Oct. 28-Nov. 10, 2004

Uncommon Sense..... pg 6

V. 11 The Naked Otter,...... ,pg 10 No.4 Opinion...... pg 14 OTTERww w.OtRterRealmE.net ALM California State University Monterey Bay's Student-Run Newspaper Dedicated to Informing the Campus Community Chalking Ghosts the against only pests on 9/11 Halloween By Sophie the Slayer Balia, Staff Reporter By Christopher Count Gallegos, [email protected] Staff Reporter

[email protected] Halloween gives another great excuse for “All bigots will be reincarnated as students to let loose, have fun and party. A homeless, homosexual women of university is definitely expected to get a little color.” This message lay written wild and crazy with occasional pranks and in chalk among numerous others run-ins with the law. Based upon the non-exis­ such as: “Real men like Bush,” tent criminal activities on past Halloweens “Michael Moore is a fat ass” however, worries about the campus getting and “Why the long face? (John too out of hand are absolutely unnecessary. Kerry)” in front of CSUMB’s According to Lt. Jay McTaggart of the World Theater on the morning University Police Department Halloween is of Oct. 14. just a normal day in the life of the UPD. In the Not present the day before, past years, nothing extravagant has occurred. the messages suggested an early Even small crimes were rare. protest of that night’s sched­ From the Halloween files, the most serious uled World Theater screening crime was a purse snatching that occurred last of Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit year. A student was walking from Building 9/11,” a documentary discussing 98 to Building 201 on the evening of Oct. 31, actions of the Bush administra­ when a man in a pumpkin mask ran up to her tion in the aftermath of Sept. 11. and grabbed her purse, which contained $40. Posts about the chalk messages The Halloween bandit was never caught, but from students and faculty quickly fortunately the victim was not hurt. flooded the FirstClass e-mail sys­ The most serious case of Halloween vandal­ tem’s Open Forum, some as early ism in the past three years also occurred last as 11:30 a.m. that day. TP-ing the worst of UPD's worries on Halloween photo illustration by rotten rachel kane CRIME continued on page 5 Patricia Poston, a junior TAT major and student assistant at the World Theater, wrote one of these posts. Stereo thief caught Upon arriving at work that morning, Poston was shocked at By Kimber No Soulana, StaffR eporter May 1 to Oct. 13 of this year. [email protected] the display, particularly one mes­ Because of the recent increase sage with an arrow pointed at the of automobile burglaries, the UPD World Theater doors proclaiming, Automobile related burglaries have been patrolling the campus “This way to corruption.” have been a major problem on parking lots heavily on foot, bikes, Later, Poston posted to Open the CSUMB campus in the past and patrol cars to catch, or at least Forum that Kelly Bland, CSUMB couple of months. According deter, any car burglars. College Republicans’ president, to Lt. Jay McTaggart of the It worked. On Oct. 13 in park­ had been in front of the World University Police Department, ing lot 15 at 9:40 a.m., Sgt. there have already been 35 CHALK continued on page 2 car-related burglaries from THIEF continued on page 5 A student comes back to find her car broken into. PH0T0 BY CHAD GH0UL News The candidates'nlatfbrms By Lucifer Vicuña, Staff Reporter [email protected]

President George W. Bush Senator John Kerry The Economy The Economy The President wants to encourage saving and Senator Kerry believes that the sign of a strong investment and enact tax reform that would simplify economy is a strong middle class. He believes the tax code system. In his second term, Bush plans today’s middle class are working harder for less. As to continue with a “prosperous” economy by reform­ president, Kerry would focus on creating new well ing education in hopes of building a skilled and paying jobs. Kerry plans to lower taxes for businesses effective workforce. at home to keep them from outsourcing overseas. The President also plans encouraging a fair and Under his presidency, Kerry claims that simpler tax system and opening markets for American 98 percent of Americans will get a tax cut. goods around the globe. Reforming government to He plans to lower middle class taxes and rais­ be smaller and more efficient, responsive, and effec­ ing middle class incomes. He also wants to do tive will continue to be a part of his agenda. away with tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans. Education Education

In his next term, The senator plans to PHOTO BY CHRISTOPHER COUNT GALLEGOS BUSH KERRY Students protest without picket signs. President Bush plans to establish a trust fund continue his overhaul on CRIME that will make sure automatically go with the views for capital against capital education by giving $2.5 funding gets to schools Chalk of their parents, or someone like punishment punishment ... from page 1 million annually to high that need it. Kerry also Michael Moore. When questioned Theater when she arrived at work schools to assess math ABORTION against; signed supports right to choose supports No Child Left of his feelings about the accusa­ and reading skills. The ban on partial-birth & voted against banning Behind. Kerry and John that morning. tions that his organization wrote abortion partial birth abortions president believes a good Edwards want a great Poston received an infuri­ the chalk messages, Farrell said, education is the key to a teacher in every class­ ated response to her post from “This was not our organization.” stronger economy. room. They want to a student on Open Forum say­ The storm of student emo­ GUNS opposed legislation supports assault- ing she shouldn’t be “name-call­ Bush also wants to making child-safety offer teachers incentives tion over the messages was no weapons ban strengthen early child­ locks mandatory including better pay and ing” because at past political match for the torrential rain from hood programs like Head training. Kerry wants to rallies, she had made comments another kind of storm. Four days Start and Smart Start. The make sure that teachers like “Bush is a f-—g idiot” and after the appearance of the mes­ “f-k Bush.” Poston said she president also plans to HEALTH CARE improved Medicare supports importing cheaper who don’t belong in the sages, the chalk messages on the drugs from Canada never made such statements. engage faith and commu­ classrooms don’t stay. main quad’s sidewalks slid with Chalk messages found on the nity based organizations Kerry-Edwards have the weekend rains into the sur­ sidewalks around CSUMB’s main that help parents advance a plan called “Schools rounding grass and gutters. IRAQ ordered invasion & voted against bill that quad were also as potentially vola­ their children’s healthy captured Saddam would provide another open till six” which A bulletin board on the side­ Hussein $87 billion for the war tile as those found at the World walk in front of the World development. provides after school Theater. Some had slogans like Theater suffered a similar fate. Health Care programs that keep “Pinkos4Kerry,”“Neverapologize All that was left by Oct. 18 was The president plans to kids out of trouble. GRAPHIC BY DEAD SARA DOWE for being white” and “Ollie North the infamous “this way to corrup­ get to the root of rising As president, Kerry American Hero.’That’s extremely tion” messagé; “corruption” now health care problems rather than passing them on to would offer a fully refundable annual tax credit offensive,” said Yuri Beckelman, crossed out and replaced with taxpayers. The president wants to provide health care of up to $4,000 to students who attend college. president of Associated Students, “free speech.” The message lay to those who need it: most low-income children and Health Care as he gazed at the “Pinkos 4 Kerry” shielded from the elements. The families, small businesses, and people who don’t get The Kerry-Edwards ticket feels that Americans comment written near Building World Theater’s corrugated arch health care through their jobs. are paying too much for health insurance. 14. Beckelman felt the use of the of a roof gives patrons enough of The president plans to establish tax-free health Kerry has a plan that claims to lower families’ premi­ word “pinko,” an archaic insult an umbrella to make it inside dry savings accounts that allow patients to own and con­ ums by up to $ 1,000 a year. Kerry wants 95 percent of usually leveled at communists or on a rainy day, and enough cover trol their health care. He wants to extend eligibility America insured, including every child. Kerry believes communist sympathizers, might to leave a few reminders of the with Medicaid and lower prescription drug costs that Americans should be able to have the same insur­ offend students with certain politi­ last four days. Security ance members of congress give themselves. cal beliefs. The authors of these chalk mes­ The president is quick to point out that, accord­ Security Brian Farrell, vice president of sages remain officially unknown. ing to his Web site, “We cannot forget that terrorists Kerry believes that under President Bush, External Affairs for CSUMB’s Perhaps their identity is the least remain determined to kill as many Americans as pos­ America has severed alliances and now has College Republicans and an SBS important part of all this. The sible, both at home and abroad.” become more of a bully. Kerry plans to “launch sophomore, was disappointed with amount of thought the messages He believes that America should act quickly and and lead a new era of alliances.” The senator how the authors got their points prompted, and will prompt in the swiftly on terrorist’s threats at home and abroad. wants to strengthen security at vulnerable chemi­ across. “I don’t think they were done future, may be the most important Under president Bush, America will not stand by cal plants and improve spotty intelligence. in the best of taste,” Farrell said. thing of all. while a threat festers. Kerry also plans to protect our borders and shores Farrell explained that one of At the very least, this “chalk­ The president will hold any regime responsible that by inspecting previously non-inspected contain­ the College Republicans’ main ing against 9/11” flipped an old harbors terrorism. ers. Kerry and Edwards believe in protecting our goals was to get students to make cliche on its head: a word is personal liberties, including our personal security. informed, voting choices and to not worth a thousand pictures.

2 Otter Realm | Oct. 28 - Nov. 10, 2004 News Props: what to know before going to the polls By Sophie the Slayer Balia, Staff Reporter also raises sentences for sex offenders. made with the Tribes. The opponents of bonds could not be sold for these purposes. [email protected] Pros: In other words, repeating felons this proposition are Governor Arnold Also both pharmaceutical companies and and would not receive the same sentence for a Schwarznagger, Jeff Sedivec, President of big business are using taxpayers to fund Cristina Medieval, Staff Reporter murder as they would be for breaking into a California State Firefighters’ Association the narrow field of stem cell research.

