Printed and presented pursuant to 14 * IS Geo. 6., Chap. 6.




Printed and presented pursuant to 14 S- 15 Geo. 6., Chap. 6.


In accordance with the provisions of the Census Act (Northern Ireland), 1951, a Census of the population was taken on 8th April, 1951. This was the third since the establishment of the Government of Northern Ireland, two earlier Censuses having been carried out in 1926 and 1937. It was intended to take a Census in 1941, but this was found impracticable owing to war conditions. It is forty years since, in 1911, Censuses were carried out simultaneously in all parts of the British Isles. This statistical achievement has been repeated on the present occasion, and the results should prove of very great interest. Further, the Northern Ireland Census of 1951 was a much fuller one, as regards the number of questions asked, than that of 1937—for instance, each person was required to state his or her occupation for the first time since the Census of 1926. No question, however, was asked which had not been included either in 1926 or 1937. As on previous occasions, the Census was. taken on a de facto and uot Side jure basis, i.e., it included all persons, regardless of nationality or usual place of residence, who spent the night of 8th April in Northern Ireland. It excluded all Northern Ireland residents who spent that night elsewhere. For this reason it is usual to select a date which does not fall within any period when tourist and holiday traffic is heavy. Northern Ireland is fortunate in having at its service a very homogeneous and efficient body of enumerators, namely the Royal Ulster Constabulary. In spite of the inclemency of the weather and the fact that the average number of persons dealt with by each enumerator was 1,292 (as against 887 in and 524 in ), the onerous duties falling on the police were carried out with the utmost smoothness and in anextremely creditable manner. The country was divided into 33 Census Districts (over which the District Inspector^ of the R.U.C. acted as superintendents) and ihto 1,061 enumeration areas. The returns were distributed in the week preceding the Census date to all persons required by the Act to complete them, e.g., heads of households, persons in charge of hospitals, nursing homes and boarding schools, goyerriors of prisons, masters of ships and the Commanding Officers of Army and R. A.F. EstabUshments. (Special arrangements were made with the Admiralty in connec­ tion with Naval vessels.) The collection of the completed Returns took place between 9th and 21st April, during which period the enumerators were required to examine them and to institute the necessary enquiries to enable errors to be corrected and omissions made good. Another duty faUing on the enumerators was the compilation of Enumeration Books for each sub-division of each District and the building up of total populations by Counties and County . These populations formed the basis for the announcement made by the Minister of Finance in Parliament on 23rd May ; and the information (except that relating to rehgion) contained in this Report is derived from the Enumeration Books only. The figures should, therefore, be regarded as provisional, and subject to revision during the machine tabulation stage : but past experieiice has shown that only very small amendments are Hkely to be need^. This preliminary Report will be followed as soon as possible by detailed volumes relating to each County, together with one for Belfast County . These will contain a large number of statistical tables based upon the various questions asked in the Census Returns, and the series will be concluded by a general Report covering the whole country. The success of the undertaking was in no small measure due to the valuable help given by the Press and the B.B.C., which spared no efforts to keep the public fully informed and to deal in advance with points on which misunderstandings were likely to arise. To this must be added the very welcome assistance given by the Clergy, School Teachers, Pubhc Libraries, Chambers of Commerce, Young Farmers' Clubs, Cinema proprietors and heads of large businesses by displaying posters and by distributing and discussing a booklet (entitled " The Coming Census ") issued by this Office. Grateful acknowledgment is also made of the valuable co-operation of the General Register Office, London, H.M. Stationery Office, the Defence Departments, H.M. Customs and Excise, the Post Office, the Ulster Transport Authority and the officers of the various Local Authorities. A special tribute is due to the staffs of certain large Hospitals and other Institutions who took great pains to ensure that the questions relating to all inmates were fully and correctly answered, thus greatly lightening the task of the enumerators. Finally, the commonsense and goodwill of the Northern Ireland public were evidenced by the fact that no case of refusal to supply information has been reported from any district.

W. A. CARSON, Registrar-General,


October, 1951. CONTENTS

Page Changes in Administrative Areas ...... 4 Questions asked on Census Return as specified in the Census Act (N.L), 1951 . 5

STATISTICAL NOTES Population of Northern Ireland .. .. 6 Natural Increase and Intercensal Movement 6 Distribution of Population—Urban and Rural Areas 7 Birthplace and Length of Residence 8 Sexes ...... 8 Religion ...... •

TABLES Table Subject of Table Area for which Statistics are given 1 Population 1821—1951 Northern Ireland ...... 9 2 Population 1861—1951 Counties and County Boroughs .. .. 9 3 Population 1937 and 1951 Counties, County and Municipal Boroughs, Urban and Rural Districts and Wards of County Boroughs ...... 10 4 Population 1937 and 1951 Belfast and Environs 12 5 Population and Parliamentary Electors for Elections .. Parhamentary Constituencies 12 6 Population and Parliamentary Electors for Northern Ireland Elections Parliamentary Constituencies 13 7 Population 1937 and 1951 Towns created under the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, and Towns or Villages con­ taining 50 or more houses but having no legally defined boundaries ...... 14 8 Persons born outside Northern Ireland and Counties, County and Municipal Boroughs, Urban resident in Northern Ireland for less than 10 and Rural Districts and Wards of County years Boroughs ...... 15 9 Religions 1926, 1937, 1951 Counties and County Boroughs 16 CHANGES IN ADMINISTRATIVE AREAS

The following changes in the constitution or boundaries of administrative areas have taken place since 1937:— "^.' '^' -^'^ ^ CO. ANTRIM (1) Urban District was made a Municipal Borough (23rd May, 1939). (2) Urban District was made a Municipal Borough (23rd May, 1939) ; and the boundary was extended (1st April, 1948). (3) Urban District was made a Municipal Borough (1st July, 1949), the boundary having been extended (1st April, 1946). (4) A portion of Larne was transferred to Carrickfergus Urban District (1st April, 1946) ; and a portion to Larne Municipal Borough (1st April, 1948). CO. (5) The boundary of Armagh Urban District was extended (1st April, 1945 and 11th June, 1946) (6) The boundary of Urban District was extended (1st April, 1948). (7) A portion of Armagh Rural District was transferred to Armagh Urban District (1st April, 1945 and 11th June, 1946); and a portion to Keady Urban District (1st April, 1948). (8) Urban District was made a Municipal Borough (7th July, 1949), the boundary having been extended (1st April, 1938). (9) Urban District was made a Municipal Borough (2nd October, 1947), the boundary having been extended (1st April, 1947). (10) A portion of Lurgan Rural District was transferred to Lurgan Urban District (1st April, 1938) ; and a portion to Portadown Urban District (1 st April, 1947). CO. DOWN (11) Kilkeel, formerly a town under the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, and forming part of Kilkeel Rural District, was made an Urban District (1st April, 1937). (12) Newtownards Urban District was made a Municipal Borough (23rd May, 1938) ; and the boundary was extended (1st April, 1950). (13) The boundary of Bangor Municipal Borough was extended (1st April, 1950). (14) A portion of Newtownards Rural District was transferred to Newtownards Municipal Borough (1st April, 1950) ; and a portion to Bangor Municipal Borough (1st April, 1950). (15) The boundary of Holywood Urban District was extended (1 st April, 1946). (16) A portion of Rural District was transferred to Holywood Urban District (1st April, 1946). CO. FERMANAGH (17) Enniskillen Urban District was made a Municipal Borough (30th May, 1949), the boundary having been extended (1st April, 1945 and 1st April, 1947). (18) A portion of Enniskillen Rural District was transferred to Enniskillen Urban District (1st April, 1945 and 1st April, 1947). CO. LONDONDERRY (19) The Wards of Londonderry County Borough were reduced from five to three (15th May, 1938). CO. TYRONE (20) The boundary of Cookstown Urban District was extended (1st April, 1947). (21) The boundary of Dungannon Urban District was extended (1st April, 1949). (22) A portion of Cookstown Rural District was transferred to Cookstown Urban District (1st April, 1947). (23) A portion of Dungannon Rural District was transferred to Dungannon Urban District (1st April, 1949). The matters included in the Census Return, as specified in the Second Schedule to tlie Census Act (Northern Ireland), 1951, were as follows :—

