
ELCOME 18 NEW FACULTY MEMBERS 12 DEPARTMENTS MAKE APPOINTMENTS PtLix$ ujW by PAT GOLDER 1965 She has traveled in Europe Middle the beginning of new year and the East

acuity appointments been Mr Charles Lindquist joined ntl lt Beaver in 12 out of 16 de the Department of History and vol No BEAVER COLLEGE GLENSIDE PA October 966 an instructor in XLII Wednesday U_ULIVL1I Government as

Dr Franklin Sturges has sue- government He received his B.A __ flr Edward at Hartwick College his MA at Pryzina as VIEWS WORLD PROBLEMS and is AMBASSADOR ADEBO Izessor of biology and chairman Temple University Ph.D the department Dr Sturges re candidate at University of Viet Nam failure whatever their Discusses Red China his B.A at San Jose Col Mr was Nigerian Representative motivation because they do not Fellow the ege and his M.A and Ph.D at formerly Teaching at Vief Narn Speaks for Peace attract the affections of the peo an.cI Afrka Oregon State College He has spent University of Pennsylvania and an JUDY plc on the but stressed that summers at Jackson Hole Wildlife instructor at Temple University by QUIGG continent the admission of Red Peacemakers Role the diversity of languages culture Park Grand Teton National Park Community College Though China the United Nations would Speaking of the peacemakers and history are yet to be over- and the Audubon Camp of Cali Mrs Dorothy Vogel is new lee- to In this of itself solve the in role Mr Adebo said come fornia piusuing his interest in or- turer in the French Department not problems the failure to ad- world some injustices go unreme The ambassador implied strongly nithology Dr Sturges is married She received her B.S at Margaret Southeast Asia died but we increasingly to that federation of African and has two children Morrison Carnegie College her M.A mit it is the biggest stumbling try many toward in bring more and more affairs into states is the ultimate but Mrs Myrna Bair now assis at Middlebury Colleges Graduat.e block in our path peace goal that of the world the arena of justice that complete freedom from cob- tant professor of chemistry at School of French in France and is part That was the of You dont bash peoples heads nial domination and the acquisi Beaver received her B.S at the Ph.D candidate at Rutgers Mrs pronouncement Ambassador in and insist they do what you tion of stable are the Jaiversity of Cincinnati M.S Vogel formerly taught for two years Adebo repre government sentative of to the United want them in democracy immediate the University of Wisconsin and is in Paris and was teaching assis Nigeria to you problems conference dont believe in that Africa is in state of Ph.D candidate at the Univer tant in French at Douglass College Nations and in press today before his address at Beavers Too often people forget they tension Happily many parts of shy of Wisconsin Mr Alvin Byer John Huels instructor in phil- he be God We Africa are the other new appointee in the De osophy earned his B.S at Union opening convocation Sept 25 may wrong not being now free in the sense have the to that the inhabitants these is his views on Viet Nam must humility of places partment of Chemistry and Physics College and Ph.D candidate expressed always assistant at the of Red Africa and number believe that we might conceivably run their own administrations is an professor of physics University Pennsylvania China and of other current world be He emphasized that the After receiving his B.S MS He was formerly Teaching Fel problems wrong youth he would state He called African the and small size of the at Drexel Institute he was asso low at the University of Pennsyl Though not flatly unity inexperience dated with the General Electric vania that Red China will be admitted to highest aspiration of every African Continued on Page Col the Adebo seemed Space Center in Valley Forge and Dr Louise Baenninger is now world body Mr the the Spring Garden Institute and lecturer in psychology and re confident of its admission in attended Radioisotopes Institute at search assistant at Beaver Dr reasonable future He cautioned If China is it the Philadelphia College of Science Baenninger earned her B.A at however admitted will not be defiance of and Pharmacy Mr Byer is also New York University and her Ph.D in any great will the parttime musician and music tea at Johns Hopkins University power It be on UNs terms Red those of cher The new professor of mathema not on Chinas or any

Mr Abed Dalati visiting assis tics and chairman of the depart- one nation

is The United Nations does not tant professor of economics receiv rnent Charles Moulton form- ed his G.C.E at London and Ox- erly professor of mathematics and have to accept all the conditions stated the leaders ford Universities B.A at Robert chairman of the department at as allegedly by Red he said College Istanbul Turkey M.B.A MacMurray College Jacksonville of China Talks Viet Nam at Wharton School University of Illinois Dr Moulton has been ac on

Pennsylvania and is Ph.D can- tive in the Mathematical Associa His comments on Red China led didate at the University of Penn- tion of America and has served as to discussion of other divided

sylvania Formerly Mr Dalati was consultant on setting up under- nations specifically Viet Nam

lecturer at Bucknell His inter graduate programs for students who We believe that the problem of

intend do two of is ests include sports hunting and to graduate study in rejoining parts country arksmansMp mathema1is He received his M.A matter for the people of those Three members have joined and Ed.D at the State University areas themselves He termed the ion Department Mrs of New York at Buffalo and did fighting in Southeast Asia very Claire Mrs Joan Schmidt graduate work at Rochester Uni sorry situation and Mrs Geraldine Hewitt Mrs versity Emory University Ohio All those involved must coop- Fox has an M.A in Education State University Syracuse Univer crate and remove their troops so from Temple University an M.A sity and New York University that we can fashion government fmni which Communist the University of Pennsylva Dr Harry Wilkinson has joined is not just or

and is about to receive her the Music Department as lecturer Neo-Capitalist or anything else but whose real in- rate from Temple University in music Dr Wilkinson received government She is an assistant professor of edu his B.S and M.Ed at Temple terest is to bring about an econo Lcation handling philosophical foun University and his Ph.D at East- mic system that is viable and hap- dations of education geography man School of Music of the Uni py and social studies in the elemen versity of Rochester Previously Wc must do away with ideolo

tary school and is supervisor of Dr Wilkinson was professor of mu- gical slogans and secure three

secondary school student teachers sic at West Chester State College square meals day for these peo

Hewitt part-time lecturer in and organist and choirmaster at the plc some of whom have never education has taught elementary Church of St Martin-in-the-Fields known day of peace in their As Dr Gates smiles proudly His Excellency Chief Adebo shakes the .i1w.1 for seven years and secon Two new members have lives hands of two Beaver graduates Suzanne Robson Hills and Lydia Parry He termed the current efforts in Lewis at the opening convocation of Beavers 114th academic year UdLy school for three years She added to the Sociology Department has her Masters degree from Tern- Mrs Jane Mervine and Mrs Edith as lecturers Mrs ple University Shapin New Housemothers Aid Students Miss Alma Alabiikian is the new Mervine earned her B.A and MA on Campus cturer in the Fine Arts Depart- at the University of Pennsylvania Miss Alabilikian her where she Ph.D candidate roent received is Miss Homer Mrs Sharlott Spark Dorm Life B.F.A from Beaver then became Mrs Shapin received her M.S.W

