If I Only Had a Heart: A DisCO Manifesto The text of the DisCO Manifesto is licensed under a Peer Production, P2P Attribution-ConditionalNonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicense. Read more about the PPL here: Think Global, Print Local and licensing for the Commons. See licensing for images here. If I Only had a Heart: a DisCO manifesto — Value Sovereignty, Care Work, Commons and Distributed Cooperative Organizations

“If we can’t take care of each other now, when the world is going to shit, how are we ever going to make it?”

— Gary Shteyngart, Super Sad True Love Story.

A joint publication by DisCO.coop, the Transnational Institute and Guerrilla Media Collective 4 Contents You say Potato, Isay Chapter 2 Rage Against theMachineand Science Friction Chapter 1 Introduction If I Can’t …Foreword byRuth Catlow Design andImages Acknowledgements Authorship Credits Tecktonic: Nextsteps on the DisCOdancefloor Don’t leave methis way: Who’s dancing at thisDisCO? The Last Chapter 7 Don’t stop ‘till you get enough —radical workplace democracy Good Times: DisCOsinReal Life Open-Value Co-ops for Radical Workplace Democracy Chapter 6 We Are Family: introducing theDisCO CAT and Care Oriented : Community Algorithmic Trusts Chapter 5 Guerrilla Translation andthe DisCOGovernance Model and theGuerrilla Media Collective Punk Elegance: The Story of Guerrilla Translation Chapter 4 Saved My Life Last Night ADistributed Cooperative Chapter 3 Autonomous/Cooperative Decentralized /Distributed

...... Dance: The Future isUnwritten





...... Cooperativism Decentralized:



...... Semantics Matter Organization







...... 30 24 21 20 14 10 76 76 75 74 69 67 64 61 58 56 52 41 38 46 6 5 Contents If I Can’t Dance… Foreword by Ruth Catlow

6 2 1 ofcommon care andvalue. pools planetary-scale of dancefloor the on cooperation, to co-create new moves and crypto-economists movements for working people, the and to form with together join to tribes new whole invite and door the open throw DisCOs them?” get we do how and Cooperatives Distributed Open need we do “Why to us?” help blockchains or DAOs maths.just not behaviour understand to data qualitative use to economics for need tthe asserted also flows.She economic of and patterns of human turn, interactions, and their co-production of in value, rules were the that source and, believed economist Prize-winning economics Nobel The change. shape social and political what are institutions Ostrom Elinor to According forming new ventures together. Neither, ismoney. funnilyenough, — incentives, and penalties secrecy — are not a natural starting forpoint most people the in future. activity However the shared core concepts the of DAOs of otherwise) (or benefits the enjoy to and distributed be should rewards and risks how on agree to blockchains; before impossible were that ways in centre, the from control without joint-ventures,form Decentralised and resources pool to the value, economic exchange cousins, to DisCO’s people allow to The promise Organisations, governance. Autonomous of forms distributed more through empowered people self-organised of collectives varied see to yearnme, like who,those to step the in skip a and heart the in song manifestoa inducesDisCO The

Wall, 2017. Derek. As Julio Linares likes DAO tosay: “The that putontheblockchain can be Elinor Ostrom’s Rules for Radicals 2 By reframing the question from, “How can “How from, question the reframing By , PlutoPress, London. 1 and crypto-economic mechanism and design crypto-economic is not the real dao is notthereal (orway, inChinese)” 7 If I Can’t Dance… Foreword by Ruth Catlow If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto 8 of the living system in constant flux, in need of constant renewal. It discourages us discourages It renewal. constant of need in flux, constant in system living the of It encourages systems whole-body checks, in which economic flows are just one part necrotic mechanisms for interacting with dangerously and ledgers abstract that otherwise pervade the the for injection current crucial DAOsphere.a is ventures joint new DisCOs’ attention on local conditions and the corporeal bodies of those involved in the there never willbe.” And cooperativism. platform for app magic no is there difference.Because embrace and hierarchies, negotiate trust, foster that methods and organizing community in experience have who people also but solutions, technical only not embrace to waysfind to need “We machines. “intelligent” and “trustless” of limits and uses the and special about DisCOs though is their emphasis on lived experience, care and relations, or institutions, will each enable a pattern of interactions between its members. What is ‘ownerless’autonomous organisations,constraints.These judicial from first) (at free invitation to imagine, design and an build the organisationsand weefficiencies, need costfrom the groundboth up, about a is with This creation. contracts,organisation of legal zero-cost near source open interoperable, of development the is DAOs all them). change can we until least (at locally laws the within operating while off-chain) and (on- borders national across emancipatory cooperation and radical maximize To distributed? Why DAOs? Why 3. these systems are onlynow more widelyacknowledged. to be starting ofjusticeenvironmental and social to costsystems.economichuge harmful The our narrativesof misleading the through ignored approaches,currently intersectional of the care work vital to human prosperity and survival. They also acknowledge systems. the our value living for expand cooperatives apply care the logic of to feminist include economists like Marilyn to Waring, need to account accounting for we and economics Because Cooperativism? Open-Value Why 2. rewarded for whilecommitting theirlabour values. social toshared 3 . h c-prtvs Bcue e ed o net eorc it our into democracy inject to need economicsystems we turn). societypoliticsin and (and Because co-operatives? Why 1. Cooperatives.DisCOs are toforming anapproach Open Distributed So what are DisCOs andwhy dowe them?Let’s need take thisonetrack at atime. 4 behavior.” extractive or competitive anti- “avoid to desire shared a and resources pooling to benefit communal around aligned are values when succeed Cooperatives profits.” of maximization the about co-operative shareholders, third- be don’tenterprise,to which the need necessarilyofvalues the “decideon members from investment than rather investment,

Blockchain Just Isn’t AsRadical AsYou Want ItTo Be Past, Present, Future: toCryptonetworks From Co-ops 4 (O’Dwyer, 2018) 3 Co-operatives offer a way for people to be be to people for way a offer Co-operatives , by Rachel O’Dwyer, 2018 by Jesse Walden, 2019. Funded by direct member Fundedbydirectmember The promise of promise The

Open-value just arrived from someforeign that land, we want toadoptandcoordinate with. that moves new of riot a with alive are floors dance best the that know all we and … The famous anarcha-feminist Emma Goldman said “ toourlivesand intentionsback together, andthenext collaboration challenge. from the quest for the finished mechanism perfect, design, and we turn our attention AsCo-Founding andCo-Artistic Director, Marc with Garrett, of Furtherfield, Ruth Catlow isaleading authority network onemancipatory cultures, practices andpoetics. Find out more at www.furtherfield.org If I can’t dance, it’s not my revolution!” ; www.decal.is

9 If I Can’t Dance… Foreword by Ruth Catlow 10 Introduction conig ad eiit cnmc. olwn ta, el ofr the principles offer we’ll that, Following Economics. Feminist and Accounting, framework DisCO the of historical important provide precedents commons for the decentralised and models. Then cooperatives we’ll how break about down talk Next, we’ll intelligence). (artificial AI and -determinism of context neoliberal the We’ll trends and interests alsoexplore intheblockchain worrying space, particularly “ for Artificial stand and DAOs and technologies, explain we’ll blockchain there, From of Intelligence. overview critical a providing by We’ll Decentralized called organization of type Autonomous Organizations, orDAOs. another to alternative an also It’s form. economic feminist and commons-oriented, cooperative, a in together work Cooperative to want Distributed into dive What’s a deep DisCO? It’s a set of a organisational tools and practices for represents groups of people who Heart” a Organizations, orDisCOs. Had Only I “If Democracy Workplace FutureThe isUnwritten Radical Media Cooperativism for Guerrilla Oriented the ops Care and and Translation Trusts Guerrilla of Collective Story Life The My Saved Elegance: Organization Cooperative Matter Distributed Semantics A Decentralized: say I Potato, say 1: Chapter hour toread: one approximately you take will and chapters seven into divided is publication This xmn te oe f upsdy irpie ehoois n oil change social in technologies disruptive supposedly of role the examine , a 21st-century expansion on theoriginalseven, a21st-century cooperative principles. | itiue” vr “decentralized over distributed” ae gis te ahn ad cec Friction Science and Machine the Against Rage hpe 5: Chapter : the Commons and P2P, Open Cooperativism, Open-Value Cooperativism, P2P, Open and Commons the :

un h Ba Aon: omnt Algorithmic Community Around: Beat the Turn and ” opr DsO t DAOs to DisCOs compare | | coeaie oe “autonomous.” over “cooperative” hpe 7: Chapter hpe 6: Chapter | main components hpe 3: Chapter | h Ls Dance: Last The | hpe 4: Chapter pnVle Co- Open-Value hpe 2: Chapter ad h we why and , ee DisCO Seven at Night Last Punk You

11 Introduction 12 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto about about talk and etc.) precariat, the communities, Source Open , Commons, ops, various demographics which are explicitly included within the DisCO framework Blockchaintechnologies.and We Ledger the Distributed discussof also potential the and how we believe that DisCOs represent a more realistic and socially positive use of by ends publication The the radical of edge Platform — Co-ops. Cooperativism Open-Value of characteristics the discussing and DisCO a be what ask democracy workplace then radical We collective. the of values and goals the encodes, even holds, that where value tracking takes place and how we conceive it as a human/machine hybrid the to us leads This end. “trustlessness”,blockchain: and the how of we see features it defining as part the of a of spectrum with one “trustworthy” at question the other also We space. blockchain The DisCO can work other.DisCOs andhow witheach withinaparticular nodes recognition of reproductive or “Care work”. explicitWe also the discuss the and federation strategy work”,for “Livelihood agency/paid work”, “Love generating commons pro-bono/ tracking for streams value various its with Collective, Media Guerrilla in Media Media Collective. There follows an overview of the arose instead but theory,the from a as conceived not were DisCOs why explain we’ll Next, On the subject of links: if you are reading this text in a printed version, find can you version, printed a in text this reading are you if links: of subject the On terminology. the to with familiar not hyperlinking those for descriptions, footnotes extensive providingincluding and resources, by further balance a strike to general the tried to We’ve and public. movements these among both — alienating be can results that to its communities in specific terms and cultural references, and of course the jargon and concepts the describe from to We want the foster economic counterpowers capitalism. against predatory to collectives purpose-oriented into self-organizing in precariat the for tool useful a making be can architecture.DisCOs softwarethatWeof believe stronglyneeds to the fit people opposed as people, of needs the on based organization distributed a be to means it what and Collective Media and Translation Guerrilla in experience lived our together brings also It misunderstood. often but to alluded sometimes is which commons,view,the of of thatpoint particular very interacting a from space blockchain the with and observing been we’ve Because publication? this write we did Why Distributed Distributed Ledger Technology et section next where we are withtheDisCO project lived experience of a commons-oriented collective commons-oriented a of experience lived DisCO Manifesto xlrs h ise f ae ok wih s oty bet n the in absent mostly is which work, care of issue the explores proposing our concept for the future of work of future the forconcept our proposing Community Algorithmic Trust, or DisCO CATDisCO or Trust, Algorithmic Community to reach as many people as possible. We’ve taken the time looks like by taking a closer look at what it means to means it what at look closer a taking by like looks Commons/P2P (or DLT) spaces. Each of these movements speaks rightnow andwhere we’re bound. , Open Cooperative Open governance/economic model : Guerrilla Translation/ Guerrilla : , FeministEconomic — , the platform the , restoration used (Co- —

DisCO andthemovements itintersects. compiled hyperlinks the all of list ordered an 5 for time, here isa For more resources on DisCOs, please visit our website:

Available at https://youtu.be/60bZmRtA6LQ n hs playlist this in Watch A (Very) Short Introduction to DisCOs simplified summary simplified . 5 hs mtras il ep nih or nesadn of understanding your enrich help will materials These in this webpage this in for those familiarwithblockchains andDAOs. by Guerrilla MediaCollective . All of the embedded videos are videos embedded the of All . DisCO.Coop . If you’re pressed 13 Introduction Rage Against the ChMachine and Science 14 aptFriction er 1 are away to achieve that. chess, centaur Kasparov’s like DisCOs, systems. economic our in the imprint we about values explicit being by technologies of usage and design the in nuanced more lot a be canwe — table the aren’ton distrust options machine only or dominancethe the political, economic and human agendas imprinted into its machine DNA. Machine often obfuscate these issues, while the affordances of a technology depend heavily on can technology fact, In agree.We’re to relationships. inclined social and ecosystems inevitable collapsing our technology,like than the important more much things are Many there that universal. feel just from far with is intelligence”; reaction this met But progress. “artificial of often cult the or of are consequences “automation”, humanity like and work, responses society, pat of future the about Questions able todefeat supercomputers player-computersimilar hybrids. Players averagewith computers were, occasion, on chess centaur become would what of innovators the of one As approach. conciliatory more a tried subsequently Kasparov learning. machine and intelligence artificial of evolution the Deep Blue later dismantled by IBM, but the 1997 match marked to have abuginthemachine’s been code. particularly A game. the critical during move during consultants the second human match, described on as “human-like”, relying was of later theorised IBM accused he Kasparov was devastated. He couldn’t comprehend what had just taken place. Initially, KasparovBlue finished draws,and defeats victories, of series a After rematch. this during itself repeat second machine’s the and Kasparov’searlier.year a Blue Deep beaten Grandmaster had the encounter — didn’t Buthistory was This matches. of series a in Blue Deep In 1997, chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov faced off against the IBM supercomputer h bgn lyn wt te assistance the with playing began he , off inastaggering 19moves. significantly superior to DeepBlue. significantly superior

f optr aant other against computers of a turning point Deep in 15 Rage Against the Machine and Science Friction 16 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto n sotihe. u a a oit, u apoc t daig ih hs ise will issues these with dealing to approach our society, a as But shortsighted. and naive as across come can solutions techno-normative the of humanity,prioritization prescriptive for danger quantifiable a posing scarcity energy and resource With 8 7 6 reliable andtrustworthy. Um-yay? error human and messiness could simply systems, be designed out of institutions, self-executing making our futures immutable,more into rules encoding by that goes argument The goals? lofty these accomplish they would How monopolies. existing dismantle and efficiency organizational maximize market, the revolutionize would interaction. and terms enforce and penalties, contracts, sometimes with and — think about this — sometimes known levy payments, something execute can of that creation entities based the to led soon as contracts smart of promise The allow for the creation of decentralised programs and applications. ofpopularisation the technologies, ledger the digital currency Bitcoin, the potential of blockchains (more broadly called blockchains; incorruptible accounting systems. Originally about developed as the “ explanations thorough what you offer do need to to know is that place blockchains introductoryarematerials the come shared,highly recommended. synchronised,For the purposes not of our argument, and theoretically is as This out stands one futures, our “disrupt” to simultaneously exciting, andoverhyped: terrifying, theblockchain. predicted technologies the Among inyourentangled life andfuture. technology, technology is definitely crazy about you, and is becoming more and more about crazy not you’re if even short, In challenges. those tackle to choose we which with frameworks technological even and human, social, the by informed be always

