Bredbo Public School Annual Report



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The Annual Report for 2016 is provided to the community of Bredbo Public School as an account of the school's operations and achievements throughout the year.

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities for all students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of key school strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equity funding.

Leanne Thistleton


School contact details

Bredbo Public School Hwy Bredbo, 2626 [email protected] 6454 4107

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School background

School vision statement

Bredbo Public School provides an environment where students, staff, parents and community members work together to deliver inclusive, safe and quality learning experiences for every student so they can reach their full potential as independent life–long learners.

School context

Bredbo Public School is situated in a small village between and near the NSW and has significant growth potential, as more families choose to raise their families in a rural environment. The school is one of the focal points of the community and is highly valued and supported by same. The students are provided with a wide variety of opportunities for learning both within and outside the local area.

The school provides a happy, caring and supportive environment where all students are encouraged to strive for excellence in every facet of learning. The needs of each child are addressed through the provision of relevant, quality educational programs supported by active parent involvement. The school is characterised by sound levels of achievement, motivated learners and support from the community.

The school has excellent facilities for its students including a well–resourced classroom, state of the art technology, an automated library, modern playground equipment and spacious grounds and gardens. The school also provides full disabled access to library, kitchen, classroom and administrative building.

The dedicated, highly motivated staff is committed to providing high quality teaching and learning programs relevant to the needs of all students. The school actively models and promotes responsibility and respect for self and others; an inclusive learning environment; and the necessity and value of learning to ensure success in the local, wider and global communities.

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Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework, school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supports public schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practice across the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.


Sustaining and growing

At Bredbo Public School there is a dedicated commitment within the school community to strengthen and deliver on school learning priorities. Positive, respectful relationships are evident among students and staff, promoting student wellbeing and ensuring good conditions for student learning. Well–developed and current policies, programs and processes identify, address and monitor student learning needs. Bredbo Public School consistently implements a whole–school approach to wellbeing that has clearly defined behavioural expectations and creates a positive teaching and learning environment. Quality teaching and professional practice are evident in every learning environment and curriculum provision is enhanced by learning alliances with other small schools and organisations. There are systematic policies, programs and processes to identify and address student learning needs. Student reports contain detailed information about individual achievement and areas for growth.


Sustaining and growing

Teachers regularly use student performance data and other student feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices. Teachers incorporate data analysis in their planning for learning while assessment instruments are used regularly to help monitor student learning progress. The school identifies expertise within its staff and draws on this to further develop its professional community. Bredbo Public School has a particular focus on improved teaching methods in literacy and numeracy and are actively engaged in planning their own professional development to improve their performance. Teachers demonstrate responsibility, adaptability and ethical practice in working towards school goals and they work beyond their classrooms to contribute to broader school programs.


Sustaining and growing

Bredbo Public School consistently seeks, evaluates and addresses all feedback received concerning school performance while maintaining productive relationships with a variety of external agencies. There is a broad understanding of expectations and aspirations for improving student learning across the school community. Monitoring, evaluation and review processes are embedded and undertaken routinely. Learning spaces within the school are used flexibly and technology is accessible to all staff and students. Our self–assessment process will assist the school to refine the strategic priorities in our School Plan, leading to further improvements in the delivery of education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:–the–department/our–reforms/school–excellence–framework

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Strategic Direction 1

Develop consistent, high quality educational practices and programs to equip students with the necessary skills in Literacy and Numeracy to achieve improved outcomes.


To improve student learning outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy through the provision of high quality practice and programs that engage and enhance learning opportunities.

Overall summary of progress

As a result of the high quality educational practices and programs developed and implemented within the classroom there has been improvement in the percentage of students achieving growth in Literacy at their expected rate from 68% to 73%. Growth in Numeracy has remained at 73%.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures Progress achieved this year Funds Expended (to be achieved over 3 years) (Resources)

To increase the percentage of Several engaging and analytical programs focused $7315 students achieving growth in on the individual needs of students were Literacy at their expected rate implemented early in the year. All students were from 68% to 72% by the end of engaged in these programs and all achieved growth 2016. in literacy outcomes.

To increase the percentage of Several engaging and analytical programs focused $6972 students achieving growth at their on the individual needs of students were expected rate in Numeracy from implemented early in the year. All students were 73% to 80% by the end of 2016. engaged in these programs and all achieved growth in numeracy outcomes.

Next Steps

Continue current programs and analysis. In consultation with students develop personal learning goals in Literacy and Numeracy for all and have prominently displayed on school desks to consistently reinforce goals. Staff to be trained in L3 (Language, Learning and Literacy) and commence implementation of this program across the stages.

