Prepared in cooperation with the Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection Wetlands and Waterways Program and Massachusetts Environmental Trust Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5155

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Front cover. Photograph of bankfull conditions on the Green River near Great Barrington, Massachusetts (USGS streamgage 01198000), looking upstream of Hurlburt Street on March 5, 2008.

Back cover. Photograph of bankfull survey at cross section #6 looking downstream on Cadwell Creek near Belchertown, Massachusetts (USGS streamgage 01174900), on December 9, 2004. Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

By Gardner C. Bent and Andrew M. Waite

Prepared in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection Wetlands and Waterways Program and Massachusetts Environmental Trust

Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5155

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior SALLY JEWELL, Secretary U.S. Geological Survey Suzette M. Kimball, Acting Director

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2013

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Suggested citation: Bent, G.C., and Waite, A.M., 2013, Equations for estimating bankfull channel geometry and discharge for streams in Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5155, 62 p., sir20135155.

ISSN 2328-031X (print) ISSN 2328-0328 (online) ISBN 978-1-4113-3693-3 iii


The authors thank Barry Baldigo and Jeff Chaplin of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for valuable input and training on field methods in bankfull studies. The authors also thank Pete Cinotto, USGS, for use of a spreadsheet developed for bankfull data entry and calculations; Thomas Garday and Dennis Verdi of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, for sharing data collected for bankfull assessments at two USGS streamgages in Massachusetts; and Mickey Marcus, New England Environmental, Inc., Amherst, Massachusetts, for hosting a bankfull workshop in Amherst, Mass., during May 2004. Special thanks and appreciation go to Heidi Davis, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, for field assistance. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK v


Abstract...... 1 Introduction...... 1 Purpose and Scope...... 2 Description of Study Area...... 3 Methods of Data Collection and Analysis...... 3 Site Selection...... 6 Bankfull Stage Indicators...... 6 Bankfull Channel Geometry...... 6 Bankfull Discharge...... 7 Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge...... 11 Factors Affecting Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge...... 12 Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge at Study Sites...... 12 Equations...... 16 Confidence- and Prediction-Interval Estimation...... 31 Application...... 32 Comparison to Other Studies in the Eastern United States and Southeastern Canada...... 35 Limitations of the Regional Curves and Regression Equations and Areas for Further Study...... 41 Summary and Conclusions...... 42 References Cited...... 43 Appendix 1. Information on the Starting and Ending Locations of Surveyed Stream Reaches and Locations of the Two Surveyed Cross Sections for Study Sites in and Near Massachusetts...... 48 Appendix 2. Bankfull Data Collected at the Two Surveyed Cross Sections and Stream Reach for Study Sites in and Near Massachusetts...... 51 Appendix 3. Results of Analyses of Simple and Multiple Regression Equations to Estimate Bankfull Width, Mean Depth, Cross-Sectional Area, and Discharge for Streams in and near Massachusetts...... 60 Appendix 4. Summary Statistics, Confidence and Prediction Interval Parameters, and Results of Analyses of Simple Regression Equations for Estimating the Bankfull Width, Mean Depth, Cross-Sectional Area, and Discharge for Streams in the Northeastern United States...... 61 vi


1. Map showing location of U.S. Geological Survey streamgage and crest-stage gage study sites used in the development of bankfull channel geometry and discharge equations for streams in and near Massachusetts...... 4 2. Map showing locations of the physiographic provinces and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Level III ecoregions in and near Massachusetts...... 5 3. Graphs showing simple regression equation residuals in relation to drainage area for bankfull: A, width, B, mean depth, C, cross-sectional area, and D, discharge for streams in and near Massachusetts...... 24 4. Map showing geographic distribution of bankfull width simple regression equation residuals for study sites in and near Massachusetts...... 25 5. Graphs showing regional curves of the relation between bankfull: A, width, B, mean depth, C, cross-sectional area, and D, discharge and drainage area for streams in and near Massachusetts...... 26 6. Graphs showing multiple regression equation residuals in relation to drainage area for bankfull: A, width, B, mean depth, C, cross-sectional area, and D, discharge and in relation to mean basin slope for bankfull: E, width, F, mean depth, G, cross- sectional area, and H, discharge for streams in and near Massachusetts...... 28 7. Map showing geographic distribution of bankfull width multiple regression equation residuals for study sites in and near Massachusetts...... 30 8. Graph showing regression lines for bankfull width in relation to drainage area for selected studies in the northeastern United States...... 40


1. Description of U.S. Geological Survey streamgage and crest-stage gage study sites used in development of bankfull channel geometry and discharge equations for streams in and near Massachusetts...... 8 2. Estimated peak discharge for the 1.01, 1.05, 1.11, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.33, 5, and 10-year recurrence intervals for the study sites used in development of bankfull channel geometry and discharge equations for streams in and near Massachusetts...... 10 3. Bankfull channel geometry and discharge for study sites in and near Massachusetts...... 13 4. Estimated bankfull discharge using equations by Limerinos (1970) and Jarrett (1984) for study sites in and near Massachusetts...... 17 5. Basin and land-use characteristics of the study sites used in development of bankfull channel geometry and discharge equations for streams in and near Massachusetts...... 20 6. Statistical summary of simple and multiple regression equations for estimating bankfull stream width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge for streams in and near Massachusetts...... 22 7. Simple and multiple regression equation confidence and prediction interval parameters for estimating the bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge for streams in and near Massachusetts...... 33 8. Equation parameters used for estimating bankfull channel geometry and discharge by drainage area for selected hydrologic regions or physiographic provinces and states in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada...... 36 vii

Conversion Factors, Datum, and Abbreviations

Inch/Pound to SI

Multiply By To obtain Length inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter (mm) foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m) Area square mile (mi2) 2.590 square kilometer (km2) Volume cubic foot (ft3) 0.02832 cubic meter (m3) Flow rate cubic foot per second (ft3/s) 0.02832 cubic meter per second (m3/s)

Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) may be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) as follows: °F=(1.8×°C)+32 Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) may be converted to degrees Celsius (°C) as follows: °C=(°F–32)/1.8 Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Horizontal coordinate information is referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83). Elevation, as used in this report, refers to distance above the vertical datum.


GIS Geographic Information Systems MAGIC University of Connecticut Map and Geography Information Center MassGIS Massachusetts Office of Geographic Information MDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection NED National Elevation Dataset NHD National Hydrography Dataset NH GANIT New Hampshire Geographical Information System NYSGIS New York State Geographical Information System RIGIS Rhode Island Geographic Information System USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency USGS U.S. Geological Survey VCGI Vermont Center for Geographic Information THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

By Gardner C. Bent and Andrew M. Waite

Abstract regression equations and can be used to estimate bankfull characteristics from drainage area. Multiple regression Regression equations were developed for estimating analysis, which includes basin characteristics in addition to bankfull geometry—width, mean depth, cross-sectional area— drainage area, also was used to develop equations. Variability and discharge for streams in Massachusetts. The equations in bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and provide water-resource and conservation managers with discharge was more fully explained by the multiple regression methods for estimating bankfull characteristics at specific equations that include mean-basin slope and drainage area stream sites in Massachusetts. This information can be used than was explained by equations based on drainage area for the adminstration of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts alone. The Massachusetts regional curves and equations developed in this study are similar, in terms of values of Rivers Protection Act of 1996, which establishes a protected slopes and intercepts, to those developed for other parts of the riverfront area extending from the mean annual high-water northeastern United States. line corresponding to the elevation of bankfull discharge along Limitations associated with site selection and each side of a perennial stream. Additionally, information development of the equations resulted in some constraints for on bankfull channel geometry and discharge are important the application of equations and regional curves presented in to Federal, State, and local government agencies and this report. The curves and equations are applicable to stream private organizations involved in stream assessment and sites that have (1) less than about 25 percent of their drainage restoration projects. basin area occupied by urban land use (commercial, industrial, Regression equations are based on data from stream transportation, and high-density residential), (2) little to surveys at 33 sites (32 streamgages and 1 crest-stage no streamflow regulation, especially from flood-control gage operated by the U.S. Geological Survey) in and near structures, (3) drainage basin areas greater than 0.60 mi2 and Massachusetts. Drainage areas of the 33 sites ranged from less than 329 mi2, and (4) a mean basin slope greater than 0.60 to 329 square miles (mi2). At 27 of the 33 sites, field 2.2 percent and less than 23.9 percent. The equations may not data were collected and analyses were done to determine be applicable where streams flow through extensive wetlands. bankfull channel geometry and discharge as part of the The equations also may not apply in areas of Cape Cod and present study. For 6 of the 33 sites, data on bankfull channel the Islands and the area of southeastern Massachusetts close geometry and discharge were compiled from other studies to Cape Cod with extensive areas of coarse-grained glacial done by the U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resources deposits where none of the study sites are located. Regardless Conservation Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, of the setting, the regression equations are not intended for and the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. use as the sole method of estimating bankfull characteristics; Similar techniques were used for field data collection and however, they may supplement field identification of the analysis for bankfull channel geometry and discharge at all bankfull channel when used in conjunction with field verified 33 sites. Recurrence intervals of the bankfull discharge, which bankfull indicators, flood-frequency analysis, or other represent the frequency with which a stream fills its channel, supporting evidence. averaged 1.53 years (median value 1.34 years) at the 33 sites. Simple regression equations were developed for bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge using drainage area, which is the most significant explanatory Introduction variable in estimating these bankfull characteristics. The use of drainage area as an explanatory variable is also the Information about the channel geometry and discharge most commonly published method for estimating these of streams under bankfull conditions is important for many bankfull characteristics. Regional curves (graphic plots) of hydrologic applications. Bankfull discharge is the streamflow bankfull channel geometry and discharge by drainage area that occurs when the stream fills its channel and any additional are presented. The regional curves are based on the simple discharge will result in the stream overflowing its banks. 2 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

Bankfull geometry (width, cross-sectional area, mean depth) as “regional curves.” In Massachusetts and throughout the defines the physical extent of the stream when the stream is eastern United States where sub-regional or statewide regional bankfull. The geometry of a stream and the location of the curves are not available, regional curves published by Dunne water’s edge at bankfull conditions are fundamental measures and Leopold (1978) are used by Federal, State, and local of the size and location of the stream. governments and private organizations to estimate bankfull Information about bankfull channel geometry is geometry and discharge. Though widely used, the curves important for the application of the Commonwealth of developed by Dunne and Leopold (1978) for the eastern Massachusetts Rivers Protection Act of 1996–310 Code of United States were developed from sites of unknown locations Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) 10.00–Section 10.58 (Emmett, 2004), and the accuracy of these curves when (The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2009). This Act applied to streams in Massachusetts is unknown. Moreover, specifies that riverfront areas of all perennial streams be regional curves such as these are based on simple regression protected, where the riverfront area is defined as a 200-foot- equations and use one explanatory variable, drainage area, to wide strip (25-foot-wide strip in selected densely developed estimate the response variables of bankfull width, mean depth, areas) of land on each side of a stream that starts at the mean cross-sectional area, and bankfull discharge. However, much annual high-water line of perennial streams. The Act states variability is present in relations between drainage area and that the mean annual high-water line is best represented by bankfull geometry and discharge. These simple regression bankfull field indicators, such as change in slope, changes equations for bankfull channel geometry and discharge cannot in vegetation, stain lines, top of point bars, changes in account for the variance that may result from other factors bank material, or bank undercuts along streambanks that such as basin slope, basin elevation, surficial geology, soil correspond to the elevation of the water surface of the stream type, the presence of water bodies and wetlands, and land use when the stream fills its banks and establishes the bankfull in the basin. These factors could be incorporated in multiple stream width. Town and city conservation commissions and regression equations that could provide better estimates of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection bankfull geometry and discharge than the commonly used (MDEP) are charged with enforcing the Riverfront Protection regional curves. Improved methods of estimating bankfull Act by regulating work in the riverfront areas and, thus, must geometry and discharge are needed to support implementation be able to accurately determine the bankfull stream width of of the Riverfront Protection Act of 1996 and other hydrologic perennial streams. applications in Massachusetts than are currently available In Massachusetts, bankfull data are being used in the with the generalized regional curves for the eastern United design of bridges and culverts for stream crossings, such States or other field-based approaches. To address this need, that they can accommodate fish and wildlife passage and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with avoid adverse effects on ecological systems (Massachusetts the MDEP, Bureau of Resource Protection, Wetlands and Department of Transportation, 2010; Massachusetts Executive Waterways Program and Massachusetts Environmental Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, 2012). State and Trust, conducted a study to develop equations for estimating Federal regulations required that the new and replacement bankfull geometry and discharge from data collected at stream structures span the stream channel width by a minimum of sites in and near Massachusetts, using simple and multiple 1.2 times the bankfull width. The River and Stream Continuity regression techniques. Partnership (2011) developed revised river and stream crossing standards for Massachusetts using the same standard of 1.2 times the bankfull width. Additionally, the U.S. Army Purpose and Scope Corps of Engineers–New England District is using these same river and stream crossing standards for its State General This report describes the methods used, data collected, Permit ( and equations developed for estimating bankfull channel ma.htm) in Massachusetts. geometry and discharge for streams in Massachusetts. Information about bankfull channel geometry and dis- As a part of this study, bankfull channel geometry data charge is important to Federal, State, and local governments were collected and analyzed for 27 sites—20 streams in and private organizations involved in stream assessment and Massachusetts, 3 streams in northern Connecticut, 2 streams restoration projects. Stream-restoration projects during the last in southern New Hampshire, and 2 streams in northern Rhode two decades have focused on using a natural-channel design Island—during July through December 2004. Bankfull approach that depends on estimates of natural bankfull chan- channel geometry and discharge data for six other streams nel geometry and discharge rather than traditional engineering in or near Massachusetts collected as part of other studies practices that may involve straightening, widening, deepening, were also used in the development of equations. The six or hardening banks and channels. additional sites include two in Massachusetts, three in New Bankfull channel geometry and discharge are commonly York, and one in Vermont. The simple regression equations estimated using equations and graphical plots that relate were developed by relating bankfull width, mean depth, cross- bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and sectional area, and discharge to drainage area at these 33 sites discharge to drainage area; the graphical plots are referred to in and near Massachusetts. Multiple regression with additional Methods of Data Collection and Analysis 3 basin characteristics also was used to develop equations. The percolates into the soil and through the unsaturated zone to simple regression equations developed for Massachusetts the groundwater table (reducing surface runoff) and later are compared to equations developed for other areas in the discharges to the stream as base flow. Thus, runoff peaks can eastern United States and southeastern Canada. Limitations be greatly diminished in magnitude, which may also affect the of the regional curves, methods used in data collection, and streamflows that form bankfull channel discharges. estimation of the bankfull discharge are discussed. The geomorphic and hydrologic variability associated with different physiographic provinces can be an important Description of Study Area factor in determining bankfull characteristics. Denny (1982) identifies seven physiographic provinces within the study area. The bankfull geometry and discharge at a stream location From eastern to western Massachusetts, the physiographic can be greatly affected by the geography, climate, and surficial provinces are the Coastal Plain, Coastal Lowlands, Central geology upstream from that location. In Massachusetts, these Highlands, Connecticut Valley, Hudson-Green-Notre Dame factors, particularly the extent and type of surficial deposits, Highlands, Vermont Valley, and the Taconic Highlands (fig. 2). could affect stream channel and flow characteristics. Additionally, the USEPA has divided the United States into Massachusetts encompasses 8,093 square miles (mi2) ecological regions (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in the northeastern United States (fig. 1). Elevations range 2006). These regions are based on ecosystems that generally from sea level in coastal areas to about 3,500 feet (ft) above are similar and have been identified through the analysis sea level (NAVD 88) in the northwest. Elevations generally of the patterns and the composition of biotic and abiotic increase from eastern to western Massachusetts. The features. These features include geology, physiography, climate in Massachusetts is humid with average annual pre- vegetation, climate, soils, land use, wildlife, and hydrology. cipitation ranging from about 40 to 45 inches (in.) in eastern The study area includes four Level III ecoregions (U.S. Massachusetts to about 40 to 50 in. in western Massachusetts, Environmental Protection Agency, 2006). From eastern to where higher elevations may cause orographic effects. Average western Massachusetts, the USEPA Level III ecoregions are annual temperature is about 50 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) in east- Atlantic Coastal Pine Barrens, Northeastern Coastal Zone, ° ern Massachusetts and about 45 F in western Massachusetts. Northeastern Highlands, and Eastern Great Lakes and Hudson Surficial deposits that overlie bedrock in most of Lowlands (fig. 2). Massachusetts were deposited mainly during the last glacial period but can include areas of recent floodplain alluvium deposits. In this report, these surficial deposits are classified as either till (which includes till, till with bedrock outcrops, Methods of Data Collection and sandy till over sand, and end-moraine deposits) or stratified Analysis deposits (which include sand and gravel, coarse sand, fine- grained sand, and floodplain alluvium deposits). Till (also The methods used for site selection, data collection for known as ground moraine) is an unsorted, unstratified mixture bankfull channel geometry, and data analysis to determine of clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders, typically bankfull discharge and recurrence interval are similar to those deposited by glaciers on top of bedrock throughout much of used in other studies of bankfull characteristics of streams the State. Till is primarily found in upland areas but can also in the eastern United States. As in the other studies, the data be found at depth in river valleys. Stratified deposits include collection and analyses were based on surveys done at USGS sorted and layered glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits. streamgages and associated stream reaches using methods Glaciofluvial deposits are material of all grain sizes (clay, silt, sand, gravel, and cobbles) deposited by glacial meltwater outlined by Leopold (1994) and Rosgen (1994, 1996). Field streams in outwash plains and river valleys. Glaciolacustrine data were collected between July and December 2004. The deposits generally consist of clay, silt, and fine sand deposited methods described in this section were used at the 27 sites in temporary lakes that formed after the retreat of the glacial for which data were collected and analyzed as part of the ice sheet. Stratified deposits are more widespread in eastern current study, unless otherwise indicated. Methods of data Massachusetts than in western Massachusetts. In eastern collection and analysis for the six additional sites are similar Massachusetts, stratified deposits can be extensive outwash and are described in other reports. Methods for the two sites plains, particularly in the southeast. In other areas of the State, in Massachusetts are described by the U.S. Department of stratified deposits are more likely to be found in river valleys. Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (Thomas On Cape Cod and the Islands and the area of southeastern Garday, U.S. Department of Agriculture, written commun., Massachusetts close to Cape Cod, the surficial geology is 2005). The three sites in eastern New York studied by the almost entirely stratified deposits (Simcox, 1992, p. 47, USGS are described in Mulvihill and Baldigo (2007). The 51, and 52) (area labeled as U.S. Environmental Protection one site in Vermont is described in Jaquith and Kline (2006) Agency (USEPA) Level III ecoregion–Atlantic Coastal for the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Pine Barrens in fig. 2). In these areas, precipitation mainly Water Quality Division, River Management Program. 4 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

73°00' 72°00' 71°00' 70°00'

01334000 VERMONT NEW HAMPSHIRE 01193800

010965852 01101000 01333000 01170100 01162500 01360640 01169000 01169900 01163200 01096000 01100600 ATLANTIC OCEAN 42°30' 01174000 MASSACHUSETTS 01361000 01174600 01171500 01174900 01175670 01103500 01181000 01198000 01176000 01105600 01362100 01187300 42°00' 01111500 NEW 01199050 01184100 01109000 01111300 01105870 YORK 01109070




Base from U.S. Geological Survey Digital Line Graphs, 1989 0 25 50 MILES Universal Transverse Mercator, 1:100,000 scale Other coverages from MAGIC, MassGIS, NH GANIT, NYSGIS, RIGIS, and VCGI 0 25 50 KILOMETERS EXPLANATION

Study basin

01174900 U.S. Geological Survey streamgage and identifier 01362100 U.S. Geological Survey crest-stage gage and identifier

Figure 1. Location of U.S. Geological Survey streamgage and crest-stage gage study sites used in the development of bankfull channel geometry and discharge equations for streams in and near Massachusetts. Methods of Data Collection and Analysis 5

73° 72° 71° 70°


01334000 01093800 01101000 01333000 010965852 01170100 01162500 01169000 01163200 01100600 01169900 01096000 01360640 HUDSON-ST.LAWRENCE LOWLANDS 01174000

TACONIC HIGHLANDS 01174600 01171500 01361000 01174900 01103500 VERMONT VALLEY 01175670 01198000 01181000 01105600 01362100 01176000 01111500 CONNECTICUTVALLEY 42° 01187400 01184100 01111300 01109000 CENTRAL HIGHLANDS 01105870 01199050 HUDSON-GREEN-NOTRE DAME HIGHLANDS HUDSON- 01109070 ST. LAWRENCELOWLANDS



0 25 50 MILES 41° 0 25 50 KILOMETERS

Base from U.S. Geological Survey Digital Line Graphs, 1989 Modified from Denny, 1992 Universal Transverse Mercator, 1:100,000 scale Other coverages from MAGIC, MassGIS, NH GANIT, NYSGIS, RIGIS, and VCGI

EXPLANATION Level III ecoregions (U.S. Environmental Portection Agency, 2006) Eastern Great Lakes and Hudson Lowlands Northeastern Highlands Northeastern Coastal Zone Atlantic Coastal Pine Barrens Study basin

Physiographic province boundary (Denny, 1982) 01109070 U.S. Geological Survey streamgage and identifier

01362100 U.S. Geological Survey crest-stage gage and identifier

Figure 2. Locations of the physiographic provinces and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Level III ecoregions in and near Massachusetts. 6 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

Site Selection As a guide to field investigations and for comparison with field observations, the stream stages of peak discharges The stream sites that were used in this study met a num- with recurrence intervals of 1 to 10 years were estimated from ber of general selection criteria that are similar to the criteria discharge data at the streamgage associated with each site used in other bankfull studies in the eastern United States. (table 2). Previous studies have shown that bankfull conditions These criteria are are associated with peak discharges that recur, on average, every 1.5 years (Dunne and Leopold, 1978; Harrelson and 1. the site is at a continuous or recently discontinued USGS others, 1994; Rogen, 1996). The stages associated with the streamgage or crest-stage gage in or near Massachusetts; 1- to 2-year recurrence interval peak discharges were used 2. the streamgage or crest-stage gage at the site has a mini- in the field to help identify the general areas along stream- mum of 10 years of streamflow record; banks to be examined for bankfull indicators. Recurrence intervals of annual peak discharges were calculated using a 3. streamflow at the site is relatively naturally flowing with Log-Pearson Type III analysis following procedures outlined little to no high-flow regulation by dams, diversions, or by the Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data (1982) other features; for the associated streamgage at each site for the period of record. The estimated peak discharges for the 1- to 2-year 4. the drainage area contains less than 25 percent urban recurrence intervals then were used with the 2004 water year1 land use, where urban land use includes commercial, stage-discharge rating curve for active streamgages to deter- industrial, transportation, and high-density residential mine the corresponding stream stage of these peak discharges; (MassGIS, 2009); the most recent stage-discharge rating curve available for the time period when the streamgage was in operation was used 5. the site is wadeable for surveying; and for discontinued streamgages. In the field, the elevations on 6. identifiable bankfull indicators are present. the streambank of water levels (stage) that would be associ- ated with these peak discharges were determined using the Additionally, sites with differing drainage areas were included difference between the elevation (stage) of water surface at the to develop equations that would be applicable throughout the time of the field survey and the peak discharge stage values. State. Generally field bankfull indicators were found to fall within All current and discontinuous streamgages in and the range of elevations (stage) associated with the 1- to 2-year near Massachusetts with data in the USGS National Water recurrence interval peak discharges at each site. In all cases, Information System (NWIS) were reviewed in terms of these however, the best field bankfull indictor was used, even if it selection criteria. Twenty-seven streamgages were identified in was above or below the range of elevations (stage) estimated NWIS that met the criteria (table 1 and fig. 1). from peak discharges.