via voting rights or market mechanisms. DAOs can also be thought of as a set of institutional protocols that are that protocols institutional of set a as of thought be also canDAOs mechanisms. market or rights voting via Blockchain Basics recommend we Blockchain, the to introduction single to each otherandthesystem.”to each — it’s never that humans are removed, it is always that there is a reconfiguration of the role of humans in relation that example,determines which Curator,wallets for can receivethe payment from — the DAOhow etc. and And this then becomes where the interesting ofquestion question a just it’s interaction, human of form is some “There always adds only Brekke Klara but Jaya blockchain). interaction the on human issue an on remains focused identity (as are voting capital/coin DAO) through ETH DAO, Leap DAO, (Moloch today traction get that DAOs the of most this, Despite contracts. other or bots, humans, with coordinating oftenprogrammatically, enforced DLT/Open Source experts This is an admittedly simplistic description of the Blockchain and Smart Contracts. For an accessible yet thorough a was there if as it treating from stems blockchain of misunderstandings common most the of One Yes, plural. eetaie Atnmu Organizations Autonomous Decentralised blockchain. It’s of withmany technology iterations. butatype notatrademarkorbrand, 8 The latter half of 2014 saw a deluge of proposals describing how DAOshow describing proposals of deluge a saw 2014 of half latter The . although smart contracts smart Sam Hart not every DLT is a blockchain a DLTis every not and Eleftherios Diakomichalis — snippets of code tacked into the ledgers which this video course video this o DO. hs ae blockchain- are These DAOs. or , add that DAOs can incorporate human entities , as well as Daniel Drescher’s excellent book, book, excellent Drescher’s Daniel as well as , ) wasadvanced) 2013inwith trustless without 7 ” backdrop for much human distributed 6


ige eso o te rt. I Fbur 21, aeok te . billion-person 2.7 the Facebook, 2019, February In truth.” the of version single blockchain permissioned has already processed and cartels, manipulated interest rates, and promotes mass deforestation Take HSBC future.for near example the — in you tech remember, distributed in the dollars bank ofthat billions double-digit of minimum a According to a recent paths tostalk you. remember,but takesTechsometimes Big and you,unpredictable on crush a stillhas account into taking much Levied against the hype, these results have led some to say that blockchains are pretty estimates comparing ittothat of thenational consumption of Ireland orDenmark. systems validation blockchain most of consumption Facebook’s to that contrast — users active daily has dApp ranked world’stop The Valleygiants. Silicon to compared when low 10 9 enhl, dpin f blockchain of adoption Meanwhile, tale is thatof this newcautionary alternatives areworked being on by many projects. security. upside and The immutability of promisesoft-repeated the of credibility the the Ethereum community. same name which the of venture speculative a by tarnished badly also was“DAO” name The promise. have most far, so that found projects blockchain-based on but factor,hype and visibility high their studyresearch Despite a results? abated, the about what hasn’t DAOs and blockchain the around excitement the on, years Five

understanding. understanding. a to The development of Ethereum theinterest Contracts sparked inSmart andDAOs. and deploy decentralized applications such as smart contracts and other complex legal and financial applications.” A From permissioned permissioned public od o nothing for good Ethos.io’s article to introductory Ethereum blockchain, where anyone can access and contribute, as long as they have the technical means and means technical the have they as long as contribute, and access can anyone where blockchain, blockchain . Yes, you read correctly: that’s one that’s correctly: read youYes, . suffered a hack so severe existing gender, race and power hierarchies power gender,and existingrace Forbes list transactions to the tune of $250bn places limits on who can access, transact and validate in the network, as opposed opposed as network, the in validate and transact access, can who on limits places Ohr qeto ter rmss f eetaiain when decentralization of promises their question Others . 10 9 The which, which, resulting fork 1.56 , 50 mega banks and corporations are poised to invest codn t ter literature their to according billion : “Ethereum is an open platform that enables developers to build dApps daily users. On the flipside, the energy energy the flipside, the On users. daily that it provoked significant contention in in the code and community undermined dcnrlzd plctos remains applications) (decentralized remains terrifyingly high terrifyingly remains laundered laundered money for terrorists thousand through FX Everywhere, its underdelivered three-hundred users three-hundred , ensures “A shared, shared, “A ensures , . The jury is still out still is jury The . on their on ? HSBC , with , 1300 17 Rage Against the Machine and Science Friction 18 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto their own bottom-line goals, and of course, even more power. tech, in that they influence its development, priorities and eventual outcomes to attain thatthese “solidly trustworthy” banksand corporations thenbecome the“soul” ofthe proposition at best and unsurprisingly a 2019), (June Libra announces Facebook and months few a democracy blockchain-based system within a manipulation, hostility,socialonthrivessurveillance andmodelbusinessexperiment whose social Commission levies a $5 billion fine for violating a consent decree, what counterforces or overcome them? When Facebook doesn’t even miss a beat as the US Federal Trade address to going is Who pose? technologies these problems societal and human the are problems consumption energy and scaling, technical, urgent the where dawn new brilliant a preceding soul the of DAOs Some like to compare the where future their visionwoulda prevail. of likelihood the increase to but ends, dead unlimited indulge only its built Jews the IBM but defeats, him. and defeat experiments and failed corporation of againthat assisted Nazi years in Kasparov many face of top to on year supercomputer a Blue Deep took It persisted until they were proven right. They had the necessary capital to not to capital necessary the had They right. proven were they until persisted to the state of the Internet after the dot-com bubble, a temporary dark night dark temporary a bubble, dot-com the after Internet the of state the to “acquired” a team of humans current state of disillusionment around the blockchain and overcome by overcome coded by the same team of developers team same by the coded identifying, identifying, segregating and exterminating previously enmeshed in developing a civic publicly-funded human ingenuity EU project EU dubious cryptocurrency dubious . But what about about what But . . Fast forward . Consider

Someone call Emma Goldman, we’reSomeone call EmmaGoldman, going Ledger Distributed of potentials the Technologies. of assessment sober, purposeful more a and for time cooperative, it’s think we players, chess centaur the and Kasparov Like can stand possibly intheway of BigTech? DisCO dancing . 19 Rage Against the Machine and Science Friction You say Potato, I say Decentralized: ChSemantics 20 aptMatter er2 12 11 represent how they relate, by onlinenetworks ornot. human whethersupported living are there computer or topologies these and affection, and sleep nourishment, need that node bodies with beings each Behind this. on networks, angle peer-to-peer different a describe to nauseam There’salso servers. or nodes computer on built be ad to assumed generally are which out trotted is diagram Baran’s figure below toillustrate network topologies: Baran Paul Decentralized /Distributed of instead “cooperative” and these willtake, andwhohastheagency. Yes, it’s “decentralized”, power, about again. over “distributed” “autonomous”? use why So, as described also been DAOshave of subset a curtain, the behind man the of glimpse brief a in although, — organization of importance the on agree DisCOs DAOsassumptions.and underlying To contrast DisCOs and DAOs, it is useful to examine some of the relevant semantics and prioritizing by measures corrective proposes Organization Cooperative Distributed the world), dominated male and techno-deterministic of way our are rescuing Organizations the baby from Cooperative the DAO Distributed bathwater. or If DAOs DisCOs have arguably hinted, been individualistic, we’ve As

fsiaig rpsl any erd oad U lgl niis bt ut dsic fo te cultural/structural the from distinct quite frameworks of but DisCO. entities, legal US towards geared mainly proposal fascinating a degrees of explicitvarying feminism. Conference Block the on The Bitcoin community is community Bitcoin The In 2015, some of our colleagues contributed to a model called called model a to contributed colleagues our of some 2015, In s lsi 16 series, 1964 classic ’s mutual support 12 Precision in these terms can help define what form of horizontalism , WomenBlockchainGlobal in 91% men 91% Decentralized, Autonomous , cooperativism cooperativism , 96% of Ethereum users are male are users Ethereum of 96% n itiue Communications Distributed On and 11 (a persistent complaint against the tech the againstcomplaint persistent (a and Crypto-Knitting Circles Crypto-Knitting care work among people Corporations Distributed Distributed . Initiatives such as such Initiatives . Collaborative are welcomeareexceptions with . , nrdcd the introduced She256 Organizations , the , . Women It’s . 21 You say Potato, I say Decentralized: Semantics Matter 22 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto dcnrlzd ad dsrbtd ae fe ue itrhneby u te aren’t they but interchangeably used two, other often The are access). “distributed” our limited and of and “decentralized” power backbone of the points form (central order they world about, current know already you topologies Centralized 14 13 protocol the to access early with those privileges network Bitcoin the example, For nodes,connectivityamong the of boast networks structure.”Decentralized power a hides architecture network of issue the highlight explicitly “distributed”to use to prefer considerations,we network Beyond nodes are certain where systems end-to-end describes This capacity,need.” their their to accordingto each according to each “from goes, song old the as sender: or receiver a altogether.it sever even or the edges, where or nodes smaller the to informationalbandwidth disperse can branches main structures tree-like by characterised is former The synonymous. really capacity toengender more accountablecapacity forms of trust.” ltom oprtvs’ c-one Nta Schneider Nathan co-founder Cooperativism’s Platform of more dominanthubs asmallnumber orless controlOften enough, how can interact. nodes In on investments can’t andservers, compete centralized with technologies. Decentralized systems become more cost-intensive astheygrow, but true‘end-to-end’ ordistributed this video systems grow instrength andresilience astheyadduserswhopooltheirresources. not inherently privileged, in other words, all have similar power or capacity. power

Dmytri Kleiner Dmytri As . pns cbruk hoit ai d Ugarte de David theorist cyberpunk Spanish 13 butaboutnot influence powerand the ofnode. each dynamics Distributed networks ensure that every node can act as act can node every that ensure networks Distributed explains why decentralized systems, theirdependency with states “h maue f tcnlg sol b its be should technology a of measure “The : says, “Every “Every says, 14

structures structures Secondly,organization. an powerof subgroupsdistributed among to referweas well we address distributed power structures among individuals When we favour “distributed” over “decentralized”, we are referring to two things. First, below.describe structural these achieve we governance Throughgoals? specific andfederation/replicability can patterns that we will how So, decisions. its in participate and network the to contribute to rights same the have all preferences, and personalities talents, different have to expected are network a in “peers” while that and systems), vertical recent anthropological studies thatgovernance of(something modes fluid consented, in engagenodes/personscan federated but equality, enforced artificially describing not are we “distributed”clear, by be To them eat Let choose. so they if down network whole the take can center decentralised the of position of elevated privilege and power which is designed to increase: the guardians Yes, in anyonetheory can participate in the network, but only if you’re starting from a currencies coefficient (inequality) Gini a having of honour dubious the 15 in (i.e.,the technology,with the and use) accessits to early

server farms server be deployed onalargebe scale. energy clean a for energy that use not transition instead?) and (whyonly viable for small problematic scale pilots until less resource-hungry options structurally are mature enough to remains system Work of Proof for need and DLTs in general will become less intensive over time. We maintain that the computational/resource intensity energy use of Bitcoin is not so dirty after all the pernicious effects of Bitcoin’s energy use Bitcoin’sof energy effects pernicious the This is, no a pun intended, (Bitcoin) cake heterarchical . between eetaie tcnlge d nt urne dcnrlzd outcomes decentralized guarantee not do technologies Decentralized running on running theorganization andotherDisCOs. hotly contested ! and dirty powerdirty equipotential tell us was the norm before the advent of predominantly issue! Bitcoin devotees have made the Trumpian claim that research on , while amounts to “Fake News“Fake to amounts other sources 15 to mint new coins. As a result, Bitcoin holds ytm. hs aial mas ht all that means basically This systems. assure us that the energy consumption of Bitcoin .” Meanwhile, some authors claim that the that claim authors some .”Meanwhile, economic privilegeeconomic within ihr hn ot fiat most than higher an organization, as to investto . 23 You say Potato, I say Decentralized: Semantics Matter 24 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto eka Ken etr eerhr rmvr d Flpi umrzd h main the summarized Filippi de Primavera characteristics of DAOs: researcher Center Klein Berkman a In Autonomous/Cooperative decentralised systems whileoffering more diverse ecologies of power andinfluence. of dynamics power uneven the highlight to designed are DisCOs goal. flexible a as it One does not, however, achieve distribution by merely proclaiming it and then setting iinr article visionary and ie lecture video titled titled Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet? Skynet? or Freenet Ethereum: Harvard/ happened since DeepBlue’shappened 1997victory. has what and IBM of courtesy speculation, future some in engage and up scary the Matrix, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Ex Machina to nuke humanity. But there are plenty of dystopian AI fantasies to choose from — Skynet DAOs: mass social control, which of the two options seems more likely? De Filippi warns that In a prevailing political economy hell-bent on unquestioned growth, surveillance and one. cybernetic inescapable, an into hegemony current the down lock to structures power existing the by deployed be also could they processes, tedious automate and fat bureaucratic the cut collaboration, social horizontal of cost the lower drastically could DAOsside, positive the on While decentralized… self-sufficient, Autonomous, theycontract can create for andpay andwieldtheirown services: economic power. Not to be pedantic, but did you get that second They part? earn their own money, and — — —

, you may recall, is the mega-computer in the Terminator franchise that decides that must everyone abide by, withoutany constitutional constraints.” (almost is rules the that establish which society contracts, self-enforcing totalitarian by regulated exclusively) a of establishment the to lead “...could of thenetwork. network), and their code is executed in a decentralized manner by every node but instead are encoded into the blockchain (which is distributed to the entire Finally,theyare as (such need they resources the for andprocessing others bandwidth power). pay to order in provide they are they Secondly, obligation to, torespond for responsible any orbe requests madeby them. any under they are creators,nor their need longer no they blockchain, the on First of all, they are they all, Firstof decentralized self-sufficient autonomous , since they do not subsist on a specific server, specific a subsiston sincenot , theydo in the sense that once they’ve been created created been they’ve oncethat sense the in in that they charge users for the services services the for users charge they that in , etc. — as we turn The The 25 You say Potato, I say Decentralized: Semantics Matter 26 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto us astray, we are so not wild after — all, as recent species research demonstrates cooperativethat before our a dominant cultures lead are humans that assumption wild the on based are cooperative in nature. Organizations where the legal and technological infrastructures On the other hand, we can start creating organizations which are both distributed and for impossible virtually be would outsiders toholdaccountable. which interests, and values certain advance to a this: encounter running intelligence could we machine-porn, dystopian of hole rabbit speculative the down further but Blue, Deep dismantled have may IBM often take thesame path. will states decentralizedand corporations contracts, smart of on running organizations autonomous enticement the offered when Similarly, control. centralized consolidate their to ways powerful as contracts smart both on that running sense DAOs welcome the could in differences, than corporations with common in more have resources, speed, sheer throughtheir first-mover and advantages. anyIn case, states companies typically how considering game.”comment the quaint of A rules the within stays it as long so any trump business – to use its resources will and engage in activities designed to increase its profit profits corruption, of responsibility social one is “There it: put Friedman Milton As or consideration. other business unethical by development, enticed When weapons organizations. capitalist of logic profit-oriented and growth- the hs s’ aot aln ot B i priua; t ivsmn i oe suc i a is source open aspects in negative and investment positive its with matter particular; complex in IBM out calling about isn’t This aficionado toseewhere thisnarrative isgoing. and research blockchain also is company view.”The of point political or partisan a espouse things,likeother do administration’sTrump like things do Watsonto likes incidentally, powers which, system operating software free the Linux, of development the The 16 criss-cross —you have of machines humansdeliberately that building certain types damage other humans.” Jaya Klara Brekke adds “There is no common humanity versus a common machine intelligence. The alliances The intelligence. machine common a versus humanity common no is “There adds Brekke Klara Jaya International Business Machines Corporation Machines Business International B’ scesr o ep Blue, Deep to successor IBM’s naturally for wired cooperation participating in Trump’sin participating council security make autonomously cybersecurity (read (read cybersecurity implementation the rules the ofrules the game, eclipsing the powers of nation-states 16 misguiding cancer patients cancer misguiding n a on Watson . You don’t have to be a speculative fiction speculative a be to haveYoudon’t . decentralized surveillance) surveillance) (IBM) is well known for its support of support its for known well is (IBM) . Aat from Apart . Or rtqe s ie mr at more aimed is critique Our . , and possibly assisting the assisting possibly and , system and programmed programmed and system policies self-sufficient whilst claiming to “not to claiming whilst inn a Jeopardy at winning . IBM also likes to likes also IBM not slacking on slacking not artificial artificial , 18 17 offeringlegal structures islands of resistance incapitalist markets. applicable into commoning of practice ancestral the formalized co-ops cooperation, 1840s. the since existed legally have and were, enterprise and state modern the as time same the at the blockchain or even the Internet to tackle this challenge. Cooperatives were created have to take account of these human realities. We didn’t have to wait for the advent of for human fulfillment and stable social institutions, then our distributed organizations essential is cooperation that agree we If idea? good a such autonomy organizational is but desirable, are autonomy collective and Individual stock. take Let’s create spaces, infrastructures and organizations for this instinct to express itself. to meet human needs have the Commons — as understood createdare phrase, is an illusion: individuals are not only embedded in relations, individuals.but as theirthriveThe identitiesso-calledcan we“self-made thatcooperation through man”,only is asideit fact,from theIncooperation. persistentof ideagender the bias to of opposed the not self-expression, is human for instinct the or tendency political a as confirminglaboratory-testedthan game-theoryhypotheses.Autonomy, are DisCOs

