NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL Temporary Prohibition of Waiting, Railway Street, Malton, Order 2018, No. 160 We have made an Order to prohibit any vehicle from waiting on the western side of Railway Street, Malton between property numbers 10-14 for a temporary period of 89 (subject to access to premises), between 30/04/18 & 27/07/18, due to works. The restriction period will be indicated by traffic signs & a local alternative route will be signed on site where appropriate. All enquiries to Customer Resolution Centre 01609 780780 Temporary Prohibition of Traffic, Various Locations, , Order 2018, No. 161 We have made an Order to prohibit any vehicle from using; St Hildas Street, Sherburn, West Street, Swinton, Claxton to Harton Lodge Road, Park Lane to West Farm, East Lutton, Hawnby to Arden Hall, Low Road, Kirby Grindalythe, Leavening to Gally Gap, Woodhouse Farm Road, North Grimston, B1248, Beverley Road, Norton-on-Derwent, Tofts Lane, Pickering, White Gate, West Heslerton, A169, Road, Pickering Sandy Lane, Wintringham. For a temporary period of 1-2 weeks at each location (subject to access to premises), between 30/04/18 & 29/03/19, due to works. The closure period will be indicated by traffic signs & a local alternative route will be signed on site where appropriate. All enquiries to WSP 0203 1169158 Temporary Prohibition of Traffic, Various Locations, Ryedale, Order 2018, No. 162 We have made an Order to prohibit any vehicle from using; Pickering Road and Church Hill, Thornton-le-Dale, Main Street and Penniston Lane, Allerston, Cliff Road and Cropton Lane, Wrelton, The Green, Sinnington Grimston Moor, Cross Gate Lane, Outgang Road, Ruffa Lane, Whitfield Avenue and Eastfield Road, Pickering, Cliff Lane, Wilton, Cawthorne Lane, Cropton, West Pasture and Shaw Drive, , Feversham Road, Elmslac Road and Rape Close Lane, , From the A64 junction to north of Claxton, Road, Leavening , White Gate and Lutton Lane, West Heslerton. For a temporary period of 2 days (subject to access to premises), between 30/04/18 & 29/03/19, due to works. The closure period will be indicated by traffic signs & a local alternative route will be signed on site where appropriate. All enquiries to WSP 0203 1169158 Temporary 40 MPH Speed Restriction, A170 Kirkdale Lane, Welburn CP, Order 2018, No. 175 We intend to make this Order to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding in excess of 40mph along the A170, New Road to Kirkdale Lane, Welburn for a temporary period of 4 weeks, between 14/05/18 & 31/08/18, due to works. The restriction will be put into effect by notices and signs. All enquiries to Customer Resolution Centre 01609 7807780. For more information on all the above orders see