r 10, 1171 President, VP hop-efuls debate today- Voters decide in AS runoffs tomorrow l'residential candidates the runoffs of the elections held Gary Moser and John Jenkel May 2 and 3. In those elections and their running mates will all candidates who did not Election fraud TT election face off one more time before receive a majority of the votes tomorrow's elections, as they were placed in a runoff with charge raised debate today in the Revelle their nearest competitor. endorsements Plaza at noon . In addition to the presidential by Laura A. Richter By the Revelle fountain and vice-presidential runoffs, News Editor Moser and his vice-presidential for the Commissioner of In a letter last week to Vice­ running mate Bill Silva and Appointments and Evaluations chancellor of Student Affairs Jenkel and his running mate post Marlene Peterson will Howard Hunt, Progressive President: Moser Ann Carberry will air their face Bill Topkis and for the Coalition member Jon Bekken ideas for 45 minutes to the noon Commissioner of Communica­ charged that the AS Elections Vice-president: Carberry crowd. tion' job Bill Friedman will Committee failed to respond to The voters will respond take on James Monhmmprv co mplaints concerning the Communications: Friedman tomorrow as they go to the polls In la t we k ' el ction recent elections within the 48- one last time in this AS election. Moser took 36 .2 percent of the hour limit set forth by the The polls will be open from vote and J enkel 35.1 percent Elections Codes, and that A & E: Topkis 10: 00 to 4: 00 and will be located with 23 votes separating the because violations of the codes in the Muir Commons, Revelle two. by ca ndidates and by the Plaza, Third College Plaza and The last time out in the vice­ committee p.revented . 'due Vote tomorrow from 10. am to 4 pm in front of the Student Center. presidential race Carberry process" in the elections, the The elections tomorrow are picked up 42 .3 percent of the election results should be vote with Silva getting 28 .5 overturned. percent. Bekken charged the commit­ The same voting machines tee with failure to enforce that were used in the first campaign pending limit , election will be used again campaign arid posting regula­ tomorrow. According to tions, failure to include in the elections commissioner Lori code provisions to prevent Dority the procedure followed double voting, failure to last time in the voting will not produce a sam ple ballot, change. failure to post warnings and citation , and additionally charged the Elections ommi- ioner Lori Dority with Test firms' .eglecting to provide interpre­ tations and clarifications of th codes. records to The alleged violations " deprived all UCSD students of a fair and equitable election," be opened stated the letter. Bekken has threatened to take legal action A major bill was passed by if the results are not invali­ the Senate Education Commit­ dated. tee last week which could Absence of evidence i eventually open the books of Hunt responded by comment­ ) standardized testing com­ ing that the letter was " well panies to the public, written" but that he could not (jr'eeJaP4Y(:e ZodUIc boat (lftidtlle) dOMe U. oa a c ...... or " kiIIe .. " boat (right) aIICI the ~ Approved by a 6-4 vote, SB take action in the absence of factory . hip (left), where the capt1and whale. an procaeed. I 2005 (Dunlap-Napa) requires " definitive evidence" to standardized test producers to substantiate the claims. disclose both financial and " The AS committees a re ·Greenpeace: To halt the slaughter I truth-in-lending- information to ca pable of assuming the responsibility," said Hunt, by Laura A. Richter Canada to protect a harp seal, which ~ studen·ts and independent a ding that appeals may be News Editor "scream as their brains are being bashed." ~ resea rchers. made either to himself or to " A slaughterhouse on ice." Moore reportedly covered the seal with his Testifying in upport of the i~ bill, UC Student Lobby Co­ Chancellor McElroy. " The Murder mysteries deal in fiction, but this is own body. ~~ Director Jon Haber de cribed Chancellor wouLd hear out not the title of a new hackneyed bestseller. " It has to be one of the most disgraceful and ,<~ anybody," Hunt stated, but he It is what Congressman Leo Ryan (D­ disgusting ways of making a living," said the dramatic effect stand­ i ardized tests have on students' said that the UC Regents have Calif.) called what he witnessed on an April Taunt. Harp seals pelts numbered 48,000 this ~~ the final authority in this case. trifr to Canada with Congressman Jeff year, compared to 97,000 of most years. Taunt ~~ live : Dority stated that Bekken Je fords of Vermont: the very real, and very said that "Mother Nature was having her " Standardized te t exi t was simply not aware of gory, clubbing and skinning alive of baby way", and the ice conditions were thick his ~ everywhere in our society. committee procedures when he harp seals. winter. A quota of 180,000 is allotted " overall" They are u ed to determine who wrote the letter, and that "if we Ryan and Jeffords were recruited by for the ships." will go to which college , ca nnot find substantial Greenpeace, a self-acclaimed .. action" Taunt said that the Canadian government I universities and graduate evidp. nce, the case is complet­ group which organizes campaigns to block was determined to stop the two Congressmen chools. The e te ts have a ely dropped" after considera­ the killing of whales and seals, in an effort to from witne sing the "hunt", which he felt is a I profound impact on every gain government support for their efforts. II ~~ tudent's future." tion within 48 hours. complete misnomer and calls it an out and ~, " It isn't as if he is an ignorant Born in 1969 out of the Vancouver, B.C, out slaughter." enator John Dunlap, the 4~ person," added Dori ty. She Don' t Make A Wave Committee, which Ryan, who is not only Chairman of the .. bill' author, criticized th called Bekken's complaints organized to protest nuclear testing in the House Subcommittee on the Environment but ,.,~~ " paternalistic" attitude of th "serious" but felt that the South Pacific, Greenpeace has chartered member of the House International Relations te t companie who poke in committee tried "very, very 10 sea-going boats over the years with which Committee, addressed a letter to Canadian oppo ition to the bill. hard" to uncover evidence, the group periodically sets out to deter Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in .. After hearing the argu­ es pecially in the case of Russians from taking wha1es by placing which he stated that he has never been more ment of the opposition, I am campaign posters being torn themselves between the harpoons and the rudely treated by government officials and more convinced than er that down or removed from walls. whales. The Japanese have thus far not been that the Greenpeace party was approached we need thi bill," Dunlap aid. " We have no definitive confronted. with consistent contempt throughout their Warren Willis, repre enting answers as to who could have stay in Canada. American College Te ting, h d done it," stated Dority. Charles Friend, pre s secretary to claimed that the disclo ur According to Dority, she and Canadian Fisherie Minister Romeo