of your product. Rather than building a list who may or may not be interested in your product. The first step to profitable list building is creating a free gift that relates to your product, so you can inspire people to sign up for your email list, while bringing them one step closer to becoming a customer. This freebie is often called an opt-in gift. I’ve also heard it referred to as clickbait or a lead magnet.

In this training, you’re going to learn how to design free gifts that build your list and sell your products through a Fast Result Campaign.

ACCELERATE 216 Website ATM Module 2 Turning Visitors Into Buyers


One great way to better understand your customers… while enabling them to better understand themselves, is through a quiz or assessment. This enables people to self-diagnose their strengths, weaknesses and desires and gives you the insight you need to more effectively market to them or enroll them.

The right quiz or assessment provides a huge amount of value to your prospect (and you), while helping them clearly identify a problem or need and sell themselves on working with you.

I call this a Discover What They Want Campaign: Have Your Customers Sell Themselves on Working with You since your quiz is designed to help your new subscribers discover what they want in relation to what you offer.

That paves the way nicely for a Call Me CTA or Buying CTA.


It’s time to put in place the next essential piece in wrapping a marketing campaign around your initial CTA that reliably turns subscribers into buyers -- and that is your emails.

Every single one of the Marketing Campaigns you learned in this Module as well as the 20 marketing campaigns I teach throughout our year-long Mentorship and Mastery programs involve email in some way, shape or form.

Even though email deliverability has been going down, email is still one of the most effective ways to keep in touch with your prospects and customers.

In the next 2 trainings you’ll learn two essential email skills:

• The first is how to write individual emails that get opened, read and acted on -- which we’re focused on in this Part 1 Training • And the second is how to craft a Perfect Email Campaign to win your prospects over one message at a time -- which we’re focused on in the Part 2 Training

An email campaign is a series of emails that are sent over a specific time period to lead to a specific result. Most email campaigns are 3-7 days long. Though some email campaigns can be as short as 24-48 hours or go as long as 2 weeks or more.

But the longer it goes, the harder it is to sustain interest. As you’re learning, I recommend keeping your email campaigns to 2 weeks or less.

ACCELERATE 217 Website ATM Module 2 Turning Visitors Into Buyers


In the last training, you learned how to write compelling emails and in this training you’ll learn how to sequence those emails into an actual campaign. Most people don’t buy from a single email, they buy from a campaign. It takes 5-7 impressions to “stick” in someone’s minds, and 15-30 impressions before a new subscriber is willing to pull out their wallets and buy. And one of the best ways to create additional impressions is through emails.

A Perfect Email Campaign is a series of emails designed to sell your product. [1] It’s clear from email #1 that the product is only available at this price for a specific amount of time. [2] Usually the email sequence lasts between 3-5 days. [3] On occasion people do quicker 24, 48 or 72 hour sales, but that’s harder to do if you don’t have a large, engaged tribe, [4] so we’re focused on a 4-Day Perfect Email Campaign here in this training. [5] We have campaigns that last as long as 42 days and rumor has it that some marketers have campaigns that last as long as 2 years! But these extended campaigns are an Authority Strategy that I won’t be going into here.

Before you start a Perfect Email Campaign to sell product, program or service I recommend nurturing your contacts or your list with value. Whether you give them value after a Start With an Experience Campaign, Fast Result Campaign or Discover What They Want Campaign, before pivoting into a Perfect Email sales campaign. Or you simply send some value emails first.

In an ideal world, I recommend providing 3 pieces of pre-launch value over a 3-7 day period leading into your Perfect Email sales campaign.


A web form is a simple and effective way for people to connect with you from your website to ask a question, sign up for something and much more.

CTA TECH: EMAIL SERVICE PROVIDERS & ATM-M2V16 12:54 AUTORESPONDERS Email is an effective way to communicate with many people instantly, or automatically send a lead magnet someone requested from your site.


Online schedulers allow people to pick a time that works for them (and you) without all the hassle of playing phone tag. Simple, fast and higher conversation rates, you’re going to want to check this out.

ACCELERATE 218 Website ATM Module 2 Turning Visitors Into Buyers


Surveys are a great way to find out what your target audience thinks about a certain topic or what their needs are. This is an amazing tool when combined with a follow up campaign.


Quizzes come in several shapes and sizes but the overall goal is to help them self-identify if they are an ideal client for you.

CTA TECH: PDF CREATION (OPTIONAL) ATM-M2V20 03:29 PDF’s are a quick and easy way to secure your information so people can’t change it.


The fastest way for someone to say “Yes!” to what you offer. Make it a seamless experience for them to sign up and give you their money.


Because I know how intimidating this brave new world of online marketing technology can feel, I wanted to end this module with a brief primer on all the elements of a profitable website. I want to define all the terms and concepts you may have heard and wondered about… and recap some of the terms and concepts we’ve already covered. So you have everything in one place… and you’ll be ready -- in Module 3 -- to take your site from Zero to Launch!

There are three main categories of website elements we cover in Website ATM:

1. The first category is FRONT-END elements. These are the things that your visitors see.

2. The second category is BACK-END elements. These are private elements that allow you to manage your website, but are hidden from your visitors.

3. And the third category are 3RD PARTY TOOLS. These are apps, plug-ins, widgets, software and services that allow to expand the functionality of your site.

ACCELERATE 219 Website ATM Module 3 Zero to Launch


In this training we’re actually working on both the top and the bottom nav -- so the very top of your site and the very bottom, then once we have these bookends in place, we’ll fill in the rest of your site over the next 7 trainings.


Your hero banner is arguably the most important section on your entire site because it’s the very first thing your visitors see. Consequently, it has a huge -- almost disproportionate -- effect on whether your visitors will stay, click on your call to action button or scroll down the page. Let’s start designing your home page starting with your hero banner.

The most important thing you need to understand is that your hero banner must pass the first 3 steps of our 5-Step Product Sales Sequence:

• it must get noticed through your imagery • and convey what it is and why someone should care through your copy

And it also prompts new visitors to take your top call to action.

Just remember that most websites convert at less than 1%. So if you’re converting 1-3% of new visitors into subscribers you’re doing well… So -- as you can see -- your hero banner has to do some heavy lifting...


In the last training you designed your hero banner at the tippity tippity top of your page, now in this training we’re going to scroll down a smidge and design your About You & About Them section…That’s usually the very next section on your home page, unless you choose to add a Featured Media or Featured Clients bar right under your hero banner for social proof.

But first let’s talk about the all important About You & About Them section…

This is usually 1-3 sub-sections of images and text that elaborates on the questions: what is it and why should I care?

You can also choose to add a video to this section.

I call this the About You & About Them section because even though you’re sharing more about who you, what you do and why it matters, you want to do it in the context of who your visitors are.

If you have more than one subsection within About You & About Them, you may even want to include a section that’s specifically about them.

ACCELERATE 220 Website ATM Module 3 Zero to Launch

CRAFT YOUR HOME PAGE: DEFINE YOUR ATM-M3V04 06:11 PATHWAYS I like to compare your Get Started Pathways to an air traffic controller that points her signal lamps down the runway to guide incoming planes to the right gates.

Your Get Started Pathways are designed to guide each type of visitor who may be coming to your site to the right place for them -- whether that’s a modal or a new page that covers a next step, paid offer or free gift that’s appropriate to them.


In this training, you’re going to craft your social proof section.

I like to put social proof in the form of testimonials right under the “pathways” section, because you’re asking a lot of your new visitors to click deeper into your site, so you want to reinforce the pathway options above this section with social proof.

The best social proof is not what you say about yourself, but what others say about you. Social proof is the human tendency to consider the behavior of others when making your own choices.


Now it’s time to craft the additional call to actions on your page, as well as the pop-ups associated with the main CTAs on your home page -- whether they’re in your hero banner, your extended footer, or somewhere in the middle of your page like the CTAs we’ll be talking about in this training.


In this training, we’ll look at adding blog excerpts to your home page.

If you have an active blog where you’re posting weekly, which is common on List Build and Authority Sites -- I recommend featuring your fresh blog content right on your home page.

After all, your blog is all about providing value around what your ideal clients are actively looking for, the problems they have and the solutions they’re hoping to find. Your blog posts help you nurture new and existing audiences through consistent content.

ACCELERATE 221 Website ATM Module 3 Zero to Launch


“I’m going to cover some optional speciality sections that you may also want to consider adding to your home page, especially if you have elements of an authority business.

The specialty sections you may want to consider are:

• Featured media • Featured clients • Book • Podcast • Speaking • Contact • And anything special relevant to your industry or business


If someone wants to check you out, they’re going to Google your name. Or they might head on over to the About page on your website, or read your profile on LinkedIn or what you say about yourself on Facebook. That’s why your About Page is the second most visited page on most websites -- after the home page -- and in this training you’re going to learn how to make this page Google-proof.


If you offer 1:1 services or high-end products or programs, you may want to give prospects a chance to speak with you or someone on your team before deciding to work with you. A free consultation page allows people to sign up or apply for a call with you.

This page is most common for Blue Sky and Call Me businesses, but it’s also used with List Build and Authority Businesses that have sales teams or do any kind of phone enrollment.


If you have more than one service, product, program, offer or book and less than 5 or 10, you’ll want to use a multi-offer page. This is a page that features summaries for each of your offers, then usually invites your visitors to click through to a dedicated single offer page for more info.

ACCELERATE 222 Website ATM Module 3 Zero to Launch


It shouldn’t come as a surprise when I tell you that in order to make money from your website, you need to sell something. And there are only two things you can possibly sell: your own offers or someone else’s offers. And the easiest place to sell it is a single offer page.

If you have just one offer, put it on a single offer page. If you have 2 offers, you can use two single offer pages. And if you have 3 or more offers, you may want to use a multi-offer page in conjunction with single offer pages. So a single offer page is also referred to as a sales page. If it’s embedded on your main website, it may be more of a mini sales page and the sole purpose of a single offer page is to sell a single offer.


A contact page makes it easy for your visitors to get in touch with you or your team. On this page, you can list your contact info, invite people to fill out a simple contact form to get in touch or both.

A contact page is not as focused or useful as a Free Consultation Page that can help pre-qualify your prospects, since it’s based on a general inquiry rather than a focused call to action.


Get started pages are useful if you have several different entry points into your offerings:

• Perhaps you have different audience segments • Or you have offers that serve different needs • Or you simply have a few different free gifts and want to give people choice about what to do first

This page can work for any of our 4 stages of business growth, though it’s especially useful once you have a few options you want to share with your visitors -- which is usually in the Late Call Me, List Build or Authority Stages.


When you’re at the Blue Sky and Call Me Stages of business growth, blogging is usually not at the top of the list for how to get clients the fastest. Remember, at this stage your business requires less volume to be successful, so often more direct forms of marketing build your client list the fastest. Once you hit the List Build and Authority Stages, your blog often becomes the primary traffic and engagement driver for your website.

Not all online business websites need a blog, but blogs are one of the best ways to regularly provide free value and deepen your relationship with your audience as they start to respond to and engage with your content.

ACCELERATE 223 Website ATM Module 3 Zero to Launch


We’ve already talked about incorporating testimonials on your home page and other key pages of your site -- especially pages that sell. And for most of my students, that’s enough. Though I did want to give you the option of including an entire page dedicated to testimonials on your site. This page can work at the Call Me, List Build or Authority Stages of business growth once you have enough testimonials you want to feature.


