VOL. XXI. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MimCH 2, 1878. No. 520.

Published Weekly by pected to dry up and disappear. A careful study 1876. of this list will afFord instructive information ns .59tli st, n s, 325 e llth av, 25x100 Jlay 25 .S.OOO (Bin %vd (Osteite %mxii %%%otmixo ii. 13th st, n s, 260 e '2d av, 20x100,11. Jlarch 31... L.sfiO to the past management and future prospects ILth st, ss, .375 e2d av, 50x100.11. Jlav'26 ll.IMK) TERJIS. of small and great financial institutions: 1st av, w 8, 80.10 s 116th st. 20.x70. Jl.av" 2(5 7.'.'(I0 3Uh st, s s. 225 w 2d av, 110.\98. May 27 :30.','(!0 <>.\E YKAR, in advance....SIO.OO. Mt-TIML LIFE IS.S. CO. 4th av, w s, 40 n 1.32d st, 20x75. Julv 11 (i.COO 1875. 4th av, w s. 80 n l-'Wd st, 19.11x75. .iulv 14 6.51 0 Coniimmications should bo addre.SKed to 5th av, e 8,75.8 s SSth st, 25x102, July'7 15,000 Cedar st (Xn. 141). n s. 40.4 e ^Vashington st, 29.6 .5th av, es, 50.8sSSth81,2.5x10-2. July 7 15,()()0 C. -VV. SAVEET, x54. Jimel 5.5,000 56th st, s s. 74.6 w (Jth av. '25.6xl00..5. also strip on llth av ami li5th st. runs along middle line of e s of lot commencing 2.5.5 s .56th st, 4.(;x llth av. 1S8.5 to lands of Xew York Juvenile 75. Aug. 12 '22.2."0 Nos. *I5 As-n :3-17 BHOADWAV. Asylum by northwest about 165 to land of 6:3d St. n s, 95 w Jfadi.son av. '25xI00..5. .-Vug. 12. ll."7.-.(i JV. JleDonaM x .south 202 to middle line of 9Ist st, s s, 100 e 5th av. 2.5x100.5. Aug. 10 6..I0O IToth st X east 1.50 ^Vest Xew av. beginning at Sth av, s e cor 91st st. 25.8xl(H1. Aug. I'2 15.0( 0 a point in middle line of 17.-illi st, where it is 5th av. e s, 25.8 s 9Ist St. 2.5xl(0. Aug. 12 13 OdO PIIOPERTIES FORECLOSED BY I^^STITU- intersected by Xew av. runs north along .Mb av, e s, ,50.8 s 91st st, 2.5x100. Ang. 12 13 0* 0 TIONS. Xew av ion .v e.isr, 110 .x south x 100 x west 5ih av, e s, 75.8 s 91st st. 2.5xI0(l: Aug. 10. ' 1.3,oro M". JulyO 8.643 Jlott St. e s. 7.5.8s Hou.ston st, 2.5x86.10. Oct. 9. 13 OOO Since the p.anic of 1S7:} there has been great 1876. Jlott .St. e s, 100.8 s Houston .st, 25x81.3. Oct. 9. 10.0 0 pvasion practised bj- institutions with reference Jlott St. e s. 125.8 s Houston st. 25x.S7.1. Oct. 9. 13 .'.tio llOth .st, ss, :i-27i wGr.and Bonievard. 150x99.11... 20,000 8-2d st, 8 s, 169.6 w-6th av. 16.6x10-2.2. Oct. 13.... 2 4(0 to the condition of defaulted mortgages, and llOtlisl. ss, 475w Grand Boulevard, runs west 74th st, s .s, 175 e 2d av, 25x102 2. Oct. 31 10 iM there has also been negligence and tiii- lo high water mark. Hudson river .x north 93(1 St. n s, 3:50 w 4th av. 70x100.8. Sept. 21 lo.2ro .-. ,"'*-U- Jan. 21 20500 117th St., s s. 173 e Av A. 25x 100.10. Xov. 1.. 4.(M'0 v.ari-autalile leniencj- excreiscd iu the matter of Cedar st (Xo. MI}, n s, 40.4 e AVashington st, -2f) 6 l-'3:3d st, s s. 95 w 4th av, '20x99,11. Aug 18 .S..->(K) the foreclosure of niortgagos. A cominon subter- .\.5L Sold nom 5th av, n e cor 65th st, 2.5..=xK!0. Sept -24 26.40(1 .3yth . practised bj- institutions has been to retain with water wharf and pier rights. Jlay 2... nom 41 h av, w s, 40 s 1.3.3d st, 20x75. Dec. 9 4.0(0 among .sound a.ssets mortgages that were really 4th av, e s, 5:3 n IKth st, 78x1.50. April 12 irQ ooo 4th av, ws, 60 s 13:3d st, 20x75. Dec. 9 4.000 Htith St. s s, oOO e 10th av, 50x100.4. 1 4th av, w s, 80 s 13:3d st, 19.11x7.5. Dec. 9... 4,000 in hopeless default. Neglect and leniency iu re­ Olith St. n s, l'-'5 e KUh av, 1.50x100.4} Jlav 20. . 20 350 1877. gard to foreclosures have involved both mortga­ Iflth av, e s. 25.1 s t;7th st, 2.5.1x100.) 16th .St. s .s. :300 e Kith av, 2.5x100. Sold 8 000 26th St. r 8, 73 w 9th av. 14 6x98.9. Feb. 17. 6 3.50 gor and mortgagee in and aggravated l'20th St. n s, 2.55 e 3d av, 20x!00. Feb. 21 . 5.000 lUthst. n .s. 5'20 w:3dav, I7.IIxI00.ll. Aug. 30.. 4*000 JIadison av, s w cor 7.3d st. 102.2x99.10 | .,, ,. calamity. Under the impression tkat it was in 76th .St. ss. 95 e JIadison av,'i'>.vl(>2.2 I c^ „„ '„„., 77th .st, s s, 95 e JIadi.son av. 25xI0-2.'2. 1 ^^P- •^°- • - 5,000 JIadison av, n w cor 72d .st. ICJ.'ixlOO f AU liens the i)ower of these institutions to buoy up and 7rth Sf, s s, 1-20 e JIadison av. -25x102.-2. Sep. 30.. 3 -300 .59th St. n s. 200 e llth av. 25x100. April 11 ii.ono support inflated values of real estate, the policy 5th av, e s. 75.8 n 115ih st. 2.1:3x100. Sept. 26.... 4*000 59th st, n s. 225 e llth av, 2.-xl0f). April 11 11.(KX) .5thav. e.s, 100.11 n 115thSt. 2.5.:JxI00. Sep. 26... 3'000 64th st, 8 s, 45 w Madison av. 2.5x100. Feb. 24... 12.000 has been adopted and pursued bj' some of them 5th av, e s. 126.2 n 115th st. 2.-).:3xlOO, excepting ' 64th St. s s, 70 w Madison av, 2.5x100. Feb. 24... 12.050 for nearly four J-ears of making excessive loans triangular oft n e cor. Sep.-26 3 000 76th St. s s, 105 e 3d av, 2.5xin'2.2. April 10 8.01*0 114th St. n s, 520 w 3d av, 17.11x100.11. Sold. "' 4*500 119th st, n 8, 26:3 e Av A. '20x100, April 10. .. . 9.550 upon mortgage, and of adopting the mildest kind JIulberry st (Xo. 1-25), e s, 125 s Bavard st, -2.5x ' 120th st, n s. 195 6 3d av, 20x100.10. April 10 o.ino of treatment with defauling mortgagors. Prob­ 120th st, n s, 215 e3d av, 20x100.10. April 10 9i.y. Xov. 13 -;.. 10 000 I'iith st, s s, 75 e Isb av, 25x100.10. .^pril 10... . 6.100 ably, underlying this policy was a latent hope 63d st (Xo. 3:38), s s. 150 w lst av. 25x100.5."'.'.'.'.'.'.' lO'oOO 127th st, s s, 191.3 8 6th av, 18.9x99.11. April 10.. 6.400 5th av, e s, 50.5 n lOOth st, 50x100. Xov. 3 10',000 S.OOO or belief that real estato values would rally and 1st av, s 8 cor 185th st. 25.10x75. April 10 9,200 1877. Istav, 8 s. 25.10 8 125th st, 25x75. March 31.. .. become finally re-established at or near the"plane 4..500 11th av, n e cor 95th st, 201.5 to 96 st. x650... 79 000 1st av, 8 s, 50.10 e 125th st. 2.5x75. Jlarch 31 3.000 of former rates. Tho utter failure of these e.x- Sth av, n e cor l-25th st, runs north 75 x east 1(30 ' 2d av, 8 s, 140.11 n 113th St. 20x80. April 10 3,P0fl X north -24.11 x east 25 x south 98.11 lo 12.5th 3d av, s 8 cor 105th st, 25.2x74. April 10 14.(^00 pect.'itions. and the enormous depreciation which 3d av, e s, 50.5 s 105th st, 25.3x74. April 16 l'2.i ( 0 has .•ictu.nlly taken place in real estate values six west 1-25. Jlarch 27 j oOO :3d av, 8 8, 25.2 s 105th st. 2.5.:3x74. April 16 12.0* 0 77th st, s s. 95 e JIadi.son av. 50x1(1-2.2.. | o ,, " ' 3(1 av, e s. 75.8 s K)5th .st. -2.5.3x74. April 16 r.'.O' 0 during the four years, have not only bank- 76th St. n s, 95 e JIadison av, .oOxlO^'.-J. f ^ou\ 16.50 :3d av, s e cor 10.5th .st, 10n.'.ix74. Feh. 1:3, taxes ti,'^ 0(0 niiited the makers of doubtful and insecure 49th st (Xo. 42 E). s s. m e JIadison av. 21.6.\-100 5 22 000 5ih av, s e cor 86th st. 25.8x100. April II 2:3.(00 mortgages, Imfc also thrown upon the in.stitutions 6(!th St.. n s. KK) e llth av. 25xl()0..5. April -28 ' " 8"l00 120th st, n s, 235e3

TSth st, s s, 210.8 w Av A, 16.8x10-2.2. Oct. 14. 3,000 HO.MEOPATUIC MUTUAL LIFE IKS. CO. VNIA'ERSAL LIFE INS. CO. TSth st, s s, -227.4 w Av A, 16.8x10-2.2. Oct. 14... 3,000 1875. 1S75. 78th sl, ss, '214 w .\v A, l(i.SxlO'2.2. Oct. 14.... :3,(i00 Vermilyea av, n w- cor Haw-thoi-ne st, 100x100... nom 78th st, s s, '200.8 w Av A, 16 8x102.2. Oct. 14.. ; Slst St, s s. 101 e Madison av, 16xl0'2.2. Jlay 13.. noiu 7Slhst, s s, '^77.4 w Av .\. 10.8x102.2. Oct. 14. 3,000 1876. 1876. Av .A., w s, '25 s 7.Sth .st, 19.:3.\94. Oet. 25 3.000 Kingsbridge road, vr s, at a point of intersection 73d St. n s, :33 w JIadison av, '20x80, Jan. 0 §1,050 Av A, w s. -14.3 s 78tli st, 19.3x94. Oct. 25 3.000 of said road with boimdarj- line dividing -\v A, w s, (i3.7 s 7Sth st, 19.3x94. Oct. 25 lands of L. Chittenden and W. JI. Tweed, Olst st, s s, 99 e 4th av, 18,6x100.5. Oct, 27 25,000 3,(K)fl 1817. 1877. known as letter 1 on map of properly on JVashinglon Heights belonging to the estate 67th st, n .s, 200 w llth av. runs north toOSth st, 1 74th St. n s. 1-20 e 2d av, •20xKr2.2. Jan. 6 S7,500 at point 200 w llth av, x 2:30 x south-1 7,500 of Lucais Ohiilendeii. containing 13 citj- 74ih St, n s, 140 e 2d av, 20x10-2.-2. .Ian. 6 lots. June 10 ; §10,000 east to 67lh st, at point 400.3 w llth av, .x )- .'50,00(1 llth av(b!ock). bound north by Olst st (centre east-200.3 I line), east bj- centre line llt'n av, south bj- KNICKEKBOCKER LIFE INS. CO. centre line T^th av. excepting subdivision (iSth St. n s, -200 w 11 th av, 75x 100.5 J Xo. 5 on R(?ft*re(^'s map. Jan. 13 67.000 1876. JIadison av. n e cor iJOth st. 100.5x100 1 T4th st.ns. 160 e 2d av. -JdxIOtJ.-J. Jan. :31 7.000 Elizabeth sl, w s, 125 11 Bayard st, 25x94.5 §8,000 4tli av (Xos. 13 lo 51), 11 w eor OOth st, 10(i.5x 1 7,500 100.' .- I 74th St. n .s, lai e 2d av, 20xll>-2.'2. Jan. 31... 1S77. 60th st, n s. 1(10 e JIadi.son av, 200xl(K).5 J .-^i nrm Bond st, n s. 4-'i:i S e Broadwaj-, '25x200.2 to 5-2d st, II s, 300 e 12lh av, 75.x85. Sold §28,175 Great Jones st. Feb. 24 60,000 Olst st (Xos. Kil to 17(b, s s. So w- :id av. SOx '^'^''•"'^i STihst. S.S. -22">e Av A, l6.8.x6-2xl6.S.x(>-2.2 .5,500 .MANll.«-rAN LIFE IX.S. CU. 100..5, except .^trij) off i-asl side, at point :39ih st, s s. :i75 w lOth av. -J.-)x9S.9. April 2.S.. 10.000 1S75. 75.5 s 6Ist st, 10x25 11.5th St. n s. 1-55 e 4ih av, 18.9x100.11. Jlay 12.. 4..500 3d av (Nos. 1022 to K'iS), s w- cor (ilst st. 75x85. J 127111 st, II s, 2-.'5 w 7tli av, 100x99.11. Aug. IS. §8,000 10th av (Nos. 927 to 931), w s, 40.5 n OOth st, OOx 115th St. n .s. i::3.'.t e 4th av. IS.'JxIOO.ll. Jlav 12. 4.500 12StIi St. s s, 1-25 w 7th av, 100x99.11. lir.lh .6th sKXo. :5»iS). 8 s, 122 e -2d av. 18x10-2.-2 7,500 Prince st, s s, 25 w Crosby st. 25.-3x110.6 ]-2,0fln S6th st (Xo. }:35), n s. 221 w Av A, 18x100.8.... 10,750 1877. Madison av, n w cor 75th st. 27.2x95. Sold 16,000 86th st (Xo. 310), s .«. 140 e 2d av. 17.6.xl02.2... 7,500 75th St. sw-cor 4th av..50x10-2.2. Xov. 29 §10,000 i:3."5d St. s .s. 150 w Cth av. 7.000 75th st, s s, 50 w 4ih av. 50x102.2. Xov. 29 10,000 1877. 109th st (Xo. 135). n s, :i42.0 e 4th av, 18.9x 7.5th st, ns. 100 w 4lh av,-25x102.2.. I ..,,.. .)Q 11: J^IUI 87tli st, s s, 100 e llth av. runs east 125 x south 100.11. Dec. 15 5,000 4th av, 11 w cor 75th st, 76..Sxl00.... f^^''' '•^-' - ^^'^^ 50.8 X east 92.2 lo Boulevard, x south 50 1 x west 13.8 X south 100.8 to 8Hth st. x west 200 rsIARTKU OAK LIFE INS. CO. 5th av. s w cor i:36th st, 99.11x2:35. Dec. 18 10,000 Slst St.' s s, 200 w 4lh av. 19x102.2. Feb. 1 14,700 X north 125.8 x 100 to llth av, x north 1877. Lexington av. sw cor ll9ih st, runs south 110.10 50 X east 100 x north '25.8. Jlav 1 §^30.850 Broadway, Xos. :38, 39. 40, 4-2, 57, 64, 60, 69, | X west 65 X north 10 x west 5 x north 100.10 85th st, n s. 127.9 w 3d av. 7().Sxl02.'2. June 11 .. 7,('00 71. 7S and SO 1 to 119th St. X east 70. Feb. 1 10,600 4th av, n e cor lOSlh st, lLX)xl05. June 9 6,.500 Broad st. Xo.s. 17. 19 and 21 Broadway, s w- cor 83d st. 102.2xl58.8xl02.2x nth av, e s, 2:3.8 s 87th st, .50x100... < o,.,,, - -„„ Church St. Xos. 95 and 115 )• 51,282,000 159.9. Feb. 6 40,000 87th st, ss, lOOe llth av, 125x100.8. \ °"'" '-'"" Exchange pi. Xos. 5, 7, 17, 19, 34, :3G, 49 and I Broadwaj', n w CGrH2d sl, 102.'2xl5S.8xl02.2x Madison av, s e cor 75ih st, 2.S.Sxl0ii. Sold Ki.OiiO 5:3 J 157.7. Feb.6 40,000 86th st, n s, 100 e llth av, 12.5x100.8. Sold 9,414 Broadway, e s. 80 s Grand st, -25x100 l 9th av, n e cor 7-3d st, 102.2x700. March 2:3 10,000 W-ASHINGTON LIFE INS. CO. Crosbv St. e s. SO s Grand st, -2.5x100 5;3d st, n s. 200 w 1st av. 131x100.5. (.-Vll title to) I -= nm 1877. Bro- 'v.av(Xo. 444), e s, 180 s Gi-and st, 25x Strip, 1x100.5, adj above on west )" '^'"^ 130 4th av. n w-cor 76th St, 102.2x80 19,000 133d st, n s, 315 w- 4th av, 25x99.11. Aug. 1 §4.000 Crosby st iXo. 10). w s. ISO s Grand st. 25x80 Hudson River high water mark, at centre line 11:3th st (No. 414), s s, 195 e 1st av. '25x100.10 4.9(iO How-ard st iXo. 34j, u s, 50 w- Crosbj- st, 25x old 139th st (now closed), runs east to point 14th st (Xo. 510). n S, 266 e Av A. '25x10:3.3 10,000 n'J.t-i5xll9.C 502,500 4-25 w- Grand boulevard, x north 1*29.11 to Howard st (Xo. 29). s s, abt 200 e Broadway. centre line betw-een 139th and 140th sts, x MANHATTAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION. 25x10(1. w-ith partj- wall strip 8 inches west to river, x south to beginning 24,600 1876. wide between-29 and 31 Howard st, except l-27th st, s s, SO w- 7th av, 20x99,11, July 9 5,500 Boulevard (llth av). w s, extdg from l-29th st strip 1x120 ott the s s of the plot Broad­ SSth st (Xo, 413), n s, 176 e 1st av. 40x100.8. ex­ 130th st, 199.10x100. June 13 .§•24,000 waj-, e s, SO s Grand st, &c j cept strip 130 S e 1st av and 95.8 n SSth st, 1877. 124th St. s s, 90 e 4th av, 25x100 I E(JL-ITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. 10x5. July 24 8,700 Slst st (Xo. 72). s s, 100 w 4th av, 20x102.2 14,000 124th St. s s. 115 e4thav. -25.xl00.ll f-Jan . 6. 5.600 1875. Pell st, n s, 1-22.8 vr Bowery. 25.4x78.10 | 74th st, s s. 3-25 e Madison av, 75x100.2. March 1 17,750 Cedar St (Xo. S2i, s s, -21.10x84.9x10.2x23.11x11.3 Pell st, n s, 148 w Bowerj-. -25.4x82.3 f 16,000 Sth av, n e cor 146th st, runs east 225 x north xt)3.3 nom 7th av, w s, 39.11 s I27th st, 19.10x80. Xov. 17..12,00 0 99.11 X west 100 X north 99.11. to 147th st, Propertj- in rear of Xos. 112 and 114 Broadway, X west 1'25 to s e cor Sth av and 147th st, x beginning at point 94 east of e s of Broad­ NORTH AMERICA LIFE INS. CO. waj-. runs east 51.S aleng premises of partj- 1875. souUil99.10. -A.pril6 27,000 of first part, and the reai-s of Xos. 4 and 6 S6th st, s s, 100 w 3d av, 27.9x102.2. June 14.... 5.(>00 Interior lot, 105 s 61st st and .'59 e Madison av, 90th st, n s, 200 w-.3d av, 2,5x100.8. Juno 14 4.000 Pine sl to rear of said Xos. 112 and 114 runs east "20 x north 21.5 x west 20 x south Bro.adwaj-, x north 38.2 to n s of said pre­ 21.5. Sold. Jan. IS nom SSth st, n s, SO w 4th av, 1.50x100. June 15 1,5.000 mises, X west 53 to point 94 e Broadwaj-, x Slst st, s s, 20 w 4th av, 60x102.2. Jlarch :30.... nom SSth st, s s, SO w- 4th av. 100x100. June 15 9,(i(K) south 10 beginning. Feb. '27 80.000 Slst st, s s, 80 w 4th av. 20x102 2. Jlay 28 nom 4lli av, n vr cor SSth st. 100x80. June 15 10,40ii IOlh av, w s, 49.11 n i:3]stst, 125x100. Oct. 8.. 8,150 83d st, n s, 175 e 9ih av, 68.8x102.2 nom 4th av. s w cor 89th st, 100x80, June 15 ll,.50fl 136th st, n s, 235 w 5th av, 100x199.10 to i:37th st. 5,000 1876. 81st St. s s, 200 e Madison av, 20x10-2.2. July 16. §1,000 EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK. Av A. n w cor lft3d st. 100.9x300. June 17 $0,000 1870. 1870. 69th st, s s. -2-25 e llth av, 100x100.5. Sept. 6.. 6,000 10th av, w- s. 100.5 s 61st st, 20x80. Oct. 7 §15,400 9'2d st, s s, '200 e 5th av, 25x 100. July 23 §4,300 1877. 10th av, w s, 120.5 s Gist st, 20x80. Oct. 7 15,400 Bloomingdale road, centre line at intersection 114th St. n s, 4SaA e 4th av. 15.7x100.5. Dec. 1.. §5,000 1877. of 144th st, ns. Oct. 3 25.000 S5lh st, s s, 162.7 e 4th av. lS.lxlO-2.7. Dec. 19.. 8,000 lOthav.secor 141st st. Oct. 3 ;30,(.00 4th av. w s, 4-2.2 n Sith st, -2-2.-2x70. Dec. 19.... 16,000 10th av. w s. 40 n 60th st. 20xS0 §10,000 10th av, s e cor 142d St. Oct. 3 35.000 Broadway, Xos. 112and 114 April-2.5 .30-2,887 8:3dst, ns,2JI.8e 9thav. 16.8x10-2.2 10,000 10th av. s e cor 143d st. Oct. 3 50.000 10. 5:3*1 St. n s. 100 e Sth av. 18.9xKK)..5. JIar. 21.. 9,'250 67th st, n .s,'200 wil th av. runs north to 68th l IOlh av. n e cor 14:3d st. Oct. 3 50.000 TSth St. n w- cor Lexington av. 20x82.3 ( ... ^^.^ st, at point 200 w llth av, x west 230 x j 92dst, s 3,204.5 e Sthav, 25.7x100.8. Sold 5.000 Lexington av. w s. 82.2 n ?Jth st, 20x40 f ^''""" southeast to 67th st at point 400.3 w llth [- 50,000 5:3d st (Xo. ill), n s, 100 e 8lh av, 18.9x100.5. av, X 200.3 l 1677. Soid. Ju!v-2S 10.250 OSth si, n s, 200 w llth av, 7.5x100.5. Sold j 117th st, s fl,183. 6 w Av A, 18.5x100.11. Feb. 7... 5,300 129lh st (Xo. 28), s s, 399.6 w 5th av, 17.6x99.11... 10,000 Madison av, n e cor 60th st, 100.5x100 ] 44th st, s s. 412 e 6th av, runs south. 65 x west 4th av (Nos. 43 to 51), n w cor 60th st, lOO.Sx | BANK FOR SAVINGS. ^^18 X south .3.5.5 X east 26 x north 100.5 to 100 I 1876. 60th st, n s, 100 e Madison av, 200x100.5 •-••44th .st, X west 8. Sept. 15 6.000 631,000 ;30ih st, n s, 140 w 3d av, 20.x98.9, Jlarch 31 §9,000 74th st (Xo. 21). n s. 100 w JIadison av. -20x10-2.2. 20,(iO() 61st st (Nos. 161 to 170), s s, 85 w3d av, 80x100.5, 49th st, s s, 116 w 2d av, 19xia).5. Oct. 17 10,000 75th st, s s, 195 w JladLson av, 25x10-2.2.... 21..500 except strip off east side, at point 75.5 s l-2th st, n s, 310 w-2d av, 25x10.3.3. Oct. 25 1(5,000 106th St. ns, 125 w 9th av,'25x100.11. Xov. 9... ],000 61st St. lOx-25 19lh st (Xos. 421 to 4:34), s s, 140 w Av A, 141.3x 3d av (Nos. 10-22 to 102S), s w- cor GOth st, 75x85. 49th st, s s, 116 w 2d av, 19x100.5. Sold 10,-250 9-2. Dec. 22 20,000 Sold J 1877. 54thst(Xo. 1:3-2). ss, 100e Lexington av, 17.11x IOlh av (Nos. 9-27 to 931), w s, 40.5 n GOth st, 60x 12th St. n s, 310 w 2d av, 2.5x10-3.3 16,300 100.5. Dec.22 8,000 80. Sold 55,326 Catharine .slip (Xos, 17, 19, 21, 23 and25), es, 35,10 s Water st, runs east 49,7 x south 89,2 GLOBE MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. NEW YORK LIFE IXS. AND TRl«T CO. X west 41,4 to Catharine slip, x north 89.2... 25,000 1875. 1875. 83d st, n s, '293.9 e 9th av, 18.9x102.2. July 12... 5,000 49th st, s s, 22S.4 w 6th av. 21.8x100. h&I §2:3,000 86th st, n s. 300 w 4th av, 75x100.11. Sold $12,500 8-3d st, n s, 312.6 e 9th av, 18.9x10-2.-2. July 12 ...5,00 0 2Uh St. s s. ISO e :3d av. 5I.x98.9, fa & 1 47.000 Charles st, n s, 126.2 w Greenwich av, 22x95. 22d st (No. 336), 8 s, 350 e 9th av, 24.8x98.6 noni 34th st, ss, I80e3dav, 51x93.9 47,000 Sold nom THIRD A\'ENUE SAVINGS BANK. 1876. 1877. 1876. Kthst.ns, 215e llthav. 60x100.5. Jan. 3 §3,000 72d st, s s, 1-25 w llth av, 100x47.6x100.4x46.4... .§10,500 26 h st, 8 s, 109 vr 3d av, 20x93.9. .Resold §6,550 1st av, s w cor 10-2d st, 100,11 x325. Oct. 21 8,000 14th st (Nos. 614 to 62-2), s s, 213 e Av B, 125x i 159th st, s s, 250 w 10th av, 25x99.11. Resold.... 3,850 1877. 103.3 y 30,000 159th st, s 8, 275 w 10th av, 25x99.11. Resold.... 1,130 13thst,ns, 1638AVB, 175x103.3 J 49th8t,ss, 21.6 e Madison av, 21.6x75 nom 33d st (Xos. 231 and -2:33), n s, 240.4 w 2d av, 34.7x Same property. Resold. Jlay 3 7,600 93.9. Dec. 16, 187ti.. $11,050 2d av (No. 2242), e s, 20.10 n 115th st, 20x80 6,450 131st st (Xo. 24), s .s. 310 8 Sth av, 17.6x99.11.... -) DRIEST MUTUAL INS. CO. S^,^s^w^c5*rU^^:'2»n«-°»d' ^-y'- ^''"^ Madison av (Xos- 2414, 2416 and 2418), w s, 16.8 • 54th st, s s, 75 vr lst av, 25x100.5 1 T„_„ 10 m nnn siaistst, .50x73 ,. 1- 74,C0O 1876. Madisnn av (Xo. '2410), w s, 83.4 s 131st st, 16.7 | "Wall Bt, s s, adj n w cor of premises belonging 54th St, s s, 100 w-1st av, 2,5x100,5 f Ju^e 13 iu,ouu x75 J to the Phoenix Nat. Bank, 107.10 w William 1877. 123d st, s s. 139.10 w 6th av, 160.1x100.11. (Morts. st, runs west 30.6 x south 134.11 x northeast 10th av, e s. 50 n 159th st, runs east 126,6 to h»,. 8180.176). Feb. 6 .... nom 40.1X northwest 116.9 $ie7i250 Kingsbridge road) x north 51,2 x west 116,8 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

to loth av, .X south 49.11, to point of begiii- LIST OF PROPERTV IIOUOUT I.V UNDER FORECLOSL'RE 1877. This company is recognized as one of the niug. Julyl3 l,(m UV V.VllIOUS I.V.STITUTIONS DURING THE VEAUS HERMAN SAVINGS BA.»iIi. 1875, 187G AND 1877. best managed and most reliable imstitutious in 1875. is-s. the countrj-. Tho wisdom displayed in that diffi­ 9tli :iv, w s, .50.7 n ODtli sc, 25.-2x100. I ^ ,. ao „w) Irving pl (No. (59). w s. 46 ii ISth st, 23x85.6. h & 1. 27,000 cult branch of investment, to wit: Mortgage yth av, w s, -25.5 s U7tli st, 2o.2.'<:l00. f *"'" ^~,iw Piitst(Xo. 98). e s. 150 s t-iautou st. 25x100 13.000 loans, fuUj- justifies the confidence reposed iu South sl, II w cor GoviMieur .slip, 21.-2x70. I 1876. South St. u vr, s 21.-,' w lioveneur slip, 2I,2.x70, f 18,:300 this sterling institution. Although some of these Boulm-ard (llth av), w s. extdg from 140th st 2ith st, a s, 225 e Ist av, 75x9.S.9. Dec. 1 17.600 loans, particularly those made early in 1870, uiaj- to Mist st, 199.111x1-2.5. Jlarch 4 :i5,00i) 3i)tli st, n s, MO w 3d av. -J.ixUS.O. Deo. 0 .... 8.000 Hiiiistoii st, s e cor Laurens st, ,50.'c65. April 4.. 26.500 47th st, s s, :300 e 5th av. 20x100 5. (Leasehold).. nom seem at this late day aud after continued depre­ Hi' ss. 2!K) w inthav. .5!ix'.rj.ll. Xov. 2 .... 4.000 5-llh st, n s. 115 w :id av, 2.-}xI(l0..5, Aug. 14 .. .. •J.tiOO ciation of values, to bo .somewhat full; still, at SHli st, n s, 2S1.2 w .id av, 25.7xI0.'.2. Dec. '20.. 3,700 Hlili st, n s, 175 w mil av, 2.1x102.2. Sep. -J4. .. 2,500 the time thej- were made, they reiu'e- 1S77. 9;)th sl. s s. 125 e llth .av. KMIxUKI. Juno -.'9 .. (i.OOO 1 l^tli St. II s, 195 w 2(1 av. 15x100 II. Aug. 23 {^.-.tlist. 11 s. •2.'3I.2 w :5J av, 2.-..7xlO2.2.\'2.5.6xI0-2.-2. 6.(H1(I .seuted not more than fifly per cent, of current 6,000 I-2-2d st, n s, '2ti7.l\ e Ist av, 16.8x100.11. Jan '2... 12,000 Sold .-ilay I 1-2-2.1 St. n s, :321.3 e 1st av, 10.8x100.11. Jan. 2.... 1-2,000 value, and may be .set down to-day like all the l-,'!lth .-^i. ns. :;(•..-) e 4th av. 10x9.1.11) ,,„.„ .,.. 7,900 12Ith St. 11 s, 107.6 w 4tli av. 17.6x IOO.II. Jlareh 2 :3,«H2 of the list, without exception or qualification, !:i It h st. s .s. :it;5 e Ilh av. 40x19.1! \-^ "'"^ -^- - - 1-^lth St. II .s. 107.6 w 4th av. 17.6x100. II. Jlareh '24 10,100 !-,'lltli St. II s. 48i) w Uh av. :|5x9U.lI ( . .,., ., .,-„ l'.!'tli .sl, s .s,-255 (i :',d av,20.K".):).lI. h ,t I. April 19 as the safest and best investment that tho world i:iillli St. s .s. •l<0 w 4tli av. :!.x\;0!». 11 l "'"'"- ~'- - "'"•'" nom ISJth sc, SS2KJ.1 0 King.sbridgo road. I00.v59.8... 4.100 can produce. We take particular satisfaction in COlh st I Xo. 21';). s .s. 115 w -Jd av. 20x11)11..", 10,000 Lexington av, ii w cor 55cli st, -20.5x73 ruth sl tXo. 22(i), s s. -.'87.1 w 2d av, I7.i;xl(12.2. 22.500 presenting this praiseworthj- and meritorious list (Jet, 4 7.000 1876. of mortgages as a complete vindication of the iihiU St. 11 s. :i")i) e Uth ;iv. 15x:iS.O. Oct. 18 5,(H)0 Willett st (Xo. 49), w s, 44.8 ii Delancey st, 20.1x •Jd av, w s, 6 i.:J s 4:11 sl. 20.1x75. Dec 17 8,900 strictures heretofore iudulged iu, bj- this paper, 88 Xov. 18 •,000 TNION DIME SAVl.N-CJS IN.STlTrrlOX, 12tli st(No. 61 E). n s, 90.10 e Broailway, ;35xV upou the subject of bad investments, and a justi- 1876. 2.S.5x^27.Sxl9.3 | licatiou of the a.s.sertioiis which we have frequeut- ;suli st, II s, 150 w 3d av. •24xKI2.2. Jlay 5 §.5,000 Locust av, 11 w eor Prosijcct st, lOOxioi) )• ,750 -24tli Ward f ly made, that good mortgages are procuralile iu 1877. Prospect av, as, 76x1.50x92x1.50.5. iiih Ward.. J this citj', anil that auj- well managed institution I7th St. n s. 100 w Irving pl. 2-">xU2 20,,500 51st st, n s, :i75 w llih av, 2.5x100.5. .Vug. 8... •)-.M sc. s s. •2.-)0 w 5th av, 2,-jxli)i.5 40..500 53d St. n s, 105 e 7th av. 70xI0U..5. June 22.. can easily restrict its iiivtstments to the verv .'v!il .SI. s -s. :301 e 4lli av, 21.10xKi:.>.2. S(jld 5,000 86tli st, s .s, 247 e :M av. I9xl(«.2. Jlarch •20.. .. best. .stliav. n e cor M2d St. 24.11x1(10. Ai>ril -26 7,1100 SOth sl, s s, 2iiii (' 3d av. 31x102.2. Jlarch 20. . s.'A St. s s. :{(il (• 4ih av. 2I.10xlO-.'.2. Kcl). 17 3,000 97ih St. n .s. :300 w 1 Uli .-vv, -2.5xI00.lI. Nov. 28 The common excuse oilered by reckless und iu- .-will st tXo. 4 15), n s. I4.').5 w .Vv A, 18x100.4 8,7(,0 I28th st, II s, :3U0 w :M av, I.5.x99.11. Dec. 27... i:«d st, n s, 135 e Oth av, 18.9x99. II. June 6.... experieiiccd managers is,that gilt-edged mort­ EA.ST ItlVEl!. NAT. BANK. JIadison av. n e cor 47th st. 75.5x100. Dec. 14. gages are scarce aud hard to bo secured. If, how­ 1876. 1st av, o s. 25.4 s 47tli st. -,.'.5.:3xt)0. Dec. 17 ever, thej- %vill establish a reputation for accept­ T-'iith st, n s. .'3-25 e 2d av, 2.->xI0(l. II. ( „ 5LII av. es, 7.5.11 s SSih si. 2,5x140, also .strij) ad­ l-.', ss, :5-25e2d av, 2.5x100.11.. f=>'-'l>t- '"••-- §550 joining abovti on rear 10x11)0.8 extending ing none but the most approved applications and IS77. iiom centre of block to n s of 87th sl . couple this with proper concessions and facilities L'uvriMK-e st. s s. 2is.ii e Kith nv, •22.xl00.. Sill av, n w cor st, 51.2x100 1 .. 5,noo 71st st, II s, 100 w Sth av. ,50x102.2 '-April 7.... in negotiation, there will bo no further occasion •UK 11 st 1 Xo. 4:i(l), s .s. .-325 e lOUi av, 25.x'.)8.9 .. 7,000 T2d St. s s, 1.50 w Slh av, -2.5x10-2.2 j to lament over such scarcitj- or to cast about for CI1I'/!KNS .SAVINGS BAXK. I'iot bounded wesieriy hy a line drawn parallel with AvA and distant 313 west of n s of vain and idle excuses for placing trust funds iu l.S7ti. .said av, northerly by Olst st, souiheHy by doubtful investments. (ith av. s w cor f-'Otli st. 20x75. Jlai' 22 ..S14..500 (iOih st and easterly by the East river, with t'.tli av, IV s. (iO s l-2iilli st, 20x7.5. Jniii? 17 .. 1I.:30.' water rights, dockage, land under water. 1870. 4Ist .St. s s, 1J5 e 2d av, K>xS1.7xl7.7x7I.:5 .. 5,000 Sec June I , ;,ooo 41st st, s s, :JI7 e 2d av, 16x98.9. July 20 .. .5.5IM) 40th sl (Xo. 18 \V.>, s s, 28:3.6 w 5th av, 18x93.9.. .§-2{),(XtO 1877. 41st sl. s s, :33;3 e 2d av, i0x9S.9, July 20.. . .. 5,000 40t,h .st (Xo. 16 \V.). s s, '260 w Sth av, 2-2.6.x98.9... i>,0(iO Pdeecker st. e s. :37.6 s Corneliti st, 15.8x66 4aih st i^Xo. 24 \V.), s s, ;j:3r.6 w Sth av, 2:2.6x98.9. 20,0IHJ 1877. nom Broadway, Xo. 165, K2.6xI0.3xI2.6xI0-2.6 i riinton st (Xo. 17). w s. 175 n Stanton st. -2.5x100 13,000 risl St. n s. 630 w 9th av, a)xl02.-2. .Vpril -2.5. 10,0()0 Elm st(Xo. 109). e.s, 1.59.2 n Grand st. 20.3x65.4x Broadway (.Xo. 167;, w s, 55 s Courtland sl, 25 V 36,500 xio;3 ...• ....) GilEKNWICH SAVI.SGS BANK. -20.8.\(i.5.:3. Feh.-20 7.510 45tli st, s s, 309 w Slh av, 20xl0u.5. Feb. 5...... 1.5.0O0 1877. Forsyth sl (Xo. 50), e s, 125 s Hester st, 2.-)xi66.'. 10,000 Molt st (Xo. :3). w s, 41.10 n Worth .st, •2-2.8.v51.I 11,1011 91 74-100 acres. Fordham, part Rose Hill Farm. 60,000 24 av. s e eor .56tli St.-20.5.xii:J. Jan. 9 .§11,500 Wooster sl (Xos. 215, 217 aud 219), w s, 97 s -y,tii suNos. 21-2. 214 and 210), s s, 185 e :3d Same propertv 11,100 Kith st (Xo. Ki:)). ns. 190.8 w :i(I av, 2.-3.V92. .."'.'." 15.000 Amity sl, 66xri.:3. July 5 '2$,000 75x!iS.U. June 27 ' 16,500 5'2d Sl, n s, 400 e Slh av, runs north 100.5 x east ISlh sl tXo.s. 18 and 20), s s. li'w i31,)miiig"- 2'.iih st, n s, 1.50 w Olh av, -25x72.Ix~x7ti.II 7,131 45th st, u .s, H!) e 7th av, -20x75..5. .May II 1.5,101) 115 to w s Broadwaj', x souih 101 lo 52-1 sl, x dale road, 7:3.6xy3.N7i).6x7!.0. July fi . .. 61,000 west 126.8. Julj- 2U 100,000 2iiUi bt (..N'o. 2K2), s s, 185 e :id av, 2Sx9S.'.». Sold.. 8^500 4sih st, s s. 1.51) u nth av, 2.5xlO(J..5. Dec. 18. 1876 9,000 48th St. n s, 2S:!.4 w lUh av, lO.Sx74.6x10.8x74,-J.. 2.2011 3.stli st, u s, ISO e Sill av, .•37.6x197.6 to :39th at.... 40.000 llETHOI'OLirAN SAVI.SGS BAMC. .571 II St. s s. 291.7 w Lexington av. 20..5x 100.5 25.000 6th av, ws, 7.5,2 n.5:3d sl, 25x100. Aug,-2:3 16,000 1877. .57ili st, a s, tiS.l w Oth av. 21.8x100.5. JIandi 14. 18,000 6th av, w s, 50,2 u 5:3d .st, 25x100, .\ug. -23 16.000 Beaver st, ii s. -2il. 11 e Xew st, runs north 58.7 x Leroy st, s s. :jti9.'.t o Hudson st, 41.4x irreg. .. .§28.-2,50 58lli st, n s. lil(;..-j w Av A, IOxllK).4s 10x100.4. (Morts. §-.'2,000.) Jlay :{0 nom west 17.2 to New st, x north 15 x east .'38.9 x 7iltli St. ns, 1.55 u :3d a V, 10 8x1112.2. J tim- l-J. ... 4,i}00 .south Oa.'J to Beaver st. x west 27. Sept. 2:3. 16,000 (ilth St. s s. 100 e imh av, lOdxKXl.ri. .May 25.... 6,01K.) STAR riUE INS. ci>. ^(•th st, s s. 1.50 w Sth av, -2.-)X 100.5. June 9 3.000 26lh sl, s s, 140 w 2d av, 90x98.9. Sept. 2;i. 20.000 1876. '.Itlisi, ss. 8:3.6 w2d av. Iti.UxIU. J!ay26.. 5.000 5-2(.l Sl, S s, 225 w Slh av, -25x100. Oct. 21 -20.000 Av A. 1- s. 22.2n Mth st. runs easl 98 x s-itiih -^,'.2 "lb .St. s s. 275 e -Jd av. -2.5xl02.'2. (More. S2..,(J0) 100 1; 111 st, s s, 480 w Gth av, -i2.(i.xl08.9. Oct. 28 4,000 l..7lth sl. X wtist 92.10 to land formerly of :;(!4). s.s, 80 I! -Jd av, -20x100.10.., 5,000 9thav, OS, VJ.I s I2dst, 19.8.\;65. Nov. 22 5,000 .lohn JouL-s. X northwest along same 0.2 to l--iiih st, n s, -"375 e Sth av, .")0x9U. 11 i r> • .v. 6:idst, s s, :500 e4th av,-2.-JX100..5. Xov.-.iS 10,000 12711 St. s s, 400 e Sth av. -2,5x99. i I ) '-"^'- -^ 5,000 West 1 Ilh st, a s. 197.2 o 5lli av, 2:5.4xlO;J.:3 S.ilOO e s Av A, X north 21.2 to heginiiing S.I.OIIO Water st, n s, :il.4 e Fulton st,-25.4x95.7 10,000 .Vv A, n e eur 7Ill" i st, 2-.'.2x:iH. .Sept. :Jfl 5-J(l 1 -llth st(Xo. 151), s .s. 151.8 w :3d .'iv, 10.8x99.11 .. 4,IKJ0 -Vv D (No. 14:ii. s w cor IOth st, -50x93 I Riverdale av, 54 acre*, 24th Ward. i -•j-illi St. n s. I5U.5 e 2d av, -10.i>xtl.l.4.v:J2x7S.S •SJIlK) Kith st (Xo. 41-.' Easl), s s. 93 w Av I). •25.\94.... V 10,000 Also, Riverdale av, strip adi above, 12x150 V 75.000 TOWNSEND SAVINU.S Il.\XK, NEW IIAVKN, IIO.V.V. Interior lol. 72 s IOth st and 73 w Av D. -20.X-22.. j xI50 j 1876. JIadison av. n w cor KMtli st. KK).Il.x70. Oct. 16 5,500 1877. 2d av. o. s. at intersi-ciioii of centi-e-lin.- of liiiih 3d av {So. 507). n e cor 3 Ith st. -29.1x100. 39,:500 st, runs east lo II;irlHiii River x son: h alung 9th av, e s. -IS.l n 53d sl, runs east 75 x north 4.9 Bowery, e s, 71.1 s 1st st, •2;J.4xI00.v2:3.9x83.2....$20,000 riv«-r to centre Vine <•(• O-iili st, x \vt-,si along X northwest 44 x again northwest 32.2to 9ili 46ch st, II s, 125 w 6tli uv, •,:5x6.>.7.\25x67.3 S.OOO 98ti' st to e s 2d av. x lliencc alotig •-M av to av. X soutii 10 8. Dec. '2S. 1876 aStli Sl, s s, ISO w Olh av, a).x9S.9. e.xcept strip heiiinning (with all franchises, gas works. lUtJi av (Xo. ;3U8), es, 49.4 s ;j:3d .st, 24.Sx.56x2I.9x oft" w s, at point 74.1 s 35lU st, 8x21.8 S.OiJO &c.) July 10 §20.1,000 64.2 2,000 SSth St. u s, 229 w Sth av, 21x100.5. Jau. 17 8,000 10th av, s e cor 73d st, 102.2x100. Dec. 7 10,000 John .st tXo. 90), s e cor Gold st, 2J.3x42.1x west SIXPE-SNY SAVINGS BANK. I9.10.x4;3.4. Jan. 27 10,0 0 1875. Sth av. w s, 20.5 a 51st st, SO.xSO. Jan. 21 SO.UOiJ 3.1 av. s e cor 107th st, l(iO.K)x310.. I ^ „ GOOD MORTG.-iC^E LOANS, Madison av, w s, 76,9 ii 4()lh st, 2,5x95. JIar. 10. 25,000 .'Sd av, e s, 24.8 s 30ili st, 21.8x110. Jlarch 16 9,000 :3d av, e s, 100.10 s lOrth st, -25.2x110 1 ^"l'^- ' • • • Slo.wO Vi'e have had occasion to sjij- so much latelj- Jlorris st, s w cor Washingtou st, runs west 179 1876. about bad mortgage loans, that we are afraid our to Westst, X south 50 x east 179 to Wash­ 119th sl, u s, 198 e Av A, 2.-ixl00.10. June 8 2 OOO ington st, X north 50. -March 3 -20,000 readers may conclude that we are disposed to be SSth St. n s, 100 w 4th av, '2i).i0x98.9, Jlarch 17. 5,000 -iSth st, s s. :375 w 7tli av, lux'.'S.'J. Dec. II 7i.J47 prejudiced or hj-pochondriacal on this subject. Broadway (Xos. 7-10 and 742), e s. 41.4 s Astor pl, MIDDLETOWN NAT. BANK. 51x116.4x54.8x96.9. Dec. 12 3.5,000 1877. Hut, ill truth, there has been a wide field for re­ 6thav, es. P. .M. Jlarch :3ti 2l,ti00 mark, and many bitter and irresi.stible provoca­ 5th av, n e cor 44th st, 65.5x100. April 2 100,000 Hudson st(Xos. 17:3, 175, 177 and 179) 1 University pi, o .s, extdg from Washington pl to Vestry st (No. 29), lu'ing s w eor Hudson and tives of criticism. We trust that with the begin­ Waverly pl, lS().\99.Ux 180x99.2. Jlarch 20... 30,000 Vesiry st-, 79x10 ' [ ning of the preseut year, an elEectual and lasting Lafayette pl (.Vo, 8), e s, 37.9 s 4lh st, 22.3xU0i Hudson st, w- ,s, .50 n Laight st, 46x100 J 2;3.:3xllO. .Vpril 8 s.OOO Fell. :3. (1-14 part.) nom scop ha.s been put to the misuse of corporate funds Lafayette pl (Xo. 10), e s, 15.6 s 4lh St. 2-2.3xll0x HANUFACTCREKS' A.VD MEUCUANTS' BANK. in mortgage loans. "W'ith a view of convincing '2.3.;3xlIO. Aprils 5,000 1877. 4Sth St. a s, :iti;j.9 e 6th av. 18.9x100.5 lO.OiO our readers that there are such things as safe 21st st (Xo. 146 W.), r, s, 22H.4 e 7th av. .M;iy 1... 8,000 107th .St. s s, 113 e Lst av, 400x100,11, also lease­ mortgage loans, aud that wo are fuUj- able to Jlorton si iXo, l.i), n s, bet Bleecker aud Bed­ hold as follows: ford sts, -25x87.6 April -v'4 5,000 Av A, n w cor lOlith st, 2ni.i0 to 107th st, x lecogni'ze and discriminate such, when we meet West st (Xo. 145), e s, 4-2,7 s Barclay st, runs west 100 X south 100.11 x west IOO x south them, as well as to convince the incredulous that south 21 X east 5-2.10 x north 15,8 x west 4.4 100,11 to 106th st, X east 200 lo beginning,. X west 55.8 to beginuing. ."^lay 1 10,000 Also land under water. Harlem River, as fol-}- 1,000 u goodlj- number of safe mortgage loans can be 55lh st, n s, 150 e 5th av, 50x100.5. (.2 morts.)... 13,000 lows: I obtained in this city by seeking for them, we have 56di St. s s. 95 w Jladisou av, 175x100.5. (7 100th St. n s, inlei-seclion high water line, runs | morts.) Jlay 12 45,000 uorth to centre line of I07th st, x east to taken the pains to collate and present in a body, Madisou av, s w cor 55th st, 100x95. (4 morts.). 37,000 exterior line Harlem River, x south to n s | JIacdougal st (Xos. 74 to 86. inclusive), e s, 80 n 106th st, X west lo beginning J the entire iiumbor of loans made by the United Houston st, 140.8x100. (7 morts., each §5,000) 35,000 67th st, n s, 95 e 10th av, 20x100.5. May 1 Sold. 14,700 States Trust Company during the years 1876 and 36th st, n 8,105 w 4th av, 25x98.9. May 17 25 000 178 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