Le Blanc, provIsIon 0: the bill would Bekken are scheduled to meet is reported to have played a major role in ..prove 0 tly (or tud nt . after the runoff elections at attemptin~ to prevent the Greenpeace party Dunlap refuted thi claim by which time he will review (rom obtaming a permit to travel on the ic . aying, " We doo't e n know Dority's letter respon e to the was c lied "the Haldemann of the North" by how th compani operat charg and " we will continue Taunt, who ay that Friend actions during , fin n ill " to go over th procedure if he the April campaign make him "one of th omm nling aft r it ppro- till do n't und r tand," aid mo t thoroughly obnoxiou , rrogant and al. Hab raid, " Thi bill Dority. d liberat Iy ob tru tiv individual I h v r pr nt a major vict ry fUI . cond letter, dat d May 4, ver had to d al with anywh r in th world." pre nt and futur tud nt . W to t h Election ommitt 'I am out aliv ' Taunt add d, how v r, that " I cam out c n fin lly d al with t nd ' r- addr s 'd I tion violation diz d t t P nl a nd giv plu dditional violati n whi h ~ a h 11 of a lot b tt r than the al . I am out aliv ,. th m a prop r p r tiv in B kk n said he witne s'd -$ our du ation." during the polling. turn to pag 5) 'B 2005 will n h rd (Plea e turn to pagt' 12) th nat Finan ommitt triton times WedMlday, May 10,---- 1171 Wednllday. MIY 10. 1978 triton times Page 3

Opinion LUB PRESENTS FOR ~S PRES. AND VP Democratic principles shift by T.D. Allman The result is a situation viewed over whether the Party of both Jenkel/Carberry or Moser/Silva? Pacific News Service with growing distress by those who Franklin Roosevelt and Jimmy NEW YORK - The union leader want the Democrats to remain the Carter will be one essentially of Editor: Editor: - was angry. The proposal - to give party of social liberalism. Simply social principle or of broad tax breaks to families who send put, in many states. Democrats electoral appeal. Thia Thursday it Election Day. John Jenkel and Ann During the past few weeks most of us have, at one MIDDLE EASTERN MUSIC AND DANCING Carberry are amon, those running, and we feel they time or another, been confronted by one or more their children to private schools - often no longer need the poor, the Few Democratic congressmen are the mOlt deservin, of your support. We have candidates I'IJnning for a position in the AS. With would cause 100 ,000 students to racial minorities. the inner cities­ more graphically represent this worked closely with theR people, and have witnessed runoff elections taking place this Thursday, we abandon New York City's schools, the traditional New Deal and Great evolution in Democratic Party their dedication and concern for the well-beine of all most likely will be confronted again. However, it is asserted Patrick Burke of the Society electoral coalitions - to politics than Representative students at UCSD_1f you have the opportunity to meet nearly impossible for anyone of us to reach a logical United Federation of Teachers at a defeat Republica ns. , Charles A. Yanik of Ohio. In 1975 . either John or Ann, you will have no doubt that these decision as to whom to vote for based on these one or well-attended press conference. It In ,consequence, the Democrats Yanik had a 95 percent approval are the candidates to support. two minute encounters. It is too easy for a candidate to would cost 6,000 teachers their jobs. hold more elected offices today rating from the A mericans fo r When John acceDted the Cbair of the Student Center brag of his or her accomplishments. experience and It betrayed Iibral principles. The than at a n y time since the Democratic Action. The National Board, the Board was in dismal shape. Throueh hard concern for fellow students when there is no one Senator behind the propos .. l. the Roosevelt landslides of the 1930s. Association of Manufacturers the work and leadership abOity, he ,ot the Board movin" around to contradict them. union leader argued, would destroy But under their shared liberal same year gave Yanik a zero and workine for student interests. John has tried to For this reason, Gary Moser and Bill Silva have the nation's largest public school ethos, Democrats north of th e rating. Jack Anderson has lauded make the Student Center more than just an office challenged their opponents to an open public debate. system if he had hi s way. Mason-Dixon line are increasingly Vanik ~ a member of the powerful buildin,. He has pushed for a pub, that unlike some Although their opponents keep harping that The target of Burkes ire was divided over whether government Hou e Ways and Means Commit­ Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick pro~ls , wouldD't close off the Student Center to the " experience makes a difference", Gary Moser and shou ld be an active tool for social tee . as one of the House of majority of students, those under 21. He has begun Bill Silva believe that " ACTION makes THE Moynihan - him If a product of equality - or concentra t e on Representatives' bes"t congress­ neillotiations with the CamDUS Box Office to bring a difference." While their opponents keep talking about ew York City 's public schools. helping middle-class Democratic men, ticket a,ency like Ticketron or Metro to UCSD. He lias what they are loinl to do, Gary Moser and Bill Silva go who won New York's last enatorial voters defend their affluence in a " He believes." according to also shown himself to be a good manager, playing a out and do it. election with strong union support. period of rising prices and declining Anderson . " that the gaping considerable part in the writing of the budget for the When plans were made to increase parking fees, Friedman for communications Later in the day. another Democrat expectations. loopholes that only benefit the rich Student Center, a budget in excess of $350 ,000 . Moser and Silva worked together and put an end to - Manha ttan co ngressional °In Ma sachuselts. Democratic are outrageous," Of all the students at UCSD, none have the them. To improve the social atmosphere at UCSD Editor: candidate Carter Burden - joined Governor Michael Dukakis has By every traditional tandard. knowledge of the university, or of how to make the Silva helped organize the four-band, "Day on the This Thursday's election represents the final opportunity for students to the dispute. condemning Moyni­ geared his administration carefully Yanik is a liberal D mocral. par Administration work for the students, that is Green", while Moser chaired the Alcohol Policy Task han 's tuiti{)n tax credit proposal as to the needs of the suburban voters. excellence. Yet Yani k - like elect responsible leadership to the AS. The voting has gone well so far. "a retrogressive social policy and possessed by Ann Carberry. Two years as the Muir Force which put on the" AS Beer Bash" and submitted incredibly well. Last week '!