© Kamla-Raj 2009 J Soc Sci, 18(1): 29-43 (2009) Cultural Issues in Architecture - Case Study of Esan in -

J.E. Ahianba

Department of Architecture, , , Nigeria E-mail: [email protected]

KEYWORDS Traditional Architecture. Education. People’s Culture. Indigenous. Nigeria

ABSTRACT Architecture in Esan has tended from traditional towards the European style in the past four and half decades. This can easily be traceable to the influence of Western Education, which has greatly influenced the people’s culture. The paper therefore presents the common issues to both culture and architecture of Esan. It also identified reasons for the abandonment of Esan Traditional Architecture. Findings were appraised against the background of the prevailing Western cultural norms in our living pattern. The need for a determined effort to revive the dying indigenous architectural trend and evolve new and acceptable architectural style that recognize the culture of the people is discussed,

INTRODUCTION Local Government Areas that make up Edo speaking entity of the state. Esan is part of the Architecture is a profession rooted in culture old Mid-Western Region of Nigeria. Figures 1 (Rapaport, 1979). The paper attempts to present and 2 indicate its geographical location. The area architecture as a profession that has its roots in lies between latitudes 6o 20" and 6o 45" North of culture. To a large extent culture exerts some the Equator and between longitudes 6o 10" and influence on architecture in every society. Man 6o 35" East of Greenwich Meridian. It has a land always expresses himself socially and culturally. area of about 3010 km2 (1662 square miles) and a Culture and architecture are interdependent and population of 40,7899, using 1991 census inseparable. Society is a product of culture and projected to 1996. The relative humidity varies they are therefore related. Although no culture between 75% - 90% in the rainy season 50% - remains static, specific aspects of culture remain 75% in the dry season and evenly distributed unchanged for some reasonable length of time. rainfall with annual record of between 2300-3000 Rapoport (1979) noted that the origins of mm. The prevailing winds are the North- East Architecture are best understood if one takes a Trade Wind (N.E.W.) and the South West Trade wider view and considers socio-cultural factors Wind (S.W.W.). in the broadest sense to be more important than It is a rainforest zone, which encourages the climate, technology, materials and economy. This growing of tree and other cash crops. The soil is scenario tallies with the picture painted by essentially laterite rich in clay. There is absence Spencer and Thomas (1978) that “As Architecture of any igneous rock, though the area is a plateau developed, the concept of the shelter was with a height of 390m (1300ft) above sea level. extended from simple physical protection from Few derivable roads in Esan enabled people to cold, dampness, wind and sun toward an travel to urban centers of , Ekpoma, increasingly complex set of cultural traits centred and City in Edo State and Agbor in Delta around the growing idea of the “family home”. State. Leaves, logs and bamboo are available as The supposedly harmonious elements appear to local building materials, while persons with be a mismatch to each other because of sufficient purchasing power use modern building ignorance, change of value system and the materials. Segynola (1987) noted that “The people influence of new technology and materials. are predominantly agriculturists. They practice “Imported” architecture has been accepted at the subsistence agriculture made with crude to partly expense of traditional architecture. modern implements. The soil favours tree and tubers crops. Agricultural pursuit is a common Study Area feature of all the local government areas. Characteristics of agriculture in the developing The study focuses on five out of the eighteen countries of the world, production are largely 30 J.E. AHIANBA based on peasant methods, with resultant low Numbers 1-10 in the ranking are more durable production and income”. structures, while 11-13 are less durable.Villages A few persons are engaged in off farming express social and physical structures of the activities such as tailoring, blacksmith, trading groups living in them. The type of culture and auto-mechanic. The gap of housing practiced in Esan resulted in multiple households standards between the rural and urban dwellers living in one compound with one overall head. is as a result of the respective purchasing power Modernity has changed this scenario to single of the two groups. household for an apartment, each with a head. In other words cultural values are tied to the kind of METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS architecture prevalent in Esan land and ultimately livable environmental conditions found. Table 2 The study collected data by means of field shows the 13 variables weighed against survey in the study area. There has not been any modernity and durability as the values, thus documentation of information with respect to this resulting in table 3 with the overall ranking from topic on Esan. The data were collected through the highest quality-housing environment to the the use of questionnaires that were later examined lowest. The footnote under indicates that Ubiaja and analysed. Also physical measurements of ranks first, while Uromi, Ekpoma, Irrua and some selected places and buildings were taken. follow in that respective order. Some cultural and architectural elements in the A comparative analysis of the main factors study area were highlighted. The sampling and features of traditional and modern framework led to the survey being carried out in architecture in Esan is depicted by key factors as fifteen streets in Esan. Three major streets in each communality, societal settings, organization, Local Government Headquarters, chosen are in security, and materials. Part of the factors the central business districts. In determining the includes construction patterns and methods, type of housing environment with respect to nature of construction materials and labour. culture, 13 variables were used in ranking the Others include finance, housing units, zoning towns. Modernity and durability were the values and space interpretations, courtyard patterns, used in assessing houses in each of the 15 streets water bodies and playground. Traditionally, there and settlements. The questionnaire was to help is no formal training for the craftsmen and determine the nature and conditions of the designers. Local builders in a traditional setting houses in the area. A typical example each of perform communal labour, whereas the emerging village layout, traditional compound and architecture evolved formal training to all transitory traditional – modern building were members of the building team without any form studied in detail. The content of the questionnaire of communal labour. The homogenous informal was based on cultural issues that influence life pattern ordered by unwritten rules of old is architecture. now evolving into formal heterogeneous setting.