While testimonials are direct quotes from your students, clients or customers, case studies are detailed student, customer or client stories that you write yourself. These are often based on direct testimonials, but give you more latitude to tell a story and relate that story to your offers.

This is particularly useful for high-end offers such as coaching, consulting, services, or group programs, though you can use case studies for any kind of offer.


If you speak professionally and want to let potential event planners know about your free or paid speaking services, you may want to include a Speaking Page. Simply adding “speaking” to your top navigation lets visitors know up-front-and- center that you’re available as a speaker and can increase your bookings.


In this training you’ll learn how to build a Media page, which tends to go hand and hand with a speaking page… since they’re both about building authority and thought leadership.

If you’ve been -- or want to be -- featured in television, radio, print or online publications and PR is one of your core marketing strategies, then you may want to include a Media Page to share key details about yourself with journalists and feature existing media coverage.


Let’s complete our trinity of Authority Pages: Speaking, Media and Book…These 3 pages go and hand for many Authority businesses… and they can also sometimes be found on List Build and Call Me Sites if the business owner is focused on this kind of authority marketing. So if you’ve written a book that you want to feature on your site and maybe even sell some copies, then you may want to add a dedicated Book Page.

ACCELERATE 224 Website ATM Module 3 Zero to Launch


If you lead events or workshops that you want to promote or want to let people know about upcoming public talks, you may want to feature an Events Page.

Event pages aren’t super common since people tend to build standalone squeeze pages and sales pages around their events instead -- and you’ll be learning how to do that soon in module 4.

That said, event pages can be useful at the Call Me, List Build or Authority Stages of Business Growth if events are a key part of your marketing strategy or business model.


Now that you know how to build each section and each page of your website in a way that turns visitors into subscriber, it’s time to discover the specific keywords and phrases to add to your pages to improve your search engine rankings so more people will find you at the precise moment they most need you. Officially, this topic area is called ”SEO” or ”Search Engine Optimization” and broadly speaking, it’s a mixture of all the things that you do on your website to make your content findable by Google (and therefore, your prospects!) and the things you do off your website to drive more traffic to you.

In this training, we’ll focus on what’s called “on-site” SEO or what Google needs to know about your website.


The biggest challenge in taking your site live is simply knowing when to step away from the canvas… and say “My website is done -- enough.” Keep in mind that websites today aren’t static brochures, they’re dynamic representations of your business that evolve as your business evolves. In other words, the best websites stay current and how your business will look 3 months from now is different from how your business looks today… that’s why it’s so important to just take your site live.

As Voltaire famously said: “Perfect is the enemy of good.” You don’t need a perfect site to start turning visitors into subscribers and subscribers into buyers… you simply need a good site… and after going step-by-step through Website ATM, I’m pretty certain that your site will be better than good.

So that means it’s time to take your site live!


If you’re building your site as we go through this Module, in the last training you took your site live! Now it’s time to share your brand spanking new website with the world… Cause here’s the thing: even though you hit “publish,” no one’s going to see your site -- at least at first -- until you let them know it exists…

ACCELERATE 225 Website ATM Module 4 Build Your Marketing Funnel (Optional)


In this training, you’ll learn about each of our 8 types of Website ATM Pages and decide which ones you want to focus on.

You’ll learn about:

• squeeze pages • confirmation pages • value delivery pages • sales pages • webinar sales pages • order forms • upsell pages • and -- my favorite page of them all -- your customer welcome page

SQUEEZE ‘EM TIGHT: DESIGN YOUR OPT-IN ATM-M4V02 18:49 PAGES A squeeze page is called a squeeze page because it’s designed exclusively to squeeze visitors through one specific action and only one specific action: usually opting-in for some kind of Fast Result Freebie, free consultation, or webinar.

When you opt-in for something, you leave your email address and often your first name in order to receive something of value.

In this training, you’ll learn all about:

• Bing-Style Squeeze Page • Bing-Lite Squeeze Page • Double Decker Squeeze Page • and even Triple Decker Squeeze Page

THANK ‘EM RIGHT: CRAFT YOUR CONFIRMATION ATM-M4V03 20:19 PAGES The Confirmation Page. This is where you give thanks and praise to your new subscribers for signing up… and make them feel good about entering your world…

In this training, you’ll learn about:

• Free consultation confirmation page • Fast Result Freebie confirmation page • Webinar confirmation page and • Quiz confirmation page

ACCELERATE 226 Website ATM Module 4 Build Your Marketing Funnel (Optional)

GIVE ‘EM WHAT THEY CAME FOR: CREATE YOUR ATM-M4V04 10:40 VALUE DELIVERY PAGES Once someone leaves the confirmation page and goes to their inbox, they’ll find a simple email from you that will also reinforce the value of the free gift and include a link to consume that gift. That link usually takes them to a value delivery page where they’ll be able to download your book, listen to your audio or watch your free video.

In this training, I’m going to share 2 simple value page templates before moving on to real world examples.


Obviously, the goal of any sales page is to sell your offer.

But, remember, marketing at a deeper level is about helping someone create the mindset, beliefs and conditions to make a change in their life that they want, but can’t attain on their own. It’s a necessary first step to influence and impact.

So your sales page is essentially a story that takes your prospective buyer on a journey from What is this? to I’m in.

In this training, I’m going to talk about the design and overall structure of a simple sales page, so you have a sense of what goes on a sales page.

BRING ‘EM BACK FOR MORE: ARCHITECT A ATM-M4V06 15:37 WEBINAR SALES PAGE (OPTIONAL) A summary sales page simply reinforces the headline -- or the core promise of what you’re selling -- and summarizes the main features and benefits of your program.

Rather than making an entire case to buy your program, a summary sales page simply reinforces their decision and assists the sale.


Your prospects get to your order form once they hit the ADD TO CART, BUY NOW or REGISTER button your sales page or summary sales page.

Your order form is where your prospect actually fills in their information and completes their purchase.

ACCELERATE 227 Website ATM Module 4 Build Your Marketing Funnel (Optional)


While this entire module is optional, this page is completely optional, because adding an upsell to your products, programs or services is a more advanced technique that’s usually not used until the List Build or Authority Stages of business growth.

Upsells are offered in the buying sequence immediately after someone has invested in your main offer. Because of that -- upsells always complement or enhance the main offer.


In this training, you’re going to learn how to create a new Customer Welcome Page that welcomes your new customers into your world and lets them know that you see them, you’re glad they’re here, and reassure them that they’re in the right place. They made the right choice… and together you’re going to do some incredible things.


It doesn’t matter how good your products are, how pretty your website is or how well you deliver results to your clients. If you’re not marketing and selling what you do on a consistent basis, you don’t have a business.

Unfortunately, when it comes to marketing and sales most people either avoid it like the plague or fly by the seat of their pants, frantically trying every new trend and praying something will work. It’s time to stop chasing shiny objects and focus on proven campaign strategies that work.

In this Incubator you’ll become a marketing and sales superhero by implementing the marketing strategies that will work best for you, your business, and your tribe so you have a steady flow of new clients ready and excited to work with you, bringing you the stable full-time income you need to realize the lifestyle you desire.

You’ll create the rock-solid marketing and sales skills you need to earn a good living doing what you love. You’ll be thrilled and relieved to finally feel like you have a business that you can rely on to provide what you need, when you need it. Literally clients on demand.

ACCELERATE 229 Clients on Demand Module 1 Going Pro


In this training, we’re going to revisit and revise your Idea to Market Blueprint, which includes:

• your minimum, target and stretch goals for your product • financial projections so you know how many people you need to reach and how much you need to sell to reach those goals • as well as when you plan on marketing your product • and when you plan to deliver your product


So many people set goals and forget them because they fail to get scientific around the tracking of those goals.

As management and business thinker Peter Drucker famously said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”

If you’re serious about hitting your targets, then I highly recommend you get scientific about your marketing and sales activities.


So what exactly is a 1:1 sales pipeline?

Technically, a sales pipeline is a visual snapshot of exactly where sales prospects are in the buying process, so you can track the progress of potential deals and income.

The idea of a pipeline is that you want to have prospects at each stage of the pipeline at all times, so you have a constant flow of income coming into your business -- just like you would turn on the faucet in your house and have a steady stream of water, you turn on your pipeline and have a steady stream of prospects and ultimately buyers.


In ths training, I’ll help you craft a 5-day plan or what you’re going to do each week to keep your pipeline flowing....

ACCELERATE 230 Clients on Demand Module 2 Next Level Sales


It’s important to remember that the most effective marketing is built on a solid sales foundation of knowing your clients almost better than they know themselves and crafting messaging that gives them exactly what they want when they want -- almost like you’re reading their minds.

And the only way to do that is to talk to people -- a lot of people…

That’s why we constantly come back to sharpening your sales skills, which includes:

• your ability to lead someone on a transformational journey to clarity and commitment, as well as • your ability to ask for and get larger and larger amounts of money for what you do • while embodying confidence in the value you provide

But before you can do any of that, it’s important to embrace a money on demand mindset.


In Clients on Demand we’re going beyond simple tactics and strategies. We want to give you the emotional and mental game to build a business that is aligned, that you feel good about, and that will sustain your lifestyle for years to come.

So in this session I want to touch on the actions you take and the boundaries you create in your business. There’s something that we don’t talk about often in business which is self-respect.

We talk about being confident, we talk about the money mindset, we talk about inner game and being aligned, but not self- respect and how that affects your business and ultimately your ability to be successful and feel good about that success.


Just like there’s no one-size fits all product or program, there’s no one-size fits all sales style.

Your unique sales style is the spin you put on the sales process. It’s the personality you add in and it’s the special sauce that helps your customers and clients say yes to working with you.

In this training we’re going to talk about how to develop your unique sales style - a sales style that plays to your strengths and is in alignment with your personality, your business, and your message.

ACCELERATE 231 Clients on Demand Module 1 Going Pro


Just like in the matrix…

Neo had to understand the rules of the matrix world so he could bend and even break them in order to free himself and others from the illusion.

In sales, we’re not trying to manipulate or control a situation -- instead we want to free our clients and customers from their challenges and limitations in order to help them reach their goals.

This may mean bending and reshaping our clients reality, helping them think outside of the box or to experience a personal breakthrough that will allow them to say “yes” to themselves.


As we move into increasing your prospect and lead flow, let’s make sure that you’re rock solid at converting those leads with your offers otherwise you’ll spend a lot of time, energy, and money bringing in leads that you can’t convert.

And that’s no bueno!

So in this training we’re going to talk inner game, strategies, and pre-game prep so you can take your sales to the next level and capitalize on the lead flow and traffic you’re about to create.


How would you like to have a list of warm leads for each offer in your customer journey?

These are people who are pre-qualified, interested, and wanting to hear from you again. They’re buyers waiting for the right opportunity to work with you.


Would you like that?

In this session we’re going to talk about how to build a lead list that you can leverage whenever you have a new offering or you’d like to bring more buyers into a re-launch or current program or service.

ACCELERATE 232 Clients on Demand Module 2 Next Level Sales


The truth is that Chatterbox is a lifestyle. The Chatterbox Campaign is ultimately enlightened networking.

While most people have a one-sided, self-serving definition of networking as trying to connect with people in the hopes that you can get something from them, we define networking as making life-changing connections where both people give and receive value from the relationship.

My guess is that -- while you may hate networking -- you actually do like connecting with people. You do like meeting new people. And you do like helping people.