1. Full name. 2. Relation to head of family or other person by whom the return is to be made. 3. Sex. 4. Age in years and months. 5. In respect of each person aged 14 years or over, whether single, married, widowed or divorced. 6. Usual place of residence. 7. Place of birth, stating— (a) if born in Northern Ireland, the name of the county and town, or townland ; (b) if born in Great Britain, the name of the county and town, or parish ; (c) if born elsewhere, the present name of the country and the state, province or district or whether born at sea. 8. If born outside the United Kingdom and— (a) of British nationality, stating whether British by birth or descent, by naturalisation, registration, through marriage or otherwise ; (b) not of British nationality, stating nationality. 9. If born outside Northern Ireland, whether a visitor or resident in Northern Ireland ; and if a resident, how long resident. 10. Religion. 11. In respect of persons aged 14 years or over— (a) profession, trade, manufacture, service or other occupation, stating precise branch, and if occupied in trade or manufacture stating the particular kind of work done, of material worked in and of article, if any, made or dealt in ; (b)—(i) whether out of work, retired, apprentice or articled pupil, employed part-time or helping unpaid in a business carried on by the head of family or other relative ; (ii) if ordinarily occupied as employee, stating name and business of present employer or, if out of work or retired, of last employer ; (iii) whether ordinarily occupied as employer, stating nature of business conducted, or whether ordinarily occupied neither as employer nor employee. 12. Whether occupied in (i) full time or (ii) part time attendance at an educational establishment. 13. Number of living rooms dwelt in by persons in respect of whom particulars are included in the return. STATISTICAL NOTES Population of Northern Ireland The total population of Northern Ireland on the night of 8th April, 1951, according to summaries prepared by the enumerators, was 1,370,709 persons, 667,854 being males and 702,855 females. This enumeration includes all persons on land, in vessels on inland waters or in ports or at anchorages on Census night, and also persons on coastwise voyages who returned to port within a very brief period. Members of His Majesty's Forces in Northern Ireland on Census night are also included. At the last Census, i.e., that taken on 28th February, 1937, the population numbered 1,279,745 persons, 623,154 being males and 656,591 females. During the intercensal period of slightly over fourteen years there was, therefore, an increase of 90,964 persons or 7.11 per cent. The average annual increase between 1937 and 1951 Censuses was 6,497 which is more than three times as great as the average yearly increase between the 1926 and 1937 Censuses. The increase has been continuous since the Census of 1891 ; the most recent increase is the greatest inter­ censal increase since that year, and the 1951 Census records the highest total population since 1861, when the people numbered 1,396,453. Table 1 shows the populations enumerated at each Census since 1821 and the intercensal variations. Natural Increase and Intercensal Movement The natural increase of a population is represented by the excess of births over deaths. Table A shows the natural increase and the actual intercensal changes (increase or decrease) in population for each intercensal period since the commencement of birth and death registration in 1864 ; it also sets out the net loss by migration.


Intercensal Population Births Deaths Excess of Intercensal Net movement Period at beginning Registered Registered Births over variation in outwards of Period Deaths Population

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1871-1881 1,359,190 355,301 250,951 104,350 —54,374 158,724 1881-1891 1,304,816 312,249 240,339 71,910 —68,760 140,670 1891-1901 1,236,056 314,795 246,161 68,634 + 896 67,738 1901-1911 1,236,952 309,502 230,506 78,996 + 13,579 65,417 1911-1926 1,250,531 431,148 317,545 113,603 + 6,030 107,573 1926-1937 1,256,561 280,641 199,806 80,835 + 23,184 57,651 1937-1951 1,279,745 402,184 243,741 158,443 + 90,964 67,479

The tendency to a decline in the average annual excess of births over deaths, mentioned in the 1937 Census Preliminary Report, has been arrested. It is interesting to note that the average yearly excess for the latest inter­ censal period is the highest to be recorded since birth and death registration was introduced. Although the loss involved in the net movement outwards considerably counterbalances the gain resulting from the natural increase, it represents the lowest average migration loss on record, viz., about 4,782 persons per annum. The following Table shows the net outward or inward movement in the main administrative divisions during the period 1937—1951. It should be remembered that Table A indicates the net outward movement for Northern Ireland as a whole, whereas Table B figures include (without revealing its extent) movement from one Northern Ireland administrative area to another. In this connection the very slight change in the population of Belfast County Borough since 1937 is most noticeable ; this is in marked contrast to the previous intercensal growth of the Borough extending over its whole history since the earliest Censuses. On the other hand, if one takes into review the phenomenal growth of the population of the rural areas adjoining the City boundary, it becomes evident that the development of the Belfast District has been fully maintained, and that what might be termed the " Outer ring " has provided accommodation which the City proper could not make available within its existing legal perimeter.

TABLE B.—INTERCENSAL PERIOD 1937—1951 Variations by main Administrative Divisions

County or Population at Natural Increase Net Movement during Population at end Coimty Borough beginning of during period period. Inwards (+) of period period Outwards (—) Antrim .. 197,266 23,738 + 10,095 231,099 Armagh .. 108,815 12,219 — 6,808 114,226 Belfast C.B. 438,086 56,120 — 50,536 443,670 Down 210,687 21,792 + 8,626 241,105 Fermanagh 54,569 4,769 — 6,298 53,040 Londonderry (excl. C.B.) 94,923 14,499 — 4,001 105,421 Londonderry C.B. .. 47,813 9,765 — 7,479 50,099 Tyrone .. 127,586 15,541 — 11,078 132,049 Northern Ireland 1,279,745 158,443 — 67,479 1,370,709 Table C sets out the migration of British nationals between Northern Ireland and non-European countries for each calendar year from 1926 onwards, excepting the years 1939 to 1945 for which figures are not available. The Board of Trade supplied the figures of emigrants and immigrants. TABLE C—MIGRANTS OF BRITISH NATIONALITY BETWEEN NORTHERN IRELAND AND NON-EUROPEAN COUNTRIES