[email protected] house. This measure would eventually save and Mike Spence, President of California Since Proposition 71 is a constitutional the prison systems millions of dollars due Taxpayers Protection Committee. amendment, neither the governor nor the to shorter sentences served by non-violent Legislature can control how the money Proposition 60: or serious offenders. Proposition 69: can be spent, even if stem cell research is Election rights of Political Cons: Californians United for Public DNA samples. Collection. not useful. Parties Safety is one of the groups, which does not Database. Funding. In California the primary elections that are support proposition 66. This proposition Because of the effectiveness of DNA Proposition 72: held in March determines which candidate will allow the release of repeat offenders. fingerprints in solving crimes, California Health Coverage will be able to participate in the primary elec­ Proposition 66 can cost millions to return law requires collection of blood samples Requirements tions in November. The winning candidates state prison inmates to county jails for re­ for DNA from felons convicted of sexual Pros: This proposition would give work­ for partisan offices, which means that each sentencing, and can cost billions to deal assault and other crimes. Persons convicted ers health care benefits who are unable to candidate is representing a political party, get with added crime after dangerous criminals of certain crimes in California may be afford them. The measure would also save to go on to the primary elections. This propo­ are released. Proposition 66 could put some ordered to pay fines, part of which support tax-payers’ money, since patients would be sition ensures that the candidate receiving the of California’s most notorious child molest­ state programs and activities. able to go to their own doctors instead of most votes from each political party has a ers back on the street if their “third strike” Pros: Since DNA samples would be emergency rooms that are funded by tax guaranteed spot in the primary elections. This conviction was for a non-violent crime. matched to faces, it would be easier for the money. measure also protects voters’ rights to choose law enforcement to solve serious crimes Cons: The cost of this bill is high, at by allowing a variety of candidates even from Proposition 68: such as murders and rapes, which could least $5.7 billion for employers and $1.5 small political parties into the election. Non-Tribal Commercial eventually lead to the decline of such billion for employees. SB 2 will severely Pros: If approved, this method for Gambling Expansion. crimes in California. This would also pre­ impact businesses and their ability to com­ choosing candidates would be protected The Gaming Compact vent wrongful imprisonment. pete. Workers who are shifted to a govern­ by the State Constitution. Since this is Amendments. Cons: Proposition 69 goes too far by ment run program could end up with lower already the traditional way of picking the including possibly innocent people in a Since tribal coverage and fewer choices. Opponents candidates, it would not cost taxpayers criminal records. People wrongly accused owned casinos are include Californians Against Government any extra money. This proposition would no longer will have their DNA automati­ exempt from pay­ Run Healthcare. protect the voter’s choice. cally eliminated, and will face a compli­ ing taxes on their Cons: Proposition 60 does not specify cated legal process without right of appeal. revenues, Prop. the type of primary election California The minimal routine safeguards do not pro­ For more information on 68 calls for them can have, it leaves politicians form their tect people from misuse of their to either allow slot these propositions as well own conclusions for special interest, and entire genetic blueprint. machines at select the changes can harm the electoral sys­ as others visit: already existing tem. It is also a “poison pill” measure non-Tribal casinos, Proposition 71: designed to kill Proposition 62’s open • www.smartvoter.org or to pay 25 percent Stem Cell primary initiative by representing it as • http://ca.lwv.org of their total win­ Research unconstitutional. Opponents include • http://www.voterguide.ss.ca.gov nings in revenue A stem cell is an the California for an Open Primary. propositions/propositions.htm taxes. Theses rev­ “unspecialized” cell enues would fund gov­ that has the poten­ Proposition 66: ernment services, such as tial to develop into Or call your local political party Limitations on "Three police and fire departments different types of to see where they stand on Graphic by Darth Vargas Strikes Law." Sex Crimes and road constructions. Prop.70, specialized cells in these propositions and others. Punishment. created by Indian tribes, is closely the body. Researchers This proposition calls for a modifica­ related to 68. Tribes volunteer to pay their work with both tion of Prop. 184, the “Three Strikes and fair share of taxes, but they want to be able embryonic and adult You Are Out” law, which was approved in to run their casinos any way they want to. stem cells. California law permits stem cell 1994. Under Prop. 184, repeating criminal Right now, California tribal casinos are research and the University of California Absentee Ballot offenders got more serious sentences than allowed slot machines, but they want to run conducts such research. The federal gov­ Information first time offenders. California classifies a more Vegas-style business which would ernment provides funding but limits funds felonies as either “violent” or “serious” or allow roulette and craps tables. for research on embryonic stem cells. This both. If a person already has one serious Pros: Both Prop. 68 and 70 would bring does not include research for clones. Extra postage is required on or violent felony, they would do twice the in California tax revenues, which would Pros: Stem cells give doctors an oppor­ absentee ballots. 60 cents is time if they committed any new felony, lower the state deficit. tunity to research cures and treatments needed to send ballots through even if it is not considered a violent or Cons: Proposition 68 will result in six­ for diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s the mail. serious crime. For their third strike, they teen new casinos in urban areas of San disease, Parkinson’s, and more. This could would be sentenced for life. Prop. 66 wants Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles and San lead to a tremendous medical breakthrough, Absentee ballots can also be repeating offenders only to receive a longer Diego County. The revenues cannot be which could cure fatal illnesses. sentence only if they commit a violent or used to balance the state budget, and if it Cons: Voting no on this proposition hand-delivered to any polling serious felony, not just any petty crime. It passes it will end the compacts already means that $3 billion in general obligation place on election day.

Oct. 28-Nov. 10, 2004 | Otter Realm | 3 News Graduation paperwork blues: Students struggle to complete in ILPs, admin wants to automate system

By Ax Murderer Chapman, SBS and GS department chair part of the departments.” was implemented this semester istration efforts to streamline the Staff Reporter and student advisor George “Oh, well this doesn’t sound to allow a curriculum manage­ bureaucracy. “We’re all over it.” [email protected] Baldwin. “I must have had to do right,” said Provost and Vice ment group to develop a new In the interim everyone has to that many myself.” President for Academic Affairs process to help increase student deal with the system. The salvation to graduation Baldwin is critical of the cur­ Diane Cordero de Noriega on graduation rates, according to “There’s enough course changes bureaucracy hell is in committee. rent graduation system. He com­ hearing about the problem seniors Cordero de Noriega. to make me want to pull my hair Graduating students must sub­ plained that students who can’t are facing with their ILPs. “I’m “Ultimately we want [the out,” said Crothers. mit with their graduation applica­ see their advisors in time are hit really going to have to do a little graduation filing process] to be “To create a final ILP is near tion a final individual learning with a $20 late graduation appli­ investigation into it.” totally automated,” said Cordero impossible,” said Viker, who is plan (ILP) with planned spring cation fee and that “at a university A moratorium on new courses de Noriega, referring to admin­ graduating this spring. Maybe. coursework six weeks before where our programs are being cut the necessary spring schedule or modified each semester, it’s is released. When an expected hard for students to file an ILP course is cancelled or any changes that doesn’t have to be changed.” No flu vaccine on the Ord are made, a new ILP or substitu­ “Having that [application] date tion form has to be filled out, during the first two weeks is not a WARNS STUDENTS TO TAKE PRECAUTIONS signed by the advisor and submit­ bright idea and I think everybody CHC ted to Admissions and Records. can agree to that,” Baldwin said. By Marian Mummy, StaffR eporter such as pneumonia. “It’s an unreasonable expecta­ “Students need to submit that Marian_Muhammad@csumb .edu Some don’t seem to see the tion for seniors to turn in their graduation application at an early relevancy of the flu shot. “I ILPs before the schedule’s out,” enough date so that evaluators can haven’t had a flu shot in three said graduating SBS senior Kali prioritize and process,” said David Flu season is back, but this time years and I’ve been okay,” Viker, a vocal critic of the policy. Geyer, director of Admissions and without the vaccine. said Carmina Martinez, “[Seniors] have to be psychic.” Records, via email. “This allows The flu affects 10 to 20 HCOM senior. One in four classes each semes­ for more timely information in the percent of Americans The flu vaccine is ter are cancelled, according to advising process.” every year and 20,000 made up of viruses Viker, who has had two planned Geyer explained that any late Americans end up los­ that have already been courses cancelled. Failure to sub­ fees collected go towards support­ ing their lives from killed. The vaccine “con­ mit forms reflecting changes to ing operational needs including this infectious illness. tains three different kinds of planned coursework results in transcript security paper. Typical flu symptoms are virus most likely to show up denial of graduation. Young said she needs the extra headaches, sore throat, fever, in flu,” said Myers. The flu Viker’s main concern is the time to process the graduation cough, stuffy nose, muscle vaccine comes in both the form possibility of lost paperwork. applications in time for spring aches, and drowsiness. of a shot and a nasal spray. The “I don’t want to end up being registration. CSUMB’s Campus Heath viruses that were killed from the a clerical error,” said Viker, who “It’s not our goal to be a bureau­ Center, which usually provides flu are used to produce the flu has been influenced by rumors of cratic office that keeps you from flu shots for students, was unable vaccine and protect your body GRAPHIC BY DEAD SARA DOWE students who thought they were graduating,” said Young, who to do so this year, along with from live viruses that may enter graduating only to find they were mails a letter if a student has miss­ a large number of other health Aventis-Pasteur, another sup­ you body during flu season. The not. “Odds are somebody’s going ing paperwork. “Communication centers across the country. “It plier for the flu vaccine in the vaccine makes your antibodies to fall through the crack.” is pretty clear it just needs to be takes a lot of lead time to gear up United States, has made 55.4 mil­ put up a defense against any liv­ According to CSUMB read and followed through with.” and make the vaccine,” said Dr. lion doses of the vaccine and is ing viruses found in the flu. Graduation Counselor Giselle The burden is on students Linda-Lee Myers at the Campus said to be able to have 2.6 mil­ “What is in a flu vaccine changes Young, of the graduation applicants to ensure the proper forms are Health Center. lion more doses distributed in the from year to year,” said Myers. processed last year, one in five received, according to Young. The Chrion Corporation, United States by January. It is still possible to get the flu failed to graduate because they had “It’s your degree. It’s some­ manufacturer for the Monterey The flu vaccine that has even if you get a flu shot. The “not completed all of the require­ thing you’ve put your time into. County supply of the flu vac­ already been distributed to the vaccine is not a cure for the flu. ments for their CSU degree by You should be proactive in the cine, was said to be unsafe for United States is being given to Those with the flu should the end of that specific term.” She process,” said Young, who sug­ distribution by the FDA. Thus those at high risk for the flu. “stay away from people that are estimated less than one percent gested the spring schedule should leaving those highly at risk for Those who have a higher risk of sick,” said Myers. Seeing the failed due to not providing properly be finalized earlier. the flu, such as individuals who catching the flu are individuals doctor is not always necessary. authorized documentation. “I don’t know if we could are HIV positive, to search high 50 years of age or older, health It is important to drink a lot of Admissions and Records does revamp the system to do both and low for the vaccine. care workers, and those with water, stay in bed, wash you not track the number of substitu­ terms at the same time,” said “More and more people are lung problems, diabetes, AIDS hands frequently, take Tylenol tion forms filed. Young said the Academic Information and going to get sick and the ones or heart disease. or Ibuprofen for your fever and files are classified but estimated Scheduling Manager Richard with a disease already are the According to the American don’t expose others. she had processed only 10 substi­ Crothers. He suggested the solu­ ones who are going to suffer the Academy of Family Physicians, For more information on flu tution forms last year. tion involves course stabilization consequences even more,” said at high stages of the illness, the shots or health care visit www. “That’s preposterous,” said and “some commitment on the Maria Negrete, HCOM senior. flu can lead to deadly diseases dhs.ca.gov.