34th St. n 8,175 e 6th av. 25x98.9. Jlay 31 25.000 form in person the clerical labor of draughting County, although a copy of such complaint has Madison av, s w cor .5Sth .st. 100.5x95. May 31.. 25.000 their working plans. The work of design and the not been personally served on the defendant with­ Slh av. e 3. 25 n '30th st. '24.7x100. July 11 25.000 in 90 days, the lien will not necessarilj' be vacated, 2sth St. s s, 95 w .Madison av. '25x93.9. P. JI 1'2,000 superintendence of its elaboration are wholly but the omission to serve the same must be satis­ 17thst, ns. 414e Istav.'i5x92. P. JL June'29. 5,000 theii-s, even though other hands may hold the factorily explained, and it must appear that due Xassau St. Xos. 115 and 117. 50x101.2 to Theatre allev, X.50XI02.4. Aug. 24 4.5.000 pencil and i-ule. Messrs. Duggin & Crossman, diligence has been used to make such service. 27th st,'n s. 262.6 w Sth av. 12.6x93.9. Aug. 21.. 5.300 the most accomplished and successful of these The matter of vacating the lien rests in the dis­ 7th av, w s. KIO n -24th st. 4-2.10x7.-.'2. Sept. 11... 12.('00 cretion of the Court, and, in this case, the Court 7th av and 47ih st. P. Jl. Sept. SS 15.500 architect builders, bestow their personal pains and refused to vacate the lien, although the comphaint 14ih St. n s, 75 e Oth av, 25x112.6. Oct. 15 I'2.(i00 thought upon the sketch plan—leaving to able in the action was not served within the 90 days. :34th st, s s. 59.9 w 4th av. 20.3x90. Xov. 9 18.000 Sth av. e s. 62.3 n 57th st. 19.7x100. Xov. '22 25.000 and trained assistants the work of preparing de­ Thompson st. w s. 125 n Houston st. '25x100 6.000 tailed w-orking plans. Mr. Sherwood is recog­ 2Ist St. n s. 179e 9th av. 21x98.9. Dec. 12 8.000 .Madison av, w s, •74.2 n 21st st, 24.7x95. Dec. 12 . 20,000 nized as a gentleman of the highest aesthetic cul­ THE MATHEWS BUILDING. ture and a real connoiseur in art. He is compe­ One of the most elaborate and at the same time most serviceable apartment houses, recently com­ THE ECONOMICS OF BUILDINGS. tent to direct if not to execute tho full artistic details of house building. Mr. Bradley is no pleted, is the JIalhews building on the southeast To Oie Blilor of THE REAL, ESTATE RECORD :— doubt indebted to his earlj- occupation for the corner of Sixth avenue and Forty-fifth street. With I have been much interested in reading your a frontage of 125 feet on the avenue and 120 feet on able and exhaustive series of articles entitled refined taste which has characterized all his pro­ the street, its position Is exceedinglj- commanding, "The Economics of Building." ductions. We wish all builders and architects articles give evidence of much thouglit, no matter whether approached from the east or west knowletlge and good judgment in mattei-s per­ had started in life as florists. We were aware of side. Tills fact has been thoroughly taken advantage taining to building, and are perv-aded bj- a spirit Mr. McCaflertj-'s association with his brother-in- of bj- the Jlessrs. Jardine, the architects, who have ?•««, of fairness and moderation. law-, the j'oung architect, II. W. Bucklej-, and Micceeded in placing along this busiest of thorough­ Under the head of " Architect Builders," how­ should have described them as representing one fares not onlj- a ro%v of elegant stores, but also a fcV ever, and where the relations of architects and builders are treated of, I tliink your articles are organization. The Messrs. O'Riellj*, -we are well series of flats, so-called, showing great skill of com­ ojien to criticism. aware, are the pupils and disciples of Thomas C. bination, where neither the useful nor tho ornamental In years gone bj-, when dwellings in our citj-, Smith, one of the best builders of the preceding has been overlooked. The architecture is entirely in the French style, and most appropriate for that sec­ w-ith rare exceptions, were entirelj- innocent of generation. This firm and the Lynde Brothers either architectural style or convenience, and be­ tion of the city. fore the taste of our people had been educated, are the besttjiies and illustrations of onr thought. and liefore thej- knew- anj-thing of the compli­ EniTon OF THE REAL. ESTATE RECORD. Tho JIalhevs building, the front of w-hich is of cated arrangeiiienLs of the fine residence of the Doi-elie.sler and Xova Scotia free stone, all carefully present time, the builders were in the habit of cut by Jolm Kusseli of Fifly-first street and Xorth copj-ing one from another—street after A CARD. River, is six stories high, including the basement. street—without anj- more attempt at design than There are six stores on Sixth avenue, and each apart­ would be given to a drj- goods box. Fortunatelj- To the Edilor O/'THE REAL ESTATE RECORD : for our city tliese daj-s are past. ^Ij- attention lias been called to a mortgage re­ ment house forming part of the whole has a separate Between the architects and the best class of view- in j-our issue of the '2iid inst. referring to entrance, an advantage which tenants %vill greatlj- builders of tbe present daj- tbere is no or loans made bj- the City Chamberlain which might appi-eciatc, not only as seeming more privaej-, but dashing of interests whatever. Each has his lead to the impression that he had not heeded the also considerablj- enhancing their safetj- iu case of legitimate part to jierform, and these are cntirelj- order of the General Term of tho Supreme Court, fire and accident. The slriiclure at once impresses distinct—ono from the other. which was made uptui the " excellent advice" of the beholder as one of the most substantial buildings Mr. Musgrave. There is no man more ready than the better along the avenue, the walls, in fact, averaging a As "general adviser," under that order, allow class of builder, either mason or carpenter, to thickness varying from twelve to sixteen inches. eiiiploj- the architect when he is about to erect a me to saj- that no loans have been accepted bj- the building for himself, to design and superintend Chamberlain since its pi-omulg.ation, neither will Upon close inspection it will be found that the build­ the erection of the same for him. there be in strict compliance with its t.ei-in.s. ing is not only substantially erected, but also artist­ He knows bj- experience that to bo a good JOHN JICCLAVK. ically designed, the architect having taken especial builder in either branch is sufficient for one man Dated New York, Feb. 27th, 1878. pains in beautifying the Forty-fifth street front with to learn without being educated in one of the polished granite columns imported from Scotland. highest professions as well I A respectable builder It is at once apparent, however, that both owner and never undertakes to erect a building of auy im­ LEGAL DECISIONS. architect have spared no expense in beautifying the portance until he flrst has the architect's pl.ans, specifications, details and figures in bis hands ; he PURCHASERS AT FORECLOSURE SALES. interior as well as the exterior, combining, .as %ve will not attempt it without these, nor will he as a A purchaser at a mortgage foreclosure .sale of have stated, elegance with comfort in every part of rule, take anj- re.spoiisibilitj- as to strength of ma­ leasehold premises at the southeasterly corner of this great structure. terial or mode of constructicn, this is all left to Broadwaj- and Twentj'-second street raised sev­ The fine British plate glass furnished by Edward A. the architect—-he alone taJiing all tlus responsi- eral objections to tho title, among others: 1st, liilitj-. " That the premises were incumbered by-rea.sou Boyd, of 79 Jlurray slreet, at once give lone and Now, if these things be so (and they cannot be of parties formerlj- owning the leased lands and character to the fine stores that line the avenue side honestly disiiuted), now can such men as Mr, other lands ou both sides of Twenty-second street of the building, while the doors, vestibules, the wain­ Sherwood, Mr. Bradlej-, or the others named iu entering into an agreement that the buildings scoling and, in fact, all the cabinet work throughout your article, be architects in any sense, except so thereafter to be erected should be placed back the entire building show careful planning on the part far as to give general directions as to what thej- seven feet six inches from the street, so as to have of the Jlessts. Jardine, but also honest and faithful dcsire ? This any man can do. a court J-ard in front of the premises, and the work by the builder, Jlr. Elgar, of -3:35 West Twenty- houses had been built in confonnitj- to the agree­ Mr. Sherwood was a merchant, Mr. Bradlej* a fourth street. Of course he feels proud of the florist and Mr. McCalTerty a shoe dealer. ment, including one on that portion of the lease- gentlemen and othei-s who like them have had bold premises alfected. Held by the Court of Mathews Building, and well he maj-, as we have anj- success in building on speculation, and who Appeals that while this agreement maj- in one seldom seen belter finished work than in the job which have made some reputation in this direction, have sense be regarded as an incuinbrauce upon this he has just completed. One of the most excellent done so bj- their good judgment in selectuig their lot it cannot be assumed that it in anj- waj- di­ features of this part ot the construction is that the architects and buildens. Mr. Sherwood never minished the value of the premises, and because flooi-s between the various stoiies are all laid double, it is manifest that the purchaser w-ould have bid built a building of anj- importance -without lirst thus deafening the noise between the various suite of emploving au architect. Messrs. Jardine, Messrs. the same if he had known of the agreement. It I f Field '& Son, Mr. E. G. Thompson and othei's was, therefore, an immaterial defect in the title rooms, also au advantage and comfort not readily have been eniiiloj-ed by hira at different times. which the Court should disregard. Referring to met with in the ordinary apartment Iiouse. Nor has Mr. Bradlej-. The fii-st named firm of the other objections raised bj' the 'purchaser, the In fact, Jlr. JIathew-s appears lo have made it a rule Court laj- down the following general principles architects has designed many buildings for him, in this model building, which generally is an excep­ and Mr. J. G. Prague, architect, prepared the de­ applicable to judicial sales. A pm-chaser at a sign of the last building erected bj- him, and as foreclosure sale will not be relieved on account of tion with ow-ners, to study the conveniences of his for Mr. McCafferty, his brother-hi-la-sv, a trained defects in the propertj^. or the title thereto, of tenants—a rule which will work greatly to his benefit architect, designs all buildings wliich he erects. which he had notice, aud in reference to which as a landlord when it once becomes generallj- known The Messrs. O'Reillj- have always employed an he made his bid, and the Court will not permit among those seeking comfortable quarters. For in­ architect to design any buildings of importance him to abandon his contract without seeing stance, he has it so arranged ihat steam heating, the which thej- desire to construct—although they that the object of the purchase is defeated, and apparatus for whicii w-as supplied bj' the well known that he would be injured by the enforcement of know infinitely more about building than any of firm of Baker, Smith & Co., can be furnished free of the above, having beon educated as builders them­ the contract. It is not everj- defect in the subject selves. sold or variation from the description that will charge to the tenants and storekeepers throughout avail the purchaser. He will not be sullered to the entire structure. A set of soap stone tubs has I do not believe that either of the gentlemen speculate at such sales, and if he makes a bad bar­ also been provided in the various laundries, separate named will pretend for a moment that he knows gain to repudiate it. anything of architecture, properly speaking. drying rooms being attached to each of the principle Finallj^ I would say that Messrs. Duggin <& Cross- suite of rooms. These drying rooms also eiijoj- the man are the only " Architect Builders" in the citj'-, advantage of the steam heating, w-hich Baker, Smith and thej- w-ere educated as architects before they ANSWER TO CORRESPONDENT. & Co. have conducted throughout the building on the coramenced building. BUILDER. Question. Is it absolutelj'' necessarj', that an most approved principles. In this connection it New York, Feb. 21st, 1878. action to foreclose a mechanics lien, bo com­ should also be stated that the kitchen ranges are ii We shall have no occasion to dispute any of the menced within 90 days after filing the lien, bj' from the establishment of Rollhaus, in AVater street, main statements that our correspondent has the personal service of the complaint ? and from Du parquet, in Wooster street, and are fur­ Answer. Judge Van Hoesen, of the Common nished with the most modern appliances, while the made. Our information, probably, is a little Pleas, has recently decided that in case a notice later than his. We do not pretend that the arch­ of the pendency of the action, and the complaint entire iron %vork was supplied under contract with itect builders enumerated by us assmne or per­ therein have been filed with the Clerk of the the firm of J. B. & J, M. Cornell, of Centre street. 11:1 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 170

The plumbing work of the JIathe.w-s Building, how- inst.inces amounts of imu.sual magnitude. Full de­ .37th st (Xo. 2021. ss. fiO w- 7th av. three-stoiy prer. is w-ell w-orthj- of imitation bj-all those who erect tail* appear below. Tlie sales other than bj- order of Irani.'dwelling. --'11x21.'.". to W. G. Bnnvii anil alio, lexrs. iind pl.-iintilTsi J-.' •-''O new houses in Xew York now-a-days. Thore the areh- the Court were as^JIr. JIuller .sold the four- '1.-itlist iXo, liij). ss. !.•)(! e Eexii.irion e.v. thi--e iU'ct and ow-ner have acted entirelj- upon .scirntiflc storj- and basement brown stone front house with storv stone from ihvelliiij.r, willi le.isi-nl' orinciples. which must do awaj- with anj- nuisance lot i.25xl(t:!>, Xo. i:« West Fourteenth street, for lot -liOxIoo..^,; leased Aiiril 1, IS !. leiui •..• I .vf-ars: ^'rouiid rem. ,?b'uper vear. to Uoii- arising from .sewer gas. This work has reallj- been ?I5.(l(Ki. and Jlr. Harnett, by order of Execiuor.s. .sold ert Goe|i-t i;)i:uiit;ir,i .' 7.7-20 done reg.ird! of e.xpens-e. and conscientioiisij- per­ six lots on the south side of (.Ine Iiundred aiul Forty- .•dst st iNo. -.'l.'-. s s. 1-2.- e .-ill ;iv. r-.v.i-sfory formed In- Jlr. T. Brien, of 3S1 Bleecker street. Each eiuhth street, I'M feet 10 inches east of Terraee pl.-iee briek stable, ami two-stoi-.v f n>ine ilv\ ellir,^-- ill rejir. ~'.">xliili..-). to i:lie"ri .\icVe\- iplain- .Tpartment house has a separate cast iron sewer pipe (1.5(1x210), and one lor. adjoining (•-'.'•xKi'i) for .>;, ! liiTt : -l.r.CO connecting with thi> street main. Thej-are of ampl» Jb',ssrs. Duggin it (.'rossman have sold to Mr. Salem (••.•;d st ..N'os. 121 am! l-.'>i'.ss. '2.-|I e bh av. r-.i!.-. M/.e. .ind liermotiiv brick liverv stall!.-. ''UxliMi..-). (,, M.srv all the wjiste pipes thningii.Jiit thf entire building, K. McCatieipialiiluri -j!."!? tion on tlie north sid(- of Kirtj-lifth stn-ei. h.-tweeu '.'.Mil sl. ss. r..")e mth a-,-, :.T,-. s '^, i'-.'. 1 e •.',: .ir. • ••'•• points traps of the lat'-st pattern and style are .also in lluee-siorv sloiie frivilt dw.-ilin;^-:. .,',.\'.!..'.•,'. Jacob Cainiiln-ll. President of the Pacific l!:iiiK-. i;;is to A u- Voi-K Life Ins. Co. (plaiiitin'i .'.''iiii! irodneed. bought. theTra.el: m-iusioii. with lurniture. siiii.-iled xtt ^•-• (Xo. 2M.. s s. Isi; e :!,! av. tiir ^t,.:-.- Very ft!W and more pretentious private houses h.ive tilt! northeast corner of Fifth avenue :. ; Kd st iXo. •.'in. s s. l-ii e :;d .-iv. thr e-st.•,••,- iliningroom.s, as the suites whieh together constiliite On Tluir.s.l.iy, Mr. n.-irnett sold '••••••.o ]oi^ in frame dwellin;,-. •.'<'xl''".'^. to S.r-. rhi.s Matthews apartmtMii house. The eabiiu-t. man­ Brooklyn, the location of which is .'.'iveu below. f,,r l;-vi)k (j'lair.tin'' , •'J.^*'''-) n.'tli sl, 11 s. 2i.-. e 1st av. 2.-.x.->-.l\-;:':x--.-, I. !o tles, and mirrors in the parlors wc oulj- need to say Sr.i..-?!;. II is understood that tin- proi>-'iy w;is >Uvy J. .'•Itiiisoti et al. o'\rs. an-l plioii- ;\ri' from the well-known fslaldishiiK-nl of A. Pons & bought for tiie account of lienrj- HiUon. titt-^I -O'-' Co.. in Fifth avenue, to convej- an idea of their exceb The record of trans:ietio!is puhlisli.d in t!ie num­ : i-.M.-^t st I Xos. .-.II and .".lib. s.s. 171 e Av A. t .vo : tliree-stor\-briek ilwellinirs. .iix^o. to Mu- loiu-e. while firms h'ki' .\. Klaber. Fisher it I'ird. and bers of THE Pircoiio lur tiie iiiouth <.l' Febru.iry •• iiial Life i'ii>. Co. it.iaiutill'i <•..•»>'> .\. b. Faiichere & ('o. have ftiriiished ihe marble man­ shows thai the .sales at tin- I'.xciiange .Salesroom : i-ilti, st (No. :;!t'i. s s. -'.r-.u v. Jst av. ijir..e. tels in the various seemidarj- moms. Thej- are of aggreg.iled 5!.I(il.7:i'.t as against .?l..| is.,-,ni for th..- i storv stone front, dwellinir. ISxIie. U. to (lifTereiit—Imt all elegant—designs, in dove and It;il- : X--.V York Life Ins. Co. iplaintitfi \.:;IM month of February. l'<7r. Use total miiuberof .on- i rMth .st i.'\'o. .-lIsi. s s. 172.1. w Nt av. three- faii marble. The grates are of the latest pal terns, veyaiii;es (lied for record in the Olliceo!' t.he Pegister, storv .-.^toiie front duelliii-. l.-;\ I'^i I !, [,. lining from the mueli respected lirm of Conover&Co.. exchiiling the Twenty-tiiinl and Twentv-foiulli Ni-\v York l.if.-Ii!>. Co. ,piii>!,tilT'...... (.'eri ill I'anal street, and from l.saac .Sarveii. Tlie gas . r-'ith st iVo. :;.-iii:-. .- s. IiHi .V !.-t .-r.-. il,!•<•,• -'.n-,- wards, roaches 102, the aggregate consideration i stone fictiit ,!u.-j|i:e.r. !s r,x lee.;;. ;,, V.--.\- fiyttires and chandeliers in the varioii.s rooms are also amounting to S<'.-5-2v. 'IHI--- Vance it C'n. iUid the Archer & Pancoast JI;uiiifaeliir. gating S:J.I!il.l(;0 were recorded in the Kegister'.s j Story iruiit dweliisiL.'. !i'i.-';:i''. i'. :•• ! ."^birv II. Drake lexir.x. ami piajm i:'>, . ., .''.•:.••!' in;.; Company having done Iheinselves credit in select- (Jllh-e, ns against .'•27.'jOi'..Ill for t!i<- luonlh of Febru­ i I^'.ith St." Il s. -KM e lilh ;iv, :»b:! ."•s. j. j.. \:,,u in^' the verj- latest stylt;s in these important add-'iidar arj-, isr7. (Wc note here that in Februarj-, I.S77, there I frie.l SciireuK-(plaintilt 1 . . -C.ri-r- ii> the comforts of well-appointed suites cf rooms. was one morlgage filed for record ainoimting to j l:;'.irh St. n s. -l.-iie lith av, 7".vit>.'.n. ;o .l-ui].-- ! N. i'iatt iplai-niiT) i.coo The illuminated English tiles in the halls give the f25.(H)i),i)00.) The number of recorded mortgagi.-s i l.J'.'th St. n .s. 115 w .Me.-v-aiKier av. .'ilM'i-i. t,, tnvl e.':^eiiilile of the interior quite a cheerful .-ispect, bearing inlerest at si.x percent, was l^M. aggregating •rh.>inas bae idefeiidaiit i r..(li 0 $I.l'.i(i.()i'T, a redueiii>ii in amomit of $215.!^'W from last ; !i>th Si, s s, 151.10 e Terrace pl, l.-.!'x>']'i i and form a i!leasing contrast to the solid waliml j M-^th St. s s. adj above, 2.jxltil i along the staireasi-s and halls. On le.iving the month. (15 mortgages aggregating S(;0(Vi7C were to .lolin Trainor .';,7?n Imilding the writer iiotieed that the sidewalk on both made to trust and iiisuraiK.'o companies as (.•ourtlandt av. 11 c eor Schuvler sl. li''>xl! ii. to S-1«,I81 lor February, 1817. S. :i. Purdv (plaintifi'i ' ^'.ivo the avenue and slreet sidt- hail been vaulted tothe I Retreat tiv. s s, Hiu w Grove sr. i.ox'.i-'*. to Wrsr- line of the curb, the large Hags of blue stone having During the months of January and February IKi eliester Fire Ins. Co. (plaintitli 1.r:i)0 been furnished by Augustus Mej-er of Horatio street. actions for the foreclosure ot mortgages were com­ Wallon av. s e cor .lames st. itii.;, acres, known as Fleetwood Park buililini.'."with lea-^e ,,f The mason work of the building been performed menced in Ihe Citv- of Xew York. During the corres­ Ijlot. lease has lIvi; years to niii. .Lri.Jinni ntider the supervision of C. H. Tucker & Son. the ponding period in I.S77 the number was I'll, showini,- a rent, .ifi.d'.id per aniuiiii aiiu taxi's. i.> jilastering bj- John Dewhursr. of Seventh avenue, and decrease of 15. William II. .Abw-ris ( piaiiitiffl r..\'r.O Forty-ninth street, and the jiainting bj- Frank & '2d av (Nl). liHIi, e.s. 71.1 u 2;tli st. five-st..rv Xine plans, embracing the same number of build­ brii-k store aiHt dweliiier. •,'!..sxb'O. i.i !• Midler, of Sixth avenue and Thirty-seventh, V7e had ings, were filed with the Superintendent of the fall and ,-<. .Shellard (exrs. and jdain- aliiiosl forgotten to state that the sashes and blinds Department of Buildings during the week ending tilTsI n.'id) ,ire from Jenkins, in Canal street, .md that, as usual, :3d av, .lib av. "tilth to lii2d st. :; blocks, to Fratik Felirnary 2S, the estimaled cost of which is S'.i.5.5t)0. I;. Houghton and A. Wiirren (.Ireenl.-if the energetic Ilaj-es. of Eigiith avenue, has crowned At Xo. 277 Canal street a live-story brick warehouse, at <•( al. (plaint ill's I l-O.OTi the imilding with his skj-light. a cost of SlC.OOO. and at Xo. :!:i(; East Fifty-fifth slreet fith iiv. s e cor I-2'.tli st. twostory frame i'.w,-\ ling, and two friime stables, li'.i.llx.s... 0 on Hi.vtii avenue for the liberal manner in whieh lie cost of S:3,700. e .Madison ;iv. and 7-> ii list sf, vard. •-'i.^.'x has managed the oonstriietion of this latest Xew York The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales­ !).(•>. to D. S. Kiker " a.-.O apartment building, and according to all appear­ room for the week ending Feb. 2S: ances, he is sure to enjoj- the fruits of his outlay Total ?::;i.i;« within a very short space of time, Boulevard, s e cor 7t)t1i st. 7.5x1-20..'!. to Svbil K. and Louisa L. Kane and Augiistils and 4 •» Emily A. J.iy (plaintifT.s) S'27.()fM Boulevard, w- s. extdg from l.">Sih st to 1.5!>rh st, XE^V YORK LIFE IXSLPvAXCE COJIPAXY, ^ stone church edifice, lilD.lOxl.nt), to James BROOTCLYX, X. Y. The finaneial exhibit made hj- the officers of this W. .Smith (Exr. .lolm A. Hagsreriv, deed) In the City of Brooklyn, Jlessrs. I. F. Bissell ami Company in their thirly-third annual report, which is 'plaintiiri ....'...• id.imo Oak st (Xo. 50). r. s. 70 e Oliver st. two-story IX. V. Harnett have nwde the following sales for the presented on the second page of this issue, must be brick store and dwelling, I'.i.Ox.^O. to Hen­ week ending Feb. 27 : gratifying to their manj- policyholders by reason of riette Borck ! lie fact that Ihe Companj-now show a surplus, esti­ Stanton st (Xo. 1.5()), n s, .50 e Sud'olk st, 0\c- Cook St. II s. ad] land of George White tilx j slorj- ,stone front store and tenement, •25x mated bj- the Xew York standard at li-J per cent., of , - l«)(i '. I UH), lo W, Khimpf 1i'..751 over ?(i.(H)I),tKXl. while last year the amoimt was about Varet st, n s. adi lam! of George Wliit<,-. it.'.i Waterst (,Xo, (ill>, 11 s. si.x-storv l)rick st(.>re i xliHt ;" .•? It also appears by the rejiort that while .and dwelling. 2(!.2xi)1.5x^2t>.-"3xt'.5 C Varet St. n s. adj land of George Vv'hite. IOKS , most concerns of this Uiiul have siilTered from a ( to Fulton St. w s. 81.i; 11 Clark st, •.;7.lxii.*>x-iS.'.'.-cT2.:>, hard times, this Companj- during the past year in- l;3lh .st(Xo. 211), n s, 175 w7ih av, ihree-slorv to Sarah Gnicie (plidiitilT) 10,703 ere.ased the number of policies in force. The number brick dwelling and four-storv briclc dwel­ Hart sr, s .s, .-J7.> e Yaies av, r^iixliid. lo !'• :..or;>.!i ling in rear, 25xiu:3,3, to Patrick JlcCaim... issued was (),5!t7, insuring S-20.15(;,(!.-l!l, and the mimher 1-l.ino bee (plaintitT) '. S,QOO mil st (Xo, 1--S.3), a s, bet Oth and 7ih avs, four- Henrv .st, s e s. •'ni ii e Hx!t2. to George W. Charlotte S. King(plaintitT) .'5.2::;0 Frost (plaintitT) 5,000 iiary, 187K, was ?:i 1,957,-250.'.i:3. Stalest, n w cor Boerum st. runs Kil'.'.'. 20th st, s s, 2.5!l.(i e ist av. .}()x!l2: Xo. -1211, four- thence norih Itrd. liience east ^.•2.l, theuc" storj- brick dwelling; Xo. I-2-2. four-slory north UK) tei Schermerhorti st. tienic-' brick store and dwelling, to George W. soutiieast .ilon.g St.'herr.Jerhorn st >-i-, to Frost (plaintiff) Boorumst. thence .south along 0; -nun st MARKET I^EVIKW. 35tb st (Xo. -iVi), s s, 200 w ilth av, three-story 200 to point of heginiiing. toHeiirr Wer­ frame stoi-e and dwelling, and two-storv ner '. £9 COO REAL ESTATE MARKET. fraine dwelling in rear, 25x!).S.U, to Vincent Tillary st. s s. SO w Bridge st. '2.S.flxI01, fo Adam The judicial sales held during the w-eek show a cou- J. Pappi (plaintitT) .-j.ooO Slichter j.mHJ 37th st (No. '204). s s, SO vr 7tli av, three-story siderablo incre.ise in num')"r. involving in some 17th st,s w 55, 275 s e Oth av, 25x100, to John frame dwelling, 20.x2I.y. to Louis Schneider 2,100 I J. Stilweil (plainlifT) S,S0O 180 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. p.r. . .kh, II :iv. s « .-or JViirn'ii st, •Il..';.v1'25 < exnmt b.sii.ess is it liitle ii-rcgolar iind evidently not ' A sale of 'l.rtKl.tKHJ feet of Chippewa river log-s t...;iie discoiiriigemem. ili,,n-ii oUiers Sons, is reported. Pric". S'.I per I.lU!!) feet.!.- WilliaKivlnirgb Savin.trs Baok .i.!.:ii, io.iiiid J-m to think ti.e.lemaml is onlv uiuler temporary The log .situaliou tines not impn>ye .'is the winter Cvpr-bows aiiont Uie saiiw general press (Friday. •22d). has been wet ami niiny, and ibe !•• .M'.ert \\'. Ilioihikseii ipliiiiiiifT' f.-itures \-.-rv f,-w r-eeiveis have an% sl.a-k to oP.'er •• lole-roads" are getting bare ot wbiit little snow and rtii iiv. s -,v ei.r S-iriiiiir [>!. 2d.v'.!;l. to ".lary F. 1! .-m uiiectSv lii.on the maiket. and exinei'uooe for some ice there was upon them 'I his is the present c.ii.h i;..o!.-vti idi.iiii^tr. timeioci.iu- iisii iiiiiuriil result id Ihe season, but lion uf alTiiir.s in Kiisterii Jli<-bigaii. On tbe Pere JIar l:o^!i-.i'-k Iul.-'. Kiiiokiiti. ri.i. Viin Cott. 111.-re is m.,ie or le-s i|. iiv^ in tliewiiv of cstimaliti;.: ipielte riv<-r. as will be seen t rom mir correspondent s Van i'.il. .M..r.u-:!ii. I'oslerand V:M iek avs. •md elov-ii-'i.iM.ii siH-eiiis for .ieiiverv !is sooti after letter on another page, t he outlook is not a promism- <..:ii. ilitiiek'-r. lioi.liiiis. .iiiiie. Jlesi-role i siivviii- is n-siimed i'ls t.ossille. aiMi in ii.-iirlv all cases tne. <>ii llie .Miiuiste.- river Uuii^-s are reported lo 1-,. .-.•..-'••< SiaL'U'.M.-allow. Wvck<.lT,1>t. •-'.:.--M. • ; at i.r«.ilv -ood full rait; ;' price.s. parcels a>, soiuewbal belter. The rei.orts trom the Jluslcegoi, ':S. .".-:;. N'.!iin;-'li. North lli !> iii-d Nortii • ciui be olTere.'now it is eiitiim-d. tire all wanted and river art-aboiil of the same leiior iis in the Saginaw :"ili -'- iil lb-- Mth. r-ih. litii iioil 1-^ib • iiio:-e be..i,le tb..tigli the test of several cargoes re;;ioiis. From preseiU iiidiciiliotis tlie log supjily \v ;;!.i.s -|i\er:;iiillo!--'S. !.. H.-iirv Hiltor. _: v;.-wsoii tlossiibjeet somewhiU. JVe oiiote :i! ?!:;(''11 A ciUTespoiiileiit al \\ illiamsport, Pa., writes thai snow in the w<>ods in lb;it )>art of tli •r.,i,!i Sid.;.-ii2 for ran.b.dl. iiM-.^ihly i^! 1.2.-:(r.-I l..5n for ele.'ice lengths : tber. ill*-11! ill <-;irK-o iit'd Sll''"15.:50 for .si.eeitils. the ex- i coiiiiiiy. iiud lliiil the i.rnspecls iirc tiial butasmall irr.inef.u-extra (lilVieiiM. , slock will he put in i-liis winter. White I'iiK! iiiisii more..rles.siiiisettl..d tone, iind is : Anotiier eorrespotideiit at W arren la., wiiti-s: HriLDLXC MATERIAL MARKET. siiMwinir r.-.v evi.!eii(-es of siren-tit. As a rule holders '•Tbei,- is but litth- siH-w on Iho Allegheny ami Sii- 1', ;iCi\" -i:e.-eiversai.oearlobeinacomp;irativeiv I at-unwiliitig io ; a posjiivT-iv'uiifiivoiable'siiua- fiiK-luuiiiab Wiiters iu I'einisyUiuiiii ai.'l bul a light , . , ., . II ' •iM.iM.e-ihi-ii-v,i.,i,!ie-; 1.01 wliiitever ctuiliUeoee mav stock will be ptil m- nmcb less Iliati liisl Season. 1 .> cii.-.riu! o....d. nt as :„ue]i as they have had mo.-o ; •^•-^'•- 'j- 'l,'•:';j'';,',;.':''„;,;;;;'\^,;,,',;;;|;:;,J- f,,, n,^. .my (Feb. 11) is warm, ami the little snow will be nip- sto.-K- I., iiiinlle. iui.i vv.i-e to (lisi'osi' ol it : f,,.„,.,.. ti,:i„ f,-,,,,, iiii\ benelits to be tdiliiilied (lir..m.'h i'ilv ihaweti iiwiiy." witii..ij? sriio;iti--t-e:it!v.iuthecost. Xavii'iit ioi. oi: tbe j the presi-ul eomltioir of business, either on h.iin'-or , The <•,•„;. ;(<-.s Ciiieago .•orr.-spoudent Siiys:--Th,- river i.-!v...,.., ti„. noitits <.f s-.ii.!dv am: this mjirket. j shinpinu-:ic;<-.diiH. Aboiil t.dil tpiolalioiis are n-iaiii.-ii. : past week on 1 lus iMdeol liic iak.; liiis m-eti ol tier l.'i-, 'i- n -.iitli.-en'iv ol'-ii 5" p.'-niiif t.f ]>iissac.; wiili- ; l„i! tli.'V or le.-s iioiuiiKil. We .pi-.te iU i^'A•, : most iii.i.iuall.-tv.l mil.iii.'.ss lor the time .-f year, aii.l oat ^••n-.isol..i.u.-i;,.ii. iiiul lb.- resuit liiis b.-eii t be [ V, p..r M for West India shipping boiirds: ?l'i..5(f'. , tbe it.di.-iit ions ..I spring ar.' ob.servabl.' Ui every di- ar:iv;;l..r -evmi .•m-j.ns b..ih bv sail .-uui barge. : -.ia,:-,o for South .\m'-ric:vii d'>; :?l.-f./Iti for b..x boards; ; i-et:tioii. . . , , , ,, ., !>.-.. -.lid ill tiie ni.M-.tiioe iiiipr.ved somewhat, iiii.l I 17 for uo wide aiei soumi: and limli-r al .rKi-rr IS ] 11 is now posidv.-iy beyoii.l all ciUi or .(iieslioii iii.t-.ihe writiiiu'.-i" "oy rept.rl mii.-b iiHtli- ; ,.,.r M. t '^'=1' "'^' winters cut ..f "gs will fidl Lir >hort oi .-lierie^ w;is rep.oied soi.l wiih ?'i dO .•.-iisid.-r.-.l ' " V..11..W Fine coiilimies in som... .leiiiaml. but we «io ; fonm-r expeetiidous in iill -It c.-iioii.'j. aiitl m soiiie i.ooiiitle- nvor:,-^,. prir.; ItLii^jli a few viuv^i'd S,!-. ] !u,t hear of tpiite so many .-iiils for sp.eciais as last 1 P^'-i't^ V.C ^'\'^''''"\'!'';-\ .If '^'''Vr.^" .'\'!.' ..rVJ'!.'.'."'i. .. .'"^ iH-rI"' M"• •l..v'... f 1• . '•' Isi;in.i-s. .piol.-diii S:..;.5.---=-..:.:-. but il is ' we-k. wilhii piobabiiitv that tbe fii-s! Iltisli ..I the , lael will .-id.l materially to the eoist .d uiia! is pro 5boo-lit tbii v.-rv fl-.v luor.-will now com.- forwiinl. i .se;isoii is ..ver. .S.-lh-ns.'however, aj.p.-iir to liave a i diicetl. iii:.! at lb.-siim.t time slmiuliUc ).rices to th. Ul-Ue t!'- ni.iVket has as iibove noted, proven ! K'""'! opinion <•( the mark.-t ami gce.-rallv ..-^peiik ; exit-iit '.M rt.iii l.> lo-,'.. per eeiil. b.-tore the .'l.ise ..! rea-.tKiblv eiici,.irie,ii.g there is iiotliiMgat Ihe | ,-..nlidch(lv. V.C .pn.te nuidoni eiii-.L'oes "ill .^I'.J ; (he seas.m ot l.s,.s lu-iilers may b.ok lor a better iim iii..i:> .•.rirtilii!-.! to -ive til.- ^.-lliii- inlerest iiiiv j (7,-J-.; per .M': ..nler.-d car^' S-J.t./21 do; u'reeii llo.o- i^eneral .l.-maml Iri.iu nl! over ibe eoiiiilry t liii, -re,! .-\!iiti.,iis .11:.! a tiisli of Supplies will in iill ! ia- boanis. i--2U.c.'--{ .lo: and .Irv .!.. -S.:''i2\. ] biis been .•xp.-rieiieed several yeai-s. Ilie.ievelop "p-.,:. il.iiiiv -iirrv ;t i.r.-i'.k Willi it. !;iiv.-rs an- inst us ; Carg-x^s at lb.'South. §1 Ift Pi.i-.(i ]..'r Jl: hewn liml,er. , iiu-nl "I th.'U est being al that iidviiii.-t-i sttig.- ii.,w i.!",-h ;:ivep t..tiiee;mti..iis poti.-v as "ev.-r. wi'll tiike I >; ,r,c(.t il. ' Ihiit re.iuires more an.l belter luiob.-r tliiiii ever re- ..elv '\c,< iJ..- ii!ii..iiiil r.u;!ir.'.i"l".)r' use. ; Hard' ai-e wilbotit auv ileeitled Viiriaiioii. i <(iiiteti 'I her.- :ire liiiliiy iio.iks. valle.vs iii:.! i.ii.i ;.iit ii .i.-.i.|.-.ia.lviiiil.-"t:,-.'asv,„,ii as th" .u-.-iimt;- i S..tiie sLick iiiis b.-eu iioim;;n-d t.i Furop.- since i giiich.s of the P.teky Jioiii.Iams P. b.- Iilled with pm.- i-.ii,.!i e.-isuiiipliv.- .-iipiuilv. Promises r..r ! tti,- c.uiiiiieii.-m.-i.l 'of I be veiir. most Iv of ' luiiiber 1 Ibis tin .•eliosi now iiii.i from tills ! ii .,i ile-fiiUir- iir.-fiiir. some ii/'W work r.-i.-iitlv i maph-. but iiiide stoo-i lo he most iv if iiol till, iu .-xe- Very muel, lumber will be r.-.iuir.-d by the miiiim: an.l i.-..).-, t-.i .i;ul sure lo he <-oinnienceii. beim; of ciitKUi of .•..ntracts niaile on i.rimaiy iiiark.rts I.o.-n! ; sl..ek-gr..vviii.u^ peopi.-..l iiii.l Xew Mexico, .a .-hii:-!. I,-: I., r. .iiiic.-L up." W.; i she c.iil.l i..-\er. iu her prosp.-roiis liimb.-ni.-.. • •n.i.s l". Ul iinv'.viiv tieliive.i. "there is a chaiiee tliiil r W.-slerii. and SHV./.'.d liitli-s aiui'iiiiiliiies evcrv iiuliciilioii of au a.lviin <-f..!..!; 1-I--•:;!<. tiiiin tbe onliiiiirv tun of C.iinni.'ii I iicarbv slock. Hards. l";i',.-s lit-.-still .plot.-d ill ?.::u for the Finest i Kcidi! iiiisiness is tibotit i;: prriiiorlion to Ihc IIlov.•- II.A.i;i>w.i..l). This inide is tpiite active, and many bnr iPis fi.te i-^ e.xtr.-in.-. iin! .-a;! s.iircel.v be sustained ; ineul .111 ! ie- wb.lesiile iiiiii k.-t. In a few ei-.s.-.s the liii-ge liiiiisiii.lions have traiispiri'il in the las; f.-w iind'-r aov- inc!-.-iis...'.f >iii;>int-iit I'roiils iire .lull nnd i dislribiiii..-: iiiiik- -• ii i;iir sic,wing, but only teinpo- wf.-ks. the wagrui. ftiniitnr.' iiii.l iigrieiilturiii iiitpl.'- iiomiiialiv nnciiiiiig.-.i. , ' i liuilj, iimi liiking iiie w.-.-k ibnuijib, r.ot itiiuiy I'leiil iiiiiniifiiclurers have been busy Ijiyiugin stock iit. W.- .iili.!.. I'al.-. f' M.. ?.i.-,':»-.';i..5ii: Hiirds. Up-rivers. j deiilirs r.-iicii ii go.'d full jiegregiil*- of .siiles. I'ric.-s --iiot'.viiiistiuiiiiiig the iiiird tiiiu-s—prices in ii.lvane.. nomitial : iravi.r>iriiw bay. >.->.75;) (i.d.i-, f:ivoiite j liav<. the usual irre;;ul:i^ t itj, iK-eordiu,, g^ t. o .utiiiitily of of tbos". paitl iii-retofore. -\ belli.-i-iimility of sl.>ck is biiUiils. ^.;.i II.. »;•-'-. : Ir..nis. ( roloii -br.jvMi. .•?7; .liirk j sto.-k liaii.l' rins," ..Ic.. lu; tl.. init chiing.' iniicli ' being coiislaiii I.v re.piired. anil those iiiiiiiiiriu-iurei.- \. ?U: Phiiii.i.-ii.i.iii. .=•-':;'.'•-'7; l:ii! ?:!!.-.'f, j from the form.-r geii.ial liViige. "" i who tak.-p.iiiis "iind ;tre curt-I'iil are now reward.-d by '•'.--.0 I. -iiii-.i p;ie...s. litiiverj-iiicbid.rd. S-.i(ris as fol , , j Uri.ig.-t.iwii. X. ."<.. p. Barliii.ios. bttiiber. lumber. .•i7 i \t,v.-; l..\VH.- i'.'inan.l iip|iears to have b.-en ^-'''f"! i gol.l: a .schr.. 2dd Jl lumber, from Wilmington. X. C.. i Jll.vNi'.vi' JIiXN.. Feb. 21, eiioii-i!l.> take care of ill.>s. of tbe sujudj". and lb.- 1 l.i .lainaica. S*> g'.hl; u Br