Outward (—) Year Immigrants or Inward (+) Balance 1926 12,859 1,302 — 11,557 1927 11,913 1,646 —10,267 1928 10,303 • 1,704 — 8,599 1929 12,602 1,705 —10,897 1930 9,217 2,460 — 6,757 1931 1,086 2,779 + 1,693 1932 610 3,219 + 2,609 1933 640 2,080 + 1,440 1934 838 1,450 + 612 1935 693 1,228 + 535 1936 655 1,273 + 618 1937 835 1,011 + 176 1938 844 1,102 + 258 1946 2,878 978 — 1,900 1947 1,941 787 — 1,154 1948 3,300 796 — 2,504 1949 3,259 868 — 2,391 1950 3,370 1 951 — 2,419 Note—^Figures for migration by air routes are not available. Table A shows that the variation of population (apart from that accounted for by the difference between births and deaths) consisted of a net outward movement to the extent of 67,479 persons. Allowing for the net outward migration by sea of 9,934 British nationals to non-European countries during the intercensal years (1937-1950) shown in Table C, a figure of 57,545 is obtained in respect of all other outward migration, together with losses in H.M. Forces and mercantile marine outside Northern Ireland during the Second World War. Distribution of Population—^Urban and Rural Areas The distribution of population between urban and rural administrative areas is set out in Table 3. There are altogether 35 urban (including the 2 county boroughs) and 32 rural districts. The rural areas include Towns created under the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, and towns and villages containing 50 houses and upwards and having no legally defined boundaries. The populations of these are shown in Table 7. Just outside Belfast, however, several of these towns with undefined boundaries have since the last Census developed to such an extent, merging in some instances one into another, that they constitute an extension (unrecognised by any statute) of the city suburbs and have practically lost their former identity as separate towns. The figures shown, therefore, in Table 3 below would be somewhat changed if these communities could be included as portions of urban rather than of rural areas ; but this is not practicable. Table 4 has accordingly been introduced to show how the Belfast district is affected. The populations of Belfast Rural District, Castle- reagh Rural District, and the four District Electoral Divisions of Malone, , Breda, and Eden- (included in rural districts) which adjoin the Belfast County Borough boundary are set out. By adding the populations of these districts to that of the city proper (which has not enlarged its boundaries since 1896) a truer idea can be gained of the actual increase in the population of the metropohtan area since 1937, viz., nearly 37,000 persons. Detailed figures of population for each urban and rural district in Northern Ireland are shown in Table 3. The intercensal increase of nearly 91,000 persons is shared by both urban and rural areas, the increase in the former being 38,555 and that in the latter 52,409. Some districts described as " rural " include, however, the suburban areas just mentioned. Table D shows that the general trend of urbanisation since 1911 has continued, although the 1937-1951 intercensal period is the first since that year to show an increase in the population of rural districts. It will be observed that in Table 3 the 1937 figures refer to the areas as they stood at the date of the 1951 Census, whereas the figures in Table D relate to the areas as constituted at the date of each Census shown. • TABLE D.~URBAN (AND BOROUGH) AND RURAL DISTRICTS Numbers of Districts and Population Class of Area as at the date of 1911 1926 1937 1951 each Census Number of Areas J Urban 30 33 34 35 (Rural 37 32 32 32 Population (Urban 586,694 637,719 677,545 728,215 (Rural 663,837 618,842 602,200 642,494 Percentage of Total f Urban . 46.9 50.8 52.9 53.1 Population (Rural 53.1 49.2 47.1 46.9 Increase (+) or Decrease (Urban + 56,118 + 51,025 + 39,826 + 50,670 f—) in Population .. (Rural — 42,539 — 44,995 — 16,642 + 40,294 An increase during the intercensal period is shown for each of the 35 urban areas (the population of Kilkeel as a town in 1937 was 2,090 persons and 2,329 in 1951 as an urban district—its boundaries remained the same). Four urban areas show an increase of over 30 per cent., i.e., Carrickfergus Municipal Borough 44 per cent. ; Donaghadee Urban District 34 per cent. ; Portstewart Urban District 38 per cent. ; Whitehead Urban District 45 per cent. Of the 32 rural districts 22 show increases in population and 10 show decreases. Four rural districts had increases of over 30 per cent., i.e., Belfast, 87 per cent. ; Castlereagh, 134 per cent. ; , 35 per cent. ; Londonderry, 32 per cent. The first three mentioned contain built-up areas adjacent to the Belfast County Borough boundary and their composition might therefore be regarded as being largely urban. The 1951 boundaries were adopted for the purposes of these comparisons. In Belfast County Borough seven wards show increases and eight show decreases, the most marked increases being in Clifton and Victoria Wards. As the number of Wards'in Londonderry County Borough was reduced from five to three, it is not possible to set out in tabular form a comparison of populations by Wards of the 1937 and 1951 Censuses.

Birthplace and Length of Residence Table 8 shows the number of persons born outside Northern Ireland and resident therein for less than 5 years as 25,254, whereas the number resident for 5 and under 10 years is 15,263 ; of the total population, therefore, only 2.95 per cent, were recorded as having been resident for less than 10 years. Sexes There were 35,001 more females than males recorded in the 1951 Census. The male population increased during the intercensal period by 44,700 or 7.17 per cent. ; the female popula­ tion increased by 46,264 or 7.05 per cent. The increase during the previous intercensal period (1926—1937) was 23,184 or 1.85 per cent., the males increasing by 15,066 or 2.48 per cent, and the females by 8,118 or 1.25 per cent. In 1926 there was a ratio of 1,066 females to every 1,000 males and in 1937 the ratio was 1,054 females to every 1,000 males. The proportion has fallen from 1,102 in 1881 to 1,052 in 1951. Counties Fermanagh and Tyrone and County Londonderry (excluding the County Borough) have each a greater number of males than females. In County Fermanagh there are only 913 females, in County Tyrone 952, and in County Londonderry 981 for every 1,000 males. In Counties Antrim, Armagh, and Down the numbers of females per 1,000 males are 1,059, 1,025, and 1,048 respectively. The County Boroughs also have a higher proportion of females, viz,, Belfast C.B. 1,117 per 1,000 males. Londonderry C.B. 1,149 per 1,000 males. The following statement refers to the latest intercensal period.