Bankfull Stage Indicators Bankfull Channel Geometry

Bankfull stage is the elevation of the streamwater surface The procedures for determining bankfull channel- when the stream fills its channel; it can be recognized in the geometry characteristics generally followed the methodologies field by a number of physical indicators and characteristics presented in a number of widely used publications. Bankfull- along the stream’s banks. Identification of bankfull-stage stage indicators were identified at 14 to 25 locations (averaged indicators (henceforth “bankfull indicators”) generally 20 locations) along the stream channel, separated by a followed procedures discussed in Harrelson and others distance equivalent to approximately one bankfull width, at (1994), Leopold (1994), U.S. Department of Agriculture, each of the 27 sites. The latitude and longitude of the most Forest Service (1995, 2003, and 2004), Rosgen (1996), and upstream location and the most downstream location at each Powell and others (2004). For this study the emphasis was on of the 27 sites are presented in appendix 1. The total length the following bankfull indicators in this order: (1) the active of stream surveyed at each site averaged about 1,384 feet (ft) floodplain (a flat depositional surface adjacent to the stream (range 552–2,661 ft). At the 14 to 25 locations at each site, the channel) where the stream overtops its banks, (2) depositional bankfull indicators were flagged on the left and right stream banks (looking downstream). The best indicators (right and features (such as point bars), (3) changes in the bank slope, left banks) were identified, and any other likely indicators (4) changes in the particle size of bank material, (5) undercuts at higher or lower elevations were also identified. The type or scour lines in the bank, and (6) changes in vegetation on of bankfull indicator generally was noted, and generally, a the bank (for example, an area with no trees, transitioning to relative rating of good, fair, or poor was noted. an area with trees). The most common feature used for the identification of the bankfull stage was the active floodplain 1A water year is the 12-month period beginning October 1 and ending where the stream overtopped its banks. September 30. It is designated by the calendar year in which it ends. Methods of Data Collection and Analysis 7

The elevations of bankfull indicators, the water sur- streamgage to calculate bankfull discharge. In most cases, only face, and the stream thalweg were determined relative to the one of the locations where bankfull indicators were flagged established datum at the streamgage at each site using standard along the stream reach at each site was located in the gage surveying techniques (Harrelson and others, 1994; Leopold, pool. In those cases, the elevations of the bankfull indicators 1994; U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1995, 2003, and 2004; from the right and left banks were averaged to determine the Rosgen, 1996; and Powell and others, 2004). The accuracy bankfull elevation at the streamgage. In cases where more than of the elevation points surveyed was recorded to the nearest one location was in the gage pool, the elevations of the bank- 0.01 ft, and all loops within the survey closed within 0.02 ft full indicators from right and left banks for all those locations of the starting elevations. The horizontal distances between were averaged. The bankfull stage then was used with the the locations were measured, generally along the thalweg of stage-discharge rating curve that was applicable when the data the stream. were collected (water year 2004) for that streamgage to esti- Detailed cross sections to define bankfull channel geom- mate the bankfull discharge. For discontinuous streamgages, etry (width, mean depth, and cross-sectional area) were sur- the most recent stage-discharge rating curve that was avail- veyed at two of the locations where bankfull indicators were able for the time period when the streamgage was operating flagged at each site. These detailed cross-sectional surveys was used. were made at riffle sections at the two locations that were most The recurrence interval of the bankfull discharge at representative of the bankfull channel geometry of the entire each of the 33 sites was determined from an analysis of the stream reach. The detailed cross-sectional survey consisted annual instantaneous peak discharges for the period of record of 20 to 25 points in a section across the stream at which the through water year 2009 at each site. The Log-Pearson Type elevation of the stream channel bottom and streambanks were III method (Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data, determined; points along the cross sections were more closely 1982) was used to determine flood frequency (recurrence spaced where changes in the elevation of the stream channel interval of specific flood discharges) from the streamflow bottom and streambanks were greatest. Additional data on record. The number of water years of record analyzed for streambed materials were collected at the two riffle locations, the 33 sites ranged from 19 to 97 with an average of about using methods described by Wolman (1954) (appendix 2). The 54 years and a median of 49 years (table 2). A minimum of data included measurements of the intermediate particle-size 10 years of record is typically used for a peak-flow analysis. diameter at 50 locations across each of the two cross sections. The recurrence intervals of bankfull discharges were taken The elevations of the bankfull indicators, water surface, as equal to the recurrence interval of the equivalent annual and thalweg and the distance along the stream reach were instantaneous peak discharge (table 2). For those sites with entered into a Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet template devel- bankfull discharges between recurrence intervals of the com- oped for bankfull stream reach surveys (Peter Cinotto, U.S. puted peak discharges in table 2, the bankfull discharge recur- Geological Survey, written commun., 2004). The spreadsheet rence intervals were estimated by interpolation. plotted a profile of the bankfull indicators, water surface, and Bankfull discharge was also estimated for each of the thalweg of the stream reach and the surveyed cross section at 27 sites using two alternative methods that use data collected the two selected riffle locations. The spreadsheet calculated at the two riffle locations at each site where detailed cross the bankfull and water-surface slopes. The spreadsheet also sections were surveyed. These methods were considered calculated bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, check methods of the primary method of estimating bankfull and the particle-size distribution of the streambed material at discharge, which was done using the elevation of bankfull the two detailed cross sections. indicators in the gage pool of each site and the corresponding stage-discharge rating curve. Detailed data used in the two alternative check methods are provided in appendix 2. Bankfull Discharge The first alternative check method, which is the more common method, uses the Manning’s equation. Bankfull discharge for each of the 27 sites was calculated using the elevations of bankfull indicators at locations that 1.49 2 1 were in the gage pool of the streamgage. This method was Q= AR3 S 2 , (1) the primary method of calculating bankfull discharge for the n present study, and the values of bankfull discharge calculated where in this way were used to develop the equations. The gage Q = discharge, in cubic feet per second; pool is the area of the stream reach in which the stream stage n = Manning’s roughness coefficient; is recorded and for which the existing stage-discharge rela- A = cross-sectional area of channel, in square tion (rating curve) is determined. Only locations within the feet; gage pool could be used because the elevations needed to be R = hydraulic radius, in feet; and related to the elevation of the water surface in the gage pool S = energy gradient or friction slope, in feet per in order to use the stage-discharge relation developed for the foot. 8 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts ------Remarks upstream; regulation greater prior to 1961. supply. for municipal supply. reservoirs and diversions to from basin for municipal supplies. for municipal supply. to 1957 greater regulation by mills and reservoirs. at low flow by mill. April 1982. Occasional regulation at low flow by mill Some regulation at low and medium flows. Diversions at times since 1973 for municipal Occasional regulation by mill and ponds. by diversions to and from basin Flow affected Flow regulated by pond upstream. Flow regulated to some extent by lakes and Occasional regulation by ponds and diversion Occasional regulation by pond, and prior Prior to 1962, occasional diurnal fluctuation Diurnal fluctuation at times caused by mill. Diurnal fluctuation by small powerplant since Flow regulated by mill. 1993–p 1940–p Period of record 1963–2004 1949–p 1986–p 1963–p 1945–p 1937–p 1966–p 1966–p 1925–p 1966–p 1964–1991, 1909–1913, 1916–p 1964–p 1939–p 1966–p 1967–p 1938–p - ) 2 3.6 4.5 63.7 47.8 36.5 21.3 15.7 43.3 10.6 16.0 91.2 19.4 34.1 89.0 24.1 41.4 52.6 (mi Drain 183 age area basin Harbor Coastal Major river Merrimack Nashua Merrimack Shawsheen Parker Charles Boston South Taunton Taunton Blackstone Blackstone Millers Millers Deerfield Deerfield Deerfield Connecticut , square miles; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; NY, New York; RI, Rhode York; New Hampshire; NY, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New , square miles; CT, 2 Station longitude Data collected for this study 71° 50ʹ 00″ 71° 39ʹ 30″ 71° 21ʹ 15″ 71° 12ʹ 55″ 70° 56ʹ 46″ 71° 15ʹ 38″ 70° 56ʹ 43″ 70° 44ʹ 03″ 71° 10ʹ 38″ 71° 08ʹ 36″ 71° 41ʹ 11″ 71° 33ʹ 47″ 72° 06ʹ 56″ 72° 02ʹ 29″ 72° 43ʹ 32″ 72° 41ʹ 39″ 72° 40ʹ 16″ 72° 39ʹ 21″ Station latitude 42° 51ʹ 36″ 42° 38ʹ 03″ 42° 46ʹ 58″ 42° 34ʹ 05″ 42° 45ʹ 10″ 42° 15ʹ 22″ 25″ 42° 11ʹ 41° 59ʹ 27″ 41° 56ʹ 51″ 41° 50ʹ 25″ 41° 58ʹ 52″ 41° 59ʹ 47″ 42° 40ʹ 57″ 42° 35ʹ 18″ 42° 38ʹ 18″ 42° 32ʹ 31″ 42° 42ʹ 12″ 42° 19ʹ 05″ Station name Stony Brook Tributary near Temple, NH Temple, near Tributary Stony Brook Groton, MA West near Beaver Brook at North Pelham, NH MA Wilmington, near Parker River at Byfield, MA MA at Dover, MA Weymouth, Old Swamp River near South Jones River at Kingston, MA River near Norton, MA Wading near Dighton, MA Nipmuc River near Harrisville, RI Branch River at Forestdale, RI MA Winchendon, Priest Brook near MA Otter River at River, North River at Shattuckville, MA MA South River near Conway, Green River near Colrain, MA Mill River at Northampton, MA Description of U.S. Geological Survey streamgage and crest-stage gage study sites used in development bankfull channel geom etry discharge equations for

USGS station no. 01093800 01096000 010965852 01100600 01101000 01103500 01105600 01105870 01109000 01109070 01111300 01111500 01162500 01163200 01169000 01169900 01170100 01171500 Table 1. Table streams in and near Massachusetts.—Continued [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi °, degrees; ʹ, minutes; ″, seconds; p, present; --, none; CSG, crest-stage gage] Vermont; VT, Island; Methods of Data Collection and Analysis 9 ------Remarks by mill prior to 1956; regulation much greater prior to 1938. flow caused by mill. mill. caused by mills upstream; diurnal fluctua tion greater prior to 1960. Occasional regulation by ponds since 1971. Slight diurnal fluctuation at low flow caused Prior to 1950, some diurnal fluctuation at low Slight diurnal fluctuation at times caused by Occasional diurnal fluctuation at low flow 1981–p 1994–1996, and 2007–p 1984, and 1988–p (CSG); and 1929–68 1960–p (CSG) Period of record 1961–1997 1960–p 1912–p 1935–p 1960–1981 (CSG), 1938–55, 1956–p 1951–1971, 1961–p 1949–p 1947–82 1961–94 1931–p 1990–p 1906–15, 1928, 1957–59 and - ) 2 2.55 8.81 3.39 0.60 9.48 94.0 10.4 19.9 51.0 29.4 42.6 27.5 (mi 111 Drain 150 329 age area basin Major river Chicopee Chicopee Chicopee Westfield Connecticut Connecticut Housatonic Housatonic Hudson Chicopee Chicopee Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson , square miles; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; NY, New York; RI, Rhode York; New Hampshire; NY, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New , square miles; CT, 2 Station longitude 72° 22ʹ 12″ 72° 00ʹ 19″ 72° 15ʹ 51″ 72° 53ʹ 46″ 72° 42ʹ 39″ 72° 56ʹ 22″ 73° 23ʹ 28″ 73° 23ʹ 29″ 50″ 73° 11ʹ 72° 20ʹ 05″ 72° 23ʹ 18″ 73° 15ʹ 25″ 73° 35ʹ 31″ 73° 44ʹ 40″ 73° 31ʹ 14″ Data collected for other studies Data collected for this study—Continued Station latitude 42° 20ʹ 08″ 42° 15ʹ 54″ 42° 10ʹ 56″ 42° 14ʹ 14″ 41° 57ʹ 38″ 42° 02ʹ 14″ 31″ 42° 11ʹ 41° 56ʹ 32″ 42° 42ʹ 32″ 42° 28ʹ 42″ 42° 21ʹ 16″ 42° 54ʹ 46″ 42° 33ʹ 07″ 42° 19ʹ 50″ 42° 09ʹ 14″ Station name Cadwell Creek near Belchertown, MA MA Sevenmile River near Spencer, Brimfield, MA West at River at Huntington, MA Westfield Branch West Suffield, CT West Stony Brook near Hartland, CT West Hubbard Brook near Green River near Great Barrington, MA Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT MA Williamstown, Green River at Hop Brook near New Salem, MA Cadwell Creek near Pelham, MA VT River near North Bennington, Walloomsac Kill near Nassau, NY Valatie at Rossman, NY Jansen Kill near Hillsdale, NY Roeliff Description of U.S. Geological Survey streamgage and crest-stage gage study sites used in development bankfull channel geom etry discharge equations for

USGS Data from Thomas Garday, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, written commun., 2005. U.S. Department of Thomas Garday, Data from Data from Jaquith and Kline, 2006. Date from Mulvihill and Baldigo, 2007. 1 2 3 01174000 01174600 01334000 01360640 01361000 01362100 station no. 01174900 01175670 01176000 01181000 01184100 01187300 01198000 01199050 01333000 1 1 2 3 3 3 Table 1. Table streams in and near Massachusetts.—Continued [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi °, degrees; ʹ, minutes; ″, seconds; p, present; --, none; CSG, crest-stage gage] Vermont; VT, Island; 10 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts 55

407 469 419 353 864 632 757 753 219 370 261 854 10 3,044 1,838 1,191 2,212 1,164 3,575 4,258 4,055 4,151 2,469 1,001 2,652 3,355 1,446 2,563 5,980 1,631 10,200 13,120 13,160 46 5 308 917 352 317 293 700 518 865 566 630 178 287 726 217 698 2,357 1,357 1,803 2,752 7,866 3,185 3,388 3,377 1,848 9,459 1,883 2,413 1,076 2,083 4,904 9,863 1,287 35 208 887 632 237 210 223 517 388 560 381 487 129 200 459 702 163 512 906 2.33 1,608 1,350 1,892 5,399 2,139 2,619 2,462 1,287 5,959 1,140 1,556 1,545 3,650 6,656 33 119 2 188 796 574 215 188 207 478 360 500 346 456 182 407 999 628 151 471 826 1,452 1,254 1,718 4,895 1,937 2,450 2,259 1,185 5,296 1,398 1,430 3,374 6,038

97 28 148 620 459 171 145 175 397 301 382 277 389 146 994 308 730 483 125 384 661 1.50 1,136 1,056 1,369 3,885 1,545 2,095 1,831 4,026 1,102 1,191 2,793 4,839 /s) 3 (ft (years) 80 24 113 119 120 900 496 374 140 903 149 335 255 298 228 337 865 238 545 899 380 104 316 536 1.25 1,113 3,139 1,266 1,816 1,496 3,145 1,006 2,337 3,989 Peak discharge Recurrence intervals 96 87 65 97 86 21 115 703 396 304 772 126 281 214 229 901 189 291 768 183 402 742 296 846 255 430 1.11 2,517 1,042 1,568 1,201 2,449 1,934 3,305 /s, cubic foot per second; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; /s, cubic foot per second; CT, 3 81 98 71 54 82 73 18 110 711 574 332 258 682 245 186 186 762 164 258 900 148 314 645 242 737 214 359 1.05 2,111 1,395 1,000 2,016 1,657 2,870 60 76 48 86 39 394 246 193 550 191 127 566 130 704 640 102 200 170 153 ------1.01 1,538 1,436 1,244 2,274 , square mile; ft 2 54 70 41 78 35 90 111 511 511 343 222 175 175 120 650 624 171 150 135 ------1.005 2,110 1,376 1,280 1,121 41 60 23 46 64 72 43 43 84 43 43 70 92 45 70 43 42 71 36 49 97 74 50 71 25 48 60 35 33 78 19 64 52 years Number of water analyzed and 2008–09 1988–2009 Water years analyzed Water 1964–2004 1950–2009 1987–2009 1964–2009 1946–2009 1938–2009 1967–2009 1967–2009 1926–2009 1967–2009 1965–1991, 1994–2009 1940–2000 1917, 1919–2009 1965–2009 1940–2009 1967–2009 1968–2009 1939–2009 1962–1997 1961–2009 1913–2009 1936–2009 1960–2009 1938–55, 1957–2009 1952–71, 1994–1996, 1962–2009 1950–2009 1948–82 1962–94 1932–2009 1991–2009 1909, 1928–68, and 1958–2009

) 2 3.6 4.5 2.55 8.81 3.39 0.60 9.48 63.7 47.8 36.5 21.3 15.7 43.3 10.6 16 91.2 19.4 34.1 89 24.1 41.4 52.6 94 10.4 19.9 51.0 29.4 42.6 27.5 (mi area 111 183 150 329 Drainage Station name Stony Brook Tributary near Temple, NH Temple, near Tributary Stony Brook Groton, MA West Squannacook River near Beaver Brook at North Pelham, NH MA Wilmington, Shawsheen River near Parker River at Byfield, MA MA Charles River at Dover, MA Weymouth, Old Swamp River near South Jones River at Kingston, MA River near Norton, MA Wading Segreganset River near Dighton, MA Nipmuc River near Harrisville, RI Branch River at Forestdale, RI MA Winchendon, Priest Brook near MA Otter River at River, North River at Shattuckville, MA MA South River near Conway, Green River near Colrain, MA Mill River at Northampton, MA Cadwell Creek near Belchertown, MA MA Sevenmile River near Spencer, Brimfield, MA West Quaboag River at MA Huntington, at River Westfield Branch West Suffield, CT West Stony Brook near Hartland, CT West Hubbard Brook near Green River near Great Barrington, MA Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT MA Williamstown, Green River at Hop Brook near New Salem, MA Cadwell Creek near Pelham, MA VT River near North Bennington, Walloomsac Kill near Nassau, NY Valatie Kinderhook Creek at Rossman, NY Jansen Kill near Hillsdale, NY Roeliff Estimated peak discharge for the 1.01, 1.05, 1.11, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.33, 5, and 10-year recurrence intervals study sites used in development of bankfull channel

Study site from Thomas Garday, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, written commun., 2005. U.S. Department of Thomas Garday, Study site from Study site from Jaquith and Kline, 2006. Study site from Mulvihill and Baldigo, 2007. USGS 1 2 3 01174000 01174600 01334000 01360640 01361000 01362100 station no. 01093800 01096000 010965852 01100600 01101000 01103500 01105600 01105870 01109000 01109070 01111300 01111500 01162500 01163200 01169000 01169900 01170100 01171500 01174900 01175670 01176000 01181000 01184100 01187300 01198000 01199050 01333000 1 1 2 3 3 3 Table 2. Table geometry and discharge equations for streams in near Massachusetts. [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi --, no data] Vermont; VT, RI, Rhode Island; York; New NH, New Hampshire; NY, Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 11

For this study, the variable S was approximated using the where estimated water-surface slope at the riffle cross section. Jarrett n = Manning’s roughness coefficient; (1984) reports that the use of the water-surface slope in place R = hydraulic radius, in feet; of the energy or friction slope, S, is a common practice. The d16 = 16th percentile particle diameter of bed water-surface slope was estimated using the slope of a best-fit material, in feet; line through the water-surface elevations at the surveyed loca- d50 = 50th percentile (median) particle diameter tion one bankfull width upstream from the riffle section, at the of bed material, in feet; riffle section, and at the surveyed location one bankfull width d84 = 84th percentile particle diameter of bed downstream from the riffle section. material, in feet; and

The Manning’s roughness coefficient n“ ” was calculated dw = weighted particle diameter of bed material, using four equations developed by Limerinos (1970) using in feet (see equation 2). the d16, d50, d84, and dw of the streambed material. For this study, the particle-size distributions of the streambed material With a second alternative check method, bankfull dis- at the d16, d50, and d84 [intermediate particle diameter that charge also was calculated using an equation developed by equals or exceeds that of 16, 50, and 84 percent of the particle Jarrett (1984) for high-gradient streams. diameters, respectively, determined by methods described by Wolman (1954)] were determined from the 50-point pebble 0.83 0.12 Q= 3.8 AR S , (7) count of the intermediate particle-size diameter at each of the two riffle cross sections. Thed w (weighted particle-size where distribution) was determined from the following equation that Q = discharge, in cubic feet per second; weights the d16, d50, and d84. A = cross-sectional area of channel, in square feet;

ddddw =((0.116 ) ++( 0.350 ) ( 0.6 84 )) (2) R = hydraulic radius, in feet; and S = energy gradient or friction slope, in feet per foot.

