FOOTBALL: CRESTVIEW’S EARL REED TO PLAY IN ALL-STAR GAME SPORTS, C1 Inside this editon Wednesday, DECEMBER 21, 2011 36th Year, Number 102 50¢ City to buy Woodruff Ave. property from City Hall. With councilman istrative Services Director Mike school and main fi re station. Fire about $25,000 by the time the lot is Cadle: ‘It’s a Phillip Berezo the only holdout, Wing that the city was not in the Chief Joe Traylor said his depart- cleared and paved. the council voted 4-1 to direct city business of buying unwanted real ment had no interest in the prop- At the Oct. 24 meeting, Helt said slippery slope attorney Ben Holley to prepare a estate, Carter contacted council erty. the parking lot could be a revenue contract to purchase the property member and real estate agent Other uses for the property stream for the city if it had park- we’re getting into’ at 378 W. Woodruff Ave. Robyn Helt. might be a skate park or branch li- ing meters on it or if spaces were At its Oct. 24 meeting, the coun- While stressing Carter is not brary, council members have said. leased to FAMU students or staff. By Brian Hughes cil had approved 3-2 purchasing her client and that she would not At most, the land could provide 32 The revenue could be double the
[email protected] the quarter-acre lot at no more benefi t from the sale, Helt said parking spaces if used as a parking ad valorem taxes, Helt said.