> elections recorded one of the highest turnouts many of them the children of white Moynihan - today is the author of the Pub Proposal. When the Muir ,4.ctivities constitutionally unsound." Burden, legislation which many liberals in the history of student body elections in California. ethnics in Boston , who now are SATURDAY. MAY 1.3 College Rep to Reg Fee, and one year as the Reg Fee Coordinator position was threatened, Moser and Silva unlike Moynihan. is the son of a affluent and have moved to the coniider a betrayal of Democratic Intern Coordinator have prepared Ann to meet any I It is my hope that students will continue to vote according to the issues. millionaire. and the product of the lobbied the Reg Fee Committee and saved it. suburbs . Nationally. Dukakis principles. INTERNATIONAL CENTER, $2 .50 (includes refreshments) in student government. ,Although Ann is Gary Moser and Bill Silva have an unique ability to and not fall under the influence of irrelevant mudslinging: With this in East Coast's elite private school. Representa tive James Corman mind. I am writing to point out several facts which are important in the presents himself as a spokesman ... humus, pita bread, baklava, stutfed g~ape leaves ... more adept at numbers than anyone we know. Ann is bring people together into well-functioning teams. for " progressive" social legisla­ of Los Angeles. for one. criti cizes not a pencil pusher. She served on the Day Care Teamwork is what gets the job done. Instead of trying race for Commissioner of Communications. I am in the runoff for this T.D .. Allman is an associate AV - difference! Take a loo k at OUI uIJl>oncnts ' Arts & Sciences CSD Day Ca re Center to tonlinue Administration. and although the 1967. The program is deSIgned to assIst unusually talented 7;"" I'M rlNA L E)(A In !) LLYPENSO, Intern members of the Reg Fee Commit- accomplishments. Tak a look at our accomplish­ GEIUtY OSHIMA its existence. The needs of the Day undergraduate students to carry out special studies and projects PRE PAf\A lION WlT~ & 1.'\1 ments, then vote. Rape Task Force Care Center. dnd the need for it (Please turn to page 5) under faculty supervision during term time and/or vacation. Such 6rwn HL 1330 GARY MOSER TIM ROEMER RICK FISHBEIN, Coor. have been explained in the Triton BILL SILVA Intramural Department Israel Action Committee Times, the new indicator and in projects may include research and/or other creative activities. MARLENE PETERSON JAMIE ADLER. RON BEE several ofthe union house organs on AS salaries This year. another fellowship has been added to the Co-ediwr. L'Chayim BOB RUBINYI campu . The student body of U CSD competition in the name of David Jay Gambee. David was a has shown great support (or the usc Revelle student who was killed in a traffic accident just prior to of their own Reg Fee monies to be very funny this . acad.emic year_ The fellowship, established in memory of ¥ ALSO - A 5 "EK TEST ANtll TI' used for the continuation and we I(SHOP B EGI N5 W ED NESDAY . mAl' 10. The Triton Tim • i. published by UCSO stuOents 8S an official stUdent newspaper. Publication is on MonOays. Wednesdays ana I improvement of our model center. Editor: Da~ld , "':11t be awarded with preference to a student doing a Fridays during the regular school year (except on offlclIl holidays). Editorial and business offices are located In the Student Center 3"'" "l :;lO - CALL y"O rO SI' Op! I And yet. with all of this outpouring Your iJrtide about an AS officer's prOject In an area In which David was interested, namely. at the University of Cahlornla. San Diogo For editonal. call 452-3466: for bUSiness and Olsplay advenlsing. call 452-3468. I sIon.cround I\llural Food, FREE Color " LOV YOUR FEET" Posters 3076 (arlsbld 8hd. lL- 12.2Rm ~ - ---~ available al all locations. ('Irlsb.d. ( .\ 92008 triton times orts THE SWISS ALPS Tritons place eleventh in Distri mpionships ... a presentation at the International Center It has to be the slowest District the 200 meters. It was also the Tritons had some bad lU ck In the 3,000 meter steeple chase Three Championships ever, as second straight year that the some substandard perrnlrm,.-.. finals, senior Kim Downs ran a UCSD managed to score 26 points in talented athlete has ~n a district In the 1500 meter trials season's best 9: 52.8 to take fourth capturing eleventh place for their champion. Last year Morning won Helms and Jon Han:lf'rlln place honors. :fhe medal did not • best showing ever. Taking nothing the four hundred meters. qualify for the finals. s ."eeten an earlier decision by Pt. away from the caliber of competi­ The real surprise of the meet for strong race, moving up Lori. coach Jim Krakes to keep the tion, however, the meet was held at the Tritons had to be Chris Sando's place with a lap to go, but talenL'''d senior out of the 5 000 Biola College's notoriously slow third place finish in the high jump. hold on and finished in a meter fin..:: Is later that day. Because --~:!'r.:~'""'"!":---"':';:' track and many times appeard to be Sando' previous best this season qualifying fifth place time of : of a commu.~ications error earlier substandard. had been 6'2" , but in Saturday's In the second heat, Tim H in the week, 'friton coach Andy Morning district cbamp again finals the Muir freshman cleared sucked into a very slow "m' V. alll Skeif failed to enter Downs in the Third College junior, Kevin 6'4" to take the third place medal. It consequently was unable to 5000 meters. When ' uwns asked if Morning, will advance to the NAIA was the first time a UCSD athlete the fourth place finisher. he could be entered .n the race (his . 'F- season's best of 15: 23 was well ...... 'Ic_ .... nationals for the second year in a has ever scored in the high jump. also finished in a non·qua ,/ '- row as he beat a tough field to win [n Fridav's competition. the fifth place, at 4: 09 .2. below the qualifying time) all the coaches agreed except for Krakes. The rulmg had to be an elllOtlOllal blow for Downs, who was coached Slides . and. music about backpacking and 1M softball by Krakes at USI as a freshman mountameerlng, by Dorf Waldmeier, Swiss Guide. and sophomore. In th~ ~inal event of the two day AWB climbs in Men's AAA poll competItIOn , there was a slight Wed. May 10, 8:15 pm di a ppointment a nd a s m a ll Everyone Welcome, sponsored by International Club With a . 13-2 slamdunking of remained the top Coed A squad blasted the Softballs, 35-0 . urprise. Talented distance runner highly touted Kirby's Bacon, and the Ragtime Blues re­ poll: Doug Jacobson, fa iled to qualify for 1) Royal Hippodrome (4-0) the AlA nationals as he finished in the A verage White Boys placed the Fire Flags as the top University Event. Office climbed to third in this week's Coed AA team. 2) Midas (4-0) third place in the 10,000 meter run. Men 's AAA intramural softball Men's AAA 3) Average White Boys (2·11 He was unable to stay with Pt. In cooperation with the ~ 4) Schrooms (1-1) THIN~IN G ABOUT THE NATIONALS - Sprinter Kevin National Endowment for the Arts pre.ent. rankings . The A W Boys, For the third consecutive Loma's Chris Sadler in the last Morning, who won the NAIA Dilltrict Three 200 meter title lallt ~~~ composed of members of the week, Royal Hippodrome tops 5) No arne Squad (2-2) stretch of the race and finished in Men's AA 32 : 33 . Only the top two finis hers are weeken.d, IO~1I lIome e"'~rit laps in preparation for the NAIA Triton varsity basketball team the Men's AAA poll as they won Championshipil litter thiS month in Te",as. rose from ninth in last week's their fourth straight game, 4-2 Running on Empty eligible for ationals. ~... r:., poll to the number three spot. over the