Manning’s roughness coefficient n“ ” using the d16 was Jarrett (1986, p. 15) notes that S (the energy gradient or friction slope) is the slope of the energy line of a body of flow- 0.0926 ing water. Also, Jarrett (1986) states that, on the basis of data , (3) from 21 streams used to develop equation 7 (Jarrett, 1984), the 0.10 1.60log friction slope and water-surface slope can be used interchange- 16 ably. The major limitation of the equation is that the water- using the d , the equation was surface slope of the stream channel must be between 0.002 to 50 0.04 ft/ft. Other limitations are discussed by Jarrett (1984) in

1 greater detail. 0.0926R 6 n = , (4) R 0.35+ 2.0log d50 Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and using the d84, the equation was Discharge 1 0.0926R 6 n = , and (5) The common method of estimating bankfull channel R 1.16+ 2.0log geometry and discharge is to relate bankfull width, mean d84 depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge to drainage area through regression equations and graphic plots. The plots of

using the dw, the equation was the regression equations for bankfull channel geometry and discharge are commonly referred to as “regional curves.” 1 Regional curves are based on simple regression equations, 0.0926R 6 n = , (6) which use one explanatory variable, drainage area, to estimate R 0.90+ 2.0log the response variables of bankfull width, mean depth, cross- dw sectional area, and bankfull discharge. Multiple regression equations have more than one explanatory variable, such as factors and basin characteristics other than drainage area, that may affect bankfull geometry and discharge. 12 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

Factors Affecting Bankfull Channel Geometry Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge at and Discharge Study Sites

Drainage area of a basin is the main factor affecting Bankfull geometry (width, mean depth, and cross- bankfull channel geometry and discharge. However, physical, sectional area) and discharge are presented in table 3 for the hydrologic, land-use, and climatic characteristics of a drainage 27 sites at which data were collected as part of the present basin can affect bankfull channel geometry and discharge. study and for the 6 sites for which data were compiled from For example, bankfull studies in Pennsylvania (Chaplin, other studies. Data from all 33 sites were used to develop the 2005) and Virginia (Keaton and others, 2005) found that the equations and regional curves. presence of carbonate bedrock was inversely related to values Bankfull width, mean depth, and cross-sectional area of bankfull discharge, width, mean depth, and cross-sectional were determined from the two surveyed cross sections at riffle area. Sherwood and Hutiger (2005) found that main-channel locations at the 27 sites at which data were collected as part of this study; values from the two cross sections were averaged slope and elevation were related (positive and negative, for use in developing the equations. Bankfull geometry for respectively) to bankfull channel geometry and discharge. the 6 additional sites was determined as the average of values Anthropogenic factors, such as flood control dams or major from 1 to 7 cross sections per site (table 3). Average values for diversions, also can affect bankfull channel geometry and all 33 sites used in developing equations ranged from 13.5 to discharge, but because the present study used naturally flowing 148 ft for bankfull width, 0.73 to 5.8 ft for bankfull mean streams with little to no peak-flow regulations, anthropogenic depth, and 9.77 to 858.5 ft2 for bankfull cross-sectional area. factors were not considered here. Estimates of bankfull discharge were made at the Characteristics that could affect bankfull channel geom- 27 sites using three methods—one primary method and two etry and discharge were summarized by reviewing peak-flow alternative check methods. Bankfull discharge calculated from studies in states in northeastern United States: Connecticut the elevation of bankfull indicators and the stage-discharge (Ahearn, 2004), Maine (Hodgkins, 1999), Massachusetts rating curve at the streamgage was the primary method, and (Wandle, 1983; Murphy, 2001), New Hampshire (Olson, the values that were calculated from this method were used 2009), New York (Lumia and others, 2006), Rhode Island in developing equations (table 3). This method was used as (Zarriello and others, 2012), and Vermont (Olson, 2002). the primary method because the stage-discharge rating curve All of these studies found drainage area to be a significant is based on physical measurements of discharge and stage variable, along with characteristics of the basin such as areal at the site. It also is the simplest method, requires the fewest percentage of lakes and ponds (Olson, 2002), areal percent- assumptions, and requires estimation of the fewest number of age of wetlands (Hodgkins, 1999 and Olson, 2009), areal variables. The two alternative methods for estimating bankfull percentage of basin storage (lakes, ponds, and swamps) discharge provided checks on the results of the bankfull (Wandle, 1983; Lumia and others, 2006; and Zarriello and indicator-stage method for comparison of the 27 sites where others, 2012), areal percentage of forest land (Lumia and data were collected for this study. The two alternative check others, 2006), main-channel slope (Wandle, 1983; Lumia and methods were based on data collected at the two surveyed others, 2006; and Olson, 2009), ratio of main-channel slope riffle cross-section locations. to basin slope (Lumia and others, 2006), percent of a basin Bankfull discharge at the 27 study sites, based on the above a set elevation (Olson, 2002 and Lumia and others, primary bankfull indicator-stage method for comparison with 2006), mean basin elevation (Wandle, 1983; Ahearn, 2004), values determined using the other two check methods, ranged from 46 to 3,470 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) (table 3). The difference between the mean and minimum basin elevations recurrence intervals of bankfull discharges for the 27 study (Murphy, 2001), basin lag factor (Lumia and others, 2006), sites ranged from 1.03 to 3.48 years (table 3) with an aver- drainage density (Zarriello and others, 2012), mean-annual age of 1.58 years and a median of 1.34 years. For all 33 sites runoff (Lumia and others, 2006), maximum snow depth that provided the data used to develop the equations, bankfull (Lumia and others, 2006), mean annual precipitation (Lumia discharge ranged from 24 to 5,640 ft3/s, and the recurrence and others, 2006), mean April precipitation (Olson, 2009), intervals ranged from 1.03 to 3.48 years with an average of and the recurrence interval associated with 24-hour rainfall 1.53 years and a median of 1.34 years. amounts (Ahearn, 2004). Characteristics that were shown by The average bankfull discharges calculated using the these studies to have positive effects on peak flow are drainage Limerinos dw equation (equation 6) (1970) and the Manning’s area, main-channel slope, percent of a basin higher than a set equation (equation 1) for each of the 27 sites ranged from elevation, mean basin elevation, mean annual precipitation, 132 to 3,302 ft3/s (table 4); that range compares well with and the recurrence interval of 24-hour rainfall amounts. Char- the range of estimated bankfull discharges using the bankfull acteristics shown to have negative effects on peak flows are indicator elevations and the stage-discharge rating curve basin storage, percentage of lakes and ponds, areal percentage (primary) method for the 27 sites (table 3). Evaluation of the of wetlands, percentage of forest land, average main-channel percent difference between the two methods found that the elevation, and basin shape. average and median difference was about 25 and 21 percent Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 13

Table 3. Bankfull channel geometry and discharge for study sites in and near Massachusetts.—Continued

[USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described in table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi2, square mile; ft, foot; ft2, square foot; ft3/s, cubic foot per second; yr, year; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; NY, New York; RI, Rhode Island; VT, Vermont; --, unknown]

Bankfull Drain- Bankfull Discharge Bank- Bankfull Cross- cross- USGS age dis- recurrence full mean Station name section sectional station no. area charge interval width depth no. area (mi2) (ft3/s) (yr) (ft) (ft) (ft2) Data collected for this study 01093800 Stony Brook Tributary near Temple, NH 3.60 211 2.41 9 24.00 1.65 39.54 17 25.00 1.50 37.42 Average 24.50 1.58 38.48

01096000 Squannacook River near West Groton, MA 63.7 742 1.14 3 81.50 3.52 286.89 16 65.90 3.01 198.36 Average 73.70 3.27 242.63

010965852 Beaver Brook at North Pelham, NH 47.8 433 1.16 3 57.00 3.91 223.05 14 43.80 2.82 123.47 Average 50.40 3.37 173.26

01100600 Shawsheen River near Wilmington, MA 36.5 295 1.10 6 57.80 3.59 207.46 10 74.30 2.47 183.59 Average 66.05 3.03 195.53

01101000 Parker River at Byfield, MA 21.3 273 3.16 1 43.50 3.08 133.79 2 49.40 2.47 121.93 Average 46.45 2.78 127.86

01103500 Charles River at Dover, MA 183 954 1.33 11 98.50 3.96 390.01 17 98.80 3.97 392.00 Average 98.65 3.97 391.01

01105600 Old Swamp River near South Weymouth, MA 4.50 226 2.73 8 40.30 1.28 51.47 14 30.80 1.34 41.29 Average 35.55 1.31 46.38

01105870 Jones River at Kingston, MA 15.7 253 3.48 6 42.50 2.00 85.00 13 34.80 2.16 75.05 Average 38.65 2.08 80.03

01109000 Wading River near Norton, MA 43.3 295 1.15 5 40.00 2.13 85.06 10 41.30 2.56 105.60 Average 40.65 2.35 95.33

01109070 Segreganset River at Dighton, MA 10.6 193 1.07 8 31.30 2.28 71.42 14 33.80 1.62 54.66 Average 32.55 1.95 63.04

01111300 Nipmuc River near Harrisville, RI 16.0 318 1.31 9 46.00 2.24 103.07 13 57.50 2.03 116.63 Average 51.75 2.14 109.85

01111500 Branch River at Forestdale, RI 91.2 1,210 1.34 7 87.00 3.67 319.58 9 79.80 3.18 253.39 Average 83.40 3.43 286.49 14 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

Table 3. Bankfull channel geometry and discharge for study sites in and near Massachusetts.—Continued

[USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described in table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi2, square mile; ft, foot; ft2, square foot; ft3/s, cubic foot per second; yr, year; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; NY, New York; RI, Rhode Island; VT, Vermont; --, unknown]

Bankfull Drain- Bankfull Discharge Bank- Bankfull Cross- cross- USGS age dis- recurrence full mean Station name section sectional station no. area charge interval width depth no. area (mi2) (ft3/s) (yr) (ft) (ft) (ft2) Data collected for this study—Continued 01162500 Priest Brook near Winchendon, MA 19.4 182 1.10 6 59.60 1.59 94.98 9 51.50 2.48 127.82 Average 55.55 2.04 111.40

01163200 Otter River at Otter River, MA 34.1 374 1.43 6 66.50 1.61 107.34 13 52.90 1.93 102.18 Average 59.70 1.77 104.76

01169000 North River at Shattuckville, MA 89.0 3,070 1.23 2 108.80 4.91 534.10 17 103.80 4.80 497.87 Average 106.30 4.86 515.99

01169900 South River near Conway, MA 24.1 1,710 1.71 9 61.10 4.09 249.68 18 70.00 3.98 278.68 Average 65.55 4.04 264.18

01170100 Green River near Colrain, MA 41.4 2,110 1.52 3 109.00 2.86 311.70 15 100.50 3.52 353.37 Average 104.75 3.19 332.54

01171500 Mill River at Northampton, MA 52.6 1,600 1.33 2 86.00 3.53 303.51 6 83.00 3.60 298.96 Average 84.50 3.57 301.24

01174900 Cadwell Creek near Belchertown, MA 2.55 46 1.03 6 20.30 1.28 26.05 11 16.90 1.33 22.48 Average 18.60 1.31 24.27

01175670 Sevenmile River near Spencer, MA 8.81 163 1.74 20 37.90 1.49 56.43 13 25.50 1.80 45.99 Average 31.70 1.65 51.21

01176000 Quaboag River at West Brimfield, MA 150 1,010 1.54 4 143.90 2.67 384.51 20 121.00 2.71 327.46 Average 132.45 2.69 355.99

01181000 West Branch at Huntington, MA 94.0 3,470 1.34 2 112.50 3.14 353.66 11 135.80 3.17 430.09 Average 124.15 3.16 391.88

01184100 Stony Brook near West Suffield, CT 10.4 274 1.38 18 48.00 1.74 83.40 22 39.50 1.58 62.26 Average 43.75 1.66 72.83

01187300 near West Hartland, CT 19.9 507 1.21 6 72.00 2.38 171.40 16 74.50 2.20 164.03 Average 73.25 2.29 167.72 Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 15

Table 3. Bankfull channel geometry and discharge for study sites in and near Massachusetts.—Continued

[USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described in table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi2, square mile; ft, foot; ft2, square foot; ft3/s, cubic foot per second; yr, year; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; NY, New York; RI, Rhode Island; VT, Vermont; --, unknown]

Bankfull Drain- Bankfull Discharge Bank- Bankfull Cross- cross- USGS age dis- recurrence full mean Station name section sectional station no. area charge interval width depth no. area (mi2) (ft3/s) (yr) (ft) (ft) (ft2) Data collected for this study—Continued 01198000 Green River near Great Barrington, MA 51.0 1,150 1.56 7 75.30 2.76 207.61 20 62.80 3.25 204.40 Average 69.05 3.01 206.01

01199050 Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT 29.4 490 1.52 14 49.00 2.14 104.75 21 43.50 2.78 121.03 Average 46.25 2.46 112.89

01333000 Green River at Williamstown, MA 42.6 1,220 1.56 8 84.00 2.84 241.38 15 74.00 3.34 246.86 Average 79.00 3.09 244.12 Data collected for other studies 101174000 Hop Brook near New Salem, MA 3.39 80 1.09 1 16.41 1.10 17.54 2 17.93 1.40 25.54 6 19.70 1.40 27.21 8 27.73 0.90 25.98 Average 20.44 1.20 24.07

101174600 Cadwell Creek near Pelham, MA 0.60 24 1.24 3 17.0 0.77 13.23 4 10.8 0.86 9.29 5 18.0 0.72 12.96 8 10.5 0.56 5.86 9 13.6 0.79 10.78 10 6.7 0.85 5.66 11 18.2 0.58 10.59 Average 13.5 0.73 9.77

201334000 Walloomsac River near North Bennington, VT 111 1,879 1.10 -- 110 3.7 410

301360640 Valatie Kill near Nassau, NY 9.48 227 41.07 -- 38.3 2.3 89.0 -- 34.5 2.2 76.8 -- 42.7 2.1 87.6 -- 38.7 1.8 69.6 Average 38.55 2.1 80.75

301362100 Kinderhook Creek at Rossman, NY 329 5,640 41.83 -- 139.6 5.8 806.5 -- 156.4 5.8 910.5 Average 148.0 5.8 858.5

301361000 Roeliff Jansen Kill near Hillsdale, NY 27.5 690 41.59 -- 54.4 3.5 189.1 -- 55.8 3.8 213.8 -- 60.4 3.1 185.2 Average 56.87 3.47 196.03 1Data from Thomas Garday, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, written commun., 2005. 2Data from Jaquith and Kline, 2006. 3Data from Mulvihill and Baldigo, 2007. 4Recurrence interval published as 1.16, 2.1, and 1.8 years for stations 01360640, 01362100, and 01361000, respectively, by Mulvihill and Baldigo, 2007. 16 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts higher, respectively, for the Limerinos method than for the equations using drainage area as the explanatory variable primary method. The estimated bankfull discharge using were evaluated by reviewing the adjusted R2 (coefficient of the Jarrett equation (equation 7) (1984) ranged from 69 to determination), predicted R2, plots of residuals, and other 3,678 ft3/s (table 4); that range compares well with the range statistical indicators of model fit/validity. The predicted 2R for of estimated bankfull discharges from the primary method in bankfull width (0.8635), mean depth (0.7995), cross-sectional table 3. A comparison of percent differences between these area (0.9028), and discharge (0.7428) were all acceptable two methods found that the average and median differences (table 6). Plots of the residuals were evaluated to verify that were about 22 and 17 percent higher, respectively, for the the residuals had no outliers, curvature, or heteroscedasticity Jarrett method than for the primary method. The Limerinos (absence of homoscedasticity). Figures 3A–D show that the and Jarrett methods compared well with each other, as residuals of the simple regression equation for the bankfull comparison of the percent difference found on average that channel geometry and discharge, by drainage area, have no Jarrett is about 3 percent higher than Limerinos, but the outliers, curvature, or heteroscedasticity. The residuals are median is 4 percent lower for Jarrett (1984) than Limerinos equally distributed on both the postitive and negative side (1970) (table 4). of the zero line. The regression equation residuals were also The average bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional reviewed spatially to make sure that no clear geographic trends area, and discharge generally appear to be greater at the were observed. Figure 4 shows the geographic distribution sites in and near western Massachusetts than at the sites in of the residuals for the bankfull width equation. There are six and near eastern Massachusetts. Specifically, these bankfull sites in western Massachusetts where residuals had higher characteristics appear to be greater in the Hudson-Green- positive values (regression equation is under predicting Notre Dame Highlands between the Connecticut Valley the actual value) than other sites in and near western (east) and the Vermont Valley (west) physiographic provinces Massachusetts. Four sites in southeastern Massachusetts (fig. 2) defined by Denny (1982). These sites include North had higher negative values (regression equation is over River at Shattuckville, Mass. (01169000), South River near predicting the actual value) than other sites in and near eastern Conway, Mass. (01169900), Green River near Colrain, Mass. (01170100), West Branch Westfield River at Huntington, Massachusetts. All other areas of the State show a fairly even Mass. (01181000), Hubbard River near West Hartland, distribution of positive and negative residuals at the study sites Conn. (01187300), and Green River at Williamstown, Mass. with no clear pattern; overall, figure 4 shows a fairly even (01333000). Although bankfull characteristics at these six distribution of the residuals over the study area. More detailed sites appear to be slightly different from the others in and near output from the simple regression equations are presented in western Massachusetts, comparison of selected basin and land- appendix 3. Graphic plots of the simple regression equations use characteristics (table 5), peak discharges for recurrence (equations 8–11 in table 6), which relate bankfull width, mean intervals ranging from about 1 to 10 years (table 2) on a per depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge to drainage area, unit area basis, annual precipitation characteristics, and annual are shown in figures 5A–D, respectively. These plots also runoff characteristics did not find any notable differences from serve as regional curves for Massachusetts and allow users to other sites in and near the region. easily estimate bankfull geometry and discharge from a known drainage area for any site within the range of drainage areas shown. The graphs are plotted using logarithmic scales for “x” Equations and “y” axes, which is common practice for regional curves. In the multiple regression analysis, the basin Simple and multiple regression equations for bankfull characteristics listed in table 5 were investigated for their width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge are presented in table 6. All equations were developed using base- potential relation to bankfull width, mean depth, cross 10 log-transformed bankfull channel geometry, discharge, sectional area, and discharge. The automated statistical and basin characteristic data (table 5) for all 33 study sites. selection procedures “best subsets” and “stepwise” were The transforming of data is a common procedure that makes used in Minitab (2003) to evaluate the basin characteristics the data more symmetric, linear, and constant in variance as potential explanatory variables. Both selection procedures (homoscedasticity) (Helsel and Hirsch, 2002). Detailed results determined the statistical contribution of the explanatory for the simple and multiple regression analyses for bankfull variables (basin characteristics) that were entered into the channel geometry and discharge are shown in appendix 3. equation, and variables were retained or deleted on the basis Although the equations were developed using log-transformed of their statistical importance. A statistical significance level data, the equations are shown in table 6 in forms that allow the of 0.05 for p-values of explanatory variables was generally use of non-transformed data. used for entry or retention in the equations. Additionally, The simple regression analyses used the automated potential multiple regression equations were evaluated using procedures in the statistical software package Minitab (2003). the adjusted R2, predicted R2 plots of residuals, and so forth The standard techniques of simple regression analyses were in determining the best possible equations. The standard followed as discussed in Helsel and Hirsch (2002). The techniques of multiple regression analyses were followed, as bankfull channel geometry and discharge simple regression discussed in Helsel and Hirsch (2002). Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 17

- (yr) 2.41 1.14 1.16 1.1 3.16 1.33 2.73 3.48 1.15 1.07 interval Discharge recurrence

From table 3 /s) 3 211 742 433 295 273 954 226 253 295 193 (ft bankfull Estimated discharge 1.27 1.90 2.00 2.85 7.22 6.94 1.29 3.40 1.34 1.18 average discharge interval of Recurrence

Jarrett (1984) /s) 3 111 119 133 122 581 797 830 551 690 449 362 406 134 104 255 249 252 304 413 358 292 178 235 1 1 1 1 1 1 (ft 1,013 1,918 1,588 1,198 1,393 2,017 1,968 bankfull 1 1 1 Estimated discharge , weighted particle-size distribution—equation 2 in report (Lim , weighted particle-size w

- ) w 2.05 1.98 1.55 1.48 1.47 1.62 1.74 4.55 1.33 1.21 , square miles; d Recurrence 2 (based on d age discharge interval of aver )


Limerios (1970) /s) 3 112 213 169 191 652 627 639 489 419 454 221 167 198 133 166 276 285 281 352 360 356 254 234 244 2 (ft 1,120 1,760 1,440 1,143 1,065 1,104 discharge (based on d Estimated bankfull

9 3 3 6 1 2 8 6 5 8 11 17 16 14 10 17 14 13 10 14 no. Cross- section Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average

) 2 3.60 4.50 63.7 47.8 36.5 21.3 15.7 43.3 10.6 (mi area 183 Drainage Drainage Station name /s, cubic foot per second; yr, year; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] year; CT, /s, cubic foot per second; yr, Stony Brook Tributary near Temple, NH Temple, near Tributary Stony Brook Groton, MA West Squannacook River near Beaver Brook at North Pelham, NH MA Wilmington, Shawsheen River near Parker River at Byfield, MA MA Charles River at Dover, MA Weymouth, Old Swamp River near South Jones River at Kingston, MA River near Norton, MA Wading Segreganset River at Dighton, MA 3 Estimated bankfull discharge using equations by Limerinos (1970) and Jarrett (1984) for study sites in near Massachusetts. —Continued

USGS station no. 01093800 01096000 010965852 01100600 01101000 01103500 01105600 01105870 01109000 01109070 Table 4. Table [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi erinos, 1970); ft 18 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

- (yr) 1.31 1.34 1.1 1.43 1.23 1.71 1.52 1.33 1.03 1.74 interval Discharge recurrence

From table 3 /s) 46 3 318 182 374 163 (ft 2,110 1,210 3,070 1,710 1,600 bankfull Estimated discharge 1.47 1.78 2.13 1.32 1.43 1.53 1.24 1.35 1.15 1.48 average discharge interval of Recurrence

Jarrett (1984) /s) 74 65 69 3 135 406 342 374 262 460 361 322 384 353 154 144 1 1 1 (ft 1,824 1,308 1,566 3,589 3,767 3,678 1,605 1,533 1,569 1,632 1,978 1,805 1,708 1,558 1,633 bankfull Estimated discharge , weighted particle-size distribution—equation 2 in report (Lim , weighted particle-size w

- ) w 1.70 1.65 2.38 2.17 1.30 1.75 1.47 1.65 3.15 1.37 , square miles; d Recurrence 2 (based on d age discharge interval of aver )


Limerios (1970) /s) 3 113 536 324 430 402 368 385 375 569 472 150 138 144 150 132 (ft 1,640 1,414 1,527 3,047 3,558 3,302 1,863 1,619 1,741 2,010 2,123 2,066 2,176 1,740 1,958 3 discharge (based on d Estimated bankfull

9 7 9 6 9 6 2 9 3 2 6 6 11 13 13 17 18 15 20 13 no. Cross- section Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average

) 2 2.55 8.81 16.0 91.2 19.4 34.1 89.0 24.1 41.4 52.6 (mi area Drainage Drainage Station name /s, cubic foot per second; yr, year; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] year; CT, /s, cubic foot per second; yr, Nipmuc River near Harrisville, RI Branch River at Forestdale, RI MA Winchendon, Priest Brook near MA Otter River at River, North River at Shattuckville, MA MA South River near Conway, Green River near Colrain, MA Mill River at Northampton, MA Cadwell Creek near Belchertown, MA MA Sevenmile River near Spencer, 3 Estimated bankfull discharge using equations by Limerinos (1970) and Jarrett (1984) for study sites in near Massachusetts. —Continued

USGS station no. 01111300 01111500 01162500 01163200 01169000 01169900 01170100 01171500 01174900 01175670 Table 4. Table [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi erinos, 1970); ft Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 19

- - (yr) 1.54 1.34 1.38 1.21 1.56 1.52 1.56 interval Discharge recurrence

From table 3 /s) 3 274 507 490 (ft 1,010 3,470 1,150 1,220 bankfull Estimated discharge 3.68 1.06 1.29 1.49 1.19 1.45 1.46 average discharge interval of Recurrence

Jarrett (1984) /s) 3 294 203 248 815 638 726 750 920 835 415 509 462 1 1 (ft 2,110 1,629 1,521 1,575 2,037 2,073 1,236 1,094 1,165 bankfull Estimated discharge , weighted particle-size distribution—equation 2 in report (Lim , weighted particle-size w

- ) w 3.43 1.12 1.22 1.97 1.18 1.22 2.59 , square miles; d Recurrence 2 (based on d age discharge interval of aver )


Limerios (1970) /s) 3 335 186 260 709 983 682 964 823 457 265 361 4 4 5 (ft 1,410 1,629 1,519 2,622 2,345 2,484 1,257 1,919 1,275 1,597 discharge (based on d Estimated bankfull