RESULTS Culture Systems and Settlement Patterns

Results obtained have helped to highlight the Territoriality is a basic trait of Homo sapiens. trend of architectural development in Esan as Every person and family has feeling of shown in figures 1 and 2. Architectural concepts individuality for home ownership and also in evolved by the people were pronounced in the defined areas proclaimed as individual or family use of courtyards and linear settlements. In table territory. hold very dearly and pass 1, traditional residential mud buildings constitute to new generations as their tradition that must a total of 60.61 % (i.e., 654 houses) out of the be upheld resulting in the settlement pattern entire 1079 residential buildings surveyed. One discussed in the paper. striking feature common to all the 5 towns studied Territoriality in some form is one of the specifically the 15 streets is the linear settlement strongest expressions of human reaction and one pattern along the public playgrounds, roads and to which mankind has made many additions in streets. Tables 2 and 3 reveal several issues in the creation of systems of culture, Spencer et al. the study area.the ranking is baded mainly in (1979). The urge to live in social groups has led modernity and durability of houses studied. to the establishment of basic identifiable units CULTURAL ISSUES IN ARCHITECTURE - CASE STUDY OF ESAN IN EDO STATE - NIGERIA 31


200 0 200 400 600 Kilometers

Fig. 1. Map of Nigeria showing Edo state

10 0 10 20 30 Kilometers

Fig. 2. The five Esan L.G showing major settlements Esan 32 J.E. AHIANBA PB MSU MSP p MSP p Story modern sandcrete unplastered Story Traditional mud plastered 3 Story modern sandcrete plastered, painted 2 Story modern sandcrete plastered, painted 2 Story Traditional mud plastered, painted Modern Bungalow sandcrete plastered, painted Traditional mud plastered and painted (Bungalow) P P P p TmP TmP P p 3ST MSP 2ST MSP 2ST TmP MSP TmP 3ST MSPMSP 3 Story Modern sandcrete plastered T m P2ST MSP2ST TmP Modern Bungalow sandcrete plastered 2 Story modern sandcrete plastered MSU 2 Traditional mud plastered (Bungalow) 2ST MSUTmU 2 Modern bungalow sandcrecte unplastered Traditional mud unplastered (Bungalow) 2ST 2ST 2ST 2ST 3ST * 2ST 3ST MSP MSP p MSU MSP MSP p -TmP 14451 11111 2152 11--- 623115 22 -43 3692 55 80 33 93 20 91 39 31 60122 -- -8 2 2 5 5 - -- 7 - -6202122828 - 1--149-4451-4-221- 34 8-1242222-1-- - 40 - 2 18 2 13 2 9 1 5 1 2 1 - 1 - - - 1 2 - - 6 0 1238 2 - 1 - 1 112- 3181 4 7192 1 86 33 4 2 1 - -5 - - 5411 6 79 91312 34 63.98 13 4 11.39 4 43.61 - 14 5.37 17 12 8.15 2 18.80 3 9 1.48 - 4.26 6 22 1 0.46 1.11 - - - 0.28 - - - - 0.93 - - 0.19 - 19 100 3 - 2 - 3 - - - 8 - 1 P P P P P Total 201 235 201 235 156 TotalPercentages 43 123 471 58 88 203 16 465 123 66 102 1146 S.No. Towns1 -TmU 2 TmP 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total A Irrua 7 13 40 7 2 15 - 2 - 1 - - - - 2 B Uromi - 19 26Residential House = 1079. 66 Public buildings were excluded from the analysis. 4 18 19 1 6 - 1 1 - - - 2 C EkpomaD Ubiaja -E Igueben 12 10 29 10 14 14 3 54 10 10 6 3 3 2 3 - 14 - 4 - - - 2 - - 1 ------2 - - 2 - 2 1 567 TmP 8 3ST MSP9 MSP10 TmP11 2ST MSP 12 2ST TmP - MSU13 2ST MSU 11 TmU 28 2 11 - 32 26 12 6 - 16 3 24 - 9 8 - 4 36 6 21 8 19 - 3 10 24 - 15 234 2ST MSP 2ST TmP MSP S. No.1 3ST MSP Irrua Uromi Ekpoma Ubiaja Igueben Table 2: Ranking (values) Cersus variables Table Table 1: Comparative study of housing types in Esan with reference to the five L.G.A. headquarrter L.G.A. to the five 1: Comparative study of housing types in Esan with reference Table CULTURAL ISSUES IN ARCHITECTURE - CASE STUDY OF ESAN IN EDO STATE - NIGERIA 33