exbiicst a lii-^'i- iiniiib.-r .-•;" l.ilii ;il pi LIMi'.. i;.iciv.:s r.-porl i!.-!iiau.l I-IIIII:.L:1I to iak.- c;ii-e ..;" iiboiil all th.'I-'.:isterii Ibey luive had lo olTer, iiml pri>-cs biiv.- p.-.-s.-rv .'i! a vleiniy ivuitr.'ihroUKhoUt. Th.-. suie'. h.!\v.-v. r. is I.v no ne-iins a lii.eriil <.i;.-. an.l tlicu' is ii'.ii.- tb-sire for iidiiitioiiiil arriv.iKs. tjtiile also ;i schi-. i;K! tons, heme to Jjicksouvilli- tmd back to snow, and iill tlu; logs .secured will not iiiiikc' hall re lii lias >t- w i! ti .-.iitimiiii eiilis riirsiiipinei.t t.i a I'liiladeli.hia with lumber, J.S for the rouii.!. •f... :•!• .1.-<\'.-!lt. itlel sotjc- lot-ill or.lefs but supply crop (see Jli'-higaii repoits elsewhere). Speakii^-' .'.lou^li l.-i! i'r the uece.ssiti.-s of th.- mai-ket. liioro spcci!i<-al!v. the iippei-Jlississippi has some i.'- GF.XKRAIi LU.MBLit X()TI-:S. (HKi.Ci.Ki to Ssii.(iO(}.()(i(i I'e.M : the St. Croix .aO.odd.dOii !'.•.•;; P..\LIIW.\1;F:.- there is not nmeli THF: U I'lST. the Cliipiiewii. 70.di!(>.(i(i(i: and the otlu-r sections of of iv .ii~;!rii.'ition i-roin (irst bajuls. Ibiyi-rs say tiie.\ Tb r.itiitlifriiniti's (I'nzette a.s follows: Wisconsin, a still less per cent, of th-' crop sei-iiifl. It is now baritlj- within the range of jiossibility foi- ciiiii!..; iii.ii iitiV ...iisintiptioii exci"]»t in a ver.v stnall H.wCilv. Frida.v. Felj. L'-2. 187t<. C'hicag.i to secur*; a siippl.v of lumber f.^ir IS78 c.piiil i'ta'iwi.y. iiiiil lii-ii,g iiciir Iiu- iiccuimilillioil. tii.-.V Tlie siniatii>ii in lb.-bimb.-r market remajiis ahout i to tb..! avcnige of lb.> hist four yciirs. at :iiij- ligur. liil!n r.i ,r.. t.-i(i,.,i.i!x-f,. oni-,. Til, oiv^ae..,; ;.. I ihc >au,o iis iiisi w.-elc. Tlieftiirc 111.1 olTers liciiur ' that will iiitei fere with the western Irade for iheyfin" ,11' V. IinC>l,l-,HI.\|t'^\ 1*'1II»IKI. *l'l (< a .'tici'lVde •! "^^"'^^''i'''" '"' • oiiw>--"l'" prevail. iiaslhs ae s dTecto llit e ufiiiuo.m reiulerint ofg'llders whics ohf oslocku th. epiobabl sticks, vmilkin 1.2(M).fl()d.(ltiig l.(iW,0«0,OOJ f.H'I, Uwit a.hs a.500,0(i(l, total ( siipp(Id le.'Ol oi'.'e'^...1.. . l.l.-.."n! I e..11 ...<,,.,rlVriidci:. .tin. jJi o^ji. 1i i>.bdiig ..1 .J .. I a.i111 dH Olit ne. 1.ii-Inbu oil i< .i>-. jI himb.-,,.:ii 1, r inclineI !•, di.-i. to; fli.- I,,M. ,.(T,....m tl o ..iheif ...... l...-i.,.r stock.s. , a1,s. .1.1.....pircseli. fo...r . 1.^7.S-!l,1... of!..I-.. . '..,.. L-:.wr 1 CfUl Olid OdIi .i,^ ,t I,.t..l .;inililv Ti..:; o'.i r.,:-. iirr,".-..-.-otim promises wdl. our !asl ! n'-Hviitioiis pcuiil to an in.-ii-ase in pries. Allhougb ThaTawas City 6'a^e(/e says that despite the l:i(-lv- „,. ),..,(. ,,<• 1 .> i-ii-iii-'cs .'ju.-vail ' jiresi'iit,\t the, .late".iexceptf folasr iusigniiieant issue of tht tpianiitiee i^ii.uilierman'.is Co- \ At.-coriliiig to the Jleimmiiiei.'7/cro/(/their is nothin;-' itv.^s.1 fiir:isc;iU...s for imm.'diat. e us • c coiicenu.i,1 l, ^ r:.//.-the weather seeiiieil lo be more jU'uiiisiiig ;is t.» i eiicoiirngiiig lo rej.ort from the wtuids (»ii the Jleiio anil li.. gn-iit iim:iiitt!.>ii lor ititure .leiivery. lh;.iii,'li logging, lull since then it has taken an iiufiivorablo | miiiee river. There is no ynow and no pro.spect of iiiiiny .i">-!s an.l ii.Lrents arc !i;;!!i-iiig on car^o.'s r.'- j tiirii .i;.'iiin. and Ihe last fnriy-eiglit hours, from ! any, but camps have been eliangeil lo short luiuls. ipiir.-il s).ring iuiii .jirij siimtuer use. V;ilm-s iu ;i . ihc dale "d' ibis writing, there has more or less rain j .ind extra teams )nit iu and is being used g.iicra! w:i\ iiiay be ciill.'il steady, and (^speciil!l\• so ; fiiUeii in this |i;irt piies oil iian.I are moderate and not any are ver.v iiiiich depres.-ed at the prospect before fair day lime stock will iie secured. Jleanwhilc the too well iis-oVted, bul s'iil there appears to be ipiile them. Anj- e.siimaio as to what per cent, of a full logs are costing heavilj-, teams are wearing out, and a sunicieiii fia- the ouiiet at present ofTered. wiili slock will be got in this winter is. of couj-se, mere poor quaniilj- of stock is being secured. There is po.ssiblj-an exception on the Lastern product whicii gue.sswork. bui there is none in saj-ing that tho time some danc;erofa portion of the logs being hungup sold up pretty closelj- last summer and fall, and^bas has passed when it would be possible to bank a full again, as the swaiiips are drjing xip under the con­ not arrivi'd lo anj- extent during tbe^ winter. The supply. tinued pleasant weather, bul the Menominee is pretty THE' REAL~ ESTATE^ RECORD. 181 reliable iis a driving stream, and they will probably common do., per keg, §:!..'!5 ; .'M. and Iii.. light, ji.-r Siini.'p'(i-,i riv. ^liu-g-iiret Moiuighiui to Mat­ all .".oiiie ..Id. keg. Sl.lO; .-Jd.. fine, iier keg. Si..''5 ; '2d., per k;-;.-, .•^1.>•'.', thew .M.^iiaghiiii. (0. a. {;.) l''eb. 21 noni The Slillwaler iJlitm..! (.'fl.--/^• slates lh:il reports Cut spikes, all si'/.cs, S2.S5, Floor casing iind i.ox. Cow-erv (Xos. 270, 27S. 2>(*, 2.^2 Jind 2S|, and j '5c. ivbove the .same sizes of cotiiiiion. Fiaishiii.g, i-I rr.iiii Ihi- pineries iire tothe elTect thiit hmibenneii X.)s.";M0, 2-!2. -Ml, -2ii'., 21S antl 2."ii) Lliza- ;iii; liiseouragitl and many camps iire breaking up. above, and liiie linishin.g .? 1.-25 abovi?. I't'Sh st). beiii-^- Howerv, s w cor Housttm st, | Xesti.iw suHicieiit to make shighing litis fallen this CLl.NCll x.\ri..s. winter. after wi'..k sitiee Xovember loggers riius west IOC..:; x soulh 2::.:; x west 07.1 t.> i hav.. been i-utting and ski.liliiig logs in readiness for I-Ti t.> lb', in, 2.'^c-.ii,:iiu. 2b'..';-:-'-i i"- :! in. .t loULT.-r ].:ii/-ibeth .-t. X s..i!tb 121) X etist Mi.i'. x j liaiiliiiL'. bul thus far havt. been disappointed. If S.-Kij^.-..•.'a .?!.•;.•) $\.:iO ?l.^i5]>cr keg iii>rth 20 X e:ist s--. I tn r.oueiV, x noi-ii; | tliev could have thret! wti.ks'slei'_'hiii.L'. the anunuir, OILS.—Vcry little, if auy, speciilativit D'cling pr.- cf t'iiiiber (hilt Wi.iiltl btr liaul<-d would be ..iioiliious, v,iilsou tho general liMi- of stock, and current d.-man.! Bniadwiiv (N'is. '.A ;md '.H'.), o s, si.-l s Pine st, l,iit wiih'iuislci.i,-!iiiigtlie winter's work will bt. almost a lolal failure. has le-^'iiiniati! biisis. t n,.;riv'ions are not large, but :;';.!x!(i."!x:;-!..'-;x!()ii TIIE E.\.ST. fiiir, and I.-IKI raiher lowar.l an iiiereiise in some Ih-tiathviiv (.No. ',Mi), c s, :.'(i s iJiiiiue st, 24.IOx Sujiplii's are eijiial to ciirr.dil i-ei|Uin-niciits. • .sil.Sx^.' h'.ix-c..2 Tlie Lewis!.1)1 |.^Ie.) Journal says: .\ vi.ry large iUiioiiiii of lumbering is being .lone on (he Ar.iosto..k We nuote: Liii.seed. iiU.-.ul (i-K..lilc. ',' -..'iilloi..: !:ud. ]-];isi Ih'oaiiwiiy, u \v .-or Scauimel sl, :i.5x.^2 I'lid rre.-tiue Isle waters by iiarlits who iin-supplied,.-,sc. ft.;- Xo. I, nii.l .-.ii';,.-,!c. I'.ir X'l. -J; .-nid"' e.>n_oii to (Jfiuiti sl. X •JS t.i Sciniiim.] st, x 71 hy merchants of l.'ort Fairlii-l'l. aud a good business s.'cd. llf^t li'.c. ami riliii.-il summer yellow d:,.,7i..i.i,:^'u;. Cnintl st (Xos. KI'.I. IU ami lb'.), ss, 22.:;e is going ff.rvvarii iu the wooil.s. BAlNTS.—Tlie general lendeiicies of Ihe niark.,-'.- Mercer si. f;:..i;;c;i5.4 •^ .M Xew Viiie.vard, Jle.. there is iiiiieh b.iilg i King- st (Niw. r.'2, 24 um! 20), s .s, :::,•> w M;i<-- ar.' iu I'avor of Ihii selling iiiteresl. The d-.-iuiitnl cot- ill till' lumber biisini.'ss : all the milis will g<-t ii huge ilottgal sl. .^s. liixldd lot of iihnost all kinds of luinber this winter." not be i-alleiiai! aclive one, ytd there is a fiiir line of ; 3,Iiitlisoii st (No. :ill). s s, OO.l \v tiouvenictir STATE. stock luoviiig ill ;:i!ii.ll lots and every rea.sou to beli.'vc i sl, -.'."!.7x2L10.xli:; '• Sii.iw is 17 inches deeplhroiighout the Adirondack in an iiicrciis.'. Th.- j.-bbt-rs aii.l retailei-i. espciiillv j iVai-I sl iXi>. •2-,A. 11 s, lii(».;j w iJcekiiiiUi sl, 2". i-ci^'iiiii. iiii'l liiiiiberintr is v.-rv brisk." from the .•.iiuilry. r.-i-irt coii-:i.i.Table eefuiomy I xbi l.:;.s-i-'.x!!!ii. Id 'fotiiiwaiidii Jhrold as follows : among t.otisunier.s still, but. in many <.-iises. tiiis )).>Hi-\ ! .Stiinnui st iNo. 10), 11 s, OU.-! e Howcry. 2.")X Tli.. liKtiber ti-iid.' ill T.iiiiivvaiidii has been fiiirlj- is iiu-rgiug into an i-xeess e.f Ciiution, iuid the pit serv fe live iliniii;,'the last week. While many [.kn-.s re­ j ation of iiropt.i-ly b-j.-oiiies n.-ressary after long m-. jiort il t!iii.-t tiii.le. our enter).risinir tnei.-hiUits. hav- : Vv'iish.iut^bui si, c s, .v.; II Hubert, sl, ."liSxSd i i:lccl. ».>ut-il.>iir work ill i.iiilicdkir. such as iiouses, iii.iC inisiiipiis-ed facilities with their jierfect vailroiid I W-.-i Sl, (!.s, i'i:; II Hubert .st, 02.i.x.•.••:('..:; to I biirn.s, fences, etc.. S".-ni-:"likely to be i.ti hed with a i-oiiiu'eiiiuis, hav.' t'ouml ab.iiit euoiie^h tod'.. The i little moil'vigor, iind this wiii he!i> ttiuie. fr, i.-uei ' AViislii!i'j;ioii st. x.;--'.(;.K:i27.'.l truth is ihat Toiiiivvanilii Iiiis bi.coiii'- so well esliib- ' lsi, St. 11 s, l-!.5.1'ic Istav, lC.7.2xIO.').nxl84.S:v lishfcl iis one of the priiieii>:il hmilier inuri.'ls iu this I the calls tlii-re isenoiiL'h suppiv Oil hand, botli .lotii.s- .•.iiiiinv thill while the niitiiber of buyers to be seen i tie and foreign, and it is iiviill:.b!e ou a l:a-^i-- of pretty ilii-.'U.^'li III" during a v.-.-ek might" appearsiiiiiU. i mueh ...Id rates, as there is scarcely a stiiniiltis tor an ; Oth sC, 11*.s, 1(;() e Av A, •i:idx'.i('.!0 the shiplii.-lli .luring the saiiK! titiut would b.^ liilg.-. \ adviiiiee at prcsi:iit. • si, n s, IdO w Av ..Y, r.'.'ijcMi.iU f..r fully <.ii.-hii!i the triuU-is done by corresiion.l- j pi,',STF!l PARIS—Pusine'^s eaniiol b alUal ae- •: "ith St. s.s, ido c Av A, ;;.".iix'.io.i(i .-Mce. iiiid any .me iiia.v bei.-omo coiivineeil ol the I I'illi st, us, 17."i wOthav, 2'ii5xli.';;.i tiv.'. ami especially on city aecoiiut, is thi; dituiir.ii j st.'iitliiiess and niagiiitu.le of lh(> bttsiness tion.'by I V.',\h sl, s vv cor ( biiisevooitst, nms sio'.v antl uiisiitisfactory. tho ilisiributioii l!eiii.-.r fo"- ' liiilroiid iluriii:,' these wiiit'-r mouths by visiliiig tie- idoug- (Jiiijseviiort sl 2i:!, x north .51.1 x -ide Ii-ii'-ks of the X. V. C. and Erie iliiilr.'iads and see- fin.'d to suiiill .jobbing par.;e!s. ati.l buyers aj.pearing ,' liortliciisl ."iO,Tlt) i:e.Ii sl, X cii-t 21:: iiij: the trains ..f Imniier hiden <:ars l:ibellcil for till to a ilozeii orders rather ihiin ex , i:;i!i st, II s. 21)0 w '.nil tiv, 7.5x10:1.1 ).oiiits F.ast and South, ibir iiierch.ints expect ii ceetling their consiiniptiv.. iibiiity by :i single Ijairel. ; lai--e siding tni'i.'. Some of our priiicipiil i'.e;i| IIO-.VI'V.T. t.-ll us th.y l:;th st, s s, •!7.') e IOih ;iv, i2.5xi(i:;.l \ I>UI(-K.S (l-HIIK.VT, i-i-.i!2i, I .'^i 7. arc meeting'ivitli ii'ver.v fiiii- v.'.n of sliipfiieg ..I-IUTS \i Mtii St. sc cor liiiil-oii st, rmi.s east t)2.4 .K ii.itith ID:;.I x.-iisf. I.".ux.south lo:;.! loUliiiiM,. 1 Ciir;,'ii lots—Jli.-iiiu-iiii Inspii'tion — on ilomesticaccoiiiit, ii'ielutlingtin-' idiforiiiii iCiiiK.'!. Three lippe -s...... ?.i-jr,.:!i iind in this wtiy k.'i-p lUii'lers inoviti-;. (j'-ea-ioiiai I X v.-e.-.t l-"iS.O lo Htiiisf.u sl, X nf relief. 'f\\i: | Coniiiioii...... i:;?.t !.-> I I Ith .St. II s, '.*:;.(; f .'^tli av. 'ir.'.Cx io:;. i .supply of rock on liaml is very g..od yet. bu!; no im • Culls . ii 7,[V,r. '.) '. Mill St. ss. IIK) w Stli iiv, liH)x'.'-'xlb2x7';.4 li.>r;.ant ;vdtli:ioiis iire being iiiiiile. On ]>riet:s, c:il~ i I Mill ,sf, ss, i.-)!) w Ulll iiv. loixlii:;.! TI.Mf.!:i!. ci:i>-d s'ofk r.-in;iii!s much the same i\s for some ! i Mtii .sL s .s, :;7.5 w Oth iiv. l-'idx^ior..:: to i:;th si. :-liiii.g!e timber .?15 Ofl^. !.-. .-,d -,' Jl titiie ijiioti.'d, with possiblj- a steadier t-.n.'. | .N.irwiiv 11) INV.t 12 Oil •(' M • 1 r.t list, n.s, loiteSLliiiv, •|:;.(;xlb:;. 1 Ciiile.riogs.... S I'O \> M PITCH.—'-'ome few shipping order.s iuid tlic regular ,. loliisl, ss, Ibs.t; e Sth ;iv, 07.2x10:;.IX'.N'..1X dislribulion oil trade iu-coitiit kp.^l> till! nuirket fairly !ii:;. i '. THE SOI'TII. active, iind ileiilers ajipear to bo siiiisli.-.l Ihey ariMlo- 1.5;!i sl, s s, 101) e Otb iiv, KlOxId:..! The Siiviuur.ih .V.ic-i hiis the following on himl)cr ; Idthst, ss, 1(10 e 7tli ;iv, .VlxK.::.:; f!-ei;;hls; ing all th"' business oo-sible iU iiresent. Sto;-!;s ; ; pith .st, ss, 100 ('Sill av, 0:J.Oxl():;. 1 Tia-re iire verv few disengiC-eil vessels iu juirt. and pleidv euoiigli for ill! waiifs, bul n"t exees.siv.-. iuul ; ship!iii.|ils coiisiwise an; liii.:,'.-: but with a full sup- She market steiitly. We .lU'it.; al ?-.;.dift;.-.'.^.j,-, for cily ,I Kith .st, ss, 2is.(; cSUi av, 41.7x1.t;;. l.x 1.5. lox plv of toiiiiiige iju loa-liiiir berth, rales remain delivercil. ;; i():;.i i|iiiet. Vv'e i|Uote: To I'.idtiiiiore antl (jhesaiiciike SITIMTS TL'Kl'EXTIXF.—The tiemaiid for ron- \: ISth St. II s, 4.5.1 o_ Oth iiv, runs uorthe; 7s ,x !• Ills. S"'.d('.; tti I'liiliKleipeiii. S5.1HI: to Xew York siimpti'iti docs not grciitiy increase, and btiyers cri- |j casi 2.5 .X soitUi Oi to !>thst. ;; wesi ti!.:: nil,! SMiiiiilp.irts. S5 d!ir,>i'(.iid; to Bost.Mi and eastwar.l. isiii sl (Nos. :i27, :i-2'.> and 2:;i\, u s. •J)(l c Olh I ;•. eiv./ to Sl. .lohn, X. P... $.S.dd. Timber from not bi: huri-ii.'d t.i o]ierati; b.'youd iiresent re.iuir.-- j si.iiito i^l'.d Iii;:;licr I liiiii liunber lides: to tin; \\'est meiits. the ^'ciieral miiilr.'l shovviiex ratle-r a ibdl III.lies iiml windvvaril. ?-^.dd gold: I.i South America. tone, siill hoi.iers refuse to iiinke nute!i of a <:oni-.-s- \ I'.l'tliVt (N'os', "-i-i:i, ;i!l .-'iiid 210 \\'est), s s, 200 e i .-ls.iM);;olil; p. Sp:uiish ports, 315.00 gol.l: to ITiiitcil sion iind iiboiil fi'Viiiei' lii'.-s iire i'lske.l iill arouiiil. ' Ut h av, 7:5x02 Kiii^'.i..iii. limber, .'i.-i'-./i.'iiis., hiiiiber, i"5 5s. Rates We quote ill •'!:!.' :','y.-. per .gitli.m iiccordiirc !o quant ity ::.5lii st, 11 S-, 100 w ,51b av, -Ji'ix'.N.'.i fi-oiii ii.-ar jiorts. liruiiswick, Diirien, Fernandina. Ac, of slock handled. ; KiOthst, ss, extdg from Boulevard to KUli ilie Sl to 5(!c. adilitiona!. a V, 77-5x100,11 CAXADA. T.VU.—.\ steiitly markf!t is r.-portc.l. iiii.! ii .uooiifiu'r \ l::-;nli st, n :-i, no w 4th av, lOOxlOiMo lo jiobbing demaml prevails on first, class stock. Tin; The P.olicaygeoii liulepeiiileiil says: i:;ut! .icctimiilaiiou on hand is fairl.v coutroUed. iiml own­ Siiit-i! our liist issue th'-re has been a slight lliitter of i;;('th st, s s, extdg from .'itb lo Olli avs, ^>'.).5x Sli.ov. but not enough to liiiik.t sleighing. In th.; vil- ers generallj-evince no litirrj-to part with it, biita'.-- , cepl .all Ursl class bills. at $-.'. l-iJ.of.(,.-2.:!7J.jC ; licj;..'aii'l its vii-inity slei[.-hiug is iiupracticablc and Av A, s w- cor :id st. runs west(i!-2.11 to l.stav, i-'t-.-iit itic.iiivenieiice" is jirisiiig in coiisetpieiice. Up in for Xewbenie and Washington, anil S-2.2i-)(7'.2..5(i ; the woods to ihi; north, in some favoretl localities, Wibniiigton. '. X south s:;.0 X Sl'-i x south 120.10 to 2tl tlh-re is .just en. High snow to enable logging operaiioiis st, X 4S.:5 x nortii IOO xeast 41.1 x soutii i.i |irtici.-eil, but. as a geii(.'ral thing, it iiia.y be said Kioto 2(1 Kt, x;east 10.S.4 x north IOO x cast lliiU hauling litis yciir will he so diniculi as to k'iid lo 121.:; X .stmth 7:;.0 x ca.s«; UtO to Av A, il very ,short siiiipl.v of Ions, At Gooderluim iind in north l.s.5..") llav(;lock some logs are lieing driiwii, but other local- Av A, e s, extdg from IJd to 4tli sts, IU2.4.X iiiis ar.! ahsohitidy bare of snow, ami il is now so late CONVEYANCES. ill the season thai it will be iiiipossibl.;, except under vt-i-j- muisiial circiimstiinces, tt.i get the logs t.> water. lV7i.?refcr the letters Q. C. and C. a. '!. occur, pre- Av'exVdg fi-oiiii'.'tii t.'i 7tii slsj i^^i.Ox Th.r hmibernicu tluMiisidves do ntit fret at .ill about it, eedeil by ihe nameof Ihc granlce. the;,' iiirnii a.ifolliiu-.i: l.iii console themselves with the rellection that the Ist—Q. C. is an ahbreviatio,i for Unit Claiiii deed, i. e.. a deed in which all the rii/lil. title and of 4lh av'(N'os.'lO-lami lOO), vv s. i2::.Gs i2tli st. j Worst ihatciin now happen can't he as hiid as il would i'lOxl I4.0xi50xll.'i.0: hiive been if wc htid had a good winter for logging. the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenanls or n-ar- The season litis been very Oivorable for cutting, and a ran'ty. uth av, n vr cor ;>Jth st, :i7.xl(iO liirge quantitj- of logs have been skiddfd, but even if 2d—C. a. G. means a deed conlninlwi Covenant (itb iiv, s e cor 17lb st. '.»2x24i") snow should now arrive it is not v»'Obable ihat more againul Grantor only, in whidi he coveiiinil.i that he Oth av, s w- cor I'.ili st, 11S.'.)X1.5:LV12-2,OX iliiiii .50 percent, of the logs will he hauled. It must, hath not done any act whereby theexlate conveyed may 1.5-.'. 10 ---- he impeached, clianied or incumbered. li.iwever, be remembered that a large nimiber of 7lh av. s e cor lOLli st, 77.0x100 logs were last j-.-ar hung up on tho smaller streams, !sth av, s e cor Hth st, 40x.Sil antl will this j-ciir be brought to nnirket. 8th av, e .s. extdg from 1.5th to lOih sis, 200.ux The parties who will suffer this year are jobbers. NE"\V YORK CITY. KK'.....' .\s liiej- will not he able to deliver their logs lliej- wiii luive to w-ait for their monej- until next year, and ia FEIS, 20, :21, '2:3, 2:5, -20, 20. Otb av, II vv cor 12lh st, runs north 12S x 100 X soutii 2.5.0 X west 2-5 x .south Kill. 1 to manj- cases this means ruin. Attorney .st (Xo. H;:>), e s, 2(10 n Stanton st, 2;'..^ 12th .St., X 12.5 < )ne feature in tlie lumber trade is noticeable, and 100, five-storj- lirick store and tenement and that is the increasing demand for bii.sswood antl hai-il Oth av. s e cor I2lh st, runs east -20.4 to Ganse­ three-stor.j- brick dwelling in rear. Roseaniui wood lumber. The opening of a railway to this point, voort st, X west 'o'-i.'J to Otb av, x lu^rth where .so long a range of navigation centres, would wife of John Ikaiiiyau to llenrv Kiddle. make quite a lively lime in the miacellaneous branches (Morts. .*i;;,000 and taxes 1870 and 1S77.) of the lumber business. Feb. 2(5 S20,()00 Oth av, n w- cor F-Jtli st, lOo. 1x1.50 Oth av, s e cor Pith st, runs cast 04 to Hudson Boulevard, o s, 74.11 s I2(ith st. 2.5x7.5, two-storj- XAILS.—Operations are not very active and the st, X soutii 102 X west ;>>.(j x south '2.~>.'.ix franie thvelling. Thoinas H. Lang to AVil­ market retains manj- of the old slow- and irregular west 100 to Oth av, x nortii 1-28.10 liam C. Carpenter 000 features. JIanufacturers resort to the usual tricks of Othav, secor 1.5thst, i"51.7x100 Boulevard, 11 wcor PiTthst, .^9.11x7i>, vacant. | working up price lists, stopping production, etc., but 10th av, 11 w cor 12th st, 10o.lx.5U(ixlI7x.5:ij... buyers fail lo take alarm, and not until supplies are Boulevard, s w cor Manhattan st, 90.;5x7.5x - 10th av, s e cor P.Jth .st, 10;).lx:3i5. | .ictitally requireii are orders given. The recent ad­ lOLl Ix4.x0xy2.11, vacant ) vance on card rates is generallj-asked, and for lots of Thouias J. McCahill to Orlando B. Potter. 10th av, n iv cor 10.sth st, IOO. 11x100 less than fort.v kegs from store cartage is charged. Feb. 2:j. 14,000 10th av, s \v cor lOSth st, runs south 1S7 x ; We quote: I'od to OUd., common fence and sheathing Bleecker st, e s, 00 .s Carmine st, lSx7.'i. Mat­ northwest 210 to lOSth st, x cast .58.1, gore.. J per keg, $2.00; 8d. aud Ud., common do. per keg. thew Mulligau to Margaret Mouaghan. (C. John Jacob Astor to "VVilliam Astor. (i^ part) S2.85 ; ud. and 7d., common per keg, §3.10; 4d. and 5d, a. G.) Feb. 21 nom (Partition deed.) Dec. 2, 1870 ' nom 182 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. ir*

Bonlevaril. n e ror lOSth st 100.11 x075 " Kingst (Nos. 2-8 and oO), s s. i'.KxIO w Mar- Cherrv st (No. I'M), n s. abt !K) c Catharine .sl. liowerv (No. 02), w s. 21.1 ii 14ester st, 2(;.i"i.x (lougtd st 44.10xlO(l.x44.-2xlOO ;i.")xidi").x2().xl0:'), tlirce-storj- franio (brick KH).." Kiiig"st (No. ;!0), s s, 40.8.0 w I^Iactlougal st, front) store and dwc-lling, .iml two-sloi-y P.ov.-ery (N..s.'.'.-.4. -2.50.-i.5s ;iu(l :i(-,t(). w s, 211.5 '20x100 brick dweliiii.g in rciir. (Foreclos.) .lolm n 1 'iiitec -i. 70.:x'.t'.'.:;x85.5x02.:> King st, (No. 40), s s, 418.0 w ^Lic-ilou.g,il st, A. Cootllett to Alfred F. Britton. Jaitti- P.|-.iiir.>a,!wi!y, n -eor st, (•.;;.!x2!S to 4th tiv, -jdxioo to Sarah J.'Pir.sson. (M.irt .i;4,()00.) Febiu- Kiii.g sl, (Nos. i")(i and o'^), s s, 01.8 e Viirick st, .'iry 20 ."...",00 Cb-rrvsS. n-,'.'.5.1 .• Seamm.-!! sl. 10'^.::x0.5.2.. 4!'.8xl(Hi Corneliii st. ii s, (inilcft), 2.")x!).5. .lohn fiiul j-:i:-.-ii!..-!h St. -.v s. ].")S.i(i s Hoii.--t.iii sl, 7.">..Sx King Si. (No. 02). s s, i")!) e Variek st, 20.1(1x7.';. I\hirv.f. Hiiv.s. New- Y(>i-k. and l-'riiiicis F,. :i::il st. n s. 0.". e i'db ii v. '25xi)s.;i H!li,"r.rookivii, (l.:xi-s 1). F. Hill dcc'tl). lo Kli/iib.-t:. --. w s. 2" Hi.usioi. sr. .';-Pi! sl, s s. 17.". w i'.th iiv, :!7.".xOs.o :Miirv J. .mil Daniel K. Hill, Brooklvn. (.Morts. 2'Sx-"s ;i li'ith. sr, II s, I;.'.") w i'liii tiv, 7.">,vOS..) Feb. 14 .' !(),(.(1() Ciin-^.-vtKirl st-. II s. lll.S .. \Viisli;i.;.rb.ri st, 25 ."iSti; st; n sl li'iO ci'irh av, i".Oxld0.i-) Gi-ceiiwich st-(No. -h'lS), II w coi^ Watts st, 2.">.x vtdll '. .")Oth .st H s, 1.".() 0 i"«rli nv, 7.")xloo..") 8;i, three-storv friime (brick front) store ami Gi-.-.-in^ieii s! (N... ;d:;^ .- s, KM.O s (Jortlatitll Obihst, ss, 1i"»0 w Btiuli>viiril, •2."ixl00.s dwelling: and No. 70 Wtitts .st tbn' Av .V, w s, oxldg from Mth to li".i! •20f-..nx bi-icK store juiil tlwelling: ami No, 7S Walls I tea St. 2."i.S;.;ss.<.ix-.'."., (x'.M. Ki yp,,,!-.'.' St. s s. i;7.I c Sciiiiiiiv! St. ^7.^x0.5.2.. 201 st, three-storv brick tlwelling. .-Viiua A. I'enrlsi ;N.>. K'd'.se.-.. !'.tx7o Av A, n w cor l.'itli .st lo;;.:>x:>04 -.vifi. .;f Ciiiirles f^rtibe. Spring Vallov. N. J., l"i»'-ic rov<-. s e s.-.'M. n n e Ann -f, i5;vip.i.:; Ist ;iv and Av A, and-Uh st timl t'lth st, the t.> F. Hopkc, Hiistings, N", Y." (Mort to Ti:..;!!!-.. iiUi.V, X SO"!; il\ve:-t ,5.5. l''xl-!2.4. .. I .?12,0di).) Feb. 21 17,000 lliviii-.;!..!! sl iN.w. Kl! In lO'.ij^ scfor Li!iH-)->v | .'itb av, 's w cor :;::ii sl, OS.Ox4.".o Henry st ii s, :;!1.7 o Sciinimel st, 21x70.11. s-., Id'.'.ixliid j .'itil iiv, w s, :;7 11 :;.Mh st :V7. Ixloo ,Miir\-I^liiiritie to Coiira'l HiilselH-r.g. (^lort Vaii.iam st {N'..s. 2. •!. 0 and Sj, s w cor Mav- \ ('.Ill nv, s e cor l-22tl st UK). 11x400 (o New av.. -i;.'>.()oo.) (.'ell.:.':: '. 7.odo .i'iu-::ii St. S(-,.jixiorx— 7iii av, n w cor MOlli .St. nms iH.rlh 100.10 to Liitli.iw st (N'os. 4s and .".ii), c s. -200 u Hester st. '\Vii-.!,;:!Litoii St. ii c cor (Jiinsevoo't sf, runs | l.^'iOlh st, X west 704.4 lo McComb's Dam 40x^^7.0. four-storv brick store, syntigo.gue jioiih •-. '.1.2 !-) !2th St. x .-iist i::.! •< smith '.i'.) j roiiii. X soiUii ].")2.0 to Stluiv, X .south 04.4 to fuid (IweHiug. iuiil thrc.'-slory brick tlwelling, ^K:- -: .-cutiieas; 2s x w.'si 2."» x soiitli KIO lo l-i'.tth st X ciist; 77;") nut! I'o' brick fiK-t'if.v in rear of botii. lii'-i-. V. •it St. X -.vest ^(i.S to |.c-:4iiiiii!ig Sth ov. w s. 2.">. 11 s Mth st 2.").'.>x7C..<; (I'lireclos.) Jiicob L. Haiies lo August iind '^V.-sier Si. !i .-. .511 w .Jiieksoii .st .".dxI'.H' Mill st s s. 70.0 w- 8l.h .'IV, 2:;.(ixi".!.7 f j i-"eri!iii;iii(l Stcni tiiiil Williiim B. Ast \V:i;.-! -t. It S. '.:.•) \V .!ilci.SotI :l. 2oX!dll Jolm .Jacob Astor et" isl. (Lxr.s. anil Trnst:ees (Moris. $11,100. .''tc.) Feb. :.'0 S.OOQ W::'••}• .--. II -. -:-.'.5 w .liicj.son si. •-'."ixibU under Ihe will of Wiiiiiiiii IJ. A.slor) to Wil­ .Million st (No. .5'.)!. e s, KiO 4 s Pi-iuce st, '2.5.1.x 7ili -'. s--. K'li w .Nv A. l.'i.iv'.io. 10 liam .-Xslor et e.l. (Tnistees, Sec) (I'miveys !O(ix-2.5.4x0'.).2. three-story brick store tiinl Hth -.!. 1! s. i.'.d v.- s;l; av, .'lOx lo:;.:^ (le.seribed pfoperty for the beiiclit of .John ilweliiu;; Jim! ihree-storj- biick shop in rear. 1 till St. 11 s. ."..".d \v Sli, ;iv. !<'tivId:;.I .l.icob .-\sloi- liiiriiig life nom Arietta M. Thoiiipsun (witlow) to William Mtli -;, II s. 2.'de Kiili liv, :.;:.'.'.x!d.;.i Boulevard, ws, 7.").0 n 0.") ;-t, 2">.2xK!0 ] Bfiiiiley. (.)ct :! 7'.;5(ld i.'.th s;. ij >. ::;.-| w s;!i av, runs uoril! l.'O.O x Boiitovtird, 11 e cor 02 st, Ki7.7xl."i4.10 Miirkei, .St. e s, bet Miiilisoii ami Henrv sts we,t -i-jii,;i to'.Sill iiv, e s, X s .utii I-l.-t X east II e cor OS st. ioo. 1 ixo'i (iiiili.ft), 22.:;x.'^^('..10. -Marv Coiiiiollv to" Wil­ I'O X s.,!!tli Ki:;.l lo l.Mli st,xc;ist :i2o lo Bowerj'. No. f;?,, '2i")xl;">:i.:;x2.").x1i")!) liiim F. Coiiiiollv. (Mort. .s:.'.Oi)0.) Feb.-20.Ki..5!!0 p. iJIt <.f !.e:^ii;liili>.: Bowerv (No. Oti), n w cor Hester st, 2-ixlOOx Moll st (No. -20), e s. 20xl:-'0xl.'^. 10x117.0, 1 1.".-Ji -t. s s. Idit e loMiiiv, .VixKi:;. 1 21. lOxloO Ihree-slorv brick iIweiliiiL;- | l.'.tli sl. s s, 2'id c Knil av. KH.'xIii;;. 1 Bo'.vcry (No. 218., w s, 2;".x100 Doyer st (Nos. 11 iitul 12), w s, •!Ox;51x02x4.5, \ l.'.th St. ss. •!:.'. e K);!t av. K>dxU):;.1 How.^ry (No. 2sn. u ecor Houston st, :i;,x70.1 frame slietls J Kith st.n-. 1!2 e7ihiiv. !.V;.-tx'.i2. i Bowerv (Nos. .';04 anil :;0(i), w s, about 4:;;!.7 s Adeiiiiiic l'\ Wright (Jlxr. L Vretieiiburghi, ITlii SI. ss. li-je 7!ii iiv. M.'i.i-.x02.1 Astor ])!, abt 40x127.0 New C.-isUe, lo riiebe .Jitite Bariuim. J-'ebru- istii st (N..S. -221, 2^J:; ami 2^J.">i, n .s, 27.-> e Otb Bmathviiv (No. 484). e s, 24 s Broome st, '24.x iiry 21 s.iuo :iv. ;.-)x;'2 Same {iropertv. i'lieij.> Jane Biii-num to T.nh sl iNo--. 2:;r.. :.'uS ittni 210), s .s, 27;-> o Olh ••'.,'x-i"ixoo ; Th-miiLS V. \Vri,e:bt (Q. C.) Ftd.. 21 .^i 00 ;iv. ;.'.x'.<2 I Eroiulway (No.s. ',0'.), .")71. .")7:; and i")7."). and Siime j.ropertj-. Miii-j-.1. Simons, NewCtistie, Av .\, .' s, extd.- from 4th st lo .''dli st, !02.4x No.s. s.l 87, .SO tuiil 91 Prince st), being N. V., lo Siuiu\ (1.^)." C.) Feb. 21 iituu MBroadw,ivl .st , ii xr cor I'rince st, I00x2du to Siime proiierij-. r-aiil S. Casilciir, Nortii Cas­ Av A, II w eor ."itli st, runs west •2:;7..") .x norlli Cbai-lton st (Nos. 1.") and 17), ii s, 210.8 w M;ic- tle, III Siune. (Q. C.) Feb. 21 nom 2i::.('. 1.1 Olh st. x cast 2^.'C...-) x .soiiUi 4><.7 x st 40.0x100 Same propert.v. .Itihii 11. Vrc.leiiburgh, Brook­ .-Vv ..\, X s-ouLb l-l',.0 to point of Charlton st (No. 21). u s, '2S'J.o w ^Macilougal lyn, t'> Siime. ((.>. C.) b'eb. 20 nom b-giutun- sl;, '2:L:>X1()0 ,. Riviiifitoi! st (.\o. i.");5), s s, 75 e Suirolk .st. 22.x Av A, n e cor .'tii st, runs norlli 10-1.1 to Olh Charlloii st (No, 4;:), n s, .")00.2 w Macdou.giU 100. Ihree-slorv frame (brick front) dwelling St. X etist .'.2d X south 07.10 to a point .")(iS e st 21.(;xl00 ami two-storv inick ftictorv in roar. Adoljih Av .v. X still soulh IK">.2 to .5th st, x west Dev st (No. o7). s s, r.2..') w Church .st. 2.")X7:L A.Ucr to Levi I-'. Cahiu (Mort $0,500.) Fcb- 474 t'l point of begiiiniii;.- Lafavette pl, e s. 101.4 s .'Vstor pl. .")2.(;xlOO... rit:ii-v 1!) 4,d00 Av .-X. n w cor Tlh si. runs north lOLll to 8th Laftive-tte pl, e s, 2i:-J. 10 s Astor pl, 2.")xl'20... Shei-iil .st (.Xos. Oi'iand (;8), e s. 00 s Rivington st sr, X west Kl'i X Sfiutli 07.0 x w-cst 100 x Ludh.w st (Nos. no. 11'2. 114. IKi, 118 and 40x75, two-siorj- brick .stiible covers entire south t)7.."> to 7th st, X e 200 to point of be- 120), e s, K)0 n Del.-uicey st, l."j()xS7.G spiice. AVilliam Kellv to Francis Vogel. ciiiniiig Vandam st, s s, 220,11 w" Macdougal st, 2:LX (.Morts. §:i,n(io.) Feb. 2(1 15,000 .'i'h av. n'-w cor I-J'.tfh st, 00.11xS0."> to Otb iiv. 107 Thompson st (No. 114), e s, 80.10 s rriiice st, lO.x I'.tii iiv. n wcor 10th .st. O.*)..").xl."w..")x()0.0xl.5:3.1. Vandam st (Ni», 2:;), n s. 200,4 w I^Iacdougai 77.1x10x77.10. Eihviiril H. Lang, Brooklyn, Cthiiv. 11 e cor lOtb, -2.1x72.4xl.">-2 st, '20x100 ,.' to Emma Ltiiig (widow). (}{ part) Febru­ Otl; ;!v. s e cor 10th st, runs e.-ust along IOlh st Vandam st (Nos?. .57 and .59), n s. 125 w- Variek ', ary 2:1 noni K'.*i X south 02 X w-cst 02.0 x southwest st, ."lOxlOO .• Houston st (No.s. 10! nnd l(i;5), s s, iibotil along ol.I roail now closed t<.i a point 110.:; •\Varr._.n st (No. 11), s s, 2.">,lx7,".x2."..0x7i". 80.0->v ibicihiugiil sl, iiccoriliiig to ileetl runs s i'.nii St. x w<,.sts,-,..sto C.fh iiv, X north 1!(;.:3 oiJd st, n s,-17i") w ,">tli !iv, :.;-2.">x!)8.;i southwest 70.0 X LIO x north 7:j.7 to 7th av. It c cor K'.th .st, .Vl.Sxl 12.4 :^4lh st, s s, 100 e .".lb av, 1-2.")x08.0 West Houston st, x etist 10.0 x southwest 17.0 Tib av. s w cor ICiili st.' runs west 100 x soutii .'i")th st, s s. 14i") w Madison av. 7."ix08.0 (pro!), error), live-storj- brick store jiiid dwell­ l(!:i.:: x east 01.4 x sonth '.Hl.ll to tli av, .")Oxl(iO.."> deiuto Vanilcrvoort. (Jlort'$l;5,(i'00.) Feb- to 'ith ;iv. X iii)i-tli 172.10 '.)."»th st, n s, li")0 w- Boiilevai-il, 2;")xKlO.S ruar.v 15 exch Sth :iv, s w cor l.'ith st. Ic:;.IxlOO 11 Uh st, n s, 1-2.") e Boulevard, lOOxKMI.Il '2d st (No. -28), 11 s, 82 w -2d ;iv, runs nortii 77 x stii av, w s. li"..:; s IOth st, :;(;.4xlO(ix27.1x100..") 117th st, s .s, 7i') e 7fh av, runs south 41.1 x west 17.10 X soutli 7 X '2.8 x .south 00.4 Oth iiv. nwcor 14tli st. '2(,t(;.:j to l.'.tli st x12."). etist.'i-lv i;!1.7 to 117th sl, X west 12."). gore.. to '2d .st, X tiO.O, Ihree-storj- brick dwel­ Oth :iv. 11 wcor l-'ilh st Kis.(jx27().2x8:;.2x'27."). P'Oth st, s s, 2.-!.") w .")th av, 100x00.11... liug, Wiiiter L. Piiviie lo George C. Fisher. K^ru av, II e cor l-..Th sf. Hi:!.lx:;-2-5 14:Jd st s s, 12.") w- 7th av. -200x00. II (Moi-t. ?4,000 and taxes 1.S77.) Feb. -20.... '2..5fl0 Kill! iiv. s w cor i:;ih st, l(i:;.1x.7.iy to l:;th av. Av A. s w cor Kith st, !0:;.:;x:j04 otb st (N.). 722), s s, 2S5.0 e Av C, 22.0xOii, X 117x01.". Av A. w s, extdg from :!d st to 4th st. 10-2.4x tlirce-storv brick dwoliing. idiiriaiie Bimis- Idth extdg from Mth st to l-'itli st, .")1S koj.t to Falk Bohnheiiucr. (Morts. $.5,000.) 2o(;.:;x!d() ]Miulison av. w s, extdg from :>;")th st to MOtli Feb. 21 0,800 Wiliiam Astor to Jolm Jacfilj Astor. (Ptir- .St. 107.0X-2-20 lOtli st (No. :«:'.), n s, 145 w Av B, '25x04.0, tit ion .l-H'tl.) }:'. part .' m^m Mailison ;iv, s w cor y.">th .st, 74.1 xl4.5 llve-storj- brick store ami dwelling. Freder­ Boislevanl. P) .iv,HO st and Oi st—the block, 1 1st av, s 0 cor 4tb st,', 10.s,:;x04,11 ick H. King to Martin Moser. (Moris. -SlO.­ 11- ih *jni.i-,x:'.-i-') •. 1st av, e s, extdg from Mlh st to loth st, 20(i.() OOO.) Fe b ."21 10, i 00 Bouleviinl. s wcor 05 st. 104.7xl2.lxlO-2.Oxl2."> x:;!0 Illh st, s s, 175 w 1st av, *2.5xOL10 j jroiiieviir.i. s e cor 00 st 7i'j.(;x122.4x7.").0x Cthiiv, no cor 12!stst, 100,11x400 to 2sew- av 74tli st, s s, 100 e -211 av, 75x102.-2 > on Mt Morris sq 77th St. II s, 175 e 2d av. :50xl()2.2 | B.iulevar.l, Ki .iv, S'.i .st nml 00 st. '201..">x:->2.5... 7tli .IV, s s. extdg from 110th st to 117th st, Diedrich Fink to James AVilej- (Recvr.). Bloomiiigilaic rotul, ii w cm-, '.IS st, -2.">.i-ix8-l..").. 201.10x7;") Fell. 21 nom Pnyiird si. n e c'jr Elizabt.'tb st, i'idx'."! Sth av (No. 400), es,.")() ii :50th st, 2.")xl(J0, ns, 278 w-2d av, 2.5.0x100. Joseph M. Bieeckcr st (No. 2:t), n .s. 270 vr Bowerv, 20x 8th av, necor 110th st, 100.11x1-2.") Diiclos, New Brunswick, N. J., to Willitun 'i7.2x-20x('>0.4 10th .iv, w s, extdg from Oid to O-'Jd .st, 20L.")X Green. Oct :il, 1877 nom Boc-erj- (No. 270), s e cor Houston st, 2().x7."),. 170,1 . ,.. Bowerv !.\'n. 1s;i), es, 7."> n JJelancev'st. '2o..ix llth av, w s, extdg from 72d st to 7;M st, Same property. AVilliani Green to Frances H. 1-24. Klx2i".x 1'2-2.0 '. 204.4x17.5.... wife of Joseph M. Duclos, Isew Brunswick, Bi-.iiitiwiiv (Nos. ;;74, :]70 and :J7.S), secor .lohu Jacob Astor and other Executors and N.J. Oct :>1,1877 nom iil White .-t, 7.'jxl.")0.:i to Courtlandt allej-, x 7i'> Trustees nnder the will of Willitun B. Astor 2'2d st (No. :3;>5), u s, 1.50 vv 1st av, 25x98.0, h&l., xl-')d.i; to \Villiani Astor and others (Trustees, &c.) five-storjf brick store aud dwelling. Lena Di'y st (No. 24), n e cor Church st 2L3x77.G.x Convej-s tbe above described propertj- for wife of William Ei-nst to Patrick Daly. (MorL :>ox77.y the benefit of William Astor during life. ...nom $4,.500.) Feb. 1.5 9,C00 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 183

