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Congratulations! Congratulations! 35 Monticello Place, Pawtucket, RI 02861 USA Society Distribution Center American Mathematical AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Congratulations! e AMS is proud to recognize its authors who received awards at this year’s Joint Congratulations!Mathematics Meetings. Here, explore a selection of their past publications. TEXTBOOK Hodge Theor�, Complex Ricci Flow and the Sphere Geomet��, and Theorem Representation Theor� Simon Brendle, Stanford Mark Green, University of University, CA California, Los Angeles, CA, Phillip Griffiths, Institute of A great self-contained presentation of 2014 AMS 2014 AMS Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, and one of the most important and exciting Steele Prize Bôcher Prize for Lifetime Matt Kerr, Washington University, Simon Brendle developments in differential geometry Achievement … [H]ighly recommended for both Phillip St. Louis, MO researchers and students interested Griffiths A co-publication of the AMS and CBMS. in differential geometry, topology and Ricci flow. CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, Number 118; 2013; 308 pages; —Huy The Nyugen, Bulletin of the LMS Softcover; ISBN: 978-1-4704-1012-4; List US$65; All individuals US$52; Order code CBMS/118 Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Volume 111; 2010; 176 pages; Hardcover; ISBN: 978-0-8218-4938-5; List US$47; AMS members US$37.60; Order code GSM/111 Selected Works of Phillip A. Griffiths with APPLIED MATHEMATICS Commentar� Enrico Arbarello, Università “La Sapienza”, Rome, Topics in Optimal Italy, Robert L. Bryant, Duke University, Durham, Transpor�ation NC, C. Herbert Clemens, University of Utah, Salt Cédric Villani, École Normale Lake City, UT et al., Editors Supérieure de Lyon, France The four parts of these Selected Works, supplemented by Griffiths’ brief, but extremely illuminating, personal reflections on the mathe- A lucid and very readable documenta- matical content and the times in which they were produced, provide 2014 AMS tion of the tremendous recent analytic the reader with a panoramic view of important and exciting mathe- Doob Prize progress in ‘optimal mass transpor- matics during the second half of the 20th century. Cédric Villani tation’ theory and of its diverse and This book is jointly published by the AMS and the International unexpected applications in optimiza- Press. tion, nonlinear PDE, geometry, and mathematical physics. Set: Collected Works, Volume 18; 2003; 2598 pages; Hardcover; ISBN: 978-0-8218-1066-8; List US$335; AMS members US$268; —Lawrence C. Evans, University of California at Berkeley Order code CWORKS/18 Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Volume 58; 2003; 370 pages; Hardcover; ISBN: 978-0-8218-3312-4; List US$65; AMS members US$52; Order code GSM/58 APPLIED MATHEMATICS A Geomet�ic Approach to Dmitri Yuri Burago Sergei Free Boundar� Problems Burago Ivanov Luis Caffarelli, University of thematical E for Ma xposit 2 rize ion Texas, Austin, TX, and Sandro 014 AMS Steele P Salsa, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 2014 AMS For anyone who later will do research A Course in Met�ic Geomet�� Steele Prize on free boundary problems, this is Dmitri Burago, Pennsylvania State University, for Seminal probably the best introduction ever Contribution University Park, PA, and Yuri Burago and Sergei written. … [A] very informative and to Research Ivanov, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg, Luis Caffarelli inspiring monograph. Overall, this is a fine text for a graduate or postgradu- Russia ate course in free boundary problems The three authors are being honored for the book at hand, in recognition and a valuable reference that should of excellence in exposition and promotion of fruitful ideas in geometry. be on the shelves of researchers and The prize citation reads: “This book has clearly left a visible imprint those teaching applied partial differential equations. on the landscape of today’s geometry. It provides great help to orient students in the introductory studies of synthetic methods, and to guide —Vicentiu Radulescu, MAA Reviews young geometers in their research.” , Volume 68; 2005; 270 pages; Graduate Studies in Mathematics Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Volume 33; 2001; 415 pages; Hardcover; ISBN: 978-0-8218-3784-9; List US$54; AMS members Hardcover; ISBN: 978-0-8218-2129-9; List US$50; AMS members US$40; US$43.20; Order code GSM/68 Order code GSM/33 Order by Phone: (800)321-4267 (U.S. & Canada), Order Online: @amermathsoc (401)455-4000 (Worldwide)
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