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Strategic Direction 2

Develop consistent, high quality leadership and school community partnerships.


To engage all staff in high quality innovative educational practice to enhance their own professional growth and the development of personalised and differentiated programs for all students that inspire them to excel and learn to their full potential.

Overall summary of progress

School Leadership program was continued and strengthened resulting in an increased awareness of roles and responsibilities within the senior students. Staff leadership capacity was further developed through collegial networking, professional development and increased school leadership responsibilities. School community partnerships have been enhanced through increased community involvement with current department practices and school based activities.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures Progress achieved this year Funds Expended (to be achieved over 3 years) (Resources)

Sustained growth in literacy and As evidenced though the analysis of internal and $3630 numeracy as evidenced through external assessment there has been growth in all analysis of internal and external areas of literacy and numeracy by all students. Staff data. have developed their personal Professional Development Plans and working towards achieving specific goals.

Next Steps

Staff to continue to develop Professional Development Plans and work toward achieving both personal goals and professional goals inline with the Strategic Directions outlined in the School Plan. Teaching staff to continue with preparation and evaluation of evidence to make accreditation a seamless process. School leadership and staff to commence working toward delivering External Validation content for assessment.

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Strategic Direction 3

Establish effective community engagement and participation to promote student learning and wellbeing.


To build positive relationships as an educational community, inspiring aculture of collaboration, engaged communication, empowered leadership andorganisational practices to ensure improved student learning outcomes

Overall summary of progress

Parent and community involvement has improved greatly throughout the year. Several parents/grandparents were involved in our school reading program and homework returns and results have improved significantly. Attendance at P and C Meetings was consistent with the majority of families being represented at each meeting.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures Progress achieved this year Funds Expended (to be achieved over 3 years) (Resources)

Improved parent collaboration Parental and community involvement in school $3630 and participation in school programs such as reading has improved. Parental activities and programs. involvement with homework has also improved. Attendance at school based activities and assemblies has seen an increase.

A supportive school community Parental and community involvement in school evidenced by an increased programs such as reading has improved. Parental number of parents attending P involvement with homework has also improved. and C meetings and community Attendance at school based activities and events or fundraisers. assemblies has seen an increase.

Next Steps

With the declining of school numbers a strong parent, school and community campaign is needed to build the school profile and hence enrolment figures.

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Key Initiatives Impact achieved this year Resources (annual)

Low level adjustment for disability SLSO implemented interventions and $904 adjusted programs in consultation with teachers across Literacy and Numeracy.

Quality Teaching, Successful PLAN and Best Start data was accurately $638 Students (QTSS) analysed for all students K–6.

Socio–economic background Students were subsidised so all could $1182 participate in a number of school based activities and excursions.

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Student information Workforce composition Position FTE* Student enrolment profile Principal 1 Enrolments Classroom Teacher(s) 0.13 Students 2013 2014 2015 2016 Learning and Support Teacher(s) 0.1 Boys 14 12 11 10 Teacher Librarian 0.08 Girls 7 6 2 2 School Administration & Support 0.98 Staff Other Positions 0 Student attendance profile School *Full Time Equivalent Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 K 89.8 93.2 96.7 96.1 Bredbo Public School has no Indigenous Staff. 1 86.9 94 99.1 88.7 2 93.7 91.3 97.8 96.8 Teacher qualifications 3 82 95.3 83.5 89.2 4 92.3 89.1 97 97.8 All teaching staff meet the professional requirements for teaching in NSW public schools. 5 91.3 96.9 93.2

6 92.5 91.2 Teacher qualifications All Years 91.2 94.5 94.4 93.5 Qualifications % of staff State DoE Undergraduate degree or diploma 100 Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 Postgraduate degree 50 K 95 95.2 94.4 94.4 1 94.5 94.7 93.8 93.9 Professional learning and teacher accreditation 2 94.7 94.9 94 94.1 3 94.8 95 94.1 94.2 Bredbo Public School staff continued to maintain their professional development through participation in 4 94.7 94.9 94 93.9 various courses strategically aligned to the School Plan. The continual updating of professional 5 94.5 94.8 93.9 development ensures that staff are current in their 6 94.1 93.5 practices and have the skills to engage students with innovative teaching and learning pedagogy. All Years 94.7 94.8 94 94 Throughout the year staff attended accredited THRASS training; all staff completed mandatory training in the Performance and Development Framework; Teaching Class sizes staff attended professional development sessions in Class Total Managing Challenging Behaviour and Primary Science Connections; The SAM and Principal attended K-6 13 Understanding RAM courses; Principal attended Network and Collegial meetings; Staff participated in the mandatory Code of Conduct course and update in Workforce information Child Protection, e–Emergency Care, online Anaphylaxis course and NCCD/DSE Learning modules; all Staff completed training in using PLAN software to map student achievement; Staff undertook specialist training in using SENTRAL for student wellbeing and attendance; all staff updated their CPR training along with Asthma and Anaphylaxis and Senior First Aid; teaching staff completed online learning modules including Teaching for the New Curriculum, The Learner and the New Curriculum, Differentiated Learning, Assistive Technology and School

