The initial state and functioning of the educational system, urbanization, sports, medical and social care and human resources in Kutina

KUTINA, 15.7.2016


1. Main problems and implemetation targets in Kutina city area

The sedentary way of life that a big part of todays society practices is mainly connected tu overly abundant and inappropriate eating habits with increasing prevalency of excessive weight and obesity that leads to a series of chronical illnesses. Awareness of potential harmness that is caused by that way of life stimulates promotion of physical activity and healthy eating habits. Regular physical activity has been proven as a very efficient way of preventing many chronical metabolic or cardio vascular diseases, and even some malignancies (Mišgoj – Duraković and co., 1999.,2012.) It is especially accentuated that primary prevention must be started at early age. The benefits of regular physical activity is universal for the young population and children, includign the children with development disabilities and chronical diseases. Physical activities are closely linked to staying healthy and preventing chronical diseases, regardless of lenght, form and intensity of the activity. For children and adolescents it is recommended to spend at least 60 minutes of mild to intense activity in their free time, with minimal time spent sitting by the computer or watching television – not more than two hours a day. There are no special recommendations for disabled children. These recommendations are mostly based on recommendations for general population of children and adolescents with the adjustment of activity/program to difficulties and the health and functional status of each child. Many researches that deal with the activities of children and adolescents show that a big part of them do not reach to the above recommendations. It is applied especially on disabled children and children with chronical diseases, whose disabilities complicate being involved in such activities (Aslan and co.,2012; Durstine and co., 2000;Rimmer and Rowland, 2008; Shikako-Thomas and co.,2008). Motion of disabled children is oftenly linked to some greater metabolic, cardio-respiratory or mechanical consumption in comparison to children without disabilities. These are the children who are dealing with special health (considering the extention and the type) and educational needs (McPherson and co., 1998; Meštrović and co., 2011.). This is the population of children with increased frequencies of doctors appointments, laying in beds or hospitals due to ilness, and absence in school. (Meštrović,2011.) Their level of physical acivity and time spent on it, and the share of lean body mass is lower in comparison to other children that age. They are more likely to be overweight or obese. Children with cognitive, emotional or behavioral dissabilities are often obese compared to children with physical and chronical diseases (Feehan and co., 2012.) Lower level of physical activity , that is partly caused by the childrens dissability and other obstacles restraining them to perform such activity causes lower cardio – respiratory and muscle ability in comparison to other children that age.


The positive connection between the level of physical activity, muscle and cardio – respiratory ability, health indicators and quality of life is well known, as same as the negative connection with dangers („risks“) to develop chronical metabolical and cardio – vascular diseases. People with special needs are often in the risk group with tendencies to develop obesity and other similar chronical diseases so some programs are aiming to raise awareness to activity suitable for them, preserving the funcionality of muscular and cardio – respiratory ability that are much more needed than in general population. That has a lot to do with the fact that secundary chronical diseases in persons with disabilities can endanger or restrain their self sufficiancy (Minihan and co., 2007).

The concerns about obesity and a great share of sedentary activities has induced a lot of researches towards the problems with phisycal activities, the time and energy spent on it, especially towards examinating the obstacles to include disabled children and young people to participate in such activity (Shikako-Thomas and co., 2008;Aslan and co., 2012; Feehan and co., 2012; Waninge and co., 2013; Fragala-Pinkham and co., 2012; Mudge and co., 2013) . With the increasing awareness of the factors that contribute to quality of life and growing consciousness of the importance of ensuring quality life for people with special needs , but also for those who take care of them in their everyday life. There are numerous benefits of regular physical activity suited for individual difficulties and in accordance with special needs, and they substantially exceed those of the general population of the same age. Engaging in physical activity in childhood and adolescence is not usually encouraged by health benefits but by social connections and taking pleasure in such activities. Maintaining or improving muscle and cardio-respiratory function as a component of physical fitness , is of upmost importance for children and adolescents with special needs as a part of their daily tasks and the ability to take care of themselves, it reduces physiological consumptions,helps develop secondary prevention of chronic diseases and improves quality of life (Murphy, 2008). Therefore, from the viewpoint of adapting physical programs to cardiorespiratory competence is important to ensure the maintenance and / or enhancement of muscle form for these people(Fragala –Pinkham and co., 2005; Mudge and co., 2013, Murphy and co., 2008). So far, numerous studies on training programs aim to increase muscle strength , aerobic endurance , walking efficiency, that showed positive changes on examined children with disabilities (Halle JW and co., 1999; Council and co., 2003; Blundell and co., 2003;Fragala – Pinkham and co., 2005 etc). A recent survey by Waning and co. (2013 ), through continuous heart rate monitoring during physical activity on people with intellectual and multiple disabilities, found that they use only a small portion ( 32 % ) of functional reserves estimated by pulse reserve. Researching the quality of their free time on weekends in institutions where people with such disabilities

3 stayed, showed that half of their free time is spent watching TV or listening to music (Zijlstra and co., 2005).

19 students with disabilities were included in a research that found only a small number of students spend their free time in nature, and the smallest number of students spend their free time in the sports hall and other sports activities ( Miholić and co. , 2009). Although most of the participants of this research did not refer to any obstacles to enjoy their free time, nearly a third of the students stated that their obstacles are related to transportation , accessibility , lack of assistants or obligations related to studying (Miholić and co., 2009). Children with physical disabilities are less involved in leisure activities than their peers, activities are more passive, less diverse and often limited to activities within the home. Involvement in recreational activities is influenced by gender, age, difficulties, individual and family preferences, motivation, environmental factors, support and availability of the parent / guardian (Shikaka-Thomas et al., 2008; IMMSA et al., 2009, Low et al ., 2006) and is associated with prosperity, education and family functionality (Low et al., 2006). Parents / guardians are often not commited to physical activity and the benefits it brings to children with special needs. There are also cases of overestimating the dangers of exercise (Murphy et al., 2008). It certainly is important to adjust the activity to the health and functional status of the child, to ensure safety of exercise, persons preferences, and adjusting custom program and equipment in accordiance to persons health and functional status. Although the use of information technology is most commonly associated with an increase in time spent sitting, in these times it is also a good way to involve children with disabilities in physical activity programs. The use of informational technology ( Rimmer and Rowland , 2008) is a good way to include children in activity programs, especially if there are some problems (related to ransportation , equipment, place, weather conditions, guardians schedules, etc.), or including them in excersises they can do at home like interactive activities that include multiple trainees. There are many levels based on type, endurance, intensity and complexity, which allows finding the optimal type and intensity for the health and functional status of each child. Special attention that is for now insufficient, has to be given to parents/ guardians of children with special needs, not just regarding their health but also their overall quality of life. Their health and quality of life is closely linked to the lives of those they are taking care of. The care for a child with special needs is far more complicated, demanding and long-term compared to the usual parental care, it is linked to childs chronical health problems and strenghtening in meeting his everyday special needs. This reflects on the parents/guardians quality of life. Their psychological and physical health is primarily associated with childs behavior and the special care child needs which is also linked with functionality of the family.


(Raina i sur., 2005). This means that the programs aimed at including children with special needs in physical activitiy should also involve their parents/guardians.