the head of the Interior Design De at the University of Pennsylvania by VICKI HADDON and of homemaker Now she is had who has decid pariment of the Philadelphia office She has great deal of ex LYNNE COWGILL proud grandmother of Bellante and Clauss and was perience in welfare work and was ed to spend some of her leisure Beaver one of the Outstand Family Counselor for the Jewish The eager newcomers to hours as member of the college all Mrs Women in America in Family Service this year are not students staff Gertrude Sharlott assistant di Even with the heavy dermnds rector of residence and Miss Joan made upon housemother Mrs Dr Khoobyar Perpetual Student Homer housemother of Dorm and Sharlott is able to devote much Director of Housing are also ad- time to her church activities teach- justing to their new environment Joins Beaver as Teacher Asst Dean ing Sunday school weekly Another Mrs Sharlott the floating house- of her personal interests is in her by CAROL HESSELBACHER mother will be seen at every wards doing over old things Helen Khoobyar has joined housemothers desk when she sub- that is restoring antiques and dcc- staff this year as the stitutes for every director of resi old houses Dean orating new Assistant of the College dence her weeks and as professor of philosophy Reflecting upon past Not is this Mrs Sharlotts Mrs wishes tc Khoobyar was born in Te only at Beaver Sharlott first affiliation with but it the Iran where she lived until Beaver express her appreciation for to the United States to is also her initial position as warm welcome which has been cx she attend Wooster College coeduca housemather Previously en- tended to her Already she has dli-

the fulltime responsibilities covered that her is lional Presbyterian school in Ohio joyed job rewarding At Wooster she earned her BA and she explained Such job not rewards degree Her desire to learn is lim only yields through help- mold itless she termed herself per- ing girls to their characters ntual student but also by training the house- her post-graduate degrees in- mether to extend love patience Masters in education from and endurance wpfprn University Bach- Miss Homer is not easily noticed Miss Joan homer and doctorate in ir Ui ivuuty because she may be mistaken fo Iiaious education from Hartford student Also serving her first Here at Beaver she is working irnr fl .Connecticut At pres Dean Pluinmer year as housemother she has with on roommate Khoobyar is working on the Tutorial been receiving guidance from other problems Philadelphia LU at the University of Cal- the Govern- Dr Helen Khoobyar housemothers who she says are Project and Student at Berkeley She ha also terrific people doing fine job ment Organization She is trying to courses at Oxford University teach philosophy as well as gain get S.G.O to clarify some of the left her hometown of land and at Columbia Uni experience in administrative tasks Miss Homer rules that girls most frequently attend She says that small college proW Bethlehem Pennsylvania to break Through explanation or where she re ezore coming to Beaver Miss vides the atmosphere he favors Temple University omission of these rules she hopes ceived her Bachelor of Ais de obyar taught at Beirut College She likes to be around gay and to have stronger enforcement of the u7_..__ in Lebanon while on charming young women gree in political science and was on Social Honor Cede the Deans List for of her anca leave She has also tray like youth and spontaneity and seven there While work Her first of Beaver Led all over the world to attend he has found the students at Bea eight semesters impression her Masters at to be favorable The ---ith and international confer- ver friendly and cordial Her ad ing towards degrea seems quite vice to the student body is Lets Bryn Mawr also in political sci campus is beautiful the girls seem research and all in all it to be Khoobyars main reason3 for make studying really fun and in- ence Miss Homer was nice appears excellent to to to Beaver are that she wants crease our passion for knowledge Mrs Gertrude Sharlott assistant to professor an place go college October 1966 PogeTwo BEAVER NEWS Wednesday

