No 13, 19 February 1931
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IIumb. 13. 361 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1931. RRATUM.-In the Proclamation dated. the 3rd day of Watered by water-race. Soil of I!Cbisty na.... reeiiDg _ E February, 1931, and published in the New Zealand gravel formation. Oalzette, No. 10, of the 12th day of the same month, at page Section 76, Block II: Area, 6 acres 0 roods 14 perches. 264, taking land for stteet purposes at the corner of Raroa Upset capital value, £25. Upset half.yearly rent, lOs. Road and Moans. Road, in the City of Wellington, befwe -the Weighted with improvements as follows: 2 acres rough word "Proclamation" in the ninth line thereof, inBert the pasture, £1 lOs.; fencing, £12 lOs. Sun·dried brick whare words " date hereinafter mentioned; and I do also declare 12 ft. by 9 ft., iron roof, with detached iron shed, £20: Total, that this." £34. This 9um is payable in cash. (P.W. 51/691.) The section is situated within half a mile of Ophir Township and two miles from Omakau Railway·station, by good metalled road. The section is broken by mine-workiugs, with about Declaring Lands in the Otago Mining District, OkyJo Land 2 acres workable. Fairly level in centre of area. Northerly District, open fW Lease by Public Auction. aspect. The soil is of schisty loam resting on gravel and rock formation, and is watered by old mine-workings. [L.R.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-Genera.!. Section 81, Block II: Area, 9 acres 1 rood 2 perches. A PROCLAMATION. Upset capital value, £45. Upset half.yearly rent, 18s. HEREAS by section one hundred and fifty-four of Weighted with £8 lOs. for impt"ovements comprising W the Land Act, 1924, it is enacted that the Governor. fencing. This sum is payable in cash. General, by Proclamation, may from time to time declare any I Situated between Township of Ophir and Manuherikia Crown lands within any mining district not held under lease River and about two miles distant from Omakau Railwa.y or license, or for which a lease or license has been cancelled, station. Area broken by mine·workings. Fair summer to be open for disposal as provided in section one hundred grazing all over area. The soil is of schisty loam resting and fifty-three of the said Act: on gravel formation. The section is well watered by race Now; therefore, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, Governor· and swamp. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in exercise of the powers and authority conferred upon me by section one Given under the hand. ~f His Excell~ncy the Gov~rnor. hundred and fifty-four of the said Act, and of every other General of the DommlOn of ~e~ Zeala:nd, and 188ued power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, under the Seal of that DommlOn, thIS 11th day of do hereby appoint Wednesday, the twenty-fifth day of Maroh, February, 1931. .. one thousand nine hundred and thirty. one, as the time at E. A. RANSOM, Mm18ter of Lands. which the renewable lease of the lands described in the Schedule hereto sha.ll be offered by publio auction. GOD SAVE THE KING ! (1.. and S. 9/2582.) SCHEDULE. OTAGO LANII DISTRICT.-FIRST-CLASS LAND. Land Bet apart far Disposal by u:ay of Selle or LeaBe to DiBchar-Jed Vincent County.-Tiger HiU Survey District. Soldier8, under Special TenuTeJI, in the North Auekland (Situated within the boundaries of Otago Mining District.) Land DiRtrict. SECTION 69, Block II: Area, 7 acres 1 rood 4 perches. Upset [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. capital value, £21). Upset half-yearly rent, lOs. Weighted with £17 58. for impt"ovements comprising A PROCLAMATION. fenoing. This sum is payable in cash. IN pursuance of the power and authority conferred upoo Situated about one-quarter of a mile distant from Ophir me by seotion fonr of the Discharged Soldiers SettleIIIeJII and about one mile and a half from Omakau Railway.station'l Act, 1915, T, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, Governor-General (if Area broken by mine-workings, but rough grazing available. the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and A 362 THE NEvV ZEALAND GAZET'rE. [No. 13 declare that the land described in the Schednle hereto shall I And whereas it is now expedient. that the !!aid road.line be, and the same is hereby, set apart and declared open shonld be proclaimed as a public road: for disposal by way of sale or lease to discharged soldiers, Now, therefore, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, Governor· under special tenures, in the manner provided in the said Act. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercisc of the powers conferred by section forty.eight of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913, do hereby proclaim as a SCHEDULE. public road the road·line described in the &hednle hereto. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-DRRADON SETTLEMENT. SECTIONS lR, 2s, 3s, 4s, Dreadon Settlement: Area, 410 acres SCHEDULE. 