m '-: r f / r irt'n r-?.

itycrage Dafiy Net Press Bim The Weather For the Week Ended ' P^r, oool tonight, low in May 21, 196S 40o; partly sunny, oool tomor­ row, high near 7d)

14,728 Manchester-^A City of VOlagb Charm (CUMitled Adv^rtlking on Page IS). PRICE SEVEN CENTil MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1966 VOL. LXXXV, No. 204 (TWENTY PAGES) __ /* ____ For Gemini Joiirney

ss . > Noon Hour Launch Set ivV : { - m Tomorrow CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) — The “ go” light H- flashed brightly to track­ ing stations around the world today for the Gemi­ ni 9 spacemen to embark f o na three-day exploration of some unknowns of space travel. "We’re ready to go,” said Air Force Lt. Col. Thomas P. Staf­ ford. His rookie pilot, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Eugene A. Cernan, soon to become the world’s champion cosmic stroller, agreed. They’ll ride a mighty Titan .=1 rocket into the hostile void of / space at 12:38 p.m. (EOT) (AP Plu»tofa.x) Wednesday to search the skies Yesterday they watched — tomorrow they ride! Astronauts Tom Stafford for a stubby target satellite, (left) and Gene Cernan (right) watched yesterday as Surveyor I biased o ff then boWy latch Gtemini 9's nose from Cape Kennedy. Fellow astronaut Donald Slayton is between them. to it. ‘It Is Altogether Fitting and Proper We Do This Their target, known as an Augmented Target Docking Saluting the Civil War statue in Center Park, a the base of the statue were placed there during the Adapter — ATDA, wlU be pow­ member of the 134th MP Battalion of the Connecti­ Memorial Day service. (Story and other pictures ered into a 185-mile high circu­ Surveyor I on Right Path cut National Guard pays tribute to Manchester s on page 10.) (Herald photo by Ofiara) lar course around the globe by an booster one hour and 38 war dead during ceremonies yesterday. Wreaths at mintites before the Titan cranks Its engines. For Soft Landing on Moon Mission director William C. Schneider got a thorough brief­ Fresh Fish P a s a d e n a , CaUf. (a p ) — indication so far that the steer­ If all goes well, however, Sur­ ing on the status of the rockets, Buddhist Leaders Meet Surveyor 1 cruised today toward ing maneuver was disturbed by veyor will radio across 230,000 weather and ' astronauts this CRANBROOK. B.C. (AP) a new and hopefully smoother any shift in the craft’s center of miles of space pictures 'almost morning, then announced: (‘Ev­ —It rained so hard in landing site on the moon after a gravity, a possibility that arose as sharp as those seen on home erything good, no problems, Cranbrook yesterday you tricky steering maneuver 97,000 when radioed data indicated an television screens, showing status is good." could pick up fish from the miles out in space. antenna boom may not have terrain details as small as a Chief lawn in a downtown park. Healthy and trained to razor With Viet Junta Jet propulsion laboratory offi­ extended fully after launch. pencil lead. sharpness, the Gemini twins An inch of rain in less cials, who are guiding the 2,200- 'There was still a chance that These pictures ^oul

t r r.

PAGE FIVE MANCHESTER EVENING H131ALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, MAY sl, 1966 PAGE Fdim HANCHESTE31 EVEmNO HEBALD, MANGBESTEB» GOMK» TUESDAY, MAY 81, 1966 Udali Dedicates Bomb Explodes INEARLY 3 MIUION South Windsor Body of Girl, 10, prescriptions Cape Cod Park AMERICAN LEGION Found in River; In ^Phone Booth, SAFELY FILLED TV-Radio Tonight Women Injured ARTHUR DRUG Council to Choose Attorney EJASTHAM. M ass. (AP) — Probe Started With Sercetary of the Interior The town council will appoint Steven Dowglehricz, John Stewart L. Udail ae the princl- TTie Baby Has I , ■ NEW YC«K (AP) - p el speake^ toe 13,000 acre WEST SPRINGFIiEXJ), Maas. ,rom an Buffered a aericuB a new town attorney at its re^ - TavemaM . Merit badgea: CBnton Drl«- Cape Cod National Seashore waa (A P) —^Authorities are investi­ Television tajury and another lar meeting tomorrow, at 8 p.m. epll. citizenship in the nation; dedicaited Memorial Day. gating the death of lO-yearcOd 6:00 (18) Sdaeriptlaa TV (M | ^ Movies in r regess aUghtty when a bomb at the high school. The two Massachusetts Sena- BINGO Betty Lou Zukowsid whose bat­ 3tn WbMe Banter (»« > 4 0 ) News, WeaHier taatelephone booth in a Man­ Geiy. Forgetti, flremanshlp: m Mbrle . 7:15 (33) Maas. BlghlkliU The present town attorney, D arid K ltch ir, cam ping, aiKl tois. Republican Leverett, Sal- EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Been Named. tered body was draped from 8) Mika Doafiaa (80) Sports Ounetm _ hattan subway station. GLOBE the Westfield River. 80) Three Stioocea (40) I%ter JeonincB, Bens The explosion Mwiday was Frank Aheam, tendered his res­ soil and 'water oonservation; toiBtall, and Democrat B)dwatd 8 0»CL0CK—LEGI0N HOME, LEONARD ST. ;u) Merv GiWm ' ' <30 KUlott Norton ignation to the coimcil last Paul Pearsoihv cooMng, home M. Kennedy, were present, as Dist. Atty. Matthew J. Ryan 6:» ,40) Dennis, Menace Daktari (C) beneath the M unicipal Travel Service month because of the pressures rei>aira and sdKJtership: Ralph was Gov. John A. Volpe and Oajrwsrd, Dam n Ottiej, son of John C. and Bmogene Jr. said he was considering the ,30) Ameitoana at Work (84040) Oomtat a sl* rt distance from City BM. <80) WbMrbMs (1O4S40) My Mother, the (Mr of his private practice. Pearson, reading. Rep. Hastings Keith, R • Maas., *tldd*ml dorwapd, RFT> 6, Vemon. He waa bora May 16 at death a homicide, but did not (34) WhaSS NewT a tore apart two phone booto 905 BIAIN STREET Also on the agenda for the W elch Honored .. In whose district the new i>ark yMwrhMtfer Memorial H o^tal. Hla maternal grandparaitB make a definite ruling. (30) Peter Jeoain^, Kewa 8:00 (^4360) Don't Bat Daisies and showered glase and metal 643-2165 meeting are discussion of pro­ Former principal and Mi*' are Mr. and Mm Mflbura Stoddard, East Brookfleld, V t His Fishermen found the body of ia S M S - (M) Pro PhotoKiapiier in an area where about 10 pev* is located. 8:80 I' 3-13) Red SkeKop .(O posed changes to the towns James Welch were honored at a Udail recalled that the late patenial gr***^®***tbi **"* Mrs. C. G. Oayward, New the CWoopee girt Mcmday, four f30) Big Fletnre 8000 were wafldng. , Anthoriced agesrt hi Man- ^ FREE (10) FMUoti Sbow 8-3M0) McIMe> Na^^ nuisaneg ordinance; (xinsidera- special memoriai exercise of the President John F. Kennedy had FREE days after She disappeared. (31) Travel Time ' (104340) Dr. KUdare Police said it coitW hove been vdiester for ajl Alrllnee,^ ^MWicb, MM. Union School student body last a special attachment to toe Cape Dr. William Mosig, the medi­ (M) Boefcr and Bis Friends (34) Book Beat far more serious if the device, RaOroads and Stoamsliip^ tion of a proposed ordinance (18) Topper (18) Stdiecriptlon TV week. Cod shoreline, and that he signed lun, Ttaeey EUen, daughter of Warren C. and Judith cal examiner, declined to say 6:15 (3!) Cl^ Boose 3:00 ( 84040) P Troop which resembled a huge fire­ lin e# ./ ^ prohibiting the parking in areas AVAILABLE the girl was murdered. He said (10) Nems, Weatber (103340) Movie (C) designated "fire zones” adja­ Welch served as principal of toe legislation Aug. 7, 1961 to Rug^ Ban, 210 Skinner Hd., RFD 3, BockvlUe. She was bom (4n Sosiuifoot (34) Point of View cracker, had gone’ off on a noi> she, suffered “midtiple bhmt 9:80 ( 8-12) Petticoat Janetta (C cent to public building;s, and the school for 21 years, and create the park. FOR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS May 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal 6:80 (10-2M(^Bandey-Brlidde7 mal work day. headed toe Unlon-EHsworth grandmother is Mrs. Emily G. Rugg, Amherst, Mass. Her force injuries to the head" and Heads Chapter (C) (34) Water CHstg Dootora removed gla» frag- consideration of a proposed or­ The late President had been a I i) Walter Cronklts (C3 ( 8-a040) Peyton Piece dinance designating toe town School for three, before hie re­ paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mia. Martin I* Ball, Pitts­ then drowned. (34) Wliat's NawT 10:00 (3“34) ------USA ------ihenta from the,, r i^ t eye of summer vtsitor to Cape C od OR FASHION SHOW M iss Nancy R eggetts, 36 Au­ tirement last July. field, Maaa She has a sister. Kristin Anii, 2. (30) Scope ( 8) Nows C airle Mangum, 38, of Brook­ manager as town traffic author­ rinjee he was a child, and while burn Rd., was installed last 1$ Newebeat (13) H. S. Auotta Cub Pack 220 • • • • • 8) Newewlre ( 84040) Pnridve lyn, and said she would need ity. In oHlce, spent most of th « ON WED., JUNE 29 Coes Underground night as president of the Phi 18) Life of Rflev 10:80 (34) CUendar Items of new business will in­ Cub Scout Pack 226 has pre weekends in the summer months flaliiliatlrrs. Beldl Betli, daughter of Edward and Helen 8) Peter JeonmcB, N( (18) Topic _ more suigery. MAYTAG Theta Chapter of Beta Sigma dude toe resignation of toe tax sen ted the following awards; at his home in HyannlB Port Now YoHc Model with $75,000 eoHeetion of Beardsley Sahrbacker, 16 Denver Rd. She was bom May 15 HOLLAND, Mich. (AP) — A ;( S) Movie 11:00 ( 34-10-13-30304040) News. The other injured woman, Phi Sorocity. The candlelight (8 ) Addams Family Sports Weather assessor, and a new appoint­ Wolf, Anthony Ferrigno, Wal Udail said it waa port of Ken­ at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ warehouse going into operation (10) Eye Dentify (14) Vtotere riieater Maria Ortez, 18, of the Bronx, jewelry fMturing Linde Stars. ceremony was held at the WASHERS ment; appointment of a rate- ter Serafin, Joseph Bartie, Paul nedy’s philosophy that ‘;a father ents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beard-sley, Otego, N.Y. Her pa­ here has the capacity of several (30) Reader's Direst 11:30 ( 34-13) Uorie was out sBghtly by flying glass. home of Miss Rita Johnson, 683 (34) OUendar H:2S (40) Rspionace maker; consideration of a pro­ Tranchino, Should be able to show his chU- ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sahrbacker, Lake Michigans but can’t be Hartford Rd., and was conduc­ SEE SATURDATTS t v WEEK FOB COMPLETE LfSllNO posed "schedule of procedures Bear, Thomas Bitgood, Jo­ tonbury, chairman, wetoomed union. Members of the reunion dren — all <^ldren — the won­ Msar Britain, She has two sistera Linda, 16, and Cindy, 12. seen. PROBE ‘SECOND CRASH’ Three Mc(3ooe brothers, left • • * • • ted by Miss Marilyn BroneiU, for selling bond issues, "and ap­ seph <3uint, B m ce Sheldick, the group. Mrs. Mary Qulsh committee are Barrett, Mra. ders of nature he himself had It is located more than a mile outgoing president- CHICAGO (AP) — The Amer­ Gerard Bertrand, Allen Howat. to right, John of East Hartford, Dorothy Poet Dawkins, Mr. and inefgnson, Olen Stewart, son of Walter S. and Dorothy ican Medical Aasociation has DRYERS proval of depositories for town McKeever presented prizes to known. The marshee, toe sea­ SUOOR underground and will soon be other officers are Miss Ellen funds for toe 1966-67 fiscal year. Gold Arrow, Victor Morinelll, Joseph of Manchester and Col. Mrs. Eva SadonlB Wilson for the Mrs. Fred Delaney, Eric Bam, Woodin Ferguson, 39 Marshall Rd. He was bom May 15 at called for more research on pre­ scapes, the sea Itself should re­ receiving 36,000 gallons a day Rea, vice president; Miss Jotm- Also, discussion of a request Anthony Ferrigno, Walter Sera­ C. Thomas MaCooe of Ft. Ma­ George Fiest, Mrs. Grace Reed 917 MAIN STREET—-MANCHESTER Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents Radio vention of injuries caused by the most grandchildren; Mra. Tessie main inviolate for all time for of waste from the Holland-Suco son, treasurer; and Miss Lipda from Thomas Knox, of Graham fin, Allen Howat, Jos^h Bartie, Gees, Mra. Edith Trouton Qlen- are Alvin Woodin, Southbury, and Mrs. Ehnma Woodin, Dan- so-called "second collision’’ in guire, N.J., were reunited Satur­ Sapienza Dougan, mother of ail m en ." Color Company. The firm spent TwomWy, secretary. (This HsUng Incdnlsa only those news broadcasts of 16 or 18 Rd., to purchase a strip of land Paul Tranohiria. yougest child; Col. McCooe for ney, James Mahoney, Mr. and buiy. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Catherine Ferguson, .an auto crash. day night at. the 30th reunion approxim ately |100,000 to driU Miss Reggetts was pledged mlnnte length. Some rtellow earry oOier tfwrt newacaate.) from the town; discussion of in­ SUver Arrow, Teddy An- coming from farthest distance Mrs. Joseph McOooe, Mallon, 16 liYanklin St. He has three Afters, Cheryl, 6, Teri, 4, and In an editorial in (he current NORMAN’S of Manchester High School a 6,896-foot deep disposal wek Into Beta 9igm a Fid in 1965. form ation to be considered In neili, Mark Bassos, Jonathan and Lawrence Mallon of 22 Mra. M cKeever. CSeorge P eter­ QUALITY INSURANCE SINCE 19231 Diane, 2 H . to the reservoir which is wnm c—use 13:00 News, Sign Off issue of the Journal of the AMA, Cilass o f 1936B at the K ofC • • • • • She graduated from Manches­ 6:(W Long John Wade i m e —188# seeking membership to toe Williams, Anthdny Ferrigno, GrovA SL, nearest to reunion. sen, Mra. Felicia MUler lUvard :u:n actually porous, sponge-like 6:00 Afternoon Edition the “second <»lllsion” is defined For Till’ Home. About 125 class members M eraoe, Andrew Fanl, son of Mark A. and Nancy ter High School in 1966 and is 8:00 D l£ Robtnm Greater Hartford C3ommunity Walter Serafin, Allen Howat. Movira were shown by WilHam and the class chairman. (Herald sandstone. The production 1:06 News. S lm O a 6:00 News Sports. Weather as what happens when the driv­ Uiul The llt'Ht N»'rvlr*> and their spouses attended the 164 EAST CENTER ST. TVauis Peterson, 16 Riverside Dr., Vemon. He was born May employed at Aetna Insurance 6:36 Amencana Chest; authorization for the Deniier award, Mark Bradley, Barrett of the 25th class re­ Photo by Oflara.) waste will go into '‘permanent WRCB—81# 7:30 News er or passengers are thrown event. Kenneth Trevitt of Glas­ 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ Co., Hartford. She is a mem­ 5:00 Hartford BighlirhU 8:00 Pop Ooncert 4IH IIAUTFOKI) UD town treasurer to invest, idle Mark Dalphin. Keith Dalphdn, storage" in the sandstone where ber of the Aetna Girls’ Clifb 7:00 News against the Interior of the car ents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trauis, 21 Turnbull Rd. His 8:00 Gaslight 9:00 NIghtJbeet funds in toe 1966-67 fiscal year, Edgar Selarka, Mark Staiger. novelty exhibitions, Instrumen­ MANCHESTEIU-649-5261 H will not endanger area water and Manchester Assemtoly, Or­ 11:00 News, ^lorts. Weather after it collides with another MANrur.STFU Assistant dernier, Gerard Ber­ Coventry t l* paternal gnnt^wrents are Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Peterson, 12:00 Quiet Boars 11:30 Art Johnson and acceptance of bonds by toe tals, magician, acrobatic and IncoTp® ^ 102 Horton Rd. BBs maternal great-gramhnother is Mrs. J<*n siq>ply. der of Rainbow for Girls. WINF—1S9S WPOP—1411 o b je ct trand, Mark Dolphin, Blaize 5:00 News 6:00 George Brewer town council on certain public u nlcycle. Ample Parking Front and Rear Bteese, Newington. He has a brother, Kurfis, 3; and a sister, 6:15 Dial 12 6:30 Ken Griffin officia ls fo r toe 1966-67 fisca l LaCieprucla, Jim McLaughlin, radio and e n 5:66 Yonks vs. Wastiinetoo 10:00 Botllne Two-year pin, ’Thomas B\itt- Public Hearing Set Tonight Uunte Ann, 6. 8:35 Dial 13 13:00 John Sherman year. tefloviston performer, will be • • • • • Hebron Girt Scout Leaders ner. master of ceremonies. Tickets Jaeobsca, Fntiloh, son of Donald A. and Bev* Mrs. CaroMne ’Toce of Main Servicemen Report On High School Evaluation are available from Albert A, eify Mora Jacobsen, Duncaster Lane. He waa born May 16 at Bt. has been elected chairm an Marine Pvt. Richard L. Del- Rossi, chairman, Michael J. “Before Losses Happen, Insure With Lappenl" Manchester Memortal Hospital. His maternal grand^rents Oonte, son of Mr. and Mrs. $415,919 Budget Going of the South Windsor Commun­ A public discussion of the Cov­ th a t memberrs o f the facu lty, Carbeiry and Harold J. Wal­ are Mr. and M m John Mora, 330 Hackmatack St. His paternal ity Association of the Ckmnecti- Charles DelOonte, 39 Long Hill tofwn officia ls and citizens who dron, co-^ialrman, or at toe Rd., was recently graduated entry High Schoid evaluation graodpaients are Mr. and Mm Arthur Jacobsen, 337 Hackma­ cUt Valley Girl Scout Council. are Interested may participate door. ta ck S t To Town Voters Monday Serving with her for toe next from Marine recruit training at will be taken up at a special • • • • • in a discussion of toe results of year win be Mrs. Peg Staubach, the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Manchester Evening Her­ Safe Driver Budgeits totaUng $416,919 are Bradley Martin, William Mor­ meeting of the board of educa­ toe evaluation. FDtp, Bobin BIb iIb, daughter of Stephen A. and Teresa secretary; Mrs. Marie Amo, re­ here. ald Coventry ooirespondent, ton, Francis Slater. William tion at 8 p.m. today in toe audi­ It 1s hoped that this meeting O'Brten Filip, 72 Summer St. She was bom Mhy 14 at Man­ to be voted upert A. Olby. Norwich, Ekigland. Her pa­ John Horton, Michael Miller, Florence Palmer and Mra. Thel­ this community in years. The you qualify, call us soon. The regional district budget A large high pressure sysrtem tomorrow of toe Rotary Club In ternal grandmother is Mm Ruth M. Ray, Lincoln, R.L She Ward Stetnmuller. Raymond ma Pugliese. results. has already been approved by centered over the northwestern toe First Congregational Church blaze destroyed a livestock pa- bas a brotfaer, Ctaitstopher, 3; and a sister, Sandra, 6. Andrews, Charles Bames, Jeff­ LENOX PHARMACY Registered Representative To GOP Committee Providing there is time, the the voters. The finance board is Great Lakes is responsible for vestry. vHlon and killed 150 beef cattle. » • • • • rey Kabllk, Michael (Jorrlveau, 299 E. CENTER STREET—649-0896 Prank E . Brown o f Main St. school staff will make a report also recommending expendi­ fair and cool weather over most to toe local board on the areas Variety Show Isunb, Joseph Adams, son of George L. Jr. and Joan Richard Devins, Walter Beak has been elected to toe Repub- tures o f $81,763 from the gen­ of the eastern half of the na­ of staff, administration, health St. Mary’s Roman Catholic THE IFFERESCE AAums Lsunb, 38 Hillside Ave., Vemon. He was bom May 22 Jr., Arthur RadclUfe and Ray­ ilican State Central Committee. eral reserve for capital and non­ G . H . W a l k e r & C o . tion. services, plant, student activi­ Church new building fund is to •t Manchester Memorial HoepitU. His maternal grandpar- mond Stone Jr. liTAUltHIO IMQ Brown, who formerly served as recurring expenses, Including The weather over Southern ties and program of studies. benefit from a variety show to­ snXs ai« Mr. and MTa Joseph W. Adams, West Roxbury, Lions, coached by Richard Ai­ Members New York, American end Midwest Stock Exchtnget chairman of toe (X>P town com­ BARRICINI May tee quote rates and assist you $2,700 for a fire department New England today win be very Other specific areas of the cur­ morrow at 8:15 p.m. In Coven­ ken, Howard Lunt, Donald Dzen- mittee, Is president of toe exclnsively at Mass. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George L. “ (Juick Oall” system ; $3,600 for 111 Pearl Street, Hartford, Conn. 06103 • 522-4101 sim ilar to thait o f M onday the try High School gymnasium. is, Donald Corriveau, Roger Brown Ughtilng Co., Rt. 5. riculum will be reviewed at sub­ as tee have so many others? liSmb Sr., Dedham, Mass. He has a brother, George L. m , a town garage; $1,(XX) for fire­ NEW YORK ST. LOUIS PROVIDENCE BOSTON U.S. Weather Bureau says. More than 16 acts will take part, Cote, Brian Keefe, Robert De- PTA Council Officers sequent meetings. iM l and a sister, Lauren, 3Vi. house ret>airs; and $24,653 SPRINGFIELD BRIDGEPORT WATERBURY WHITE PLAINS There will be a mixture of in addition to featuring Slim Liggeff Drug • • • • • vine, Daniel Deener, Paul Pur- Officers of toe PTA council Supt. of Schools Wilson L. Til­ to finish paying for the new PHILADELPHIA KANSAS CITY CHICAGO OMAHA sunshine and cloudiness with Coxx and toe Morgan Family, PARKADE ______ba, Jonathan Ross, Michael for the coming year are Mrs. ley says the meeting is inten­ Fkeeman, Gerald Joseph Frank, son of Edward J. and fire truck. Pontiac and Tempest cool daytime temperatures for covering songs, dances, comedy. Thompson, Curtis Stone, Rich­ Joyce Anderson. president; tionally planned to be public so Nancy Leonard Freeman, 10 Talcott Ave., Rockville. He was The general government budg­ the season. ard Aiken Jr., James Lunt, Ed­ Mrs. Dorothy Krivick, vice bom Mlay 21 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal et Includes $5,000 ta the reserve The m ercury wiH clim b to the ward Gardiner and Raymond prosideHt; Mra. IsaJbeUe Singer, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Leonard, Norwich. fund for a new fire department 65-to-70 degree range during the C ro ^ y . Becretaiy; Mrs. Sally Goodwm, His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Freeman, tank truck; $6,000 to the general mid-aftemoon. National Geographies Wlnthrpp. He has a brother, Leonard, 3^. reserve fund; and $6,000 to a Wildcats, coached by Jides Weather systems have stowed • * • • • Robillard, Thomas Hovey, RENTALS The Library Council is plan­ reserve fund for aerial tax to a vlitual halt across the na­ Oraig; Cynthia Ann. daughter of Ronald C. and Mar­ m aps; the sum of $9,700 is also Wayne Taylor, Paul Hovey, ning a drive for back issues of the National Geographic Maga- tion. guerite Aheam Craig, 31 Deimont St. She was bom May 20 due lor interest on a long term John Zimmer, Guy Chambers, • BY THE DAY nine. ’They will be bound by at Manchester Memorial Hosprital. Her maternal grandpar­ debt for the new school financ­ David Young, Clay Osbom, ASKS FOR STORY OF NEGRO Home Grenier, Thomas Clarke, year or subject for permanent ents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aheam, New Canaan. Her pa­ ing. Ihe. board reduced the fire • BY THE WEEK BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) — A. ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Craig, Fort department’s original request Jonathan Horton, James Mar­ EATOW use and ddstributed to toe ele­ shall, Harry Young, Richard mentary school libraries. Dona­ Philip Randolph, president of Fairfield, Maine. She has two sisters, Debbie, 8, and Karen, 7. by $396 and turned down the • BY THE MONTH 1215 >/, SILVER LANE—EAST HARTFORD toe Negro American Labor * • • • • request for a . The Oivll Woodbury, Gregory Keefe and tions may be left at any ele­ Edward MUler. mentary school or either town Coimcil, has urged toe council Sprague, Deborah t^^nn, daughter o f EHward M. and Defense budget was also re­ and the rest of organized labor duced by $900. 'ALL MEATS are FRESH CUT — library. Mrs. Joyce Anderson, S.B.IVI. offers you a Dotria CharUer Sprague, Woodland Ter., Columbia. She was Manchester Evening Herald Abbey Rd., may be contacted to write a history text which bom May 20 at Man(^ester Memorial Hospital. She has a Boys Club LOW RATES NONE are PRE-PACKAGED!" Hebrmi correspondent, Snsan B. to arrange to have mjagazines would contain toe "proper pic­ broQier, Janies B., 2H; and a sister, Carol A., St. Peter’s Boys’ (31Ub will ture of the heroic Negro lead­ • • • • • meet on Friday from 8 to 6 p.m. Pendleton. picked up. STORE HOURS: Scout Troop 62 ers.” Jonra Heather Elisabeth, daughter of Kart F. Jr. and in Phelps Hsa. NO FRILLS Tncs., Wed. 9 to 6 • Thurs., Fri. 9 to 9 •Ihe follow ing awards have "Most of the histories tn our M, Mary Denby Jones, South Rd., Bolton. She was bom May Special Meeting been presented to members of schools carry no sound or relia­ 19 at Hartford Hospital. Her maternal grandflather is Harold A somewhat scant number of ANADARKO, Okla. (AP) — PAUL DODGE Sat. 8 to 6 ((Closed All Day Monday) Boy Scout Troop 62: ble picture of the role of the Ne­ VACATION SERVICE When G. E. Haslam was guest Denby, Thompeonvllle. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. voters" at last Thursday’s special First class badge : Gary Por- gro in toe United .States cul­ town meeting approved town of- speaker for the meeting of the and Mm Kart F. Jones Sr., 18 Alpine St Her paternal great- LEASING i;k Price ^ are low cost and replaced if lost or stolen. Take along a good bom May 19 at Manchester Memorial Hospital, His paternal sions 100 percent correct. A per­ (. AI.I.ON grandmother is Mrs. Venice Fandozzl Taillon, Miami, Fla. m it was to cort $5 tu)d violation SEWING Sale Ends Saturday, supply. He has two brotheTS, Steven. 16, and Kim. 9. of the oordlnance might mean a June 4 • • • , • • fine up to $250. FU EL OIL Are On ACT NOW! SAVE! Nagorka, Mtchael Walter, son. of Whiter and Susan Baseball Rosters MACHINE Anderaon Nhgoika, 168 E. Main St, RockvUle. He was bom Hebron’s baseball season COOPERATIVE SALE! PERSONAL LOANS . . . May 17 at Manchester Memwial Hospital His maternal opened on Memorial Day with a Oil. ( ().TM’.\NV , ( don't lot lack of cash cut your vacation plans short. See grandmother is Mrs. Maree Gustafson, Newington. His pa- d^ble header played by the \ l)4\isiim of FOR ONLY S. B. M. for a low.cost loan and enjoy the fun you planned on. tamal grandmother is Mm Helen Romaine, Alpine, N.J. Little League. IUM,.\M) O!' ( (). 50% • • • • • Team rosters are; Tigera, Falea, BDchael Steven, son of Michael D. and Sherrie coached by George E. Smith, SINli: 1113,-. REDUCTION Iteopell Faiea, 999 Main St He was bom May 16 at Man- Peter Cafazzo, Mike Porter, 31,•> i$i:o.\i) yntf.i T SAVE FOR NEXT YEAR'S VACATION... IKI. r.n |-.-,:t I Chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Reese, Donald, Derails Carrier, R eg. $1.60 think ahead to next summer. Start saving now to have every. ; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. ReopeU, Camp Meeting Rd.. Bolton. Our Annual Bis patemal grandparents are Emmons Pales, Coventry, and thing you want to do. Save a few dollars every payday and Heal for Outdoor Barbecuing! Mm Ptatrida FaJes, 66 Norman St GERANIUM have a pro-paid vacation '67. e • • • • NOW 80c Tardlf, Danny Ray, sum of BaymMid and FrancoJse FLETCHER CLASS GO. OF MANCHXSTEB SALE Dubi Tardlf, High Manor Park, R t 60, Rockville. He was 10 for ^730 R eg. 89c. born May 18 at RockviUe General Hospital. His maternal BANK BY MAIL . . . ' eBUSH grandparents are Mr. and Mm Napoleon Dubl, C^tioook, *Wh)en\\Ybu Think o f Glass^ 6 4 M 5 2 1 DUBUIPUE YOU can maintain your regular savings schedule even when Quebec, Canada. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and MTa TMnk of Fletcher** • CLIMBERS A, 10 for 84.911 Arthur I'ardif,; Ooaticook, Quebec, Canada. you're on vacation. S.B. M. pays postage both ways. phone 649-5203 • • • » • • FLORABUNDA S5c size NOW 2Se (kiiley, Winiam Hugh Jr., son of Wilham and Martha 54 McKEE STREET WHhdm Curley, RFD 2, Buff Cap Rrii., Rockville. He was bom eo4i-To»soB n oi... CANNED.HAMS May 18 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grand­ $sw rM ta BEDDING BLEEDING REGULAR INVESTMENT Mambsrm sfv# araol Psdsrsl • D«potlt — ------liiMiraiiM Cotp. ------parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm, Pine lake Shores TUB ENCLOSURES & SHOWER DOORS 223 Coventry; His patemal grandmother Is Mrs. Margaret E. PLANTS Outtegr, TTOy, N .T , from $25.00 to $45.00 • EtowB xig-sau for daeoicativ* woaft » Ageratum, Alyssum, As­ HEARTS SAVINGS Earn SAVINGS Earn • Dania, Bwnda loithoort aOtaiOluBMite ters, Calendula, Carnations, Dahlia, Phlox, Zinnias, Sal­ DmnaK Dale Joseph, son of Clarence and BETlhie Pel­ Now Ib the time to bring in yonr Bereena to be lepalied. • Sows forward amd ravoTM $1 Large Plants in Bloom M ftf Storm window glass replaced. via, Snaps, S4»blosa, Stock, i SHIHGS BftH letier Dumals, 1 Bancroft Rd., Rockville. He was bom May • OompAtete with eaoryliig eeae t^irltspnr. MarigoUs, Ver­ 17 at RodcviUe General Hospital. His maternal grandmother bena, Neniesla, \ Torenla, . i B e g . $ 1 A 9 4% Is M m Oline Bouchard, Howland, Maine. His - patemal grand-f AUTO GUSS INSTALLED Other IMW Snan*M#rtiic wmUdJ Wh i i|BJ|.TBIiai68IW* Gonqihrena, GerbC^ Olor- i ANNUM parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dumals, Presque Isle, I MeliC MaeUM8 with Puh^attm MHfo start m *M0JL losa Daisy, etc. | Maine. He has two brothers, Norman, 17, and Michael. 8; GLASS FURNITURE TOPS N o w 69c 4.40 Ai Quortcrly from i and three ststers, Narma. 15. Patricia. 13, and Susan. 11. Mtas aofjArOMMnmr tier SI NCE R kdisf * ^ OF MANCHEgER • a • ». MIRRORS (Fireplace aad Door) 69c Sul^act to' regulations tn effect from HimdowV'bl, Steven, bor. oi Stanley and Tbarle Nlco- time to time. Day of Deposit S M M a S sttM t E .deSS8"SS.® ”enox Malf^esterParkade letts SzeStowickl, Willie Circle, Tcdland. He was bom May 21 PIUrURE FRAMINR (all iypn) SINGER 3 boxes ^2.00 3 for 62.00 •t Rockville General Hospital. His maternal granikiareKts ■re Mr. and Mm WUOam Nlcoletta, Reed Rd., ToHaadL ^ ^ l e t and ZAPADKA HELP YOU ^ . paternal grandparents an Mr. and Mia. Benny Snstowldd, WINDOW aid PLATE BLASS . 83: MAIN STREET—*43-8889 Farkade Office Open Saturday Morning! Sbm ce Dr, RodnUte. 168 WOODLAND SH^EET # - 643-8474

■A \ I M V I * .

