The Irony of Sin:Akutagawa's “Yabu No Naka” and Ambrose Bierce's
九州大学学術情報リポジトリ Kyushu University Institutional Repository The Irony of Sin:Akutagawa’s “Yabu no Naka” and Ambrose Bierce’s “The Moonlit Road” Takahashi, Tsutomu Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Kyushu University 出版情報:英語英文学論叢. 71, pp.21-41, 2021-03-17. Department of English, Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Kyushu University バージョン: 権利関係: The Irony of Sin:Akutagawa’s “Yabu no Naka” and Ambrose Bierce’s “The Moonlit Road” Tsutomu Takahashi To the student of modern Japanese and comparative literature, it is an allur- ing piece of evidence that Akutagawa Ryunosuke was keenly interested in Ambrose Bierce, an American journalist, satirist, and author of short stories.1 Akutagawa, in his literary essay “Tenshin” [Snacks], introduces this now little- known American writer to Japan for the first time, stating “Few writers are so precisely skillful in constructing short stories as Ambrose Bierce.”2 Akutagawa then elaborates upon Bierce’s technique of irony and his aesthetic propensity for fantastic and supernatural elements, drawing in comparison upon the master of the fantastic, Edgar Alan Poe. In another essay, titled “Chikagoro no Yurei” 1 Nishikawa Masami, for instance, has pointed out significant parallels in the lives, personali- ties, and creative styles of Akutagawa and Bierce. See Nishikawa Masami,“ Akutagawa Ryunosuke to Anburozu Biasu” [Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Ambrose Bierce], Nihon Bungaku Kenkyushiryo Sosho: Akutagawa Ryunosuke II [Studies in Japanese Literature Series: Akutagawa Ryunosuke] (Tokyo: Yuseido, 1977) 181-86. As for comparative studies of“ Yabu no Naka” and“ The Moonlit Road,” see especially Yoshida Seiichi,“ Akutagawa Ryunosuke to Konjaku Monogatari—‘Yabu no Naka’ ni tuite” [Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Tales of Times Now Past—About“ Yabu no Naka”], Kokubungakiu Kaishaku to Kansho 25 [Japanese Literature: Interpretation and Appreciation] (September 1960): 136-40; Nakamura Mitsuo,“ Yabu no Naka kara” [Out of the Grove], Bessatsu Kokubungaku II: Akutagawa Ryunosuke Hikkei [A Companion to Akutagawa Ryunosuke], ed.
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