Wudang Instructor Programme


INSTRUCTOR PROGRAMME SHEFFIELD, UK ----- Year 1 - Basic Instructor Competition Level 2014-15 ---

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Wudang Tai Chi Instructor Programme

Tai Chi Forms

Wudang 28 (太极二十八式), this form is a Third Tai Chi Generation form developed from the original 108 movements of Wudang San Feng Tai Chi Chuan. Embodying the concepts of softness overcoming hardness and stillness overcoming fast movement, this form is designed for the practitioner to convert physical strength into inner energy. Despite of being an ancient form practised by Taoist monks for years, this for is perfect for Competition as it covers the 8 energies and features the main Tai Chi Tui Fa (腿法) or Tai Chi leg kicks. . Wudang Tai He Quan (太和拳) is a short, ancient and emblematic routine of the Wudang Mountains. Actually, Wudang mountains were known as Tai He Shan (Mountains of the Supreme Armony). This form was passed by Yong Guang, 18 Generación del Linaje Long Men (Dragon Gate) from Taihe Palace in Jin Ding (Golden Summit). It features 22 postures and includes techniques of energy emission (Fa Li), Bagua steps (Eight Trigrams) and should be performed in a slow manner.

Qigong Forms

Wu Xing Gong (五行气功), Wudang is an ancient Taoist exercise designed to improve one's health and longevity. As the name implies, the movements of this exercise are based on the movements of five animals; the dragon, the tiger, the leopard, the snake, and the crane. Each animal movement improves the function of a specific internal organ. Through dedicated practice, Wudang Five Animals Qigong has the capacity to bring balance back to one's internal organ system. When the internal organs are in balance, the body is able to work at its optimum efficiency, thus improving the overall health and longevity of the practitioner..

Huogu Qigong (道教活骨气功), Qi Gong set designed by Master Chen Shi Xing. This Qigong set is designed to prepare the body for Tai Chi Chuan practice. Like Wu Xing Qi Gong, it helps develop strength in upper and lower body in order to awaken inner energy in Tai Chi.

Nei Gong Practice  Zhang Zhuan (站桩) is a central practice to every Tai Chi Chuan practitionners. Literally translated as "standing pillar", Zhang Zhuan cover a range of exercises which release inner energy and relax the body. Besides, it helps achieve the correct and neccesary body alignments when practicing Internal Martial Arts. . Wudang Shi San Zhuang o 13 Pillars of Wudang (武当十三站桩功) are the specific pillars from Wudang Mountains practiced for centuries by Taoist monks and priests, as it includes the main stances of Internal Martial Arts of Wudang.

Wudang Spain 2

Wudang Tai Chi Instructor Programme

Partner Work

Tuishou (推手) or in a practice aimed at developing the neccesary sensitivity for a succesful Tai Chi practice. By joining hands with your partner, you are able to exchange energy and work in combination with the movements of another person. This improves coordination, body mechanics and softness.

Martial Applications are necessary to understand the techniques included in the routines. To practice Tai Chi in a real way, the practitioner needs to understand the meaning of the movements and what the actual significance in combat situations is.


 Wudang Shen Suo: Methods for stretching the muscles and warming up ligaments, tendons and joints.  Wudang Shou-Bu Fa: Static coordination method for upper and lower body  Wudang Bu Fa: Coordination exercises combined with footwork  Wudang Wu Xing Qigong: Energy cultivation system of Five Elements of Wudang  Wudang Shi San Zhuang: 13 Pillars of Wudang Shan  Wudang San Feng Taiji 28: Standard form developed from the original 108 movements of Wudang San Feng Tai Chi Chuan.  Tai He Quan: Short, ancient and emblematic routine of the Wudang Mountains

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