How you choose to define and approach the activities that form the lifeblood of your business makes a big difference, doesn’t it?

So are you ready to approach networking in an exciting new way, so you can find even more qualified prospects to interact with?

Let me introduce you to the Chatterbox Lifestyle… aka how to put your Chatterbox Campaign on steroids…

ACCELERATE 233 Clients on Demand Module 3 Bridging Marketing & Sales


In Module 1, you sketched out the 5-6 phases of your client pipeline, which included:

• choosing 2-3 consistent forms of prospecting or lead generation • your qualification process • understanding the consideration and decision phases • writing a proposal if you need one • and defining how long it will take the average prospect to go from Stage 1 to the Close

Now I’d like to drill down deeper and revisit each stage of your pipeline so we can refine your overall clients on demand strategy.


One of the cliches of modern life is not knowing who your neighbors are.

Yet your local community -- whether you live in a major urban area, a small town or even a rural area -- can be one of the most powerful sources of clients and business opportunities you will ever find.

Many people who now have huge online followings started their business locally from Brendon Burchard to Kimra Luna.

Do not underestimate the power of hosting 5 people in your living room. One-on-one in-person interactions are the deepest form of connection you can have.

That’s why it’s so important to find your Hub Communities. Hub communities are where your ideal clients gather on a regular basis… so it’s kind of like fishing in a bucket.


Here’s the thing: people tend to be friends with people who are like them, so when you build in exciting opportunities to refer their friends to your products, programs, courses and services, you can quickly and easily build a client-base full of people you love to serve.

And that brings me to the name of this campaign -- and it’s perhaps THE most exciting piece of the puzzle, something I call The Power of 1.1 -- and here’s what it’s all about.

Most business are lucky if 1 out of 10 people refer friends. That’s a pretty grim referral rate: 0.1. But what if we could raise that to 1.1 - which is where on average each person refers 1.1 people.

1.1 is statistically the magic number you need to hit where you never have to do marketing, ever again.

Because, on average, every client you have will more than replace themselves so your business will grow by 10% without the need for a lot of marketing.

ACCELERATE 234 Clients on Demand Module 3 Bridging Marketing & Sales


A referral partner is someone with a complementary business who refers 1:1 or 1:Few clients to you on a regular basis and often vice versa. Now a joint venture is similar but instead of personally recommending primarily 1:1 clients on a consistent basis -- like referral partners -- JV partners tend to send leads into a 1:Few or 1:Many marketing campaign in exchange for affiliate commissions. This kind of partnership tends to be focused around specific promotions, rather than ongoing support, though it is common to build long-term partnerships with some JVs.


In this training, I’m going to talk about making a beta offer so you can start small, release the pressure, and iterate your way to awesome fast.


The Application Campaign often goes hand-in-hand with the Beta Campaign - because this is one of the easiest marketing campaigns and it can work for 1:1, 1:Few and 1:Many products. For some niches, it’s important to pre-qualify your customers, students and clients to make sure they’re ready, coachable, willing and able to do the work. This is especially true for 1:1 coaching, consulting or mentoring, as well as 1:Few small group programs over a longer period of time, where the wrong customer could have a big impact on your peace of mind or the quality of the group.

Urgency is one of the most powerful drivers in marketing and the Application Campaign has urgency built right into it in 5 specific ways.


No matter how online the world goes, nothing will ever replace the power of getting in front of a room and speaking. When you’re live in front of an audience you create a deeper experience of community and connection than anything that’s possible online. Nothing will ever replace the experience of bringing a group of people together in what the gamer community calls “meat space.”

Live speaking also has the highest conversion rates of any kind of 1:Few or 1:Many marketing campaigns, because your audience gets to bask in your energy for an hour or more and absorb your message with a level of attention that it’s virtually impossible to get online.

In this training, I’m going to give you a proven presentation template that you can use online or off to sell your products. Then, at the end of this training, you’ll get some ideas for where you can find your first local speaking engagements and how to approach people to host you to their audience.

ACCELERATE 235 Clients on Demand Module 3 Bridging Marketing & Sales


Welcome to another one of my all time favorite optional marketing campaigns… The Reverse Webinar Campaign, a low- stress way to do webinars, which I’m sure is great news to you… :)

The challenge with the way most people teach webinars is that it requires you to really get your webinar right. You may have heard that “if you don’t make the sale on the webinar, then you’re not going to make the sale”. And that creates a huge amount of pressure to get your webinar exactly right. You’ve got to get your content right, you’ve got to get your delivery right, you’ve got to get your offer right, and you’ve got to get the technology right… and sometimes you just don’t get it all right. In fact, when you’re first getting started with webinars, most of the time you don’t get it all right. I still don’t get it all right and I’ve done well over a hundred webinars.

So relax. I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to get it all right. With the reverse webinar campaign, you have more opportunity to build relationship, deliver value and sell your product than the webinar itself. The first time I used this reverse webinar campaign, I more than tripled my sales of a $997 product in the follow-up email sequence, even to people who never watched the webinar.


When you’re first getting started and haven’t built up your own audience and authority, it makes sense that borrowing someone else’s is the fastest and easiest path to grow yours, right? In this Campaign, your partners promote your offers in exchange for an affiliate commission that ranges from 10% for 1:1 offers to 50% for fully scaleable 1:Many offers such as info products.

This Campaign allows you to build your list and grow your products without having to pay for cold traffic. Plus when your partners endorse and recommend you to their audience, it transfers their authority and credibility to you. So they warm up the leads they’re sending you before they even hit your squeeze page. That’s why warm partner leads usually convert at a higher rate than cold leads. After your own audience, partner traffic usually converts the best.


The truth is that the marketing mindfuck is real and you need to be prepared for what’s going to happen when you begin your marketing campaigns, so you can stay on course towards your goals no matter what.


In this training we’ll create your product marketing plan, so you end this module with a clear set of next steps for moving forward and turning your $50K 1:Few offer into $50K in the bank!

ACCELERATE 236 Clients on Demand Module 4 What to Do When They Say Yes (Optional)

THE MISSING 90% COD-M4V01 32:11

Most 1:Few programs are all about creating the context your clients need to complete a project, achieve a goal, learn a new skill and get results. That may include training, coaching, mentoring and accountability…

But what most people don’t realize is that only 10% of your client’s success and the experience they have is based on your actual content or what you do for your clients.

That’s why I wanted to focus this training on the missing 90%. The 90% we haven’t fully talked about yet because when you tap into the power of this missing 90%, you have the keys to unlock your clients success and turn first-time buyers into customers for life.


Experience Escalation happens when you create a game your customers can win from moment one of day one by ramping your clients up using small, simple, easy actions and experiences that escalate into big results by building your customer’s confidence, commitment and momentum one step at a time.

With Experience Escalation you’re working with the brain’s natural chemistry of motivation -- the chemical reward system that loves to win and hates to lose -- so you can get as many clients as possible from mission to Mission Accomplished.

In the next 8 videos, you’re going to revisit the 10 Core Experiences of the Experience Formula and how to stack them together to create a winning streak that builds unstoppable momentum, allowing your customer to do things that they never thought possible.


The most important way to create constant wins happens when you’re planning your $50K 1:Few Product.

You want to structure the experience from the moment your mission is accepted to the moment that mission is accomplished in a way that ramps someone up from small, simple, easy wins to larger and larger wins.

I demonstrated how this worked in our 7-step product brainstorming process so you could avoid dropping people too quickly into the deep end of the pool. They’re going to get there anyway, it’s inevitable if you’re having them do something significant. It’s going to get real and it’s going to get challenging. There’s no way of avoiding that… but if you can ease people into the challenging bits and have them feel like they’ve made at least some progress first, that goes a long way towards building enough momentum to keep them going when things get challenging.

ACCELERATE 237 Clients on Demand Module 4 What to Do When They Say Yes (Optional)


You could have the best product in the world, but if you don’t address the natural challenges people face as they do new things and try to change their lives for the better, chances are high that the vast majority of your customers will feel stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed and maybe even give up.

Why? Most people give up on their hopes, dreams and goals before they reach them. The gravitational pull of the way things are is just too strong. And when you combine that with the natural survival instinct that keeps us safe, it’s hard for most people to reach escape velocity.

That’s why the whole self-help industry exists and why you and I are in business.


If you want to keep your customers engaged emotionally as well as mentally, you need to integrate Peak Experiences into your products. The concept of peak experiences was originally developed by our favorite psychologist, Abraham Maslow back in 1964.

According to Maslow, “Peak experiences are a euphoric mental state achieved by self-actualizing individuals or people who are committed to maximizing their potential and becoming all they can and want to be.” One characteristic of self- actualizing individuals is the ability to experience an internal flow state where they’re completely immersed in their current activity, losing awareness of time and just about everything else.

While flow is an internal state, peak experiences happen based on external events usually related to sports, art, religion, nature, connecting with another human being or the process of seeing or discovering something for the first time.


A feedback loop is a term that originated in science to describe a system where outputs are routed back in as inputs to create a cause-and-effect loop.

In layman’s terms, that means that you ask for input on your outputs. In other words you teach or share something, then ask your clients what they learned, experienced or did as a result of what you taught or shared.

The most simple and common way to create a feedback loop is through a survey or questionnaire where you ask your clients for feedback so you can make your products better. You ask them what worked for them and what didn’t. You ask what their favorite parts of the product were and their least favorite. But more importantly, ask about their results, how they’re feeling or doing in relation to the product mission or the core skillsets they’re learning.

ACCELERATE 238 Clients on Demand Module 4 What to Do When They Say Yes (Optional)


Humans are naturally a tribe-based animal. We’re hard-wired for community, because we have a greater chance of success and survival together then we do apart. So it’s hugely motivating to create regular opportunities for your students, customers and clients to interact not just with you, but with each other.

There’s a reason why workout buddies work. We don’t want to let each other down. While we may back down from the commitments we make to ourselves, many people are more hesitant to back down from the commitments we make to others… so community can be one of the most motivating experiences of them all, especially for the 75% of the population who are externally motivated.


Here’s the thing: when it comes to constant wins, it’s not enough to win for the sake of winning. This isn’t about pulling the lever and winning at the slot machines.

It’s important that you connect each win as one step on the Bird’s Eye View journey from mission to Mission Accomplished. Your customers want to feel like each win is meaningful and that, with each action, they’re actually making forward progress and building momentum toward Mission Accomplished. Rather than experiencing the start and stop, hurry up and slow down rhythm that most information-based products unintentionally create.

One of the ways you can do this is by reinforcing why a particular win matters, and showing how each win builds on previous wins and creates the foundation for future wins.


Universally, we all have a deep need to feel a sense of completion, so the best products have a clear beginning and a clear end… You want to give your customers the feeling of satisfaction of actually completing your product and getting across the finish line to Mission Accomplished by really creating the space to celebrate the end of your product.

You want to end your product with a bang not a whimper. Unfortunately most information-based products just kind of peter out, either because people lose interest and stop taking action or because there wasn’t a clear mission to celebrate. Many product creators forget to celebrate their students when they successfully complete the product and get the result.

This robs your customers of a critical moment of pride, confidence, satisfaction & closure. It also robs you of the chance to strengthen your relationship with your customers at the most critical moment -- the moment of completion, when all their hard work pays off and they achieve the ultimate win: Mission Accomplished.

This is the moment when they realize the full value of the work you’ve done together and appreciate the progress they’ve made.

