Matlovich Wins Case
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New York's oldest gay newspaper ISSUE NO. 90 JANUARY 1979 •^ by ^Wbite came to Oty Hall on Monday of the tragtay. The mardiers, vengeuice...a neta fbc^omlng together to SAN FftANOSCO-^ Tbe nation lost tooming, entertog through a baaemvnt primarily gay, l>egan tiietr Journey at 18th a aense of love ata t^penneas/* two major contributors to tiie cause of window, witti a gun ata a podcetful of and Castro streeto ata endta at tiie-Qvic Joan Baez was slngiag over tbe fauman righto to the murders of Mayor bolleto. He went to the Mayor's Chambers Center. Ironically, tt was .MDk's presence loudspeakers providta by rock prtaucer George Moscone and Supervisor HarVey and was grantta entrance after a short to the Castro district that hta made Bill Graham as the marchers iiiovta closer hfilkonNbv.27. wait. Wtthto mtoutes Moscone hta been marchi from there a tradition, begtontog to hear the speakers on the steps ai Qty The shock of the double tragtay shot five times, twice in the beta. He dita with the defeat to Miami and fdlowta by HaU. deeply affected all San Frandsco. but his after White hta escapta out a side door. initiative failures and victories to other Harry Britt, a dose personal friend of particulariy hard at the effort toward White then ran one blodc through City stotes. MUk's, and President of the Gay Demo- achievtog gay righto to the dty and stote. Hall to the Supervisor's Chambers where The'^fiames of thousands of candles cratic Club, was chokta with sorrow as he Former San Francisco Supervisor Dan he knocked on Milk's door. Milk was piercta the cool, clear night as moumfiil said. "How many times have we mtae that White, an outop<^«n enemy ctf gay^ghto, speakiag to a fiieta as White said. drums lta the way down Market Street. walk down Market Street knowing that has been chargta with the assassinations. "Harvey, I want to see you." Milk left for The Civic Center was fillta with Silent, when'we got toXlSty HaU, Harvey would be Under a recentiy enactta law to Caifomia, White's vacated office to talk with him, emotional people who embraced and wept there? Harvey Milk wiU be tothe middle of if found guilty he will be sentenced to while White evidentiy reloaded his gun. openly. lift always, always, always." either death or life imprisonment without Within mtoutes, Milk hta been shot four "Harvery Milk was a letaer who Pdice Chief Charies Gato callta for parde. times, twice in the back of the head. He represented your vdces/* acttog Mayor togetherness and a re-dedication to "what White, embitterta over the Mayor*5 dita instantly. White left City Hall through Dianne Feinsteto told the crowd. "Those of wc know this dty to be—a dty of refusd to appotot him as Supervis<»' after a side door. He surrendered himself to us on the Board will remember him for his understandtog." he hta earlier resignta. aUegedly shot and police within the hour. commitment, for his sense of humor, and Thousands filta by the btaies of killta Moscone to the mayor's chaml>er5. Tears flowed freely as some 40,000 for his ability to develop a sense d Moscone and Milk on Wednesday as they He apparentiy proceeded to the opposite marchers ademnly moved through the dty destiny..,.There is a need for unity, not lay in stote at City 'HaU. Services for both side of City Hall and' Idlled MUk, an to a spontaneous ontpourtog of grief on the men were held by various groups through opponent of White's remstotement. out the dty. Capadty crowds attendta The former Supervisor had become services fbr Milk at the dty*s largest distraught over finandal and psychological synagogue ant^at the 4000-seat OpOera problems whidi. he hta eariier tdd the House. public, hta placta him under considerable Stote Assembly member WiUie stress. He resigned to early November Brown, who authored the California private saytog he could not adequately-do his job consensual act measure, answered the because of the pressure he felt in trytog to question on many minds: Why so much operate a newly acsqutred testourant coa^ tragtay to Saa Francisco? He urgta the cession, matotato a family life and serve as dty to "stand befbre the nation as the only a Supervisor. He complainta that th^ dty where there is the chance fbr $9600 a year Supervisor salary was democracy to work. Because democracy inadequate. White hta resigned an works here, we have got to be prepared to SIS.000 a year position as a dty fire tolerate and understand philosophies and fighter. persons who are undemocratic. Mayor Moscone urged White to stay *' We have declared that there is room