Table 3: Overall ranking RURAL SETTLEMENT S. No. Irrua Uromi Ekpoma Ubiaja Igueben Man gradually occupied the whole earth 1 110 00 2124622104 through cultural means. Territoriality led to 3 660129 erection of houses and consequently settle- 4 144 220 132 80 156 ments. In ancient times people needed a dwelling 5 460 400 465 455 155 place. Architecture is not just provision of a place 6012000 7 77 224 112 56 147 to sleep but a place to exclude harsh weather and 8 224 208 192 288 152 meet other human needs. In an attempt by Esan 9 9 45 36 45 9 man to define his territory of abode cultural issues 10 10 10 10 10 10 set in. Any architectural scheme no matter the 11 121 66 99 88 264 1203648360 size indicates the size, the status of the owner, 13 156 - 6 130 195 users or society of its location. Total 1230 1274 1122 1210 1101 Humans and animals right from their creation 6.12 5.42 5.58 5.15 7.06 have always designated places for dwelling. Man has been able to allocate spaces for various The order of ranking is from highest to lowest as indicated below- (1) Ubiaja with 5.15, (2) Uromi with purposes such as sleeping, storage and cooking 5.42, (3) Ekpoma with 5.58, (4) Irrua with 6.12, (5) in his dwelling. These exclusive spaces created Igueben with 7.06. by man for his individualistic use is known as territory. The Esan man exhibits these traits. In called hamlets, villages, or any kind of settlement. these territories you have habitations, which we There is a hazy idea as to when the first settlers call homes or houses. The entire territory can be came. One can only say with some measure of an architectural scheme. Rapoport (1979) says certainty that the communities became more that spatial and social relations are not random, established during the reign of Oba Ewuare of but ordered. Language and architecture are Benin Empire about 1440 (Okojie 1960). related, both express cognitive process of Esan originally had loosely connected distinguishing various items among places. “The settlements, each having the palace as the focus shelters that people learn to create also greatly with most residents close bye. Reasons for these aided adaptations to living in varied physical kinds of settlements include security from external environment” aggressors and social-cultural ties. The housing Spencer and Thomas (1978). He also said and settlement pattern take into consideration human dwellings vary in the raw material used. the fact that culture and architecture especially Each settlement is a fine, balanced solution to in rural areas are expected to be related and problems of habitation. It should be seen as a interdependent. physical reflection of the lifestyle of its inha- bitants on which the rural settlement pattern Evolution of Architecture in Esan depends. All over the word, culture is the major The study has found that there is dearth of determinant of the settlement pattern of any group documented information on the history of of people. Rapoport (1969) agrees that culture architecture in Esan, though there exist enough has a lot to do with settlement patterns and the elements in the culture and architecture of the way people build their houses. The climate, people to warrant the study. By virtue of the available building materials, constraints and historical and cultural linkages of Esan to Benin capabilities of a given level of technology is what Empire, its architecture exhibits the same features finally decides the overall setting, outlook and and characters. Originally, buildings in Esan were pattern of our dwellings. It has been customary of thatch roof, and mud walls. Floors were left to classify rural African peoples according to four uncommented and some furniture like beds and broad economic categories: agriculturists, benches were of mud. Few tradesmen of about pastoral nomads, mixed farmers and hunters and four were required for traditional building gatherers. Sedentary farmers often times settled construction. At the later part of the nineteenth close to their farmlands because crops grown century the use of cement and corrugated iron are slow maturing, thus tying their owners to roofing sheets became common and pronounced. one plot of land for many years. Esan villages 34 J.E. AHIANBA express physical and social structure of the group of structure to be erected, hence Centre for Earth of people living in them. Just as the individual Construction and Technology (CECTech) (1995) household population increased in multiple say that construction in general and earth households setting, the need to expand the construction in particular is the expression of physical structure also arose to meet the human the culture of people and individual traditions requirement. and we should not forget it. The wide range of shapes, methods of ARCHITECTURE building walls and roofs, has met the present aspirations of evolution towards modernity. Architecture is the art and science of building Inspired regional architectural heritage of colour design or style of building(s). Wright (1943) and texture of materials, have been achieved while observes that “architecture is the triumph of proposing new architectural model that can human imagination over materials, method and enhance cultural continuity. Again cultural men”. Le Corbursier defined Architecture as “the considerations are emphasised in any archi- masterly correct and magnificent display of tectural piece. Any architectural piece that masses brought together in light”. Gbotosho doesn’t consider the socio-cultural elements of (1996) in quoting Van der Rohe says, “When its environment stands the risk of being rejected technology reaches its ultimate fulfillment, it by the people. The aspects of culture that transcends into architecture”. The definitions influence settlement patterns include religious, above emphasise architecture as a process with economic and social activities. a lot of creativity, imaginations and assemblage The use of modern building materials of materials in distinctive and ordered manner to adversely affected traditional architecture achieve peculiar requirements and character. In a because the entire design concept changed. At layman’s understanding Architecture is defined the stages of transition from traditional to modern, as “comfort for mankind”. The word comfort new and beautiful finishing started to appear in refers to level of tolerance, acceptance and houses at the middle of the century. Layout was appreciation of any architectural piece when used usually environment friendly. For hygienic or seen. Gbotosho (1996) asserts that Architecture reasons domestic refuse dump sites were usually is in essence dynamic and consistent with the behind the compound while the pit latrine for development of man. It means that architecture females was always some distance away. (About is always current with the socio-cultural and 30 to 60m). This explains why typical Esan man’s technological development of the entire world. premises cannot have only a unit structure Architecture gives a summary of the history accommodating every function required as it is socially, culturally and technologically to first today. Figures 3(b) is an example of various time visitors. Gbotosho (1996) calls the architect separate units within one compound. There are as one of the great custodians of civilization, the usually multiple courtyards in each of the master of the creative effort whose province it is premises that serve different purposes. to make imperishable record of the noblest in the Social values and technology seriously life of his race in his time. Going by the above changed the scenario. Traditional trends started explanations it can be inferred that the to diminish due to western world influence, thus Architectural style in vogue in a particular society changing from the multiple unit system of is tied to the culture of that same society, just in housing extended family to one-unit system of the same way as the placenta and baby are linked flats and apartments. What obtains now is a by unbiblical chord. A building is not an end in complete deviation from the courtyard system, itself, but rather a means to an end, which is to even if the occupants are more than one satisfy the material and spiritual needs of the household. Figure 4 is the style that has evolved people for which it is created. Dmochowski (1990) from the traditional compound. Confirming above says that architecture is very much linked with statement Denyer (1978) asserts “Though the human life and reflects its dynamics most colonial masters did not directly intervene in faithfully. Further more the type of shelter usually matters of indigenous culture; there were erected by any society depicts the prevailing however two major circumstances in which culture. Also the available materials for house compulsion did occur. They were the alienation construction to a large extent determines the type of land to accommodate expatriate settlers, and CULTURAL ISSUES IN ARCHITECTURE - CASE STUDY OF ESAN IN EDO STATE - NIGERIA 35





