Progress in Faunal Correlation of Late Cenozoic Fluvial Sequences 2000-4: the Report of the IGCP 449 Biostratigraphy Subgroup
Progress in faunal correlation of Late Cenozoic fluvial sequences 2000-4: the report of the IGCP 449 biostratigraphy subgroup b ffi d D.e. Schrevea, * , D.H. Keen , , N. Limondin-LozouetC, P. Auguste , Juan I. Santistebane, f i M. Ubilla , A. Matoshkog, D.R. Bridgland\ R. Westaway a Department of Geography,Royal Holloway University of London,Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX, UK b lnstitute of Archaeology & Antiquity,The University of Birminyham,Edybaston, Birminyham B15 2TT, UK CLaboratoire de Geographie Physique, UMR CNRS 859, 1 Place Aristide Briand,92195 Meudon cedex,France d UMR 8014 CNRS,Laboratoire de Paieontologie et Paieogeographie du Paieozoi'que, Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1, F-59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex,France CDepartamento Estratigrajla,Facultad Ciencias Geo16gicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Calle Jose Antonio Novais 2,28040 Madrid,Spain f paleontologia,Ingepa, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la Repuhlica,Igua 4225,11400 Montevideo, Uruguay gInstituteof' Geoyraphy, National Academyof' Sciences of Ukraine, 44 Volodymyrska Street,01034 Kiev, Ukraine h Geography Department,Durham University,Durham DH1 3LE, UK i Facultyof'Mathematics and Computinq,The Open University, Ehlon House, Gos/imh,Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 3PW, UK Abstract Vertebrate and invertebrate faunal biostratigraphy is a well-tested method for establishing relative chronologies for fluviatile sequences that has proved useful in many parts of the world, The robust bones and teeth of large mammals are commonly found in fluviatile deposits,
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