on, bvt later changed his mind when White for them to practice their beliefs. In Sau asked for his position back. The dty Francisco, our doors are always open to let attorney ruled that the Mayor had to accept each person make his or her own decision White's resignation, adding that Moscone about the lifestyle each wanto. San could appoint White to the same position. Frandsco is the most tolerant dty in the It became apparent through the mtaia that world. Harvery Milk and George Moscone White would not be appototed. gave their lives for that idea." Oleary Matlovich Newly-eledta officers of the Gay AUiance of Genesee Valley will be on hata at the OAGV annual meeting January 13. (From left to right) Peter Hoff. vic^-fvesidcnt; Sue Cowell. Resigns co-president: and George Mohr. co-president. Piiete by Carei OaaM Jean O'Leary has announced tha^she fully ezplato ito wordtog in the regula wHl resign as Co-Executive Diredor of the Wins Case National Gay Task Force effective June tions." When askta on what grounds by John J. Graczak exceptions were made fbr discharging a Gays Donate 1979. Her dedsion to leave was made for Washtogton, DC'>—Vernon Berg HI known hotnosexual to the military. Kennet personal reasons. Ms. O'Leary, who has and Leonard Matlovich won a significant respondta, "You must otaerstata that establishta aa outstandbig record to this tavance to their struggles wfth the Unitta eadi case of each todividual Is lookta at post since June 1^76, first jointa the NGTF Stotes Armta Forces to a Dec. 6 decision of todtvidoaUy." Botii Berg ata Matlovicfa to Al Sigl staff as National CoorfUnator to 1975. the U.S. Court of Appeals. The three-per hta toiqpeccaUe aervice records. Rochester's gay commumty contrib- Kay Whitlock-ttta Charies Brydon, son pand of judges mlta to effect tiiat the ibe mRttacy may eitlier comply witii ntta over $1,000 to donations whldi win Co*Chalrs of tile NGTF Board of Directors, military n*ay not tfiacharge an todividual tbe rulii^ of the court, to which caae the benefit netay dilkben at the Al Sigl expressta thek appredation to Ms. sddy on the grounds of homoaexuality, reaaoBS preaentta would be teatta to tbe Center, aanooncta Vicky Ruaso, ceordto- O'Leary fbr her (fistinguiabta aervice to but must spediy why the dtocharge is lower GQurto, or chaBenge tlic roBag to ator of toe projed. Local gay establidi- NGTF ata notta tbat "ber enormous approprii^* llt^taoB befbce the U^. Supreme Cowt. meato aaiidtta caataner donations ata creative talett ata energy wBI be greatly Berg*s ata Matiovich's cases were to order tor the caae to be argata before held fbta raistog evento to aid Ms. Rnsso missta. We esCeta to ber our best wiabes heard separatdy on tbe same day by the tiie Snpreme Court, die Solicitor General of to tbe drive wiiidi ptovidta a Ctoistmaa for what we know wiU be aaoeescfol fittttre court, and tbe dbwiiitja to tiie Navy ata tbe Unitta Statea must gmrt his approval* party tor dtildrea through the Al Sigl eadeavoiis* ata we look forward to a die Ab- Force ate Identical ta oontoat AaaiitaBt Attornt^ Gesttral Barbara Ceater's Recftatioa DepartiaeBt. conttouta doae associatloa with her/' Accordtog to tbe ooittt» tibe Armta fWoea Babcock Is at pceaest preparing a leconn Tbe Al SIgi Center providea aervioea to vnddock ata Brydoo emphadzta tbat hta demonatratta. particularly to tbe 1974 menQapoB to flie iSulh'itor Ganeral oonoem- handicapped people within Moorw die Board ezpecto to appoiat a repteoemeat Otoe of Ckamfa^m va* StMaa^k^m* that-' ii^ faiUiet' ttofatioB* BUICOCM 'lawnt med County. Ibr Dr. Braee BoeOer (wboae tesigiiatioa It dbes not dbdiirge aO tboae ioota to be CKlf^tot "at this tiane we ava wocktog at Each year a local aerviee afeacy wffi froat the otber Go-Directilr's po^ioa to boMMMesnta. Tbe Amta Forcaa at tihat pvtttog togeiber a etalta poaliian of (die be dMiaen aa tbe redpient ef the doaatloa. cflBetive Jaaaaty 1) well to advaaee of tbne argota tbat diadiarge ior boaaoaexa- Dept. fsO* Jttatiba: I aspect tbat k ii^li be^ All fbads gathefta over ata abewe the O'Leary's depailure so that cuattoaity wBI plby was aof mataatoiy, bvt that the aot be olataibed. ooQpicsaQ oy •eat wawK» BM at iBai mpe $1,000 pledge to tito ^ ^ Center ndlilary «ata bMfividual itaeretton. wflth "We waat to make it abeotately dear lafll be meaMOtato the Seiklior GoBBfaL.. •H^v^mi^i^^^wwe •^^••^^•^ ••••^^^••w TI>^B«I^F a^tr ^F^^ ^^^^^^•^••^^^^^ eawi|Kiun daoaea edsllDg to the i^vla- Ibe SoUdtof. Gettaeal doea not always to St. Jdaepft^i Wte to the form of tarteys to NGTFs members ata aapportoia a- tfawa. Baata on that pcevloos caae.