4 Otter Realm | Oct. 28 - Nov. 10, 2004 News

Campus Events Thief: Police advise Keeping valuables out of car To post an event, e-mail ...from page 1 Matt Fox via FirstClass Procida noticed a man reading a newspaper mad because they didn’t really do much.” officer taking the report.” Friday, Oct 29 inside a car. The man did not have a park­ Lt. McTaggart explained there are spe­ With the serial numbers, the UPD can Our community needs donors. Please ing permit or an I.D. cific actions the UPD takes when a student put the items in a database for stolen prop­ drop in and give the gift of life! Though Marc Carranza, an unemployed reports a car burglary. “[The UPD] sends erty. When they encounter someone in pos­ The Community Hospital of the Monterey 26-year-old Salinas resident, wasn’t in the a patrolman, preferably, to the scene,” Lt. session of suspected stolen property, they Peninsula/Red Cross mobile donor unit act of burglarizing a car, he was still arrested McTaggart said. “If it just happened, we can make sure through the database if the will be on campus to draw whole blood for violating the Health & Safety Code. send everybody to find the suspect, but if item is in fact stolen. from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The mobile not, we meet with the victim and get all the “If we don’t have this information, it donor unitwill be parked between the information.” makes an arrest of the suspect and the Dining Commons (Building 16) and the “Catching car thieves is According to Sgt. Jim Procida of the recovery of the stolen items very difficult,” Media Learning Center (Building 18). difficult. They don’t hit the UPD, “[It is] of major importance to have Procida added. the make, model, and serial number of Lt. McTaggart does advise students to Friday, Oct. 29 same place at the same time items (CDs, stereo, cell phones) written make sure they lock and keep valuables out California Subject Examination for and we don’t have unlimited down and kept in a safe place. It is impor­ of their cars. He also recommended putting Teachers (CSET) Preparation workshops staffing. Part of it is luck tant to have this information to give to the on a car cover or installing a car alarm. will be held this week and next week. This week Future Teachers can register and part of it is looking at to take the Test Taking Skills Preparation patterns.” Crime to be held today, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ...from page 1 precautions for safety and the prevent­ Building 21 (sign up by Wed. 10/27/04). -LT. MCTAGGART, UPD ing of criminal activities. On Halloween Free for CSUMB students and gradu­ year. An inflatable pumpkin decoration night, officers on bicycles patrol the cam­ ates, $20 for everyone else. in the front yard of one of the campus pus housing areas from 5-8 p.m. This “I found him to be in possession of a pipe housing apartments was destroyed. The gives a chance for the UPD to get more There will be a presentation on to smoke meth,” Procida said. Further hooligans responsible for this crime are involved in the community, and most CSU International Programs (Study investigation revealed that Carranza was also still walking free. importantly it ensures the safety of young Abroad) in the University Center Living responsible for several campus car burglar­ As for Halloween parties, “They are trick-or-treaters. The patrol will make sure Room. A Chancellor’s Office represen­ ies over the last four months. parties just like any other weekend,” said that everything goes smoothly and no one tative for the CSU-ÍP will be on campus Procida explained, “[Carranza] would McTaggart. None of them have gotten gets too out of hand. and available to answer questions look for cars that had non-factory installed particularly out of hand. The ones that got As for this year’s Halloween, a dramatic about this year’s program. stereos and for any items of value that were rowdy were no different than parties any increase in criminal activity is not expected 11 a.m. -12:30 p.m. in plain view. He has admitted to doing car other night where the police are usually by the UPD, but this does not give the Contact Holly White or Rick Donovan. burglaries for a long time.” there to break them up by midnight. green light for campus pranksters to get Saturday, Oct. 30 “Catching car thieves is difficult. They However, the UPD does take certain to work. There will be a graduate school forum don’t hit the same place at the same time for those who are considering attending and we don’t have unlimited staffing. Part graduate school, or who are not sure what of it is luck and part of it is looking at pat­ they want to do after they finish their under­ terns,” McTaggart explained. not to be cheezy but... graduate work. “In terms of the volume and the impact it There is a $20 registration fee; however has with the students, it is a major problem this is returned to you upon boarding a bus and we do take it seriously,” McTaggart that will take you to the all day event. said. “These burglaries occur in spurts, For more information please contact Luis sometimes we won’t have any for six The Otter Realm Sandoval, EOP officer, at 582-3960 months.” According to the Police Daily Activity Sunday, Oct. 31 Logs on FirstClass, there were six car bur­ Halloween is day light savings, this might glaries from the week of Oct. 3-9 alone. add a spooky element to halloween this Stephanie Hardison, a Liberal Studies year, especially if you forget! Don't forget junior, was one of the victims. “They stole to set you clocks one hour back. my stereo, safe plate; they opened my trunk thanks and took my amps. They stole over $800 Friday, Nov. 5 worth of things,” Hardison said. WeTEC Faculty Mobile Technology Hardison reported the theft on Saturday, Projects Higher Education Forum. Oct. 9 at the back parking lot of the North University Center, 10:45 a.m. Quad. She contacted the UPD where an officer arrived to investigate and record the November 11 incident. Hardison wasn’t happy of the way Lecture Demonstration featuring Alegria- DC PIZZA it was handled. MPA, Building 30 at 10 a.m. “[The officer] couldn’t tell me much which was pissing me off. He looked at good food makes good design! my car, took notes, and gave me a number to call,” Hardison explained, “it makes me Late night pizza hours: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, 8 p.m. - midnight

Oct. 28-Nov. 10,2 004 | Otter Realm | 5 Sports Uncommon There are no pictures on the scorecard

