STRUCTURE-ORIENTED GAUSSIAN FILTER FOR SEISMIC DETAIL PRESERVING SMOOTHING Wei Wang*, Jinghuai Gao*, Kang Li**, Ke Ma*, Xia Zhang* *School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710049, China. **China Satellite Maritime Tracking and Control Department, Jiangyin, 214431, China.
[email protected] ABSTRACT location. Among the different methods to achieve the denoising of 3D seismic data, a large number of approaches This paper presents a structure-oriented Gaussian (SOG) using nonlinear diffusion techniques have been proposed in filter for reducing noise in 3D reflection seismic data while the recent years ([6],[7],[8],[9],[10]). These techniques are preserving relevant details such as structural and based on the use of Partial Differential Equations (PDE). stratigraphic discontinuities and lateral heterogeneity. The Among these diffusion based seismic denoising Gaussian kernel is anisotropically constructed based on two methods, an excellent sample is the seismic fault preserving confidence measures, both of which take into account the diffusion (SFPD) proposed by Lavialle et al. [10]. The regularity of the local seismic structures. So that, the filter SFPD filter is driven by a diffusion tensor: shape is well adjusted according to different local wU divD JUV U U (1) geological features. Then, the anisotropic Gaussian is wt steered by local orientations of the geological features Anisotropy in the smoothing processes is addressed in terms (layers) provided by the Gradient Structure Tensor. The of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the diffusion tensor. potential of our approach is presented through a Therein, the diffusion tensor is based on the analysis of the comparative experiment with seismic fault preserving Gradient Structure Tensor ([4],[11]): diffusion (SFPD) filter on synthetic blocks and an §·2 §·wwwwwUUUUUVVVVV application to real 3D seismic data.