24tli st (No. 141), 11 s, :{04 \v :!d av, 2-2x'.).s.O, two­ 77th st (No. -201), s s, 182 e 2d av, 21.5x102.2, l:20lb st, 11 s, 100 w Uib tiv, 1-J5xlO',t.iO. t.. K.uiii story brick and frame stable. (l'\)rcclos.) four-.storj-stoiH* front dw.dling. (Foreclos.) sl, bru-k and frame factorv builtliu.^s. Wtil- I.oiiis M. Do.scber to William D. AVtirieii or AVilliam L. Fiiidlcv lo Sarah H. J'owelL l.-r R. Wtioti, Brookivii, lo Edwiu i". Lutlcr. i"^ Waiieii ^.225 Feb. 25 : :;.ii00 Fei.. is ". I5.;5()0 '25ili st (No. 21:5), II s, 105 w 7th :iv, 2IxOS.O, 70tli st (No. 170), II s, 112 w :;.l itv, :.'2x102, Av B (No. 87). e ;,-. 41 s Oth st, '2dxi'>l, four- tliree-storv brick dwelling. Joseph Liimb to thrco-st:oi-.v brick ilv.cilin.g. (l'\)rec!o.s.) Johu story hricic stoic anil (iwcliiiig. ljci-iili;inl .losciih AV. Lamb. (.Murt .^5,000.) J.Vbni- .V. Gooiilett to The Cilizciis'Siivings BiUik, I'.reizfelili r to Ga.Uivo Rheiiuutcr. (Moris. irv'20- , 12.000 New Yi.i-k. .bill. 10 0,i;i.:0 8l-5,:iOd.) Fell, '.a; 10,000 27tli" st (No. 10.5), n .s, IOO w OHi av, 20x',is 0, 85th .st, II s, 2-i5 e 5Ui iiv-, ;5()xKI2.2. Viiciiui. Lexitigtoii iiv {'So. \^'.:,, c s, :;'..'.0 u :;!.ii H. oline wife of Frank Loomis to Williani H. Foil. 10 '. SOO Lowciisteill I.. Ldph-iiiiii P. del Ho\i>. Sli-oeter. (.Mort $7,000.) Feb. 18 S,;-,(iO Same rirojieri.v. iMiirgiirotia Lawn-iici to Em (.Mort ;..)0.i Feb. :Jii fl,:'iiJO fSaitii'propertj-. AV. 11. .Streeter to George W. lilU L. J.-icob. Feb. 10. . 100 \ Miitlis.iu av (No. 5i:.). e s, :;:;,S s 55111 sc, lO.Ox liruce. (Mtjrt $7,(100.) Jiin. '25 Io,i500 Olst >t, u s, :;75 ... 5t!i av, ;Mixl00.8. .-\uii Mull;-- •2.1), four stot-v .-ioih- noiit ttw. llii:;... Chtirk'S ;jOtlist, n^, 125 w 1st JIV, 25X08.0. Stephen .iiiiii, iiml Niitliiiti iuiii Wiiliam .McLati.uliliii in lm,i;,^iii to .Siiriiii .L iivnl (Giitiiii. t iui-.o K. I't'eil to Jliirtiii IT'ei!. .);iii. 15 iiniii Ger:i!-dus .V. C. \'i.u IScureii. (O. C.) tCt.-rrec- Wcumau;. liMi.ri. ;-l-J,ni..).} i-ei.. -.'d 2:;.'.^00 :;LI sl(No. 414), s s, .5.50 e IOlh av, :.'5x7.5.5x25x: tion.) .Jan. 8 !00 i Isl iiv, e.s, 70.5 a .'jnii ,-v,n..,. except ^lnp 77.1. tiirce-storj- friiiiii!!liii.^:,!ii!il t wo storj' o:.;iisl, ss, :;'.'5 c'.lth iiv, IOdxiiio..8. Tlunuiis j-;. ell' s >, 50 e of UV, 5x11.5, Johu K.-nii'.r.-iis fiiun.'skible ill r.iiir. l-^'iziibcth C. Ricliisril- Crimmins to Jolui D. Criiiunius. (TJori. .•Jl-'i,- to Johu 1!. iiiiil M.-iiiii Koruiiicu^. (Seo .soii (Extrx. J. Ilichiinlsoii) to Jo.seph S. Ridi- 000.) Jiiii. :;i uom i'.;iselioiil, :{il iiv.j Fell, i:; iioiu arilsoti. (Mort $i,;'.oo.) Feb. 5 s.imo Olrhst, ss, 175 e 5th iiv. 75x100, vaciiiu loi.-.. 1st av (No.' s;:-.,, ,. ,;^ -m u -Oiili sr, :;ti.-.iid, iiv.- olitli st (Xo. 147), IIS, 2:)8 e Lexington av, !5.tix .loiiii II. iiinl Williiiiii V. .Mortiiiier iiiiii iiiuis st..dy brii.'k sf.ire uinl tbveiliug. L..ui--..- I'.. '..s.O. three St.>r.v stone front tlwi.llitig. (j.'orc- I'iissill (I'Lvrs. .loiiii Alortiuier, .Ir., tk'.'iii >•• i..iilel lo Salr'iuiic Baiter. tM..r:. s.,..;;;,;., cios.) Jolui M. Biirboiir to Tiimitiiv J). Por­ Leoiiani Lc\vis;ohii. (Couli-;u-t) Dec ''•'. Feb. 1 --.ooU ter. Feb. IC. .' 1..500 1.S7 7 8..".00 Isi iiv (No. :.':;0i), w s, e.s.:; s i-j:;i! si. i7.'.i.i-J'. li'vii-i-ctos.) t'oiir-st'irv brick store aiii! il\\'i>iliiig itini .itie- Kiiiigcii.iiiui it) Juiiii Nouiieiil.iU'hei-. (Mot-is. Joim A. ( to Tte; CitiZell.-:' Nitvilrj- story friiiiie stiible ill I-ear. Fi-eilorick Hrei- .•••;.7ii{K Se.c.) F.4>. :J2 2.--20 I'.aok, N.j'.v Vol k. l-'eli. 4 '....:; l.dou voml to Ciiarles Kc!iiio\-, BrookK ti, v^lorts. !|-Jth Kt'(No. 2:;.'n. s .s, 1115 \v 2.1 av, -JiixKiH.!;, •2d av. w s, ::,).:, s o'l-i >.t. •2ox70. Miirx N'.-v.- i^-o'i. Kid. Sic) Vol,. I...'. '. li;,.")!JO tv.-.j storj- brick duolliug. (i-'oi. cio-.i b.i.tls I'l Z u-h;..l-|,is iii.-liilileUil. l-'i-b. i'.' u.aii ?'?i :;'.iih st (No. 510), ss, 175 w- IOlh a v,-25x0.8.0, five- Jolm Flaisilers to Auuio E. iSloUer. Dc-eiu- I "ti av (.%',... i.^K. ,. s. 02 s st, •Jii.7xK'i». foiu-- .-vtory briclc store iiiii! ilweliiii.g. Williain J. li.-r 14 :i,.'idu i ^:orv !iri..-I: liv..-iiiif^;. JiiuijsM. iJidi li. ;!e;ii v l-'ir-ii lo Sarah T. wife of Calvin B. l-'on!. IKih st (No. MOi, n .s, :;7.S4 v.- ;:.! .-iV. K;.->x I H. Bull. Feb. 25..'. 0."l4ii (Morts. .ss,.500 and taxes is77.) Jan. 2'J ex.:!i Idil. 10, tw,.-slorv iiiidie ilucliii!'.;-. Luev A. ! SHidh j-rui,-: :-i-. Hetirv it. l:,!;! io Julia .\. 411! li >t. s s, 2-25 w Oth iiv, 25x0.'s 0. I'hihipo.iiii v.-ife of Sie{ii!eu Giliiiiui to.lohii H. Iiiivis, ! wife of Jiiin.'s .M. Biiii. i-Vb. 25 0.140 ol- I'iiio .Salinuoiis (witl.nv) t.j .John M. Miiitin. Ciiiciiuiiili, Oiiio. tMorts. $!,50ii.) Fchi-u- i 3d av (No.'.•. li;. v/ s, -.iij a 5sih st 25x05. livc- !Morts. $!:!.iiOd, iK:c.) Feb.-25 >iom arv •.:'> '. .5,000 | storv brick .stor.- iuul .lv.....Ilidg. tioi'.liei. •l.-tl! sl (Xo. ;M.5i. 11 s, 1-20 c 8lh nv. -20x100.5, li:;tri sl (-^o. :;os., s s. 1-25 e 2<1 uv, ir..sxliii), I Iiii.g'er to J..ha I). Wclcli. (Mort.. $->',01111.,• ihret^sti.rv lirickilwdliiig. Gorge '\V. lirecs, two-.siorv Ijrick (Iwelling, Ge.-.rgo Hr.-n-H ] Feb, ^25 •.M.i iiU & lli-esliui. 'L. L, io .liicub D. "NorJIiiiger. to Esther J. Coi-iiwcli; iM'ui.) j lid av (No.s. 040. 051 C.'):;). s e s.-•','. I s w 4-.'.i i^.birts. $s^(ii.ii.) F,d). 20 r.;.oie. I'l b. -.'0 loo ! .st runs souihwcsl iiiong tiv •i'.l.4 .x s.,.iiti!e;i-!. •V.nh A (Nos. 220 iiiiti .•.'2-i), s s. 222 e iJd av, 42.\: IKitii .st (No. IOS). ss, !.-,i) w-:idav. lii.SxIdO.H, ! |i(5 x iioriiie:i.--l 2i xuorlli .5'J.i; x iiorth- X 100.5, two foiir-slorv i-l>)iie front ilsvclliiigs. tlirei! story fi-iiiuf ilwclliii.g. Lttcy A. wife j 00.0 tu. iiegiiuiio.g. iv.o Ihree-si.irj; Iiitui'. Henrv M. Nivur It. ihiry A. Weeks. (Jlort.s. of Stephen (liluiau to .Michiiel .). Fiin.-ll. stores tiiul ti-.vci!iu^s iJUi! one iwo^l.u-y iiii. k sis.oiio.) Feb. 12 4s,(j00 t.Mt.rts. .s:;.;',oo.) Feb. 'io ;..5uO store lUiil fhvel!iiig. Richaril Ktlwaiils io •I'.l;list s s, •2-22 e ;>d av, 42x100..5. Mary A. l!:;th st (Nt..' Ilii'.i, s s, KiO.s v.- :id itv. Ki.sxKm. 11, Thoma.s Ed wart Is. I-V-b. 22 :;d..'iOO Weclcsto Francis M. Sherwood, Cornwall, N. lliree-story fliiiue tUvi-lliug. Lucy .\. wib; oi' :]d av, .s c .-or'.I8lh st, lOO.OxlKl, viu-:uit i.-i .. v. (.Morts. $-is,(IOO) uom ^;tepllt.•tl Gilniaii lo Siisitu D. v,-ife of .".licliiie! i-Idwiinl Reiiiiloii !..> Btnlgel .'u. liir:.- . 5Uh st (.No. 11.5). n .s, 204 w Li'xiii.gton av, 10.10 .1. i-ari-ell. (.Moris. $:;.:;iiO.) F4.. 25 4..500 (.M.)rts. $:;,7d'i.i !>i;.-, 10. 1S77 iti..i.iO xlOO.5. foiir-slorj- brick (slotic front) tlw.-I- lii'.i it Sl (Nt). 410). s s. 4so.'.i w- Av .\. l.\7x 3d ;iv, c s, 'S,.:, s 11'Jlrli St., :i5x idO. (icj _;.• li:,-, - liiig. Thomas B. Ttivlor to Marv A. Tavlor. loo. 10. Miree-storv brick (stoue front)!liug. leli to (."iiiifiul iiu.l Kiith-iriue Ucis. i' , ..;.r;.i i-'eb. 0 .' I'. ".10,000 Heiirv KuHiiig t".. Miutin ljuiuhiu. (;)U>rt.-^. l-'eb. 10 .'.'.!.. •-•.oiJO Siime pi-ojiei-tv. Mtirv A. Taj-lor to I'liiirv 11. .S7.d(!i').) l-'cb. 2:; s,:>iM 4t!i iiv (Nos. :;:;r ami :;il), s e or --'.t-'. sl, it). !x wife .)f Thoiiiiis 11. Tiiylor. "Feb. 0 '. 10.000 117tii st (No. 415), u s, 427.4 e 1st tiv. l(;..Sxloo. !0, !00, lour-siorj- brick studio uuiitiiu.u. .tiuins i'Mlii st, s s, 112.;i w" Hi-oiiilwiij-. -2dx!00..5. reiir irrc.g.. two-.storv brick liweliiug. ib'tirv" 1). L\tich to Jolm Taj-lor, lii.j-ith,', L. 1. riiiiiieri Vilanova to Hovwar.l G. Alceker. L. .J.illev to Heiirv S. .Abiore. (Mort $l.diioj Feb. 21 ." ' . I'id.oui) (.Mort. $.5.;5()0.) Feb. 10..' nom Fi4.. 10" ". ..5.7;"jO .5th av (No. '.)50), u e cor sKii .>t, :j-.'.-.'x'r.'5. liv.- Same oroperlj-. Hit.vwiirtl G. ilcekcr to IF.ih st, 11 s, P25 w 5lli av, -2.5x10(1.1 i, Viictiut | s'orv sloiic front iIwcHing. ;iii.! iuo-.-ro.-\- F.i^eiiiii (7. R. wife of Raiiieri Vilanova. ((J. brick stable. The Tiliitiiiil Life lus. Co.. N.-w ('.) F.4>. '20 UOIU Voric, to Jacoi) Ciiuipiicil. t(_'. :i. C.i, s.s, i-25 w5tli av, 2.5xi()0.ii, viuiiut ! Feb. 2:; .50.000 .5.5iii st (No.'248), s s, 175 e 8tli av, 18.0x'.i)O.5. hits...... j thri'e-slorj' brick (riti.)iie front) il\vcllin.u. IMariii (witlowi aiui Daniel B. Boiinctt (Exr. 7th av, o s, i:;.5.C. ii 11tli sf, 2! xi.S 10 / (l-'orcclo.s.) Frank .-V. IL-iusom to Joseph P. R. Boiiiictlt to Elizti L. iiiiil James L. Ar- 7lli iiv, s e cor 12tii st. .sd.oxi.-. 10 1' .\-ido, Yonkers. N. Y''. Jiui. '20 '.t.7.50 ciilariii.s ami Henrj- Aiislice (Frcr.s. A. M. Ar- John W. ami Eli/.ateth W. Vati Witgeticu. -Miih st, ss, 125 eriilav,'25x100.-1. Edward T. ciihiriu.s). Jan. :J8 :;,0U0 l'uughkc(.'psie, Duiche.vs (.\i., N. V., to r.-i.r (ii-ahiiiii to George \V. Grahani.. (.'.^ piirt) C. Doremus, iQ. C.) I'cii. :J2 uoiu I-"eb. 20 nom Same ])rupertj'. Charles P. Boiiiiett lo same. Same prt^.perij-. i>riit;iiu W.. Ro.•^wcll L. .'ui.l ."lOih st, s s, 100 e Lexington av, 25xloo.5. (Q.C.) Jan.-2s> nom Marj- L. A'au U'ug.ucn auil Ncl'ii... .^L \'iiii I'liilij) Rippel to Nathtiiiicl JarvLs, Jr. Feb- 121st st, s s, :'.45 e 4th av, -20x100.11. Cniwford AVagenen to Fclcr C. Durcuui.s. iC- C.) F'.'b- ruiirj- 21 nom to John E.Doughiss. (Morts. $:],200.) ruarv 'I'-i uoiii Siiiiio propertj-. N. Jarvis, Jr., to Aiiuio M. Feb. 2:1 uom Sth av," s c cor !4'-;d st, lO.l Ixloo, vjicioii h.*:, '.vifc Philip Kippel. (C. a. G.) Feb.-2:J iiom P2:]d st (No. :i.50), s s, 100.0 w 1st av, 14.:!xl00.11, Joseph J..illilb lo Jojciiil W. Liuiib. (Mort. •'.Till st (No. 15), n s, '2(J0 e5th av, 4:ixl00..5, four- tliree-.storj- brick (stone front) dwelling. (Fo'.-c- $2.;")00.) Feb. -20 ;J,;500 storj-stone front dwelling. Anna JM wifeof clos.) John J. ^IcGurk to The New York loth'iiv, w- ,s, 7.5.U u looth st, :.'5.x04toe sl;...ii;iiic L. .AiilLr to 5;th st, 11 s, 275 w Otb av, 40x100.5. Edwjinl l-2:3d st, n s, :!!5 e 4tli av, 1C..8.x00.11. James M. Tlit.tiUiis M. Peters (Exr. Sarjiii A. Richiuouiii. I'lircell to Michael Brennan. Feb. 2:3 noiu (formerlv IMiehacl J.) Lowe to John M. Ttd- IVc. 11 1,100 57ihst, ns, :n5 w Oth av, 4iLxlOO.,5. Michael bot, Long Island Citv. (Mort. $2,.500,) Feb­ 10th av, e .s, 75.5 s 04lh st, -25x100, vaciiut l.reunan to Edward Purcell. Feb. 2:> nom ruary -20 • 100 (Foreclo.s.) Seargeiit P. Stearns to Johu C. 5sili sc (No. '22i, s s, 280 o 5th av, 20xi00..5, four- Same propertv, John M, Talbot, Long Isltind P.i-owii. Feb. 25. ...-1,000 storv stone front dwelling. Heury lAI. Citv, to Mary A. Lowe. (iLirt. $2,500.) lull av, s w cor Msl sl, 102.2xli:0, >ix twu-storj- Niver to JLiry A. AVeeks. (Morts. $:]-2,000.) Feb. 20 100 fraiuc dwellings. Eiiiiiitir K. A.lams, Cran­ Feb. 12 :i2,.500 l-2()th st, n .s, IGOeOthav, l-2.5.x00.11, seven tbree- ford, N. J., to J.M-ciuiuh Paugliuni uud An- .5st!i_ .st, s s, •2S0 e oth av, -20x100.5. 'Mary A. storj- brick (stone front) dwellings. (Fore­ gu?.tus C. Gillender. (Mort $12,(JOO.) Feb. AVeeks to Frances SL Sherwood, Coruw-all, clos.) Louis M. DoHclicr to Harmon Hoover. 25 5,000 N. Y. (Mort. $22,000) nom Feb. 0 l:i,000 1 lib av, e s, -20.0 u 14 Uh st, 7.5x100 ) ODthst, ns, 275 e llth av, 2.5xI0()..5. 127th st n s, 15S.0 vr 4th av, l.<<.O.xOO.ll. Dan­ !44thst, II .s, 100 e llth JIV, -2i)0x0'.l. 11 ! Reynold to .Joseph L. R. AVood. Feb. 10 .50 Uliiiiv, Il o cor !44th bt 20.(5x80.8 lo 144lh j iel Rabuld, N. J., to Charles Benner. Febru­ st, X wcsl 78 lo bcgiiiuing j IKJII st (No. SIO), s s, 175 w 1st av, 2.5x100.4, livo- ary 10 50 story brick store tiiid dw-elliug. Joseph L. Miirj- A. Wceivs lo Frances M. Shciwooil, R. Wood to Jo.-:eph Soher. (Morts. $4,500. l-27th st, s s, 200 w Oth av, '25xl4:).T to Lawrence C'oruwidl, N. Y. i}4 part.) (Mort. $'.1,500.) tii.-«es, &c.) Feb. 1 4,-100 st, X 28.2x150.7, three-storj' brick store and Feb. 12 uom C4Ui st (No. 178), s s, 170.10 w 3d av, 20.IOx 100..5, dwelling and two-story frame stable. Ma.x nth aV (No. 7.-J;5), s w cor .52(1 bt, 2.5xlO(), four- three-storj'' brick (stone front) dw-elling. Schwerin, Jr., to Theodore Dieter leu. (Fore­ storj- brick store and dwelling. Otto Breves Thoinas and AValter F. Kilpatrick to Samuel clos.) Feb. 10 4,000 lo Nathau Kantrowitz. (Mort $i:J,500.) E. Harri.s. (Morts. .$0,000.) Feb. 2:3 15,000 12yth st (No. 2.5,^), ns, 1.50 e Sth av, 24x00.11, Feb. 20 10.500 GTih st, 11 s, ."75 w 8th av, 25x100.5. Aaron II. two-storj'^ franie dwelling. (Foreclos.) Sid­ i;,' estate Albert Clark (dec'd). John B. Hei'i- Puithbone to Arthur AA'. Austin, Boston, nev DeKay to Jacob Schuster. (Morts.. "drickson (Exr. A. Clark, dec'd) and Eimnelino M-oss. (Morts. SS.SOO, &c.) Feb. IS uom &c, S3,000,) Sept. 21, 1S75 500 Clrnk to Emma 0. Hendricksou. Feb. 21..uom 1.S4: THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

TWENTY-lllir.!) AND TWK.NTV-Kvll-llTU WAUIJS. Court s(, w s, 00 11 Huiiliiigtoii st, '20x8i). iMagnolia sl, ses, '2.50 s w Irving av. '25x1.00. F.eiisou St. .s s. 2;i'.l.;>e Morris jiv, 21x100.0. 'Ag­ AVilliiun Kitise to F. llcminert (Alorts. .Scli.gman Fiil.l, Now Vork, to Ctitharine wife ues will' of John E. Taj-lor to Tiuioliij- Siitii- $'i. KiO) (i.OOO of AVilliam Scliiual-/.. (C. a. G.) '200 vaii. .;(.). Ci Feb. 18 ". IMIU D st, 1; '! cor Fniukliu st, ;.'2.(i ou D st. gore ... i ilagiioliti st, s c s, 150 11 e Kiiit-kerlioitker tvv, 1 r.eiis.H! St. s s. 2511.:; e .^lon-is iiv, 2.">xKM'..t;. A--- i'"r.iitkh'i! st, 11 w cor D st, runs IK.IIII iibout .•.'5x 100 I ii.s wi:'.. ol.l.iliu E. Tiiylor to Di;witl l-^. Cay- •-'d()io |-::isl River, x southwest, t!^:!'., follow­ Irving 11%-. s w K. 100 n w- JMagiioliti st, 20x j 1..U. ((.).(.".> Fcij. IS.; n-.m ing curves to l) st X ciist about ;i25 to l)e- KiOx22xlOO....'. ...J !'!eutrriiii pi. :> w cor Union iiv. KoxllS.i. "iiig- giuiiiiig .'Stimiiel h'tild. Nc'iV York, to Cuthuriue wife of dal.uii It 1). wife of AViiJiiiiii i!o.?lirct! lo Fi-tinkiii! si. s c cor D st, F.O ou Fniukliu st, x Willitnn Scbiitalz. (C. a. G.) :;'.)0 N1.-..I H.:.-iiiutl. (Aii.rt .^2..'-'.'ih .si. J!-. ;-5 e :M av. .50.0x'.'s.'.i. Louis ''.V. Fst, iV's,'l7i)<' l''iViiVk!iu'st Oii.lx—xl':).:ix!00 . Lilliiis wife of Williiim R. Grac, Great Neck, Rou!t..r M F.-vii C. w ife of .bIdil I'nilliit.g.. .UOUI Fiiiukliu sl. w-s, exU-iuliiig iroui D to E .sts L. L, to Heurv Bull'ett, Fliitlaiuls 12,210 :\ itv. e s. KMI 11 1.50ih St. 25x!.".d. h'eui-v L. :-'0(ix!'.'5.. ...; I\[oiiroe st, s.s, 1(")5 e Bedford av. 20x100. Agnes M.liiis to Mill y N.:\!oi-r;s. i-'e!.. it) ^..u..!!! .".li.riii L. .Mill-'id, Ciii.-it'fo, l!l.,loM:ii-ii'. L.iU- L. wife t.f (•'hiirles H. Kiinbcr'.v to I'auliue A. Siiiii.'|..-lii'i r: \-. .M;ir\-N. jlorris bi Aiuui II. Ci.irk. ('.:part) noni wife ot t'ai-1 Froiiimel '. O,.5O0 M..;ri-. !'.•!.. Hi .. .' uoiu D.-'i-aw st swcor Hovt st, Ki.!ix7(t. Friiuces -Alooi-e st s s, li"i() w Morrcil st, 25x100. Pr.i-p. v-r ;iv. 1! V. s. li>t 7:; luiip .KiisV Tretn.iul. | Ann liiicll to .b-iiil !1. Sfhrot.tic!-. (M.irt CharltiS Uuuseld to Catharine wife of Chiirles s.-;o,;d, i;,ooo Lolller 1,000 Miiriod.-.- ,.\'... ii(. t.s. osj; S!.>:-iiig st, •.'5x!i-().. \ D.'i.u st 11 s."'.i5.K) '• Smith sl, i-'o.KixlOO. Mti- Niivy .St. I's, 2;5s.:;iiNiivysl, lO.OxlOO.C. George J..hit i)err;.i i'd'illippiuii D-^-rr. (Mort. .-sti.OiiH.) i-'ii W. wife of Siitiiuel N. Hoyt to Johu AV. Bill-roughs. Philitilclphi;!. P;t., to CJiini Murphv :i,500 Bhioilgootl. (Alorr, $:;,00())...'. ;").000 Uiiiiroii.l iix-. .. s. to u Btiihgate pl, .-iius iiori!- I'loyil St. .^ s. F.2.f; w 'I'oiupkius uv. Is.OxlOO | Newel st s c cor Nassiui av, ;.'5x75, Sarah !•', lit) X ..ii.-t K'd X utii-th :,d X tiisl :;•' .x s..iiiii i:;o l.i.r b.iuntlc.l on v.ortb by Prospect I'ark | wiftiof Siiiuut.'l Self to Hauiiiih M, wifeof I'l Biitii.uiii--111. .X wi.-t -Id X lioiiii io X v.-.'st •'7 11 ou fiist bv Occiiu av l:il.i. 011 west j Oliver E. Benson 4,750 '.''•') to b.y.-oitd'u.u. ii-'oi-..'ejos. 1 .biiill .,'. i.v pi-oS''<'t F.n-fc n7.!0 ) Newel sl, w s, :>25 u Nas.suii av, 25x100. Th.;tiiil--Si.!! to { •;;tlr'rit... V. V.itc of Theijil..l-(' .\iirouS. Rolibiiis t'l City BrooUI.\ 11 1,.500 Fargus Vit-torv to Joseiih H. Chainiiaii 1,000 i'". .Meye;-. N.^\. :>> ;'.,K)0 Fn.iriux sv. u w s, 200 11 e F.roailwiiy, :;;50xlOO. Oxlonl Ht, e s, :;';2.:; u Park uv, l-s.'.ixioo. (Fore­ St -vtius uv. i> e CO'.- i:;s||i si. .',02 to HivJsi.iil iScurv Kiildk', New York, to Ro.sciiiina Bniii- clos.) Albert Diiggett to Auuic V. Lott, :iv. X I'.i'i.-ixOiT It. !:>ll!'it, ;•. ui-st lilt I'latbush .'. 2,0!JO il-".>i. .•!•.> ) Vs'iliiiitii S. K'cii-y i.i The i-'i-iitiVliu's;. w s. 2.5.10 s Calyer sl, 2.5.10x72x^.'5 Oakltiiid St. AV s. 75 11 (Jupoiit st, 25x100. Charles l-'ipiiiiibi.. Life .Vssufituce Sot., Vuilctl x78 0 I5 i*t 1. ('"riilcrielc iV. Seiuckeii lolHii- Fly to Thoiiiiis Stewiud 0.50 Stilt--. lire. 5 • •:5.i,i00 Ihia K. Tn-adwell. (.Mort. $l.:'.;id! 2,100 Pacilic st, IIS. 155 w Nevins st, 20x80. Samuel Fiiioii ;iv. w s. Iv.'i n Cediir A, rittis tiorili j I'crris sl. s c s, SS u .. J'iirtilioii st, 2lxK!0. B. Hallitkiv lo Hcurv L. Pratt (.Mort 1 id.;i X v.-e.-r !:;i.:; X soiitii :i5.r. x wesi Kit.I 1 j Ji'.ui.s Itviin to .lohu Dikeman. ((,>. ('.) $!,.5('(ti " .s.OOd to Tiiuott itv, .X >ouili 75 xciist 2 iO.S to lie- I ' (.Mort .8'.)l»)) """I I'fospect, st, Il w s, 12.S 11 e Htiiulmrg st, runs .qiiuiiug ' I Giiice Court s s. 177 w liii.^ks st :i7.0xl07'.7x 1 northwest about 42 to Fiushiug iiv, x east S(;.7 Coufor.i iiv. e s, 125 u (.'(.Jiir st riti's uoriii | I :i7.'.)xK):;.0. hs^t Is ( to Prosncct st, X souliiwcst 7ii.O to bcgimiiii.g, 111.4 X .'iL-l 270 KiTiiiLiu iiv. X s..utli s.s. Klx \ ^ Gi-itee Court s s, 2:;:] w Hicks st 10x11 l.Oxf (Korccl.'i.s.; Alliert Daggett to Marv A. Glover w-c-i i:i.5 X south 25 X v.i-sl Kioto iiegiuuiug. i j I'.l. IX loo.s, hSel - : • - I (witi.)w) 1,OSO Eii/.rtbetb .A. n'K.-elc (..Miuv F..\Joiiii i)., I John Doherty to John H. Dolicrty. (Moris. Prospect .sf, e s. !25sA'cruoii!iv, i'.oxlOo. Heurv J.>.>.-p!i C. KU..-U J. iiti.l Ki-iiufcs A. O'Kccfc. C..okc. l-'liitbusb, toCaUiuriut. Kelly, Flatbush. (Morl. $<'..di.s.i Feb. -.'i (i..5du I Hal.sevsi.'ii s'25 c Yiitcs tiv, 2dvSOx20.1x7s.O. ((.iorrcctioii tlecii.) ((^>. C.) nom A'ah'titiue iiv. - s. 100 w Myrtle uv. 51.7x7'. !x Siiiuiie! Huuliugliiii, Plaiulichl, N. J., to Pacitic st 11 s. :iSO c Portliiuil !iv, :.!OxlOO, (F.n-e- odxs^.'.T. Heiirieliii K. wit'c of Tiiojuiis M. Bui-b.-ira St.itr..'. -500 clos.) .-Mbert Dapgctt to Churiotte S. wile Moor.- I.. .Jolm ?.lc.Miuion. t.M.-ir. ;---dO.) Hei-bert st u •• e'>r North Hciiry .«(, lOOxl-2.5. of Charles G. Klug ;i,25U Jiiii. 15 '..•!;.r c.rusiii. 2.000 AVilliiim' -Miles lo Bridget wife of Richard Pulaski .st, s .s, 200 e JMarcy av. :;7.0x100. h & AVtishiiigtoii iiv. c s. iols !s. it), :js -lutl ::o aiul (-liitlv. ick 1:viOO 1. J'llizii wife of ]\l!U'ti!i Wellinglioir, Hobo­ sotiilierlv hiilf-20 iiiul ;;7 map L-.-xiti-itou p!, H.-ui'jock sl, us, 21:; 1; Piitcheii iiv,20x100. h it 1, ken, N. J., to James Ricluiioiid. (Mort Williiimsbi-i.igc, !-J.5x::oi) to .Miulisou Hcm-v Al. Birkett to Pliebc AV. Titus, North $l,.5O0) exch av. Miiiti-ice C. Hill!, (Iriiii.ric, N. J., biJoiui lletupsteiul, L. l. (C. a. G.) (IMort guiiicvst ss, :;20 w Yates av, 20x100. (Fore­ S. Loomi.s. Feb. 1''. :J.(HiO $•.',.-,00) !:.'5 clos.") Albert Daggett to Phebe H. Lolt, Lots 1 iiii.l ::::. map of Wiird's Isliiml, :; 4S-K'0 Hi'i-kiuier st 11 s, 2'25 c BulLdoiiv, 25x100, b c*c 1. Jiuuaicii ". I,i"i00 ticrcs. Adriiiii \'iiu Siiiih-reii (l-lxr. AV. Liiw- William H. Hev.-h'tt .Mauhus.sett, L. 1., lo (,)uiiicy st 11 s. 207.8 w Reid ;iv, 17.0x100, h i^c 1. rciicc) to D.-uuis McMtilmu. l^'cb. 2:; ::,5If) Abigail A. :Martlhig ^'M John Cregier to Nellv Brewcrtoii. (Mort Hieks .st (No. 77), easterly eor ()r;iugcst, •25x100. .•52,000) '. 4,000 LK.\SI:HI ILD CON VKY A N. ES. Hcurv L. and Frances S. Pr.itt lo .Amy E. Remsen .st n s, 40 v.- Watcrbury .st, .50x100.. Barrow St. u s, ioo <• Hiulsoii st, -25x110.7. Rec- Halliilnv 1:.',(I00 Heiuseii st. s s, 7:).0 w Wiitcrbiirj' st, '.18.4x05 iV.-. Triuitv Ciiuri4. to Oliver W. AVooil- Hi-^hsKNo. 214), s.s, 2M e Ciolil st 10xl07.-2. Rciiiscii sl. s s. 221.:; w Wtiierbiirv st, 7:!.Ox05 I'oi-.l. 2! Vciirs Irotu April •!. !S;i7. I'l-r Amv E. H.'dlitiavlo Heury L. Prall (•-,000 WyckoIl" st, Ii .s, 172.S w \Vulci-biiry st, Ms vtxir " '. ::50 Hiiueoek sL II .s.' 0!.S w Ralph av, ;;:;.4x.s.5. 4.5ili st s s, 1.511 c L.'xiuglou tiv, :20x!()d..5. ! Joseph .-\. Cull to Cuthuriue Seiiiuiiii 7,000 AVyckoti" st, II s, 40.2 w Wiilcrbury st, i2:;.:i ({•'..rcflos.I Aiubroi-c .Moticil to Roliert (ifie- I Hart st, II s. 1;50 w Lewis av. 20x100. (Fore- k't. l-'t4..-25 7.000 ! cl. ..s.) A Ibert Dagiret t to Joseph Lee 1 ,:;00 Remsen st, s s, 205 w AVaterburv st, 22.llx :;tl itv. c .s. -J5 u IOth st, ISxiiO. Ethviird W, \';ii!- j Hiirt st. n s, 100 w Lewis av, 20x100. (Fore- !);")X-.':;. 1x05. .• lii'ibili iludivitl. iiiiil Admr.) ct ill. to (icorge I clos.) Albert Daggett to Joseph hoc 1 ,:;00 Seigel .st, II s. lot 551. luai) Jacob Booriim, AV. ]\Ii.rcer (Recvr.) uoiii 1 Herkimer st, s w or Br»oklj-ii av, 27.10x05x iiuil ;';;^. ell"et,-ts cojiiirtiiersbip Nicholas Seitz Siime ])roi»'rlv. George AV. Mer<-er iRecvr.) j '.'0,10, gore. Murtha E. wife of Peter N. Sc Sous.., i antl F. .\. I'iiihlock (Ret) to Leouaitl Biiiutl- ! Bciirciis to Elise Sigel 5,i500 Joseph Seitz to :\[icbacl Seitz. (}.1 parl).00,0(!l) ner ii.OIO i S.iiiic Iiropertj-. Elise Sigel wife- of l''r;uiz. Sc-holes st, II s, 7:1.5 o Oid Bushv.ii-k av, 2.5xl(;l), Siiiiii'propertj-. 1;]. W. A'aiulcrbilt (.-\iliiir.) ct New York, to Dietlerich Priggen. (Jlort Lorenz Wiunzganz lo KatlKiriua Drcscb,, nom al. to.situe. (.-Ml tille.) Fi4). M uom .$•2,000) : viOO Sac-kman st, w s~ l-2:;s Herkimer .st,4.5x110, haSe '.id av, c s. (il n Kith st. ISxOd. Eslwartl W. Holliiud st nortberlv cor Paidge av. '.¥.A to ) Is. .Alaggie A. wife of Ai-ihiir B. William.'*, A'au.ieriiilt i.-Viliui-.) el ;il. lo Heiirj- Phitt Newtown Creek, x200x400x200 - East New York, to Charles S. Caswell. i.-\ll litle.i Feb. M ". nom Paidge ;iv. eii.sterly eor Holhii.d st, •2O0x:!!t5.. ) (.Mort .$::,.50O) 0,000 Siuiie j.roperlv. George W. fiercer (Recvr.) Charles B. Andrews' to Isabel K. wife of Skillman st, w s, :).52 s AA'ilkmghbj- av, '2:!xlOO. iiinl !•". .\, 'Piuldock (Ret) to Hcurv Piatt Louis A". Sone. (:!-5 part) :;,000 Marj- E. Edwartls to James A. Edwards..5,OUO Feb. 15 .-!,.S(iO Same iiroiiertv. Charles B. Auilrow-s to Al­ Smith st, e s, :ii:!.4 s Newtown )iike, -2:1.8x10:).0. :3iiav, cs. so..-, n Olst st, iiOxOO. John H. Kor- bion K. Bola'n. (1-5 part) 1,000 .Tanii.*s Gillespie. Hoboken, N. J., to Jobn iiarcus to John Koriiareu.s. (.See Lst tiv. *S Iinlaj- st, s e s, 100 s w Suiiimit st, 1.50.x7'5, Chas, Gornion, New York. 1 .SOO 2.0(.i0 H,"Feilow-s (.A.ssigncc) to James E. English, Soutii Oxford st, w s, mi s Hansen pl, 21.0x200 Now- Havana. Conn nom to Portland :iv. Georgo Selden to Prentice KINGS COUNTY, N. Y. Keaj) St. 11 s. 200 w Lee av, PJ.IxlOO. Daniel Ransom, lowti City, Io\va. (.Mort. .$8,0(JO).4.000 K. Hall. Glen Cove, to ^larv R. wifeof Pnin- Same propertj'. P. Raii.soiii to Elizabeth R. FKitliUAKV 21, 22, 2-;, 2"), 2(;, 27. cis A. Hall ". 0,.500 Goodricli. "(.Alort. $s^VtH)) nom Adiiins st, e s, .50 s Tiilarv st 44x.52.0. Ann Ketii) st, 11 w s, 18:5 n e Lee av, 10.2x100, li & 1. Scbermerhorn st, 11 s, ;>•!:;. 1 e Clinton st, 17.v04.x E. wift' of Luke C. Ryder ft.) John P. D. Edwanl and Alfred Burcham to John 11. l().7xOL Alexander J. C. Skene to Electus B. An'zus nom Schnlier 0,000 AVard. (C. a. G.) (Mort. $8,000) 14,500 Atlantic sr, s -w cor Atlantic st, 21x00. L. Kciip st n ecorKentav, 202.8X-200 to Rodnej- Stockton st, n s, :iOO c Throoji tiv, 25x100. Davitl Fchleiseii to Marv A. wife of Daniel T. st, xi:;o.x8:)x7.s.S to Kent av, x111.:;. (Mort Johaun AVeisensseo to A'alentine Weisenssee4,002 Conklin. Jamaicti. (Mijrts. $11,70:1) $i::;,000 $10,000) : Sackett st, n s, 10:i4 e 7tli av, 20x100. (Fore­ Broadw-av. K w cir Smitb av. 75x100. Martin Keap sL n s, 100 w AV.vthe av, ,88x100 clos.) Gerard M. Stevens to the Knicker­ Ali .reciit to Martin Plage. (Mort .$200)...2,.500 Keap st, s s, 227.4 e AVj-tho av, runs soutii bocker Life Ins. Co 5,000 Carroll st, 11 .s, 100 e Nevins st, 21x100. (Fore­ 100 X east 51.S x soutli 100 to Hooper .st, x clos.) Alliert Daggett to The Gerinauia Sav. 2-2.4 x north 100 x east '20 x north 100 Taylorst 11 w s, 100 s w Wythe av, 20x100. Bank, Kings Co .500 to Keap st, x west 100 Edward L. Titus to Enoch AV. Lawrence...nom Clinton st, e s, 75 n Carroll st. -2.5x100. (Fore­ Ke.ip st, s s, 187 e Bedford av, ;22xlOO Same propertj-. E. AV. I..iiwrence to Dora R. »t clos.) (.ierard M. Stevens to Edward V. Clark Hooper st, 11 w cor Lee av. runs west 200 x wife of Edward L. Titus ,... nom north 100 x east 100 x south 55 x east 100 and Edmund S. Monroe (Exr. C. Clark).. .1,000 Union st, s s, :38 e \^an Brunt st, 22x80, h & 1. to Lee av, x south 45 Clintoii st, n w cor Huntington st, 25x00, Jacob Mondorf to Jacobina Rehii 110111 il-'oreclos.) AViUiam R. Sj-uie to John Hooper st, s s, 122,8 w I^Iarcv av, 44,8xl00x S tu tt 2, SOO -]2.4xl00 t« Hew-es st, 22.4.x200 Same propertj-. Jacobina wife of (George Eehii Cook st, n s, 24.0 e Humboldt st, runs north 70 Hooper st, n s, 105 0 Marcy av, 45x91.7, to Eli'/Ki W. wife of Jacob Idondorf nom X southeast to Cook st, x west 24.5 to begin­ (Bad error in this) Van Buren st, s s, .3:31.0 vr Throop av, 20x100. ning. (Foreclos.) Albert Daggett to James Henry B. Scholes to La-innia wife of 'Wil­ Benjamin Barton to Rachael A. ^xiLe of John Carolan 2,300 liam Simpson. (All liens) nom B. Ketchiim. (Morts. §3,000) 5,525 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 1.S5

AVilloughby .st s s. 1'20.l w Gold st, 20.1x100. ' Harrison av. e s. ioo s Hewes .si. Iil.iixlOO, h i*^- Phebe L. wife of Henrj- Mumford, Eliz:ibelh I. -Murguret .-A. wile ,.f Alfnil J. Liuub. MORTGAGES. P. wife of Theodore A. Jlewmaii, Brooklyn, : llt-mpstetiil. L, 1.. lo Williaiu H. Liiccv. aud Jane M. -wife of .John Birbeck, Gri-ut ' (Moi-t $!,i:oo) :;,u50 NoTi:.- V'/e' (lyrmiijenont of thi.1li.1t is a.i folloirx: Neck. L. I., to Miirj' Pet tit uom ; Kent uv. w .s, -^.'i.ii u Hush st (...xtciuleili, 70x Ihe first viiiii.,' i.-i Unit .,!/" ihr hViitgiigor. then,.i-t I'tml',( Water st, ii s, opposite the point where .-Ash sl i i :i:i^.'.st,!klieii.l iiue l-;! Rivi-r. x(is.'.)xl20.(; ihe niortiioii. e. T!f •U-.icrijition of the pruprrt:/ l.ur'n /..;;..!(-..;. 'thru Tin- liolr :,/ the mnrlgiiije. the ti'iui- o,r iut.'f.sccts AVater st, runs west 275 x north j j x-2.52. Stephen .leuttv. .Ir.. 1>> Moiitgoiuerv nhiiii il .rii::-/ic< u. on,I th-'iiin .mit. 'i'iie i/, iierol linlex 2 i5.:i lo Newtown creek, .x etist :;10.11 x .soiit it '• 13. (.'owii.flhwiiitf.. "Voukers. {>.•; i.iirt!) H.ieil osifiiilihii^iiie Ihe liiitei when Ih-- i,ii,rt<;iiii • ynx •225 to beginiiiiig ; (^iorts. is-:d,ii(.0! ; :;o..l}5 hnuilrd intii th,- lil :ii:;ti-r'.i ofiice to he rei;,rilc,:'. Wilier si, wcstiirlv cor .Vsh sl, runs ivest :i:!1.2 j t'-xiugiou uv. s .s, Ml.Sc Viit.-s JIV, Ki.sxKiO, li ll'/'i<;-'-r«-/- li,.- letiir.i -• I'. M.'' nccitr. pn-eniid im Ihe X .south .S7.S tt") Ash st, X ctist 2i:i. 11 to I t^- i. .lilldes Nel.soii to (!eo|-g..- I :..yutilii.s. niiuie nf ,1 xir,.-i in iha.e li,:l.i of hio,t-io,;,-:i. tln-ii in, on jitiictiim Water st aud point of begiuiiing. j '. i.Mtirts. s:i,;-iOOi iioui thill it i.l n !'u,-chii:-- Mnue;/ .fUtrlr.aije.'oHil for ftdlry oil works i l>nrtii-iil'ir.< SIC ihe list ,if triinsfers u,id,-r lio-correa- ; I.awrtuce ;!\-. s s. jno \v 1st ^1. K'dxldd, l...|itia piiiiiii.ui lime Cii.ssiiis H. Rcii.l. .N'ew ^'oI•k, to Charles Pratt wileiif 'J'hoiuiis H. ;i..v.-ii..i. i'liitbush. t.. Jolm (.Mtirts. .s.SO.OdOi :;,5.(idO , Kt.ciiiiii. 1 iiitiiit-'i l.iitiO Vviilfott st, s w s, iOdse \'!iu Brunt st, 25x7s i Lewisiiv. us, l-ji 11 Hutieoi-l. si. rtliis .--.mlh to to ceiiti-e Ri'il iloi.k liiiie, x 27xs7, (Partition.! 1 Hiiucoej: si, X-»^-e.-t rji'Ox ii.>r!li Km x .iist K'O •loim .), titirlierrv lo Niciioliis Mc^Mauus 050 I X iinrlli 4.) X ciist Kid In lie.uinniu.--. i-ouj.-c M:V; YORK CITY. Wolcolt st s w s, il5s e X'aii Brunt st 25xil0 I wife of (ie'.r.ijjc W. !;r..\vii tl, Siiiuuei .^t i'••!- to Red Hook liUie, x :j7xll2. (Partition.) liiigill l2.ii-:'5 !-'i:!-.!:r.\u\- :iti, 2\. :.'2. i.':i, 25. -jii. ,J;)liii J, Ciirberrv to Nicholas Mi'Mjimts 1,5'.'5 Locust itv, ss. -.'dO (. I,iKe:t\ st. ''loxido p.-nj:!. Aili-el!-;. i-'ii-.lerick. to ('hiirles 1-i>llel-. -till >t Wiilworih st,e s, idOs Park av, 25x100. .-\iii..i!!i mill BarliiU, V'iiii.-y Sti-eaui, I.. L. to i-:iizii .\. e >. -.M.iixiii.V. i''c!i. :.'::, 5 -i-ciir.-i, •! per ct. .-^;.l:dO S. wife of Cltiieiice F. Colj-cr to Andre\'.- .^iiiith '. -.'. (I .Aide:-, Joi'ii it. to Jolm !•'. lij).tons. .\v .A. Shielils uom Mtiuhiitliii! iiv. V,-s, lid s Niis.-itd ii\-. :.'!'v;.-,, |i ,\ 1. v.- s. :.'5 .-, l.-t St. 5I,.XK;(I. Jiiii. li, tide April 5. Withers st n .s, IOO e Leouiirtl st, 2;")xl()0. ],.'tti(' F. wif. of N. I'. Ntii-liiilli to l-un'lje H. Isi-^^. ' --d .Miirlhii J. v.ile of John .•\tigicss. Sariili E. W. Beliulu 11. New Vol!: •;.7(H! .Xndrcs, A'idiiiliii, to George .Auflres. .5iitii -r. wiio of l>. tbiggs tmd J. H. Kiensteil to Al.vrtle iiv. s s. iii c (it.ill st, nnis\--..ui ii K: N.irih Ist, st X c;i-l 2'). Eilwanl Mt-giiu lo N.'W\- av, w- s, :.'5 s J'vci-Lr. . e. oi. :.••:<]''•'. w Av A, •.'! i:x!o:;.:i. j.Vb. 2d. 1 year. i.i IH) llt.ury Hiiiuii!..!!. (.Morts. .$5.400) ....uom .John L, Hiirl to .loiiii li. iuu'l J-Mixn.Xiu-. u.-. .s.V) lii'lij-ens. Aiuelia M. wile twl' Hi itr\-, lir.roKi-, i>. iili .-I, II s, :;sl c.5lli av, 40x00. John Dohertv to OC'IIII uv, ilti.j J. S. \'li.l!-h.!.'s'. aliClxlS: x.'iii.r.x 10 .loim It LoolL ::.5tii >t. s s. ('.-} w ::. im. K.i- -.i'l. !-•>! !,IH.:|I .iohii Al aim ley (o Alviiti H. Jolsu.sou uoui wiitti A. .1. Miclicl, New York, to I.tsuis Jiriiuiiiu, .Miciiaei. toCiUoliiie (.'. Bi-liop. ;.itii Sanit. pidperiy. Alvaii li. .lohnsoii to John autl I Lcbi4 L5i.(i si. 11 V. ::;;, v. '.uh iiv. 40xKMi..5. !"cb. 2;i. 5 "diuy .Miiloucv noiu .Soiaii p..ii-;litiiil iiv, e s, 210 s Hiiti.stiu ])1. .',')x^5. v-.iirs. ii .-eui. 11.00(1 I7!l) >[". u s. 1.50 v.-'.)lli uv. 200x1 sot,,Pi-..r.iicet ii\-. (h'tirecli..-. i .-V IcXiiutler !•'. Kirciieis l.> 'iie. iiriiiiit. I i.-rai-.liis De i.'.,io Alargaret Bogartlii.<. : i-'..i-.,.i-!o.-.,i .A!l.:rrl Dii.i^geil I.) Tiiomas BriiuiU'. G.-rmiuiiii Lite ln.s. C5xI00. Joscplt .At'- liiickiej- III Jiiue Liiviii tdo S-ia-ii. ilenrv. Brooklyu, to Fertliuautl Te;;^... (iivtiey t.) Johu (iiiilbiyle l,;-)dt| -.'il if.--, .• .s,-"74.t 11 iOili st 24.sxlOd. l.'cb. is, Trov iiv, (! s. so s .-\tliiuiic uv, -joxK'O. Ileiu-y :>tli St. II e s, .-i20 s e:jtl"iiv, 2oxlOi). l-'riuikliu 5 vciirs, (i per (.'int. s,0(;() W. Eiislmiin to Diiniel H.-getuaii, Ovsier li iv"-. W. Tiiber to Timothj-Fox, (C. u. (i.) (Morl liiiil'V. Chiirles 1)., to i-:..lwiu-,l li. l-'cliow.s. (Ab.rt $!.50O, .v^it-.j ". -'.IAH. ^•>m 700 ('isl'iiiiriiii. st 11 '.- t.-or Heurv -l. r.'iixid:.'. Feb. .\!!;itit,ic iiv, s e cor Miller iiv, 25x01.Ox25xOL:;. A'iiiiC.ilt iiv, .-s. 2:;d.i; <• (ir;:l)uiu iiv, :-5xKid. h 21. 1 year. ' " V..5dO il'tireclos.) Albeit Diiggett to Tlte Dime Sav. ^- I. -Aliiry •.\ii',-of Diiiii.l Muller to Gtoi-jri. Hfi.v,-u,'.-\uuie \'., v.ii!.. t.f William i'., to Ct u- liiuik, Bi-ookljn r.'..5do II. Hiiiikiiisou :;.diio riul Steiu. ii'lh ;iv, e s, Ilu loili st2:ix;.". .'\iliiutic itv, s .s,"25e Millt.r uv. •2.5.x-;)2. !x-2.5xO!.i). Ve|-t|..u iiv. n s. K'd e Cliutoii st 2d'.'A2.iO. i).'c. -A, iiistiii.-. Kl.ddO > i-'oi-ecltis.) Albert Diig.;,'clt lo The Dime .S;iv. I'iitiieic H. Fii;,-.'Nev.- Vt.iL !.• I'itli-ieJcRt.wi.u. Siiiue !•) siitiic. JOll'iiV, cs. li; It-15lli St. ".'.'ix iSiiuk, Brookij-n 2,4d() lirookljti ;.;.5o lit l!...-. 21, tide .Mav 15. iss;. liiecorth-il .F'ii. i:;.i " id,diio -Adiiutic,:iv, ss, ;")0 e Miller iiv. 25x0:;x:.'5x'.i:i. I. AVyck.itf av. (^ .s, :2.50 s P.iiKic uv.-.• .\u- Citvi.u. Ja- Witt F... to au.l .'Miii J);iilv, li-'oieclos.) Albert Diiggett lo The Dime Sav. tli-ew Aii.g. Lischc. J-^;ist New- "i'tu-j., to Hfiuv liiiuk, Brooklj-n .' -.,400 Wesichoter, N. V. llciiM.iist P. 31. F.-l.. Frii.'iuuuu, Sr "-.'dd .\ilaulic av. s s, 40 w Troj- av, 40xloo. Hei!rv 2;:, :i vciir.s. c.Od Criismaii lo Henriettii wifcuf l.talwigSciulcr. ::.l iiv. w s, .50 n 21st st. .50xKo. Tlie Miiuliiii- Coiiiu. "Juiiii .'... wife of .-\ifi-eil M., to Tn.K 1 .Mt.irf.s. .$.5.000) {,:_()()(( tiiti Siiv. instiiiili.iu to I'liilip Sfiiouilis. t'.NiiKU S'i'.\Ti:s tiKi; lxs. Cti., New York. .Ailiuiliciiv, ss, ,80 u Troy av, 2(lx.S0. Henry (C. u. G.) : :i,->io iiOth st s .s. :i4d cOth av, -.'OxOSO. |.'eli. -20. du- U'. l.:aslmaii to Surah A. H'X.gliiud (widow). :i(liiv, 11 w cor 21st si, oOxi; o. Tiie rdiiuliiUtioi I. l>;o. !,iidO i.\b;rt .$:;,ooo, A-c.) .1.000 Sav. lustitiiliou to'.Ioli!: Scli.jcd. iC. a. G.).:i,(;dd ('.•.iuie.-v. 'I'isoiuiis, to AlerrilL Triiubh\ Cherrv sl (N.i. til;, 25x !•-':;. I-'eb. 1.5. 5 yciif.s. 12,:)00 t lermont av, es. 7:i7.I uMvrtioav. 27.10x100. iili uv. w s, S-I s 1-21 il st :2()x7.".. Eti.gar \V. W illiam H. Vtiu Pelt to John Grav I.(i(j0 Sujjie to RtisudUis liiit-iics. Suiidj propfu-t v. iMiii-.serati 10 Hetirietla ?-IcCart!u\v. '(.M..rts. Cliissoii av, e .s, 00 s Mouroc sl, iiO.xIOO, h & 1. l-'eb. 21, :;yeit!-s. (•^.57:; .Siistui Wagner, Newark, N. J., toJiiiiiisT. $4,dOo, int and tuxes is;;) ' s.t-io CiirroU. }.larv, w il.f <.J1 i'iit rick .1., iiml (b.'orgc i-'. ^\'iignei-, :^o\v Provi.leiice, N.' J. (Alort Oth iiv, II w cor 2-.'ii sr. 4sx!dO. Chiirles AV. idiil Miirj- ..'vuii liiiii.s.-r. to Betsey Kliug. Fril^^chlcr to Ciiurlcs L. . R. Fritsclih-r auii ^iM>) ...7.000 Sttnlou sl, s s, 5.1 w Wiilctt st. 25x7;".. Feb. Frank A. Scile. (Abut--. .$5,2dd| .'.,.• "U ( l;i.s.stiu iiv. wc-.stcrly cor Douglass st 25xKiO. !'.., uoi... 700 tith av. 11 w cor 2-iil st, ISxloo. .Muriu v.ife i.f Jo.sci.h Dohertv to Flleti Bvrnes '(wiiluw). Covii", tiriii.ui-t to P.-'ler i-'ov. I-jOih .sts s. C'harles L. i-'riiM-iiler to i harii-s ^\'. 1'rilscli- •i25 e :;ii iiv. ::dx'.':i.! !. FvU. K.i. I vear, ;-)i,:0 '-Mort. $1,000) : .:!,()i)0 ler. (.Morts. $2,2dO. 5,.500 Dai.'.., Ciit.liiu iiie .v.. I.) Alex. Hiiuulti.ii, AV. F. llmloii av, w s. :3s5.7 ii lie Kalb av, 20.ixI0'". ^i Ciirj, .!r., iuul It li. Aliiitiiru jl'rustccs). h & 1. Cath.-ii-iiie F. Grilling to AViUiam P,! 7th ;iv. s'.v cor Sterling pl. t.'OxOd. (J.'orcclos.) 51tii sf (No. 10-; liii.-t). s s, rj-.'.i; e 4tii av. 22.(ix ,,^flo".i»-* 10,000 Albert Diiggeli to Aliir.v P. wile of Jiiincs It Roaieyii, Kccscvilic. N.Y :4,.500 T^..5. iM-b. 21. I year, (i jier ccur. .'..i.'OO I'elvaibuv. ss. .570e Nostrand av, 2.5x100. Chas Doi-etiuis. I'eter C, t..(io:ii-ge N. 'i'itus, Ciiarles Fitithmds to Fhtlliuifls iit-ck ut'il CuuiU-sie ; il. Dayton to ILirvey Davton, Plainfield. H. Aiiirsimll iuul Ami.rose (,'. Kiu;.:>i-'.u-l,iiOO iicres ! ,,.-': •' 10.000 {'i'nistces). "Wiiverley pl, s w cor Ciiarles st, .list), a plot of M'i'.i7-!,000 uci-cs; also, ss:i-1 Division !iv. n .s. .50 w- P)lh .st 10..8xlOL Maria 20x7.5, Feb, ill, 5 y< i'lr.-. C i"r cent 5,000 l,tiO0 i'crcoii Fliitiiiiulsiiv I., wife of Norman Smith to Mary Eanua Suiue to siiiue. 7i!i i"iv, e -s. i:>.").(; 11 Illh .st, 21 x , Fibs. (Alorts. $:>, 100) '. o,.500 Ruth Auu Dyke to Johu Eiiiiiiaiis, (fj. C.), ,210 OS. it). Fell. !'.). 5 vear.-^, 0 per cent 2,.500 Mushing uv, K s. :i25 e alarcv tiv, 2;")xl0(), h Se\. The 2 first large plots tiKove, .Joim Einiiiaus Fariiluim, Eiizii C., wife of Horace P., to Her­ Elizabeth wife