Kinesiologists suggest various aerobic and sports activities that children with special needs can take part in. Since the ability to involve in such activity depends on health and functional status of the child, continuous cooperation between doctors pediatricians, kinesiologists, parents/guardians and the child to advise on the type, durance and intensity of the activity that ensures healthy, useful and safe physical activity for the child. Manuals with recommendations on the choice of sports activities and health recommendations for a safe workout routine for children with special needs, can be used as a guideline for raising and ensuring implementation of adapted physical activity with these children. People who plan, program, implement and monitor training programs for children and adolestents with special needs, especially in those with severe chronic health problems, should be familiar with the health and functional status, difficulties and special needs, possible contraindications for conducting training / individual forms of exercise , restrictions with regard to the intensity of activity, as well as signs and symptoms in certain children with chronic difficulties that may indicate possible health complication or injury associated with exercise and be familiar with the proceedure in case of complications, so that the risk of exercise or training is kept to a minimum. For people who provide and supervise activities and training with disabled people, especially with severe chronic health problems, continuous education and acquiring special skills is an important factor for increasing involvement and raising the level of individually adjusted healthy and safe physical activity in this population. Increasing levels of physical activity and greater inclusion of children with special needs, disabilities and chronic diseases in the individual activity programs is not only the responsibility of parents / guardians, physicians, kinesiologists, physiotherapists. It requires the involvement of all levels of society, from local communities to national authorities, especially in identifying and removing barriers to the inclusion of children with special needs in healthy, useful and safe physical activity.

2. Generel value system and principles underlying the evolution of sport in

Under the concept of sport "we mean all forms of physical exercise which, through casual or organized participation, aim at expressing or improving physical abilities and mental well- being, entering social connections or achievement of results at all levels of competition"


(European Sports Charter / European Sports Charter, 1992 ), sport stands for all forms of physical and recreational exercise of citizens. This means physical activity can be divided into: 1. Preeschool sports activity 2. Physical education in schools and universities 3. Sports for disabled people 4. Competitive sports 5. Sports in army and police 6. Profesional sports

The principles underlying the evolution of sport in Croatia:

1) Tradition of sport in Croatia 2) Autonomy of Sport in Croatia 3) Educational value of sport 4) Sport helps improve health 5) Sport without doping 6) Sport and top sports results are a means of promoting the country 7) The contribution of sport to building a better society 8) Sport in the fight against violence, racism, discrimination and intolerance 9) The potential of sport in social integration and building a society of equal opportunities 10) Sport and Environment 11) Economic and financial dimension of sport

This broad understanding of the sport goes beyond the traditional understanding of sport as competitive activities whose goal is the achievement of sports results. It covers all types and forms of physical exercise. Sport is, in this document, considered – any recreational exercise of citizens, which can be individual, such as a long walk or bike ride through organized and guided activities, such as exercising various kinds of aerobics or a workout in the fitness centers, through school and university sports, sports for persons with disabilities, competitive sport to high-quality sport with achieving top sports results at Olympic and world level. The concept of sport unites sports organizations, which can be companies, organizations (and non-profit organizations) and institutions, athletes, children, youth and students, people with disabilities, sports coaches and people qualified to work in sports (instructors, leaders etc.), sports officials, people involved in the organization and management of sports competitions, sports managers, sports doctors, citizens who participate in sports in their spare time, fan groups that organize to follow sport events or individuals. The autonomy of sport is refered to questions of non-governmental and non-profit sports organizations, free of all influence or political interference, interference of state or a third party in the affairs of the organization of democratic election standards and selecting the

6 bodies on any level, financing sport from public or other sources and spending funds; adoption, implementation and interpretation of the rules relating to sports and sports activities and other issues important for the operation of sport is one of the most important principles that Croatian sport should be based on. The autonomy of sport is related to questions about the independence to politics, financial autonomy, independence to non- sport organizations to regulate and organize sports in accordance with the rules themselves and interprete it respecting international and national law. The responsibility that sport has in society and the autonomy which regulates it leads to its credibility and legitimacy. That autonomy means preserving the values of sport and the existing structures through which it has developed in Europe, the world and Croatia (COC , 2008.)

Te Law of sports determines:

1. Sport system and activities 2. Professional sport related buissines 3. Sport competitions 4. Sport financing 5. Supervision 6. Other issues related to sport.

This law also regulates the highest national professional body for sport - the National Sport Council, appointed by the . It is aware of its position in the sports system , as well as the duties and tasks that must be performed, which derive from the Law on Sports (NN,). The National Sport Council shall discharge their duties respecting the autonomy of sport, and will act with the aim of further strengthening the autonomy of sport, as well as non- governmental and non-profit sports organizations in our country. The National Sport Council holds that in todays social and moral crisis, emphasizing education and educational role of sport in the lives of children and young people is essential. Promoting education today is highlighted as one of the key objectives of the International Olympic Committee.

Persons in the sport system:

Sport system in Croatia consists of:


-natural entities -legal entities -schools sport societies that aren't based on a legal nature

Natural entities in the sport system:

-sportsmen -trainers -persons qualified to do sport related work -persons that participate in organizing and handling sport competitions (referees, delegations and comissioners) -sports managers

Legal entities in the sport system:

-associations -companies -institutions

Creating the conditions for including more children in sport activities should point out the importance of these activities as healthy and all-round useful for everyone. It is therefore necessary to provide freedom of choice and opportunities for those activities for every child, because it contributes to the development of physical, intellectual and moral characteristics. This is especially true in the educational system. The role of physical education in schools and universities and implementing sports is extremely important. Sports activities within the school system enables every child or adolescent the satisfaction of basic human needs such as the biological need for movement or play as well as the need for security and order, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. Sport significantly affects the desirable psychosomatic development of children and young people and improving and preservating their health. In order to ensure and raise the quality of life as the basis of mental and physical health in adulthood, sports activities, especially for children and young people plays a key role. Regarding the educational role of sport The National Sport Council highlights another principle which must be strongly promoted. In order to ensure the reintegration of

8 professional athletes into the labor market at the end of their sport careers, it is necessary to insist on creating conditions and an atmosphere that would enable and encourage athletes to institutional education. The phrase " either school or sports " should be replaced with the principle " school and sports". It is necessary to raise awareness in educational institutions of the necessity to find acceptable solutions that would take into account the specifics of top athletes and their sporting commitments in order to preserve their moral , educational and professional interest. Investment in promotion and training of young talented sportsmen and sportswomen in proper conditions is crucial for the sustainable development of sport at all levels.