Males Females Persons

Population 1937 623,154 656,591 1,279,745 Births, 1937-1951 207,270 194,914 402,184 Deaths, 1937-1951 122,452 121,289 243,741 Natural Increase 84,818 73,625 158,443 1937 Population plus Natural Increase 707,972 730,216 1,438,188 Population 1951 667,854 702,855 1,370,709 Net movement outwards .. 40,118 27,361 67,479

Religion Table 9 shows the population divided into 5 main rehgious groups, i.e., Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Church of Ireland, Methodist and all other (or not stated) denominations. The figures given are subject to revision at the machine tabulation stage, when separate totals will also be extracted for the various denomina­ tions now included under the term " Other." These latter figures will not be available for some considerable time owing to the necessity for giving priority to tabulation work relating to housing, industries, occupations and other matters. Under each heading for the whole of Northern Ireland, there was an increase on the 1937 figures as follows:— Each Denomination Increase Increase per cent, as a percentage of Total Population (1951 Census) Roman Catholic .. 43,039 10.05 34.39 Presbyterian 19,328 4.94 29.93 Church of Ireland (inch Church of England and Episcopal Church of 7,551 2.19 25.75 Scotland)

Methodist .. 11,409 20.69 4.86 Other (or not stated) Denominations 9,637 16.08 5.07

90,964 TABLES

TABLE 1.—Population, 1821—1951 Northern Ireland

NOTE—The figures for 1821 and 1831 exclude members of H.M. Forces

Increase (+) or Decrease (—) in Increase (+) Year Population Population since preceding Census ' or Decrease of (—) per cent. Enumeration of Population since preceding Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Census

1821 1,380,451 665,212 715,239 1831 1,574,004 762,396 811,608 + 193,553 + 97,184 + 96,369 + 14.02 1841 1,648,945 799,711 849,234 + 74,941 + 37,315 4- 37,626 + 4.76 1851 1,442,517 697,887 744,630 •—206,428 — 101,824 —104,604 —12.52 1861 1,396,453 667,935 728,518 — 46,064 — 29,952 — 16,112 — 3.19 1871 1,359,190 647,285 711,905 1 — 37,263 — 20,650 — 16,613 — 2.67 1881 1,304,816 620,839 683,977 — 54,374 — 26,446 — 27,928 — 4.00 1891 1,236,056 590,352 645,704 — 68,760 — 30,487 — 38,273 — 5.27 1901 1,236,952 589,955 646,997 + * 896 — 397 + 1,293 4- 0.07 1911 1,250,531 602,539 647,992 + 13,579 + 12,584 + 995 + 1.10 1926 1,256,561 608,088 648,473 + 6,030 + 5,549 + 481 + 0.48 1937 1,279,745 623,154 656,591 H- 23,184 + 15,066 + 8,118 + 1.85 1951 1,370,709 667,854 702,855 + 90,964 + 44,700 -f 46,264 + 7.11

TABLE 2.—Population, 1861—1951 Counties and County Boroughs

NOTE—^The figures given are for the areas as existing at the date of each Census

Population Counties & County Boroughs 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 1911 1926 1937 1951 (a) (b) (c) Antrim .. .. 256,986 245,758 237,738 215,229 196,090 193,864 191,643 197,266 231,099 (a) Armagh 190,086 179,260 163,177 143,289 125,392 120,291 110,070 108,815 114,226 (b) Belfast Co. Borough 121,602 174,412 208,122 255,950 349,180 386,947 415,151 438,086 443,670 (a) (b) Down .. .. 299,302 277,294 248,190 224,008 205,889 204,303 209,228 210,687 241,105 Fermanagh 105,768 92,794 84,879 74,170 65,430 61,836 57,984 54,569 53,040 Londonderry (excl. (c) County Borough) 163,334 148,664 135,829 118,809 104,512 99,845 94,534 94,923 105,421 Londonderry Co. Borough 20,875 25,242 29,162 33,200 39,892 40,780 45,159 47,813 50,099 Tyrone .. 238,500 215,766 197,719 171,401 150,567 142,665 132,792 127,586 132,049

Northern Ireland .. 1,396,453 1,359,190 1,304,816 1,236,056 1,236,952 1,250,531 1,256,561 1,279,745 1,370,709

(a) The portion of Urban District situated in , with a population of 5,412 in 1891, was transferred to County Down, and the portion of Lisbum Urban District situated in County Down, with a population of 2,737 in 1891, was trans­ ferred to , pursuant to the (Ireland) Act, 1898. (b) A portion of County Antrim, with a population of 9,956 in 1891, and a portion of County Down, with a population of 7,278 in 1891, were transferred to the City of Belfast in 1896, and the City became a Coimty Borough in 1898. (c) A portion of County Londonderry, with a population of 269 in 1911, was transferred to County Antrim in 1914, when the boundary of Urban District was extended. TABLE 3.—Population, 1937 and 1951 Counties, County and Municipal Boroughs, Urban and Rural Districts, and Wards of County Boroughs

NOTE—All figures (including those for the 1937 Census) refer to the areas as existing in 1951.

POPULATION j Increase (+) or decrease AREA 1937 1951 j (—) between 1937 1951 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

NORTHERN IRELAND ,. 1,279,745 623,154 656,591 1,370,709 667,854 702,855 + 90,964

County and Municipal Bor­ oughs and Urban Districts 689,660 321,917 367,743 728,215 341,677 386,538 + 38,555 Rural Districts .. 590,085 301,237 288,848 642,494 326,177 316,317 + 52,409

Counties Antrinl .. ' 197,266 96,003 101,263 i 231,099 112,232 118,867 + 33,833 Armagh i 108,815 54,271 54,544 ! 114,226 56,411 57,815 + 5,411 Belfast Co. Borough 438,086 205,538 232,548 1 443,670 209,594 234,076 + 5,584 Down .. 210,687 102,535 108,152 1 241,105 117,745 123,360 + 30,418 Fermanagh 54,569 2S,S56 25,713 53,040^ 27,726 25,314 — 1,529 Londonderry (excluding Co. Borough) .. .. i 94,923 47,929 46,994 i 105,421 53,207 52,214 + 10,498 Londonderry Co, Borough 47,813 22,344 25,469 50,099 23,307 26,792 + 2,286 Tyrone 127,586 65,678 61,908 132,049 67,632 64,417 + 4,463

Co. Antrim Ballycastle U.D. 2,209 946 1,263 2,558 1,131 1,427 + 349 „ .. ! 3,777 1,874 1,903 3,982 1,969 2,013 + 205 *Banymena M.B. 12,928 6,044 6,884 14,165 6,532 7,633 + 1,237 Bally money U.D, 3,228 1,513 1,715 3,306 1,543 1,763 + 78 *Carrickfergus M.B. 6,012 2,774 3,238 8,650 4,113 4,537 + 2,638 *Lame „ .. 11,112 5,089 6,023 11,976 5,581 6,395 + 864 Lisburn U.D. 13,042 5,943 7,099 14,778 6,836 7,942 + 1,736 Portrush 3,386 1,379 2,007 4,166 1,725 2,441 + 780 Whitehead 1,279 520 759 1,862 815 1,047 + 583 Antrim R.D. 24,472 12,392 12,080 27,183 13,749 13,434 + 2,711 Ballycastie „ 8,971 4,703 4,268 8,886 4,639 4,247 — 85 Ballymena „ .. j 32,472 16,263 16,209 32,445 16,248 16,197 — 27 „ .. 19,542 9,962 9,580 20,440 10,329 10,111 + 898 Belfast 15,977 7,649 8,328 29,843 14,256 15,587 + 13,866 *Lame .. „ * • 18,491 9,120 9,371 19,385 9,454 9,931 + 894 Lisbprn „ • • 20,368 9,832 10,536 27,474 13,312 14,162 + 7,106