H.i-rm. Mart aret, M ife John, to Rosanna wife Richardson, Jo.seph S., Brooklyn,to Elizabeth Burrows, Mary A., wife of Lemuel to Sarah A. n I , i It •) \ P I s I o 11 1st St. C. Ricbardson (Extrx). :31stst P.M. Feb. Drew, North Adams, Lexington tiv, 1 . \ II .{LI cent LOOO • 5, :3 years. 1,.500 n s. ;315 e Tompkins av, 20x100. Feb. 20, ( < 0 I _ N J tl Ciiarhs j Same to same. Same propertj-. Feb. 5. :> j-rs. 5.000 :3 years. 2,000 li I ii'i 1 i\ \ IS.O u-.'iill ; .Stjies, Chiirles IL, to John C. Umberfield. 4tli Cauimercr, Louis, ami George F. Abbott to ] 1 'ii N 1, 1S74. 2 i"iv, II w cor (.(Jtli .st, runs 80 x west 74 X norlb Edward Kirby. Pearl st, e .s, 187 s Concord li.OOO \ iJO.o X west ivtj X south 100.5 to (iOth sl, X 110 st-2:5x7.5. Feb. :.'(), 5 year.s, C.ii']ier cent. t.'.OOO I \ I ^^ Il J ml Diiiiicl i to beginning. Feb.'2:i, 1 j-ear. :;,500 Caroltin, Jiiiucs, to George A. Scudder tiiiil V ( t tiu 0 i iriiciiu st Simpson, William, to Anna, Joseph ami R. AV. Wbert Ciiril (l-:xi-s. J B. Oiikley, dec'd). 1 11,1 1,1 A! ly I, -7S..5..500 Sitiiirt ami AVilUam AVhite.sido (Exr.s. J. Cookstns. P.M. Feb. I-2, :)year.s. '2,;500 I 1 ill ) t 11 li/ii J. Bi-;iil- Stuart). Hester st (No. PL'), s .s, 00 o Collins, Catbui-inc, wife of Joim, to George ' 1 N I ( I t I 1 U-, e>,7>;.2 Bowerv, -10x50. Fei). 2:>, due Feb. 2.5. 1881, 0 Lolt Bav av, u e s, lOOxlOO. Feb. '20, I I I M ii> l.OiiO per ceiit. 5.000 :i vciirs. " 000 ( II I) •"! thew.s Nor- Siiiue lo .siiine, Bow-erv (No. '.)'•'•). s c cor 1-re.sler Conklin, Joel, to AVilliam AL Ingraham. I Ulll ii\'. 25x st 2.5x(;0. Feb, -2:!, duo Feb, :.'-5, 1881, 0 jier Bridge St. w.s. 225 s AVillouglibj-st. i.'tjx 107.0. I i I I u I.1.S8!. -.'.000 cent, ;j2,500 Feb. 2:\. (hw Siarcb 1. IS.s:;. ' 2,000 II t ••- \ IK i-.r. 12>lh Same to same, Boworv (N<-i. SO), e s, :i.~..(;x!:.'(;. 10 Ciancev, Ib-iilget to John H. Seaiiian, Heiup- 1 n is villi Jan. :;!, 2 x:i.5..sxl-'0.10. Feb. "2:i, due Feb. 2.5, IbSl, 0 stciui. AVillougli!)V .st. s s. 40 e Prince st -20x 2,000 Jier cent 22,500 .5'.).L i'54i.-i:!, due'Miiy 1,'K-SI. :!,0()0 M 1 *- w I IOM. s(,r. s, Stiiuiiiel, Jolm. to Jiiliii Rheinfcsiik. 2il av, w Chuimiiiii. George AL, lo Siutih G. Benedict et t i I ) . M- (i pc. 4.000 s. 02.2 u 74tli St. 20x77. Feb. 20. ;: yrs. 0,000 ;i! (Tru.stees). Purk pl, s s. --Ml.:3 e Oth av, 10.8 -I 'ill ^11! iiroiier; V. Sivle.s. Chiirles IL, lo Willelt Bronsmi, .Astoria. xldO. Ft4i. 20. :3yc;ir.--, Oper cent ;5.(!00 tdOO 4tli iiv, n w cur OOth sl, 100.5x110. Jan. •2'J. Satue to .same. Ptirk jil. s .s, 22L7e Oth av, lO.S I 1 i II '> 1 p!-oiicrI\-, demand. 10,807 xlOO. i'5 b. :-('., ;.; yt-iirs. 0 per cent .5.000 l",(iOO Tiilbuau, Jiuttib B., Jamesburg, N. J., to Cliapiiiau. Joseph It, to Furctis A'ictory. 7tJi \ il ^ Fit/ ( i-i-ald titul Charles E. Lil rued. 5th .'iv. e s. 7:;.:J n 41st .St. w .s. P. M. K>-b. -i>K ilui- -Miirch 1, KSSl. .-JtiO I 1 Idi 1 ^i US loo e lltii st 51x100. Fi4).-J.5, due May 1, K^^l^. 8.000 Cutter, ihii-y E.. wifo of Ttioiuas. to Jubn T. I ^ is I I c,.!it. -1,000 TitiUior, Ellen C.. wife of .bimes. to Andrew- Wulsli. AVarren st, s w- .s. 1.55n w iid :iv, iiOx J I'liislds E. Luke, Cos Cob, t.'oiiii. Fiiiukiiii !iv. u w 100. Fell. 20, due Nov. I, 1SS2. 050 t •- I {' tl 1 ug loud..) cor 1701hsl, -itxlOO. Feb. 20, due Nov. 20. Cipperlj-, Sojiliiii C., wife of llenrv J., Io Clara .5,000 1877. L500 Leggett Ry.u.soii .sl, w .s. P. "31. Feb. 15. I II I J I II Iirt. av, Tuyloi-, Joliii. Bavsitlc, L. t, iu AVilluuii Luiu- I vciir. 0 per ctuit .".tJO iti ..(' luo Mutch liii.s. 4l!; av. :i5!li sl. P. M. Feb. 21, due Cuki.s, Etlwui-.l F.,Gi.u Cove. L. L, to Fhile- SOO Fell. :2:l l.^'^l,(".-per c.-ut .5o,(;yO luoii IL Froiit Hii-i;s si (No. :-iii-Ii. w s, 8.) ti 'I I ->t 1 t s .-, 21.'.0 Totleii, Emilia .A., wife of .li>liii. to Willitiiu S. Aiiiitj- si, runs we-t s;; x north ii x '.v(..-t 17 x Ih — II 1 .^ > I. irs, 0 per an.l J.Jiii R. Bleecker, Foiui.'ioii, N, J. 4;id uorlli :i7 X ciist 1(0 111 Hicks St. x south 40 to 4,dOu st, n s, i;:.'5 w K.ith ;iv. 25xK'0.;5. Feb. 21, o bef^iuuiug. 1-.41.'.'2. I \ Cit I- .sou I ^ C s. -IS :, 5t il years. L\2.50 Dt.iiiiclloii, Corueliu.s, to Heiin Al. Brueiu (Tius- 1 I I cur .".d'Oo i Totteii. Eiiiiua A., wile of .iohu, lo Julia A. li-.-t. AVashiuglou iiv, w -,. 2d'.) s Alvrlle av. •*j -^ 1 -I'l .V (',-. i Low. 4-it!i st, s s, ii25 w loth uv, 25x100.5. K;.;ixK)0. Feb. 21. iliieMiiicll, !, i--^:!. 4,.5()0 '.'S.S::i7.i;x ' Fe!). 21,5 Viiirs. 8.'25U .Suiue to .'.uuie. 'ii'i;.;!!.!! ;iv, w s, -2;i,5.:; s i.i.OO ! AViickcr,Miirv (wiiK.w i, u> Chiirles R. I'hri.stv. Alvrtlc uv, !0.2xlOd. l-'eli.-Jl, iiiic March 1. I II f tl ..--ust iiv, ; list, s.s, 20\.'.0e iili av, i:2.(;xOs.O. Feb. IS,":i l-ki. 4,.50o \) •> rei . •;.!. i vc.r.-.. ' 5,500 Siiii:.' I.l Siiiiie. AVii-hiiu.tou iiv, w s, 102.11s .501) I .SiiiiM? to Jo.sejJ. 1'clz. Stiuie in-opcriy. Feb. Mvrlieuv, Ki.lxKii. Feb. 21, due March!, i'. Si-.iiw. \ i'.l. 1 yi-iii-. " " i:.(iiJO l>s:;. 4,.500 I 1 iii-iii), -vs- s, i Wiirieii", •iViiii:>!u D.. lo Wiliiiiui li. I'iiiiitis. Delllllleic or lleld.die. Fclel-, to Sebastian .. ..'.. Kl. F..).. : -iliii St. J'. -Al. Fc!). -.^0. 5 vear^, (• per \ lieiiii. Soutli Iill st 1'. M. Feb. ~':i. 2.0dU ; cent " 4.000 1 .-. .years. ;500 \i I >.-:ii .•^•ii:i.\i, j Wrigiir. 'i'iiouias \'., New Ca.-.tle. N. V.. lo i i)ii-iii;ir. Aliiiiii. wil.-of i "iirl, to Riii>hiiel Rc'iil-/.. I ^ i'liebe .liiiic Piirimiu iind isiii-ic Young (J-'.xr.s. | (.'ook st. s s. tot 2:i n;iip of p.-oijerly iu Bush- L'!.. 'S, i .1. M. Wi-i-!il). New Ca.-lle, N. Y. st, i wu-k. udj Wiliiau.slmi-li, ii.5x!00. Feb.:.'::. 5..'')dU N.I. 20, aud Nos. 11 uud 12 Dover .st Feb. \ .lue April 1, Is-.i. 1,200 i iiri.-k. to 21, 5> 5,000 ! Eilwitnts, Juiuis .\.. lo Jiiiues -Meehaii aud ( i ' lli iiiii! -A. I George Cuilerliill iFxi.-. J. H, Pall'), Skill- 4i Sl ; No. ••- j liiaii >t w .-, :,12 .., Willoiighliy av, 2Jxl('0, ! h'.'!.. r.'ii, 5 vetirs. 2,000 •i.OOO KINGS COUNTY. N. Y. I Elv, Chiirle.--. New York, to H. B. Siuith, AVcst- •I-, '.id ilV, • iicltl, Mu.s.s. 1''.ii^:;le st s s. :;-.'5 e Oakland st. Fi:n. 21, 22, 2:1, '.io, 20, 27. Ilo!.->. l.ddO Oxll'O: Ciuj-sl. s s. idO e Oakliiiul st, 2.5x100; \i 1 .. F!i/:i .\. Alfred, Riciitini. to The Uiiloii Co-oiicru- Ciitvst, s s."-75 e Oakiaiid st. 2.5x100; Dupont 1 UV, !i 1 • -c live Lund i^ Building Soc, New \'oi-k .-t li .s. •i:.*5 c Oiiklaiui .-t i50xl00; Eagle sL n s. ^•,d()0 AViliicrsiJtioii st, ii s. 175 w- Stuvve.saiil tiv, :i75eOaidiu:ii st. :.'5xloo: Eagle st, s s, 400 e • oil St. 2.5xK'd. Feb. .;, 10 veiir.s. iu.r. B.iichcrt Carl F. AV., loGcu-gcLofllcr. Flovd Oth av. 2'2d .st P.M. Feb. i.'i3, 5 years. :;,O0O ) 1 Ill-car. July I ^.l. P.M. Feb. 27, due Ali-.rch 1, 1881. ;j.50 Fc.iier, Jacob, to Kiul Btiehr. Jobnsoii av. 1,':;(JU } Bciile.s, Phebe C, wife of Henrj-, to Mugdelcue iis, :2,5xlUO. Feb. i:0. due Jan. 1, 1.880. Gper \ 1 I ^L. to Sam Schenck. Grabaiii uv, e s, 80 s Coiiselj-oii st, ceiit 2,l;00 1 M. Ft4>. PJOxloO ; Coiiselj-ea .st, s s, 0(^.8 eGrahum av, Fromme!, Piiuliue A., wife of Cm-1 F., tt» Agnes 2,1 i05 ruus soulh 80 X ea.-t :3;5.4 x south '.iO x east 75 L. w-ifeol Charles H. Kimberlv. Monroe st, ss. I Felj. 25, ! .X north loO toCon!.;elyeast, x west 108.4. Feb. P. M. Feb. 22. 5 year.s. " 4,500 2,t)05 iil). :3 years, 0 per cent 7,.500 Fronimol, I'iiulino A., wife oi Charles F., to 1! Ul 1 % n. 77tli .-t Boiid, Frederick, to Lsuac TJ. AVillets (Exr. David N. Brown. Monroe st, s s, 105 e Bed­ 2,005 Aiiij- Pinkbaui, dec'd). 'Jlh st, s e cur ford av, 20x100. Feb. 22, 1 year. 250 1 1 1 / t I L lid (Guard.), Market st, 75x138x81x1.51. Feb. 15, due Fox, Timotbv, to Franklin AV. Taber. *2Sth st. 1 - I 1 4 I iiiai) Fair- March 1, 1880. 500 P. M. Feb. 20, 5 years. 500 Ill^ 1, li^'Mi. I,s.50 Biewertou, Nellj-, wife of G, Douglas, to John Gould, David IL, New Y'ork, to Emeline Mc­ ,ili ^tii 1 1 av, e s, til Cregier, Quiiicv st, u s. P, M, Feb. 21, Cormick (widow). Flatbush av, e s, 246.1s I I I'M..; Convcvs.) 2 veui-s. " ' 850 Butler st, runs east 124.11 x southeast 27.1 x I ";i.:;oo Buifeti, Uciii-j-, Flallaiids, to Peter Lott Flat- east :i5 x soutii 130 x east 25 x south 8.7 to I II I IJ A cstiamiii O. lands. Mill lane, n s. P. M. Feb. 2:3, I'rospect Park plaza, x west 144.5 to Flatbush t il J c J av. P. AL 5 j-e;irs. 4,500 av, X north 85. Feb. '25, :3 yeais. 0,000 22,(i(;0 Burrow.s, Murj- A., wife of Lemuel, to Eldert Grening, Paul C. and Erastus B. tiiiase, to Cor­ ^ L V M Dec. 20, 1 Beigcu, Jauiiiica, L. I. Lexington av, n s, nelius S. Sti-.ykei-, Gravesend. Lexington av, 1 1-2,000 :;:35 e Tounikiusiiv, 20x100. Feb. 20, :> yrs. :3,000 S.S, :;8l.:3 e Tompkins av, 18.0x100. Feb, :20, R:..i^- lit, V \ii 1--U A... 10 Aiirou P. and AVarren Same to s^iiuc. Lexington av, n s, 53.55 e Tomp­ due May 1, 1881. 2,7.5y .A. i;:i!;:-. •Ii! io:il i.^uriu.s A'\'. G<:cr (Exr. J. ii. kins av, 20x100. PY-b. :.'0, i3 yetirs. ;3,000 Same to same. Lexingtt.m av, s s, :3rt2.() e '-i,\ av, s ... <., IKj.l s w- lUlb st 21.10 Brown, Juliu and Michael, New Lots, to Fred- Tompkins av, 18.0x100. l>\b. 20, due Mav 1, X :•-.'.. (' -t J. i .-.-.-ill-. K'.noo cric'c Aliddendorf. Baj-av, u s, OO. 1 w Eldert 1881. 2.800 i;i.uiciiii,t. •r. l'!" ueiick AV., n. Charles .^anus av, 25x100; Ba.v av, ii w cor Lincoln av Same ^to James L. A'an Alst, Newtown, L. I. Miiriiiy. 11 jut st il \v s, l:i7. Ine Be. kman 15:3.3x78.1 to New Lots road, x 157.1xll4.'2. Lexington av, ss, '34'd.i) e Tompidus av, 18.9x fci, :;5x72, Rii. 19, 5 years, 0 iier cent. 0,OOo Feb. 18, due Feb. 1, 18SL 500 100. Feb. 20, due May 1,1«SL 2,800 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 187

Same to .Tohn and J. Adrian Ditniis, Jamaica, Stutt, John, to George AV. Bergen, Hempstead, Same to .same. 700 L I. Lexington tiv, s .s, :3'25 e Tompkins av. L. L Clinton st Huntington st P.M. Feb. :30, Slewnrt. Orluiulo L.. to lb-race Bamanl. nom l.s.OxlDO. Feb. 20, dueMay 1, I.'^81. 2,700 due March 1. K^si. 1,000 Tavlor, .John, Biiysi.le, L. I., to Amelia Hall. Caroline, wife of Harrison. New Y'ork. to Tavlor, AVilliam, to Alarv A. Patchen. Clinion Freeiuiin. 5.228 The Rutgers Fire lus. Co.. New York. Ellerv st, e .s, li:J.5 s 4tiri)I, '20x'.!0, Feb, 20, Tayh.r. Tii.imas P.., to Marv TL Taylor. UOIU st n s. iWO w Tompkins av, IJOxlOO. Feb. 10, :; years, 2..500 Siime to siillie. 'i vear. 1.000 Same to same. -Uh ])l. s s, 70 c Clinion st, 2d,x The F'tni^.i-ioit .rntliist!'ill Siivings Ban!:, t'l III.ill lliili. Aliirv R., wife of Francis, to Dtmiel K, li:!.i5. F.-b. 20, :; vciii-s. :-'.-50() Fldwiini F. !;r.>vvu •( iiin-.l. >. Hall, Glen Cove, L. L Keap st, n s. P. M. Tli.> First Germtii! Metiitnlisl l-'^pisi-opti! ("hiircli, Till' Isltn-.i Ci'\- liiinlc. Citv New York, to 120,1 so Nov.-io, due Dec. 1, l.s.SO. :3..500 AViili.-uu.sbtirgh. to The Alutuii! Beiiefil S.ic. Orliiiitio L. .SK-Wiut. UOIU liiirt, Charles B., to Marj- I'', and Leiii Dietz of nienibers of the I'^usterii (ieriuiin I'oufer- Tti-ciUlo. I.ilili .\., to L.ili!- F. 'i'.isciiuo, IIOUI iJ.'.xi-s. C. H. Diclz. dec'd"). Stockton st, s s, cnce Alethi.iilist Epi.sco;>iil Churc'i. Yatis pi, Trimm. G..o. S.. to Miiuu. ! i'ei.tly. nom 151.0 e Yiites av. 17.:3x100. Sept. 11. :3 K e s, 200 n e Broiulwtij-, |.:i.:ix!l'0. Jtuic 2.'.. I'uiou Piui.. S-i'.-:::'_.s Iti-tO uti'iu. to'l'lico- yi-iirs. ' 2,000 1 vear. L'.OOO ilor.'H. Nicliol; iuiiI Arthur W. Spiiiiii- lliiililock. Tlioniiis, New Y'U-k, to James Bulger. Taylor. AVilliam, to FiUvuril F. Piit'luii. I'l'rustee). Jiewesst, n s. :i-i0.4 w Harrison av, 20x100. Clintoii st secor 4lh [iI. .52.5x70. Ft.|i. 2d. l'nion llime Si"\iu. s Tu-titutioii, to 'i'tic Ft4i. 1.5j-eiit-s. 4.000 :3 years. :i.<'00 Aieti-opoljtan l.iS'.r lus. C.i. llii-s!iii.ger. George, to I'lli.-tibetba Laiitenklos. Ta.vlor, AVilliam. to Alariu l.\ Devii.. f'lindiu Siitile t.-- Sillllf-. (irant'l st, tl s. 50 c IOlh st, 2-5.x05. Feb. 14, St. e p, 7:;.5 s lib pl, 40.x70. l-Vb. •2(i, :i veats. Vou II.!vtd. F.ite (Ksr. <). \';-u HoviiD.lo tliieJaii. 1. isss, (Ipcrcent :!,000 2 mort.s. • i'.ooo Ailoioli A.-cl-.-r. nom llc^ieiniin, .Aletta ,AL A., wife of Jo.seph. to, AVillium, to F.tiwar.l F. P-itcheu iTrus- AVifu.-r. .Aiii.oI.ii'M. lo ]:. .-'iiiii l-'.-viiM. iitiiii Miirv .V. Ii. wife of Walter Howe, New York. I'.-e). Clinton st, 0 s. ;5:].5 s 4th p!. 20.v7d. Wood, Jo.-it.'pli L. 1!., t.i H.-ieiiu t. G. Asiii- Ciiiitoii :iv. e s, l!7.(i s Cfreeiie iiv, runs ctist F54i. 20. :•! v.'iirs. 2.."oO iiri. S.dOd !2o X south -10 X easl 75 t.) Humiltoii st x Ttibiii. Aliirv. to F.ilwartl F. Piilelieii. isth st. AVoolsev. Tlie...! P.. iFxr. Jane Witrt!;, f.i s.iiilli 15 X w.'st 75 X north 5 x west I--'5 .x s s. :!s.s..| \v 5(hnv, :!!.sxl'id. F.!.. 2t :i \-i-.-^. '^'•••0 Eiizii'M., wife Niitiiiuiiel P. Biiilcy. north .50 to bcgiiuiiug. Feb. M. :; j-eai-.s. 15.000 Yan Brunt Heurv. h. Jolin M. Yov.ivx. >-A.\ A, lliir.iiins, Wiiliiitn B.. to John f'. "Diivis aud ss. .'^Oe5th ;iv," 05x00. Feb. is, .lue Julv 2.". ^Iii._Mr. 13. Liicev (!'h i.-i:cTt:oKs. ';7x-.'5v.s.!.:;. Dec. til), :! j-etirs. * 200 ns. P.M. Feb. 21, due Akti-cli, 1, Isso, 4,ood X. •-'MCiiUii! st . J. P. l-..-!.-. S7;.-i tt>uer\-. Britlget to Anne Rice. York st, n s, P.l.iek. K. t-iil Suiiim- st, ... liciiiheitiier ,t :.'5c"Ciiarles"st, 2;5xlOO. Feb. 25, due March SelidOtl. Il) v.'..-i. d I, iss.i. 1,000 ('roll V. Jlichidl. ':"! Tth ,av . ,1. Kriinioiis. '-du r..iino!l.v. .M. --;-,*IT-J.i av. . ,1. Kiii.ii..iis. .'.'d ."liiitiiiews, Sii.-tiii, wife of Owen, to .lames D, vTORTG AGKH — ASSIGN M F.NTS Heitz. K. Citv .. 1'. It.i.-lu'i-r. ti:i :i.--,li t\ iicli. New York, Fiicilic st, s s, 140 e Ni!W Klein. If. :ii)i; Till uv. .11. Korie. ."Ciii York uv, 20x!00. Fi4.. i.Vi, 2 yeans. 1,'2(;u NF:AV YORK CITY, Lewis..). I'iiv. .t l-:iiiiiio!is. :!ir. .Muller, Hi'iirj-. to Jolm Dill. .V'tlinilic a'v, s e s, Jb-Doi-i.l.l. M." .-if.'tdlii av . I! Mi-nke. SMt .".0 s e t 'iirlt'U aV, i;oxso.4x20.5x74..5. Feb, Pi, FKIUU-.MIV 20 TO •id—INfLlSl V 1.;. Miiher. 1'. 7ii'. :•..! .-.i-. . F Iteiiiliiiiier. iK'i -S,0 line Aliircli 1, ISSO. ;-,(.10 Ackerman, William (,:., Kiiigsbridj^c, toF;>F Me! ioijiliii. !'. J. li t'ciitre st S.'iook X' l-'.v'.-iiir I. :.',-,d -Muipiiv-. Jt.lm. l.iMiiriis W. Hovt. Dean st-. ii wiird Liicits. .st450 Ni.'hols. It lli C'oy J. Kiiviiioii.l. I.'.il s.'.).5.KI e Smitii st :.>().IOxlOo" Feb. iiO, due Best, AVilliam J. (Recvr.i, to George Dct- K..hl.'i-. .1. 1 |:i Kss.'x vt .. .I.liiun. l(!0 Miiy 1. Iss:;, (-, per cent l.;500 ner. 2,^dO VtollilLSell, K. .S. IS KilSt ll'.thst ...W. ('. .\liillli^-. .Muri-iij'. Miir.v F. T. (widow), t.) F'rniic.-s C. Bii.ssiiig. AUKiuda, to I'hclie A. Priest a;I l.d(.0 imxiiurv. D.itigliiss sl, s s. 112.0 w Siuilli sl. (widow). '.'.!() Itotins..!!. 1-:. S ISKi,^!, ..y City. liyaii.'flioiiiiis. ("itv "M. .1 Kollv. d>.i .Annie (i. wife of Jatuos F. Alerlikiiu, Canadii Caiilihvel!, AVilliaiu A, aiul N. Bi-hop Seiiik.-u. F. City.. .'.tii.vlies Ill-OS. (itiO We-t to The !'hiii.t;r!iiit liidustrial Sav. Bunk, (Fxrs. Fl Ciiulilweil), to Joint D. Leiiiiig- WiieseiTiaiiti. F. ' .'il.itl av (; ItiiiL'I'.r iX Co S.O .N(?w Y.)i-k. 2-.'d St. s w s. SO s e 4lli av, :iOx weil, etui (Tritslees). " 0,!!:; Wilkclis, \V. l.i ('.-iitn- st r Kell.-i-. -K.'d Old. D-'c. 2.S. 1 year. i.'.OOO Corii.slock, Ciithuriue A.. C, to Avh-ltu Jt. Hoisi-riti-ii.i) Krii.xiTriiK O'lirieu. J'ulrick i"., to Siiuiiicl B. Leoiiiinl ami Cooper. 4,000 .\:..l.-rM.ii, M. .\. i.'-,' F,.i.-t ..Uh sl I M.-ii.-k',-. -",7:1 T. Albert Ciisbmtiii (E.xrs. JJ. Cooper, dec'd). Comstock, l-'rcderick IL. lo Alexiiuil..|- li. .\ii-l.-s. S. .Ml West sl I. \V rrPii.-ii. :.'.-(I Ili-wcs St s s, in.s w tuf av. 10..-JX100. l-Vb. iiud Eilwanl Harmon (Exr.--. iVc. P. Hiir- .\l water, K. X t. .\. City . P. W. Siia..|.-r. SiNl -.'5, 5 j-eai-s, 0 per cent 5.000 luoii. 10,000 I'oWlHiU!. M. II. -J".'. West -.'tst st t; K. .k \V. K. .{u; Kmou...- st... F. Wiiiiii. Siime to .same. Lee uv, w s. 100 s Hewes st. 22 Di.voii, Joseph M., Brooklj'u. to Beruliiiril Fiirtiilurc autl I'ixtui-es. Slid .x('>7. Ft4.. -'5. 5 years. 0 jier cent. 2.000 Fiild. 500 liuriis. M. .1. l-.'I WcM L'Tili .-t....Wtl..-ox\- Kiii- Keiiil. Ca.ssius H., New York, to Nancj- Stokes. Doolev. Michael, lo Tiie Hebrew ilutiuil •i.-.V. (H) (il.-J Water st ati.l Ash st oil reliiierj-. P. M. Benelit Soc, Ni..w York. ISd'.i. .5,.50i) Kiiiiliiitr, .J. P. :;;i'''> I'.roiitluiiv C. C T.-ivlor yiii 1". il. ii:3. 1 year. 40,000 ]'.^shei-, Wiiiiiim R. to liiuiiel Sweenev. :;i)i Hal.lwiii. .1. II. ,*i- .\. v.. Ciiy.'.. .1. I; Feri'v. .Ri .--r. Kusscll, Susaiinu E. C, wife of AValter C, to Fink. F'iedrich, lo Jiimes AVillev (Recvr.) iioiu Ciiiv. O|.orf;e. MiCiiiiloi! )il \V. \V. Clav. ill) 1 -ji!() Clav. Oeoi-L'e. .'iH Ciinion oi . t S. Clav." ii..y. .',(11) York. A'eruon av, n .s. P. M. Feb. '20. Kaliselier, Alphonse, to jlargaret Ru.s.sell Coriov(.il. .1. W. r.t'..-> r.roaiK.viiv... P. I'O.i-nix.set-uritv :; years. 4.50 (widow). 2,500 Diiveiii.ort. T. L. -HitiKast I.Mli -st.. ..II. i8ame to same. Vernon av, n s. P. M. Feb. 20. .Siime to same. 2,500 maii. il.lKrO :; yeiii-.s. 4;50 l-Zenioclian. Abir.v S.. wife of J. Frederick, I)i..het-ty. JI. F. ti.-):.' Fast Kith st I. 11. (...r- iiian. 1.^)0 11ieger. Josepli. to Joseph AVolt !Mcli-ose st, s to AVilliiim S. Kernochan. lO.f.iOO liisKrow. C. II. &J.F. MS Kast I'.'Slli st... A. e .s, :;25 11 e Evergreen av, 25.xl00. Feb. 25, King, Archibald G., to Archibald (L King C. Uiiy. ,l.'i 5 years. 200 (Trustee for Fanny K. McLane. 5,000 Frank, i. M. City F. tutlke. steinmctz, AVilliam G.. to AVilliam I*:. D. .Same to same. 5,000 Fi-aiieis. (Jeo. I.l "Williiim .,t....F. .V. C.iiiklin;,'. Stokes, Ne'.v Y'ork. Henrv st, s w cor AVar­ Same to same as (Trustee Marj- K. Rich­ Fixtures. Fiiriiitiirc .tc. ren st 10.-2x100. Feb. :](), instals. 0,000 ards. 5.0d() Fiillerioii. .\. K. ami uif.-. '211 East Mth sl.... C. Schoewalii. •Sliiirkej-, Pairick, to Horatio G. Oiideidonk. Siime to .sitme. 5,000 .1f!0 iiro.)ms. t. •,'ii -..'7tli st W. H. Mcliilire l.;-|i.ll 1-ievoe st, s s, :300 e Bushwick av, 25x5O,4x:30.x Ladd, William AV., Brookijn {Admr. lo J. Ories. W. :I01 :;i! av... c. Hirth. i;4.5. Feb. 27, due Mtiy 1, 1.S87. 000 I.,aild). to Fannj- Mtiyre (widow). 8,170 -t(:0 Harris. .1. JI. Citv .. K. .Slil •Steven.-, P>etse.y, wife Joseph S., to AVilliani H. Mctiouikej-, George J., to Mrs. June .lohnsoii. J. ',.. 2ii Miii!is..ii sl ... .\. JIcDonald. IIO iirowning (Tru.stee). Monroe st, ii s, 100 e Mencke. lunii Klein. .1. .Itnielaiievsl Williaiiisburgli llrcw- Lewis av, 75x100. Feb. '20, due June 1, McGovern. M.. to .Tames McGovern. 2.5oo iii;r Co. Furiiiture. Vixim-es. ini) l.'''7,S. 7,000 Miller, Elizabeth S., to A.senatb Augevine. 1,510 l.aiiiliert I'l Cit.v W. H. Xewmau. J.iri f.aiifrliliii. 15. M. 'l.5.-i lith av... Day. .Son & Co. -I.-.O 'Steward. Thomas. New Y'ork. to Leonard Geig­ Paj-ne, William H., to Cluvrlott E. Wen- 1 emieiii. ."M. Cilv .. M. lioodhart. tin er, Hudson, N. Y. Oakland st. P. M. Feb. man. :3,ooo Alaf-'ce. C. C. Tll'W.'^r lUtii st... W W. Jla^.-e I ' IKI 2:;, 5 years. 250 Ph.imix, Phillips (Exr. S. AVhitney), to Allison. K. W. :'.s:, .Mliav.....\. Jlclhail.s. " '.ir.'-, Schoen, John, to Tbe Manhattan Sav. Inst. Marj^ S. AVhimej-. 2.oii(; VlcTeili/ltc. .1. lis KilsMtiitll st C.Mi:TcaL'lle l.'iO :!dav, 2Lst P. M. Feb. 10, 1 vear. 2,000 Quintcrn, Edward, to Charles PeilTert I,(i;"iO M(.'T.-aErii'\ Cliarl-.tte. UH East tiOtli sl....Friel f3ame to .same. ;3.1 av. P.M. Feb. 19, lyr. 1,:300 Richardson, Elizabeth C, Brooklj-ii, to As- .<:• Hand. :«ii "Mun.hv. AI. -ien Kasr t.'-M sf. ...E. D Farr.-II :^; I .Sclmller, John H., to Edward and Alfred enath Angevine. 1,-100 Newcomli. Jl. •,'l!i W.-st 1-J.I st ...L.N. Uiee 1 ."ii 0 Burcham. Ketip st, n w s. P. M. Feb. 20, Schaub, Henrj-(Exr. C. Schneider), to Wil­ Nulin. Oct). City. . C. A. Tuttle. Fixtures aii.l 5 years. 5,000 liam Pra.s.s. " 000 Fm-iiiture. securitv Sclmller. JohnH., to Eliz.a E. '.Seer (Extrx. R. Schwalz, Ciitbariuc, wife of AVilliam. to Priiiee. V.. V») iMIi av... ('. II. Dorr. l.-n Seer, dec'd). Keap st, n w's, 183 n e Lee av, Samuel Field. ' 2.000 Richartl. 11. 7:S Markt-f st... M. Stemjier. 500 ^ 10.2XUH). Feb. 2:3, 5 j-ear.s. 2,003 Seitz,|)h. to Michael Seitz. nom P.ol.iii.soii, I. S. :!t7 West .'IGth st.... F. lirath- mann. g.-; Stiitt, John, to AAllliam Chisholm. Degi-aw .s't, Seymour, Stuah K. (Exr.x. Charles H. Sej-- Riussell. J. \V. 177 lUist S5th sr... W. H. Otis. no n s, l)2.G w Van Brunt st, 12.0x75. Feb. '20, iiiour, dec'd), to Caroline Seymom-. 2,500 Handiill. J. E. City... F. T. xVdler. Fiiniitun-. 180 3 years. 500 Same to same. SOU Read, C. H. Hoffman House—A. Robbins. security 188 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