Alive: TheInsurgent Power of the matter of blockchain in more Readpossible. as much as control human environment that affects us, and autonomy as used in DAOs, which is explicitly about removing the possibility for These ideas are further expressed in our colleagues David Bollier and Silke Helfrich’sSilke book and latest Bollier David colleagues our in expressed further are ideas These Jaya Klara Brekke “What makes usreally different“What to isourability put ourheadstogether andto dothings that neitheroneof uscould doalone, to create new resources that we couldn’t create Alice Roberts andMichaelTomasello on alone. It’s really all about communicating andcollaborating andworking together.” associationis through has written about the difference between political autonomy as meaning , pp. 93-110and203-209. xlcty bridging Explicitly relationships. humaninstinctcooperatetheWhento matures, we . 18 If humans are indeed the cooperative species, then we need to t insteadindividualisticof buildingonbasedrathertrust and Commons . omnipresent yet often invisibilized living systems h prevd iie ewe atnm and autonomy between divide perceived the Disassembling the Trust Machine: Three cuts on the political political the on cuts Three Machine: Trust the Disassembling What MakesWhat usHuman . AsTomasello says: more 17 understood control over the Free,and Fair automated

27 You say Potato, I say Decentralized: Semantics Matter 28 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto co-ops, there are intheDisCO mixer. moreco-ops, ingredients What are these sectors? Beyond the blockchain space and the ideas of Commons and inclusive creative, develop solutions. to alliances strategic better build to need governance, urgently that ownership, sectors of siloed often but related among synergies formsbuilding on focus they time, same radical and new inequality.economic pervasive Atthe fight entrepreneurship, to financialization and for vision feasible entirely peer-to-peer and ledger distributed of power technologies to prioritize taking the care of human beings. use They constitute an to affirmative, proposal our are DisCOs capitalist dangers.purposes, withallthepredictable socio-environmental and technocratic, speculative, for DAOs against of point instrumentalization reference blind and the critique necessary a providing also while benefits its chess, we think that an accommodationistcentaur Kasparov’s approach to Like the movements.machine canCooperative let and us harness Commons the of culture the DLTs other ofsalvageableaffordances with the ofalong use good make thatcollaborations to and other each economies to them transformative connect better to need we lines capitalism, data of and sea bridges, a catamarans, in islands are cooperatives if flipside, the On ledger-based distributed networked, through organizations. power distribute and decentralise tacit and with factual, triumphs and failures, that can strengthen efforts to effectively Cooperatives and the Commons teach us that there is an existing of body knowledge, profit- normative, from deviations these with maximizing dynamics. terms to come to order in must undergo humans that development personal of stages and conversations difficult for the need the eliminate not does away them Automating easy. not are things These making. decision democratising while wealth and power of distribution guarantee legally cooperatives design, technological any precede must which considerations decentralised/ whole the peer-to-peer/Web for 3.0/DLT movement, heterogeneous as it is. fromApart the cultural lessons important bear Commons and Cooperatives Or iw f oprto i ti cnet includes context this in cooperation of view Our . 29 You say Potato, I say Decentralized: Semantics Matter Last Night A Distributed Cooperative ChOrganization 30 Saved My aptLife er3 DisCO DNA: key the includeinto baked been to have which below, seem noted movements don’t disruptive the of projects aspects blockchain that curious it find we structures, and the potential of DLTs. aspects Despite claims of decentralizing several and from challenging existingbenefits powerthat combining toolkit practical a into framework movements and forms other structural of influences and cultural a are DisCOs — — —

n sca rltosis ean nleal. xmls include wealth common Examples inalienable. its remain of relationships aspects core social the and so relations market its regulates enables accounting Open-value incomes. of distributions fair more and better enable labor,and and effort distributions of the of analysis retrospective allow to documented are project Open-Value AnyShare Economy. include Solidarity Examples and Social the and cooperatives of world the with along movements P2P and of Cooperativism work the of Platform edge experimental the as viewed be can co-ops Open work. transnationally-networked cooperatives focused on social and environmental Cooperativism Open networks Software Source water distribution irrigation systems include Examples commoning. of acts for through technological infrastructures. P2P provides an enabling infrastructure non-coercive social relations happening in human networks, often augmented non-hierarchical, describes P2P or Peer to State.Peer or market the between systems for the P2P long-term stewarding and of resources, often Commons flowering in the The cracks and andthe Accounting so much more , Mutual AidNetwork ef raie ubn spaces urban organized self :

hs ae oal gone, omn-retd and commons-oriented grounded, locally are These epoig ovrecs ewe te Commons the between convergences exploring , : A form of accounting where contributions to a shared Cmos r cmuiy e, self-organised led, community are Commons : . au sovereignty value , social currencies social . Enspiral oprtvl mngd forests managed cooperatively , , Fairmondo itiue manufacturing distributed o hw cmos self- commons a how or , , Free/Libre and Open- , L’AtelierPaysan Sensorica , , , 31 Last Night A Distributed Cooperative Organization Saved My Life 32 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto epnil sead ad etrr, o dmntr ad etutr, f nature. of destructors, and dominators as not and/ role restorers, integral ability, and our stewards of orientation, acknowledgement inclusive responsible explicit sexual an the identity, and in status, gender factor immigration or race, blender class, DisCO the of to representation inherent values inalienable Other 21 20 19 and Economics Feminist ingredients: main additional two incorporating incomplete without us to seemed Cooperativism Open Commons, the in embedded firmly Co-ops and how they relate to their cousins in the Platform Coop movement Source, Cooperatives.fewyears,Open lastthe the and wehaveOver Open Cooperativism came about as a convergence of three movements: the Commons, environmental stewardship “externalities.” absentee profit maximization — the same ideas that gave to calling care work and its value, and rewardtrack to how of notions disrupting in excelled has space blockchain the While DisCOs and explicitly so. factors, ecological and social on dependent are systems economic All

Permaculture, Occupy/15-M, DIY/DIT andahost of otherthings. own to values apparent immediately not and personal more other host a brings collective our influences, guitar Accounting ( The same way Red Hot Chilli Peppers guitarist John Frusciante John guitarist Peppers Chilli Hot Red way same The for infographics are here overview, quick a For That is, as“masculine,” often described system acknowledging pervasive alongstanding, of patriarchy. — particular DisCOparticular blender. These include punk Sci-Firock, (and cyber/solarpunk in Chaos particular), Magick,

nedpnec ad mtoa lbr no cnmc theory. economic into labor abound emotional and interdependency in often-invisibilized and unpaid factors such as care work, human connection, Economics Feminist proposes a more holistic space. approach to the very idea of blockchain “the economy,” the factoring in persistent very something — normative challenging by sovereignty Economics Feminist invisible usto… which leads work, Backfeed 1 21 and

, yet are often hidden. 2 , ) and CoMakery concept Feminist Economics of value remains anchored in mainstream ideas about about ideas mainstream in anchored remains value of and Ti sho o eooi togt lo set value asserts also thought economic of school This : MetaMaps . 20 2 ad h Commons the and P2P . Open-Value Accounting also highlights also AccountingOpen-Value . 19 oin o eooi abstraction economic of notions once cited once Robert De Niro and Harpo Marx as Marx Harpo and Niro De Robert , pn Cooperativism Open examined Open Open examined . Although Examples Open-Value , our further, resulting in premise the taken have we nature), transnational and commons, constituents, of creation multiple active good, common the toward non-prescriptive orientation four (statutory principles has Cooperativism Open Whereas accounting. Open-Value 22 DisCOs are: point, asastarting With Co-ops Open guidelines for socially- organizations. andenvironmentally-oriented highlyefficient, cooperativetradition, aswell asPlatform andshortcomings. Open Cooperativismtheir have cooperatives toarrive atseriesa of DisCOs are distributed cooperatives based on the The Seven DisCOPrinciples

Theseshortcomings are inthefollowing analysed chapters. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Geared toward positive outcomes in key areas: areas: key in outcomes positive toward Geared DisCO for performed work care and mission) social its to fidelity and inputs material commitment, needs that entity living performed Centered on care work: corporate/ prevailing the to counterpowercapitalist economy. cultural and political create to and (following the Transnational: or physical (productive infrastructure, deliberation spaces, machinery, etc.) etc.)practices, best and protocols legal documentation, design, (code, digital market through created wealth and generate new forms of shared resources. These new commons are common existing steward DisCOs resources, shared exploit commons: that enterprises of creators Active communities, constituents. neighbouring include as etc. backers, financial labor, may affective and reproductive clients, suppliers, this workers, coop’s the by Beyond affected or actions. chains value all in present and whether contributors productive cultural, Multi-constituent: their in values organizational processes, these andtechnical/legal statutes. embed Individual priorities. environmental organizations and social by but profit by not guided value flows value (mutual trust and support structures). structures). andsupport (mutualtrust for the health of the collective the of health the for Open- “Design Global, Manufacture Local” logic are shared at the global level with like-minded enterprises like-minded with level global the at shared are While physical production is kept local and needs-based needs-based and local kept is production physical While Value iCs xed eiin aig n onrhp o all to ownership and making decision extend DisCOs and Cooperativism — Cooperativism We distinguish between two oftypes care work: that value-tracked pro bono work. Commons may be be may Commons work. bono pro value-tracked 22 The seven DisCO principles build on the existing nie h tpcl eair f market of behavior typical the Unlike

original seven cooperative principles Click here h idvda pros ihn the within persons individual the (where the collective is seen as a as seen is collective the (where the basic DNAthe basic of theDisCO. tojumpthat section. In DisCOs, production is production DisCOs, In ), knowledge, resources , but 33 Last Night A Distributed Cooperative Organization Saved My Life 34 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto 23 human the marginalize for ethicalcapacity judgement andcare. that ways in not) or (intentionally machines empowering without but work, calculation hardest the for power machine using — chess centaur with intent Kasparov’s echoes framework, DisCO the idea, resulting The practices. commons-oriented and P2P in experience of years systems,our with open-value— economics feminist commons cooperatives, blockchain, elements— existing the combined we there, from backwards working and us for do could blockchains what asking of DLTs.Instead of use the to practice human-centered more a bring to how on take our offer now can we context, broader the to vision of field our opening and check reality hard a after Yes,but blockchain? about talking just we weren’t — Wait purpose- resilient, building for DisCOs.oriented framework conceptual a provides Cooperativism grounded in Commons practices, and show technological sophistication. Open-Value of tomorrow must howlearn to respect resource limits and ecological boundaries, be organizations the that believe we but speculative, are future the of notions Granted, digital, the and networked age. futures post-capitalist viable for them supercharges and expands traditional practice. its as from the on Open-Value based DisCOs is Cooperativism with extending theory, a as continuum, Cooperativism Open-Value experimental a as radical, more the then and viewed Co-ops Open to Co-ops, (digital) Platform to cooperatives be could Cooperativism writings on a and based cultural on ‘end to a end’ (or even partially equally offline, in the case is of Secure ScuttleButt) federation systems. See also us (see latter the criticised have some ForWhile concept. structural networks. solidarity economic transnational in together bound Our ideas around federation are largely influenced by the conceptthe bylargelyareoffederation influenced around ideas Our 7. 6.

hs yai rsmls o TPI alw a ewr o ntok, the networks, whilestill achieving alargersupport through federation. impact of network a allows Internet, to function. TCP/IPEach node can be based on small group trust and how mutual resembles dynamic This parts. all regimenting without mass critical achieve to federation the allows differentiated standard a and through themselves replicate distributed structures, as DisCOs, contrast, to conform By to logic. path animating its the in everything forces and center a from worldview a commitments. shared bytogethergoals, extends held Scalingarefederations federation: for Primed priorities, andmore. work payments, making, decision influencing turn in members, DisCO all to applied is Valuetracking metrics. value complementary through tracked are — value work care and value, pro-bono/commons-generating value, market Reimagining the origin and flows of value: Counterantidisintermediation hl ntok my r a nt hr common share not may or may networks While toseewhere we’re coming from. existing seven cooperativeseven existing here and Three types of value — productive Phyles here ), our structural view of federation is federation of view structural our ), — these are communitiesinterestareof these — federation protocol federation principles 23 Dmytri Kleiner’s that but will solve what is, primarilynegotiated andshouldremain, by people. tech that implying or techno-solutionism of notion the reject actively wetime, same ledgertechnologies distributed secure in them encoding by transparent that believe We ofWhat theDisCO vision? we’ve are aspart theneeds identified effectiveness of agroup. material and legal realities of everyday life and state power that remain relevant to the itself to the embedded designs in a series of smart contracts. It must contend with the self- through the facilitated Furthermore, programs. be executing and can that unpredictable processes human emergent, very fans) the Blue to Deep (sorry approach lighter-handed a use rather We’d of focus attention, onethat practices. subordinatesprimary social the as blockchain the elevates off/onchain of dichotomy very The self-governance. and disagreement human of problems messy the solve can design tech that believe DAOs,to circles developer and in tendency contracts ideological an smart be can throughHowever, there example. latter, for the into encoded get that agreements talk often space about blockchain the in working people governance, of speaking When balance. in pull can different directions.also Creating resilient, self-organized communitiesthey capabilities. requires an artful but commons, certain a in enables interdependent are and structure and forms, Culture institutional and legal recognizable into future,and the for visions and between governance and commons all facilitatein tension collaborativefundamental our strengthenculture.a is There to tools only are These models. governance or protocols technology, should practices cooperative distributed clear, be To factions, self-interested individualistic, capitalistespecially ones. by co-optation to susceptible less one but minded tech narratives. They point to a future that includes the trends valueoutlined above, of re-engineering a vital, constructive role the in advancing a address different vision of the to future and more had socially- we happening on the blockchain stage. A DisCO’s model, coding architectures and tools can play DisCO the developing In — — — — — — —