By Lucifer Vicuña, Staff Reporter not be afraid to make one. This is what [email protected] Sense divides the players from the clutch play­ ers. “There are so many holes and you With a focus as sharp as the break on the just have to stay focused. You can’t let the 18th hole, Grant Haney drives the Otters mistakes get to you because you have so during their first venture into the uncharted many holes and you can always bring it waters of the NCAA Division II. back,” Haney said. By Darrell Eerieshima, Sports Editor “People who don’t play don’t understand Even though players are bound to make [email protected] you have to really stay focused,” Haney mistakes, Haney described a perfect day said. “Golf tournaments have two rounds, on the course as playing “a round without Warm up the bandwagon, the Red Sox so you’re basically there all day.” a bogey.” He added the best feeling in golf are back on top. Haney, a 6-foot-l-inch sophomore from “is to visualize shots before you shoot And it only took 86 years. Glendale, Calif., talks about golf with a them, and then hitting them.” So what did it? Was it the pitching? deep passion that shows. He emphasizes The men’s golf team is coming off one Was it the hitting? Was it the demolition mental focus and preparedness as keys to of their best performances of the season, of the Bambino’s historic Boston home at success on the links. finishing with a tie for forth at the CSU the start of the Yankees series? Unlike other sports where power can Bakersfield Invitational. Every sports fan, sports writer and play a major factor, Haney believes that the “We feel confident going into next semes­ Joe Schmo with an opinion is going to mental part of the game is the most crucial. ter because we finished strong,” said Haney. try and put his finger on the silver bullet “People can hit the ball far but can’t score. A serious student of the game, Haney that killed the curse. Here’s one take. It It’s all mental, just knowing and hitting the points to his father as a major influence. was about damn time. shots you need to hit,” said Haney. “There “My dad played college golf and was an All- Too bad for the Cardinals, you gotta are so many ways to get it done.” American. He always had me playing golf.” love Tony LaRussa. But how can any Haney explained his favorite aspect of Haney has found positive influences since golf is the diverse swings and styles of play coming to CSUMB as well. According to PHOTO PROVIDED BY GRANT HANEY team stand up to nearly a century’s worth Grant Haney follows through on his swing of bitter Boston fans, an organization’s among competitors. “There are so many Haney, senior teammate Jonas Carlsward date with destiny and the hair of Pedro, ways to get it done,” Haney said. is “someone who has really influenced said that the golf tournament is over Manny and Johnny Damon? Haney leaned back in his chair and me and who I’ve tried to be more like, not before the first tee off. Haney believes Plus, it’s hard not to pull for these guys recalled a quote. “There is a saying that only in golf, but how I take care of my life. this means a player needs the confidence after they did exactly what Boston pitcher says there are no pictures on the score One thing he told me is that you have to to believe he can win every match before Kurt Schilling said, and made “55,000 card, so no matter how you get the score have everything sound if you want to play he plays it. “All the good golfers who win people from New York shut up.” everyone’s different in getting it. A three- good golf, and for every action there is a tournaments think they are going to win So as St. Louis warms up the bus and foot putt is the same as a 300-foot drive.” reaction. He’s really helped me grow up before they get on the course. If you go the Red Sox warm up the parade floats, the Haney explains there is never a mis­ and do well.” out there and think you’re the best you’ll nation’s perennial fair-weather fans will be take-free round of golf but players can­ Legendary pro golfer Bobbi Jones once have a leg up on the competition.” wanning up the Boston bandwagon. Soon, old school fans won’t be distinguishable from people who just found out there was Sports survey reveals frightening stats a baseball team from the same town as that tea party from history class. By Darrell Eerieshima, Sports Editor LA Dodgers - 9% Halloween costume This week a different kind of history [email protected] ...favorite basketball team Dennis Rodman - 25% is in the making. And with the ever LA Lakers - 24% Anna Koumikova -5% increasing emphasis put on sports in this The passions of Otter students run strong Sacramento Kings - 15% Notable answer: Demar Walton (CSUMB country, the Red Sox and the Curse of and deep. The only problem seems to be Golden State Warriors - 9% basketball, #14 with the fro) the Bambino may be a paragraph or two zeroing in on those passions. ...favorite athlete Athlete that wears the best in our grandchildren’s textbooks. John The following is a sports survey of Otter Mia Hamm (soccer) - 7% Kerry even invokes the Sox in his cam­ costume students. The top answers are listed, as well Michael Jordan/Kobe Bryant - 5% paign speeches. Dennis Rodman - 29% as a few that didn’t make the cut. Hey that gives me an idea. Instead CSUMB’s Public Enemy #1 Swimmers - 5% Kobe Bryant - 15% of elections, why not let the World Otters' favorite sport Shaquille O’neil/Ben Wallace - 4% Alex Rodriguez/Tiger Woods - 5% Series decide who the next President Basketball - 20% Scariest sport Notable answer: Every athlete on TV of the United States is? Baseball/Soccer - 15% Football - 13% Football/Ice hockey - 15% If Boston wins then Kerry gets to be Otters' most hated pro team Rugby - 13% What do CSUMB students think is scary President. If St. Louis wins... umm... Oakland Raiders - 24% Notable answer: Chainsaw juggling about sports on Halloween? Tony LaRussa for President? NY Yankees - 15% LA Lakers - 10% Scariest athlete Come to think of it, I would feel a Otters' favorite football team Scariest pro team Mike Tyson - 16% lot better if LaRussa was running for SF 49ers - 33% Oakland Raiders - 20% Raiders - 44% Yankees - 15% Dennis Rodman - 13% President. He may not beat Boston, but Dallas Cowboys/SD Chargers - 5% Raiders fans - 11% Shaquille O’neil - 11% anyone who can bring championships to ...favorite baseball team Notable answer: the Bush Administration Notable answer: Probably someone Oakland will always get my vote. SF Giants - 29% Oakland A’s - 13% Best athlete to use as a juggling chainsaws.

6 Otter Realm | Oct. 28 - Nov. 10,2 004 Sports Sailing team hopes to add members Athletic Events By Mike Gallows, Staff Reporter [email protected] To post an event e-mail Darrell Hirashima via First Class

The 2004-05 CSUMB sailing Friday, Oct. 29 team is underway, practicing Women's Volleyball 7 p.m. and hoping for another awesome Otters vs. Cal State Bakersfield breezy season. Roadrunners @ OSC The fall season is a tune-up for the spring where last year Saturday, Oct. 30 the women’s team qualified to Women’s Volleyball 7 p.m. Otters compete in Hawaii at the Pacific vs. Cal State San Bernardino Coast Championship. This year Coyotes @ OSC the team was very lucky to add a new coach, Alexa Bestoso, who ‘Sanctuary Kayaking 11 a.m.-2 was an Honorable Mention when p.m. Take a tour of the Monterey sailing for the Naval Academy. Bay. Includes kayaks, wetsuits, This year sailing has a wom­ paddles, transportation and en’s team, a varsity team and a guide. $25/students. JV team. In college racing there is both co-ed racing as well Wednesday, Nov. 3 as woman’s racing. To be con­ *CPR 6-10 p.m. Leam to save a sidered a women’s boat, both life. Certification offered through members of the crew must be the American Safety and Health females. In some cases it is suf­ Institute. Includes infant and ficient if the skipper is a woman. child CPR. Held @ the Outdoor CSUMB is considered to be a Center. $15/students. women’s sport because it is co­ PHOTO PROVIDED BY SAILING TEAM / MANIPULATED BY DEAD SARA DOWE Ren Herring (r) and George Nagata of the CSUMB sailing team float peacefully, unaware of the "monsters" after them. ed. This is the team’s third year Saturday, Nov. 6 as a sport at CSUMB. Megan Comstock and Ren two races with two people in Students who are interested in ‘Pinnacles Trip - Climb and “Every year we are getting big­ Herring are skippers after show­ each boat. There are several races sailing the gorgeous Monterey Hike The Pinnacles National ger. I am recruiting from the sail­ ing awesome practice and lots of each day and sailors are assigned Bay, the HPWE department offers Monument is our closest winter ing classes and hope to build the dedication and skills. The idea in a point value based on how they beginning sailing (HPWE 151). playground for hiking and rock team even more. We will also get sailing is that they can only use finish. If they finish first, they Degnan recommends that stu­ climbing. Hike the high peaks a sailing club started to get more the boat and the wind to sail. This get one point and if they finish in dents who are interested in inter­ trail loop as the path winds sailors on the water,” said Head year’s team has seven functional 10th place they get 10 points. collegiate sailing should try these through towering formations, Coach Frank Degnan, who is the operating boats and five teams At the end of the race, the courses, then come try out for the then relax under the oak trees instructor for the scuba diving during competition. team with the lowest point total sailing team. at the Pinnacles Campground. class HPWE 280. The competition, called a wins. Teams can actually win the The sailing team’s next race is $50/students. “Anyone can come out and par­ regatta, lasts all weekend and has regatta without ever winning a on Nov. 8 and 9 at the Stanford ticipate,” added Degnan. two varsity races and the JV has single race. Invitational. Wednesday, Nov. 10 Men's Basketball 7:30 p.m. on the idea that they can set the Otters vs. Alumni @ OSC. A building season building blocks for a great tra­ dition in the future, and by all ‘First Aid 6-10 p.m. This course By Darrell Eerieshima, Sports Editor earlier in the season. accounts the team is buying in. covers the practical skills nec­ [email protected] On Oct. 22 CSUMB came through “I have really high expectations essary to provide basic first on a chance to improve when they for the year coming up,” said junior aid for sudden illness or injury. CSUMB men’s soccer has taken played Chico State to a tie after goalkeeper Robert Arteaga. Certification offered through the the fight to the CCAA with some two overtime periods. Flashy moves Even though CSUMB is ineli­ American Safety and Health fancy footwork and some old from junior forward Daniel Benito gible for any postseason honors, Institute. $15/students. school hard work. and senior defender Jarrett Bower don’t tell men’s soccer because they Coming up with solid wins kept the Otters in the driver seat, have been taking it to the compe­ Saturday, Nov. 13 throughout the season, the Otters allowing them to put a previous 4-2 tition like they have every thing Big Sur Day Hike 10 a.m.-5 p.m. have taken a young team into loss to Chico far in the past. to lose. The unselfishness of each This hike travels through state a highly competitive conference When it comes to the team’s player can be measured by the way parkland in Big Sur and gains and done much better than just progress, the players are quick to they all give the nod to their coach a few thousand feet in only a “hold their own.” At press time point to their coach, Artie Cairel. as the key to their success. couple of miles. $10/students. the Otters will take on the San “It’s all on him (Cairel), his "He (Cairel) pushes hard, PHOTO BY CHAD GHOUL Francisco State Gators and try to system works,” said Bower. but he earns all of our respect," ‘For info on these events go to Stephen Lopez keeps his eye on the ball improve on a loss to the Gators Coach Cairel has sold his team added Arteaga csumb.edu/adventures

Oct.2 8-Nov. 10, 2004 | Otter Realm | 7 Sports Skate or die... or just ride by the rules

By Uricle Fester Lamcke, Staff Reporter

[email protected]

From the occasional but often, “Hey, out of the way,” to the familiar sound of rubber wheels on concrete, skateboarding seems to be a universal language on this campus. Covering alternative sports, it's pretty hard to forget skateboard­ ing, the epitome of underground sports. Just like in any alternative sport, there are bound to be those who challenge the status quo. Why else would it be called alternative?