Sherman. C. A. Citv... .E. J. Ilaker. -son i 3Iolonv, T. 4F>Eastl17thst....J. Wade. Trucks, Burpmyer. .lohn P. (i:l Raymond st — X. Sio.ltiani. A. City ..T>. H. Bolster. H. i.-iO I &c. (U) 1,000 Icr. Truck. 2,50 Si.irrs. Aidii..'li. Citv. .1. K.'lly. • -J S.VI I :.Iu.s:,'rt->ve. M. -Ti') West list, St.. ..Plielps, Raker. Richai-d ant! Sopliit; Kempe. 1!)2 Wash­ S..i.>!n..!i-^ \ S lit W.-si i:;.! st C Ailier. :.m \ !)oi.i;,-e& Co. Fixture.s. ii,70:i ingtou sl \llierl Block. Fiirniture. >^K Siiieker. X. .v C. id-Ji! .tv ....('. F. W.-ilte!-s. t-'O i McGiveii. T. Citv I. CavaiiaKh. Fixtures. 10 Ronnie. .Ansel Btui.iami!i B. Aj-crigf?. 5-PJ s".l..vaii. I'. .*. K. '.i:: Hrsi.-rsl ....1. ti-lviiiofsky, .•;! : ."Merkel. Cf). i'.."iSii!li av Al. Sclmeitler. Fi.x- .'-:chooiier Eiliiuim! Driu^is. 1,'J)0 •riii-i-^-iii.;e!-. >;. iis.SiuToik st....]i. S.-hilc. lli i tui-.-.<. l.Oiil Boesli. Matliiiis. !i:i;l Broadway Raphael rav!..-. M. U-: >!-i,i!s..:i S. \U-,i,y. .-i!!) ; Aliiik. .Olid! (!. Ci!V....A. Fcr.u'cr. Fixture.s. :,:,0 Brown. Cows, Horse antl Vi'aKou- I'iO raVior. .51. Mi;M;..; M. yald..s. I lidd , Mold.i. C. li. -•iOd liiisl mil st r. ,1. Wasliliiirii. Byer. .l.iliii H. Mil! Fullon .st Fretlerick Va'-i Kuis'. :>!. -Ml. Kast :;:i.I st... .-,. !.. \iiis!i : llor.--..'. .t.-. ~'10 Si.'fer. Bariier Chairs. -Mi )•::, : .MorrisiUii:! S. Boat Co. City....!'. C. AruoM Cromer, l-'eniiiiiiud. •JII Broa.lwiiy. ..Warren. .ltd t. t.-e-. •j:ii.) . & Co. St.^-ini Boats. (U; li.MXiO I.'oote & Son. Bakery. 7(iil Vo •-. .lui CoiislaiUiiie. AIar;riiret A! S7 Irving pl .lohu 1 I'.ni: ...I! .-^e Ij.- ;."4 ; "Murrav. .1. Cii v . ..It. .t Ni.:hols..ii. Horse, ole. idd v., liill. ::d : N't'-.v-V'.irk Atliieti.'dull. City....!>. ll.K'.owl- F. Witiieis. Piaiiti. r.t Vr; . .-IT: Colin. Mary. .•!5:i Fulton si Beriiheiiuer .V V:, • "A';,;. •u: Sd . ioti. iJoiUs. .vc. .•;..-lii) i;.;-.'- • Nilseii. M. .-t \ev,-st... .1. Dil.teil. I'l-fsses. UH) Sclimiii. Fixliii-es. •K.c. 1,11(1! A; ',••:-. '.iii ..•|:<-jllv. ):. :iin; 1--: av J. Feury. Fixlnres. '..-JD C.iniell, .loscph li. ••i77 Broiulwa.v Aar.ui tautle i.iSsi.Lcneei. Piau'.. Ki.) Wi t .^i.•l!; i-Ad ]''•••' ^ i)'.\'i.-i'. .l.'hii. V',7 HiKls.'.n sl ."..l*. (ileasoii. i-d i i-;triiii-e.-. c'l.-.'. Ail 2.7\S I'arcv. Mary. 1 Stale sl llerruiaiiii Koehler. V,'; '•..':•. ' 0. .-^ .1 K .1. lO.^^s.-ii. li.d : nvt.rli.ii. W. B. ;):: South sl C. A'o.ith. Fix- Ale. " Hi \\. i;; }••:.<• iU. ...c. iiii-cs. i.mi Cornw.'ll. .lohn W. (ili:! am! (i(i5 Broadwav, Xe-w hi I I'iU-ker. Ct-o. 11. City .. R. 1). Kehoe. Hoi-s.-. -Jit) York... Phillips Plioeuix aiul l.Jeo'r-e II. ]:. t. V..dd;. ]..'!iisiers-.ii. n:!iii-r..iaeo!». lOi!-it! av....W. Kaher. Fixtures. liiAi Farrelly. Piiiritrk. I' I'ark av tmtl Slcuiieii Keetl..i. .^t Hit Williiim st... J. Thaiiat ;Mii.- sl .. Ilavi.l .lotie.s. tiiiiior .SUires. oil) \V. W. ir-;tii.".v !. .'-i.-U- !(;!viii.-oii. eliilie..;. iB) IO.". Filz:4era!.l. ..loiiii. Siuith st I. \. T. Wliceler. I:.!: lUiev. .!. ,1. lii) Wiiliam SI....C. V. Liiev. Fix- Cow, Horse iiutl \Vii;,'oii. ii:i ill-..11 . V. Kii-^.-iid.-r. Horse. tdi-eS. " i'.OO Fart..i^rli, Wiliiiiui C. "ii (!n-eiie st—Thomas !;...hui. h. i I-iiii..; ...iUket li. ColltUl. K.ackeu.jt.rt I. S: Co. IKiXas.-au sL... .Howanl V\'. Bi-iu-h.'i-. Ala.-liiiiery. .'^e. •5,;Cd iixidi-.-s. •200 & Saiurer. Fixtures. l.lKH) Freuiie. William. !C.5 (ireene av Adam i'.;lI-,Hlll .V Wil.l-V.-l::- th. Wiliiam st. . .C. i-^chiilcr. \V. .•ii.'! .'w ,V. ..l". Hiiake. Fixtures. KK) S(-hiil;;. Cariiet t'l Tiiliiiiin i-i ill. Mil Scliult/.. A. 117 I'rii.ce strt-ct I.'. Kriise. Fix- F'ullei^. Wiililo E.«Cor. Hiiiiiiiioi; av iiiui t'liiou teioi. .;..!di. X."".-,' W. •)li. .-! I. .Stuart iWl •icn st lolm Fiiiiieis. I-iiriiiliin.. W ;-'i Villi. •- Oid Soiiuners. i*-,. Citv .. A. C. Hassey. Fixtures. li.'O Fiti-ii. Saiiie .M. O! ileiiry .sl... Charles B. Vaill. ]:,-e.i, \\. U'.i Atlor; F. (til-is Fix- F ',7 Houst.iii Kl 1!. Lchtuan. Furniiure l..''i'ii nin-^. ecl iiv Ilaiiiiali W:m..ii. .ii) Fixtures. iOn t. Collin. Sewiii;,- Miu-hiiies. •,'15 friitii.-i. D. ••• ,1 I t.ii Si \. .Stheltculier^-. Saui.|-. F. .\. (iiv .\. Fuze. Fixiurt.s (Ui IjlH) Haiilcv, F'rasicis ...Dciiuis .Miiv. tiiul 1 !..!--•-s. .K. 1,Sd,l Scott. H. ,K.- .1. liil) Huilsoii St. . C. Do.-chi.r. Ci-iris. :;i:i) i vox li. 'Iiatiiiiiii s H. Dreh.-r. Presses i.*iC. •jni Ilaiumer. Mary t. ','17 Cuiuliertaiui st Caiii- iti.. Siiii.'liiir. .1. Oii:^ Broadway I'. (.•|-ai^'. Fixt. l.l'OO iiriu..' /'. (iiillisj,'iier. Furniture. l!i:i"..ur. i; CKV ...i.1- ' !;e;k"iBe;k"i. . \\'il 11. Si.ioiiioiis. A. S. 15 tispeuiiiii r.r... .V. C. tevi. Harri.s. .lai-oli C. 'e'-i Fiiiion .-^t llymau Frieile- Deliv-.-. V. .-.- C. II. Citv.. ,W. Heiivs..... FixFixtt --'i'O 1 ixsures. v.iUil. Fixtures. •••r: Dai-i - W. Ci:v .. .1. X. iii-::ii:. Fixlnres. s..-oiu-ity iStrattiii.^'ev. C. :i.-;l> We.-;i tith st ..P. C. Kck- Ilcaih .V Peiii,'ei....Kiiyal M. Barrett Waj,'oi!. 00 !i..;tii. !'-. .i. !». "it AvA !. t luj.-. Fix!. l.dOd hat-iit. I'ixliu.s. Harris. Davi.l. and .k.iiu (i. Coziiie. ~'.)aii.l :i! lirioit. .\. '.I r.iixter st J. .Metz-er. .M;i<-liiii- Tii-rtiiui, AI. I'it.v t. Id'sbrtnv. II. i-.-es. p.-Kail) iiv .. Chai-les T. De Foi-cst Ala- erv. Hi ! Victoi-v. .S. Citv V. Fl\y.. Ilor.-c. cliiii.-rv. I'-ieniie-' W M s ].•;;..;; :;t;•.•. .iei-i.'.!. .loidi- -,'i::'.'tli iiv. ..C. Fixt. •J.'.i) Stewiui. Boats. \-c. :;()0 Hill. William. id Ann st, X. Y... Fiitiikliu tiiiiiei-t. F. C. -::i:, WiilKuu sl t. Xauiiiiinu. Vouu.t;. V. C!ty....W. H.lirilTitii&Co. Billiartl.s. -,'.")() Chiiiiiiler. Furuiluri-. .liicohsou. Daniel. Kil Imlay st .lames La- Fixtiii-.-s. 70 tutts OF SAtK. Uriildim. -t "-'-"it. SberilT st T. .^lanhimley. Arthur. S. D. 7!) Clintoii Miirkcl... .tt 11. Bar­ iiioui. St.ick and I'ixtiir.'S. lii|| .lei-onie. .Ir., L. W. :',ss Herkimer st... F. W. lioi-.s.-. .-vc. •- -5 tels. i'-ixiures. ;-(N) Carrui iicrs. Furiiitui-e. lii-.-v.- t It Sd Mr.n-rtv sl It U. C. \":ilcn- Beck. I ie... nil) ;i!iih st... .S. 15. Russell, .Ir. tin.-.V'... I'l-ess. .*;:c. 700 Kruse. Wiliiiiiii. HiiiitiuKtoust F. Reimiietl. Haiikitis.iii. i;. A. -jr.^J W.-st 17tli st... C. Acd- Sai.11111 Fixtures ton Horse iiiiti Wiip.n. n.-v. >Iii.-Miner.v. 51)0 Blake..!. ^. :j;i tiih st.... W. John.sou. Fix­ Kuhlke. Mary L. i"-:! Xeviiis st. ...lacol) E. Col­ H.'aih' .1. It Citv.'.. li. K. Alarlnw. Horses. S,-) tures 1 yer. I'iiuio. :ju Hcekiiiull.-r. .!. 'l'. .''•f-i W.-st :jilh st....C. E. Davitlsoii. .1. H. Cuy....W. C.awkwel!. Fix­ Kranier. Miirjiiirelha. 117 Uniou sl — Clias. n.ckiuiiil.-r. Hoi-se. .-vc. -WO tures, &c. •KW ,1. Bulkley. Fixiui-es. .5 .'! liiiiiiiiii. .\. Citv. ..C. Keinner. F'ixtures. '27)0 (irier. S. .-v. Citv.. .A. Barl. F'liruituf.'. I'J5 Ladue. Xathaii W. 175 Hill! st...George C. llii-li.--; W. ;»i'.V West .").-)il .st... ti. Mcintosh. Hesse, .1. W.,'iiee). .•iOi :>;.'tl .st.....W. Liiilue. Furniture. I.t Id "rr.i>-i.s. .*L.-. 1,000 Neckcrmaiui Maehinerv. .1.50 Leichti5-iii, .loliii. .S7 Spencer st George ill! Uii' id .'vim st F. Chaiuiler. Fix Ileius. II. ;:!;; East iOlli st."...l.'. WellcnOrook. I'.riovii, Sr. Hois.'iiiitl Waj^ou. 1.5 t'u-.s. iK) 200 Caiitlv Store. ii.OOO Loi,'aii, IIeiir.%-. Sd Builer sL....Aiui O'Xcil.!:. -t H. S. IO st....L. It Bi.t,-e- Isle! t C. 1)0 l>:ast Houston st....J. L. Kahn. Hoise and WaK'Hi- Itf l(,\v Miieliitu-rv. .tlf)) Fixlui^cs. l.OtKi Lyiich. Miiry. i:i5 .Xortli lith st... Owi-ii Rudeii. Heckiiii.-. F. it -id.) IVar! sl G. lleckiiif;. Kiciilc, ,1ohn. liKi (Ith st....C. Lemmle. Fix- Fixtures. ^'(lO Fixt'iu-.'s. (II.) 3,.')00 tures. ,St) Marstoii. Mr.s. E. T. !!Jl Kent av lolm F. H.'tdis. .. U. l.'.l istav 1. Ilehustclter. Kohelaiiek. II. Citv X. KoKelanek. Horse.. -.idO .Mtisou. Fiirniiur.'. Fixtures. Ail Ti'-lO Mencke. II. P. lis East Dili st....W. Hiiser. Morris. William. ^Oi' •JOlh sl... .Phtdps & Son. Hi].'. r!.; W. (isl S;h av....F. Jleyer. li-ixtiires. 1,:!(KI Ui-fiau. Fix-.ui.-s K)0 Meiueli. T. A. .5-2S East Kith st... IL C. Meiiiell. Alackey. Catharine .-X. 155 Moulaj^ue sl... .lo­ HiUd;iu- .11. C A. -.M-.i West I7th st....F. W. Fixtures. -.'.OtH) seph B, Foot Furiiiture. ,',500 -M.i.-v, Miii-liiii.-rv. r>00 Phelps. iKulKc & Co. --1.50 West Itst st... .M. AIcGoiii.;;!e, Fhuchiie. 110 Hunield st.. ..Plielps e..-.iiiu '.lolm. .•ill West -JSth st....K, Jor.lan. Miis;;:rove. F'ixtures. .s.rd.'i & .Sell. . H) Il..rse. SdO Pm-.sell. .M. E. City T. Furiiirure. toll) Xcer, .Milton M.. am! Myron D. Lincoln Don- i i.-!is M. i'ity <)-T. Mar-shall. Horse, A.-. OlKi Raiih. .lolin. Citv 1. .Salt'oii. Horse. ::.'.5 net;aii <.V Xciisi'ti. Wii^oii. 7:i Ki-liv W ,1. -2:; I haiiibers si C.Kelly. Fi.x- Russell. S. B.. Jr." itlO West .-Wth st....K. Beck. O-Brieii. .loiiii. ••0\ Uh st... Jolm ttuiKliiiu. liiVes. Ac. 2,000 yaloon Fixtures. IOO Liqlif.r Slore i'.l5 Kl-.i-kmevcr. F. 7u tsl st F. Hellniers. Service. T. .1. riUS Hudson st ...M. A. Service. Ohiev.-Mary and George. :W Lafjiyette av llors.'-. .tc. 1-2.5 Fixtures. (iOO U.:ry A. Healy. Funiiture. l.ctio Krel.s M Is'l Williiim st K. Hoe & Co. Kofiel.l. W. B. Citv II. Moore. Fixtures. 7i-U O'Neil. S. PJl Graud sl — Adam Schulz. Frc-s 3U0 Sternfel.l. .M. 118 Sheriff st....M. Sternfeld. Furniture. 111 Knimer. IT. V.o Ea^l 74th st....E. Ehrgolt Fixtures. 300 llors.-s. vtc. 2'17 ,550 Osgood. Henry. 22 4-2d sl—John F. Mason. Schmale. F. W. City W. Thoms. Fixtures. F-J! Kl—.'ii'T 'M. fi7 Istav .1. Ouiliiio. Fixtures. .'IOO Taylor. .AI. 11 Av It ...F. Levy. Fixtures. &c. i.OOO Furniture, I ecs Ii. M. Citv ...J. AlcCall. Presse.s. (K) .S.DSi Wenck. W. F. v'<: C. K'li'J Broadway....M. F. Phelps. AVilliani II. 20:i McUonough st... .L. E. t..i-h. it tar .M'crciu^.st ...J. Michel. Fixtures. ICO Weiick. Fixtures. 175 "'---'- ^'"^ 1.79' Gilhert, (att'y). Furniiure. L-iRiin & Forhcs. aSO Hudson sl D. Diclc. Machinery. IW Place. Robert S. 'IDS) Water st, and 253 Soutii st BROOKLY^N, N. Y. New York James O. Jones. Steam Ham­ MvUus. C Citv T. Mt;Comb. Fixtures. 75 915 Meyer. .V. 107 Olh st—P. Bolender. Arnohl. WiUiam A, and Ellen M. SSO Hicks st mer, Sec "Horse. C2 Henry O. Glinsmann. Furniiure. §426 Price. Chris. IXi Concord st—N. Langler. 15 Menc, A. Ml Lewis st — Bendit & Co. Ashauer, Louis C. -11(3 North 2d st Ernest AVagon. Truck, &c. 10-3 Ochs and John Lehnert Lager Beer Saloon 100 100 Phillips, William P Rob. F. Stevens. AVagon. THE REAL ESTATE RECORD, 189

Reed. J. M. 101 William st, Xew York.. .Jo- '27»Biideiiliauscn, I'hilin—-Claus Do.scher .54i5 41 "25 Edwards, Georgo W.—Dennis Sulli­ .stuili Thanet Rliliii;; Miicliiiie. IS5 27 Ballard, Willitun W,—Oneida Coun­ van ion 05 Ki>i;.-i"sOi E.lwiirds. 0! Fiiltou Fisli Alarket X. ty Biiuk l.OiiO ss ' 21'. l':tlieri " .... S'.i-i til 2:; Fiiuiui.ry, i..tii:i 15. —Williiim lio.ili, iilO i-^l er l:.-er Sal.i.iii. 1.5') 2S Brush. Juiiies L. -Hector Sinclair... •*.);' io ; ;.'i) l''it/.sinioi's. i'iUi-icl: — ?.iei-ei...-.ii|;,' Speiiker. .lolm C. K);5 Fiiltoii .st Mi,.-li.u-l 2S Baiiell. Fi-iUicis-PcopliM)!'tlic Sliile I Niit Biiiik •.Td :i. 1;;) 72 t.'vv iiutl lleiiiy May. Fi.\tii!-i-s. t.f New Vork .'idd Od . •.':; F,.l!oxv.s. Wiiiiiim—(i. !'. Uo-.v.-it. .. ScluOiui, .leanIll-tie. .55Cliee\t-r pl Sieiiiwav •t Suns, l.'iu-iiilure. VIO 2s Bryui!, .!iiiues--J. S. l-'iLsier '.)'.) 1'.) j :.';i |.", Wiiiiiim I). —H. )I.Cui-ti-s Vi'.i 41 rolteii. C. H. V.2 tlymer st ... t. E. OiUieiL 2S lii-iitult Charles—.\utli-c-.v l.',i-.iuger. 22-.' OA i 2i1 Fiilinesloek. Joii!!-- AVillHliu I'ii-k liitivi. j.'uriiitui-.'. 1.51) 2S tlu- siiiuc the siiuie 5.'.s ii7 i ..' I.» .iii Wii!..|0.ieir.'r. William. Cor T!ii-oo|> av an.! 2! Ciimpl.cll, 11. J.—N. L. Curt ss :;; ; :,>.-, l.'i.^li. Wiltiiim L.—(i.-ori;,'('ii!!'.. 15] '.)2 ilwiiiiii-i sl Michael Kiii.-slii. Bcitiiitr. .Ve 101) 2! Coriu-n, i^Jliert T. uud Lvdia A.— '. 'lo I-'.-lioV.-s. S.ittuiJel li. -Ddili.-i Situ- Wliii.-. B.>tiei-tW. 151 Friiiikliii iiv ...Tliatlileiis Frank Vcltcl " •-'lit s7 luoiis, Jr _ .! WliitLvek. FiuiiiMire. •J.51) 5'is 72 Viiii'e. Kolierl W. 151 Fraiikliii av... .loliii M. 2! Clark, ("hi-isit.|iher—.•Vliruliiuu .Siiiiui ld5 ;ii I -:5 I'l-iUik. Saul--.\. J. McCiinl '.'. tils dii Wliile. Furiiidire. :i.'50 22 Ctiiii, John—-.i. T. Siriiiiiiiit '.1^^ li? : 25 Fiiircliilil. Ilcii.jaiiiifi P.--.Mi!itiiii Life /ill.-i.ner. Ilermaii. •JT \'iiii Cott iiv liilins 2il Clarlc. .Marvin It (iis .Ahir.-lutl!- AV. I luuiiillce (.'oui(ii;uv 174 •!2 Frie.iniiiiiii. Kiiiltiii;^ ^lncllilles. A.-, S. i'iiliucr (Bei-vr.) 420 'D ' -.'0 i'l-iiuk. S..!oiii.,ii — "i:,.i,...c....i iiiir- /.uleli. .lacoh. X e cor. lierO.-it and .''.lonitor i2-'l Clii.sholm, Walter-J. 11. Blossom... 1,510 2! ' lis.!. lii: I sts I.thti kii.'.U'er. Biitt'lier .Shop. :! i:! •.'.'I Ciirrick, J.iiiuT.-J. 11. Kiejlv 2.d7.i --.ii 27 I'itz-.-i-ii!,!. Diivitl—,l..l;ii |'it/..-crui(). S7-i :i4 /.eidji'i-. Fli-/.a. --'-;'.' Flat tush av Kalcheu •i.', Clark, I'M-ar !!.—.M.rcliiUits' Nut Boiiiemaiiii. Fiii-iiliiire. •J5I) I 2; i'liiler, i'Mwfti.I—Mil! till Worn Ijiiiik il,!P.) 12 ; •-'7 i'uiiiioii, !'. .'\[.—S. J. Wciiver 110 ?s IllKKS OF SAt.K. -j:i Colteu, Siiiiiiiei—i). S. Iirtcxii 1,221 Id --•; i-'i-ii!ik, i'liilip W.- Jtic.iii.Seliusti.aiK .\!ueiratio. Joseph t., lo Williiim Warner. Fix- 2.'! Ciishmaii, John 11.--W. It ilccil, i 27 Fiiiui..;iiii. Joint M. iuul Diiiiicl M — tlll-.'S. .•^riO ii!li 1! 1 .loaciiiui .Miiiiiiiof 55(i i!2 Fitzu-ei-iilil. Biiss.dl X- Co., Ill Ciiai-les F. 2-'! Cuiumiiigs llcurv M. — l-Mwiittl 2S l-'.H-r-tei-. i-'iiiu/.—.1. W. \;ii! Horii. !-;0 '.)'.) iii-...'erics. .Vc. I'.ss Myrtle av. t",'dO Hal! • 104 :!S i iil (ii.ttv.iilii, Cliristiiiii—KoterL (.'ocli- Hi.hwisiier, (.^'aroliiia. Ui Klull C. Sehiniilt Horse, 2i) Ctiiiibeis, George A.—.Ann \'iiut!cr- :i 10 I r-ui i!i sts Gil 00 \V;i-j;iiii, ami !-'i\tiires. liorst l...n!.'ht!i:. ,Ioliu. to .I.ihu O'Brien, tiijuor F.t.>!-.'. !.0ii5 0-) ' 21 (liiri.M.u. Ili.iir\ - ('. J. IJcrtier . l:iO Sl) ;:iii oil st 1,0110 2i5 Cofik, Jolm—I'uJou 'i'rtist Co. (us ; .,., Giiri-i.-.oti. Jiiuies !!. . Iciteii i't.iti- Biii-ii. .\i-tliur.!.. to Henry .\ Corr, .lames the siuuc Iss :,t) ; Ii-ixr., LVC.)-. ;.. 2:! .-Xilams, Wiilium, .Tr. — Juiict E. 11:! i;i : 2! Ilollisler. George B.—C. ('. (Ircutt 114 i54 •.'0 Coit. Wiilitiiu A.—\V. IC. t'ltiirop.. Hiitcliis'iii .$2,012 24 2.;so ..17 j -I Helms, Davi.i-Jo-ei.ii Maver (A.s- 27 Coiigliiin, I'eter—Siiruh A'iilleiiu •2:1 lliesaiii.' Davitl Morri.soii.. OS 41 I sigiue) ; 2o:i 04 -_:7 Ci-uwfor.l, Nelsor.—Joim Ftt-/.gei-iili!. 2i; AiliUiis. Inez—Sarah O. Liuie :i'.)4 •57 Si2 24 j 2! Haiif.irii. Ebetie/.er—Edwiinl ilu!!.. 10.::0d (iO 27 Caii/i, Helen, J,—Ulrich Uoeililes 2:: Adams, Lii.ssell \\.—F. W. Smith... 1,101 4! i 22 IJeytiiuu, Isiiiu-—H.'Zekiiili iCoiiu 21s 7.5 2.5 .Miriihtiiii. (Ieorge S.—J, A. Ho\-deii. :i4.5 SI berger autl Siiiioii (ierlicr. . .co-ts 2" Ihc same W. C. Conner 42 42 j 2il llochstiuit.'f, I'.eruiiiini—[ttipot-tcr.s" 1 •-'Il Adiiius, Sohui .v.—G. r. Bt.well... '.)2 • 0 i ami Tfiulcr.s' Bank l,.50'.) 27 '20 .Vilaiiis. Wiilium, Jr.—Jiimes Owens :;77 00 {Sherill') '1 2s Cocks, Mr.s. L. C—A. L. .M-.h! .SS o;; 2:1 Hetheriugtnn, Jtihu—James ('.•udii- •ili the saiiii The J. L. .Mott liS 1(1 I b-dl...... S.S15 10 2S Cochrane, James—F. S. I'Lilminster. Iron Works.. s.52 OS 4(il 15 1 2i; Ht.wcll, Daviil P.—K.)bert Sherranl' '2S Crane, C. A.—J. IL Tciiiieiit the same— -Johu Tra.i;cser... (174 i2 105 s2 j Jr. (Pre.sdt) 1,404 i i 2S t'orii, Louis—Peojilo of the Slate ot the Siime — -J. iV- A. 1)11 Bois.. .51-) 11 iiJ Hieks. Silas ami Wmiutu — l.ouis the .sjutie— -folwell Lead Co. SOO '.)(; New Vork ii.50 00 Tobias 22! 14 the .Silllie— -T. B. .Mt'.Maiiiis.. 701! (ii! 21} Diim, /Vndrew .1. and Andrew J., Jr. I 2:1 llui-il. Chiirle.s-Miciiac! Beclc ' 21:; 00 the .sanie— -Beiijiiiiiiii Scott.. .574 70 —C. W. Clillord .S44 02 j 2;l H.iWii'.-il, Leonard S. — I)a\ iti .-Outran, John It—Mary E. livings... 4,i5'.).5 B! 2:; Di-eiiiien, Ptitrick — Agnes Savage ! Wiener IdS :I0 Adams, Wiiiitiiu Jr.—A. Ii. Faiicli- (E.Kti-.x-.. Seed "... li!7 IS -25 llerli.rl, Justin P.—K. L. .'spi.tli !!2 •14 SI8 4S 2:1 Dav, IL B.—(t A. KM (:S -25 Haiubui-i4;ci-, Isiiac-Ailiert Dif-etl the siiiiie Allied Bradv... 422 08 •2'.\ Doiibiiis. JohiiJ.—Michuei Beck.... .so ('0 (Sheriir:. • '"^ 147 00 Angel, (Ieorge C and Williiim G.— 2ij Dickeiisuii, Charlotte il.—.Marv A. 25 lliiii.ser. H.—1). C. Doild, Jr i5s ->7 J. G. K.ich i::-:; 7S llii.vck .".... :iOO 17 •i5 lier/.iierg, .Moritz—Fstuic I'luitt 1(15 S7 .-Mhiire, Charles — Jiiines .Sliiind 25 Derbv, FrciMuaii—J. .1. .Maloiie i.-i05 :iS 25 Helfricli, Henrv—.Aliciiiul Beck SI >(i (Exr. Sec) iit ill :]0 ;.'5 Diiveil, Gtdii-ielT.—J. W. Bell !:i(; 20 iiO Horn. (Ieorge—.Xicholas .Mttri.hv. .. 5(; (I'J Atlam.s, Uiis.sell W. ~ Ninth Nat iioDeGrair, .Myndiis -M.—Alice I'art- -20 Heeriuiiiice, William L. — K."AV. Bank '2,2\)0 7S ritlge 107 (.Assignee. Sec) :i,:!:!S 15 Adani.s, William Jr. — Willliain 25 De Ijoynes, George—Austin naldwiii li50 "5 20 Hamiii.ditl. \Viuthro[i M. W.—Cliti- Adams, Sr LOisr l.s 25 Delano, Ezra B.—W. 11. Stuiy IOS ;5.5 tdii Wire (.'loth Co 122 SS the siiiiii; the same 1,.SS.S .50 25 Donovan, Simon — Bernard Mc­ i.'O the .Siime -Xiii. .^It'tr. Co :iti! 5S Bergen, Vtindcvcer — Margaret Loughlin lis i50 20 the Siime Eiioclt Ketchiim. 244 i50 Archer 2s2 Oil 25 Duggan, .lohn, Jr.—J. F. Doidliier.. 71 0'? ;iO Haniiltou. J. H.—John l;urlitis..ii... loi ,s7 Beale, John C.—Philhiirmonic Soc. '20 Doe, John—T. E. Stiulky 55i1 01 2(1 Horn, George-Isiiac Lacliciilirucli . •iPl o£ Brooklyn 0,.si12 i^4 20 Depau, Levvis Augustus—C. D. Gil­ 27 Hull, Miiry J.—.Sarah J. Btirui.iuu -1.1 Berrian, Ik'iiry i\I.—C. F. Jlattlage. dersleeve 10. P.IS 50 Bonn, i\iurcus—Pairick McCabe 00 7.=> '20 Devlin, Charlc-.?—Jiuiics Wals'iu l,o:ir !'S 27 Hullcy. iviiliuni— W. A. 'Bullir Bacon, Earle C.—V. S. Fulhaiii 1-54 SO 20 Dowiiii.g.ThoiuasC.—Beruartl Iteilly OS 71 Bear, Lstuic, Samuel aud Philip— (Assignee) ". 27 Hit'-ksj' Sfiiis" 'ami ' NVilUuiii"—J.' ^ -^ Eleventh Ward Bank .o-S-t 87 2G Diiiiigmic, AVilliani C—A. M. WiL Ivoch •2! 10 7} Bennett, William 11.—J. A. Bovden. ol.l SI del', Jr lOi) 4s 2s lii.luiiau, I'ct..'r—Peojile of the Stale Ik'iid, Wmitini B.—F.G. Grisw'old.. .5.5.5 (ti 20 De Wolf, David it ami Joseph B.— of Nt:w Vork iido (lO Bertraud, Frederick—l'3liso Baj-ot... iiiil Oi] Millville Alutual Marino and Fire ii.s Herriiitniii, Frederick — Jlorothca Branilt'l, Fnuik—Michael Bock 8U 70 Ins. Co (i:l7 51 iluusler , 00 00 Bell, Annie K. lAdiurx., 4S i5'.» Blair, Emmet—.L A. Crosby m'6 9;j 28 Duffy. Alichael-People of the State 21 Koehler, Joseph .AI,—:Michiiel Cur- Bartels, G-. H.—L L. Chadwick 200 11 of New- York iJOO 00 ley •IU 7!) 190 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD

25 Knc'liiml, Stillman F.—M. L. Cut­ 25 0'.Shea, Patrick—Jacob Van Name. Sil «)7 27 Sclireider, August — Louis Dtinglass. 07 50 ler 440 05 '20 ihe sumo Henrv Ferris l:iO 00 '27 Secor, Charles F. — Fruiii-is Swift... iiSl 75 '25 Kitziii--r.-r. Heury iiiul Aloritz—Alar- :J0 O'Neill, John—W. !•:. Bnickwiiv.... :-is no 2S Stephenson, Sariih J.—Aleyer ilo.s- eus (l.iliiuiilll 2,050 (iO iiO D'Houiiell. C. IL—A'ictor In,g.liil 77 05 eiitlitil •. 170 44 uyj" -25 Kl..iul"ei,i,Siiuitiei H.—A.h.lph Alc.x- 27 O'Douuell, Miclitiel—James O'Biien iis Stone, Harriet .-\. (.Admr.x., Seed— iiu.h-r '.)| 44 (SherilL iV;c.) 7.55 15 A. G. Diiy 15 •25 Kellv. Mi.'liiiel J.—T. W. Dwi'^ht.. 22S 21 I'roii!. Arthur B.—J. H. IdO -20 2i; Smith, A. Btirdctte—Turner & Sev­ -21', Kiii.i^s EiiZiibeth It B.—.S. B. Dtir- •2:> Peu^iii.t, I'lu'j-eiit?—J. M. Betillie '2.-5!):; 01 mour APf'^' Co '.. 714 115 ycii c. .si,s il7 .5S :Ji! I'ilz. J.iliti—.Alichael Beck 105 00 '2i; Tiirrell, George B.—F'tuisto Morti 20 Korb,-r. .loliu—Williiim .Mert.iu (.As- •J5 Pc.Mie, Margaret—H. B. Cliilliii.... PJ) 27 costs 1 .-J4 47 S} --.> 25 Prowler, Morris — Jstiuc Lacheii- -2i; Towii.seiid. '2d, Gilbert — D. 11. '20 Koerpcl. Fuleii—J. C. F.iililvviu '21 i.5 .50 brucli 502 00 Houghlaliug 145 22 27 K. tciiiiui.|.h—J. W. Heluu'r... .5.1:14 s7 27 Piuckue.v. Wiiliam J. — Solon 27 Treadwell, Hoi-iice—W. C, Aiiienuiiu '.);j:j ilS 21 Kieriiiui, i-'i-riueis-~ \. L. Alvers O'S.'i 00 Hit iiijili revs ,. 440 01 27 Tilton. David—F. C. licet! Liil 15 27 kt.liu, Fi-iUik D, —Itiitikof "ihe ,AIc- 27 Pitts, Charles \', L,—losepii Wil!;.ts 1S5 40 :iS Ti-oiiilh, John—Pc.iple of the Slate tr.iooiis 01 (".:; 27, Auguste—Heury Dctlcf- of New York I'.OO 00 2s KccLtiiu. .I.iiiu—Friiucis lifcirorv 41 (i(i sell (-.7 'x. iiS Tliiiyer, AILSOU —A. J. Ti.thl 101 ".is 2! l.iui-. Fi-edcri.-k A. — "Wi"lliiiui -27 I'ieicv, CItarles .A.—T. A'. Smith 121 (i:i 2s Tuuuer, 11. A.—Gcori.'e Ehret li;2 05 I tF.tii'u ;'.)..5d:i (15 •J7 Pri.'s." Williiim it—Dieilriek E.s.lohr 70 2S Thorn, Fredcrit.-h AV. — Anilrew 2:! i,..,iii\-. .liii'ic--.Siimiie! M.-I.eiiu '2-\ U.-iiley. Ciiiirles H. — Mci-ciiuuls' Eisinger 55S (57 20 Ly-iiaii, Williiim It—W. G. Fiirgo Niit Biiuk iJ,!70 72 2ij The HighlauilsCIii.iuiciiJ titul Alining ,51V 01 2i1 lU'iuseu, Aliirgurel—AViliiiitii Bcm- Co—Leiiigli \iilley Coiil Co 1,Jiiii 70 •2t'i L\ di-li. .I.'liu P. — Cliti'.ou Wire seii costs 1.5S !4 •2i1 Saxoiiiii Court Nt^ 5.'.)iJ0 of the ..Vii- "C:..;ii C) 122 ss •2:\ U.-iliv. tMuiirtl-Asii i! 75s 5ii cieiit Older of Forrcslers—Suruli '20 tiie.siiut, Niit. Al I...:-.(, 5 i;r,l 5s '2:\ lio-ers. Ciiiirles E.-h'. W. Suiiiii... l,ldi •14 Ober OO'i OS •-ili 111.' Siiii. l-Ulocil Kelcilillll. 25 Boetier, .-Xtltilpli-GcorgeSclimitl!.. SO .50 •2:i TheN. A'., liro.iklyii iiml Sea Sliore 20 LilZill. .A'ioillll H. —i-U-l e.-;l Leilll 5iil 00 :i5 poidier. .-\.ll;;—iiiiuk of t!le Ale- P.. U. Co. —Autliouy Burrelt '227 74 27 l..".'!.. .\iii-ii!iiuu — GiiUul I'eutral troiitilis 4:;i 55 iiii The Nat. I'lioiogruplicrs Clicmical lliiiik 215 '.Id •25 Ki.wc. Gi-inith—J. 11. tiviu-.-io:,.... I,.5s.-, 51 Co. —E. S. riutterli'eld ^'2 \4 ::'. !.;-i.!.-ioi-t P.—.liicl. S.liiisiiiiii... .lij •25 Ucis, Jlrs. J. Al.icllet—1). AI. Suiu- 25 The Globe Miiiuul Life lus. CtJ.— 27 L;iuii...-i-s. Tii..!!Iiis—itoin-rl .liick !:44 11 llcl lt)7 OS i Sanili Fox I,7:i2 17 •JS i..iiilti. Lull: r.s.—(ih-iiCovc Stiirch '20 ll.i;;ers. P.cujiimin A. uiul Ivin D.— 20 Tlie Cerciiliu Flour Alihs—Siii^ah L. Ml.-. C.. bO 70 M. \'. Hiirgr.ive 140 ,50 Wells 2,0.50 SS :> i.e!r.l..U, i.e-;..|-—Peo;ile of ill" Slilie 2ii liic .--iiiiu \. It Criiiiiii..r.. 4t; 40 27 Cliirlte 1.^: Cross .Vootl iiuil Lumber ..f New V,..-); ii5ij UO •Jli Biiuiliili. Tlioiiii-is L.—G. P. Howell. 410 .S4 Co.—.lerellli.-ili St..eliutlll 4;ii 27 2\ Murpiiy, D.uucl A. —Bot..i-t Ccii- •Jii ilu. Uuilei-hill. Cluirles and George W.— Iv.-iiy 2.>:i 74 27 R.'iily, Frail.-is-Hu-li O'Beilly Aloses Sli-iiiis i;o2 51

X. , 07 50 •25 .Aiui-;.iiv. D.-iiuis-C. It Siiiitli li:! 27 lloliwiigeii, Lotiis P.—(.;. F. Liiiig- iJl \'ett..r, Julius—Heiiiaid Broil :i40 .55 25 M..Ui!rt"!. Aii ;iiM..-B. F. Mtut;ctt... bciu 2,254 :;•.) 20 A'eiuis. F'ruuk—'\V. H. Huzard 207 i50 -.'5 .M,-\ At —:<. J. M.-f:iul 00 •27 Pu'evc. IsiiiU^ T.—l.iliii Fitzgeriiltt. s;2 '24 21'. Vrceliuul, Eder O.—C. C. Bcetl 101 50 •25 .M\-"..i-s. W. •iV.i!-ihiugl..ii—.\. S. Pcl- 27 lliiiiios, Wiiliam Ci.—G. Al. D. Lil-^ ;i7 A'ogt, Jolm—Easl llivcr Nat Bank. 52:1 II i.-u'riui costs i;;o 7li tell :;44 25 .,- the .-.ami- uml / Bank of the Me- 'il', Mil-:-!':-!.!. Miiriii — Ciitiivriuc L. 27 Itodcub'-iu, Williuiti—]•:. F. Abtiiser 422 17 \"ogt (.'iiroiiiie \ tropolis 72S IiO .Sin'iu-.-r 1.115 :i7 the siiuu ——tlie satiio.. 1,000 70 •2S Viiicelctte, Peler—A. S. Sullivan, ms' •il'. Al.-i'iiirii. A'i,-.u>iu- J. li. llill.iUi..'.. 27 Bad.'iilL Au.lrcw N.—W. B. Hutfi- (Pub. Atliiir. Seo.) 4,ii4S 02 20. Aliiuti'... Diiiiiii i:.—E. W. soii 515 07 2i'. Villi xAlsl viic. Ciiiirles G.—ti. P. Row­ i.\-i-:ie.-, .V.-.i :JS lb>;4.-i-.s, Ciiiirles E.—Niuih Ntit. ell....."... . 05 05 -21'. Ali.l.i-elou, W ilii;.Ill S. — Enoch Bauk 2,'J'JO 7S •20 A'liii Ostrauil, Jucub—J. S. Siuilli, Ket.-liiliU 214 50 2S liolu-rtsou, Liiwrciice \).—J. A. (Exr. Sec.) |,Otiii :ii; -i'i t!i.->:iUi. Niit MI'LT. CO Iili! 5S FViiser .'!70 .Si) •27 A'an Pelt. Alo.scs D.—Helen M. Strong 412 24 20 ill-' s aiu... — Cliuioti AVii-e 2:1 S.-hulz, Siiu.iu—A. \. Licliiiitls ;G() Oil 27 A'uiiiiole Diciirick 1-lsilohr 2S P.I Ch.iii ('.> 122 sS -2:1 Sivi.ri, .Aiithoii;.-—C. 1-". 41!) 02 27 A'iiii Horn, Geoige G. und John \\. 2i Ahiugiitii.-liiiiies—Aiii;a>t Ab-.ser. .. 11 -2:1 Sheritiuu. Eli/iil.elli—^larv E. !u.--.-r- --Dt.itgliis Campbell 2, r.i -J-i M.irri-. Sriiuti.-i—.Alois llium.-r liil !<> .-oi! • :... 11'.7 S7 2:-; ^Viliis, William B,—Chui-les Haines. :104 02 27 M..i-ri>. J..du F. ami J. S.-T. E. •20 Siiiuv, (/hiirhs it—J. \V. iliill i. .M. '.f.i Wiutei-botloiii, James—Develia L. Aru..i.! 21)!; 41 .Miller 17S 50 liiiitli.iiry .5:i7 OS 27 ]-:uwanl— Nat Bittik 25 ih.'sitiiti? .Simp.son, HiiJf, 2:: 1Vciuioi^e,"l']h'sha 8.—J. N. Glover.. 210 (io of I'tlCil 1,o:i4 o7 Aliller i^ Co 44r; 04 "j;! W.i.itl. .-Alfri'd At—Thoiiiiis Bccd.. . 10,^250 04 27 Mar>!i. iviutu.l L. — Oiiei.ia C. 25 Sloat. Coiiuliiis—K. H. Soniers lo5 05 25 Wiillcustciu, Mose-s-Albert Daggett li.iuk .__ LOin; ss 25 .Sciilc.siti.gcr, Lotiis—Abircus Gulil- iSlierilfl 147 1)0 •J7 Aio ir... L'lciiis—'\'v'. .'... But ler. .t:o>is (is 71 luau -_'.ii.5'.i CO Wvckoil", Peter i ^. . ,,., 27 Miiil.I.t. .loliti -Tiioiiiiis ilitj^iiii -!!) 17 25 Sloiieiiiil. 'I'lieicsu—B. J. Hoijtict... !,5-i2 .s-l 20 AVVckolL Charles B, ^ -^'\';- ,'-'*^' „„„,,,. r 2S Mo.,1... .t.uu V'. —!. N. llit'w 7 111 il'.) •i5 Stuilwcli. .•Vicxuutlef, Henry A. and AVillis, William H, \ J^'i"k--. 2,.1:i0 (,0 •JS M,,ore. G.-.ii'.^.'—AlilX lioiger lu5 70 S—A. H. Diiiiey.."" 1,554 00 2fi U'hearty, Siimuei—August Becker,, .'ili OM 2s AIu!!i-:i-.u. Alicii.'iil—JoM ji!i iv..| I'tz- .,- llitt siiiue iiud I ,, 20 AVoglam, A.—Dtivi.l Thoriiloii 4:i5 4S 1,:H0 0(i IFI :!5 '-' Studwell, William 1. \ "'*^ ""•"'"-' riii AVheeler, (b-orge—B. J. Brown 7ii 42 ld,i 2! Al.-Gui.e. Jiiui,s—-A. I-:, liiiriiis.. .. '.):! 25 Stti.lwcl!, Alexiiiitlcr-A. H. DuIIcv. .).j.j .1.1 27 AVil.soii. Thonuis—S. B. ..Vlthouse P,)S (it) •2.: M.-iiiiv. l:-iii!c L.—J. 1-". Diii-slou.... •J5 Slciglit Jacoii T.—C. J. Hertler...:. 210 10 27 AVurfield, Richtird 11,—G, M, D, Lit­ •2;i A1e!\u:ii.. Itcdiir.l—Miciiael Beck.. 2l;i OC 25 Sliiitiicy, Jiiiues—N. J. M.-Ciitii .... 24S 00 tle— :;:ji o.- 'iu r.l.-t)-.%..1. Autlsouy- Siierwooil •25 Spotbuil. (itir.liuer—I5)ura.l lAltiHer. 27 AVo.ssell, Elizabeth-Joseph Nies.s L005 05 costs Sii 00 •25 Scliiii'er. .Siiiuiiei—J. H. Livingston. l,i5S5 51 27 Wulsh, Siisuii, S. and JL —P. L. Milis 110 .5:! -Jli Mc(-ruiu. Aliii-y L. iui.l Joim J.— 25 .Schwidm, Heury—J. F. Doeliucr ;J7 While, George 11.—G. H. Bobcits.. 40 00 .'Siiiir.i. ! \'v'i!l.-ts ((•iiai"il.) 2.101 02 2ii Scott, Jeremiith—James Wliitt^ IS! Ii2 2S Williams, Ale.xautler-Pcuple of the 2.:i>i) :i7 tjii Scott Itiifus L.—Sainuel Wilids State of New- York ,500 00 •Jli lil,. siiiiic E. P. L'is'.i :ii (Giiiird.) '2,401 02 2S AVuller, John—Justus Lulirs 02 54 :i''i lii.'SUIilt J. it lievu.-u 2.:isi :is •Jl. the same the s:iuu' 2,:;s.. -.',7 •Jl'. M.-(-uiI..u-ii..1ohu-J. <). Ai.'!-.-.- 4(; '2'.; -Jli thesauu' E. P. Bushuiore.. 1,7.S0 iil •J-'i A!c.Miiiioti, (»iiv(.r—J^Miiiiuul I'luii- •iO tlie .Siime J. H. Hyiicu 2,:!S4 '28 KINGS COUxNTY. N. Y. 1,1'..'7 -10 :i(i Streiiz, A(h)l}iiius C. — "liu|)eriul Feb. .,^. A; .ii,.:i,;,,it. Kilt.' » Alar.v E. Skirl Mfg. Co 87 liG 21 Adams, Rii.s.sell AV.—B. Iiigridiain. .S5S2 !)0 ~'' Met "rcry. M-;ry .]. \ Hviu-s 4,.505 p; •20 Stoutenberg. Xciiopaii (Exr.. Sec) 27 Aldrich, Chtirles H.—E. A'eritv 1,1.5') :iS •J7 A! I'au!..y, J.ihii—Beruhiir.l Levitie. 102 .-jU —ALciiiiei Hiiul..y ; :?0 7'?, 27 A\it, Louis—N. Fuhla * ,57 s:i 27 M.-Aliiuu.-. Heurv — i'liilip Burg- 2t; Sl.nighton, Charles B.—W. B. Pet­ 27 Ash, Ezekiel—The Western Catholic 3S.5 28 iiar.lT..; '. tit 1,132 12 Publishing Co 37 S7 27 Al.^Allist.'i', Tiictiiltii-o v.. — Diitiicl 27 Scliust.;!-, S11--.11U111—Grand Central •20 Bernhcim, Charles L.—A. Daggett.. ;ii)5 ,SS Siiiif..!-.! Bauk 77S 12 20 Briotly, Henry-D. Sullivun 408 51 27 tlie Siiiue the .siiluc lu ',)5 27 tlie sum..' the Siiinc !)i50 07 21 Bctile, John C—Tiic I'hilarnionic -JS AlcAliirtiu. Diiuciui—.\. li. Nmics.., tJoS 45 •J7 the stune the .same 215 00 Society, Brooklyn G,.So2 '.'A -•^ McVev. Piiu-i.-k—J. Al. Al.Hii-e 27 ihe sumo the siUiie 110 17 21 Brandt, Atl;iui—C. B. Payne .525 11 -j:: N.irtoii. Piii .-ick-W. H. .-\kiii .t-osts 70 27 Sayre, Eliza A. H.—Sarah J. Burii- 21 Borlvich.Elizidietli-Soutli Brooklyn •j:i Nooiiiui. M.cliael—W. H. Pu-d.Jr.. 1!'.) 45 hlllU ctLStS 50 75 Saw .Mill Co 107 7." -•''. Aor:.ii. I'iiiit-l...- It—S. Al. P.iiies 72 :;() -27 Suyiler, Etlward N. iind Antliuiiy 21 Bowne, Tlieodoro E.—E. Betird .Sii i 17 '27 Nii-siiuer. 'i'iie.nion- E.—Gi-iUid Ceii- S.—J. It Morewood 1,:!:>() :;o riiJ noddy, Edward—E. Willcox l,1iU (iiJ Uiii Biuik 77S 12 27 Sheehy, John—Jeremiuh Steeiniaii. 401 27 2:; Booth, Oliver IL—A. G. AViiliams... 224 :!8 27 til!' s;iim ill.' .same 27 Silencer, Lulher C. and Georgo C.— 21) Bischoir, Louis—J. L. Carbrey -2,50 4S 27 Ncaie, DiivM J.—H. B. Claflin 40i-1 00 G. M. D. Litteli .SiU 08 '23 Benson, Luureiice S.—T. Moser 100 OS 28 Nii.>-',.ii, AValler—L..nis Bailly 54 50 '27 Steele. George F.—Martin AVorn.. 770 0.5 21) Bernstein. Hynian—S. Dinkelspiel.. 94 3.5 25 O'DuJUidl. John—P. T. fcjeiter i)2 08 27 Schaffel, Bei'nard—Heniy Detlefseu (57 83 26 Brandel. Frank—M. Beck 80 76 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 101