Vs ■ PAGE SEVEN- If AKfftWTgRTiRll E3VENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, MAY 81, 1966 MlfCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, COIW^ TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1966 FAGS s a — . ) ---- !■ ■■ ■■■------' Connecticut IKHnrI)[i^0tpr of aacrlflce do not e v ^ understand one Martinez-Dunn Segal'Plone another. (_ Fisher-Eh^ifette j Neither alone nor together do these Yankee Miss Barbara Ellen Plone of sacrifices contain real hope for the com - Miss Margaret Ann Duquette PUBUSEED BY THE___ Delanco, N. J., became the PRnmMO CO.. INC try and the people they concern. Our By A.H.O. of Bristol and aiftord Henry U BiawU Street mission In Vietnam, no matter how its bride of Dr. Robert J- Segal of Fisher Jr. of Manchester were aims may be defined, becomes the more Manchester Sunday afternoon, W ll/T E R SL VERQUBON Next to foe question of what uiAted in marriage Saturday Paraiheni tragic in result the heavier our commit­ brand of oratorical technique May 22, at an outdoor ceremony lyjaDded Octdber 1. Ukl ment becomes; similarly, success for the morning at St. Joseph’s Church, on the lajwh of the bride’s par­ and presence he Is going to dis­ Buddhists, no matter how noble and jus­ Bristol. ent’s home. • ItaldMiea Every Eventa* Except ^ndeye play, the most Important prob­ ■ HoUamye. Btatered « t'th e Office at tified they may think their own ahns The bride is the daughter of The bride is foe daughter of ■ ar. Conn.. •* Secoofl Cl«e Man may be, would further complicate, ra­ lem on which Mr. E. Clayton Mrs. James M. Duquette of Dr. and Mre. Bernard J. Plone of -Delanco. The bridegroom is ther than ease, the terrible dilemma Gengras is not consulting us is Bristol and the late Mr. James SDBSCRIPnoil RATES Duquette. The bridegroom Is the a son of Dr. and Mrs. Jacob A. everybody I9 facing In Vietnam. that of what to do stoout his , Payable to Advance son of Mr. and Mrs. CJUfford Segal of 64 Oobum Rd. One T ea r...... personal economic status. Montha^...... “ g® The Greeks wrote inescapable trage­ Henry Fisher Sr. of 347 Bum- Raibbi Albert Lewis of Delanco l l t f M ICOBtbS ••«••••»•••••• dies like this. Never before has actual And just as his failure to ham St. performed the ceremony, which 0 0 6 Mootll e a a ee >»#*•••• »•• _ history given a form of art such a re­ come to us for proper tutoring The Rev. Emmett Riley of took place beneath a yellow and ywMtiKR OF ^ morselessly perfect and thorough en- for voice and gesture produced Bristol, cousin of foe bride, per­ ^hlte garlanded canopy. t h e a s s o c ia t e d p r ^ The Aaeodated Preaa la exclualyely entitled acljment. our generous free instruction formed foe double-ring cere­ The bride was given in mar­ le the nee ol republlcatlon of all newe die- In these departments, so does mony. Bouquets of yellow riage by her father. She wore Micbea credited to It or not otherwise credll^ & , l i f e - ' S paper and also the lo^ news pub- our counsel on the subject of : and white pompons were on foe a full-length gown of silk or­ what a rich man shall do in attar. ganza and Chantilly lace, de­ ail jM te o< repuWlcatlon of special dle- Hie bride was given in mar­ signed with fitted bodice, mod­ Satches nereln are also reserved,______Can Paris Civilize Long Weekend? order to enter of poli­ ^ * tics make its Immediate ap­ riage by her brother, John Du­ ' ified scooped neckline appliqued The Herald PrlnHn* Compa?/ • In Paris, as in some other civiliza­ quette of Bristol. She wore a with chantlUy lace, elbow-length amnea no flnanci^ reeponalolllty for typo- pearance. m ih lc a l errors «PPearlnr In swlvertteeraenU tions, or one-time civilizations, there is full-lengfo Ivory, gown with fit­ sleeves and A-line skirt with The first and most emphatic deep Chantilly lace border and eidother reftdtns matter to The Mancheitcp in progress a somewhat painful and un­ ted empire bodice of alencon Svenlnc Herald ______piece of advice we have to give lace vrith bateau neckUne and detachable train. Her bouffant happy transition from the leisure which Mr. Gengras Is a friendly elbow length sleeves, and veil of imported silk Illusion Fnn eervlce dlent at N. B. A. is a pleasant and natural part of gra­ Publlahera Repreeentatlvea - '^ e JuIlM warning that It will do him no A-llne skirt of peau de sole was arranged from a matching MAthewa Special ^ e n c y — New York. Chi- cious living, and that more modem good, absolutely no good at all, with detachable chapel train pillbox hat trimmed with seed flBgo, Detpott and Boetoo. leisure which tends to become, at first to try and pretend he is what trimmed with alencon lace. Her pearls, and she carried a bou­ MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CUtOUUA- at least, something of an obligation and he is not. Concel’vably .with elbow-length bouffant veil of im­ quet of white vanda orchids. TION8.______a burden. great effort, and manipulatiori ported Illusion was arranged Mre. Anthony Laska of Cam­ of assets, and attention to su­ from a matching lace pillbox bridge, Mass., was matron of DlsplAv advertMnK cloatae bouia: Gracious living. In Paris, has usually perficial things Uke suits and hat, and she carried a cascsule honor, Mrs. Joseph Segal of Sbr Monday — 1 p.m. |^ay. provided a two hour lunch period. This Eor Tuesday — X p.m. Monday.^ cars and estates, Mr. Gengras bouquet of white sweetheart West Hartford, sister-in-law ol For Wednesday — X makes It possible to have a real lunch. the bridegroom, was brides­ For Thuraday — X p.m. W ^eaday, might establish some degree of roses, miniature camsitionB, For Friday — X p.m. Thursday. In pleasant surroundings, perhaps even imitation of a poor man. stephanotls, baby’s breafo and maid. War Saturday — 1 p.m. Friday. The bridal attendants were CtaaalHed d id lln e ; 10:30 a.m. each day at In one’s own home, together with op­ ivy. publication except Saturday — t Am. portunity for pleasant conversation But no matter how good an Miss Irene A. Egan of Hart­ dressed alike in floor-length yel­ with friends and perhaps a mild conso­ an act he could put on, it ford was maid of honor. Brides­ low linen gowns, designed with wouldn’t begin to he good empire lines and trimmed with Tuesday, May 81 lation with some vin ordinaire. maids were Miss JoAnn M. enough. There Is nobody in Con­ Fisher of Manchester, sister of avocado green- They wore yel­ This has always been a brand of lei­ necticut who is as poor as Hon­ low picture hats and carried • Gilnuui photo the bridegroom and Miss Pa­ sure which fitted nicely into the con­ est John Dempsey ,1s, and Gen­ tricia A. Cosgrove of Hartford. baskets of daisies MRS. CLIFFORD HENRY FISHER JR. Joseph Segal of West Hart­ Hie Twain Do Not Meet text of foe day, making the whole day gras could begin giving away The bridal attendants were ford served as his brother's a more enjoyable affair, Bind, by mak­ things right now and keep on dressed alike in floor-length TestenSay two mutually exclusive best man. Ushers were David ing each day a somewhat more civi­ giving thing? away until elec­ gowns ■ of aqua silk and crepe, ■nd mutually contradictory exploita­ Plone of Delanco, brother of lized affair, blessing the weeks and tion day and stlU not get him­ fashioned with fitted empire tions of human sacrifice were on view, Bniiio photo the bride; Henry Turek of EJast self down to that authentic bodices, high scooped necklines, on the pavements in Saigon, at the Na- months and years. Hartford, and Anfoony P.L. modesty of circumstance which elbow-length sleeves, detach­ MRS. JOSEPH JOHN MARTINEZ Now the two hour lunch period Is Laska of Cambridge. tfcmal Cemetery at Arlington. is one of Governor Dempsey’s able back panels wifo bows, The marriage of Miss Kath­ formed the ceremony. Mrs. Gil­ Mrs. Plone wore a yellow lace Neither seemed to have much chance being curtailed, down to one of 45 min­ proudest possessions. No, and matching flower trimmed leen Ann Dunn of Rockville to bert Weber of Rockville was dre.ss with matching acces­ of being comprehensible to the other. utes. And the hour and a quarter being Dempsey has the poor man’s headbowB wifo veils. They car­ Joseph John Martinez of Broad organist. Miss Maria Mentur- sories. T h e bridegroom’s saved on five days a week is being niche all claimed and occupied, ried colonial bouquets of pink In the National Cemetery at Arling­ Brook was solemnized Saturday week of Waterbury was soloist. moUier wore a three-piece let­ added together and used to make Sat­ and has never even had his pov­ sweetheart roses, white min^- ton, President Johnson w ^ engaged In at 10 a.m. at St. Bernard’s Bouquets of mixed flowers were tuce green suit with matching urday a day off, which creates, for the erty blemished by testimonial tum carnations, stephanoUs and Torre plioii Church, Rockville. on the altar. accessories. one of the solemn procedures which, dinners, and Gengras might as MRS. ROBERT J. SEGAL Parisians under this system, the Ameri­ baby’s breath. The bride is the daughter of The bride was given in mar­ A gaixien reception for 160 even while It sobers him, also gives him well abandon Immediately all Roger Amirault of Manches­ can institution of the long weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dunn riage by her father. She wore a was held at the home of the one of the few feelings of comfort and aspirations in that direction. ter was best man. Ushers were The long weekend takes all the time of 12 Ellington Ave. The bride- full-length gown of white peau bride’s parents. For a trip to solid position he manages to achieve Ernest Everett of Tolland and g;room is a son of Mir. and Mrs. de sole, designed with re-em­ California, Mrs. Segal wore a see our selection of that could provide such gracious spice The next question then be­ William Hansen of Manchester. these days. The President was. In his Antonio Martinez of Broad broidered lace, trimmed em­ purple linen suit, flowered and change of pace for the routine days comes that of how to wear Mre. Duquette wore a bone- Memorial Day address, sanctifying and Brook. pire bodice, scooped neckline, blouse and patent leather acces­ of the week and bunches it up into a one’s wealth Into the political colored jacket dress wifo tur­ denim Jiistlfylng his own decisions with regard The Rev. George F. X. Reilly long sleeves edged with lace, sories. The couple will re.side confrontation of time and man which de­ arena. quoise accessories. The bride­ » Vietnam by exalting the sacrifice of St. Bernard’s Church per- controlled skirt with lace a.ppli at 127 Fhlly Brook Blvd., Weth­ knee pants groom’s mother wore a two- mands of the man that he call upon ex­ Here foe main piece of adrice ques. in front and alencon lace ersfield, after July 1. Americans have made, while fighting piece champagne-colored lace In ladles’ sizes traordinary resources ahd energies to recommends complete candor border at the hemline, and re­ Mrs. Segal is a g;i'aduate of under his orders there. dress with pink accessories. 10 to 20, and make good leisure use of two successive and honesty, up to a point. movable chapel train with lace Boston University. She will g;lrls’ sizes 7 The President constructs an argument Both wore orchid corsages. days in which he has no compulsory There is, of course, no sense in appliques. Heir bouffant veil of leach in the Welhensfield School to 14 in white, IR favor of his policies In Vietnam. But A reception for 125 was held overdoing the appearance of silk illusion was arranged from system. Dr. Segal is a gradu­ wheat anc routine or duties of any kind. at Johnny’s Restaurant, Forest- IXfc has learned, through long sad ex­ a banijeau of alencon lace, and ate of Manchester High School. blue. The long weekend is noble and pro­ personal lushness. One doesn’t ville. For a motor trip to Can­ perience with similar argument and ora­ she carried a white gardenia He will complete two years gressive and modem In purpose, but it need to have a footman riding ada, Mrs. Fisher wore a bronze tory for a full year and a half now, that surrounded by-mixed greens. training in pathology at Boston NMura Study By Sylvian Ofiara In the tonneau of one’s chauf­ and bone sleeveless sheath, both stores open thurs. and frl. nites to 9 is, of course, something of a trial until Miss Sheila Mae Dunn of City Hospital next month and tke case he builds by talking about the feur-driven Rolls Royoe. matching jacket and bone ac­ aggression of others and about our own a civilization really g;rowB accustomed MAY: The Slow Beech Rockville, sister of the bride, will continue his residency at to It. ,In America the long weekend, But neither is there any rea­ cessories. was maid of honor. Bridesmaids Hartford Ho.spital beginning pprlty for peace is not a case which The couple will Uve at 248 casting normally happy people on their son, in politics these days, to be were Miss Carol Ann Ro.senthal July 1. He is a graduate of earrieo persuasion and conviction, not Fairfield Ave., Hartford. own resources to a rather barbaric de- ashamed of being rich. of Hartford and Mrs. Armand Tufts University School of Med­ even with his own people here at home, Mra. Fisher is a graduate of Soucy of Glastonbury. Karen icine. g;ree, is responsible for as much tension A Thought for Today St. Anthony’s High School, MISS THE KIDS? much less people aroimd the world. The American electorate has Wells of Rockville, a niece of as relaxation, as much mental illness as Bristol, and St. Francis Hospi­ Let them know how much you care with a Long Distance In his failure to be able to convince I n s i d By Rowland Evans Jr* Sponsored by the Manchester grown quite sophisticated In re­ the bridegroom, was flower" physical health. It has had, for mrtay cent years, and has clearly tal School of Nursing, Hartford, being eyen a good majority of the American CouncU ol Churches girl. call. It’s so quick, so easy. The next best thing to people, the totally unpredictable result prog(ressed to foe stage In where She is a member of foe there. The Southern New England Telephone Company. people that American bojrs are dying in Robert D. Novak nursing staff. Mr. Fisher Is a The bridal attendants and of making what used to bfe called the Having Trouble with God lately which It no longer condemns a L IC G E H DRUG t^etnam because our cause there la "blue Monday” the happiest day of the R e p o candidate just because he hap­ g^raduate of Manchester High flower girl wore similarly styled floor-length gowns of cotton PARKADE right and logical, the President reverses week, because it takes that poor lost Many people claim to have pens to be rolling In funds. So School, served four j^are in foe Us apiproach and asks us to believe there is absolutely no need for U. S. Navy, and graduated pastel plaid, fashioned with OPEN weekend soul out of his misery and WASHINGTON — The real the up.set victory by Robert King were elected. Obviously, they all kinds of trouble with God. ttiat our cause In Vietnam Is just be- Mr. Gengras to give up any of from foe Ward Technical Insti­ lace - trlnuned bodices, long |7:45 A.M. to 10 P.M. gflves him something useful and enjoy­ reason why Gov. Nelson Rocke­ High, the liberal Mayor of Mi­ were to be shown in north Flor­ He doesn’t listen to them. He sleeves edged wifo lace ap­ •ause American boys have died for It. the necessities of life Uke tute of foe University of Hart­ llar\'ard photo able and' prof liable to do with himself feller of New York suddenly ami, in last Tuesday’s (May 24) ida only. Instead, they were in­ doesn’t g;ive them what they ford. He is a field engineer for pliques and A-llne skirts. Each Over In Saigon, even more directly Democratic primary for Gover- tercepted by High’s operatives, yachts and palaces. again. eliminated himself from Uie want nor does He deliver when IBM. girl was dressed in a different not of Florida. The campaign who bought time on-Miami area / Engaged and pointedly, human sacrifice Is being For all their supposed sophistication, 1968 Presidenti.al race is tied to they want it. Or It. just seems to One slight pitfall does He color, one in blue, one yellow against him in behalf of (3ov. radio stations and had them used to try to prove a point and win state, not national, politics. many people that the things athwart his path. That natural VIET STUDENTS GUESTS The engagement of Miss Kath­ and one pink. They carried car­ the smart people of Paris are allowing Haydon Burns took on increas­ played there. An argument. The Buddhist position The truth is that Rockefeller that happen in foeir lives just temptation to try to deal with MIAMI. Fla. (AP) — Viet­ leen Aime Peterman of Man­ nation trimmed parasols to themselves to be plunged into the same ingly racist tones in the final • • • must be right, It must be moral, It must is in serious trouble in seeking couldn’t be sent from God. the possible handicef^ o f great namese students wlU be honored chester to Harry James Mav- match their gowns, and wore human ordeal which results from mak­ days. James Forman, hard-bitten Boudreaus Mark 4^th Wedding represent something worthy of atten­ a third term as Governor this Most such people are abso­ wealth by emphasizing the fact guests at foe fourth annual Lat­ ragls of Beverly, Mass,, has matching open-crowned pillbox MAYTAG ing leisure a compulsory, required thing. Particularly virulent was un­ strong man of foe Student Non- tion and consideration, the Buddhist sui­ year. Despite Democratic inabil­ lutely right! (3od has little to do that one made It one’s self— They have resided in Manches­ in American Student Oongrew been announced by her parents, hats with lace appliques and We shall be Interested to see the future signed anti-High literature dis- Violent Coordinating Commit­ Mr. and Mrs. Leo Boudreau ity to unite on a single strong in the lives of many people. foe old Horatio Alger hero ap­ ter 18 years and are communi­ in Havana July 29-Aug. 8 ,a Cu­ Mir. and Mrs. Barney T. Peter­ streamers. cides are trying to say. If It can thus statistics of tranquilizer consumption on ributed in segregationist areas tee (Snick), was squeezed out cf 29 Margaret Rd. were guests WASHERS candidate, Rockefeller is a dis­ Many people forget that God proach — is something to be cants of St. Bridget’s Church. ban broadcast said. man of 40 Jordt St. Ronald Muska of Hazardvllle move them to take their own lives In of north Florida. Showing Rob­ as executive secretary in Peris weekends. And since the Parisians tinct underdog. has little to do with them be­ avoided these days. The voting of honor Saturday night at a Boudreau has been employed The Havana radio said repre­ Her fiance is the son of Mr. was best man. Ushere were tts behalf. ert King High as the king of Snick’s recent shakeup but will have, in 'their time, managed to origi­ Moreover, his efforts to re­ cause they chose to have little public takes a quicker, less 40th anniversary dinner party 24 years at the Roger Sherman sentatives from foe United and Mrs. Dennis Mavragis of Rxwiald Martinez of Brood clubs and Martin Luther King maintain grreater power than . If there were some kind of bridge of nate and provide themselves and their gain broad popular appeal have to do with Him. worried shine to Inherited at Fiano’s Restaurant, Bolton. Rigging Co., Bloomfield. (Her­ States would attend. R did not Beverly. Brook, brother cf foe bride-; Jr. as the king of spades, one published reports have Indicat- ■nderstanding and communication pos- guests a grood variety of pleasures, been hampered by a belief, wealth, as with foe Kennedys, ald Photo by Ofiara). name foe U. 8 . student gixMips. Miss Peterman Is a 1964 grad­ groom; and Armand Soucy of DRYERS flyer said: "A pair of kings God is much like us. If we The event was given by their ilble between these two sacrifices— amusements, and cultural preoccupa­ widespread among New York (Continued from Page 6) the RockefeUers, foe Lindsays uate of Manchester High School Glastonbury. back to back . . is this the hand are going to help people, we children. Mrs. Dunn wore an aqua sUk tboee of American soldiers following tions of various good usage, we shall voters, that he is running for often stipulate the conditions than it does to wealth which and wiU graduate next month you want to hold?’’ Another The couple was married June shaui'tung dress .with pink hat ^ e orders of, their Commander-ln-Chlef, Governor merely to keep a under vv-hich we will help. So it has been freshly made. It has from Endlcott Junior College, not be entirely without hope that, after showed a pregnant Negro wom­ 1,1926, and have seven children, and matching accessories. Uie •pd those ol) the Buddhist monks and springboard for one last try for Is with (3od. He demands "first an instinct to distrust the Beverly. Mr. M*iYragis attend­ they have studied the long weekend for an with the caption: “ I went Herald Patrick Boudreau, Lionel Bou­ bridegroom’s mother wore a yel­ NORMAN’S foe Presidency in 1968. That place” in our lives. He does not who made It for themselves, ed Beverly schools and received jAins providing the macabre fuel for a while, they will come up'with some en­ all the way with Robert King dreau, Mrs. Eugene Sylvain and low dress with matching acces­ view attained some credibility work from any other position. but to regard those who have a B. S. degree at Salem State What the Buddhist leadership consider chanting cure for the pointless High.” Yesterdays Mre. Cari Slusarczyk, all of sories. Both wore orchid cor­ F o r ’rill- H« h1 Ural because of the Governor’s refus­ God makes the offer to help us. merely been bom to a bundle College, where he Is eiuxiMed In tts most effective political strategy— monotony. Meanwhile, however, one During the closing days of the Vernon; Miss Nancy Boudreau sages. lUlil ’nir fo "I M. rvli-r al to unequivocally remove him­ God has shown His love by tak­ of the filthy stuff with a cer­ foe masters program- In Sep­ then there might be some better point campaign, Burns flew secretly 25 Years Ago and Mias Eva Boudreau, both A reception was held at good certainty—^the charm of the two self from Presidential consider­ ing the first step and sending tain compassionate sympathy. tember he will teach in the 1 4 3 MAItTI’Oim IM» to the joint sacrifices. ation. to Athens, Ga., and Dothan, <■ at home, Mrs- David Tomm of Brentwood Long Island, N. Y. White Stag, Restaurant, Rock­ hour lunch—is probably disappearing Miss Mary Quinn and Miss CJirist as Savior. The next step "Poor Uttle rich boy,” they will Ala., where he cut television Norwich, and 16 grandchildren. school system. ville. Ajfter a wedding trip by II tV I 'IIK S T U t But when the Buddhist leadership beyond recall. ! But in recent secret strategy Catherine Quinn, sisters, retire is up to us to respond. Put God murmur, on their way to foe A// U fi. *fi. tapes with racist overtones for No date has been announced car to Florida, foe couple will % •ays, in its exhortations to its people, huddles between the Governor from Cheney Bros, with com­ first in your life and see what a polls. Mr. Gengras can’t make and his inner circle, Rockefeller use in north Florida. In them for foe wedding. live at Pinney St., Ellington, THURSDAYS ' " sacrlflce and sacriflee mwdi more In Bums called on Florida to fol­ bined service of 122 years. wonderful difference It makes. that e a t e r y , but he may be O F MANCHESTER order to warn the irresponsible and was told by advise^ that he "You shaU have no other able to devise some Uttle must remove himself from low Alabama’s example. FRIDAYS heartleas people about the crimes of the A Flafl: For New England? lOJSfears Ago Gods before Me.” Exodus 20:8 deprecatory routine In which he Presidential, speculation with no A footnote: in those closing Americans," it does not seem to muster pretends that he really didn’t It ^ has been proposed that the six Ifs, and, or huts in order to be days Burns cut tapes warning Manchester teachers approve ■ The Rev. Walter Aljel scramble for money, but just muocketbook. See the style shown at W at­ happens to stand for some group with simbitions. ’VYest Hartford. He Is serving '>'Hie tragedy involved is greater and In foe U.S. Navy, stationed Jr. of Rochester, N.Y., and Mrs. ter, Order Of Eastern Star. “THE MARVEL OF MAIN STREET*' kins. 5 pieces i$99.50. Others from $69. special common InterMts or a nostal^^a • • • Mr. and Mrs. Alien are mem­ peeper than anything that can be hlnt- aboard foe USS ZeUare at New­ Allen’s sister, Mrs. Rojger S p a ­ for foe days o f human i slavery. — There was special reasoniiTor cer of Wapplng, j\ bers of South Miethodiat Church I t by such notation that the two uses WAI^StBURY. RSPUBUCAN ' ]oy by Southern moderated-in port, R. I- , , , am fits An October wedding Is plan­ The couple was married buy and Manchester Orang*. (Her­ ■■ 1 31, 1941, in South Efortland, ald Photo h]p Ofiara), ned. t '' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, TUESDAY, MAY 81, 1966 ElisiiT ItANCHESTiER EVianNG TTORAT.T>, MANCHBgraaL TOBSDA^ IIAY 81, W66 ^ [' .r ■ ______■ Zlnunerman, both of Manches- seven years ago he vvras In the Town Man S?iot, Charged, ter; a sister, Mrs. Carl G. Berg shipping department of CSieney Revaluation Noon H our Voter Session Obituary of Westmorland, N. H. and sev- Brothers. He was a member Representatives of the A reguiarly-echeduled vot­ By Police in New York eral nieces tod nephews. of Zion Evangelical Lutheran United Appraisal Oo., con­ Launch Set er-making seeskm will be Euneral services will be held Church. conducted tomorrow, from Into Union ducting a revaluation of an ' n e w YORK (AP)-A young ^ then fled Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Survivors Include his wife. Manchester real estate, are 6 to 8 pjn., in the town Square Park. Fogarty Dies, Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Mrs. Marla Galgon Ulbrtch; a now working on Elro, Mow­ Tom orrow clerk’s office in the Mu- man from Connecticut, who was warning shots, Tif.tn gt. The Rev. G. Albln daughter, Mrs. John ScholU of er, Tracy, Cushman.^ V.- nlc4ml Budding. wounded sUghtly by police in a gaid, then toot at Tongren, Here’s news for every merchant in onr service areas Dahlqulat of Burnsldo Meth- Mancheetef; a sister In Czecho-^ 'Lakenood C9rde, Bruce and (Oonttmied ttsn Psge One) Union Square cljase, was held nicking him In t ^ elbow and odist Church will officiate. Bur- slovaldn; three grandchildren EHidble applicants must Fuel Dealer HUlcresL * w nfvt hail on charges wounding him in the leg. ial win be In Rose HUl Memo- and a great-grandchild. Tedmfcians, saiUng along be at least 21 years of age, residents erf Manchester for today In $6,000 og. The car was allegedly stolen Bernard M. Fogarty. 58. of Rocky HIU. Funeral services vrtU be held The revaluation, required without a biiicb on preparatioaa of robbery and from Peter Cavallo of the Bronx, by state law to be conducts at least six months, and S81 Porter S t, hiutoand of pYiends may call at the fu - ^ o r r o i ^ a t 2:30 p.m. at ^ n for launching both the THan and 91 of Man- who said he had given Tongren Oatiiertae Fraher Fogarty, died ^0^ , tonight from 7 to 9. J^urch. Rev. Paul a ^ ed at least once every 10 must be U.S. citizens. Paul V '♦rongrra 21 M a^ ^ Atlas rockets, i^eduled a five- early Sunday morning at family miggesta that will off^iate. years, will be the basis for Chester, Conn., w m ^ ^ next October’s Grand List hour check o f aH systems Mandhester Memorial Hospital t^ose wishing to do so make wlU be in East Ceme- r Hospital Notes wm ? U f f s?^2 S r the car. and Ms waUet containing $10. and after a short Illness. He was contributions to a Memorial aboard the ’ U-stdiry Titan vice president and treasurer of Burnside Church. Friends may call at Enrico Rufini, Ulderlco Fernan< before beginniug the final oount- YlatUng hours are 2 to 8 p.m. fighting with the two fl^with . Maurtr Fogarty Bros., Inc., fuel OU ____ Holmes Funeral Home, dez, Richard T. Lourie and Jo- down leadtog to to lOI s L . ««iptlng mater- “ n>en^ho" arrested lum. Ton^^ nftv where they are 2:80 to 4 %«.t™i„en Hugh O’Donnell and W._Grey to Crii^al tW l^e Connectictat Bank and Trust IMstrtbutois, 819 Broad St., and EUzabeth M. Anderedn Main St., tonight from 7 to 9. geph A. DubanoskL Hie weatoer forecast, some- nfty where ttiey are 2:50 to * ' patrolmen Hugh O ------_ , „ York ntv vice president and treasurer o f [rs EaizabethEUzahetli MaryMarv AnderAnder- ’There------will---- be— ” a devotional------DelegationsriAiAo.nfi/ina from DuserinoA Maz-Wnt— . times a& troilblemakertraUblemalcer to the na- p.m.n.tn anaand 7< to«, o8 p.m. and private t------jTanKppank ijameLaine aaiusaid they stopped had . . . Hnws after fitiishiTiiT ^ Manchester Sheet Metal Works, , 82, of 23 Tlmrod Trail, East **® zlnl Lodge and Ladies of St tion’e space efforts, called for rodms where they are 10 a.^ Tongren In the stolen car tod on ^ prison term for rob- itford, formerly of Manches- , James attended the funeraL satisfactory conditions at blast- to 8 p.m. Vteltore are requested aa^ed him for identification.’The ^ „ xgyjjjg y _ . . . ’The famllv suesreats that u » . k -fi. .. .._____mnens. —,______u oenffleil with bery In Hunisviue, xex. Fogarty was bora to .arty this morning at off time, both at Cape Kennedy not to smoke In patients’ rooms, officers said he scuffled with bery Manchester, S « ^ 16. 1907, a hgj. h^me after a long Illness. ---- . John H. Daytos and the ocean recovery areas. i^o more than two visitors at son of John and Mary Foley 3},a Qig vvidow of John A. memorial contributions to a ION —T John Henry Day- G®mlnl 9 will be the second one Hme per patient. Fogarty, and was a Hfelong Anderson. building fund at the chimcl*. 80, of Oli ^Ichester Jtd., ^ of a <^le-l»TOled U.S. SATURDAY: Car Dislodges Rock, Mrs. Anderson was bom Feb. Ralph E. Robertson «« Sw.y A»dr» Barr, 274 S cl,c, St.: 4, 1884, in Scotland, a daughter borne. X. ~ “ p»nH«, wmie k m Gladys Christensen, Cov- OOVENTRY-!-Ralph E. Rob- Another Auto Hits It of------Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McOor- Mr. Dayton wae bornHii Wa- Cernan sleep Itolr first entry: ‘ Mrs. Ulla Dizer,Dizer. 21 Angel announces a new charge mlck, and lived In Manchester H^pton. tgpford and moved to Heb- bi si»ce, a Si^eyor S t; ^ Mrs. Nettie Finn,Finn. 4242U^ Ma- travel- of 26 Lawton Rd., skidded cm 60 years before moving to East brothermv>uici ofui Mrs.BT1.IJ5. Georgeucuigc Overuvci of ajfo IMS 'K spacocran^>acocraJt wmwUl tryiry loto genuygently »«,-set- St, Mrs. “ _Nettle _ , nn,------Ana A Boltto woman was ---- - wet pavement and hit the rear Coventry, died Friday night in carnente^ and^lmUder and ‘bi spidery legsrs on the Pl® St; ^ymtodRaymond JJarv; ^ , ipg in her car along Finley St. wet Hartford two years ago. Oaklandoaiuana Rd.,itva., Wappmg; wapiyuig, — j Saiturdav morning when of a car waiting at traffic hghit. Before her retirement toe was East Eart Hampton.Hampton, a™ . luhar surface Oakland Rd.. Wappmg, Itoy- « Saturday morning when of a ralMd and drove standard bred ^uhar mirface. mond Nason;Nasoni'Golumbia: Columbia: KHerbert ^the road Mtiting The waiting car was 2>®r®ted omiployed in the sendee depart- Survivors also ineflude his harness race horses for 40 ’iiiiunMay’Itoduday mornuig, morning, methe world - ...... 