ACCELERATE 239 Clients on Demand Module 4 What to Do When They Say Yes (Optional)


In this training you’ll learn how to create a system for collecting payments from your clients. If you do full pay, that’s easy right? You get the payment and you start working together but if you set up a payment plan, you’ll need a system in place to track payments and a process created to take care of default payments.

In a typical program 10-20% of your students will default at some point and it’s important to have a process in place when they do. People can default for a variety of reasons - their credit card expires, they change their credit card number, they’ve reached their credit card limit, or they’re short on funds. So managing a default may be as simple as getting a new credit card on file or moving their payment date to a few days later.

It’s important not to panic if you see a default happen, just use the process we’re about to outline and in majority of cases, they’ll be paid up in no time.


In this training, you’re going to learn the front end tools that can help you Fulfill Like A Boss. You’ll learn about how to use Zoom for meetings and recording sessions, Google Docs to collaborate with your students, and two membership site options (Thinkific and a free Facebook Group).


In this training, you’re going to learn the back end tools that can help you Fulfill Like A Boss. You’ll learn about how you can offer payment plans through Paypal or Wave, Dropbox to organize your files, 17 hats for just about every small business tool you can imagine and project management/organization with Trello.


In this training, you’re going to learn The Art of Creating Engagement from Day 1. You’re going to learn how to create an onboarding experience that welcomes your new customers into your world and lets them know that you see them, you’re glad they’re here, and reassure them that they’re in the right place. They made the right choice… and together you’re going to do some incredible things.

Now if you’ve ever flubbed a first impression before, whether that was with a client, colleague or potential love interest, you’ll know that it can be challenging to reverse a bad first impression. You’ve got to work extra hard to reestablish trust and credibility once that trust and credibility has been shaken or lost… and sometimes you just can’t win someone back over.

ACCELERATE 240 Clients on Demand Module 5 Thinking Like an Entrepreneur


Welcome to the final module of Clients on Demand: Thinking Like an Entrepreneur!

After all, at least 80% of your success in life and business is based on your mindset… and less than 20% is based on the strategies and tactics you need to grow your business… and get clients on demand.

So in this training we’re going to dive in to what your next level vision looks like…


In this training, I want to give you some advice I received from my coach that helped catapult me from 7-figures to mid-7- figures… and show you what it looks like to adopt a growth mindset through my own personal story.

It’s my intention in this training to inspire you to think, dream and believe bigger, so you can leave the world of small incremental progress behind if you choose to do so and make a quantum leap in your business and personal leadership…


Now if there’s one thing I’ve learned over years of being an entrepreneur is that “it takes money to make money.”

While you can start from zero and make some money at some point you need cash and you need to make investments and accelerate your business!

That’s why in the next trainings, we’ll be talking about understanding cash flow and making smart investments…

Starting with cash flow.


In this training, we’ll talk about making smart investments to grow your business…

While it’s important to get support as you’re growing your business to six-figures and beyond, studies show that it’s almost impossible to scale a business past $500K - $1M without outside help. Once you’ve achieved that 6 or multi-6 figure business, that’s when the stakes start to get higher. That’s when it starts to become even more important to focus on the strategies that will allow you to scale your business smoothly not just in the next 12 months, but for years to come.

ACCELERATE 241 Clients on Demand Module 5 Thinking Like an Entrepreneur


Now it’s time to rest and celebrate… which is a key part of success as an entrepreneur because what you focus on expands… and when you focus on celebrating everything that’s going well, you encourage more things to go well…

On the other hand, when you focus on negative emotions such as stress, frustration and overwhelm, you create more stress, frustration and overwhelm…

Or as Oprah says: “What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.”


You have your products, your website, your marketing. What’s missing? You got it! Every entrepreneur needs a tribe.

In this Incubator you’ll learn how to design and launch an exciting new tribe-building event that will put your name on the map and add at least 1,000 true fans to your email list or social media following.

As Kevin Kelly, founder of Wired Magazine, famously said, “A creator… needs to acquire only 1,000 True Fans to make a living. A true fan is defined as a fan that will buy anything you produce.”

ACCELERATE 243 Tribe Module 1 Switch On Your Batlight


In this first module, I’m going to show you how to switch on your batlight and start attracting more of your tribe starting right now...We’re going to start by mastering your onramps or all the ways strangers become subscribers and ultimately students, clients or customers -- because, you’re going to want to be able to turn those new subscribers and fans into buyers.

Your onramps are free gifts designed to lead exclusively into the sale of a specific offer and in Website ATM you defined the top 2 or more on-ramps -- or CTAs -- for your website…


In Website ATM, you learned how to embed your freebies into your website. Now in this training, you’ll learn 7 new ways to get your freebies everywhere, so they do the hard work of growing your tribe and attracting new prospects into your client pipeline. This is a low-hanging fruit way to attract new prospects that doesn’t require joint venture partners or paid advertisements.

So those 7 ways to build your tribe and attract new prospects with your freebies are:

• On business cards or postcards • In your email signature • Blog byline • Social media posts, profiles and ads • Podcast, summit or radio interview • Captive audience presentation or webinar • Throughout your web pages


At this stage in your business growth -- people aren’t doing business with a company, they’re doing business with you. You are the face and voice of your business and brand, and -- if you want to build a tribe – you need to start cultivating your personal brand. And that’s our focus for this training.

So, what exactly is a personal brand?

Personal branding can be described as the process of “packaging” and “marketing” yourself as if you were a brand, an icon, a household name, until you become an icon or a household name in your industry. So what do I mean by that? Simply put -- famous CEOs, celebrities, and politicians are just normal people who have tapped into the unique qualities and attributes of who they are and express those attributes consistently… until people took notice (in other words, they got famous).

Understanding your personal brand allows you to make that first, strong impression and then reinforce it over and over again until others can literally picture you in their mind’s eye, describe you, feel what it’s like to be in your presence, even if they’ve never met you before.

ACCELERATE 244 Tribe Module 1 Switch On Your Batlight


In this training you’re going to tune into your values and beliefs. Now, before you think I’m going all moralistic on you, let me share what I mean by “values” and “beliefs” and why they’re so important to your personal brand and the way you market yourself -- both online and off.

“Beliefs” are the acceptance that something is true. They are your trust, faith and confidence in someone or something. Beliefs are what you stand for and against. Beliefs are those things you can’t help but talk about… things you might choose to fight for or even die for.

Because values grow organically from your beliefs. “Values” are your standards of behavior, and your judgment of what’s important in life. They are the guiding principles that shape your actions and decisions – both in business and in life.

If you aren’t in touch with your core personal values, it’s easy to make short term choices that pull you out of alignment -- whether you’re making decisions about your personal brand or how you operate your business -- and this gives you the appearance of being inconsistent in the marketplace or sending mixed messages.


This training on finding your personal style is all about what I fondly call “The 3 Second Rule”.

Research shows that people are hard-wired to judge you within 3-7 seconds of meeting you, coming to your website, or watching those first few frames of video. In just 3 seconds they decide whether they’re going to stick around and engage with you OR take off and never come back.

If you don’t capture someone’s attention in that tiny window of time, you’ve lost a critical opportunity. That person could have become your most lucrative customer, your best success story, a high-profile media appearance, a joint venture partnership that gives you exposure to 20,000 new prospects, or -– you name it. You never know who is going to find you and where they’ll first encounter you, so it’s mission critical to present a conscious and consistent face to the world, enabling you to transform first impressions into lasting relationships and that all starts with looking the part.


One of the best ways to turn on your bat light and attract your ideal tribe is through language or the way you market and communicate. That’s why the next few trainings are focused on tapping into the unique “voice” that underlies everything you say and everything you write. Your unique voice is how what you say and what you write feels -- how it looks, sounds, and comes across.

Starting with the way you speak. Once you start noticing how you communicate, you can get much more strategic about the words you use when you talk about yourself and your work so that you generate more interest, more income and more impact, every time you say anything.

ACCELERATE 245 Tribe Module 1 Switch On Your Batlight


Remember that two of the most important things in your business are what you say and what you write.

Now that you have a clearer sense about the words you speak, the second part of this exercise is to analyze the words you write.

In writing, you have to quickly grab someone’s attention and lead them through your thought process in a way that connects the dots for them. You can’t just jump from idea to idea to idea or they’ll lose the thread.

So I’d like to lead you through the 3 exercises I went through over 20 years ago that turned me into the writer I am today. These may feel a little geeky to you, but they’re SUPER POWERFUL if you actually do them. They really changed me as a writer and I gotta say that people LOVE my writing.


The vast majority of entrepreneurs are what I call “tone deaf.” They’re saying the same things in the same way as everybody else and, as a result, no one’s paying attention. Their voice is lost in the noise like tears in rain.

In this training, we’re going to talk about how to not only be heard, but set yourself apart by tuning into the unique “feeling tone” that you naturally express through the words you say and write.

One of my favorite quotes is from the Scandinavian Noble Prize winner Knut Hamsen. He writes: “Here is this little endless stream rippling on in the wilderness. No one hears it, no one listens. Yet all the same it keeps rippling on to itself, keeps rippling on.”

Your “feeling tone” is like that endless stream -- whether you or anyone else notices it or not -- and the exercise we’re going to do in this video is about tracking that stream to its source.

Once you hear it, you can turn up the volume on it and really amplify that unique emotional frequency in everything you say and write so that your voice no longer falls under the radar. Instead, it comes across loud and clear in everything you do.


In this last training I’m going to show you how to bring all the pieces we’ve discussed so far -- about your on-ramps, freebies and personal brand -- together into videos, which is one of the best ways for your tribe to get to know you for obvious reasons. They can hear you and see you… regardless of where in the world they are, or you are.

ACCELERATE 246 Tribe Module 2 Hit Your First (or Next) 1000 Subscribers


In this module I’m going to walk you through the process of designing a tribe-building event that will put your name on the map and add at least 1,000 subscribers to your email list or social media following…

It’s well known, that the money is in your list… and now that you have your offers and web presence dialed in, it’s time to start building your list for realz.


Online challenges are a great way to engage your existing audience and create interest for your offers by building deep relationships with potential customers through consistent, meaningful interaction around your topic over a specific period of time, such as such as 4, 5, 7, 21, or 30 days.

You can also use online challenges to grow your list, though you usually do need some base of support to get started.


While it’s a significant amount of work to host a summit, Summits and the most powerful of our 3 tribe-building events, because they allow you to leverage the reputation and tribes of your partners to build your own.


Similar to a Summit, a Giveaway is a great listbuild that often results in 2-10K new opt-ins to your list, while helping your partners build their list by anywhere from a few hundred opt-ins to a couple thousand.

Giveaways can also help you create a long-term win-win partnership with your peers.

And -- when done right -- it can be a real brand building event to put your business on the map and position yourself as an expert, while paving the way to your 1:Few and 1:Many offers.