f-hi ad on-chain and off-chain Aimed towardAimed notscaling federation, value metrics Complementary Care work basis Networks transnationally Actively creates commons Multiple constituents served mission Socio-environmental ah f hs pten cud e ae togr n more and stronger made be could patterns these of each culture , or that which defines the group’s shared motivations group’sshared the defines which that or , structure iesos te omr eciig h human the describing former the — dimensions structure , or that which formalizes the group culture group the formalizes which that or , of a living community cannot limit cannot community living a of never e oey eedn on dependent solely be . Atthe . 35 Last Night A Distributed Cooperative Organization Saved My Life 36 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto 25 24 or Offerings, Coin Initial through capital of amounts gargantuan raising are projects goes fusion nuclear as Just moon. autonomous) (decentralized, the promising paper to note here is thatimportant DisCOs are not theoretical fodder for a grandiose white What’s section. this in outlined patterns the into matured and evolved These have Foundation.trends P2P the in identified trends different the all incorporate would action of world the to commons Noted practical. “ about spoke and Ostrom Elinor scholar tangible something create to work this informing But more importantly, we are committed to taking all the lessons, theory and currents attractive andshareable for commoners andcommunities worldwide. and community empowerment strategies to make the Commons and P2P accessible, through these dynamics through researched the also has P2PF innovators. DLT many with regularly collaborates them contrasted and prove they aren’t dead). The P2P Foundation has tracked the evolution of blockchains elusive the where places first Satoshi the Nakamoto of one was it fact, In change. societal achieve to 2005 founded was P2PF development. organizational its in involved deeply been have ofthe long-termincludes members core team team Our what grounds dowe suggest anambitiousalternative such asDisCO? on so, timid, been not has blockchain the for claims overhyped the of criticism Our

the ( off and onchain leadership, and governancedecentralized and ( ( arts the and blockchains decentralization, enhl, te cr DsO eeomn ta mmes ae xesv eprec i te ols of worlds the in experience extensive have members team development DisCO core other Meanwhile, “ SUPERMARKT Satoshi Nakamoto to catalogue, research and advocate for P2P and Commons alternatives in order credits section credits Commons Transition ), Commons-oriented data DLT management and the Internet of Things ( Things of Internet the DLTdataand management Commons-oriented ), for more info ontheDisCO team. ” isthepseudonym by themysterious used creator orcreators of Bitcoin. 24 shared , “it’s 20 years in the future and future the in years “it’s20 , ,” and in 2013 we created a vehicle (Guerrilla Translation) that Translation) (Guerrilla vehicle a created we 2013 in ,”and P2P Lab gis PPNtok dynamics P2P/Network against their Bitcoin white paper , another P2PF spinoff that works with media, narrative, , a dedicated research hub, and has advocated for them Furtherfield moving back and forth from the world of theory theory of world the from forth and back moving , DECAL ), free/open culture and Platform Cooperativism Platform and culture free/open ), DGov FoundationDGov (and they always will will always o mr ta a eae and decade a than more for P2P FoundationP2P show up , be,”blockchain many Enspiral the saying about about saying the Ocean Protocol Ocean ), and more. Jump to Jump more. and ), occasionally to 25 (P2PF) who (P2PF) , AIOTI in ), iC, a st p o rttp ad icvr ehd o alctn vle n P2P/ in value allocating of methods Commons ways. discover and prototype to up set was DisCO, first the project, this way the exploreLet’s mission. social a sharing people of group committed a with project scale,well-regarded Collective.small It’s Media a Guerrilla technology can improve life. The result was Guerrilla Translation, which evolved into We set out with a different set of premises about humanity and a different vision of how as we have seen ICOs, 26 are prone to they fact, economy.In real the to down” “trickled value no or little with speculative, are ICOs most that thinking and when the projects reach maturity. As a play on the expression Initial crowdfund

Initial Coin OfferingsCoin Initial 26 by promising disruption, revolution and (more importantly, it seems) where individuals invest in blockchain projects that will, supposedly, provide great financial yields if yields financial great provide supposedly, will, that projects blockchain in invest individuals where constant again andagain and were all the rage in the blockchain space during 2017-18. Crudely put, it’s a type of it’s type put, a Crudely 2017-18. during blockchainspace the in rage the all were repeated failure. Dot.com bubble anyone? , hype is a pied piper., hype isapied Public Public Offering you wouldn’t be wrong in gain crypto- . But 37 Last Night A Distributed Cooperative Organization Saved My Life Punk Elegance: The Story Chof Guerrilla 38 Translation aptand the Guerrilla Media er4Collective 27 Commons.the of Life the to Introduction Short A Commoner: a very a successful out carry to managing still though project, the from sabbatical extended an take to decided founders) the (including members some and followed, Frustration communicationmaintaining good inthecollective. issues about raised time- include Examples healthy. project consuming background work like upkeep of relationships with allies and clients, and the keep to required work an reproductive and ever than was people an imbalance between readily recognized productive labour and all the invisible, more in. flowing reaching was offers work of were stream increasing translations the was collective the regarded, thriving: was well GT necessary. be would work pro-bono and organize to paid system solid a that was 2014 in back clear became that thing first The from commons-oriented and scratch, thedevil isinthedetails. new radically something creating when but simple, sounds It work. ‘pro-bono’) (aka voluntary their for translators paying retroactively by mission social the financing toward part, in go, would this work commissioned from paid proceeds The basis. contract paid a on services communication general and translation providing agency an and etc.) environment, the justice, social (e.g., causes activist for working collective translation voluntary a functions: compatible two combining translators, activist for vehicle livelihood innovative an as conceived commons-oriented translation agency was created: and P2P of kind new A streets. the in resonating still movements 15-M and Occupy The story of the

Commons, P2P, ecology, feminism andactivismon thecollective’s Sacred EconomicsSacred xmls f Ts rnltd ok icue ai Bollier’s David include works translated GT’s of Examples crowdfunding campaign Guerrilla Media Collective , the documentary the documentary Money and Life to translate and publish David Bollier’s

by Katie Teague, begins back in 2013, with the echoes of the hn Lk a Commoner a Like Think 27 At the same time, though, there though, time, same the At Spanish Guerrilla Translation (GT)

and hundreds and ofhundreds articles and videos on the The campaign featured campaign The and English

websites. n Cals Eisenstein’s Charles and Think Think Like . It was the 39 Punk Elegance: The Story of Guerrilla Translation and the Guerrilla Media Collective 40 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto tutrs o nue sal ta, ar itiuin f ok n rwrs whilst rewards and work of distribution governance fair clear mission. maintaining itssocial team, no stable but a work, ensure to paid structures of offers continued solidarity, social strong 201 The crowdfund succeeded in its objectives, was and the book PPL-licensed invarious Latin book American countries. “ License Production Peer 28 model. revenue credible a with conjoined support emerged mutual that and culture collaboration group for The success. wild a be reignited the project, creating something precious in the process: a safe online space to out turned meeting The decentralized/non-hierarchical strategya long-term for GT. survival tech, as such fields organizations, facilitation, and governance to help in develop the governance model and experts allied welcoming lessons of years way,sustainableTo and organized “reload”an GT in five review to time high wasvalues,and goals its clarify establishexplicitmore and governancea learned, model. it decided collective the 2018, By Think Global, Print Local goods orcommodities rathergoods thancapital or producers’ goods.” Magyar,John barrister the with it’sa license not the of the co-author Kleiner,into Dmytri to only According not speculators). absentee (and or them shareholders among owners, of equally hands distributed is surplus any where and creators, value the of hands the in is production of means the of ownership the which in collectives by exploitation commercial allows only CC-NC.It the of version anti-capitalist explicitly an PPL the makes variant non-commercial Commons Creative rm h PP Foundation’s P2P the From 6 . Yet. milestones,these condition:despite mixedGTsame the from suffered still ii nr o te er rdcin License Production Peer the on entry Wiki , 28 ” to enlist commercial publishers to print and distribute the and an innovative, distributed publishing model dubbed dubbed model publishing innovative,distributed an and GT’s English copyleft license, but instead license,but and Spanish websites an in-person meeting in-person an copyFARleft “hs ok n h oiia tx o the of text original the on fork “This : launched launched in Autumn of , and is intended for consumer for intended is and , was held, held, was rcie ta hle cet te iC faeok mmes el ap, ae for and are committed toGT’s cared development happy, as well asDisCO’s ingeneral. feel members framework: the DisCO of the many create helped using that been practices has Translation Guerrilla work, practical and theoretical personal, deep of amount staggering a and year,challenges a many than more After 30 29 “livelihood” translators); the by chosen as bono” work “pro of voluntary streams: (commons-oriented value thought DisCO work three be the to can correspond These collective. members the in co-op the co-op, a shareholders is Translation Guerrilla If wayThe best tounderstand itmay seemcounterintuitive at first: value flows,like income inaDisCO. anddecisionsare handled issues important how envision help can overview This below. outlined is logic model’sthe of summary simple a but above, link the in read be can model full The (currently at version 3.0) Distributed Cooperative Organization (DisCO) Governance and Economic Model for key of DisCOs ingeneral: aspects theculturalandstructural understanding both is model This model. economic and about governance broughtits of activity overhaul Translationcomplete a Guerrilla of year last the structure, of terms In Governance Model Guerrilla Translation andtheDisCO the Seven DisCO principles. If you want organizing tostart TOMORROW, reading start addresses it as long as needed, as it adjust can DisCOs Other general. in DisCOs for model template a and model GT’s page Medium The DisCO governance model is, effectively, the same as the Guerrilla Translation/Media Collective governanceCollective Translation/Media Guerrilla the as effectively,same is, the model governance DisCO The For more info into Guerrilla Translation’s achievements over the last years, check out the Part of theGuerrillaTranslation/Media Collective DisCO brainstorming team infull-on action. in a traditional corporate sense, but each holds different holds each but sense, corporate traditional a in . For precise documentation onthesepractices, visitthe 30 Guerrilla Media CollectiveGuerrilla Media Wiki THIS GT Blog 29 types , or subscribe to of shares of .

41 Punk Elegance: The Story of Guerrilla Translation and the Guerrilla Media Collective 42 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto can influence decisionmakingincritical situations, such asablocked proposal. virtually identical to the traditional principle co-op of “one member, one vote,” shares called is monetary value, which is then pooled and distributed to benefit of this value is processed through a market interface (the agency) and is converted into to contribute members according to their all capacity. allows All members create that value resistanceof varying kinds. economic Part for strategy solidarity-based a It’stheory. game by larger influenced the scheme member,competitive a a not by is collective This share. the member’s the into put care and effort more the short, In case, copyediting, andrelated translation, interpreting, services. subtitling, GT’sin — worker-owners the by comes performed work market-basedshares productive the from pay to money The basis. monthly a on paid is much how determine work. care or reproductive and (paid); work 32 31 special DisCO’s of characteristics. some as well as distributions, and allocation value of examples this model GovernanceOrganization Cooperative Distributed In practice? in work this does how So, economic resistance. collective decides are worthwhile, causes. not dead-end, This is how DisCOs exercise creation and distribution. The model allows members’ talents to be used for what the value of forms new prototyping while globally, and/or locally commons community build create and purposes, environmental and social for together work members DisCO, a in contrast, By infrastructures. productive -managed and privately-owned through commodities capitalist profit-maximizing produce any to or labor start-up, wage a employs (or business) corporation A Commons. the and collective the of and through power accrue money, corporationunder GT’s power model, is treated differently. a The descriptions are in shareholders While differences. the down break Let’s corporation? a of that with contrast shareholding of type this does How mechanics onboarding and value of share of type each The full version of the governance model looks at every aspect in detail, including detail, in aspect every at looks model governance the of version full The Each of these three streams are power with power value sovereignty value ,

, decision making

mentoring 32 , accrued via productive and reproductive work taken for the health health the for taken work reproductive and productive via accrued , the , , andmuch more.

ea/ehia backdrop legal/technical . value tracked . And, although the default decision-making protocol is protocol decision-making default the although And, . . The value tracking of each stream determines ,

omnt rhythms community 31 aprositoutr atce o the to article laypersons/introductory hrs n hs tre ye o work of types three these in Shares , we explain some practical some explain we , ,

rdae sanctions graduated all

value streams. This roles and responsibilities and roles the final percentage power to ,

payment payment ,

fes rpi dsg, lutain sca mda rmto, est dsg and design website implementation. and promotion, design media UX social illustration, design, graphic offers 35 34 33 organization) legal parent the as Media acts CollectiveGuerrilla (the structure legal umbrella the include common in points Other andcare work remains thesame. pro-bono logic of livelihood, redistribution value the but example), for work, illustration or design from different quite is translation (as model governance base the of adaptations own its has node Agitprop, with future proposed iterations such as coding, facilitation and more). Each in: within the main DisCO (Media Collective) lie various nodes (Translation, Graphics, comes strategy federation the of part where is Collective.This Media Guerrilla the — Guerrilla Translation, Agitprop and Graphic Collective are all nodes of their host DisCO channels, methods. and artivist approaches prioritizingpedagogical commons-oriented and activist organizations and projects through online and offline the structure: Guerrilla (L-R)

Andalusia, Spain. Transition Project the as well and all illustrations of David Bollier and Silke Helfrich’s the as Economy Transitions Commons Urban Through Societies the uril Mda olcie s osiue a a as constituted is Collective Media Guerrilla the of aspects all handling also is Agitprop Guerrilla Some of the graphic collective’s previous work includes The Commons Transition Primer Gallagher Re-imagining Value: Insights from the Care Economy, Commons, Cyberspace and Nature Timothy McKeon P2P FoundationP2P blog Translation reports for the P2P Foundation,the P2P the for reports Commoner Newsletter Commoner and Guerrilla Media Collective Media Guerrilla . Lara SanMamés , has since become the first node of a larger umbrella (and DisCO) Sara Escribano and the and , the , Commons Transition websiteTransitionCommons . Click Voices of the Commons Podcas Commons the of Voices , 33 Stacco Troncoso Meanwhile here Commons Strategies Group Strategies Commons o-rfi ad oily retd okr we cooperative owned worker oriented socially and non-profit , to meetthefull GuerrillaMediaCollective team. aaa Itga Cooperative Integral Catalan Free, Fair and Alive: The Insurgent Power of the Commons Free, Fair and Alive and Fair Free, . Within it Within . , Ann MarieUtratel 35 uril Agitprop Guerrilla n te ol ue t coordinate to used tools the and . GGC is also responsible for the overalldesign the for responsible also is GGC . , Guerrilla Graphic Collective Graphic Guerrilla , t and the continuation of the of continuation the and campaign (see preceding footnote), as footnote), preceding (see campaign and P2P FoundationP2P

and , Silvia LópezSilvia

au i te Commons the in Value publication 34 report, the doae for advocates websites, as well as websites, , and Bronagh Commons

Changing website in . ,

43 Punk Elegance: The Story of Guerrilla Translation and the Guerrilla Media Collective 44 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto s t cr- n cmosoine Eooi/oenne oe. M is nature in GMC constituent model. Economic/Governance commons-oriented and care- its as at hand. Some members will stay in the same “home node,” while others will act more simultaneously but the intensity of their engagement will vary depending on the work trusted ins same the within and regular where is collaboration exist This home. their is node” individual’s an “base inter-node But nodes support. prioritise all and Collective, organization Media cooperative Guerrilla distributed, the in clear, be To even aesthetic entitiesonce acertain they scale; surpass thisistotallyuptothem. or productive geographic, separate into federate to own choose can DisCOs their Other nodes. form can Illustration and Design collective, graphic the In independent. simple: within translation, the target English Spanish, and French nodes can become collective the as happens What people. 15-20 than larger be cannot Collective. Media Guerrilla the work. distributed 37 36 through is GMC Finally, streams. model governance its the for caring to is GMC change. systems enable and inspire to commons knowledge translingual a creating towards low-transaction, transnational cooperative structures. It is also committed to is GMC and by its through collectiveThe contribution. in flexibility and fairness on areas key in is GMC First, practice? in work this does How How does Guerrilla Media Collective fulfill the seven DisCOs principles Wherever may by othersinthe collective(s). members be, supported they willbe another.or node one from or to time their subtracting or adding nomads, digital as demonstrate that itsadoptionconveys ahost of ideological andpractical requirements. the GuerrillaTranslation node. in detailed presently are hs s lt oe ocee hn hs ecito my ugs. qik ok t h gvrac mdl will model governance the at look quick A suggest. may description this than concrete more lot a is This Some flexibility in legal structure and tools is foreseen, depending on the node. Regarding the specific tools, they happen, where colleagues get to know each other more closely and where and closely more other each know to get colleagues where happen, documenting, open sourcing andsharing open documenting, centered on care workcare on centered relations transnationally oriented oriented transnationally its federation protocols federation its pro-bono translation worktranslation pro-bono hog its through are created. An individual may well belong to two or more nodes nodes more or two to belong well may individual An created. are health of the collective the of health 36 Those are the bare essentials needed to become a node within node a become to needed essentials bare the are Those the Guerrilla Translation Handbooks Translation Guerrilla the and the importance of its livelihood, pro-bono and care value care and pro-bono livelihood, its of importance the and by enfranchising by designed for organizational flexibility and modularity and flexibility organizational for designed values 37 GMC’s through its through , where scale never comes at a cost of small group small of cost a at comes never scale where , , uain criteria curation hog is eeae srtg ad orientation and strategy federated its through , published through its language specific blogs specific language its through published , federation protocol federation . It also It . several layers of membership of layers several mutual support mutual oriented toward positive outcomes positive toward oriented reimagines flows of value of flows reimagines — a series of Open Source operating manuals for manuals operating Source Open of series a — itscooperative practices. and onig principles founding actively creates commons creates actively further states that nodes nodes that states further practises and dedicationand practises scales shared shared earlier with a focus focus a with ? It’s quite It’s ? through a well as , check- multi- safe, ?