Lobotomies . The a 6-1 deficit in the fourth i The other Triton runner in the race, Jon Halperin, displayed some In the Men 's AA division, Lobotomies were ranked eighth to hand fifth Lillies of the Running on Empty stayed at last week and fell to tenth. a 10-8 setback on Saturday. of his best cross country form as he Triton softballers .f\S ~ finis hed in ninth place with a number one, Flying Crab Lice Second ranked Midas won their Lillies remained in the fourth game in a row , 10-5 while spot despite the loss. personal best of 33: 44 . Halperin was took over the top spot in the up with the leaders for more than ~~ Men's A division. Renobettes fifth billed No Name Squad Shapiro's Strikeouts won finish undefeated the f ou rth tfme ina roy,. half the race until he developed ~~~' blisters and fell off the pace. The UCSD women's softball blanking the AMES Gang, 3 team broke one of baseball's Stlre, the Tritons - who The Men 's AA poll: Triton coach Andy -Skeif was strongest taboos in a game wrapped up their regular 1) Running on Empty (4-0) generally pleased with a ll of his against Point Lorna College season in the game, with a 10-0 - modern dance that 2) TDH & SLU & CO (4-0) athletes performa nces. He felt that here Mondav. One ofthe Triton record - were ahead 6-0 in the will dazzle you . 30 Strikeouts (4-0 ) the team started to show some real players began to put away her game. And sure, their star improvement near the end of the team's equipment - while the pitcher, Eileen McGirr, who " .. . a sense of the 3) Strikeouts (4-0) ' eason game was still in progress. has won every game for the miraculous quite won­ 4) Frumpkins Phuqnutz Tritons this year, was on the derful to experience!" 5) Lillies of the Field (3·1) mound. Men's A Tritons fall in badminton But any real baseball or - Lewis Segal Flying Crab Lice be softball fan will tell you it's a Los Angeles Time. Summer Session, 4-2 to stay Competition in the' California player, in the first round . sign of the worst type 01' the top spot in the Men 's State College Championships Steinberg posted an 11 -2 11 -4 overconfidence to out away Lecture and oroved to be a bit too tough for the division. Previously top victory. She went on to ~asily your equipment before the final Demonstration Del Mar Coasters dropped ucsn badminton tejlms as all the defeat Stal,lford's Susan Fisher, out is recorded. sixth after losing. The poll: Triton entries were eliminated by 11-2, 11-1. Steinberg was stopped In The Tritons won anyway as Friday. May 12 1) Flying Crab (2-0) of play. the third round by the tourney's they scored five runs in the first at noon 2) PB -Bombers (3-0) n u m b e r s eve n see d , N ina two innings, then settled back on Revelle Plaza lawn 3) Too Cool (2-0-1) Hal J acobs posted a first round Pederson of CSU Long Beach, 6- to turn in some fine defense 4) Whiff (3-0) win over Russ Okuro of San Jose 11. 11-7, 11-8. work behind McGirr's one-hit May '13, Saturday, 8:30 pm "Fec:ulty/Statf/Student Discountl State, 15-11 , 15-17, 15-11. He faced In mixed doubies Joe Starvish performance. ' 5) Red Sox (3- 1) five-strik~out Mandeville Auditorium ~ off with this adl" CoedAA ~o n Gonza les of Cal Poly Pomona and Carol Steinberg were ousted The Tritons got off to a fast Student. $3.00, G.A. $5.00 452-4559 The Renobettes did not l~ second round action, defeating in the early rounds by a duo from st~rt, as lead Off. hitter Cindy UCSD Box Office but stayed atop the hl~ , 15-7, 15-6. Advancing to the Stanford, 15-11 , 12-15, 15-12. Zimmerman Singled and poll . Coed AA play sa third round, J acobs was pitted One of the more interesting scored o~ a double by catcher high scoring games last against the tournament's number mat,:hes occurred in the consola- Janice YIp. After a strikeout, 22-4 , 17-2 and 15 -14. Wi h we three seed. Chris Black of CSU tion bracket of women's singles as c\~a~up h.itter McGirr knocked the space to say who Long Beach, a finisher in last two UCSD players, Linda Fried VIP 10 With a single, but was winners a nd losers of yea r ' s national competition . and Jane Orbuch, fa ced each picked off first. With two out games were. Maybe .next Bl ack beat J acobs 15·11- 15-1 other in a struggle to advance to first baseman Mi chelle Frost Coed A "Hal played well', but Bl ack ~as the next round. Fried came out the doubled, and came home on a Ragtime Blues took over too overpowering," commented victor and faced Mary Pacheco on Si ngle by right fielder Lori tops spot in the Coed A Tri ton coach, Fred Koch . Sunday. Goldfarb. by mashing Hits and Run . For the women, Carol Stein­ The Tritons play their last dual The Trit~ns then picked up . Fourth seed e d Mul t berg , UCS D's number one player match. a reschedule, against t~o more In the second, with r Orgasms went berserk and the tournament's ninth seed Mesa College this afternoon. The Zimmerman and outfielder Lagrange Multiplier, 36- m e t Marce lla Collie . CSU All-Cal will be held at UC Davis Mary Jo Speer gaining the DomlOgueZ Hills ' number one May :!o and 21. _ Karen Hunter RBIs. In the fifth , UCSD scored FRIDA Y nlTE fl~(KI Cheryl IS a loan interviewer at your advantage of U.S .E. Credit Union 's low cost Un iversity and State Employees Credit loan program. We leAd money for vehicles, University Evenla Office Pr_ts Union . Daily she comes face to face with . furniture. home improvement. to refinance people that share the same kinds of money higher cost loans from other financial needs you have. And daily she sees those Institut ions .. . nearly everything . And ours problems solved quickly and conveniently. are among the lowest loan rates anywhere If you or your spouse are employed Just ask Cheryl th rcugh UCSD you 're eligible to take The Movie Brings To MARATHON <» NCUA OO~4[§ MAN University & State Employees SAINT ANCIS with * Credit Union and his deeply for Dustin Hoffman " Where you can belong for a lifetime " Identity, for Love, FRIDAY MAY 12 • (a full length, feature) • TIME: Thu 11, 7: 30 pm 453-5620 PLACE: UCSD - Campus USB 2722 Call on Your U.S.E. Credit Union Today RICE: FREE! 7 and 9:30 pm USB 2722 Central Box Office, 452·4559 Unlv.,.11 Even'. Office PIlle. triton times - ...... v. lie, 10, 187. ~~----~+------~~==------~------."11 If." .., 10, 1171 triton times PIOII ------The De ment of History .Dnoun H three courses Concert Arts/Entertainment to offered by History faculty as follows: Scene P.S. Your Cat is Dead 'The Moving Co.: lUltory I4I/l4tA Colonial 1 tin Ameri.~ . . by Tim Mackenzie MWF 12:00 Emphasis on vre-conque t CIVlhl.a."ons. th~ development of Arts Edil.Or Spain and Portupl and the experience of the lbenan colomes (1400-1800). Last Sunday's Angel/Head East Show at the Sports Arena a play dance of ideas lUltory 11IB Enlland - Ie RevolutioJUl~ Alt. . . "Dirty-Words' don't make Tu Th 3:30-4:SO An examination of the socIal. pohtteal and Intellectual more resemblcd a riot than a The Moving Compa ny. a modern dance company hailed for dewlopment. 