Co. Armagh *Armagh U.D. .. 8,669 4,312 4,357 9,279 4,425 4,854 + 610 *Keady „ • * 1,260 597. 663 1,463 689 774 + 203 *Lurgan M.B. 14,372 6,687 7,685 16,181 7,523 8,658 + 1,809 *Portadown „ 14,803 6,912 7,891 17,202 8,174 9,028 + 2,399 Tanderagee U.D. 1,120 519 601 1,394 648 746 1 + 274 •Armagh R.D. 28,765 14,954 13,811 28,890 14,742 • 14,148 j + 125 *Lurgan „ .. 11,874 5,926 5,948 12,095 5,998 6,097 1 + 221 Newry No. 2 „ 24,569 12,612 11,957 24,522 12,542 11,980 1 — 47 Tanderagee „ .. 3,383 1,752 1,631 3,200 1,670 1,530 — 183

Belfast Co. Borough Clifton Ward 46,584 21,344 25,240 51,539 24,142 27,397 + 4,955 Court „ •• 1 17,698 8,768 8,930 16,969 8,348 8,621 — 729 Cromac „ .. i 23,896 10,665 13,231 22,808 * 10,397 12,411 -^ 1,088 Dock „ .. 1 17,473 8,477 8,996 14,700 6,953 7,747 — 2,773 Duncairn „ .. i 34,882 16,329 18,553 36,263 17,357 18,906 + 1,381 Falls 31,746 14,620 17,126 33,221 15,588 17,633 + 1,475 Ormeau „ • • 45,390 21,219 24,171 45,027 20,948 24,079 — 363 Pottinger ,, .. 1 45,637 21,744 23,893 46,029 21,902 24,127 + 392 St. Anne's ,, 30,357 14,721 15,636 30,823 14,779 16,044 + 466 St. George's 15,770 7,789 7,981 14,855 6,967 7,888 — 915 Shankill 33,298 15,768 17,530 31,560 15,034 16,526 — 1,738 Smithfield 10,840 5,015 5,825 10,537 5,027 5,510 — 303 Victoria ,, .. | 33,724 16,123 17,601 37,040 18,198 18,842 + 3,316 Windsor ,, .. 27,014 11,497 15,517 26,987 11,776 15,211 — 27 Woodvale ,, .. 23,777 11,459 12,318 25,312 12,178 13,134 + 1,535

10 TABLE 3.—Population, 1937 md 1951—continued Countjes, County and Municipal Boroughs, Urban and Rural Districts, and Wards of County Boroughs

POPULATION Increase {—) or decrease AREA 1937 1951 1 (—^) between 1937-1951 Persons Males Females j Persons Males Females j

Co. Down Banbridge U.D. 5,640 2,663 2,977 6,098 2,868 3,230 -f' 458 *Bangor M.B. 16,284 6,888 9,396 20,615 8,985 11,630 + 4,331 Donaghadee U.D. 2,533 1,129 1,404 3,398 1,558 1,840 + 865 Downpatrick „ 3,373 1,661 1,712 3,878 1,846 2,032 > 505 Dromore „ 1 2,176 1,006 1,170 2,390 1,126 1,264 ,+. 214 *Holywood „ 5,482 2,477 3,005 6,316 ^ 2,964 3,352 + 834 *Kilkeel 2,090 1,052 1,038 2,329 1,119 1,210 • + 239 Newcastle „ 2,428 1,030 1,398 3,076 1,294 1,782 + 648 Newry „ 12,746 5,932 6,814 13,264 6,181 7,083 + 518 *Newtownards M.B. 11,285 5,186 6,099 12,237 5,765 6,472 + 952 Warrenpoint U.D. 2,310 1,019 1,291 2,798 1,357 1,441 + 488 Banbridge R.D. 22,324 11,154 11,170 21,931 10,966 10,965 — 393 *Castlereagh „ 8,740 4,441 4,299 20,466., 10,207 10,259 + 11,726 Downpatriok „ 29,620 15,156 14,464 31,514 16,263 15,251 + 1,894 Hillsborough „ 21,790 10,756 11,034 23,876 11,742 12,134 + 2,086 Kilkeel 12,960 6,560 6,400 13,486 6,707 6,779 + 526 Moira „ 8,675 4,262 4,413 8,936 4,466 4,470 + 261 Newry No. 1 „ 12,835 6,576 6,259 12,992 6,682 6,310 + 157 *Newtownards „ 27,396 13,587 13,809 31,505 15,649 15,856 + 4,109

Co. Fermanagh *Enniskillen M.B. 5,626 2,779 2,847 6,318 2,983 3,335 + 692 •Enniskillen R.D. 16,330 8,752 7,578 15,762 8,298 7,464 — 568 Irvinestown „ 12,757 6,816 5,941 12,146 6,545 5,601 — 611 Lisnaskea „ 19,856 10,509 9,347 18,814 9,900 8,914 — 1,042

Co. Londonderry Coleraine M.B. 9,180 4,293 4,887 10,748 5,070 5,678 + 1,568 Limavady U.D. j 2,772 1,334 1,438 3,179 1,521 1,658 + 407 Portstewart - „ 2,587 1,016 1,571 3,563 1,416 2,147 + 976 Coleraine R.D. 18,822 9,567 9,255 19,515 9,852 9,663 + 693 Limavady „ 14,598 7,594 7,004 16,209 8,517 7,692 + 1,611 Londonderry „ 15,871 8,097 7,774 21,028 10,892 10,136 + 5,157 Magherafelt „ 31,093 16,028 15,065 31,179 15,939 15,240 + 86

a(>/t^ Lm 7.^tf> p___- * Londonderry Co. Boroughi4 IXr^S^L IC, (o5^L /li 2 OO -f r,f^ ^ tf, 3 fy 5,/4.^S i'rSav- -f f '-'^ North Ward m) ) 13,896 6,548 7,348 \ South „ \ 47,813 22,344 25,469 \ 24,768 11,490 13,278 \ + 2,286 Waterside Ward 3 ; 11,435 5,269 6,166 J

Co. Tyrone *Cookstown U.D. 3,758 1,768 1,990 4,221 1,956 2,265 + 463 *Dungannon „ .. 4,953 2,300 2,653 5,674 2,664 3,010 + 72i Omagh 5,741 2,767 2,974 \ 6,762 3,322 3,440 + 1,021 Strabane „ 5,600 2,626 2,974 6,620 3,077 3,543 •V 1,020 Castlederg R.D .. j 9,805 5,106 4,699 9,715 4,947 4,768 1 — 90 Clogher „ 11,574 6,111 5,463 10,687 5,530 5,157 — 8^7 •Cookstown „ 15,260 8,081 7,179 15,537 8,041 7,496 + 277 *Dungannon „ .. 23,511 12,151 11,360 25,064 12,902 12,162 + 1,553 Omagh „ 30,243 15,987 14,256 30,513 16,349 14,164 + 270 Strabane „ .. 17,141 8,781 8,360 17,256 8,844 8,412 + 115

*See Notes on page 12.