Cooperativism, Contributory Accounting and Feminism — can offer more nuanced, nuanced, more offer can — Feminism and Accounting Contributory Cooperativism, Commons/P2P,— above mentioned influences main four the how prefigure to Space Ledger Distributed the beyond expanding before — trust — space blockchain the in issues divisive and misunderstood most the of one examine will weDisCOs, in work its and framework DisCO the care of exploration deeper into a After cooperativism. transnational radical, deeper for potential delve will we sections following the In DisCO framework with aneye towards small-scale experimentation. the exploring all are CSAs) with conjunction in working supermarket cooperative (a booking platform that promotes and funds local initiatives and projects) and marketplace),online global valuedriven and Guerrilla by Agitprop and managed operates as a DisCO being node within GMC. currently Finally, is Foundation, P2P the at incubated project Meanwhile, DisCOs. as operate and as such Furtherfield’s organizations Existing otherwise. existed have wouldn’t farms DisCOs creating to rainforest the preserving from proposals: fascinating up turned diverse and mutually supportive answers to the question of the “Future of work” work” of “Future the of earlier.mentioned Let’s co-ops... question cats talk about andcare-oriented the to answers supportive mutually and diverse not designingsoftware code for crypto-assets. fed, and for cared be to need who Wepeople about talking proposition. primarily are risky and complicated and experimental, Collective,an is Media this mistake, no Make Guerrilla there. from the it take like pilots, small with start to is approach Our context. own its in terms, own its on emerge will like.Each look might DisCOs other unwrittenfutureis the “ no and instructive, is DisCO a as development GMC’s of lessons the in While expressedpublication. this challenges the and models governance own their to down boils lot A But what like? mightotherDisCOs look above,first mentioned the Collectiveis,as Media Guerrilla The are noconceptual frameworks tovalidate what we are achieving inpractice. and practice is Wemoot. came up with the DisCO framework precisely because there In Collective,the Guerrilla Media and support. trust the neat division between theory oe f h recent the of Some te ai DsO rmwr ivral las o nqe rttps which prototypes unique to leads invariably framework DisCO basic the — centered on craft beer manufacturing, open community art spaces and urban DECAL pn Cooperativism Open (Decentralised Arts Lab) are investigating how to adapt the model whitepaper omn Transition Commons and ” or theoretical structure will dictatewill theoretical whator ” structure Fairbnb DisCO (a cooperativeaccommodation(a okhp w hv rn have run have we workshops te commons-advocacy the , FairMondo

self-identifiedDisCO. SpiralSeed (a cooperative La Louve and ,

45 Punk Elegance: The Story of Guerrilla Translation and the Guerrilla Media Collective Turn the Beat Around: Community ChAlgorithmic

46 Trusts and Care Oriented aptCooperativism er5 38 over thenotes, toturntheminto“Money.” Validated, trust-endowed. issued and counterfeit bank notes concluded that the Fed simply waves a magic wand Wilson philosopher Stand-up either. governments, trust many not surprise, data, the to According motives? among interactions validate to individuals or groups. authority Now, or who legal governments the banks, with like endowed conglomerates, institutions centralized typically are Intermediaries for thesystem intermediaries tofunctionreliably. trusted require not did that transactions peer-to-peer for system a create to was 2008 in brilliance of strokeNakamoto’s Satoshi plate. blockchain the on potato hottest the is “Trust”

Newcomers So it’s donot. Itisafiction backed by avast notsimplyafiction. apparatusof power.” money.their behind stand to deploy to resources serious has state the because credibility legitimate of lot a has transactions. I don’t trust them politically or as economic policy advocates. Also, fiat money backed by state power This is, of course, not so simple. David Bollier notes that “I can trust banks to make reliable, verifiable financial verifiablereliable, make to banks trust can “I that notes Bollier David simple. so not course,of is, This msn o te ifrne bten hscly dnia Fdrl Reserve- Federal identical physically between differences the on musing , really not too many people trust banks trust people many too not trusts trusts banks and governments or, at least, their — and to nobody’s to and — 38

oet Anton Robert 47 Turn the Beat Around: Community Algorithmic Trusts and Care Oriented Cooperativism 48 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto 39 relationships to the very systems incapable of doing so, or simply ignores it. responsibility and liability of ofpayments andpenalties. This, apartfrom creating machine the through 40 n cntn eggmn. ay A poet ae ap to happy are projects DAO Many engagement. constant and relationality through crises ethical and political ecological, of face the in complicity Haraway Donna book, in to latest her Similarly, relate. in order we have to undertake the hard stuff.” By “stuff” she meant the non-financialized, messy, human interactions Potts Ruth contend that right-libertarian imagination. Those of us on the other the engorges side vision of this howthe see ideological to spectrum easy It’sgovernments! and institutions all of rid could we conduct contracts, smart Through stratosphere. the into interactions possibilities trustless the of projecting contracts, smart of creation the after investment) (and salivationmass thatengendered key one aspect the is validation.This party thirdfor This means that achieves you can transact in secure ways (thanks, Bitcoin cryptography) with no need dilemma. presented trust proposal central-intermediary Nakamoto’s“ the particular, to in solution creation elegant money an of matter the In trustlessness

Power of the Commons the ofPower the even perhaps or story, full the not is this that however,contend Commons,we the In projects. blockchain posterior many subsequently and, Bitcoin achieve successful collaborations.” to needed are that online) and (offline dynamics social actual the recognize to worldview,failing libertarian the project blindly they and relations, not objects, on focused more They’re confused. so get DAO/blockchainspace the in traditionalists tech whyexplain helps analysis Wethis content. think the make and precede thatmarkets) property/ private or commoning as (such processes social the on not and content-object the of status legal the of bias political the highlighting self-interested, rationally are miners/validators assuming by achieved is This Staying withtheTrouble: MakingKinintheChthulucene all “Stand-up Robert philosopher” Anton Wilson explains , a political activist and one of the of one and activist political a , our transactions in disintermediated, peer-to-peer ways. peer-to-peer getNow canwe disintermediated, in transactions our not b dcnrlzn tut n tasern i t te hl network. whole the to it transferring and trust decentralizing by ” the Federal Reserve

encourages us to “stay with the trouble,” to come to terms with our our with terms to come to trouble,” the with “stay to us encourages everything in life can be a neatly measured, defined transaction defined inlife aneatly can measured, be everything , David Bollier and Silke Helfrich comment: “...The open/closed binary focuses chiefly on chiefly “...The comment:focuses Helfrich Silkebinary open/closedand Bollier David , choosingpunish,anytodeviations codedeferralswithfromthe , outsources the difficult work of having conversations and , counterfeit currency andinterest-free money. right story. In materials related to related materials In story. Stansted 15 Stansted huge legal problems in the areas areas the in problems legal huge the strange phenomenaof , asserted that “the soft stuff is Free, Fair and Alive: the Insurgent the Alive: and Fair Free, aiie hs messiness this sanitise 40 noted


. 39

41 The is that? daring to even measure the hours spent on something as precious as care work. Why scales, small these at tracking value still are DisCOs trust, human-level on focus the despite But hard”stuff. “softbut inevitable the for scale viable a as meant members, own node’s DisCO given A between theway you relate inyour householdandtheway you transact outsideit. opposite the in subverted be direction. can trustworthy to trustless between spectrum the So where do trustlessness and blockchains come in? At the risk of stating the obvious, built onsweat equity, consistent relations andhonest communication. be will it instead, advantage— financial or means technical through won’t bought be and adopt these practices before becoming a full member of the collective. Your trust takes it Translation Guerrilla in fact, In Matrix. the in skillz Fu These cultural aspects won’t instantly download into your brain like Neo’s mad Kung- experience. lived Collective’s Media Guerrilla of out developed framework, practical DisCO the online is level node the at trust DisCOs, In relations. trusted and within, humans the and collective the careworkforpriorities: two clear has DisCO a within node organization.Every the in humans the to service in exists contrast, by Organization, Cooperative Distributed A

Primavera DeFilippi explains how blockchains can levels foster inminute14:40of of varying trust n ee technically even And ae fr Housework for Wages , there is an is there , Stay thetrouble? with In Chthulucene. But how can thetechno-utopian futures of someBlockchain proponents destructive stories we needto engage in:theAnthropocene, theCapitalocene andthe 41 It all has to do with the scale of the group. There is a very big difference big very a is There group. the of scale the with do to has all It built on human interaction. Even though these may these though Even interaction. human on in-depth system in-depth titrated at certain scales, as blockchains can implement various gradual levels of trust. trust. of levels gradual various implement can blockchains as scales, certain at oeet f h 17s evd o trw hes over sheets “throw to served the of movement this lecture ubr number Dunbar tally suchprocesses? upwith to maximize mutual support and cooperation in cooperation and support mutual maximize to , DonnaHaraway speaks about thegenerative and o tutd oe i aon 15-20 around is nodes trusted for nine months nine typically happen happen typically this video to learn learn to . 49 Turn the Beat Around: Community Algorithmic Trusts and Care Oriented Cooperativism 50 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto larger mission. social value, and have open conversations about their individual contributions to allocate and the share DisCO’s interact, nodes the helps where system tracking the node, “home” their Collective, Media Guerrilla constitute in as another one with familiar personally as of thatmaydifferent be members not nodes nodes the Among automated. clarify to care) and pro-bono, (paid, invisible making work of labour, types earlier,three track mentioned DisCOs As legible. culturally caremore work and emotional unrecognized unpaid, of ghosts” the create value through digital commons of knowledge, software, anddesign. ultimately,co- and, self-organizecommunicate, to people allow that infrastructures of examples are Linux and Wikipedia are trust. there to enough because well know to system,get and with interact operating to anyone for people Linux many too simply the or Wikipedia like projects based don’tlarge-scale,interactions commons.to internet-alwaysThese the welltranslate on Commons such ascommunity gardens, spaces thrive forests local orneighbourhood in theCommons movement: that between commons andlarge-scale P2Psystems. trustless systems bound by common goals reflects an often misunderstood dichotomy large-scale and groups trustworthy inherently small-scale, between distinction This as highlyfeasible at thesmall. here is a continuum from trustless as the default norm at the large scale to trustworthy large scale while maintaining small-group dynamics.trusted What we are describing and power computing most the with those helping of Instead turn. associationist more a take can proponents blockchain by promised disruption value alleged the where is This materialise. concretely will cooperation that assure that mechanisms plug-and-play simple no are there others, by ignored and cooperatives some by honoured is ideal this While Co-ops.” among “Cooperation is principle cooperative Alliance’ssixth Cooperative International The into financial interactions with others, the issue of third party trust will inevitably arise. Beyond these small, established safe spaces and within the general context of entering specificity structural frameworks can help solidarity movements learn to cooperate at the at cooperate to learn movements solidarity help can frameworks structural : their sense of place, and the human relations among those maintaining place,ofthose relations sense among human their the : and become decentralized capitalists decentralized become

difficult conversations, not to be algorithmically be to conversations,not difficult Commons-Based Peer Production Peer Commons-Based , DisCO’s cultural DisCO’s , , P2P , P2P systems inthisway: The Commons Transition Primer Transition Commons managed resources (commons). co- and shared of maintenance and creation the support can infrastructures social and technical P2P of combinationcomplexity. The of levels and scales larger at collaborations for synergy a create together Commons the and P2P describes the interaction between Commons and Commons between interaction the describes 51 Turn the Beat Around: Community Algorithmic Trusts and Care Oriented Cooperativism 52 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto to interconnect and cooperate on larger scales. DisCO provide “lightweight” system protocols for commons-based peer production projects on based boundaries, commons and trust small-scale like more act Guerrilla Translation (a node) and the Guerrilla Media Collective (an individual DisCO) We Are Family: introducing the DisCO CAT commons ororganizational nodes. DisCO examine the to propose DisCOs nodes, decentralised to it give and institutions “trusted” of power the strip to aims blockchain the While introducing Family: Are We being without activity market productive in by marketabsorbed dynamics. engaging and people of groups new Together, these practices can enable DisCOs to expand transnationally by incorporating — — —

emsines om o ato (hr dsg pooos eet prior reflect protocols design (where action “constitutional” for action) parameters of forms Permissionless Horizontal federation through nodes generations future for relational dynamics. sustainably and ethically resources the steward resources the around gathered specific communities the entails Commons the while humans, between relations of pattern observable an expresses P2P brief, In Practice andcontinual iteration of the7DisCO principles . Meanwhile, a DisCO network and ) where eainhp, lal established clearly relationships, what (composed of several DisCOs) can networks how trust is placed at the smaller the at placed is trust a in (as te rtcl ue to used protocols (the are characterized by: resources ), o these of ) who ( the important structural part of theDisCO, part structural important andwe bow down toourfeline overlords. most the be might CAT the but here, hard too trying from refrain We’llcompletely. has that planet this on creature non-human only the of honor a call we’ll (CAT)“community algorithmictrust” which cooperative, the for platform repository a information shared is a DisCO as a acts in that tracking value and information the for propose we What encode this into technological and legal structures to ensure that the culture thrives? we can former,how the of example an is orientation DisCO’scare a If commons. all defines that structure and culture between dialectic fluid the mentioned we Earlier outthehumanlevel agreementsin overseeing, andrules. andcarrying simplifying collective the support not, or blockchain a on a encoded humans), whether DisCO’salgorithms, of talents chess existing the amplify and finesse to used are machines heart heart of the DisCO is digital the entity,” “living ideal, a imagined collectivelyas collective a the beyond but for caring includes work care DisCOs, In rules. self-organised its out carry collective the help structures DisCO’sdesign a structures,ownership on-chain shared through a how to Similar Community Land Trust Land Community

that living entity. Like an opening gambit in centaur chess (where . In fact, why not just call it the DisCO CATDisCO the it in call just not why fact, In . (CLT) helps maintain specific social values social specific maintain (CLT)helps colonized the internet the colonized