1600-171 S. Topics to lie cove~d include constitutional connict concert, featuring a pitched by Jill Louise Bazeley ever after. (Except when Vito intensity and ambivalence of " r!lOving bodies, colors, patterns, images, ideas and aUdiences. " and ~volution. Puritanism and the scientific revolution. battled between Angel and Arcs Wriler is frustrated because he has the Vito. This P.S. Your Cat is Will appear at 8: 30 pm. Saturday, May 13 in the Mandeville H ...ory 191Q History or TechnoiOlY, 1700 to the Prnent . their crew punching it out with One gets the feeling that hots for his super-straight pal.) Dead , though written by James Auditorium. ' (Time to be announced) A social hi tory of the onlms and Impact of the security guards. It was as Ca lifornia Pacific Theatre, Chava Burgueno gives an Kirkwood and directed by The cOry1pany's eight d ancers, under t he direction of tcchnololical innovation. from pumps and bearin~ to bali-pOInt pen~ . FOCI : the far from Heaven on Earth as which is quartered in Balboa exceptional performance as William Virchis, is most choreographer Pat Finot, chairman of the Department of Dance imaae and (unction of the engineer: the ~Iationshlp between ~rcepllons of the possible. . Park's old Puppet Theatre, Vito. He is at once ethereal and definitely Burgueno's show - it at California State University, Long Beach present a repertoire environment and technological development: economIc and cultural After the houselights began, chooses its shows on the sole brutal, tender and mean. Wynn ranging from original mixed media pieces to more traditionally implications of the 20th century inventions. 'a band called the Godz came on is funny because Burgueno is and the spectacle that was basis of shock value. Now Rowell, who plays Jimmy, funny and it is touching because stylistic dance forms. sometimes" shocking" is carelessly sloshe through his Burgueno is touching. But the The performers experiment with a wide range of audio-visual Sunday night began. They were lines and brings his ch racter k. primItive, relentless and synonomous with " relevant", fusillade of obscenities effects and performance moods.. Through abstract movements. atrocious. The Godz need a lot but as with the current nowhere near the fiery , latino the dancers explode With energy and create what critics have more than what they gave if production, P.S. Your Cat is called a " spellbinding exposition of moods and places ... even NITTY GRITTY GREENERY they hope to last a while in the Dead , "shocking" is just places in the human mind ... an international language of biz, perhaps a few special .. hocking" and nothing more mov~f!1ent. .. a n~vel without words ... a play without dialogue ... the 1115, WALL STREE'T . effects. But then you'd think - except, perhaps. boring. preCISIOn for which these da ncers strive produces an impressive someone with the audacity to There are no dead cats on stage concert." call themselves The Godz in this play, but it does feature The UCSD appearance by The Moving Company is sponsored by LA rOLLA would have something else up most of the "Seven Words You the University Events Office in cooperation with the National Ph. 454-8560 . their sleeves besides boogie, (lead singer John Schlitt polished. Mike Sommerville's Can Never Say on Television" Endowment for the Arts. Tickets whi ch may be purchased at the boogie, boogie. dressed in Rod Stewart hand­ guitar playing was crisp and and practically all the varia­ UCSD Box Office (452-4559) are $5 (or general admission and$3 for me-downs), Head East played had a good bite to it, though It tions thereon. students. Mother's Day Following the brutal perfor­ the good-time boogie rock that was probably up to the growling P,S. Your eat is Dead is about mance of The Goelz was Head they play over two hundred Roger on keyboards to make how Jimmy Zoole spends his East. a top-notch rock 'n roll nights a year. the show for Head East. New Year's eve. In his thirties, Special band from the Mid-west . Standout numbers of the Jimmy is an insecure, second­ night were "Get Up and Enjoy "Sure we enjoy our reputa­ rate actor with twenty years of Cut Playing on a rather curious ex perience as being listed in CIEE Plants and Fresh Flowlrsof , venue of showy rock music, Yourself" off of the new Head tion as a good concert band," he these straight-ahead rockers East LP and the Head East said. " And incidentally, we've theatre programs among the 15% discount to all delivered the best music of the standard " Never Been Any been playing really consis­ "monks, bellringers, virgins ANNOUNCES night by far; at least it wasn't Reason." Working as much as tently. So we're happy about and hunchbacks." He has just UCSD Students with 10 perverse . Making a few Head East does , it's not that. But we feel that we've ,ot lost both his jobs, his girlfriend concessions to the audience surprising that they were that to be big in albums before we re has walked out on him and his going to really get going on a cat is dead. nationwide scale." Despondent. and contemplat­ ing a quiet evening at home. STUDENT FLIGHT TO: CHANCEllOR- WilLIAM McELROY. It was around ten-thIrty wnen Jimmy picks up quickly when the lights went down for Angel. he discovers a burglar has REDUCTIONS FROM: PARTICIPANTS. OF THE ·U.C.. - CHilD CARE CONFERENCE Using old magic as an aid, dropped in - the same one who Angel d id it ' s patented earlier stole and destroyed his TO EUROPE RE.: PROPOSED FUTURE OF THE : U.C.S.D. CHilD CARE CENTER " materialization" entrance. It unfinished novel manuscript ­ Cha\la Burgueno a. Vito Antonucci. the hapleel barglar 'was impressive. Perhaps the eight months worth of work. strapped to the kitchea table. • Save $15 on any CIEE Roundtrip Charu:r! most impressive part of their He is now out for revenge. He o Combine any two CIEE nights to suit your schedule' show, anyway, until the melee. delivers a fast right to the o Select your own route to/from Paris. Amsterdam or Zurich ! May 6.1978 intruder, Vito Antonucci, and o Return when you want! We consider this decision-making process • Confinn your CIEE night in advance! In their designer white accidentally leaves him Angel ... -to ' be intellectually. - morally and socially unconscious. When Vito comes • Don 't risk airpon stand-by! The University of California at San Diego. costumes, they really look quite to, he finds himself strapped (Continued from page 8) • Select from CIEE's nationwide schedule! ridiculous. But when they delve in proposing to contract child care services to bankrupt. and tied to the kitchen table - and the Angel crew, while the into song, it does become at the mercy of Jimmy and the ASK US 'ABOUT CrEE's: a private vendor. is taking a backward step Your propose!'t Contract child care out to ridiculous. Worst.of the bunch fire marshals ranted and forces of nature. which make it raved. toward becoming an elitist educational a private vendor is bad for children and is "guitarist" Punky Meadows, necessary for his pants to be cut institution which fails in its obligation to ' exploitive of child care workers. SDE who comes as close to qualify­ away so he can relieve himself * Special Children's Fares! provide equal access to women and families ing as a musician as Jim in the kitchen sink. (Vito The trouble with Angel is that specifies staff-chlld ratios which are optimal Nabors. It was quite nauseating there's just no substance One-way Charters! with low income. remains bare-ended through­ * for enhancing educational opportunities for to watch him sashay' and fall out most of the production.) behind the glitter of their stage around on stage whIle thrash­ show. Yel a mazingly. Angel' s * FREE Student Travel Catalog! Chancellor McElroy. you have flagrantly young children. The 1:12 staff-child ratio ing his guitar, falling to his As one might expect in a play that uses the seven dirty words new LP White Hot is far and manipulated and disregarded your own proposed by the private vendor is in violation knees for extra effect. But at away their best effort to date, adviSOry process and violated the integrity of of the ratios which are known to promote the least his hair was perfect. ~hings start to get " heavy" a nd CONTACT: l EE Student Trav~1 ervices Issues become the main fo c us. o Student Center 8-023 healthy growth and development of children. featuring t he Single " Ain ' t your Student Registration Fee Committee. The Angel set came to an Vito is bisexual. H and Jimmy Gonna Eat Out My Heart La Joll a, Calif. 