45...... Cornell St.; • John bv Marcella K. L’Heureux met* of Southern New England wife, his mother, a son, a a dirt bank and a large rock by years. He also owned and oper- may be seeing televlBion pic- yjjjggjg^te,^MTITED East SUNDAY: Hartford. Abra- men rdU^in the^^^ Telephone Co., Manchester. She daughter, another ^ster, a ated riding schools In Water- tores of thO moon’s landscape was a Charter member of Ellen grandson and several nieces ford and McmtvUle many years, shortly brforo^rato sete_ oto ^a^fS^R F D 2. Rockville: parkii^tot on B. Middle Tpke. Douglas lodge, Daughters of a-ud nephews. He was a member of the U.S. on a record breaking space Scotia and a member of the Funeral services were held Richard RudeU, 571 Hartford ^ ^ continued late Saturday afternoon. PoUce Trotting Association and the wsdk. Rd.: Mrs. Stodina Tricarico. 5 roan ana Ejuzatoeth F. Davis of B«ri- fonmer Woman’s Benefit Aseo- yesterday In Hampton, VaUey Trotting As- A lean, 82-year-oM OUcago account service Burial was In East Hampton. Harriett St, Vemon. . moments later, John R. tori backed her car Into one be- elation. sociation. He was a mentber of native, Ceman plans to ew e ------YESTERDAY: Dr., ing driven Hazel K. Finlay of Survivors Include a son, Wal­ ter A. Anderson of 20 Avondale Mrs. Thomas J. Butler RBVU., d.; threewuco daughters, Mrs. Wal SOUTH WINDSOR — ------Mrs. BUTVlVOrBSurvivors incnioeInclude Wsms wne,wife, throughuavruuu theuro UUWIBUOoewmos that will »*«*» X . Tndlth and drove------over the n x *. severe- tor A Klrochaleper, Mes_Ellza- Jean ^rrler Butler, 54, of Mrs. Carrie Hiomns Dayton: whip hlme one and a half times g Don- damaging the underside of A driver turning into Birch beth Anderson and Mrs. Donald Broad Brook, mother of Mrs. fiy^' daughters, Mrs. GMrga around the work! at 17,500 mllea Burdick, WMt WUlmgton.I^n- aid Cantwell Jr., 52 Dart Hill MoCleod, aU of Bart Harttord; Joan Jurgelas of South Windsor Kinged of Hebron, li^. an hour. TO^drivI five grandchildren and three and wife of Thomas J. Butler Louise D. Smith and Mrs. Ar- For 2V4 hours, he wU be a Kd., Wapping, Mrs y jggued a written warning mg 00 lOrr-TrariiaTiC great-grandchlkJren. died Saturday at St. Francis ^ “Iweet™ Columbia, human satelUte. Cowles. 81 Avon^ R^Mra. to the right rf toe er McFarland, The funeral wlH be held Hospital. Hartford. Mrs. George Chapman of Hart- During the inWal dayUght Samtoa C r^^ ^ Ha^or^ traveled portion «f ^® ^5. “ B ^ ^ L ML Fogarty Thursday at 8:80 a.m. from her Survivors also Include her ford and Mrs. Carroll Bonville time he is outside, he will be fed Leo Day, 19 Holl St., Rob®p^ explamed to police that She did A motorist neax^ ^ t to for everyone reeMent of tola town. He was a home, with a solemn Ugh Mass mother, three sons, another of Oakdale; two sons, John I. oxygen through a 25rfoot umbiU- Eck, 30 Cltaton St; Cyntoto ^ot stop because the area was Castle h ^ ^ 8rt Degree member of Camp- ®* requiem at St. Christopher’s daughter a haU brother and Dayton of Montrtlle and Calvin cal cord from the spacecraft. Fabrlzi, 168 Broad St., I^toS dark and deserted. beU C o ^ , KofC, and a mem- Church, East Hartford, at 9. five grandchUdren. t . Dayton of Hebron: a sister. Then, with a rocket pack on his Forgette, 161 Catnpfield Rd., Memorial weekend ^ accl- at toe t o ^ e o ^ her of Bishop McTtrahnn Gen- toiAal wlH be in Bt. James’ Funeral services were held Mrs. Flora Peckham of New back, he will attach himself to a Mark Henderson, L y i ^ Rd., dents were few and those inl- eral ABsembly. 4th Degree, and Cemetery. Manchester. this morning In Windsor Locks London; 12 grandcWWrto and 140rfoot rope and tooot from Bolton; Mrs. Bdlto Hollister, ,p^ rear en^Ui- J o ^ F. « eraiBt. James’ Assemmy, Holy Name Society. . Friends...... may caH« at her u...... home --- burial------was------In Broad Brook, fiveive great-grtodchUdren.great-grandchildren. place to place fbr about an hour. Glastonbury: Mrs. Nancy Leigh- gjong ^irere reported Saturday. CasUe Rd. wto d r l^ o n ^ tle He was a district deputy of tomorrow before toe Funeral services will be held MORE ton, Stafford Springs; Terri the afternoon, a car driven ^ ^ Cormecticut /KofC. He was a service. Mrs. Davis Howard tomorrow a.„ o.. at 2:30 p.m. ...at Pot- All —he ------needs to — ------survive — ------Luft,. Coventry;- - , by- Walter A. Smoltoskl, 49, of of ^ m. ^rnbiffl^Rd. n o/i was driving _____ . itfonAhM The John F. ’Tiemey Funeral Mrs. Elaine F. Howard, 32, of ter Funeral Home, 466 Jackson pressure for his suit and oxygen tello, 15 Worcester Rd., Vernon; 313 Autumn St., rriHed into the on ’runwiuu H oa,.. 2M W. e n t e r V . 1. In 157 Lydall St, wlie of Davis St., WiUimantlc. The Rev. tor life — win be fed from the Anibal Medeiros, 42 Russell St.; rear of a car waiting at a stop A Coventry moteiiarTOO raid Connecticut Charge Card ter Lions Club and Fuel Deal' charge of arrangements- era Association. Howard, died Saturday morning George K. Evans wlU officiate, highly sopdilsticated maneuver- Mrs. Sophia Muska, Broad gjgn at Hactonatax* and S. he was momentemy dteteacted Survivors, besides bis wife. at St Francis Hospital, Hart- Burial will be In Center Ceme- ing back pack. ’Ihe pack will be Brook; Mrs. June Offen, 111 Main Sts. The stopped car was side^ped a uttnty polo on George OB. Fere ford. tery CdhimWa- used instead of a space gun like Wells S t; Mrs. Irma Perkins, being driven by John ’Turner, Woodbridge St. near Bliss St. Include a son, John B. Fogarty, WAPIPING—George B. Peto, and a daughter, Mrs. Patricia Mrs. Howard was bora In Friends may call at the fu- Air Force U. Col. Edward H. 15I Walnut St.; William Rogler, 45, of 110 Hackmatack St last night. Police said he vras 70, o f 426 Avery S t died this providence, R.I., May 8. 1934, neral home tonight from 7 to White had tor the first Ameri- 16I Maskel Rd., Wapping; Mrs. Saturday night, a car driven Gdlbert W. Wittman, 58, o f Rt. «*• a Windsor oonvnles- ^ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 9 can space walk last June. Mary Scamman, Columbia; Mrs. by-Henry H. Stephenson Jr., 20, 44A. Minor damage restated. with__A_1 whom 1.* ..... he was assoclatod hospital after a long IH- James McLaughlin, and lived In Ceman’s elaborate stint as a Mary ’Thompson, 79 Columbus------— space walker clearly wll} be a st; Debora Upton, Stafford in business; two Mrs. ^ p ifeich 25, . secretarv-tvnist for eeneral highlight (rt Ckmlrt .Fs space Springs; Public Records Record Set Leaky Can venture.k^Mrev^.'Staiterd and BUfli^? SUNDAY: A son to ter and Mrs. Chris Kehoo of Antonia DeAmbroz- Mott’s Supermarkets. Warrantee Deeds East Hartford, and several Cernan Mr. and Mra. Charies Lcck- zl Pero, and Hved in Glaston- Survivors, besides her bus­ nieces and nephews vous mkaeuw^ wood. East Hartford ; a daugh- Ranald D. Pizzanello and By Weekend Spills Gas^ botti cftBteai; ,to S i a t ^ U.S. t e r ' to Mr. and Mrs. States The funeral will be 1..1S held to- w'appdng. y*®” ‘’®'°’’®------*® band and parents, Include two Maiyonne C. Pizzanello to . _ He was associated daughters. Carol E. Howard and space itotote. 1 , ■ , Wood, 37 Clinton St.; a son to Mrithewson Ramsey and Flor- morrow at 9 ajn. from the ^vith the former Pero Orchards, joanne E. Howard, both at Starts Fire Staff<$tt "caHa G^nlnl 9' toe m t . and Mrs. Victor LeGeyt, 86 gjj^e G. Ramsey, preperty at Road Deaths John. F. ^-nemey Funeral Home, He was a member of toe home; ^er paternal grand-e*—- »i®rt space flight ever oak St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. 173 cooper St 819 W. ^ te r S^ ^ a sol- Fubdnese Society of Manches- mother, Mrs. Agnes Fitzgerald (Ckmtlnned from Page One) A leaky can of gasoline went attempted by ah artronaot Terrace Johnson, South Rd., James E. Tyrrell and Nancy emn high ^ r^ul^ at ter. He was a Worid Whr I vet- ^ Taunton. Mass., and three Fliglk: dirMitor Gene Bolton. St. JamesJames’ Church at 10. Burial eran and joined loined the Marine hf— ______to Its grave yesterday after It ™ ,, ___ ,,,,, . D. Tyrrell to Bruce H. James May 13 to ndtodgM Monday BUR'TH YESTBRIDAY; A THE CONNECTICUT BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ■Coventry. to Sunny skies and mild temper­ neral" rhome tonight from 7 to 9. j^ h O^P®n> Laughlin, both of Providence. Manchester Bowling Green on Geirilnl spacecraft were high, ”I SATURDAY: Bertha E. Wetherell - Sunnv sloes and mUd temcer and a sister, Mrs. William J. DISCHARGED atures were considered a oon- ...... Funeral services were held „ ™ think^l^a^aT"^ Shar^Harrison, Hebron; Adam "trX ^ 2, 7A the Wilbur and Ro- they’llU acoomplirtiacoompllrtr everything Mozzer. 1.3« Birch fit.; Frank Tyrrell, property at 29 Per- miUioiiB rt Amer- COVENTOY - The funei^ will be hrtd According to the everything Mozzer, 138 Birch fit.; Frank they srt out to do.” Clerico, 33 .Talcott Ave., Rock- kins’ S t ^daughter of Robert a^ Thuraday at 8:15 a.m. from the p j Felix M. Davis Halfpenny, a young boy Joseph Hublard Sr. to Erik ro^ Smith Brovm of 176^®be w. P. Qulsh Funeral Home 225 p'a^toVof‘^ond^a^n^rogrttoh: who was sent'for ^ for k S'' ™NeLri S Dam, property on Asylum St.fit athletic events and family gato- enngs. r I ^ t al Church, officiated. Burial was lawnmower wandered into the mission ahead rt them two T ^m SiST Mra faab^^^ William A. Morgan and Hartford Hospital, where she solemn Mgh Moss of requiem . r-i,oT,oi building with the gas and ____ - . ^ ihompaonvjue, rurs. xsaoeue Shirley . ___ _ California, with more automo- AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE was bora Saturday. at St. Margaret Mary Churoh Cemetery, stopped at the soda Ta'ch.T machine. weeks ;a^. Hieir wae re- Makowicr, 16 Farmstead Lane, ___ _ biles and miles of freeways than Survivors, besides her parents, at 9. Burial will be in St. Bridg- scheduled when an Agena ren- Rockville; Mrs. Susan Northup’ erick C. Hetzer, property at any otoer state, recorded the The Holmes Funeral Home, There was a small hole in the dezvous target failed to go into 59 Foster St.; Henry LaChap- 28 N. Elm St taiclude her maternal_ grand- et's Cemetery, , . Manchester. 11 + »»,. 406 Main St., was in charge of leaked out, and most deaths, 55. JOHN DOE parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Oliv- Friends may call at toe jto- arrangements ^ ^ caught on fire. elle, 29 Devon Dr.; Mrs. Edith AjdministratM's Deed Only Alaska, Hawaii, Rhode er of M^chester ^ d paternal neral home to m o ^ ------’ Halfpenny says that there ’The ATDA, a boMe-ahaped Lewie, 143 Cooper Hill St.; Mrs. Eugene T. Kelly, admlnls- Island, Vermont and the Dis- grandfather, Leo F. Brown of 4 and 7 to 9 pm. j j affalr with no ixtipulsion system Mary Washington, 7 Plano trator of the estate of Theo- ^ nnlurnhia pot bv the Mra. Frelda L. Winter were many people around, and for maneiivArirvmaneuvering lllr«like tfiothe Agena An fleiated. Survivors Include two sons. A. Lauzier, 56, of -Hartford, ^ cult Court in Manchester on Moore, Lebanon; WlUIam Neely. . J® E ^ ^ratracUon Co. White-OlbBoti Funeral Home, Robert C BrariB of Wanning Edward Lauzier of t®r bis car collided with another June 20. StMe PoUce said be 29 Cottage St.; David MiUer, ^ Report You will enjoy greater sales, more profitable charge htudnesE^ ,65 Elm St, RockvlUe, was to «L„d Gw A. Varney rt W ^ Windsor, died Saturday at m. 6A and 87. turned In the path of a oar PUlsbury HUl, RockvlUe; James y®rp^ addltons and iterations eharge meral services will be held Survivora also include his turn Ipto Rt ------toy MuslkevHc, 970 Avery St.. ^ ^ Stores. $86,000. headquarters to Atlanta l«K l he relieved of credit worries... and get immediate cadi for every chaige sale. wife, two otoer sons, a daugh- a car coming in the opposite Mrs. Anna M. Burkhardt - . tomorrow at 2:30 p.m...... at ------° ------" ------WApptog; Mrs. Adeline RUey, from that strategic I spot could Bf Glastonbury, fonnerly of Holmes Ftineral Home, 400 Mato parents, two brothers, roction driven by Russell F. An- 112 (Mlver Rd.; Wilfred Rouleau, Fire,in Warehouse ^trkf>1re in ®*®** heavy Influence. Uh- Manchester, died Sunday at a gt,^ Manchester. The Rev. Roy toree sisters, and 17 grandctail- derson, 27, of New Britain. 482 Adams S t; Mrs. Janet Ray ^lOCKS in n n el Uke John Lewis, who was Glastonbury oonvalesoent home. Hubchemi of Wapping Oommun- to®b- ^ Oueliette is scheduled to appear STAMFORD (AP) — Fire and daughter, 39 HUKcq) Ave., ■Mmu7 fmou- purged as Snick p^dent For- ,6he was the wife of George H. ity Church wiU officiate. Burial The funeral wUl be held to- iij Wlllimantic Circuit- Court II «*used heavy damage -in a build- Vertlirti; Mrs. Janet Grace and NBW YORK_____ CAP)—The rtock man fully approves of Snick’s We are beginning the big job of calling on leading business and service establishments Burkhardt wiU be In Wapjrfng Cemetery. morrow at 8:15 am. from the on June 21. ’ tog housing a warehouse and son, 175 Diane Dr.. Wapping; market dertW approves Mrs. Buijdiardt was born in K sette Funeral Home, 20 Sis- reported at. hit- b>y factory early today. Mrs. Beverly Lemek and son, t-moon in w y •*“ af- b ack racist line, Friends may call at the fu­ We reported erroneously that Manchester', April 7, 1897, a neral home tonight from 7 to 9. ^ and-run MCident on Rt. 6A Eiremen were CaHed about 89 Mountain St., RockvlHe; Mrs. ^ trading, to outline the advantages of this fine new CBT-Connecticut Chaige Card Serric©., ' daughter of John J. and Mary requiem at Saturday morning. am. to «ght the Uaze In the Grainne Cullen and son, 70 Stocks were mixed at the Ja<^ Minn^, a well - known the Cathedral of Rauf Zimmerman, and Uved to Michael Ulbrtch « Hhf ,.,1 f o u * CnilO ^ UI E^o’ni'Rd. wra toree^rtory brick bufldlng^ oo Itoynes----^----— St; — V ------Mre. ------KatWeen------Mrt- opening - — but graduallyw worked Hartford, at 9. Burial will be in ______... Gar«i«n stiw* t*.. rw.,ww..______.o __ j , ____ ...... : o®®" named to Snick’s Cen- East Btortford many yean be- Michael Ulbrtch, 72, o f 28 _ . drivtog south on Rt 6A when Garden Street near the Connec- toy and daughter, 38 Grand- lower. For most of the list there tmi n 4 Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery. ^ ca rd in g in the opposite di- «®ut Turnpike. They were at v l« r St, ------—- - - Comimttee. He was elected fore movtag to Glastortbury 16 Joseph St. died yerterday at ?o Partioutor incentive to at one point during tbe all-night years ago. She was a member Manchester Memorial Hospital . .. . rection crossed into her lane, hit toe^ene for three hours. , . buy.^teokerB ^ d . gnick meeting in Nashville, but Yes! T h is new QBT service is on the way. «f Burnside Methodist Church after a long illness. Pnends , . may . . ^11 at the fu- = jgft ffender, and There was no Immediate esU> ima 1 riiWmA rAmrfeWf ff«wwM% T ft * « e ^ h^ricindle buying was later was removed from toe •nd Its Women’s Society of Mr. Ulbrtch was botn to “ ®*^ home torngbt from 7 to 9. continued mi. mate of the financial loss. The building Is, occuided l>y the Police Arrests TOt^y ^ n * . except for toe committee. The reason: a new Christian Sendee, and the Bierburnan, Chechoslovakia, — ------resporried with Snick rule that whites may It wiU make animportfmt rfo|^ly alain Heavy. uce saio tne etuum started aner tom wns « yesterday morning from the W. Storrford Univeraity ehemi^ ^ ahe w«s ra« traveling^ dnS r ™ P. Quish Funeral Home, 225 cdls AKrtad KQyALTTEN STILL COMDiO Spencer St. at a fart rate of ita^^ng of Mato St, with a solemn high 'XOBK (AP) speed. She ,WW strqiped. to t*» Arte oT ^^ Aboiit Town MANGHESJER I Mass^ requiem at St JameB* works trfJJIaHc Twain are still Manchester Motor Sales lot new share for everv ir THE CONNECTICUT BANKl I Chxw^. ^ pk* near Lauds End. where drawing royalties from mort She is scheduled to appear to under^V ^ Marnffi^ w ^ SHEET METAL the Rev. Eugene F. Torpey oo»Hies otten park cars for a countries of the world, totludiiig Manchester Circuit Court 12 on q^je rw Whitney was celebrant assisted by the toe Pacific. Cbmmunirt Hungary - gnd J»u»® 13. ,, industrial were among a contingent of 319 BROAD STRECT Rev. John J. O’prien,' deacon, Martin, senior laboratory CcechoskmIUa. Alfred VRtum, «3. of 240 ao 16^ • Im T** '‘"®°'^«red Uie corporation’s East Hartford \ • and the Rev. Vinicent J. Flynn, technician • specializing to der- Attorney-Thom as G. Chan- <3nirrt| S tS -a n d ’Thomas F. down to 68 at — was Club who left New AND TRUST COMPANY iiffideacon. Mrs. Jane Mecca- matology at Stantord Medical beriato, o m of the trustees of Johnson, di,' o f 144 Adams S t, i t e Associated rone was organist and ^lolst C ^ r . was found with a loaded the writer’s estate, told the New were diarged with totoxicatitm oc eo stocks at — *<» » Id-day liLOSEDUlDAY Burial was to St James’ Ceme- aril unflrsd pistol in Ws pocket, York Mark Twain Associatian Sunday aftranoon. PoUce said at M /T w ito lir t^ i^ ^ —” ^ European countries. off 1.6, The three are IO sb Mary Ann tery. Father Flyim read the a pair of binoculars around his that Russia pays no royaltiea, they were caoah:^ a disturbance i^ails1? off .2 and utiUHutiUtim n#f a -r ^ ^ * WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st eammittal service. neck and a small flashUglitflaehUgfat near even though the books are pub- st the rear of 144 Adsms St 'Prices’rices werewer* mostly ’. Louisa Rd.: Bearers were Tbomss J. Ral- his right hand. He had been abot liabed theta, They we to appear in Circuit (tie American StockSto^^ Elaine Condio, 186 Oak mondo, Thomas 8. Belmondo, through tbs neck. Twaiy died In 1910. Court ^ e 13^*^ to m cd e^ T tr^ Ew*ange | t:^ d Miss_Donna Pisch, *42 mode^e tradtog. Woodbridge St T I < • 1^1 71

FACE ELEVEN* ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OQNNe TUESDAY, MAY 81, 1966 M AN C H E ^m fiVENING' HERALDt' MANCHBSTBB, GONN^ TUESDAY, MAY SI. 1966 |»AG» IBW which shopkeeper* put up to makers also submitted ques­ Coventry U.S. Sub’s Visit welcome the Snook. tions to toe ifoventmeid about Noisy leftist deiponetoations the Snook’s visit. F06ARTY BROS. Protested by accompanied each df the' eight They ask^ wiiether thefe was x m visits by flVe other U.S. nuclear any dapger of radioactivity Tfnvn Observes Town Marks Memorial Day .M any Japaii^ese subs to SaBebo, another U.S. frwn the submai;ine, whether its r m 319 BROAD STREET naval base 600 miles soutowert visit would be followed by a port call by toe U.S.'nuclear aircraft EEE7 4 (Coattaoed from Page One) of Tokyo. ’Ihe number of dem­ I f H l f Oanter Enterprise and whether Seattle Students onstrators had dwindled with r o w k LITETIMB! Services Well Attended ‘ Prl'vately some demonstrators the-port calls Involved Japap in Memorial Day CLOSED ALL DAY each call, however. U: You'll never have to buy Hlih asaln . . . sold they did not Want to do the \^et Npm war. because each lime LlmteUs de^lqps and Donate Wreath “ Memorial Day ceremonlM In of reUvlng that hirtory oU over The leftists stepped up toeir prints your roll of Black te White or Memorial Day dawned dear "The sofution will rest in the WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st Coventry yesterday were so again.” anything to hurt Yokosuka'jP' nroteste for the Snook’s port call Foreigii Minister Etsusaburo Koda-color film we give you ABSO­ and bright, axtd temperatures in hearts and minds o l all our citi- Shiina and other officials re­ LUTELY FREE, a fresh roll of film •Die wreoUi placed on the well attended that the first few Concluding his address, the thri'ving trade with U-S. service- because It is toe first to Yokosu­ for your camera. W e replace the ^film . the 60’e provided a perfect set- eens as we live tc^ether, work Nathan Hale monument during units of the parade, sponsored Rev. Mr. Wilkins said that, men. But both police and dem- ka and because Yokosuka Is plied that t^ey had no word you have develop ed. It s ajl fresh- * ting tor yesterday's traditional together, worship together, play EMEROENCY C A llS — 449-453* about a visit by toe S)nterpri*e dikted and top n uality an d Ko­ yesterday’a Memorial Day serv- 1*7 toe Oreen-Oiobot-Ricfaard- “nevertheless^, Into our stubborn onstration leaders said they close to heavily pc^xilated To- dak. too. Quick processing . . . parade and solemn Center Park together and go to school to- American Legion Post, perversenees. Into our ectators, many o f there comes the voice of God, Association. strators in check. color). M. An estimated 10,000 townspeo­ friends," Bailey concluded. 3,000 miles a'way. whom had gathered at the Na- there comes the Mily Word of ‘“ibey are hotheads,'’ said an A gfpup of 100 Socialist mem­ CXIMMUTEB 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 9 H IT He' caHed on aQ U s Hsteners ple lined Mhin and E. Center Students at the Nathan Hale than Hiale Cemetery for serv- God we have revealed. In His organiser. “They are here on bers of Pariiament marched on SEOUL, South Korea CAP) ^ to reflect on President Uncotn’s Sts. to iWteh the parade's five High School in Seattle, Wash., Ices there, Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, fhelr own, and not pert of our the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo end TWO JierMna were killed a'nd W t t M m admonialimeat ttiat " A house divisions march to Munroe N ew Solid State /p PnO A donated the wreath for the Thousands had lined ig> along who both motivates and enables group.” handed U.S. offioiels e petition nine seriously Injured today AT THE PARKADB divided against. .Uself cannot PSrk and back to the Center, services. The students have been Lake SL and Rt. 31 to view us to do whet Of cursives we Police and leftist leaders protesting toe SnexA's visH. The when two commuter trains col­ lUGGEH DRUG 404 MIDDLE TPKE. WEST I stand,” and reflecting, to help where they were reviewed by seeking Information about Hale, the puede, which went from cannot do." blamed the students for most of officials said they would for­ lided inside the rallrod yard of iotables massed before the Mu- end the "unfinished business" Mason, 160 miles south of deoul, S O N " ^ BO that they might have a bet­ the cemetery to the oM Center Speaking passages from the the scttffles 'with police. The stu- ward it to Washington. , Building. for which the Civil W ar was toe Naitional Railroad said. ter understanding of the person School for a service at the Cen- Book of John, the Rev. Mr. W il- dents also tore down posters Socialist and Oammunist law­ i Then a portion of the crowd tought. for w h ^ their school is natned. ter Cemetery on Rt. 44A, and kina continued, “He says: I —------gathered before the Civil War The parade, which got under- Stereo then refOnfled for a new pa- leave behind with you — peace, , The request that the wreath pionument in Center Park to way promptly at 9:30, was led rade at Mansfield Center. m y own peace, such es the be placed on the Hale monu­ witness ceremonies acknow- by Parade Marshal John S. G. An escMt of four state police- world cannot give, I give to you. Tape ment arrived by special delivery todging Manchester's debt to its Rottner, a colonel in the Arm y men led the parade, which in- get your troubled hearts a t rest air mail Saturday, addressed to {alien heroes. Reserves. Major Walter A. Von- eluded Green - Chobot - Rich- and benish your fea rs.. . . As System the Mayor of Coventry. The That debt is a continuing one, Hone was chief of staff, and ardson Poet color guards led the Father,.has loved me, so I Great the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Savings Are aid Edson M. Bailey, retired ^tb**an **y Raymond L. Pender, parade loved you. Dwell In m y love. I f irincipal of Manchester High Reardon ^ e d as parade chap- Chester in accordance with an ted by you <*ey m y commandments, order the students placed by tel­ fchoot, who delivered the prin- lain. Charles T. Benjamin, post com- you ■will dwell In m y love, as I ephone. lipal address. Though the mem- A t Munroe Park, the parade $135.00 mander; auxiliary members. In- have obeyed my Father’s com- iries of past wars and battles paused at the memorial Shaft The letter came from Miss cluding. Mrs. John Lacek, unit -mands and dwell In His love. I prow dim in the minds of some, dedicated to veterans of World Perfect playmate for any tii fi system. Now add Sony 4-track M ary Gickovmis, a student pr^gj^gnt; the E.O. Smith High have spoken this way to you,'so You’ll Have To Cart Them Away ind the ranks of,veterans are W ar n for a wreath laying stereo tape recording and playback for less than the piDce of a council ropresentative, stating gchool junior and senioc bends; that m y Joy ii»ey be In you, and binning over the years, war for ceremony, where a brief prayer gwd record player. Complete with low profile walnut gram base. that the students wanted “to Nathan Hale Ancient Fife your joy complete. This, is my hany is not a thing of the past was offered by Msgr. Reardon. give a memorial to Nathan Drum Corps, including Its commandment: Love one anoth- »ut "the hard, cold facts — the The Center Park ceremonies SALEM NASSIFF Hale, as a fitting and proper guards; Cub Scout Pack er, as I have loved you.... You «a l stuff of everyday life for were presided over by Edwin gesture to him as our name- gcouts. Cub are my friends If you do what I When You Buy A Famous nany families — for once more M. Edwards, chairman Of the (Herald f^iotos by Ofiara.) eal^e.’’ Scouts and Brownie Troops: Lit- command.” lur young men and women are Permanent Memorial Day Oom- CAMERA and PHOT^HOP Cub Scouts pass in review before MP Battalion at Municipal Building. Ttie message asked that the League baseball members; Oommenting on. the passage, Ightlng in far-off places,” mittee. town otticial "act for us and Coventry High School major- the Rev. Mr. Wllkens said that {alley saUd. The ceremonies began with 991 Main Street see that the wreath is cere- ottes, and others, “ certainly the evidence seems to "T o all of them, to the men l u K R x m . the playing of the "Star-Span­ 643-7369 moniously placed at ttie ceno- -j-ije une of march also Indud- Indicate that, although that vho fought in the wars of the gled Banner" by the Manches­ They Ansp^ered the Cedi taph for Nalthan Hale in your flyg fighting equipment and voice has been heard, it has «s t and to those who fight to-' ter High School Band, follow­ city.” members o f volunteer fire com- ■been neither believed or obey­ lay we owe an overpowering ed by the invocation, given by (Th® prire-winning Memorial General Electric H ie memorial is an outcome panics from both North and ed.” lebt; and this debt and our re- Rabbi Leon Wind of Temple Day Essay, written by Miss of previous correspondence from South Coventry departments “ Gn the bfuds of the evidence >ayment of it must be a part Beth Sholom and a welcome by Barbara Rask and read by her Miss Susan Horvath, chairman and their auxUlaries and from o f history, under the authority rf^r remem^ring t^ay.” Col. Rottner. yesteiday's Center Park ex- of Uie senior class gift commit- the EagleviUe and Manirfleld de- o f God’s Word, with the unspok­ 5 Bailey warned that in our re- Next came a recitaUon of ' t, , TUESDAY tee of the school. Miss Horvath partmenta, riders from the Wln- en mandate of our dead, in be­ gfiembering "we cannot neglect Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" wrote on behalf of the first sen- dy Hill Stable, and others, half of yet unborn generations, the issues and the ideals... for by Stephen Penny. Miss Bar- al Manchester High School and AND lor Claes of the high school, the CoU for Peace I submit to you that Memorial which so many died; To reinedy bara Rask read her pri2*-vvin- a daughter of the Rev. amd Mrs. newest in Seattle, saying the The Rev. William H. Wllkens. Day or any other day be not a I ^ v e social injustices, to es- ning essay on Memorial Ete.y, e . Ejnar Rask, 128 Keeney St.) day to beat the drums o t nation­ class was anxious to give a sen- pastor of the Prince of Peace ablish domestic tranquility, to "Rally 'Round the Flag." Both . . a-iiy 'Kound the Rag WEDNESDAY popular lor dans gift to the school ttitheran Church, 'was the al pride but much more a day OPEN ireserve freedoms dearly won, are seniors at Manchester High llMs-1960s “worthy, of our name”. She speaker «t the Nathan Hale to kneel in the ashes o f our fol­ o make the world safe for de- School. Americans have answered the ly, and in toe sineerety of our asked for Information about Cemetery ceremonies. He quot- nocracy, to preserve the most The Salvation Arm y Band g jjj »ra])y ‘round the flag" SPECIALS Nathan Hale’s personal effects tj,e message of Piwikient ‘ repentence, under the aocuM- rewarding way of life history and a, male vocal group from I860's when the ClvU uon o f our dead end our God. or letters were still In existence, yyoodrow Wilson, delivered In DAILY las yet recorded." the church offered two selec- threatened to destroy the “ Only from such a position and if it was possible to pur- April, 1918, declaring World The speaker noted that on Uons, which were followed by union represented by the flag. chase an arUlact for the scbool 'j. can v-e rise with renewed vigor Memorial Day thoughts natu- Bailey's address, and the read- day over a century later, and eonfident resolve to cam- ■ally go back to the av4l War ing by Edwards of the names gtlll fighting, suffering, «a the senior dam gift. «My message ^ y was e ^ comradeship of 9 to 9 md the years following, when of those Manchester veterans their Uves in support Miss Horvath wrote that toe message o f death our young liberty and peace amomramong na­na- echool paper is named '"Ihe men. How strange that toe peo- SAT. TO 6 Decoration Day" was first ob- who died during the year, of our flag. tions, a true brotherhood of lerved under the leadership of The placing of wreaths around Sentinel,” that its atoleUc pie ahauM applaud and cheer The flag of the United States man—a brothertiood, if It is to ^ihe Grand Army of the Republic the Civil War monument was teauns are called toe “ Raiders,” that . .” is a symbol of the aspirations, be sometlidng more than a honor all the dead of that carried out by Wilfred Clarke, In honor of Nathan Hstle, and address gave a plc- the beliefs, and the achieve­ mockery, that must begin with Conflict. Joseph Jablousky, Carlton Burke ttiat the school colors arc red, imesque and solemn review of ments of our democratic society. the Fetheriiood of our God!” 2 Thougli a century has passed and Q yde Beckwith, i » FORGET... White and blue. conflicts through the yeais. The Graves of veterans were Valor, liberty, and loyalty are Miss Horvath’s letter w u re- j^^v. Mr. Wllkens said that, fance the war's end and the ceremonies closed with all embodied in our flag. Be­ decorated by veterans, assisted benediction by the Rev. J. ferred to the Coventry Histori- thoee early, suHWsedly by children's groups. Several REFRIGERATOR it stands for so much, cal Society’s president, John civilized days of this cen- Stanton Conover,- pastor- of Bo- Americans have given their fi- songs were sung, the pledge to Hetzel, Hetzel advised that the uiry, we have progressed into ton Congregational Church, fol- „al breath to keep our country's the fla g gtven, and a prayer DOUBLE known personal effects of Nato- horrors of Wortd W ar H, the offered by Post Chaplain Philip fcs to mllUoM of Americins' MmUr^PolSe“ Comply f ^ an Hale are extremely few in yje Korean War, and Llnderson. number and are consequently another hot w ar in Viet brsrU oS arre'"- ™ ^Ldo^n.