and Expansion Perspecfives and Projections Improvement conducted by The college evaluation survey Announced Dr Gates on registration by the Psychology Department toward the direction PHYLLIS McKEON day is step in right by admm been done toward combined effort by students faculty Over the past summer much has and arid and improvement of the college and trustees to study improve the expansion istration to come President Gates reports more is still the inside out the college from construction on Beavers $350000 Dr As you all know convocation Sept 25 is well under way At the opening Little Theatre-Fine Arts complex Board of Trus Little Theatre scheduled John Cornell president of the with the completion of the for audio- the trustees this fall The theatre will be equipped of the efforts made by for tees spoke and will have stage adequate for per- over the summer and con- visual study and administration small conertsiid student recitals the col forming artists the fall to improve as small chapel or class- tinuing through It will also be adaptable their 168 and otherwise We salute and will have seating capacity for lege physically room on the fine arts building will con- efforts CLf7O The new wing for and lounges Work an initial step tam additional studios offices The evaluation provided be next will begin in early October and completed in this process But TIP UPPERCLASSMEN the students to participate second spring the time has come for step plans have also now Along with this construction work science and class- bigger one Dream We Dreamed been completed for new $3000000 the one ad- and the financing is now being An evaluation survey such as room building MARTY KEARNS Director Kornfield ministered last month is of necessity general by this replied planned have science labors- examine more fully The plot of William Carlos Wil Well thats because youre deal- The three-story building will must dig deeper Now we research departments and an amphitheatre which hams play Dream of Love cen. ing with literate the doctor tories those things man seminar and and suggest thoughtfully as well as general classrooms rooms ters on middle-age infidelity The And literate woman his wife what it should be can make Beaver College offices modem three-act currently at Poor Dottys dummy Yet the what we would like it to be The construction of this building is in co-ordination and Philadelphias Theatre of the Liv- last act drama emerges as wildly of the college and is one of the that as the next step with the master plan We suggest therefore the of tic and the ing Arts portrays triangle relationships though toward increased enrollment The building students be permitted even first steps in evaluation Daniel Thurber still in verbal become building anJ physician-writer downpour to be located adjacent to the classroom submit and specific the will be requested to positive his wife Myra and one ofthe doe- more dynamic across from the main entrance of library effort suggestions about the college One tc tors married patients Dotty In the Judged as whole the Theatre ready for use by late 1968 ad- letter There also have been number of smaller ward this end was made in the open first scene the Thurbers are quar of the Living Arts production of The hallways and justments made around the college most students reling about the doctors profes Dream of Love was at best section of the survey However have been new lounge in Thomas Hall carpeted to sion is he or is he believably and worst that were unprepared express poet phy splotchy at installed in Grey Towers felt they heating system has been sician question that reaches bomber Admittedly from the Towers has been clearei their ideas as fully and carefully as they and the basement of Grey no resolution in the first scene or outset all were handicapped by room for the entire college The would have liked to on such short notice for use as storage in the last poets rather than Castle also has been the recipient of new carpeting to which these suggestions might be sub- staging play source and of two additional exits that they would be wel Somewhere in the middle of the dramatists Often the lines were on the front stairway mitted and the knowledge from the base- one from the rear hallway and one come and valuable to all concerned in the evaluation doctors indecisiveness lies the in- awkward if not prosaic and un if their ment storage room process must be made available to students fidelity of all three but why related Yet at other times the have been deal be used they must be for In other dormitories there great thoughts are to used And and to whom or to what Can ef clumsy dialogue was startlingly maintenance improvements affected by the welfare and of painting and general who is more directly be faithful to his fective in the of physician poetry revealing anguish and furnishings including pool direction of the college than those who study here New doorways Can be faithful to his wife emotions in students poet opposing will be provided in the dining hall lounge It is two-fold responsibility however table used as be Thankfully poet Williams did not The production included that this area may be better must be willing to think deep and long to posi experi Dorm so the fall into the of mental such activities Live and constructive and unfailingly honest in easy fallacy over effects as nude ap student room are searching long-awaited and gratefully received op simplification when writing of in- pearing back stage for spotlighted As for the future other campus improvements expansion of park- portunity for evaluation fidelity or of any other human re. five seconds remnant of Marat being planned including possible It is also encouraging to see that last springs for which is being made lationship In seeking to define the Sade and flashing red-white-and- beg areas survey sound-off was not all in vain Faculty adimnistra limits of infidelity in Dream of blue U.S.A flags la LSD living seem to feel rejuven Lion and yes even students Love and criticism has Williams realized and sue- art on the stage as the maid the ated as the climate for questioning the Listen- cessfully showed how dreadfully milkman and the butcher On Light lights improved on our once sleepy little campus boy par- Stage ing to Dr Gates students get the feeling that at last complex human relationships are aded Yankee Doddle Dandy forma by JOAN MacINTOSH someone does care and our suggestions are being Commenting on this aspect of the tion around the bed of infidelity hard almost dream is about play and its author Lawrence The purpose of these experiments Production is over college and university in America Today every the current di- was an to enliven to materialize Perhaps have seen its corn- to Kornfield guest attempt an es you must improve in order to survive To stagnate is rector from New York Citys Jud non-dramatic but amidst the lumber and activity at Brook- decline and be swallowed up by the quicksand of sentially ing made son Poets Theatre said Williams drew wanton features to have shared in intellectual apathy and ineptness Baver has they only side Studios Perhaps you raise its standards first has written this as he writes the whole positive efforts to Our Tues play production the dream from its conception just one year day convocation this fact As students we all his things with as real The were proves people strongest performances Or perhaps you have already reakzed should feel and stimulated by the excel- ago challenged people and reality as it is and not played by George Bartenioff as the its unable to control your curi lent new staff members added to our faculty Do potential and PURPLE doctor Gertrude Jeannette as the have you realize that nearly every one has attained the osity as this writer confesses already It is long The first two Georgia Burke as it We need this con- play housemaid and Ph.D degree or aspires toward stolen peek at the building which is Beavers acts are slow to unravel the faith- church- intellectual our faculty Stu the two-fisted ubiquitous tinning growth among newest addition on this What- fijI and unfaithful reactions of Smith campus year dents complaints of dullness boring lectures and the goer Mrs Harding Lois as ever the fear not You will soon be treat- uninteresting assignments should be lessened as our doctor his wife and Dotty Its Myra Thurber stamped through an case staff members to fresh ideas ed with to tantalize the palate new bring our campus sometimes cruel as real-life is in embarrassingly bad performance tasty delights in varied fields being over-long There is not lot But the full impact of Williams of even the most satiated theatregoer We have heard of physical improvements for ex of dramatic action but there is lines dream we dreamed The Little Theatre which isnt so little any- pansion Plans for new science complex are being drama going and that is the little false of love hold will for on November 15 reviewed in Harrisburg as we anxiously await their on true more premiere you drama of the heart It approval The Little Theatre and fine arts facilities is poets even though the staging of those with the opening of Fall Production Dr not dramatists To did are now nearing completion Carpeting and heating play play lines not Faustus Lights the Lights Lend me your ears systems might seem trivial but live in Thomas or citizens of Beaver prologue to the open- Grey Towers and see what difference they make heard the ing scene Seniors especially have been discussing The Concise Freshman Guide to the Art fact that their college has improved markedly since There was time when theatrical produc they arrived as not so green freshmen spirit of tions at Beaver were never free of technical regeneration has taken hold Pride the important Galleries and Museums of Center City difficulties when noisy water pipes hard feeling that you are glad to belong to the Beaver wooden and make- scene has been noticed throughout the student body chairs poor ventilation This is not to that Beaver has become the in- shift discomforted those from front say Or Philadelphia in Two Hours Week lighting tellectual Mecca of American colleges There are un row center to back rowleft when small tested propositions unanswered questions unim by SUE WOOD plete without attending at least one stage inadequate dressing rooms cramped proved facilities but what does count is that the lines exhibition at the Pennsylvania Aca and make-shift scene of communication have been opened up We corn- Now that all you frosh are safe- backstage area building demy of Fine Arts at Broad and plained of lack of dialogue between faculty stu ly ensconced in the routine oI aca area tortured the most ingenious production dents and administration Now the Cherry few blocks north gaps separating demic life at Beaver College here is crew from director to usherette It was then three of Hall Works of Andrew these groups dont seem so wide any more We the City Wy- guide for enrichment of your that the dream was born it was then that Mr have cut the miles to feet and want to accomplish eth will be showing starting Oct cultural activities in Philadelphia and Mrs John Atwood offered to donate funds even more Feet to inches is our next goal On and Around Walnut Street one so handy so compact it may so that theatrical productions at Beaver The charming area recommend might be clipped from this issue .ind in- have the best of all homes It for next visit is Rittenhouse possible was serted in wallet for availability your then that of the student and RDB Square Starting out on Walnut at members body at all times Nan Duskins where you may want faculty met with Dr Gates and the Atwoods Editor-in-Chief Laura Conway North of Market Street to purchase some elegant whimsy to see just what could be done to improve our EDITORIAL STAFF You are in Philly at and shopping lets face it this is one of Phila Little Littler Littlest Theatre That was in the News Editor Phyllis McKeon Wanamakers location for good delphias most exclusive shops spring of 1965 Feature Editor Peggie Friedberg us to begin Providing your pack- stroll up to 18th Street and walk Next contracts were and Drama Editor Joan MacIntosh signed plans were drawn ages are not too cumbersome cross south along the There to re-design and the well Copy Editor Jane Luft square just enlarge theatre as as to Market Street and walk to the parallel below the park on the left is the design new art complex for which production will Sports Editor Margie Schneider Hall north block begin soon It was decided to remodel the theatre in Makeup Editor Charlotte Weyant City Square one Philadelphia Art Alliance Admis to Commerce Street and the such way that it could serve primarily for the Photography Editors Nancy Goldsmith and bus sion free three stories of rotating presentation of Fall Production Play Festival Spring Jean Horten stop Here catch the us to the exhibits Production the English Club Production and other Headlines Amy Honigsberg Philadelphia Museum of Art at 26th Having contemplated the art and dramatic scenes and Cartoonist Kiki Ackermann poetry readings throughout the and the Parkway open day feeling new-found sense of every your year but also so that it could serve as chapel for Reporters and Contributors Judy Quigg Pat Golder and incidentally great placu for awareness of perceptivity in Sunday morning worship services and Sue Wood Ellen Coleman Carol Hesselbacher stop Wednesday Sunday date Admission 50c art the on the back Wal night vespers and as classroom for special Lynne Cowgill Kathy Weidman Vicki Haddon park way to art film students free theatre or lectures if permission is first secured Swedlin Judy Glassburg Margie Krohn art majors inquire nut and absorb the atmosphere Rosali the at the studio to through Dean of Students Thus plans completed Meredith Collins Jane Reed Linda Klevit Jan- as procedure watch the artists do some sketch- and production almost finished our new theatre is ice Linda friend Bonnie and Fuchs Bunny Rolfe Lynn Kressel My have ing yourself feed the pigeons about to open its doors to you Jordan Lynne Patricia Broh Bobbi found the house Norman Japanese tea there go native This is must always The stage is set Enter please As you pass through Newland Betsy Kushner Carol Hettenbach especially worth visit restful for Bonnie when shes in the Bobbie Fine stop and the serene in purity of its arehi area great pigeon lover that she is BUSINESS STAFF tecture Manet exhibit opens Nov After popping into La Plumas Business Manager Susan Ginsburg Bootery just north on 18th take the 4dvertising Manager Donna Greenfield Hop off the bus halfway down the Walnut Street bus to 34th Street Circulation Manager Susan Leonard if have parkway or you on pair where at Locust Walk you see the Assistants Janet Boris Carol Grandy of your sturdier shoes walk up from University of Pennsylvanias Insti Elma Greisinger Harriet Hix Jeanie Horten Pat Circle the Bushell Logan to small and ax- tute of Contemporary Art Admis Faculty Adviser Margaret Green quisite Rodin Museum bronzes sion free now showing New Art in The Beaver News Is bi-weekiy publication by and for watercolors and pencil sketches Philadelphia Being there and in Beaver students and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the administration Admission free your hip fun La Pluma shoes ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS And please no sojourn to this you cant help but feel mod and in 1966 MEMBER 1967 section of the city would be corn- the know 1966 sday October BEAVER NEWS Page Three DIRECTION 70 BEAVER FROM THE FROSH POINT OF VIEW