ACCELERATE 247 Tribe Module 2 Hit Your First (or Next) 1000 Subscribers


This was the main strategy I used to launch and fill my first 1:Few program for years. And it’s a strategy I still use since partner webinars are so effective for building your tribe while selling your products...Since this is a big topic and one that I highly recommend doing, this particular training complements 4 other trainings you’ll find in Clients on Demand:

• You can find out how to write a presentation that converts in The Captive Audience training • How to structure your webinar registration and follow-up sequence in the Reverse Webinar Campaign training • How to Find JV or Referral Partners • And how to run a JV or Referral Partner Campaign that inspires your partners to promote more…

Since most everything is in these other 4 trainings, I just wanted to refresh you on the main points…


When it comes to Facebook ads -- there is no such thing as set-it and forget-it… not only is the tech changing all the time, but ads age. You may get an ad that performs well for several months, then it stops working as people get tired of it, so you need to rotate it out with a different ad. That’s why it’s so important to master your on-ramps. Once you have several different onramps into the same product -- for example a quiz, a PDF, and the webinar itself -- you have 3 different squeeze pages to advertise to.

You’ll quickly notice that it’s cheaper to advertise to some freebies than others based on very complex Facebook algorithms…


In this training, we’re going to focus on becoming a virtual Hub by starting a Facebook group… now this isn’t a tribe- building event like most of the trainings in this Module, but it is another tribe-building strategy that’s focused on consistent engagement, rather than a big event...


If you’re the kind of person who loves facetime, you may want to consider creating a local Meetup group around your topic.

This is similar to creating a Facebook group or a LinkedIn group, except -- instead of hanging out online -- you’re hanging out in person. And there’s nothing more powerful than gathering your ideal clients together in person on a regular basis.

ACCELERATE 248 Tribe Module 2 Hit Your First (or Next) 1000 Subscribers


In this training I’ll give you a quick intro to using guest blogging to leverage other people’s audiences to build your own…

If you express yourself well in writing, then blogging my be a great format for you to share your message and start building your audience.


In this Module you learned about 5 different kinds of tribe-building events:

• Online Challenges • Giveaways • Summits • Webinars using partner and ad traffic • and Local Meetups

Plus two other non-event tribe-building strategies:

• Starting a FB Group using FB Ads • and Guest Blogging

In case a tribebuilding event feels like too much for you at this time, you can skip this training, since I’ll be focusing on next steps for implementing your tribebuilding event.

ACCELERATE 249 Tribe Module 3 Turn Subscribers Into True Fans

1000 TRUE FANS TR-M3V01 17:24

This module is all about turning subscribers into True Fans, because the truth is it’s way better to have a small list of true fans than it is to have a huge list of people who aren’t engaged.

I’ve been told my entire career in internet marketing and online business to build a list, build a list and build a list. And if you don’t have an email list, you’re dead in the water.

But what I’m seeing today is that even the big players are having a harder and harder time getting into people’s inboxes as email deliverability has reached near crisis levels… and it’s well-known that deliverability and engagement goes down the larger your list.

Why? The money isn’t in the size of your list, it’s in the relationship. The connection. So if you’re just starting out with building your list, you’ve got the advantage that nobody else has. For you, it’s still about the relationship.


In addition to nurturing your leads through email, I recommend choosing one other way to nurture and engage them on a regular basis, so you can turn them from subscribers to true fans.

The most obvious places are the Big 4 Social Media Channels - Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram. However, you can also also engage people through regular blogging, in-person Meetup Groups or local events.

The secret to nurturing your leads is to create a content marketing strategy that nurtures them around your #1 topic and 5-10 related sub-topics, so you’re building a tribe and building engagement around your work…

That said, it’s also important to nurture people around who you are -- your tone, energy and personality -- as well as your interests and the main themes of your life… so your tribe gets to know you…


In addition to sharing value around your golden thread, 5-10 sub-topics and 5-10 personal themes, it’s also mission critical to share value that leads directly into your customer journey.

That way you’re engaging people around your work and creating call to actions into the next steps on your journey.

ACCELERATE 250 Tribe Module 3 Turn Subscribers Into True Fans


Now it’s time for the first of our Big 4 Trainings on turning subscribers into true fans…

We’re going to start with Facebook because Facebook is in some ways the original social networking platform that’s still around and thriving… thus our training title: “All roads lead to Facebook.”

And when it comes to turning subscribers into true fans, I highly recommend starting your own Facebook group and encouraging new subscribers to your email list to join so you have one more place to nurture and engage them.

So in this training, I’ll cover not just how to start the right FB group but how to manage and leverage that group once you’ve started it.


If you’re a business-to-business company, this is the training for you, since LinkedIn allows you to reach a more professional, corporate or business-to-business audience… and, just like on Facebook, there is no better way to grow your tribe and turn subscribers into fans than to start a LinkedIn Group.

I only recommend watching this training and considering a LinkedIn group if you’re a business-to-business company, since those are the kinds of people who are on LinkedIn.


In today’s world, it’s no secret that video is unquestionably the best, the quickest and the most effective way to get your message out in a huge way.

While a great photo can convey the essence of who you are in a glance, a video can capture and hold your visitors attention for minutes at a time or longer.

Not only does video allow you to reach thousands or even millions of people that you’ll most likely never meet, it allows your audience to look into your eyes and see into your soul.

Video makes you trustworthy and relatable as people get an instantaneous hit of your energy in action -- not just what you’re saying, but how you’re presenting yourself and the energy you’re giving off -- and they know really quickly whether you’re someone they can trust, and someone they want to follow… and listen to.

In our culture we’re used to associating people on camera as the expert, someone we need to pay attention to.

So simply by creating videos, you’re giving yourself a huge amount of credibility. You’re sending that powerful signal to your audience that you know what you’re talking about.

ACCELERATE 251 Tribe Module 3 Turn Subscribers Into True Fans


So in this training, I’m going to talk about starting an Instagram feed… who it’s for and who it’s not for.

Instagram is quickly becoming “the new Facebook.”

In the last 6 years, I’ve seen a lot of new social media platforms launch and then disappear. And then there are others such as Pinterest and Twitter that are still around but on the decline for most business use…

Instagram, on the other hand, has been growing like wildfire… and it’s where all the energy is. It kind of feels like the early days of Facebook before “pay to play” took over. There’s real community and real engagement and a lot of really well- known people -- such as Brendon Burchard -- still manage their own Instagram accounts.


T.S. Elliott famously ended his poem, the Hollow Man, with the quote: “This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.”

And I know of no better way to wrap up everything we’ve done together than emphasizing the power of consistency…

I know that’s ending not with a bang, but a whimper… but it’s a whimper that will reverberate through your business for years to come -- if you listen, that is.

ACCELERATE 252 MOMENTUM ACCELERATE BONUS VAULT. Welcome to the Bonus Vault! These trainings complement the core Live Your Message programs and Momentum Incubators. Many of these Bonus programs are available only to our Momentum students.


Live Your Message Live is my annual 3-day, in-person Business Accelerator where participants leave with their entire business (and big irresistible message) on one sheet of paper.

Whether you’re just getting started, or you’re already established and making 6 figures (or a lot more), this one sheet of paper can help you add a zero to your business in the next 12 months or less. In these live event recordings, you’re going to discover exactly how to get more people to invest more money in you, more often.

What to Say: By the end of Day 1, you’ll know exactly how to position your business and your products or services to potential clients, so that they say, “Yes, I’m in!”

✓ What to Sell: By the end of Day 2, you’ll know what to sell that you’ll be thrilled to deliver and clients will be thrilled to buy.

✓ What to Do: Then, by the end of Day 3, you’ll walk away with complete confidence and clarity on the exact next steps to take to add that zero to your bottom line by this time next year.

ACCELERATE 254 Live Your Message Live Day 1

Master Key #1: The Clarity Key M2M-D1S1 1:20:35

Message to Money Live is an event that’s focused on how to build your business in an aligned way. Not just how to build any business, but how to build the business that you’re meant to build, a business that creates a real experience for your tribe.

This session is designed to give you clarity on your business, clarity on your audience and clarity on you. What you want, what you’re here to do and how to do it without selling your soul.

Our first key is the Clarity Master Key and we’ll be focusing on this key throughout Day 1 because without this key, nothing else happens. This key allows you to zero in on your authentic message and use that message to stand out and build a profitable experience business you will love… and your tribe will love too.

Without clarity, it’s like trying to drive a car that’s stuck in neutral. No matter how much gas you give it, it doesn’t move forward… and the worst thing about that is that if you’re not clear, your prospects won’t be clear. If you’re vague or confused, your message will be vague and confused.

In this recording we spend a LOT of time on this and we’re going to do it in a way that goes deeper than the usual elevator pitch and customer avatar exercises most people teach. We’re going to be doing some awesome clarity exercises that you’ve never done before.

Master Key #1: The Clarity Key Part 2 M2M-D1S2 1:22:42

Most everybody starts their business with what they actually do for people. They just can’t help themselves. After all it’s your expertise, your products, the meat and potatoes of your business...

But there’s a really big problem if you focus too much on what you do and that is that it’s hard to stand out with what you do alone. Chances are, if you’re in a profitable niche, there are other people who do something similar.

As Simon Sinek says, “Your goal is not to serve everyone who needs what you have to offer... it’s to serve the people who believe what you believe.”

When you orient your business around truly serving the people you LOVE to serve, the people you were BORN to serve, the people who resonate with you and fly around the world to join you, then everything becomes a whole lot easier and a whole lot more fun…

So one of the things we’re going to focus on is shifting your attention from trying to attract everyone who needs your work to attracting only your ideal clients, your tribe, the exact kind of people who are willing to invest and willing to do the work, the kind of people who appreciate you… the kind of people you most enjoy working with. The people who become your biggest success stories and your biggest fans.

Because when you focus your message on attracting people who believe what you believe, you pave the way for creating lasting relationships and connections with the people you serve that go beyond a business transaction and allow for real value and transformation.

ACCELERATE 255 Live Your Message Live Day 1

Overcoming Challenges & Connecting With Your 3 M2M-D1S3 1:19:02 Big Whys

What motivates you?

The most successful world changers, thought leaders, visionaries and entrepreneurs -- BAR NONE -- all have a huge driving force behind them. Something even bigger than them… bigger than their fears and doubts… and bigger than the challenges they may face along the way.

Connecting to your BIG WHY is a key part to building a fulfilling and aligned business that inspires you to wake up each morning and get to work. And the more you’re inspired, the more you can inspire other people to join your movement and spread your message for you. Because inspiration is contagious. Before you can inspire anyone else, you need to inspire yourself.

In this session, I’ll help you connect to the 3 Big Whys that excite and motivate you.

The Problem You Solve M2M -D1S4 1:37:28

Our last session was dedicated to stepping more fully into your role as a messenger… and connecting deeply to the fuel that powers your message into orbit.

Now in this session, we’ll focus on how to craft your marketing message so it really lands with your audience. Your tribe. We’re going to focus on your message and the person receiving your message so you can have easy, natural, spontaneous conversations and land some clients!

ACCELERATE 256 Live Your Message Live Day 2

Master Key #2: The Action Key M2M-D2S1 1:43:13

The Action Master Key is the “no-hype” way to know what to do and when to do it that makes sense for you and your business. Learning this key has been huge for a lot of my students. Really giving them the context to understand where they are in their business and the exact path to get where they want to go… as well as what to focus on each step of the way.

When you learn this key you can breathe a sigh of relief and let go of the overwhelm of all the things you think you need to be doing -- the things you’ve heard you need to do in your business -- and focus in on just the things that you actually need to do to grow your business today -- right now -- and set yourself up for future success.

Workshop Your $50K Offer M2M-D2S2 1:32:13

Once you have the Action Master Key in place, the Money Master Key will help you know exactly HOW to inspire and the key word here is INSPIRE -- more people, to invest more money with you more often to make a bigger difference in their lives!