'27 Burrell, Scyinour—J. AV. Helnier... i ).13l S7 25 the same, utul H. A., aud G. S. '21 Fourth av. u w cor Oiitlv st. siixild. tamtert 1,:-140 or, Ila.arenratrt i:harles II. Styles. (CorreetiiuM.. fiOO ~2i) Castner, "i'^retlerick K.—The Ger­ and AV. J.—A. 11. Diiiley •.}5 Fourth av. n w eor Hi'.th .st. Iii0..-.xlld. .lolm r.iil- l.i5.54 Oil mania Ravings Bank. Co... 100 47 25 the saiut; the suine liiaii ii;,'t ('liaiies II. Stvles 17:'. 21 Chapman, George W.—J. M. Sliaiia- 1 '20 Wtiste. Eli P.—.1. T. Wilson S^i IS 1>G Fiflv-ciiLjIitli st ..N'os. l-Jl) antl |-J^J W... s s. .loliii lian ... 74 10 I -20 AVulthei-s, Wiilium IL—T. Wiltl- Perrv ii;;t 111.- .\uiericaii V\-atcli Co. ati-l 55 '.)i; 2:1 Chambers, .Tohii L.—IL P. Journeay :):A :;4 Illilll Williani .lartiitie V2 100 OS iiO AVallensteiu, AIose>--.-A. Daggett... 147 Od .,. F.>iiith av. \v s. ali.iut. IlK) n (•.'•th st. •Ji'x-- '. •i:'i Cranfoi-d, Philip L.—T. Aloser.....". -' Sixtv-sixthst. s s. lihl w tth av i Id !i(.ii.ies' i 25 Cook, John—Union Trust Co., New 20 AVright. Jiimes C.—W. T. Jtihnsou.. 104 10 '.):i Tlie .Siibinuuiiler Works a^-t Ira K. Doyinu' -17 York, (Receiver) .S!)2 70 21 AVjitsoii, .lohn—1'\ H. Ste,!;e '20 V'O'tv ei.trhtli st iN'o. :!td!. s s. al...iit -e-H w sih nv. -JO Chiipiuiui, Wiilium IL—The Nat 21 AVeil, Joseph—W. F. Weeks .50 05 .i.Iliii M. Caii.ia a;:! DiUiiel ShiUdioii itml .l-'iiii City Batik. New A'ork 2,:!20 00 21 AVotidl)riili;e, .Marv F.—L. Hcurv... •127 51 Sehwaiz •"'''' ..i;; •ili Coit William A.—AV. K. Lothroj)... 2.7S)) 07 2:1 Worth, Ar.-Iiibahi^C.—lL Dolluer.. I,5d7 •J.-i I.exiuKi'iii av. s w e..r I-J-Jilst KUxldfi.i). l.:all, 1 P. ami Wm. F. Neitmlir ":> •JO Dixon. George IL—C. P. Williams.. ';•'••'••-•' I Ii.s;:!) «?:!-.;:! 20 • 2,-? .^ixt v-eifrhf li st. s s. Oil) w 4tli av. |dx--. H..|:rv 20 Dalton, Alichfiel—M. Falvelle 1,(105 (i| Pullo.-k. Thoniiiso-.\u>liu Chureli. (is7n -J.Vi 71 1 lli"!heev.-r i>;rt (i. N. .t N. .\. Wiiliiuiis an.l 'J(l Dobbins, .li.liii J.—iAL I-!eck .SO 00 I .Same S..hii .\. towry. t I,s7;!i . ... '-7-', '.i-i \ .loli-i t.-vli s'.'i 27 De Wolt D.'ivi.l R., ami Joseiih B.— Same Janies R. Suiitli. (ls7-,') PM 7~* ;„_ Sixtli iiv t.\... ."dOi. n e cor :!iilli st. ^.•J.\-."..5.S ..." Tlie Alillvilo Alutuiil MtiriiietS: Fire Same lolm .\. Lowery. (isfi) .">s-J l.". ' -• Also. Nos. !') l.> .5.-. K:ist-i i.h st * P„_ ., ''n;..riif.'S, Williaiu Kueer. (l.s7S) I.I.5(«iK) .I.iliti Ilo;,'iii! a-t, C..ckri.'I .V Siiiiul.liii;,'atiil ,1 lii.s. Co li-ll .11 11..11:.Italliii. , rtoui _..: s. . i iill. . l Je. X l.Slil) Ml i.s Il.ihetifels. (IS7^J).. 'J,17:! D-l 27 De Loyiies, ('Ieorge—.-A. BaMwiii 1.5'.) Uowtiiaii, .lolm l' •J-1 Thirti.-Ili sr. n s. tC w Proatlwav. :Sx -. S. K!a 'i5 Elmore, George B.—E. Z. Lawrence ISl 5! I lioar.'i-, .lames. .Ii-.—P.-Ier lleiiilersou. il.s77) •on -J'.) I lier A: (5.. a:,'t lioyce .ii^ Falrii.-iil ami .IO-,I:L!I '20, CliJirlos—,1. Niess.., 1,Pi5 .5.'Villi \.-u'hteii. llST!) ''.'' '.Z Colvei-. Isaae-i ieliai-.l S. I'.t.l.eris. (IS77>... 4.5!i 'iH ; •!:, Thinl av. e ,s. aliout -Ji; s S7th st. !I7 5\- -. Tlioeiiis •i7 Fitzgerald, William—11. V.*. Cordts. .^ ''• UhellOtir;,'. Fr.'.lerick — lieniiiliiiii Wootl. i Carretu- ;.;.'t N. A. McC.i..|. fiitrieic li. M.-.Mii- '.t:\ !iariiis. Henrv— C.Lawton (is;-7) 01'.' "J^ ! nu.s. Alii-ahani C. QiiiickenOiisli auil -t .N. •j:i Gi'iilL MyiitliVs M. De—.-V. Partritl.gc I0( :!.•! Siime same. tisr7) li-J 7^J I Mcrsei-caii <'.5 :i:i Grtiveliiis, Mtiria—AL Rogers 7S 25 I Davitlsoii. Jiimes li. — lieoree M. Cliip]). •.'5 (ireeu, Stiiiire S. P. (tipplt)-J. .-A. I (isrsi <;() o| -l)ou.,'P.u. John .-V —Uidiaril S. Ptilierts. •-•'" ••'^' I KINGS COIJNTY. N. Y. Nichols, (Re.siidt) " iis'.'7) •ir,'.) 'JS ! F.'i). •ili Globe Miituul Lifi.^ lus. Co., New D.iyiiij;. IraK.—John Malien. (IsiS) r.'i lis i •-'•'• North llenrv St. n e cor llei-iiert sf, I-J-.xtdO. A'ork—A. AL It Schreiber I,:;i5 sf, FiiiierHoii. FtlwarO II. - Ui-'ijauiiu Woml. I Kiic-.t A.iiinisa-t taiil.i.r & K..]ip. Williiv.n 27 Gootlwiii, Siifiih A.—S. T. M.-uhlox.. 77 'io (isr7) r.-. •;•. I Mills an.l lli.-liaril ami Itri.L'ft. Chi.iui.-k ....?:;"J0 :iO Hiius. Melchior—W. R. Ciiirksoii. .. .Same siiiiie. i is7r) v:-: •jn (5ulney St. s s. Idd w P.-itl av. .'.11x1(1.1. .Mi.-hiie! 2! Hiititiugtoii, Jolm H.—J.M. Sliiiuii- :j,(iio 04 Gilman. Dani.-I It- llri.L'el McManus. (isis> 1.:i\-> -JO I'helaii il.;! llenrv .McC;iiui. .iiiiii.s Nels..ii, (ire.Miuiiiii. lieor;;e K. iiml Tliutiiiis S. —Mary .lohn K. IIeii!i..ssv aidl Knieliue F. t....k- hiin Wi.oil ." 110 1.50 04 M. Flaherlv. (tS7Si !)S .'.-J 21 Heur.v. (.iharles H., and .-Vruie.ste.'ul Same same, i is77) 5:17 -JO 21 T.iiiipkiiis av. s w cor Miu!i-;oii st. Iduxlid, C.—W. J. Achesoii IIoii;:litoii, Jlowaitl C-(ieorKc M. Ckijip. Bi-amiies .K: '.Vi.-keri a;;! Iletuy. H.-aryS. iimi :i:i Iliivilaud, Lvinas P.—H. Dolluer 2:i7 31 C,.s7S) -Jil .55 Iletii-y P. Voiui^; S-'M :i:i Haniickell, A. G. A.—M. (t Lane... 1,i507 !):i Halm. Isitlor-.VIfred Pootli. (1.S77) 1,fJ7 S:i •j:! Howe, F^lisha ,M., (imphl.. Sec)—,). 21,.5:17 OS Joluison. Daviil-Koli.'i-t Samuels. ilSiSi 'X, 11 1 b' 281 i50 *Joiie.s, J. Wyiiiaii -Willis .S. Paine. (isr7).. SO.l.Sl |:! BUIliDlNGS PliO.IECTlvL). Joluislou, Pelt.r-Thomas Mc.Xiiley. (I.s7i'l.. •.;17 Si :i:i Hill-bottle, Janies N.—A. G. Will­ ..JIKIS.III, GcofLTe t. — Richard S. Uoherls. iiims 2-24 :;s (1S77) 4i5;) !.'S NEW VOPvK CITY. 2:i Hiiiton, I-'rank De—T. Mo.ser 10'.» OS '-''Kuapi), William It and iliram-F-reiloriek Piiin 71 — l^'orty sixth st-, n s, |S0 j'7tli av, one :i:! Howell, Diivid P.—R. Sherrnrtl, Jr. ,404 77 Terhmie. (1.S7I) t'-'i I!) ftiiir-.storv brown stoue lenemeiit, 20x-Ji)xl5x7il; 25 Hicks, Silas and William—L.Tobias 221 14 Same .sjuiie. (1S7I) ItJ HI cost §15,000: owner, T, J, DuU'y, PI! :iist 20 Htivnes, GiMU^ge A.—T. C. Croiiiii... SS 01 Loekman. William, Wijliiim. .Ir., and Henry 125 00 —.•VicXiiutit.r i;oniiell. (l.S7i') :^J1) 71 st; architect. Win, H. CiUivcl ; builtlcr.s, John 20 Haiipel, Henry—E. Bedell Loeweuherj,'. It—l.ouis .Merit-/.. (lS7iil. .. is'j isii Perriue, uud T. J. Dull'y. 20 Hegarty, Annie—C. Hayes.. IOO 00 tainli. Josepli W.-(iustav i!.S77). .s''4 ti5 Pliiii 72—Ciiuiil .st (.No. 277). one (ive-storv brick 20 Hitiiloir, Andrew-—G. W. Mead 117 14 Luthlen. A. P.--Richards. U.iIiertH. (IS77). 45!) JS w-iire!ioiise, 25xs'.): cost -?I"'..000: owner,'ll. E. iili Helfrich, Henrv—M. Beck Sl Lawrence. F. /..-(ie<.rt,-e I!. I-iliiiorf. (1S7S). l.'ldi '..2 XO Pclleii, :i.5tii .sl: architect Cha.s. E. Haight: 2(1 llui-.l, Chiii-les-^I\L Beck 213 00 Liitliii},'. Walter S. — Bctijamiii Wootl. (IS77).. HfJ 7-J biiiltlei-s, Lyon i^ lltitiii. 27 Heid, Philiii ami ALirv B.—E. Olm­ Same .siiiiie. O'-.-") i:i-J •J-'J I'ltiii 7:!—(.hie Htiiulrcd and Thirtceutii st (No. sted 1,0.53 70 '''Lo.sseniian. Auj,'Ust—The People of the Stale of .New Vork. (1H77) P.I 0 CO Kit) l-'.iisl), one four storv brick dwelliug, •J0x5d: 21 Isjiacs, Lsiuic—W. F. Weeks .50 05 Mahie, Levi J.--Georjje M. Cliiiip. (I.s77).... 'M4 5i-> cost -S!).000; owner, ^:c,", C, I', Scebal.l, tV. Easl 21 Jones, Willis—W.J. Achesoii 2;!7 31 Me.ver. Peter F.~Fretierick Folz. (tSTii) .. . •'••^1'^"! ll.'lth st 2! Jansen, Rudolph—W. (t Robb 431 31 .AIc'Qiiath.', Patrick -The .Mavor, Sec, of New g, ,, I Pliin 74—Eleventh st (No. 20 W.-st). one oiio- 25 Jacobsen, George—A. 1. Hall 104 40 Vork. (1.S7S) si 11 ' storv brick, i^cc stores, :i2.K-i:;x!'i.:!x2ts : cost, 20 Kolb, It-1<\ GniC Sam.! same. (1S7S) 171 Sl j -*l,i)))0: owner. Joseph H. Beimclt 1.50 West 45th •20 Kendall. Jtunes H.-G. T. Davis .SO .SO Alichael. .lacol)-.Saiiiilel F. Green. (l.siiSl... Phillips, Uichar.l -1 leleii Phillips. (IsTSi iil)'.) .50 j sl; architect, Ja.s. Siroiul. '2:5 Keller, Feriliiiuiid—N. I'^Ispeiicheid., (;o:j 23 *Paiil. llenrv—The People of the Slate of Pliin 75—Fiflv-tiftli st (No. iiiiti EiisK. one live- '25 Kiitigeter, IMetlia K.—C. R. Sti't'et.. »i) •20 New Yoi-k, il.S77> :50(l 00 .story Iti-owii stone ilat i0.i5x.5S: cost, -s 11,000: 20 Kroose, llenry (impld.)—C. Schliiii. 5,200 SO Post, John—Svnicuse Iron Works. tlS77)... 741 7:! 121 54 ow-iieraiid builder, .lolm LiviiigsI.jU, iiii). Etisl .55lli 20 Kot'hler, Louisti—Geo. Koehler Quigley, Daniel J.—Gustav Amsiuck. (1S77). (US i-).-i st: architect, J. 11. Vuleiitiue. 'j:; Loof, ^Margaret—C. Lawton ISO 54 Saine same, i ls7i>) .51-J .5:1 Pliili 7(i--F'ifty-sixth st. u s, 175, w Oth av, oiu« 2:i Lyon, Joseph L. D.—A. G. Williams 244 3S Kaymond, Gould F.—Austin Church. (1S74K '27,0 71 rivcstory brown stoue Hat, :i5.xlO0.2 and 100.5: cost, 27 Larkin, Piitrick—Ro.saiiiiah Roikc. .50 ,S7 Siiinc J.ilm ..v. towry. tlS7."ii .'1.'!'j:i .Same .hiiiics It Smith. (|S7^2i 101 7^,i ?s,oiio; owner, Al. A. Oliver, OH W.-sl i52d .st,; iiS Lynch, AVilliam—Ellen A. Lyons... (}',M; S4 .Same Johu A, Lowery, (I.S7:{).. .. 5S'J 45 architect ami iiiiisoii, B. F. (Jliver: carpenter, not ,S40 10 Meiiz, Lorenz—H. Hansen :!S Kaiiilall. JIai-y Ellen — Bri.iget iNlc.Mamis. .si4ected. •JO MctTiiy, Isatic L.—J. T. Wilson s2 IS (KS7.S) l,2Vi'2for iJil st. oiu? Iive-story 21 MeSpedon, Hester—T. McSpedou... li53 13 The .Mavor, &(•.. of New A'ork — .loscph brick store und lenemeiit, 24.K02: cost, $|:!,.500: 23 McCornmck, Joseph E.—Ninth Ntit. Speans. (1K7S) 15!) .So owner, M. Le\y; architect AV. Jose. Bank, Nevi- Y'ork mi S2 §The Memphis A; Charleston It R. Co.— Plan 70—Third st, ii s, 02 East 1st av, one Iive- 2:1 Micliaeli.s, Catharine—C. Lawton... LSO 54 Germania Fire In.s. Co. (I.'^7I) 2.85^114 story brick store iind tenement, :):!x24: cost, $7,- 21 Nutt, John W.—J. Bieitiiiejer 012 .50 *The .Mutual Life lus. Co.-Marv L.Mitchell. (I87.S) 11.7:5171 O00:*ownei-. M. Levy: architect, AVm. 21 Neild, Jonathan—H. D. Brookiiian. 1,227 23 The .Mavor. &c.. of New York.—Epraim D. 2S Nesw-ald, Andrew-—J. W^. Mason... I'Jl 00 Hro'wu. (1.S77) 1.3,I'l I 4.S '2S Neideiistein, Henry C.—E. H. Ditwcy 2('KS 2(5 Same AmosiCuttinp. (1S7S> 14.5 10 21 Rogers, Charles E.—R. Iiignihaiu .' 5S2 Oii BROOKLYN. N. Y. 21) Roiinenberg, Heinrich—E. Kane... Sl 13 • Vac'ated by order of Court t Secure.! on Appeal. Hunibold st. ii c eor AVithers st, one tlirpe-.stor\- iiO Scully, Ann—C. Fiukbeuier 207 13 Keleiised. " § Reversed, i Sati.slled hy frume store iiiul dwelling, '20x45 : owner. Win, 20 Schribner, Charlotte—J. R. Dicker- Y'oung, ou premises: architect, A. Herbert ; ma­ son 200 84 son, F, Brevilel : Ciirpcnter, not .selecteil. 21 Sheruiau, Sherman J.—II. T. Merwin LI43 5S MECHANICS- LIENS. Kosciusko st, s s, :!25 e Lewis av, one one-story 21 Searbrv, Lewis—J. Baird ' '25 25 frame dw-e!!in.g, isx27 ; owner, F. W. Tabor; 23 Stilmoii, P. G.—E. Wilcox. 1,131 03 NEW YORK CITY. builder, Mr. Tiappold. 23 Schilling, William J.—F. C. Lang... 107 75 Feb. and Mar. Sfc. Janies pi, w- s, 17.5.11 n Atlantic av, two three-stoi-}- brown .stone dw-ellings, 17x50 ; owner, 23 Search, Henry, Jr.—Jehuy Hesse... 2Sl 50 1 Ki}ilit3--.seventh st, n s, 125 w 3d av, .50x—. * Frank E. Wise agt Henry C. Baker aud Wil­ Wni. Moses, Washington av ; arcliitect, A. Hill; 25 Studwell, Alexander—A. H. Dailey 3.53 33 liam H. Aldrich S106 builders, Brow-n Sc Snediker. 192 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

AViiiworth st. 1-iO from s w cor Wiiloiigiiby tiv. Uniou sipuire, u w cor Kith st. exleiisioii, .'JOxIS, ADVEBTLSED LEGAL SALE.S. one two-storv friimedwt.IIiitg. ;i5xi!4 : owner. I.]il interior iiiteriitioiis, Ser.; cost, SiO.otiO; owner, A. nuunl AVidkif. :;s South Otii .sl ; buihkrs, W. J. G, F'ox; architect, G, AV. E. Hariiev: builders, J. llEKkUKES' S.U.1-;S To Id-: IlKl.ll .vy TUK F'.Xfill.VXOK S.kl.KSUOo.'il. Ill P.ItO.MIWAY. Alaiiii(.-riu.g anil 1). Hopi-. Bo'^eit iiiiil J. C. llooSe Co. Alarch Av'iitreu sl (N.i, iiCi). oil., three-st.iry brick dwel- Wall st No. IIO. raised t.ue-.story: coj-t. sl.oflO: Fiftietli .st iNo. .•;( (d. s e cor-JJ av • thrce- Iiii..r. "J5:vl! : "\v:\,r. .laiiies AlcGurrv. 401 Wtirreu o-Aiicr. Air. Coniell; biiii.ler, John Fletcher. slorv brici: St..lie front ihvelliiijr and live-slory M : buil.i..!-. Tlioiuiis AIcC.v. brit-i: ext.'nsi.' Ktcb.V. Ihu-n.-ll. (Islmort: W'.ek..l!'>i. II s. Id').' Bi.ti.l st o;ie four story all li.Mi.s, aboiu Sli-..iiiiii I b!-.i-.\u >;..u.' t!:ii. :i5xii5 ; .iwiier iin.l biiiM.-!-. G. One Iliimlreil am! Firi.\ si.Mh am! (im-lliuiilreil v.. A1..t iu. :i Wiiloti-hbysl : iircliitt .•!. ItDixoii. MISOEiJ.ANEOUrS. anil Firtv-sevenlh sts. bt-t. idili iim! Sl. Nicholas -Noriii :.'.i >t. s w cor 5{li st one tu.. story brick ;ivs (bloc'ki. :'.J1 tLVJiil.Ox^J'd, oi.e Iw-o-st.iry fiiinu' SPECIAL NOTICE. store an.l tl\v(.iiiii^r. ..lie tw-e storv frame ilwell- ott.^.- ilie! .siiibie, l:ix:i2: t.uu.'r, W. Hill,"H..wes Iiuiirc your Plate Class al the •'lJ..y.l's," No. IF! iiitr. iiml Iwi) riiiuie oii'l^l-Mi-. \ st.iii ttiiiiu. store. •i5xii5 : tiwui..r. Clias. Kotle. 2! -4 • > — 'ViO.A j 1 l:..-ic st : Iniil.ier.s, J. S-.fky uidl J. Wurtmuii. NOTH.'E Tl) PKOi'EBTA'-IlOLDEBS. b\ Wiiiiiiis.*; Davits. (I'iiititi.m saie.) I lltflsoT. IIV (.N.I. i.'idi. w s. iiijoiii !.50s Prospect DI |.Mi-r.Mi;Nr o|- l"i:;,\N. K. j Hi-tiailway iN.i. 1-"i:i'. w s. .".I u Wiivt-iiy pi. -jrxldd, av. t-ii.. three story brick store iiiiCo. 5. riiiseil otit^ story; cost. slorv- biiclc stone ri..'d, ilweliiii;,'. liv John T. |.t-o|.ert.v li..iWeeM I iiiul! strecL ami Ktisl Praaihvay. •^tdo..; owner. Geo. Hess: bitilfl.-r. ("lis. Stttt-tz- Itovtl. list 111..!•!.: iil! li,-lis. iill.iill. .-^s.i'iT.-d .-. Icber. !5irsyili iiii.i MiiOierr.v streets.! Deptil St. II w col-Welch St. !id.\::d. bv Wm. Ken­ .•Ati.>!-nev-st, No. 7. riii.-cd one story: cost -S-^OO: i-t,.MIIitXli. nel IV. I I-t iii.>rl.: all li.-iis. i l.out S-j.Hi(i. i; owiK-r. \"c.. s:ittii. ;is liist. V'.d St. n s. f!-..-ii '.Mb iiv to tdtli av (cost. .$.5:i.!ist. I Si.Mh'.st 7Jt 7-J'l an.I 7"J5;. n s. :.'7:.'. 1 e Av c. 5i.!lx'.' oil., t'.iurstoi-y brick tlwelliii-. iiie! P'r.iiidwiiy. No. i:ls-i in.iiri. riiisetl one situ-y: 5i;tli st, ns. ri-..iii I'.tii iiv tt. 7th iiv d-ost. S-J7.!l!i. .5Sili St. s s, from Iti-tiiidwav to 7!li av niost. St!.:.'.!l|i. I (Wo biick stores an.l ilw-eiliu^'s. by Uich. V. c.i-t. s7do; owitei-. Airs. Aim Seamiiu: liuilticrs. ; iliiriiell. (PiUtili..U siilei (1 Jiis lii.tu.-l i'v .Sou. i'.'th St. n s. from lii!i av !.'. i:..u!evaril ( S70d.!)'.0 1-J th St. tl s. I'l.'iii Is! iiv lo .Vv ,\ itrost. S.-!.->ii.-JI >. lioiilevanl. e s. iU.O s !i5lb st. .5ii. Ixi: S.:!x.5().5xi:!.5..5, Ciitiiii .-I. No. :.!!). .'Xteiisi.i;!, 25xii7: cost -Sldii; ! vaeant Ov It W. CiiOs. (lsl uitii-t.:all liens I'-ise.'. (i. W. Willie: iircliitect uiul (-urpciitt.r. Till' limits bv tiie asst-.ssiueiits luaile j ab.iiii S5.:ii:.. i; for the iibove iiii|ii.)vemeius iiicliitle alt t he severiil 1 Polllevantl... :-, s -.i.lii St. ttllxltO.l'.xlii.l'.x T. !">. Kerr: uiiisou. W. C. lliiuuii. li.iil.vt-s am! lols ..1 iii-oui tl ou llie sitles of the Cliristopli. r St. No. 05, front ulteralitui: cost 1 OiS.:',, vaciiiit liy II. W.Coniis. ilsl mort.; all streets uaiuetl, liet ween tin- limits iiaiiieil.i i lii-us aboiu. S5. i.".!). I i'. •S'Jdd; i.wiH.;-. Will. Loiiitiiiii: btliiilers. AViu. lloile critii, oiTrKU A.xii i.-i..\fiiitxto:-\-: cost, FiiXctNti v.\c.\:>-r i.oi-.s. f"ri! -•^. ISi.s. will be ..xeiiipt lacconlint; to I Cedar sl (No.-.'lil. s s. bet Williani antl I'.arl sts, F..iirt.-e!.tli St. No. ::5 West cxteiistoii •i5v.-i;(: titv. from iiiierest. After that tiiite interest will be j :.'.5.1(ix fi. Ix-J.-.. Idx t-J..s. lour stoi-y briek fact.iry. by iuteri.iriiuit it-.mi iiliciiii ions: cost, s;i.Idd; ,,-.\ \\,,y. chiir^ftl al tile talc ...'"7 jier cent from the ihitc of A'ail Tassell .t Kearm.\. ils; iiiorl.; all iit-n.-i, J. C. Biii.iwiu: ui-( liitects. Thoiu .V Vvilst.ii: entry. j abiiiil ?i:!.5did 7 ; tiitiliiw st (No. to I. twostory fratue ibrh-k front) buil.i.'r. .1. C'liir. The Colleelor's Diliee is open ilail.v from !) .1. jt. to I •J !'. M. fertile cnllecttoli of motiev. ami iltitil 1 f. M. • sior.^ ami .Iwelliii;^ iiii.l twnsiory brick stiible !5>rty ihird st. .\o. •J.52 riiisetl oite si-.rv: I for :.:.-iieriil iiif...iiiiiiiiuii. Kii\v.\i!i) (>II..IN. 1 ill rear, by l.ouis .M.-sier. (t<.iiselii)!tl: iiiortf^af^e I- -t. si.ddii; owuer. Hiirrv Pi-v..r:, ,1. it ! Collector of Assessiueiits. ' oil lease: ail li.-IIS. iib..Ill Stlddi 7 '. ^Sw .Miircy. ; Stiint.iii sl (No. ~'.5."ii. SS. :.'5 w Slieiiff st i5x('i(ix'J'J.x l--,,rty seventh st. No. :i4:i i-"iist. front iilteriiti.-.i: i ',7,. three-story iOrick froiit i frame store and c. -;•. s|5d: ouuer. G.itlfric.i ICui.pus: iirciiiiect, BUSLNESS CHANGES. j dv. (.1011.1; and four-slory brick dw-.-lliii}; iu rear, { by C. .1. tyt.u. fJd 111.irt.. iibout S:i.(i.-iti) 7 \Vui. (iiiiui. Sclietlii!.- of Ass.-ts am! Liabilities (ileil by Assi;,'n.'es i 1'iiion .St. It^t IS on iimi) .North Melrose, !ll)xS7.x (iriiu.tst. No. -I'^d, exteiisic.u Ox!4: cost. -Sldd; th.- week t.miiii:; Kt.b. iJS ; 1J5.I1. bv It J. trow-ii. at HalTeu's Hotel, owiur. C. Ferris: buil.i..r.s. J. Siucliiir utn! W. Xoiuiiial t'eal Courtlandt itv ami I'l-Jd st 7 Ciitupbeit Liabilties. .Vssets. .V.ssets. ; Nin.'leeiilh sl (No. :iSi. s s. '2-r2 w 4tli av,'JiJxUi, .lay st, Nt;. 12, raisi>il one story: cost .^.500; I5iuse. Ilershbcrp'r A' l5>urstory slniie front thvelliii^r, bj" Louis Jle­ .iwuer. .A. AV. Durand: urcliitec'is," Poweh I^JD.S. Co..:!I!l Broa.iw-iiv .*-r).(lSi S-J-"..)'.IS Sl.iiDO sier. cJii'ni.irl.: all liens, ab.iiit $:;-J..5(()l 7 ami J. MciC.'e. M.-lz--cr.t .S..I1, M.'. irst. Tv,-eiily-iliirtl sl iNos. It':!, -105 ami ii;7i, n s. e Wilier st .•i.-..r.l7 !)i.!il-J •i.4l)S lsl a'v, 75x:'S.!), fDurslory i.riel; t'iictoiy, by V. .leH'crsoii St. No, 17, riiisetl ouestory; cost S7()0: Hisli.y ,*C- liurris. litH.) ami K. Stevenson, (lsl mort.: all lieiis about owiiet-, !•'. Seili; arcliitect, Clitis. .Sturtzkobe!-. Oii'li Hi-iia.hviiy PJ.ii.s.-. '.i.iliil s.lilS «-j:!.i;-J.-,> ; iiv. u w cor i-iiii'i st froiu alteriUinu: Thirty-ninth .st (No. i5^J(0. s s. '.'.00 w KUh av.'j.'ix CO--!. .Sii5d; owtu'r iiuii i'.rcliitt.ct .luiiies Diivis; ASSIIIN.Mi:XTS--l!l:XKKIT cHKurrtuts. !IS !i. five slory brick store antl ilwclliiif,'. by l.iiii.icrs. .I.iliii Ale.-hiiu .^v Titos. Diiu-.vooilv. Feb. .St.-ott cV .5Iev( (lsl mort: all liens, ahoiit Uati.soiii. Warren .\. "] §111.0.51)1 7 ():i.. Huii-in-il uutl i-5.rty-tiiiril st. s s, i:i5 w :lil .,.. Iliiiisoni, Aaron P. ', , ,,- ,, ... , I':i.i,'hiy thin! st. s .s, :!ti(i w Dili av. (il.8xi;5:!.i)x(il.ll uv. (.xt'.usiou. 15x:il: t-ost, -S.50d; ti-.Mier. etc., -' liev.l. Kobert It ', '" ^^ """•'' ^^ "'- '^"•*""- x'.:^'^.It one sl.iry frame dweiliii-; ami one slor.v IMW. ( iUstilVCSOIl. i.W. A. Paus.iiii it Co.") 1 framt; stable. !iy Jas. M. Miller. (Ist mort.; all Oil.. Htiiiili-cil iiiul Sixt.v-uiutii st. u s. •i(!0 e :i:1 •J5 Tiinible. Jiiiues D.. t.i chireuceir. Smith. liens aboul S7..5rK)) 7 av. riii.-ed ou.'-story; cost. .St,OdO; owner, (Icitiiiiii 'J.-. <»i-t!i. M.-riiiiiu. to Utt.iolph I. ilppenlieitu. I Ki^hty-Iiftli si. s s. I'JO.ii w -Jd ay. (iOxIO'w^.-J, vacant L'.itiiciiiu Ciuir.-h: ai-i-!iitect. Wm. W. (liirtliuer: -J5 l'liei|.s. .\u;;iistiis W.. to Josiah Webber, i lols. hy V. K. Stevenson. Jr. (Ist mort.: all •jr Tice. Win. It. t.) Stephen Pell. j liens aboul S<,S-J5) 7 Iiuihier. ti. 1-:. Siicrv.-oo.i. l-'alcouer. l''i-e.leri<,.k K. ) Se-.-ou,! ;iv. No. •!:!2. extension, :J4.Sx!5: \ Twclily-sixth st.ns, 1.5!ie lOlii av,-J.-ixlLS.!). hy H. •27 Itrowei-. William II. :-lo John Alackeiizio. Suiylh. (teaseholtl: lsl mort. : all leans about SFddti: tivvucr iiiiil iu-cinti ft. l-'r.-.l. Hoppe; liuilil- 11-'. It Falconer JC; Cti.) \ i 5l.7()i).) ,s |.;s. .liicks.m i'v: Johusoti uu.l C. W. Kliip.pcits' •JS llutat D.-iilerii-k W.. to Christian (i. C. Oterseii. j Ciinal St. s s. 7(i.l w \'eslry st, runs northwest .S. lUS, iJS Wi^lii. Jaiiu-s, lo Eugene N, Eliot, Canal st. •2-2 x .southwest M x more soiilii- Sixth ii%-. Nt\ I'.o. front iiltci-iitioii; S1,000: Whiilock, Thomas i I uiirtlly II to Vestry st. x smilheast -JO .x north- .nvtiei-. Will. C. Biiiui-iiimler: tircliiiect tiiiil litiiltl- •JS .\niler.soii, Wm. (t -to James .Andensoii. i i-asl !50 to iioint of beKiiuiinK. beinjr No. 4:M ^ Whiilock i*t AiulersouO cr. Hetiry Spear. ! Caual and No. 0 Vestry st three story brick fac- .Mar I torv. hy .Itihii T. P.ivti. (Jd mort: ii'bt S-J..-i.'ilh Tu-'iiticlii st s s, 75 w Olh av. riiisetl stn-eu feet; 1 Tiluiann. i:u;;enie. to Frederick G. Anilerson. Liberty st iNo. IOS), s s, 5!). 10 w Trinity pl, •J.-5.,Sx ) c...-t, S!.-)»': .iwnci-. H. C. Koch; urciutect," W. VOI.CN-r.MIV liAN-KIUriTCY. i5:;. ixiii.lixi'rJ.lO, five-slory .stoue front ware-i Jos..; iuiililer, C. i'-lierspackcr. house j Twcui.v-s...ctiuil st, Nos. 22i) and -Jill, repair Lyon. Kate E., rcferretl to Hcfr. F'itcli. Cedar st (No. Ill), n.s. bet Broadway and Green-;' eriishctl walls: cost. -t^tnOO; owner, Mr. Ogiivie; liemiell. .lames G. ' . r i . n TV wich st, IS.7x(iti.7xl7.1l), live-story brick ware­ tircliitcct timl ciiriieuler. E. Smitii: iiULSim, \V, C, Smitii. Aiitlrew IL , '•'-'fiTretl to Reg. Dayton. house J Franklin P.. referrei! to lleff. Allen. HauiKi. hv Louis Mesier, (Ist mort; all liens, about Villi Wa}:eiier. Louis 15.. referred to Refr. Wliittaljer. S-W,575 Twenty-second st. No. :i4! West (rear), repair Ahrens. Cluirles, referred to Reg. Dwight. JIulberry st (No. 11.5), w s. 25x100, flve-stoi-y brick .^ damage by lire: sl.pJO: owner, Geo. I'tirres- iNVOLr.vr.\uv B.\SKKUPTCV. st (No. 7), u s, 171.10 e.5th tiv, 2l.l0x!)8.i), ter; aichiiect and carpeiilor, E. Smith; iiia.sons, lirooks, Lorin and Samuel A., referred to Reg, Fitch, four-story stone front dwelliiiK, by R. Y. Har­ Lyon & Bunn. Salomon, Charles, referred to RCL'. Davtoii. nelt (1st niort; all liens about S:1S,200) i) Thiriy-fourth st, No. 4C.!) West, extension raised Wyj;ant. Stephen T.. referred lo Reff A'llen. slore and tenement and llve-slorj- brick dwell­ height inaiu building; cost, -5=1,-200: ow-ner, Olivia Croinien, Josejili, referred to Rec. Dwight. ing in rear, by Rich A-. llarnelt. (lst mort ; all M. Taylor. liens, abt SI 1,-JOO ij V DISCHARGES IN BANKKUPTCy. Forty-eight st (No. 54!)), n s, SCO e llth av. S-i.lJx Tenth av, Nos. GOl and 003, extension, 50x20; McGraw. Richard D. 100.4, live-storybrickdwelliug, bvA. J. Bleecker cost, ; owner, David Crounse. Smith, Benjamin G., Jr. & Son. (1st mort.; all liens. aIlt"Sll,360 8 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 19.3

1 BROOKLYN. N. Y. L'tii st s s, :iOi) vr Sth av. .•i0.5'iixii.5. H.-iemih i Jlyrtie av. n e C'lr Prince Kt, !ii.Sxil2. Tin. Cu;; :\Iai"c!i Koiiweiilio\i-u a.i,-t .lohn FlanaL'irn: titl'v, Saiiitiel isiiui.l Siivings Paiik. lirookl^-u. a'.;t Williiuu P. llci-freii St. s s. 75 w Hoyt st Ui.SxlOO. by t F. Kiker '. ".' '.. ... "J 1 Perkins; an ... .1..lil! C. Perry "JO liis.sell. al :I-J5 Wjishiiig^loii sl I Lexiii,t;toii av and iiiitli st s w cor. 7.I.d;'.'|X!7.-J. j Fult'Ui st, 11 s.-j.-.t-.i; e Hej.l iiv. 5i.:;x;i7.t-;.--.ixs-..ii'. Unit.II sl. II s. :i77e (ith av. 4()x!K). by Jas. iVI. Sea- 5lilld;ii tife Ins. Co., iii;l ISiUic t. Gi.voe: at l'\--. I .Sjiuuiei T. X'.iieiitiuc iiiit tcui.. iloriidli.'.'; iill'v. I Wi's.,ii .'.!. l'.,w,.!|. .. .' -,'1 biirv iComiiiissioiier). ;it Court lloii-e 5 Davi..s,iv: W.irk - '.. "... : fith sf. v.-.s. ;i7.(i s Nortii tith st. Pi.tix.S.). by 1. F. '•]i-Ai s!. n s. MI.S e tub av, 1i-,.,sx'.iS.O. Siiniul S. ; P,i-..ii.iw-iiy. u e .-..I- eniraiic"- < .iiii.tery of l!;e l-iv.-i- Oisseil, at :5-J5 Washington sl 5 Ciitistaiit ii;_-l Ira li. Pi-lls: iill'.vs. l).-.'iii;.. A : trri-.-dS. i-iiiis e.iriji (;;.;.: x east ;-.'.t 1 x s..iitli Nestraml av. w s, ~t) s Piiltiam av. •JOx!(:(i. bj- Cole Chiiiiib..riiii ; •ii::.ldx West J,1...; V s.aiiil Jll.n 0. l;i-,.ii.lwiiv, x iV .Murphy. ai:i7!) Fullon si- " 5 r.'th St. 11 s. :1JS f lst iiv. JtvtiJ. F.sther i>. I'obiil- I u, li..-.^iic,iii;.;. Tb.' Fiist i;i,>,.ki.'Ln isiv- Ki.seinslio st s s, -'Wt.S w- Nostrami tiv. ISxlOti. b.v ski ni;!. Pauline (lolilsnii! il: iitt'v. K. (;o!.is!.i!t ti. iii^-s OiuOc. l.i-,,oki.Mi. ugt i.iist.ii il. .Sniiili: iUl'.v. 1 I--. Iti.ssell. al :i"J5 Wasiiiii^Ot.ii st ". C S:*jtl sl. n s. :' ;i e inh av, 20.'clii2.'j''. ItiiiO; t'oi- S:iv j Keiitii..tii i;ii.-:i..ii."...... ". -Jl " st.s s. •Jttt.Se I'iUch.n iiv, ir..Sxlll(), bv J. iiiu'.--- in llie cil-.- o!' New- York aL't Cotifiul l.;..!icr: I lib St. .s .. s. :; i 11 e N<,:-tii iith sl. ::-'\--d. l."r;uik (•. Fiiilie. al 45 liroatlway. K. I) ti iitty Chiu-l..s K. SIi-oii;,' ! Sii-iiiM'-uik.-i-1!-.;-r.i ii-t Irancis l.ehiuiri: iUl'\s. Kent av. e s. idO n Flushiiif; av, :i!xt5. by .1. Coie, Broinlw-iiv. No. .-i:;s. Cli-rtu.iiit tii in .•.-!..n iu,'i .•^t.-l.inii-e ."v Kiiliii, ;.. Jl at :is!i Fulton st (! Joseiih t. K. Wo,,.I; iitl'ys, ( . Il X- U l:. n.-.i.-j ' I (Iii!-- i'.V, s .s. .-.!'. -,. Kitli,il iiv. l.-.d.-;-.ji(i I,, .M,,i:ru,. Ciin-..ll .st (No. 5710. ss. 110 .• 4lh av. •Jilx.5!l.l 1. ... i •Jd uv, w ^•. i.-...'i s tiiii sl. •J.-..-i;li d. Ib-my Wei, .••.-! ; ,-;. i.tiil ::-l lliue.-l .1. ii..l,!eii: ii'.l'v. New Vork av. w s. C'XUI'K from Hcrtceii to Dean i .lac'iii H.ieriiein: iiit'v. !t .^!iin-it.'. ., ;• '.\ III. .''•i. liii,'|-iili..i!i '. . 21 st •Jll.:5x'.);).. I •Jitth St. II s. sei^ ui.nt lib. !:d:!. p". ;;'i:!. l-ivi-linii I llo\ t St. e s, ii'.'.i ii Sell, iiiicriioi-ii st. -;;^.\i.-|. :-'iii-;-.!i l!ei-L;eii St. u s. !KI w Nev.- Vork av. lioxi tl.5 .Aliiri-ii.v :iy;l liiiwiin! .M.-Neii: ati'y, Thoiiiiis .1. I .V. ., .iiri...iu. r iiL-( Liiaii i-. C;u-(i.-iitt.r: alL'\s. Deii'ii St. s s. ill) w Ni;w York" av, C.Oxld i | Powfis > Kissiuii iV. I'iiiii.iii.i- ,'.. -.'i Kent st (Nos. 20.-.. litHl an.! •JdSi. liet .5IanliiUtaii ; •S^!.! St. ss. 1-J.-) v.- .\t:t.lismi av, -JOxld-J.C. Ktisi i;iv..r I7tli s.t s v.-.s. j;.'. s 1- 7tii itv. !i.;xO;d.-j. l-reiiiri.-!; av anil < lakland st, each 25x0 0 j Siiv. Inst, ic'i i-'f.i liiindo It W aliicr: iiiiv. .1. \',. I '^V. iStiur ii..rt, .\ti.lrev.-(.'rewlev: iilt'v. Tin-.,. N. lieilfiii-il av, secor l'.er;;eii sl, 1 l.Ilxlll.:!x-JS.r,xr,s.! ;. C. t.-vel-i.l.i.-.- ; ; ! M.-lvin ' ' : -Jl U.ii^'ers av. s w cor Berj;eii sl, I7xi 1.2xl7.:!xi I.-J.. i lt:iili St. U.S. Old.. -,i av. •.'dxllid.n. .Mu-iibaiu .Miisjietli ii\. s s. i5ii e Kdshwi.-k iiv. J'',xsJ.:-X-,-ilxi';. liei-Kfii sl. s !• Kou'crs av. •j:l2xK!ixt.':i5xlJ7 j Dt.w-iliieviu t l!,-..t-.-e N. .Man. hesl..r; ai!'v..b.iin \\ litiiuii T. Ticiiii.-i-e ii;,'i. Ucoi-gt- Kieiii: ail"v. .\. Sl .Mark's av. s s. 0-2 w Franklin av, !0.'x,S:!.-Jx | It ch.v.'.r : C. H',.. keiiieyer " .. .. -J:; rJl.llxtll).'.) I .->7ili sl. 11 s. MO w- O.ih ;iv. •J5x lOn..".. Siucuei S. A'efiioli ill. s .s. J'id o l' s', 5i);^>. .0 im i.ireeii I iiil'.. !'.,v.. li. .. . •.'.-, I.v 1. F. liis.sell, al :!-J5 Washiiiiilon st 7 J 27tli sl. ss, ill.dv.- t..xiii;Oou iiv. i:;.r,x:i'.i.i;. A.i» lia Deiinsi, U.S. iSI v.- .Vtbiiuy av, V.-xl- .. .\0.iia ,\. Ciii-i-oll Kl, II s. I'.il.s \v ib.yist. --(.xtir.ll K. Urooiu.. ii'.o.lames'i i'avl'.r; all'v. i ieoi;'.-1 . C:iri-i-iiler ai;l Vi'iUiiiui Ai'-xadii.-i; id l'\. \'. 1:1 ' 1 Ciinilierlaml st, e -s, :i.5'j.:is I'ark av, 5Uxl(id ; piiiiik.! : " It '..iiiOs : -...-, Tiltii-y St. s s, 75 w Stanton sl, ;J5.:;xldi) ;' i).,-eliiir.l St. e s. 15(1 s fii-am! st. s:.,-,;..-j,-,. (;,.,ii-,. j Suiiiiiiiui Sl, t- s. . ••-.;.'.' s W iiioiii^iOiy iiv. :s...x!ti'. lilh sl. II e s, :!S.<) II w 7t!i av. •JixSf. j Hotliiier ii;:l .Ios..[iii isiiiics: an'\:;. .\. 1'. ,«.• W. ii i-'r:ilieis .M. t.'iiiiii.s ii;;l iliini.-l :.!(il"|..(-, (,i.K,-rw is.. liv I. K. Pissell, al •';-J5 WashliiKton si 8 ' .-.liliei-; iiit'.\-. cliirl..., T. Ciiiii'.s -;', lli-eii|e|i st, s e Miitilcilh st, 1110x1.50, bv J. C. liOth sl, s s. ;-(id -,v lliji :iv. I7i.ii..;lii'i..-. So-,,!ii,- 1".. li.'.li'oiil av. s w .-.ji- iiivl...- St. -Jurc'id 1 ti.lie. III I.-. Prt.atwav. F,. D. '! 0 .Million iu;t Wiilliiiii T. Wiislibiuii: iUi'v.'(;e..i-^.> 1. .1 idler >!. w s. i... 11 SKiliuiiui sl. . d.K ii d ) A, St. e s. Itii-.tis Fnlton av. JdxliO i 1 Y. N. llaiihvin ! I 'il.,- l','..j.le's tank. N.-u- N.ii-;,. isLd WiHiiUii Wiirreii st. ii s. IdiMl e lioml sl. 17x icd ( i Loeiisl. (ii-iiiit and Ci-t.-liard avs. see iuo:l. lib i:;-:l, j ib-ei-iit: alt'.\ s. i;r;iy & Dave!i)i.ii-i .. . -J.'! ).y 1. 1'. liissell, ill .•J-J.-i Wasliiii;;loii st !) j J.. :::*.). I'.vck ii;4l .John Mcthiiule: Hdidiii^-ioi! .st". 11 s, "o^d.i I- i:iiii;.i;i s'. -;ii.:;.\ :• 1.. illf vs. Klv .V Siuith SiUIUlei '1'. \'iileunii.. tlixr.) iuri .b.lli.l'. I'...... l.e ; \ (ilhav, w .s.'-J.!.,').! liiiiitli sl.7t.d"i\-tils.;ii , , ii.l'.s. W i.s.,n .\i. i'ov.t-U i -e-j Hi-.,al.lii.v;d!.i;. \', u •"* FOlll'-.CLOSUBE SUITS. .lohn .1. Astor ii;,0 < Icirles i!. Wo-tl: iUi'.vs. liiiiii S. Itr.iv.i! u^i Uicliiii.l Pdsseli; iitl"\. .N. .NKWVOUK. Feb. F.vai Is. Soul iiiuavil & Ciioate ' .. (iilll.1 i .diiii .'.. . . -,'1; •Iiii av. (• s. .SO s 01 I-t, J0.5x!) J.JIIII Stiuui.e! aijt 11:;.I sl. u s, 1.511 w ill! iiv, !;.'.-^,x!!l).ll . South llx!..:-.! St. e s. ;.''.tl<.' 11 Alliuiti.- uv. .•ixi'i. Svlvester ?4iirii!iv: alt'v, ,losei.h Iti.ltestieiiii It) t! Ilh st, s s. 1.5d w 7tli i.v, rj.-,x!i!'. 1 i .' •flie .Miili'iii! tii'e ins. C.... .N<-w "1 ..i-k, i...;t \'. 1! l!-jih st s s, "JP-i.^J w Av A, l!)..5x!iid. 11. .ItiiiaA. t'liited Stat.-s'I'nisl c,,. of Ne-.v V-u-kii;.'! 5!ie!i;...i iinn K.lsiid: iill Vs. IOx.lil ,v -."; to-.v iiKl Ciiarles !•'. Panics; itlt. y, Ibuiiy W. I;. Diivis: iitty, Will:i;iii .^^. W. Si.-wiiit Miicoiul) si, s s. :;iJ.r. w iih av, lJ,.'.xli'ii. ii.iiiii-! Clark 10 Lewis st,ws. OJ-. s D.-iitm-.-y sl. -J.-xT.-.. .ATatildii l.oi-.l. Jr.. agl lie .i-'j.; W. l:i-..-aii: iiu'vs. l..,:-.!. :!:iii st.n s. :;5d e 2ii iiv, 25.x!IS'.I. Chrisli.aii Vou .\i!;:iisl agt Hen:-;- ."v.. 1 eclii r: iiU'.v-. .Mfi-.-d Diiy .'.; tord " 'jfi Hesse a:,'i I'ati-ick W. Kin-: att'y, Klial K. Uall. 1!) Lyons — .' .' 1th av. e s. il.--. 1 s tilli sr. ILxiln. l-i.liiiuii.l Tilii- 1"Jtl st, s s. ."it's 1' Av .\. li'iixl!'"J.^J. Nathiiiiiel V. i\Ii.recr ami Atnitv sis. n e.-or. 5d.\!..". Miiuiiiiiiiiii (Kxt-.iii.:;t .\10.rt C. .-'.{iiier: iV,'\. 'iV. it ll..iiis.. -jr. lit.;,'ers aul .Morris S. Thouiiisou; att'i'. Henry tife Ins. I'o. iu;t William P. leOn-rls: iiti'xs. stii.u-,:; st. 11 s. Iiidw t..oiiiuii st. -J'ixli.d . P. UoKcrs I!) I'elli.w.s. H.vyt \ Sel...;i '. .. Stii'-ri; st. 11 s, 1 Id M- l..-.,i,iii.i si, Ji\l. d ,' 72.1 St. s s. IDS c Av ,\. IdUxK.ii 2. Same a^t same. I'.l 1.5)rsy:h St. es. see iiioi-t. lib. i.'J'i't. p. t:li'. C:ijiti.-ei!.. .lU.iiiisia Moi-CiUi ael Ida N'iruiotiil; iitl'ys. i'ish- Isl av.w- .s. ;;ds:;"Jii st. VJ !l!.xr..5. Tlie New York tife Aldiirctla atrt .lohn ()'li..i,m.ll; att'vs. i:r..wii .\- er. iiiicl i'v: \'..l!7. 1 'ji; Ins. ('•), ^:.-^l i'.eruai.l Sc'liwavf/.; ati'y, lltnry .\. Uabe " :i I iiv, a w cor \\ iiri-eii st, -JdxSii. I,<.uisa ii. Siiv- iietrert ' liJ --* • I d.-i iigl V.'iii.iiii a. Seelv; attv. p. H. Sti-it-k lam! :. ... : -_.,; :!.iav.e.s. 21..Si.i ii :!"Jd st Tln>tiia.s J.5lcKcc LIS PENIii:>'S. atrt Kdwaitl Fl.aherly: alfy. Tlios. J. .MclCee... 1!) IStii .St. s .s. 17 .. Iilll av, runs south -js.iii x .-asr ;;.-| tiiiireiisst. e s. l.'.O s IJlt I'l.-kerst. 25xil)l). Alexaii- X;\u Webster tiv. rutis v..r L>. Tiiyler; iill'.v, yi. ."v. Payiiioiid .' -er, seiiii & .-^"lalion VJ etist 7:iii.:; lo i:ri...l:iyii ;iv. x s.iiith •Jii > to c. IHns •trtb sl. s s. 100 w Lcxiu^loii av. •J.-.xUV.).5. Tlic st x west tisr. to Canarsie av. x norih 2f,5 ;.. be- Wasliiiu,'ioii Lift. Ins. (/o.. a;,'t Jotiii W. Hitch; giiinintr. Jolm K. Tt.iisey a.i:,'t Joiiiili Aii.lrev.-: PFCOilDKH LE.VSFS. all'vs. Foster & Tlionison 1!) att'v. I-i. It Spooner llutlsoii St. e .s. .-.(i.s 11 Doinniek st. IS.Ixlf.O. Hen­ St. Ja'uies pl. e s. 11 (i;Ues av. -JUxIdd. Ci.,.!-;.'.- .•i,.w YOUK. I'er Yea.r ry SideiOicrK iiKl lUilheriiie liiy; iiti'.v, William W. sheitils atrt .Vuiiii A. Sliieltis: ati'y. D. li. P.arrow st, n s. 00 .• Hudson st. •J5xl!ii.7. Tiie Stra uss '20 Ilarriniaii ". Ke'.tor, .^c. Trinity Church to 1 Uiver W. ::sth sl. n s, 1-J7 w 7th av, ^iuxDS.ti. Tlie Mercliants Union St. n s. 1.5."..s w Hovt st Ol.lxtiO. .laif.l Y. \V...iilf«ini: -Jl yciii-:; Iroiii Apiit 1. l^.ii i::ni Ins. Co.. a^l Mary .V. Wii-ler; ati'y.-!, .Mure tV Peek ii!:l Charl.'s A. Pc.-k: aSfv, S. It Tlii.y.-r . pi Proiuiway, .No. V.. Kinily .Mm ton to the (ii-r- r Ostraiittt-r i 20 Lefferts sl, s s. .50.7 w (iniiitl av, !ii!x!:;S. Wiiiiain niaii Soc. New Yolk: 5 yt-ars :!.iii(i Illlh sl. u s, I!)5 o Isl av. •.'5x100.10. John P. iM. Piiitty U"-";'-.) :iKt Kilwiii.l H. liabi-o.-k: att'y, liowet-.v I.N' '. 12i). se < ir'iiiiil st. baseiii.-nr. U'N-.til irecvr. Sic) a^t Williaiu Ross; aii'vs, K. Hil/.ema De lii-ov.,- *.. I'l t.iiiis Nauiuaiiu C-t Soil.nion l-/.cn; ."i \ cius. iiiiu WiuKUte & Culleu '... •JO Letrerlsst, ss.27.7 w Urauirav,-Jitxllo 7x25.-JvIi 7,..\. Proatiwii.y. e s, !:i:;.5 n •ii-aint sf. ti: SxKid!... 1 f- (iol.l St. No. !i2. Caroline Favre a;,'l .\iithoiiy Mc- Wiliiam .M. Purdv (Kxr.ias,'t Thet..!.,!.. I. Iliis- Ci-osl.v sl, w s. about lid II (iriiml .-i. KKi.v - ('|-otlditi: ait'ys, Piatt (Jeranl <.t Ilow-eis..! 20 tetl; ail'y. K. Uit/.eiua DeCrove Old \ lO'.tlistn s, 2!)',) w 2d av. -JOxlOi). n. William II. F'lilsliiii;: :i\. ss. I-J.'i w- Wiishin.qtoii sl. .5i!x.".;i.Sx.5i':< •fill- i.e!i..ritl Si.e. MeeliiUii.-s' illili Ti-.idcs- Fry agt Heurv Piuwii; ail'y. Thomas 11. Cook. 20 5S.!), l-ixeelsior Saving's tank a^l Thuiiias ''as- liieii. .'';.:•.-. 5tirk. lo Siini'l, ,lu!iiis. A. It .lolm St. s s. No. Ul. Samuel Riker agt Mclchioii siu; atl'.v. Ii. More amlAbin. i.ev.v: 21 year:; ,-i.OdO c. (i. Wiiie; ail'y F. It De Grove 21 2d ])!. 11 .s^ 1-J5e Ilciu-y st. 0"..:;.\!:;:;.:.. .lauies .\. Caiiii! st, .No. :;i:;. three iiiiper l..f!s. l-uuiii;i P. IJlierty st, " s, Nos. 'Si anil 2.5. Wui. II. Peiubcr- Flack a^t Loutsa M. Slcutoii: att'vs. Nlii-s .t Teui|.|e ami Virginia t. p.rell to Silvetberg toii lii;t Will. II. Pciiiberlon; ail'y, Win. li. Biij,-!''y •.- l!i Pros.: .-1 years 1.7110 Pembertoii 21 Nav\ st, w s. 1.50 s tafayette st •J5xlii0. .lacob I.iit!ltiw st No. 14. stor... Sic Sarah Perg.-r- Canal st No. :i7I. The Mutual Life Ins. Co., agt C.Je :igt .Mary D. Halbo: iitfy. Uobl. K. Toppiiij,'. j'. Hassev 21 iJitue Savings Bank. WillituusbiirKii. agt Louis J-cars 2iiuiiiths 700 47lh sl. ss. 210 e !5lh av. 2UxUi0..5. Peter "Goelet LOIIK; att'y, Demas Strong 111 Lexiugt'iii :iv, n w cor 118th st Di.xtlO. A.Tell­ a^t William Daly: atfy. Robert Goelet. Jr 2:1 Warren st, u s, Itiil.O e Hem-y st. -21.0x100. Wil­ er to < ieorge Strecker; 7 years 70 llth av. e s, 49.11 s 12()th st, 2,5x75. Frankiiii Sav­ liam K. Thorn {.Vtliiir.) agt Charles W. Trotter; Isl iiv (N'o. .SI5i. II w cor 17th st William Mtil- ings Bank iiRt James Lang; att'ys. Warring ..t att'y, U. W". Bennett 20 leu to Hcurv Mtwus and Henry Silbei-steiii; Ilosea 23 Throop av, e s. 75 n River st 2.5x87..Sx2().!)xiiS.S. 1 year i.o.o 155th st, n s, 100 e Courtlandt .av, 50xUM). Jlattie Augustus F. Luuberger a,gt Barbara lloch : th av. No. 2111. store. .Mary A. Dolan ami E. Randall agt M. W. Fanington; att-y, W'. S. att'y. Max Brill 20 .lames P. Dolan (Fxrs.) to Edward Dolan: Smith 2:5 Eklerts lane, w s. OMO.l s Hrooklyn and Jamaica"! 5 years from May 1. 1S77 7S0 101th st II s, li50 e 4tli av, l!i.8.vI00.1I. John Non- turnpike, 100x.3ti4 vSth av. No. 2t-.5. John 15. Hillyer to Samuel nenbacher agt Hermann Kleugeniann; att'y, 52(1 st s s, 295 w ;i(l av, 23x100.5, and No. 81 Eliz­ Wait: -'1 years i,ijiio JohnC. Clegg... 23 abeth st. New York 10th av (.No. 3U:b. n w cor 31st st. frame house Stanton st (see mort. lib. 120-2. p. 99). Katharina Benjamin F. Graley agt William H. Graley and yard adj. Conrad W. Reckhardt to Meyer agt Eliese Traub; att'y, Jolm C. Clegg... 23 att'ys, Stilweil & Swain 20 Jost A. Slehrteus;-'li^yeai-s 540 194 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

