THE ENGINEERING OF STRATEGY: ��� G������, U������ T����� �� S�������� M��������� ��� P���������� K�� WA����
[email protected] Abstract Strategy scholars and others have long been concerned about limited relevance and usage of strategy theories and methods. This might be addressed by better integration of existing rigorous principles, including those of other management disciplines, into a general, unified theory [GUT] of strategic management and performance. A possible GUT builds on three generic principles—that firm performance at any time depends on current quantities of tangible resources, that those and other resources and capabilities accumulate and deplete over time, and that interdependencies amongst these processes, interacting with rivals and other exogenous factors, capture the dynamics of the organization’s operating system and explain the resulting performance of an organization over time, on any chosen measure(s). These principles are applicable at all levels of strategy and to all contexts, including non-commercial cases. Applying the functions that operationalize the principles provides an “engineering view” of an enterprise, amenable to deliberate design and continuous management. The GUT is amenable to falsification—the search for any situation in which it can be shown to fail. Keywords: strategy theory, strategic management, system dynamics, organizational performance Strategy writers have long expressed concern that the field is not sufficiently relevant to the real world (Hambrick, 2004; Ghoshal, 2005; Farjoun, 2007; Whittington and Jarzabkowski, 2008). There is also suggestive evidence that its tools, methods and frameworks (hereafter, simply ‘methods’) are not widely used (Rigby and Bilodeau, 2013), and may be regarded by practitioners as being of limited value and relevance (Coyne and Subramaniam, 2000).