4 2 6 7 8 11 20 18 22 16 20 14 21 15 no. Cross- section Average Average Average Average Average Average Average

) 2 94.0 10.4 19.9 51.0 29.4 42.6 (mi area 150 Drainage Drainage Station name /s, cubic foot per second; yr, year; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] year; CT, /s, cubic foot per second; yr, Quaboag River at West Brimfield, MA West Quaboag River at River at Huntington, MA Westfield Branch W. Suffield, CT West Stony Brook near Hartland, CT West Hubbard River near Green River near Great Barrington, MA Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT MA Williamstown, Green River at 3 Estimated bankfull discharge using equations by Limerinos (1970) and Jarrett (1984) for study sites in near Massachusetts. —Continued

USGS For the cross-sections, the Jarrett (1984) calculation of discharge had water-surface slopes less than 0.002 ft/ft. had water-surface For the cross-sections, Jarrett (1984) calculation of discharge not used in calculation of the Manning’s (1954) pebble count samples were classified as bedrock and Wolman Segreganset River at Dighton, MA, 12 of 50 For cross-section 14 at streamgage 01109070 rough used in calculation of the Manning’s (1954) pebble count samples were classified as bedrock and not Wolman Branch River at Forestdale, RI, 27 of 50 For cross-section 9 at streamgage 01111500 were classified as bedrock and not Wolman (1954) pebble count samples 30 of 50 and 44 50, respectively, Suffield, CT, West Stony Brook near For cross-sections 18 and 22 at streamgage 01184100 used in calculation of the Manning’s (1954) pebble count samples were classified as bedrock and not Wolman 3 of 50 Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT, For cross-section 21 at streamgage 01199050 1 2 3 4 5 station no. 01176000 01181000 01184100 01187300 01198000 01199050 01333000 roughness coefficient (Limerinos, 1970) using the dw (equations 2 and 6 in this report). ness coefficient (Limerinos, 1970) using the dw (equations 2 and 6 in this report). roughness coefficient (Limerinos, 1970) using the dw (equations 2 and 6 in this report). used in calculation of the Manning’s roughness coefficient (Limerinos, 1970) using the dw (equations 2 and 6 in this report). Table 4. Table [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi erinos, 1970); ft 20 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

1 (%) 0.3 9.8 0.7 4.0 7.2 0.5 5.8 5.9 0.5 0.8 2 2 2 2 2 gravel 36.0 13.0 21.0 39.0 43.0 46.0 33.0 96.0 58.0 16.0 10.0 26.0 13.0 16.0 27.0 Area of 2 sand and deposits

1 - 0.9 6.6 2.3 6.8 2.5 8.2 6.2 0.0 7.7 4.4 6.1 3.9 4.5 4.3 2.8 5.6 6.8 4.3 6.0 (%) 5 5 5 5 13.7 25.3 14.0 15.0 10.0 15.0 5 Area of agricul tural land

1 (%) 0.0 0.2 1.5 0.0 0.2 1.8 0.4 1.0 1.4 6.4 8.2 1.0 6.7 1.6 1.4 4.1 0.7 9.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 3.1 0.0 1.3 land 5 5 5 5 5 urban 24.0 Area of

1 (%) 89.5 79.4 73.0 67.0 91.0 51.2 29.0 58.0 47.0 40.6 55.0 57.0 75.0 83.0 67.0 88.0 67.0 86.0 78.0 91.0 81.0 89.9 48.5 92.9 82.0 land 5 5 5 5 5 forest Area of

- 1 3.4 4.7 3.7 5.5 1.3 4.0 7.1 6.0 9.2 6.9 3.6 4.6 3.0 5.3 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.9 6.2 2.2 7.2 0.4 5 5 5 5 (%) 11.8 10.0 14.0 Area 5 lands of wet

1 0.8 2.1 2.3 3.3 1.3 0.6 0.5 2.4 2.3 0.2 7.3 2.7 0.4 0.5 5.8 1.7 3.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.9 0.8 0.0 (%) 5 5 5 5 5 water Area of bodies

4 (%) 8.336 8.754 8.587 8.558 7.542 4.414 6.084 5.325 3.384 4.189 3.845 3.144 5.635 7.058 6.948 6.630 7.231 8.129 5.510 basin Mean slope 14.012 15.139 15.611 17.141 12.138 16.967 , square miles; ft, foot; %, percent; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New CT, , square miles; ft, foot; %, percent;

2 3 (ft) 421 842 509 274 325 492 125 215 373 212 425 625 445 621 486 Basin relief 1,367 1,017 1,843 1,022 1,889 1,344 1,945 1,522 1,243 1,353

2 82 30 89 74 13 62 26 (ft) 5 5 5 5 5 691 603 651 385 393 158 346 193 849 896 433 475 465 170 541 249 149 913 basin 5 5 Minimum elevation

2 (ft) 680 358 354 581 199 210 435 243 771 818 635 5 5 5 5 5 basin 2,058 1,643 1,072 1,227 2,236 1,871 1,335 2,322 1,819 2,410 1,692 1,132 1,492 2,266 5 5 elevation Maximum

1 82 5 (ft) 116 112 871 808 261 161 225 142 179 531 495 841 923 622 348 5 5 2 5 5 2 2 2 basin Mean 1,183 1,287 1,422 1,095 1,075 1,425 1,126 1,352 1,379 2 2 5 2 elevation

- ) 2 8.81 4.50 2.55 3.60 51.0 19.9 94.0 10.5 36.5 21.3 15.7 43.3 10.6 16.0 91.2 19.4 34.1 89.0 24.1 41.4 52.6 63.7 47.8 age (mi area 150 183 Drain Station name Green River near Great Barrington, MA Hubbard Brook near West Hartland, CT West Hubbard Brook near Sevenmile River near Spencer, MA Sevenmile River near Spencer, Brimfield, MA West Quaboag River at MA Huntington, at River Westfield Branch West Stony Brook near Suffield, CT Shawsheen River near Wilmington, MA Wilmington, Shawsheen River near Parker River at Byfield, MA MA Charles River at Dover, MA Weymouth, Old Swamp River near South Jones River at Kingston, MA River near Norton, MA Wading Segreganset River at Dighton, MA Nipmuc River near Harrisville, RI Branch River at Forestdale, RI MA Winchendon, Priest Brook near MA Otter River at River, North River at Shattuckville, MA MA South River near Conway, Green River near Colrain, MA Mill River at Northampton, MA Cadwell Creek near Belchertown, MA Squannacook River near West Groton, MA West Squannacook River near Beaver Brook at North Pelham, NH Stony Brook Tributary near Temple, NH Temple, near Tributary Stony Brook Basin and land-use characteristics of the study sites used in development bankfull channel geometry discharge equations for streams near

USGS station no. 01198000 01187300 01175670 01176000 01181000 01184100 01100600 01101000 01103500 01105600 01105870 01109000 01109070 01111300 01111500 01162500 01163200 01169000 01169900 01170100 01171500 01174900 01096000 010965852 01093800 Table 5. Table Massachusetts.—Continued [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi --, no data] Vermont; VT, RI, Rhode Island; York; New Hampshire; NY, Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 21

1 ------2.1 (%) 2 11.0 15 2 gravel Area of sand and deposits

1 - -- -- 1.6 6.0 (%) 5 5 11.4 12.5 10.6 15.0 5 5 5 Area of agricul tural land

1 -- -- (%) 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.5 land 5 5 5 5 5 urban Area of

1 (%) 75.3 72.6 81.9 75.3 73.7 84.6 67.1 79.0 land 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 forest Area of

- 1 -- -- 2.2 4.6 0.0 1.3 3.7 5 5 5 5 (%) 16.0 Area 5 lands of wet

1 -- -- 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 3.9 (%) 5 5 5 5 5 water Area of bodies

4 (%) basin Mean slope 11.218 12.384 14.417 15.512 10.081 24.519 10.786 13.186 6 6 6 6 6 , square miles; ft, foot; %, percent; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New CT, , square miles; ft, foot; %, percent;

2 3 (ft) 906 259 570 Basin relief 1,370 2,613 3,228 2,861 1,818

2 40 (ft) 5 590 436 509 873 615 735 618 basin 8 5 5 5 5 Minimum elevation

2 (ft) basin 1,960 2,653 1,342 3,737 1,132 3,476 1,302 2,445 8 5 5 5 5 5 elevation Maximum

1 (ft) 897 751 5 5 basin Mean 1,040 1,604 1,014 1,554 1,030 1,170 7 5 5 2 2 elevation

- ) 2 9.48 0.60 3.39 27.5 42.6 29.4 age (mi area 111 329 Drain Station name Roeliff Jansen Kill near Hillsdale, NY Roeliff Kinderhook Creek at Rossman, NY Valatie Kill near Nassau, NY Valatie Walloomsac River near North Bennington, VT River near North Bennington, Walloomsac Cadwell Creek near Pelham, MA Green River at Williamstown, MA Williamstown, Green River at Hop Brook near New Salem, MA Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT Basin and land-use characteristics of the study sites used in development bankfull channel geometry discharge equations for streams near

Study site from Jaquith and Kline (2006). Study site from Mulvihill and Baldigo (2007). USGS From Zarriello and Socolow (2003), unless otherwise footnoted. Armstrong and others (2008), unless otherwise footnoted. From Basin relief is the maximum basin elevation minus minimum elevation. 2007a), unless otherwise footnoted. From 1:24,000 scale digital elevation models (DEMs) (U.S. Geological Survey, From Falcone (2011). From Lumia and others (2006). (1983). From Wandle From U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps. Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, written commun., 2005. U.S. Department of Thomas Garday, Study site from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 01334000 01362100 01361000 01360640 station no. 01174600 01174000 11 11 11 10 9 01333000 9 01199050 Table 5. Table Massachusetts.—Continued [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi --, no data] Vermont; VT, RI, Rhode Island; York; New Hampshire; NY, 22 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

p S (%) 22.14 20.30 32.31 70.43 21.26 19.76 29.00 55.02

p S (log) 0.0950 0.0873 0.1369 0.2757 0.0913 0.0850 0.1234 0.2234

e S (%) 21.02 19.19 30.81 65.89 19.17 18.13 26.30 48.23

e S (log) 0.0903 0.0826 0.1308 0.2608 0.0825 0.0781 0.1123 0.1986 - /s, cubic foot per second; log, base-10 logarithm; 3 2 ed R 0.8635 0.7995 0.9028 0.7428 0.8780 0.8159 0.9320 0.8366 Predict - 2 , square foot; ft R 2 Ad 0.873 0.814 0.908 0.762 0.894 0.834 0.932 0.862 justed 2 R 0.877 0.820 0.911 0.770 0.900 0.845 0.937 0.871 , square miles; ft 2 n 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 0.3105 0.7659 0.1346 0.1751 [Mean basin slope (%)] 0.7026 0.6842 )] 2 )] , standard error of the prediction; ft, foot; mi 2 p [Mean basin slope (%)] [Mean basin slope (%)] 0.7996 0.7545 0.2960 0.2880 )] [Mean basin slope (%)] 2 )] Simple regression equation )] )] 2 Multiple regression equation 2 2 0.4038 0.3935 )] )] 2 2 Equation ) = 14.1156 [Drainage area (mi ) = 14.1156 [Drainage area (mi ) = 7.6711 , standard error of the estimate; S 2 2 e /s) = 37.1364 [Drainage area (mi /s) = 8.2490 [Drainage area (mi 3 3 , coefficient of determination; S 2 Statistical summary of simple and multiple regression equations for estimating bankfull stream width, mean depth, cross-secti onal area, discharge streams in Bankfull width (ft) = 15.0418 [Drainage area (mi Bankfull mean depth (ft) = 0.9502 [Drainage area (mi Bankfull cross-sectional area (ft (ft Bankfull discharge Bankfull width (ft) = 10.6640 [Drainage area (mi Bankfull mean depth (ft) = 0.7295 [Drainage area (mi Bankfull cross-sectional area (ft (ft Bankfull discharge

- - 8 9 11 10 12 13 14 15 ber tion num Equa Table 6. Table and near Massachusetts. [n, number; R %, percent] Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 23

The result of the multiple regression analyses was that area as the explanatory variable. Generally, mean basin slope drainage area was the most significant variable in explaining is higher in basins in western Massachusetts than in eastern the variability of bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional Massachusetts, the significance of which in the regression area, and discharge. Evaluation of the other potential equations may be related to a number of factors that differ explanatory variables (basin and land-use characteristics) regionally across Massachusetts, such as topography, geology, (table 5) found that mean basin slope [1:24,000 scale digital and climate. elevation models (DEMs); (U.S. Geological Survey, 2007a)] The significance of mean basin slope in the multiple was a significant variable in the equations for bankfull regression equation, and the differences in geographic patterns width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge at a between residuals of the single regression equation (without statistical significance level of 0.05 for p-values (appendix 3). basin slope) and those of the multiple regression equation, 2 The predicted R for bankfull width (0.8780), mean depth indicate there may be regional patterns in bankfull geometry (0.8159), cross-sectional area (0.9320), and discharge (0.8366) and discharge across Massachusetts. An alternative to repre- regression equations were all acceptable (table 6). Plots senting these possible regional patterns in bankfull geometry of the residuals were evaluated to verify that the residuals and discharge across Massachusetts would be to develop sepa- had no outliers, curvature, or heteroscedasticity (absence of rate equations for regions within the State. This approach has homoscedasticity). Figures 6A–H show that the residuals been followed in several recent studies with regional equations of the multiple regression equation for the bankfull channel for bankfull geometry and discharge developed at statewide geometry and discharge in relation to drainage area and mean scales. For example, in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and basin slope have no outliers, curvature, or heteroscedasticity. West Virginia, physiographic provinces were used as regions The residuals are equally distributed on both on the postitive for the development of separate sets of equations for these and negative side of the zero line. Additionally, the residuals states. Hydrologic regions, based on analyses of peak-flow by drainage area for the multiple regression equations characteristics, were used to delineate regions for bankfull (figs. 6A, B, C, and D) are smaller (closer to zero) than those equations in New York. In the present study, several possible for each of the simple regression equations in figures 3A–D. types of regions were considered for use in developing sepa- Figure 7 shows the geographic distribution of the residuals rate sets of equations for different parts of Massachusetts— for the bankfull width multiple regression equation. The physiographic provinces (Denney, 1982; 6 provinces) (fig. 2), distribution of positive and negative residuals across the flood regions based on peak-flow analyses (Wandle, 1983; State shows no clear geographic pattern. Clusters of sites 3 regions—eastern, central, and western), and USEPA Level with positive residuals in western Massachusetts and with negative residuals in southeastern Massachusetts, which III ecoregions (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2006; occurred for the residuals of the simple regression equation for 4 regions) (fig. 2). All of these regional schemes generally bankfull width (fig. 4), do not appear in the geographic plot divide the State longitudinally from west to east. Thus, they of residuals for the multiple regression equation (fig. 6). More generally reflect patterns of topography, climate/precipitation, detailed output from the analyses of the multiple regression and to some extent, surficial geology. However, separate sets equations is presented in appendix 3. Multiple regression of equations were not developed for regions within equations for bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, Massachusetts in the present study because such equations and discharge are shown as equations 12–15, respectively, would be based on small numbers of sites. In equations based in table 6. on small numbers of sites, any one individual site, which Inclusion of mean basin slope as an explanatory may be anomalous in some way, has a larger influence on variable in the multiple regression equations helps account the equation parameters than in equations based on larger for a significant amount of the variance that cannot be numbers of sites. Confidence and prediction intervals also are accounted for by drainage area alone. Statistical results larger for equations that are based on smaller sample sizes. for the simple and multiple regression equations in table 6 The approach of a single set of equations for Massachusetts show that the R2 statistics increased and that the standard is consistent with the approach taken in recent studies for the error of the estimate and prediction decreased from the adjacent New England States of New Hampshire and Vermont. simple to multiple regression equations. These results show The multiple regression equations that include mean basin that the multiple regression equations for bankfull channel slope, a factor that represents regional differences, to some geometry and discharge equations are an improvement over extent provide a function similar to separate sets of regional the simple regression equations, which use only drainage regression equations. 24 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

A B 0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0

-0.05 -0.05 in base-10 logarithms -0.1 in base-10 logarithms -0.1

-0.15 -0.15 Bankfull width regression residuals,

-0.2 Bankfull mean depth regression residuals, -0.2

-0.25 -0.25 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 0.1 1 10 100 1,000

C D 0.4 0.6

0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1

0 0

-0.1 -0.2 in base-10 in base-10 logarithms in base-10 logarithms -0.2 -0.4 -0.3 Bankfull Bankfull discharge regression residuals,

-0.4 -0.6 Bankfull Bankfull cross-sectional area regression residuals, 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 Drainage area, in square miles Drainage area, in square miles

Figure 3. Simple regression equation residuals in relation to drainage area for bankfull: A, width, B, mean depth, C, cross-sectional area, and D, discharge for streams in and near Massachusetts. Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 25

73°00' 72°00' 71°00' 70°00'

01334000 VERMONT NEW HAMPSHIRE 01193800

010965852 01333000 01101000 01170100 01162500 01360640 01169000 01163200 01100600 01096000 ATLANTIC OCEAN 01174000 42°30' 01169900

01361000 MASSACHUSETTS 01171500 01174600

01174900 01175670 01103500 01181000 01105600 01198000 01176000 01362100 01187300 01111500 42°00' NEW 01199050 01184100 01109000 01111300 01105870 YORK 01109070



LONG ISLAND SOUND Base from U.S. Geological Survey Digital Line Graphs, 1989 0 25 50 MILES Universal Transverse Mercator, 1:100,000 scale Other coverages from MAGIC, MassGIS, NH GANIT, NYSGIS, RIGIS, and VCGI 0 25 50 KILOMETERS EXPLANATION

Study basin Residual of simple regression equation at study site and identifier +0.060 to +0.19 -0.001 to -0.059

0.000 to +0.059 -0.060 to -0.230

Figure 4. Geographic distribution of bankfull width simple regression equation residuals for study sites in and near Massachusetts. 26 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

A 1,000

Bankfull Width = 15.0418(Drainage Area)0.4038

100 R² = 0.877 Bankfull Bankfull width,in feet

10 EXPLANATION Upper 90-percent prediction interval Upper 90-percent confidence interval Bankfull width regression line Lower 90-percent confidence interval Lower 90-percent prediction interval Study site

1 0.1 1 10 100 1,000

B 10

Bankfull Mean Depth = 0.9502(Drainage Area) 0.2960 R² = 0.820

1 Bankfull Bankfull mean depth, in feet

0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 Drainage area, square miles

Figure 5. Regional curves of the relation between bankfull: A, width, B, mean depth, C, cross-sectional area, and D, discharge and drainage area for streams in and near Massachusetts. Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 27

C 10,000

1,000 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area = 14.1156(Drainage Area) 0.7026 R² = 0.911


EXPLANATION Upper 90-percent prediction interval Bankfull Bankfull cross-sectional area, in square feet 10 Upper 90-percent confidence interval Regression line Lower 90-percent confidence interval Lower 90-percent prediction interval Study site

1 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 D 100,000

10,000 Bankfull Discharge = 37.1364(Drainage Area)0.7996 R² = 0.770




Bankfull Bankfull discharge, in cubic feet per second Upper 90-percent prediction interval 10 Upper 90-percent confidence interval Regression line Lower 90-percent confidence interval Lower 90-percent prediction interval Study site 1 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 Drainage area, square miles

Figure 5. Regional curves of the relation between bankfull: A, width, B, mean depth, C, cross-sectional area, and D, discharge and drainage area for streams in and near Massachusetts.—Continued 28 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

A B 0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0

-0.05 -0.05 in base-10 logarithms base-10 in -0.1 in base-10 logarithms -0.1

-0.15 -0.15 Bankfull Bankfull wdith regression residuals,

-0.2 Bankfull mean depth regression residuals, -0.2

-0.25 -0.25 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 0.1 1 10 100 1,000

C D 0.4 0.6

0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1

0 0

-0.1 -0.2 in base-10 logarithms -0.2 in base-10 logarithms -0.4 -0.3 Bankfull Bankfull discharge regression residuals, -0.4 -0.6 Bankfull Bankfull cross-sectional area regression residuals, 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 Drainage area, in square miles Drainage area, in square miles

Figure 6. Multiple regression equation residuals in relation to drainage area for bankfull: A, width, B, mean depth, C, cross-sectional area, and D, discharge and in relation to mean basin slope for bankfull: E, width, F, mean depth, G, cross-sectional area, and H, discharge for streams in and near Massachusetts. Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 29

E F 0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0

-0.05 -0.05

in base-10 logarithms base-10 in -0.1 in base-10 in base-10 logarithms -0.1

-0.15 -0.15 Bankfull Bankfull width regression residuals, -0.2

Bankfull Bankfull mean depth regression residuals, -0.2

-0.25 -0.25 1 10 100 1 10 100

G H 0.4 0.6

0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1

0 0

-0.1 -0.2 in base-10 logarithms -0.2 in base-10 logarithms -0.4 -0.3 Bankfull Bankfull discharge regression residuals, -0.4 -0.6 Bankfull Bankfull cross-sectional area regression residuals, 1 10 100 1 10 100 Mean basin slope, in percent Mean basin slope, in percent

Figure 6. Multiple regression equation residuals in relation to drainage area for bankfull: A, width, B, mean depth, C, cross-sectional area, and D, discharge and in relation to mean basin slope for bankfull: E, width, F, mean depth, G, cross-sectional area, and H, discharge for streams in and near Massachusetts.—Continued 30 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

73°00' 72°00' 71°00' 70°00'

VERMONT NEW HAMPSHIRE 01334000 01193800

010965852 01101000 01333000 01170100 01162500 01360640 01169000 01100600 01163200 01096000 ATLANTIC OCEAN 01169900 42°30' 01174000 MASSACHUSETTS 01174600 01361000 01171500 01174900 01175670 01198000 01103500 01105600 01181000 01176000 01362100

42°00' 01187300 01184100 01109000 01105870 NEW 01111500 01111300 YORK 01199050 01109070



LONG ISLAND SOUND Base from U.S. Geological Survey Digital Line Graphs, 1989 0 25 50 MILES Universal Transverse Mercator, 1:100,000 scale Other coverages from MAGIC, MassGIS, NH GANIT, NYSGIS, RIGIS, and VCGI 0 25 50 KILOMETERS EXPLANATION

Study basin Residual of multiple regression equation at study site and identifier +0.050 to +0.180 -0.001 to -0.049

0.000 to +0.049 -0.050 to -0.170

Figure 7. Geographic distribution of bankfull width multiple regression equation residuals for study sites in and near Massachusetts. Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 31

Confidence- and Prediction-Interval Estimation   ' −1 Lower CI=− y0 t∝ × s × x00( X′ X) x , (16) np− , ( ) An important adjunct to the estimation of bankfull 2 discharge and channel geometry using the equations is the estimation of the confidence and prediction intervals of each   ' −1 value. The confidence interval provides an estimate for the Upper CI=+ y0 t∝ × s × x00( X′ X) x , (17) np− , ( ) mean of the response variable “y” (bankfull channel geometry 2 and discharge) given any value of the independent explana- tory variable “x” (drainage area and mean basin slope) (Helsel   ' −1 , (18) and Hirsch, 2002, p. 240–241, 300). The confidence inter- LowerPI = y0 − t∝ ×× s 1 + xXX00( ′ ) x np− , ( ) vals provide estimates of the lower and upper limits for the 2 estimates of the bankfull channel geometry and discharge from the equations. For example, the 90-percent confidence  −   ' 1 Upper PI= y0 + t∝ ×× s 1 + x00( X′ X) x , (19) interval for an estimated value (mean) of the response variable np− , ( ) 2 (“y” or bankfull channel geometry and discharge) defines the lower and upper limits between which the true estimate has a where 90-percent chance of being found. In contrast, the prediction CI = confidence interval; interval provides the confidence interval for an estimate of an individual response variable “y” (not the mean of the response PI = prediction interval; variable “y”) (Helsel and Hirsch, 2002, p. 241–242, 300). The prediction interval is different from the confidence interval  = estimated bankfull width, mean depth, y0 in that it incorporates an additional term for the unexplained cross-sectional area, or discharge from variability of the estimate and the slope and intercept of the equations 8–15 (table 6); equation. The lower and upper 90-percent confidence and t ∝ np− , prediction intervals are included on the plots of the regression 2 = the quartile of the student’s t-distribution having n-p degrees of freedom with a equations (figs. 5A–D). The prediction interval is much wider ∝ than the confidence interval, and the lines appear to be parallel probability of exceedance of ; 2 to the simple regression line, whereas the confidence interval is bowed. n = number of observations, 33 for this study; Equations 16–19 were used to calculate the lower p = number of parameters in the regression and upper 90-percent confidence and prediction intervals equation, 2 for the simple regression for the simple and multiple regression equations. These equations and 3 for the multiple regression equations could be easily modified to calculate confidence equations (includes the intercept); and prediction intervals at different levels of significance; for example, to calculate 95-percent confidence and prediction α = 0.10 for the 90-percent confidence intervals, an alpha value (α) of 0.05 would be used instead and prediction intervals (0.05 for the of the 90-percent confidence interval and prediction interval 95-percent confidence and prediction alpha value (α) of 0.10. For the simple and multiple regression intervals); equations, the lower and upper confidence and prediction interval equations are s = root mean square error;

' 1 x0 =  for the simple regression equations; log10 ( drainagearea )

1 x'  0 = log10 ( drainagearea ) for the multiple regression equations;  log10 ( meanbasin slope)

−1 aa11 12 ( XX′ ) = covariance matrix =  for simple regression equations; aa21 22 32 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

aaa11 12 13 −1  XX′ aaa ( ) = covariance matrix = 21 22 23 for multiple regression equations;  aaa31 32 33

x0 = 1 log10 ( drainagearea ) for simple regression equations; and

x0 = 1 log10 ( drainagearea ) log10 ( meanbasin slope) for multiple regression equations.