Remer. Phebe—Levi Decker, Greenville am Titus, AVilliam—North Ward Nat. Bank, Garside Sadler. William—William Roiian. Monroe 3(X) street nom N. Y. STATE. Seely. Gabriel—Josepli C. Hoyt. Chester 3.000 The Telford Pavement Co. — G. Spottswood, Yau Cleft, Heury—George J. Still, New Windsor 800 Orange 2,100 X.sTK.—77ie arrangement of the Conveyance.". Tuttle, a. F.—S. R. Mills, East Orange nom i!orliiiiiie:i mid .Ind-iiiiints in tl'iesi'lists, is iisfollou-s, JL'DGME.VTS. Tonuohlen, IIeiir3-—L, C. Riickclha'.is, Bankst. S.KIU Tiie vest nmni- in the Vnnveieinces. is the (irautor: in .•\ckroyd. Edmund—John S. Taylor 52 Verso.v. i;. M.—1. J. Metz, Orange 1.7(iii M-,r'ti!iiiji-s. t!,e Mortgio.ior: in Juilgineiiis. the Jiidg- Brown. .John S. and Ilosea—Wm. Ft Weed !i:{ Will. William—J. Bogner, New York av 7.lii!ii lio-nt di hior. P.iirke. John It—Davitl S. Walton .110 Wessmer, .Charles—R. C. (hirrabriint Bergen (Jlark. .losiali G.. Ami Birdsall ami Josiah It. slri;et uom Clark—John Dales 120 REAL ESTATK .MOUTGAGES. DUTCilKSS COUNTY. Couifiirt John It—Isaac M. Seyliolt 4--'2 KTCAb KST.VTH MOKTlJAlrKS. Crist. .I.iliii l'.—Si.!iiey Welter." :n Barkhausen, Hieronymiis-L. Kupper. Attadcmy Uiliiier. Williiim. Niuicy .51. and Nehemiali Fow­ Slreet '. ." .". 000 Prul.-r C!i:is.-A. A. Prnsh. Kast Fishkill $-200 ler—Davitl S. t.ickw-ood Ptithgate. J. F7—I). Dothl, Oth st ti.'iiii! -Miusli uiiuiitle. &.: .noi) McMeekeu. V-."illi;im—.lames Hastiujrs 4.i, Davitl—B. W.^Bensoii, .Milburu r.| | M-il-i-iiuioi rar.soiis. iilerrit I-loiii'il P. I'urtlv ss Bogii.^r, Josepli—J. Braclit, New Y-irk av •J.eiiii '•••on.-. Ii. .\ (I..... i",ss.-;siyn IU!.! illl.).. ."^iiiilU ... lid Gi".i'-k. Natliiiiiiel P.— S. W"t..|.lward •l.t'SS Brown, J. .1.-- W. It Perry. Franklin "•..//.•IiS. ,t I! . an i I'll..s. ".'>!.-!•:. itinuou aud Robt.rtson. Wilham W.-itoberl.t tivin^'.st.ui.. l.'is:i Buiiler. J. I''.—C. LaiiiT. Charliiiii st !iiiii iiii.... i islikiii 1,-00 Ruiiisey. tSjlvester—(e'orp* Vi". 'I'en F,\ ck 7'1 Ciishin;,'. G. W. B.—J. Iiuncan. Oran^re lO.diiit P.iist. Siirili-Th.' p.)Ug!ikeeiisic Saviiiirs Pa-ik. ICuiiise.v. Mi!toii~( W. T..ii Kyek 2S Carlwrighl, David—J. U. Smith, .South Essex i^ .' '. 40n St-iuni.i!er. Michael—.lames it ."iliirtlunvs 114 sti-ei-l l.dOO Huiuiei-. (it-o. and Parbara—I". H. P. Iiigraliatu, Siiu'tli. Till hill—.•\diiiii (i. Buchiiiiaii 151 Cougliliii. fieorgc—J. Haines, Cott ape sl -J.(ii:ii .\iii.-iiia (.no Yeiuis. Fiiuik—Wiliiiini II. Hir/.aid -Ji'.7 Coiulil. E. M.—W. Freeman, West Oraii;,'e .-j.iiiid <•, .Na:!ii.ii!..|-'!'!i.:- (juassaiek Nat. P.iink. Coyne, Patrii'k-J. S. Dixon. Easl (Jraiige "idii ot Ncv,-bui-j:ii, Fishkill C'j!!alci-iil .security Th.'sam. E. M. Conilit. Orange •Jiin .. .. f..ise%-e ral notes Cyfillers. Henr.y, Jr.—Th.> .\mericaii Trust Co., Siitb.-il.iti.i. Ceo. it—P. S. l'..-nham, Washiie^'toii l.Oi.O SCHENECTADV. N. Y. N. J., Spriiis; Sl tdiii We.-ks. :tl. .V.-it. (.•. l.leiis-.ii. .MiUliiliii am! UEAL E S T ,\T K C O N V 1" Y A X C E .S. Crane. Israel—J. Crane. Union st 5.7dii 2f)0 Dodd.Klleti E. L. Ailiini. Bal.lwin st -J.-.ii Bradt J., an.l P. Van Dyck-P. Van Dyke. Rot Delaney..I.ilui—.M. It. Spcm^er. Kinm-.v st :;iiii CH.\TTKL .M.lUTGAr.KS. terdiiin. ?i.5n Devine". .\rtliiir—T. Macbnet. South P.road st li.liiiil Chit.', liai-ri on-II. I'iose. totteiiiL'e st, 4lh p.enjun;r..r. .Tulius —Wm. Iteltoii. horse, wa.tron Thesame —t:. S. .Macknet. South Broatl st... ;;.iii'ii 500 an.i iixlures ill lUiirk.-l 200 Doi-emus. II. M.-P. (t Doreuius. Stiite st .•;..5dO Jiicksou. t.j.—I. Dev... I iiarlier's cliiiir 2 IlE.'it f.ST.VTE MOHTft.MiES. Eckert. .\. F. — t. Coiii-ail. Oiiiiige l..-)iiil Wui.—Tiieo."W..eks. lagt). ! 7d C!ul.'. 1I:irri--.>ii-P. V.-.l.ler, l.otieri.lge st, Ith Freeiiiiiu. M. A. ft II. Brown. S'lUlli Oi-au;r(' ;:,llili. Nesiiitl. F. J.—Kobt. Sami'.i-s. horse, wagou autl Wai-t! :15() Fischfi-. F. A.-Th.'Trustees.if Rut ;,'t.r College. lixtiires in lish markei 250 Freer. .Murgarel—!t lloi.kins. Albany sl. 5ib Mer.-erst tO'lO r.itts or K.\b>;. Wat-.l " Ibit-k. J..hii-C. Ulrich, Westltaiiksl I.-JIH) Hiii-l. Pi.iri.-k—C. Ilari. Kronl .st. :',d Wind ... .-;.2ii (iiiiio'ig, M. t —T. Burnet. Mulberry st li«i Pw-eet. V.-ni. 1I.~A. K. Sw.-ft. lioiis.'ho!.! .rtirui- .Mt-'Ji-inv. l-,li/,.! —P. .1. Coi.p.'i-. .MiKiiiy iiii.l Sclie- (iiir.iei!. .los..i>h-S. Halsey. .5lulber'ry st 5.ri|i(i iui-e 500 necliitlv Turnpike, ".tli \\ iiid ." -Jix) K. F.-E. Siia.'lh. Oi-iintre l..5li(l Oslroni. S. \\.--l-. C. lleju-nian. tibi-rtv .st. 2ii Ha.ves. Ciiarles-Thi-Ti-ustees.if E|.isctiiial Dio- MKcit\N!i;"s' i.t!.:xs. "e.-se of NewJensev. Hi-ill st ;!.!ifii) wa.-d : i'l.OOO Mcfi.'rmott.'fh.iiiiiis" Win. P.. tiiw-rence. Wap- Hitch.-ock. Jolin-.t Cr.iwell, South Orange I0:i Sclieriiii'rli.iiii. W. t,—W. .1. MeCliire. luitines- piiiiieis; l."alls .lackson,,!. B. E. M. Miller, tonibardy st 7iii biirLih 400 Keou-ii. liilwiirtl-.\. S. Reeve. Quitiiiaii Kl 5(i(i TO. ll, vriiii'ii. \\'ai.!.ii:'_'ei-s I'liils.. Yau Itriiiu. .\l!ii-i-t—.v. .\. Yau Voislias I'rcstlt. Thesame T. T. Martin. Bank sl l.iiOii •ft.. -li. H. Noiris. W.ipi,u,.;; l-alls SiC). Liiioii St. :',d Ward I.IM.'O lb. nu­ -!•;. tckerl. Wappiiigers i-'ii!is .. ta^ui.v. Kritz—A. .Amllaui-r. Ferr.v st :i.-j(l .*..ssK;.\.Mi:x-rs OF MtHiift.vcKS. l.uiii." Sl.-pben SB. Dii\. South" Broad st 5.dd0 ji:i-iiiME:.)—C. II. Hehii.U'. 1 totlgtiroom carpet Ac Delainalir 2Iti RiiiiUer. Williani-J. Evans, Stalest 2,1011 llustis. It It, Fisiikill Lantiing — M. McIC. Suivthe, D. E.--C. Y. Cook. Crawfonl sl l.coO Scolield 120 Saiiiirortl, Williatu-N. C. Jobs. Muiiieiry st I.S(K) Keeruiaiice. W. It, anti W. H. Tealor—W. A. Sirluieiili'r, Casper—L. You li'ehren. Hunterdon Haines, el al 214 stre.'t !'(H) The Sillllf. ill..ill li. ftsi the same :J12 NEW JERSEY. Smith. Eil"-in--J. M. Sniith. (iai-.sidest LOU) nighiiind Cheiiiii-ii! .Miiiiu.i: Cuuijiany. Tlie—H. Siranss. .5lorris-A. Lacliat Broome st .. 2.000 A. Peueiiicl 2..S7y Sheriden, Bridget—S. R, W. Heiith, Lafayette IIolme.s. Wiii.-(- Vnderwood til ESSEX COUNTY. N. J. street 712 Jewell. Heurv S.. Pouj;hkeeiisii—Wiliard II. Slinjr i-lantl. W. H.-G. Krementz. Brunswick st. .500 Crosby..." :»1 REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCES. Ullriek. M. E.-J. A. Cobb. Baiclav st :isii Yaniies.s, Jacob-M. .M. Ogilvi.-. Ciildwell 100 The .Siime. PoUl:!!kel'psie_^v. H. Cru.sbv and .Vdams. K. h.—V. Byron. Baldwin st 8.500 Zwichcsi, Christina—E. L. Atlaiii. Bal.lwin st... 2.50 luio ." i5'.m -Vtrar.Th..iuiis-J. Wilson. 1,51KI Lasher. Jolm—P. Kit5'iibiii-gh 1-J7 Baker. H. it.—IL M. Doremus. Stalest -2.5.t)i)() CHATTEL MORTGAGES. MiUer. Hirain-K. J. Weaver :1I5 Bieberich. A.—.M. .Schulz. Charlton sl .•!..5iiO .\llen. George, -GS (Jrange st—L. G. French, tl Miller. Kli/.ab..-th-S. S. Utter f!! Binghani. David—D. S. llalthviii. East driiuge.. iioiu 1 chest tools 20 Piuzer. .Miirv — ll. P. M..roiiii Jr... 2.475 Brown, Davitl—S. (i., South Orange nom Bro'.vii. David. Soulh OraiiH:e—.t B. Browu, J?" R.)e. Kiia.s. .jr.—W. .\. Haiii.'.s. etal i:« Braekin. David—.M. Lirkiiis. Sliipiuau st 200 fiiriiiture .500 SjK-ncer. J. J. ijsulginenl for deticien.'V)—Benj. Corball.y. Patrick—S. Ualtlwin. Warrcii .st 2.!i08 Baldwin. C. K., 170 -L. G. Frendi. furii.... li:i Shellv ".". 1.072 Crane. .5Iathias—l. Crane. Montclair uom Beck. .Matthias. ^2715 JIarket st—Auriihaniiner & S.'heii.'k.'H. P.. and W. T. Y., Matteawan—C. W. Cobb. P.. J.-R. L. Cobi). (.'altlwi.ll r,', Co.. furniture !50() < i.mleii. an.l ano 119 Crane, Z. S.—A. B. Lloyd, .5Ioiitt:lair uom Christ!. Josepli..tJJ-ii Gri en st—S. G. Itiiiiersoii. T0«. saiu.' -The lirocki-r Nat Rank of Turii- Crane, Oliver—F. A. Pierson, South Oi-tinge 100 machinery '2(H) ers Fall ZVi Eberliii},', (i. It—.t Downey, l.sthav 2..5iiO Conilit William. West Orange — L. Condit, Si^uires. t. N. ami Sarali Wood—II. Postwick, l.:ni,'laiiil. S. J.—O.^I. Clinl.m -J.,-)()0 horse. &c .'OTO I receiver Sic.) I'iO Fnmcisco, Anthony- G. Jinkiiis, Belleville 2.50 Fitcli. C. \V.. 7i55 Broad st—H. (t Fitch, furn.... i5()0 Stuvvesant .1. R.. Potiehkeeiisie—W. H. Crosbv, Fre.iericks, P, M.-F. J. Tichenor. New st .5.0(!0 Fidk. Josepli, 2(11 Wahiiil .st—A. Kiel), lixt.. Ac. lO'i 'iuitlaiit) .".. lis F.nmtain, John-F. B, Allen, South PJth st 1,(>00 Hept.e. Louis, 55 Market st — G. Kruieger, Traver. P. H.-.\. F.. RatlclilT.'. and ano, (exrs &c) 927 liueriii, Amiele—H. E. l.abit!e, Washington st.. :i,,S|)() furniture iiOO Traver. K. S.. ami A. F. - !•:. J. Pei'irh 512 Grat Hei^man-F. AValdiiiaii. lliu:hst 4.:1()0 HiiiKle. George. 01 Jones st—U. Oetzel. fixt. Sic :!00 Turner. W. F.. I'oiighkeej.sie—(t F. Gautz, el al. --iO Must. Joliu—L. J. Garnibraiit, Plane .st l.-J(i(l Hyman. Leonhard. .S2 JIarket sl—S, Roelhoft'er. WluH'ler.-M. J.—W. It Harllett 221 Hiissin^rcr. Peter—E. .1. Schwarz. I'hestmit St.... 4.i500 printing pres.s. &c .5i50 Hand. E. P.~W. E. Reeves, lihai.elst l,(K)(i Monighoff. Joseph, ()rauge—.T. Harth, furn Harilenberg. J. It—J. Burling, South Orange i500 Par,sells. S. E., Milbiirn—W, Fury, horse. Sic 100 Lesrros, A. L.—D. E. Ileitien, Collage st .50d Reuck. Phaebc E., Vi Clinton st-C. N. Tichenor, OPvANGE CO.. N. Y. Lehman, .M.—E. C. Ilaj", Bruce st... 1,800 furniture 900 Munn, II. W.—P. .5lumi. East t.irange...., nom HEAL ESTATE MOHTGA.GES. The '.same. 21 Cherry st O. N. Tichenor, Munn, Polly—M. J. .Smith. East (grange iiom stock, .tc 1,000 Case. I-'rances .-V.—Charles S. Feiikius. New­ Miittknet Theodore—S. .v. Pat rey. Burnet St.. . -'I.OlK) Rose, .-V, W,, 3:17 Plane st—R, L. Bryerby. furn,'2,000 burgli.. • s.5.onn Nevins. Thomas—F. Haiiion. Clinton :t(HK) Schiiielz, Joseph, 140 Springlield av—O, .Seifert." Coukling, Stcpl'.eu .S.—Betliiali Coleuum, Mid­ Piiier.sun. J. .M.—The Germaiiiii lus. Co.. Bloom- funiilure SO dletown fJfO liel.l 2.-200 Stoerzer, Bertha, IOS Mulberrv st—M, Eberhart, Crawshaw. (ieorKe-Hcui-y Ross, Newburgh ... 512 The same the same. Pennsylvania av O.OiiO furniture. Sic 1,200 F'.arly. .Vnn - Kinl.v M. Roe. Mi.nlgomcry .500 Paterson. Samuel—W. 1). Patterson, Newark nom Terrance, A, J.. 75 .Tones st—ft Biller. furn 110 Itaiiiii. William L—Delapliiiu Gaunt, Blooming Pierce. R. T.—T. Fri-y. East Orange 1,000 AValmsley, Jolm. Newtii-k-H. L. iMclJee. furn.. 75 Ci-ove 2,.500 Reeves. W. rl—W. S. Poller. Chapel st I.IHW Wharry. J. S.. Orange—F. C. Rilev. stock. &c.. COO Go.Mlrich, Charles T.—Samuel S. Carlisle. Ne\v S.ivre. Edward—N. B. Thoiiipson. lO.UOO Wyatt L. A., Caldwell—D. IL Stiger, stock, &c-. 1,0.52 biiixli f'OO Seiiaufr, Adrian—W. SehiiulL West Parker st... loO Gray. Richard—(Grange Co. B. & L. Assoc. Port St-luuiit. Autfiii—G. Krueger. Kimie.v st 1.200 .JUDGMENTS. 2.000 Schwarz. E. J.—P. Hassinger. Chesfniit st 4.500 Bracken. David-P. Rielly .361 llulse, Andrew E.—Bartow \Yright. Goshen 2.iiOi) Stevens. M. .•^.—S. Haines. South Orange nom Com-oj-. Patrick —T. Morton et al li)2 Malion. .lulia - M. J. Phelan. New Windsor .5fi Smith. .1, M.—S, Smith, Jlorris & Essex Railroad Heller. Rudolph, et al.—11. Eisner .5.50 ilc.'^Ieekiii. William—Jtimes Ureer. Newburgh... l.OiiO avenue 2,,500 Hewes. M. V.-E. Sayre etal 7.00^1 'i'he .Siime Charles B. Shaw. Newburgh GO') The same E. Sinilh, Garside ,st LOOO Kei>gh. Ed ward—A. O. Westervelt, KiO The same John W. McCullough. Newburgh 2.50 Schulz, Th.—A. Biehei'ich, Charlton st 3.500 Ortel, Henrietta—C. G. Minion PIS Munich. Henry—James Suaise.v. Port Jervis 5,0ti0 Tichenor. L. J.—P. G. Doremus, Bloomfleld 3..500 Scliwetzer. Michael, et al.—The State Banking Myers, Eiith A.—Isaac M. Seybolt, Deerpark.... 200 Thornton, WiUiam—A. Waldron. Ogden st 1,370 Company 145 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 195

HUDSON COUNTY. N. J. The same R, Honsell et al,, horses and car­ DOORS. -IVINDOWS AND BLINDS. REAIi ESTATE CONVEYANCES. nages 1,350 Burgess, W. N.—C. Calvin, Bayonne Scheibe, Frederick—F, Beekman, horses, wagons DooKs. RAISED PANELS, Two SIDES. 5-500 and hanies.s 2.0 X 6.0 Bull, W. B.—W. Boesein, J. City 700 IMin. S 75 Bramhall. E. C—C. Siedler, J. City Stahl, Theresa—F. Sniith, butchers'liop n.-itiircs 2.6x0.6.... 1 05 noin horse, wagon, Sic 2.6x6.8.... Brinkerhoff."W.-D. Crawford. Jr., West Hoboken 1,100 1 10 Central New- Jersey Land Improvement Co—J. Troohy. Jolm, Hoboken~G. 'Ebbi'iihoiisei-'et 'al'." •2.8x0.8.... ^ iH 1 15 furniture Flager. J. City 8,152 Doon.s. MOULDED. t:ollis. John—W. White, Hoboken Wagner, Herman, Hobokei'i-^S.'Moijs,' 4'etjws'iu'i'ii 4,000 LMjin. P?4hi. Cli'ary, Lawrence—Mary Cheesiibfoiigh, J. City .UK) and wagons Gilbert J. A.—Deborah W. Cooper. J. Citv 0,000 Wirth. Charle.s. Bayoiiiie—Mtiria'Wirtii'.birkerv' (ieiiet M. Elizabeth (by sheriff)—Provident In­ Uirtz, J. M.—C. Lehman, furnitme, fi.xtures ami stitution for SaviuKs, J, City •1,000 hair dressing establishment Hill, Theresia—J, B. Beck, Jersey City BILLS OF SALE. 11 espe, Charles—J. Pals, J. Citj- .' 600 Kelly. James, Ellen, Marj^ and Jlary (by sherilT) Braiules. August, Iloboken-Christine Wollens 2 85 -M. Y. H. Terry, J. City furniture 2 09 i50 3 40 Kai.sei, John (by sheriffi—Germania Savines Cadmus, George, Bayonne—J." "Coiiibii et;" id"." Bank. .7. City ., wagon. Sic •i •*« 2,550 Heiiricks, Louis, Union-G. Fick, h(j"rses" ':in2 Lamb, John (by sheriff)—J. Lamb, J. Citv 25 tiiiiib, John—J. W^agner, J. City .' hot hed sash, &c nom McNamani, Jlartin—P. Cavanaglu cigtir store! 4 IJuhts. Unvless. Peter—.1. Ringle, J. City .... •).052 Mtii-i-is, Eliza F. (by Trustee)—M. Purcell Schutte, Meta, Gutteiiberg—G. Luley, grocery 2,150 and luiiior store ' Moure. Jane U.—E. Welinke. Union 2,000 :380 •2.1x.'J.O.Ti"'':rr. ' l!;''.;!SO DO- '-7':LV1.0-, ' ^^^••'-•- 'W'"*--- 'J--^^^^- iJ^cc. pwcc l'i-t)vi(lentInstiliiliou for Savings in J. Clty~W' Vollriith. Caroline, Hoboken — P.'BaVis, shoe 2.4 X.-1.10. 1.07 1.13 1.-22 store 1.2:1 J. Tico '. • 5.2.50 513 2.7x4.0.. l.:Jl 1,:!7 1.18 1..52 l.i52 2.7x4.10. 1.02 IVrry. Edward Jr.—Sarah A. Davi.s. Bayonne... nom JUDGMENTS. 1.--19 1.40 t.59 1.01 1.01 Kaiidall, Erastus (by sheriff)-Caroline M. Nau- 2.7 X.5.2.. 1..50 1.57 1.70 L.-v-l I.'IO I.!)5 Beai-e. W. R —\Vil!iaiii Atcheson 2,178 2.7x5.0.. 2j'»8 crede, Bayonne .... 3.000 Coon. Valentine (biiiUler). and Elise .5Uiiholiand Lli7 1.8:1 l.SS 2.01 2.09 2.25 '2.7x.5.i0. 1.70 Skinner. J. A., Wallace Tappan, Henry Van (owner) -T. E. Young 210 1.93 1.97 2.14 2.21 2.:i8 Vleck. and James Hardy—J. F. Fullagar, 2.IOx to. 1.13 1.50 1.03 1.05 Carragan. Gertrude—Will iam Fryer 218 2. IOx,5.2. 1.78 Kearney ^00 :i(i4 1.01 1.70 l.SS 2.07 2.10 2.28 Eddy, E. 1).-F. C. Fry '2. IOx.5.0. 1.70 1.77 1.9S Selleek. J. K. (by sheriff)—W. Waddingham', Haffne.y. Thomas-Murray Hill Bank.. . PI'J 2.2:1 2.19 2.40 Nortii Bergen 2. IOx.5.10 1.93 2.00 2.2:1 .:J0 ..-12 3,738 Kolzetibiirj-, C. IL—C. T. White . 210 - —'," ,—"• ».-ju -;..)- ;;.i)i) Trustees of Scotch Presbyterian Church—S. Me- 001 CC. means counted checked—plowed and bored tor Ciadams. J. City '10 Staats, Hem-y~W. P. Hollingshead et ai!!.."""' weijfht.s. Trt'inbley. G. W.—Jlary W. Trembley, Bayonne. 0,000 Hot Bed Sash Glazeil 3.0x0.0 $2 1 The same the same •1,000 PAS.SAIC COUNTY, X. J. „ , Oi-TKiuE BLINDS. The.same thesame 1.5,000 I er hneal foot, up to 2.10 wide $ fr, $0 Taylor. Mary A.—Mary H. Taylor, J. City 1,-I(M) PATER.'SON- REAL ESTATK MORTGAGES. Per lineal foot, up to 3.1 wide ' ^ Taylor. T. B.-Mai-y A. Taylor, .L City l.-l 00 Donahue. Bridget and Hugh-J. Per lineal foot, up to :1.4 wide...... " r/A Taylor. T. B.-3Iary A. Taylor. .1. City 1,000 Mam st 3 years j^ono Taylor, Mary A,—.5Iary H. Taylor. J. Cily 1,000 u lie same J. Angus, w s JIain st. 1 year.... 606 Per lineal foot, painted and trimmed... 0 40 (^ Yreeland, E. W.—C. Siedler. J, City 1,100 Heard. N. E. and Wm.—W. B. Btirpo. s s Van „ ,. , I.VSIDE BLI.SDS. Vreeland, J. V, B.~li!, Seidler, J. City 1,100 Houten st, n Paterson st. 2 vears . '^-» Per hneal foot. 4 folds. Pine 0 0 .50 Welling, Peter (by sheriff)—Esther A. Bramhall. Mihie. Chiirles, R. J. aud S. V.-To. A. .5Iiliie. s 'e Per lineal foot, 4 folds, /vsh or Chestnut d 0 80 Bayonne 100 s Franklin av. Passaic, 1 year 1.200 Per III. ft,, 4 folds. Cherrv or Butternui fl 0 95 Washington Life Ins. Co., New York—P. Fricic, Morrison. Jlargaret anil Henrj-—T. Tavlor (Dcoi- Per hneal foot, 4 folds. Black Walnut... 1 '^15 Guiou 2,500 Broadway and 2-2a st, Paterson, (2) s s Oak •^Vi.NDow FRAMES. St. Passaic, 3 j-eai-s :1.000 Up to .1.4 X 7.-2, put togelher @ -i --'o REAL, ESTATE MORTGAGES. .Moore. T. .51.—P.'Tornqvist, s s Pro.spect" sV, FOREIGN WOODS-Duty free. Bulkley. W.—J. B. Stratton, J. City, 3 years 3,000 Passaic. 1 j-ear 1,000 CEDAU. Beck, Peter—J. M, Lundberg, J, City. 1 year... 2,345 Payne, James-J. W. Pulis, West Milford. iyr". 000 V?'"*?" :,- ^ superflcial foot 0 8 (g. 0 PiW Cooper, Deborah W.—J. A. Gilbert J. City, 3yi-s 1,50-1 Scott, W". W.—J. Smith, nes Grove st, n Garden Mexican, small Q 8 CV^ 0 10 The same the same. 3 yeai-s 4:10 st, Passaic, 3 yeai-s j ,300 Mexican, large „ ,j^ 0 i;il'"la Dcubic foot 0 40 ©0 15 years 2,000 nouck T'p, 2 years 1.5,000 Frick, Philip- -J. W'aechter. Union, 5 years .....' MAHOGANY. 1.400 PATERSON CHATTEL MORTGAGE.S. St Domingo, crotches, ordinarj- to Fiizsimmons, James—S. M. Rice, J. City, 7 yrs. 1,000 Briggs. Eugene, Paterson—W. A. Holloway, en­ Gilbert J. A.—A. P. Preterre, J. City, 1 year... „. ,?oo4 ,- ^3 superficial foot 0 20 @ 0 25 2,000 gine, machine, &c 05Q The same the same, 1 year 1,500 St DonimKO. crotches, fine 0 2.5 © 0 40 Burrer, Geo, Paterson—J, Geier, horse, wagou St Domingo, logs, sm.all 0 5 ® 0 Lampard. Jlargaret — Arlingston Homestead St. Domingo, logs, large Association, Kearney, 3 years 1,400 and harness ^Q 0 8i,£-a 0 14 Frontera, Jlexicon, large 0 9 > ^ Jiieger. Heury, Paterson—B. Katz furniture ROSEWOOD, Roihe, H. B.—J. F. Fullagar, Harrison, 1 year,. 1,000 Rio Janerio. ordinarj- to good.. Speiiatemann, Christina H, and J. F.—Lavinia pictures, frame, photo, machines. Ac. .. ' 050 .^ tt 0 2 @0 3}^ Kay. N. C. and Saml.. Manchester T'p—M. Mc- Rio Janeiro, good to line 0 4 ® 0 8 McKenzie. Jersey City. 1 year 500 Bahia, ordinarj- to good .Shreeve, G. W.—O. Rou.x. Kearnej". 5 j'ears... .' (bll et al., horse, wagon, furniture, tools, &c 1 064 0 l^fe/i 0 3 800 .McNair. ,1oIm, Paterson—A. G. Snyder, baker's Bahia, good to tine 0 :iy/(r. 0 7 Siedler, Charles—R. Vreeland, J. Citv, 1 year 2,000 Staats. Margaret—J. C. Staats, J. Citj-, 3 years.. utensils, wagon. &c o 500 Honduras per ton. 10 06 on Baltimore. 26 X .30—26x44.... 2.3 25 21 23 17 25 u>lisen, John, Hoboken—Helena N. Sturken, FIRE BRICK. 26 X 46—30x50.... 21 00 22 50 18 00 confectionary L.SOO RedWelsh 5,3500 @ 36 00 SOx 52-:i0x54.... 25 75 23 25 19 25 Lockie, WTlIiam-C. Hunt. 250 hot bed sash","&c"." 79S Scotch 26 00 @ 30 00 SOx 56—34x56.. . 27 75 25 00 21 75 .Murray James-G. A. Corduan, printing press.. 350 American 25 00 (^ 30 00 34x 58—34x60.... 29 25 27 75 24 00 aiitchell.J. W., Bayonne-G. G. "Vreeland, horse. CEMENT. 36 X 60—40x60.... an 35 30 00 or T'i wagon, tools,

GREENHOI-.SK, SKYLIGHT AND FUJOR GLASS, Lead, white. American, in oil pure 9 Per square foot, net cash. Lead, red, American 7H H Fluted plate.... it^i 20 K' Rough plate....3()(g.:i3 Litharge. American. 7H i> 3-16 Flutetl p!:ite....20(rt22 •>;j Rough plate 00{fM'.3 I Ochre, French, drj- (gold) 1 35 50 54 Fluted plate -.'.5(3,27 % Rough plate....70{?f,75 I Ochre, in oil (currency) 0 15 ii ROUKII plate.... 22.-7/ 21 1 Rough plate.... 80(ri.S5 j Venetian red.Eng'sh (gold) ^ cwt. 1 70 @ LI % ROURII jilate :^^^t^, Id IM Rough platel :H'(c,l :{5 \ Spanish brown, drj- I &, Ul HAIR—Dutv free. i Spanish brown, in oil 5 ® 0 Cattle ^ biushelof 7 tt.. S ^ 0 10 i Vermilion, Am, Qm'ck.silver(gold) 55 ® 60 Goat @ 0 12l<^ i Veruiiliou. Trieste (gold) 80 ® 90 "ST. GEORGE" IRON. j Cartiiine, American, gold 75 ® 0 50 Duly.—Bar. 1 lo Itjc. i3 a; Railroad. 70c. ^ lOOtt I Chrome, j-eilow. genuine, drj- 12 ® 35 Boiler antl Plate. Pi.-, 'r^ tb: ShetH. Band, Hoop and 1 Chrome, yellow, moil 18 ® 28 Scroll, If-i to l-;!.ic. ft li>: Pig, S7 f'lon: Polislied Sheet, I Orange Jlineral Englisii, gold '.ly.lti 10 •k'. p Il't Galvanized. 2t;c. |^ 'Jc, Scrap Cast. ?0 ^ ton: i Paris green, pure, dry 22 ~® 35 6i ELEVATED OVEN AND Scrap Wrought. S-^ 1' ti,'ii~all less 10 per cent. No Bar j Puttj-, pure ^ n Iron to pav a les.- duty than :15 per cent, ad val. Sienna, raw (American) -' @ Pig. .Votch. Coltue.-i-J.' ^ ton $20 50.'<|t S'27 00 Sienna, burnt S (it, 8 Piir. Scotch. Gart.'ilu-rrie Sienna, burnt, in oil .. 10 ® '20 Pig. Scotch. (Tleiigarnock '25 CHiiif, 25 00 Sienna, raw. in oii 11 ® 25 Umber, burnt LOW OVEN ^^^A.,.^ Pitr. Scolcii. E^'litU'iu 21 CWr, 21 50 Wi^t, .5 Pig, .\merican. -N'o. 1 18 00(74 20 00 Umber, hiirnt, in oil 9 ® 15 Pig. American. No. 2 17 i5()@ 19 00 Umber, raw •iVM 4 KITCHEN RANGES, Pisr. .\merican, For.ce 16 .50(1^ 18 00 Umber, raw, in oil 10 ® IS Suited lo all sizes and styles of Bnililinjrs. Sizes spe. Bar, r.'fined, English and American (ft Black, lamp, coach - ((h •20 cially adapted ft.r use in Flals. Bar, Swedes, assorted sizes (gold).. ® 100 00 Bliick, lamp, ordinary — ® 0 Black paint, in oil kegs Store prices, cash. — fd. 8 Bar. Swedes?, ordinary- sizes i:^0 (HK& vi'2 .50 Bhiek paint, iu as.sorted cans 11 b*^***! Bar. Swede.*;, plow sizes PLASTER PARIS - & "DEFIANCE" BROILER, Biir, refined, ^'^ to 2iii. rtl. & sq.-l to 0 Duty.-20 Per cent. ad. val. on calcined; lump, free. A new and ilesirable addition to t!ie Defiance RaiiKe in. X '-'ii lo lin ^ lb 2.1 < 2 @ Slate tiles. 1)4 in., rubbed, 19. sq. ft. Sheet, singles, tlouUles and ireliles, delivered 20 (^ Mott's "STAR" 3W 0i 4 Sheet, double-ami treliles.charcoal SOLDERS. sy^ >'('- ' SO 10^^®S0 11^ HOT AIR FURNA('F.i=. Unequalled for Hcati.i- Sheet, galvanized.. List 5,5(g,45 per cent dis Power aud Economy in Fuel. Also, R.iiis. American (curreni;y) No.2 9.i:j® j()i^ 'i3 WKdi :17 00 .-5TONE.—Cargo rates, delivered at New York. L.\TH—Cargo rate 'gM fl. 1 S5 .\mhei-st freestone, in rough t^ C ft. cu.SlII^Ti^s PATENT GAS-TIGHT LIJIE. Berlin freestone, in rough Rocklanil. common Berea freestone, in rough Rocklaud. finishing 1 vm Browu stone, Portland, Ct HOT Alli FUil^ACE8, Kfat«, oomtuou. Ciinro rate..^ bbl. 5 85® Brown stone, Belleville, N. J State, finisliing Granite, rouph Portable and brick set; all sizes. Ground Canaan marble Add 2.5c. to above figures for j-ard rates. Dorchester, N. B., stone, rough, (currency) $ foot LU.MBER. Prices for y.ard deliverj-. average run of stock. BLUE STONE. Allowance must be made on one side for special con­ Drain stone @ 6 tracts, antl on the other for extra sileclioii.s. Flag, smooth & 9 OmnS HIID F[ilDERS, Flag, rough 01^ Pine, verj- choice and ex. drj', ^ Jl ft. gtH) m^ S70 00 @ New and Handsome Designs. Pine, good 45 fA>;-> 53 00 Flag, smooth, 4 and 4.6 & 12 " Flag, rough. 4 ft 9 Pine, shipping box 18 OOr-^ 22 00 @ ANUIKONS in Brass and Bronze, .-Vntique ard Pine, common box 16 00® 17 00, large, promiscuous & 20 Pine, common box. 5g l.-J 50;^ 15 (Xi Flag, large, promiscuous, 50 to 100ft. ® 5i, Modern Designs. Curb, lOfn.r... Pine, tallj- plank. I14. lOin.. dres'd ca. 40(55 iil 14 SCHWEIKERT'S Improved Patent Ash Chute. Curb, 12in 17 Pine, tally plank, ly. •2d qualitj- 3-5 20 & 00 Patent Folding Self-Acting Urinal. Pine, strip bo.ards. merchantalile \7% 20 Curh, New Oneans, i-in., i> in. wide (^ 1% Corners, -JOin A most ingenious and Urinal ftir priviiii^ Pine, strip boards, clear -2;..® -28 (il> .50 Pine, strip plank. dre.>s,sed. clear .•1.5'V'ii Corners. lOin 50 houses. ;}S Silis and lintels Spnice boanis. dresseil 2-2 20 00 CV.iiinjj. :>() to .'iOin. wide 75 o'a 90 Gutter. 12iu 10 Hemlock hoards each lO^i 18 Patent Water Glo.-ets. Hemlock joist. 21!^ x I Gutter. Miu '.'.'..'.. fffi 13 Thoroughly reliable and strictly first class in every 1.5® 10, 70 Hemlock jf»i.Ie. 5joi>l 45 imj.^ 50 00 — ® 60 Chestnut 45 uO;i5 50 (X) Stt-p.s. 7in — @ 50 AIV1> At,l« KIN'D.S OF ViUST CLASS SAM- Steps. Oiu C\-press. 1. 11^. 2 and 2'^ in :15 Omr^ 40 00 — @ 35 TAUY (.OOD8. Black Walnut, good to choice .SO i«>r^ 100 00 Steps, door, per in. wide 0-2^ I latforms, promiscuous, 4in — la Black Walnut, ijs 75 00® 85 00 30 All goods warranted. Estimates furuLshed Send Bia.-k Waliiiit, selected and seasoned 110 00® 1.50 00 Platforms, promiscuous, 4in., 40 to — & for Circulars. 100ft 75 Black Walmit counters "g ft. 1,5^ :J0 40 ® Cherrv-, good ^ JI ft. 00 (H)^ 80 00 Platforms, promiscuous, 5in ;15 Wlutewood, chair plank 00 00(^ 70 00 Platforms, promiscuous, .5in., 40 to THE J. L. MOTT IRON WOR S, Wliiiewooil. inch 40 OO;^ .50 00 IlKlft 50 90 Whitewood. %\n :10 OOSt, '& 00 Pliitforms, nroiniscuoiis, 6in 40 OFFICE A.VD SHOW ROOMS, Wliitewoort. % ii'ineis :i5 iKif^ 40 00 Platforms, Promiscuous, Oin., 40 to Now. 88 and 90 Ilcektnaii .Street, IV. Y. Shiii;iles. extra shaved pine,iSin. ^51 'J 7i)% 10 OO If'^'ft 60 @ 1 00 Shiiucles, extra shave.l j.ine, lOin 8 .50® 9 50 NATIVE STONE. 4 LE.\..\NI)ER FlWrHINGHAM & CO.. HANKERS Shinales. extra sawed pine, I8in 7 oota 00 Common building stone ijl 2 00 ® 2 75 -^ and Brokers. l-,> W all Street, make desirable in­ Shinjiles, clear sjiwed pine, 18in 0 .50® .50 Base stone. 2.Urt. in length.^ lin. ft. 30 (Tfi 50 vestments from ?.50 tlollars upward, which freuiienilv Shiturlt'S, cj-prcss, '2\xO -20 00® 00 BiUse stone 3ft. in length 50 @ 65 p.ay from 5 to -J) times the amount invested Stocks Shingles, c\-pn^.s.s, 2i3 x 6 12 00® 15 00 Base stone, 3i.<;ft. in length 70 @ SO bought regiilaily at the New York Stock Exchanee Yellow pine dressed ilooring.'p JI ft. .-15 00,® 45 00 Base stone, 4 ft. in length 75 @ 1 00 ar.d carried as long as desired on deposit of 3 per cent Yellow pine girders :iO WI® 40 00 B.-wse stone, 4}^ft in length ® 1 25 Explanatory circular and weekly report of the mar- Locust posts, 8ft -p in. IS® 20 Base stone. 5ft. in length 1 50 ^ 1 75 ketsent free to any address. Locust posts. lOft 24® -25 B.ase stone. Oft. in length 2 50 (^ 300 Locust posts, I2ft 29® 31 TIN PL.VTES.—Duty. 11-lOc. ^ tt. Chestnut posts ^ ft. 3® I. C. charcoal, 10x14..^^ box (cur.) $7 00 S. KLABER <&, CO., Cargo rates 10 per cent. off. @ S7 12>6 LC. coke, 10x14 6 00 6 75 217 to 223 West 51st street. PAINTS AND OILS. 1. X. charcoal, 10x14 9 25 | 9:17U Bet. Broadway & Sth av.. NEW YORK. Chalk ^ ton Sl 25 @ 2 50 I. C. charcoal, 14x20 7 00 (J; r i2i<: China clay ^ ton (currency) 18 CO ® 21 00 I. X, charcoal, 14.x20..-. 9 25 (J 9 37^ Established 1818. ^^^liting 'giooa 4o ® 85 L C. coke, 14x20 6 00 (g 6 75 Paris white, Eng. (gold)..:p lOOtti 1 70 ® 175 I. C. coke, teme. 14x20 5 75 ffi 6 25 MANTELS, TILING, WAINSCOTING, Parts white, .\merican I 45 @ I 05 I. C. charcoal, teme, 14x 20. 6 00 (^ 6 50 PLUMBERS' SLABS. ETC. Zinc, white American, dry SJSj^t^ 6W ZINC, Duty, sheet, ^ ft, S^ic. Zinc. %vhite, American, in oil, pure 6 ® 9 Sheet (gold) foreign ^ ft, 50 07%^ G. GOOD WIN'SSOiVS, House Movers' Lead, wbite, Aroericao, dry '^H® 8 OOS -' (currency)domestic. 7 I 0 7% S^v\1>"S. * 33d«t.,'cor. 1st avenue,