92093 The Registration Fee Committee is esta­ The University. the foremost educational abrupt end as lead singer d~velop a friendship - " just Anymore." The challenge for (7 14 ) 45.2-0630 fmnds" - and the implication blished to provide a means to advise you institution in the atate, is derelict in proposing Frank Dimino speared a Angel is tosound as inviting live Fares \llId lhru Jul) 20. 197 . EX(en11lVl PC:ndlnl CAB appf'O'al the use of staff-child ratios deemed security bouncer in front of the • IS that they will live happily a they did on their LP. 20 da~ ad"ancf purchase rtqulrtd eats limited independently on allocating stuQent-paid stage with his mike stand. This registration fe. for needed student services. unacceptable by SDE. after Dimino had enticed the : ...... ,: You have disregarded the conclusions and : audience to come in front of the • Happy B-Day • In a field traditionally staffed by underpaid stage. Anyway, a fight ensued • ir recommendations of your chosen Ad Hoc between the security personnel Child Care Committee-they recommended women, U.C.S.D. is devaluing child care work (Please turn to page 9) : * Ran! * ~ by an 11-2 vote to maintain the existing child even further by opting for a minimum wage­ ~ care center and to reapply for State paying vendor, as well as evading its respon­ ...... , ... ··_··_·__ .. _.. _.. _ .. _.. _ H_."_.' Department of Education (SDE) funding. It is sibility to affirmative action in its personnel t t dishonest to establish a participatory process policies. U.C.S.D. has an obligation to .; COMMUNITYt . only to ignore the recommendations which promote decent salaries and working (BLOOD are inconvenient for you. conditions. A teacher who is paid a minimum BANKl ~.' 983 India i Further, you have ' ignored the wage while caring for twelve children all day 327 F Street i overwhelming student affirmation of the is in an intolerable work situation. Such a .1 PAYSDONORS i existing child care center. 4,000 of 9.000 teacher is available only because of the high ( i U. C.S. D. students signed petitions rate of unemployment which your campus 'I for Service ',:: has no business exploiting. Mon. - Fri. supporting the continued existence of the i 233-5481 I i 23·1-4601 • child care center with their registration fee We demand that you fulfill your obligation ...... _ ._ .. - ...... ~._ . ~ .. ~!.~_ . C monies. YOl, ave never before had such a as an educational leader by assuring the clear manda'(e from students on the use of the continued existence of your excellent funds. campus child care center. UCSC UCSD UCB Serena Layon Cheryl Garrett I Mary Steinhart Delores Jackson David Paine Sharon Astudillo Licinia Lama Marilyn Hurn Ken Naumura Donna Blase f UCSB Penny Borgstrom Jennifer Ninnis HASTINGS Non~oe I Stella Toogood 'itLIVE WIRES Jennllee Logan Lida Beardsley The Singing Telegram People ... foot or phone. Den De Harne Amber Leonard TilT PIIIPAIIATION By by Kate Vankek Bruce Rlodan .,ICIALIITI IINCI , •• Norma Robinett Lily Suarez Jim Freeberg Diane Ryken Visit Our Center. Los Angeles Orange County San Diego Dallas/Ft. Worth _-.~~ Peter Wilson Victoria Chavez Jenny Maida And Set for Yourself ubi Why w. II1II_. Th. Differenc. (213) 462-3111 (714) 957-1933 (714) 23J..7624 (817) 461-1191 Chiquita Waters Luce Sandoval UCLA Randi Welrath Barbara Wishingrad e,ll DIYs. Eves • WeeUnd. Mary Wright Erica Von Boltenstern G in J)dl\~~ . tap dtln<:lOg. hell:- danl'cr.. mime.,. Ola~cian!\. \cnlnl()4ui~L'. or ... availahle upon requ I Donna Craig Rebecca Tracy San o ,ego Centtr Crescent Byerley Leslie Weiand Other Participants 2180 Garnet A ... Sam Kirk Yvonne Rollins Pacific e.lch 92109 Nancy Golden Anna Puslna Dr. Betty Halpern, CSC Sonoma UCSF Laverne Salkov, CSC Sonoma UCR Carolyn Yee Phone (7111 27 ....10 Carol Hardgrove Mary Miranda David Shaddock ,ISue Brock. UC Child Care Consultant '. ,' .' Wedne"y. May 10. 1'71 triton times Pag.11 triton times Wednelday. May 10, 1978 :~------~----~------~~==~------.------~~ Classifieds Brahms concludes. Women's softball .•. 10 Tritons R I,· ky. th.nk you lor belnll my K!IIlGlfT IN Room dunna summer Prl bMlPl Irae h~ ' rm ... Slfl G ING ARM OR ... comln, to my ..... rut' Love kitch \tt'v. or bay ~e .. ' 11 5S1rno CoJI1 (.\.,,~ 272- (Continued from page 7) personals 71 11 (S!II symphony season ' tlK' lIirlln Blo-Med C5 1101 JOBS JOBS JOBS The MUir Dean's Office and . The rest of the Tritons in Solana Furnished room north Clairemont a rea kitchen its sixth run, on an RBI-single Pale One are lookln, (or student awarene Plano player "'ants to play Jan or rock with others. pOlfilel4:l . prh Bt~ entrance, nlet house 1100 27"l4 by Frost. haven't b en too habby at the enthuslaau to appl)' lor MUir Df'an Inlern and poee Want drummer. ba playen. sax. ell'. Dou& 452 S396 (5111) plate, either. l1CSD has scored One coordinalonhlp posluons for the next 1141 1511%1 The La Jolla Civic/University Symphony and Chorus will academic year Job de81'rlPtions and appli cation UCSD coach Chuck MiIlen­ Beach surf Summer renlJlll, "'nale nd double roo"" In Oel conclude its season on May 20 at 8 pm and May 21 at 3 pm in 78 runs on 81 hits this eason, to are available In the Student Empklymt'nt Offices for sale" Mar. I b&ock rrom the beach. " 'I20 · II~ Av.ilable bah, in a n interview Tuesday. average almost eight runs per NOW!! I Dradllrw to reach the MUir Dean ~ Orrlce is Mandeville Auditorium with one of the great rei igious works of the F'ENDER STRATOCASTER wilh c ...,allen nul Ju.. 21. poo.ib,IiIY o( year I••• . Call7SS-7404 Ind said, "Yesterday's win was a F'r i da~ . M.~ l:/th. 1511 21 game. MI. Winne JUII cieaned Can Paul at 45.'.... 1200 aU. for And~w or Coli n (T8AI 19th Century: arahms' German Requiem. typical team effort. Even tourney 15t1 0) DAVE E .' We are .tlppl .. uncontrollabl~ without a MALE CHRISTIAN plan. to be Gr Sludenl in rail. thou~h all our games are won decent w ••er . lfyou didti't know it waabroaen. now Now that the Tritons have Metroeound IMO AN/ FM cail with auto revene.-loc seek! pla<.'elO live Ilaninl J une. 513-2440 Jon 15/151 The conductor for this fi nal concert will be chorus' permanent by Eileen. the rest of the team you do. PLEASE HELP US' d • • It mOllO . loci< F'F' and RW Uled I month ond director, David Chase. who will also lead the orchestra in Brahms' finished their regular season Alex Bogdanov and Eric complete wlo. all ori.inal packinc matenal. 