For discussion C&W DC Paper No. 33/2016

The Central and Western District Council (C&WDC)

Progress Report on Urban Renewal Authority’s Projects in

Central & Western District

H18 Peel Street / Redevelopment Scheme

H18 Site B Progress

• The Market Block is currently undergoing final stages of construction works, and is anticipated to be completed around Q1 2016. A post-completion inspection will be carried out by the relevant Government departments after completion. Subject to the works progress, the Authority will invite participants of the LFFSA for a site visit of the Market Block before the bidding exercise of the shops, scheduled in March 2016. It is anticipated that the first batch of shop operators can begin operation around Q2 2016.

H18 Sites A and C Progress

• In order to minimise disturbance to the operation of the existing market, demolition and clearance works at Sites A and C will be implemented in phases. Demolition works at Nos. 116-118 Wellington Street, Nos. 1-3 and 29-33 , Nos. 2-10 , Nos. 12-16 Graham Street and Nos. 16-18 Staveley Street have been completed. Demolition and associated site works for Nos. 5-9 Gage Street and Nos. 21-27 Peel Street are currently in progress and will be completed around Q2 2016. Demolition works of the remaining buildings within Sites A and C will commence after the existing shop operators have moved out.

• The Authority has obtained the authorization of the 10 eligible hawkers near Sites A and C whom have joined the “Assistance Scheme for Hawkers in Fixed-pitch Hawker Areas” offered by the FEHD, for reconstruction of their hawker pitches. The Authority has appointed a contractor to reconstruct the hawker pitches and to reprovide electricity supply. The works will commence in March 2016 and will be completed around Q2 2016.

• In regards to the “英記堅炭 ” signage at No. 21 Peel Street and the “ruins” located adjacent to , the URA has provided a written response to C&WDC members and interested members of the public in November 2015, and have sent via the C&WDC Secretariat to C&WDC members for information after the DC meeting in January 2016. H19 Wing Lee Street/ Project

• In light of the existing poor building condition of Site B, the Authority has proposed to redevelop Site B as a priority site, and will submit a planning application to the Town Planning Board (TPB) for amendment of the approved Master Layout Plan to allow phased development of the project, which can provide flexibility in the provision of available flats in the area.

• Based on the above, the Authority will submit a planning application for a phased development of the two sites. Details of the planning application will be presented to the C&WDC once available.

Central Market

• The Authority has introduced the revised scheme (as submitted to the TPB) to the C&WDC in the meeting on 26 January 2016. Upon the request of PlanD, the Authority has submitted the design rationale for the façade facing Des Voeux Central, including related information on the alterations made to the façade in the 90’s and the future design. The authority has obtained professional advice and support from Dr. Lee Ho Yin, The University of ’s Head of Division of Architectural Conservation Programme at the Faculty of Architecture, on further information on the new façade design. Relevant further information has been uploaded to the TPB website for public inspection and comments on 16 February 2016. Subject to obtaining various statutory approvals, the Project will tentatively be completed by 2020/21. In the meantime, the Authority will conduct pre- construction works such as removal of asbestos and inspection of external walls, tentatively to be completed in Q2 2016.

Western Market

• The Authority has signed an agreement with the Government for the extension of management of the Western Market until February 2017. Meanwhile, the Authority is working closely with the cloth shop operators to find suitable locations to preserve the traditional cloth trade industry as local character. For safety reasons, the Authority will remove MTRC’s vent shaft decoration works at the Western Market. The Authority has submitted a method statement of the removal works which has been discussed in the works coordination meeting and agreed by the MTRC. The removal works is tentatively schedule in late March 2016.

Urban Renewal Authority March 2016