12 New Data on Minerals. 2013. Vol. 48 BARATOVITE-KATAYAMALITE MINERALS FROM THE HODZHA-ACHKAN ALCALINE MASSIF (KIRGIZIA) Leonid A. Pautov, Vladimir Yu. Karpenko, Atali A. Agakhanov Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,
[email protected] The baratovite KLi3Ca7Ti2[Si6O18]2F2 – katayamalite KLi3Ca7Ti2[Si6O18]2(ОH)2 mineral series is found in pyroxene-feldspar fenites at the northern contact of the Hodzha-Achkan alkaline massif in Taldy-Bulak valley (a northern slope of the Alaysky ridge, Batkensky Region, Kyrgyzstan). The baratovite-containing rocks have a spotty, striate texture, consertal structure, and a changeable color index that is caused by uneven distribution of the main and minor minerals: hedenbergite – aegirine pyroxenes, microcline, albite, wollastonite, miserite (REE2O3 to 5.5 wt.%), calcite (SrO to 1.1 wt.%), quartz. Accessory minerals are: titanite, fluorite, andradite, zircon, turkestanite, ekanite, thorite, tadzhikite-(Ce), britholite group minerals, stillwellite-(Ce), datolite, bazzirite, gittinsite, fluorapatite, barite, galena, molybdenite, pyrite, and pyrrhotite. Baratovite-katayamalite forms lamellar individes to 3 cm with a pinkish color. In short-wave UV-radiation the color is bluish-white. 3 VHN microhardness = 670 (5–6 on the Mohs scale). Dmeas. = 2.92(2), Dcalc. = 2.91 g/cm . Biaxial, optically positive, 2V from 70º to 90º, dispersion strong, r > v; ng = 1.674(2), nm = 1.671(3), np = 1.666(3). IR spectrum (intensive bands, cm-1): 1082, 972, 695, 598, 570, 541, 521, 478, 448, 412. The X-ray powder data obtained by photomethod (Guinier camera), and diffractometry are given. Parameters of a cell (photomethod): a = 16.93(1), b = 9.742(5), c = 20.92(2)Å, β = 112.51(5)○, V = 3187(5)A3.