2 roods 12 perches. ApPROXlJIfATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as a road: Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor· 14 acres 2 roods 15 perches. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Being portion of Te Papa Paengaroa No.2 Block, situated in under the Seal of that Dominion, this 11th day of RIocks X and XIV, Otanewainuku Survey District. (Plan February, 1931. I 9474, red.) E. A. HANSOM, Mjnister of La.nds. In the Auckland Land District; as the same is more GOl> SAVE THE KINO' particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 16/1843, (L. and S. 26/18957.) deposited in t~~ Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, under No. 2460, and thereon coloured ---- red. Land reserved unde'r the Scenery Prelierv:ltion Act, ]',08. Given under the hand of His Excellencv the Governor General of the Dominion of New Zeaiand, and issued [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor.General under the Seal of that Dominion, this 11th day of A PROCLAMATION. February, 1931. E. A. RANSOM, Minister of Lands. HEREAS the Scenery Preservation Board, constituted W pursuant to the Scenery Preservation Act, 1908 GOD SAVE THE KINO! (hereinafter referred to as " the said Act "), has recommended (I.. and S. 16/1843.) that the land described in the Schedule hereto should be permanently reserved for scenic purposes, I<nd it is expedient to gi~e effect to such recommendation: Now, therefore, I, Charles, Baron Bledisloe, Governor. Road closed in Block Ill, Motu Survey District, Gisbot"/loe General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and Land District. exercise of the powers conferred by the said Act, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor·General. hereto shall be a scenic reserve under the said Act, and subject to the provisions thereof. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by RCHEDULE I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, Charles, Baron I: , • Bledislop, Govcrnor·General of the Dominion of New Zealand, ALL that area in the North Auekland Land District, containing I do hereby proclaim as closed the road in Motu Survey District by admeasurement 1 acre, more or less, being Section 47, described in the Schedule hereto. Village of Leigh. As the same is more particnlarly delineated ___ on the plan marked L. and S. 4/501A, deposited in the Head SCHEDULE Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at \Vellingtou, and " thereon edged red. (North Aucklanfl plan 23975.) ROAD CLOSED. Given under the hand of HiB Excellency the Governor· ApPROXIMATE area. of the piece of road closed: 5 acres 0 roods General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued 20 perches. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of Adjoining Lot I, D.P. 2169. February, 1931. Situated in Block III, Motu Survey District. (Plan 1296, E. A. RANSOM, brown.) Minist"r in Charge of Scenery Preservation. In. the Gisborne Land District; as the same is more particnlarly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. GOD SAVE THE KINO I 16/1818, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands (L. and S. 4/001.) and Survey, at Wellington, under No. 2440, and thereon coloured green. Proclaiming a Road-line laid out through Te Papa P«engaroa Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor· No. g Block, A ucHand Land Di8trict, to be a· Public Road. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion. this 13th day of [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor·Generai. February, 1931. A PROCLAMATION. E. A. RANSOM, Minister of Lands. - HEREAS the land described in the Schedule hereto GOD SAVE THE KINO ! W was, by an order of the Native Land Court made on (L. and S. 16/1818.) the eighteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and. thirteen, 'duly laid out as a road.line, in pursuance of ~ection one hundred anfl seventeen of the Native Land Act, 1909 : Rood clo .. ed in Block IX, Arnold S'lr,'ey District, W,-.,tland Lrmd Di"tr'ict. And whereas bv section two of the Native Land Amend. inent and Native'Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1918, it is provided that where any road·line has heretofore been laid [L.S.] BLEDJSLOE, Governor·General. out under the said section one hundred and seventeen, and A PROOLAMATION. has not been proclaimed as a public road, then such road. line may be proclaimed as a public road under section forty. I N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by eight of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913; subject, section twelve of the Land Act, 192~, I, Charles, Baron however, to the conditions prescribed by section fifty-one of Bledisloe, Governor-General of the Dominion of Xew Zealand, the last-mentioned Act and section fifteen of the Native Land do herehy proclaim as closed the road in Al'nolrl Survey Amendment Act, 1914 : District descrit.ed in t.he Scbedule hereto.