UNIVERSITY of MELBOURNE Lists of Members of Governing Bodies, Faculties, and Boards, and Members of the Academic Staff
UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE Lists of Members of Governing Bodies, Faculties, and Boards, and Members of the Academic Staff (As at і sth March, 1946) For Circulation Within the University ? ІІ1Е гtźьEr,sítц пf tPlbпиritE 1946 VISITOR. ins EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR OF VICTORIA. ClAN CELLOR. HON. MR. JUSTICE CHARLES JOHN LOWE, M.A., LL.B. Elected 3rd March, 1941, DEPUTY-CHANCELLOR. HON. SIR WALTER МA.SSУ-GRЕЕNЕ, K.C.M.G. Elected 5th магс14, 1945. VICE-CHANCELLOR. JOHN DUDLEY G1BBS MEDLEY, M.А. (Oxon and Melb.). Appointed 1st July, 1918. COUNCIL. Appointed by the Governor-in-Council (present term expires 17th December, 1947)— HON. JOHN HERMAN LIENHOP, M.L.C. Appointed 17th December, 1943. ., LL.B., M.L.A. Originally appointed 17th December, 1939. HON. FRANCIS FIELD, M.А HON. TREVOR DONALD OLDHAM, LL.B., M.L.A. Originally appointed 17th December, 1939. JOSEPH EDWIN DON. Originally appointed 19th December. 1938. HERBERT JOHN ORE. Originally appointed 17th December, 1939; previously appointed 21st November, 193 3. ROY GEORGE PARSONS. Originally appointed 17th December, 1939. HERBERT TAYLOR, F.C.A. Appointed 16th June, 1945. MARSHALL THOMAS WILTON EADY. Originally appointed 19th May, 1942. Elected by Convocation— Term expiring 17th December, 1947- ES RALPH DARLING, M.A. (Oxon and elb.). Originally elected 31st October, 1933. JAМ М COLIN MACDONALD G11.RAY, M.C., M.A. (Oxon and Мelb.), B.A. (N.Z.). Originally elected 17th December, 1939. WILFRED RUSSELL GRIMWADE, C.B.E., B.Sc. Originally elected 13th August, 1935. HON. MR. JUSTICE CHARLES JOHN LOWE, М.А., LL.B. Originally elected 10th February, 1927.
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