Agenda Item 14a

Central Mid CLC Appendix A 14 Jan 2009

1 Table 1. Progress on S106 funded schemes previously approved by the CLC for addition to the IWP

1.1 Lindfield: Bike Sheds at Lindfield Primary School.

The CLC supported the allocation of the following contributions: Ref Development Amount LF/2087/03 Land at 28 Compton Road, Lindfield £3,812 LF/517/05 Land at Lark Rise, Lyoth Lane, Lindfield £8,800 TOTAL £12,612

A different project in this area to promote a bus service (identified in Table 2.1) was delivered without using the S106 funds that were assigned to it.

In order to use up the oldest contributions first the bike sheds project was delivered using the following funds, which were previously assigned to the bus promotion project

Ref Development Amount LF/2087/03 Land at 28 Compton Road, Lindfield £10,800 LF/517/05 Land at Lark Rise, Lyoth Lane, Lindfield £1,812 TOTAL £12,612 The scheme was completed in August 2008

1.2 : Additional Traffic calming in Balcombe

Funding was allocated from the following sources: Ref Development Amount BA/2358/03 Balcombe Garage, London Road, £ 9,000 Balcombe These works are scheduled for 2009/10 Works consisting of coloured surfacing at the 3 main entrances to the village, use of 30 mph roundels & vehicle activated signs.

1.3 : Junction improvement at London Road/London Lane.

Funding was allocated from the following source: Ref Development Amount CU/1551/04 Meadowlands, 1 & 2 High Street, Cuckfield £30,000 These works are programmed for delivery in 2009/10

1.4 : Balcombe Road/Burrell Rd Junction 07/08

Funding was allocated from the following source: Ref Development Amount Agenda Item 14a

HH/481/04 Seeboard site, Gordon Road, Haywards Heath £16,800 The works were completed in 2007/08 The Committee also agreed to a loan of £10,000 from Haywards Heath Town Council, to be repaid upon receipt of a £10,000 contribution from Sainsburys. The total cost of the scheme was £33,144. Further detail, together with a recommendation to support the allocation of additional funds is included in Table 4.

1.5 Haywards Heath: RSS0162 B2112 Oathall Road Safety Scheme

Funding was allocated from the following source: Ref Development Amount HH/2597/04 61, Oathall Road, Haywards Heath, £4,780 Scheme is programmed to commence in 2008/09

1.6 Haywards Heath: Cycle parking and disabled parking facilites at the Railway Station

Funding was allocated from the following sources: Ref Development Amount HH/1227/02 E O Culverwell Ltd Queens Road £18,000 HH/2597/04 61, Oathall Road, Haywards Heath, £5,000 TOTAL £23,000 Council asked that the works be postponed in order to fit in with the longer term project to redevelop the site. – At the request of the Haywards Heath members, officers will ask MSDC to reconsider this position.

2 Table 2. Proposals to reallocate funds allocated by the CLC previously to schemes that can not now progress

2.1 Lindfield:

Source of funding: Ref Development Amount LF/517/05 Land at Lark Rise, Lyoth Lane Lindfield £5,120 These funds were previously allocated to the promotion of a Bus Service in Lindfield. – The scheme went ahead without making use of the S106 contributions. Mid Sussex District Council were not keen to allocate funds to this proposal unless it could be guaranteed that the service would not be cut. WSCC could not offer that guarantee. Funding for the project was found from other sources. These funds are therefore available for reallocation and should be considered alongside the contributions in table 4. Agenda Item 14a

3 Table 3. New contributions received and proposed allocations to schemes that could be added to the IWP

3.1 Cuckfield: Safer Routes to School Scheme; Extension of the Cycleway at Tylers Green to Warden Park School. Phases 1 and 2

Ref Development Amount £20,000 CU/1551/04 Land behind Meadowlands, 1&2 High St £42,299 TOTAL £62,299

Cuckfield Parish Council has indicated that they would support the allocation of these contributions towards the scheme

Phase 1 of the safer routes to school scheme was undertaken in 2006/07 in the knowledge that the above £20k contribution was secured, with the intention that the SRTS budget be reimbursed upon receipt. – Note that the contribution was taken specifically for this purpose. It is therefore recommended that the CLC support the allocation of £20,000 to retrospectively fund these works. - There is a further budget allocation of £20k from WSCC funds in 2009/10 for the phase 2 SRTS scheme in Cuckfield at Warden Park School.

