IGES/PDES Organization (IPO) and Its Related Activities

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IGES/PDES Organization (IPO) and Its Related Activities Copyright PDF Help Cover Page Contents Figures Tables Index US PRO Initial Graphics Exchange Specification 5.3 The U.S. Product Data Association (US PRO) was a nonprofit membership organization established by industry in 1992 and active through December 31, 2006. US PRO provided the management functions for the IGES/PDES Organization (IPO) and its related activities. US PRO's primary activities included hosting the ISO/IPO standards development meetings held in the U.S. each year, support for the U.S. TAG as required to maintain accreditation with ANSI, publication and distribution of the standards documents developed and approved as a result of these activities, as well as education and training, marketing, and communications efforts. These activities served both U.S. industry and government agencies by providing a national forum for participation from all interested parties from industry, government, and academia. The US PRO association helped remove barriers that inhibited the exchange of product data and its flow across the supply chain linked to product design, manufacture, and support. Advancement of Product Data Exchange technology is dramatically improving U.S. and global competitiveness. Participation in US PRO ensured that critical requirements for member businesses and industries were addressed in order to meet their Product Data Exchange needs. Copyright PDF Help Cover Page Contents Figures Tables Index Copyright 1997, US PRO All Rights Reserved Quick PDF Toolbar Tutorial • This brings you back when jumping to hypertext link. You can click several times for previous views. Actual size of the Last page page (100% zoom) Next page Full page within the Window Set width of page to Previous page that of the Window First page Find a word or phrase in the document Zoom For this Document “Blue” means hypertext. Click on the blue item and go to that Section, Figure, Type, etc. Click on this item and enter PDF page Click on this number (not IGES item and enter page number) zoom factor Copyrightã 1997, MerAl Productions Formerly an ANSI Standard September 23, 1996 - September 2006 IGES Formerly ANS US PRO/IPO-100-1996 Initial Graphics Exchange Specification IGES 5.3 IGES/PDES Organization US PRO U.S. Product Data Association Copyright 1996, All Rights Reserved This standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards. The committee that approved the standard was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed standard was made available for public review and comment which provided an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies and the public-at-large. US PRO makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this document or the procedures or standards specified herein, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. While every precaution has been taken in preparation, publication and distribution of this document, US PRO shall not be liable for errors or omissions contained herein or for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing or use of this document or the procedures or standards described herein. US PRO does not approve, rate, or endorse any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. US PRO does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable Letters Patent, nor assume any such liability. Users of a standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this standard. Published by U.S. Product Data Association Trident Research Center, Suite 204, 5300 International Blvd., N. Charleston, SC 29418 Copyright 1996 by the IGES/PDES Organization All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America US PRO U.S. Product Data Association Trident Research Center, Suite 204 5300 International Blvd. N. Charleston, SC 29418 An American National Standard from 1996 through 2006 Initial Graphics Exchange Specification Formerly ANS US PRO/IPO-100-1996 IGES Technical Editor P. R. Kennicott Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM IGES Project Manager Gregory Morea General Dynamics Electric Boat Division Groton, CT IGES Deputy Project Manager Ed Reid Caterpillar Inc. Peoria, IL IGES Change Control Secretary Curtis Parks National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD IGES Configuration Manager Gaylen Rinaudot National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD IGES Figure Editor Dennette A. Harrod Jr. WizWorx Concord, MA