11 TABLE 4.—Population, 1937 and 1951 Belfast City and Environs

Note—^The figures in this Table refer to areas as existing in 1951.

POPULATION Increase (+) or decrease AREA 1937 1951 (—) between Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1937-1951 Belfast Co. Borough 438,086 205,538 232,548 443,670 209,594 234,076 -f 5,584 Co. Antrim area comprising : Belfast RJD. ) Dunmurry D.E.D. > ' 22,138 10,425 11,713 41,165 19,548 21,617 + 19,027 Malone D.E.D. ) Co. Down area comprising : *Castlereagh R.D. ") Breda D.E.D. > 13,838 6,808 7,030 26,216 12,915 13,301 + 12,378 Edenderry D.E.D. ) TOTAL 474,062 222,771 251,291 511,051 242,057 268,994 + 36,989

*See Note (f) below.

NOTES TO TABLES 3 AND 4. (a) The following Urban Districts were made Municipal Boroughs in the years shown in brackets :—Ballymena (1939), Carrick- fergus (1949), Enniskillen (1949), Lame (1939), Lurgan (1949), Newtownards (1938), and Portadown (1947). (b) A portion of Lame R.D. with a population of 1,613 in 1937 was transferred to Carrickfergus U.D. in 1946, and a portion with a population of 22 in 1937 to Lame M.B. in 1948. (c) A portion of Armagh R.D. with a population of 1,605 in 1937 was transferred to Armagh U.D. in 1945 and 1946 and a portion uninhabited in 1937, to Keady U.D. in 1948. (d) A portion of Lurgan R.D. with a population of 606 in 1937 was transferred to Lurgan U.D. in 1938, and a portion with a population of 2,363 in 1937 to Portadown U.D. in 1947. (e) A portion of Newtownards R.D. with a population of 515 in 1937 was transferred to Bangor M.B. in 1950, and a portion with a population of 739 in 1937 to Newtownards M.B. also in 1950. (f) A portion of Castlereagh R.D. with a population of 404 in 1937 was transferred to Holy wood U.D. in 1946. (g) Kilkeel, formerly a town under the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, and forming part of Kilkeel R.D., was made an Urban District in 1937 subsequent to the Census of that year. (h) A portion of Enniskillen R.D. with a papulation of 746 in 1937 was transferred to Enniskillen U.D. in 1945 and 1947. (k) The number of Wards of Londonderry C.B. was reduced from five to three in 1938. (1) A portion of Cookstowii R.D. with a population of 389 in 1937 was transferred to Cookstown U.D. in 1947. (m) A portion of Dungannon R.D. with a population of 1,023 in 1937 was transferred to Dungannon U.D. in 1949.

TABLE 5.—Population and Parliamentary Electors Parliamentary for United Kingdom Elections Contituencies

Population Parliamentary Electors Constituencies 1951 Register Persons Males Females

NORTHERN IRELAND 1,370,709 667,854 702,855 871,855 North Antrim .. 106,066 51,704 54,362 68,448 South Antrim .. 125,033 60,528 64,505 79,533 Armagh County .. 114,226 56,411 57,815 71,973 •East Belfast .. 97,769 47,053 50,716 62,798 •North Belfast 119,362 56,533 62,829 76,243 •South Belfast.. 94,822 43,121 51,701 66,212 •West Belfast 131,717 62,887 68,830 78,828 North Down .. .. 118,413 56,870 61,543 80,921 South Down .. 122,692 60,875 61,817 79,001 Fermanagh and South Tyrone .. :. \ 105,165 54,452 50,713 67,219 Mid-Ulster ...... | 111,103 56,845 54,258 68,412 Londonderry.. .. . Js .. 124,341 60,575 63,766 72,267

•The Belfast Constituencies for United Kingdom elections are constituted as follows :— East Belfast: Dock, Pottinger and Victoria Wards. North Belfast: Clifton, Duncaim and Shankill Wards. South Belfast: Cromac, Ormeau and Windsor Wards. West Belfast: Court, Falls, St. Anne's, St. George's, Smithfield and Woodvale Wards. Note—Registers of electors for elections to the Parliament of the United Kingdom are compiled under the provisions of the Representation of the People Act, 1948, and Section 6 of the Ireland Act, 1949. The Act of 1948 provided for the publication of two registers in each year, one in the spring and one in the autumn. The first register under the Act came into force on 15th October, 1949. The Electoral Registers Act of 1949, however, provided that the autumn register should be abolished and that in future only one register should be compiled each year. The first to be published under the new Act came into force on 1st April, 1950. The figures set out in the above Table were taken from the register of 1st April, 1951. 12 TABLE 6.—Population and Parliamentary Electors Parliamentary for Northern Ireland Elections Constituencies

Parliamentary Electors AprD Parliamentary 1 Population 1949, Register Constituencies 1 , Males Females Persons Males Females Persons NORTHERN IRELAND 1 1,370,709 667,854 702,855 870,606 417,622 452,984 Antrim County I Antrim ...... 1 , 36,049 17,965 18,084 21,189 10,208 10,981 Barni Side .. .. 25,953 13,045 12,908 16,893 8,400 8,493 Carrick 40,199 19,265 20,934 22,356 10,467 11,889 Lame ...... 28,692 13,806 14,886 19,213 8,987 10,226 Mid-Antrim 30,814 14,834 15,980 20,172 9,724 10,448 North-Antrim .. .. 29,787 1 14,496 15,291 18,866 9,227 9,639 South Antrim .. .. 39,605 18,821 ! 20,784 23,858 11,008 12,850

Armagh County Central Armagh 32,375 15,863 16,512 19,825 9,604 10,221 Mid-Armagh .. .. 25,277 12,540 12,737 15,687 7,679 1 8,008 North Armagh .. .. 29,543 14,242 15,301 18,407 8,717 9,690 South Armagh .. .. 27,031 13,766 13,265 17,373 8,877 8,496

