Copyright by Benjamin Griffin 2015 The Report Committee for Benjamin Griffin Certifies that this is the approved version of the following report: The Good Guys Win: Ronald Reagan, Tom Clancy, and the Transformation of National Security APPROVED BY SUPERVISING COMMITTEE: Supervisor: Jeremi Suri Mark Lawrence The Good Guys Win: Ronald Reagan, Tom Clancy, and the Transformation of National Security by Benjamin Griffin Report Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts The University of Texas at Austin May, 2015 Dedication For Amibeth, Natalie, and Patrick. Thank you for your love, patience, and support. Acknowledgements I owe a significant debt to my advisors on this paper, Jeremi Suri, Mark Lawrence, and William Inboden. Each provided invaluable assistance and direction throughout the project and without their time and advice; it would not look anything like its present form nor approach its quality. Additionally, the Clements Center for History, Strategy, and Statecraft very graciously funded my research trips to Simi Valley, California, Washington, DC, and Springfield, Virginia. The access to archival sources and interviews conducted on these trips helped the project immeasurably and I am grateful for their generous support. Thank you also to Ambassador Jack Matlock, Secretary Tom Reed, Larry Bond and Chris Carlson for allowing me to interview them. Their first hand recollections are a crucial part of the project and I am grateful for the hospitality they showed me. v Abstract The Good Guys Win: Ronald Reagan, Tom Clancy, and the Transformation of National Security Benjamin Griffin, MA The University of Texas at Austin, 2015 Supervisor: Jeremi Suri This paper examines the relationship between popular culture and policy. It argues that popular culture serves to make policy legible to a broad audience and exerts influence on policy makers themselves. It examines the way the administration of Ronald Reagan made use of the novels of Tom Clancy to build support for its national security agenda, how the public received the works, and in turn how the novels reinforced Reagan’s confidence in his policy. The paper also explores how Reagan developed his political ideology and how his background informed the method in which he received, and then presented information. It argues that Reagan was the driving ideological force in his administration. vi Table of Contents Introduction: Intersections of Policy and Culture ........................................1 Chapter 1: Storyteller in Chief: Reagan and the Power of Narrative ........12 Reagan the Bookworm ....................................................................20 The Rise of Tom Clancy ..................................................................26 Reagan and Clancy .........................................................................32 Chapter 2: Up From the Depths: The Hunt for Red October and Military Morale ............................................................................................40 The Hunt for Red October's Appeal to Reagan ................................42 Fixing a Hollow Military ....................................................................46 Confronting the Evil Empire .............................................................63 The Best Weapons ..........................................................................70 Chapter 3: Weathering the Storm: Peace through Strength .....................75 Problems with the Bomb ..................................................................78 Deus ex Machina .............................................................................89 The Value of Friends .......................................................................92 Identity Problems .............................................................................95 vii Rolling the Dice ............................................................................. 100 Chapter 4: Techno Thriller Rising: Clancy in the Wider World ............... 105 Weinberger and Clancy ................................................................. 106 Clancy and the Pentagon .............................................................. 116 Clancy on the Hill ........................................................................... 121 Clancy and the Public .................................................................... 125 Conclusion: Cultural Legacies .............................................................. 134 Bibliography ........................................................................................... 137 viii Introduction: Intersections of Policy and Culture Americans watching Saturday Night Live on December 6, 1986, saw rookie cast member Phil Hartman portray Ronald Reagan for the first time. The sketch opens with an apparently senile president discussing the unfolding Iran- Contra scandal with a reporter. The reporter mentions that she is not sure which is worse: Reagan knowing or not knowing about the crisis. Hartman gradually ushers her from the oval office, saying he hopes he was informative even “given the very little that I know.”1 When the reporter leaves, Hartman’s Reagan transforms. The president no longer shakes and stands straighter, and an expression of angry calculation replaces one of grandfatherly confusion. He calls for his staff, gruffly tells them that he is “only going to go through this once, so it’s essential that you pay attention.” With that, he launches into a master plan to continue supporting the Contras. He directs William Casey, the director of the CIA, to observe the loading of new weapons for sale to Iran. His chief of staff, Don Regan, is going to have to resign, but not before releasing a statement supporting the president, conveniently already written on a computer that the perplexed staffer cannot operate, prompting Reagan to declare “oh, alright I’ll do 1 “President Reagan: Mastermind,” Saturday Night Live, NBC December 6, 1986. 