25M 78M





Fig. 3. Compound with multiple households and multiple courtyards at Uromi the idea of trying to persuade people to live in had influenced its architecture by the way the settlements suitable for local development colonial masters built heir houses. The houses policies. There was serious interference in the studied were built in early 20th century. The habitation arrangements and many governments District Officer’s residence at Ubiaja built in 1926, have not changed the existing trend”. This has the walls made of mud, floor and ceiling are intervention grouped people together into large of timber. As a result of these reasons Nigerian villages and made them abandon their family traditional architecture, including that of Esan, homestead of small and scattered hamlets. over time, passed through specific phases. Modern public utilities also attracted some Architecture in Precolonial Era: This was people to the location of these facilities. Some the traditional architecture practiced before the British Colonial government officers were advent of the British colonial era. reported to have compelled the people in Mid- Architecture in Colonial Era: It consisted western Nigeria, Ghana and Sudan to leave the of indigenous and the imported style of uplands for the plains. architecture including the Brazilian style of was already colonised by 1920 and building. 36 J.E. AHIANBA

21.4M 3M



3M 2M











Fig. 4. Compound unit household of an individual at Uromi CULTURAL ISSUES IN ARCHITECTURE - CASE STUDY OF ESAN IN EDO STATE - NIGERIA 37

The Post Colonial Era: The type now being Some groups of people occupied places other practiced in Nigeria and it is essentially a mixture than areas of their first choices due to deprivation of indigenous and western styles of architecture. or other compelling reasons to go for the It gave rise to two major types of architecture alternative. Eko-Ibadin village at Uromi in the now being practiced in the country:- study area got established by Chief Ibadin when i) Indigenous type in rural areas. This system he had family problems and he had to settle far employs traditional indigenous materials, away from his family.. Prevalent physical and technique and methods. It is the method sociological factors make up the balance cultural being used by rural settlers, is estimated to elements to have complete and distinct culture. be used by 70% of the population. Small internal societal structures usually exhibit ii) Urban (modern) housing production patterns classes’ in-group form such as sex, age groups, use materials and techniques derived from kingship, nuclear family and some personal modern technology. characteristics. Religious beliefs constitute part Comparative study of environmental sustain- of the important issues that can determine culture ability between Urban and Rural housing delivery traits and culture systems. The fear of the system is done based on eight Environmental unknown gives birth to spiritual security Sustainability Attributes (ESA) consciousness, thus resulting in certain These are - architectural developments. This social grouping 1) Recyclability by religious systems is one of the basic structural 2) Structural convertibility patterns of human life on earth and it is 3) Structural residue integration continually in force. 4) Climatic factors Shrines for the gods are for both habitation 5) Socio-cultural compatibility and worship. Certain shrines such as Ohie, 6) Reusability Aredo, Osun and Ijiogbe (or Alui-Ijiogbe) are 7) Replenishability usually found within the settlements in Esan. 8) Economic viability Religious beliefs in Esan compel worshippers to The need to provide food for the families settle close to some particular shrines or compelled some families and individuals to settle accommodate such shrines in the dwelling in certain places thus bringing about settlements. houses. They are usually gods of fruitfulness, Other reasons are religious beliefs, socio-culture protection and prosperity, while those for wars linkages and economic backgrounds. Security is and the like are located in the open areas. another major reason why most old settlements in Esan came about regardless the suitability of Socio-Cultural and Economic Background such places. First human advances in culture resulted in several new developments, which In the past, Esan was essentially rural and an include territoriality. Any advance in culture amalgam of small communities. Every family activates architectural growth. The territory practiced subsistence agriculture on which their changes in concept and definition when culture livelihood depended. This was hazardous as the is altered. This is because of new inputs into the weather could fail to favour the crops planted. culture systems. Attitudinal responses to spaces The traditional co-operative system of job by man have also determined the kinds of culture execution controlled by the elders or age grades system practiced in the varied human groups and used to be very effective, though it is losing sub groups including Esan people. popularity due to modernity. It used to be very Some groups of human prefer large geo- effective way of job execution. graphical space per person while others preferred Often times, the sedentary farmers and traders smaller units. Furthermore the pattern of social consequently become forced in shaping contacts