1208 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. :is, MILITARY AREA No. 8 (NEW PLYMOUTH)-contint!Bd. MILITARY AREA No. 8 (NEW PLYMOUTH)-cO'll,finued. 269919 Bro~, Louis Packer, training manager, care of Mr. A. Z, _269939 Cooper, Cedric Frank, farm hand, 11 Harribal St., New · Walker, 66 Morley St., New Plymouth. Plymouth. 263941 Brown, Owen Francis, farm labourer, care of H. C. Carter, 070833 Corkin, Arthur Wesley, farm labourer, care of F. Cleaver, _ Box 9, Eltham. , · · Hawera. 247192 Brunning, Noel, 414 South Rd., New Plymouth. 287056 Cosbrook, Frank Ruphert Stanley, farm hand, Uruti. 005993 Brunton, William Edward, farm hand, Cardiff, Stratford. 240688 Cos brook,- Kenneth George, farm hand, care of J. H. Purdie, 249222 Bublitz, Arnold James, farm hand, Grant Rd., Hawera. 'Tikorangi Rural Delivery, Waitara. 117329 Bublitz, Roy, farm hand, Eltham Rd., llfangatoki. 237147 -Cowell, Bernard Thomas, butcher, 2 Taylor St., Eltham. 194053 Buck, Edmund Frank, cheese-factory assista)lt, care of 237146 Cowell, Francis Ignatius, labourer, Taylor St.; Eltham. Newall Rd.- Factory, 'okato, Taranaki. 240703 Cowie, Ian Campbell, dairy-farmer, Egmont St., Patea. 050394 Buckley, Claude, Waitai, Inglewood._ 423049 Cowling, Edward William, truck-driver, Manaia Rd., 286921 Bull, Arthur, farm hand, Normanby, Taranaki. Manaia. 419609 Bulmer, John Clarence, .dairy-farmer, Ngaere .Post-office. 426955 Cox, Albert .Edward, farmer, Duthie Rd., Mangatoki. 270626 Burkett, James Michael, farmer, Kaimata, Taranaki. 374619 Coxhead, Hector Leonard, farm hand, Te Kiri, Taranaki. 089191 Burkitt, Clarence Norris, share-milker, Opua Rd., Opunake. 404353 Coxhead, Percy Wallace John, farm hand,-Te Kiri. 374465 Burnard, Eric John, share-milker, Opua Rd., Opunake. 417990 Craig, Laurence Roy, farm_ manager, care of Mrs.
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