Parameters of the confidence and prediction interval equations For the example calculations of bankfull width, equations 16–19 for the simple and multiple regression equations are 8 (simple regression) and 12 (multiple regression) (table 6) listed in table 7. are used for the lower and upper 90-percent confidence and prediction intervals. Statistical data needed to compute the Application 90-percent lower and upper confidence and prediction inter- vals are in table 7. Example calculations of the bankfull width are presented Using the simple regression equation (equation 8, for the simple and multiple regression equations with the table 6), 90-percent confidence and prediction intervals. The example Bankfull width = 15.0418 (51.0) 0.4038 = 73.59 ft. stream site used is USGS streamgage Green River near Great To calculate the associated confidence and prediction Barrington, Mass. (01198000), which has a drainage area of intervals for the simple regression equation, the following 51.0 mi2 and a mean basin slope of 8.336 percent (table 5). matrix is computed:

'  11 1 x0 ==    log10 ( drainagearea ) log10 (51.0) 1.7076   

−1 aa  0.208608− 0.127177 ( XX′ ) == 11 12 aa −0.127177 0.090709 21 22  

x= 1 log drainagearea = 1 log 51.0= 1 1.7076 0  10 ( )10 ( ) [ ]

' −1 (1 × 0.208608) +( 1.7076 ×− 0.127177)  − 0.008559 x0 ×= ( XX′ ) = (1 ×− 0.127177) +( 1.7076 × 0.090709)  0.027718 

' −1 x00 × ( XX′ ) × x = ( − 0.008559 ×1) +( 0.027718 ×1.7076) = 0.038772 . Development of Equations for Estimating Bankfull Geometry and Discharge 33

Table 7. Simple and multiple regression equation confidence and prediction interval parameters for estimating the bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge for streams in and near Massachusetts.

[t-90, the quartile of the student’s t-distribution having either n-2 (simple regression) or n-p (multiple regression, p is the number of explanatory variable including the intercept, p = 3 for this study) degrees of freedom with a probability of exceedance of 0.05; t-95, the quartile of the student’s t-distribution having either n-2 or n-p degrees of freedom with a probability of exceedance of 0.025; s, root mean square error; n, number of data points; (X'X)-1, covariance matrix]

Bankfull equation t-90 t-95 s n (X'X)-1 Simple regression equations Width 1.696 2.040 0.0903 33 0.208608 -0.127177 -0.127177 0.090709

Mean depth 1.696 2.040 0.0826 33 0.208608 -0.127177 -0.127177 0.090709

Cross-sectional area 1.696 2.040 0.1308 33 0.208608 -0.127177 -0.127177 0.090709

Discharge 1.696 2.040 0.2608 33 0.208608 -0.127177 -0.127177 0.090709 Multiple regression equations Width 1.697 2.042 0.0825 33 0.669743 -0.095301 -0.540629 -0.095301 0.092912 -0.037371 -0.540629 -0.037371 0.633828

Mean depth 1.697 2.042 0.0781 33 0.669743 -0.095301 -0.540629 -0.095301 0.092912 -0.037371 -0.540629 -0.037371 0.633828

Cross-sectional area 1.697 2.042 0.1123 33 0.669743 -0.095301 -0.540629 -0.095301 0.092912 -0.037371 -0.540629 -0.037371 0.633828

Discharge 1.697 2.042 0.1986 33 0.669743 -0.095301 -0.540629 -0.095301 0.092912 -0.037371 -0.540629 -0.037371 0.633828 34 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

The associated confidence and prediction intervals are

  ' −1 y0− t∝ ×× s ( x00( XX′ ) x ) np− , 1.8672 −× 1.696 0.0903 × 0.038772 Lower CI == 1 0 2 1 0 =68.65 ft

  ' −1 y0+ t∝ ×× s ( x00( XX′ ) x ) np− , 1.8672 +× 1.696 0.0903 × 0.038772 Upper CI == 1 0 2 1 0 =78.88 ft

  ' −1 y0− t∝ ×× s ( 1 + x00( XX′ ) x ) np− , 1.8672 − 1.696 × 0.0903 ×+ 1 0.038772 Lower PI == 1 0 2 1 0 =51.37 ft

  ' −1 y0+ t∝ ×× s ( 1 + x00( XX′ ) x ) np− ,  1.8672 + 1.696 × 0.0903 ×+ 1 0.038772 Upper PI == 10 2 1 0 =105.42 ft .

Using the multiple regression equation (equation 12, table 6),

Bankfull width = 10.6640 (51.0)0.3935 (8.336)0.1751 = 72.63 ft.

To calculate the associated confidence and prediction intervals for the multiple regression equation, the following matrix is computed:

 1 11  '    x= log drainagearea == log 51.0 1.7076 0  10 ( ) 10 ( )  log meanbasin slope log 8.336  0.9210  10 ( )10 ( ) 

aaa11 12 13  0.669743−− 0.095301 0.540629  XX′ = a a a =− 0.095301 0.092912− 0.037371 ( ) 21 22 23  aaa −−0.540629 0.037371 0.633828 31 32 33 

x= 1 log drainagearea log meanbasin slope= 1 log 51.0 log 8.336= 1 1.7076 0.9210 0  10 ( ) 10 ( ) 10 ( ) 10 ( )[ ]

(1 × 0.669743) +( 1.7076 ×− 0.095301) +( 0.9210 ×− 0.540629)   0.009088 ' −1  x × XX′ = 1 ×− 0.095301 + 1.7076 × 0.092912 + 0.9210 ×− 0.037371 =  0.028938 0 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )  1 ×− 0.540629 + 1.7076 ×− 0.037371 + 0.9210 × 0.633828− 0.020688 ( ) ( ) ( ) 

' −1 x00 × ( XX′ ) × x =( 0.009088 × 1) +( 0.028938 × 1.7076) +( − 0.020688 × 0.9210) = 0.039448 . Comparison to Other Studies in the Eastern United States and Southeastern Canada 35

The associated confidence and prediction intervals are

  ' −1 y0− t∝ ×× s ( x00( XX′ ) x ) np− , 1.8800 −× 1.697 0.0825 × 0.039448 Lower CI == 1 0 2 1 0 =68.12 ft

  ' −1 y0+ t∝ ×× s ( x00( XX′ ) x ) np− , 1.8800 +× 1.697 0.0825 × 0.039448 Upper CI == 1 0 2 1 0 =77.43 ft

  ' −1 y0− t∝ ×× s ( 1 + x00( XX′ ) x ) np− , 1.8800 − 1.697 × 0.0825 ×+ 1 0.039448 Lower PI == 1 0 2 1 0 =52.28 ft

  ' −1 y0+ t∝ ×× s ( 1 + x00( XX′ ) x ) np− , 1.8800 + 1.697 × 0.0825 ×+ 1 0.039448 Upper PI == 10 2 1 0 =100.89 ft.

The use of the multiple regression equation not only Several recent studies have shown that the coefficients improves the estimated values of the bankfull width, but also of simple regression equations, using drainage area as the results in narrower confidence and prediction intervals com- sole explanatory variable to predict bankfull geometry and pared to those that result from the simple regression equations. discharge, do not differ substantially within the large areas of This improvement in confidence intervals and prediction inter- northeastern United States. Bent (2006) determined that sev- vals also results when the multiple regression equations are eral bankfull studies (table 8) in the Northeast generally could used instead of the simple regression equations for bankfull be represented with one equation for bankfull width, mean cross-sectional area and discharge. depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge. But, two studies had at least one bankfull equation that was significantly differ- ent from the northeastern United States set of equations—one Comparison to Other Studies in study in the Coastal Plain physiographic province and one study in the Piedmont physiographic province. A similar study the Eastern United States and by Johnson and Fecko (2008) for the eastern United States, Southeastern Canada which used a different dataset than Bent (2006) but included data from several of the studies in table 8, determined that the Several studies have been done to develop regional Appalachian Plateau, New England, and Valley and Ridge curves, simple regression equations, and multiple regression physiographic provinces could be represented by one equation equations for areas of the eastern United States and southeast- for bankfull width. They also found that bankfull width equa- ern Canada (table 8). Studies in Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, tions for the the Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, provinces were significantly different from equations for the Virginia, and southeastern Ontario used field methods consis- other physiographic provinces. Faustini and others (2009) tent with those used in this study to develop regional curves grouped bankfull width study sites in the northeastern United and simple regression equations relating bankfull width, mean States into three major ecoregions (constructed by aggregat- depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge. In most of these ing USEPA Level III ecoregions): the northern Appalachians, studies, the intercepts and slopes of the regional equations that southern Appalachians, and Coastal Plains. The Faustini and include bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and others (2009) study did not include data from any bankfull discharge regional equations generally are similar to those of studies listed in table 8. On the basis of these three regional this study (table 8). Additionally, median bankfull discharge studies, the Coastal Plain physiographic province in the north- recurrence intervals for all of these studies range from 1 to eastern United States likely is best represented by its own set 2 years. of bankfull equations. 36 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

Table 8. Equation parameters used for estimating bankfull channel geometry and discharge by drainage area for selected hydrologic regions or physiographic provinces and states in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada.—Continued

[ft, foot; ft2, square foot; ft3/s, cubic foot per second; No., number; mi2, square mile; R2, coefficient of determination; --, no data; <, less than; ~, approximately; Note: Cinotto (2003) includes 6 sites fromWhite (2001). Chaplin (2005) includes 5 sites from White (2001) and 8 sites from Cinotto (2003) in the non-carbonate settings and 1 site from White (2001) in the carbonate settings. Cinotto (2003) includes 6 sites from White (2001). Chaplin (2005) includes 5 sites from White (2001) and 8 sites from Cinotto (2003) in the non-carbonate settings and 1 site from White (2001) in the carbonate settings. Sherwood and Huitger (2005) used only 37 and 3 sites for Regions A and B, respectively, for the bankfull discharge equations. McCandless (2003b) used 9 sites for the eastern Coastal Plain bankfull discharge equation and 5 sites for the western Coastal Plain bankfull discharge equation. Krstolic and Chaplin (2007) used 6 Coastal Plain sites from their study in Virginia and the 14 sites used by McCandless (2003) for the Coastal Plain of Maryland and Delaware. R2 values for Massachusetts (this study) and Ohio (Sherwood and Huitger, 2005) equations are the adjusted R2. Annable (1996a and b) does not include sites for which bankfull discharge was not determined]

Width Mean depth Cross-sectional area Discharge Range of recur- Median Drainage (ft) (ft) (ft2) (ft3/s) rence intervals State or area of No. of bankfull Hydrologic or physiographic region(s) Reference area range Remarks for bankfull United States sites 2 recurrence (mi ) 2 2 2 2 discharge Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R interval (years) Indiana Northern Moraine and Lake Region Robinson, 2013 25 0.26–941 13.4 0.318 0.92 1.3 0.176 0.75 17.0 0.495 0.92 ------Central Till Plain Region 31 0.04–812 18.2 0.327 0.94 1.6 0.159 0.56 28.8 0.487 0.88 ------Southern Hills and Lowlands Region 26 0.06–186 27.2 0.286 0.94 1.9 0.183 0.58 50.9 0.468 0.87 ------

Maryland1 Allegheny Plateau/Valley and Ridge McCandless, 2003a 14 0.2–73.1 13.87 0.44 0.92 0.95 0.31 0.91 13.17 0.75 0.93 34.02 0.94 0.99 1.05–1.8 1.51

Maryland Coastal Plain McCandless, 2003b 14 0.3–113 10.3 0.38 0.8 1.01 0.32 0.87 10.34 0.7 0.96 14.65 0.76 0.97 Eastern Coastal Plain 1.04–1.37 1.14 31.35 0.73 0.98 Western Coastal Plain

Maryland1 Piedmont McCandless and Everett, 2002 23 1.47–102 14.78 0.39 0.83 1.18 0.34 0.86 17.42 0.73 0.95 84.56 0.76 0.93 1.26–1.75 1.5

Maine Coastal and central Dudley, 2004 15 2.92–298 7.67 0.52 0.82 0.594 0.34 0.76 4.55 0.86 0.82 5.19 1.05 0.88 <1.0 <1.0

Massachusetts1 Statewide This study 33 0.60–329 15.0418 0.4038 0.88 0.9502 0.296 0.82 14.1156 0.7026 0.91 37.1364 0.7996 0.77 1.03–3.52 1.39

Michigan Southern Lower Michigan Ecoregion Rachol and Boley-Morse, 2009 28 20.9–385 8.19 0.44 0.69 0.67 0.27 0.28 4.38 0.74 0.59 4.05 0.95 0.6 <1.005–10 1.25

New Hampshire1 Statewide Shane Csiiki, NH Department of 20 2.94–385 12.335 0.4832 0.79 1.2277 0.2803 0.8 15.028 0.7649 0.85 41.448 0.9191 0.8 -- -- Environmental Services, written commun., 2013

New York1 Hydrologic region 4/4a Miller and Davis, 2003 18 3.72–332 12.51 0.51 0.88 1.01 0.31 0.85 12.67 0.81 0.9 62.96 0.87 0.81 1.2–2.7 1.42

New York1 Hydrologic region 5 Westergard and others, 2005 16 0.7–332 13.2 0.459 0.9 0.802 0.367 0.91 10.6 0.826 0.98 45.5 0.84 0.94 1.11–6.00 1.39

New York1 Hydrologic region 6 Mulvihill and others, 2005 14 1.02–290 16.9 0.419 0.79 1.04 0.244 0.64 17.6 0.662 0.89 48 0.842 0.9 1.01–2.35 1.52

New York1 Hydrologic region 7 Mulvihill and others, 2006 10 1.07–349 10.8 0.458 0.89 1.47 0.199 0.52 15.9 0.656 0.96 37.1 0.765 0.94 1.05–3.60 1.78

New York1 Hydrologic region 3 Mulvihill and Baldigo, 2007 12 0.42–329 24 0.292 0.85 1.66 0.21 0.77 39.8 0.503 0.92 83.8 0.679 0.93 1.16–3.35 2

New York1 Hydrologic region 1 and 2 Mulvihill and others, 2007 16 0.52–396 21.5 0.362 0.89 1.06 0.329 0.89 22.3 0.694 0.97 49.6 0.849 0.95 1.01–3.80 1.95

North Carolina Coastal Plain Sweet and Geratz, 2003 22 0.6–182 9.64 0.38 0.95 0.98 0.36 0.92 9.43 0.74 0.96 8.79 0.76 0.92 <1.0–1.1 <1.0

North Carolina Mountains Harman and others, 2000 12 2.0–126 19.9 0.36 0.81 1.1 0.31 0.79 22.1 0.67 0.88 115.7 0.73 0.88 1.10–1.90 1.59

North Carolina Piedmont-rural Harman and others, 1999 13 0.2–128 11.89 0.43 0.81 1.5 0.32 0.88 21.43 0.68 0.95 89.04 0.72 0.97 1.1–1.8 1.4

North Carolina Piedmont-urban Doll and others, 2002 17 0.2–42.6 24.39 0.33 0.88 2.43 0.33 0.87 60.34 0.65 0.95 306.8 0.63 0.94 1.1–1.5 1.3

Ohio Region A Sherwood and Huitger, 2005 45 0.29–685 18 0.356 0.91 1.52 0.265 0.88 27.1 0.621 0.95 93.3 0.637 0.82 1.01–9.65 1.36

Ohio Region B Sherwood and Huitger, 2005 5 0.55–387 32 0.356 0.91 2.02 0.265 0.88 64.5 0.621 0.95 230 0.637 0.82 1.26–5.55 1.78

Pennsylvania Piedmont White, 2001 6 2.57–102 14.8 0.4613 0.79 0.7804 0.3919 0.84 11.69 0.8517 0.98 69.6 0.793 0.98 1.2–1.5 1.4 Comparison to Other Studies in the Eastern United States and Southeastern Canada 37

Table 8. Equation parameters used for estimating bankfull channel geometry and discharge by drainage area for selected hydrologic regions or physiographic provinces and states in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada.—Continued

[ft, foot; ft2, square foot; ft3/s, cubic foot per second; No., number; mi2, square mile; R2, coefficient of determination; --, no data; <, less than; ~, approximately; Note: Cinotto (2003) includes 6 sites fromWhite (2001). Chaplin (2005) includes 5 sites from White (2001) and 8 sites from Cinotto (2003) in the non-carbonate settings and 1 site from White (2001) in the carbonate settings. Cinotto (2003) includes 6 sites from White (2001). Chaplin (2005) includes 5 sites from White (2001) and 8 sites from Cinotto (2003) in the non-carbonate settings and 1 site from White (2001) in the carbonate settings. Sherwood and Huitger (2005) used only 37 and 3 sites for Regions A and B, respectively, for the bankfull discharge equations. McCandless (2003b) used 9 sites for the eastern Coastal Plain bankfull discharge equation and 5 sites for the western Coastal Plain bankfull discharge equation. Krstolic and Chaplin (2007) used 6 Coastal Plain sites from their study in Virginia and the 14 sites used by McCandless (2003) for the Coastal Plain of Maryland and Delaware. R2 values for Massachusetts (this study) and Ohio (Sherwood and Huitger, 2005) equations are the adjusted R2. Annable (1996a and b) does not include sites for which bankfull discharge was not determined]

Width Mean depth Cross-sectional area Discharge Range of recur- Median Drainage (ft) (ft) (ft2) (ft3/s) rence intervals State or area of No. of bankfull Hydrologic or physiographic region(s) Reference area range Remarks for bankfull United States sites 2 recurrence (mi ) 2 2 2 2 discharge Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R interval (years) Indiana Northern Moraine and Lake Region Robinson, 2013 25 0.26–941 13.4 0.318 0.92 1.3 0.176 0.75 17.0 0.495 0.92 ------Central Till Plain Region 31 0.04–812 18.2 0.327 0.94 1.6 0.159 0.56 28.8 0.487 0.88 ------Southern Hills and Lowlands Region 26 0.06–186 27.2 0.286 0.94 1.9 0.183 0.58 50.9 0.468 0.87 ------

Maryland1 Allegheny Plateau/Valley and Ridge McCandless, 2003a 14 0.2–73.1 13.87 0.44 0.92 0.95 0.31 0.91 13.17 0.75 0.93 34.02 0.94 0.99 1.05–1.8 1.51

Maryland Coastal Plain McCandless, 2003b 14 0.3–113 10.3 0.38 0.8 1.01 0.32 0.87 10.34 0.7 0.96 14.65 0.76 0.97 Eastern Coastal Plain 1.04–1.37 1.14 31.35 0.73 0.98 Western Coastal Plain

Maryland1 Piedmont McCandless and Everett, 2002 23 1.47–102 14.78 0.39 0.83 1.18 0.34 0.86 17.42 0.73 0.95 84.56 0.76 0.93 1.26–1.75 1.5

Maine Coastal and central Dudley, 2004 15 2.92–298 7.67 0.52 0.82 0.594 0.34 0.76 4.55 0.86 0.82 5.19 1.05 0.88 <1.0 <1.0

Massachusetts1 Statewide This study 33 0.60–329 15.0418 0.4038 0.88 0.9502 0.296 0.82 14.1156 0.7026 0.91 37.1364 0.7996 0.77 1.03–3.52 1.39

Michigan Southern Lower Michigan Ecoregion Rachol and Boley-Morse, 2009 28 20.9–385 8.19 0.44 0.69 0.67 0.27 0.28 4.38 0.74 0.59 4.05 0.95 0.6 <1.005–10 1.25

New Hampshire1 Statewide Shane Csiiki, NH Department of 20 2.94–385 12.335 0.4832 0.79 1.2277 0.2803 0.8 15.028 0.7649 0.85 41.448 0.9191 0.8 -- -- Environmental Services, written commun., 2013

New York1 Hydrologic region 4/4a Miller and Davis, 2003 18 3.72–332 12.51 0.51 0.88 1.01 0.31 0.85 12.67 0.81 0.9 62.96 0.87 0.81 1.2–2.7 1.42

New York1 Hydrologic region 5 Westergard and others, 2005 16 0.7–332 13.2 0.459 0.9 0.802 0.367 0.91 10.6 0.826 0.98 45.5 0.84 0.94 1.11–6.00 1.39

New York1 Hydrologic region 6 Mulvihill and others, 2005 14 1.02–290 16.9 0.419 0.79 1.04 0.244 0.64 17.6 0.662 0.89 48 0.842 0.9 1.01–2.35 1.52