Improving health of an individual as well as community is one of the biggest priorities on a national level. Promoting healthy lifestyle and preventive health care should always be pointed out. Participating in any sport activity and an active lifestyle is linked to many positive affects on health. The role of sport in maintaining a healthy nation is one of the foundations that sport in Croatia must be based on, that National Sports Council promotes. The link between sport and health to us seems natural and obvious . However , we consider it important to emphasize that , despite the generally accepted idea about the benefits of physical exercise, Croatian citizens are still among the least active in relation to citizens of other EU countries. According to a survey about attitudes and habits of the European Union citizens in 2006, data for the were not encouraging. As many as 59 % of respondents in Croatia declared that in the past seven days they were not involved in any sports activity, meaning Croats hold the infamous first place in the European Union, ahead of Portugal (54 %) who had previously spearheaded the percentage of inactive population in all researches. The European Union has a total of 36% of the inactive population, and the lowest percentage recorded Finland with only 17 % of respondents who answered that in the last 7 days they did not participate in any sports activities (Eurobarometer, 2006.) Doping is now considered a major problem in global sport . In the 60s International Olympic Committee launched a fight against doping in sport. International sports federations which then supported the IOC in its efforts were rare. More than 20 years the IOC was virtually alone in its exclusive performances against doping . The situation has seriously changed at the end of the 80s and early 90s of the 20th century. The international sports federations that do not support or put into practice the anti-doping measures by IOC and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) are today very rare. However, the problem of doping is not just a problem of sport. It is a serious social, medical and ethical problem of wider scope. This is why it's on the list of global and national strategic goals in sports in the fight against doping in sport. This is why the International Olympic Committee, international sports federations, national Olympic committees and national sports

9 federations, as well as a number of governmental and non-governmental organizations at national and international levels are all united in the fight against doping. The National Sport Council strongly supports all efforts in the fight against doping. It stands up and promotes sport without doping. Sport in which athletes are equal, sport that promotes positive educational, moral and ethical value. In this regard, it encourages all responsible government, non-government and sports authorities to draw up and implement high-quality, coordinated and effective programs of prevention and fight against doping in sport. Being a part of the team, promoting principles such as fair play, respecting the rules, respecting each others, solidarity and discipline, as well as the organization of sport based on non-profit clubs and volunteering, reinforces active citizenship and helps build a better society. Although there is no solid scientific evidence of a direct cause-effect relationship between participation in sport and reducing criminal activity and other forms of socially unacceptable behavior , there are a number of empirical evidence that sport can play an important role in society. Indirectly, sport can be a positive influence in young people by giving them challenges and adventure, according to 25 Basic principles and guidelines for the development of sport in Croatia, it provides a sense of purpose in the lives of young people. Sport is based on ethical values and victory and the results aren't the only meaning of sport, it can raise self-esteem and self-confidence and develop a set of social values that will reduce antisocial behaviors in young people. The National Council of Sports believes that sport should be one of the key factors of socialization and education of young people. Particular social value sport has is promoting voluntary or volunteer work in sport. Volunteering in sport should be considered as one of the main characteristics of . The voluntariness forms the basis of the organization, administration and implementation of sport activities in all EU Member States . Voluntary sports organizations are the backbone of the entire structural sport system in the European Union . There are about 10 million volunteers active in about 700,000 sports clubs across the European Union. In some Member States , more than 10 % of adults voluntarily participate in the sports sector in most countries making it one of the key areas of volunteer work (White Paper on Sport, 2007.)

Sport is , as well as other social activities , not conducted independently of the whole society it takes part in . Although sport is basically a transnational phenomenon, dynamic and relations between sport and society in which it occurs are an unavoidable phenomenon. Sport is influenced by general developments and tendencies in society. This means that some negative aspects that occur in society can reflect on sport. Of course, it is a two-way process in which the events of sports can reflect on society as a whole. In sports, in addition to a number of positive characteristics, some negatives can also occur. Violence in sports arenas,

10 especially in football fields and stadiums, as well as the phenomena of racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport are among the most common of these negative aspects . While it would be unduly to say that they are an integral part of Croatian sport, the fact is they are present, and sometimes very intense. Sport can be an effective tool for social inclusion. It contributes greatly to the economic and social cohesion and the companies which are strongly integrated . All residents should have equal opportunities for sports and access to sports arenas. Therefore, it should be dedicated to the specific needs and situations of under-represented groups , and the special role that sport plays in young people . Particularly important is the role of sport in the social integration of people with disabilities and less privileged people. Sport can also facilitate the integration of immigrants and foreigners in society , and can support the dialogue between cultures. Sport promotes the notion of belonging and participation, therefore, can be an important means of integration for immigrants (White Paper on Sport , 2007) .

The integration of children and adults with disabilities into the regular system of sports and recreation, as well as achieveing top results contributes to the elimination of prejudice against people with disabilities. Top athletes with disabilities are a positive role model for children and young people . Overcoming various knowledge and skills and raising their level, increases self-confidence, trust and friendship. It improves the mutual communication among members of sport clubs and associations for sports recreation and athletes with disabilities are accepted as equal participants in the system of sports and everyday life. This encourages moral values of the environment , but also of society as a whole . Issues related to sports and environmental protection are not actualized in Croatia so far. We can ask the question to what extent sport is a danger to the environment ? Open spaces are a valuable resource for sport in urban areas , either as formal areas of activity such as childrens and sports fields, or more informal, multi-functional areas such as parks. Some sports, like football, have infrastructure needs that substantially interfere with the space and the environment, while others almost exclusively occur in nature ( eg. skiing, boating, kayaking and canoeing, etc). Sport and facilities for sports many times affect the nature and open many questions : conservation of biodiversity, protection of ecosystems, pollution, resource and waste management ,health, safety and protection of cultural heritage. In addition, the sport is accompanied by large audience whose careless attitude towards the environment can adversely affect it. The fact is that sport is an activity that allows you to earn profits , and thus the development of entrepreneurship, which is certainly a driver for economic development. Sport is a dynamic sector which, according to economic indicators is rapidly growing. Sport can serve as a tool for local and regional development, towns and rural development. Sport has already achieved

11 synergies with tourism and can stimulate the upgrading of infrastructure and the emergence of new partnerships for financing sports and recreational facilities (White Paper on Sport, 2007.) Although general lack of thorough analysis and information on the economic importance of sport in Croatia, its importance is confirmed by studies and analyzes of other European countries, the economies of large-scale sporting events, and physical inactivity costs. On the other hand, despite the overall economic importance of sport, the majority of sporting activities takes place within the non-profit and non-governmental sports organizations, many of which depend on the support of the state and especially local communities. Sport in accordance with its objectives and social functions is a public good, or certain segments of the sport can be considered to be a public good. The use of such goods or services to the welfare of individuals and entire communities, and investments in such goods can not be entirely left to private initiative. In other words, when it comes to sources of financing sport in general they can be classified into two basic sources: budget (public) funds and non-budget (private) funds. Non-budget funds imply: sponsors, donors, media rights, economic activity,

membership fees and other assets. In 2008., all local authorities in Croatia (cities, municipalities and counties) funded around 1.1 billion annually for the purposes of recreation and sport. This sum in absolute terms shows a slight increase since 2001. and an average of 14% per year (see Graphic 1). Although there are differences between local communities, it can be said that this forms between 4% and 5% of the local budget. If the said amount funded by local authorities in 2008, is added to the funds given from the state budget for sport in 2008., the total budget for sport is around 1.4 billion kuna.