Phase 1 cost is £20,000 (all from S106) Phase 2 cost is £62999 (£42,999 from S106, £20,000 from WSCC funds)

3.2 Haywards Heath: Balcombe Road/Burrell Road Junction

Ref Development Amount HH/483/01 Sydney House Sydney Road £16,344 It is recommended that the Committee support the allocation towards the junction improvement scheme that was completed in 2007/08:

To repay a loan from Haywards Heath Town council: £10,000 To cover the additional scheme cost: £6,344

It was previously agreed that the Town Council would be reimbursed using contributions arising from a contribution arising from works to the access serving Sainsburys. It may be a long time before this contribution is received, (if at all) so it is recommended that the alternative source of funds be used for the time being.

4 Table 4. New contributions received where CLC advice is requested to identify schemes that could be added to the IWP

The CLC is asked to advise on the allocation of the contributions listed below. The views of the CLC will then be presented to the District Council in a bid for the release of the contributions.

The District Council will assess bids against the five tests identified in the Office of the Deputy Prime Ministers Circular 05/2005;

Is the requirement that the developer contributes towards the scheme; • Relevant to planning • Necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms Agenda Item 14a

• directly related to the proposed development • fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the proposed development • reasonable in all other respects

4.1 Haywards Heath:

Ref Development Amount HH/483/01 Sydney House Sydney Road £34,093 HH/1098/04 St Paul's Catholic College, Oathall Ave £86,943 HH/2268/05 Pilgrim Court, America Lane £19,663 HH/490/03 Hospital Villas and 1-24 Colwell Gardens £24,500 HH/995/08 18 - 22 Franklynn Road £8,800 TOTAL £173,999

The CLC is invited to suggest suitable schemes or services upon which the remaining contributions could be spent. Any scheme or service should be local to the contributing development, and also be an improvement that would benefit sustainable modes of transport including walking, cycling or public transport.

The Town Council has suggested the following schemes: • Traffic calming updated in America Lane adjacent to Pilgrim Court redevelopment (now Pilgrim Gardens) • Safe cycling route around the one way system - Market Place/Bannister Way/Milton Road • Pedestrianisation of The Broadway • Town wide traffic study • Access road off relief road to the Leisure/Sport area in Bolnore Village • Traffic calming along Oathall Road, Sydney Road, and Heath Road

4.2 : Pease Pottage

Ref Development Amount SV/95/05 Hemsley Nurseries, Old Road, £74,190 SV/2960/05 Pease Pottage £42,300 TOTAL £116,490 The CLC is invited to suggest suitable schemes or services upon which the following contributions could be spent. Any scheme or service should be local to the contributing development, and also be an improvement that would benefit sustainable modes of transport including walking, cycling or public transport.

4.2.1 Slaugham Parish Council has requested that funds be used to support the Community Minibus Service. It is suggested that the level of funding to be allocated should be identified through liaison with the service provider, with MSDC and with WSCC Transport Co-ordination Group (TCG), and then, subject to Local Member and CLC chairman confirming their support a bid will be made to MSDC for the release of the contribution.

4.2.2 Slaugham Parish Council has requested that some of the S106 monies be used to help fund improvements to streetlighting in Slaugham. Agenda Item 14a

4.2.3 Slaugham Parish Council has requested that some of the S106 monies be used to maintain fingerposts in Slaugham Parish.

4.3 Slaugham: Handcross

Ref Development Amount 12-16 and 11-14 West Park Road, SV/2960/07 Handcross £9,440 The CLC is invited to suggest suitable schemes or services upon which the following contributions could be spent. Any scheme or service should be local to the contributing development, and also be an improvement that would benefit sustainable modes of transport including walking, cycling or public transport.

4.4 Lindfield:

Source of funding: Ref Development Amount LF/517/05 Land at Lark Rise, Lyoth Lane Lindfield £6,988

The CLC is invited to suggest suitable schemes or services upon which the above contributions could be spent, and should also consider the sum of £5,120 from table 2. (Total for allocation is £12,108) Any scheme or service should be local to the contributing development, and also be an improvement that would benefit sustainable modes of transport including walking, cycling or public transport.

5 Table 5. Contributions expected shortly and proposed allocations to schemes that could be added to the IWP when funds are received.

5.1 There are no allocations to be considered in advance of their receipt.