In this session you’ll be identifying an offer that has the potential to add $50K in income to your business this year. An offer that you’ll feel comfortable selling and delivering based on the stage of business growth you’re in.

Master Key #3: The Money Key M2M-D2S3 1:16:07

You’ve identified a specific offer with the potential to create $50K or more in revenue over the next 12 months -- an offer that works for you right now in your business and is something you can actually implement, whether that’s a 1:1 coaching package, a service offer, a premium package or an Experience Product.

Now the question is, how does that offer “fit” into the larger context of your entire business and the Customer Experience Journey you’re creating? What you’re about to discover is how you turn a single product into a thriving business. This is the second part of the Money Master Key where you’re going to learn the exact pathway to doubling or even 10Xing your impact and income.

Meet Our Student Success Panel M2M-D2S4 1:04:35

Success leaves clues. Hear from 7 of our top students as they share their success stories and what they did to dramatically transform their businesses.

These are people who have a huge message for the world… people who are stepping through their fears, doubts and resistance to make a difference with their unique gifts. It takes a lot of courage and commitment to be doing the work they’re doing in the world.

ACCELERATE 257 Live Your Message Live Day 3

The 4 Keys Breakthrough M2M-D3S1 1:36:32

In this session we’re going to focus first on removing any barriers to implementing the 4 keys in your business, so you feel confident getting to work on Monday morning…

You’ll learn about the last of our 4 Master Keys to unlock your online business success, the Tribe Master Key... or how to market in a way that serves your stage of business growth so you can start attracting new clients today (‘Cause who wants to wait to get clients until you have it all figure out? That’s how people go sometimes years without making money in their business).

Master Key #4: The Tribe Key M2M-D3S2 1:09:26

Tribe Master Key is how you get off the marketing treadmill and build a tribe you love.

Because the only way to build an enduring experience business and make a huge impact in the world is through building your tribe.

A lot of people obsess about finding their niche… which is, as we’ve seen, at the intersection of what you do and who you serve... and it is super important to find your niche.

But not as many people really focus on understanding what their tribe is all about... your tribe is at the intersection of who you serve and how you’re different….

And when you understand this from the start, you can build a business that differentiates you not just in what you do or the value you provide, but in the kind of person you attract by being more you in your business, by turning up the dial on your unique expression, so you can be heard over the noise of 1.3 billion websites.


A series of breakthrough interviews & exercises with incredibly successful entrepreneurs -- people like Derek Rydall, Natalie Ledwell, Bill Baren, Christian Mickelsen and more, who have overcome massive challenges to get where they are today.

I created this series because I don’t ever want to pretend that I know it all. I wanted extra perspective on how the people that I admire and respect find and draw their power when things are tough.

These essential “get your mindset right” interviews are going to help you let go of what’s not working and what’s holding you back… and help you step into a new world of possibility.

ACCELERATE 259 I’m Powerful

I’m Powerful with Bill Baren IP-V01 56:05

Bill is not the person to listen to if you just want to make “some small changes” or “make a bit more money.” He IS the person to listen to when you are ready to transform your business and your life for the better and in ways you may not yet have imagined. So, if your heart and soul have been calling out for the right guidance to help you build a thriving business that makes great money and has a substantial impact … and you’re ready for more connection and partnerships with highly-motivated conscious business owners and entrepreneurs, then watch this session with Bill Baren.

I’m Powerful with Christian Mickelsen IP-V02 1:30:00

Christian Mickelsen is the #1 Best-Selling Author of “Get Clients Today” and the creator of the world renowned client sign- up system, ”Free Sessions That Sell,” the program designed specifically to help coaches, consultants, and healers easily sign up high-paying, high-end clients.

Christian struggled insanely to sign up clients during his early years as a coach. But after much trial and error, he cracked the code to getting clients. Today, Christian runs a multi-million dollar coaching company that was named one of Inc. 5000’s fastest growing companies in America and everyday he shows other coaches how to build 6- and 7-figure coaching businesses too.

Christian’s mission is simple, but powerful: Get the whole world coached.

I’m Powerful with Jeffrey Van Dyk IP-V03 1:03:19

In Jeffrey’s own words: ”I believe that business is being used to evolve humanity—and that you and I are on the forefront of that evolution.”

We are at a defining moment in our history and we are stepping into a new world that none of us have seen before. We have the potential to create Heaven on Earth through the vehicles and structures we call business. That requires leaders like you and I to be more diligent than ever in staying attuned to what our unique role is in reshaping this world.

It also requires us to be pragmatic as much as we are visionary. I don’t just live in the world of ideas – I’m committed to helping the visions of our new world take form in a way that has real and lasting impact on our world.

Some of my clients are called to bring a new story to the world for global change. Others have decades of industry experience and are meant to transition from working “in” an industry to working “on” it, supporting fundamental shifts required for society’s new form to take shape.

What I share with my tribe is a deep devotion for the divine and a great love for humanity. I’m a trained singer with an artist’s soul. In fact, I see business as a place to create art - to discover what’s transcendent in the transactional, to marry the spiritual and the material and to find the sacred in the mundane.

Collectively, we are provocateurs, magicians, storytellers, guardians, dreamers, entrepreneurs, liberators and leaders of the new world. The world is waiting for us and the time is now … let’s go.

ACCELERATE 260 I’m Powerful

I’m Powerful with Bob Doyle IP-V04 1:04:39

Bob Doyle is the CEO of Boundless Living, Inc., and author of the #1 Best-selling book “Follow Your Passion - Find Your Power”. Since 2002, Bob has been teaching principles of Living Life by Design utilizing the principles of the Law of Attraction.

His Wealth Beyond Reason program has long been recognized as one of the most complete and usable online curriculums in the Law of Attraction, and gained the attention of the producers of the film and book ”The Secret”, in which Bob was one of the featured teachers. Bob is a champion for creative self-expression and his work focuses on reconnecting people to their sense of passion and purpose and helping them to create a vision that inspires them into massive action working in concert with the natural laws of physics to realize a life of true abundance and joy!

Bob is a veteran broadcaster, music composer, author, photographer, and ukulele fanatic among other things, and encourages people to fully explore any and all of their passions, playing full out all the time, thus allowing the law of attraction to work effortlessly to attract all that they desire into their lives.

I’m Powerful with Elizabeth Purvis IP-V05 1:04:19

Elizabeth is a mentor to thousands of conscious entrepreneurs around the world, teaching them how to price, package and market their services so they create extraordinary income and impact.

As a mentor and online entrepreneur, Elizabeth created her first 6-figure income in under 6 months as a certified coach, then went on to create a total of nearly 2 million in revenue in just 4 years. Using her systems, Elizabeth’s clients and students have achieved phenomenal results, including quadrupling their incomes in just a few short weeks, multiple 5-figure launches, launching and filling their own high-end programs, and more. She is the recipient of the 2011 Outstanding Achievement in the Business of Coaching Award from the International Association Of Women In Coaching (IAWC).

I’m Powerful with Derek Rydall IP-V06 1:12:43

After a life-changing ‘brush with death’ while making a movie, Derek Rydall considered becoming a monk, then a minister, then cloistered himself in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years — emerging to become a licensed integrative therapist, best-selling author, and adopt a monk (that’s another story). The world’s #1 leading expert on THE LAW OF EMERGENCE, he has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in relationship and communication skills, coached writers, artists, and media professionals (including Oscar and Emmy winners), on how to create more enlightened entertainment, and taught thousands of people around the planet how to live a more passionate, prosperous, and purposeful life. His work with The Law of Emergence and the process of Emergineering ends the struggle of self-improvement and helps people effortlessly achieve their full potential.

ACCELERATE 261 I’m Powerful

I’m Powerful with Natalie Ledwell IP-V07 48:50

Aussie Natalie Ledwell is a risk taker, non-conformist, rule breaker and maker who believes nothing is impossible.

She’s also an authentic and internationally renowned motivational speaker, best-selling author, Law of Attraction guru, host of “The Inspiration Show” and “Wake Up TV!” and co-founder of the revolutionary Personal Development company “Mind Movies”. She resides in Southern California with her puppy Bella, whom “Nat” is crazy about.

Her mission is to empower 10 million adults and kids all over the world to lead lives fulfilled with joy, happiness and passion – the lives they were destined to live.

Over the years, Natalie has owned several successful businesses with her partner Glen, traveled to all corners of the world, eaten scorpions, bungee jumped, skydived, hand glided. One of her life mottos is: “I’ll try anything once and twice if it’s good.”

In the last 7 years, Natalie and her team at Mind Movies have touched the lives of over 5.8 million people across the globe and are showered every day with their success stories!

Here’s a link to the free gift she offers in her


There are 3,226,568,291 people online right now. But there’s only ONE you.

In 2015-2017, I held a series of in-person meetups featuring interviews and discussions with internet famous guests including Natalie Ledwell, Jason Fladlien, Steve Olsher, Preston Smiles and many more.

The goal was to give local entrepreneurs the tools and strategies they need to grow their business and make a bigger impact in the world by becoming online celebrities.

Whether you’re looking to boost your web traffic, blog, social media following, or just overall online influence, this interview series will give you the opportunity to learn specific strategies and mindsets from online business legends.

ACCELERATE 263 Internet Famous

Let’s Talk About How to Become Internet Famous IF-V01 Using Video with Preston Smiles

There are 3,226,568,291 people online right now. But there’s only ONE you.

This event will feature a short training and discussion with special internet famous guest and YouTube sensation Preston Smiles. We’ll end the evening with laser coaching and Q&A to support you on the path to becoming internet famous.

Preston’s mission is to empower, inspire and ignite a mutli-generational movement of radical growth through conscious, creative content, acts of love and living boldly. He believes we’re here to leave the planet better than we found it, and he’s committed to motivating others to join him on that mission, and live their best life NOW. According to Preston, ”It’s your job to be the dopest version of you.”

“Preston is one of the true emerging leaders of our time. He carries a vision of a sacred world and inspires others to take action to manifest it.” - Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith”

Become Internet Famous thru Authenticity, Purpose IF-V02 & Service with Natalie Ledwell

Learn how to become internet famous thru authenticity, purpose & service with Natalie Ledwell.

Natalie is an authentic and internationally renowned motivational speaker, best-selling author, Law of Attraction guru, host of “The Inspiration Show” and “Wake Up TV!” and co-founder of the revolutionary Personal Development company “Mind Movies”.

In the last 7 years, Natalie and her team at Mind Movies have touched the lives of over 2.1 million people across the globe and are showered every day with their success stories!

She’s a founding member of the Association of Transformational Leaders (ATL SoCal), member of the Transformational Leadership Council (TLC), and The Evolutionary Business Council (EBC)whose main mission is to connect individuals like her together, make a greater and meaningful impact in the world through empowering the lives of other people in their respect fields.

ACCELERATE 264 Internet Famous

How to Become Internet Rich & Famous thru IF-V03 Webinars with Jason Fladlien

Learn how to become internet rich & famous thru webinars with Jason Fladlien.

Jason is a webinar guru! The really remarkable thing about Jason’s journey is that 8 years ago Jason was making $12/ hours painting houses 6 days a week, while trying unsuccessfully to get a music business off the ground. Along the way, he started wondering ‘why can’t I sell this stuff to people?’ That’s when he discovered marketing. All these people were promising fast money with almost no effort or experience. So he bought into that and failed...