Activity and sports fields in Croatia, similar to other European countries, cover a number of different segments: physical education, competitive sport, sport recreation, as well as kinesitherapy and sports for persons with disabilities. Sport clubs form the fundamental structural unit of the Croatian sports. Clubs affiliated to the local and / or national professional sports associations, as well as in the local sports community, build a pyramid sports system based on freedom of association (association of citizens - the non-governmental sector). Croatian Olympic Committee (COC) stands at the top of the pyramid, the highest national and non-governmental sports authority which acts as a national Olympic committee, federation of national sports federations and the Association of County sports community in which national sports unions, community sports associations and federations counties and the City Zagreb, as well as other organizations and associations whose activities are aimed at promoting sport. Pyramid public (government) support for the system of sport make state administration offices in counties and in Zagreb and their administrative departments responsible for sport,

12 as well as the relevant offices / departments for the administration of sport issues in local and regional government (municipalities, cities and counties). Management for sport in the Ministry of Science, education and sports and the National Council for the sport is the highest sports advisory body appointed by the Parliament. The above non-governmental and governmental bodies, and the sports system in Croatia are jointly responsible for ensuring the conditions for its further sustainable development. The basic normative framework of organization and functioning of sport in Croatia consists of the Law on Associations, which regulates the general issues of the establishment, structure, legal status, registration and termination of the sports associations and all their forms of association as an association of citizens, and the Sports Act and the Act sports inspection, regulating other matters system of sport and sporting activities, professional activities in sports, sports competitions, the financing of sport, state awards in sports, supervision and other important issues. The practice of development and influence of sport in the community confirmed that it was important to local communities to promote their social role, of social inclusion, strengthening public health, to the active participation of citizens and the promotion of sport success and the fundamental values of Olympism as the basics of daily life - excellence, friendship and mutual respect and fair play. Croatian Olympic Committee in cooperation with the county sports communities focused attention on four key activities that ultimately contribute to the conditions and the results of the development of sport, such as:

1) primarily to create conditions for the development of sports for children and youth, (2) material and financial support for creation of conditions of sports in the county areas, (3) the promotion of the Olympic values, (4) solidarity at work and the development of communication and media partnerships.

Numbe Programs for promoting olympism Active since r

1. Croatian Olympics of kindergartens 2002. 2. Croatian Olympic day 2007. 3. International Olympic day 2007. 4. „Choose sport“ 2013. 5. Olympic stories 2014.

Kindergartens Olympic Festival event is nurturing values of Olympism among the youngest members of Croatian society. Teaching them friendship, understanding diversity, competition in fair play atmosphere, this now traditional festival of Olympism is performed

13 for 15 years in cooperation with the county sports communities and kindergartens, and on average annually involves about 14,500 preschoolers under gesture: I will be an Olympian.

Croatian Olympic day dedicated to the date of founding of the Croatian Olympic Committee, September 10th, is a generally accepted event promoting the importance of elections and dealing with sports activities, the Olympic principles of excellence in every area, to promote

understanding, peace and solidarity among people. Various manifestations in a number of cities across Croatia equally encourage individuals, communities and sports associations, schools and colleges, kindergartens, local and regional governments, companies with sports recreation and other sporting activities forms. On average each year about 15 000 people of different ages involve in these manifestations. International Olympic day is also are conducted In cooperation with Croatian Olympic Academy and marking International Olympic days. "Choose sport", was a project launched in 2013 in cooperation with the MSES and the Croatian Institute for Public Health, that attracted 3,900 young children in the first year, and in 2013. and 2014. succesfull realization of 28 projects. Beside the manifestation of sport sklils, the project also aims to motivate children for sports and mass participation in sports clubs and / or society. The corresponding literature for this project is a five piece book "Little athletes" ,that presents the olympic sports in an interesting and encouraging way for children. Later these books were approved by the Agency for Education as teaching aids in physical education, and in 2008. they were co-financed by IOC Olympic Solidarity funds. The "Olympic story" for which the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and the Agency for Education gave a positive opinion in 2012., is based on the eponymous sports picture books for younger schoolers in which the authors emphasizes persistance, gaining self- confidence, a correct understanding of themselves and other such character traits and Olympic values. Olympic stories are co-financed by Olympic Solidarity funds in 2013. as part of the program for Olympic education, culture and heritage.


For the purpose of efficient functioning of sport in local communities as well as sports administration, the Office for local sport programs organized thematic sport sessions on a local level about the current events in Croatian sport, but also about the initiatives to develop a draft for National Sports Programme, candidatinng for EU funds projects, reviews of allocation of funding for sport by counties; sports infrastructure; and other topics. Taking dvantage of the technological reach of communications, from the initial one county sports community in 2012., in 2014. eight counties and five urban sports community use Internet resources and are included in the national news service of COC "Sport Croatia" in great part thanks to the co-financing of multimedia projects. Considering top sport achievements , but also the potential that Croatian athletes demonstrated during the two decades of independence the Croatian stated in previous analysis, rating and the conclusion say that the concentration of business and sports potential is neccessary for COC to achieve greater efficiency in creating top results.

The COC as supreme sports institution lacks data, analysis and research of objective facts about all areas of operation due to dynamic changes in the Strategic Plan of the Croatian Olympic Committee 2015.-2022. for international sport and its influence on the national level. According to the survey, unions suggest necessary changes in the creation of new

solutions for planning and evaluation of the sport on international level, the conditions and criteria of categorization of sports in Croatia, the criteria for the use of regular program of the COC with respect to the specifics of individual sports, revising the categorization of athletes towards standardization and sports results, greater autonomy and ability to manage the resources of the regular program of the Union. The survey also shows that unions are expecting a greater influence in the creation of the overall sports policy, both strategically and operationally, and the need for certain changes in relationships within the Olympic Committee - the Union and vice versa. It is also necessary to work with unions on possible strategic directions for education, training and development of professional staff, and as a first step perform the analysis. COC should work more on the methodology of monitoring and research for development of individual sports, branches and disciplines, revising the system of evaluation and sport results, consolidation and analysis of plans and programs of the national sports federations , take into account the participation of the best athletes in the multi-sport events. The analysis shows that it is absolutely necessary due to the increasing number of Unions of non-Olympic sports, strategic thinking in relation to Olympic and non-Olympic sports, especially the relationships within the group of non- Olympic sports in relation to the Croatian tradition, social engagement and contribution to overall Croatian society. The analysis also showed the required individual approach to each athlete with all aspects of his sports career, regardless of his status criterion. Research

15 conducted on a sample of categorized athletes, suggests seeking greater support for education and the academic community on the conditions of education during the sports career, and / or continuing after sports career. The analysis shows that the dispersion of professional services, systematization of jobs (in)competence and division does not give effective results and that in this regard reorganization must take into account the objectives, activities, performance measures and implementation of the Strategic Plan. Strategic planning of sport is of upmost importance for the development and outcome of Croatian sport now and in the future, so COC proposes it by 2022. in the areas as follows:

(1) Terms and development of top sports achievements, (2) International status and influence of Croatian sport, (3) The development of the sport on a local level, (4) Olympic education and professional work in sports, (5) Information and Public Communications, (6) Informational systems and subsystems in sport, (7) Financing and investment in sport.

. 3. Strategic development of Kutina and functioning of individual systems at the local level

Kutina is located in Sisacko Moslavacka county. It spreads over 294.34 km2 and forms 6.6% of the administrative area of the county. Kutina area, the central settlement of local governments, spaces on 3.78 km2 built construction and has a population density of up to 3,633.60 inhabitants / km2. Kutina is located 81.45 kilometers from Zagreb, Croatian capital city. It is located on the southern slopes of vineyards overgrown „Moslavack gora“, on the edge of Lonja field, one of the largest wetlands in the region. It is characterized by predominantly low housing construction, to the historic turn of the century and one from the second half of the 20th century. With just under 14,000 inhabitants Kutina is the largest business, trade and administrative center of Moslavina, and many county offices and buissines is based here. Kutina is often called the green city, thanks to the numerous trees, landscaped shrubs, hedges and parks.