New York1 Hydrologic region 7 Mulvihill and others, 2006 10 1.07–349 10.8 0.458 0.89 1.47 0.199 0.52 15.9 0.656 0.96 37.1 0.765 0.94 1.05–3.60 1.78

New York1 Hydrologic region 3 Mulvihill and Baldigo, 2007 12 0.42–329 24 0.292 0.85 1.66 0.21 0.77 39.8 0.503 0.92 83.8 0.679 0.93 1.16–3.35 2

New York1 Hydrologic region 1 and 2 Mulvihill and others, 2007 16 0.52–396 21.5 0.362 0.89 1.06 0.329 0.89 22.3 0.694 0.97 49.6 0.849 0.95 1.01–3.80 1.95

North Carolina Coastal Plain Sweet and Geratz, 2003 22 0.6–182 9.64 0.38 0.95 0.98 0.36 0.92 9.43 0.74 0.96 8.79 0.76 0.92 <1.0–1.1 <1.0

North Carolina Mountains Harman and others, 2000 12 2.0–126 19.9 0.36 0.81 1.1 0.31 0.79 22.1 0.67 0.88 115.7 0.73 0.88 1.10–1.90 1.59

North Carolina Piedmont-rural Harman and others, 1999 13 0.2–128 11.89 0.43 0.81 1.5 0.32 0.88 21.43 0.68 0.95 89.04 0.72 0.97 1.1–1.8 1.4

North Carolina Piedmont-urban Doll and others, 2002 17 0.2–42.6 24.39 0.33 0.88 2.43 0.33 0.87 60.34 0.65 0.95 306.8 0.63 0.94 1.1–1.5 1.3

Ohio Region A Sherwood and Huitger, 2005 45 0.29–685 18 0.356 0.91 1.52 0.265 0.88 27.1 0.621 0.95 93.3 0.637 0.82 1.01–9.65 1.36

Ohio Region B Sherwood and Huitger, 2005 5 0.55–387 32 0.356 0.91 2.02 0.265 0.88 64.5 0.621 0.95 230 0.637 0.82 1.26–5.55 1.78

Pennsylvania Piedmont White, 2001 6 2.57–102 14.8 0.4613 0.79 0.7804 0.3919 0.84 11.69 0.8517 0.98 69.6 0.793 0.98 1.2–1.5 1.4 38 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

Table 8. Equation parameters used for estimating bankfull channel geometry and discharge by drainage area for selected hydrologic regions or physiographic provinces and states in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada.—Continued

[ft, foot; ft2, square foot; ft3/s, cubic foot per second; No., number; mi2, square mile; R2, coefficient of determination; --, no data; <, less than; ~, approximately; Note: Cinotto (2003) includes 6 sites fromWhite (2001). Chaplin (2005) includes 5 sites from White (2001) and 8 sites from Cinotto (2003) in the non-carbonate settings and 1 site from White (2001) in the carbonate settings. Cinotto (2003) includes 6 sites from White (2001). Chaplin (2005) includes 5 sites from White (2001) and 8 sites from Cinotto (2003) in the non-carbonate settings and 1 site from White (2001) in the carbonate settings. Sherwood and Huitger (2005) used only 37 and 3 sites for Regions A and B, respectively, for the bankfull discharge equations. McCandless (2003b) used 9 sites for the eastern Coastal Plain bankfull discharge equation and 5 sites for the western Coastal Plain bankfull discharge equation. Krstolic and Chaplin (2007) used 6 Coastal Plain sites from their study in Virginia and the 14 sites used by McCandless (2003) for the Coastal Plain of Maryland and Delaware. R2 values for Massachusetts (this study) and Ohio (Sherwood and Huitger, 2005) equations are the adjusted R2. Annable (1996a and b) does not include sites for which bankfull discharge was not determined]

Width Mean depth Cross-sectional area Discharge Range of recur- Median Drainage (ft) (ft) (ft2) (ft3/s) rence intervals State or area of No. of bankfull Hydrologic or physiographic region(s) Reference area range Remarks for bankfull United States sites 2 recurrence (mi ) 2 2 2 2 discharge Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R interval (years) Pennsylvania Piedmont Cinotto, 2003 14 2.57–102 13.6 0.469 0.8 0.912 0.339 0.72 12.4 0.81 0.94 53.1 0.842 0.93 1–1.5 1.3

Pennsylvania1 Non-carbonate areas Chaplin, 2005 55 3.45–214 14.65 0.449 0.81 0.875 0.33 0.72 12.04 0.797 0.92 43.21 0.867 0.92 1.0–1.9 1.4

Pennsylvania1 Carbonate areas Chaplin, 2005 11 2.57–216 9.83 0.449 0.81 0.894 0.284 0.76 8.62 0.734 0.88 44.29 0.634 0.73 1.2–2.3 1.5

Vermont1 Statewide Jaquith and Kline, 2001 14 8.9–139 10.18 0.5 0.78 1.22 0.25 0.59 12.21 0.75 0.85 17.69 1.07 0.81 1.12–1.86 1.5

Virginia, Maryland, Valley and Ridge Keaton and others, 2005 41 0.1–247 12.445 0.4362 0.89 1.001 0.2881 0.87 12.595 0.7221 0.94 43.249 0.7938 0.91 <1.1–2.3 1.3 and West Virginia1

Virginia and Coastal Plain Krstolic and Chaplin, 2007 20 0.28–113 11.9899 0.63803 0.94 1.145 0.27345 0.87 10.4459 0.36543 0.89 28.3076 0.59834 0.79 <1–2.1 1.15 Maryland

Virginia1 Piedmont Lotspeich, 2009 17 0.29–111 12.964 0.3721 0.913 0.892 0.3721 0.915 11.636 0.7981 0.95 43.895 0.9472 0.949 1–4.3 1.5

West Virginia Eastern region (Valley and Ridge) Messinger and Wiley, 2004 11–18 46.5–1,619 8.76 0.503 0.54 0.59 0.411 0.72 5.48 0.917 0.9 ------Western region (Appalachian Plateau) 36–56 2.78–1,354 16 0.423 0.84 1.32 0.351 0.71 18.2 0.797 0.93 ------

West Virginia1 Appalachian Plateau Messinger, 2009 37 0.76–205 20.4865 0.7133 0.9492 1.067 0.3128 0.8783 20.4865 0.7133 0.9767 59.81 0.8538 0.9592 1.1–3 1.4

Ontario, Canada Southern Annable, 1996a and b 47 7.3–456 9.4571 0.442 0.58 1.2033 0.2345 0.31 3.4685 0.6765 0.7 41.662 0.7217 0.63 -- --

Northeast Appalachian Plateau, Coastal Plain, Bent, 2006 204 0.20–332 13.2635 0.4459 0.82 0.9951 0.3012 0.76 12.8552 0.7537 0.90 40.9545 0.8448 0.80 -- -- New England, Piedmont, and Valley and Ridge

Eastern Eastern Highlands Faustini and others, 2009 275 ~0.4–730 12.62 0.38 0.75 ------

Northeast Northern Appalachians Faustini and others, 2009 87 ~1–250 12.13 0.39 0.72 ------

Eastern Southern Appalachians Faustini and others, 2009 188 ~0.4–730 12.69 0.37 0.77 ------

Northeast New England Faustini and others, 2009 45 ~1–250 13.02 0.37 0.60 ------

Northeast Mid-Atlantic Faustini and others, 2009 77 ~1–250 12.11 0.38 0.75 ------

Eastern Appalachian Plateau, New England, Johnson and Fecko, 2008 154 ~0.2–350 13.34 0.45 ------and Valley and Ridge

Eastern Piedmont Johnson and Fecko, 2008 36 ~0.3–200 13.98 0.39 ------

Eastern Coastal Plain Johnson and Fecko, 2008 68 ~0.3–420 10.41 0.38 ------

Northeast Appalachian Plateau, New England, This study 334 0.1–396 15.1988 0.4190 0.86 1.0377 0.2989 0.80 15.5826 0.7198 0.92 49.4778 0.8206 0.88 -- -- Piedmont, and Valley and Ridge 1Study used in northeastern United States bankfull width regression equation covering the Appalachian Plateau, New England, Piedmont, and Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces, and shown in figure 8. Comparison to Other Studies in the Eastern United States and Southeastern Canada 39

Table 8. Equation parameters used for estimating bankfull channel geometry and discharge by drainage area for selected hydrologic regions or physiographic provinces and states in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada.—Continued

[ft, foot; ft2, square foot; ft3/s, cubic foot per second; No., number; mi2, square mile; R2, coefficient of determination; --, no data; <, less than; ~, approximately; Note: Cinotto (2003) includes 6 sites fromWhite (2001). Chaplin (2005) includes 5 sites from White (2001) and 8 sites from Cinotto (2003) in the non-carbonate settings and 1 site from White (2001) in the carbonate settings. Cinotto (2003) includes 6 sites from White (2001). Chaplin (2005) includes 5 sites from White (2001) and 8 sites from Cinotto (2003) in the non-carbonate settings and 1 site from White (2001) in the carbonate settings. Sherwood and Huitger (2005) used only 37 and 3 sites for Regions A and B, respectively, for the bankfull discharge equations. McCandless (2003b) used 9 sites for the eastern Coastal Plain bankfull discharge equation and 5 sites for the western Coastal Plain bankfull discharge equation. Krstolic and Chaplin (2007) used 6 Coastal Plain sites from their study in Virginia and the 14 sites used by McCandless (2003) for the Coastal Plain of Maryland and Delaware. R2 values for Massachusetts (this study) and Ohio (Sherwood and Huitger, 2005) equations are the adjusted R2. Annable (1996a and b) does not include sites for which bankfull discharge was not determined]

Width Mean depth Cross-sectional area Discharge Range of recur- Median Drainage (ft) (ft) (ft2) (ft3/s) rence intervals State or area of No. of bankfull Hydrologic or physiographic region(s) Reference area range Remarks for bankfull United States sites 2 recurrence (mi ) 2 2 2 2 discharge Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R Intercept Slope R interval (years) Pennsylvania Piedmont Cinotto, 2003 14 2.57–102 13.6 0.469 0.8 0.912 0.339 0.72 12.4 0.81 0.94 53.1 0.842 0.93 1–1.5 1.3

Pennsylvania1 Non-carbonate areas Chaplin, 2005 55 3.45–214 14.65 0.449 0.81 0.875 0.33 0.72 12.04 0.797 0.92 43.21 0.867 0.92 1.0–1.9 1.4

Pennsylvania1 Carbonate areas Chaplin, 2005 11 2.57–216 9.83 0.449 0.81 0.894 0.284 0.76 8.62 0.734 0.88 44.29 0.634 0.73 1.2–2.3 1.5

Vermont1 Statewide Jaquith and Kline, 2001 14 8.9–139 10.18 0.5 0.78 1.22 0.25 0.59 12.21 0.75 0.85 17.69 1.07 0.81 1.12–1.86 1.5

Virginia, Maryland, Valley and Ridge Keaton and others, 2005 41 0.1–247 12.445 0.4362 0.89 1.001 0.2881 0.87 12.595 0.7221 0.94 43.249 0.7938 0.91 <1.1–2.3 1.3 and West Virginia1

Virginia and Coastal Plain Krstolic and Chaplin, 2007 20 0.28–113 11.9899 0.63803 0.94 1.145 0.27345 0.87 10.4459 0.36543 0.89 28.3076 0.59834 0.79 <1–2.1 1.15 Maryland

Virginia1 Piedmont Lotspeich, 2009 17 0.29–111 12.964 0.3721 0.913 0.892 0.3721 0.915 11.636 0.7981 0.95 43.895 0.9472 0.949 1–4.3 1.5

West Virginia Eastern region (Valley and Ridge) Messinger and Wiley, 2004 11–18 46.5–1,619 8.76 0.503 0.54 0.59 0.411 0.72 5.48 0.917 0.9 ------Western region (Appalachian Plateau) 36–56 2.78–1,354 16 0.423 0.84 1.32 0.351 0.71 18.2 0.797 0.93 ------

West Virginia1 Appalachian Plateau Messinger, 2009 37 0.76–205 20.4865 0.7133 0.9492 1.067 0.3128 0.8783 20.4865 0.7133 0.9767 59.81 0.8538 0.9592 1.1–3 1.4

Ontario, Canada Southern Annable, 1996a and b 47 7.3–456 9.4571 0.442 0.58 1.2033 0.2345 0.31 3.4685 0.6765 0.7 41.662 0.7217 0.63 -- --

Northeast Appalachian Plateau, Coastal Plain, Bent, 2006 204 0.20–332 13.2635 0.4459 0.82 0.9951 0.3012 0.76 12.8552 0.7537 0.90 40.9545 0.8448 0.80 -- -- New England, Piedmont, and Valley and Ridge

Eastern Eastern Highlands Faustini and others, 2009 275 ~0.4–730 12.62 0.38 0.75 ------

Northeast Northern Appalachians Faustini and others, 2009 87 ~1–250 12.13 0.39 0.72 ------

Eastern Southern Appalachians Faustini and others, 2009 188 ~0.4–730 12.69 0.37 0.77 ------

Northeast New England Faustini and others, 2009 45 ~1–250 13.02 0.37 0.60 ------

Northeast Mid-Atlantic Faustini and others, 2009 77 ~1–250 12.11 0.38 0.75 ------

Eastern Appalachian Plateau, New England, Johnson and Fecko, 2008 154 ~0.2–350 13.34 0.45 ------and Valley and Ridge

Eastern Piedmont Johnson and Fecko, 2008 36 ~0.3–200 13.98 0.39 ------

Eastern Coastal Plain Johnson and Fecko, 2008 68 ~0.3–420 10.41 0.38 ------

Northeast Appalachian Plateau, New England, This study 334 0.1–396 15.1988 0.4190 0.86 1.0377 0.2989 0.80 15.5826 0.7198 0.92 49.4778 0.8206 0.88 -- -- Piedmont, and Valley and Ridge 1Study used in northeastern United States bankfull width regression equation covering the Appalachian Plateau, New England, Piedmont, and Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces, and shown in figure 8. 40 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

The equations and data for bankfull width developed for because their equations did not compare well with those of Massachusetts in the present study are compared in figure 8 the other 15 studies and the present study for Massachusetts. to the equations and data for bankfull width developed by The study in Maine (Dudley, 2004) and the earlier study in the previous 15 studies listed in table 8 that were located in West Virginia (Messinger and Wiley, 2004) are not included the northeastern United States. The 15 previous studies in in figure 8; the equations from these studies were not the northeastern United States studies addressed in figure 8 considered comparable because they were developed using include studies in Maryland (two physiographic provinces), office records of data obtained during discharge measurements New Hampshire (statewide), New York (six hydrologic rather than data from field surveys of stream reaches regions), Pennsylvania (carbonate and non-carbonate regions), specifically conducted for bankfull studies. The studies in Vermont (statewide), Virginia (two physiographic provinces), and West Virginia (one physiographic province). The earlier table 8 from Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania studies by White (2001) and Cinotto (2003) southern Ontario, Canada, were excluded because they were were included, although they are listed as not being included not considered part of the Northeast. Thus, the 15 previous in table 8) because their data are in the statewide Pennsylvania studies and the present study for Massachusetts included in study by Chaplin (2005). The Coastal Plain physiographic figure 8 represent the Appalachian Plateau, New England, province studies in Maryland (McCandless, 2003b) and Piedmont, and Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces in Virginia (Krstolic and Chaplin, 2007) were not included the northeastern United States.



Northeastern United States study 100 Bankfull width = 15.1988(Drainage area)0.419 R² = 0.863

Massachusetts regression line Bankfull width = 15.0418(Drainage area)0.4038 R² = 0.877

Other northeastern United States studies

Bankfull Bankfull width, in feet Massachusetts study sites Selected northeastern United States study sites 10

1 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 Drainage area, in square miles

Figure 8. Regression lines for bankfull width in relation to drainage area for selected studies in the northeastern United States. Limitations of the Regional Curves and Regression Equations and Areas for Further Study 41

For the 16 bankfull width equations (15 previous studies streams without flood control structures, such as dams, levees, and the present study for Massachusetts) shown in figure 8, the diversions, and so forth. If a stream site has regulated peak y-intercepts ranged from 9.83 to 24 with a median of 13.87, flows, the regional curves and equations estimate the bankfull and the slopes ranged from 0.292 to 0.7133 with a median of channel geometry and discharge as if the stream were natu- 0.44 (table 8). A regression equation that would represent the rally flowing. 334 study sites for these 16 bankfull width equations across The bankfull channel geometry and discharge regional the northeastern United States would have a y-intercept of curves and equations may not be applicable in areas of 15.1988 and a slope of 0.4190 with a predicted R2 of 0.8607. Massachusetts where basin, land use, or climatic conditions This general equation for bankfull width for the northeast- are appreciably different from those of the sites used to ern United States is similar to equations published by Bent develop the curves and equations. For example, the equations (2006) for the Northeast, by Johnson and Fecko (2008) for the might not apply to streams with drainage basins in which the Piedmont and Appalachian-New England-Valley and Ridge urban land use (commercial, industrial, transportation, and physiographic provinces, and by Faustini and others (2009) high-density residential) is greater than about 25 percent of for the northern and southern Appalachian and New England the total land area. In basins with more urban land, runoff and Mid-Atlantic water-resources regions (table 8). Bankfull peaks can be greatly increased in magnitude. This may affect equations for mean depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge the bankfull channel forming discharges, which may in turn for these 334 study sites (from the 15 previous studies and the affect the bankfull channel geometry characteristics. Basins present study) for the northeastern United States (Appalachian, with more urban land also may have stream channels that have New England, Piedmont, and Valley and Ridge physiographic been altered by development, which may result in unnatural provinces) are also listed in table 8. The regression summary bankfull channel geometry characteristics. Additionally, the statistics and analyses results for these northeastern United regional curves and equations may not be applicable for States bankfull channel geometry and discharge equations are streams in basins where the surficial geology is almost entirely in appendix 4. stratified deposits. Stratified deposits are present mainly on Several studies in other states determined multiple regres- Cape Cod and the Islands and in southeastern Massachusetts sion equations to estimate more accurately bankfull character- close to Cape Cod (area labeled as USEPA Level III istics. In Ohio, Sherwood and Huitger (2005) determined that ecoregion, Atlantic Coastal Pine Barrens in fig. 2). In these bankfull characteristics could be estimated better with multiple areas, precipitation mainly percolates into the soil and through regression equations than with simple regression equations the unsaturated zone to the groundwater table (reducing that use drainage area as the sole explanatory variable. They surface runoff) and later discharges to the stream as base flow. found that main-channel slope and mean main-channel eleva- Thus, runoff peaks can be greatly diminished in magnitude, tion (measured using geographic information systems) were which may affect the bankfull channel forming discharges. significant variables, in addition to drainage area, and that The equations also may not be applicable where streams flow local channel slope and bed-material size were significant through extensive wetlands. variables if they could be field measured at the site of inter- The accuracy of the regional curves and regression est. In Virginia, Keaton and others (2005) also determined that equations are a function of the quality of the data used in bankfull characteristics could be estimated better with multiple their development. These data include identification of regression equations than with simple regression equations the bankfull stage indicators, measurement of the bankfull using drainage area. They found that the percentage of carbon- channel geometry characteristics, the occurrence of unknown ate bedrock underlying the basin was a significant explanatory regulation that might affect peak flows upstream from a site, variable in addition to drainage area in estimating bankfull and the measured basin characteristics. Basin characteristics width, cross-sectional area, and discharge. of the stream sites used in the development of the regional curves and regression equations are limited by the accuracy of the digital data layers used. Digital data layers [such as digital elevation models (DEMs) (U.S. Geological Survey, Limitations of the Regional Curves and 2007a), hydrography (U.S. Geological Survey, 2007b), Regression Equations and Areas for wetlands (MassGIS, 2011), surficial geology (MassGIS, 2007), soils (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Further Study Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey Division, 2004; MassGIS, 2012), and land use (MassGIS, 2009)] in The bankfull channel geometry and discharge regional the future will likely become available at scales with better curves and equations are applicable for stream sites with spatial resolutions than are currently (2013) available. These drainage areas of 0.60 to 329 mi2 and mean basin slopes of digital data layers likely would improve the accuracy of the 2.2 to 23.9 percent (range of these basin characteristics for the measured basin characteristics used as explanatory variables stream sites used to develop the regional curves and equa- to predict bankfull channel geometry and discharge, but tions). The equations, which are based on data from streams re-examination of the regression equations would be required. without regulated peak flows, most likely are applicable to all Digital data layers that might improve the equation include 42 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

(1) county-level soil-survey maps referred to as Soil Survey detailed cross section was surveyed to determine the bankfull Geographic (SSURGO) database (U.S. Department of width, mean depth, and cross-sectional area and to character- Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil ize the streambed material, using 50-point pebble count of the Survey Division, 2004; MassGIS, 2012); (2) 1970–2000 intermediate particle-size diameter. Bankfull discharge and climate data available through the Parameter-elevation the associated recurrence interval were estimated at each of Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) climate- the 33 sites. The average and median recurrence intervals of mapping system of Spatial Climate Analysis Service at Oregon bankfull discharge in and near Massachusetts were estimated State University (; and to be 1.53 and 1.34 years, respectively. (3) statewide wetlands (1:12,000 scale) interpreted from stereo Regional curves and simple regression equations devel- color-infrared photography (MassGIS, 2011). oped for bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and The regression equations could be incorporated into discharge used drainage area as the sole explanatory variable. a Web-based application of the USGS STREAMSTATS Drainage area is the most significant explanatory variable in Program ( estimating these bankfull characteristics, and it is also the html). A map-based interface is used in the Web-based most commonly used variable for estimation of these bankfull application that allows a user to point and click on any characteristics. Additionally, statistical analyses determined stream site, and the application will calculate selected that estimation of bankfull characteristics could be improved streamflow statistics for an ungaged site, or the user can view with multiple regression equations, which include the explana- available selected streamflow statistics for a gaged site. In tory variable mean basin slope in addition to the drainage a similar manner, a user could click on any stream site in area. Results of simple regression equations using drainage Massachusetts, and the appropriate equation will estimate area were compared to results from other bankfull studies in the bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and the northeastern United States. The Massachusetts bankfull discharge with the 90-percent prediction intervals. characteristics curves and equations compared well with simi- lar studies in areas of Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Virginia, excluding the Coastal Summary and Conclusions Plain physiographic province in Maryland and Virginia. The curves and equations also compared well with those developed Regional curves, simple regression equations, and mul- for the northeastern United States (excluding the Coastal Plain tiple regression equations were developed for estimating bank- phyiographic province) using data from the previous studies in full width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge for these states. streams in Massachusetts. The curves and equations provide Limitations associated with site selection and develop- water-resource and conservation managers with methods for ment of the regression equations result in some constraints estimating bankfull characteristics at a specific stream site in for the application of equations presented in this report. These Massachusetts. This information will assist the environmental equations apply only to streams within the study area having agencies that administer the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1) a basin area that contains less than about 25 percent urban Rivers Protection Act of 1996, which establishes a 200-foot- area; (2) little to no streamflow regulation, especially by flood- wide protected riverfront area extending from the mean-annual control structures; (3) drainage areas greater than 0.60 mi2 high-water line (bankfull) along each side of a perennial and less than 329 mi2, and (4) a mean basin slope greater than stream, with exceptions for some densely developed areas 2.2 percent and less than about 23.9 percent. The equations (25-foot wide). Additionally, information on bankfull chan- may not be applicable for streams in basins where the surficial nel geometry and discharge are important to Federal, State, geology is almost entirely stratified deposits. These stratified and local governments and private organizations involved in deposits are present mainly on Cape Cod and the Islands and stream assessment and restoration projects. in southeastern Massachusetts close to Cape Cod. The equa- The regional curves and equations were developed from tions also may not be applicable where streams flow through stream surveys at 33 U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in extensive wetlands. Regardless of the setting, the regional and near Massachusetts. Drainage areas of the 33 sites ranged curves presented in this report are not intended for use as the from 0.60 to 329 square miles (mi2). The surveys included sole method for estimating bankfull characteristics; however, identification of bankfull stage at 14 to 25 locations about they may supplement field identification of the bankfull chan- a bankfull width apart along the stream reach at each of the nel when used in conjunction with field-verified bankfull indi- 27 sites. At 2 of these locations at each of the 27 sites, a cators, flood-frequency analysis, or other supporting evidence. References Cited 43

