NASCAR: FLAG DROPSONMARTINSVILLE’SFIRST CUPNIGHT RACE » SPORTS THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY FOR 130 YEARS Thursday, June 11, 2020 •MARTINSVILLEBULLETIN.COM•Martinsville,Virginia $1.50 All is quiet on the racing front BILL WYATT/MARTINSVILLE BULLETIN/ Harvest Foundation Program Of- ficerIndia Brown. Harvest sows $$ forbiz in M-HC TheHarvestFoun- dation makes $1 milliongifttohelp small businesses in Martinsville-Henry Countythrough the Virginia 30 Day BILL WYATT/MARTINSVILLE BULLETIN Martinsville Speedway severalhoursbeforeracetime. Fund. Race dayatMartinsville this time is justlikeany other Wednesday. By KimBarto Meeks No one could attend the race,and the activityaround it wasnormal.
[email protected] The Harvest Foundation By Bill Wyatt on Wednesday announced
[email protected] adonation of $1 million in emergency relief funds to Wednesday afternoon in Martins- help small businesses in Mar- ville,just afew hours beforethe green tinsville and HenryCounty flag flies for the Blue-Emu Maximum weather the pandemic. Pain Relief 500 NASCAR CupSeries The foundation is partner- race at the Martinsville Speedway, ing with the Virginia 30 Day therewas little evidence that ana- Fund to launch the “Pay It For- tionally televised race was about to wardMHC” program, officials occur. said in aZoom call. Two flashing signs,each placed Local for-profitbusinesses about amile north and south of the that havebetween three and entrance to the speedway on U.S. 30 employees areeligible to 220, flashed “access is limited”and receivefunds up to $3,000 to then “thank youfans.” help them make payroll, pay Therewerenohelicopters in the sky bills,and savelocal jobs. BILL WYATT/MARTINSVILLE SPEEDWAY “Small businesses arethe SEE QUIET |A5 Entrancetothe Martinsville Speedway.