Geographical position of the city is very convenient since it is located in the central area near the Croatian national center - Zagreb, at about 80-90 kilometers away. The main transport routes, roads and rails pass through the town, that are not only of national but also of

international importance. In addition, the main infrastructure corridors and infrastructure installations that connect to the central eastern part of the State also pass through the city. According to the census from 2011. there were 22,760 inhabitants, while the average population density was 77.33 inhabitants per km2, which is two times higher density than the county average (38.59 people per km2) and is slightly smaller than the Croatian average (78.1 inhabitants / km2). An important feature of this area is a large concentration of population in the urban settlement of Kutina, where, at the time of the 2011. Census, on 1.28% area (3,78km2) lived 13,735 inhabitants or 60.35% of all the inhabitants of the local government units, with a population density of 3,633.60 inhabitants / km2. The rest of the City average population density is 30.06 inhabitants / km2. In the city area, there are three villages with less than 100 inhabitants, and 5 settlements with more than 500 inhabitants, of which the largest Repušnica with 1,838 inhabitants. Compared to 2001., when 24,597 inhabitants lived in the city, according to the results of the census in 2011., a decrease of population (7.46%) indicates a negative migration trends to almost all settlements, including the City Kutina where the number of residents decreased by 7.28% between the two censuses. Among the residents listed in the area of Sisacko -


Moslavacka County in 2011., 13.20%, or 22,760, lived in the city. The largest concentration of population, 60.35% (13,735) live in the city center. Kutina urban settlement has the role of micro-region center and the administrative center of the local government "Kutina". Kutina is the area where almost all the functions of the central and social importance (schools, kindergartens, health and social care, financial institutions, trade, administration, catering and tourist facilities, local media, etc.) are settled. The climate is temperate continental. The average annual temperature is from 12 ° to 15 ° C. The average in January, the coldest month, is around 0 ° C. Summers are moderately hot and winters are relatively mild and rainy. In winter, the snow is a regular occurrence. The annual average rainfall is 800-1000 mm. The primary maximum of the precipitation is in the autumn to winter, but is important for agriculture secondary, late spring and summer, which brings much needed moisture to cultivated plants. In the cold season, long-lasting fog is very frequent. The first frost can occur as early as September, and the last still in the month of May. So, these are very favorable conditions for sports.

The most important sporting activities that are carried out massively and continuously:

Training of non-swimmers

Organized programs conduct training of non-swimmers that was founded in Kutina School Sports Federation, which organizes the transportation of children to the pool in Sisak along with kinesiologist, and there children in third grade of primary school in Kutina learn to swim. Last year 282 children werw included in that program . Also over the summer, non-swimmers training school at the city pool is available to all who wish to attend them. This year about 50 children completed it and received diplomas.


Street Race

Once a very popular race among citizens, but after a number of years under the auspices of the School Sports Association of Kutin, street racewas again organized in 2016. and is related to the May 25, the World Sports Day.

The „Voloder autumn“ race

This is a traditional race that takes place for thirty years (not continuously), and brings together mostly recreational runners although it has some competitive character. This year the 15th consecutive international race was attended by 176 participants. The track length is 15 km.


The memorial hanball tournament „Slavko Bačić“

Handball club Poreč organizes a memorial tournament for their late coach Slavko Bačić for eleven years now. Every year there are around 150 performances of Croatian players from Croatia and beyond. The organization of this tournament has been greatly assisted by parents so that we can say that this is a good example of co-operation of the clubs, parents and young athletes

Kick boxing tournament

Last year, the 17th consecutive international tournament in kickboxing Kutina 2015 took place in Kutina, there were over 200 competitors in several categories in the men's and women's competition.


Kutina sports summer

In summer months, football, , , table , bowling and tournaments and sports pool games are held in Kutina, along with „Kutinijada“- sport events at the pool for young people. There is also a program called „Dijafora urban festival“ during which a series of sport tournaments take place on the playgorund of primary school „Vladimir Vidric“

3.1 . Sports Organizations

All sports associations in the city are a part of the Sports Associations Community of Kutina , which is a member of the County sport leagues and associations community. The Community

21 brings together 42 sports clubs, some of which are not in the financing system. The social department of Kutina annually co-finances the following facilities totaling 1,636,000.00 kn or € 215,263.16. : . 1. Sports Association (regular competitions, sports schools - clubs, 1,097,500.0099 kn) 2. Sports events (22,000.00 kn) 3. Grants for energy (100,000.00 kn) 4. Support for excellent (categorized) athletes (22,000.00 kn) 5. Donations for content use (356,000.00 kn) 6. Community Work (38,500.00 kn)

Funds are given to the Community and transferred to organizations according to criteria adopted by the Board on the redistribution of resources, that evaluate teams based on the results, the number of working hours, mass, etc. In addition to investments in sports clubs, Kutina co-finances the sports hall with 4,170,000.00kn or €548,684.21 . The total amount for sport counts 6,966,000.00 kn or € 916,578.95 which is 6 % of the total city budget.. For many, this amount seems large, but a small part of that amount remains for the clubs regular maintenance and competitions, so we can say that clubs are barely surviving. A few years ago the factory „Petrokemija„ co- financed sport with a significant amount. After the cessation of funding from this source, sport in Kutina is in stagnation. The largest and most popular sport association in the city and the whole region is Moslavina Handball club that exists for 60 years, and competes for years in the top league, and also internationally represented Kutina 10 years ago. The club has a mass attendance in handball school by boys at the age 10-1. It operates with 6 trainers in 7 selections. They were national champions in the younger age groups which was a great success for this small community . It also has a loyal audience that follows them at every home game with 300-1000 viewer per game.


Besides „RK Moslavina“, „NK Moslavina“ football club with an ecxellent football school is also very popular. Club is known for good organization , mass and continuity in work. The total number of sports clubs in the Community is 42 and varies from year to year . Smaller sports are trying to develop in smaller communities such as Kutina . Some of them succeed and remain working a number of years ( Kyokushin karate ) , and some are extinguished after a few months of work . Football clubs, martial arts , shooting sports , and others are most numerous . Each sports association is a member of the national sports federation . The only female sports club , handball club Lonia, doesn't have a senior team after 60 years, which points to the problem of female sports population after primary school because the most talented atlethes go to bigger cities to continue their sports career. In recent years, sports association AK "Ulysses " - athletic club that works with people with disabilities and records excellent results world-wide, works with great success. This year two Paralympians from Kutina are performing at the Paralympics in Rio.