differs. Spencer and Thomas (1978). The settlement patterns. The various traditional same reason made some people to prefer different systems of agriculture in Esan contained some kinds of landscape e.g. coasts, high mountains, remarkably fine adaptations to the problems of open plains, forest areas and even rocky, hilly areas. the environment. Agricultural systems were In the case of Esan, geographical factors such as carefully geared to the environment while family vegetation, topography and availability of water structure was tailored to the requisite labour were paramount in location of settlements. requirements. This was one of the major reasons 38 J.E. AHIANBA why the Esan man preferred the polygamous courtyard. The housewife’s apartment is usually family life. The size of the family was directly a room doubled into a sitting. The inner room proportional to the size of the farm. This resulted serves as the kitchen while the first one is a dual- in large hamlets and villages. The types of crops purpose space; living and sleeping room. The grown also affected settlement patterns. Slow- kitchen is usually positioned that way to enable maturing crops (permanent crop), do not allow the women have complete control of it and enjoy the farmers to shift locations too often. Kingship maximum privacy and safety from food was another major determinant of the structure poisoning. of settlement pattern. All members of one clan Building Types: The initial principle of shelter could settle in a clearly defined manner. The family to the average Esan man tallied with the picture units vary in sizes and composition. Members of painted by Spencer in the introduction. Esan in the same family had the tendency to settle close the tropical Africa has been so rich in sacred, to each other because of the bond of love existing ceremonial and communal activities that between them and also for security reasons when outsiders might expect a wealth of buildings slave trade and inter-tribal wars were frequent. designed for these purposes but is not exactly so. The weather is generally clement, warm and Village Layout rain predictable hence many activities can be performed in the open air. Premium is paid to Villages usually expressed social and physical societal setting. An apparently empty and structures of the groups living in them. The man unusual space often turns out to be of traditional would be expected to build a new house for the significance. It could be a traditional council additional wives. The housewives usually had meeting or parliamentary open site, because of their accommodation within the inward-looking the warm climate. The area may not have any courtyards. The layout of the village exhibited serious architectural landscaping apart from may linear settlement patterns, though land cons- be a hedge, fence of group of trees to serve as traints and increase in population later resulted shade. Technology, materials, climate and culture in a nucleated type of settlement. This kind of determine the house types. The homes were layout gave a sense of belonging and encourag- usually of one or two-unit space before the ed stronger bond between family members. dynamic cultural factors started to alter them. The typical village layout in figure 5 shows a Later, separate apartments were then erected for part of the layout of Ebhoiyi Village (Afuda husbands and wives. Children were to be with quarter) in Uromi town. This village has ten their mothers. This later metamorphosed into flats quarters and it is densely populated with linear and duplexes of contemporary nature in the urban settlement patterns. areas. Homestead: The first types were simple but Religion: Esan used to have African conformed with basic requirements. Each unit traditional religion as the only formal mode of compound or homestead also exhibits its own worship. They see it as a means of survival on internal plan. The physical layout does not earth and the world beyond. Worship is either religiously reflect social layout groupings. Rather individualistic or communal, depending on the it conforms with family groups called Uelen or purpose of the gods. Actual buildings for the Idumu (i.e. Quarter). The requirements of the shrines are not common. Where there are family are simple and mainly similar in all agrarian religious buildings such as shrines, they are societies, a place for each member to sleep, a usually small in scale and a unit space. There are place for cooking, for storage of farm produce some others owned by the community that need and somewhere to protect animals at night. The buildings to accommodate them and the citizens usual arrangement is that each compound are by tradition compelled to settle close to them. consists of many separate apartments and Christianity got established in this part of the buildings. country as early as 1900. There were few The main apartment of building called churches at that period and they were of smaller “Oduwa” belongs to the head of the family and scale in sizes and followers were equally few. every other male in the family. The female, Later, churches of larger scale were built as their apartments behind the main one, is usually membership grew. Remarkable churches were arranged to have a closed inward looking constructed out of mud and sandcrete blocks. CULTURAL ISSUES IN ARCHITECTURE - CASE STUDY OF ESAN IN EDO STATE - NIGERIA 39