53 Turn the Beat Around: Community Algorithmic Trusts and Care Oriented Cooperativism 54 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto in a way that is recognized as compliant, fiscally and legally. The legal structure also structure legally.legal and The fiscally compliant, as recognized is thatway a in entities legal other,external with interactions the ratifies what is structure legal the mainly just that. The governance model is what makes it all function internally, while it’sno, well, it’s— function, to business a permits that stamp official an and number forming, and from which DisCO emerges. A legal structure is weremore than a they registration that cooperative of type the for ideal are that forms legal all-purpose any The Guerrilla CollectiveMedia team discovered the hard way that there simply aren’t member’s individualdashboard. each on displayedcollective the of health the show whichmetrics, these for data the from drawn visualizations at looking importantly,most and payments; tracking and invoices client creating performed; work for credits work care and livelihood bono, (e.g., done in the cooperative, including managing workflow; work updating about information team review documentation and input can members where is CATplatform The 43 42 never while otherwise, difficult more are replacing interactionsthat theface-to-face sustain any group. that structures etc.) digital coordination, way, (cooperation, this In processes group of types lost. certain facilitate can that affordances social not provide could are values the care-centered sure be to characteristic way a as worker-owners supported the and with collaboration encoded in are always statuteson-chain, the where forms cooperative prototype to is objective The principles. DisCO to according group’sactivities a of reflection online With proper legal research, CATs can developed be to expand beyond their role as an chain. on- recorded are that those including practices,cooperative of types new support to reconfigure.and canadapted interact be to goingneed to Legalforms are, soon, very that clusters as arranged are that collectives commons-oriented of function the for support required: is what does that framework thorough a provide not do certainly a cooperative. But at the moment, those legal forms only cover so many variables, and details ownership accountability, which differs greatly between a typical company and

follow a similar pattern, the various modes of value tracking and other inputs reflect the current health of a DisCO to planned CAT been the ofhas dashboard The patient. a of sickness of healthiness the determine could actions norg pol t tik o tesle ad e oe oily nae. n at te A cn e en s an as seen be can CAT the fact, In engaged. socially reflection and articulation ofencoded the DisCO governance more model. be and themselves for think to people encourage a CATis DisCO the DAOproponents, some of visions autonomous fully the to contrast In actions. its by affected humans and itsmembers. s porm i i iprat o tes ht omnt Agrtmc rss r rglry rgamd y the by programmed regularly are Trusts Algorithmic Community that stress to important is it program, a As Are you familiar with the game quarterly review quarterly convivial tool convivial that allows for open adaptation to serve multiple uses in actual contexts. Convivial tools tools Convivial contexts. actual in uses multiple serve to adaptation open for allows that timelines, Operation 42 ? This was an electronic game board from the eighties in which player’s commitment statements commitment

); accounting for their pro- their for accounting ); 43 heart. interface human/machineDisCO’s a through pumps that blood the is follows What the beyond even politics seven principlesof DisCOs. and identities their define clearly to need DisCOs space, DLT the in collaborations respectful mutually healthy, foster and themselves assert Collective is initiating the Guerrilla collective with a feminist and a backbone high ofCommons/P2Pproportion women, Guerrilla Media a As more. and infrastructure technical the of build and design the informcollectives help and to coders aligned ideologically with explorepartnerships alienated developers or otherwise techno-solutionist . For that, DisCOs need to and principles, DisCOs would do well not to outsource the construction of their CATs to 44 projects need to assess what specific values and affordances are encoded into the availableinto algorithms before rushing to encoded adopt are affordances and values specific what commons-based assess and to Solidarity need projects sawdust. with filled and silk with made placebo a The Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz got fooled by the sweet-talking wizard into accepting of Free/Libre software, onthelove. pass resilient, distributed alternativesled, for Open-Value Cooperativism in and, the spirit decentralized3.0 internet. ofthe proponents to default to quick so be (let’snot bricks structural the need still we but construction, this for prepped mortar cultural the all haveWe built. be to CATs need participation. active your without problems your for solutions design others don’tlet put: Plainly 90s. the of movement disability African a is us” without us about “Nothing

For example, DAT , Scuttlebutt , IPFS andthemore radical fringes of theblockchain space. Coding Collective, slogan blocks ht eand rmnne n h South the in prominence regained that FOMO 44 ). Based on these ideological premises ideological these on Based ). GMC’s community- co-build to is goal a home for feminist developers and -induced blockchain solutions. To 55 Turn the Beat Around: Community Algorithmic Trusts and Care Oriented Cooperativism Open-Value Co-ops for ChRadical Workplace 56 aptDemocracy er6 hs cr pirte ae eetd n h mdl n ecdd nhi. o much How onchain. encoded and model the in reflected are priorities core These summarized as: be re-assessed and adapted adapted and re-assessed be world? human messy the in decide,to DisCO Thatfor each is DisCO’s a but enacted CAT,its dimension, on-chain be to needs to left is much how and on-chain resides The DisCO is similar to DAOs in providing tools for easier invoicing, payments,invoicing,value easier forDAOs to tools providingsimilar in is DisCO The the recognises that model governance/economic Collective Media tested and existing the on based be can model This model. DisCO’sgovernance individual each facilitate to attempts DisCO The encoded dimension (e.g., digital platform or Community Algorithmic Trust) of the lived experience of thecollective. perpetually evolving, plastic prototype that is constantly being shaped by the the work Thus platform. care online and an by cooperativism enabled support, as mutual human stresses DisCO a contrast, also are DAOs Most populated heavily field by white men with technical a backgrounds and technocratic values.in right-libertarian) cases, worst the (in philosophy individualistic an follow organizations autonomous decentralized Many again: Think neutral? technology Is — — — — — — —

Federated Value reimagined Care work-based Transnational Commons-creating Multi-constituent oriented Socio-environmentally , but it needn’t be. To self-identify as a DisCO a collective needs a needs collective a DisCO a as self-identify To be. needn’t it but ,

xlsvl cnee o qatfibe (“tokenized”) quantifiable on centered exclusively regularly to account for members’ real-life experiences.real-life members’ foraccount to governance model developed for Guerrilla for developed model governance onchain ee DsO principles DisCO seven ieso o cmoig s a is commoning of dimension aspects briefly , offchain, offchain, By . 57 Open-Value Co-ops for Radical Workplace Democracy 58 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto n ohr ae dsrbd ale. ees n xml: f o’e iiig s today us of explanations visiting entry-level our you’rewith frustrated if be may you example: blockchain-landia, from an Here’s earlier. described bases other and Ledgers Distributed Open-Value Cooperativism, including structures, underlying its in interested those to resources and mentoring providing by access this rebalance attemptto DisCOs another). or privilege one of result a as obtained (oftenknowledge and less decentralized than they claim, given that access is limited to those with special 45 To fixthis, accessibility are key andpedagogy components of theDisCO vision. exclusive culture are frustrating enough to leave people uninterested and an uninformed. and language technical many, impenetrable for DLTs. but, Fine,and blockchains adaptations, change, andfederation. forpurposes,all distributeDisCOs power nodes,among facilitatingbottom-up easier tracking, and structural resilience. But rather than creating a standard, universal DAO Inclusive, relatable and educational: Trust. Algorithmic Community the of agreements interoperable and accountable resilient, the tyranny of structurelessness, the good positive working atmosphere algorithm’sis strengthened by The the floor. DisCO feedback loops won’t induce runaway the machine tyranny. Rather than falling subject on to out everyone’s knowledge… explicit structure: and culture in Balanced DisCO principles make a living, and share their experiences with others? Beyond the What would your DisCO be like? Who’s there? What do they do to care for one another, But thisdoesn’t tellthewholestory. technology. digital by facilitated ways federated actionable, in Cooperativism Value In summary, we can say that DisCOs are a framework for exercising the ideals of Open- Good Times: DisCOsinReal Life inspire, toothervariations. but we forward look That is, in our own DisCO experience within Guerrilla Media Collective. These features are meant to guide and guide to meant are features These Collective. Media Guerrilla within experience DisCO own our in is, That , andinourexperience, nhi ad fcan iesos tct and tacit dimensions, offchain and Onchain Many blockchain projects are more exclusive 45 DisCOs are: magnificent seven are not opposed to each other, but mutually dependent. Nodes within an individual an within Nodes dependent. mutually other,but each to opposed not are interests collective and self that reality the to privy is everyone — evident starkly is DisCO a within together.Interdependence value create to these for home a provide together.” withinacollective toprioritisethehumanbeings DisCOs are designed and Multilayered/holonic: economies.solidarity resilient create to infrastructures P2P secure livelihoods, through stablefederate and and expand then wealth to community tangible with beginning time, a at one step things take they Instead to. conform to humans for blueprints algorithmic not are DisCOs small, or Large aspects. volatilegrasp, to difficult on dependent vehicles are they What members. their of experience lived the on dependent and emergent is developmentmarketplace. Their and work the in changes positive of possibility the increases that framework a are They industries. deterministic: or speculative Non 46 values and tamper-proof ways — we want to disrupt mainstream notions of value beyond the secure in validated be must accounting This Trust. DisCO’sAlgorithmic Community dependent: not but DLT-enabled, or not, but if any of our ideas stick, we’d be happy to know our work has had an effect. diversity.DisCO our use strengtheningYou to by resilience choose our may increase only wayscan structural and cultural in collaborate to willing being and failures and capitalism. late-stage of roads rough the on traction are doing and don’t seek to impose “our” solutions. All these experiments are gaining latterthe blockchainon (morebelow).ofthe space We whatthey respect and admire like Co-ops other to point complementary frameworks, can want?,”old we we and do new. economy DisCOs “what support is question the if But answer. prescriptive: not but — Modular with themarket beyond. andtransactfunction at different levels spectrum, alongthetrustless-to-trustworthy support. mutual and Finally, beyond resilience their value-sovereign membrane, Community networkAlgorithmic Trusts can solidarity, consensual toward geared are exchanges and means transparent is tracking and value cases, all terms In partners. network the among on self-determination and sovereignty value develop can DisCOs All solidarity. revisable encoded, agreements processto value flows DisCOs,other with prioritizing prioritises collective the within nodes distinct an like much distribution, value of form intimate most the practice Collective, Media Guerrilla as such DisCO, aiait cnmc iest i vs, u cptls bid u t i b peedn t b alecmasn and all-encompassing be to pretending by it inescapable. to us blinds capitalism but vast, is diversity economic capitalist innumerable In microsolidarity typically found in the blockchain space. But while we see incredible potential in Pscptls Politics Postcapitalist A , Open Co-ops Open

cnmc rcie eitn wti, lnsd and alongside within, existing practises economic , not-for profit/Post Growth Economics and the and

fmns eooi geographers economic feminist , ebs rule Hebb’s noesaig commune income-sharing Social Solidarity Economy Solidarity Social DisCOs are one framework, and one possible possible one and framework, one are DisCOs Contributory accounting is at the heart of each each of heart the at is accounting Contributory tts ht Nuos ht r tgte, wire together, fire that “Neurons that states iCs o o cam hy il irp all disrupt will they claim not do DisCOs .. Gibson-Graham J.K. not 46 beyond Sharing our stories, successesstories, our Sharing Vle itiuin between distribution Value . is speculative or investment or speculative is , as well as newer proposals newer as well as , traditional co-ops aiaim Te aoaa o non- for panorama The capitalism. andthemore radical edge eid s ht hr are there that us remind

f exchange of , Platform 59 Open-Value Co-ops for Radical Workplace Democracy 60 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto Have viable, ethical business models: uswithoutus!). about DisCOs and is a matterwithin the networkall participating (nothing prototyped to be between interoperable and modular be to needs licenses these of dimension chain of capitalization 47 that all depend on material resources and knowledge. Geographically distributed distributed Geographically knowledge. and resources material on depend all that key.”the is occurs worlds, everything offline and online between differentiation the beyond that, is position “My Rovira offline? or Online Cooperative Organizations available, “meshable,” source. andopen Distributed of technologies the make to want simply We hindrance. a become they that point the to structures and tools impose to not important it’salso networks,but anyhand, wayone chooses. the it On Secure Scuttlebutt it’s Whether experimentation. to prone more latter the and organizations between blockchain basket. DisCO cultures and structures are emergent, the former is the glue the future of Distributed Ledger Technologies, DisCOs cannot put all their eggs in one 48 seductive promises of for big-picture capital gain. disruption of many blockchain projects, which are usually predicated on speculative ICOs or the guidelines of their seven main principles. This contrasts with the economic premises i.e., economy, pro-social the to market loyalty strict with the but sale, for services in and goods tangible operate offering DisCOs lets viability This income. own their reinvest and generate philanthropy,DisCOs or extraction exploitation, economic on capitalism in heterodox ways, and outperform this calls to for economicwant viability.we Rather but than relying ambitious, us counterpower.Call economic creating by collective the mission. in social its participants and of benefit the for but for profit, not shareholder mean or we absentee profit,” “not-for as ourselves define we If control. community on and creating by a in resilient assets shared economically own their more controlling become to organizations oriented collectives solidarity-based the how to works.Similar productive monetize and cooperatives allows copy authors it, the define as (or, to Copyfair like existing an is there project, incipient an remains this use can DisCOs Copyfair-Licensed: other face-to-face. on-life, Local” been designed to ease the governance and economics of has framework DisCO the production, creative intangible is than difficult more production always material while But etc. needed, capital development less and inputs material fewer easier,are is there tracking value because DisCO of implementations easier the are Collective, Media Guerrilla like services, digital produce that DisCOs not for profit cooperative. Many of these ideas are further explored in Donnie MaclurcanDonnie Jenniferexploredin and Hinton’sarefurther Many ideas ofthese a as constituted legally fact, in is, Collective Media Guerrilla initiatives. Whether on- or off-line, we recognize our relations as happening happening as relations our recognize we off-line, or on- Whether initiatives. striving to maximize trust through networks and regularly encountering each each encountering regularly and networks through trust maximize to striving breaks down the dichotomy between our “on” and “off” line lives line “off” and “on” our between dichotomy the down breaks There really are no “material” and “immaterial” commons “immaterial” and “material” no are really There . assets within their networks their within assets commons-based reciprocity licenses reciprocity commons-based , a bunch of spreadsheets or tally sticks, your DisCO can track value on-life o nbe au svriny hl mxmzn mutualization, maximizing while sovereignty value enable To far 47 Onlife