“I encourage all those young skaters

out there to keep Grindlng accross the coping PHOTOS BY CHAD GHOUL

skating and keep tion to a restrictive system. These building partner known only as building ramps people will be given pseudonyms the anonymous muralist for the purposes of this article. “I think that all universities of their own to “We got kicked out of every­ should open skate parks,” com­ challenge those laws where else for not having pads or mented Lunchbox. “They spend that keep us down.” helmets on, so we decided to put a so much money trying to upgrade ramp in our house,” said a CSUMB and fix stuff that skateboarders -LUNCHBOX student who will be affectionately do, they could put that money into dubbed “Lunchbox.” According to something useful.” Lunchbox, the rules surrounding Lunchbox also said some cit­ There is a special breed of skateboard laws have a fine line ies have installed anti-skater safe­ skateboarder who only partially between tricks and transportation. guards. The "no skating" signs agrees with the laws surrounding "We built it (the ramp) because have replaced cops who have bet­ The anonymous muralist pulls off a blunt stall In the confines of his apartment. his sport. For instance: the type of it's what we wanted to do, and ter things to do than hassle skat­ skateboarder who would build a who's gonna stop us!" Proclaimed ers. “I’ve never been arrested but I said Lunchbox. “They never did up-to-date, concrete parks. ramp in his apartment as retalia- Lunchbox's roommate and ramp have been cuffed a couple times,” anything, just trying to scare me If that’s not enough for the rebel and search my backpack.” skater within, building a mini-ramp CSUMB is one of the few col­ costs minimal dollars. With a sheet lege campuses that allow skate­ of plywood and a few 2 x 4s, any boarding on campus for trans­ type of ramp can be constructed. portation, and students take full More instruction can be found advantage of this unique liberty. on numerous Web sites or books “Skateboarding is a great tool including “Ramp Plans” and best- because I don’t have to find park­ buildskateramp.tripod.com. ing on campus, I save gas, and Skateboarding for beginners people get out of my way,” said can be a challenge; the balance an ITCD junior who went by the and skill required to master tricks handle "Boy-go-big." He added is obviously harder than, just try­ that he isn’t into the tricks but ing to get around. There are short is grateful CSUMB allows skate­ boards and long boards and every­ boarders the freedom to ride their thing in between. It’s important decks between classes. for a beginner to find the board If skaters want to do more than that suits his or her taste. just go from point A to B, and “I encourage all those young don’t want to build their own skaters out there to keep skat­ rebel ramp, there are numerous ing and keep building ramps skate parks on the Monterey of their own to challenge those

Lunchbox (right) posts up on his homemade mini-ramp with the anonymous muralist who created the art on the wall. Peninsula to choose from. Marina, laws that keep us down,” stated Monterey, and Salinas all have Lunchbox defiantly.

8 Otter Realm | Oct. 28 - Nov. 10, 2004 Arts & Essence Come at 9 p.m. for live band Virgin Sacrafices begin at 10:30 p.m. Show begins at 11 p.m.

The cast for “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” decked out in, well, not much but lingerie, rehearses one of the last dance sequences from the film (above and 'Rocky' calls for all right). The cast gathers and reveals a hint of the out­ landish costumes through­ out the show (below). creatures of the night

By Cristina Medieval, Staff Reporter

[email protected] “I feel that some qualities of myself can be found within the character of Frank, but I would say that I am not Frank. I am The “Rocky Horror” cast is urging for simply playing a character. That does not heavy petting on Oct. 29 for a one-night mean that I will not fully put myself into performance at the BBC. the character,” said Vidrio via e-mail. Although Jaylene Appelbaum and The costumes will consist of sheer slips, Camille Walker have the whole cast for brassieres, corsets, garter belts, and tightey- “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” only whiteys. seven of the 13 cast members are CSUMB The show carries a high sexual mood students. The students participating are: where actors must get very close physi­ Daniel Vidrio, Roger Tanioka, Michelle cally to be able to capture the moments in Vallentyne, J. Christopher Washburn- “Rocky Horror.” Moore, Robert LaLonde-Berg, Jennifer The cast is ready for all “Creatures of Solis and Jillian Halliwell. the Night.” Those audience members who Vidrio, a TAT junior, will transform him­ are a little more on the extroverted side of self into the sex-craving, corset wearing, the sexual scope are encouraged to break Dr. Frank-N-Furter, the sweet transvestite out their own lingerie and garter belts for from the planet Transsexual. the show.

Oct. 28- Nov. 10,2 004 | Otter Realm | 9 Arts & Essence Undiscovered mysteries of Fort Ord’s past

By Ivanna-Suck-Your-Blook Reissler, aliens kept collective mind of Staff Reporter the military under their spell and [email protected] control to prevent leaking their secret information to the public; As the bus driver on the Secrets “Soldiers were out on exercise of Fort Ord tour passes by the when one or more craft descended dreary barracks, he tells guests and abducted them... Some of the the area might have been haunted troops looked up and saw the disks for decades. Since CSUMB is flying away and vomited, which built on an old army base, it might indicates programmed response be an eligible place for ghosts. inserted by aliens... As the troops disagree. Dr. Herbert Martin, a LS Legend has it soldiers who passed were coming out of the daze, professor, moved his family out away in the battlegrounds tend to approximately 600 fresh troops of Schoonover. A month after the come back to their headquarters from Fort Ord descended on them move, his old neighbors contin­ after death. and sequestered them and their ued to hear moving of furniture, According to www.unsolved- families for a period of time.” bumping around and saw lights mysteries.com, students have heard As to the ghosts, The Board on in the empty apartment. PHOTO BYA DDAMS FAMILY JOSEPH disembodied breathing or voices at of Directors of the Alumni “My neighbor was shocked This photo, taken inside the Doughboy Theater, shows Joseph’s "ghost face.” night. The old army prison is said Association refused to discuss when I met him about a month to be haunted as well. any presence of dead in the area, later,” Martin said. “He said that Looking at the image on the ing. If I saw the face that day The military officials are sus­ which seems also suspicious. he and his wife have been ‘hear­ computer, Adam noticed a new ele­ staying at the theater, I’d shit in pected of hiding UFOs or any John McKetchen, head of the ing us’ up until that day! I do ment - a light spot. He zoomed in my pants,” Joseph said. other paranormal phenomenon Fort Ord Alumni Association, believe, and believed before that, on the light and sharply discerned As it becomes obvious, the in secret. According to ufopi. said, “Just a few weeks ago, we that this campus is haunted.” a weird face. He tried to remove it apparitions seem to be elusive, freehomepage.com, the case of led the investigation among the Adam Joseph, an HCOM through his photo editing software, nocturnal “creatures” that are multiple abductions involves 221 officers and no one admitted any junior, was unaware of seeing a which normally catches all reflec­ reluctant to show their faces. Does United States Army troops at Fort sort of ghostly experience.” ghost when he took a couple of tions and glare from a flashlight. this mean that this should prevent Ord in 1961. Some faculty members who night photos of the dilapidated The face didn’t disappear. us from observing solitary places The same site suggested the used to live in Schoonover Park Doughboy Theater. “I got this bizarre, creepy feel­ and abandoned buildings?

The Naked Otter mixing arsenic into someone’s punch. cult offers to take his place and ends up For humans however, sex cults nearly dead shortly after. always end in tragedy and just as fre­ Besides the death and doom of sex quently begin with one deranged person cults, the cloak and dagger ritual is It's a group thing... bent on reaching spiritual enlightenment awfully enticing. decided to start her own multi-species, through abnormal sexual activity and Passwords and robes, golden masks with Gather ‘round the fire and dispel your hedonistic sex cult. ultimately suicide or murder. bejeweled accents and, most importantly, robes. The time has come to partici­ On All Hallows Eve we meet in the park­ naked people doing the nasty in front of pate in ritual group sex, feasting and ing lot next to the Monterey Bay Aquarium everyone else, really adds a certain charm then mass suicide. The Naked Otter has and then go onto the beach to make a bonfire and mystique to the arena of just plain old around which some Passwords and robes, golden boring group sex. of us will spread our masks with bejeweled accents Many of these sex cults, whose roots seed freely, holding and, most importantly, naked are decidedly Pagan, cultivate their sexual our female mate’s people doing the nasty in energy on Halloween night, or Samhain head in our jaws as to use the witches’ vernacular, and since we copulate. front of everyone else, really Halloween is well at hand, this sexually These polyga­ adds a certain charm and charged sea mammal suggests that every­ mous love fests are mystique to the arena ofj ust one be on the lookout for any attractive cult commonplace for plain old boring group sex. members carrying torches into the barren the innately sexual areas of Fort Ord. beings that otters A word to the wise: think carefully are and seldom before joining their naked revelry, the price end in death. The As in the 1999 Kubrick film starring you pay may be your masked remains dis­ most any male sea Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, “Eyes covered in the morning. otter does is splash Wide Shut,” in which Cruise infiltrates a around and make sexual cult for affluent and anonymous Be Serene, WWW.TCCANDLER.COM aggressive noises, New Yorkers and narrowly escapes with The Naked Otter This still from “Eyes Wide Shut’ shows a cult group ready to participate in an orgy. which is far from his life after a nude female member of the