3.2 . Transport infrastructure , environment and urbanization

Transport infrastructure includes overall infrastructure of all transportational branches. Road and rail traffic particularly stands out. Geographical position of the city is very convenient since it is located in the central area near the Croatian national center - Zagreb, at about 80 kilometers away. The main transport routes, roads and rails pass through the town, that are not only of national but also of international importance. In addition, the main infrastructure corridors and infrastructure installations that connect to the central eastern part of the State also pass through the city. The largest inbound traffic from the direction of Popovača (about 28% of the total inbound traffic), and the lowest input direction from the direction Garešnica (about 22% of the total inbound traffic), while the input lines from the highway and from the direction of Novska equally (25% of the total input traffic). Bicycle as a means of transportis is normally used in population that is too young or too old to drive a car. In Kutina, there is only one bike path that extends from the east of "Petrokemija" to the western part of the city. The track is made on the pedestrian walkway and is marked by a horizontal signalization. The rapid development of traffic initiated the adjustment of city traffic of motor vehicles at the expense of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Pedestrians are increasingly squeezed in the narrow sidewalks that further narrow the parked cars, thus further endangering the safety of pedestrians. Kutina has no classical pedestrian zone except the city park in the heart of the town, the majority of pedestrian flows carried by the pedestrian sidewalks along the road.


Most intense pedestrian flow zones are:

-King Tomislav Square -Kolodvorska street -New city market zone

Traffic connection vith other Coatian cities is very good. Problem is in the relative dislocation of Kutina to some greater sport centers such as Zagreb, , Varazdin or . This causes increasing costs of organizing competitions for sport clubs from other cities in relation to centers that are well connected through trams, buses and trains thus it is often said Zagreb has a „tram legaue“. The close center of the city isn't connected with public transporatation to the rural areas surrounding it, only school buses that drive children to primary and high school.In the afternoon there is no transport, so trainings for children depends on the will of their parents. This decreases the chance for children in rural areas to participate in sport activities and to cultivate sport in their lives.

3.3. Seniors and working environment

The population of Kutina, since 1857. and since the first census on the territory of Croatia, was constantly growing which shows that it was always a desirable place to live and work with great development opportunities. It was only in the last ten years that depopulation was recorded, which is probably caused by a drop in general economic activity on a regional and national level. Today, Kutina counts 23 settlements (Including settlement Kutina). There are three villages with less than 100 inhabitants, and 5 settlements with more than 500 inhabitants, of which the largest Repušnica with 1,838 inhabitants. Out of the total working population (15,578), according to the Census in 2011, (6135), 39.38% of people over the age of 15 have completed more than eight years of primary school, of which 760 or 4.88% haven't completed primary school; 322 or 2.07% haven't finished school. Compared to Croatian average - 10.55% , Kutina has 3.11%. less highly educated persons. The total number of employed persons in Kutina, in 2013., counted 6,971 people,which showed a decrease of unemployment for 5.18%, compared to the previous year. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2013., most people that were employed in legal entities in Kutina were employedis in the process industry sector 50.37% (3,511), which represents the most important activity of the city. The unemployment rate is not available on city, but only on county level, and for 2013. it was is as high as 34.08%. The largest increase in unemployment was between 2008. and 2009. Unemployment in Kutina was reduced in 2011., and since then it has an increasing trend.


According to Croatian employment bureau, on December 31st, 2014., there were 2,390 unemployed, or 15.34% of working age population in Kutina, which is below the national average. The total number of unemployed 52.38% are women (1,252 people). Extremely large proportion of the total number of unemployed are young people, 34.06% (of which 49.63% of young women) and older than 45 years, 33.97% (of which 50.62% women). Due to the length of previous experience the most common are the unemployed who have less than 1-5 years of service and the unemployed with 5-30 years of service. With regard to the qualifications of most of the unemployed is with simple interest, craftsmen and people with service and trade occupations, as indicated by the table on the educational structure of the unemployed, where 28.28% of the unemployed that have not completed primary school or completed only primary school, and 64, 06 % of unemployed have finished highschool. Organized associations for citizens recreation exist only within the framework of pensioners of Petrokemija that once a year have competition in several sports, among other similar organizations.Female population mostly exercises in sports associations fitness, yoga or the gym. The survey, which was conducted five years ago showed that the citizens believe that the greatest problem (31%) of the city is unemployment. Personal financial situation was a evaluated with 2.8 on a scale to 10. They expressed little confidence in the work of the city administration (2.9) and its openness to ideas.

3.4. Health care and welfare

Health is, in a local level, the jurisdiction of Sisacko – Moslavacka county. According to the general health picture of the county, we can conclude that the data is valid for the County, be trendy and mapped the area of the city. Public - health priorities are:

- Youth and addiction, - The old and needy, - Cardiovascular diseases, - Ecology, - Mental health

Health center in Kutina, the institution founded by the county and that operates in Kutina at two locations: in Kutina and in the village of Banova Jaruga. There are two companies registered for home care. The town has the following offices:

- General medicine (12) - Dental clinics (13)


- Specialist - urgent - Patronage nurse - gynecology - X-ray and ultrasound - Medical biochemistry laboratory - paediatrics - Occupational medicine - Physical medicine and rehabilitation (11) - 4 pharmacies.

Kutina in 2013., according to the Institute for Public Health of Sisacko – Moslavacka County, had 23,508 insured, of which health care in general practice used 17,581 insured (74.79%). As a preventive protection of adults, a total of 620 preventive and 88 systematic reviews were conducted. 255 persons in this examination were older than 65. In health care of infants and young children in Kutina in in 2013., 2000. aged 0-6 years and 408 aged 7 -19 years, of which 2001 insured who used healthcare (83.10%). In the preventive protection of infants (196) and young children (1804) in 2013., 1,063 infants were examined (systematic, check- ups an and targeted examinations), and preventive protection of young children conducted 1,912 examinations (systematic, check-ups and targeted examinations). In the health care of women in Kutina in 2013. there were 15,340 women in care, of which 4,422 women used healthcare (28.83%). Preventive examinations in the health protection of women in 2013. counted 2,288 (systematic, check-ups and targeted examinations), 17 breast examination and 3,490 Pap smears. In health care and dental medicine in Kutina in 2013. there were 27,757 people in the care of which 8,867 persons used healthcare (31.95%).

Kutina has 5 teams in the emergency medical services (5 vehicles), that in 2013. had 11,230 interventions in the office, 647 interventions at home and 163 interventions in the field. Subtation of Emergency Medicine in Sisacko moslavacka County (Founded by the County).

The Medical center in Kutina is relatively well equipped in primary care, but the need for additional investment in specialist clinics to raise the standard of health and to reduce the cost of residents who go to distant hospitals (Pakrac, Sisak, Popovaca, Zagreb). According to the report on the situation in the area of Kutina for the period 2011.-2014. it is necessary to improve medical emergency due to exposure of the city to different incidents due to the large chemical complexes, industrial orientation of the economy, but also the proximity to the highway ( big transit traffic). Standard clinics in Banova Jaruga which cares for 3,000 insured will increase after the construction of water supply in the eastern neighborhoods of the city.