1100, RoomatH wanted (two) beach MuM, rumiah, still has to perform . She When you (eel Uke tllkin. let your lI.. e ... do tile undefeated, becoming only the Hanscom led a ten man UCSD 4.51 .... eve• . 1~1I 0 ' JlS5 / mo WlndiJllSt>a area. pelS, ok. "'·alher. dryer. joyous, "Variations on a Theme of Haydn." (Eileen) is capable of striking walkin Give Focus a cill &52-4455 15.... 35 Eric. 15112) out everyone but we still have to second UCS D women's ·inter­ contigency in qualifying for the 70 P ilt 150 .portJ ('On\'er1lble61OOO ml En• . rblt. at Chase has been at UCSD since 1973. In addition to the chorus he collegiate team to accomplish first annual Solana Beach Warren has a reputation of belRllhe moilipirited .... Ne'A' battery, murfler Beauty exterior " lOt. travel score runs. And our defense is of .,11 the colleeel . Come see why May U , that feat, according to MiIlen­ Run. very well. dependablf ... run Everythina CI EE announce. new . a pptulfed ONE, WAY conducts the Chamber Singers and Chamber Choir. He earned his outstanding.' . surfing competition to be held worb well. Skip 273 .... 141. 453-7500 1(3713 (work' CHARTERS! Confirmed seatIC"," now be booked to Master of Arts degree from Ohio State University where he was bah. they will travel north to this Saturday at Seaside Park HUNGRY WARREN COU.EGE COMMUTERS­ 1511 0) Purls. Amsterdam. ZUrich· Price begin al $245 Ventura to pl ay in next ~tan'e nomore~ Preedlnner a t Tradilion Day. May from Sitn Francl.co/ LoA Anlele . 1199 rrom Nt· .... composer and arranger for the University Chorale. Currently . he The game Monday was in Cardiff. l3th! 72 Datsun 1200. Dependable a nd economical Exlnt ,"o rk FlYing round·trip the prll"e IDeI do,,-" wbcn is a member of the faculty at Palomar College. indeed typical, for the Tritons weekend's AU-Cal tournament, Ten of the twelve entrants in lt out, mech SQund.4spd ,30mpi. noreJ)alr Lo ..' )00 combine a ny 1wo CIEE fliahLS ltuil SUit )'our J LIA KOAKLEY' You have v.'on 2 tickeu to the where Millenbah said he from the Triton surf squad blue book.IOSO A.kInK . IlSO . Sklp27,..1 ... 453 7500 ~hi'd ulf" 0 ..' " routt" dt in general, and for McGirr. She MO VING COMPANY' Piok them up wl ln" hou .. Select your lome St"e us x373' (work, It ' s a l ood deal 15 / 10) ('fEE tudent Tra,,~1 Senl(.'es l'( 0 Student Brahms' monumental work enlists two solo vocalists in addition expects to do well. qualified for the finals, which at the St Centf'r ~x OUire .. picked up for sixth shutout and T-s hirts with Warren ColleKe' nev. school maS('()t ConterB-823LoJolia (' 9'1093 '114"S2 O""n to a large chorus and orchestra. Those solo roles on this occasion fifth one-hitter of the season will feature top surfers from CRAIG DAVIDSONI You ha\'e won 2 ticke18 to the .. III bt on Ie at Tradiuon I}ay Ma)' 13th ' Get IIIt Pt'kd.J), s rrom 11 ·3 ITHAI will be sung by soprano Kathryn Evans and baritone Christopher "The All-Cal is the end of the California. Along with Beg­ MOVING COMPA'-:Y! Pick them up w / m 48 hours Yours' Monday. She has also pitched s llhe 5t Center Box OfflCt! . wanteo Lindbloom. Evans wi ll complete her Master of Arts degree in the three no-hitters, allowed only 10 season for us. We don't have danov and Hanscom, Alex Surfbo3rds S' MatriX 7'S' Bet>Se1 a nd S' IO" •...... lIov. Kina Tut tle keu Please sell 1I{'keu to parenl fur UCSD music department in June. She is the leading soprano of the hits and four runs (three any regular playoffs, so the Bravo, Dave Denton. Dana CHRISTOPHER llENCIl' You hove ~· .n2tic k'" tD 130 to $70 All negotldble C", 11 Pete Jfter 10 00 pm. kldscaJe er lOsef'uhlbn ('JIlTen.U7SS-6401 15/ 121 Jones, Bert Nielsen. Rusty the MOVING COMP NY' Pick thern up w / m <&I 481 8346 151101 Young Artists' Opera Theater, for which her most recent role was earned) and struck out 91 tournament's what we 've been houn at the St C~nter OOK OHiee MJthtc'm..lUl'IdTl tPhI) jlr ~hI 5t['r I t" ~rt \10 It/lt.' l\:-. Fiordiligiin Mozart's "Cosi Fan Tutte." She is as well a member of batters in 70 innings th is gearing toward. If we do the Preisendorfer. David Rowe, Excellent C'ondltion 1976 UbJN DL 5 speed. 25000 l1l'i'dt'd for .Jul) m.11 \luM bt~ f.lOlIlI .lr ~ tth Mitch Schaub and Joe Sturte­ ER JN AHERN' You half,· won 2 tickets to the mi .. radhlls. 35 m.'\(. 2850 negotldble Call1S3-8151 ('d r),Wnlr) .lOd roof (r..lmmg (';111 (;Jr\ \~ OS('IIf' ... 1 the Early Music Ensemble of San Diego and Musica Reperta. season. things we're capable of. we 'll MOVING COMPANY' Pick them up ....1 In 48 h ou~ Kim or Ben 15/ 2:1 1 755,0161 Li lUI do all right. The All-Cal teams vant also made it to the finals. Sizes 8-18 at the SI Center Box Office In addition, . as the Triton are no better than any other slated for 7 am. housing Male \'olunteers needed t h c tl'n~t'"ual l ror ma fl te ~ Tickets will be available at the door for $3 , Adu lts and $1 KARE CHERRY' You ha \'f won 2 tickets to the thesiS research. p., hrs o( you r time, taking cleanup hitter, McGirr has 16 team we've played this The competition is free and Factory Prices To You Alwaysl pS)'C' hol oCl cal questionnaire Students. MOVING CO MPA NY' Pick them up IN / In" houni J~I \1 or be,n:'h hous~ for rt:nt stdrting 1•.IIf .. ' Junt' -I standard IMM Plt hits in 36 times at bat this year. season," he said. open to the public. at the St Centfor 80x Office bt.' Interntitlon .. 1 • Ce nter Dan Stanford tDlu abut IJfeafierlu\II' S

The eme re~n c')' 1000n prolram ror the 19'n-78 Call 452-2080 academic yeur Will C'los~ on May 23 . 197 • . ApplicatiOns (or emergency 10a05 wdl not be ac c ~pted alter th a t dale There will be no Mon-Fri. 8 am-4 pm emergency loan.5 during the summer

Difference ... STUDENT RATES (Continued from page 3) to " organize . push [or a better society" (quote from Mr . Starrs' letter) . I think Will Wright. and many others, are more effecti ve as professors or writers. tban they would be co llecting names for petition or organizing rallies. The 'Best' methods are seldom so clear­ RECENT GRADS cut. nor universal, as Mr. Starr seems to think. But more impor­ tantly . in the attempt at social In computer related fields change, I think there are better 'targets' than others who share (APIS, AMES, Physics, Math, Economics) your goals a nd values. but differ in their methods. LI NDA R, SA80 Concurrenl Enrollmpnl Sign-up at Career Planning Ph ilosophy/ 8iology & Placement for job interviews this Thursday, May 1 Elections PlCIAL GU lST SLAR with VOTE III RA!INSQW Tomorrow fE AT URIN G RONNIE RITCHIE COZY sl=e~¥..JLuNIVAC JAMES 010 BLACK MOR E POWE!...L -,r CO MPUTER SYSTEMS INTRODUCI NG GooP times 'are great times 'for the easy taste of o DICE for entry level and trainee positions MONDAY MAY 22 SAN DIEGO srOaTS AURA For appointments Sperry Rand Corporation • All SP.ats reserved I t- t A phitheat' re Style contact Career Plan ning 4393 Viewridge Ave, $675 5 75 475 n rna e m Tickets available 01 Sports Arena Box Office. all Bill Gamble's Stores and Placement San Diego, CA 92123 ond Arena Ticket Agencies InfOfmohon (714) 224·4176 452-3750 268-3600 FREE PARKING AND MILITARY DISCOUNT PRODUCED BY WOLF & Rt SSMILlER CONCERTS -' ' _P~~'_1_a __~ ______~ I ______------tt-ft_on--ti-'m--IS------______~ ______~-----W-~--~.