-^ThVe^'me^^'rrnft Similar services were held W ith Full held to be -virtually ^ ccless. Nam, just to mention tlte^ major jn the other - two cemeteries, p T h e Civil War if unfinished S,“'nith"?ch^rb^[icr*"'‘^” hesitated in sacrificing ^elr TOP VALUE M m odiiirctei-'' 'I ' "V * with Major E. Passmore of the I>usina s...and whether It was O'® » ves by rallying 'round thrir 5 mate^Es^^ntigtat b?*”a v a S ^ e"GerWlnly , ______the evidence u.S. Arm y Infantry g^iving the fcvortli its dreadful cost depends On Sunday morning. Manches- flag. The preservation of its Widfh Freezer from the Yale University New* to todlcate. address at the Center O m e ton what we do rather than what ter's 57th observance of Memo- Hag has cost >i^erica hipiy. STAMPS Bureau'-- what some -would ta-ve us -be- tery on Rt. 44A, where a spe- w e say," the speaker warned, rtal Day was begun with the an- Yet. our naUon has been richly STEPHEN PENNY EDSON M. BAU.EY- Hetsdi enetesed some photo- lieve, that man is a staibboni cial American Legfion service and Chiller Tray luoting Bnice Catton, eminent nual memorial service, held this blessed in return Together t^e g^raphs of the Hale Homestead and perverse creature. Certain- was conducted at the grave of ilstorian. year at Community Baptist people of the United SUtes for its value as raw metal. on Sout St., a copy o f the gov- ly the evidence seems to indif Earl W. Green. John Dooley, The final solution to the Civil Church, at which the Rev. Alex have survived a Civil War, two Vernon According to Zundfell, the bell EVERY WEDNESDAY ehMr’s proclamation of toe first cate that we mortals have re- Natchaug District Boy Scout Var, wUl not come as the result H. Elsesser officiated. The serv- World Wars and many other Barbara Rask was cast by the Meeneely Bell observance of Nathan Hale Day (ug^d to leam toe lessons of his- Executive, delivered the ed- if constitutional amendments or ice was attended by various local ®°tifbcts and crises, and the Oo. in Troy, N. Y., in 1888, and In Connecticut, in September, have, therefore, con- dress at the Mansfield Center Slvdl rights legislation, by wars veteran's g^roups and their auxll- liberty symbolized in our flag fject our loyalty to America and Home of contains 964 pounds of copper 1964, and a small booklet tell- ^jgnmed ourselves to the agony Cemetery. has not been lost. jjj rallying 'round Old Old Bell’s )r experiments, said Bailey. and 236 of tin. He has docu­ QUALITY AND SERVICE ing about toe RevokjUonary pat- ______:------. — ...... on Memorial Day, as we re- Qiory. h ments to support all his in­ member those who died for this »T>inr '**iU i»e framed and hung in oor Fate Hangs formation, he says. great land, we should further DOUBLE PROMOTION 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST— MANCHESTER | I^ r a r y HaU. The book About Zundell says he will be class and the entire stuaeiK ^ «n dedicate ourselves to our nation. SALEM’S [Police, Using Radar, MILWAUKEE, around LaPointe Industries body in electing to perpetuate life is to be in c ite d In toe The honored dead have left to u.S. Marine Corps thinks so In Balance when the bell is taken down, ARMOUR’S “STAR" toe name a n d ^ i p l ^ of Na- capsule.” the future generations of Ar^r- veteran Ru- than Hale, stating that Hale Miss Horvath also wrote toat ica a heritage of freedom. This A 1,200-pound bell that has P^bably about 9:30 tomorrow Old Fashioned dolph P. Heyse that it promoted ' morning. He hopes, he says, “ stands as a symbol o f de-votion ti*e riass had written to the gov- I Arrest 22 Drivers heritage involves a trust. The him twice in the same day. hung at the old Hockanum Mill, “ Breakfast and service and sacrifice of em or of the state of Washing- struggles and sacrifices of those that somebody in the area is Twenty-one arrests were made by police using radar Heyse, 35, began the day Frl- now' LaPointe Industries, in interested in. buying it. “ Its Perfect” countless thousands young t<». eA In g him to pioclatai Na- CANDIES who have gone before us will BACON Rockville, since 1888 has been such a rare thing," he Americans, from his own time than Hale Day for their school, {iveVthe h^iday-Wkend. Thirteen motorists were Se^;^^v"tess we Ir“e‘ Tn T raS r^ oeroTr and that she atoo planned to sold to a scrap metal dealer. "it really shouldn't on, who have helped t o guard feharg^ With speeding and nine with failure to obey determined to cany on the L fo J .rte S rm ^ f; write the Tate University News, It will be taken down from the scrapped.” our free nation and carry it ■tate traffic control signs. ideals which they believed in. u,gn . s*cqm1 lieutan------CAPITOL FARMS MINCED bureau to obtain photographic m C D fC R L f Police resumed radar patrols failure to obey state traffic con- W e can rally 'round our fla g not ’ tower tomorrow morning. forward.'” Mias Horvath later replied to materials for the time capsule. FHflRmflCY p>rtday,-after an ahaence of sev- trol sign on Burnham St. only by fighting for it but 'by ’ The fate of the bell remains A Marine spokesman said the Hetzel’s letter, stating ‘T can­ MAIN STREET ^ral years, In a new crackdown A ll those arrested were releas- supporting the goverment which undecided, however. Milton AiWAYS SLICED 344 rare doable elevation capie BOLOGNA not tell you how valuable your MYSTEBY SIGN km BtfcBvicm.speeders. The i.iwTvimove .V,...... -follows QQgd wiuioui without uonubond ajiuand are Bciieu-sched- iiit reprosems.represmts. vmrOur AiiicnvouAmerican because Hevse annlled f o r ------Zundeil,— —the — dealer adto - has Easy OKLAHOMA CSPTY, Okla, numerous complaint* at speed- y ie j to apt>«ar In Manchester prinedpfee of democracy must be bo^igftt it, has not made firm SAVE AT THE informaticxi and asslrtance has {n g on town roads. - ...... ------a career officer program. t, been to our committee. We sin­ (A P ) — E.E. (Bud )Krogstad is Circuit Court 12 on June 13. practiced in order plans for disposing of it. If no- CHOICE—TENDER _ . , J His application was approved a real estate developer here. A Terms! Since the radar patrols went ------The hopes and dreams symbo- ^ ^ ^ bod^ frOm this area buys' U, ARTHUR DRUG cerely appreciate all the time operation, 30 arrests have It may be carted to Spring- and effort you have devoted to large ,outside sign near a city RESTAURANT HELDUP lized in the American flag must jg . sergeant for Ws street bears the words; “ Vote n made and more than 50 NEW HAVEN (AP) ^ Police be kept alive in the hearts of ° field to be ' melted down our project.” NEED A CHUCK STEAKS 59' She remarked that the folder for E.E. .(Bud) KrogfStad.” )wri,tten warnings issued. are seeking two holdup men who the American people, Of materials sent by Hetzel K ro g s ta d Is not running for any < Arrested over the weekend the manager of Les Shayr's Tlie call to “ rally 'round the SPECIAL “ certainly was helpfuL Photo- office and has no intention of Iwere: Restaurant bound with adhesive flag” i$ an.dM' one. It bos' been * On Saturday, Baihara A. Gre- tgp* suter a robbery that netted heard often by ihany. Let us on- AT OUR FIW COUNTER graphs of Nathan Hale’s home entering politica. CAR el of Lawton Rd., charged with them $3,000 to $4,000. ly hope today that no matter toeedlng at Broad and Wlnde- Arthur J. Gerstl, 68. the mama- how old the call may become, GOOD FRESH m ere Sts. ger, was aocoeted by two armed the response will ever be ready, { On Sunday, Dwight D. Gross, men in the parking lot early for the principles and the tradi- HADDOCK FILLET h>. 4SP |11, of Rabbit Trail, Coventry, Monday as he left the res- Uons of the nation behind the gharged with speeding on Oak- taurant, police said. The men flag will never grow old. Let }.tu)d St.; Peter P. Murdock, forced him to re-enter the res- us strive together to live in such CO, of 40 Oloott St., charged with taurant and open the safe. a way that we will a lW ys re- POPULAR, FANCY FOR A ^peeding on Center St.; John M. Domenick, 20, of Hartford, " 7“ Must human existence always SPECIAL BUa B. Marra of East Hart- be a mixture of good and evil? ^ rd and Douglas Andrews, 84, Is there a modern dhswerto this Tomato Juice 4 OCCASION? tof Hartford, all charged with bpeedlng on W. Middle Tpke.; age-old riddle of creation? SUMMER SESSIONS Rent a MW Comet or Arthur S. Fox, 38, of East Hart- ' You're Invited to hear how men Undeigraduato and Graduate Courses . POPULAR BRAND BIcrciiiT. Low Rates . . . ford, Frank J. Eictmet, 38, of today are finding, in a spiritual Btorrs and John L. Howland, 21, P ay smd Evening Cloiwea In Daiijr . . . Weekly . • • ^ Marlborough, all charged discovery^ the underlying reality Monthly. krtth apeeding at W. Middle «f life. In a . one-hour public Arts an4 Seienoes EVAP. HT>ke. and Edison St. lecture Thoimas A. McClain of Bttstnoss. Administration NO FROST EVER \ Yesterday, Frank S. Raffa, 19, The Christian Science Board of -Day Cloosea In tof 127 Charter Oak St. and Lectureship will explore this CALIFORNIA JUICY illchard L. Trexler, S3, of Con- - A rt ■ 1 . verse Rd., Bolton, both charged subject: "The Key to the Mys­ Eduoation IN RffRIGBRATOR OR FRavid C. Mellen, 18, of 35 Falk- WATERMELON tior Rd., all charged with fail­ Day June 20-25 ■ June 27wJuly 29 643-5135 ure to obey state traffic con­ or any worthwliile purpose? FRIDAY, JUNE 3 Evening June 13-18 June 20-August tl f r e s h , j u i c y trol sign on Charter Oak St; R egistration Points AU p h on es fiS6-BCtL BeneficliyiAMBUMT LEASING ^ancy R. Beley of East Hart­ 8:is F.M. GTSCoi fi-E IS DU. FT. REFRIOERRTOR w refrigerator GET THE CftSH YOU NEED AT LOW BANK RATES Day Classes ^ Bloomfieid Avenue jBstrJ B S L r aass ford, failure to obey state traf<. E x t. 3 7 4 $16.75^ $3bo~ One-TFo-Three p c control sign on N. Main SL; LESS BANK CHARGE MONTHLY REPAYMENT TEHCi Art ^ Hartford Art School PEACHK oilk 154U. FREEZER -M tew Modsl ■ Mvwi ur Uader aasploes e( Music ' Paranov Hall a6J» 900 Tear Learinsr Ptaas Joseph M. Miscione, 24, of aeat ■ fperyear) 12 months Maatehi 1 I * Oiaat zero-degree freezer 'it Four cabinet shelyeo—1 elido With 175 Lb. Freezer . Other Univerrity Hall 440 CfilSP’AME 30y41 700 AnilskesaidModds Hartford, failure to obey state 1 % 300 * $18 $ 25 $12.50 1 liefds frozen foods (in long- ■ ' out. I FIRST CHURCH Evening Classes at Hudson Hall much you want. traffic control sign on Center 1 600 36 50 25 1 i' ,.f i' I' ' ' " ■' toras baste. it Twin poreeioin enamel Wge- g i a n t lUHXrOUT FBEEZEB B t; Rodney M. Harrington, 18, 315 Hudson Street, Hartford ^ 253 1 900 54 75 37.50 1 OF CHRIST, | ^ T w « natal-cube Ice tmjw under table bios. Ends awkward bending. l A R i d C a t 78 Greenwood Dr. and Ronald _ ■ I ...... 'i ...... 'I I ' ■ DELICIOUS APPLES 3s». 4IP I nsasH fffita * ' ■ 1.200 .72 ' > 100 fodcago shelf for ea*y re- it BemovoUe egg tray. S1X,F.F1LJ4NG ICE TBAT P . Hartley, 19, of 1082 E. Middle ___ sol:____1 ■hr eieazee Metmgs Sa-nB tleMs,‘Wette or ' M O R I A m moyoL W Batter ooavaatment. Befllte itaetf antomntteally! CAPACITY AT LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED SdENteST Loans up to $ 1000— U»*n* RffJneured at low cost. > both ciiarged with epeed- - y i- V . . CAUP., LARGE HEADS I * Antomotfo defraot icCriger- it dMrjMf for Yt gOL A LOW PRJCE E. Center St. BonoldakFiiwnco Co. of DDoiKhoilor v BROTHERS S SWINCM>UT ADJUSTABUi. SHIELVES ROCKVHXJC. CONN, ator oeoMbn. Solid tor enoj-otenning. This morning Antoine M. Slm- THE CONNECTICUT BANK 200 Bloomfield Ave., W . Hartford, Conn. 06117 M6 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER l' AND TRUST COMPANY la the church edifice ICEBERG LEnOCE OfBTVEBTIBlE BO&AT FAN •rd of D9 Essex 8t, WUliam , K e ^ meat freeh 1 9 to 7 dajnu F lp Itnrar to nton of 67 TeJeott Ave., University of Hartford 286-5411 Ctt-41M m ciBiRat M Rcn RET NORIUN’S LOW, LOW PRICE M Unkw Street • • •"«» kvUle and Alfred.Lee of W. m North Mata Street BBS MiOa Street Ooaa Baootogelqr ApiKdntiBswt — VhMWfor'HmQo CMHEN K V E N lN d B •n ebatged. with M inrtaetrt; TP***^dr ______— ------PAGE THIRTEEN JEANCHESTER e v e n in g h e r a l d , MANCIiESTER, 'CONN^ TUESDAY, MAT 31, 1966 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1966 ’ ,PAGE TWELVE BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE 6 State Deaths UTTLE SPORTS Bolton Anew2rJ»_P!l*nL^SL i Over Weekend This and That ftgisisiM F O R E X P E R T Memarial Day Parade (Continued from Page One) spe^t>_SLf^X- AOUM8 42 Am iad fle et saDtamer coim e WHEEL ALIGNMENT-WHEEL BALANCING 'Tn SflmtaiM SSArranfe In die, 58, of West Hartford, be­ RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING UM.VASTLI WHAT A fE R - bettle Seen Townes Longest came the state’s second traffic KEEP ITA FdRMANCE/ COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE WHA- NATURAUy TM FAMILIAR WITH U E l ^ fonsaUoa fatality when he was killed in .66CRET/tN, AND FIYE-TIO- n w e ir d a r . Se e MHAT7 PRajMlNARY NE«0TIATI0N6, , UCTUadriol Eax* year BoHon’a Memorial Bolton ConKregwtional C9Mti^ a three OMESAYSIT MLecidative 57 Worm* SOUSAVj AtTHOlASH m o st OF M/HOLDIHlSS] WASONtyA' SSVaniniibef Bay parade makee a little more June 18, with sittlnga at is and HIU in Simsbury. None of the 1UI« A R e OVERSCAS.' BUT YOU HNOW NAnoHAL mn CIRCLES M ASAIINE UAi^R« DOWN other persons in the accident ^ 3 3 = i« m t a ! HOW IT 16 WITH 06 POBUC HLJ proejess as an established town menu will iifelude po- SALESMAN A UToddler llo k e i ^ tato and tossed sjal&da and cher­ was seriously injured, state po­ CLARKE MOTOR SALES 3€*rt FI6URE6, W6 66T AU. 60R t« ITLeiter 2Ere Jtif lRf«r a u ii sveiR. This year, the fotnth, BUGGS BUNNY YOU U Petiodl aC fliM 3D dM ik w tiu a ry crunch. Re^eiWbioina may be lice reported. 301 BROAD STREET—643-9521 CALLS .'— HAK'KAFF/’~ tL L (here were two bands in the ftcruAa' MEET You IN AJiHTOUB ' 4 Girl’s nssM 22Feminine name , made with Mm. Barry Wagner, Steven J. Gudzln, 47, of Wood­ HAYS A aoi^Rbfer E E i ^ (comb, 23 Medieval helmet 40 Laughter aomild line of march, a Brownie con- Mrs. Stahley Bates and Mrs. bury. became Connecticut’s lemonade, fTHAt'LL BE PIVE CENTS mUituy ttrfiet form ) (archaic) 41 Fencing wmimhweapon JU6INE ZIU HA/e TO SSAfflnn .two singers 4 7 Ena)»nter , , First Selectman Richard'Mor- tended a registrars’ conference State police said Gudzin was r«ELL‘n«£ BATCH asswin wMiile 10 Hardy beroiiie ra, welcoming the crowd on the last week at the Hartford-HU- 27 Bellied 12 Ravine 22 Brlnk^ 48 Indian weights driving east in the west-bound mmoffrvr'. Ssom ce SOMaltbrew ele m e n t^ school steps, noted ton Hbtd. 38 Ameticaa dndt U ln b e la 32Unlt of OlDower mopety lane when the Mcldent occurred. daSheeWi IdeM ISTbfeetoed the yearly loigthenlng of the In baseball Friday, the Ansal- On Saturday, Beryl Lannigan, sloth electric!^ 63 TortolM beak 4SKno« 23 A m b ^ 64 Town (CotnlMl parades and thanked Norman di team beat Columbia 24-0. 48, a Bristol, Conn., women was dSPrintiiiC SOExpimcer TERMITES 21 Caddie preuas; who has been j>arade John Glanopoulos hit a homer kUled when her car flipped over 8 9 10- chairman for fotir years, for .his and Doneild Roser pitched, atrik- on a dry stretch of the Maine OR ANY P£ST PROBLEM 1 Z 3 4> 5 1 efforts. Ing out 11 men in 6 innings. 1* Turnpike. Maine State Police STOP AT OUR LOCAL STORE FOR 11 t i n H3 The speaker for the day was game was called at the had no explanation for the freak the ReVi Albram N. Sangrey, because Oolum- accident. i FREE GENERAL INFORMATION 14 pastor of United Methodist *>‘?i Maine's other Connecticut vic­ r Church. He said that the ” pos' Bolton Dairy took a forfeit tim was John B. Brawn, 28, of I WITH SPECIMENS FOR IDENTIFICATON BOo victory over White Glass last Branford, who drowned Monday H 1 7 1 1ft Bible meaning of May 30, 1066, ‘ ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN TAKER'S, is in such a Mete of change,” night, when only one member when his canoe overturned on I EXTERMINATING SUPPLIES OR SERVICE CLYDE ^ TM. >■» Si N» 22 that it is difficult to talk about »»»w,>»7M.i.aT|kiiA0it over^kll food bill. Government before.” The Cleveland member of tha scouts, and town and scbool metlca was token yesterday af­ checkers came up with a figure The AP budget brigade turned team remarked that “ so com­ . & ! BOyiT officiaUs. ternoon from home of lx)r- of $19.67 for 39 items, and the up a wide spread in prices for plete and elegant an array of **Whaf • ha being operated on for? Offhand, Td say The parade was preceded by etta Montalvo i t 82j_ Wells St. AP housewife found the same individual items from store to prepared foods now is on the about $1,500r Resident Trooper Robert Peter­ store in the same city. But by market that I begin to suspect The woman 1s a representative items fOr $18.77. son, who Just came to town last Government checkers found the time they had priced all the the cook may be done away of a cosmetics firm. WHYMcrrHEES (SETfiRAY summer. San Prandeco to be the c o y e s t items on the list, the total tend­ with.’ As the line of march ad­ Police said the woman was city, with an average price of ed to be about the same. The budget brigade said shop­ BEN CASEY vanced up Notch Rd., a station away for several hours yester- $21.27 for 39 items compared The AP budget brigade In ping in several stores saves " i f NOW! wagon loaded with cartons .of jay. When she returned 2he with $19.70 reported by the AP general agreed that there are money, but may prolong the SUP rrUNPERTHE eggs was observed approaching found the kitchen door open, checker. Costliest city in the AP several ways to resist advanc- chore of buying the groceries txay.piEftse.^ from the other direction. The tjjg television set on and a survey was Boston, with a total ing prices. These include buying beyond that which a busy house­ driver, a look of panic on his range burner going, of $21.06 conq>ared with the gov­ only the items on a prepared wife can spare. SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL face, avoided a collision with Besides the cosmetics, |8 in ernment finding cf $21.10. the whole parade by ducking ^^ange was tsken from a coin In between the extremes Into a bandy driveway. bank. came Bfdtlmore, Chicago, De­ WEIL*SIEQUSN SW& RAKNINd K> CHAN&E troit, Los Angeles, New York, S OmOMC/RUNMN61HIN6S. 1HE NAME OF 1IIE KINGDOM. Troop 7S A front window at Vichl’s Boy Scout Troop 73 w «l hold pg^jjtage Store at 20 Bissell St. Ptoiladelphia, Pitobu r^, Its. spring------parents’... night and Loito W^ngton, IXC. AA^Aui P ’s SanQam Frandsco13Swwv.larv> checker/yViAM 1$ Your Car Air Conditionini court of honor Saturday at 7:30 the night. The owner said a called recent price rises in meat pjn. In the education building quart of whiskey was taken Hardly anyone has enough ready cash to buy or build a home. “ exprbitant.” of Bolton OongregatKMial from the window display. Working: Properly? “My budget is strained to the Church. A il parents will be con­ A break into the Morland That's where Manchester's oldest financial institution steps into breaking point,” commented the tacted about the event this Tool Co. of 1404 Tolland Tpke. Cleveland housewife. w e ^ by a troop committee netted at least $6 Friday night. the picture. We've been supplying home financing since way member. The housewife in Wasdiihgton Lef Us Service If! I mt W Wt*. he. TA IU» U.1. to, 0«. Police said cigarette and can- Scouts are being reminded complained that “ some basic M... 4 cents, rice up 4 cents, pota­ box. Entry into the plant was type of Home Mortgages which we'd be glad t6 point out to Bolton girls participating in __ toes up 15 to 25 cents for 10 for all G. M. air conditioners. NOW INTO THIS TRUCK, YANKEE. ) o dance r ^ t a l ^tuiday, given breaking a rear win- pounds.” . GENERAL TAM WISHES TO Said the (Jhlcagoan: “The you — anytime! INTERROGATE VDU. by Beverly Bollino Burton, were candy Either, Laurie Greene, A pumjdng station at Globe manager of a ^ r e I checked Margaret Giunske, Kathy Hollow was broken into some said he had 600 ‘voids’ in the PAUL DODGE PONTIAC, INC. Moonan artd Darlene Toomey. time Thursday night, but noth- past week. A ‘void’ is where a 37^ MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER raiifJfMi Barbecue ing was taken apparently. A customer finds he doesn’t have 1101(6(8 are available for the padlock was broken to get In- enough money to pay for every­ dhlcken barbecue to be held at side. thing in his basket.”

ImmedicriG WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY D a y I n . . D a y O u f . . JUNE 1 and JUNE 2 WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRICES CASH 10 A.M. 1« 6 P.M. IN MANCHESm CAPTAIN LEONARD BY LESLIE TURNER PA ID FOR AT 180 C aiT ER STREET ^ H i e o /N()TflMUHlMMtL.VB1i00llPLERWITH To pay a i least the foUowing prieee for U.S. Coins. Bring your coins to 180 Center Street. W e are interested In acquiring the ON PRESCRIPTIONS YOU TWNK ( jonm EERIE M g P ^ », X CMNT LAU4H / I'M SURE YOU WANT TO s s T j p a n foUowing and other C.S. and Canadian Coins. These prices wUl be TALK TO HER ALOME—20 1 THE* ANeRY.VTn’ OPFl THEY 4 ^ REWNT NY WORK TALK TO HER ALONE—SO m ^ m S c r JMFITIIU Y00R6RASS11 « MY lAWN THE NIGHT $ald immediately! . . . resulting in meaningful FINiSH A UTTER I WAS WRITINCS! seen NEA)( COINS eOMBFROWA *RE BY MR. ROPIOCI I bU bb PeaBlw Nickle* Uaeela PeaBlee Stiver DeUan savings to you every day! JUFrnRPlVM* r i f e l y INta vM U6I --4362. ■w U71 —4U. PP 1726 —itoi. ap I7M -$ 4 M . BP 17M -4 1 N . Bp No nps and downs in your Prescription iMicaRt -4 1 M : ap U M -r 4 W . ap 1T9S —$ 39. ap 1187 - 4 1. ■p UI6 —2 6. PP 1796 — 4 62. up (wsts— no “ dlscoants” today, “ Begnlar IN2i - t U . BP U M —4 to. BP 17M —4 to . ap 1796 —6620. ap U58 - 4 3. Ap 1876 - 4 .6. PP prices” tomorrow! 1821. “ 4 2. «P' 1872 - 4 6. PP 12121 —0 2. ap U M - 4 U . BP r n s —4 to. BP 1797 —44M. ap UM - 4 1. «P 1882 —612. PP 12Ue 6. ap 1821 - 4 to. BP 17M -L-6 to. ap IHl —(M . ap No “ reduced spoctats”—no “ temporary UW - 4 *. 1881 - 4 6. PP in to —4 1. aa 181B - 4 6. ap lU S —49M. BP 1823 —* 36. ap reductions” on Prescripttons to Inre 1213b —4 2. bp UOT - 9 $. «P 1886 —4M. PP 18M - 4 S. BP IBM —9 to. BP UOt —4 32. BP customers! ' 1 - r r ItUe —4 2. BP 1868 - 4 6. ■P U M -412. PP 1233 —4 6. ap 1962 - 4 6. ap 1806 —4 to . BP MM - 4 6. ■P 1288 - 4 3. PP tol4d—4 25. BP 1131 —4SU. ap 1966 —4 16. ap 1827 —$ 6. ap A t the same tiiVie, there is never any IfU S —4 i . BP 18M - 4 to. compromise in service or quality! 1872 - 4 6. «P 1$U*-416. PP. ap ll2 2 e e -4 7. ap 18M —4 6. ap 1871 - 4 7. «P U U 6 -4 6. ■P ItU s —4 t. ap U *1 —4 A ap UUoe-4 U. ap USl —4 to. ap U73 - 4 to 12» —4 1*. BP llS t o —4 Ml ap U 84ep-4 1*. ap . 1272oe—4 36. ap YOU GET OUK LOWEST PP m U -H I 6. PP 19224 —6 1. ap U7I - 4 1. ■P U3to-4 3. PP USt i - 4 lA ap IBSSco—4 16. ap lS72ce—4 to. PP PRICES EVERY D AY OF THE l € ^ i 12244 —4 6. b4 llSta —4 to. 187* —2 3. «P 1938«-4 1. PP ap 188$fo- 4 36. ap ISTto —41N. BP YEAR . . . AND YOU-SAVE We Deliver U76 - 4 3. ■P 19Me - 4 2. ap U W o e -4 to. ap USto —4 5. ap MM —4 12. Bp 19S2d-4 3. PP MORE THROUGHOUT THE MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES'and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES; U72 - 4 S. PP It62d-4M. PP 1M14 —4 1. BP ap UMs —6 M. ap 1887 —2 M. BP Everywhere, Fast BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS u n —2 M. PP IM U —4 to. ap ap is ito e —4 6. ap IBM — 4 32. ap YEAR . . . ON ALL YOUR 12334 —4 L ap 1878 - 4 I. PP Diaua ap iM to - 4 A BP lOUp-4 6. ap PRESCRIPTION NEEDS. U lto - 4 to. PP - BP U lip —4 6. ap 1 JU9T CAME TO 6AV ITM -4122. PP rariBK ter U.A BP P eace D eU an . aOOD'BVC BEFORE Z IMto —4 *2. PP 1797 - 6 M, PP ODD corns 1216P—4 6. ap TRY US AND SEE LEAVE ON MY CRUISE. WANTED 1798 - 6 36. PP 1221 - 4 6. BP 1231 —4 6. BP Ulto—4 i ap IM ld —4 to. BP •.to* ISN -4 32. so TfB4eOen IS. ap 12W T « 22. BP Ice. eeato 41, ep U M —4 6. BP 1221s —4 2. ap pautaa U2T -4 to. BP H eeate IB. ap US7 —4 6. ap 12S2« —2 to . ap Slatoielto. totM -4 A ap 126Sp —2 3. BP Thst Ares’* I3M! - ^ t o . BP 3 silver $L ap MIbtmr i IS. XWM isn -4 u. aa to Blekel 4Lap AbBm M i IS. t i n s - 4 A BP lM6p'-<4 A ap — Win Par -T U M —» 5. BP tto pee. 3U. ap OMela’U i SA BP U M - 4 36. BP 2e pee. C b b b . I to. ■2 U l t a ^ 3, pp 1846 ~ l 6. BP $L ap Driaw*retoS. puBAsd: USSe —4 U. BP % ' 4iaies $1. ap ; S , U U - 4 6. BP .CONVENIENT HOURS: 15c 18» —4 6.. BP BP 123U —4 3. BP DON’T 1271 GO—* n . BP ■P IMto-4 A ap 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY OOU> PfBCES M a ts — 0 to . BP U K - 4 A BP 0 lAt-iO U. ae lM «s^ A BP EXTRA HOURS THURSDAY EVENING A la 8 $ 3J»-0 U. aa I t U i —fW . BP K WpMlto <. BfOMKT an>P MimiATKD 41M. Bp ef 8*. Felere- AT THE PARKADE — WEST MIDDLE TPKR. 0 3.to-oue. aa MC14—0 t. BP YanihrerKi. ap banc. 17« Or*- $ie.ts-o M. aa IKl —0 A BP Venaea* M2, ap teal Ave.. 8*. 3MAS-4 to «a U3M —0 1. ap OR BKBT Wiee’n DA ap ratenkani.,.na. "W« Sava Yoii Mooey" PAGE FEFTEEM MANCHESTERp i EVENINGj c j HERALD,xiiZiXVAJJV# MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY------—j 31, 1966 , ______. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALp, MANCHEST^ TUESPAY, M^Y 81, 1966 PAGE FOUBTEEN I One-Hit Clark’s Backers Dispute Hill’s Win in 500 Miler Baseball War Hares Again, 9 THE®;. Spice A.L. Action V - J Official Scoi'ers Review Electric Timing Tapes This Time at Shea Stadium INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. walked-and Hod (A P )—Official scorers re­ n e w YORK (AP) — Msttonal Lesgos NEW YORK (AP) games, only four of them as a But Dick McAuUNe triped viewed the tapes of electric The beanball war has flar­ starter. Pet. 0 3 . Jack Lamabe, who often home t w o runs in timing devices today in an ed up at Shea Stadium only McLain, on the other hand, is San Fran. .. 26 •*** ~~,, has___ .rouwie trouble rutiruig retiring .rxiuci- Amer- — , ___. and scored on Norm O a * ’s sln*^» attempt to determine the this time it’s an elbow, hip Los Angeles 28 « lau. Le«ue batter,, WiU Sle. , , , I winner of the Indianapolis iVTut shoulder battle. Pittsburgh .. 24 Dick Sdflia of the Me*6 htt Etouston . . . . 2S ^ be in Westwood, N. J., July A 16-game winner in Ms first ANdELB-INDIANS— 500, a role unofficially Rloliie Alien of the Phils on the PhUa...... 21 a 12 getting married. Denny fuU______season in the majors last Home runs by CaUfomla s granted London’s musta­ Shoulder with a pitch in the Cancbmatl .. 19 7 McLain, who already is year, the son-in-law of Leu Bou- Fregosi anid Bobby Knoop ' chioed Graham Hill and ttdnl Inning of Monday’s second % married, will be in St. St. Louis . . . . 19 7 dreau is the wlnningeet pitcher helped hand Cleveland its s e c ^ > - disputed by Jim Clark of game. When Selma came to bat 1 Afianta ...... 20 9% Louis that day trying. _ to re- in the AL, has won as many ^ doubletoeader defeat in two^' *•>’■ r : - . ' Scotland. In the third, Bob BuW hit him on New York .. 18 9% tire N ation al L ^ g u e b a t- game* as Sandy Koufax and is They were toe first two finish­ the right elbow, knocking him Chicago ---- 12 ^ ters. ocHy « ie behind major league- pregoei’s seventh-inning hom^ ers in the Memorial Day Classic out of the game. The next time Monday’s Besolis MbLain took another step to- leader Juan Mariohal. gj. the opener mapped a 8-3-. Monday, and two of only seven Buhl came up, r^lef pitcher Pittsburgh 8-8, Chicago 2-8 waid becoming the Ameri- The 22-year-old right-hander ^g^jiock while Knoop’s, two-nu),^ drivers still on the track when Jack Fisher plunked him in the FhiladeliMa 7-1, New York 2- oan League’s Starting pitcher In stopped the White Sox on one hit jyjg0t jj, tjje fourth Inning a t tha^ the accident-marred race end­ Up. the All-Star Game by pitching May 8, allowing only a second- gggj,nd game put the Angela ed. The Phils won the opener 7-2 Los Angeles 10, Atlanta 6 Ms second one-hitter of the sea- inning single by J- C. Martin. gj,gg timers and scorers that Clark’s (Clark).’’ he said. “ We know we won. We when the hard-pressed Scot TOKYO (AP) — Japan's New York 4-1, Washington 2-2 3. Jim McElreato, Arlington, can’t officially protest until waited in the pits for minor re­ Buckley “ lb Ms (Buhl's) control that Wills, who could be a hitter. Pittsburgh swept a dou­ Clemente hammered a two- Bouton Stars in Dehut, Loses crew had missed one time when He said Clark could run no went into spins—both times pigjhting Harada retained his Chicago 1-11, Boston 0-0 Tex., BnaWiam-Ford, 143.742. Tuesday, but it the results are pairs. P&F VB. Peck, 6 — Waddell bleheader from Chicago 3-2 and run homer in the seventh inning Major League,. Hill passed Clark. without hitting anything—and world bantamweight champlon- bad? He is a control artist, threat to Babe Ruth’s California 4-5, Oeveland 3-1 4. Gordon Johncock, Hastings, more than 160 miles an hour posted and show Hill the Of the 22 cars that finally got Oilers vs. Norman’s, 6 — Ver- 6-3 with Roberto Clemente hom­ of the nightcap that sent the The final official standings once by outrunning (3ark on the ghip tonight in a 15-round deci- That’s what has kept him home run records if there Baltimore 6-4, Minnesota 1-7 Mich., Gertiardt-Ford, 143.(^4. because of chassis problems rolling, four others were elimi­ planck ering in each game, and Phila­ Pirates in front of Chicago. = L e a cfe rs= were identicial with the results winner, we will protest immedi­ sround tMe long.’’ were enough Memorial Detroit 6, Kansas a t y 2 6. Mel Kenyon. Davenport, that developed after two spins. nated by wrecks of drivers main stretch. sion over Eder Jofre of Brazil. delphia split a p>air with New He had driven in Pitt.oUr„.is National League announced at the end of Mon­ ately. / Wednesday, June 1 Westrum saW the incident - in the vear Today’s Games Iowa, Gerhardt-Ofifenhauser, Lotus manufacturer Colin "But we believe that a check Johnny Boyd, Fresno„ Calif.; A1 Jim McElreath, Arlington, Harada, who had a two-poimd "made my players mad. You let York, winning 7-2 and losing 3-1. first run of the game with a sac- Operation Success Batting (75 at bats) — Mota, day’s wreck-marred race. Cheney at Bolton New York (StotUemyre 6-3) at flagged at 497% miles. Chapman of London said Clark of the timing and scoring tapes Unser, Albuquerque, N.M., and Tex., finished third in a Ge'r- weight advantage, bored in on keeping dogs lie don’t you?’’ Cepeda had a perfect night * » • rif e fly in the fifth as the Pi­ Pittsburgh, .376; Alou, Pitts­ Johncock’s car was damaged Rockville at Ellington Washington (Richert 6-4), twi­ 6. Jackie Stewart,, Dunbarton, the 1965 winner, lost only a few will show we won.” a coUision of George Snider, hardt-Ford. Rookie Mel Kenyon Jofre from beginning to the end Over In the opposing club­ with a homer, two doubles and a rates pecked away at an early burgh, Etnd Nicholson, Houston, in a 16-car smaahup on the first Manchester at Hall DODOEBS-BBAVE8— light Scotland, Lola-Ford, stalled at seconds the two times his car At stake—aside from the Fresno, and Chuck Hulse, Dow­ of Davenport, Iowa, who lost and kept the challenger on the house, Manager Gene Mauch of single Monday and provided all 3-0 Cub lead. .333. lap of the race. His crew res­ Ooventiy at Middletown Wills’ homer started a 16-hit Boston (Stigman 0-1) at Chi­ 475 miles, oil pressure failure. went into spins. He said both enormous prestige—is about ney, (Jallf. None was hurt. most of his left hand In a racing retreat. the Phillies said, "There's no the offense Bob Gibson needed Chicago .shortstop Don Kes- Runs — Aaron, Atlanta, and. tarted, under an extension of a Moriarty's vs. Manors, I — Dodger attack that included six cago (Horlen 1-5) But Patient Dies Hart, San Francisco, 34. 7. Eddie Johnson, Richmond times C2ark straightened out $2(X),000 in first prize money. The 11 other failures went out accident last year, was awarded The decision by two judges as St. Louis’ ace right-hander singer committed three errors rule that no work may be done place tor sleeping dogs in base­ doubles and three bits apiece by Baltimore (McNally 4-2) at throttled Houston'3-1 on a three- in the first game, the last one Runs batted in — Aaron, At­ Heights, Ohio, Htiffaker-Offen- on a car within one hour of the Immediately without killing his The problem is over the number with assorted mechanical trou- fifth place, highest for an Offen- and the referee was unanimous. Buck ey ball, I’d never admit anything John Roaeboro and Tommy Da­ Minnesota (Pascual______6-3) WASHINGTON (A P)—^The operation was a success !trok« my team up. hitter. permitting Clemente to score lanta, 34; Mays, San Francis-. hauser. Stalled at 438% miles. Start of the race. engine and was able to combine of laps com.pleted. vis. Detroit (Monbouquette 3-4) at but the patient died.- Wills led off Los Angeles’ 10-6 from second base with the win- CO , and Flood, St. Louis, 30. 8. Bobby Unseor, Albuquerque, The same rule was applied to refueling stops with the manda- The tradition-shrouded race "1 hiave no idea ff he (Selma) • • • Kansas aty (Talbot - ), night That’s about how it was with the New York Yan- threw at Alien. I expect PTsher victory over Atlanta with a r ' ■ I" ' ■ ' ' 2 4 Hits — Alou, Atlanta, 60; N.M., HuffaJeer-Offenhauser, four other cans that were in the tory halt for inspection after a was folded up from the CARDS-ASTROS— cieveiand (O’Donoughue to throw at Buhl and so did he. home run—the 10th of bis Na- Clemente had homered In the 4-0) kees Monday. After beating the Washington Senators Hart, San Francisco, 65. flagged at 4127% m il^. pits at the second start. mishap. beginning, when No. 1 starter Bidil was glad he got hiit. He got tional Lieague career and his Cepeda doubled home Lou at California (Lopez 3-4), night 4.2 in the first game of a Memorial Day doubleheader, Doubles — Alou, Atlanta, 11; 9. Joey Leonard, San Jose, Mario Andretti barely had on hose. Nobody cried about It. first one since Aug. 81, 1964. Brock in the first Inning and Wednesday’s Games Yankees gave Jim Bouton his first start of the sea- Phillips, Chicago, Pinson, ttn- Calif., Gurney-Ford, stalled at crossed the starting line In the I haven’t thougUt anything of it. The sudden poweir shown by then hammered his eighth hom­ PHILS-METS— BaltUnore gl CallfomW N nightcap. cinnati, and Johnson, Los Ange?, 426 mUes. flying Start before Billy Foster Cleveland at Kansas a ty , N ^ • Two of our guys got hit and one Wills was almo.st expectable. It er of the season and fifth in 18 Four home runs helped Jim tied the score and got him off les, 10. 10. Jerry Grant, Santa Ana, of Victoria, B.C., only Canadian games with St. Louis in the Bunnlng win his sixth straight Detroit at Minnesota, N the hook. Triples — Alou, Pittsburgh, 7;, Calif., Gumey-Ford. flagged at in the line-up, - collided with of tiieink K was unfortunate was exactly four years ago— New York-at Chicago, N three years ago and a key man that be got hurt.” Memorial Day 1962—'iha'l the' fourth. ' " • p-' ■ I-, •■■a The Senators pu.shed across a McCarver, St. Louis, 5. ,, 417% miles. (Jordon Johncock of Hastings, Washington at Boston, 2, twi- in 1964 when the Yankees last IWten Mauch was asked If he switch-hitting shortstop made it The big first baseman doubled opener against the Meta. Bill run in the eighth against reliev­ Home runs — Aaron, Atlanta, Mich. Foster said somebody again In the sixth and scored on night er Pedro Ramos for a 2-1 victo­ crowded him. gave ordeiB to loosen up oppos­ to the record book by hitting a .. V...... J won the pennant, had been vir­ 16; Torre, Atlanta, 13. ing playerB, he said, "M y orders homer from each side of the Tim McCarver's single. Cepe- Uecker and Richie Allen all con­ tually useless since the middle ry. Stolen bases — Wills, Los An­ Marr Shoots 70 That set off a spectacular are tor my players, not the pub- plate. Only six other National dn’s eighth-inning single com­ nected for the Phillies. of last season. ‘ Although the loss took some of geles, 20; Jackson, Houston, 16. SMALL FRY BARRIER weeds or turn to the steep chain reaction pile-up which League batters have achieved pleted his perfect night. Jack Fisher hurled six innings the edge off Bouton’s perform­ Pitching (4 decisions) —Mar.- shorellnea. When big pike are eliminated U cars and wiped Ba." The young right-hander has Golf Day Round that feat. * * * of sharp relief to gain the sec­ ance, both Houk and his pitcher ichaJ, San Francisco, 9-0; Ma­ Sometimes the little uns ^ .(veeds their pres- out such strong contenders as r suffered from arm trouble and .'^4' GIANTS-BEDS— ond victory for the Mets. He had to be encouraged by the loney, Cincinnati, 6-0. get in the way. jg ggg.„ They’re Foyt, Don Branson, Champaign, TM Bemsas OHy A.thletios Cepeda’s four Idte gave him a HUNTIHC had pitched only one inning this AKRON, OWo (AP) Dave allowed one run on six hits, job. He allowed seven hits and Strikeouts — Gibson, St- Lou­ ^ ^ ^ This is often the complaint of tough to reaoh, and more diffi- E>an Gumey of Costa will play two exhibition games String of seven over two games Sadeckl, ' who had a 12-38 season before Monday. Manager Marr has given some 100,000 at night next spring. The and raised his batting average earned run average in his last coming On after starter Dick struck out three. is, 94; Koufax, Los Angeles, 82; a”touch More — 70 pil^e fishermen Who work far guilt to haul out. as they wlU M ^ , CJailf. , . Ralph Houk said he wanted to In the first game the Yankees games are April 1 and April 6 to .330. The veteran first base- three starts for San Francisco, Selma was hit by a pitch and — to ^ o o t at if they want to northern waters for the large seldoon venture beyond the perl- race had to be^ restarted find out once and for all if Bou­ hopped on nemesis Mike McCor­ American League at Ooooe, Fla., training base of man, who came in a trade from evened his record at 3-3 with hds forced to leave the game. earn a Beat The Champion cer­ tfiah. When nearly every cast is meter of smaller fish to grab because c>f an impassable track, ton could be useful anymore so mick for three quick runs in the Batting (76 at bats) — Oliva, graibbed by an over-eager your lure. ^ delayiixg^ the show an hour and the Heoetoa Astroa. San Francisco for pitcher Ray first complete game for the tificate from the PGA. ^FISHIN^i he started him against Washing­ first inning and At Downing and Minnesota, .351; B. Robinson, youngster, the trophy-huflitnng The reason bdg fish hide be- 24 minutee. The only other All entrants must record a ton. Hal Reniff made them stand up. Baltimore, .318. scoreHcore OTof one-miatsr-™ione-under-par, uiuiuu-indud angler may. come home en- ^ barrier of small ones is wreck-caused restart • MI«t .^veiK»W*alH 09 AMiaieA, i m . BASEBALL HEROES M ill) WXUOHT Bouton pitched seven hmings The spurt ended a string of 22 Runs — Agee, Chicago, 29; F*.' DRY MATCHES against the Senators, allowing consecutive scoreless innings Rbbinson, Baltimore, 28. fired a ^ -» 7—70 at the Firestone pointed with the caitch. proof that size does make a dif- Sachs and Dave MacDonaW PirOHIiNG — Jtick Lamabe, An empty shotgun shell just one run. He left for a pinch- that McCormick had going Runs batted in — B. Robin­ Country Club layout Monday to 'While such calamities may be (erence in tWs regUiPd. Rem ^ - were Wiled in a flaming second- Chicago, allowed only one Wt — makes a good waterproof match hitter with the Yankees trailing against the Yankees. Reniff, in son, Baltimore, 40; Yastrzeni- win National GoM Day’s Bound dismissed as "bad luok.” the l^r, 5 ^ l^ve to Peneto^e ^ . Joe Foy’s leadoff single in the holder. Seal Open end with a 1-0. Two-out singles by Roy relief,allowed just one hit iq the ski, Boston, M. of Champions by one stroke fishing authorities at M em n r toe s m ^ fry to bring In that \ ■* * eighth Inning — os the White cork or strip of tape. White and Bobby Richardson last four innings. Hits — B. '’ Robinson, Baiti- -i over Gary Pdayer outboaids cite underwater ob- king-sized tropliy. ______vious accident, the 16-car wrecK Sox completed a doublg shutout QUICK CAMP more, 54; OUva, Minnesota, 62. Marr, PGA titleboWer, toured servoiions that may indicate a of Boston with an IJ-O victory. Get ready Doubles — Yastrzemski, Bos­ the front nine of the 7,180-yaird, deliberate pattern of large and BATTING — Oriando Ctopeda, ton, 13; Alien and Oliva, Min­ oven. At toe'SrfasrbuiirSS Double Shutout in Chicago par 70 course in two-under, but small fish behavior, St. Louig, laahed a singly, two fires. One In a hole. One on top nesota, and Valentine, Wash'-' was two over on the last nine to While fi^ n g crappie beds in doubles and a home nm, driv* of the g^round.. Cook breakfast Ington, 1 1 . ! Without Inspection There Ing in two runs and scoping pn the open fire. After break- Red Sox Hoping for Rims Triples — Schaal, California; break even. Player, U.S. Open a major Midwest impoundment, two as the Cardinals defeated fast, fill the Dutch oven with 6; Foy, Boston, Davalillo, a e v e ­ champ from South Africa, Fin- an inquisitive angler, traded Ws Can Be No Safety Houston 3-1. * meat and vegetables and set on land, and Hershberger, ItonsaS ished 37-34—71 and kept hitting rod and reel for SCUBA equip- to his left on the front nine. ment and went below for a look------, coals in the hole. Now take the As They Qose Road Trip a ty , 4. • MORE NONSENSE is being poured out in the name of see. CRUTCH TIPS coals from the breakfast fire OHICIAGO (AP) —^The Boston inson single, Robinson taking Home runs — Scott, Boston, safety than in the name of any other good cause. About 20 feet below the sur­ Take your scope to the 5 and and cover the oven. Dinner Red Sox sought a run today and second on the play. Catcher and Reiohardt, California, 12. Politicians are tripping over each other to get Into the 10 and find which size rubber cooks while you play. hoped for a victory as they John Romano drew an inten- Stolen bases — Agee, Chica': face Ms eyes focused on a huge I’m for Safety” parade!, ^ m e are not making sense, 'mere Legion DrUU ball of crappies clustered in and crutch tip fits it. Then buy two. ROLLED OATS closed out their brief road trip tional pass and Moose Skowron go, 14; Cardenal, California, 8.; la a missing link in the logic of some of those who a « shout­ One for each end. Best protec­ Drop old fashioned rolled oats Pitching (4 decisions) — O’-i about a pile of cedar. ing the loudest and runitoig the hardest to stay at the head in Chicago. followed with a single that-., , Infield candidates for toe tors made. slowly down your ice fishing On the outside of Left - hander Dick SUgman, brought Robinson in Jaith the Manchester American Le­ of the parade.. BUILDING JET ENGINES IS hole. Slow Tindulating descent ford, California, 6-1 . were literally hundreds of small Sen Abraham Ribicoff wants to see all sorts o f laws still seeking his fiirst Boston vie- game's (mly run. gion baseball team will draws ’em like crazy. StrikeouU —McDowell, aeve^ fish. Its “core” was composed passed that wiould cause Detroit to build safer cars. But, the tory, was picked to pitch against also featured a' strong, b u t practice tMilght at 6 o’clock SIUCA CREAM land, 76; Richert, Washington,! of big, mature fish- state he represents has no law which requires motorists to FOR NEW IDEAS Chicago’s Joel Horlen, who had wasted pitching effort for the at Mt. Nebo. Outfielders have “safety-of-driving” items inspected periodically. INTERESTING WORK... Silica c r ^ - purchased at ^ Stephenson had Back on the surface, Dhe diver IN METALWORKING any Army-Navy store — rubbed will tryout Wednesday Sen. Gaylord Nelson chastises Ure manufacturers and The Red Sox plunged deep in- ® rocky start. His wildness cost used this knowledge tA advan­ on your glasses, then rubbed off night at the same hour. Insinuates that tire failures are a large contributor to d ^ th to a tectm slump Monday as Wm t)ie game u be walked two tage by dixq)ping a w,plghted attend the NEW MET will prevent them fogging up. EASY LAUNCHER Coaches John Cervinl and on the highways. Yet his state has no law to require periodic they dropped a doubleheader to batters before Iton Lock belted Charlie Graff will be in minnow quickly through the out­ inspection of cars tor dangerously worn tires. and at P&WA 3 pays well, iDo Conference ‘ Sheraton-Boston FUSED FIRE A removable traitor hitch 01^ A raUroad fuse, inexpensive Caiicago without scoring a run a tape measure home rlln to your front bumper wUl mak» chaigew er shield and into the core. Im­ Sen. Robert Kennedy is fond of saying that there is Mamifecturing, inspecting, assentoNneandteslIngtlffiiinriirsfinestaiMnft Technical Sessions And tor .the second time in two center field for the only Wash- mediately, larger fish were Thu-Fri at 9 AM and 1:30 PM and easily procurable, :y i something wrong with a system that oan send men into space engines is not -run-of-the-mill'' afork.' tt it ctmUenging and demands toe best <'s caught. safely but can’t send them down the highway safely. He neg-: Sat at 9:30 AM hot. starts the stubb<^’^ days, they flirted with becoming togton , runs quartwta much easier. effortsTof competent people ^ backgrounds in a wide varieiy of sktts.Hie While northern pike don’t lefts to mention that there is a system by which space cap-j o f g ood Jobs how ovoiloblo ios Fee; $5 ASM & SNT members; no-hit Victims. 1 “ (Eie National Baseball Con­ work is interesting. •. and at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft it pays weR< $10 non-members school in this fashion, there is a sules are laboriously checked and re-checked tor days before REEL BAG John Buzhardt shut out Boston gress has approved use of a they are sent on a trip. The system in Ws state allows cars MACHINING • INSPECTION similarity. You have to cast hi addition (o new and higfier wege^ P&WA offers exeeilent emt^eyee and Exposition: Cut off an eight inch piece 1-O on five hits in the first g;ame Eostem Eetigue Stondinss bright gold colored baseball dur­ to go three years without inflection. AIRCRAFT ENGINE MECHANICS War Memorial Auditorium of your old pants. Sew up one of the Memorial Day twih blU. ing Its annual national non-pro through or beywid the small benefits and unusually good opportunities for individual advancement. ones that frequait the fringe California, the cradle o f the emission control devices, More than 100 Exhibits eiHl.e In the other cut slits and Then Boston caistoff Jack La- (Dumament in Wichita, which have been equated with safety, has no provision to SHEET METAL • BENCH WORK You may also qualify for one of several training and appEMticeiWp CONrses Thu-Fri; noon-9 PM weave a draw string through, mabe fired a flashy one-hitter Unchanged as Teams Split Inspwt brake systems or even stop lights on cars. Strange, TOOL & DIE MAKING which are periodically offered to emptoyees. Sat;oai. 10lu AM-5nm-o rmPM i You’ve got a good reel bag. for an U -6 Wliite Sox victory. since the CaUfomla freeways produce some of the nations No Fee: ASM & SNT members; * * ^ Standings in the Eastern Pawtucdiet won the ftoat game There are hundreds of excenant Jobs avaflable right n o w at )fystt & W hitney $1 non-members MOSQUITO*. Lamabe held the Red Sox hit- League were exacUy the same of its twin bill wMh York 2-1 worstj rear-end collisions. AIRCRAFT ENGINE TESTING Trai^>ed in mosquito country less tor seven inningB betore Joe Aircraft. For you, one of them may be the beginning of a ohaHenging an d today as they were Sunday and droiped the second game 6^ •Ihe basic fallacy in most o f the crusades tor safer cars is EXPERIMENTAL MACHINING BOSTON • Junfe 2-4 with no repellent? Try an In- Fby lined a solid single to cen- that they assume Detroit can build a car that won’t wear out. high-paying new career. | Sponsored by despite a ftiM round of Memorial 3; I American Society for Metals dian smog fire. Smoke ketpe ter as leadoff batter in t h e Day double headeni Jitooday. It can’t be ^ne. Where there is friftion there is wear. Wear WELDING wHh Society for NondeUructivc Testing the critters away,. Or rub ex- eighth. The 29-year-old right - Each of the tesgue’s six « i^arrlUa provided Paw- causes failure. There is iwthing Detroit can do about that VISIT THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 400 Mi4n Street, EaetHartfaitli COWMCB- participatinf posed skin with raw bacon. Oil hander had run Into trouble In’ teams scored one victory and ** margin of victory In the Nature is constantly at work undoing man’s handywork and cu t OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Monday through Friday-B a.m. to s a m a i iuxs o the automobile Is no exception. will«*vl11 helpI I s-ATial repel them. the seventh sxAiwhen onan error,» » a suffered — one_____a ______lose as they.. split ... UroL nm -«orlng 5 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings tfl 8 p.m., and Satur- ~ Without ^ e t y Inspectioiui, toere can be no safe cars. A TRAINING COURSES WITH PAY SRgfitly convertible walk and a hU batsman loaded three twin bile. WffilamBport ™ eigWh Inning, lit d a y s -8 a.m. to 12 noon, pther Connecticut plants In North Haven and seat belt bleached by sunUg^ht and weakened by moisture, age Southington, If available, bring your military discharge pepers (pO-214), the bases but Lamabe got Dal- remains on top, one-haK game 'won the secrnid game on and use is i » t much o f a safety device. It should be Inspected. nrmoDUCToiiy trmninq m k>qrams- 8 o ton Jones on a pop up to end ahead of Waiterhury. * by Frank (^c^lns hours of basic mschins and relstod dossroom birth certificate and social security card when you vieK ournffica. ton e people con^ ride It) o regelor Or 3S9i^ square inches o f sky. Or Vi Tall wamliig lights which don’t Ught are no good for warning; toe threat. The Plttattedd Red Sox scored - batted in Iqr Mike Instruction. - : squore inch. Or whofever's comfortable. they should be inspected. Wipers that don’t wipe are no good convertible without trying to convert C. T. LaBONNE The Red Sox were toe vlcUsns n notable achievement Monday, = j, for visibiUty; they should be inspected. Efficiently designed ADVANCED TRAININa PMORAMS-Cowrses THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE IS CUISEO MAY SOtt. It TPvt the top down, Doddy." ’leave And if no opening's comfortable, you of no4iit pitchfing tor sevm in- beating toe Watertxxry Giants d ro p p ^ the first game brakes with badly worn Unings or with fluid leaks are not ranging from 22 weeks to 93|week4 In Machining, ______t ______H«p,Hony.n ' con have that, too. Just crank the cover and ASSOCUTES, INC. n i n g 8 in Sunday's game at for the first time since the open- twin bill 4-2, the Ebnira gm>d tor stopping; they should be inspected. Sheet Metel, Tool, Die end GAfie Meklng, Machine You coa't make a compromise. (Try closed ontil it pops against its sealing Washington. Phil Ortega struck ing day of the season. Pioneers stormed l ^ k to take The point? There can be no safe car without safety in­ Repair and Pipe Making; High School and Trade School Seniors [' out seven Red Sox in a row at spections. Maybe that’s the next federal gambit. Federal driving o regular convertible with the gasket.This makes our Sunroof as oirtight Greater Hartford's DYNAMIC Insurance PMtsfieM took toe second nightcap firom 'WilUamsport APPRENTICE PROORANS— (tourSM ranging from one stretch to tie an American automobile Inspections. And ore the states ripe for it! After Choos^ your post-graduation Job NOW and start work after game S-2, snapping Ms Ipsing three to four years in Sheet Metal, Machining and lop halfway up.) But you can buy one: and watertight as our Sedan. Agency League reixnd. that, federal licensing. Speeding could even become a federal Come in and learn how the many Jobs and training opportunities avail A* Tool A Die Making, The Volkswagen Sunroof Sedon. The cover is podded ond lined like the ^ Pawlowlcz offense. 1 now permit you to choose a career that truly fits your abBHies and work ' Ortega ooHapeed in toe eighth, ipoe gaznea. held WilMamsdort acor^MA nn The Sunroof it d cross between a rest of the roof, so you con hardly see it. however,.and needed relief he^ We an know tt takes big government to run a big country interests. Apply now and start work after graduation, on a date of your choice. BRINGS YOU to toe proceelB l»-yearoM five hits . . . but that big? VW Sedon ond a VW Convertible, h Some people can hordty see paying to escape with a 3-3 victory. Crusade tor PMVI (periodic motor vehicle ln^>eftlon) j^In « An Equal Opportunity Employer, M & F h oso hole'm the roof, with a steel cover an extra *90* for if, either. (Until they Eart Wilson pitched a strong wren Us game of the season toe fourth and raMed tor four game tor Boston in toe opener 3mur state. It’s the moet important phase of any safe-vehicle that craitkt open to give you ^ square ; tok^ o^r Sunroof out on the road. And ‘ Y A N K E E ' pgatoA three setbadts. He hrtd more after two were oto at Cfaioago, but It wasn’t good, (he GiaUs to five Wts. seventh: * toe program. « p M her upJ NEW secoNO sHmr premium twbt t i d y . eoouRh against Busbardt^ spai-t The Giants wen toe opener 6- The opener wr> m m i - R e p r i n t e d FROM MOTORAGE Pratt & WARMiUP TIME ^ p lp y e e s working on the second shift at Wins i hefabal the pitching of Dick tUrd inning t ^ EDITORS COMENT—By JOHN KUSHNERICK 1ED TRUDON. hie. Wilaon suffored hie tUid k w ' Sphtto , who Is now Pttts- port’e M i our East Hartford and Southington plants will W h itn e y PRECEDING YANKEE BALLGAMES by surrendering a run to the fieU led 24) goin^ into toe sev- two runs. » was M i ^ This Ad SpiHisored By receive an increase^ ^hift premium equal to SeELaND TURNPIKE—TALCOITVILLE mvento. Tom M oOaw opened ento hsiing when Tony Torebia Lefthander Terry X0% o f their hourly biase rat*. fi ire raft WINF- 1230 ON YOUR DIAL with a walk and waa torown out tied R 19 with his fourth hmner with strwur reit^ i , . i ^ itol.’ INDEPENDENT ARA6 ES ORGANIZATION $un*omtm trying for third on a F to ^ Rob- of the season. The Giants sooted (ON THE CORNER OP McKEE STREET) The final game at Washington threo tfaneo after that. we eeaaoit \

' > w' j/-1 f ■ irh I j . I


Help Wanted— Boats and Aecesaorlea I f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 81, 1 ^ Millinery, Dressmaking 19 Schools and Classes 33 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Help Wanted—^Male 36 Male or Fmale 37 PAGE SIXTEEN Building— Contracting 14 PART-TIME hapdyman, mom- PAIR OF combtaatiOTi Water M otocycles— Bicycles 11 dkis, $16. 6 galkta gaa tatac fo r s o n WANT that created for you look tags 8- 12, steady Job, good WAITRESS and WAITER need "ftrr^VT- •iSwTONHTsMrra & - L m BO DRAGGEP o u t h is COURTSHIP FOR SOTMB/HDRTEO COMPIWW-AMO ABOUT 3 1960 or 1906 Ehdnrude m otor, 1966 VESPA MOTOR scooter, Remodeling, repairing, addl- ta your wedding gown and EARN UP TO $225 working condition. Call morn­ ed, part-time. OaU Bolton Lake ■ r / trousseau? C all 742-7118. A WEEK DRIVING «ARS>IE JUST COMMY MARE UP HIS MlMD- BIEElfe later she RUHS IMTO HER ■‘TMIHHER" ! ings lo r appointment, 649-0072. Hotel, 643-9781. $6 . 3 fife saver euBbhms, $5. Austra Blue, very good oonai- ^tus. rec rooms, gamge^ Chll 643-8082. tior, extras, asking $299. Call . 4 CLASSIFIED poKJies and rooj ng- Job CUSTOM MADE slipcovers and THE BIG RIGS HAIRDRESSERS — wttb pr LIMBO, ME HOUIjOMOJ IT O L D V O U I HtSlA.FRETTAfMEET , TEE 043-1649. too small. Call 649-3144. draperies, (s^ds or stripes) without ’experience. Full or 16’ FEN YAN — Jobnaon 86 h.p. JOBS WAITING TOMAWr/MEOR PONT WANNA RUSH hWWlPE.MAGUETTErj HEE- budget tenns'. Call Miss Rob­ BUILDING partJtime. Top salary. 643-2093 electric starting, trailer, taony remodeling serv- AREMTlfOU? VIE. iMTOIT.FREnAf WE GOT MARRIED WE erts, 742-9141, a fter 6 p.m . o r evenings. 643-8880. extras, $T60. C ^ , 646-3869. ADVERTISING 1966 S-90 HONDA,, like n^w, Ice. Roofing, siding, Train Now—^Pay Later JUST CANT GO FVOU WANNA LAST WEEK.- .EIOPEOL 2,000 mUes, $3TO. OaU 649-4066. rec rooms, concrete work, cab­ OH THIS WM CALLirquns, ‘ JET ENGINES PHARMACIST—Wanted, male inet and ««"ter w or^ce«. ------^ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Moving—^Traddng— If you can pass a physical ORMBV ME or female. Good hours, good CHRLS 24” B^iloan Tire Mcydl*, 8 AJW. to 5 P.M. Business Services mlc tile, floor His. Call M- Storage t 20 and need a steady Job year IS pay. A pply at Ptae Pharm acy, $10. t o ft 649-4686. O f fe r e d 1 3 2349 for free esHmates.______’round, here is your oppor­ 664 Center St.______8’ SAILING imam, dacron tnito, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. MANCHESTER Delivery. Light tunity of a lifetime to en­ PERSON FOR aiORT order complete wtth oairs, ousfalon, MONDAY Thin FRIDAY 10:S0 AJO- — SATURDAY • ANL LAND W .m aR TNQ. tree r » CARPENTRY - trucking and package delivery. ter the trucking Industry INTERESTING Mid chain saw work, anything _from _«^to^W Refrigerators, washers and NOW. QUALITY TRAIN­ work, daily 11 ;S0 —2, som e ex ­ anchor, fiberglas seam s, $276. m oval, ^ d e and out, no subSUtute for 649^3n. A. Michaud, 742-8098. stove movtag specialty. Folding ING, the largest company perience preferred. Will train. qual.ty work, saHafaction guai- PLEASE READ YOUR AD chairs fo r rent. 649-0762. approved school ta the east WORK * . . Apply ta person Jane Alden S A IL BOAT—(, 12*, one STEPS, sidewalks, stone waili, Mteed, compeUHve prlwa. no ne^s 250 men to be trained ClaMlfled or "Want Ada” are taken over the phene m » Rekaurant, Tri-Clty Plaza, sal!, very stable, $260. Call 643- fireplaces, flagstone terracsa. for local and long distance And at P&WA convtalenoe. The advertlaer ahonld read hla ad the FIROT lob too small. D * ® Vernon Circle. 6669 or Windeor Lodes, 6084818. DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time lor the AH concrete repairs. Reasott- try, days 643-1904, even in g! *49- Painting— Papering 21 driving. Train with the best next Inaertlon. The Herald is responsible for only ONE hico^ able prices. 64S-0851. on both Diesel and gas It pays well, too <■ /' * rect or omitted insertion for any advertiaeinent and then on^ 8880. ^______INTERIOR and exterior paint- ^ , trucks. Phone 1-249-7771 tag, wallpaper removed, fully' V Situations Wanted— Sjj* * '' to the extent of a "make Hood” Insertion. Errors which do_not SHARPENING Sendee — Saws, j^j^rnONS —remodeling, g®- anytim e. Manufacturing, inspecting, Diamonds—Watchc tasureA Rene Belanger, 643- Female 38 m m lessen the value of the advartiaemeat will not ha oorrected by knives, axes, shears, skates, ■^es, rec rooms, bathrooms assembling and testing the J e W id r j 48 0612 or 644-0804. JOE KAY AM BOB DIXON "make cood” insertion. rotary blades. Quick service, Hied, kitchens rem odel^ toll world's’ finest aircraft en­ h i k e S in X IV A M JIM MacVARISH WATCH AND JEWELRY ro- ftoelcvUI* M andieM er topitol Equlpmen- Co., 38 Ixson C ieaynskl, Builder, 649- gines is not "run-of-the- goatb WlndMT EUinCtoa JOSEPH P. Lewis custom paint­ TRACTOR-TRAILER QUICK sendee — Ironing done pairing. Prompt service. Up to Main St, Manchester. Hours mlH” work. It is challeng­ (Boekvllle, TbO Free) 4291. ing, interior and exterior, pa- in m y hom e. 649-3063. 820 o o your old w atch to dally 7-6. Thursday 7-®, Satur­ JOBS WAITING ing and demands the best perhangtag, wallpaper re­ trade. Closed Mondays. F. B. day 7-4. 643-7068. efforts of competent people 643-2711 875-3136 Special Servlcea 15 moved. Wallpaper books on re­ B ray, 787 Mata Stroet, Btato with backgrounds in a Dogs—Krds—Pets 41 typewriters — standard quest. Fully Insured. Free es­ EARN $200. PER W EEK S-31 Theater Building. wide variety of skills. The and electric. Repaired, over­ STATE’ PAVING tim ates. Call 649-9658. DACHSHUND Ptqipiea AKC, Schoolboys in Home Stretch AN D m O H H R CIMt hf mitl f—l*. t*i8„ l». work is interesting . . . reedy to go. Also Wdmaraners, hauled, rented. Adding ma* and at Pratt & Whitney Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? chines rented and repaired. Driveways, grading, r^dearoM TRAIN NOW — PAY LATER health assured. Also mixed Florists—Nurseries 49 a two-game win irtreak after L ft L Painting contractors, 649- Aircraft tt pays well. There <5i+fino- W k awhitinir * » ^ Friday, concluded Ita Thursday afternoon In W ethw Pickup and delivery service, commercial, industrial W ork breed puppies six straight defeats. The Ran­ 6066, Glaatonbury, 633-1721. are hundreds of excellent JAPANESE YEWS—9 and 10 Sitting back awauing ^ record, and field, aU OCIL ouHngs. One 24-Hour Answering Service Yale Typewriter Service,'649- guaranteed. Many years experl- TRAIN IN YOUR AREA Help Wanted—Fwnale 35 Help Wanted-s-Male 36 Help Wanted—.Male 36 628-6873. post-season tournament de- jg praoHcaily assured of a spot game with Hall, postponed ear- gers travel to Bolton (4-11) Wed­ jobs available right now at years old, $2 and $3, dig your ^ggg, ence, free estimates, i n s i d e and outside patattag. nesday and P rin ce Tech in PART-TIME APPLICATIONS are being ac­ FLOOR manager wanted for PRESS OPERATORS rh-att & Whitney Aircraft. BASSETT Hound puppies, AKC own. 179 Fern St. CaU 643- velopments is East Catho- in the coming Oass B state Her, may be played next week. Free to Herald Readers You name your own price. Hartford Friday. BoHon was RENTALS—Power roller, chain 232-5341 cepted for the position of li­ Arthur Drug. Interesting work For you, one of them may registered, sired ^ interna­ 7278. iiV Wierh’B haBoball team Tournament which starts Satur- Rockville High (7-7) traveled Special rates for homeOwnere FORK LIFT OPERATORS lie High 8 baseball tMra ^ ^ amiounced. to CMaetonbury High today and scheduled at East Granby to­ Want tnformatloa on one of ear elaaaUled adveitleeraeatif saws, trail roller and aerator, Earn while you leam. brary assistant, salary com- and good salary with benefits. be the beginning of a chal­ tional champion, for show or day. No answer at the telephone listed? Btm^y call tfea 66 «nr over. 649-7868, 876-S40L Learn an ail makes and mensmate with education and Apply ta person, Mr. Bernstein PACKERS lenging and high-paying while all other area clubs Meanwhile, etruggWng Men- then meets arch-rival Ellington lawn vac. rotoHllers. Also sales R o o fin g — pet, all oolorB, reasonaU e, 8100. Garden—Farm— Dairy Coventry (12-4), also tourney- SidiiiS 16 experience, toll or write Board or Mr. Gasper, 942 Main St., career. m p v e in to what will b e the cheater High, with a 3-9 record. High (6-9-1) in Elllngtoh tomor­ and service on all lawn equip- 4^AINTINQ BY Dick Fontame, models of equipment until First Shift — 45 Hour Week CaU 643-2037. Products M lEiat week of play for the 1866 entertained Windham High of row afternoon. The latter nine bound, meets a tough one in EDWARDS menu Capitol Equipment, 38 r q o FING — Shingling, ^ interior and; exterior. Paper qualified fen" immediate of Education Office, Tolland, MMChester. schoolboy season. Willimantic this afternoon at was acUve today, hosting cham­ Middletown High in the Forest Main St., 643-7958. gutters, repoinUng chimneys. bunging and wan paper remov- employment. QUALITY Conn. 876-9682. EASTERN BOILER HUNDRBDS OF GOOD JOBS <^OOM3NG and boanllig ^ STRICTLY frerfi eggs for sale. City Wednesday. South Windsor EXPERIENCED carpenters 99 Loomis St., Manchester breeds. Harmony IBUs, H. C. East, which captured the Memorial Field, treks to Hall pion East Windsor. ANSWERING SERVICE 644-8670,■ 568-2676. aL' Dutch Boy and DuPont. TRAINING IS LICENSED NOW AVAILABLE IN: Nightcrawlers. TomaszewsM, (7-4) closed out today against ATTICS, cellars, garages ______reeded, paid holidays and va- ___ Chase, Hebron R d., BoKon. 