Then eventually, he started asking a different question. Instead of trying to get rich quick, he asked himself, “Can I replace my day job with a work-from-home job?”

It turned out that he could. He started writing articles and within 6 months was making $40/hour. Even though he got tired of writing about micro-dermabrasion and buckwheat pillows, this showed him what was possible. And he started teaching other people how to do what he did…

Seven and a half years later, here he is…. and as you can imagine he’s learned a lot during those 7 ½ years including how to make over $20,000,000+ in sales on webinars!

How to Become Internet Famous thru a Bestselling IF-V04 Book with Alicia Dunams

Learn how to become internet famous thru a bestselling book from Alicia Dunams.

Alicia is a sought-after and successful non-fiction book publishing authority who assists CEOs, business owners, and service professionals who want to become published bestselling authors as quickly and painlessly as possible. Utilizing a unique five-step process, she helps aspiring authors go from idea to author in record time during her Bestseller In a Weekend online training.

Alicia has also backpacked around the world twice, traveling alone through over 50 countries. In her thirties, she had a living as a hand model and she’s written and produced her own kids TV show…

How to Become Internet Famous thru a #1 Podcast IF-V05 with Steve Olsher

Learn how to become internet famous thru a #1 podcast with Steve Olsher Steve is the host of Reinvention Radio and the author of What is Your What. From his roots as a DJ back in 1989, but after starting Liquor by Wire with his mom back in 1991, everything got big from there. Within 15 years, Steve was making millions though internet-based businesses.

He now is a keynote speaker, author, and life and business mentor with a #1 podcast and he will be sharing with us about this journey and success.

ACCELERATE 265 Internet Famous

How to Become Internet Famous thru Collaboration IF-V06 & Cause Marketing with Rich German

Learn how to become internet famous thru collaboration & cause marketing with Rich German. Rich is the co-founder of the JV Insider Circle. He and his business partner Milana Leshinsky teach people how to leverage the power of joint ventures (JV’s). They lead the world’s largest community of JV-minded entrepreneurs.

Rich garnered international media attention from a close encounter on his paddle board with a pod of orcas off the coast of Laguna Beach. A video he shot of the experience with his GoPro Cam hit 1M+ YouTube views and his story got the attention of some of the leading conservationist organizations in the world including Save The Whales, PETA, Blackfish and Sylvia Earle’s foundation.

This led him to take everything he learned about partnerships and online marketing and start Project O whose mission is to help restore, protect and sustain the ocean, the life living in it and all of humankind, now and for generations to follow. The initial vision is to see the entire coastline of California protected.

In this Meetup, Rich will be talking about how to leverage partnerships to both build your business and support the causes you believe in.

How to Build an Inspired Culture & Self-Motivated IF-V07 Team with Nick Sarillo

Learn how to become internet famous by building an inspired culture & self-motivated team with Nick Sarillo.

Nick is the founder and CEO of Nick’s Pizza & Pub and the author of A Slice of the Pie: How to Build a Big Little Business.

Founded in 1995, Nick’s Pizza & Pub is one of the top ten busiest independent pizza companies in per-store sales in the United States. Nick’s Pizza & Pub has margins nearly twice that of the average pizza restaurant. In an industry in which the average annual turnover rate is more than 150 percent, Nick’s Pizza and Pub boasts a less than 25 percent employee turnover rate. Incredible when you consider 70 percent or more of his employees are under the age of 25!

Nick travels the world speaking about culture, leadership and management and also gives culture tours of Nick’s Pizza.

How to Become Internet Famous thru Sharing Your IF-V08 Authentic Message w/Derek Rydall

Your authentic message is a homing beacon that not only attracts the people you’re meant to serve, it also attracts you to them. But how do you find it?

What’s the secret to unlocking your authentic message for the world... the “”soul”” message that really resonates with you and that resonates with your tribe? Join us at our next Meetup to learn Derek Rydell’s secrets for divining your authentic message, bringing it out and expressing it in the most powerful way possible.

It’s time to live “full out”, without nothing left on the table.

ACCELERATE 266 Internet Famous

How to Reverse Engineer Iconic Stories, Images, and IF-V09 People with Marshall Wayne

Learn How to Reverse Engineer Iconic Stories, Images, and People with Marshall Wayne.

Marshall is a photography, filmmaker and brand strategist. He founded The Agency, a mix of model, acting and advertising agency designed to create iconic entrepreneurs through his Icon Engineering System.

Marshall has helped to create the image and intrigue of top online entrepreneurs including Kevin Nations, yours truly and many more.

How to Build Traffic & Community Using Live IF-V10 Streaming Video w/ Casey Zeman

Learn how to build traffic & community using live streaming video with Casey Zeman. You’ve probably heard a lot about Periscope, Facebook Live, and Snapchat or maybe even dabbled with these tools yourself. In this session you’ll learn how to use live streaming video to drive traffic to your business.

Casey Zeman is the best selling author of ‘Build Your Audience with Live Video’, the Founder of the webinar platform, EasyWebinar (a software that does both live and automated webinars) and the new Periscope analytic and marketing software Fullscope.Tv. With over 6,000+ EasyWebinar customers & thousands of Fullscope users, Casey has figured out what works and what doesn’t in the way of webinars, live broadcasts, video and what truly makes an engaged audience.

He’s also consulted such companies as Harper Collins, Estee Lauder and Dell on video marketing strategies and lead nurture funnels using webinars. Having built his own 7 figure software/info product business through the power of ‘live video’ and webinars, he’s passionate to bringing these same strategies to you.

Market Domination w/Ajit Nawalkha (Co-founder of IF-V11 Mindvalley)

Mindvalley figured out a formula for quickly dominating market after market, niche after niche that has turned their programs and authors into bestsellers time and time again.

They’ve mastered the art of creating unforgettable emotional experiences and a brand their tribe adores.

If you want to learn how you can be the superhero to your tribe, I highly recommend you join us at our next Meetup and learn from Ajit Nawalkha, cofounder of Mindvalley.

ACCELERATE 267 Internet Famous

Launch a Best-Seller & Make Your Book Your #1 Biz IF-V12 Dev Tool with Jesse Krieger Learn how to Launch a Best-Seller and Make Your Book Your #1 Business Development Tool with Jesse Krieger, bestselling author and founder of Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press. Jesse sits squarely at the intersection of publishing and promotion – having signed two publishing deals on two different continents and navigated the world of becoming a best-selling author twice. As the publisher and founder of Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press, it has been his honor to work with 100+ authors from around the world to achieve their dreams of writing and publishing a book.

With constant exposure to books, trends in publishing and the latest marketing techniques for authors, Jesse has a superpower to see the meaning beneath your words and help craft titles, website copy and your unique author language quickly and effectively.

Have a 6 or 7 Figure Money Breakthrough in 2017 with IF-V13 Morgana Rae

Does Money Love You? Or is your relationship with money a mess? Morgana Rae is here to help you figure that out.

International wealth coach Morgana Rae walks you through six time-tested steps to turn your personal Money Monster of scarcity into a Money Honey of abundance. “Your financial situation reflects your inner Relationship with Money,” says Rae. “If you don’t like your finances, something has to change in your relationship” and Rae shows how to jumpstart that transformation. In this talk Morgana will:

• UnUncover your hidden blocks to financial abundance (and they’re not what you think) • Abolish your financial anxiety • Change your relationship with money from a monster into your “money honey” • Reveal your next step to creating wealth • Give you a Revolutionary System you will use for the rest of your life

Morgana’s life-changing approach will give you a totally new experience of money, enabling you to take a quantum leap toward creating the wealth and abundant relationships that you deserve.

Speak Your Way to the Top with Chantelle Adams IF-V14

Imagine getting paid top dollar to share your story, getting book deals, being seen as the go-to expert in your area of expertise, receiving high-profile media, creating a massive following of raving fans, selling out your coaching programs and making a huge difference in the lives of thousands. All this juicy goodness comes from showing up and getting your brave on while speaking on live and virtual stages. During Internet Famous, Chantelle Adams is going to show YOU how to craft the standing-ovation-worthy speech, get clear on your message through the power of your story and have the confidence and courage to take Centre Stage!

Chantelle Adams is a Professional Speaker, Speech Stylist and Courage Igniter. She is fiercely dedicated to YOUR success! (Heck her coaching and support has even been compared to a good pair of Spanx!) She has delivered over 800 speeches in just 5 years and added more than 6 figures to her business through speaking.


The single MOST important step in creating any course is to clearly identify exactly who should buy it before you do anything else. That niche must be passionate about getting their problem solved, willing and able to spend money to solve it, big enough that your business can be profitable, and easily reachable through marketing.

This bonus shows you exactly how to pick the perfect niche for you, and know, in advance, just how large, profitable, and responsive a particular niche will be.

And, since you’ll be doing this right out of the gate, everything you do from that point on -- problem identification, product creation, marketing and product delivery -- will be laser-targeted at that niche and its needs, causing them to flock to you and your product.

Whether you don’t have a clear idea or you have TOO MANY ideas and passions, this bonus will lead you step-by-step through the process of choosing THE right niche for you and your market right now. Having the right niche is the difference between struggling for years and getting nowhere, and stepping onto the elevator to success.

Niche Down, Profits Up! is a super-condensed version of Start With You. If you’re doing Start With You, you don’t need to do Niche Down, Profits Up! too.

ACCELERATE 269 Niche Down Profits Up!

Maslow & The 4 Mega-Niches: Choose the Ballpark ND-V01 33:57 You Want to Play In

Your mega-niche is the ballfield you want to be playing in with your products and in your business... it’s the big bucket your business fits into. You have to choose your mega-niche before you can choose your micro-niche or the specific problem you solve or the specific result you get a specific kind of person.

You’ve Got Problems! And I’ve got a solution... ND-V02 16:58

When it comes to your micro-niche and the marketing message you wrap around it, there are two critical components: the specific problem you solve through your business or more specifically your product; and the result or promise you deliver. Identifying the problems that you can solve gives you big, HUGE clues about the result that you’ll deliver.

Let’s Get Specific: Moving from Mega-Niche to Micro- ND-V03 13:56 Niche

In this video, you’re going to continue the process of getting specific not just about your mega-niche, but the micro-niche you want to focus your business and your product around. We’ll also be addressing the fears and doubts that come up around getting specific.

Your Profitable Niche Checklist: Aligning Your Idea ND-V04 26:27 with the Market

Now that you have a sense of your mega-niche, your micro-niche and the problem you solve for people, it’s time to pass your ideas through the 7 criteria of our Profitable Niche Checklist to make sure you have something that’s going to be as exciting for your customers as it is for you.

Making the Choice: Choosing a Topic You & Your ND-V05 30:06 Tribe Can Love

In this video you’re going to make a clear get started choice on a topic that you and your tribe can love. You’re going to choose from all the ideas you validated using your Profitable Niche Checklist in the last video. Choosing an area of focus for the next few months, doesn’t prevent you from choosing or doing something else later. It’s simply providing you with the focus you need to get something done and out in 8-weeks, so you can get the feedback you need to iterate your way to awesome.

ACCELERATE 270 SPEAK! How to Use Talks & Webinars to Grow Your Business

Your voice is one of the most powerful tools that you have… and it’s time to learn how to speak out!

That’s why I’ve put together a super trio of trainings that includes my Captive Audience Campaign, my Reverse Webinar Campaign and Don Crowther’s How to Sell Using Webinars.