5 4




Fig. 5. Typical village layout in Esan

Some churches, built over the last century, still were rarely specially walled or fenced off. Indeed, utilized local building materials. Islam penetration often, they were only distinguished by their focal into Esan only got as far as Irrua and . This position and large scale of the structures and has not seriously influenced the traditional were built, using the same materials. Puddled mud architecture in the land. houses with walls erected in courses were for both the nobles and commoners. The commoners Secular Power built their houses with fewer courses. It is such a versatile and strong material that there is no In rural areas, houses for kings and chiefs problem when used to construct a two-storey 40 J.E. AHIANBA building. Any basic shape can be expressed with of mud. “Irru”. Thatch leaves for roof is a poor it. Mud is also used as a ceiling material in Esan conductor of heat; hence it contributes to and it is called “Irru”. This entails the use of tolerable interior temperature. bamboo as the structural framing and mud as the covering. Building Material and Evolution of House Form

Effect of Climate on Architectural Forms A building that has minimum heat gain during the day in hot humid zone is regarded as the best Climate in particular has certain effects on structure for habitation. This means little energy architectural forms. The hot humid zone of Esanland is required to regulate the temperature of the needs wide openings for lighting and ventilation. interior. Quoting Olgyay, Konya (1980) said “a Climate and other physical elements dictate type of square building is not the optimal shape geographical features and which in turn influence anywhere…” The best building shapes are those the kind of designs and house that can be erected that have their elongation towards the east-west in a particular geographical zone. These elements direction, that is to say the longer ends are further help the designer in evolving the form and towards the North and South directions while spatial linkages arranged that are discretely arranged the shorter ends are in the east-west direction. to satisfy the desired needs. Traditionally, materials used for building houses Site Conditions has to do with microclimate, were mainly mud, vegetable materials. This to a topography, water body, ground surface, great extent determined the architecture of the vegetation and wind breaks in the form of trees people. The house forms were usually and bush. Other conditions are accessibility, rectangular or square of small scale. The size nearness to public infrastructure, ingress, egress especially the span depended on the roofing and noise level. Traditional house construction materials such as bamboo, thatch leaves, etc. system did not consider most of the factors Attempts to provide additional spaces due to enumerated. What bothered the mind of house the increase in the number of family members builder or any intending house owner were gave rise to courtyard buildings. topography, vegetation with respect to economic crops, designation of plot with respect to Role of Courtyard among Esan People religious activities, proximity to head of immediate family, village square and farm settlements. In hot regions of the world including Esan, Orientation is locating the building on the people prefer spending most of the time outdoors. site with special attention being paid to the There is always the need to provide shades for climatic elements such as wind, sun radiation, the sit-out, thus creating comfortable conditions vegetation, precipitation and topography. Noise externally sometimes extending into the interior. level and view are usually taken care of. Of all In hot-dry climates buildings are sometimes these, solar radiation is particularly important deliberately clustered together to create shade during times of excessive heat. There is a to each other and along walkways. But the warm- difference of as much as 30C in temperature in a humid region that obtains in Esan has loosely building between the worst and best orientation. arranged houses in neighbourhoods. This is to Good orientation helps to exclude much of solar allow for proper ventilation. In order to have radiation from the interior of the building. shades for out-door sitting, trees are planted and Orientation of houses was only determined they are usually economic tress such as orange, by considering access to the premises and the pear and cashew trees or ornamental trees such fact that the head of the family apartment must as almond trees. Courtyards in Esan evolved as be at the approach end. The type and nature of a result of socio-cultural needs of the people. the houses help in reducing the effect of sun Attempts at solving the problems gave birth to radiation. Most walls are of mud, which is a poor courtyards that meet one of the basic concepts conductor of heat thus, making the interior quite of tropical architecture, which requires optimum cool. The absence of ceiling facilitates air ventilation and shade from solar radiation. circulation thus improving the ventilation. The The basic roles of courtyard in figures 4 and only ceiling types obtained are either in (i) wood 5 among Esan people are strips only (ii) wood strips covered with thin layer (a) Religious: (Antiquity of Esan Arch) CULTURAL ISSUES IN ARCHITECTURE - CASE STUDY OF ESAN IN EDO STATE - NIGERIA 41