Belfast County Borough Ballynafeigh .. .. 22,332 10,193 12,139 15,732 7,061 8,671 Bloomfield .. .. 32,452 15,353 17,099 21,989 10,242 11,747 Central ...... 23,130 11,547 11,583 15,762 7,947 7,815 Clifton .. .. 25,003 11,300 13,703 18,087 8,042 10,045 Cromac .. .. 22,808 10,397 12,411 16,681 7,431 9,250 Dock ...... 14,700 6,953 7,747 1 9,142 4,199 4,943 Duncaim .. .. 31,131 14,970 16,161 18,776 8,789 9,987 Falls ...... 33,221 15,588 17,633 19,211 8,894 10,317 Oldpark .. .. 36,221 17,357 18,864 21,397 9,842 11,555 Pottinger .. .. 20,199 10,289 9,910 12,393 5,921 6,472 St. Anile's .. .. 41,444 19,473 21,971 26,292 12,250 14,042 Shankill .. .. 27,007 12,906 14,101 17,994 8,445 9,549 Victoria...... 30,418 14,458 15,960 19,184 8,911 10,273 Willowfield .. .. 22,695 10,755 11,940 16,862 7,903 8,959 Windsor .. .. 26,987 11,776 15,211 19,102 8,263 10,839 Woodvale .. • • 33,922 16,279 17,643 20,550 9,754 10,796 Queen's University 8,016 5,761 2,255 ~ "^ Down County Ards ...... 31,222 15,024 16,198 21,921 10,215 11,706 East Down .. .. 27,882 13,819 14,063 17,820 8,536 9,284 Iveagh ...... 24,504 12,074 12,430 16,635 7,984 8,651 Mid Down .. .. 41,918 20,550 21,368 22,423 10,652 11,771 Moume...... 26,004 13,365 12,639 16,453 8,029 8,424 North Down .. .. 34,990 16,158 18,832 23,194 10,039 13,155 South Down .. .. 28,591 13,799 14,792 17,958 8,436 9,522 West Down 25,994 12,956 13,038 17,101 8,368 8,733

Fermanagh County Enniskillen .. 19,699 10,166 9,533 12,378 6,559 5,819 Lisnaskea 17,419 9,050 8,369 11,261 5,942 5,319 South Fermanagh 15,922 8,510 7,412 10,470 1 5,702 4,768

Londonderry County • City of Derry .. 32,688 15,909 16,779 17,802 8,007 9,795 Foyle .. 32,089 15,016 17,073 16,477 7,294 9,183 Mid Derry 26,313 13,687 12,626 16,277 8,466 7,811 North Derry 36,012 17,516 18,496 22,193 10,478 11,715 South Derry 28,418 14,386 14,032 17,862 9,044 ,8,818

Tyrone County East Tyrone 26,845 13,539 13,306 1 16,699 8,466 8,233 Mid Tyrone 23,166 12,524 10,642 14,004 7,394 6^610 North Tryone .. 29,497 14,690 14,807 17,579 8,637- 8,942 South Tyrone 27,392 13,874 13,518 17,259 8,677 8,582 West Tyrone .. .. 25,149 13,005 12,144 15,831 8,144 • 7,687

Note—Under the provisions of the Elections and Franchise Act (Northern Ireland), 1946, the register of electors is compiled once in every three years. The above figures of electors were provided by the register published on 1st April, 1949, which was the second compiled in pursuance of that Act.

13 TABLE 7.—Population, 1937 and 1951. Towns created under the Towns Improvement( Ireland) Act, 1854, marked (T), and towns or villages containing 50 or more houses but haying no legally defined boundaries. Population Population 1937 1951 1937 1951 TOWNS TOWNS Persons Persons Males Females Persons Persons Males Females Co. Antrim 1 Co. Down—cont. » Admiralty Estate (a) — 245 120 125 1 -'Hillsborough . 573 585 273 312 • .. 751 765 362 403 1 'Hilltown — 209 108 101 * Antrim (T) . 1,627 1,660 788 872 1 rfKillough .. . 380 422 205 217 . Armoy .. . 277 278 148 130 ' .. . 1,550 1,461 689 772 , . 374 444 1 234 ' 210 •Kircubbin .. 453 673 319 354 • . 106 228 94 134 •Loughbrickland . 226 293 141 152 * 203 205 108 97 ^ Magheralin .. . 279 244 112 132 : * .. 577 602 285 317 - Millisle .. 252 404 189 215 • » 798 947 468 479 'Milltown 242 381 170 211 * 721 704 308 396 ' Moira . 347 409 210 199 V Cammoney 207 ' 206 101 105 ^Newtownbreda 527 \ 1,793 796 997 . Castle Parks

Number of Persons Number of Persons bom outside born outside Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Counties, County Boroughs, and resident in Counties, County Boroughs, and resident in Municipal Borouglis, Urban Dis­ Northern Ireland Municipal Boroughs, Urban Dis­ Northern Ireland tricts, Rural Districts, and Wards for tricts, Rural Districts, and Wards for of Co. Boroughs of Co. Boroughs less than 5 and less than 5 and 5 years under 10 5 years under 10 years years Belfast Co. Borough—continued NORTHERN IRELAND .. .. 25,254 15,263 Victoria Ward 818 402 Windsor „ 1,130 560 County and Municipal Boroughs and Woodvale ,, .'. .. 219 182 Urban Disrticts 14,275 8,476 Rural Districts .. 10,979 6,787 Co. Down Banbridge U.D. .. 87' 73 Counties Bangor M.B. .. .. 771 470 Donaghadee,, U;D. .. 133 77 Antrim ...... 4,693 2,363 Downpatrick ;, .. .. 71 59 Armagh 1,972 1,299 Dromore „ .. .. 18 9 Belfast Co. Borough .. 7,066 4,379 Holywood ,^ .. 235 130 Down ...... 5,548 3,064 Kilkeel „ .. .. 44 36 Fernianagh ,. .. 1,077 1,002 Newcastle „ •. • • 156 60 Londonderry (excl. C.B.) .. 1,587 1,084 Newry „ ' .'. • • 287 155 Londonderry C.B. 1,471 813 Newtownards M.B, .. .. 215 117 Tyrone ...... 1,840 1,259 Warrenpoint U.D. .. .. 157 76 Banbridge R.D. .. .. 146 97 Castlereagh „ .. .. 1,175 461 Downpatrick „ .. .. 467 277 Hillsborough „ .. .. 436 299 Co. Antrim Kilkeel 173 110 Moira ,, 106 59 BaUycastle U.D. 139 • 53' Newry No. 1 „ 210 86 Ballj^lare „ 22 22 Newtownards ,, 661 413 Ballymena M.B. 248 120 Ballymoney U.D. 51 39 Carrickfergus M.B. .. 146 80 Lame „ .. 216 146 Lisbum U.D. .. 209 181 Portrush „ .. 173 76 Co, Fermanagh Whitehead „ 111 62 Enniskillen M.B. .. .. 257 158 Antrim R.D. 517 283 Ballycastle „ 105 63 Enniskillen R,D. .. .. 272 210 Ballymena „ 226 110 Irvinestown „ .. .. 231 214 Ballymoney „ 183 129 Lisnaskea „ 317 420 TSelfast 1,159 498 Lame „ 346 142 Lisbum „ .. 842 359 Co, Londonderry Coleraine M.B. .. 222 102 Limavady U.D. 86 37 Portstewart „ .. 142 74 Co. Armagh Coleraine R.D. 245 179 Limavady „ 200 115 Armagh U.D. 288 157 Londonderry „ .... 523 473 Keady „ 47 23 Magherafelt „ 169 104 Lurgan MB. 287 116 Portadown „ .. 277 200 Tanderagee U.D, 42 9 Londonderry Co. Borough Armagh R.D. 386 332 Lurgan „ 124 73 North Ward S 527 350 Newry No. 2 „ .. 486 377 South „ 526 322 Tanderagee „ 35 12 Waterside „ 418 141