10 Otter Realm | Oct 28 - Nov. 10, 2004 Arts & Essence A Short Story Mask sales may predict future By Matthew Frankenfox, News Editor whichever candidate sold more ally won Finding Home [email protected] Halloween masks won. This trend the last reaches back to Ronald Reagan’s election. Part 1 They’re neck and neck! It’s Bush first victory in 1980. There by a nose! Wait, no! It’s Kerry by According to the article are other By Addam's Family Joseph, Staff Reporter a chin! “Buyseasons, a costume company, ways to I feared my soul would dry up if I didn’t seek out greener grass on During the political season sales of Bush Halloween masks decipher other sides of fences that didn’t face barren dirt and tumbleweed. I there are always so many polls are outselling Kerry masks by 57 who will was leaving on the 5:10 Greyhound out of San Bernardino. I arrived on TV and in newspapers they are percent to 43 percent.” Couldn’t it win the at the bus station a few hours earlier just to sit and make sure that everywhere. How can anyone tell just mean Bush is scarier? presidency as there was no chance of being left behind in that desolate affair. I had which one is accurate? Some say The accuracy of well. a medium sized duffle and a backpack with an L-shaped tear over Bush is in the lead while others this Halloween Some people my right shoulder. assert that Kerry is. Who would mask theory believe that the results from the have ever guessed that the answer “I used to have a lot more than this,” I thought to myself. I couldn’t isn’t exactly Nickelodeon show “Kids Pick to this pesky question could be worth the President” is an accurate quite remember where the rest was. Maybe I’d given it away or it was found in.. .Halloween masks? believing way to see who the next presi­ just scattered over another reason why I needed to go. A blurb printed in the econo­ in entirety dent will be. Supposedly kid’s “How can I help you today, sir?” The ticket teller asked through mist last month showed that sales seeing how votes are an accurate representa­ the 27-inch thick bulletproof ticket window. of Halloween masks have actually some people tion of their parent’s votes. “One, one way ticket for the 5:10 to San Francisco,” I said. accurately predicted the results of still believe Until then the Halloween masks “For only 14 dollars more I can give you a round-trip,” she said. the last six elections. That means that Gore actu­ speak for Bush. “I won’t be returning,” I said as I slid two twenties under the ticket window. ------“...37.50, please.” Her clothes made I took my ticket and change and me feel a remarkable slid my bag to a nearby bench and sadness for her. I PEBBLE BEACH COMPANY dropped my backpack down onto didn’t know why, but I the floor. I sat next to a plain look­ felt attracted to her in ing middle-aged woman. I noticed a pitifully feeble way. she didn’t wear make-up, trying Retail Job Fair to cover'the age that had worn her Thursday, November 4th 2004 face out, tired. She was naturally kind of an attractive woman. She had shoulder length dark hair, parted in a very simple manner to one 2pm - 4pm side, with bobby pins holding the part in place.- CSUMB Career Development Office I felt her take a few glances in my direction. I fought the urge 100 Campus Center, Building 44 to glance back at her. I didn’t want to get caught in one of those awkward situations when you try to look at somebody and by We are seeking talented employees to join our award-winning team. coincidence they are looking in your direction. Then you have to Full, part-time, and on-call retail opportunities: pretend as if you weren’t going to look at that person but something else in that same direction. But in my case besides the woman, there was only a brown trashcan and “no-smoking” sign hanging from Sales Associate a grubby yellow wall. I leaned back slightly and tried to grab an Personal Shopper inconspicuous view from the side of my eye. At that moment, she arose abruptly and stood in front of me. Stock Clerk “Excuse me. I was wondering if you’d watch my bag while I use Art Consultant the restroom?” The woman said in an evident, German accent.' Merchandise Associate “No problem,” I said, taking a nice long look at the woman. She wore inexpensive looking tight jeans, a white tee shirt with As part of our team you will enjoy: an emerald sequin butterfly and a pair of black imitation leather • Great golf on Americas premier golf courses boots that had pointed tips. Her clothes made me feel a remark­ • Flexible work schedule able sadness for her. I didn’t know why, but I felt attracted to her in a pitifully feeble way. Her small gray, canvas bag sat next to me • Health & Wellness benefits for you and your family enclosed with treasures and mysteries that no man could begin to • Career development and training opportunities imagine. I waited for the squeaking of the restroom door to open. • Discounts on retail, restaurant, & spa services Soon enough the woman emerged from the door, leaving a trail of • Free lunch every day (who say’s there’s no such a meek rose fragrance. thing as a free lunch!)

Read part 2 of "Finding Home" in the next issue! Equal Opportunity Employer/Drug-Free Workplace References will be checked

Oct.28-Nov. 10,2 004 | Otter Realm | 11 Arts & Essence The Realm reveals the psychology of costumes Costume choices provide revealing hints about the subconscious By Rotten Rachel Kane, “They’re just trying to express ber of young girls brave the brisk Trashy Lingerie’s store manager, an SBS/Spanish sophomore Managing Editor what they want to be perceived October night in skimpy, little the best selling costumes of 2004 who thinks that young girls use [email protected] as,” said Joseph Bravo, a Business costumes every year. have been the “Vampire Dress,” Halloween as an outlet for pent junior. “If some guy wants to “That’s what they think guys “Soda Pop Girl” and “Pirate Set.” up sexuality. Reflections of hollowed Jack-o- show off his muscles, he’ll be are attracted to,” said Fernandez. An equally popular costume at “I guess they feel like it’s the one lantem faces and flickering lights Conan or something.” “They’re marketed towards guys. the store is the “Strawberry Girl,” time they can dress slutty and not dance off a skin tight red vinyl Like a truth serum in a movie, To feed the sexual desires of men.” which looks like a XXX version feel bad about it,” said Ramirez. jumpsuit and matching boots. Halloween costumes are mani­ of Strawberry Shortcake. Not everyone will leave his With a crimson scepter in her festations of people’s innermost O’Towne’s rationale for the or her underwear and inhibi­ hand and devilish grin possessing desires and a reflection of their "I think it’s cool if you popularity of these costumes is tions at home on Halloween her lips, a young woman’s body is true selves. simply that “they fit well,” and night. College students have also can be slutty but be lead by the small horns atop her The man who dons the cop that they are “fancier” than most been known to wear completely painted face. uniform on Halloween has con­ creative about being costumes. At prices up to $350.00, asexual costumes for the sake of The girls in the loosely fitting trol issues; the woman who wears slutty." they had better be. comic relief in an onslaught of ladybug costumes and droopy the ballerina outfit to her job's According to Bravo, who sexually charged garments. -KATHLEENA RAMIREZ antennas think she’s a tramp, but Halloween party never had the doesn’t “really dress up,” college “Dorky costumes are cool perhaps the lady imitating the chance to take ballet when she girls who do choose to go cruising because those people show no Morning Star has more than scan­ was nine and the teenage girl who parties in an ass-high skirt and fear,” said Ramirez. “That’s kind dal behind her bodysuit. dresses like a Playboy bunny, The online costume and lingerie nipple-low top combination are of funny because they’re not “The most emotionally intense well, her parents might have some store Trashy.com, whose home base “insecure about themselves.” afraid of being dorky, plus they color, red, stimulates a faster explaining to do. is in Los Angeles, sells a daunting “Those girls that wear those don’t care what people think.” heartbeat and breathing,” accord­ Wendy Fernandez, a sopho­ variety of nearly 400 different sexy slutty costumes are trying to bring Whether otters dress as nuns or ing to infoplease.com. Perhaps more Business major, thinks that costumes guaranteed to “put the fire attention to themselves,” he said. nurses, Halloween of 2004 is sure the girl with the red boots on is the economic principle of supply back into your Halloween,” accord­ “I think it’s cool if you can be to be true to CSUMB’s form in a thrill seeker and a daredevil, and demand is the explanation ing to the Web site. slutty but be creative about being that one can be sure the costumes besides being a she-devil. for why an overwhelming num­ According to Skip O’Towne, slutty,” said Kathleena Ramirez, will be diverse.

white Primary black “Black is the color of author­ “Brides wear white to ity and power. Some fashion symbolize innocence and colors: experts say a woman wearing purity. White reflects light black implies submission to and is considered a sum­ Some of the most men. Black outfits can also mer color,” according to be overpowering, or make the infoplease.com. Costumes popular female wearer seem aloof or evil,” like nurse outfits, angels according to infoplease.com. and brides are all primarily costumes and The French maid costume is a white and subconsciously what their elemen­ perfect example of how black evoke feelings of kindness is subliminally submissive. and goodness in the viewer tal colors mean. and the wearer. red blue “Red clothing gets noticed “Peaceful, tranquil blue and makes the wearer causes the body to pro­ appear heavier. Since it is duce calming chemicals, so an extreme color, red cloth­ it is often used in bedrooms. ing might not help people Fashion consultants recom­ in negotiations or confron­ mend wearing blue to job tations,” according to info- interviews because it sym­ bolizes loyalty,” according to please.com. Red is the ideal infoplease.com. Superman color for bringing out the and his skin-tight suit sym­ beast in man. PHOTOS MANIPULATED BY ROTTEN RACHEL KANE bolize loyalty to passersby.