They believe in supernatural forces and try to are outstanding architecturally belong to the device some ways of contacting them. Shrines traditional rulers and their chiefs. The wealthiest and altars are sometimes located in the courtyards man in any community was the Onojie then in ordinary dwelling houses. followed by his palace chiefs. This is (b) Architectural: In some buildings, there are demonstrated in every sphere of the Royal ponds in courtyards, which enhance the Highness’s life. They usually marry many wives processes of air humidification as well as with a lot of children. The shear size of the palace heat reservation. This regulates the population required large accommodation. The environmental conditions of the courtyard. status of the Onojie required him to have a Some of the ponds within the courtyards grandiose palace building. Universally the are for domestic animals like pigs. architectural structures erected any community (c) Social and Agricultural: Courtyards are of at a glance gives first visitor a summary of the various sizes and functions, which include socio-cultural status of the community. ceremonies, dwelling, open air cooking, sit- Esan culture received some contamination out, farm produce storage and livestock from the European colonial masters. This rearing. The plan remains the basic concept, extended into the housing and settlement sector. indicative of the prevalent extended family Colonization also preached the gospel of structure. Here, there can be as many as three modernization, thus leading to most of our to six households in one complex. valuable culture fading away, though in some (d) Psychological: Since a courtyard building other aspects it introduced vibrant and presupposes enclosure or confinement, the meaningful life to the people. inhabitant always feel secured against any external invasion in the form of thuggery, DISCUSSION burglary and any spiritual attack. As a result they have to be confined to the home The Concept of Culture (courtyard) headed by a “competent” man. Culture is the material and non-material works Settlement Derived From Security of arts and science, plus the knowledge; mann- ers; education, made of thought; behaviours and Attempts to safeguard the citizens and attitude accumulated by people through their property from invaders during the inter-tribal wars history. Culture may further be defined as and slave trade in Nigeria also compelled some behaviour peculiar to Homo sapiens, together communities to settle in terrains that were not easy with material objects used as an integral part of to access by enemies without being noticed. This his behaviour, specifically culture consists of is also true for some other parts of the world hence language, ideas beliefs, customs, codes, Spencer (et-al) have this to say of Architecture of institutions, and so on. Goetz (1992). Culture is fortification. “From the early Neolithic into historic about the intellectual, social and spiritual and modern time, war has been an element in both development and exhibiting it as a trait of a fortification architecture and settlement patterns”. specific people. Tradition is essentially the This was the reason for the construction of Benin retention of what has been developed over time moat and some settlements in Esan. Ubiaja gives be it social, intellectual or spiritual. Tradition goes a good example where the palace moved from further to preserve the traits so developed for Oyomon to the present location at Eguare. posterity. In other words culture evolves ideas Incessant attacks by Uromi warriors, a and exhibits them but tradition has the sole duty neighbouring town having boundary with Oyomon of retention and transfer of such cultural values village compelled the people of Ubiaja to bury to new generation. their dead kings at Ahia that is the other extreme Culture is the history of a people’s past and of the town, far away from Uromi. present and it goes further to presenting anticipated picture of events for the future. That Esan Palaces - Architecture and Planning is to say the future is a derivative of the past and present. This perception is so because of the all- Casual survey of the physical structures of inclusive nature of culture. The culture of a Esanland of old reveals that the structures that people evolves overtime thereby changing from 42 J.E. AHIANBA one type of civilization to another. There are culture traits in different culture complexes in a system. The dynamics of culture is that man overtime evolved ways of tackling issues includ- ing culture, and he has since left his simple crude and sedentary kind of life about a thousand years ago for a vibrant, dynamic and sophisticated one through the use of his intellect. According to Rapoport (1969) “Given a certain climate the availability of certain materials and the constraints and capabilities of a given level of technology, what finally decides the form of a dwelling and moulds the spaces and their relationship, is the vision that people have of the ideal life – the family as dwelling unit. The family reflects beliefs, family and clan structure, socio-cultural organization, ways of gaining a livelihood and social relations amongst Fig. 6. Concept of culture individuals.” This statement above emphasizes 1. Cattle rearing and fishing etc. culture as the behavioural pattern of a people. 2. Drinking milk and fish cold room etc. The cultured main in the ambit of tradition is 3. Assemblage of culture complexes sophisticated, sensitive and educated. 4. Assemblage of culture systems e.g. Mexico, United Tradition is handing down from generation to States Canada and . generation of, opinions, beliefs, customs, and etc. 5. Examples: Latin America, Africa and Europe. Hornby (1969). Spencer and Thomas (1978) a say In any society including Esan the growth of that each tradition is comprised of loosely culture worlds or regions and the numerous basic correlated esthetic, social, economic, political and ideas are articulated at the local and primary levels ethical codes of behaviour and members variably called culture hearth. They are practiced by a share ideologies, habits, customs, procedures and small group where there is buying and selling of technologies. This explains that activities of each norms, resulting in distinctive identity or traits society help the people to establish pattern of that are associated with such people. The Esan living thus imprinting the activities on the man has distinctive culture trait amongst which inhabited region. This then results in distinctive are the Igbabonelibhin acrobatic dance and expression in all spheres that is referred to as settlement patterns. Though some parts of the culture. world are yet to visualize what the earth holds for them in future, greater parts of the world now Culture Traits and System have global outlook of every issue confronting them. Culture is sometimes seen by some people as the primitive aspect of man’s existence. It does Dynamics of Culture not matter the society or people being considered, be it urban, rural, developed or The various culture concepts or culture developing. Its outlook takes such features regions of the world evolved over the ages. They because culture is the history of any group of metamorphosed from the “primitive” stages to people. The future is a derivative of the past and more refined and advanced stages that helped in present. This perception is so because of all- the marriage of culture to the modern world of inclusive nature of culture. It includes traits and high technology. It is worthy of note that a world systems, hence Spencer et al say “The pattern of high technology prevalent now is another unit of cultural system consists of several kinds distinctive culture of its own but could not afford of smaller parts” Figure 6 indicates that culture to ignore the culture identity of the various traits in the different culture complexes differ, peoples. Man over time evolved ways of tackling thus resulting in the different traits and complexes issues including cultural issues, and he has since in the systems. CULTURAL ISSUES IN ARCHITECTURE - CASE STUDY OF ESAN IN EDO STATE - NIGERIA 43