~~~r ~ M.~10.1.7 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Exp .... May 17, 1978 Commentary TRANSMI SION SPECIAL 50 11.-.. ON MOST CARS $14 I ndividuality is the issue WITH THIS COUPON reg. $24.50 name, the film also brings in revenue which • Band Adjustment (wII.... applicable) News analyses have been abounding recently allows the company to pursue other projects • Change Transmission Fluid • CI ..n Filter • Adjust Ljnkage on the controversial Proposition 13, the Jarvis­ • New Pan Guket • Road Test • Check Modulator Gann Initiative (which would limit the property (including its most recent film, "Libra", soon taxes on all real property to one percent of the scheduled for release) . Most of the rest of its Million Tranimlilion & Brakel full cash value of the property). The conclusion money comes through what they term "small ALL OUA WORK IS ~ULL Y GUARANTEED 2S YEARS EXPERIENCE of many political pundits is that the "revolt" is contributions. " one of a new mini" American revolution", with Approximately 25 people are employed by .:... ~~.~~.. ~!~!~~~.~~!.$l~.~~: .. ~~~~~~.~ ... the people telling the ¥overnment that they've WRI, and in talking with them, one thing .;;-~--;. ~ ' " had "enough taxation. ' Quite enough. became clear: their distaste' for government. .. _.. ---.--.. _...... ------Dovetailing this sentiment (or, perhaps in the "It's not only that you work six months of every vanguard 00 has been the growing movement, year for the government," said one member, : EARN $a.50/hour : seen particularly in the western United States, "but even more importantly is the continuing : Full or part-time work to distribute the 1978 : of the Libertarian Party, both in numbers and government interference in every day life." philosophy. Michael Newbrough, an Assistant Professor : Zip Code Directories in your own area. • A leading ,-ontributor to the Libertarian ranks of Social Sciences at Palomar Junior College, has been World Research Inc. (WRI) , a firm said that is was "both ironic and tragic" that .·Flexible hours ~round school schedule : located in nearby Sorrento Valley. In trying to "the best thing we (libertarians) have going for gain a better understanding of " what's us is increasing government control." : ·Work at your own pace : currently happening", both in terms of their They see such control as the impetus for more company and what they feel is occurring now in people turning against government, which : ·Summer openings available now : the country, and. interview was given. makes them increasingly vocal for "their The first thing that was emphasized in talking individual rights as a person." ~ ______CJ!I~ Z§Q-'lZQ _____ ~ __ ! with a " round-table" of six employees from As a movement, libertarianism seems to be WRI is that the word " individualism" is .drawing from the fringes of various political preferred to the term "Libertarianism" - and groups - being so "far out" that it has qualities from that key word, " individual" - they say attractive to both rifht and left. Of the six much of their philosophy is derived. interviewed at WRI al said they" at one time or Institute thriving another had been leftists", attributing this to WRI was founded in 1969 as a medium to what they view as " being surrounded by a spread the "word" , which included among other culture weaned on being dependent on things the notion that the free enterprise system government." - . works" if left alone." From appearances sake it . Not realistic appears that the institute is thriving, producing "Let's face it, " said Patricia Morris, editor of newspapers, films and books. A primary thrust the newspaper, World Research Inc., which has of WRI is to the college-aged group and to this a circulation of 50,000, " the idea of a government end much energy is focused on the company's that solves all ills is great. It appeals to the Campus Research Institute, which, among emotions. But we all know that uch a notion is other things, distributes slick messages not realistic." detailing pro-individualism and anti­ Those at WRI say they face a problem: " When government stances. people hear the words " free market", they think Preferring to term these messages as we're trying to defend the system as is." In "educational" rather than " propaganda", WRI reality they are working for a " purer" system, sees the mailings as important, not only (or the one in which " big business and the government content but also because they view most are not the same thing." colleges a "heavily biased", complete with " an "The free market corallary reflects upon a unwavering acceptance of government in free society," said Bruce Stoddard. "It allow economy." freedoms instead of restrictions in a numb r of WRI's reputation rests mainly on its 1974 areas. It is something government control have award winning film , "The Incredible Bread eroded." Machine ." The 32-minute documentary Because the b Iiefs of WRI deviate from challenges the excesses and infringements of mainstream politics, the organization and it ' government ("the government doesn't produce politics are often labelled as " fa cist" by anything") while promoting individual pursuits out ider - term that tho e of WRI say is the ("individuals can solve probfem better tha antithesis of the organization and goal . the government") and concludes with the telling "Society benefits by individuals pursuing story and " sad fate" of Tom Smith, inventor of their interests," said Newbrou.gh. " That's " the·incredible bread machine." where we stand and what we are striving for." The film has made thousands of dollar and And for tho who disagree, WRI say they're has had playing time in every state in the US, " ready, willing and able" to d bate or hold a as well as in many other countries. Being forum on campus. important to WRI in not only spreading their - Alan Russell ~~--~------~~~~ !*************************************************************************-. Elections violations ... : ACTION COMMITTEE & UNION OF JEWISH : (Continued from page 1) Spicer) attempt to influence the : STUDENTS OF UCSD ;... non-complianceThe alleged violatIOns of proper were elections outcome, the AS : PRESENT : voting identification proce- Bulletin discrimination agamst « ••• ;... dures, failure to punch student certain candidates ., intention­ ally" and " maliciously" ; and :« I S RAE L'S 30th ;« IDvoting, cards campaigning to prevent occuring double some persons voting more than « ; within 100 feet of the polling once. Dority said that the Elections !: IN DE PE N DEN CE' ;«... handledplaces, ballots at times un properly by the Committee has not taken any « « attendant at Muir, biased action regarding the May 4 letter, and that she has not had « « persons working as polling ANN I V E RS « attendants , the Student time to thoroughly review it : ARY : Organizations Advisor's (Scot herself. CELEBRATION «~ ~« « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « « i '"hursday, May 11,1978 i

i« REVELLE PLAZA i« i 11 :30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. i i ISRAELI SONG CONCERT i


:« ISRAELI DANCING, TRAVEL INFO :« « SPONSORED BY ASUCSD : )************************************** **************************.*******11