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-- -- Cross- section longitude 71° 39.608ʹ 71° 39.428ʹ 71° 21.317ʹ 71° 21.17ʹ 71° 12.926ʹ 71° 12.908ʹ 70° 56.752ʹ 70° 56.744ʹ 71° 15.478ʹ 71° 15.339ʹ 70° 56.605ʹ 70° 56.655ʹ 70° 43.981ʹ 70° 43.943ʹ 71° 10.548ʹ 71° 10.539ʹ 71° 8.572ʹ 71° 8.55ʹ -- -- Cross- section latitude 42° 38.078ʹ 42° 37.97ʹ 42° 47.047ʹ 42° 46.983ʹ 42° 34.149ʹ 42° 34.185ʹ 42° 45.26ʹ 42° 45.256ʹ 42° 15.333ʹ 42° 15.318ʹ 42° 11.401ʹ 42° 11.425ʹ 41° 59.449ʹ 41° 59.434ʹ 41° 56.889ʹ 41° 56.938ʹ 41° 50.351ʹ 41° 50.309ʹ

7 54 326 595 197 230 516 746 281 523 339 680 240 554 490 784 (ft) 1,439 1,035 1,301 2,065 section of cross Distance in survey upstream - 9 3 3 6 1 2 8 6 5 8 11 17 16 14 10 17 14 13 10 14 no. tion sec Cross- -

-- -- fied where Starting location bankfull (longitude) and ending was identi 71° 39.626ʹ 71° 39.404ʹ 71° 21.342ʹ 71° 21.194ʹ 71° 12.905ʹ 71° 12.821ʹ 70° 56.752ʹ 70° 56.734ʹ 71° 15.703ʹ 71° 15.271ʹ 70° 56.552ʹ 70° 56.706ʹ 70° 44.043ʹ 70° 43.89ʹ 71° 10.594ʹ 71° 10.522ʹ 71° 8.569ʹ 71° 8.548ʹ -

-- -- fied where Starting location bankfull (latitude) and ending was identi 42° 38.101ʹ 42° 37.956ʹ 42° 47.057ʹ 42° 46.917ʹ 42° 34.065ʹ 42° 34.281ʹ 42° 45.26ʹ 42° 45.154ʹ 42° 15.446ʹ 42° 15.316ʹ 42° 11.408ʹ 42° 11.444ʹ 41° 59.456ʹ 41° 59.4ʹ 41° 56.852ʹ 41° 56.959ʹ 41° 50.412ʹ 41° 50.292ʹ , Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island; -

3 7 7 3 62 16 92 40 41 23 742 779 917 996 895 (ft) 1,585 1,428 1,660 1,065 2,358 Distance identified survey for tion, where upstream in starting and ending loca bankfull was - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 18 21 20 18 20 21 18 16 16 tified Start ending ing and location bankfull was iden no., where

30 79 12 526 936 776 124 708 589 (ft) from Start gage 1,068 outside distance of survey upstream gage Stream- longitude 71° 50ʹ 0″ 71° 39ʹ 30″ 71° 21ʹ 15″ 71° 12ʹ 55″ 70° 56ʹ 46″ 71° 15ʹ 38″ 70° 56ʹ 43″ 70° 44ʹ 3″ 71° 10ʹ 38″ 71° 8ʹ 36″ gage latitude Stream- 42° 51ʹ 36″ 42° 38ʹ 3″ 42° 46ʹ 58″ 42° 34ʹ 5″ 42° 45ʹ 10″ 42° 15ʹ 22″ 25″ 42° 11ʹ 41° 59ʹ 27″ 41° 56ʹ 51″ 41° 50ʹ 25″ Station name Information on the starting and ending locations of surveyed stream reaches two cross sections f or study sites in near Stony Brook Tributary near Temple, NH Temple, near Tributary Stony Brook Groton, MA West Squannacook River near Beaver Brook at North Pelham, NH MA Wilmington, Shawsheen River near Parker River at Byfield, MA MA Charles River at Dover, MA Weymouth, Old Swamp River near South Jones River at Kingston, MA River near Norton, MA Wading Segreganset River at Dighton, MA

USGS station no. 01093800 01096000 010965852 01100600 01101000 01103500 01105600 01105870 01109000 01109070 Appendix 1. Massachusetts.—Continued [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; ft, foot; CT °, degrees; ʹ, minutes; ″, seconds; --, no data] Appendixes 1–4 49

Cross- section longitude 71° 41.159ʹ 71° 41.164ʹ 71° 33.663ʹ 71° 33.624ʹ 72° 6.862ʹ 72° 6.859ʹ 72° 2.52ʹ 72° 2.504ʹ 72° 43.144ʹ 72° 43.45ʹ 72° 41.644ʹ 72° 41.535ʹ 72° 40.244ʹ 72° 40.176ʹ 72° 40.014ʹ 72° 39.966ʹ 72° 22.169ʹ 72° 22.173ʹ 72° 0.359ʹ 72° 0.311ʹ Cross- section latitude 41° 58.897ʹ 41° 58.846ʹ 41° 59.789ʹ 41° 59.776ʹ 42° 40.924ʹ 42° 40.887ʹ 42° 35.357ʹ 42° 35.445ʹ 42° 38.536ʹ 42° 38.375ʹ 42° 32.511ʹ 42° 32.578ʹ 42° 42.308ʹ 42° 42.158ʹ 42° 19.262ʹ 42° 19.228ʹ 42° 20.16ʹ 42° 20.135ʹ 42° 15.968ʹ 42° 15.904ʹ

62 19 422 658 510 658 371 554 562 140 524 184 346 202 344 518 (ft) 1,101 1,937 1,088 1,237 section of cross Distance in survey upstream - 9 7 9 6 9 6 2 9 3 2 6 6 11 13 13 17 18 15 20 13 no. tion sec Cross- -

fied where Starting location bankfull (longitude) and ending was identi 71° 41.185ʹ 71° 41.22ʹ 71° 33.732ʹ 71° 33.558ʹ 72° 6.865ʹ 72° 6.82ʹ 72° 2.457ʹ 72° 2.514ʹ 72° 43.124ʹ 72° 43.501ʹ 72° 41.733ʹ 72° 41.509ʹ 72° 40.236ʹ 72° 40.077ʹ 72° 39.974ʹ 72° 39.829ʹ 72° 22.167ʹ 72° 22.188ʹ 72° 0.359ʹ 72° 0.296ʹ -

fied where Starting location bankfull (latitude) and ending was identi 41° 58.914ʹ 41° 58.778ʹ 41° 59.806ʹ 41° 59.788ʹ 42° 40.984ʹ 42° 40.852ʹ 42° 35.307ʹ 42° 35.45ʹ 42° 38.547ʹ 42° 38.311ʹ 42° 32.463ʹ 42° 32.574ʹ 42° 42.344ʹ 42° 42.124ʹ 42° 19.29ʹ 42° 19.107ʹ 42° 20.183ʹ 42° 20.1ʹ 42° 15.968ʹ 42° 15.82ʹ , Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island; -

5 5 63 49 33 24 23 15 33 19 552 (ft) 1,167 1,025 1,443 1,146 2,423 1,230 1,710 1,339 1,137 Distance identified survey for tion, where upstream in starting and ending loca bankfull was - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 15 22 14 21 20 20 21 20 19 tified Start ending ing and location bankfull was iden no., where

89 113 113 358 520 965 926 552 664 (ft) from Start gage 2,450 outside distance of survey upstream gage Stream- longitude 71° 41ʹ 11″ 71° 33ʹ 47″ 72° 6ʹ 56″ 72° 2ʹ 29″ 72° 43ʹ 32″ 72° 41ʹ 39″ 72° 40ʹ 16″ 72° 39ʹ 21″ 72° 22ʹ 12″ 72° 0ʹ 19″ gage latitude Stream- 41° 58ʹ 52″ 41° 59ʹ 47″ 42° 40ʹ 57″ 42° 35ʹ 18″ 42° 38ʹ 18″ 42° 32ʹ 31″ 42° 42ʹ 12″ 42° 19ʹ 5″ 42° 20ʹ 8″ 42° 15ʹ 54″ Station name Information on the starting and ending locations of surveyed stream reaches two cross sections f or study sites in near Nipmuc River near Harrisville, RI Branch River at Forestdale, RI MA Winchendon, Priest Brook near MA Otter River at River, North River at Shattuckville, MA MA South River near Conway, Green River near Colrain, MA Mill River at Northampton, MA Cadwell Creek near Belchertown, MA MA Sevenmile River near Spencer,

USGS station no. 01111300 01111500 01162500 01163200 01169000 01169900 01170100 01171500 01174900 01175670 Appendix 1. Massachusetts.—Continued [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; ft, foot; CT °, degrees; ʹ, minutes; ″, seconds; --, no data] 50 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

Cross- section longitude 72° 15.846ʹ 72° 15.721ʹ 72° 54.073ʹ 72° 53.874ʹ 72° 42.587ʹ 72° 42.581ʹ 72° 56.453ʹ 72° 56.334ʹ 73° 23.513ʹ 73° 23.379ʹ 73° 23.453ʹ 73° 23.454ʹ 73° 11.912ʹ 73° 11.812ʹ Cross- section latitude 42° 11.036ʹ 42° 10.709ʹ 42° 14.293ʹ 42° 14.255ʹ 41° 57.648ʹ 41° 57.63ʹ 42° 2.297ʹ 42° 2.205ʹ 42° 11.649ʹ 42° 11.466ʹ 41° 56.584ʹ 41° 56.523ʹ 42° 42.527ʹ 42° 42.55ʹ

112 513 560 665 399 613 681 566 (ft) 1,115 2,380 1,040 1,195 1,925 1,033 section of cross Distance in survey upstream - 4 2 6 7 8 11 20 18 22 16 20 14 21 15 no. tion sec Cross- -

fied where Starting location bankfull (longitude) and ending was identi 72° 15.846ʹ 72° 15.762ʹ 72° 54.098ʹ 72° 53.665ʹ 72° 42.675ʹ 72° 42.546ʹ 72° 56.52ʹ 72° 56.329ʹ 73° 23.573ʹ 73° 23.379ʹ 73° 23.436ʹ 73° 23.445ʹ 73° 11.986ʹ 73° 11.726ʹ -

fied where Starting location bankfull (latitude) and ending was identi 42° 11.119ʹ 42° 10.719ʹ 42° 14.277ʹ 42° 14.159ʹ 41° 57.616ʹ 41° 57.627ʹ 42° 2.323ʹ 42° 2.155ʹ 42° 11.735ʹ 42° 11.466ʹ 41° 56.67ʹ 41° 56.516ʹ 42° 42.591ʹ 42° 42.564ʹ , Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island; -

6 30 21 30 29 28 17 792 (ft) 2,661 2,265 1,480 1,925 1,095 1,560 Distance identified survey for tion, where upstream in starting and ending loca bankfull was - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 21 25 20 20 22 20 tified Start ending ing and location bankfull was iden no., where

373 910 890 (ft) from Start gage 1,470 1,747 1,165 1,225 outside distance of survey upstream gage Stream- longitude 72° 15ʹ 51″ 72° 53ʹ 46″ 72° 42ʹ 39″ 72° 56ʹ 22″ 73° 23ʹ 28″ 73° 23ʹ 29″ 50″ 73° 11ʹ gage latitude Stream- 42° 10ʹ 56″ 42° 14ʹ 14″ 41° 57ʹ 38″ 42° 2ʹ 14″ 31″ 42° 11ʹ 41° 56ʹ 32″ 42° 42ʹ 32″ Station name Information on the starting and ending locations of surveyed stream reaches two cross sections f or study sites in near Quaboag River at West Brimfield, MA West Quaboag River at River at Huntington, MA Westfield Branch West Suffield, CT West Stony Brook near Hartland, CT West Hubbard River near Green River near Great Barrington, MA Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT MA Williamstown, Green River at

USGS station no. 01176000 01181000 01184100 01187300 01198000 01199050 01333000 Appendix 1. Massachusetts.—Continued [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; ft, foot; CT °, degrees; ʹ, minutes; ″, seconds; --, no data] Appendixes 1–4 51

) 2 (ft 39.54 37.42 51.47 41.29 85.00 75.05 85.06 71.42 54.66 116.63 286.89 198.36 223.05 123.47 207.46 183.59 133.79 121.93 390.01 392.00 105.60 103.07 Cross- sectional area

, weighted particle-size w (ft) 1.58 1.53 3.22 3.03 3.82 2.82 3.41 2.42 2.93 2.53 3.87 3.89 1.24 1.29 1.93 2.06 2.11 2.66 2.19 1.53 2.21 2.08 radius Hydraulic

(ft) 25.08 24.40 89.03 65.53 58.41 43.73 60.76 76.02 45.67 48.23 41.36 31.93 44.08 36.43 40.30 39.74 32.67 35.76 46.58 56.14 100.65 100.89 Wetted Wetted perimeter

, square foot; mm, millimeter; d 2 (ft/ft) slope 0.0145 0.0064 0.0067 0.0214 0.0004 0.0043 0.0003 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.0007 0.0010 0.0088 0.0052 0.0014 0.0021 0.0033 0.0014 0.0079 0.0142 0.0053 0.0007 Water-surface Water-surface Cross-section data 14.55 16.67 23.15 21.89 14.58 15.53 16.10 30.08 14.12 20.00 24.87 24.89 31.48 22.99 21.25 16.11 18.78 16.13 13.73 20.86 20.54 28.33 Width-to- depth ratio , square mile; ft, foot; ft 2 3.07 2.34 1.82 1.74 2.22 1.76 5.74 5.78 3.06 2.91 3.41 5.23 3.46 4.05 3.59 2.80 7.15 4.49 5.31 3.37 3.78 3.46 ratio Entrenchment

9 3 3 6 1 2 8 6 5 8 9 11 17 16 14 10 17 14 13 10 14 13 Cross- section no.

) 2 3.60 4.50 63.7 47.8 36.5 21.3 15.7 43.3 10.6 16.0 (mi 183 Drainage area /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, 3 Station name Stony Brook Tributary near Temple, NH Temple, near Tributary Stony Brook Groton, MA West Squannacook River near Beaver Brook at North Pelham, NH MA Wilmington, Shawsheen River near Parker River at Byfield, MA MA Charles River at Dover, MA Weymouth, Old Swamp River near South Jones River at Kingston, MA River near Norton, MA Wading Segreganset River at Dighton, MA Nipmuc River near Harrisville, RI Bankfull data collected at the two surveyed cross sections and stream reach for study sites in near Massachusetts.—Conti nued

USGS station no. 01093800 01096000 010965852 01100600 01101000 01103500 01105600 01105870 01109000 01109070 01111300 Appendix 2. [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi distribution—equation 2 in report (Limerinos, 1970); ft 52 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

) 2 (ft 94.98 26.05 22.48 56.43 45.99 311.70 319.58 253.39 127.82 107.34 102.18 534.10 497.87 249.68 278.68 353.37 303.51 298.96 384.51 327.46 353.66 430.09 Cross- sectional area

, weighted particle-size w (ft) 3.71 3.31 1.53 2.57 1.53 1.94 4.75 4.49 3.93 3.40 2.91 3.31 3.42 3.05 1.19 1.22 1.41 1.82 2.73 2.74 3.07 2.59 radius Hydraulic

(ft) 86.23 76.46 62.26 49.81 70.11 52.55 63.53 81.94 88.72 97.90 21.86 18.43 40.15 25.23 112.39 110.80 119.55 115.14 107.24 106.69 141.04 165.83 Wetted Wetted perimeter

, square foot; mm, millimeter; d 2 (ft/ft) slope 0.0033 0.0031 0.0036 0.0009 0.0070 0.0088 0.0023 0.0091 0.0059 0.0044 0.0086 0.0061 0.0051 0.0059 0.0240 0.0256 0.0056 0.0018 0.0023 0.0048 0.0130 0.0110 Water-surface Water-surface Cross-section data 25.09 37.48 20.77 41.30 27.39 22.16 21.63 14.94 17.59 38.11 28.55 24.36 23.06 15.86 12.71 25.44 14.17 53.90 44.65 35.83 42.84 23.71 Width-to- depth ratio , square mile; ft, foot; ft 2 2.29 2.90 3.52 2.16 1.74 7.14 1.53 1.62 1.27 1.16 1.12 1.58 1.36 1.42 1.46 2.66 7.09 1.18 1.37 1.89 2.80 2.49 ratio Entrenchment

9 6 9 6 2 9 3 2 6 6 4 2 7 11 11 13 17 18 15 20 13 20 Cross- section no.

) 2 2.55 8.81 19.4 34.1 89.0 24.1 41.4 52.6 94.0 91.2 (mi 150 Drainage area /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, 3 Station name Priest Brook near Winchendon, MA Winchendon, Priest Brook near MA Otter River at River, North River at Shattuckville, MA MA South River near Conway, Green River near Colrain, MA Mill River at Northampton, MA Cadwell Creek near Belchertown, MA MA Sevenmile River near Spencer, Brimfield, MA West Quaboag River at River at Huntington, MA Westfield Branch West Branch River at Forestdale, RI Bankfull data collected at the two surveyed cross sections and stream reach for study sites in near Massachusetts.—Conti nued

USGS station no. 01162500 01163200 01169000 01169900 01170100 01171500 01174900 01175670 01176000 01181000 01111500 distribution—equation 2 in report (Limerinos, 1970); ft Appendix 2. [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi Appendixes 1–4 53

) 2 (ft 83.40 62.26 171.40 164.03 207.61 204.40 104.75 121.03 241.38 246.86 Cross- sectional area

, weighted particle-size w (ft) 1.69 1.56 2.10 1.80 2.54 3.01 2.06 2.32 2.70 2.58 radius Hydraulic

(ft) 49.27 40.00 81.62 91.27 81.83 67.81 50.86 52.21 89.45 95.7 Wetted Wetted perimeter

, square foot; mm, millimeter; d 2 (ft/ft) slope 0.0133 0.0124 0.0364 0.0202 0.0010 0.0019 0.0092 0.0066 0.0120 0.0049 Water-surface Water-surface Cross-section data 25.00 30.25 33.86 27.28 19.32 22.90 15.65 29.58 22.16 27.59 Width-to- depth ratio , square mile; ft, foot; ft 2 1.32 1.87 1.15 6.94 2.69 1.22 1.31 1.17 1.49 1.30 ratio Entrenchment

6 7 8 22 16 20 14 21 15 18 Cross- section no.

