Statutory Reports
Board’s Report Dear Members, 1. Results of Our performance of the Company’s Operations subsidiaries in various Your Directors, with great pleasure, geographies is given separately present the Annual and Integrated in the Board’s Report. The financial performance of Report for the year ended March 31, your Company for the fiscal 2021. The shareholders may also year under review is given refer to the Management below. Discussion and Analysis section that gives more details on the An overview of the functioning of the Company. ` (Crore) Consolidated Standalone Financials: Abridged Profit and Loss Statement March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Total revenue from operations 11028.62 9,910.80 6,254.33 5,474.45 Other income 67.07 112.30 64.74 91.26 Total income 11095.69 10,023.10 6319.07 5,565.71 Total expenses, including depreciation and finance costs 8,970.85 8,182.46 4,709.77 4,166.08 Profit/loss before exceptional items, share of profit of 2124.84 1,840.64 1,609.30 1,399.63 equity accounted investees, and tax Exceptional items (44.87) (81.05) (15.38) - Share of profit of equity accounted investees (net of (0.01) 0.81 - - income tax) Profit/loss before tax 2080.36 1,760.40 1,593.92 1,399.63 Tax expense 359.54 263.82 369.58 219.74 Profit/loss after tax 1720.82 1,496.58 1,224.34 1,179.89 Other comprehensive income (163.63) 223.20 1.11 (0.97) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of 1557.19 1,719.78 1225.45 1,178.92 the Company 214 2.
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