You’ll have everything you need to create and deliver an incredible live talk or webinar to get people into your program, without ever feeling pushy or salesy.

When you combine this bonus with Sales for Superheroes, you’ll be an unstoppable selling machine, in a way that feels completely natural and easy.


The Captive Audience Campaign: Speak Your Way to SPEAK-V01 36:47 Product Sales

No matter how online the world goes, nothing will ever replace the power of getting in front a room and speaking. When you’re live in front of an audience you create a deeper experience of community and connection than anything that’s possible online. Nothing will ever replace the experience of bringing a group of people together in what the gamer community calls “meat space.”

Live speaking also has the highest conversion rates of any kind of 1:Few or 1:Many marketing campaigns, because your audience gets to bask in your energy for an hour or more and absorb your message with a level of attention that it’s virtually impossible to get online.

In this training, I’m going to give you a proven presentation template that you can use online or off to sell your products. Then, at the end of this training, you’ll get some ideas for where you can find your first local speaking engagements and how to approach people to host you to their audience.

The Reverse Webinar Campaign: The Low-Stress Way SPEAK-V02 48:27 to Do Webinars

Welcome to one of my all time favorite marketing campaigns… The Reverse Webinar Campaign is a low-stress way to do webinars, which I’m sure is great news to you… :)

The challenge with the way most people teach webinars is that it requires you to really get your webinar right. You may have heard that “if you don’t make the sale on the webinar, then you’re not going to make the sale”. And that creates a huge amount of pressure to get your webinar exactly right. You’ve got to get your content right, you’ve got to get your delivery right, you’ve got to get your offer right, and you’ve got to get the technology right… and sometimes you just don’t get it all right. In fact, when you’re first getting started with webinars, most of the time you don’t get it all right. I still don’t get it all right and I’ve done well over a hundred webinars.

So relax. I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to get it all right. With the reverse webinar campaign, you have more opportunity to build relationships deliver value and sell your product than the webinar itself. The first time I used this reverse webinar campaign, I more than tripled my sales of a $997 product in the follow-up email sequence, even to people who never watched the webinar.

The reverse webinar campaign is most often used to sell 1:Many products, since you can have hundreds or even thousands of people on the line for a single webinar. It can also be used to sell higher-ticket 1:1 services, coaching and consulting OR longer 1:Few programs, when used in conjunction with a phone call or intro session.

The Webinar Opportunity SPEAK-V03 7:48

Selling via webinars is both an art and a science. The purpose of this bonus is to teach you the science behind selling with webinars. And it’s a huge opportunity because a single great webinar can be the main marketing element for your business for years to come.


Delivery vs. Selling Webinars SPEAK-V04 5:07

Delivery webinars (the ones you receive after investing in a course) are a totally different animal than selling webinars. Here are the differences.

Not Comfortable With Selling? SPEAK-V05 6:55

If you’re not comfortable with selling, it’s important to recognize that everyone’s a great salesperson, you have been since the day you were born. It’s all mindset because the problem is not with selling itself, but with the methods some people use to sell. When you adopt the right mindset, that selling is the process of serving your audience, you can become a great sales person.

Your Webinar’s “Problem” SPEAK-V06 7:34

How to create your webinar’s “Problem Statement.”

Your Webinar’s “Benefit” SPEAK-V07 4:51

How to create and structure your webinar’s “Benefit Statement.”

Your Webinar Mindset SPEAK-V08 8:20

Mindset underlies everything, especially when it comes to selling via webinars, because the mindset you come into the process with has a direct impact on the success you’ll have in your sales efforts.

Advance Preparation SPEAK-V09 2:40

How to make sure you walk into every webinar feeling comfortable and confident. Remember, your cut-off time for preparation is 60 minutes before going live.

Webinar Time Breakdowns“ SPEAK-V10 7:37

The ideal webinar outline and how much time to devote to each step in a 60 and 90 minute webinar.


Webinar Elements: The Pre-Stage SPEAK-V11 8:05

How you interact with your audience in the few minutes before it starts depends on which of the two schools of thought you most directly adhere to. The ideal is somewhere between those two. Do what you’re most comfortable with, but recognize you need to include the other in your interactions or you won’t succeed.

Webinar Elements: Introduction SPEAK-V12 12:52

How to structure your introduction (including if you have a host introducing you) and your Hero’s Journey Introductory Story

Webinar Elements: The Content Section SPEAK-V13 14:59

The 3 Requirements of a good content section and how to choose what you will teach during the content section of your webinar.

Webinar Elements: The Pivot SPEAK-V14 11:23

The 4 types of Pivots you can use to move from presenting content into pitching your product, and how to effectively execute them to move into a success sales pitch.

Webinar Elements: The Pitch SPEAK-V15 27:47

Each element of The Selling Map and how you should execute them.

Webinar Elements: Taking Questions SPEAK-V16 9:14

How to structure the Q&A section of your webinar.

Webinar Elements: Repitch and Close SPEAK-V17 2:17

How to repitch after taking questions to end with a close.


Keys to Success SPEAK-V18 5:57

Summary of How to Sell Using Webinars training and key tips to succeed.


Getting ninja at one-on-one selling is the fastest and easiest way to hit Mission Accomplished thanks to the CRITICAL real-world feedback you’ll receive on what people really think of your Experience Product.

This 3-module crash course brought to you by sales expert Christine Dunn will transform you into a selling ninja, without feeling “salesy,” pushy or slimy in any way.

Imagine your sales conversations as positive experiences where your prospects feel like they got the better end of the bargain, and are excited to give you their credit card.

This bonus course will guide you step-by-step through your enrollment conversations, with everything you need to get prospective clients to say YES!

ACCELERATE 276 Sales for Superheroes

Sales Mindset SFS-V01 19:49

In this video, you’ll get comfortable in the sales process, release resistance and fears that you may have around sales, and give you an overview of our sales principles.

You’ll discover how to create powerful partnerships through the sales process where your potential customer will feel deeply heard and understood so that when they decide to work with you, you already have a foundation of trust and commitment.

Connecting with Your Tribe SFS-V02 28:09

In this video we’re going to cover:

· When, Where, and Why to Use This Strategy · Naming Your Free Session · Creating a Compelling Offer for Your Session · How to Find People Online & Offline to Offer Your Free Session

The #1 fastest and easiest way to begin getting clients is to have conversations with people! When you get in a conversation with people you can start to tune into the language they use to describe their biggest challenges, how they view their problems, and what kinds of solutions they’re looking for right now.

Conversations also give you an opportunity to share what you do and practice talking about the services you offer.

The first set of sales skills to master, no matter whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in business for a while but haven’t mastered 1-on-1 conversions is the free session offer and enrollment conversation.

Enroll ‘em-Superhero Sales Conversations SFS-V03 22:25

It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, the ability to have a conversation with someone and make a compelling offer they can say YES to is one of the most valuable skills you can acquire.

You can build an entire 6-figure business on this skill and strategy alone, it’s that powerful. And it’s the first level of business mastery to strive for. Not only is it the fastest and easiest way to begin making money, it’ll also give you the information you need to scale your business to offer your services to more and more people. Through your enrollment conversations you will discover what challenges your clients are really struggling with, how they describe them in their own words, and what is most important to them. You’ll be able to use all of this data on your website, messaging, and marketing materials to reach a larger audience.

So let’s dig in and learn more about exactly what the enrollment conversation is and how to take a prospect through the process.

ACCELERATE 277 Sales for Superheroes

Everything is Feedback: How to Learn from “No,” Own SFS-V04 19:53 Your Value in the Face of Rejection & Iterate Your Way to Awesome

Rejection spurs us to up our game and perform at a higher level. When you use it as a tool for growth it will help you develop your critical thinking, improve your communication skills, improve emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, pattern recognition, compassion, empathy, resilience, confidence, and more.

Buuuuuut that only happens if you harness the power of rejection as feedback to help you become the best version of yourself.

Discover how to create success routines that keep you empowered to move past rejection, learn from the valuable feedback you receive, and use it to iterate your way to awesome-ville!

Shazaam! Enrollment Q&A SFS-V05 1:44:28

Christine laser coaches students from our Mentorship Program to hone their enrollment skills and deal with tough objections.


Using the Latest Tools, Breakthrough Graphics and Video to Rock Your Audience’s World

Getting people to focus on your presentations is key… and we all know what happens when your presentations are BORING… you’ll lose people fast! Don’t let this happen to you!

Don Crowther will show you how to use graphics, videos and key presentation tools to better convey concepts to your audience, so you can get the results you most desire. We’ll cover PowerPoint, Mindmaps, mobile device sharing software and screen-switching software, allowing you to switch cameras with the touch of a button to add interest and attention to all your presentations.

ACCELERATE 279 Presentation Technologies

PowerPoint PT-V01 34:14

How to use key features of PowerPoint and Keynote to stand out, improve communications, and get your audience to take action.

Screen Capture Programs PT-V02 7:47

Create killer presentations though screen capture programs like Camtasia, Screenflow, Snagit, and the Screen Clipping Tool.

Mobile Screen Mirroring PT-V03 4:11

Add interest and demonstrate key apps through displaying and recording your mobile devices on your computer screen.

Live Broadcasts PT-V04 6:13

How to be a successful live broadcaster on Facebook Live and YouTube Live.

Summary PT-V05 4:38

Increase your impact and results by making presentation technologies your own, matching your style, your audience, and your objectives.


Now, once you’ve designed, created, and delivered your product, the way you leverage it is by putting it online on a membership site. And there are a lot of options out there, which can be overwhelming if you’ve never done this before.

So our very own Don Crowther, will show you exactly what software we recommend and provide you a framework to create a professional course- delivery portal that can drip content, automate everything, and connect it to your autoresponder. A lot of people get tripped up when it comes to implementing the tech part of this… and while it can seem intimidating, we will walk you through it step-by-step.

ACCELERATE 281 Creating Customers for Life

My Dream System CCL-V01 12:16

As you choose the software to host your perfect membership site, you can just choose a package that allows you to control and deliver your paid content, or you can create “the membership site to rule them all.” This video explains that concept and why you’ll want to select a package that gives you the option to go beyond normal and create the truly “Perfect Membership Site.”

Dealbreakers CCL-V02 12:33

The dealbreakers for selecting the perfect membership site program. If it doesn’t offer any one of these, I recommend NOT using it.

Important CCL-V03 4:56

The important elements for the perfect membership site program. These aren’t as vital as the dealbreakers, but they’re still important to have.

Nice To Have CCL-V04 2:03

If you can get these elements, it would be nice, but they’re not essential in your choice.

Ambition Ally CCL-V05 11:06

My preferred tool for building “The Perfect Membership Site” and why.

WishList Member CCL-V06 7:42

My recommendation for a program that can be obtained for a single one-time payment (plus a small annual payment each year for updates and support). It’s powerful, but it takes more work and technical skills to make things work the way you want them to.

ACCELERATE 282 Creating Customers for Life

Thinkific CCL-V07 7:18

My recommendation for a free membership site option that allows you to upgrade later on into a paid model. Thinkific has lots of great features, and the free version will definitely do the job, but you’ll want to graduate into the paid version as quickly as possible.

Recommendations CCL-V08 5:31

My recommendations all in one place, plus what to do if your favorite program isn’t listed in these recommendations.

Building Your Membership Sites Webinar CCL-V09 13:07

How to succeed in the business of membership sites, possible business models, and how to build sales and retention for your membership site.