For the purpose of improving the social welfare system, the county made a strategic plan of social services development in Sisak 2011.-2014. This document analyzes the current

26 situation and is adopted to harmonize the plans and priorities of all systems involved in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, and in order to represent the best interests of the county population, and especially the interests of the vulnerable social groups and individuals. The strategic documents for the development of social welfare in the City of Kutina are: a) The social program for Kutina b) The city programme of action for youth c) Strategy for equal opportunities for disabled persons 2010.- 2015. d) Plan and Program of the Kutina Coordination Committee – „City – the friend of the children 2010.“ e) „A healthy City“

Kutina Agenda 2020. is a development program for the city that includes a long-term strategy of social welfare and protection. AGENDA 2020 "A healthy City" defines the working program for the disabled and youth welfare program and measures social protection of citizens, a program to improve the quality of life for senior citizens, and plans to produce social map of Kutina for the purpose of integrating data on the beneficiaries of the social welfare system and social protection measures, in order to realistically assess the needs of citizens, and effectively plan and introduce new measures and activities to improve the quality of life for socially vulnerable, is the ultimate goal of ensuring social security and social inclusion of the citizens. Although the City has not yet established a special administrative unit for social issues but on this segment the Department of Social Services takes care, and in all jobs in Administrative Department of Social Services there is only one employee. At City level, there is the Social Council which is the responsibility of the Mayors Office. Social Council consists of seven members, who meet once or twice a month, depending on the need. There is a shelter for asylum seekers in Kutina that independently and in collaboration with institutions, local governments and organizations provides services to their users. It was completely renovated in 2014. for the purpose of accepting asylum seekers from vulnerable groups. It operates under the Law on Asylum through which asylum seekers and foreigners, as well as their family members, use their rights to social protection under subsidiary protection. Social welfare activities in Sisak is performed by centers for social welfare, and other social welfare institutions and administrative bodies of local and regional governments in accordance with the Law on Social Welfare through funding the realization of the right to a help for housing costs and social programs in the cities and municipalities of the county. Kutina, except for the Social Care Centre (founded by the state), there are also 7 legal entities registrated in the health care and social welfare. According to the census in 2011. in Kutina there are 5,147 people older than 65, of which 58.09% are women (2,990 people). In order to improve the quality of life for senior citizens, since Kutina doesn't have a retirement home /

27 home for the elderly , there is a program that was adopted to improve the quality of life for senior citizens - The construction project of the House for the Elderly in Kutina. This program has provided the conditions for the construction of the Home for the elderly and infirm from private capital. By supporting private investors through reduction of municipal contributions and fees, fees for connection to city infrastructure, exemption from company tax in the first year of operation and reducing the price of land in Kutina, it is agreed in the contract with the investor, for users of the House from the City to pay a discounted price (about 75% of the market price) and that about 60% of capacity is intended for residents of the City. Opening of the home that has the capacity of 224 people, is expected in 2016.

Also, there is the association „UNUK“ that collaborates with the city, that is in the proccess of making the Action plan for developing non-institutional social associations in town.

Education in Kutina

Preeschool education

Kutina organizes preschool education, and also founded kindergarten that provides its services in four settlements: Kutina, Banova Jaruga, Međurić and Repušnica at 7 locations (4 in Kutina). The total number of children enrolled in kindergarten in the year 2014/2015 was 710. Compared to the year 2004/2005. when there were 590 children registered, that is an increase of 16.9% (120 children). That was due to the opening of regional kindergartens in the settlements Banova Jaruga, Repušnica and Međurić, and the increasing interest of parents for kindergarten services. Primarily children of working parents enroll in kindergartens, and unemployed parents are mostly interested in the services kindergarten as soon as they get a job. Only 10-20 children per year don't enroll in the kindergartens. Kindergartens carry out care programs, education, health care, nutrition and social welfare for children of preschool age who have adapted to the developmental needs of children and their abilities and skills (programs for preschool children with disabilities; Integration Program for Learning national minority language), preschool programs and early English language classes. The kindergarten has 86 employees - of which 53 educators, 3 professionals (psychologist, special education, teacher) and one health leader. The price for the first child in kindergarten parents pay 100% and 75% for second child, and for the third and 50%for each additional child. For a child whose parents with recieve welfare benefits, kindergarten is free (the decision is made by the City Social Council based on the submitted documentation. The kindergarten service is not in fully adapted to established national standards. It takes investments in buildings and equipment, primarily the kindergarten in Banova Jaruga . There is a need to organize a separate program for children with special needs which has now

28 registered 43 children ( 6 % of enrolled children ) of which 13 in the 1st pillar of expertise to ensure material conditions and appropriate professional associates . Within the organization of pre-school groups there is also a program of sports groups conducted by educators in kindergarten. There have been attempts to organize sports groups, but it has for now not been implemented in practice . Daily exercise is organized in everyday kindergarten activity. Kindergartens in Kutina regularly compete in the Olympics games for kindergartens, where they regulary achieve excellent results at the county level .

Elementary and highschool education

In Kutina area there is formal education (after the preeschool education) that is being conducted in 5 primary schools, of which 4 are in Kutina, 1 in Banova Jaruga, and 1 music elementary school as well as 2 highschools. The Vladimir Vidric Elementary school extended stay is organized for 1st and 2nd grade. There are 10 district schools. In elementary schools (according to data from 2014.), 269 employees (+8 substitudes) of that elementary school teachers 69 (+2 to substitute), subject teachers 116 (+5 to replace) and 13 professional staff (teachers, librarians, special education teachers, computer scientists, psychologists). In order to improve conditions for primary education it is necessary to further invest in renovation of school buildings and libraries. It is also necessary to provide material and educational requirements for work with Romamy children and children with disabilities. Some regional schools use wells for water supply, which is a subject tof monitoring since 2004. by the Environment programm of Sisacko-Moslavacka County (2003). Some schools use the chlorinator (Banova Jaruga, Međurić, Janja Lipa, Jamarice, Zbjegovača), and water aparature is used in branch School Mikleuška. Kutina also founded music school Boris Papandopulo, which has 16 full-time employees of which one class teachers and 10 subject teachers. Kutina elementary music education is carried out since 1964. when music school was established as a separate institution (separation from the Open University Kutina) since 2012. Besides common music theory teaching and collective musicianship, students attend individual piano, guitar, violin, accordion, flute, trumpet and drum classes, and the school operates in 10 departments with 129 students (school year 2013./2014.). The problem of school is that it does not have its own space, whi classes except in the main building on the ground floor POU students attend and in so classes are held in the ground floor of the building as well as in classrooms of elementary school Vladimir Vidric. There is also a lack of musical instruments required for a quality musical education. Kutina also has a Technical School and High School Tin Ujevic (founded by the County). Technical School Kutina is the legal successor of crafts and trade school (first half of the 20th century), and its program is adapted to the needs of industry in Kutina. According to school

29 and vocational curriculum for the year 2014./2015. students are educated on different vocations in the education sectors of electrical engineering and computer science, mechanical engineering and metallurgy, geology, mining, oil and chemical technology and the interprofessional area to educate students for ecological technician. The school is planning planned the material conditions for the organization of online instruction in all classrooms by August 31st. High School Tin Ujević educates students in directions: grammar school, High school and economic orientation according to school and vocational curriculum for 2014./2015.. From extra-curricular activities there is the Training company Kutivo Ltd. which aims to enable students who attend to independently perform all tasks and processes in business organization (secretarial, office, accounting, sales, marketing positions in companies). There is Dormitory in Kutina that was founded by the County. It is mixed type, capacity for 66 students. Dormitory is not adapted for students with disabilities.

High Education

There are no high school education institutions in the public domain. Libertas Business College in Kutina has organized Business Economics - Undergraduate professional study for 3 years with 180 credits. This section in Libertas operates in Kutina from the school year 2011-2012. In order to maintain this department in the nudget, Kutina co-finances this school.