) 2 19.9 51.0 29.4 42.6 10.4 (mi Drainage area /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, 3 Station name Hubbard River near West Hartland, CT West Hubbard River near Green River near Great Barrington, MA Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT MA Williamstown, Green River at Stony Brook near West Suffield, CT West Stony Brook near Bankfull data collected at the two surveyed cross sections and stream reach for study sites in near Massachusetts.—Conti nued

USGS station no. 01187300 01198000 01199050 01333000 01184100 distribution—equation 2 in report (Limerinos, 1970); ft Appendix 2. [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi 54 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

- ) - w /s) 112 234 213 169 652 627 489 419 221 198 133 276 285 352 360 254 3 1 Dis 1,120 1,760 1,143 1,065 (ft on d (based charge

) - 84 /s) 234 217 173 650 634 481 414 214 104 199 136 274 281 351 362 235 3 1 1,111 Dis 1,059 1,765 1,087 (ft on d (based charge

) - 50 /s) 115 223 192 151 639 589 522 440 263 226 941 183 279 301 338 338 379 3 1 1,378 1,614 1,307 Dis (ft on d (based charge , weighted particle-size distri w

) - 16 /s) 428 319 221 864 763 548 373 312 390 266 423 468 687 618 843 3 1 4,125 5,005 1,032 1,975 1,754 Dis (ft on d (based charge

- ) - w ness coef 0.0551 0.0451 0.0352 0.0682 0.0514 0.0249 0.0385 0.0248 0.0203 0.0261 0.0425 0.0332 0.0429 0.0421 0.0395 0.0266 0.0291 0.0340 0.0314 0.0627 on d ficient (based 1 Rough

- - ) 84 ness cient on d 0.0442 0.0342 0.0721 0.0513 0.0250 0.0380 0.0252 0.0206 0.0269 0.0457 0.0341 0.0420 0.0419 0.0386 0.0268 0.0296 0.0341 0.0312 0.0678 0.0550 coeffi (based Rough 1 , square foot; mm, millimeter; d 2

- - ) 50 d ness cient 0.0499 0.0393 0.0554 0.0560 0.0254 0.0409 0.0233 0.0194 0.0219 0.0211 0.0290 0.0485 0.0454 0.0457 0.0263 0.0276 0.0355 0.0334 0.0420 0.0577 coeffi Rough 1 (based on Limerios (1970) equation

- - ) 16 d ness cient 0.0301 0.0269 0.0185 0.0181 0.0157 0.0279 0.0159 0.0156 0.0155 0.0153 0.0192 0.0260 0.0213 0.0198 0.0173 0.0177 0.0174 0.0183 0.0189 0.0301 coeffi Rough 1 , square mile; ft, foot; ft 2 (based on

w 4.80 50.90 15.57 89.80 15.04 19.14 59.47 77.42 66.19 18.88 28.29 52.28 41.98 (mm) 116.22 105.91 413.87 214.70 147.66 270.52 164.40 size d 1 Particle

84 6.93 62.70 21.25 22.13 29.78 89.73 83.86 26.42 40.81 70.83 55.43 (mm) 116.30 135.63 618.54 287.44 192.00 186.52 103.16 422.65 221.10 size d 1 Particle

50 9.16 5.61 1.89 4.00 3.17 9.52 (mm) 71.86 38.07 58.15 17.71 49.76 51.58 12.00 32.00 28.29 55.43 96.00 size d 1 Particle 112.64 141.66 140.07

16 2.52 2.16 0.69 0.79 0.74 0.67 0.64 3.17 6.00 4.00 1.74 2.00 1.78 2.38 3.03 (mm) 29.78 18.63 25.79 19.60 29.40 size d 1 Particle

9 3 3 6 1 2 8 6 5 8 no. 11 17 16 14 10 17 14 13 10 14 Cross- section /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, 3 Station name Bankfull data collected at the two surveyed cross sections and stream reach for study sites in near Massachusetts.—Conti nued Stony Brook Tributary near Temple, NH Temple, near Tributary Stony Brook Groton, MA West Squannacook River near Beaver Brook at North Pelham, NH MA Wilmington, Shawsheen River near Parker River at Byfield, MA MA Charles River at Dover, MA Weymouth, Old Swamp River near South Jones River at Kingston, MA River near Norton, MA Wading Segreganset River at Dighton, MA

USGS station no. 01093800 01096000 010965852 01100600 01101000 01103500 01105600 01105870 01109000 01109070 Appendix 2. [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi bution—equation 2 in report (Limerinos, 1970); ft Appendixes 1–4 55

- ) - w /s) 113 402 368 375 569 150 138 150 536 324 3 Dis 1,414 3,047 3,558 1,863 1,619 2,010 2,123 2,176 1,740 1,640 (ft 2 on d (based charge

) - 84 /s) 110 292 271 377 549 149 133 152 536 316 3 Dis 1,261 3,048 3,365 1,826 1,594 2,013 2,103 2,130 1,748 1,615 (ft 2 on d (based charge

) - 50 /s) 312 281 350 653 146 161 131 123 515 369 3 1,646 3,037 4,687 1,967 1,656 1,968 2,138 2,339 1,624 1,706 Dis (ft 2 on d (based charge , weighted particle-size distri w

) - 16 /s) 699 681 715 280 287 351 220 962 488 3 1,412 3,971 4,416 3,965 2,961 3,637 4,396 3,249 2,194 2,837 Dis (ft 2 11,722 on d (based charge

- ) - w ness coef 0.0280 0.0291 0.0474 0.0391 0.0354 0.0542 0.0382 0.0385 0.0436 0.0430 0.0337 0.0414 0.0450 0.0442 0.0526 0.0384 0.0330 0.0354 0.0231 0.0399 on d ficient (based 2 Rough

- - ) 84 ness cient on d 0.0385 0.0395 0.0472 0.0405 0.0354 0.0573 0.0390 0.0391 0.0436 0.0435 0.0344 0.0412 0.0452 0.0459 0.0518 0.0393 0.0354 0.0237 0.0406 0.0371 coeffi (based Rough 2 , square foot; mm, millimeter; d 2

- - ) 50 d ness cient 0.0361 0.0381 0.0508 0.0341 0.0355 0.0411 0.0362 0.0376 0.0446 0.0427 0.0313 0.0443 0.0462 0.0380 0.0604 0.0354 0.0369 0.0203 0.0384 0.0284 coeffi Rough 2 (based on Limerios (1970) equation

- - ) 16 d ness cient 0.0161 0.0157 0.0249 0.0158 0.0272 0.0164 0.0161 0.0157 0.0296 0.0251 0.0167 0.0222 0.0241 0.0213 0.0225 0.0197 0.0197 0.0153 0.0231 0.0213 coeffi Rough 2 , square mile; ft, foot; ft 2 (based on

w 9.76 21.91 30.26 79.64 82.31 97.76 60.43 89.46 86.55 72.73 61.05 55.41 (mm) 2 117.36 117.95 115.01 307.95 101.27 134.95 138.36 141.16 size d Particle

84 32.00 43.37 88.52 82.46 14.89 83.60 (mm) 2 119.12 110.85 156.77 476.47 146.52 138.81 181.19 192.00 156.77 122.01 128.00 184.37 105.66 163.25 size d Particle

50 8.68 2.52 (mm) 13.86 73.26 26.93 44.26 73.26 44.26 48.00 76.15 71.86 24.00 76.95 50.58 30.50 99.12 29.78 37.25 53.47 15.40 size d 2 Particle

16 1.08 0.79 0.87 0.93 0.83 0.71 1.15 8.00 6.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 0.69 6.30 (mm) 2 13.21 25.18 33.91 16.00 10.84 10.20 size d Particle

6 9 6 2 9 3 2 6 6 9 7 9 no. 11 13 17 18 15 20 13 13 Cross- section /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, 3 Station name Bankfull data collected at the two surveyed cross sections and stream reach for study sites in near Massachusetts.—Conti nued Priest Brook near Winchendon, MA Winchendon, Priest Brook near MA Otter River at River, North River at Shattuckville, MA MA South River near Conway, Green River near Colrain, MA Mill River at Northampton, MA Cadwell Creek near Belchertown, MA MA Sevenmile River near Spencer, Nipmuc River near Harrisville, RI Branch River at Forestdale, RI

USGS station no. 01162500 01163200 01169000 01169900 01170100 01171500 01174900 01175670 01111300 01111500 Appendix 2. [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi bution—equation 2 in report (Limerinos, 1970); ft 56 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

- ) - w /s) 265 186 709 682 964 457 335 3 4 3 3 Dis 1,919 1,275 1,257 1,410 1,629 2,622 2,345 (ft on d (based charge

) - 84 /s) 240 688 661 949 450 169 328 3 4 3 3 Dis 1,879 1,222 1,253 1,399 1,624 2,640 2,432 (ft on d (based charge

) - 50 /s) 399 752 828 460 291 339 3 4 3 3 2,031 1,588 1,199 1,025 1,385 1,559 2,458 2,004 Dis (ft on d (based charge , weighted particle-size distri w

) - 16 /s) 974 575 3 4 3 4,072 3,121 2,670 1,907 1,186 1,474 1,228 1,274 3,253 3,771 4,358 3,428 Dis (ft 3 on d (based charge

- ) - w ness coef 0.0398 0.0380 0.0969 0.0636 0.0724 0.0267 0.0287 0.0530 0.0747 0.0607 0.0380 0.0406 0.0484 0.0541 on d ficient (based 4 3 3 Rough

- - ) 84 ness cient on d 0.0410 0.0396 0.0638 0.0746 0.0275 0.0292 0.0539 0.10714 0.0821 0.0383 0.0407 0.0481 0.0522 0.0621 coeffi (based Rough 4 3 3 , square foot; mm, millimeter; d 2

- - ) 50 d ness cient 0.0380 0.0305 0.0667 0.0683 0.0220 0.0270 0.0527 0.0643 0.0477 0.0387 0.0424 0.0516 0.0633 0.0600 coeffi Rough 4 3 3 (based on Limerios (1970) equation

- - ) 16 d ness cient 0.0188 0.0155 0.0299 0.0269 0.0153 0.0188 0.0197 0.0263 0.0241 0.0165 0.0175 0.0291 0.0370 0.0160 coeffi Rough 4 3 3 , square mile; ft, foot; ft 2 (based on

w 98.29 82.75 20.47 29.91 85.25 (mm) 270.48 304.41 182.80 561.99 287.95 105.61 185.50 221.24 214.03 size d 4 3 3 Particle

84 32.00 43.37 (mm) 117.90 141.66 128.00 367.08 430.83 256.00 855.10 446.00 143.72 245.69 273.90 301.10 size d 4 3 3 Particle

50 4.00 (mm) 43.37 19.60 12.00 96.00 64.00 48.00 64.00 size d 3 156.80 110.90 Particle 116.30 156.77 146.52 164.28 4 3

16 2.83 0.71 0.65 2.83 4.00 1.12 1.78 1.00 (mm) 3 11.50 32.00 19.60 18.90 32.00 76.16 size d 3 4 Particle

8 6 7 4 2 no. 11 15 16 20 14 21 22 20 18 Cross- section /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, 3 Station name Bankfull data collected at the two surveyed cross sections and stream reach for study sites in near Massachusetts.—Conti nued Green River at Williamstown, MA Williamstown, Green River at Hubbard River near West Hartland, CT West Hubbard River near Green River near Great Barrington, MA Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT Quaboag River at West Brimfield, MA West Quaboag River at River at Huntington, MA Westfield Branch West Suffield, CT West Stony Brook near

USGS station no. 01333000 01187300 01198000 01199050 01176000 01181000 01184100 Appendix 2. [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi bution—equation 2 in report (Limerinos, 1970); ft Appendixes 1–4 57

) 50 gravel gravel gravel Particle-size (based on d classification Very coarse Very Small cobble Coarse gravel Fine gravel Coarse sand Coarse gravel coarse Very Medium Coarse gravel

50 4.18 0.9 57.64 19.6 18.13 50.01 13.68 29.64 (mm) 118.55 size d Particle , weighted particle-size w

(ft/ft) slope 0.0096 0.0046 0.0013 0.0011 0.0002 0.0008 0.0046 0.0024 0.0024 Water- surface

- Stream-reach data 1.15 1.26 1.30 1.21 1.64 1.08 1.04 1.08 1.40 osity (ft/ft) Sinu ratio width- 15.61 22.52 15.05 23.09 17.06 24.88 27.23 18.68 17.46 Average Average to-depth , square foot; mm, millimeter; d 2 - - 2.71 1.78 1.99 5.76 2.99 4.32 3.76 3.20 5.82 en ratio ment trench Average Average

) 50 , square mile; ft, foot; ft 2 gravel gravel gravel gravel Particle-size (based on d classification Small cobble coarse Very cobble Large cobble Large Medium gravel coarse Very Fine gravel coarse sand Very fine gravel Very fine gravel Very Coarse gravel Small cobble coarse Very coarse Very Medium gravel Medium gravel Coarse gravel Coarse gravel

50 Channel material 9.16 5.61 1.89 4.00 3.17 9.52 71.86 38.07 58.15 17.71 49.76 51.58 12.00 32.00 28.29 (mm) 112.64 141.66 140.07 size d Particle

- /s) 3 111 133 581 830 551 449 362 134 104 255 249 304 413 Dis (ft 1,588 1,198 1,013 1,918 2,017 charge -

- ficient Rough 0.0726 0.0534 0.0483 0.0758 0.0161 0.0417 0.0147 0.0155 0.0129 0.0132 0.0199 0.0227 0.0623 0.0507 0.0289 0.0334 0.0395 0.0275 equation) (based on ness coef Jarrett (1984) equation No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes Water- surface slope is 0.002 ft/ft less than

9 3 3 6 1 2 8 6 5 11 17 16 14 10 17 14 13 10 no. Cross- section /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, 3 Station name MA Bankfull data collected at the two surveyed cross sections and stream reach for study sites in near Massachusetts.—Conti nued Stony Brook Tributary near Temple, NH Temple, near Tributary Stony Brook Groton, MA West Squannacook River near Beaver Brook at North Pelham, NH MA Wilmington, Shawsheen River near Parker River at Byfield, MA MA Charles River at Dover, Weymouth, Old Swamp River near South Jones River at Kingston, MA River near Norton, MA Wading

USGS station no. 01093800 01096000 010965852 01100600 01101000 01103500 01105600 01105870 01109000 Appendix 2. [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi distribution—equation 2 in report (Limerinos, 1970); ft 58 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

) 50 gravel gravel gravel Particle-size (based on d classification Small cobble Medium Small cobble Coarse gravel coarse Very Small cobble Coarse gravel Small cobble Coarse gravel coarse Very

50 12.44 65.88 18.32 48 66.95 30.21 92.81 16.95 51.17 (mm) 101.69 size d Particle , weighted particle-size

w (ft/ft) slope 0.013 0.0021 0.0022 0.002 0.0049 0.0052 0.0052 0.0075 0.0038 0.0267 Water- surface

- Stream-reach data 1.22 1.14 1.00 1.73 1.12 1.09 1.00 1.09 1.11 1.19 osity (ft/ft) Sinu ratio width- 17.30 24.43 24.40 29.13 34.35 21.89 16.26 33.33 23.71 14.28 Average Average to-depth , square foot; mm, millimeter; d - 2 - 4.34 3.62 2.39 3.21 1.95 4.34 1.45 1.14 1.47 1.44 en ratio ment trench Average Average

) 50 , square mile; ft, foot; ft 2 gravel gravel gravel gravel gravel gravel gravel Particle-size (based on d classification Very coarse Very cobble Large coarse Very fine gravel Very coarse Very Bedrock Medium gravel Medium gravel Small cobble Coarse gravel coarse Very Small cobble coarse Very coarse Very Small cobble Small cobble Coarse gravel Small cobble coarse Very Coarse gravel

50 Channel material 2.52 8.68 55.43 37.25 53.47 13.86 73.26 26.93 44.26 73.26 44.26 48.00 76.15 71.86 24.00 76.95 50.58 30.50 (mm) 141.66 size d Particle 2,155.90

- /s) 74 65 3 292 178 406 342 262 460 322 384 Dis (ft 1,824 1,308 3,589 3,767 1,605 1,533 1,632 1,978 1,708 1,558 charge -

- ficient Rough 0.0547 0.0724 0.0469 0.0219 0.0361 0.0359 0.0430 0.0233 0.0553 0.0580 0.0302 0.0514 0.0446 0.0408 0.0540 0.0464 0.0431 0.0464 0.0919 0.0938 equation) (based on ness coef Jarrett (1984) equation No No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Water- surface slope is 0.002 ft/ft less than

8 9 7 9 6 9 6 2 9 3 2 6 6 11 14 13 13 17 18 15 no. Cross- section /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, 3 Station name Bankfull data collected at the two surveyed cross sections and stream reach for study sites in near Massachusetts.—Conti nued Segreganset River at Dighton, MA Nipmuc River near Harrisville, RI Branch River at Forestdale, RI MA Winchendon, Priest Brook near MA Otter River at River, North River at Shattuckville, MA MA South River near Conway, Green River near Colrain, MA Mill River at Northampton, MA Cadwell Creek near Belchertown, MA

USGS station no. 01109070 01111300 01111500 01162500 01163200 01169000 01169900 01170100 01171500 01174900 Appendix 2. [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi distribution—equation 2 in report (Limerinos, 1970); ft Appendixes 1–4 59

) - - 50 gravel gravel gravel Particle-size (based on d classification Very coarse Very Small cobble Small cobble Small cobble cobble Large Medium Small cobble coarse Very

50 38.07 76.15 70.83 12.39 59.56 (mm) 119.12 128 179.45 size d Particle

, weighted particle-size distri w (ft/ft) slope 0.0053 0.0025 0.0066 0.0064 0.0236 0.0011 0.0034 0.0107 Water- surface

- Stream-reach data 1.20 1.07 1.10 1.33 1.05 1.05 1.13 1.36 osity (ft/ft) Sinu ratio width- 19.80 49.27 39.33 26.29 32.06 23.30 19.27 25.87 Average Average to-depth - , square foot; mm, millimeter; d 2 - 4.88 1.28 2.35 1.31 1.51 4.82 1.27 1.33 en ratio ment trench Average Average

) 50 , square mile; ft, foot; ft 2 Particle-size (based on d classification Small cobble Coarse gravel coarse gravel Very coarse gravel Very Small cobble cobble Large Bedrock Bedrock cobble Large cobble Large fine gravel Very Medium gravel Small cobble cobble Large coarse gravel Very Coarse gravel

50 Channel material 4.00 99.12 29.78 48.00 64.00 12.00 96.00 43.37 19.60 (mm) 116.30 164.28 156.77 146.52 192.00 size d Particle 2,298.80 2,762.61

- /s) 3 154 135 294 203 815 638 750 920 415 509 (equations 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in this report). Dis (ft 2,110 1,629 1,521 2,037 1,236 1,094 84 charge -

- , and d 50 , d ficient 16 Rough 0.0515 0.0321 0.0330 0.0436 0.0626 0.0603 0.0694 0.0685 0.0983 0.0806 0.0243 0.0302 0.0585 0.0506 0.0620 0.0444 equation) (based on ness coef , d w Jarrett (1984) equation No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Water- surface slope is 0.002 ft/ft less than

4 2 6 7 8 (equations 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in this report). (equations 2, 3, 4, 11 20 13 20 18 22 16 20 14 21 15 no. 84 Cross- section (equations 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in this report). (equations 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in this report). (equations 2, 3, 4, 5, and 84 84 , and d 50 , d , and d , and d /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, Connecticut; MA, Massachusetts; NH, New Hampshire; RI, Rhode Island] /sec, cubic feet per second; CT, 16 3 50 50 , d w

, d , d 16 16 , d , d w w Station name Huntington, MA Bankfull data collected at the two surveyed cross sections and stream reach for study sites in near Massachusetts.—Conti nued Sevenmile River near Spencer, MA Sevenmile River near Spencer, Brimfield, MA West Quaboag River at River at Westfield Branch West Suffield, CT West Stony Brook near Hartland, CT West Hubbard River near Green River near Great Barrington, MA Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT MA Williamstown, Green River at

For cross-section 14 at streamgage 01109070 Segreganset River at Dighton, MA, 12 of 50 Wolman (1954) pebble count samples were classified as bedrock and not used in calculation of the Manning’s rough not used in calculation of the Manning’s (1954) pebble count samples were classified as bedrock and Wolman Segreganset River at Dighton, MA, 12 of 50 For cross-section 14 at streamgage 01109070 roughness used in calculation of the Manning’s (1954) pebble count samples were classified as bedrock and not Wolman Branch River at Forestdale, RI, 27 of 50 For cross-section 9 at streamgage 01111500 were classified as bedrock and not used in Wolman (1954) pebble count samples 30 of 50 and 44 50, respectively, Suffield, CT, West Stony Brook near For cross-sections 18 and 22 at streamgage 01184100 roughness used in calculation of the Manning’s (1954) pebble count samples were classified as bedrock and not Wolman 3 of 50 Salmon Creek at Lime Rock, CT, For cross-section 21 at streamgage 01199050 USGS 1 2 3 4 station no. 01175670 01176000 01181000 01184100 01187300 01198000 01199050 01333000 ness coefficient (Limerinos, 1970) using the d coefficient (Limerinos, 1970) using the d roughness coefficient (Limerinos, 1970) using the d calculation of the Manning’s coefficient (Limerinos, 1970) using the d Appendix 2. [USGS station no.: Streamgages shown in figure 1 and described table 1. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; no., number; mi bution—equation 2 in report (Limerinos, 1970); ft 60 Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts

Appendix 3. Results of analyses of simple and multiple regression equations to estimate bankfull width, mean depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge for streams in and near Massachusetts.

[DF, degrees of freedom associated with each independent variable; <, less than; log, base-10 logarithm]

Variable DF Parameter estimate Standard error t-value p-value Simple regression Log bankfull width Intercept 1 1.17730 0.04124 28.54 0.000 Log drainage area 1 0.40382 0.02720 14.85 0.000 Log mean depth Intercept 1 -0.02217 0.03774 -0.59 0.561 Log drainage area 1 0.29598 0.02488 11.89 0.000 Log cross-sectional area Intercept 1 1.14970 0.05974 19.25 0.000 Log drainage area 1 0.70255 0.03939 17.83 0.000 Log discharge Intercept 1 1.56980 0.11910 13.18 0.000 Log drainage area 1 0.79964 0.07855 10.18 0.000 Multiple regression Log bankfull width Intercept 1 1.02792 0.06755 15.22 0.000 Log drainage area 1 0.39350 0.02516 15.64 0.000 Log mean basin slope 1 0.17514 0.06572 2.67 0.012 Log mean depth Intercept 1 -0.13700 0.06392 -2.14 0.040 Log drainage area 1 0.28804 0.02381 12.10 0.000 Log mean basin slope 1 0.13463 0.06219 2.16 0.038 Log cross-sectional area Intercept 1 0.88486 0.09189 9.63 0.000 Log drainage area 1 0.68424 0.03423 19.99 0.000 Log mean basin slope 1 0.31050 0.08939 3.47 0.002 Log discharge Intercept 1 0.91640 0.16250 5.64 0.00 Log drainage area 1 0.75447 0.06052 12.47 0.00 Log mean basin slope 1 0.76590 0.15810 4.85 0.00 Appendixes 1–4 61 0.005871240 0.005871240 0.005871240 0.005871240 -1 -0.008356732 -0.008356732 -0.008356732 -0.008356732 (X’X) 0.014888427 0.014888427 0.014888427 0.014888427 -0.008356732 -0.008356732 -0.008356732 -0.008356732 n 334 334 334 334 s 0.1198 0.1057 0.1547 0.2195 t-95 1.968 1.968 1.968 1.968 Confidence and prediction interval parameters t-90 1.650 1.650 1.650 1.650

p S s t-distribution having n-2 (simple regression) degrees of freedom with a s t-distribution having n-2 (%) 28.31 24.88 37.77 54.31

p 0.000 0.000 0.214 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 p-value S (log) 0.1206 0.1064 0.1586 0.2208

e S (%) 1.25 28.12 24.70 36.78 53.95 80.86 45.65 36.88 62.07 59.66 63.26 48.81 t-value

e S (log) 0.1198 0.1057 0.1547 0.2195 error - Standard 0.01462 0.00918 0.01290 0.00810 0.01921 0.01207 0.02678 0.01682 2 Summary statistics R Pre dicted 0.8607 0.8013 0.9134 0.8762 - 2 R Ad estimate 1.18181 0.41901 0.01607 0.29886 1.19264 0.71983 1.69441 0.82085 Parameter justed 0.862 0.803 0.914 0.877 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R DF 0.863 0.804 0.915 0.878 , standard error of the prediction; t-90, quartile student’ p 0.8208 s t-distribution having n-2 degrees of freedom with a probability exceedance 0.025; n, number data points; s, root mean square error; 0.2989 )]

2 )] 2 0.4190 )] Results of analyses 2 ) = 15.5826 [Drainage 2 , standard error of the estimate; S e Variable /s) = 49.4778 [Drainage Area (mi /s) = 49.4778 [Drainage Bankfull equation 3 Summary statistics, confidence and prediction interval parameters, results of analyses simple regression equations for estimating the bankfull width, mean 0.7198 )]

2 Log bankfull width Intercept Log drainage area Log mean depth Intercept Log drainage area Log cross-sectional area Intercept Log drainage area Log discharge Intercept Log drainage area , covariance matrix; DF, degrees of freedom associated with each independent variable; log, base-10 logarithm] degrees of freedom associated with each independent , covariance matrix; DF, -1 Area (mi , coefficient of determination; S 2 Bankfull Width (ft)= 15.1988 [Drainage Area (mi (ft)= 15.1988 [Drainage Width Bankfull Area (mi Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) = 1.0377 [Drainage Area (ft Bankfull Cross-Sectional (ft Bankfull Discharge Appendix 4. depth, cross-sectional area, and discharge for streams in the northeastern United States. [R probability of exceedance 0.05; t-95, the quartile student’ (X’X) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Prepared by the Pembroke and West Trenton Publishing Service Centers.

For more information concerning this report, contact:

Office Chief U.S. Geological Survey New England Water Science Center Massachusetts-Rhode Island Office 10 Bearfoot Road Northborough, MA 01532 [email protected] or visit our Web site at: Bent and Waite—Equations for Estimating Bankfull Channel Geometry and Discharge for Streams in Massachusetts—Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5155 ISSN 2328-031X (print) ISSN 2328-0328 (online) Printed on recycled paper