12 Otter Realm | Oct. 28-Nov. 10, 2004 Arts & Essence

“Being No money? No worries! Condom Girl The Low Down was pretty To post an event, please e-mail cheap. We stapled Michelle Burke via FirstClass. Cheap costumes can still be found condoms onto our Thursday, Oct. 28 By Paul Wet-yer-pants, Staff Reporter being creative reigns on to-do lists, snub the belts and car­ Costume Contest First, second and [email protected] costume packaged in plastic and repeat after ried purses third place costumes take home prizes! me, “One’s trash is another’s treasure.” with condoms 9 p.m. World Theater. Contact OSHA via When generic costumes bore, imagination “Nothing is original in those Halloween inside them. FirstClass. looms inside a thrift store. stores. The Goodwill is a great place for Then we passed them out to promote safe It’s Halloween and time to be original. costumes,” said Jordan Hitt, an SBS senior. sex,” said Katy Murphy, a Business senior. Get Scary for Kerry! Show Kerry pride Costume stores can un-inspire geniuses. If “This year I want to be a pirate; this way I If time’s running out and ideas for a cos­ with games, candy and local band Last can stagger around spilling wine and beer tume have fleeted, don’t despair. Night. Kerry gear will be available. 9-12 all over myself,” “If you need a really simple costume, p.m. Student Center. On Oct. 31, she can walk into walls, grab white bed sheets and something warm swipe a mug of ale from a neighboring to wear underneath. Rip sheets into separate Friday, Oct. 29 wench and shout, “RRR!” pieces, wrap them around your body, and “Rocky Horror Picture Show." Come Scheduled CSUMB apartment parties use safety pins to tie the ends. It will take dressed in corsets and fishnets for the await revelers with unique costumes. When about three hours, but it’s worth it. After you live performance against the backdrop masses mingle under the mist of sweat and start walking around, you’ll, unravel. You of the film projected on screen. Band smoke, they’ll feel like sick sardines in cans. keep having to wrap yourself all night,” said plays at 9 p.m. Virgin sacrafices at Humans are said to wear masks every­ Pickering-Esquibel, who did some stagger­ 10:30. Show starts at 11 p.m. BBC. Free day of the year. On this holiday, people can ing and mumbling last Halloween. admission. Contact Jaylene Appelbaum be what they want. Moans from the bathroom reverberated via FirstClass. Jacob Pickering-Esquibel, HCOM alumni through his hallway. The sounds created said, “I plan to be a horse with an accentu­ sent chills up the spines of the partygoers. Monday, Nov. 1 ated body part. I don’t want to say what body For students who want to save some bed Day of the Dead 2004. Join VPA for part it is, since it’s the school’s newspaper.” sheets, there are other options. the celebration with live music, danc­ Don’t be surprised when a figure gallops “I’ll probably just go to a used clothing ers, decorative altars and the Wall of into a dimly lit house to sway his hips. store,” said Alex Hofmann, an ESSP senior. Remembrance. 5:30 p.m. at the Music Gidee-up! Is there a better night to be No matter how empty students’ pockets Hall and 6 p.m. at the UC. Free admis­ a horse with an accentuated body part? are, a creative costume can still be had with sion. Contact VPA at 582-4337. Don’t start listing a bunch of places with a little imagination. Besides, the funniest PHOTO BY CHAD GHOUL live dancers, either. Just ride to parties with ones never come out of those plastic bags Tuesday, Nov. 2 Robert Peck shows just how easy it is to come up with a some sense. from the local Halloween store. State of the Nation Exhibit. A response cheap costume. What is he? Duh! An alien! to current issues by VPA 304 painting bowl, pizza included, for $49.95 from 4-6 and mural class. View installations at Halloween hangouts to rise p.m. On Saturday, Oct. 30, Fright Night will VPA, Library, BBC and Student Center. take over, with “Galactic Bowling” and a costume contest from 9:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. The Friday, Nov. 5 from a Sunday slumber cost is $21 for the night, shoes included. Salinas Hardcore. Local hardcore bands For parents looking for a safer place to trick- play at the BBC. 6-10:30 p.m. Contact By Medusa Burke, A&E Editor who come dressed in their sexy best are or-treat, visit the Barnyard in Carmel, where Jennifer Burfeind via FirstClass. [email protected] welcome to stay an extra hour after closing kids can go store-to-store for a candy treat. until 3 a.m. On Saturday, Octane will host Another family-oriented event will take Alumni Bowling Night. Two games, There’s a man covered in five-foot breasts? a Pimp and Ho Ball. On Halloween, they’ll place in the East Campus Housing. The shoe rental and free appetizers. Prizes Where?! host a costume party and contest with Frederick Park Annual Harvest Festival for highest combined score. 7-9 p.m. That’s right! It’s Halloween and time for prizes. All events are for ages 21 and up. will take place on Oct. 31 at the Saratoga Monterey Lanes. $10 current alumni crazy costumed freaks to come out of the Believe it or not, not everything in the Community Center. All ages are welcome members; $13 guests. Call 582-GRAD. woodwork (as if they needed an excuse) area requires that golden drinking age. On for games, candy, prizes, costumes and a and walk the streets of Monterey County. the home front, the band Kung Fu Vampire bounce house. Thursday, Nov. 11 Regardless of age or wallet size, there are will play at the BBC on Oct. 30 even with If this is all a little too close to home, Lecture Demonstration featuring Alegría. plenty of options for everyone to partake in the unfortunate cancellation of the annual make a trip over to downtown Santa Cruz to 10 a.m. Music Hall. Contact MPA for the festivities. Haunted House. witness a chaotic gathering of the area’s hel­ more info. For those over 21 years, The Mucky That’s not to say there won’t be any lions strolling (or staggering) up and down Duck will host a Halloween Party and “haunted” buildings this year for students Pacific Avenue on the night of Halloween. Nov. 12-14 & 16-17 costume contest with prizes awarded to the to visit. The five different areas of the resi­ For an even more insane adventure for those “Emma.” TAT Fall production of the play top three costumes on Oct. 31. With drink dential halls (Areas 1-4 and North Quad) who don’t mind a little gridlock, visit San about Emma Goldman, advocate for specials, The Corona Girls and Jager Girls are having a Haunted Halls contest; a pizza Francisco’s Castro District where, according anarchism, women’s rights and labor. will visit to perk things up a bit. party will be given to the dorm with the to city police estimates, somewhere between Evening shows: 8 p.m. Matinees: 2 p.m. Just down the street, Club Octane will be spookiest decorations. 3-500,000 of the area’s closest friends con­ World Theater. $5 CSUMB students; $8 partying all weekend long. According to an For those with young’uns in tow, Monterey gregate for the unruly festivities. faculty; $10 general admission. Contact employee, Friday’s event will feature the Lanes will host a costume contest for kids And who knows? Maybe the man in the Rebecca Pena via FirstClass. Fourth Annual Exotic Erotic Ball. Those on Oct. 31. Groups of up to six people can oversized boobs will grace the streets again.

Oct. 28-Nov. 10,2 004 | Otter Realm | 13 Opinion Dracula votes for Bush Woflman votes for Kerry By Count Dracula By Wolfman

I Vant to suck your blood, muah uh uh uh at work. America sucks the life out of all John Kerry is the candidate we werewolves Another thing that got me on his side Muahahahahahahahaaaaa. Vut am I talk­ the other countries of the world, and the have been waiting for years for. Hey, if we was watching Kerry out there slaughtering ing about? I am such a batty brain some­ upper class of America sucks the life out can’t get one of us in the White House, we geese the other day. Again I realized, ‘Hey, times. What I meant to say was, I vant to of the lower and middle class of America. might as well have a Pres with werewolf this guy is just like me.’ He enjoys the occa­ cut your taxes Muahahahahahahahahaaaa. It is working better than ever before! All tendencies, right? sional hunt now and then, and that is just the Bush is going to do some more fixing with we need is a few votes for our Battmeister Kerry’s critics like to call him a flip-flop­ kind of pastime I really appreciate. the economy if he wins the presidency. In Bush and we will be more on top than ever per, but he doesn’t flip-flop. He just can’t You know, I used to like that G.W. guy. Transylvania we haven’t had any major par­ before. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. resist the power of the conservative middle On vacation all the time, and when he was ties like we used to lately, election years can My favorite part of his presidency whenever they ascend into the horizon. I on the job he was out to lunch. It was the be so boring. Not that we can’t afford was the no child left behind act. have similar issues with a certain perfect atmosphere for me to con­ to party every single freaking night Little does the American population monthly lunar occurrence. I’m nor­ duct my monthly “transformations” from here to the next million mil­ know that the no child left behind mally a gentle, caring guy, but when and go about my business. Now if lenniums, but we just don’t have was just a front? It looks like it I see a full moon I transform into I try to climb to the top of a anything to really party about. If works on the papers because of one a blood-thirsty monster. bridge or a building to let out we aren’t sucking the life force tiny secret. All the children who So watching Kerry play the a good, long, “hair standing out these measly humans that were left behind were EATEN. compassionate liberal, con­ up on your neck” kind of inhabit this deplorable speck of Their little bodies are tasty mor­ cerned with health care and howl, everyone starts calling dirt called the earth what is sels to vampires like myself. jobs, and then turn around in terrorist threat warnings there to celebrate? The rape and pillaging of and declare he will hunt to the FBI. I don’t need the Alas’ this is why all the Iraq was also another great down the terrorists and kill Feds on me. I’ve already batty brains like myself need highlight. Somehow Bush them wherever they hide got enough trouble with to come out of their caves convinced American’s that makes me think, ‘Hey this all those damn Van Helsing on Nov. 2, in the evening Iraq was somehow respon­ guy is just like me.’ wannabes after my ass. of course, to re-elect our sible for the destruction of So you see, it’s not that Kerry So that's why werewolves are wonderful president Count the world trade centers. flips or flops; it’s just that there are giving their votes to John Kerry GRAPHIC BY DEAD SARA DOWE Bush. His track record is Us vampires had a field two John Kerrys. One Kerry for the for President. We feel he has our outstanding! Look how he GRAPHIC BY DEAD SARA DOWE day in Iraq sucking the waning and waxing liberal base, and one for best interests at heart and he most reminds greedily twists and grapples life out of Saddam’s mea­ the full moon that is the conservative fringe. us of ourselves. That's why most people are the life out of nearly everyone in America. sly empire. We now have a few vacation Some spin that as a weakness, but for us choosing Bush. They say Bush always sticks His tax cuts destroyed government zones we like to visit in Baghdad. werewolves, it makes us think we might have to his guns when he makes a decision. I’ve spending on the poor and middle class, Anyways Bush has turned this country a Pres who actually understands the issues we seen stubborn six-year-olds pull off the same and made the richest even richer. He did all into a vampires dream, it’s just like that go through. Watching Kerry’s conservative thing, and I wasn’t very impressed then either. of this while expanding America’s deficit Smashing Pumpkins song that goes. Dun fur and claws come out every time terrorism Dracula is going to try and swing readers more than ever before. nuh Dun nuh, the world is a vampire, sent and gun control are mentioned is the next best towards the Bush side, but don’t listen to him. It is incredible to watch a vampire genius to draiiiaaiiiaaaiiiin. thing to having an actual wolfinan in office. That guy’s a dick. What’s wrong with race and sex based clubs at CSUMB? By Jesse Folsom says they could attend. Chicano nation, “A nation autonomous and truly be included in? Here at CSUMB there are five clubs based Would women, blacks, or homosexu­ free - culturally, socially, economically and Funding should be cut for all such dis­ on ethnicity, sex, or sexual orientation. als feel comfortable in a white male politically,” a nation based on race. criminatory clubs at CSUMB. If nothing Each has money available to them of heterosexual club? The answer is no, Is this the multicultural ideal that else, everyone should visit the CSUMB $10,000 a year or more, based on the fund­ and there should not be a white male CSUMB endorses? M.E.Ch.A. Web site and see what kinds of ing bylaws of the inter-club council. Up to heterosexual club. Nor should those Just because a group is not focused on groups this university is willing to pay with $50,000 a year is spent on these clubs that other clubs exist. white male heterosexuals does not mean it your money. focus on categories generally considered As a particularly galling example of an can’t be discriminatory. Some say white male inherent and unalterable in people. actually racist group on CSUMB, let’s take heterosexuals don’t have a group because we Hey Otters ~ We're college stu­ Shouldn’t we focus on being colorblind a look at M.E.Ch.A. One of the slogans on don’t need one; everything else emphasizes dents; we all have opinions. We want in our policy, instead of funding clubs their Web site is “Por La Raza todo. Fuera our power and wealth. In their minds, I and to hear what you have to say...good emphasizing meaningless differences de La Raza nada.” For those who don’t those like me are the oppressors. and bad!! Write a letter to the editor speak Spanish, this means, “For the Race between us? Well, take a look at some of the events or submit a guest opinion piece for all. Outside of the Race nothing.” being held on campus, funded by the uni­ A club for women, blacks, homosexuals publishing in The Otter Realm. Raza, meaning race, is a word that versity, such as “Value Your Vagina” or or Hispanics is discriminatory against those Send all letters (up to 300 words) who should be as protected as much as appears frequently in their Web site. It is “National Coming Out Day,” things that and opinion pieces (up to 600 words) these groups. Men, whites, Asians, and het­ literally a racist organization. It is a sedi­ celebrate what heterosexual males are not to [email protected]. erosexuals should not need to help pay for tious organization, believing that the only and can never be. Why, therefore, should clubs that are not and cannot be inclusive way for Hispanics to be free is to throw off our fees go to pay for these events and Submissions may be edited for of them, whether or not that club’s policy the American government and form a new clubs that we will never and could never content and length.

