Water Sector Lebanon
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WATER SECTOR LEBANON Baalbek- Hermel : Informal Settlements (Active & <4 tents) Coverage Partner Donor Date: 6/21/2017 (! AAH NO_DONOR (! GVC ECHO SIDA INTERSOS (! NMFA Conflict (! LOST Red Cross (!(!(!(! (! (!(! BPRM (! (! LRC (! Charbine El-Hermel (! (! GAC (!(!(! (! (! (! litige (! Mercy Corps (! (! (! (! UNHCR (!(! (! (! (! NRC UNICEF litige (! (! (! (!(! OXFAM (! He(!rmel (! (! (! (! (! (! (!(! (! (!(!(!(! Administrative boundaries (! (!(! (!(!(! (! (!(! (!(! (! (!! (! (!(!(! (! (! (! (! ( (! (! (! (!(! (! No Partner (!(! (! (!(!(! (!(! (!(! Caza Michaa Mrajhiné El Hermel (! (!(!(! (!(! (! (! (! (! li(!tige (! (!(!(!(! (! (!(! (!(!(! (! (!(! (! (! (! (!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(! (!(!(!(! (! (! (! (!(!(!(!(! (! Cadasters Qaa Jouar Maq(!iyé (!(! (! (! (! (! Qaa Ouadi El-Khanzir (! (!(!(!(! (! Zighrine (!(!(!(!(! (! (! (! (! (!(! (!(!(!(! (!(!(!(! Individuals (! (!(!(!(!(!(! (! (!(!(! (! (! (!(! ( 0 - 200 (! (!(!(! (!(!(! (!(!(!(!(! (! (! (!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(! ( 201 - 300 (!(! (! (! (! (!(! (! 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