643- Hartford County Conference H- High in West Hartford tomor- Slated for two starts Is Quality workmanship. Cali AND AOOREDITBD. ASK Box 363, South Rd., Batton, yards cleaned, trash hauled to q id v t b LL HOME Improvement ABOUT OUR IRON CLAD cation, insurance program. ASSISTANT OONTROLI.ER, lo- M ACHINING 6427. tie for the second straight sew- row aftenxxin and has a date toensy Tseb, riding Ihs crest of SuOfield High. eventagfs, 246-8598. UNUSUAL open daily. 649-6472. 6194500 - S75-2519 dump. Reasonable. Call 643' fjo, _ Roofing, siding, altera­ GUAiRANTEE. FVirbes, Inc. 649-5392. cal Industry. Send ’ resume to and leave yonr message. YonH bear from onr advertlaer In Box R, Herald indicating sal­ INSPEX7ITON AKC ^LACK pooAe, small mln- 58J9. tions," additions and lamodel- A SPRING SPECIAL — Paint­ Jig. time withont rpendlng ail evening at the teleiAone. ary range. AlRORAIiT ENGINE lature, female, 11 weeks old, Ing of aU types, ExceUent OPPORTUNITY . Household Goods 61 BARROS & HENRY—Concrete ing, $15. a room (walla and CaM Hartford 249-7771 anytime. WANTED — plumbers and M ECHANICS trained, $126. 649-8619. workmanship. 649-6495. cetangB) two room minimum. EXPERIENCED painters and fl(X)rs and steps. Free esti­ plum ber’ s helpers. 643-7675- SHEET ME'l'AL BLEX7TRIC refrigerator, 9 cubic Automobiles For Sale 4 Mansfldld 624-5774, 247-4766. WANTED —- good homes for two mates. Call 228-3546. A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, For responsible young young all around handy man. fe e t; electric range, 30” , $40. BENCH WORK cute tiger kittens. CaU 649- NEED CAR? Yoir credit turn­ siding, painting. Carpentry. Al­ woman who likes to meet Call 876-8073 weekdays 3—6 each. 643-6983. HERALD LAWNMOWERS — Sharpened TELEVISION TOOL ft DIE MAKING ed down? Short (Mi down pay­ terations and additions, toll- Floor Finishing 24 Help Wanted—^Female 35 people and who is wilting p.m . 6480, after 5 pro. ment? Bankrupt? Reposses­ and repaired, pick-up and to learn in interesting re­ AIRCRAFT ENGINE EVERY’im NO in zterUlzcd r»- tags. Workmanship guaran­ TECHNICIANS SECURITY OFFICER — man of TWO CUTE kittens would like sion? Don’t despair! See Hon­ delivery in Manchester area. piiOOR SANDING and refinlsh- WAITRESS wanted, part-time. tail field. Pleasant person­ conditioned used fuznltuz* and BOX LEH ERS teed. 299 Autumn S t 648-4880. good character to serve as uni­ TESTIN G good home, housebroken. FYee est Douglas. Inquire about low­ Russ’ Mower Service, 742-7607. tag (epeclalizing in older over 21. Three J’s Restaurant, ality and desire for perma­ General Ellectric requires appliances, high quality — tow formed security guard in Tal- EXPERIMENTAL 649-2625. est down, smallest payments floora). Waxing floors. Paint­ Route 6 ft 44A, Bolton. nent position are required. TV technicians in expand­ p rices. LeBlanc F u rn ltu n , 296 fcss F or Your cottville, third sihift, 4 nights M ACHININO anywhere. No small loan or fi­ RoofingandChim ncysie^ ing. Paperhanging. No Job too Salary above average for ing service department. Bouth Street, RookvUU. $76- 48 hour week. E xcellent oppor­ THREE adorable kittens, six ... Information nance company plan. Douglas ■maU. John Verfaille, 649-5760. the right person. Some re­ Top salaries, outstanding WELDING 2174. Open 9-8. yards, weekly or monthly pick­ tunity for advancem ent. CaU weeks old need a home, toll M otors, 333 Main. ROOFING — Specializing re­ tail and bookkeeping expe­ employe benefit program. up. Bolton, Manchester vicin­ CAiNFHIL FLOOR covering, 649-9751. THE HERALD will not pairing roofs (*f all kinds, new rience helpful but not nec­ Career opportunity, must 1-334-7367, collect fo r further in­ AIRCRARFT ity. HaroW Hoar, 649-40S4. 73 Birch St. Wall to wall car­ Country Club discloae the idenUty of VOLKSWAGENS — 1957 to roofs, gutter work, chimneys WOMEN essary. Write age, marital be high school graduate form ation. ENGINE BEST 12 — SATURDAY any advertiser using box 1964, $295. and up. Specializ­ cleaned, repaired. Aluminum peting, linoleum. Free esti­ 42 NOTICE SALES AND Service on Ariens, status, experience, refer­ with mechanical ability. CXXXKS — nights 4-12 p.m., good MECHANICS Live stock Bob Haynes 41-2—39, Stan M c­ letters. Readers answer­ ing in Volkswagen repairing. siding. 30 years’ exporience. mates . Expert installation. Needed for general factory ences and any other quali­ Hahn Eedipse, Jacobson lawn Experience helpful but wlU starting rate, many benefits. There are a number of QUARTER HORSE for sale and Farland 44-3—41; Low gross — ing blind box ads who Tim Moriarty Flying A Serv­ Free estimates. OtU Howleir, Can 643-1218 or 649-2985. fications to Box M, Man­ OFSALE desire to protect their mowers. Also Homehte chain work. Also qualified sewing train. Please call J. C. Mc­ Apply in person. Howard John­ openings ta Experimental Bob Haynes 67; Blind bogey — ice, 510 Hartford Rd., 643- chester Herald. saddle, $160. One W elch pony, HOUSrNG AUTHORITY OF Identity can follow this saws and International Cub 643-5361. 644-8338. FLOOR SANDING —specialist, machine trainees. Carthy, 289-6871. son Restaurant, 394 ToUand Bob McNamara 85. 6217. Testing and Assembly of rides and drives, saddle and THE TOWN OF procedure: Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ new or old floors. Make floors Tpke., Manchester. PRO SWEEPSTAKES Aircraft Engines. Prefer­ cart, $200. 742-6406. MANCHESTER 1965 MUSTANG 6, stick shift, ment and sharpening service look new again. Raym ac, 643- YOUNG MARRIED njan tater- ence will be given to appli­ Low gross — Ted Plodzik 76; Enclose your reply to the Heating and Plumbing 17 NEW HOUSING AUTHO(RnT 6,000 miles. Must sell $2,000. on aU makes. L & M Equip­ 6051 after 6. MANCHESTER MODES FANTASTIC opportunity for ested In permanent work in SALES TRAINEES cants with high school edu­ Low net — Bob Haynes 67-4— box In an envelope — right woman. Must have pleas- Articles For Sale 45 BONDS (SECOND ISSUE) Call 875-1818 after 6. ment Corp., Route 83. Vernon, BOTTI PLUMBING and heating w ood working shop. CaU 643- SUN OIL COMPANY cation and previous engln* 63. addressed to the Classi- 875-7609. Manchester Ex­ repairs, alterations, electric Bonds—Stocks— Pine St. tag personality and neat ap­ Sealed proposal# wiU be re- BEST 17 — SUNDAY fled Manager, Manchester 0881. experience or training. Mil­ 1964 COMET CALIBNTE ^ - change—Enterpriii 1945. and gas hot water heaters, free pearance, car and phone nec- (SUNOCO) celved by the Housing Author- Class A — Frank Kieman 70- Evening Herald, together M ortgages 27 itary aircraft engine train­ $15. Gravel,ravel, sand,Sana, fill, stone,sioae ^ ^ ^ Manchester vertible, excellent (KjndiUon, estim ates. CtU 043-1496. essary, one monrtng, four eve- HAND f MAN — mechanical jf you are aggressive, sales 6— 64, Dick Cronin 70-4—66, Jim with a memo listing the ing is particularly desir­ manure,a. white sand box and reasonable. Call 649-9334. LAVOIE BROTHERS —general SECOND MORTGAGE — Un­ nlngs weekly, minimum $128. cleanup of parking lots at shop- minded, and seeking career op- Horvath 69-3—66, Harry Ather­ companies you do NOT work, chain saw, lots cleaned, able. patia sand. 643-9504. want to see your letter. COMPLETE plumbing and limited funds available for sec - oommlssion or salary. Mrs. ping centers, odd jobs, good portunltleB tWs 1b the position tbority”), at Its office, 24 Blue- ton 73-7—66, Henry Rockw ell 73- CREDIT BY PHONE. Need a Your letter will be de- trees* removed, landscaping. heating service, complete new ond mortgages, payments to Clarke 247-6670. pay, fringe benefits. M r. R ob- fo r you. SCREENED LOAM for the best field Drive, In Manrfiestcr, Con- 7— 66; Class B - Rich Arm­ ca r? No cash needed, 100 car Completely insured. For free RN — 7-8 shift, part time. Lau­ TRAINING COURSES stroykl If the advertiser Is bathroom Installations and salt your budget. Expedient ertson, 649-8887. An equal op- W E O FFER : ta lawns and gardens. Dellv- necticut, until, and publicly strong 70-8—62, Joe Novak 72- selection. Ask for Mr. Brun­ estim ate (»11 742-7649, 875-8845 rel Manor. 649-4519. W ITH PA Y one you’ve mentioned. If bathroom remodeling, 30 years service. J. D. Realty, 643-5129. COOK FOR convalescent home. portunlty employeir. ered from our screentag jdant opened at, 12 o’clock noon. 10—62; Claas C — Don Ektwarda not It win be handled in ner, 289-8256, dealer. anytim e. in business. Earl VanCamp, HAIRDRESSER WANTEE). Ex- Call V enion Haven, 876-2077 or • Oompleite Tralndhg Program INTRODUCTORY TRAININa Also gravel, send and fill. (E.DB.T.) on June 16, 1966, for 84-19—66, M aurice Perry 82-16— the usual manner. Business Opportnnity 28 ASSISTANT manager trainee HAVING trouble selling your 649-4749. cellent working conditions, top 875-7660. • Starting Salary $500. per PROGRAMS George H. Grlffing, Inc. And- the purchase of $1,640,000 66; Low gross — Jim Horbath wanted by old reliable firm in M onth 80 hours of basic machine ca r? Call 643-0016, I have the HEDGES need trimming? Call salary and commission. Call over. 742-7886. bonds o f the L ocal A u th ority to 76, Ken (Jordon 76, Erwin Ken­ TOWNE PLUMBING Service- BAJBYSTTTER to Hve in for Manchester area. We need a • Automatic Pay Increases and related classroom in­ custom er you are l(X>king for. 643-2662. Bathrooms remodeled. Repairs, 649-7666. summer and act as mother’s ■ ------be known as “New Housing nedy 76; Blind bogey — Char­ Lost and Found man to be trained in certain • Company Benefits struction. CARPETS and, Mfe too can be Authority Bonds (Second Is- alterations, heating. 643-8979, lie Whelan 94. ANTIQUE — 1930 Buick, 28,000 helper. Call 233-3874. phases of management and in beautiful If you use Blue Lus- to aid ta fi- PRO SWEEPSTAKES IFOUiND — B lack m ale, G offs- 649-4056, after 6 p.m . ADVANCED TRAINING original miles, history known, Household Services. BUY sales. Experience is not nec- ^ have a coUege degree tre. Rent edeetiic rfiampooer „anclng Ite low-rent housing town. New Hampshire license WAITRESSES COUNTER CLERK for dry PROGRAMS Low gross — Ken Gordon 76, in excelleift condition. Must Offered 13-A essary if willing to learn. Must with some business experience $1. Olcott Variety Store. project Erwin Kennedy 76, Jim Hor­ 728. t o l l Bolton Dog Warden. ~Millinery, Dressmaking 19 deentag atore, full time, steady have neat appearance and Y®** qualify fOr this excellent Courses ranging from 22 sell. 643-4312. evenings. work. Apply One Hour Martln- vath, 76; Low net — Joe No­ 649-7601. REWBIAVINQ of burns, moth YOUR OWN BE A “JO(HNS6 n GIRL” good personality. This is a opportunity, weeks to 93 weeks in Ma­ GOODYEAR POWER cushion TTie bonds will be dated Oc- DRAPEIS, valances, etc. — Cus­ dzing, 299 West M iddle Tpke, new treads, any size, $10, un- tober 1, 1965, will mature seri- vak 77-10—67, R ich Arm strong L06T — Passbook No. E5793 1962 FORD, 406, 4-speed, tri- holes. Zippers repaired. Win You can earn $90 to $120 a week permanent position with ex- Write: chining, Sheet Metal, Tool, 76-6-68. power, good (XMidi'tlon, good tom made to your measure­ 649-1600. Die and Gage Making, Ma­ limitcd guarantee. Goodyear nHy on October 1 each year Savings Bank of Manchester. dow shades mtule to measure, SERVICE (40 hours) cellent advanced opportunities Sun Oil Company, NEWINGTON TOURNAMENT (Herald Photo by Oflara) rubber. $700. OaU 643-8642. ments, lined or unltaed. For chine Repair and Pipe shocks. $6.90. Cole’s Discount commencing October 1, 1967, Application made for payment. all sizes Venetian blinds. Key* CEJNTRAiL SERVICE aide. as well as salary, commission P.O. Box 71, further information call after and all employe benefits. If In­ M aking. Station, 461 West Center. 648- and ending October 1, 2006, and Monday TOURNAMENT WINNER—Leading all the way, ^ h n Kristdf (right) defeat­ made while you wait. Tape re­ Permanent year ’round work, High School graduate, mature East Hartford, Conn. Low gross — Ron Smith 33- LOST — Passbook No. E6260 1®59 FORD, 6 cylinder, stan But $$$ Winner Call 875-8951 or 643-5412 or Now hiring men for pre-cast —^Mgra. Range $8,000-$20,' 24 volum es, Call eventaga af­ 14—66, Earl Anderson 88-20—68; Lucl^ Lady Laundry, 43 Pur- running condition, automa­ formica, aluminum, vinyl, USED CARS Good Gallonage History recreational therapist at new TODAY! thorlty on any Interest payment Apply in Person plant. Finishing, reset, set 000 Plus ter 7, 643-5828. Mike SSbrinsz 83-16—68, Henry Tom Flaherty of Manchester neU Place, Meinchester. tic transmission, dependable steel, ceramo siding. William Inatiitution. 646-0129. up forms. Opportunity for date on and after fifteen yean Baseball Att^dance High Traffic Flow • SECURITY N E W 2nd SIHIFT PREIMJIUM Rockw ell 76-7—68, Bob McGur- drove hla Kelly green Alfa, to- transportation, $150. t o l l 649- Bobbins Carpentry Service, Top Prices Paid advancement. HALN — Ecllpee 20” rochet from their date at a redemption ELECTROLUX vacuum clesm- —30 Yrs. Busiress Success Employees working on the sec- kin 74-6-68, Dan Ready 76-7— meo to best-race-of-the-day 0040. 649-3446. For All Makes HOWARD JOHNSONS reel mower, in excellent condl- price of par and accrued tater- ers, sales and servlM, bonded For further information call Help Wanted—^Male 36 Wlthout Interruption ond shift at our East Hartfoid 68, Jack M cNichol 81-13—68, honors at ’Thompson Raceway tlon, $160 new, will sell for $60. est to the date of redemption representative. Alfred AmeU, 1962 MERCURY commuter, 6 RT. 30, VERNON ALLIED CASTING CORP. SELF-EM PLOYM ENT apd Sou’tJMngton plants wMl re- Hippo Correnti 76-6—69. H iere Sunday. Flaherty finished sec- CARPENTRY—32 years expe­ FURNITURE salesman — part 049-3967 after 6 p.m . plus a prem ium o f 4% o f their Shows Slight Decline 110 Bryan D r., M anchester. 644- passenger wagon, all power CARTER CHEVROLET 646-0124 Mr. Keith —Without of Uncer- cedve an increased Shift preml- were 104 entries. —/ ond to John Cousland’s Volvo rience, complete remodeling, or full-time. Apply Marlow’s, par value if redeemed on or be- Nearest to pin on No. 18— 8141. equipment, air conditioned, 40,- additions, rec rooms, concrete C O .. IN C . tainty and Heavy Invest- urn equal bo ten per cent of FOR BETTER deeming, to keep ^ twenty years from their NEW YORK (AP)— S^en National League games p -moo but track judges voted ______^ 867 Main St. Richy Armstrong, seven feet, 000 miles, one owner. Excellent work ami garages. References 1229 Main St. SUN OIL 3-11 AND 11-7, Nurses aide, m ent their hourly base rate. colors gleaming, use Blue Lus- declining ta premium drew only 568 fans le^ than nine American League his driving best. He won the- typewriters and adding appearance and conditloir. Call full-time and part-time. Laurel EXPERIENCED Janitors want- EXPERIENCED TRACTOR and • UNLEMITBD GROW TH one inch. machines for lease. Yale ’Type­ given, free estimates. Call 643- Phone 649-523S tre carpet cleans, ^nt rfec- specified intervals thereafr LADIES BEST 12 games on Monday’s >Temorial Day baseball schedule. $5o prize for ws efforts by out 876-7320. 2629. Manor, 649-4519. « d m ornings. CaU 649-5384. equipment mechanic,., top hour­ —25 New Shops 1966 — 200 Visit the Employment Office trie shampooer $1. The Sher- poUtag nine other nominees se­ w riter Service, 649-4986. COMPANY by 1970 at 400 Main Street, East Hart- Low net — Florence Barre, The NL schedule, twydouble------; ' Qmeral Cleaning Services, Inc. ly rate with guaranteed ov ^ win-WiUlams Oo. ______proposals for the pur- 66-8—42, Julie Faulknet- 57-10— headfrs and three ntaftt gam ee, 449 fo r seven N nstlonal League lected in the Other sevftn races. 1956 PONTIAC — 4-door, hard­ 568-3400 WANTED — Experienced hair­ time, uniforms, paid vacations, QUALIPIED CANDIDATEIS ford, Connecticut. This was Flaherty’s first out- ESLIGER LIMOUSINE Service, top, excellent condition, 4-new dresser, part-time. Replies con­ PEERLESS DEEti>WESjL % h.p. chase of said bonds shall be 47; Low g7X>ss — Jan Leonard attracted 128,062 faps while four fiulpment Oo, 89 Sul­ to 6 p.m. 'Tues., Wed. * Thurs. gam e litftha-’A L drew 128,630. year ago, but the wagering was tending with the Volvos Cous- JOE'S Need not possess food-serv­ of such form of proposals and MIXED FOUBBALL CADILLAC 1959, fully jxw ered , PART-TIME part-time and flexible hours. ^ th e and Milling Hands livan Ave. South W indsor, 289- eves, till 8 p.m. Saturdays — TAKE SOIL away the Bhie L«a- taformatlon ’The m a^rJeague total was 266,- rirtuS? the same at the na- George LeiW ^ahe^ ice experience. concerning the Don Piper, A1 Ayers. Ruth Personals alr-cxwiditioned, excellent con­ C d l 644-0202. 9406. 8 a.m. to 12 noon. 692 compwed with a total of 267 tlon’s tiwroughbred race tracks ty did manage to get into first ______PAYING CO. COUNTER MEN Or W rite Hardinge Chucker SALARY to $6,500 In training: tre way from carpeU and up- bonds may be obtained from Willey, E\'elyn ■ Lorentzen 63, dition, ca ll 876-5086. hoteteiy. Rent electric sham- o,e Local Authority at the ad- 794 la^year. Memorial Day. position on the ninth lap of the PASSENGERS WANTED from Few Evenings WOMAN WANTED full - time Performance raises — health SKILLED WORKERS Ted Plodzik, Joe Barre, Helen Driveways - Parking 1 Operator pooer $1. Paul’s Paint ft WaU- aper Supply. is reserved to reject any and LADIES FOURBALL 882j2 — saw the doubleheeder be- duot and the 87,167 at HoUywood 468,707 in Monday but on lap four in • FREE ESTIMATES h e l p wanted on Jewelry count­ If available, bring your mili­ 16' PENN "YANN, 40 h.p. Mer- sas City for a night game be- 1965. Their betting aggregated turn 10 he and Bill Bartlett col St. 643-2566. ., hirdtop, red, 8 cylinder, pow­ PUBLIC HEARING EMPLOYMENT MANAGER By Leon W. Enderlin, Helen Ayers, Lucille O^Tvey, E -Z TERMS MEATOWN METRONICS, INC. NEWSPAPER tary discharge papers (DD- cury motor. Gator Trailer, tween Detroit and the Athletica." 830,764,768. down only $32,835 tided and spun off course. Fla­ er steering, power brakes, ADDITIONAL er, 1-5, 6 days. Apply King’s FRIENDLY ICE CREAM S ecretary Eileen Plodzik 68. • 1215'/: Sliver Lane^ 214), birth certificate and »o- $700. 649-5142. T.a^i year’a total included 148,- from Mult year’s 830,797,603. herty did restart but finished Automobiles For Sale 4 (Kinsoie, excellent cohdiiUon. iPhone 644-8213^ I APPROPRIATIONS D^artment Store, Manchester 640 HHiLCLARD ST., Rear OORP. baok in the pack.. 649-9045 aftor 5 p.m . East Hartford, fVinn- BOARD OF DIRECTORS CIRCULATION N. WILBRAHAM, MAS?. 01067 rial security card when you Saturday’s Four Ball Tour­ 1962 CATALINA —m aroon, 4- p i l g r i m MILLS opening bar- The Memorial Day weekend TOWN OP MANCHESTER. OR: visit our office. nament was postponed until door hardtop convertible, ex- at ’Thompson also saw Bob Full­ 1965 VOIACSWAGBN — Excel- CONNECTICUT gain basemmt Full MECHANIC for truck fleet. Contact our store manager In next Saturday, Ralph DeNioola, ceilemt (xindition. Cali 643-9508 ient condition, owner must m U. girls needed. Hours can be ar­ er’s newly established record of Notice Is hereby given that marked, responsible, experi- HELD Manchester, Tel. 649-7738 after assistant pro, reporteiL VConn Ousted in Playoffs^ 5 —9 p.m . Cali 875t8423- a fter 5. ranged. Apply PUgrim Mills, 2 p.m. dally for interview ap­ 1:83.6 broken by Don Morin of TOWN OF MANCHESTER the Board of Dlroctoh, Town ence(l, plenty of hours, year The nation’s oldest and 177 Hartford Rd. Oi>en 10 a.m . pointm ent. PRATT &. Attleboro, Mass. Morin turned 1960 CHEVROLET Impala con------ANNOUNCES of Manchester, Connecticut, around, some outside work. 648- New England’s fastest EllingtoD Ridge ta the' fantastic time of 1;31.6 win hold a Public Hearing ta —0 p.m . 2414. WIDE CHOICE Crothers Greenwich King verUbie, white, 8 cylinder, AotS'Accessories— ^Tires 6 growing newspaper has an . TWO-BAIX EVENT to win Sunday’s Formula race power steering, power brakes, ------th« Municipal Building Hearing DURHAM, N.H. (AP)—Mas- Dobrotz of MiddlefieW was third WINDOW (XBANER — part or opportunity for a nvm to WHITNEY SoBday with his Repco-Brabham. excellent condition. Call 643- 1962 OLDSMOBILE engine, low COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIOHS Room, 41 Center Street, Man- work as a Newspaperisoy DEAN MACHINE tiow net. E. Murphy-R. Hartmann aachusetts will represent the ta 36:12.« full-time'. General Services, 46 •6, S. MarkowBki-Dr. L. Oierandofl __. i - » i,. 3152. mileage, ^.est offer. Call after diMter, Connecticut, Tuesday, Supervisor ta its Manches­ 66, w, Finnegan-R. Kan* 67. J. Yankee Conference In the Na- The schoolboy division was FOR NOTICE Oak St. 649-5384. PRODUCE’S 4 :30 649-0608 ask for Joe. Jtme 7, 1966, at 8:00 p.m. on AIRCRAFT UcMeeldm-S. Keith 67, S. Davia-R. tional OoUegtate Athletic Aeeo- won by Gary Burfoot of Fitch, RBPQSSESSION; take over PUBLIC HEARING ter branch office. Bednarik Signs pro|>os^ additional appropria­ 165 Adams St., M8|nchester Division of UnitSd Aircraft FOR MEN elation basebaa tournament. Groton, in 86:67. payments, no CMh needed with Man must have a desire to Trailers— MANCHESTER POLICE DEPARTMENT tions as follows; ADDITIONAL Corp., East Hartford, Conn. ^ ' ' BEST NINE having defeated Connecticut 8-8 PHRADELPHIA (AP) — average credit. 1963 Chevrolot work with boys. The work Class A P. Lingua 31-3—29, T. „ Chuck Bednarik, one of the out- Mobile Homes 6*A To: General Fund Budget APPROPRIATIONS PARAGON TOOL Co. Inc. Has Immediate openings for the other Connecticut plants ta W oi« 33-3—30. J. CJordon 31-1—30. Sunday ta a p la y o ff. CBARUE WINS AGAIN Im p a ia ,: 1966 Ford Mustang, entails the directing of We have a wide choice of jobs for men . . . all of W. Olekidnskl 33-3—30; Class B. L. rvinnsoticut had beaten Maine atandtag tinebatball League history until C!all 289-8264, ask fo r Graham eia, at low cost, older models, HAS OPENINGS FOR other victory for old Charlie In relation to allot^nt for TOWN OF icing and selling of Hert­ An Equal Opportunity first shift (8 A.M. to 4:30 PJM.). croas, J. Gan-y 74. P. ' ‘----- hia retirement ta 1962, has been Holm es. $300-$450. 643-2414. SALARY RANGE $5,824 . $6,824 ford Oourant subscribers. Turret Lathe Operators—nlghta lOckc)here—^L, ' “ ------V » - 79^H on- the University of New HamiK ^oy. the current year" imder MANCHESTER, F5rst Class Bridgeport Eknployer, M ft F npn 97-18—79.-79/E. B. HeemHeeUi 840—T9;j. 84-6—79 shdre. amre. ’Ihe The threemree teamsteams hadnaa tieduoa ii.vear.old celdiiw rid- signed as a special representa­ CONNECTICUT tive by the Philadelphia Slagles. $6,224 after 1 year; $6,524 after 2nd year; $6324 after S yean Title n of Public Law No. Operators If you have the above resi­ Hardinge Operators—nights Work in a clean, modem plant. . . wjth good fringe Goldbeix—79. A. Grotoeer90-U-79. 89-10—79, A Hilinafci D. Mios-7941 “le venkeeYankee Conference uonzerence title uue . jjy 6S.year-old ,V Armando ^ N otice la hereby given that CREDIT MANAGER position 89-10, to be financed by an dence qualifications, have a ler _94-i!^79, F. jfeuTant_ 79^ 79. with 7-3 recorda, rarciiig the jiairtiaez, romped to a five Ed Snider, Ehigles’ vice presi­ the Board of Directors, 'Town First Class Lathe Operators open due to retirement. A man ^nefits ... at a progressive, Ipoal, elpctric appliance A. Uansberg’ loi-26—^79, W. Kutanly dent, ta announcing the move, ADDITIONAL BENEFITS INCLUDE; Forty-boor week. tacreaae in the estimated good driving record (we Tool Makers & Mariilnists •— 86-10—75. G. Kelly 85-10—76. piayoH." length triumph ta the fifth race with a proven record wanted manufacturer. said Bednarik will represent the Eleven Paid Holidays, Two weeks vacation. 3 weeks vacation tacome Public Law No. 89- of Mrochester Horizontal Milling Machine fumirii an automobile) and days and nights scored the at Suffolk Downs Setturday, will hold a Public Hearing ta by a leading and experienced i , Class a*m“ j” h^ . ^ Massachusetts dub ta the promotional field after five years. Paid Sick Leave, Uniforms famished. Paid 10, $26,943.53. Operators are a high school graduate, 84. Mrs. B. WolH 40-6—34: Class B. winning run with two outs ta posting the 5Srd victory over the Municipal Building Hearing Surface Grinder—days firm In a small but growing and will be available for ap­ Accident and Health and Group Life Policy, Social Secniitv To: General Fund Budget con tact Mr*. B. Vandervoort 42-9—33: Class the ninth inning on a single by his csireer. Charlie Boy reward- coverage. Membership In Town Retirement System. Paid ta- Room, 41 Center Street, Man- Man for Burring and Polishing Industry. Located east of riv­ From These! C. Mrs. D. KeUy 48-11—37, Mrs. E. pearances and speaking engage­ 1965/66, Board of Educa­ Production Milling Operators— Choose Terry Swanson. •d tiackers in the crowd o f 17,' dlidd^ Em^oye’s ^ Cross and Major Medical Insnranoe Chester, Connecticut, Tuesday, J. HAJdMOND. MANAGfe er. Fringe' benefits. Write Box Chaine 47-10—37. ments. tion ...... $5,203.66 D ^iartm ent days and nights Monday UConn, which finished the sea­ 8M a payoff of $12.40 to win. tw o-m r^ of CMS. Employes are also covered June 7, 1966, at 8:00 p.m. on W, Manchester Herald. • Appliance Packers # Blender AssenUeit FLAG TOIRNEV Workmen’s Compensation Act and LlabiUty provisiona of var- In relation to the non-pub­ liberal" overtime, fringe bene­ Low KToe*. J- Garvey 73, T. son with a 12-6 record, stranded Big Judge ($22.40) atonned to proposed additional appropria­ Tool Crib Attendant — Expe­ loos Town insoranoe policies. lic school allotment for the fits, pleasant wwktag oondi- THE PART-TIME man presently em­ Wolff. J. G a r V y, J. Sweeney, 14 baserunnera. during the gams. a six Isngth victory in the fea­ HOCKEY 'PAIRINGS tion as follows: rienced with all ahep tools. # Eteclric Knife Assemblers L. Yoeha; longest drives- .current school year under Uons. J. Garvy, 280, J. Sweeney. 365: tured $6,000 Gevemor’s Purse. To: Capital Improvement HARTFtiRD COURANT ployed to work In local, retail "llLLERICA, Mass. (AP) — A Title n of Public Law No. Inspector — Experienced with Closest to pin, G. Knapp, 14 ft.. 10 A total o f $1,293,906 was w a­ FOR APPLICATIONS - JOB DESCRIPTION AND Recerve Fund for 1^6/ Store evenings. Call 643-ffl33. • Machine Operators # Machine Setup ktoi in., E. Dsnnon, 19 fL 11 In.: fewest round robin paring has been set 89-10, to be financed by an Hartford Courant Office set-ups and production parts, putts, 8. Hillnski. Murptiy. Li GREENWICH (AP) — Ray gered on the 10-race card, INFORMATION — APPLY TO 1967 fiscal year ...$80,000 for the Natioinol American Hock­ Increase In the estim ated A pply In Person 808 Main Street days Vosha. J. Sweeney; Klckcr*-J.Swee- Crothers, a slim, red-^afred 20- IxMMting Suffolk's average ban- to be financed from unap­ • Crib Attendants ney _78-7— E.^Mu^^^ii^L year-old who runs for the Cen- ey Association Junior Champion­ OFFICE — Municipal BnUdlng, Maaoberter, Incoine PUbllc Law No. 89- 259 Adams 8t, Manchester Manchester L. Yosha S3-U—71: H. Sirota 93-18 . dle lo $863.3 33 for the first 17 ships this weekend at the Mer- JO, $5,203.66. propriated revenues. —74s P. Grooisert 83*-74: W. t|al OonnecUout Stats OoHege d i ^ Robert M. Stone, Kuhnljr 84dO-74; J. GoUberg 85-U Athletic AsaociaUon, captured limac Valley Fonun. 1 Robert M. Stone, aPPORTUNTTY for advance­ lExpcriencMl Pfdnttn POUCE _ PoHee Headquarten. hUncheater, S ecretary Secretary ' ■ ____ ' the aeoonl annual five-mil* The opening round Saturday WANTED — part-time kitchen ment for (he right man wtth WANTED IONA NANUFAGTURING COMPANY WOMEN: H A G TOOBNET ^Soard o f D irectors Board of Directors EXPERIENCED carpenter — . lira X Harrigsn, Mrs J. Boadt- Memorial Day road race Mon- nbyd Ltttle led Um Syraoua® piU Rochester, N. Y., help. Must have driver’s U- electrical wholesaling firm. ■ REGENT STREET — MANCHESTER to. lln . E. Blllivfci; kMuwat drive., Manchester, Conn. Manchester, Conn. immediate eipirioyment, steady eleven ecoiini^ with 114 e^elnst Merblchead, Mess., the LAST DATE FOB FILINO APPUCA'nONS coise. Apply In person Charter M(ist have driver’s license. Ap­ WILLIS SCHUL1Z Mra J. Harrimn. 190 ft.. Mr*. B, t ------„ Dated at Manchester, Con- Dated at Manchester, Con- emitioyment, paid holidays and **Aa equal opportunity employer* CheJM, d0M«t to pin. Mr*. & Crother*’ time waa »:16.A potata last eeasita. He also .led winner of last week’s New Eng- Oak Restaurant, 120 (Jbarter ply Economy EJectric Supply, AppUeattons mnst be postmarked or on file at the fMHea *f nn^rnt ~«th"dav of May neCticut, this 27th day of May vacation, tasyance program. PliOM 649-4343 ftffew«2t’ Mra. Finishing secSod was Tbomss the Oran^ In rushing, pass re- land Junior AHA toatapionship, 1966. J- 'A. M<||DaTth y , Ino. 640-6391. Oak St. 86-88 Oak St. 649-1619. vw ft; .Meker*,. J. R o a d R o ^ Osteraf o f t i » S ou tben Jersey oetvliig and ta punt and M(