1 it for you,” with an exasperated tone indicating this is not the first time. When Caspar Weinberger, played by Jon Lovitz, asks Reagan to slow down as “there’s still a lot about the Iran-Contra affair” he did not understand the president berates him. He shouts, “You don’t need to understand! I am the President, only I need to understand.2 When newly anointed National Security Advisor, played by Kevin Nealon, worries about what would happen to the plan if Reagan should die as he is the only one who knows what is going on, Reagan responds by quoting Montesquieu and the danger of sharing knowledge. Over the remainder of the skit, Reagan does complex financial calculations without the aid of a calculator, concludes a weapons deal with Iraqis while speaking Arabic, and speaks Swiss while conducting financial transactions. His staff looks on befuddled before eventually falling asleep as the president works through the night. The skit touched on an issue that still dominates the study of the Reagan administration; exactly who was in charge of the whole thing. Bureaucratic chaos and personal rivalries played out publicly throughout Reagan’s time in office lending the impression that the administration lacked a strong leader. Tell-all books by disgruntled former aides and administration officials contributed to the public image of the president as an amiable figurehead that was out of his depth on policy issues. David Stockman, Reagan’s first director of the Office of 2 Ibid. 2 Management and Budget and architect of the administration’s early budget cuts, released the first of these, entitled The Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failed, in 1986. He describes how those around Reagan “made him stumble into the wrong camp,” and how the president “had no business trying to make a revolution” as he lacked the will to lead one.3 The book debuted in the top spot on The New York Times non-fiction bestseller’s list and Stockman played a prominent role in a media blitz promoting the book and the failure of Reagan’s leadership.4 In its review of the book, The New York Times highlighted what it viewed as evidence that Reagan was not mentally capable of directing his administration. It noted that Stockman’s “Reagan stories are priceless.”5 The book repeatedly demonstrates the president sitting silently in meetings until the mention of a magic word, like ‘welfare’ or ‘Medicare,’ caused him to launch into an anecdote. For Stockdale and The New York Times these stories and jokes showed how the president “totally misunderstood the preceding conversation.”6 The memoir showed cabinet members who “take skillful advantage of the president’s capacity for befuddlement,” as they pursue their agendas by using 3 David Stockman, The Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failed (New York: Harper and Row, 1986), 5. 4 Bob Greene, “Triumph of Politics is a Triumph of Hype,” Chicago Tribune, May 14, 1986. 5 Michael Kinsely, “In the Land of the Magic Asterisk,” The New York Times, May 11, 1986. 6 Ibid. 3 misdirection, movies, and comic strips to sway the leader of the free world.7 Stockman and The New York Times view Reagan’s preference for spinning yarns as a sign of his intellectual incapacity, and proof that he did not provide the ideology and policy ideas his administration pursued. George Shultz, who served as Reagan’s Secretary of State from 1982 to 1989, views the use anecdotes differently. He acknowledges that many of Stockman’s criticisms
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Discover and rediscover the joy of reading. Children’s Activities Stories, songs, rhymes and craft Tuesdays 11-12 noon Barmera Don’t forget Baby Rhyme Time sessions on Tuesday at 10.30 a.m. Bookworm during term time. June 2012 All Welcome! Barmera Library & Council Customer Service Centre Newsletter School Holiday Activities Hello again! Time for the winter edition of the Barmera Bookworm. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the old saying goes and so we thought we’d July 3rd and 10th tell you what we’ve been up to lately in a series of pictures. Here they are! 2 - 3 p.m. Fun for all ages! Contact us for more details! NEW! Barmera Library has three new Kindle Touch Screen E-Book readers. Over 100 books on each, with something to appeal to all readers. Very easy to use and great fun! Come and check them out soon. DATES TO WRITE IN YOUR DIARIES Kristin Weidenbach, author of Mailman of the Outback was our 1st July - Monster Book Sale at Berri Town Hall 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. guest at Barmera Library in May .She spoke to around 50 26th July -2.30 p.m. Author Wendy Altschwager visiting Barmera Year 7 students about how she Library at 2.30 p.m. Free afternoon tea provided. made an adult book into a children’s picture book. Children then workshopped Country Music Week saw the staff all some ideas around this theme join in the spirit of the festival. In case of distilling the longer script to National Year of Reading joined with the Monday 9.30 - 1.00 you don’t recognise us—left to right keep the essential story while Sue, Virginia, Jodie and Peg.
