Case report BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2021-242495 on 13 April 2021. Downloaded from Treatment-­resistant characterised by supersensitivity and efficacy of asenapine Nagara Takao, Toshiya Murai, Hironobu Fujiwara

Psychiatry, Kyoto University SUMMARY dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmis- Hospital, Kyoto, Japan Dopamine supersensitivity psychosis (DSP) frequently sion. Previous animal studies have reported that arises with long-­term antipsychotic treatment and antipsychotics increase receptor density of sero- Correspondence to accounts for a significant proportion of treatment-­ tonin 5-HT2A,­ a serotonergic receptor subtype, Dr Nagara Takao; in the striatum and that 5-­HT2A receptor antag- takao.​ ​nagara@gmail.​ ​com resistant schizophrenia. The mechanism underlying DSP is thought to be a compensatory increase in dopamine onists suppress dopamine-­sensitive psychomotor activity, which may be linked to the pathophysi- Accepted 30 March 2021 receptor density in the striatum caused by long-term­ antipsychotic treatment. Previous animal studies ology of DSP.8 We report a case of a male patient have reported that antipsychotics increase serotonin with schizophrenia, who developed DSP following 5-HT2A­ receptor density in the striatum and that 5-­ high-­dose antipsychotic polypharmacy. Symptoms HT2A receptor blockers suppress dopamine-sensitive­ improved following treatment with asenapine, an psychomotor activity, which may be linked to the atypical antipsychotic that has high 5-HT2A­ antag- pathophysiology of DSP. In this paper, we describe a onist binding potential. patient who was hospitalised with treatment-­resistant schizophrenia. Following treatment with high-­dose CASE PRESENTATION antipsychotic polypharmacy for 10 weeks, the patient Mr A, a single man aged 44 years, suddenly ran experienced worsening of psychotic and extrapyramidal outdoors 13 years earlier with the belief that he symptoms. The patient was then started on second-­ was contacting his old friend telepathically. He was generation antipsychotic asenapine while other referred to our hospital that year and we observed antipsychotics were tapered off, resulting in improvement symptoms of , hallucinations and castro- of these symptoms. Retrospectively, we presumed that phrenia. His previous medical history included the high-dose­ antipsychotic polypharmacy caused DSP, purulent meningitis in infancy, hyperlipidaemia,

which was effectively treated by the potent 5-­HT2A hyperuricaemia, hypertension and obesity. receptor antagonism of asenapine.

TREATMENT He was diagnosed with schizophrenia (ICD-10 code BACKGROUND F20.0) and started receiving antipsychotic therapy Antipsychotics play a crucial role in the treatment at our hospital. He was prescribed maximum doses of psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia. of risperidone, , quetiapine and aripip- However, their administration requires close razole at each previous hospitalisation because of a monitoring because of their potential to induce a worsening of psychotic symptoms. These maximum variety of adverse events, which include exacerba-

doses were taken over to an outpatient setting and on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tion of psychotic symptoms and side effects, such gradually reduced to 2 mg/day of risperidone in as drug-induced­ parkinsonism. Of note, dopa- the last year. He two times experienced rebound mine supersensitivity psychosis (DSP) is thought to psychosis during switching of antipsychotics, 13 explain the phenomenon in which patients often and 6 years earlier. The first episode occurred after relapse following slight dose reductions, discontin- switching 8 mg/day of risperidone to 20 mg/day of uation or switching of antipsychotics. Chouinard olanzapine and the second after switching 600 mg/ et al estimated that 50% of treatment-resistant­ day of quetiapine to 20 mg/day of olanzapine, 1 schizophrenia cases are related to DSP. A possible during which oromandibular dyskinetic move- mechanism is that long-­term antipsychotic treat- ment was observed. These symptoms, alongside ment causes a compensatory increase in dopamine a history of high-dose­ antipsychotic , © BMJ Publishing Group receptor density in the striatum, which leads to a suggest DSP at an earlier period. His latest hospital Limited 2021. Re-­use dopamine supersensitive state.2–5 Moreover, recent admission was voluntary and was because of a slight permitted under CC BY-­NC. No studies have shown that the prevalence rate of DSP commercial re-use­ . See rights irritation (day 0). Because his symptoms were not and permissions. Published in patients with treatment-resistant­ schizophrenia causing significant distress, he was followed up by BMJ. in Japan is as high as 70%.6 The differences in the without any changes in prescription. However, on proportions of patients with DSP may be explained day 7, he developed prominent thought disorder, To cite: Takao N, Murai T, Fujiwara H. BMJ Case by the common use of high-­dose antipsychotic delusions of being injured by broken glass and a 5 7 Rep 2021;14:e242495. polypharmacy in Japan. From the perspective of variety of visual and auditory hallucinations. There- doi:10.1136/bcr-2021- treatment strategies for DSP, one possible molec- fore, risperidone was increased to 8 mg/day for the 242495 ular mechanism involves the interaction between following 2 weeks, and quetiapine was initiated at

Takao N, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e242495. doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-242495 1 Case report BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2021-242495 on 13 April 2021. Downloaded from

Figure 1 Reinforcement and replacement of antipsychotic medication worsened psychotic symptoms. Starting asenapine and tapering off other antipsychotics resulted in improvement of psychotic and extrapyramidal symptoms. ASP,asenapine; BRX, brexpiprazole; OLZ, olanzapine; QTP, quetiapine; RIS,risperidone.

