Rolling Plan for Ict Standardisation 2019
Ref. Ares(2019)2401036 - 04/04/2019 ROLLING PLAN FOR ICT STANDARDISATION 2019 ICT Standardisation INTRODUCTION European Commission DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Standards for Growth The Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation provides a unique The Commission has identified five priority domains1 —5G, bridge between EU policies and standardisation activities cloud, cybersecurity, big data and the internet of things in the field of information and communication technolo- (IoT) —where it considers ICT standardisation most urgent gies (ICT). This allows for increased convergence of stand- for the completion of the digital single market.. It has also ardisation makers’ efforts towards achieving EU policy identified a number of application domains that will bene- goals. This document is the result of an annual dialogue fit from standard setting in those horizontal technologies, involving a wide-range of interested parties as represent- in particular eHealth, intelligent transport systems, smart ed by the multi-stakeholder platform on ICT standardisa- energy and advanced manufacturing. The 2019 Rolling tion. The Rolling Plan focuses on actions that can support Plan continues to include actions to support the priorities EU policies and does not claim to be as complete as the indicated in the Communication. work programmes of the various standardisation bodies. The Rolling Plan is a living document. In the 2019 edition, Standardisation actions identified in this document to sup- four new chapters were added. “Artificial intelligence” port EU policies is complementary to other instruments, in and the “European Global Navigation Satellite System particular the Annual Union Work Programme (AUWP). The (EGNSS)” have been added to the “ Key enablers and se- Rolling Plan lists all areas where ICT standardisation could curity” chapter and “Water management Digitisation” and support EU policy objectives.
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