by JUDY QUJGG mer and it was attractive to me As day student dont feel

And Susan of the It Theyve arrived some 240 strong my cousin Hiliback part campus seems so goes to Beaver much like high school to be several dozen states and going didnt the here to home every night was just ac dIul of foreign countries and expect girls be so much like in high cepted as member of the Glee blur of massed dinks and green people school be rather Club so that will make me feel and white blouses turns They seem to so- more part of the school Daze into greenie haze daIly inclined Theyre not as aca will teach me to demically serious as had thought hope college however in- examination think and to and they might be Sometimes people use my mind give that appearances to the con- me it will here seem ti enjoy scoffing at poise hope help me there is no such thing as well-rounded others or making nasty remarks become person lypical freshman look beyond The academic pressure is not so the blunt haircuts the levis and Just whim that real all the scuffed loafers reveals that the bad youre in state the time went to dif 1970 is as varied as it is pretty plus chance ficult Gabel high school Catlin ifl asked my teacher at the Amer Portland and we used lot of in an attempt to break jean Collegiate Institute in Izmir college texts so it isnt that much list doi fl freshman mystique Turkey for of American col of change five members the Class of 1970 leges explains dark-eyed Guishen

were interviewed last week to find Ini very happy and ontent Chalik whose real home is in There are lots of social and irtel out the whys behind their sejection Adana Turkey but who alternated lectual here of Beaver and the wherefores hi opportunities guess between her boarding school and this want learn live t1ieir plans for their college careers year to to her familys summer home at Istan with and In their own words here are the people more successfully bul become more knowledgeable answers On the list were Vassar Cor nell Wellesley Smith and Beaver Towers Grey is so ro among many was late in pply manfk and cool ing so applied to Beaver Skidmore was accepted by both My first choice was collegr in with scholarships rginia whose name cant even chose Beaver because wanted iember any more declares Met- small school interested in foreign Collins But then came ti students The location was mpor just to look around vas tant too At home when som nc on the verge of sending in my ap says America its the cities we pLication to the Virginia school think of Also must keep in had about befori the days touch with the Turkish educationsl deadline and arly-decision attaché in New York which may went home and thought about it be easier from here than from Sr The castle was really something atoga Springs Being near the guess that helped me to decide of can meet Turkish tudents visited here everybody there seemed nice student so My guides My parents are glad came to friends were and there varied was girls school they think it may of kind prejudice any Every- keep me away from boys They are body just seemed to take psiple so afraid Ill marry an American for human beings Dating they dont mind but mar- going to be Med Tech riage is serious business

is LETTERS FROM HOME make freshman life major ut my math teacher at DEBBIE PARKS My basic characteristic that easier Meredith Collins dont think agrees but that romantic and cool Castle on the hill helps lot too antasqua Regional High School no mistake change too much so eredith is from Colum that will change think this originally year heard lived the II wanted to be Ill learn to act freer with In only good things for past two name boys much Adebo.. in West Brookfield Mass not Turkey the boys attach so about Beaver number dont last week her family moved to meaning to what you say Everybody talked to said only Continued from Page Col delphia stormed up and down wanted small school where think boys here will do that but good things about the school says there would be around to havent had African nations must be taken into shouting Med Tech is somebody any dating experi Barbara Tiffany of Short Hills icr anybody but help me when make mistakes as ence so really dont know consideration The African nations you had Spanish teacher who rm sure will said Debbie Parks ..I was expecting more of an in- are still challenge to leadership Im math major want to had taught here when Beaver was as she waited for the train at Glen- tellectual and look- atmosphere was Mr called the get my masters degree and teach in Jenkintown and the guidance Adebo assassina side station is student but She day ing forward to it things may tion last month of Prime while rm working on my doctor- director at my school the Beard Minister and lives at 1819 studied 13 sub- ate doubt that Ill Carpentsr St change Gulshen Verwoerd of Rhodesia get that far School Orange encouraged regrettable Philadelphia in two in but would like jects languages Turkey as all violence is but to get some kind me to come spent weekend regrettable love the and did She was the student from her of fellowship Castle only last do not see that this will cause year with my big sister Pam any want to near the was school who came to in the stay city college and that great changes in the policies of This year want to meet lots Windsor had lot to do accepted at Clarion United and is fine arts Slippery Rock States with that nation and lots of boys aLso want to do my coming here and Morgan State Colleges but major lots of around and had applied to Hood and Briar- things school Peace Talks came to Beaver What surprises me mO5t The At cliff but Briardiff is prove my athletic abilities which too terribly Most of my friends Debbie way you hold your forks And let- As member of the UN Security went to Girls High went away to tuce dont think Ive had Council Mr Adebo relies on his school and Id really like live meal yet without it even with pacifist leanings and his position on campus Im on waiting list fruit What like best is bare feet UGH as ambassador of small neutral now for room At home and at school could nation to do whatever we can to think living off campus is the never barefoot but now do PLF go bring East and West together biggest problem Fvc had so far all the time We are listened to with consid

erable politeness There is some doubt as to how much real impact we make on issues but on some we have been of great help while we wish we had been more on oth era

Asked how his position on the Security Council might assist in the solving of the Viet Nam prob lem the ambassador prefaced his statement by saying that decla