\ > I PAGE NINETEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 81, 1966 j MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCH^TER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1966 PAGE EIGHTEEN 7 2 Houses For Sale 72 ------—^ —:------Business Property Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 __ ___ Houses For Sale Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Lots For Sale 7S Suburban For Sale 75 y e r n O fl ConsUtent Luck Apartments— Flats— WASHINGTOM ST.— « 6 roOTtis, attached VB«NON — 7)4 room Tenements 68 For Sale______W TWO-FAMELY f l a t with a Wg LAKEWOOD c i r c l e North — RANCH large home, with colonial charm, MAMOHESTER—One owner, 6 CUSTOM BUILT 8 room home, A REDSIDBamAL lot. a t y wa­ Bad luck was followed by 2-car garage located,,on Wood- An immaculate Ranch ideal for gfarage, stone front, large wainscoted kitchen, pan­ room Raised Ranch with h'eat- 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, breeze­ ter, only $2,800. Pasek Real­ Ranch, 3 years old, hajf acre f o u r r o o m newly decowted MAIN ST. — desirable comer wooded lot, only $lt,900. Cher- bad luck for an Elast Hart­ a small family. Three bed­ try - laundry room, cheerful ed family room, ■ family sized way, 2-car garage, wooded, ty, 269-7475 or 649-e002i corner lot, well- landscaped, Sykes Wins Spelling Match apartment, heat, hot water, location, has S tenants, lot size bridge St. Five rooms down, ford motorist eoriy this CLASSIFIED rooms, gobd living room, for­ Bon Real Estate, 643-06M. living and dining room, bay kitchen with built-in oven and low 20’s. Hutchins Agency, finished fee room, close to 140 X 160, all utilities, on bus six up. Both units vacant. Sep­ morning. parking, central," . built-in oven------and -ranve.range, elu­alu­ Ranch, BMreplace, cafpeting. third prizes for the school. Mar­ tion room, landscaped yard, buy now and choose your own rooms, 1V4 baths, large living Bufetile with pride of own- 6 room fireplaced Garrison Co- LAKE CHAFFEE — Waterfropt Teachers will be available in FOUR ROOM apartment, heat, interior and exterior decora­ baths, jalousied glassed • in minum combinations. Ideal In­ lonial. Open staircase, 1)4 full cellar, $12,200. P a^k Real­ jorie Farge earned nine points MaHon E. Robertson, Realtor, room, built-in oven and range, erslhip. $19,500. Mr. Lewis, lot, $2,500. Hanley Agency, 643- thedr rooms at 7:30 for meet­ stove refrigerator, very con­ ting, big wooded lot. Selling porch, 2 car garage, Marion law arrangement. Built in baths, garage, porch, beautiful ty,, 280-7475 or 643-4206. and one 'second, one third, and ings with parents. Refresh-, 648-5063. 100x200’ lot, $19,500. Warren B. 649-5306. 0030. Conriniwd From Precodin^; Pago venient location. Available im­ for $23,500. T. J. Crockett, E. Robertson, Realtor, 643-5953 1958, $20,500. Wolverton Agen­ park-like lot. Leonard Agency, ______two fifth place awards. ments will be served after the Heads MAHRC Vernon Howland, Realtor, 643-1108. TWO cottages on lake In Croy- LAKEVffiW TEWIACT:\CE; Year R'unner-up iq-Friday’s contest mediately, $110 monthly. 643- NEW TWO family flat — 6-B, Realtor, 643-1577. cy, Realtors, 649-2813. B & W Realtors, 646-0469. program. Household Goods 51 Apartments—Flat®— MANCHESTER s - SpoUess 3- don. New Hampshire, approxi­ round four* room Vhouse, . en­ Somers/ with 15 points, and Alfred Pariseau of 327 W. Cen­ 6 3 2566. Bowers school area, large MANCHESTER — Spacious cus------_ ,, . * Suburban Women Tenements bedroom Ranch, paneled fam­ BARROWS & WALLACE o v e r s iz e c a p e — rooms, closed porch, hot-water heat. ter St. recently was elected CLEAN. USED refrigerators, _ kitchen, 22’ living room, S“p- DUTCH COLONIAL — consist- tom bum S>A room Ranch, pic- MANCHESTER - shed dor- 7 mately $500 income for season. Coventry, last year’s winner, The Suburban Women’s Club Rec Notes ily room, built-ins, full base­ Manchester E’arkade 2 full baths, finished basement, Private beach. 742-7056. president of the Manchester As­ ranges, automatle washers THE JENSEN Apartments, 93- arate furnaces, city utilities. ing of 7 rooms, and 1% baths. ture book kitchen, 13 x 21 llv- mer makes this 7 room Cape CaiU 649-3741. was, third with W r points. EH- will hold an executive board ment, aluminum storms, ga­ Manchester 649-5306 Assumption Parish, principals sociation for the Help of Re­ The Vertion Dtisty Softball wlth guarantees. Bee them at 04 East Middle Tpke._New 4^ Furnished Apartm ent* 63-A Also older 2-famfly. Call Leon A million words cannot de­ ing room, paneled recreation ideal for the growing lanu y, —«------■ ' ■ ■ i " lington and Tolland were score­ rage, lot 120 X 200. Hanley FX)R SALE by owner —Man­ meeting at the home of the tarded Children (MAHRC.) He B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 6s9 room apartments. Rent in Cleszynski, Builder, 649-4291. scribe this typical New Eng­ room. Heyes Agency, 646-0131. two fuU baths, fireplMe, rec MANCHEJSTEIR — immaculate 643-6695 anytime. less all year. League swings into Its second Suburban For Sale 75 chester, near BenUey School, club’s new president, Mrs. Stan- succeeded Nomian Fendell. eludes hot water and Individual SOUTH WINDSOR —furnished 3 land designed home, carefijlly Agency, 643-0030. ______room, near schools, bus and Also on the Sykes team are week of play Wednesday with Main St. Call 64S-8in. 7 room Colonial in established MANCHESTER —three big For- 6)4 room Cape, 3 bedrooms, 2 ey Pearson, 83 Merline Dr., at A meniber of the MAHRC for apartment thermostatically rooms with bath and pantry, MANCHESTER — large older custom crafted with tbi NTTW TTt^TlNG-Porter Street MANCHESTER — Two family, chopping. Char-Bon Real Es- COVEINTRY Ranch — 7 rooms, Michele Latulippe, Dianne NEW LISTING-Porter Street ^ ^ 12x19’ living^ tate 6«-0683. ' neighborhood. Large bedrooms est Hills 3 bedroom ranches. baths, $18,000. Call 643-9657. 8 tonight. The co-hostess will the' ei^it 'yeara since he moved three games scheduled. All SINGER automatic Zig-Zag in controlled heat, Hoti>oint kitch­ oU heat, excellent location, sep­ Colonial, 4 or more bedrooms, grace and beauty of Colonial Saunders, Jekabs Anderson, area, modified 2-level Ranch, with walk-in closets, centrally Every feature for fine country circa 1750, 85 wooded acres, by Mrs. Harry Croye. games start at 6:15 p.m. cabinet, Hke new, monogrEuns, en (range, refrigerator, dis­ arate entrance, no children and good location and condition, all days of old. Central chimney rooms, big kitchens ■with difi------!------— -— ' 1,200’ frontage. Asking $49,- ANDOVER — 8 room Colonial. Oathy Carlo, Susan E5agan, Dav- to Manchester from Worcester, 8 finished rooms, plus 2 im- located. Bel Air Real Estate, living, with all city conven­ Attending the meeting will be On Wednesday at the Legion embroiders, buttonholes, blind posal), 2 air • conditioners for no pets, suitable for man and city utilities, $15,400. Mitten with 2 fireplaces, wood shingled ing areas, oil hot water heat, RANCH - 6 500. Lappen Agency, Realtors, BHreplace. Walking distance to id Gilroy, John Jzyk, Jitdy Krik- Mass., he has served on its finished rooms, upper and low­ 643-9332. iences. All have fireplace, 2- officers of the Club and the new­ board of directors and has been Field, Msfl Tool meets the Ver­ heming, etc. Originally over each apartment, 1% colored wife. Available Immediately. Agency, Realtors, 643-6930. gambrel root and small pane aluminum storms and screens, place, breezeway and attach^ 649-5261. private beach. Only $14,900. sium, Anthony Morse, Holly er terraces, large wooded lot, car garage. 2 baths and a ly appointed committee chair­ a member of various commit­ non Steak House in a battle of $300, take over left 7 payments tile baths, sound proofing In Call 528-1479. windows. Screened porch over­ near schools and shopping, garage, .patio, located arklng, basement storage, 2 TWO BLOCKS from Main, 6 Golf Course a Stone’s Committee chairmen are Mrs. straight, zig zag, blind stitch, ^ ^ f 1,400 square fent, heated. Call 8464. Main. A small five room house bus shopping. Bel Air Real E&- placed living room, big kitchen home, near flopping, buses and NORTH COVENTRY — Immac cluding refrigerator, 30' living Swimming Plane of Worcester. They have three Henry Park, Grous & Chriaten- makes button holes, lowest blocks to bus^ very convenient room Colonial, 2-car garage, ___ ^ with x....’!*-built-in -in /xvranoven ftTlrtand TanP’e.range, Richard Starke, nominating; 622 3114. on a small lot. Excellent heat­ tate, 643-9332. Bchools. SelMng for VA apprais­ Throw away from this ulate 5)4 room Ranch, bullt- room and dining room, 30’ fire­ The Horowitz Memorial ddldren, Mrs. Patricia Miller son plays Burtougho. O ft C BRICK RANCH — Modern enclosed porch, shaded lot, ______IVi baths, oil hot water base­ price ever, $88. Other models to grammar, junior high and ing system. Ideal for a cou­ al of $14,300. OaU the R. F. quality built 7 room, 4 bed­ ins, fireplace, garage, high placed family room,_ 2-car _ ga- Swimming Etool at Henry Park Mrs. Joseph Cosgrove, advisor; of Bolton, Alfred Pariseau Jr. topped Gardner’s Surveyora 22- high school. For appointment jfAIN ST. location —store or kitchen with built-ins, 2'A permanent siding, $16,900. j-jyp; r q OM RANCH with fin' board heat, aluminum com­ scenic locatlpn, acre lot, only ,as low as $59.50 including holi­ ple. Only $9,000. Our sign is Dlmock Co., 649-5246. room Colonial. A “ must x"2^'lot. I^w will open June 25, Donald Ber- Mrs. Joseph Howa^, w a ^ and of 611 Hartford Rid., and Susan, 13 in last week's opener. call The Jensen Building Corp., baths, formal dining room, Hayes Agency, 646-0131. ished rec room, 8 bedrooms, binations, built 1959, $17,500. $15,900. Hayes Agency, 646- ger, town recreational director means; Mrs. William Baker, day specials at drastic reduc­ storage space. Plenty of park­ on the property. T. J. Crock­ see” in your home buying 30’s. Wolverton Agency, Real­ 13, at home. The final gome of the week Mr. Barney Peterman, 643- family room with fireplace, 2- living room has new wall to Wolverton Agency, Realtors, MANCHESTER — Bowers 0131. tions, easy terms. Singer Com­ ing. 643-0082. ett, Realtors, 643-1577. CAPE — 7 rooms, fireplace, agenda. Only $23..'500. Call tor, 649-2813. has annoimced. Swimming ficil- program; Mrs. John Kettle, is scheduled for Friday evening 2463, or Mr. Cbarles PonUcelll, car garage, A A Zone, $32,500. ______wall carpet, roomy kitchen 649-2813. School. New 6 room Colonial, ities at Valley Falls Park will sunshine; Mrs. Robert Bouley, pany, 832 Main St., Manches­ large lot, excellent location, for appointment now! Ann SOUTH WINDSOR—Beautiful at Henry Park when Gardner’s 646-9^. SET OF OFFICE suites in Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, CENTER ST 8 rooms with natural birch cabinets, oil 1)4 baths, built-lns, aluminum SIX ROOM house on 3 acres of open about 1% weekk earlier on project; Mrs. Jay Miller and ter. 649-8464. needs loving care, easily fi­ SIX ROOM Ranch, electric Hunter, 875-6611 or 649- 5)4 room Ranch with full ter Merrill, Somersvllle; Eldward plays Corrtromatica. Both teams State Theater Building. In­ l^^ baths, centered fireplaced hot water heat, aluminum com­ siding, garage, quality built, land, 3 outbuildings, many fruit afternoons and weekends. Mrs. John Mlrabito, co-ohair- nanced. J. D. Real Estate Co. heat, 2 baths, garage, near 5306. basement. Real buy at $16,250. Ronan, 62 Ellington Ave., Rock­ will be looking for their flrft d in e t t e s e t _ taible and 6 DUPLE3X — Modern 5 rooms, quire 11-8 p.m., Mr. Daly, 643- Colonial, bullt-lns, 5 bedrooms, binations, walk-out basement. low 20’s. Hayes Agency, 646- Swimmlng classes will be con- men, telephone; Mrs. Joseph heat hot water, stove, refrig' MANCHESTER — 2 family, 5 643-5129, 649-8538. schools and Shopping, $23,900. B & W •nied bath, vanity, many ex­ trees, good condition. <3all 742- ville; John Howell, Vernon; win. chairs, yeUow formica top, ■ • - - 7832. Only $19,500. Hayes Agency, Hard to find price of $15,900. 0131. 6337. ducted at both places, Berger Callery and Mrs. Ralph Living- orator, garage, centrally lo- . ------' and 5 flats, on bus line, $18,- Call Lappen Agency, Realtors, tras. Will qualify for mini- Ruth Mt.saiko, 43 Grant St., Church League good condition, asking $50. 900. Phllbrlck Agency, Real­ 646-0131. WARANOKE RD — Oversized Wolverton Agency, Realtors, BARROWS & WALLACE noted, and registration forms slon, co-chairmen, refreshments cated, $150. monthly. 643-7467. OFFICE AND studio for rent 649-5261. $14,500—Colonial, 6 rooms, alu­ mum FHA^'flnanclng. T. J. Rockville; Shiela Dudzic, Som­ The third softball league, to 649-1307 after 5. tors, 649-8464. Cape on the top of the hill. 649-2813. Manchester Parkade will be distributed at schools and hospitality; and Mrs. D. ------983 Main St. Will remodel to MANCHESTER — attention in­ minum siding, storms, fruit Crockett. Realtor, 643-1577. Wanted—Real Estate 77 ers. be known as the Vernon Church Four bedrooms, two baths, big MANCHESTER — 7 room^ fire­ Manchester 649-5306 this week. Berger warned that Weller Dugan, publicity. FRIGIDAIRE STOVE with dou­ suit tenants. Call Max Gross- vestors — Unique opportunity trees, 50x200’ lot. East side. A son to Mr. I.eague. has been organized by MANCHESTER^? room Split rec room. Vacant, trades con­ ROGKLEDGE — 4 bedroom placed Colonial, paneled family •VERNON — Split Level high SELLING YOUR home? For the classes are usually over-en- Included on the agenda are Births Fliday: ble oven, very good condition. BEAUTIFUL man. 649-5334. Level, family room, 1% baths, to buy 4-family plus single 649-3979, 9-4. MANCHESTER — $15,900. 8 sidered. In the thirties, T. J. Ranch-large living room, 2 fire­ room, 1% baths, nicely land­ on a wooded lot. Six rooms In prompt efficient service call, rolled, and early registration is plans for the plcnSc to be held and Mrs. David Margelony. 53 the Vernon B ^ r ^ o n D e p ^ - $75. Call 649-2539. modern kitchen with built-lns, home, new central heating sys­ room Cape, garage, central lo­ c » . ___ _» __ . . . . < ______a __ mment, <»nt oTwiand wwill i n beginrwkflnn Tiln.Vplay ''thia m iB DESIRABLE store or offlcs Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. places, family room, 2% baths, all plus garage, 125x150' lot. Lou Dimock Realty, 649-9823. necessary to Insure a partlci June 21 at the home of Mrs. Windermere Ave., Rockville. NEW APARTMENTS tem in 4-family, annual income scaped, realistically priced at CAPE — 6)4 rooms, garage, week with three games sched­ DAY BED and cover, Lawson space, groimd floor, clean, at­ one car garage, priced for rear yard fenced in, $25,900. cation, nicely treed lot, quick Home in excellent condition. ------— pant’s enrollment. Robert Bouley, 76 Merline Dr., Births Saturday: A son to $5,200. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. $19,200. Call Helen Palmer, aluminum siding and windows, uled at the Legion Field. Bofa, two end tablee, coffee ta­ tractive and reasonable. Apply quick sale. $22,900. Phllbrlck $10,900 —cozy 4 room Ranch, Philbrick Agency, 649-8464. sale wanted. Bel Air Real Els- Real private location but st.lU Berger said there will be and other summer activities. Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Maroc- Agency, Realtors, 649-8464. Leonard Agency, Realtors, 646- rear schools, shopping and bus. Tuesday, Sacred Heart Men’s ble, excellent for cottage use. WOODBRIDGE Mr. Daly, State Theatre, 11 MANCHESTER— Immaculate extra large lot with fruit tate, 643-9332. close to elementary school. T. Legal Notices three sets of classes during the Rotary Auction chlni, Ellington; a son to Mr. 0469, 649-3877. Gas heat. Owner. 643-7946. Club plays Gottler Plumbing 649-9962. GARDENS a.m. - 8 p.m. 4-bedroom oversized Cape, din­ trees. Monthly payments less $16,600— Oversized, immaculate J. Crockett. Realtor. 643-1577. summer consisting of three The Rockville Rotary Club is and Mrs. -Anthony Daniels, MANCHESTER — 5 bedroom 6 room Cape, one unfinished, GREEN MANOR Ranch — 4 ______LIQUOR PERMIT and Heating While on TTiursday ing room, 2 baths, 2-car ga­ than rent. Ideal for young fam­ Manchester weeks each. Classes will start planning a special auction for Broai^rook. MANCHESTEni — Prime office immaculate modern home, shed dormer, fireplace, fenced . bedrooms, 2 baths, family ■\^RrjoN _ 6 room Cape with NOTICE OR APPLICATION Vernon Center Church plays Un­ REDECORATING family room, Woodbridge and Parker Sts. rage, central location. Bel Air ily or retired couple. Leonard This i.s to give notice that I. June 27, July 18 and Aug. 8. its fall project. The auction will space, 100 to 2,000 square feet, large lot with swimming pool, yard, trees, n6ar bus. Hutchins room, screened porch, garage, unfinished room upstairs. B ii^ s Sunday: A son to Mr. must sell, 3 piece tan section­ Manet ester Real Estate, 643-9332. Agency, Realtors, 648-0469. BEFORE YOU BUY HERBERT BRANDWBIN of 8 Olm- Mumci'pal playgrounds ■will feature only new merchandise ion Congregational. The final central location, abundance of near school, bus, shopping. Bel Agency, Realtors, 649-^324. principals only. 649-8652. room for extra bath, 2-car ga­ stead Place, Norwalk. Connecticut, and Mrs. Wayne Taylor, 24 al sofa.; Lee's twist-weave RITA M. WALSH have filed an application dated open June 29, through Aug. 19, and items of particular value. game on Friday pits the PAG parking, alter to suit. Hayes Air Real Estate, 643-9332. Don’t fail to see this spa­ rage, splendid ■view, profes­ Grove 3t„ Rockville. beige carpet with pad, 27 x MANCHESTER — 6 room Col­ MANCHESTER — Convenient- SIX ROOM Ranch plus rec May 11. 1966, -with the Liquor Con- „ , »w.ih The kinds of things to be auc- against the United States Eln- 4*4 Room Duplex $150 Agency, 646-0131. ly located, 4 family home with TWO FAMILY, 7^ rooms, 2 Real Estate cious seven room Colonial, sionally landscaped lot, very tpol C o m m i^ o n for a Package and supervised play will be held Births yesterday: A son to 10, good cottdition. Light fin- 7% ROOM Ranch, 3 bedrooms, onial, with den or family room, room, close to shopping and Store Liquor Permit for the sale of at Henry Park, Bury Field, and Honed are machinery, sporting velope. clean ' as a whistle baths, 2-car garage, oil heat. all air-conditioned for sum­ attractive home. $18,500. War­ Mr. and Mrs. David Hebert, 15 The recreation department M i comer table; wooden V e­ 3^ Room Flat $135 SOUTH WINDSOR, desk space, oversized kitchen, 2 rec rooms, 3 bedrooms, formal dining garages, TEL. 649-1445 bus, 2)4 baths, nice lot. Call Bi^^'^Comem.’' ‘ro i^ d '’'‘T(Jrapike' at the SWimer Road, Vernon equipment, autos,animals, art- netian blinds, two 86” wade, outside, newly redecorated in­ gas hot water, main thorough- mer comfort. E*riced below ren B. Howland, Realtor, 643- Mountain St., Rockville. issued an urgent appeal for single and multi-unit offices, lot 102x380’, exceptional condi­ room, generous kitchen with SELLING YOUR HOUSE T replacement value at $26,- Lappen Agency, Realtors, 649- Mancheirter. Connecticut. and Lake Street elemeretary work and antiques, tour 67” ; four pair gold dra- , 2 Large Bedrooms pantry. Original owner, Bow­ side, fully rented with good in­ faire. Makes ideal income prop­ 1108. The bu.sinea.s will be owned by Di.scharged Friday: John men interested in working as ample parking, small stores or tion, Buckley School area. $19,- h a v e BUYERS 600. Call Mr. Bogdan today 5261. ^ Herbert Brandwein of 8 Olm-stead schools. June Events perles, matching valances. » ivi Baths ers School area. Wolverton come. Wolverton Agency, erty or professional use. $28,- Syverud, Trout Stream Dr.. umpires and league supervisors showroom also available. 6M- 900. Philbrick Agency, 649- at 875-6611 or 649-5306. VERNON — 6 room contemp­ Place. Norwalk. Cormecticut. and Historical Society The Chamber of Commerce Call evenings after 7, 643-6828. • Modem kitchen with O. B. Realtors, 649-2813. 500. Philbrick Agency, 649-8464. MANCHESTER — custom 8 will be conducted by HERBERT Vemon; Craig Edwards, Snip- for the expanded softball pro­ 0815, or 644-8868. 8464. Agency, Realti'rs, 649-2813. orary Colonial built by U & Allen L. Dresser, assistant commimity calendar for June is -rr— ------refrigerator, range, disposal, room Ranch, 2 baths, double BRANDWEIN of 8 Olmstead Place. aic View Heights, Rockville: gram being sponsored by the B & W R. 1)4 baths, built-ins, sun Norwalk Connecticut, a.e permittee. superintendent of schools and as follows: MASTER BEDROOM —gentle- dishwasher garage, parklike yard with HERBERT BRANDWEIN Nicholas Ashe, 23 Tolland recreation department. deck, garage, and a 4o mile an organizer of the recently June 10-11, Sacred Heart, Ver­ man to share with same. Next • Private basements piped for Suburban Fur Rent 66 fruit trees. Only $21,500. Hayes Dated 16th day of May. 1966. Ave., Rockville; Mary Fleming, For the first time there will BARROWS & WALLACE view. Only $22,500. Hayes Ag­ formed Vernon Historical Socl- non Strawberry Festival 5 p.m. to shower. Parking. After 6:30, automatic washer and dryer Manchester Parkade Agency, 646-0131. 98 W. Main St., Rockville; • Air-conditioning (optional) ety, has been elected chairman to 8 p.m. June 10 and all day be three softball leagues In op­ 649-6800. SUNNY, second floor, 4 room Manchester 649-5306 ency, 646-0131. Magdalana LaPointe, 127 E. eration in the town. The oldest • Master TV antenna apartment, completely re­ of the society. June 11; June 13-18, American SOUTH WINDSOR — Executive Main St., Rockville. is the fast pitch league which ■ • Hot ■water oil heat modeled, hot water heater, re­ GREEN MANOR — ranch, new A total of 96 charter members Legion Post Bazaar, Vernon Discharged Saturday; Agnes Wearing Apparel— Purs 57 • Open staircase Lots For Sale 73 transfer makes this fine Ranch Shot Victim will operate with four teams. frigerator Eind stove, $90. 875- aiding, patio, garage, utility have Joined the new gfoup, Circle: June 20-26, St. Bernard's McDonaldl 41 Lawience St., • Large sliding door closeU home available for your con­ Dresser said. Bazaar: June 26, Crystal Lake Returning to defend laurels won OOC^TAXL dress, white with or­ • Sliding glass doors ______8606. room, aluminum storms and Rockville;' Albert Boothroyd, “ R E A L T O R W E E K ” . .. BOLTON — Convenient to Man­ sideration, 3 bedrooms, living Satisfactory Also elected to posts were Community Methodist Church last year will be the Moose chid crlm, worn once, size 12, screens. Priced right. Call af­ 10 Stone St., Rockville; Alice • bus line, near schools, COVENTRY — year round chester, wooded acre building room, dining and kitchen and 2 Club. $6. 646-1108. ter 6, owner, 649-3319. George N. Brigham, vice pres- Auction; June 26, Vernon Val- Kerr, 15 Burke Rd., Rockville; shopping and churches home for rent, 4 rooms, fire­ lot with brook. Leonard Agency baths on first floor, paneled The slow-pitch type of soft- A Hartford Rd. man who shot ident; Miss Hazel Lutz, corres- ley Riders Horse Siww. John Touchette, Riverside Dr., Open Daily and Weekends place, garage, partially fur­ MANCHESTER — Quality built Realtor, 646-0469. family room, finished rec room jijmgeif Sunday afternoon is ponding secretary; Miss Helen ball has expanded this year W Police Arrests Vemon. Wanted—To Boy 58 "Noon—5 P.M. nished, lake privileges. 742-6661 6)4 room Ranch with attached plus a den on the lower level, reported in satisfactory condi- Spiewak, recording secretary; 12 teams. These teams have, IS 52 WEEKS EACH YEAR! RESIDENTIAL LOT — 85x197; A 13-year-old boy was Discharged Sunday: Doro­ garage, 100 x 300 lot, 3 bed­ completely air-conditioned, 2- today by a spokesman at Martin L. Fagan, treasurer; and rented ^turday evening 'been divided into two separate’ VPl BUY and sen antique and 649-5591...... 646-0390 EAST HARTFORD —four room thy Aiibin, 49 Florence St., rooms, fireplaced living room, exclusive nelghbortiod, 649- zone heat, breezeway and ga- Manchester Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Leslie Denley, Miss Nat/ charged with shoplifting as the leagues. The Dusty League will used furniture, china, glass, all* 643-1023 tenement, first floor, rear, Rockville; Elton Sperry, Cov­ full cellar with rec room and 8538, 643-5129. r ^ e . A delightful home for the Manchester police are awaiting alie B. Ide, Mrs. Glenn Stephen- result of a complaint from the consist of six teams, as will the yer, picture frames, old coina, porch, parking, central adults, entry; Francis LaBlond, RED fireplace, excellent value at ddscriminate ^ y e r - an opportunity to talk to Wm. son and Anthony Magliocco to popular Supermarket in Rock- Church League. The PAC Mets, guns, pewter, scrap gold, Located at Junction of Wood- $48. monthly. 649-6208. LARGE wooded Bolton lot in 2, Rockville; Walter Kolodicki', sell..qpII WarrenW7n.T^PTi E.R. HowIfl.nd.Howland, Rsdj*Real The man is Richard W Ruddell,uHHpII ______-aj____»______i ^ last year's winner, will com­ watches, old JevMlry, bobby bridge and Parker. Sts. The Realtor Code of Ethics is operative year round for the upgrading of the reoi estate $19,500. Wolverton Agency, very attractive residential the executive board. ■ville. He was released Ellington: Trafen Nedweden, tor, 643-1108. 27, of 218 Hartford Rd. Police pete this year as Grous ft ocdlecUons, paintings, attic oon- Realtor, 649-2813. neighborhood. Call 649-7387. Democrats Party custody of his parents and his Ellington: Marjorie Sneider, M. P. ENTERPRISES said he was apparently clean­ Christenson. tents or whole estates. Furni­ Resort Property OOLyMBlA — Oversized Cape, Mrs. Jane McCarthy and Mrs. (^0,50 was referred to Juvenile EJllington; Winnifred Living­ MANCHESTER — two family.fa m ily ,------~ ing a .32 automatic revolver in Persons interested In serving ture Repair Service. 64S-7449. ATTRACTIVE 6 large room du­ F&r Rent 67 business and for the pubiic good. ; 2)4 baths, center fireplace, Shirley McMahon have been c<,urt. Police said he stole one garage, conveniently HEBRON. ROUTE the living room of his apart­ ston, Tolland. plex, opposite Center Park. named to plan a cocktail party <;ai*ton of cigarettes, Discharged yesterday; as scorers or publicists are also C6LUMBIA LAKE —Small wat- located, investment opportun- lot, with new vegetable s an screened pordi, private right ment when it discharged. The Newly decorated. Available traffic of way to lake. Price middle for Democrats in the Vemon Walter J. Stannard of 47 Ward Duane Lehmann, Vemon; needed. Anyone interested iQ' Rooms Without Board 59 erfront cottages for rent, June, Ity. Leonard Agency, Realtors, and driveway, high bullet ripped through the right ____ ^ ____ _ June 1. Prefer adults. 649-7529. count, good income potential. 20’s. Call Russell Real Elstate, area at 6 p.m. June 12 at the gt Rockville, owner of Nate's p>avid Landrie 100 Glennstone working in any of these' posi- July and August. CaU 643-2693. 646-0469. r..__ — ------. ■ — tions should contjict Don Ber- NICE LARGE ROOM for gen- Call Helen Palmer, Leonard 649-9659 or 1-228-9234. side of his body, pM se^hrough vvhite Stag"Restaurant. Package Store, on Village St., or,, Vemon; Beatrice John- tlemen, very convenient loca­ GARDNER LAKE — Modern, 4 BElDRiOOM Colonial, wall to Agency, Realtors, 646-0469, 649- hls arm chair and lodged in ^^s McCarthy, co-chairman arrested Saturday at 7:16 atone, 46 Ellington Ave., Rock- ger, director of recreation. 466 MAIN ST. —S room apart­ LAKEFRONT — furnished sum­ . tion. 21 Church St., 649-4966. lakefront. Free brochure. Ar­ AN ACCOMPLISHMENT... Tvall carpeting, 2-car garage, 3877. for the Rock'vllle area, said p charged with delivery ville; Eric Lopez, Coventry; The Vemon Fast I^tcn Softo ment, $85. CaU 643-2426, 9—6. A neighbor reported that _____ rowhead Grove Cottages, Route 1% baths, dining room, alumi­ mer cottage, 8 rooms, fire­ committee workers for the party qj liquor to a minor. He was Cindy Sandberg, Fhitnam; Mrs. ball League will open its season THE THOMPSON HOUSE, 0>t- place, trees, excellent condi­ Ruddell staggered out into the contact voters in both the Tuesday evening at Henry FOUR ROOMS, second floor, 354, Colchester, Conn. 04615. num screens and storms, city WAiPPING — 8 acre lot with released without ball for Anna Royce and daughter, tage Street, centrally loca^ted, tion, $12,000. Hutchins Agency, hall o f his apartment and said, Rockville and Vemon districts. Park with the American Legion oven and range, $90. J.D. Real 848-7178. water and sewers. $26,700. 260’ on (Sark St., tobacco Shed, pearance in Circuit Court 12, Thompsonville; Mrs. Joan Mar­ large, pleasantly furnished Realtors, 649-6324. “I’ve Just shot ^myself. Get me Rgeause of activities on the meeting Zahner’s Men’s Shop in Estate, 643-6129, 643-8779. Philbrick Agency, 649-8464. cattle bam. Bel Air Real Els- Rockville, June 14. gelony and son, 53 Wlnrier- rooms, paticing. Call 649-2358 GIANT'S NECK Heights —Mod tate, 643-9332. to 'tbe hospital.” county level, delegates to var- Henry J. McFarlane, 46, of mere Ave., Rockville: Mrs. the league opener. for ovenilght and permanent era 2-bedroom cottage, 35’ sun- AND A CHALLENGE! ANDOVER — On lake, year Patrolman Jota MePartad, conventions and County po- The remaining two teams in, FOUR rooms, first floor, very 'roond 6 room Ranch, large ___ _ 31 Village St,, Rockville, was Marsha Barney and son, 59 gueet rates. dean, including oven, range, deck, hot water, shower, arte- investigated t l » shooting, iRjcai leaders will also be c'on- the four team circuit will see living room, enclosed porch, said It appeared to be acclden- arrested Friday night and Ward St., Rockville. heat, plus wall to wall carpet­ . Sian well water, .fourth road Easy Comfort to attend, said Leo B. action Wednesday evening at ROOM withJWtehen privileges, Aroiind The Farm! many extras, $17,000. Ken Os- tal. Gun cleaning material ■was charged with violation of pro­ ing. $120. J. D. Real Estate, from private beach, deeps 8, FJaherty Jr., Democratic Town the same site and at the same centrally located, Mrs. Dorsay, trinsky. Realtor, 648-1333. found on the floor next to Rud- bation. Patrolman John Bundy 64341129, 643-8779. $86. per week. Mrs. C ^ e r , 742- Chairman. made the arrest upon com­ hour when the Moose Club, de­ .14 Arch St. 8142. dell’s^ chair. Police, however. Autoist Hit VEIRNON - immediate occu- ^ question Ruddell when Northeast (PTA plain tof adult probation officer fending town champions, meet OOMPLEITELY furnished house­ THREE ROOM apartment, The Northeast EHementary p^ui McQeary. McFarlane was Steve ft Tom’s I^zerla. electric stove, refrigerator, MISQUAMICUT, R.I.