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Communities Working Together. NAPLAN Financial information (for schools In the National Assessment Program, the results across using OASIS for the whole year) the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy and numeracy assessments are reported on a scale from Financial information Band 1 to Band 10. The achievement scale represents increasing levels of skills This summary financial information covers funds for and understandings demonstrated in these operating costs to and does not involve assessments. expenditure areas such as permanent salaries, building and major maintenance. Information from NAPLAN 2016 cannot be directly reported due to the preservation of student Income $ confidentiality as a result of small class sizes. All results have been discussed the parents/carers. Balance brought forward 91 886.64 Global funds 42 907.88 Tied funds 33 979.67 The My School website provides detailed information and data for national literacy and numeracy testing. School & community sources 4 773.54 Click on the link and insert the school name in the Find a school and select GO to Interest 1 736.70 access the school data. Trust receipts 865.96 Canteen 0.00 Total income 176 150.39 Parent/caregiver, student, teacher Expenditure satisfaction Teaching & learning Key learning areas 18 609.13 Each year schools are required to seek the opinions of parents, students and staff about the school. Excursions 5 395.53 Student Results: Extracurricular dissections 541.77

Library 304.69 In 2016 all students were surveyed to determine their satisfaction with the school and the programs it offers. Training & development 1 956.52 Their responses were: Students appreciate and enjoy the opportunities afforded them through the cooking Tied funds 48 873.07 and gardening and woodwork programs offered, music Short term relief 1 320.68 lessons and band presentation pieces are a source of pride, the majority of students find their work Administration & office 6 304.39 challenging and satisfying, most senior students School-operated canteen 0.00 enjoyed the challenge of working on a school project for their homework, the majority of students feel that Utilities 5 302.72 Bredbo Public School is a friendly and safeplace for them to attend. Maintenance 6 329.71 Trust accounts 852.96 Staff Results:

Capital programs 0.00 In 2016 the school sought the opinion of staff in regards to working at Bredbo Public School. The survey they Total expenditure 95 791.17 completed addressed the areas of Teaching and Balance carried forward 80 359.22 Learning, Student Management and Wellbeing, Communication, Community Partnerships and Management and Leadership.All staff completed the survey and their responses were: all staff believe A full copy of the school’s financial statement is tabled programs respond to student need, ability and interest at the annual general meetings of the parent and/or and assessment processes provide solid information of community groups. Further details concerning the areas of strength and areas for further development, statement can be obtained by contacting the school. the school cares about all its students and the Discipline Policy is fair and consistent, all staff believe School performance the school is continually finding ways to improve what it does; and that it supports communication about student

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learning between home and school, all believe that strategies and processes put into place to improve community partnerships and participation are beginning to work and positive changes are commencing, staff conclude that parents, students and staff are encouraged to take active leaderships roles within the school and leaders encourage staff to reflect on their learning and share with others.

Parent Results:

In 2016 the school sought the opinion of parents by requesting them to take part in a short survey. The survey they completed addressed the areas of Teaching and Learning, StudentManagement and Wellbeing, Communication, Community Partnerships and Managementand Leadership. Only one survey was returned making it difficult to ascertain accurately parent opinion on school based issues. Of the one survey returned opinion overwhelmingly stated that the school was providing services to a much higher degree than was anticipated.

Policy requirements

Aboriginal education

Bredbo Public School currently has no students who identify as Indigenous. Aboriginal perspectives are addressed in all curriculum areas, as we promote students understanding and appreciation of the culture and history that relates to Indigenous Australia. During the year students participated in an Indigenous day where they worked with a local Indigenous Elder to paint an Indigenous serpent; learning about the traditions and culture associated with this art form. Students also participated in the translation of stories through art by conveying meaning to rocks in the form of Indigenous Dot Art.

Multicultural and anti-racism education

The school has placed significant emphasis on the delivery of programs which promote racial tolerance and harmony, and multicultural perspectives across the curriculum. The DEC calendar for cultural diversity was used in classrooms to promote the acceptance of the cultural, linguistic and religious diversity of Australia.

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