Discovery Invention Evolution Diffusion Element

Fig. 7. Basic culture processes Source: Introducing Cultural Geography (1978) left his simple, crude and sedentary kind of life In this particular case a hybrid of the old and about a thousand years ago for a vibrant, new cultures will help in evolving architectural dynamic and sophisticated one through the use style that is essentially indigenous to the people of his intellect for the slow but purposeful of Esanland and Nigeria as a whole. movement. The interaction with the outside world There is no doubt that there is need to use has greatly influenced the cultural behaviour of existing situation as a spring board to develop Nigerians including Esan people. The typical architecture in Esanland and indeed in Nigeria Esan man before 1900 A.D has his “Abebe” which that will be environmentally, socially, econo- is the underwear and Igbulu as major traditional mically and culturally friendly and acceptable and only dress that was of general use. and at the same time harmonizing with the existing According to Spencer and Thomas (1978). The environmental infrastructures. four basic culture processes that bring about culture traits, complexes and culture systems are REFERENCES Discovery, Invention, Evolution and Diffusion. This is explained diagrammatically in figure 7. Centre for Earth Construction Technology CECTech. A good knowledge of any culture can help 1995. Jos, Nigeria, National Commission for Museums and Monuments, Jos. pp, 3 – 16. open up new frontiers for unlimited development. Denyer S 1978. African Traditional Architecture. New Any incident, invention or social activity York: African Company, pp. 14-22 extensively used or enjoyed eventually becomes Dmochowski ZR 1990. An Introduction to Nigerian a cultural norm as opposed to the primary Traditional Architecture; Preface; Ethnographical purpose of its occurrence. Limited, Britain and National Museum and Monuments, Nigeria. P.V Gbotosho Y 1996. In the cause of Architecture: A CONCLUSION Philosophy of Design. Africa Journal, 3: 47. Goetz Philip 1992. Enclopedia Britannica. 15th Edition The discussion has shown that National and Chicago: University of Chicago Press, P. 16. Konya Allan 1980. Design Primer for Hot Climates. Cultural identity in Nigeria is bound to blossom London: Architectural Press Limited, P. 33, 37, with wide acceptance if the relationship between 38. culture and architecture is nurtured. Architecture Okojie CG 1994. Ishan Native Laws and Custom. E. is able to give in a very quick and detailed manner, Nigeria Okwesa & Co., pp. 4 - 18. the historic economic and cultural backgrounds Rapoport A 1969. House Form and Culture. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, P. 25. of any group of people or even settlements. A Segynola AA1987. The Nigerian Rural Housing glance of the kind of architectural structures in Environment. Focus on Bendel State. Journal of any setup, tells visitors the kind of religions and Environmental Management, 2(3): 71-82. social structures in existence. There must be a Spencer JE, Thomas WL 1978. Introducing Cultural Geography Second Edition.New York, Santa determined effort to revive the dying indigenous Barbara, Toronto. England: John Wiley and Son, architectural trend and evolve new but acceptable pp. 2-15. architectural styles that recognize the culture of Wright 1943 FL. An Autobiography. New York: Dwell, the people with respect to current development. Sloun and Pearce, P. 45.