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New Trade Routes Philippines FT SPECIAL REPORT New Trade Routes Philippines Wednesday November 18 2015 | @ftreports Inside Interview State strives to lose ‘sick man’ tag The central bank governor discusses the virtues of being an Next year’s election is cent of GDP next year from 3 per cent in 2014. In particular, economists praise official spoilsport unlikely to send growing the public private partnership (PPP) Page 2 economy off course, programme, which enables private- sector involvement in the financing, The world’s back office writes Avantika Chilkoti construction and operation of infra- The extraordinary rise structure. About 10 projects, worth a total of $4.2bn and ranging from roads and rise of business iththickstonewallsand toschools,havebeenawardedalready. process outsourcing a stagnant lily pond at “ThetruevalueofPPPliesintheman- page 2 its feet, the main gate of agement expertise and the technology Fort Santiago in central access that the private sector has,”says The middle class W Manila is an imposing Cesar Purisima, finance secretary. “In a structure.Thefortificationsarepartofa country like the Philippines, where gov- Why newly-wealthy historic walled city that has been trans- ernment public servants are really not consumers think it is formed again and again through waves paid that well, it is hard to attract the time to shift the policy of occupation. It has served at various rightpeopletoruninfrastructure.” times as both a Spanish fort and US While the economy booms, political focus away from poor armyheadquarters. and social tensions persist across the Page 2 Nearly 70 years after the country won vast archipelago. Investment in the independence from the US, the Philip- resource-rich region of Mindanao in the Economic data pines is known for a cosmopolitan pop- south is blighted by conflict linked to ulation that has helped the economy to Muslim separatist groups. And as terri- The Philippines’ resist shocks, including a softening of torial disputes in the South China Sea economy, new industry, commodity prices and China’s slow- heat up, Edwin Lacierda, the presiden- consumers, and poverty down. English-speaking Filipinos with tial spokesperson, admits the country is perfect American twangs work at 24- relatively powerless against the Chinese in numbers hour call centres, driving growth in the “behemoth”. Page 3 $18.9bnITservicesindustry. The Philippines will go to the polls As well as Manila’shistorical sites, the next year against this backdrop of archipelago’s7,000islandsattractinter- impressive growth and political pres- national tourists. And a 10m-strong sure. The constitution prevents Mr diaspora stretching from the US to the Aquinofromstandingforasecondterm On Middle East sends home money that but economists say the policy agenda fuelsconsumerspending. will not change, regardless of who takes Slideshow: Official data suggest growth in the over. Philippines will edge up to 6.3 per cent “Obviously a new administration is Power generation this year, while the wider Asia-Pacific going to want to put its own interpreta- The case for making a regionwillslowtojust4.1percent. Presidential dictators and a corrupt elite, President says Shanaka Jayanath Peiris, the IMF’s tion or spin on programmes, but in tidal change in Economists believe there is little risk hopeful: Benigno Aquino came to power in 2010 representativetothePhilippines.“They terms of the key areas, like infrastruc- that next year’s general election will senator Grace pledging to put the Philippines on the have just been behaving and behaving ture, they know this is critical to keep renewable energy derailthisstandoutperformance. Poe, centre, with “straightpath”ofgoodgovernance. foralongtime.” growth going,”says Richard Bolt, coun- “We have . been able to keep our a group of Government debt has dropped from Aside from a push against corruption The country try head at the Asian Development own house in order,” explains Amando independent about 60 per cent of GDP to less than that included the incarceration of is relatively Bank. “It’s very hard to dramatically Consolidation of banks Tetangco, the central bank governor. politicians 50 per cent since the administration former President Gloria Macapagal unravelthat.” “We have adopted prudent macroeco- MARK R. CRISTINO/EPA took the reins. The Philippines’ credit Arroyo, Manila has introduced hard- powerless Although analysts marvel at recent is long overdue nomic policies and implemented struc- rating has been upgraded repeatedly. hitting economic reforms. Tax collec- against the growth in the Philippines, there are Profits likely to rebound, tural reforms that will make our growth And, in shoring up government tion has improved, children are to stay changes all are