BARBARA TIFFANY ration of our intentions in the Se- got the good word curity Council would weaken my position there In addition own social and think Hood might have my government has not made been harder than Beaver yei an announcement of its official posi Everything here is just great tion KATHERINE McBRIDE felt so welcome when arrived-.-

new experience was afraid there would be cold However we who are outside

upperclassmen looking down on the should try and concentrate not on ramer poor Im going to have the little freshmen but everyone is so attribution of blame for the work too especially in German outgoing and friendly You just present state of things an exer hope this year gives me look at everybody and feel as if cise which will raise more contro background in education Ive than you want to get to know them all versy dispose of it but con- so concerned with math didnt expect everyone to be centrate on what should be done dont know much about other tly so casual about which must be the dress but its great objective of all jects and why not During the week who believe in democracy Is all the clock dont need to set hair by you your or The best way to determine this abiut clothes Worry your is not by public ri not used to such regimenta pronouncements Theres much more social pres so many rules says Kath Speaks for Nation sure than expected On of Portland Ore Saturday McBride Mr Adebo emphasized that each nights the girls who dont have so much to about worry ambassador is not his own he dates seem to be apologizing for man og out on the right card be- speaks not for himself but for his themselves The pressure is one at the right time government Arthur who thing really dislike Goldberg always wanted to come East is magnificent man and Fm psych major and hope very and its so new experience Ill but decent human being is not his own stay one people say you erent from the West also master and often must face weak ap change your major lot want to

rl tg Wilson and and Wheatn situation and deal with it as best go into psychoanalysis as career eceptea by Wilson but came he can according to what Wash- and even if the courses are boring because of the nearness of ington tells him or dont like them Fm really ork and Philadelphia Wil serious about my career Past history has only limited so isolated Fm surprised that the work isnt lessons for us We must now rethink department elementary ed harder and there isnt entire of TIPPING HER DINK is something really new for Guislien Chalik of more of it our philosophy security is good here had seen had hours because now the ultimate Turkey who is the only student from her high school to attend college expected and hours weapon when East last but was sum- in the United States it really isnt bad is one that we dare not use BEAVER NEWS October 1966 Page Four Wednesday ON TO THE SPORT Around Town Is Hockey Camp Becoming Lost Art The Ice Capades are appearing at Convention Hall through Oct Will What Role the Future Dictate Tickets range from $2.50-$4.50 and are available at Gimbels in Chel by MARGIE SCHNEIDER professional sports experts there tenham and at Center City ticket Is hockey Camp Any sort of should be greater quantitative par- offices scrutinizing evaluation of Hockey ticipation in athletic events next Camp one of Beavers traditional year This calls for notice now in Holly Golightly musical adap institutions leads one to conclude reference to the future plans ici tation by Abe Burrows and Bob that Hockey Camp as held this year Hockey Camp Merrill of Truman Capotes Break- fails in the purpose for which it The Athletic Association now fast at Tiffanys is due to open at was designed sort of distaff an- spends an inordinate amount of the Forrest Theatre Phila Oct 10 swe to the football warm-lip ses time money and energy toward The show will star Mary Tyler sions the success of an event which Moore and Richard Chamberlain Hockey Camp instituted before seems presently doomed to fall wonders many alumnae care to remember short of its goals and one The Philadelphia Museum of Art was sanctioned as training camp if it should continue to do so is 250 for the members of the hockey feel the institution should right_ currently showing prints books and posters by Joan Mijo teams once one of Beavers most ly remain only if it changes its The should delude oir exhibit which will run through attractive and attracting activities goals Why we On October 18 1966 Dr Charles Hall will speak on the forces Oct 23 includes new work cre It was planned to afford the play- selves about the purpose of Hockey that shape contemporary man ated for the exhibit Nat- era chance to limber up after the Camp and remain bound to the especially abe Kampen will conduct gillery summer theories of tradition There is talk on Miro Saturday Oct at 1st Dads Weekend New Mono-Test Now Hockey Camp for which the nothing shameful opcny 1100 in the Print Gallery Athletic Association spends $350 of holding camp for the reasons a.m ver As millions of students return to its SGO allotment caters to ma- the girls cite for coming to Urn- To Be Oct 22-23 classes college physicians and nur of freshmen whose ulterior ber meet friends talk about the Ingmar Bergman is being honored jority up ses are faced with long lines of motives for participating far out- and generally enjoy re by film festival currently under summer men and women complaining of Bandbox weigh genuine interest in the laxed and informal experience way at Germantowns Plan Schedule Busy feeling tired and listless and having It is the very with friends they rarely re Repertory Film Center 30 Armat sport spurned by see other symptoms The first Father-Daughter Week- girls for whom it was designed It maved from the anxious and obli St Phila The remaining films in Some students are simply suffer- end at Beaver College will be is now considered some inextric gatory atmosphere of the regular the festival are The Magician and ing from laziness But many others Wild launched October 22-23 In its earli able component of Freshman Week semesters Strawberries Oct 5-8 Smiles have legitimate reasan for back- est last the icle.i was and of no value to upperclassmen Further still why limit this event of Summer Night and Illicit In- stages year to-school slump infectious mo Oct and proposed as an Athletic Association since the daily sessions of practice solely to hockey would like to terlude 9-11 nnucleosis common disease with and Glass or Public Relations project Now during the regular semester are suf see two to three-day session Light Through Darkly more difficult to diagnose than to in which ficient of athletic activities in- Oct 1215 For further information as an all-college activity variety treat call club has been encouraged to There are only seven physical eluding tennis archery and volley- VI 4-3511 every theory that mono is trans the diversity of the education majors now at Beaver ball or perhaps potpaurri of in- participate mitted by close personal contact has schedule has increased the Next there will not he any tramural sports held each year be- Kaleidoscope of greatly year led college students to romantically Glass of the original idea The activities of the A.A will be fore registration is the theme of an exhibit scape call it the kissing disease Yet directed those involved The cost of such venture might at the John Wanamaker Philadel Some highlights of the Saturday entirely by when it strikes infectious mono- extra-curricularly incur more than token expendi phia store corner of 13th and Mar- schedule have been planned by the nucleosis can be one of the most Without diffidence to- ture but the experience in such ket Sts The exhibit series of Entertainment Committee headed harboring miserable experiences in students near merit it ledge above the Grand Plans include ward playing with so-called setting just might displays by Marty Moscrip life Recovery can be slow and Court depicts the historical uses of by the Castleaires en- performance every day lost from school can this Tina and the lied- glass Complementing display tertainment by endanger marks and education Forum Plans Coffee House is twelve-sided slide show woods and Theatre Playshop Campus pre plans senting constantly changing color involving fathers An Experts have found that it cat pictures of glass collections afternoon of athletic ar To Blend Dates Entertainment Food activities be an indicator of emotional stress Annette will en- ranged by Caruso Recent studies conducted by the tail and softball by ROLLIE SWEDLIN delicious pastries Any Beaver may Jose Ferrer stars in the forth- volleyball compe Tulane University School of Social for dressed in titions prizes will be Work revealed that At the age of four Frederic Cho hostess an evening coming production of Broadways in New Orleans awarded the of these pin was composing musical master- the official coffee house uniform of smash musical Man of La Mancha to winners high school and college students The show the events at evening dance treated for pieces At seventeen William Cul blue-and-white jngham-checked will open at Erlanger Saturday who were being mono in the Chat len Bryant wrote poetry By the Japanese apron Theatre Oct 11 were momentarily depressed at the became ill age of thirty Alexander the Great According t0 Th big Sunday will be more relaxing time they

half the is getting entertain- fathers In mono is also ser had conquered world and problem now Phila Tutorial day during which addition at forty-three John Kennedy ment Forum needs suggestions as daughters will be served brunch ious problem because of its ability