Chairman, William B. Gruttke IGES/PDES Organization National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD U.S. Product Data Association Trident Research Center, Suite 204 N. Charleston, SC 29418 September 23, 1996 Officers and Committees of the IGES/PDES Organization February 8, 1995 Officers Chair Bill Gruttke Deputy Chair Mary Mitchell IGES Project Manager Greg Morea Deputy IGES Project Manager Ed Reid PDES Project Manager Haidee Halvorson Testing Project Manager Gary Conkol Deputy Testing Project Manager Alan Peltzman U.S. TAG to ISO/TC184/SC4 Dick Justice Associated Staff Executive Assistant Ellen Trager Secretary Cremona Randall Administrative Coordinator, NCGA Nancy Flower IGES Technical Editor Philip Kennicott IGES Change Control Secretary Curt Parks IGES Configuration Manager Gaylen Rinaudot IGES Ballot Coordinator Ellen Trager IPO Communications Program Dave Mattei IPO Education Program Dave Sanford IPO Editor Joan Wellington Special Interest Groups CALS/IGES Lisa Deeds Ben Kassel, deputy CALS/PDES Wey Chang Configuration Management Haidee Halvorson Process Plant Mark Palmer Software Products Robert M. Wessely (acting) Steering Committee Chair Frank Tidaback Vice Chair Dick Wandmacher Secretary Dick Justice Treasurer S. Greg Hugh ©US PRO 1996. Copying or reprinting not allowed without permission. ii Technical Committee Chairs Application Protocol Validation Methodology Joel Peterson Ben Kassell, deputy Architecture, Engineering & Construction Burt Gischner, deputy Composites Glen Ziolko Conformance & Verification Testing Methodologies Tom Phelps Drafting Linas Polikaitis (STEP APs) Ed Reid, deputy (IGES) Electrical Applications Curt Parks, deputy (IGES) (acting) Finite Element Analysis Keith Hunten Geometry Ed Clapp Noel Christensen, deputy Implementation Specifications Dave Price (acting) Implementations Bill Turcotte co-chair George Baker co-chair Integration Yuhwei Yang Interoperability Accept. Testing Methodology George Elwood Gary Conkol, deputy Manufacturing Technology Greg Paul Larry Parker, deputy Materials Joe Carpenter Mechanical Product Definition Bill Cain PDES Development Methods Phil Kennicott co-chair Product Structure and Life Cycle Support Rick Bsharah co-chair Chuck Amaral co-chair Shirley Goodman, deputy Qualification & Validation Pete Lazo Sheet Metal Mike Strub, deputy Standard Parts Patrick Rourke, deputy Technical Publications Yuri Rubinsky (acting) ©USPRO 1996. Copying or reprinting not allowed without permission. iii Members of the IGES/PDES Organization Members of the IGES/PDES Organization Amaral, Chuck Rockwell International Corp Anderson, Bill D SCRA Anderson, John R US Army Research Laboratory Baker, George W International TechneGroup Inc Barnard Feeney, Allison NIST Basham, Dave Boeing Co Benigni, Daniel R NIST CSL Borchert, Cliff Eastman Kodak Co Bradley, Jeff CACI Inc Bringuel, Martin Hewlett Packard Co Brown, David Auto-trol Technology Corp Brubaker, Craig Newport News Shipbuilding Bsharah, Rick Rockwell Aerospace NAAD Cain, William D Martin Marietta Energy Systems Carpenter, Joseph A NIST Cederman, Charles General Motors Chang, Wey Tyng Accurate Information Systems Christensen, Noel C Allied Signal Inc Clapp, Edward Autodesk Inc Clark, Stephen NIST Collins, Michael F Control Data Systems Inc Conkol, Gary K CAMP ECRC Conroy, Bill NIST/Electronic Data Systems Cook, Jeff Texas Instruments Inc Corley, Jack SCRA Craig, Diane L PDIT Crusey, Jesse L NIST Danner, William F NIST Deeds, Lisa V David Taylor Research Center Demasek, Frank W General Motors DePauw, J Spencer Caterpillar Inc Durnin, Marc W Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co Elwood, George Air Force CALS Testbed Fleig, Gottlieb NIST/NIPDE Fletcher, Rob RLF Enterprises Freeman Jr, William B SCRA Freund, Kevin D Appleton Co Inc Ganus, Floyd O Vought Aircraft Co Gilbert, Mitch Grumman Data Systems Goodman, Shirley A Naval Surface Warfare Center Goosen, Ted Lockheed Fort Worth Co / PDES Inc Graves, Gerald R SCRA Grout, J S (Steve) Sematech Gruttke, William B Northrop Grumman Corp ©USPRO 1996. Copying or reprinting not allowed without permission. iv Members of the IGES/PDES Organization Halvorson, Haidee Auto-trol Technology Corp Hardwick, Martin RPI/STEP Tools Inc Harrod, Dennette Wiz Worx Hazzard, Lon R Grumman Data Systems Heiser, John E JEH Consulting Heller, Mitchell H Raytheon Co Hodges, John International TechneGroup Inc Home, Lance NIST Humphrey, Chris NIST Hunten, Keith Lockheed Fort Worth Co Johnson, Thomas G
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