keen to see. The admin- say data from FT sustainableevenbeyondnextyear.” finances, the country has lost its ”sick in school for an extra two years until Chinese istration has opened up banking to 100 After decades during which the manofAsia”label. theyare18,andthegovernmentaimsto ‘behemoth’ per cent foreign investment, for Confidential Research country was controlled by spendthrift “They have been very good students,” raise infrastructure investment to 5 per Continuedonpage2 Tides of visitors bring in the High-profile women mask wider cash — but vices arrive too discrimination difficulties at work Gender equality “Not once did I ever think that I was not outsourcing jobs in the Philippines, 60 the same as a man until I came to the per cent of the workforce is female. Philippines,”shesaid. MarifeZamora,chairofConvergysPhil- Tourism Rates of female participation When she assumed the role of chief ippines, says family support helped her in education, politics and executive in 1981, the task of building raise her two children while focusing on Revenues soar but some fear business disguise broader business ties involved golfing and over- herwork. environmental damage and night trips with clients. Discouraged Her only regret is not having spent problems, says Kana Inagaki that she could not play the same games moretimewithherchildren.Worktook the rise of gambling, reports as her competitors, Ms Ho suggested her away from home for weeks on end, Avantika Chilkoti that her father bring in her brother to whether for training sessions, client When it comes to compiling a list of run the business. Married at the time to meetings,orlatenightsspentwritingup powerfulwomen,thereisnoshortageof an American banker, she remembers proposalsforcontracts.“Evenuptothis A few hours’ drive south of Manila, in namesinthePhilippines. feeling liberated only after her father’s time, I am hounded by guilt,” Ms the coastal town of Anilao, visitors find The country has had two female words of advice: “Don’t be what you’re Zamorasays. something rare: not just rainbow coral presidents. Grace Poe, the frontrunner not because you will fail. Just be what Some experts say the high rates of but areas where reefs are growing. to become the next president, could be youareandthat’sit.” female participation in education, poli- Decades of unsustainable fishing and the third, and Kim Henares, the After her divorce, Ms Ho sent her tics and business in the country mask pollution have destroyed underwater country’s most feared tax collector in children to boarding school in the US as the challenges many women still face in habitats around the world but, with the the battle against corruption, is also it became hard to balance her career thePhilippines. riseoftourism,communitiesinthePhil- amongthearrayofprominentFilipinas. with family life. To spare her employees According to the latest gender gap ippinesarenowconservingthecoastline High on this list is Doris Magsaysay from having to make similar difficult indexpublishedbytheWorldEconomic that lures big-spending divers and sun Ho, the 64-year-old shipping magnate decisions, Ms Ho is experimenting with Forum, the Philippines is ranked ninth worshippers. who runs the Magsaysay group and is tools to give staff a better work-life-bal- out of 142 countries surveyed. It is the Resorts have been “mushrooming”, one of the country’s best-known ance: support for carers, assistance in only Asian country to have made it into says Joyce Villarosa, manager at the Going with the flow: the coral is being conserved for big-spending divers — Alamy businessleaders. financial planning and devices to watch the ranking of the world’s 10 most gen- Aiyanar resort in Anilao. “It’s a chance Herexperienceofrunningacompany overchildrenremotely. der-equalcountries. for the local people to have a job, so that C Enerio III, president of the Tourism for bringing up the numbers in terms of in the male-dominated shipping indus- Shehopesadvancesintechnologywill Moreover, enrolment in secondary meanslessfishing.” Promotions Board, says the govern- length of stay and average spend,” Mr tryhasshapedherviewsontheempow- allow her employees to work at home school for women stands at 67 per cent, Beyond eco-tourism, tourist arrivals ment’s marketing budget has almost Enerio explains. “Now when a lot of ermentofwomeninthePhilippines. instead of spending three hours snarled higher than the figure for men, which is to the archipelago are booming. “This is doubledinthepastfewyears. these communities arrive in Manila, “I think a lot about women in the upintraffictoreachtheoffice. 56 per cent. “When you talk about gen- a labour-intensive industry, and Filipi- As promotional videos on YouTube they won’t stay at [their old] home, workforce,”
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