14 Otter Realm | Oct2 8-Nov. 10,2 004 Opinion

Downward Spiral So what are you supposed to be? Dude, you've Just let me borrow I'm a Drinker. Happy Halloween got to put a costume on for the party you

r duc t tape Fine, I'll figure something out

Editorial: The separation of Church and State needs to stay

The separation of Church and The Realm feels the Bush thers wanted a clear line, why force their fellow classmates and when they do not believe in a State is a widely controversial administration is crossing the the need to fix something that teachers to participate. Christian God or any other god issue among Americans, and line between church and state isn’t broken? Praying is fine, With all of the Supreme for that matter. has been since the ratification because it wants to give more but is doesn’t belong in the Court rulings for the separation These things force religious of the U.S. Constitution in 1789. federal money to religious orga­ classroom. Nor do postings between Church and State, it is values and customs on those The views on Church and State nizations. Bush’s plan would of the Ten Commandments in a wonder why the topic is still who do not share the same issues are different throughout allow more religious groups to court buildings. so controversial. beliefs. Religion, of all kinds, the country; yet the majority, compete for government money It isn’t the government’s job or Over and over again, America should not be public; it is a per­ including the Realm seems to be to provide social services, as responsibility to provide a reli­ has to deal with these issues, but sonal issue that should not be for the separation. long as their services are avail­ gious education to kids. That is the thing is, the Supreme Court forced upon anyone under any The complete separation able to anybody in need. for the parent to do. and the fathers of this country circumstances. between Church and State basi­ So Bush is going to monitor all The "under God" in the Pledge want/ed it a certain way. Things Everyone has the right to believe cally means all religious activi­ of these organizations’ spending of Allegience is a clear example are this way for a reason and they in whatever they want to believe ties, no matter how big or small, habits? Right. of the government subjecting all are okay, so stop messing with it. in, even if it means not believing in should be left up to the individual Senator John Kerry stands U.S. children to some sort of reli­ There are so many differing anything at all. The United States to do in private or in church with­ firmly for the clause in the gion when they are expected to morals and beliefs in today’s needs to be accepting of all the out the government intervening. Constitution against the establish­ say it before class in school. society. Everyone in the US has different beliefs, morals, religions, The purpose of the separation ment of religion. “I am wary of The U.S. government did not the right to believe in anything and values present in today’s soci­ of Church and State is to protect any direct funding of religious want to follow in England’s they wish without having to see ety. That is what makes this coun­ people from the First Amendment organizations by the federal gov­ footsteps and have a state the Ten Commandments in their try so great, this huge melting pot clause referring to freedom of ernment without constitutional church. They wrote part of the classrooms or recite the Pledge of cultures and ethnicities and its speech. Not only do people have safeguards and protections, such First Amendment with free­ of Allegiance to the United States religions and values. a right to believe and say what as ensuring that government fund­ dom of religion in mind. They they want to, but people also have ing is not used for proselytizing,” wanted people the right not to be subjected to the Kerry wrote in a statement posted to have the right beliefs of others. on http://atheism.about.com/. to believe in or Church and State separation “All through our history we not believe in stands as one of the foundations of have drawn that line,” Kerry whatever they this nation. As a result, Americans said in an interview by AP wanted. enjoy the incomparable religious writer Kate McCann. “And I Thegovemment otter Realm independence and nurture one of will continue to draw that line.” isn’t saying one’s

the most critical religious com­ Kerry says his religious beliefs beliefs are not per­ News 831.582.4066 Copy Editor Staff Reporters Advertising 831.582.4347 Michelle Burke Sophie Balia, Alex Chapman, Christopher munities in the world. This sepa­ are important to him personally mitted or that one E-mail [email protected] Gallegos, Mike Gallo, Adam Joseph, Leslie Photo Editor www.otterrealm.net ration guarantees one the liberty but would not interfere with his cannot pray when­ Chad Ghiron Lamcke, Cristina Medina, Marian Muhammad, Nick Noble, Irina Reissler, Kimber Solana, Editor-in-Chief Online Editor to worship or not to worship as presidential policies. ever desired. Just Louie Vicuña, Paul Wetterau Erin Lawley Mac Clemmens Production Staff he or she desires. That is what Why is the line separating that people should Managing Editor News Editor Michelle Burke, Colleen Cooney, Sara Dowe, Rachel Kane Matthew Fox America stands for: life, liberty, Church and State getting more have enough Matthew Fox, Darrell Hirashima, Rachel Kane, Adviser Sports Editor Erin Lawley, Aldo Vargas and the pursuit of happiness. and more blurred? Our forefa­ respect to not Juanita Darling Darrell Hirashima Contributers Production Adviser A&E Editor Jesse Folsom Bobbi Long Michelle Burke Otter Oops Production Editor Advertising Manager Colleen Cooney Sherylen Duong • In our October 14 issue, The Otter Realm mispelled Rachel Vizcarra's name. • The graphic on page 5 of the October 14 issue was designed by Sara Dowe.

Oct. 28-Nov. 10,2 004 | Otter Realm | 15 An enduring adoration for life and the stage By Ivanna-Suck-Your-Blood Reissler, ships,” Nieves explained. Staff Reporter She has earned three major [email protected] roles at CSUMB’s World Theater. She has played a famous Chilean After Shanell Nieves, an HCOM mother, Isabelle Allende, in senior, was diagnosed with muscu­ “Paula.” But her favorite role lar dystrophy at age 12, broke her was the Queen of the Dead, femur at 16, and could no longer Persephone, in ‘‘Polaroid Stories.” walk, she was afraid she wouldn’t “The challenge was to play be able to play Shakespeare Ts a witch when I am not tough Juliet on stage. at all. But my cast partner told Nieves remembered her mom me that I managed to scare her saying, “Don’t feel sorry for your­ to death,” Nieves said about self. Life is like a roller her character. Just wait for your turn.” Her huge almond eyes are Nieves dreamtaboutacting since radiant with desire to help. the times she and her little brother “Nieves is the best advocate frolicked around putting on adult for any student,” said Jackie clothes and parroting grown-ups. Mills, the office manager of Three years ago, Nieves moved Student Disability Resources from Lompoc to the CSUMB (SDR) where Nieves works facility dorm, leaving her caring as a receptionist. family behind. “I was nervous, Nieves is overflowing with but wanted badly to be indepen­ anticipation of her coming wed­ dent,” Nieves said. ding. “I only see love in his eyes Her first small role on the uni­ and I dream to look in them for­ versity’s stage left her in disbelief, ever,” she said about her fiancé. but gave her self-confidence. The Nieves added with pride, “No Nieves (r) poses as her character, Anna Marie, with a castmate from 'Talking With.’ Photo Provided By Shanell Nieves second role launched her spirit to matter how my life will turn out, seventh heaven. “a nine women monologue play. role was Isabelle Allende in “I realized that this is my life and I will always perform, even on “My first role was Anna Marie The second was as Persephone ‘Paula.’ I also just got cast in I can’t live without an audience, the comer of the street, just for a in ‘Talking With,”’ said Nieves. in ‘Palaroid Stories.’ My third ‘The Vagina Monologues.’” the special give and take relation­ few passers-by.” ______Person On Campus ______What were you for Halloween as a kid?

By Chad Ghoul, Photo Editor

[email protected]

Eileen Lewis Kelley Smith 3RD YEAR - UNDECLARED 4TH YEAR - BUSINESS “I always liked being a rave girl... “I was a “My Little Pony” one year. with crazy colors and lots of stuff Well not really a My Little Pony, that shines... oh you wanted a more a girl in pink with pigtails, Halloween costume, well that’s a and a tail... with a My Little Pony.” little harder.”

Alex Bodine Karly Edwards Shawn Parkinson 2ND YEAR - UNDECLARED SENIOR - GLOBAL STUDIES SENIOR - BUSINESS “Halloween was always a little “I was a princess every year... not sad for me, I wanted to be a ninja “When I was younger I was a very imaginative, but one time I but every time I up the costume it “Pimp Monkey,” sounds like a * did mange to mix things up a little would rip... its hard being the tall­ weird costume for a kid but I just and became a ‘Fairy Princess’.” est kid in the class.” loved it.”

16 Otter Realm | Oct. 28 - Nov. 10, 2004