The Submarine Review December 2017 Paid Dulles, Va Dulles, Us Postage Permit No
NAVAL SUBMARINE LEAGUE DECEMBER 2017 5025D Backlick Road NON-PROFIT ORG. FEATURES Annandale, VA 22003 US POSTAGE PAID Repair and Rebuild - Extracts; American PERMIT NO. 3 Enterprise Institute DULLES, VA Ms. Mackenzie Eaglen..........................9 2017 Naval Submarine League History Seminar Transcript.................................24 Inside Hunt for Red October THE SUBMARINE REVIEW DECEMBER 2017 THE SUBMARINE REVIEW CAPT Jim Patton, USN, Ret..................67 Awardees Recognized at NSL Annual Symposium...........................................73 ESSAYS Battle of the Atlantic: Command of the Seas in a War of Attrition LCDR Ryan Hilger, USN...............85 Emerging Threats to Future Sea Based Strategic Deterrence CDR Timothy McGeehan, USN, .....97 Innovation in C3 for Undersea Assets LT James Davis, USN...................109 SUBMARINE COMMUNITY Canada’s Use of Submarines on Fisheries Patrols: Part 2 Mr. Michael Whitby.......................118 Career Decisions - Submarines RADM Dave Oliver, USN, Ret......125 States Put to Sea Mr. Richard Brown.........................131 Interview with a Hellenic Navy Subma- rine CO CAPT Ed Lundquist, USN, Ret.....144 The USS Dallas: Where Science and Technology Count Mr. Lester Paldy............................149 COVER_AGS.indd 1 12/11/17 9:59 AM THE SUBMARINE REVIEW DECEMBER 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS President’s Letter................................................................................................2 Editor’s Notes.....................................................................................................3
Summer Reading Suggestions Tom Clancy Talking Books 1. Airborne: A Guided Tour of an Airborne Task Force DB051722 Describes an elite fighting unit of the army and air force--the 82nd Airborne Division--including its personnel, technology, and mission. Also, presents two short stories creating scenarios illustrating the fighting capacity of the unit. 2. Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship DB037742 After a brief history and explanation of building techniques and crew qualifications, Clancy goes aboard a 688I. He explains every aspect of the U.S.S. Miami before moving on to tour a British vessel and provide updates on submarines throughout the world. 3. Into the Storm: A Study in Command DB044821 A study in modern military leadership as seen through the eyes of retired army general Fred Franks, who served in the Vietnam and Gulf wars. Discusses the theory, strategy, and doctrines of war. 4. Special Forces: A Guided Tour of U.S. Army Special Forces DB052128 Portrait of the Green Berets. Discusses their recruitment and training, equipment, and missions. Includes an interview with General Hugh Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and ends with a mini- novel depicting a terrorist revolution in Indonesia. 5. Against All Enemies DB073301 After his mission to take custody of a high-ranking Taliban prisoner goes horribly wrong, a former Navy SEAL is asked to return to America and investigate an alliance between the Taliban and a Mexican drug cartel. Large Print 1. Clear and Present Danger LT013868 Jack Ryan must consider when it is appropriate to respond to criminal activity with military force when Colombian drug lords assassinate three American officials.
Sabine Weishaupt, 8B Book-report: “Executive Orders” by Tom Clancy About the Author: Thomas L. Clancy, the so called master of techno-military thrillers, was born on the 12th of April 1947 in Baltimore, Maryland / USA. He was educated at the Loyola College in Baltimore. Then he worked as an insurance broker. He is now living in his second marriage after his divorce in 1998. With his first wife he has four children. In college he dreamed of writing novels. In 1984 this dream came true and he got his first novel published, namely “The Hunt for Red October”, which was a great success. Other also well-known works followed, e.g. “Red Storm Rising” (1986), “Cardinal of the Kremlin” (1988), “Debt of Honor” (1994), “Executive Orders”(1996), “Rainbow Six” (1998) and “The Red Rabbit” (2002). Almost each of his books has been a number one best-seller. “Executive Orders” is part of the so called “Ryanverse collection” that means that in all of these books the main character is Jack Ryan or that the other characters have something to do with him. Clancy has also worked with other authors, e.g. with Steve Pieczenik to create the mini-series “OP-Centre” in 1994. All of his stories deal with military, warfare, intelligence, politics and terrorism. Tom Clancy also wrote non-fiction books about submarines, cavalry, the US Air Force and about the Marine and Airborne corps of the US Army. Four of his novels, namely “The Hunt for Red October”, “Patriot Games”, “Clear and present Danger” and “Sum of all Fears”, have been made into quite successful movies.