became president of the United to what students would like to see and will attend Chapel services to- to mimic other ailments including know and No fewer States Now after 114 years some- and hear or Offers New Ideas gether appendicitis hepatitis like to cant of- than 29 separate maladies can be what less precociously Beaver Col might perform We Betsy Mackerell and her commit- fer mistaken for if diagnostic lege will advance towards its mon salary just transportation tee have completed preliminary mono umental achievement In and the opportunity to In Fifth Season procedures are imprecise response expenses plans but are still seeking activi to cries Beavers socialize and entertain Therefore because of the possi despondent of so- ties to fill moment of this The Pliiladelphia Tutorial every welcome Project of being cially deprived and culturally iso- Forum will any perfor venture bility mono patient will begin its fifth of new and year operation subjected to the risk of being diag lated campus Forum will offer mer from any campus being Other chairmen are as follows this fall with its thrust with major nosed and treated incorrectly phy students an opportunity to add new performer isnt synonymous Assistant Linda toward one-to-one Chairman Harkins relationship sicians have been searching for dimensions to their college exper owning guitar Anyone who would Hos_ between tutor and Registration Phyllis McKeon student quick and accurate test to confim iences like to act read poetry sing dance Entertain- To facilitate this pitality Allison Rossett plan the stu or rule out the disease Forum delights in calling its new- play an instrument or merely ham Athletic dents who will come from the third meat Moscrip in front of audience is This year however it is less ly expected arrival coffee house it up an Annette Caruso Dance to twelfth will meet Contests and grades once difficult for school health officials To eighteenth-century Englishmen classified as entertainment is June McClintock Jean- or twice week for twu-liour Publicity invited to here on Friday to tell whether listless student is the term coffee house suggested perform nie Ann session and will be limited McClain Miscellaneous only by another victim of mono Phar place where the elite might meet night Helen the of tutors available Pilert Meals Bosley house maceutical research has come up informally to discuss current ideas As part of the coffee pro- throughout the In all city addition with an important new development attitudes and fashions of the day gram Forum plans to show films academic the subjects requested by the Mono-Test simple For Beaver the coffee running the gamut from favorite students students will be without The Book Shelf available inexpensive diagnstic test which house will have much broader oldies like Chaplin Fields charge for services reveals the of and to the newest under- quickly presence perspective It will be place where Bogart The Beaver is always Anather feature of this falls library get- pro mono in only two minutes Phy Beaver girls can bring their dates ground and avant-garde produc new books on subject gram will be the addition of adult ting every tions student home movies sicians can now immediately order place where Beaver Even list of these additions is pub- may go These in the groups groups begin- bed rest and spare the patient fur- without date perhaps to meet are welcome said Donna Well lished and are will be the periodically copies once ning primarily parents ther diagnosis and delay in tret one place where students from try anything placed in the front of the library of the children involved in the tu ment other The coffee house is expected to colleges may come to meet for students use few of the tonal project and will be designed sometime in mid-October As- Mono-Test is so simple that charming girl and primarily open volumes obtained over the to make known the needs and summer op medical technician can report place which will quell those too sistance is needed in planning or- any the children follow portunities facing at immediate results in two minutes often heard complaints about the ganizing publicizing and hostess- Ulanov Barry Sources and Re- the centers From that an the coffee point To screen an entire school or uni dead Beaver campus ing house Forum is an- sources effort will be made to discover the versity class costs only about one The Mea for coffee house xious for student response Edward The Stranger inside grew needs of the parents themselves Stein in whatever dollar per student out of desire on the of both help way possible To You part either through classes in academic administration and students to initiate interest in vigorous Cox Harvey Gods Revolution and courses or in information on city compensate for the lack of stu little project contest to name the Mans Responsibility On state federal and private opportu Stage.. dent union on and the in- coffee house is being held Entry Max Jews God and His- campus nities Dimont Continued from Page Col blanks are in the bookstore adequate facilities of our present along tory An incubatian center will be Perhaps you notice larger pro- with the to be to the snack bar As it it is prize given Confucian China matures another facet of this falls program Levenson Joseph scenium arch Closer examination student whose is selected hoped that the coffee house will name and Its Modern Fate One of the 35 centers will serve as reveals wooden stage floor trap Deadline is October for the suitcase. 14 And Keep Your present panacea laboratory for instituting new Mead Margaret door to the basement wing-space school sickness and con- As Donna concluded If Beaver Powder quarantine programs which would seem to meet Dry overhead fly gallery for scenery to vibrant ditions which seem to hit Beaver girls really want see Handlin Oscar Al Smith and His needs in the community but for and hanging lights and an enlarged and active this about 330 p.m on Friday after- socially campus is America which sufficient personnel and mon light booth to control stage lights noons their opportunity to show it Ruth Judo for Women ey would not presently be available Horan footlights and hidden light bridge this Wait Till At moment only the barest If Duvall Evelyn Why the proven effective these programs in house Backstage you will Want to be PHOTOGRAPHER of plans have been outlined for the Marriage would then be set up in other cen see scene shop dressing rooms establishment of coffee Suicide our house ters and would become permanent Hendin Herbert for the actors and spiral stair- remarked Donna Fields 1966-67 Scandinavia part of the program case that leads to the costume shop Chairman of Forum cant The and We The Tutorial Project which was Lasley John War System and storage rooms for costumes and speak in exact terms but we You yet organized four years ago has helped scenery We even have Stage can tell that you it most definitely over 3000 Philadelphia area students Strom Robert Teaching in the Door to replace the old window will be Slum School and has been copied in such cities that used to be the only backstage Some things have been settled at as Chicago and New York Wu Cheng-en Monkey means of entrance and exit in the this time The locale of the coffee The Killer and Students interested in serving as lonesco Eugene old theatre house will be what is called Other now tutors will be trained through Ilays And so out the back door and the Chat It will be Faculty open conference in October and two Coo Richard Samuel Beckett around again for closer look Friday to all Hans of In- every evening college others during the school year as Jonassen Technique or if youd rather wait until the and well university graduate students as in service training Appli organic Chemistry official opening in November pre with or without dates There will In- cations can be made by calling P0 Ribble Margaretha Rights of pare yourself for further treats be no admission charge only 9-0335 or by seeing representative fants You will be there small fee for the exotic refresh- of the Tutorial Project in the lob- Ruppelt Edyard Report on Un- Gently to hear kindly to ments rare blends of coffee and NANCY GOLDSMITH Ex 282 by of the classroom building identified Flying Objects judge our play Wednesday October 1966 BEAVER NEWS Page FIve