200 mg/day (day 17) and slowly increased to 600 mg/day over experiences of rebound psychosis and oromandibular dyskinetic the next 2 weeks, with an expectation of anxiolytic and seda- movement during switching of antipsychotics suggest that he tive drug effects. However, the patients showed inadequate had developed DSP during an earlier period. response to these . From day 28, risperidone was We question whether a period of 4 weeks for improvement of gradually replaced with olanzapine, and at day 50, olanzapine the established DSP state with asenapine was too short. A ther- was increased to 30 mg/day. Despite temporary symptomatic apeutic course of several months is usually suggested for clinical improvement, we observed further aggravation of psychotic cases of treatment-­resistant schizophrenia with DSP.13 However, symptoms when chlorpromazine equivalence reached 1850 mg an animal study demonstrated rapid (within minutes to an (day 59). During the course of the abovementioned antipsy- hour) suppression of DSP-­like activity using a 5-HT2A­ antag- chotic medication reinforcement and replacement (figure 1), onist,8 which corresponds to several hours in humans.14 This he developed extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) of akathisia and may explain the rapid therapeutic effect induced by the agent stuttering; the latter was suspected to be a tardive dyskinetic in our patient. In light of this, it is possible that improvement movement of the tongue. Given the risk of metabolic side effects of an established DSP state can be achieved within several days and the inadequate sedative effect, quetiapine was tapered and or weeks. discontinued, while brexpiprazole was gradually increased Several human studies have demonstrated that the underlying to 4 mg; however, the patient experienced no symptomatic mechanism of DSP is a compensatory increase in dopamine D2 improvement. We considered using clozapine because the receptor density in the striatum caused by long-term­ adminis- patient met the definition of treatment-­resistant schizophrenia, tration of antipsychotics.4 5 Both lower and higher antipsychotic and evidence has suggested that clozapine is the treatment of doses have been shown to induce dopamine supersensitive states choice for treatment-resistant­ schizophrenia.9–11 However, the in animal studies, but only the higher dose increased the number patient’s mother did not agree to the administration of clozapine of striatal D2 receptors.3 15 Moreover, the relationship between because of of side effects, such as agranulocytosis. Finally, DSP and 5-HT2A­ receptor function has also been demonstrated he was treated with asenapine, which was initiated at 10 mg/day in an animal study that showed that chronic exposure to anti- (day 84) and increased to 20 mg/day (day 93). Olanzapine and psychotic medications increases amphetamine-induced­ loco- brexpiprazole were tapered and discontinued. motion relative to antipsychotic-­naïve rats, which is indicative of a dopamine supersensitive state. In contrast, ritanserin and on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. OUTCOME AND FOLLOW-UP MDL100,907, both 5-­HT2A receptor antagonists, suppress Four weeks of treatment of 20 mg/day of asenapine resulted locomotion in antipsychotic-­treated rats. Additionally, halo- in gradual improvement of psychotic symptoms and EPS. He peridol was shown to decrease 5-HT2A­ receptor density in subsequently willingly participated in an occupational therapy the prelimbic cortex and nucleus accumbens core and increase programme and was discharged on day 229. 5-HT2A­ receptor density in the caudate–putamen.8 It should also be noted that asenapine exhibits the highest affinity for DISCUSSION 5-HT2A­ receptors within second-­generation antipsychotics.16 In our patient, increasing antipsychotics worsened psychotic Given these findings, it is possible that, in our patient, DSP was symptoms, which was against our expectations. He fulfilled the induced by high-­dose antipsychotic polypharmacy, and dopa- clinical characteristics of DSP, as reported by Chouinard et al, mine sensitivity was reduced by 5-­HT2A receptor blockade by which are (1) improvement in acute psychotic symptoms, at least asenapine. To date, there has only been one report that suggested initially, by increasing antipsychotic dose, (2) at least 3 months of a positive effect of asenapine on DSP, which was in a patient cumulative exposure to antipsychotics, (3) tolerance to antipsy- with whose DSP was thought to have been chotic effects, (4) rapid relapse following drug discontinuation, induced by ziprasidone.17 dose reduction or switching of antipsychotics, (5) worsening of Other than the action on the 5-­HT2A system, there are other psychotic symptoms with life stressors, such as minor life events antipsychotics profiles of note that are closely related to DSP: or daily hassles, (6) appearance of new or more severe psychotic half-life­ period, affinity to dopamine D2 receptors and dopa- symptoms, (7) treatment resistance and (8) movement disorders, mine partial agonists. First, the instability of drug blood levels such as tardive dyskinesia.5 12 These symptoms were all observed accounts for the instability of psychiatric symptoms.5 Long during the most recent hospitalisation. However, his previous half-life­ period, sustained release or long-­acting injectable