Codices: a Redefinition of Readers, Writers, Books and Poetry Joanna Hamer
Vassar College Digital Window @ Vassar Senior Capstone Projects 2012 Codices: A Redefinition Of Readers, Writers, Books and Poetry Joanna Hamer Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hamer, Joanna, "Codices: A Redefinition Of Readers, Writers, Books and Poetry" (2012). Senior Capstone Projects. 111. This Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Window @ Vassar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Senior Capstone Projects by an authorized administrator of Digital Window @ Vassar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Codices: A Redefinition Of Readers, Writers, Books and Poetry Joanna Hamer Advisor: Prof Wallace Engl 300 B-term 2012 1 “Language is fossil poetry.” – Emerson, The Poet In the introduction to Johanna Drucker's Century of Artist's Books , Holland Cotter mourns the contemporary condition of the book and its “debased status in the modern world” i. He says that we have lost our enchantment with the “conventional design of stacked and bound pages,” and no longer see its physical form as part of our interaction with the text (Cotter xi). The mass-production of machine-made paper and typed-up text have made them into “perfect things, the way eggs are a perfect food,” complete and immobile. We don't approach the physicality of a book as a contributor to its meaning, but rather a transparent and shapeless portal of access to a static text. In a challenge to this mindset, Cotter writes about the artist's book and its ability to “transform the condition of bookness and complicate it”: to ask the 2 reader to examine and revise her conceptions of what a book might be and require of its reader (Cotter xi).
The Body of the Terrorist in Contemporary Cinema / Robert Duggan and Páraic Finnerty
Current Issue Contributors Past Issues Call for Papers Editorial Board Submissions Search Reconstruction 7.1 (2007) Return to Contents , The state , Sexuality , Gender , Terrorism » The Body of the Terrorist in Contemporary Cinema / Robert Duggan and Páraic Finnerty Abstract : This article will explore the presentation of the body of the terrorist in a range of British and American films with a particular emphasis on how these films combine political and romantic plotlines. As part of a broad consideration of how the terrorist is presented, this essay will concentrate in particular on Cal (1984), The Crying Game (1992), The Dancer Upstairs (2002) and The Quiet American (2002). Rather than fully engage with the more complex discourse of politics, often these films ask audiences to conceptualize the transgressive figure of the terrorist through the very familiar vocabulary of love and sexual desire. Some accounts of this process have tended to underestimate the significance of the body in relation to political contexts and this essay will seek to redress this imbalance. In all of the above films, the terrorist has a complex and uncanny identity; he or she is a dangerous, shape-shifting and seductive figure that first infiltrates and then attempts to undermine the culture he or she politically opposes. Building on recent work by film critics and queer theorists, this article analyses how each film engages in a reciprocal movement whereby the threatening body of the terrorist itself becomes subject to unforeseen threat or challenge in erotic and romantic scenarios. The threatening and threatened body of the terrorist is also a queer body for which personal, gender and sexual identity are fluid and performative.
Deutermann, P.T. The Edge of Honor. “Compelling O’Neill, Susan. Don’t Mean Nothing: Short Stories of accuracy in the depiction of both the technical matters Vietnam. Former army nurse O'Neill's debut story THE VIETNAMESE CONFLICT: of modern combat at sea and the atmosphere of the collection captures the physical and psychological Fiction of a War & its Aftermath seagoing navy.” -- Booklist tensions of her 13-month tour of duty in Vietnam. Eyre, David. Float. This novel of Americans at war Petersen, Michael. A Time of War. In the months In Country: Stories of Combat in Southeast Asia and at home follows Lieutenant John Paul Dubecheck before the Tet Offensive, diplomat Bradley Marshall is from the Mekong River Delta to a love affair with a sent to Vietnam to bring back information essential to Berent, Mark. Eagle Station.; Phantom Leader; Seattle “flower child.” ending the conflict. Storm Flight.. This series puts the reader inside the A Bitter Peace. Bradley Marshall’s mission to achieve Vietnam fighter pilot’s helmet. “A decorated Vietnam Flynn, Robert. The Last Klick. A writer leaves his peace in Vietnam is doomed to fail, and the pilot, Mark Berent knows planes and men and battle, teaching job to report war news in Vietnam and finds a consequences will haunt him far into the future. and he whirls them around in a story of uncommon world of unreality distorted by the media. strength. – W.E.B. Griffin Sutton, Richard O. Operation White Star. A recent Griffin, W. E. B. The Aviators. It’s 1964, and the West Point graduate volunteers for the U.S.