4. Sport and sports infrastructure in Kutina

Public Institution of Sports Center Kutina was established in 1980. Its founder and sole owner is Kutina. It manages its sports infrastructure with the following content:

- Hall for handball, football, volleyball and basketball, - Multi-purpose hall for - Multi-purpose hall for martial arts - bowling - Football field with artificial turf and lighting, - Football field with real grass and auditorium of 3000 seats - Athletic track - Concrete playground for football and basketball - Pool.


Halls Sports Centre Kutina

Great Hall of the sports center Kutina has 1500 seats. Sports center Kutina has a total area of 5600 m2 and a volume of 60,000 m3. It has won the 2012. plaque of the Croatian Olympic Committee and the Croatian Association "Sport for All", for successfully conducted sports and recreational competitions at the local level. In order to further improve the management of sports facilities, measures can be taken to improve energy efficiency proposed in the energy certificate, which is now classified facility in Energy Class D.


Once a very popular sport, now mostly tied to the amateurs. In 2016. there was a modernization of the bowling path, which hasen't been invested in since the construction of the sports hall.



Sports center manages a pool of Olympic dimensions, but a lot more should be invested in modernization to call it a modern sports facility. The environment around the pool is very good, but there are some unresolved property issues and Kutina does not own the land, so it does not invest more resources in the further development of the infrastructure. The great desire of all citizens of Kutina is that the existing pool isconverted into a closed one or to build a brand new indoor pool. One such idea was developed in 2008., but due to lack of funds was rejected.

The city stadium with athletic track


Sports Center Kutina content os used primarily for indoor sports and Football club Segesta Sisak and Athletic club Moslavina, but they are available to all citizens.

A football field with artificial turf

Built 5 years ago. In the immediate area there is no similar court so during the winter and spring when there are adverse weather conditions football clubs from further places come to play warm-up matches.

School sports hall


Indoor sports also use smaller school sports hall which are not sufficiant to maintain the official competition, but are used solely for training of younger age groups in handball, football and basketball.

Football field

In the closest city zone there are 3 football fields, while in rural areas there is no sports facilities except football fields.

Children's playgrounds

Of the 10 children's playgrounds in Kutina playgrounds are located within kindergartens. In the area of Romany settlement (Stjepan Radic Street) there is a children's playground. Some courses are not fully equipped with equipment for children. In other settlements courses are located along the branch schools or cultural centers. In the last two years, there are two modern playgrounds with anti-stress surface.

Bicycle trails

There is only one bike path that extends from the east of the "Petrokemija" to the western part of the city. The track is made on the pedestrian walkway and is marked by a horizontal signalization. There are several bicycle paths. Overall, about 5 km.

Trim trails and other facilities at the pool

Around the pool in the sorrounding forest, once existed equipment for training and running length of 400 m. The track was very popular for athletes and for recreational activities. For years nothing was invested, so there are only remnants of individual devices.


Other sports infrastructure

Currently they are building a health park wtih 400 meters running path and training equipment according to the principles of street work out will be built.

Sports infrastructure is very well made. A few years ago the sports hall was modernized. It is necessary to invest in a running track, tennis courts and swimming pool. The economic situation is the limiting factor for further development of sports infrastructure.

Private sports infrastructure is not built except for a few private tennis courts.

5. SWOT analysis


Affordable transport position - Favorable climate - Good sports infrastructure - Good water potential - The popularity of certain sports among the population - Human resources (a large number of kinesiologists and coaches trained at the COC) - Diversity of sports organizations for children and youth



- Lack of strategic development of sports projects - Exodus of the most talented athletes into bigger cities - Reduced number of girls in sport - Shorter life of sport activities for youth - Unsolved legal-property relations (pool) - Poor construction: bike trails - Uneven development of sports infrastructure - The poor state of roads in rural areas - No public transport - Insufficient accommodation


- Preserved natural resources - Lonja field - The development of fishing sports - Banova Lake - Wine routes (and cycling) - The development of sports tourism - The development of sport in rural areas - The possibility of international cooperation - Raising awareness among the people for sports and recreation - Implementation of measures to actively engage children and youth in sports


- The outflow of population - The negative demographic trend - The bad economic situation, unemployment - Lack of sponsors and donors - The presence of large manufacturing industries (environment)

Exactly this and similar projects can contribute to increased physical activity of citizens of Kutina, from the youngest to mature adulthood.


6. Analysis of the survey

In the past two months, a survey was conducted among the citizens of Kutina related to physical activity of citizens and their habits related to sports and recreation. What is particularly encouraging is the willingness of citizens to participate in the survey and the interest in this issue.

The survey included about fifty people who filled out data on personal experience and on their minor children because they know them best. From the above survey, but also from many years of practical experience we can make the following conclusions:

• More and more kinds of sports activities is available for children aged 5-8 years. Before the children were involved in sports activities around the age 10, and today that figure is down to the start of sports from the age of 5, and the most common start is in first grade at the age of 7. Activity in this early age can arise sport clubs such as football and athletics, or within the kindergarten and their sports teams. At this age, we can conclude that there is equal participation of female and male population. •Maximum activity is recorded at the age of 8-14 when about 40% of young people are involved in some type of sports program. 80% of them are in various sports clubs, and about 15% involved in the work of the Sports School Association, while 5% are disorganized and occasionally deal with some of the sports activities, the most commonly gym. We can also conclude that a large number of children are engaged in sports and recreational character because they realize all the benefits that sports activities bring. The main benefit is a beautifully built body. At that age you do not think about the other benefits of sports. The ratio between male and female population is equal. • We can also conclude that parents have a big impact on children at the age of 8-14. Basically this influence is positive such as transport to training and the like, financial support, but we must emphasize that there are many parents who are overly ambitious and put pressure on their children and coaches by setting unrealistic expectations. In sport halls around Croatia there are signs at the entrance that says: „not parents allowed“ • After finishing primary school and starting highschool, there was a sudden shift in youth activities. Reduced activity, remaining only those passionate about sports, and unfortunately there is a major spill of the female population. Only about 3% of the female population is active in sports. Minor part in handball, athletics and shooting, but mostly through organized groups of fitness. Male population is engaged solely in handball or football and recreational increasing number of young people going to the gym and usually uncontrolled and unsupervised exercise, and the main motif is a toned body. Health is not the exclusive motive.


• Awareness of training for health emphasizes the female population. The female population realizes the importance of movement at earlier age, so more girls practice walking, jogging, cycling, hiking while men mostly practice gym activities. • In a poll on the question „How do you usually spend your free time“, unfortunately the worst answers related to health are the most common (studying, watching TV, surfing the internet, playing games); the answer I'm in the sport was given by the negligible number of respondents. Also a devastating result is that more than 3 hours a day is spent in front of a computer or TV • The survey also showed high awareness among young people and adults about the importance of sports, but most of the interest ends there. Very few of them actually carries that out in practice • The survey showed decreasing interest for sports events. Football is accompanied by parents and older population in the center of Kutina, while in rural areas football matches are still the only event. The only highlight is watching Kutina first handball league which id accompanied by all ages of male and female populations together.


Although Kutina has a good sports infrastructure for most sports and activity of citizens is very good, a lot of work must be put in the preservation of acquired habits and working with young generations in order to withstand the technology trends of modern society. Through this project, we will participate in all sports activities and encourage the population to involve in sports and recreation.