—cottage, pancy on this lovely 6 year old condition Improves. He Is By Tricyclist keeping room, all utUities, suit­ Colonial featuring 3 large bed- School PTA will celetorate its arrested at his home and Is The Fast Pitch League is the heat, hot water. Available June 4 rooms, near beach, hot water confined to the hospital’s spec­ able one adult, excellent loca­ rooms plus a large kitchen, liv­ 25th anniversary tonight at 8 at ggheduled to appear in court in oldest softball league in the 1, $80 per month. Call 649-2866 and heat. OaU 643-04{'<. ial oare unit. A four-year-old boy rode his tion. 272 Main St. ing room, formal dining room, the final meeting of the season Manchester on Tuesday, area, drawing its players from before 6 p.m. Robert I. tricycle into the road and col- HOUSE FOR rent, 4 rooms, lake 1)4 baths. All thip on a large in the school cafeteria. All past men were arrested Frl- Ellington and Tolland as well PLEASANT front room for one WANNA BUY A iTABL presidents of the group have . ^ . lided, mildly, with a motorist as Vemon, 4)4 ROOMS, appliances, first front property. Available June Wolverton, left. lot with city water, $17,900. day night on^E. Main St., late Saturday stftemoon. person, near kiain St, 9 Hazel been Invited to the special cere­ Regular performers on the floor, $125. J. D. Rjeal EsUte, 1, second Bolton Lake, 742-7667. Converse A Dupret Real Es­ LATTA, S.C. (AP) — The Lat- vllie. Wllllarii Blazensky, 21, of St., 646^70. This award was The boy, John K. Smith of 13 mound, last year and expected 643-5129, 643-8779. President of the tate, Realtors, 643-2197 or 875- ta Jail can be yours for $100. mony. 69 Clinton St., Manchester, was The town Is getting a new Jail* William H. Curtis, Manches- Laurel St. was examined and to play this year include Bill BOOM FOR RENT, kitchen given for a 1811. charged with intoxication. The Xrayed at Manchester Me­ Wanted To Rent 68 80 the old one Is for sale. ter superintendent of .schools Renaud, Paul Ohlin and Steve privllegea if desired, free park­ NEJW 4 room apartment, second Manchester three others were each charged morial Hospital and released. Vemon "We don’t expect to give any- wiU be guest speaker. He will br^Ach of pe'aTe. All are Bellinghirl. Others expected to ing. 643-7066. floor, no chdldren. Appliances EXECUTIVE’S family of 6 significant The driver of the car was needs 3 bedroom house by July thing a'way,” said Mayor A. L. discuss his recent trip to Rus- to appear in court pitch include newcomer Bob and utilities, $135. J. D. Real Board of Realtors, Henry R. Silvia, 41, of 70 Laurel Reeder, and veteran hurlers Bill BOOM for lady or gentleman, 1. References. Call 649-1032. NEAT AS A PIN ' Legette. The Jail has four cells sia, ■will show slides of the trip, Estate, 643-5129, 643-8779. increase in local St. who came to a quick stop watson and Bob ZonghettL* .quiet, convenient location. 224 shown receiving Tired of looking at houses and 12 bunks. and will compare the Russian j^rrested for breach of when John pedalled into his Renaud and Marjpo Sil'veetrt Charter Oak St. 643-6368. Board timt need so much work? ■ peace are: Gllles F. J. Rouleau, path. an award at a Come see this three bed­ 21, 482 Adams St., Manchester; will combine talents to handle room Ocllonial for only $21,- the Moose Club while Ken Rich Apartm ents— ^FUts— membership. W e John P. ONelll, 21, 10 MinU ANTi P O lA unO N PLAN recent me^i^ting of 500 and oomjiare. Ctill Mr. Buddhist Leaders Meet Court, Manphester, and Roger will return as manager of the Tenements 5S TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — The Legion team. Managerial dutied Bogdan for details at 875- J. Adams, 19, of 110 Lake Rd., aretiappy to Delaware River Basin Commis- of Zahner’s will be shared WE HAVE customers waiting the Connecticut 6611 or 649-5306. Andover. RENTALS With Viet Junta Chief sion will unvei'i a plan for con- Jack Busher and Mike Lesizza, for the rental of your apart­ Russell Green, 18, of 58 Spring report that this trolling pollution in the river at with Bellinghirl returning as ment or boma J. D. Real Es- Association of B & W American airmen flew 280 St., Rockville, was arrested Fri­ Continued from Page One) a conference July 27 in Phila- manager of Steve ft Tom’S. ^ te , A43-5139. sorties — single strikes by a day evening and charged with trend continues. BARROWS & WALLACE delphia. Pizzeria. Real Estate But even If the monks In Sai­ single plane — in South Viet delivery of liquor to a minor. He tOOKINO for anything In real Manchester Parkade gon accepted a settlement, liie plan was developed after Next week the league wiljl Miancheater 649-5306 Nam despite monsoon rains at was arrested on a warrant is- aatata rentals — apartments, I^EEDED there was a question about several years study, the com­ operate on its rogular Monday Boards. homes, multiple dwellings, no midday. B62 Stratofortresses sued by the 12th Circuit Court. and Wednesday schedule. BOLTON — Nicriy landscaped Quong Tri’s willingness to go bombed a suspected Viet Cong Green is scheduled to appear In mission said. fees. Call J. D. Real Estate, Rooms, Apts, and Houses yard in full spring splendor sur- along with any agreement. He regimental base west of Quang court June 14. 643-5129. rounds this ^cturesque 6-room and the monks around him in Ngai, 380 miles northeast of Sal- Randall L. Baker, 18, of the NEED A RENT? OaU the Rent required for new employes of Ranch, excellent condition In- Hue are regarded as the most Monday nigljt. Vemon Trailer Court, Vemon, ^lan, no charge. West Side side and out, 8 bedrooms, fam* militant figures in the Bud ground fighting continued was arrested on a warrant is- Cteelty, 649-4342, 649-3566. P R A H & Uy room, one car attached ga- m ovei^nt. ' b) center on the Jungled hills 14 sued by the court charging him 4 MOTIFS rage with breezeway, spring Tri QuMg s fol owers n from the Cambodian bor- with breaking an entering with- 4% ROOttilB, heal, hot water, brook to the rear of wooded distributed Ws appeal for a htit ^ g iirfantry out permission. He Is slated to refrigerator, disposal. WHITNEY BiiMROiDERY P *cnic area. Call now. $18,900. to the Division combed the central appear in court June 14. SteM ng included. Nice loca- wviwwwwwweewe TJ* U 4.sa.rl« KTMf.rAn ^TVil V a n fllAfl 1T1 fl. HOS* _ . _ . .. . . ___ . Uon, $140 per month. 649- AIRCRAFT THE MANCHESTER BOARD OF REALTORS IS'PROUD OF THIS STATE-WIDE RECOGNITION. 8235' Realtor, Nf^yen ™ highlands for an estimated 700 Hospital Notes \ 19308 or 649-8989. ------13M-36H------Trcait your kitchen Knens to 643*1106. — pi«*iA*musr™.yriX„Hu*. ,Li______P&WA Is hiring large numbers of people from outside the s n ROOMS, beat, hot water, Greater Hartford Area to work in their Elast Hartford THE BOARD IS ALSO PLEASED WITH THE EVER INCREA I C SUCCESS OF ITS MULTIPLE LISTING .JSJfSr S iSH5- s s 5i5S r r ^ = reported today, but a iqx)kee- Duane Lehmann, 36 Bamforth ■tove, refrigerator, parking, Plant TSo assist them in finding suitable housing, we IMf-elze figure wim a oversized 7 room SpUt, 2)4 da at 3 a m tog rounded neckUne or m ^ e baths, paneled family roorf,, L en- "'en said 307 Reds had been r a ., Vemon; Lucy Pestritto, 291 ^120. 15 Forest St., off Main maintain a list of available rents of aU kinds, sizes and price ranges. SERVICE, WHICH HAS BECOME THE ACKNOWLEDGED MODERN METHOD OF ___ „ 4ir nvsrea and Navv ~ ®et- South St., Rockville; Agnes Or- p t . 6464)090. 64341670. it with the aide-tiedwith Patt-o-rama bow col is . transfer , _ for a6 deatons-designs, coJbrcolor Korage,s » top location, deadend eoieaabled Uu.o. S Aiai Srrtiti^i-iiSiis.-^ ^^r-H^s'Ag;;;;;;;. ®Son"pJSi T^REE room apartment, stove, To permit our Homing Division to MERCHANDISING PROPERTY. vlUe. LOW COST, TOO! Mrigerator, first floor, Wells refer prospective tenants to you to4 7 Sro a . 36 bi^t. short Th O l d e r , send 80c to c o i « to: g d u r o WINDSOR - 6)4 room apokeemaa Admitted Saturday: Mary Anne (?abot. The Manchester the bombardments reaumed A Vietnamese . S t 649-3120. Sleeves, 6% yards of 35 immacutote condttton, 1)4 ^ 87-day pause, gave a. picture of increased bat- Hartmann, 6. Quarry St, Rock- CASH RATES (15 WORDS) ^ Elventog Herald, 1150 'AVE, OF . . . please call Mr. John J. Cooney ' ’ ■ P order, send 50c to coins to: bafliB, laige f a m l ^ r o o m ,^ - figjrter^wmbers flew 88 tie activity by government ville. . at 565-2277 AMERICAS,, NEW YORK, N.Y. One Day ..... 45c 3 D a y s...... $1.17 SHREE ROOM apartment, Sue Burnett, Manchester Eve. place, garage. 0*>Jy $18,500. Monday, hitting a wide trodpe, many df whom had been Admitted Sunday: W m ifr^ neat hot water, stove, refrig­ 10036. Six Days ...; .^$1.98 10 Days ,....$3*00 Wie jpeef fhe challenge of fhe fafure^and true challenge if will Herald,' 1160 AVE. OFw v AMER­ inn«A h w isi-ciass maiuiw, ouu xw. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. ^ range of targets that included sidelined during the political Llvtogston, 69 Corrtoe Dr. Tol- erator, Second floor, centrally ICAS, NEW YOBIt, N.Y. 10036 FOr ist-class mailing; add 10c locatedr reaeooable. 12 n oon - idd 10c for each pattern. Print Name, ITERNON — 8-bedroom Ranch jnissile sites,, other antiaircraft crista. He said 1 7 more b p w J ^ d ; For iBt-ciass m a lU ^ a ^ 1 . . . __ wMi attached earaoe now wail iiwtallatlons, traino, bridges and ttais of various size were begun Sally Nieves, 82 Union S t, 11 p.m., M9-8404. Pratt & Whitney fi ire raft be—with faith and a fierce )defer mi nation to ever improve our serv­ Call'before-lOtSO wiekdajrst^ Satorda3r8). You e « * ^ l e No and Size to wall cwfwting, kitefaeo with supply Unes from the ITIh Par* by the govemmettt Monday, and Rockville: Eric Coventry. can s^tart an ad or cancel an ad same day. MANirCHESTBR — CentraUy lo- A dd re« ^ th Zip Code, Style ^ q,,, t a d I W « ! t a ^ dtotag room, to beyond Hanot. that 22 already were under way. Admitted yesterday: S ^ e l 4ate(lated, 6 room duplex, immed- u ice to fhe public. We can do no more— -w e will do no less^. Nio. and Size. P w py ^ u .S . spokesmen did not dta- Several Vietnamese companies Gamble, 96 Union S t, Rock- Spring ft Sum- a n d 'Summer Album on hand, cenunlc balh, paneled rec (fiose the number of planes to- sweeping near the Cambodian ville: Agnes Gawlica, 8 Stone ite occupancy, references re- issue of FYahlon, making it easy to choose more room, near h^hway, bus. volved but a misston usually is frontier SO miles weft of Saigon S t, Rockville: Ann Digvette, CaU AUce Oam pet n o w conjpkrte pattern magazine, psttenis to ygur style of needle- c t o ^ e s , sh o y ^ $17,000. 64M 7U Classified Dept. 649-4048. woifcl 50c a copy! eaa owner, 6w 0886. carried out by several slrers*b reported SO Vlft Cong kSled. Peter Gz«eii R 4 , Tolland; Wal-

\ 1 ,

\ TUESDAY, MAY SI, 1966 \ Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather PAiQI TWEMT7 \ For file' Week Ended Fata ootA tonlgUt, k w 40- May 2 a 1M6 " H ' ' ■ “ 45; ouniqr. milder tomorrow, high In TOo. Ttoe retirement reception for Ho^e^^^Co. 2, Eighth District Mrs. Doris Webster, kindergar­ Fire D^iMtment; will meet to­ GLASS ENCLOSQRES 14,728 About Town ten teacher at Washington morrow atSs pJ:m . at fire head- Manchester— ‘A City of Village Charm Schort for the past 18 years, quartere, Main and Hilliento FOR BATHTUBS James B. MeM, son o< Mr. (Ctauuifled Adverttalng ea Pago 88); PRICE SEVEN CENTS sad Mre. WiHiam T. Meld of wiH be held tomorrow in the Sts. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1966 11 Fosocrolt has entisted in school cafeteria from 7 to 9 p.m. and SHOWERS Infant Jesus of Prague Moth­ itw U.S. Marine Corps and left Former students and friends i-; ers Circle will meet tonight at today for training at Parris Is­ are invited. Glass does a beautiful job for such 8 at the home of Mrs. Eugene • f ' . ► land, SC. purposes in your bathrooin. Easy to MmnTiers of the Combined Blackwell, 111 Baldwin R3. clean. Never wears out. Mrs. James HaHoran is oo-hort- Navy Oonstructionman Greg­ Catholic Mothere Qrbles vrill I'I ory J. Braddiaw, son of Mr. and meet tonight at 8 at the John OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P-M- „ F. TIemey Funeral Home, 219 SATURDAY 8 A.M. to 12 NOON Mrs. Melvin P. Bradshaw of Mailmams will have a paid k.,, 'fA gg Wetherell St. is serving in W. Cwrter St., where they will oonduot a Recitation oCthe Ros­ up membership dinner and thea­ l^et Nam with a Naval Mobile ter party Tue^ay, June 14, at Construction Battalion at Phu ary for the late Bernard Fogar- J. A. WHITE GLASS CO. husband of a member. Frank's Restaurant, Hartford % • ‘ B al Prior to deplOirment in the and a showing of Dr. Zhivago 31 Bissell St. — Phonn 649-7322 Gemini Flight Delayed Again eombet rone his unit underwent at the Strand Theater, Hartford. - m > j< '' Intensive training by the Army Holy Family Mothers Circle Reservations close Wednesday, at P t Devens, Mass., and by will meet tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. June 8, and may be made with Marine Corps at Camp Le- at the home of Mrs. Geno An- Mrs. Walter Backus, 15 Robin ]eunc, NXI. dreinl, 110 Tracy Dr. Bd., or Mrs, James Downing, Last-Minute Trouble 66 Overlook Dr. Army • Navy C9ub Auxiliary Manchester WATES will meet Viet Peace Talks Resume Will meet tomonrow at 8 p.m. at tonight at the Italian Ameri­ Willing Workers of South the ctiAbouse. can Club, Eldrldge St. Weigh­ Methodist Church will meet to­ Delays Gemini Flight ing in will be from 7 to 8. Mem­ morrow noon for a catered HOUSED HALE bers are reminded to bring arti­ luncheon at the home of Mrs. CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (A P )— A last-minute radio cles for a bingo game after the Nonnie Hildlng, |13 Charter Oak Despite Grenade Attack meeting.' The WATES board of relay failure frustrated again today the hard-luck St. directors will meet Thursday at Gemini 9j space flight, the most ambitious in tho SAIGON, South Viet U.S. man.4o-the-moon program. S p.m. at the home of Mrs. Dex­ Alplna Society will meet to­ FUR STORAGE Nam (AP) — Buddhist believe it!’’ ' ter Clark, 24 Winter St. morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Ital­ ■'1 just can't Main Street, Manchester leaders resumed their moaned Elugene A. Cernan, 32, ian American Club. Refresh­ minutes before It was to Mast peace talks with Premier a rookie astronaut disappointed Meon'bers of Campbell Coun­ ments will be served- Telephone 643-4123 off on a three-day mission. cil, K of C, will meet tonight Nguyen Oao Ky’s military for the second straight time in The countdown on the Titan 3 his big goal, the longest space ait 7:30 ait the K of C Home and Ladies of St. James will have junta today despite a mys­ proceeded smoothly down to 1 ptx>ceed to the John P. ’Demey an installation dinner Monday ii'f S W f r terious grenade attack on walk in history. minute, 40 seconds before liftoff. Funeral Home, 219 W. Center at 6:30 p.m. at Piano’s Restau­ one of the leading monks The countdown had ticked Then a hold was called, and ths St., where they will conduct a rant, Bolton. Reservations close along flawlessly until, less than count was recycled to 3 minutes Recitation of the Rosary for the involved. Friday and may be made with While the resumption of the 2 minutes before the scheduled and holding when a new si^ a l late Bernard Fogarty, a mem­ Mrs. George Nackowski, 206 negotiations seemed a hopeful blastoff of a Titan 2 booster was rejected by a computer in ber of the council. ^ Hackmatack St., or at the Op­ Early Bird Special sign in South Viet Nam’s politi­ rocket, the trouble developed. the spacecraft. tical Style Bar, Main St. cal crisis, rampaging student Guidance signals designed to 'Tile guidance signal was de­ Senior CttizenB Club will meet mobs sacked the burned the adjust the flight of the Titan 2 to signed to adjust the computer tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Sen­ deserted U.S. consulate and at pul it on the track of a target so that it would steer the Ti­ ior Cltizen’e Center, iMyrtle and Miss Ellen Sostman, daughter $ LIMITED TIME least three other buildings in the .satellite launched earlier from tan 2 into the proper path to Linden Sts. There will be a so­ of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sostman ONLY OFFER! of 14 Hawthorne St. is on the rebellious Buddhist stronghold the Cape were fed electrically begin the pursuit of the target. cial time and refreshments aft­ into the rocket's computer. The count was re.sumed twice LECLERC er the meeting. The dub will honor roll at Butler University, of Hue. Couples Mark 25th Wedding For only $3 we will store your Fur But for some undetermined in the hope of sending the signal sponsor a sewing class Thurs­ Indianapohs, Ind.; where she is In the war, U.S. pilots dodged FUNERAL HOME reason, the spacecraft failed to through, but each time it wa* day at 10 a.m. at the center. a sophomore, majoring in Coat, Jacket or Stole in our own mod^ Via If a dozen Soviet missiles in a French education. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest AUely, AUely and Miss Denise AUely, College, New Britain; David M, em air-conditioned vault and insure near-recxvrd day of attack on receive the sigtials when they rejected. at home, and two grandsons. AUely of Manchester and An­ iFUNERAL left, or 41 Charter Rd., Elling­ your coat for $100 against nioth dam­ North Viet Nam but convention­ were relayed from the rocket by In order to catch the target Airman 3.C. Robert R. Horn- The Richard Allelys were toinette AUely, at home, and al groundfire knocked down radio. today, the Titan 2 would have ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard two grandchildren. age. Don’t disappointed— our vault SERVICE buckle, son of Mrs. Ann Hom- married June 30, 1941, at Trin­ three American jets. The as­ With only a 6-minute period had to be launched in a 6-minute FOR RENT buckle of 53 Mill St. graduated Allely of 807 Hartford Bd. were ity Church, Hartford. Mrs. Al- (Herald Photo by Ofiara) will soon be filled to capacity—bring period ending at 12:44 p.m. WALTER N. 8 sad 16 nun. Movie Pro­ sault on the Communist north available for launching, thei-e LBCI^BRC from a training course for Air feted at a joint 25th wedding lely is employed at the Hartford your coat in today! included the heaviest single raid was no time to search out and When it became apparent the jectors— sound or silent, also Fire Insurance Group, Hart­ Director S3 mm- slide projectors. Ftorce aircraft mechanics at anniversary Sunday at the Gar­ W M t to have your fur coat repaired of the war, an 18-mission strike correct the trouble, and the shot condition could not be corrected Sheppard AFB, Tex. He is a ford. Her husband is employed against the Yen Bay storage In time, Mission Director Wil­ 23 Main Street, Manchester den Gro^e. About 80 attended or remodeled . . . then just phone was po.slponed until 9:30 a.m. WELDON DRUG CO. graduate of Manchester High at Chandler Evans. West Hart­ for a home appointment . . . Re­ complex along the Red River 80 EDT Friday. liam C. Schneider called the Call 649-5869 901 Main St,— TeL 648-5321 School and is being assigned to the event. ford, and is a member of Man­ launch off for two days. The modeling, Repairing, Cleaning and miles northwest of Hanoi. A cartoon above the Gemini 9 capsule door jibes Astronaut Tom Stafford for The target satellite which the Loring AFB, Maine, for duty The Emeat AlJelys were mar­ chester Liodge of Masons and Glazing, all done at “Barly Bird Sav­ reason is that the target satel­ An Air #orce spokesman said his comment “ Aw Shucks’’ when the mission was scrubbed two weeks ago astronauts had planned to chase with the Strategic Air Com­ ried June 23, 1941, in St. Jo­ Stewart Highlanders. Both are * NOW AVAILABLB AT ing Prices.” 1l more planes were sent against lite will not be in position for a members of Trinity Church, Stafford and partner Gene Cernan (nearest carnera) could well be pardoned if through the skies had been fired mand. seph’s Church, Hartford, and PINE PHARMACY OPEN THURSDAYS till 9 P.M, Yen Bay than any other individ- into s V e at 11 a.m., as Cernan until Friday mormng are former residents of Man­ Hartford. their comments were stronger today as the flight was delayed again. This 664 CENTER ST. 649-9814 uaU target since the raids on the photo shows the men entering the capsule early this morning. (AP Photofax) and Thomas P. Stafford sat in space agency have 8 fRIBM M MOVED AWATt Delta Chapter. Royal Arch chester. They have three daugh­ The couple has three children, north began Feb. 7, 1965. He the snacecraft minutes to get the Gemim off Masons, will meet tomorrow at ters, Mrs. Robert St. Germain Ffichard James Allesly, a senior reported 25 amtlaircraift gun pits S t a ff^ , who had been atop the ground tlw first tirna Friday K M p In touch by Long Ototanca. It'a the easiest way. 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. of Rockville, and Miss Susan at Central Connecticut State and 72 buildirgB destroyed and the- Ts.o.,Titan rocket repeatedly mormng. It that doesn t work, it and «ie beet— next to being them. The Southern New Clarence E. Schelbel will pre­ 36 morq minutes 44 buildings badly damaged. Surveyor Landing Due Tomorrow without going into orbit, said, will have side at the meeting. The Royal at 11:16 a.m. the England Telephone Company. The resumption of the nego­ “ Aw shucks." beginning Arch degree will be conferred. tiations in Saigon’s Gia Long same day. - There will be a social time with , He said It with emphasis be­ Palace between the junta and cause there had been some For Stafford and Cernan H refrediments after the degree • monks of the powerful Buddhirt was the second disappointrhent work, skeptics when the veteran test InsUtute foUowed a public de­ U.S. Sees Good Possibility pilot was reported to have used in 16 days. On May 17 their claration by Ky to carry out his the same plirase after the faJI flight was scrubbed when an Manchester Grange will meet promise to add civilians to the tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Orange Here are the facts ure of the original Gemini 9 two Agena taiget satellite failed to 10-man ruling directory. week* ago. go into orbit. Hall. Members are reminded to . 'J In a staitement broadcart by For Stafford, It was the fifth bring articles for an auction Saigon raxho, Ky was quoted as Treaty with Russians There also wa* a hint of trou­ trip up to a spacecraft cabin to table. ble with the target satellite, (AP Pbotofax) saying: “The government of await a launch and toe fourth Viet Nam ha* decided to en­ WASHINGTON (AP) — U. S. A State Department spokes- camera but this nation’* hope* even though It had entered a time he had been frustrated, T\ Thich Thien Minh, Buddhist Institute deputy, en­ large the National Leadership oBficials said today the pros­ man said “ we are encouraged of making the first touchdown near-perfect circular orbit. Earlier, When test conductoiij Corvair is hnericaT lowest priceil hwTtOD ters Saigon hospital after being injured by terror­ Committee to include repre­ pects for negotiaJting a treaty by the apparently affirmative gentle qpough for men to eur- Ground stations were unable to Len SchuU Informed the astro­ confirm that a shroud covering We*re a$ ist’s grenade which rolled underneath a car in sentatives of mass organiza­ with ttie Soviet Union to ban use interest shown by the Soviet vtve. nauts in their spacecraft of to* which he was riding. He tried to scramble to safety tions, religions and political of the moon and other heavenly government in President John- Surveyor Is due to settle on a the docking collar had fallen successful orbit of the target, near on but was caught by the grenade blast.______parties. bothea fMT military purposes ap­ son’s propoeal. We believe that broad equatorial plain at 2:17 away as planned. Btafford seiidi “ Good show, a.m. EDT and begin radioing “ The NaWonall Leadership pear to be good — in »plte of work on a celestial bodies treaty If the rihroud did not come off, Len.’’ your •corvaiMias 1.500.000 owners Committee will make immedi­ tension between Moscow and Should begin without delay, and pictures which will help scien­ toe astronauts will not be able SchuU replied: *‘We knew If tists pick toe safest areas for ate contact with mass organiza­ Washington over the Viet Nam it is for that reason that we to link up with the target but you stuck there long enough wa telephone Apollo astronaut landinga later tions, religions and ' ixvlitical war. asked for an early meeting of will be able to carry out rendez­ would get you a good one.’’ in this decade. Big U.S. Air Raid parties to define the methods of Ih e two countries are In the United Nattons Outer Space vous missions. After an on-time launch of the peirticipaition and enlarge acope agreement on the need for such Oommlttee.’’ If everything works, (Burveyor Until they get within eyesight taiget ship at 11 a.m. EDT, a FREE of the oommlitttee.’’ treaty, which also would pro- State Department press offi­ will fire retro-rockets to break of the target, they will not know ng},t blinked on. Indicating that its approach apeed from 6,100 DELIVERY NOW you be the tudget Slams Storage Area Government sources said it vide for International coopera­ cer Robert J. McCloskey added: whether toe toroud is off. gjjroud had separated as was possible the junta would bs tion in exploring the moon and “ We note that the Soviet letter miles an hour to miles an The guidance problem In the planned with the cutoff of too doubled — aiddihg a civUian rep­ to the secretary general speaks hour, then drop gently toe final Gemini 9 spacecraft was not used on a single raid in North other celestial bodies. Your order for drug needs SAIGON, South Viet Nam resentative for every military 14 feet with less impact than a discovered until less than two (See Page Twelve)] (AP)—American pilots dodged Viet Nam in one day. President Johnson had pro- ^ parachutlBt feels on earth. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A and cosmetics will be taken member. posed May 7 that the United half a dozen Soviet missiles “ Most targets in the Ten Bay More than 1,000 screaming fall. We see no reason to wait The Soviet Union’s ball- care of inunedlately. Nations ahouM start early dis­ Tuesday In giving North Viet complex were heavily dam­ students sacked and burned the until then to begin this Impor­ Shaped Luna 9, which radioed cussions of a moon treaty. ’Ihe Nam a near-record pounding aged,’’ the air force said. U.S. consulate and an adjoining tant work.” Soviet Union made what seemed (See Page Twelve) end Staging the laligest pinpoint During ithe day Air Force and consulate residence in Hue after HOUSE &, H A LE to be a parallel proposal to U.N. U. S. officials said toat, whll* Hot Irish Weather (jd s d d o jt L raid of the air war. Navy planes flew 81 missions — government troops fled before they would have to make a de­ ’The cost was three U.S. Jets Secretary-General U Thant MAIN STREET-^MANCHESTER 86 by Air Force planes and 43 them. The ran^>aging mob con­ tailed analysis of toe Soviet pro­ 901 MAIN ST.—643-5321 shot down but none was lost to Monday. K was disclosed in by Navy carrier planes. ’This tinued their burning spree at the posal, they considered toat it Prescription Pharmacy the Soviet-hullt surface-to-air New York Tuesday by Ambas­ First Residents was two less than the 83 flown homes of the chief and deputy exactly paralleled Johnson’s. f m issile. One pilot ■was rescued. sador Nikolai T. Fedorenko. Seen De Valera Aid Monday, the heaviest day of chief of Thua Thien Province. ATHENS, Ga. (AP) — A OPEN 6 DAYS • THURS. till 9 P.M. Three ether airmen were listed The Johnson adminlBtration May 7 proposal. DUBLEN, Ireland (AP) — The and let his supporters take to* attacks since bombing of the The province chief. Id. Col. The Prerident, in his May 7 plush, new 1,000-student as missing. welcomed the Soviet call for sun broke through today, and stump making “ Dev the maji’’ north resumed Jan. 31. Fham Van Khoa, also Hue’s proposal, said the moon and dormitory under construc­ The heaviest single raid of the action and said the subject is so political pundits took it as an the sole issue to cap a career The Navy reported Its planes pro-governihmt m ^ r . lett toe j ^ant that work on it should other celestial bodies Should be tion at the University of war Mt the Yen Bay storage omen toat EJeamon De 'Valera that began with his fight against eluded four missiles during at­ city last week with several ^ dPlav.” “ free for exploration and use by Georgia won’t be ready un- complex at a bend of the Red tacks on missile sites near the begin “ without delay.' would win a second term as toe British to help found the re­ hundred' loyal troops and set up In the first comment here on all countries’’ and “ no country tU this fall, but the first WEDNESDAY ONLY River 80 miles northwest of Ha­ port of Haiphong. An Air Force a camp several miles tq the president of the Irish Republic. public. the Fedorenko disclosure, White should be permitted to advance residents should arrive any noi. It was guarded by at least reconnaissance flight reported south after declaring he could The heat wave sent younger Challenger Thomas Francis House deputy press secretary a claim of sovereignty.” time nbW. 80 multiple-gun antaairoraft po- sighting two ■ SAMB 70 miles no longer control the Buddhist voters racing for the beaches Kevin O’Higgins, a 49- year-old Robert H. Fleming said: “It Brick masons left a gap sition*. An Air Force spokes­ west of Hanoi. The Air Force militants. PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — rather than the polling booths. Dublin lawyer and member of a appears to support the stand about midway up one wall man said most of them were said both exploded out of range “There is no control In the Surveyor 1, streaking toward a The younger element had been distinguished fam ily in Ireland’s CLEARANCE! taken by the President in toe of the dormitory because a twisted wredoage when the raid of American planes. landing on the moon Thursday expected to provide the main war of independence, wound up sparrow’s nest, with two snded. The three planes lost brought (See Page Twelve) May 7 statement.’’ morning, carijes not only a bulk of anti-De Valera voters, a barnstorming campai^. in eggs, was built in before The Air Force said tiie Yen to 261 the number of U.S. planes and the good weather was be­ what his wife described' as a they got there. Quantity Reg. Price Item Bay strike involved 18 missions reported lost over Nortih Viet lieved likely to bring the pro- “ Very hopeful” mood. A woriter said the masons but did not specify the number Nam. Peking radio broadcast a Dev old brigade to the polls. De Valera was rated a 6 to 0 1 Vais, to 86. L«dies* Snnrnwr Sleepwear...... will fill in the gap when toe of planes. The spokesman said, claim from Hanoi that the North favorite by the bookmakers. birds are hatched. 'The 88-ysar-old statesman 1 855yLadlea’ 2 Pc. Wool Suit (7-8), Pink ...... however, that more planes hit virtually sat out tha campaign The one concern by his cam­ (8e* Psgs Tweltle) . 1 816. S Pc. Knit Suit Dress, Faded, (10) ...... Yen Bay than have over been paign managers was a small turnout among the million 1 880. 2 Pc. Wool Suit, Yellow (18) ...... eligible voters toat could lead to an upset. 1 830. Wool Spring Cqat, Black (14) ...... Many Women in Crowds Defendants Cited “We are afraid of oomplacep- 1 830. Wool Spring Coat, Green ( 1 6 ) ...... ey among our supporters,” said WINDOW a spokesman for toe ruiUng i to 816. Group Quilted Robes, 2Bd F lo o r...... ] Hundreds Lining Up Flanna Fall — Soldiers of Desti­ 20 $4. Ladies’ Printied Pop-Ins...... SHADES Dodd Lawyer Claims ny — party that D* Valera founded. 60 to 86. Group of Famous Name Bras ...... M ckIb to Or- Assorted ChUdrni’s Wear ...... S 9 e S I ARDERY CHEVROLET, INC. case. Only prlnclpsis and their -’^1. WILCOX-RAU CHEVROLET, INC. n iE GRODY CHEVROLET CO. I*trs4v* asslstaat to Johnaon watciheo Atlas poAet liftoff on throe tetevioion oete botwoen (he Refoimlat piwrty. , beoanse we have some prolh 1141 STANLEY STREET—229-0846 126 POQUONDck AV1L-68S.MM 8o«ietfs affidavit said, aMorneBi and tbs n ISHAM ROAD—2S4QW01 confereocot at'the ESxoeativo ManrioiL ('AP PhotofaK) r .; _ A tWrd candidate, Rafael F . (See Twelve) Read Herald Adc fnSW BRITAIN, CONN. W DIDSOB, c 6N N . th* tsporto wen jnngr bs prassnt ■ •f.M y '