KATHY WEIDMAN 1966 strike would be made the by scene of televised news was the closest my job ever brought Though that is the The Machinists an ian- conference As watched from Do you remember how you felt way many Building we me to him will remember the it people strike posing new ten-story office corn- our sixth floor offices we recogniz The much publicized long-rum- last year at semester break when was not the airlines who called the off renowned plex Washingtons ed the shining bald head of Mr ored strike came about at time exams in at over nerves frazzle strike but the International Asso DuPont Circle was to become the Siemiller and the graying head of when my particular office was lit- Wits your end you found yourself ciation of Machinists and scene of short head- Aerospace tempers big Mr Ramsey the first vice-presi erally surrounded by major pro- hopelessly walled in by and short lunch hours for dent and the snow Workers affectionately by aches some original union nego ject that of refiling the entire you knew you might be stranded its employees the IA of overtime morning evening and tiator as they conferred with re membership records of the union here Hundreds of thousands of began at the Grand weekends for even from CBS working others and yes porters in front of the in order to put them on microfilm travelers all over the world shared Lodge of the IA of in tears As the strike stretched June on building dull but exacting job involving that same kind of desperate feeling and even at that time there were week after the week necessary Upstairs in the plush tenth floor some twenty million cards old and this and for much summer long- whispered rumors that something paperwork strike benefit checks offices of the unions executives new er time The blame to em- goes my was going on in the rank-and-file strike lists card duplications and the hours were interminable Roy With the announcement of union ployer who bore on his collective of the and the union prediction an infinite number of vital techni Siemiller the international presi action against five major comnier ouider all the frugtratioris reached all the down the way to calities got farther and farther dent appeared tired but retained cia airlines we were forced to of nation of file gripes jetting people lowly clerks myself among behind his smile and managed friendly stop work and pitch in for strike eddenly but the The grounded indefinitely them at time had no idea day the strike became offi greetings at least on his many paper work for office was in the Great Airline Strike of how every far-reaching the effects of the cial the Machinists Building was elevator rides and down which up over-burdened In few days the

monthly report office was piled high with papers which just kept piling up no matter how hard we worked By the end of the first week my supervisor had been re duced to state of tears woman is excused for her tears even business but there must ...... ui .. woman have been at least one executive

who wished that he could have en-

joyed the privilege pitied the NATIONAL bald Mr Siemiller who couldnt even resort to tearing his hair

Many employees found themselves COLLEGIATE forced to cancel well-earned vaca tions and grudgingly spend that tone in the office Supervisors and WEEKLY their assistants ci straight tlu-ough lunch hours and coffee breaks and on into the night was P.O BOX 1059 SAUGUSMASS 01906 AREA CODE 617/233-9250 DIGEST more fortunate As summer em- OF ployee and file clerk at that kept regular eight-hour day CAMPUS my and except when supervisors 4s OPINION short temper was directed against ce felt the pressures of the strike Beginning October 14 NATIONAL COLLEGIATE WEEKLY the only national unly indirectly Striking members of the IA of coliege newspaper will publish 30 Issues during the achool year digest news- 11 after two-week waiting per- NATIONAL COLLEGIATE WEEKLY is of articles paper composed reprinted sod and after they have met the from canipua newspapers such as your own union requirement of picket duty br each member are given week-

ly check for only $25 and on this Because there are over six million college students in it is America impossible strike benefit check these men to distribute What we can do is free sample copy give you an idea of the must support their families Thou- reception to rough sample copy that was distributed as part of irvey conducted sands sought non-union jobs to their the for us in the Boston area by the Information Gathering Service The irvey indicated supplement incomes By time the issues had finally been re that the majority of participants would subscribe to the Paper and summarized that solved the airlines estimated that

rI the who were stratified participants by background educational inatitution and claaa they had lost many of their ma- in college liked the overall diversity and variety and the objective unbiased chinists to such jobs The treatment of contents in the Paper Special features of NATIONAL COLLEGIATE weeks dragged by and both WEEKLY include parties remained firm the airlines would not grant any of the requests and the machinists would not set- Calendars of Scheduled College Events Across the Country tle for compromise Then one Career Opportunity Coverage day we heard note of hope President Johnson after privately Exploration of Graduate Study conferring with Mr Curtin airline National Classified Advertising negotiator and Mr Siesniller now Reader Participation in Polls negotiating for the union had brought about compromise The entire building could almost be Single issues of NATIONAL COLLEGIATE WEEKLY will NOT be sold The heard to sigh with relief But as it 8-issue trial introductory subscription for $1 is designed for those students who turned out President Johnson had $z have not pianned to be enrolled for the entire school year The 30-issue school- said too much too soon and al though the union executives year subscription for $3 is designed for thrifty readers who when put to the test sup- ported the compromise the mach- by SWISHES Sponge Whose Introductory Subscription Has ExpiredSuddenly w.W mists themselves the veritable life- GRIP Rent Issue of Goodnaturedly Paper blood of the union turned it down flat

From then seemed We are confident that you will find as others have NATIONAL COLLEGIATE on speculation futile and the strike seemed end- WEEKLY to be both informative and interesting Youll be aware of happen1ng less My fellow ifie clerks and in the and observe the activities of the college community counterparts across spent many lunch hours on the of- country Give us chance Invest in yourself ibscribe NOW to NATIONAL fice sun-deck contemplating the blank blue which first COLLEGIATE WEEKLY Its well worth it sky in our days at work had been dotted con-

stonily with silver jets taking off Sincerely from nearby National Airport Any- Iv thing seen in the sky was merely bird or possibly Superman but al The Staff most definitely not plane be- gan to wonder if would be able

PUBLISHED BY AMERICAN COLLEGIATE INC to recognize an airplane if and when the strike was settled Colhgiat Weekly Svbscrlptlou Then one weekend in mid-Aug Blanks jist the deadlock was broken and .. bscripti9n MUST be accompanied by check money order or cash atyour risk Makel checks the International Association of payable to American Collegiate Inc and mail to NATIONAL COLLEGIATE WEEKLY Machinists emerged from the fight Box 1059 Saugus Mass 01906 as the victor The machinists were granted other the 8-issue Trial among things Subscription $1.00 30-Issue School-Year ibscriptlon $3.00 substantial increase which am entitled pay they to issues am entitled to 30 Issues GRIP had so firmly demanded Stranded Name...... businessmen travellers students mothers and fath Malling grandmothers Address are abandoned complicated substi tute travel plans and packed the Street or Building City State Zip Codeu airports as the airlines gradually essentiali went beck into service

school The next week sense of relief could be felt up and down the ten kL floors of the Machinists Building l% .t j\ Even the elevator operators smiled JI.4 Ufl TXAN What more broadly were the feel- bags of the union president on the strike settlement Fm tired and want to go home he told report- era and so he did And spent

my lunch hour trying to count the airplanes taking off landing from the airport Page SIx BEAVER NEWS Wednesday October 966