Belfast Co, Borough Co. Tyrone CUfton Ward % .. 1,031 551 Cookstown U.D. .. .. 81 42 Court „ 151 113 Dungannon „ 135 64 Cromac „ 539 343 Omagh „ 143 106 Dock „ 141 131 Strabane „ 242 155 Duncaim „ . 634 530 FaUs 207 199 Castlederg R.D. 85 67 Ormeau „ 703 i 362 Clogher „ 162 134 Pottinger „ 700 1 435 Cookstown „ 123 101 St. Anne's „ 398 1 272 Dungannon „ .. .. 308 200 St. George's „ 143 103 Omagh „ .. 353 1 200 Shankill „ . 201 147 Strabane ,, 208 190 Smithfield „ 51 49

15 TABLE 9.—ReUgions, 1926, 1937, 1951. Counties and County Boroughs.

Intercensal Increase Intercensal Increase Population (+) or Decrease (—) Population (+) or Decrease (—)\ County or County Borough 1926 1937 Number Per cent. 1937 1951 Number Per cent.


Northern Ireland 420,428 428,290 + 7,862 + 1.9 428,290 471,329 + 43,039 + 10.0 Antrim 38,619 39,861 + 1,242 + 3.2 39,861 50,985 + 11,124 +27.9 Armagh 49,990 49,475 — 515 — 1.0 1 49,475 53,013 -f 3,538 + 7.2 Belfast County Borough 95,682 104,372 + 8,690 + 9.1 104,372 114,942 + 10,570 + 10.1 Down 63,589 64,539 + 950 + 1.5 64,539 72,798 + 8,259 + 12.8 Fermanagh 32,455 30,196 — 2,259 — 7.0 30,196 29,439 — 757 — 2.5 Londonderry (excluding County Borough) 39,348 39,931 + 583 + 1.5 1 39,931 45,441 + 5,510 + 13.8 Londonderry County Borough 27,062 29,321 + 2,259 + 8.3 1 29,321 31,620 + 2,299 + 7.8 Tyrone 73,683 70.595 — 3,088 — 4.2 70,595 73,091 + 2,496 + 3.5


Northern Ireland 393,374 390,931 — 2,443 — 0.6 390,931 410,259 + 19,328 + 4.9 Antrim 94,786 95,250 + 464 + 0.5 95,250 103,919 + 8,669 + 9.1 Armagh 16,917 16,221 — 696 — 4.1 16,221 17,163 + 942 + 5.8 Belfast County Borough 137,384 137,939 + 555 + 0.4 i 137,939 134,827 — 3,112 — 2.3 Down 78,100 77,487 -^ 613 — 0.8 1 77,487 87,731 + 10,244 + 13.2. Fermanagh 1,461 1,616 + 155 + 10.6 1 1,616 1,821 + 205 + 12.7 Londonderry (excluding County Borough) 31,693 30,194 ~~ 1,499 — 4.7 30,194 31,512 + 1,318 + 4.4 Londonderry County Borough 8,359 8,570 + 211 + 2.5 ; 8,570 8,629 + 59 + 0.7 Tyrone 24,674 23,654 — 1,020 — 4.1 23,654 24,657 + 1,003 + 4.2


Northern Ireland •338,724 1345,474 + 6,750 + 2.0 { t345,474 1353,025 + 7,551 + 2.2 Antrim 43,019 45,032 + 2,013 + 4.7 i 45,032 52,608 + 7,576 + 16.8 Armagh 35,290 34,511 — 779 — 2.2 1 34,511 34,095 — 416 — 1.2 Belfast County Borough 133,100 140,310 + 7,210 + 5.4 140,310 131,948 — 8,362 — 6.0 Down 50,378 49,920 — 458 — 0.9 1 49,920 56,584 + 6,664 + 13.3 Fermanagh 19,496 18,252 — 1,244 — 6.4 18,252 17,438 — 814 — 4.5 Londonderry (excluding County 1] ' Borough) 1 \ 27,671 20,882 1+1,170 + 4.2 20,882 23,695 + 2,813 + 13.5 Londonderry County Borough 7,959 i 7,959 7,835 — 124 — 1.6 Tyrone .. .. J 29,770 28,608 — 1,162 — 3.9 i 28,608 28,822 + 214 + 0.7 • Including Church of England (18,682) and Episcopal Church of Scotland (41). t Including Church of England (12,679) and Episcopal Church of Scotland (19). t Including Church of England (15,581) and Episcopal Church of Scotland (50).


Northern Ireland 1 49.554 55,135 + 5,581 + 11.3 55,135 66,544 + 11,409 +20.7 Antrim 5,075 5,931 + 856 + 16.9 5,931 8,824 + 2,893 +48.8 Armagh 4,878 5,106 + 228 + 4.7 1 5,106 5,561 + 455 + 8.9 Belfast County Borough 25,701 29,966 + 4,265 + 16.6 29,966 34,379 + 4,413 + 14.7 Down 5,690 6,210 + 520 + 9.1 6,210 9,281 + 3,071 +49.5 Fermanagh i 3,663 3,486 — 177 — 4.8 ' 3,486 3,389 — 97 — 2.8 Londonderry (excluding County Borough) 1 762 764 + 2 + 0.3 764 977 + 213 +27.9 Londonderry County Borough 1,134 1,136 + 2 + 0.2 1,136 1,201 + 65 + 5.7 Tyrone .. .. 2,651 2,536 — 115 — 4.3 2,536 2,932 + 396 + 15.6


Northern Ireland .. 54,481 59,915 + 5,434 + 10.0 59,915 69,552 + 9,637 + 16.1 Antrim ...... 10,144 11,192 + 1,048 . +10.3 11,192 14.763 + 3,571 +31.9 Armagh ...... 2,995 3,502 + 507 + 16.9 3,502 4,394 + 892 +25.5 Belfast County Borough .. i 23,284 25,499 + 2,215 + 9.5 25,499 27,574 + 2,075 + 8.1 Down 11,471 12,531 + 1,060 + 9.2 12,531 14,711 + 2,180 + 17.4 Fermanagh i 909 1,019 + 110 + 12.1 1,019 953 — 6.5 Londonderry (excluding County \] -i '' Borough) [ 3,664 3,152 }+ 315 + 8.6 3,152 3,796 + 644 +20.4 Londonderry County Borough 827 i 827 814 — 13 — 1.6 Tyrone J 2,014 2,193 + 179 + 8.9 2,193 2,547 + 354 + 16.1 * This heading includes Brethren, Baptists, Congregationalists or Independent Presbyterians, Non-Subscribing Presbyterians or Unitarians, Reformed Presbyterians, Salvation Army, and all others. Note.—In comparing increases or decreases in the two intercensal periods, it should be noted that the duration of the first period, 1926-37, was a little under eleven years and that of the second period, 1937-51, a little over fourteen years. Printed in Northern Ireland under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office by W, & G. Baird, Ltd., Belfast. Wt.8196/15; 10/51. 7K, Gp.257. 16