2 Takao N, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e242495. doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-242495 Case report BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2021-242495 on 13 April 2021. Downloaded from antipsychotics are considered to be effective for preventing DSP 4 Silvestri S, Seeman MV, Negrete JC, et al. Increased dopamine D2 receptor binding because of the stability of blood drug levels.18 Half-­life periods after long-­term treatment with antipsychotics in humans: a clinical PET study. Psychopharmacology 2000;152:174–80. of representative antipsychotics are 20 hours for risperidone,19 20 21 5 Iyo M. Treatment-­resistant schizophrenia and dopamine supersensitivity psychosis. 7 hours for quetiapine, 33 hours for olanzapine, 91 hours Seishin Igaku 2018;60:291–9. for brexpiprazole22 and 24 hours for asenapine.23 Asenapine has 6 Suzuki T, Kanahara N, Yamanaka H, et al. Dopamine supersensitivity psychosis as a the advantage of a longer half-life­ period than that of risper- pivotal factor in treatment-resistant­ schizophrenia. Res 2015;227:278–82. idone or quetiapine. Second, antipsychotics that have higher 7 Xiang Y-T­, Ungvari GS, Correll CU, et al. Trends in the access to and the use of antipsychotic medications and psychotropic co-­treatments in Asian patients with affinity to dopamine D2 receptors are presumed to be effective schizophrenia. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci 2016;25:9–17. 24 in the treatment of DSP. Asenapine has higher affinity to dopa- 8 Charron A, Hage CE, Servonnet A, et al. 5-­Ht2 receptors modulate the expression mine D2 receptors than that of risperidone, quetiapine or olan- of antipsychotic-induced­ dopamine supersensitivity. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol zapine.11 25–27 Finally, according to animal studies, a dopamine 2015;25:2381–93. partial agonist is likely to be effective for DSP.28 29 However, 9 Essali A, Al-­Haj Haasan N, Li C, et al. Clozapine versus typical neuroleptic medication for schizophrenia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2009:CD000059. they may exacerbate psychotic symptoms in cases where DSP 10 Fakra E, Azorin J-­M. Clozapine for the treatment of schizophrenia. Expert Opin 30 has already developed. This would explain why brexpiprazole, Pharmacother 2012;13:1923–35. which is a dopamine partial agonist, was ineffective in our case. 11 Remington G, Lee J, Agid O, et al. Clozapine’s critical role in treatment In conclusion, this case presents an important clinical implica- resistant schizophrenia: ensuring both safety and use. Expert Opin Drug Saf 2016;15:1193–203. tion for use of antipsychotic agents. Both long-­term use as well 12 Chouinard G, Samaha A-­N, Chouinard V-A,­ et al. Antipsychotic-­Induced dopamine as high-dose­ polypharmacy of antipsychotics should be avoided supersensitivity psychosis: pharmacology, criteria, and therapy. Psychother Psychosom as much as possible because of their potential to cause DSP due 2017;86:189–219. to increases in D2 receptor density and changes in 5-­HT2A 13 Kimura H, Kanahara N, Komatsu N, et al. A prospective comparative study of receptor density across various brain regions. Antipsychotics risperidone long-­acting injectable for treatment-resistant­ schizophrenia with dopamine supersensitivity psychosis. Schizophr Res 2014;155:52–8. with strong 5-HT2A­ antagonism may be effective for the treat- 14 Sengupta P. The laboratory rat: relating its age with human’s. Int J Prev Med ment of DSP. 2013;4:624–30. 15 Yin J, Barr AM, Ramos-­Miguel A, et al. Antipsychotic induced dopamine Learning points supersensitivity psychosis: a comprehensive review. Curr Neuropharmacol 2017;15:174–83. 16 Minassian A, Young JW. Evaluation of the clinical efficacy of asenapine in ►► This case presents an important clinical implication for the schizophrenia. Expert Opin Pharmacother 2010;11:2107–15. use of antipsychotic agents. 17 Rajkumar RP. Supersensitivity psychosis and its response to asenapine in a patient ►► Both long-­term use and high-­dose polypharmacy of with delusional disorder. Case Rep Psychiatry 2014;2014:1–3. antipsychotics should be avoided as much as possible 18 Iyo M, Tadokoro S, Kanahara N, et al. Optimal extent of dopamine D2 receptor occupancy by antipsychotics for treatment of dopamine supersensitivity psychosis and because they may cause dopamine supersensitivity psychosis late-onset­ psychosis. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2013;33:398–404. (DSP). 19 Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Risperdal (risperidone) tablets and oral solution and ►► Antipsychotics with potent 5-­HT2A antagonism may be Risperdal M-­TAB (risperidone) orally disintegrating tablets prescribing information. Titusville, NJ, 2014.

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Takao N, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e242495. doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-242495 3 Case report BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2021-242495 on 13 April 2021. Downloaded from

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4 Takao N, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e242495. doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-242495