with Summer Study Martha Graham Campus Round Hockey Camp Shows Signs of Change Ruth Yields Hard Rewards Luty Campbell piano in- Work Many structor in the Music Department Members and Coach Work Play Hard spent her summer vacation study- Mary Mulligan president of the MARGIE SChNEIDER by Camp has been transformed into ing with Jean Casadesus at Harper Modern Dance Club spent her that has shorter College in Binghamton New York Hockey Camp the first activity camp playing pe summer studying modern dance no Beaver Trot around For many years pupil of the sponsored by the Athletic Associa nods twice under Martha Graham as recipient the meals with elder Casadesuses Robert and Gaby tion for the current college year campus gooey of Beavers first Martha Graham Slater and Mrs this had the showed of basic in desserts an emphasis on award Campbell summer signs change freshman participation opportunity to study with their its makeup as the number of phy Mary along with the other par- son Jean Mr Casadesus is mem sical education diminish In round table discussion the ticipants in Miss Grahams summer ber of the faculty at the Fontaine- The A.A hosted 40 girls during an freshmen unanimously explained session began her day at JO a.m bleau School of Music and is pre often rainy four-day session of that they hacome to this event The first hour was devoted to prac This sently in residence at Harper Col warm-up practices peren to lose weight to case out the fAce under the direction of two of lege nial event attracted 15 upperclass Beaver before their class- Miss Grahams instructors Once campus 16 freshmen and visitors mates arrived to have somethin week the famous woman herself men With funds from the National from Drexel who participated in to do since most of their hometown now 71 appeared to observe the S2ience Foundation the Psychology daily-double sessions of scrimmage friends had already left for cole session Mary confirmed the rumor Department has desk and skill Once as to an active that Miss Graham carries fan to purchased relays again lege spend three-day computer and has installed new last year the camp had the good vacation for only S2 the token fee rap her dancers to obedience sound system in classroom 212 The fortune to be coached by Mrs charged for attendance to meet Following the first class was sound consists of Blankley Beaver alumna who new girls in addition to half-hour break during which the system amplifiers playing and recorders which will be used was an All American hockey play- hockey something some of the students rested after their tiring girls for social er while here had never first hour psychology experiments done in conjunction with the The next session was devoted to one-way The exact beginnings of Hockey Annette Caruso president screen already in the room When exercises which Mary described as Camp seem indeterminable said the S2 fee was token gesture The computer an Olivetta Pro- hard work Their day ended at queried about the history of Hockey toward payment for the camp The grammer 101 will be delivered in p.m Camp Miss Lewis Beavers pub- final tab which incorporated fees It will be Miss Graham believes the essence January available for lie relations director said that it for the Slater food service the hir_ all students with statistics of life is based on contraction and working seems as if there has always been ing of camp coach the cost of or logic probkrns release This was the theme for the Hockey Camp designed to pre the tournament and dirmer party strenuous exercises which Mary en- pare girls for this most prestigious were paid by A.A funds at cost The elected countered Mary said that she had newly of of Beavers athletic events This of $350 El Club Cervantes are Joan Bar- expected to be more creative in her can be attested to by an article in In of the group requires no previous dance spite near monsoon con- enburg president Heather dancing however Miss Graham Riddle the Eagle Magazine by Mary Conk- ditions and the training and anyone interested is extreme diversity vice-president wanted her students to imitate rath Elly Jonckheer see- lin former Beaver hockey coach in Miss invited to join hockey ability Beach hoc- than retary Babette Senker vice-secre who er create wrote of Beavers contributions key coach felt she had finds it difficult to put her sighted Mary tary Denise Hastings to has Mary hopes to teach members of treasurer hockey Hockey Camp been murh the reactions to the fnto words potential during camp program Karen Kraebel vice-treasurer attended the Modern Dance Club the tech- by teams from many col which would be to re but she does remark that Miss deployed that she learned this as it was last and All niques sum- leges year by place graduated players in addi Graham is fascinating person and mer She exercises will Officers for La Circle Franca is American such as says tiat players Mickey tion to upperclassmen players who that dancing under her was beau- aid in have been elected They are Bon Waldman expressing feelings through 66 had not before attended Hockey tiful work nie Barbara body movements Jenkins president However the Hockey Camp pie- Camp Magin vice-president Bobbi New- Membership in the Modern Dance ture conjured up in the memory of land 1st Place Sailors secretary Mrs Allen Dunn Class of 1937 and one time coach of Hockey Camp IlS tea and twill Cosmos Challenge reception held presently coaching at Sacred Heart KIZZO rizzeria honor of Annelies Launch 67 Season Iracke ex is quite different from what we change student from Munich Ger now see At that time Hockey Camp Restaurant Oct Convo by CAROL HETTENBACH Topic many on Wednesday October foflowed strict training schedule TOMATO PIES Beavers team has taken from 430 to 600 sailing p.m Anyone who with the girls playing from 930 to first place over the fourteen other speaks understands or has an in- 330 with SPAGHETTI RAVIOLI Dr Cox to Speak rest period and all member schools in the Middle At- terest in German is cordially in- meals were in compliance with Known V2 around Dr Donald Cox will lantic Association of Woman Sailors vited to attend way speak health diet The only freshmen in- the world at the October 11 convocation on for the first half of the 1967 sea vited were those who had been avid The of the CosmosAn Such as Barn- Sue Challenge son schools Penn Reynolds Candy Schoell hockey players in high school TU 7.2927 illustrated Tour of Via Rock- Mawr and Space ard and Bryn placed fifth horn Anne Chadwick have Through gradualevolution of eta and Satellites This been 21 East Glenside Avenue talk which slicth and seventh respectively elected president viceprc coaching by Mrs Dunn Mrs Den- will utilize color in the slides will be Regattas are held spring dent and secretary-treasurer of the fling Miss Fetter Miss Aierstock Glenside commentary with mans and fall and are hosted by the men German Club beginning .espectively and now Mrs Blankley Hockey first attempts to explore spaca to teams from such schools as Prince- his desires to colonize the moon ton Georgetown and Penn though Mars Venus and Saturn the competition is only among the Dr UMEKILN PHARMACY Cox who earned his doctor- girls ate at Columbia Universitys Teach- Beaver participated in fourteen and seasons ers College previously held the po races last spring this Greeting Cards Gift Items Prince sitions of Visiting Professor at New first race is October 13 at School Supplies Breyers York University Assistant Professor ton University Sailing experience Russell Stover Candy of Education at the all team members University of is necessary for COSMETICS Educational facilities are Florida Advisor the because no practice Estee Lauder Revlon Max Factor Commandant Air Command and available and skippers need racing Helena Rubenstein Chanel Staff College and was director of Anyone interested in experience Lavin and others the Vanguard Earth Satellite Rock- sailing should contact team captain 288 Charge Accounts Invited et Information Program He has Candy Howell at extension CALL TU 4-4818 been widely associated with the mis- LIMEKLLN PIKE AND GLENSIDE sile AVENUE GLENSIDE Prompt Free industry and the military Most Saccettas Esso Delivery recently he has been in charge of the Travelling Space Science Dem on Limekiln Pike 2nd traffic Free Pick-up and Delivery light past Church Road onstration Unit of NASAs educa LUB OIL WASH tional program He is CHANGE presently Emergency Phone TU 6-8130 member of the American Rocket AUTO REPAIRS Society and editor on consulting TOP VALUE STAMPS spaceflight issues to the new month- BRING ADVERTISEMENT FOR FREE GIFT ly magazine Current Besides wri 259 South EASTON ROAD ing numerous articles on airpower Next to Penn Fruif space and education he is the BEAVER PHARMACY GOES DISCOUNT author of Spacepower What It Open Days Week Means to You and The Space Race Penn Fruit Shopping Center Always 4000 Items FrQm Sputnik to and lIP Apollo 219 EASTON ROAD Discounted 15% to 40% Beyond Glenside Pa



Hours Daily til 530 P.M at Lowest Prices AMPLE PARKING FREE DELIVERY SERVICE TU 4.5886