DisCOs are a framework for economic resistance achieved resistance economic for framework a are DisCOs Se ti wy te opra eprec o encountering of experience corporeal the way, this Seen . et lcne the license, left) ! eia-aaá Zptsa yeatvs Guiomar cyberactivist Zapatista Mexican-Catalán being interoperable being DisCOs have a nuanced vision of profit based permissionless er rdcin License Production Peer , DisCOs can use PPL to allow purpose- allow to PPL use can DisCOs , FairsharesAssociation o-rfi, oily retd nauin worker Andalusian oriented socially non-profit, , or “Copyfair” licenses. While licenses. “Copyfair” or , bt o croain, to corporations, not but , “Design Global-Manufacture is essential to largerDisCO to essential is anr Te osbe on- possible The manner. 48 How on Earth. Our futureis Our HowEarth. on PL. h PPL The (PPL). facilitates the facilitates considering as follows: as n cagmkn poet. u i as pifly bet rm ay blockchain many from absent painfully projects (notable exceptions also would be is Fun projects. changemaking and bust! or Fun thingisthat theirpracticesimportant willreflect principles. thesepolitical “fly the to flag” of these chooses political aspects (like DisCO future a Whether space). blockchain (the structures hierarchical of disruption and decentralization the or left) old-school (the emancipation of speak thatmovements within overdue long is that change a represents vision DisCO the of particular, the addition of carework and feminist economics as essential components cooperative exclusively oriented towards profit and exchange is tempered by tempered is exchange and profit towards oriented exclusively ownership capitalism of Political: 49 human beings, intheworkplace andbeyond. communication is informed by other notions of value reflective of our experiences as for a long time. What we propose in DisCOs is have littleThe coop movement meaning. addressing has been workplace democracy is democracy when much workplace to amount not do American economist workplace democracy Don’t stop ‘till you get enough —radical the DisCO CAT platform) have tofactorinfun! alternatives which also fulfill a social mission? Relationships within a DisCO (including enjoyable offer can’twe why behaviours, addictive encourage to online designed platforms by hijacked been has time leisure our of engaging much an When be process. fulfilling to and needs inclusivity true that think We aesthetics. DisCO the as of — much meme, wow). very The name DisCO is no coincidence, nor are what we think

simply market players for the collective benefits of their members. In spite of this, we believe that the DisCO the that believe we this, of spite framework can helpmake thecooperative principlesmoreIn likely enacted. tobe members. their of benefits collective the for players market simply We must, however, point out that the original seven cooperative principles are often ignored. Many co-ops are co-ops Many ignored. often are principles cooperative seven original the that out however, point must, We , wage labour becomes Of course, all cooperatives : once you walk through the door of the company, your democratic rights democratic company,your the of door the through walk you once : principles Piae wesi o te en o pouto becomes production of means the of ownership Private : Humour, joyfulness and wellbeing are routinely disregarded in politics politics in disregarded routinely are Humour,wellbeing and joyfulness Richard Wolff . 49 iC’ adtoa svn rnils ubcag ti. In this. turbocharge principles seven additional DisCO’s worker-owners , argues that notions of representative democracy are Cryptoraves political. political. They upend the Guerrilla Media Collective and (absentee/hierarchical) production radical workplace democracy vrhligy bet rm the from absent overwhelmingly , Facecoin , Plantoids three basic premises the ) or not, the most original seven original and Dogecoin collective , where

61 Open-Value Co-ops for Radical Workplace Democracy 62 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto it ultimately ends in fascism. Politics must honor the irreducible plurality of humans, ConditionHuman the approaches.In aesthetic possible of plurality a for makeroom and balance a keep to However, important below). it’salso (see video in especially media, social in for heyday conditions a experiencing is movements, philosophical better and social political, convergent build to tools as inclusivity. Humor, important as a way especially more to help unpack historically complex and are semantics and Aesthetics powerful very of for change,tools involved of informed, thebase andbroadening stakeholders. use the for responsibility collective active, taking about more it’s stance, negative-Nancy a necessarily isn’t technology disruptive potentially of view and how transparent are those taken,processes? All questions worthdecisions exploring. Taking those a critical are how risk, fair a is what decides Who it? for suffer to exactly is who being benefits disrupted, from the result, and who or what could stand make the unconscious conscious, itwilldirect your life andyou willcall itfate.” What damage.do to CarlG.capacity As youevenunintentional, if “Until hidden, said, Jung any uncover to important it’s more the aims, the “disruptive” more the and design, technological inform do certainly biases and values carefully.Unexamined consider perhaps not everyone. To those outliers, we present this as an alternative viewpoint to Plenty of transformations that P2Pnetworks can pursueremain underdeveloped andnaive. but, despite a more technical understandings of P2P collaboration are well-known in the DLT space We also arrived here through experience influenced by P2P and commons theory. The withourvalues. andaligned more grounded is that one story, better a tell to DisCOs want We structures. design normative into it’s beforeprogrammed unconsciouslyculture of importance the identifies approach explicitly Our structures. corresponding own its produces culture That outcomes. The of story DAOs is the result of certain sensibilities (libertarian) resulting in certain unique, andstories inform thedesign of ourtechnologies. newnarrative.a together into approaches Together, these are the stories and the cultures that make a DisCO. It weaves previous In worthy people and projects this video growing number of rebellious exceptions explains how cooperatives can bethecure for maladies of capitalism. , Hannah Arendt argues that when aesthetics are linked to politics,to linkedaestheticsare that argueswhen Arendt Hannah , produced by the Extraenviromentalist may be content with the semantics of the DAO, but Stories,genesnot , economics professor RickWolff , the cultural and sociopolitical , arewhat, make humans

The the bridges of color andculturalreferences. through unrelatable, seemed have may formerly that things to relating of ways new Collective. Media Guerrilla extension, be its and to Translation Guerrilla for manifesto presence online our DisCO in this for aesthetics visual and colourful rebellious. These aesthetics are an extension of the style we’ve evolved chosen we’ve example, an As influence that image andbrandingcan inject. unnoticed subtle,often the bankroll to means the with entities by occupied formerly blockchain)(e.g., spaces new into moving collectives for identification and cohesion Instead dictate. social ofsource a form can expressionthat of to means accessto enabling for stand we try ever to not reminder cautionary this appreciate We correct. politically as enforced and can’tregimented aesthetics be single a that means which 50 hands-on and demystification to share withyou. semantic and like,we’dwhich looks that what like about ideas havesome we do,and to work of lot aesthetic to like sounds it well, you, to appeals reconstruction approach this If in politics and tech (and, possibly, andtech (and, in politics alienate others: resonateto sectors optics often DisCOunderrepresented with the queered feminizedand punkified, deliberately u vsa sye tns n otat o h ashtc uuly hsn n lccan rjcs o a esn we reason, a for projects blockchain in chosen usually aesthetics the to contrast in stands style visual Our 50 The point for us is not to force a style but to empower others to recognize Contrapoints explains Left” “the that’s thebreaks from at least two angles. you’ve found the others the you’vefound ). . There’s. a 63 Open-Value Co-ops for Radical Workplace Democracy The Last Dance: ChThe Future is Unwritten 64 apt er7 and “mindasymmetries” intheirsectionon situated in the North of France, offer self-managed a thoughtful exploration the of inclusivity, at awareness activists and practitioners The creating and boundaries, respecting livelihoods.dignified while expressions and experiences diversefor room making technologies, and forms organizational future our in the inclusion culture of achieve a embed to effectively more needed can DiSCOs power. is distribution: democracy important most workplace radical decision-making but Participatory worthy, are workplaces. systems democratic radically and networked panacea. a is not work for as technology apart from human involvement. blockchain the in faith Restoration blind avoid and “automation”, by implied DisCO framework can offer a vision of empowerment to counter the bleaker prospects the plus Commons the of power the about awareness public greater that Webelieve cooperatives constitute large-scale framework. apotential Open-value of federations DisCO Large solutions. trust-based small-scale, are GMC) large-scaleframework.”a within solutions commons(e.g.,Individual as such DisCOs small-scale require they solutions; large-scale require not do problems “Large-scale accessible frameworks that unite them. As noted British ecologist David Fleming need we inequality of causes root the address to but thought, economic mainstream the change-making movements we take part in offer alternatives to the deficiencies of intersectional feminism blockchain, and cooperatives, feminist economics, open open-value and accounting. platformIndividually, permaculture, commons, the source, open movements: various of crossroads the at stand DisCO on working us of Those What isthefuture of work? n ecuaig pnes oad oetal cagn or eair This behavior. our changing potentially toward openness encouraging and acts our for responsible as other each addressing “Accountabilityof way a is

of our living planet, ecosystems and human relationships are vital. This vital. are relationships human and ecosystems planet, living our of Restoration. practicing accountability efrig rs Forum Arts Performing

It will take transnationally : (PAF), said , 65 The Last Dance: The Future is Unwritten 66 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto rb pig1-/cuy oiiain a te tr o te eae Jh Psil a Postill, John decade, communication anthropologist at theUniversity of Melbourne, the of start the at develop mobilizations Spring/15-M/Occupy to Arab opportunities unprecedented mass the about Talkingtechnology. have through impact our movementsamplify and strategies new social in us that acknowledge of also those must we technosolutionism, of skeptical remain we While cooperative and Social Solidarity traditions. This goes from the low-hanging fruit fruit low-hanging the from goes This traditions. Solidarity Social and cooperative gain personal for By now it should be clear that we are not buying into the andbiosphere destruction. inequality mass room: the in elephants twin the but models, business archaic just not disrupt that pilots visible develop explicitly must disruptions huge promising economy technologies “sharing the it calling micro-rental, the for P2P and commons Valley Silicon decentralization. of technologies the to have we (again) co-opt world the but of IBMs and HSBCs the opportunity,before space this in claim our of make window new a presents decentralization on shift. focus this of evidence is landscape political present The alienation. and distrust discord, favouring instincts, reptilian our engaging on case. the Webthrivesfor-profitlonger orientation, its model 2.0’s to business Beholden farming data no is That possible. still the was movement enabling revolutionary in a roleof media’stakeoff social when 2011, in made was observation Postill’s orait, ek pltcas a wl a nntcnlgcl xet (for with experts citizens ordinary non-technological and scientists) as social intellectuals, well artists, instance, as politicians) geeky online lawyers,journalists, rights digital join as to (such have experts technology hackers other and with forces geeks like specialists IT politically, succeed “To own position and let it yourbe challenged, while respecting other people’s boundaries.” challenge account, into this Take boundaries. different have and bodies, have different experiences, are situated differently in power structures patience...Peopletakesand time comedifferentfromplaces, differentinhabit settings such as streets andsquares that drives processes of change.” and other political actors via mainstreamsocial media, and media in physical nerds technology people, everyday of together coming the is a It contribution. make can all where initiatives inclusive through knowledge specialist no Ised w itn t pooe ag-cl poig ihn the within pooling large-scale promote to intend we Instead, . appropriated the appropriated blockchain hype of speculation h rs o wb 3.0 web of rise The affirms that image ” Nascent .” : wt its with , ry of the of ry to the norms of that community. The sustenance of an estimated an of sustenance The community.that of norms the to the precariat”: “the or worker” “the from apart subject political new a spotlight DisCOs and what movements from can andenrich benefit theDisCO framework? beneficiaries these are who But technologies. distributed developing in roles social new into step principles sevenDisCO the of beneficiaries possible the emergeas will Throughout this series we have proposed the potential impact of DisCOs. This impact at thisDisCO? Don’t leave methis way: Who’s dancing principles intotheirown blockchain R&D. innovators, blockchain mainstream of assumptions underlying the questioning are others and 51 south, yet many of these remain unprotected and vulnerable to enclosure. It has been commonsresourcenatural of form some on depend worldwide Space Agency cultural myopia of blockchain developers. Projects like We are happy to acknowledge that we are not alone in criticizing the socio-political and we intheDisCO governance propose model. tracking and distributing value, including the three modes of of internal waysvalue allocation other the through but through finance, mainstream just of not protocols other,and conduits each available economic support and building with transact and to (capital) need We solidarity. infrastructure productive like or challenges difficult physical more amassing the to practices), best documentation, (knowledge,

Foundation’s Michel Bauwens andAlex Collective by theGuerrillaMedia anddesigned Pazaitis team. andedited Some of these and more are highlighted in the report report the in highlighted are more and these of Some commoner 51 y noprtn fmns, niooil cmos n cooperative and commons anticolonial, feminist, incorporating by , DECAL , a person who co-manages their resources in community according community in resources their co-manages who person a , , The Commons Stack P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival Planetary for Accounting P2P , DGov , Giveth P2P Models , Trustlines , mainly in the global global the in mainly , , OsCoin 2.5 billion people people billion 2.5 , Circles written by the P2P the by written , Economic , Terra0

67 The Last Dance: The Future is Unwritten 68 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto 52 social the and feminism, co-ops, favoured often have world the around arisen have initiatives. political protestmovements Decolonialism as such DisCOs are close in spirit to other endsthanbuilding IBM’ssocial next Watson. more. Software and politics arts, the education, science, the development, software Beyond software. forms innovative into organize organizations cooperative with partnerships the at remain unions for workers for remuneration fair-value favouring while Closely tied to the spirit of co-ops reimaginations of value creation anddistribution: transnationally andassertively. governanceP2P/Commonsin seen networks. adopt to need we into this space, but to really leverage and expand cooperative culture to the next level, cases of worst co-ops the together all demutualizing in big or, principles with seven the moribund, to heed politically no paying corporations, is like movement coop the of Much for than existed have Co-ops economy. capitalist the of rules the do by playing to by able so be won’t it But inequality. overturn and economies reshape radically to 53 turnover of 3 trillion US$ trillion 3 of turnover With a lack of see theideas commoning thread. asashared presently networks affinity massive change.for path differentweBut a articulate to vision unifying or identifier common potentially These platforms. digital through online resources shared co-creating are number similar a that postulated Google, Apple and Facebook combined, the

white/male majority, inoften invisibilized detrimenttoothers. the us, remind commenters that system operating an Android, like products is result themost engineof powerful outperhaps corporate everemploys surveillance invented.” Linuxtocarry The foundations. FLOSS major of boards the on sit and finance help also companies These IBM. and likeGoogle companies big of shareholders with up end benefit people benefit from this stuff as users of Firefox, WordPress,more Lots affluence.and and LAMP maleness,servers, whiteness, but like huge privileges portions enjoy of who the economicthose overwhelmingly are consciously radical more Schneider much Nathanlatter, are the Regarding politics projects. our Source although Open sense, many wider than its in Source Open use We with. agree we which — ept toe sagrn” cnmc grs te rt i ta, as that, is truth the figures, economic “staggering” those Despite When talking about software, we are obliged to acknowledge the 175 years . mlin oprtv sceis oe 1 ilo mmes n a combined a and members billion 1 over societies, cooperative million 2.6

h bcbn o te nent and internet the of backbone the un Vivir Buen are staggering , now Degrowth iial ntokd oiaiy taeis n te ag scale large the and strategies solidarity networked digitally . Together,. by enhanced be only can efforts these , but they haven’t brought about the desired economic revolution. the , In this sense this In ; it is time to turn that economic power to more worthwhile more to power economic that turn to time is it ; cultures oern o sca ad niomna issues environmental and social of forefront , similar to the market capitalization of Microsoft, Amazon, Microsoft, of capitalization market the to similar , the , oil oiaiy Economy Solidarity Social . Platform Cooperativism has brought a breath of fresh air fresh of breath a brought has Cooperativism Platform . no-oprtv structures union-cooperative of Open Source hide myriad economic biases which consistently favour a favour consistently which biases economic myriad hide Source Open of ae Movement Maker , post-capitalist movements trade unions P2P politics P2P ot T companies IT most cooperative cooperative movement 53 and assist precarious workers to self- to workers precarious assist and and the and pn ore way Source Open have sought to minimize exploitation This is the way to crystallize radicalway the crystallize is to This 52 distinction between Free/Libre and Open Source , h eoois f pn source open of economics The Permaculture , oil’ Em Irwin Emma Mozilla’s municipalist movements municipalist Municipalism Meanwhile, . writes lot 0 years 200 almost beyond the commons, : “Those who use FLOSS self- FLOSS use who “Those : u o oe source open on run a bace into branched has and has the potential legislative and legislative , Ecofeminism pn source open anti-austerity n mn other many and encourage , behaving Today . more that ,

