-\ HIMACHAL PRADESH STATE E!--ECTRICITY 'BOARD LIMITED (A STATE GOVERNMENT UNDERTAKING) Registered Office : Vldyut Bhawan,HPSEBL,Shfmla-171004(HP) Corporate Identity Number(CIN) : U40109HP2009SGC031255 Telephone Number : (H.O)0177-28036001 2813563(Fax)/2801675 Email address :
[email protected],
[email protected] Website address : www.hpseb.com *HRD SECTION* OFFICE ORDER NO. 61 IHPSEBL(SECTT.)/HRD/2016- Dated:- f:.1 9!&JJ/6 The Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd. is pleased to order a~ under, in the exigencies of Board's work, with immediate effect: To create 225 posts of Junior Office Assistant (Information Technology) in the Pay Band A-I CPB of Rs.5910-20200+1950 GP In Electrical Sub-Divisions under Operation Wing as Indicated below: 1) Chief Engineer(OP) North ,HPSEBL, Dharamshala Sr. Name of Sub-Divlslonl Dlvision/Clrcle No. of posts Junior Office No. I and Chief Engineer Assistant (IT) 1) CE(OP)North - 1. (OP) Circle, Kangra - 1 ED, Dharamshela . i) ESD No. I, Dharamshala 1 ii) , ESD No.lI. Dharamshala 1 iii) ESD, Yol at Sidhbari I 1 iv) ESD, Baroh 1 v) ESD Nagrota Bagwan 1 , I Total 5 2) ED, Kangra - i) ESD, No. I Kangra I 1 ii) ESD No.1I Kangra r 1 iii) ESD, Ranital 1 'Total 3 3) ED, Shahpur i) ESD, Shahpur 1 ii) ESD, Lapiana 1 iii) ESD, Rait 1 iv) ESD, Chari 1 Total 4 4) ED, Palampur - i) ESD, No. I, Palampur 1 ii) ESD No.II, Palampur 1 iii) ESD, Marinda , 1 iv ' ESD , Bhawarna 1 -. --.r.<~ .' -- -~ -- v) ESD, Daroh 1 - Total 5 1.5) .