The Stygian Library A dungeon for bibliophiles. With thanks and apologies to Terry Pratchett. The Stygian Library An adventure designed for old school roleplaying games and their modern cousins. Written by Emmy ‘Cavegirl’ Allen. Artworks all in the public domain. Original works by Arthur Rackham, Virginia Frances Sterrett, Harry Clarke, Aubrey Beardsly, John Dixon Batten, Dugald Stewart Walker, and others. Personally, I consider intellectual property laws to be a total mess. Do what you want with this, steal whichev- er ideas you want, reproduce it. If you want to remove my name and sell this for a profit, that kind of makes you an asshole but I’m not stopping you. Dying Stylishly Games Contents Contents - 3 Vault, Chained Books, Too Small, Phosphorescent Lamps, Stacked Papers, 36 Negligible Gravity, Silent - 37 Letters, Spirit Illumination, Too Large - 38 Section 1: Introduction Haunted - 39 What Is The Stygian Library - 6 Smoking, Spirit Tubes, Watchful, Morbid, Time- How Do You Get There? - 6 Locked - 40 Why Go There? - 6 Semi Corporeal, Doorway Out, Tangled Passages - How to Run the Adventure - 7 41 Running Blindly, Events , Settling In - 8 Between Locations, Life in the Library, Magic in the Library - 9 Searching for Specific Books - 10 Section 5: Bestiary The Librarians & The Great Avernian Calculation - The Librarians of the Red, Yellow, Brown, Black, 11 Grey & White Orders - 43 Phantoms - 44 Visitors, Giant Bookworms, Rust Moths, Dust Elementals - 45 Section 2: The Tables Lantern Bearers, Skeleton Crew, Furious Books - Table: Locations
Understanding Loyalty, Trust, and Deception Through an Analysis of Jack Ryan in Tom Clancy’s The Hunt for Red October and Its 1990 Film Adaptation Rachel Collins FYSE Espionage in Film and Fiction 13 December 2014 !1 In his debut 1984 novel The Hunt for Red October, Tom Clancy introduces the character of Jack Ryan as a CIA analyst and protagonist that classically upholds the fictional spy agent’s values of trust and loyalty, as defined by Alan Wolfe in his article “On Loyalty.” Ryan, not an agent, but rather an analyst for the CIA, is thrown into the world of spies and proves his capability through his balanced loyalties, intelligent trust, and straightforward actions. This thrilling character was easily transformed into an unforgettable hero both through Clancy’s novel and its 1990 film adaptation. In both the novel and film, through constant internal and external conflicts concerning trust and loyalty, Jack Ryan expresses the needlessness of deception and what it means to be a spy in a fictional story. To further examine Jack Ryan as a fictional spy character, the definition of loyalty must first be explored so it can be applied to him as a CIA agent. For this, Alan Wolfe, political scientist and sociologist on the faculty of Boston College, in his article “On Loyalty” successfully outlines a thorough definition of the concept of loyalty that will be used throughout this paper. Wolfe argues, “Loyalty is an important virtue because honoring it establishes that there is something in the world more important than our immediate instincts and desires” (48).
Amazon Greenlights 10-Episode Season of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan
Amazon Greenlights 10-Episode Season of Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, Exclusively for Amazon Prime Video August 16, 2016 New Amazon Original series is slated to star John Krasinski Set to be co-produced by Paramount and Skydance Television and executive produced by Carlton Cuse, Graham Roland, Michael Bay, Brad Fuller, Andrew Form, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Marcy Ross, Mace Neufeld and Lindsey Springer In addition to unlimited video streaming on Prime Video, Amazon Prime members enjoy unlimited One-Day Delivery on millions of items, more than a million songs available to stream and download through Prime Music, unlimited photo storage in Amazon Cloud Drive, access to a million Kindle books to borrow, and early access to select Lightning Deals on — all available for a monthly membership of £7.99/month, or a best value annual membership of just £79/year. New customers can enjoy a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime today by visiting LONDON—August 16, 2016—Amazon today announced it has greenlitTom Clancy’s Jack Ryan from Paramount and Skydance Television, to debut on Amazon Prime Video. The one-hour, 10-episode dramatic series is slated to star John Krasinski (13 Hours, The Office) as Jack Ryan and is projected to shoot in the US, Europe and Africa. Jack Ryan is a reinvention with a modern sensibility of the famed and lauded Tom Clancy hero, a character with a star-filled Hollywood history, having been previously portrayed by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck and Chris Pine.