without a clearer set of shared, without aclearer setof shared, on based level of our organizations. Many objections to feminism and anticolonialism could be design the disadvantagesat geographic without and inequality racial and gender nothing addressing to amount will enterprises, tech profit-driven people, largest working the only benefit not also to movements decentralised of potential the Finally, through commons-public employment meaningful create to a allies political these powerful for framework a play and plug provide can DisCOs that reason to stands only It economy. solidarity ae I nt i’ sial ajse t hl te olcie etr et t gas and goals its meet better collective the the remains help algorithm to the adjusted yes, suitably it’s If not, it? If birthed same. that group human the of values the followed trust algorithmic on-chain our Has reflect: to invited are participants when evaluations DisCO’s seasonal a with coinciding months, three every reprogrammed be to meant is DisCOs managing for code the model, Collective Media Guerrilla the prototyping and Community Algorithmic experimenting Trusts for organizations, but If it weis not ironbound. follow for framework solid space: a us blockchain gives the model governance in present very not utter will sentence we Here a happen? this make to framework technical precise the is What above.mentioned movements the of power the federating and leveraging by counterpower economic an becomecould DisCOs that hypothesis: a experiencepropose welived of body this From projects. commons and peer to peer cataloguing and researching in observed are predicated on theyour real life theoretical, experiences in not Guerrilla Media Collectiveare and whatThese we DisCOs.have manifesto of this aspects cultural Throughout the shifts? explained we’ve of sorts these stimulate to propose we do How to create anew, diverse andresilient economic movement. shared opportunities on opening and workingsynergies cross-sectoral introducing by platforms, network forces join easily more can worldwide actors unconnected low their to thanks startup costs DisCOs,and modular, open in source nature, best and philosophical combinationaffinities. Formerly happy the a find Economics: can movements Feminist these of and Commons P2P, Source, Open Cooperativism, dancefloor Tecktonic: Nextsteps on the DisCO misunderstanding and misinformation partnerships tangible goals andvisibleoutcomestangible goals and bottom-up strategies , but attempts at will equality be lost e o’ know don’t We for public provision . Te DisCO The . . 69 The Last Dance: The Future is Unwritten 70 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto The DisCO Framework DisCO The Stack. DisCO The project: the to components complementary businesses to adapt. This culture/structure distinction will expressedbe through two legal/technical modular a co-developing also Weare accounting. contributive practising collectives first its With our source as open and mature, codify to intend project) wepilots, DECAL Cooperativism. new Open-Value (a CultureStake and for Collective Media resources Guerrilla the integrated provide and DisCOs, The our in predetermined, experimentation and continued interaction. not The DisCO story needs to be a living one. but explored, be forthcoming documentation, but we will already know that this is an emergent process of details these All expectations. 55 54 Graphic Collective, toensure theCAT’s Guerrilla accessibility anduserfriendliness. by provided UX state-of-the-art have will materials educational inclusive DisCO optimize to systems, existing workflow and facilitate all on aspects of the DisCO governance based model. These pilot-tested, tools FLOSS collaborative develop also will Stack DisCO the components, economic and value-tracking the to Adding DLT efficient energy and agile lightweight, alternatives tosidechains orsharding. offer can design this whole, a As end. trustless the at tech blockchain cryptographic spectrum, the of end trustworthy the interaction. trustless secure to only blockchains applying and data, small-node crunching by usage blockchain DisCOs and other compatible entities. The herepurpose is to ofdispose unnecessary live on a trustless blockchain) and blockchain-based ledgers for interactions between tracking and economic networking at the individual DisCO level (not layer dual CAT’s ActivityPub The as accounting. such solutions, 3.0 and Web lightweight studying tracking is architecture value DisCO for platform (CAT) Trust Algorithmic Community the build to touch!) in get - created being (presently Stack DisCO The relationships.social within DLT frameworks, and also show how tokenization in different mediums affects governancedata contributory to economics feminist and privacy user of application the highlight to is aim The pilots. other and GMC with ResearchAction Participatory economics and other components accessible to the precariat. Finally, we will conduct the model in practice. The purpose is to make DLTs, contributory prototyping accounting, and feminist developing in communities engage to workshops and DisCO-thons the (complementing portal educational an as resourcessuchpractices. worldincludes It

aaae it salr mr mngal cuk wih r te dsrbtd mn svrl evr. Both large servers. of sluggishness several general blockchains.and among issues scalability distributed load, transactional then the alleviate are to designed which are strategies chunks manageable more smaller, into databases we’ve Inthemeantime toprovide tried model. accessible links toexplain what of each thesecomponents do. process of writing a basic article explaining how the DisCO stack facilitates the processes of the DisCO governance the in are we that, remedy Toreaders. our of some to baffling be may terms these of some that Weunderstand Sidechains Platform Co-op Development Kit DisCO project DisCO

, are a sort of “branch blockchains” where certain processes can take place. take can processes certain where blockchains” “branch of sort a are ValueFlows

infrastructure infrastructure was created to cooperatively develop, prototype and popularize and prototype develop, cooperatively to created was Srcue wl b dvlpd y h Gerla oig Collective Coding Guerrilla the by developed be will (Structure) , (Culture) is predicated on care work, and prototypes real- prototypes and work, care on predicated is (Culture) IPFS 54 n umr: nnbokhi) L tc i ue at used is tech DLT (non-blockchain) summary: In and o ohr omn-retd olcie and collectives commons-oriented other for ), handbooks, audiovisual materials, infographics, Radicle 55

o eeg efiin, rswrh value trustworthy efficient, energy for cultural practices practices cultural Framework Secure Scuttlebutt Secure Sharding everything everything and the DisCO the and breaks down breaks for other for has to , 56 outcomes.viable Watch socio-economic thisspace. the cooperative movements’ work ease in harnessing the ofpotentials the digital economy for could propose we that tools and practices cooperative of set documented thoroughly and tested real-world The spaces. digital in organising non-hierarchical creative work with a social and environmental benefit, open-value cooperativism, and real-world a offersessence, DisCO In innovation; andculture. programming; research; entrepreneurship; in blockchain and web 3.0; communication, design and P2P storytelling; and Commons experience bring we Collectively, multidisciplinary a with partnership DLT/blockchaincooperativeand the to newradically something bring to team in world. working are we end, this To vapourware. being avoid to wants that project distributed (structural) serious any on-chain for essential and are qualities (cultural) off-chain of combination this that believe We

The authorship sectionbelow 56 namechecks someof theseindividualsandtheir organizations.

educational opportunity for those interested in interested those for opportunity educational 71 The Last Dance: The Future is Unwritten 72 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto from basic economicfrom basic resistance toaviable, networked economic counterpower. growto vehiclescommons,thatproduceand profit, livelihood create absentee help not people attract can DisCOs inequalities, economic most and those social by empowering affected directly and with, partnering educating, By alternatives. shifting paradigm- with up bottom the from but privilege, of position a from not challenged, be to need etc.crisis, climate inequality,the including time our of problems big The — what itis, aslongyou’rematter doingsomething.” doesn’t It job. your be can It informal. be can It creative. be can It otherwise. workplace. It can be passing on knowledge and skills to those who wouldn’t access them your in relationspowerwarped the awayat chipping as scale small as be can name.It then it’s up toYou you. don’t have to be the leader of a global movement or a household “If you are disgusted by what you see, and if you feel the fire coursing through your veins, Reni Eddo Lodge 73 The Last Dance: The Future is Unwritten 74 Credits technical capacity inbringingthe DisCO frameworktechnical capacity andstack tolife. Bounds Models Flows ( Foster Jaya by Centre made suggestions Foundation editorial Economics countless the ( for Brekke Klara grateful deeply are We BlueSpecs ( direction. and life with includes also crew the project Utratel, Marie Ann and TroncosoStacco the Besides infusing manifesto, the been maturing has development to project essential on working Crew DisCO the of input the Similarly, on theManifesto, theGT initswriting. anactive alsotook part team Nati Lombardo the of rest the among discussions of year Guerrilla Translation a team nearly of result the is manifesto The Bryant Oñate editor. lead and co-author as Richard D. Bartlett ( Reloaded Workshop Finally,conversationsmanythese of 2018 the by were sparked The lead writer for the for writer lead The Authorship Furtherfield ), Julio Linares ( took care of final editing and proofreading, with aditional proofreading by , . Significant editorial feedback from feedback . Significant editorial ), Nathan Schneider ( Mikorizal ). Part of this group will continue working with us in either and/oran advisory CNRS ) and , , Decal COALA , uhm University Durham Phoebe TickellPhoebe Lara San Mamés , ValueFlows Loomio ), which, apart from the Guerrilla Translators, was also attended by E Circles UBI , la Kagel DaoStack DisCO Manifesto DisCO , ooeaie UK Co-operatives including , Enspiral Internet of Ownership Timothy McKeonTimothy ), Sam Hart ( Hart Sam ), ( ( SUPERMARKT DGov Foundation ), and ), Eleftherios Diakomichalis ( Diakomichalis Eleftherios ), Elena Martínez Vicente and Silvia Molina Díaz , , DECODE the Hum Sara Escribano Kevin St. John was Avant.org David , rmvr D Flpi ( Filippi De Primavera ), Stacco Troncoso Stacco , a Cnt ( Conaty Pat ), ), Sarah De Heusch ( ), provided additional editing and editing additional provided I rene López de Vallejo Bollier , ) and Lisha Sterling ( Enspiral . Beyond their indelible influence , Bronagh Gallagher ), Bob Haugen ( Haugen Bob ), was indispensable. ). yega Institute Synergia with OsCoin Guerrilla TranslationGuerrilla SMart Ann Marie Utratel Marie Ann Mikorizal eka Klein Berkman , Geeks Without ( Radicle ), Virginia Díez , AIOTI Silvia López Ruth CatlowRuth , ), Lynn ), , BDVA , Value ( Elsie Susa New P2P , ,

75 Credits 76 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto (design, formatting, web stuff) from our esteemed colleagues at the at colleagues esteemed our reader-ready from publication stuff) this web formatting, making (design, for support funding the for grateful are We listreading of someof theseinfluences —many of themare linked withinthisessay. of the team core the of part as experiences professional our from manifesto,mainly DisCO the of writing countlessthe haveThereinfluences in been island. an manifestoNois Acknowledgements All errors andomissions iswelcome. are theauthors’ own, andfeedback are thankfulfor theirpresence. ( Tarrés Moreno Mercè ( Centralized, Decentralized, Distributed Img 6 DecentralizedsayYou Potato,I say Chapter 2: You say Potato, Isay Decentralized: Semantics Matter Kasparov “Deep Blue” beats inonemove Blockchain group Friday, Saturday, Sunday sequenceby Kasparov Defeated Chapter 1:Rage Against theMachineand Science Friction Illustration strip by We forge thechains that bindinlife Introduction Graffiti Stripby Red LightsinLine Foreword Troncoso andAnnMarieUtratel andare below inorder listed of appearance. and manifesto the for Collective. Graphic Mireia Juan Guerrilla Cuc by designed was Manifesto DisCO the of edition This Design andImages Humankind DisCO: now Foundation and Guerrilla Collective Media Guerrilla Translation, Guerrilla of the development supported and funded have who organizations the acknowledge gratefully We Fiona Dove,particular DanielChávez, DenisBurke, Wainwright. andHilary Institute Wikimedia Spain Wikimedia ; P2P Foundation Img 7 TI. ed lo ie o hn te hl TI em o ter upr, in support, their for team TNI whole the thank to like also We’d (TNI). (FPH)and ; Img 8 id-iom ó created the logo and branding for DisCO and led the design process by by ), Emaline Friedman ( Friedman Emaline ), . Sourced from NVM ILLUSTRATION VIN JD , Pixabay and in the movements we’ve mentioned above. : h Cals épl Myr onain o te rges of Progress the for Foundation Mayer Léopold Charles The Guerrilla Graphic Collective Graphic Guerrilla t website its FundAction Img 1 ; Img 2 collage by collage Mashable Te mgs o te et ee uae b Stacco by curated were text the for images The . . by ; Img 3 id-iom id-iom . Sourced from Holo by : Img 1 id-iom ; Jim Gardner Img 4 ), Carmen Lozano Bright ( Bright Lozano Carmen ), :

Img 1 ; Img 2 :

Img 1 Img ) and Lucas Tello ( Tello Lucas and ) ; Img 2 Business Insider Singapore ; Img 3 , Img2 ; Img 3 ; Img 4 ; Img 3 Img ; Img 5 Click here ; Zemos98 Transnational Nodocomun Img 4 Img ; Img 5 Img ). We ). for a ), ; We forge thechainsvariations Artwork collage by Work, work work, Street (He)art Saved My Life Chapter 3:Last Night ADistributed Cooperative Organization Maps, DNA andspam Watson initscool room Always thelabel read notsimplydistribute powerOne does by decree From hierarchy todecentralisation The future isunwritten Chapter 7: The Last Dance: The Future isUnwritten Brains Watercolor dots SomHEROIES Green hairdon’t care Chapter 6:Open-Value Co-ops for Radical Workplace Democracy In Like Flint bigdata?U need catz. SourcedMirrorball from All tous your are belongs base from theCommons Transition Primer The New Ecosystem of Value Creation Robot SVGs Robot reading Care Oriented Cooperativism Chapter 5: Turn theBeat Around: Community Algorithmic Trusts and Titel Polyeder Pixelated GT group picture by :) randompasserby inHervás, Spain from Guerrilla Translation Governance Model infographic DisCO brainstorming action GuerrillaTranslation.es Websites Spanish and English GT’s The GuerrillaTranslators Guerrilla Media Collective Chapter 4:PunkElegance: The Story of Guerrilla Translation andthe Blockchain Technology this article 1 and by sourced from from by Glen Scott 2 by by by sourced from by id-iom by meme Jan Kolar Markus Kraus Mercé Moreno Tarrés by GDJ id-iom 2768815-2768815 Victoria Wang by by by by by by id-iom id-iom id-iom by : JaysCollection Tumisu John Tolva Img 1 by . Sourced from Max Pixel Guerrilla Translation Img 1 by id-iom SVG SILH ; id-iom Img 2 by ; Img 2 infographic by : Sucd from Sourced . . Anna Bauer Img 1 Passengers reading ; Img 3 : Img 1 ; this article Img 3 ; Img 2 ; Img 4 meme created by memecreated ; Img 2 ; (read about thisimage about (read Img 4 ; by Img 3 Elena Martínez Vicente ; Img 5 Mercé Moreno Tarrés ; GuerrillaTranslation.org Img 3 ; by Img 4 ; Img 6 ; ArtsyBee Img 4 Ann MarieUtratel ; Img 7 here . Sourced Sourced ) and 77 Credits 78 If I Only Had A Heart: A DisCO Manifesto Black Heart Credits Hanging Tough Fuzzy lights Abstract andPatterns collage by Artwork collage by Disco cat AI brain by by Seanbatty by by Kelsey Ed Robertson Benjamin Wong by id-iom id-iom : Img 1 Codice Tuna ; Img2 ; Img 3 : Img 1 ; Img 4 ; Img 2 ; Img 5 ; Img 3 ; Img 6 ; Img 7 ; Img 8

What’s a DisCO? It stands for “Distributed Cooperative Organizations” and it’s a set of organisational tools and practices for groups of people who want to work together in ways that prioritize mutual support, cooperativism and care work. DisCOs focus on social and environmental work, exploring convergences between the Commons and P2P movements along with the world of cooperatives, feminist economics and the Social and Solidarity Economy.